Newspaper Page Text
1- THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1913. 5 BIN iSTWTE THE iLon Undertakers Hold a t ting and Hie Average of Kir Estimates Extends W -List io 800. p SAVERS FIND II VERY FEW BODIES of Property Will Run fcto the Millions; Worst Is jl Over and the People Eg! Take Courage. KoiKH DATTON. O., March 23, Vt piyton'fl loss of life probably will V wt ed 200. This estimate Hj js bised upon a personal fg? ciavaEs of almost a hundred tnton'i levins citizens, men of un-Kjo-tf Judgment and reliability, who beta engaged in relief and rescue K) b ivory section of the city ever E, ti4 rising waters Invaded the busi- Sspioptrty loss, purely tangible- and Kdn probably' exceed 550,000,000. This Bfj damage io real estate and pub flbia those parts or the city whore forrfc or property are most valu to automobiles stored in two lead-gEprar-J and other personal property, Held which was owned by the more aEpnuj residents: to manufacturing. gErtttih and Jewelers' stocks, which uEt nrtpt awa and to public utility Hta and equipment. The cost of rc mites or asphalt streets and lEvh!ch literally were ripped rrom Bchdi, also is Included. Dayton Heaviest Loser. Hrta of life is confined almost cn rloKorth Dayton. Inhabited by for Knintl laborers; West Dayton, which E&s districts of a more substantial Ktftr, and to Rlverdalo. In Dayton Kb! otlier residence districts there limit no loss of life, nril lives are known to have been fatbe business district, but nono of HWnon that human beings had per Brf la the fire which swept two city tb vonld stand the test of scarch IBiljitillgatlon, In fact, a score of VWtil men who were in soma of jjB k'Jdlng;, and others who watched Hlrt from across the street, assort jBfalr that every occupant of the Htd buildings escaped. The flood as w din;erous aspects early Tuesday V! before most peoplo had started st Conaenuently the loss of life sitrdile North Dayton and West wln ras occasioned when dwellings. JHgty of light construction, were swept Pf'&l shattered by the swlftly-mov-tcrrtnl, leaving the occupants who lo safety in the second stories tP: for their lives In tho water. nainefj Until Rescue. not mre than thirty such JPJa Rlverdale and possibly seventv lr aotth and West Dayton. Manv Cil116 "loved from their founda IE - remained upright and their Kir3 occnPants safely remained until Mt-'e rescued. jEnfcjj?x telegraphed today to Sec Waot Lilly one of the best health .Km ? ,,m?.rl detailed by Rupert jHUnto United States healtli service. Ku: SSR,traln on the road to Da.v fItion. Alien. Van Busklrk. BFi Long of the state health Kn ,arrlvcd at Dayton at 7 ELiii y roPrtcd that the work of sgmg the city waterworks had KftUerion Is entitled to every con BSTrf iie w,10le 3tat,e Is speaking BEteli'1?!? PIea tell Mn "f telegraphic orders sent CoK Rf for .funds aggregate fficUlIo,n,? ,!llso coming from IT "'c'cnl lo feed 300, C J" ?,r,r,ve 1,1 Columbus tre ft,?, nW 1,1,8 afternoon We lfcStnuii,DaX,on tomorrow. AO S' t,,at he state will to SJ. e.ra, r?uds ,f necessary jc 800 Dead called liHi of Dayton's under lB5ov? elght'-tw bodies Mf.ol ih"...0.11.- Individual est!- WXM "tho cn.c Cr frOIT1 200 ?n.0ttsus of opinion was .JrUpn (jfil'wvaUvo figure. ML1 SnC 1 recees of tho city JKki , csraate. iBt to Usuct! for 3,1 bods sara01,1?1 morSe estab- than Sf9 ,ad "ot- boon . $nnd. aceSai!?,f hc numoer of W fad fieen CbSS14, l?, tho , undcr p rousht tliere tonight. Competition. KtelC';n nipetillon bc- la!t,ne catabllahmenbj 5BHe1kcBr,8,fJv'Q;ic Prosont at tli BLJteuon. a Scn"ral nurvoy ENoruf n? a l,,,P lto -ai41 'tared V, Da'ton sections, 1MSllev(.H i "ol fld a body ami tE&0"of cie?X,0Uld bo fou"d. fKi ubh ,,f H?nlIc" report. : earlier e U?tn,nod rllcd lKe annoujlpti's of pi-eat IK 11 8itS" ti,Mo