Newspaper Page Text
!br Willis w of her r. and in y after ul bridge the post. Ink roses bles were S!S Charles cy, Mrs. ist. Mrs. u-.d Sirs. Perkins. John De a: A. O. nd Mrs. wins the Rusl as y aftcr iven by lichmond 7i street of Chl Well of h spring ylns out ? spring erlck- F. s In en-. KJiine of Players Later a ;a, when ack GU tl Clark, ;1 Riley, la Dunn al affair Jlks will jmorrow .Tgo has air air a iked the onesses: .'. Park, Kearne, ', P. J. L E-stes, r Mayo, ill Lake !, J. A. of Og Ight. C. IT Mai Driscoll e Adele i joined ?s Alta minings, inter at :ated in Sirs, H. ertalnefl lub last e usual supper :lub en inrormal illebury. In Mc rford of i dinner prU 3. strtertaln i Jensen? JcnBcn' a brido of today, daughter of Mir. and Mrs. H. R. v I the members of Electa chapter, O. E. S., this afternoon at her home. M C. Arthur Crabbe entertained a fow friends at a dinner Monday evening at the University club In honor of Henry MInton Lewis and his bride, Miss Muc Rae. Mrs. Harold Peery of Op-den and her sister Miss Mlna Taylor oE Provo spent yesterday in the city and Miss Taylor accompanied Mrs. Peery to Offden last night to visit hor there. Mrs. R. Lu Edward b will be here the la t tor part of th week from Salmon City, Idaho, to visit Salt Lako friends. Miss Bonnie Miller has recently returned from a viBlt with Mr. and Mrs. Edwards. Lieutenant and Mrs. John M. Craig of Fort Ztouglas will entertain a large party of friends this ovenlng at a bridge party In the port hop room. Tho CryBta! club -will bo entertained to day by Mrs. W. B, Stanley at her homo on Fifth South street, the meotlng being the first Hlnce before tho beginning of Lent. Mrs. David C. Ecclcs of Ogden and Mrs. Horace Nebekcr of Logan are spending a few days in town together shopping and visiting friends. MJss Zora Shaw will give a recital for her pupils- In dramatic art this evening in the First Congregational church. The Euterpe society will meet this af ternoon after the meeting of the music section, and will hold the usual re hearsal in the club house. Hugh "Dougal entertained a number of friends last evening at tho first of two recitals In the ballroom of the Hotel Utah, I the second to be given this evening. The marriage of Miss Ruby Annette MaeRae and Henry MInton Lewis. Jr., 1 will take place at noon today at St. Pauls Rhe First Step Away m From Coffee Troubles m Fill in this Coupon and Mail it, Mj PQSTUM CEREAL CO Ltd., fc. fipJ?n burdcu of tL'oublef5 i:,,oii coffee drinking becomes too grcal, and irritable j3fe'eavrdePed 3igcstion aml "fussod up" nerves are Nature's warning to halt, the nat Wm' ay 1,ack to health and comfort is to stop coffee and use Mt e d-tlrink much resembles mild Java in flavor, but is LYce from .'the -coffee IHP xiiie-ihe coffee drinker s cause of trouble. - oslUnna mad(, Qf Xorihcni wheat and the juiue of Southern sugar cane. : IMfr Instant Postum requires no boiling. KhS;1 hot voter, -with sugar and cream to taste, and you ay.e, -quick 'There's a Reaon" for POSTUM. Bowels Get Weak ) As Age Advances if ! The First Necessity Is to Keep tho Bowels Gently Open With a Mild Laxative Tonic. Healthy old age is so absolutely de pendent upon the condition of the bow els that frrcal care should be taken to see that they act regularly. The fncfc is that as ape advances the stomach muscles become weak and inactive and tho liver does not store up the juices that arc necessary to prompt digestion. Some help can be obtained 'by eating easily digested foods and by plenty ol exercise, but. this latter is irksomo to most elderly people. One thiue is cer tain, that a state of constipation should always be avoided as i: is dangerous to life and health. The best plan is to tal:c a mild laxative as often as is deemed necessary. But with enual eer taiuty it is suggested that cathartics, purgatives, physics, salts and pilla rnc avoided, ns tliov do but temporary pood and are so harah as to be a shock to a delicate system. A much better plan, and one that thousands 'of elderly peoplo are follow ing, is to take a pen tie laxative-tonic like Dr. Caldwell 's Syrup Pepsin, which acts as nearly like naturo as is possible. Tn fact, tho tendency of ibis remedy is to strengthen tho stomach aud bowel muscles and so train them to act natu rally again, when medicines of all kinds can. usually be dispensed with. This is the opinion of many people of different ngos, amonc them Mr." 0. P. Miller, Baroda. Mich., who writes: 'T am SO year3 old and have been constipated for many years. Since receiving your sample bottle E have procured two 50c bottles-and find that it is the best rem edy T ever used and does just what 3-011 church and will be followed by an Infor mal reception before tho youn people leave for the west. . The marriage of Miss Grace Jensen and Charles F. Dowel cn will also lalce place today and a reception will follow. M t yr and Mrs. William Stembrldge, who were married In Wales fifty-three years ago yesterday, celebrated last evening tho Interesting anniversary of the event with a family gathering at their home. 779 Koosevolt avenue. The Cleofnn will hold its mcetlnp today with Mrs. M. U A. Culmcr Instead of with Mrs. Charles; Wells as announced. Mrs iVephl Morris will read a paper on 'The Moral Trainlns' of Children." - The Hospital Aid society will hold its regular monthly meeting this morning at 10:30 in the rooms of the Young "Women's Christian asaocintion. T V The niu sir- section of Jhe Ladles Lit erary club will meet, today at 2 o'clock to continue the study of Lehengrln and Tannhnuscr. The O. V. O. club will be entertained this afternoon by Mrs. ... C. Kelly at hor home on Ulainc avenue. Salt Lake Statistics Birtbs. A. r. Urbr. " Tuttlo court, bor. Tlicoiloro UiiiKcr, 7SS South Tourth West street, boy. Gomer M. Richards. i2i 1'ourth a7enuf. clrl. Orson M. RoirJra, 423 Second avenue, boy. Tomes William Doracr. 1127 atllton amnuo. boy. Jaiir-a 12. Nvc, 7A? Wall street, bor Antoa "Wosal), 1053 West Fifth South irtreU Girl- . DeatJis. Merch 21. 1013, "William Huchw. counlT hos, 27 yearf. r'll'noniry tubcrniilo.sls. Murcli 23. 1P13: Patrick KlyDn, county hospital, 60 7cars, chronic IJrlp.bfs disease. Marriage Licenses. .Tacon K- Jeppaon and Eratna Ollror. both ot Salt hiVo. Ernest I. Torry anl Tborcsa Myrtle CulTer. both of Salt Lake. Walter PlcUeb. Osden. and Frieda BUschte. S.U Laio. Albort C. Welti and Lorralnt Dahlcn, both ot Salt LnVo. Alfrel Peterson nd Maude HarrlB. both of Salt Jaroea ll?nry Bucks. KTnnslon, "Wyo,, and Sarali E. Cot, Woodruff. Utah. Joseph Clayton. Provo, nd Eulalla Sndonon. Kalrvlcir. r.oicoo P. Sorentou and Uuby Icninan both of Salt Lake. Thomas Potrson. Klveiton. and txillle M, Day. Draper. Husenn Gray, Delta, and N'llda Wllllama, Ccn Sorter conuty. Kdwln I. Street and Mabol A. ToUrson. both of Lehl. Clinrlcn r. Dorrdou nnd Grace A. Jensen, both of Salt Lake. Real Estate Transfers. Grace Stratton to atarsavot B. Conncll. part of section 34. township I north. ram;o 2 c.tnl $10 Mararot B Connoll to Graco Stratton, lot 3 SouthgaUi Pnrl JO Frank at. rnrroll and wife to W. V. James, part of lot 3, block 116. plat D 5,000 John K. Lx;flt( to W. X. rosier, p:irt of lot 5. block 7S. pint A 130 Amy D. I!. Nuwtou to Walker Brothera Banker, part of lot 7. block 3, tlvc acro A Kbaball t Klcliarrln to Bunnold Ilnlmbur gnr, lota 35 anil 3, Lockwoort .vldltlon ... 