n,oat oat Down River I'lWlf'rate y0Vod th work of jiKVted ion"' however, that Veered. ne river ai,d t,,VeCa,r5ri'j claimed the .ml idlea n'om tl'o "Ib ftv'P onto the banks .B 01 foud burled j MEN'S SHIRTS AND I"' iMfi 9f, C"MMSH6 TOiilB HATS I UNDERWEAR V;(&Mk $3.98 $5.00 $10.00 . I Many SPECIAL VALUES for SATURDAY SIKaBKBKBKk THB -woman in xbiad 0f an atiractivc new l 1 Saturday we will sell hundreds of men's new Phone Exchange 300 spring hat will he able to secure one .Saturday at 1 spring; shirts at a special price. : ( a greaL Sttvhlg 011 lv'mt' , I $1.50 DRESS AND NEGLIGEE SHIRTS it f E I J" 9 Rl J II J 111X66 special e018-0" on a s, ?.'i I win be sold Saturday at $ 1 B I S Laa5es Hssc ana Underwear Zrsty ofBusr a pleasins f ' I i IPg ' DRESS SHIRTS of imported per- 4 m I ;: ' K Saturday at Great Savings At S3 48 ;1 I delachod cuffs, with attached M f T ? I vs3' cuffs; coat styles; all sizes; eudless V 'CV 1 choosing. NOT IN MONTHS has there been values that AND K m II ' Ladies' 25o Hose for 19c $5-00 f 1 I B 'iKScnw H'ISLry cl,ffs; an '"""enao Hue; Eaot black "Hose, of Maeo cotton, made with ' M Ah "J 1 .lli' - I C TlVV imli Saturday at $1.15. double gartor top and liucn spliced heels and 11 SIC Include hats in bmall and v Mf C I jfj! II "TWl 25 DOZEN 75o AND Eft. ' "" " ' S5""SJtoSStt V i gill ft V I 1 I wieffir $i-oo shirts at . awb Udies' 15a Vests lor 10c .""i&r w! V Wmm l'f I jKAirHiM&S A ercet lot or Dress Shirts, bought T , wiQ wiutrs flowers rib- t , 1 at a special price: light and dark pat- Low neck and sleeveless styles; summer M -bons malines silks' etc mwL S- 1 SMMXmf terns We've aefdea from our roffii- trcight; best 15c quality. II fig bavG & S aud up & V lar stocks, many of onr $1.25 grades of shirts in sizes 14 to 17. Choice of Saturday at www to gomo jvgr the3fl iYWJ- I any Saturday at EOo. I j f JA A"ji4 Ar priecs- ViT '):. ' I MEN'S 50c SPRIN1G UNDERWEAR, 39o. LaQICS 40C UfUOn SUIIS TOf Z9C - V L.I JI4liRkiJlJL 1 I Joreey ribbei of fine cotton, in ecru, aH BizeB in shirtfl and drawers. Low neefc, sleeveless, knee length union auits III i30lft OT SIO HfltS V i Saturday at 39c. all sizes; no better valuo to be had for 40c. 25C mw BV rife y If , I Men's 35c Silk and Worsted Socks, 17o. Saturday at, suit few Consist of copies and reproductions of imported models. Thc3' arc as prct- I IV 1 Various styles; some in dark mottled combination colore; all sizes; not Auerbach Underwear Section Main Floor ty and becoming as when their prices were still normal. Each Hat will H more than 4 pairs to a customer. Saturday ut. 17c pair. Dc a great 'find" for many women on Saturday. -'JJ, . Auerbach's Men Furnishing Section Main Floor. Auerbach Millinery Section Second Floor. 1 ' l I Bn,hrrU &WJKK'TGL SATURDAY THE SALE OF SATURDAY WE'LL HAVE I Saturday-Rug Dept., 3rd Floor. Saturday-Drapery Dept.. Third Floor I 'l J JrK,S Rose Bushes and A BttffrjIiB SMPRISE $3.50 and $4.00 $2.75 and $3.00 Ispecials orsaturday and Ornamental Shrubs S5-69 Axminster & Colonial LACE CURTAINS I , 35c Chocolato Coated o-2r THE price FOR SATURDAY ?3.76 to JG.00 suits for boys ?.) qq Iff I n n Scotch Xets. Cable N'ets, Irish Points, I a; 35?4r: -23c only tsfss ssu-a? 2 Velvet Rugs sLSTr, r1? I 'l mallows pound B boys 2J to 3 years for VVC Curtains, In White. Cream, Arab "JoSnd0?..33. 14C I PfllPn S'K'oSrt 39C d.f'-TrftcXr "Lrt C!s-2;- 3 a"d . 1 30c AsorV Imnerlais in JL & W 'WlSl'IIi Doys i io j years ior w comWnatlona on sale CO 1C jai?9 lo,i? - lent . 1 SoSnd 9 .!?... ..fT 19C laBW Wwb.H No descriptions. We want to .ur- Saturday at, each .l0 urd!,. Salc Snl' Si 55 '"1 25c Cocoanut Squares -t n After Saturday the Regular Prices prise you with the smart values Sat- One to a customer. - 1 pai1 v"' . m pound J-"C Wj Be Asked. urday. J No Phone Orders. No Phone Orders. , . .' I wimens $15,00003 infants' Wear-Savings T : spring suits, at '"jsss'.rjssg' - im iwarcn oaie ot urugs, loiiel Boods ; I ijTs Hi oV t and Preparations Ends Saturday Night f ? Ik 1 1 "1 1 WSi m MM. U m IaceB and embroideries. There's a great variety of ) 11 WM 1 ffl nl Bll I ftl ill if Bl H if styles each dress a splendid value at their regular You can trust Implicitly In the QUALITY" of every Item quoted no mat- 1 RUBBER gqod; hair AMr. I Yf? W i W ljr iTB I W j prices of Sl-25. $1.50 and $1.05. fllQl j ter whnJL little price we aok for It. 1 TOOTH BRUSHES AND I ? c ) On sale Saturday at ,.'vw' SUNDRY LINES S I ' ft special purchase of sample lime infants' 35c vests at i9c. This Fine news Budget for Saturday r&rac 1 p r l AbBOiutey non-shrInkabIc Interlock vests, perfectyl i chase ' Is cruiu-antccd best rubber. I , NO ONE TV HO SEES THESE 2TEW SUITS as tbey come to ns from 5 finished and comfortable ntlliif? All baby g S -5c Bromo IaN IDe 8 oz. Witch Hazel 15c hest Iltiln5s and workmanship. S I g the makers who supply the Auerbach store can fail to be impressed sizes. Best 3oc quality Saturday at JL 25c Carter's Pills 15c 100 5-frr. Aspirin Tablets 73c 51.00 Rubber ?r.00 Rubber 7 I jt ' I I with the quality of tho bosL American tailoring. J - , . . . 50c Cu'llcura Resolvent 42c 100 La Pactic Pills Goods ut.. 69c Goods at 51.49 H !&' 1 J The style inspiration comes from Paris, of course. These suits are ro- j IMantS DC Wrappers at 4tfC. S $1.00 ,CutIcura Resolvent 83c JL00 Ayer's Sarsaparllla S3c Rubber... ?5 nubber j 5 I productions of the idea3 of the best makors. But the good workman- Made of fine outing flannel In a pood variety ofthe I 25c Dloxoscn Sic 10c Bromo Seltzer Cc 0003 Jlt 'E'1c Goods at $1.69 -yj I t ship and fine materials are distinctly American-and no better work- j estJJ? ' at 49c 50c "Dloxogen 42c 25c Bromo Seltzer '..'..Mac "aood-Sl 13 52.r,0 Rubber i 8 1 manslv will be fojad anywhere the world "irbaS S?inS Wear Dept-Second F.oor. oeST'9" SyrUP "3 B,0C Brm SeU Goode at S1'89 1 tfi 1 A ood selection of now models and new fabrics m all the oolors worn S I Phosphite $1.23 $1.00 Bromo Seltzer 59C Gooda at 51.39 Etc., Etc. i H i' 1 this spring. t 2oc Glyco Thymollne 17c 35c Castorla "0c 25c HAND BRUSHES 10c. B Pf fi ' 10 Styles of Wash Dresses at $2.75 CHILDREN'S SHOES feSSErS ?Hr-' & I ) New goods fine tissues and dress ginghams in tasty colors, Dutch Discovery 42c 1 B , n " ',nC, bATH BRUSHES-59c. 1 jjl.v and Robespierre collar effects, made wife new vesper yoke and other AUERBACH "FOOT FORM" MADE BY THE 50c Parisian Sage Sr Toni;": llfJJT ?CC uXZ l I 1 f -r 1 m0ll0lB' FERRIS SHOE CO. .Qc BQlsam 12c jc roxlde JJi'ogen Cc 75c ANQ S100 HA)R BRUSHES j yh,: I New Style Messaline and Serge Dresses SVS J1 Vp J, BocP.iw, h, :::::: :."ft0 a specm ttm bc I ' W I ? "OH fcyuw awHw L M . old firm you can buy them In a few other C -oc niciiam a biinanve wasn...-ic 50c Sempre Glovlne 23c snapped up oarjv. I f Saturday $4.95 and $7.50 ts $opw7 I? iTTI"e 170 25c AND 35c:?r BRUSHES I " ! Good messaline eatins, eerges otg-Spisf f dS's.o: 'KeSf 1 inof rii S OOHn bri'&S?t Ig?,del,hand,M in 1 W' I plain colors, as well as checks, plaids, stripes and iigured ettocts. I made to give Ions sen-ice Included are shoes fu,y,r f , 50c Tlrrpldde VZ I I ( nTTTTTiTf'P'Nl'S WHITE SERGE OOATS AT $2.39. I for dress and school wear Shoes of mat and J Welch's Grape Juice, pint 2oc $1.00 Jlorpklde v r(mJ , MlRRORS-43c. ) ; I OHILDRlia WiUlJii OVTJi UUAlO Al .ou. BaZcd kid with cloth or kid tops. Louisville j Welch's Grape Juice, quart 50c iKl Hair Tonic Me ,t rh S TnT'.F Cm'nir- I H?! I S For children 2 to 6 years, Uned all the way through, trimmed with 0ak turned soles and other points too numerous 5c Jhjuld Venoor 21c RCXaji nnr Tonic si no ' nc? i "ahogany I h , . 