770 T. W. Naylor to Adah R. Kaylor. part of lotK 1 and 2, block 2J, flvo-ncro plat A.. 6 V.. M. Wetlcr mid wife to Samuel J. Wnd uay, part of section 20, township 2 aoutb, range 1 west 1 Jacob O.MOtibury and wife, to John Waller and wife, lots 1. 2 and 3, block 1. nnd lot 12 to IS. block 2, Columbia mihfll vlRlon 2,000 II. N Parklnfon to A. G. Hochclt. lota -16, il and i. Wool: 1. boulcvanl 1,600 A- C. Walll to J. II. Moore, lots JIM and 1160. Highland Park, plat A 1 Frauklln I.arvrenco to Jamus F. Smith, lots I. S. 0, 35 and 0. block 3, Broadway ad dition . -. 1 James F. Smith to A. J. W'ebnr, Iota nn and tO. block 3, nroadrray addition 1 JamoK 21. Hlctcov nnd wlfo to William S. Itoninoy. loU 5 and C, block 3. Federal IlftlKhls .. Equitable Rep.ltr &. Iuiprovcmcnt company to Archibald Campbell, part of lot 2, block 21. Plat G 1.000 I New Corporatin3 The no&n Mini up: company. Salt I-ako: capital lock J100.000. nhare 10 cento each; M. I. Leon ard, prouldcnt: George f Graehl. vlco prcildcol; Kdwlu T, Woollcy, recrclary aud treasurer. Tho .Montcllo MlnlliK & l.oaslnc compiiny. Salt tiakn: capital hIocW f 100.000, shares $1 each; V. C. TVllllnma. president: O. W. To'noh. vlcn pres ident: r. O. Terklnt. necrolary and troaiurer. CAN'T USE ROSE BRAND ON PICKLES Courl Grants a Restraining Or der in Favor of Godtlard Company. Tn the case of tho Goddard PicUlo & Preserve com pa 113 against the "Rose Ptcldo & "Vinegar company, J. C. "Rose and T. T. Koith, which has bi-en pond ing in the Third judicial district courl F.iuco last October, aud which occa sioned conyidcrablo comment aft Iho ' ' claim for it to iho vory letter. I can not recommend it too hjghlv." A bottle can bo bought 6T any dmg- isl; at 50 cents or $1. People usually ttv the 50c size first, and then, having convinced themselves of its merits they buy tho $1 size, which is more eco nomical. Results are always guaran teed or money -will bo refunded. Any elderly person can follow those snggetJ tions with safety and tho assurance of good results. If no member of your family has over nsed SyTup Pepsin and you would liko to make a personal trial of it bdforo buying it in the recnilar way of a drug gist, send your address a postal will do to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 417 Wash ington street. Monticello. Ill , and a free sample bottle will bo mailed you. (Advertisement.) timo the suit was filed, and which is an action involving an alleged infringe ment of a trademark known as the T?oso brand of pickles, vinegar, chow chows, olives, etc., the court at a hear ing yesterday granted a restraining or der in favor of tho Goddard company against all of the defendants, rcstraiu ing them from manufacturing, process ing, bottling, putting np in bottles or packages, keeping, offering for salo, using or selling any of their products containing lho trademarks, labels or brands known as tho "Rose Brand" or ""Rose's' or containing a picture of a roso in connection with such brands, or in any othor form which is a colorable imitation of plaintiff's products. Tho injunction was entered upon a statement of the facts bv counsel for tho plaintiff. The defendants were present, but 110 objection was made to the entry 0f the order. 70maa or child hcA7y and beautifully gloeay. Mall Fret Coupon today. FREE $1.00 PACKAGE COUPON Fill In your mmi) and addrcaa on the blank llnca below, cut out tlio coupon and mall to Tho Foso Company. 3SS6 Foso Bids., Cin cinnati, Ohio. Encloro ten contn in stamps or sllvor u in evldonca of good faith and to holp cover packlmc. voatage, etc., nnd a full J1.00 packago wtl be sent you at onco by mall, propald, free of charge. S'ojno City Street Stato n. F. D I A delicious, nutritious, 1 wholesome, digestible 1 food. I It is the remarkable I combination of expert I workmanship, pure I cream and cleanliness, I which has made "Gold I Nugget " butter so pop ular. Nelson & Ricks Co. Not in any Butter Trust. Going to the Theater? It's all right with us if we can :furnish the- Opera Glasses. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. ' 337 Main St. A CORSETS I I jf( $i and' OP TO $8 I il 1 m. ASYOUG AS YOU LOOK 1 I TPEEY SAY a woman is "as old as jj 1 I fwkr(w Keep your MGTJRE young. Because B ij 1 ))lW " a woman's figure shows "her age quickly. " ii B MlM eeP yours 3roung by wearing a C-B AH j "I 1 ffsM V LA SPTBIT3S CORSET. 1 ; M ) fl Mail' V -ave oxlr corset fitter help you select the S I' f 7 model -which has been designed H 1 specially TO MOLD YOUB FIGURE 7-,T I McnBlP' n e suPer slender lines of youth, fag V I jyl& Wi We fit and alter all corsets selling at . ; f 3&qys Teas - I Gold Medal, London, 1911 J - ijfff L LS" Salt HIGH-GRADE Tea I f taearljr a oeatnrr, RIDGWAYS TEAS I tH 53::IIIIU' ' "' trf httTO bcca thc "Vorld'c Sundaid. Used ex- ,f "Mai MttTgSgL5 jfrtiflj; clustvelT-bQutea Vlaoria. durine the last 4s j ffft' il jS4 Jir L, fffif J &Su&JTl cars - fcer reia. Served for more than a ' jK C'Q'TTlflfl TVwftrf h && qtartcr centnrr, lo.the house cl Lords. Used; 5 JJgj Sr jr ltiWcaKwInKTS ' by Hraperor Vltllam of Germany, the Ktnj o E ' JsM 'Sl'Hi JJn 'ill tKZE&zr 8 Al2P Bulrala, and tens of thonwnda la all lands. f Ba J'J31r7fiifl KuMeSflL VmO i So' and e ticlusjrelf, for more than fl i wJ iw!ffl(ffl-cC! tweotyjxrj, by Lotrls SliefrTi Fifth A7caae, JJ III -n bioeriahating Tea DrinksrB, thronchoyt the U . 1 1:1 flai jSSS -world, insist on RIDGWAYS. jss0 RIDGWAYS (Incorporated) 3 I 1 (jfa) Att HTGH -CLASS Grocers 100 nndm Street. New Yorlx CiQ? J j I Zlon's Co-operative Merc. Institution. Afl How the $5,060 Booklovers 1 1 Contest Pictures Are Made ! I Read this and you'll know how to ; I unravel all of them! I If you know tow the pictures in the Booklovers' Contest game are made you'll know better how to get at the title each, one represents, won't you? Here's how they are made. The Tribune wants you -to know all about this game it's a fair, Bquare game, and we are being frank: Three of The Tribune Btaff, one of whom is the staff member who has been appointed Booklovers' Contest editor, have been given tho responsible duty of selecting three-quarters of the 77 book titles that -the 77 contest pic tures represent. Each of these three men selects about one-quarter of the 77 titles, and the publishor himself se lects the rest. Tho 77 titles to be represented by the pictures are all selected from an of ficial list of about 5000 book titles. This catalogue was compiled for this conteat and all the 5000 book titlos con tained in it are arranged carefully in proper alphabetical order. The pub lisher of The Tribune took one of the catalogues and tore it into three sec tions. "I want each of you," he said to the three men, "to select one-quarter of tho 77 titles. Select titles that lond themselves to being represented fully and cleaTly by drawings. Each of you has a different section of the catalogue, so you cannot repeat one another in fie titles you select. After selecting your titles and having bad the pictures drawn to represent thorn, you are to hand them to me and I will seal them in an envelope and- keep them in my private safe. You are on your honor not to communicate with one another, or to tell anyone else anything at all about these titles, and I will guard tho completo list as I guard tho honor and good name of this newspaper. No SANITARIUIVI TURKISH BATHS I If you want a Turkish bath given as 1 1 I Turkish baths should be