1 pearl buttons and silk braids. t to mention j 50c Liquid veneer 42c r,a Blaehe Face Powiier".' i:..'.. sion rwob cTBnPs, I '''i-V CHILDREN'S NAVY BLUE SERG-E COATS, $2.65. Jh- KM .Shoes Are Priced asFol.ows: riu fr- 75c RAZJR STROPS 59(f. I FuU lined, trimmed in delft blue poplin and finished with novelty fle!?.$l -50 ff. $1.75 2.. !.$2.00 1 gund Pm;e go fePS" rea.n 2jc 50 ANDRESS.NG 1 9 buttons. r m0 ? Th0 Patent and Gun Metal shoes Are Priced: S l pound Sodium Phosphate .....2nc Pure Castile Soap. for... '" 10c T1i sood kinds that don't break. I I " I S CHILDREN'S BLACK SILK COATS, $2.96. ? Sizes 5 to CI 7C SI to CO flO "1 to 5? ?f5 5 oz- Glycorlno ...... ............23c 10c Palm Soap ;...7b Many different styles. H I Wi-L , , 1 u 1.1 ? S nrlce tJWo OX.O S oz. G ycerine and Rose Tater. 23c JJ.00 Co gate's Toilet Aratf.r is... wwic nonnMc I P ! Well lined, trimmed with lacos and largo n j I P , j 8 oz. Castor Oil ...23c 75c Plnaud's Lilac Vcgclal?!: V. .52c Si?cpU?5S vahnli ' j 1 ':'g-. I I Saturday-Draper DepU Saturday-Bedding Dept. Saturday-Linen Dept. Saturday Art Needlework I I Saturday-White Goods Dept. I Saturday-Neckwrcn" 1 1 9 Couch Covers I $5.00 White Wool Mixed Main Floor. Dept. Third Floor. Main Floor. 1 Main Floor. I ; )! ' I 3 yarS ion5-5o inches wide- i Blankets 6 L4o TwiUod Towelmff $3.00 Battenberg Table 350 white suiting linens I Ladies' 40o Neckwear B -f f v 1 SL&trX& Jfjfe hZr?Bl Iht$Syl& i:i Cloths WHITE CORDUROY I Conar, Venice Lace Co,- I good pattorn; .can be uacd with Silk bound, either pinl: or blue batts only PIQUES, on special f IarSl Jabots' cows, Shadow Lace I any rug or drapery with pleasing borderod. On sale for one day at yard O 45 Inches round, with Mexican at yard & JL Collars, etc. sreal varlotv to IB ,' No Phone Orders. eaaaBBBsaaas 1 No Phone Orders. fl raBBKiswBSBBs I ::f I . CaiSBM eaBSiliiiP r hsshbSJI 1 Saturday Ribbon Section B 9 WSSfmSmam'SBBS'eB Saturday Linen Dept. Saturday Domestic Dept. - tt Maln Floo. H c... I I 1 Saturday-Bedding Dept. 1 Main Floor. 'Man Fioor K I Saturday-Glove Section- A , 1 I Main Floor. 30c Hemmed Turkish m11nr, ' f:a Saturday-Art Needlework 1 35cRlbb0US I Main Floor. .; 1 I Feather Pillows Bath Towels 10c Twilled Egyptian DeBt.-Th,rd Floor. uP to 6 inches wide, satm taf- I $1.25 Kid Gloves 1 .' I I Worth $5.00 a Pair. Mado from very absorbent twist Uretonnes 20c Tenerife Doilies I fota I)1aI taffeta, Moire Taf- One-clasp Kid Gloves in Black. I H 1 Slao 20x26 Inches; weljfU 61 ids. yarn extra, hca measure 21 t 01.ini..i otIi nnr-4i iim H fo'a. Ribbons and u prreat variety I White. Tan and Brown: a ncr-v I : ;! I feathe.'2-On sale ffi 1 4.J. yard 16C ntr f' ' ;-" ' slrable color and style. Regular splendid .-J3 quality-Saturday I Saturday at each P Limit 6 to a customer. Limit. 11' yards to a. customer. a lo a customer. 1 35c vulue Sutur- 1 0 I -at Ctfm I ?H 1 1 : " J No Phone Ordera. No Phor.e Odlrs No Phono OnJers. No Phone Orders. urday-at yard iC palr 89C In the debris. Tho body of nn lnfnnt, a day old, was found In a cutter. In removing- dobrlH. workmen moved carefully, fearing they might tread upon bodies. Tho body of a man about 0 voars old and Identified only as Snyder was found clasped In tho arms of his dead wife. One Death in Hotel. Three hundred persons who lixul been marooned In the Algonquin hotel In the beart of ihc Hood district, moved from their prison today after the wutora alons Main and Third streets had receded Most of them said Lhoro was a general awire at the lire which burned along Jefferson and Third streets on Wednes day night. There waa ono death In tl he hotel, Jolinny Flyim, a bellboy. SoyoraJ of the guests organized the majority after the flood batons had cut off escape on Tuesday, and for three evenings pro grammes of entertainments 1 were sh'on In tho hotel's dining rooms. It was decreed by a "safetv committee' Hhut aJiy person who decllnccl to contribute to the entcr taiumnut would be compelled to walk, -the plank. There was none who refused. Thousands Homeless. Wliile upproxlmatoly S600 persons 1 are bu n" cared for by tho rollof commiHoe. there are more than 5000 homeless porona In Dayton who are caring for Hionisolves as bVBt they can. None of tho banks are opofi for - busings and, for the .nost part. the refugeeH had little or no money with t em when 4h flood came upon thorn. AH the grocery stores and food oupp ' 1,avSbeentaTton oyer by the mf lltary am there aro no fresh meals, eggs 01 uilllc available at nny P'lc( r ......r.iv.i The city la without mcann of geneuii transportation; thcro la not nn electric light In the place except those of tho Na tional Cosh Kcgjater company. There is no adequate water supply, the sewer sys tem Is ruined, the available fuel supply 1b limited and tho supply of natural gas used for cooking has been shut off since Tuesday. Great Mental Strain. Huddling together In groups about tho strecta and those localities where tho wa ters sufficiently have subsided in front of their ruined homes, the people stand dur ing tho day with despair stamped on their faces. So groat has been the mental strain that many persons aro (bordering on hysteria. For long minutes a group will stand gazing dumbly on the scenes of desolation all about, them Then somo , laconic remark will bo made by ono of the group arid the others will laugh or giggle like silly children. In the bread lines In front of the relief sta tions each day stand business nnd pro fessional -men, side by side with day la borers. There aro no class distinctions. In every church and Hchoolhnuso not serlouslv affected by the Hood are to bo found "hundreds of peraons living to gether, cooking their frugal meals over open fires and sleeping outdoors. Many boats were engaged for long hours In rescuing those marooned In their homes along South Main 'street. In oui! little cottage two old women, one of whom was SI years old, were found huddled ,u the attic. Their water sup pi v wa exhausted Wednesday afternoon aiid thev had had no food since the break fast they ale a, few minutes before the waters on me rushing upon them. As they wore fooliig lifted tenderly Into the boat, a Red Cross doctor remarked t" the older woman that It was too bad a person of her advanced age should have lo endure such privations, "Oh. don't worry about me." answered the woman, with a smile. "I'm so happy to be alive and surely I can't complain when there aro so many others who have suffered so much more. The sentiment expressed by tho old wo man Is that of the thousands of survivors. Without exception the people aro con sidering others before themselves. Hun gry men receive rations, but divide them, or give them to women and children physically unable to stand the long hours waiting to bo served. Since the flood came scores of babies have been born In different parts of the city. In almost every Instance tho babies lived and the mothers are getting along nicely. Even the most graphic photographs taken of the ruins fall to reveal hi com prehensive detail the desolation of tho stricken city- Whole streets are heaps of splintered timbers, twisted steel nnd brick and mortar. Once haudsomo resi dences arc to be seen upturned and broken Into parts . Bloekst and blocks of houses arc Jammed against one another In baffling confusion. Debris litters scores of thoroughfares for long dis tances, and uboul all Is a sea of mud and water. COL UMB US MORG UES FILLING UP SLOWLY COLUMBUS, O., March 28 Tile 'morgues of Columbus