given, SI f you'll find it at the -Sanitarium. M I 1 The equipment in this department is convenient aud 91 I I properly arrangod for the best results. IBf I Only skilled and competent attendants are employed. jH 9 J Thcprico of Turkish Bath, including bed, is LOU day HI 52 WEST BROADWAY. ASSESSMENT NO. 5. O K. Silver Mlnlns & Milling com pany: principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah; location of mines, .In dian Springs Tooele county. Utah. 1 Notice Is hereby given that at a meet ing of th board of directors of O. K. Silver Mining & Milling oompany. held ' on tho 7th day of March. 1013, aBsesa ment No. 5 of one-half (J) cent per 'eharo was levied upon tho capital stock of the corporation, issued and outstand ing, payable Immediately to tho secre tary at his office, 1235 Beck street, Salt Lake City. Utah, Any stock upon wblch this assessment may remain unpaid on Tuesday, the 15th day of April. 1913, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at publio auction, and unless pnyinnnt Is made before, will be sold on Saturday, the 10thday of breath or suspicion must concern itself tlH with this great contest. Tt is unique wWB in that it is a free game, with none of HH the usual contest drudgery, and let nono MBl of you by any indiscretion discredit iBHB this contest and this newspaper." wSi So each of the f.hrco men docs not hUH know what titles tho others have so- fflll lectod, nor doe3 he care, for tho three Hfli are long tried and well proven men of ilfH integrity, who hold the good name of iSB this newspaper sacred above all tbiugs. rflH But the publisher, to make assurance SB doubly sure, himself attends to tho se- SSH lectiph of tho final one-quarter of tho g)jf Each of the men selects his quota of JH titles, numbers them properly and turns (BS them in to the publisher. On a separate 1!9C piece oi paper each man writes a dc- uM 8Cription of tho pictures be wishes JO drawn to represeut each title ho has WM chosen, The descriptions arc mini- Mi bcred to correspond to the titles. M gj Tho uumbered descriptions arg then m turned over to a member of Tho Tribuno 1 art BtafT and be draws the pictures ac- f cording to tho directions given. Each Jl Dj picture must be drawn to fit its title n H as a glove fits the hand, so in nearly H M overy case the artist is required by toe HB mau who selects tho title to alter the mTBn drawing in some way until it fits the Bfl title fully and clearly and honestly. jjBI Yet the descriptions given the artists !fl are so carofully worded that, he could jB ncvor get oven a hint from them as to iuH what book titles he is representing by JflHl tho drawingH ho makes. The artist jSfljl simply draws to order. . m iflB Bead tomorrow's Tribune to learn flHl about how YOU can get that list of flul 5000 book titlos containing tho 77 cor- HB rect. titles! 1H With that in your possession you can 1fffl solve each picture, if you use your na- :Bffl tivo shrewdness. No book knowledge is tSnH required if 3011 have the actual 77 cor- HM rect titles listed in a booklet always at YhI your disporal! jjBjH May, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the U secretary's office, to pay tho delinquent tB 9M assessment thoreon, together with the 111 mm coats of advertising and expense of ail Mb sale. R- ir. HOLT, ill W SocroCarr- W MM First publication, March 12. 1913rlc43 ffl BR" DIVIDEND NOTICE. M Mj CONSOL1DATKD VAGON & M HH machtnb'co. Warn A quarterly dividend of 2 per ihHD cent will be paid on April 2. 1913, 9M to utocltholders of record March HfflH "", 1913. Stock transfer, hooka lVUffiH will close at 1 P. m. March 2, and reopen at S a. m. April u. IJinVT "13 GRANT HAMPTON. J Suc'y and Trcns i;,'h 1