filled up slowly tonight as tlio swollen waters of tho Scioto gradually rocoded. j Tho number of bodios recovered from I the yellow flood reach sixty. Through tho temporary morgues hun druds of survivors passed, dreading to find their missing loved ones. Twenty throe bodies lay in a temporary morguo ou tho cast bank of tho Scioto aud twenty more wore placed .in a re cently constructed fire engine houso on the hill top, just west of tho flood dis trict. In I lie west side morguo the flood had cut off all electric power and the volunteer undertakers worked by the light of flickering caudles and lamps. Several bodios lay in- small 'undertak ing shops in various partB of tho ;clty. Reports reached Columbus tonight that several bodies had been seen floating in the river at Circleville, twonty five miles below here. The authorities be lievo those wero victims of the Colum bus flood nud that bodios of many of those who lost their lives nevur will bo recovered. Rescue Work First. While bodies -wero picked up where over they were found today, the oner gies of tho authorities wero directed toward rescuing tho thousands ma rooned in upper stories, on roofs nnd in trcos. "For milos alone tho swollen river there are groat drifts of debris. Practically all of tho bodies recovered havo boon tnkon from tho edges of theso drifts as the waters recoded and I the authorities believe that many moro arc buried boncath them. No attempt, can bo made to search these drifts un til the water subsides. Coroner Ueuk ert tonight said the death list would reach 200. Relief measures wore rushed today and 'by night tho various relief agencies had the situation well in hand. At the slato insane asylum aud the state iu stitution for the feeble minded hun dreds of survivors were fod, clothed and lodged. A largo school building nearby was filled with cols and sup plies nnd thrown open to refugees. Hundreds wore brought around the flood to tho business section where re lief stations -were opened. Distress Among Survivors. Great distress among the survivors was catifacd by tho separation of fam ilies and tho consequent dread that the missing had boon drowned. Since tho rescue work started nearly 100 children of tho flood have boon born, Tho authorities opened u ma ternity hospitiil tonight where the new mothers with their babies were cared for. When the motor bout rescuers were Constipation causes headache, nausea, dlzalness, -anguor. heart palpitation. Drastic physics crlpu, sicken, weaken the bowels and don't cure. Doan's Rogulots act gently and cure constipation. 25 cents. Ask your druggist. (Advertisement.) forced by darkness to suspend their work, half a icorc of blocks in the ?jf worst of the flood district had uot been ftf reached. In tho upper floors of houses lldl in this district were many survivors, ifjnS who hud been without food" since Tues- 'UiBl day. An effort will bc made tomor- jgHBi row to reach this section. Sifm The river gradually fell today, with lflBi uo indications of further high wuter. Ia99 Many a Suffering Woman jj j ill drags herself painfully through her qilR daily tasks suffering from backache, jj M headache, nervousness and loss of sleep, jttgj&J not knowing her ills are due to kid- j&jE88 ney and bladder troubles. Foley Kidney jjjjl if Pills sivo quick return to health and fflL5 strength. No woman who Buffers can af- HEwS! ford to overlook Foley Kidney PUIb. wfllli Schramm-ilohnsou, Drugs, "The Never- iralftf Substilutors, Five (5) Good Store. wSriffl (Advertisement.) rfP&SI Only $1.00 Wm Ogden and. Return. WSm March 3D, via Oregon Short Lino for f?3f Kuights of Columbus excursion. Sne- ffifmf cial train 9:30 a. ni., leaving Ogden for iSBIf return 11:4.5 p. m. Tickets al60 good lM?f;t on regular trainB. S (Advertisement.) ; 5 '