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IT THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 1913. ? Our Anniversary Sale Is Qeh the Upgrade ; ji Starting in Monday to the accompaniment of a near-blizzard, the inclement weather continued most K) S . of the week, and yet the volume ot business grew day after day. We gava you fres.i, new goods, the best we havenothing old or It. inferior. We gave you merchandise needed nownothing unseasonable; all at reduced pricesmany at near cost and even cost, f jj The result shows that our efforts to please you have been satisfactory. We are pleased, too, because of the many new accounts, jm ' I ripirfmpfiT ow comes Saturday! No doubt the biggest,. ' Anniversary sah of A I M" uzyttl unoni busiest day of the week. Every department offers new in- N eW VfirinP SUlkl a do you realize ,what it means to select ducements-not one, but several. We cannot begin to ad- w uyiutg l (nuj from our stock of line linens and to receive a 1U ' TUB SILKS yrP P W per cent discount on your selection? It means a VertlSe them all. Come down tO the Store; everywhere On 9 inH-iAc nU eiiv TUic. M' ie f I $ big saving for you. We guarantee our linens to . ' J J 2 inches Wide, all Silk. 1 HIS fabric IS .Jw A he cheaper, quality considered, than can be bought the main flOOr, On the Second, On the third flOOr and all arOUnd very desirable for maling summer dresses that jfljg fi JUp plopwhero i i i i i 1 combine style with service. One of the scarcest f vL Table Cloths Mm End Damask t"e enlarged basement store, every department manager has fabrics in the market today; $1.25 grade. Tenth i I !f 2x2-vard 'table cloths We haTc been fortu- set his mark for a record. Everywhere you'll find substantial savings Anniversary Sale, 89c yard. Wft W -Every cloth is pure linen nato in securing another L l STYLISH SILK RATTNES S 1 A and full bleached; thev Bhipmont of mill remnants 1 i-J.OJTX 011X. XKr L UMiO i I ffinS"wSS3; i? riib&iSnJS! c - A QU C "I MfnwiPn'sT niTnreJ Villi 40 inches wide, all silk, washable. This WW W tut good quality. They Every housewife know tho 2X1(13 V lPIOP lDPCI IS " UTlCfl J 1 UlLUCCl OUlio fashionable material comes in cream, light blue, pink. Copcn- Xc I T SSo oricinaUy sold for wearing nuality of this lin- 1-UlUaj Uil k-JVXCU.O hagen, dark red, Inn nnd brown; Sue Wlity Tenth Anni- I ? $7o, $3.25 and 33.75; are en and that it will bleach J veraary Sale, 69c yard. ' irrK It Mh reduced to $1.95, $2.25 and white in a few washings. TI7 J r r j rfrZi fV I fI ft c n r J it ft 1 fe, n 2x2-yard lengths, $2 omen 5 Oxfords M f 1 . Black Messaline Serge Dress Goods ftuB fir 2x2V2-yard table each; reduced from $2.75. " ' m Crearn serge, 50 ft cloths these are also Borne- 99iQTVq ln-no-t-l-.c IX n Yi t c Uimc VXl U (th 11 1 hJ5L d0 lueJleS Wide ail inches wide, all wool, hard WnV JL What soiled, but are a stand- X-J&Va lengollS, OWietl S rUfTlpS GUJqJJ gKQJ m1P& ftifilm silk rich and lustrous a twisted EerRe. thoroughly Mm fffi ard qnality and will eivo $2.50 each; reduced from ipV i gflllW 7 1 1 t oT 1 scoured and ?reo from bhclc WD t ? IMllfg entlro satisfaction. They $3.50. U BF F 4G&lS ' ' Pcrfect bIaJ $1.25 grade; thrcade or flecks; $1.50 V . m SS; nowfreduced-S tfSl 2x3-yard lengths, $3 Patents, Satins, New Lasts, New Styles, ?mmFf . ' " AnDiverBar:r Sale-79c-yard' d,'ra Annivorsary Sale' A - HaV and $2.98 each. each; reduced from $4.00. Vici Kids, Suedes, A""-; Mnfprinh ' '"-nVUIl .f 7li Natural Color Pongee A7 j d; L C Jff) 2X3-yaKl Cloths, were Scalloped Clothsrhese Gm m'j T ' JV Jlffen&. Tf WfJ K willl M rr $4.25; reduced to $3.35 each. are made an round designs , ' ' q (PC T4IOr. I A , ImmsSi W J rf& lECneS Wide all DO inches Wide all B 2lx2l-Varfl Cloths and are cut circular for use v eiveis, lotn, y VCUUCS fX IWlVd AiJ'j eilk, a jrood heavy weicht wool, firm, dust sheddiug .L pH? 6&74. J -U- iuoiiQ, on roimd tables. Pine W r feSS- k'te 'M ; J 7 1, weave a nualitv that is an HfB H were $4.50; reduced to $3.50 Enowy white all linen satin $2.95 Women's hlffh CUt EtlOUntain Or A M A kV for dressy and coats; $1 elecVtiona1 value at $1.25 HDP ench' damask. P-.J , " . Tn j j v. j - W CU SalffW'W AnniverSar7 Sale, yard; Anniversary Sale, 95c ""V , BT Napkins 60x60-inch Bound Cloths, vacation boots, in tans, light and dark shades; 'JtC JKp final E&mnt iw Jf jgi 79c a yard. a yard. ? K Napkins to match the aKSf"? only fifty pairs left; they sold for $6.00 aDd $7.00. ft RMKMJ ff IE V 2ffhJia&!,,,nr 7s?crhen0o 1.95 Women's satin with satin lining I HiAli P C4NFTF1 laturd Aah I K 22X22-uidi Bapkms ssiff" doir pumps, in all staple colors; ngohc $2.5a IPt 1 Pff hi . JD lEb-baturday bfiecials ffh that wro $3.50 and $4.50 $12.00; reduced to $8.75 ca. Jp jBtti ' v?., 11- Assorted cream center chocolates, reg- ifflR JTASTaSJSf'3 10 rS 7 c (flVm If mar oescper pound. V : m 24x24-iucli napkins, Sis-iSh J? Tea fii?53o? Anniversary Specials from Over the Store V f Chocolate cream chewing caramels, jfiL . K were . $5.00 and $o 75 re- reduced to $4.00 doz SATURDAY PRICES ONLY. f l' I J regular 40c; 25c per pound. $06 Hfi dnced to $3.7o and $4.25 doz. 20x20-mch or Dinner size, , J , W ' 1 1 . JVui MP $10.25; reduced to $7.25 d0Z. Handkerchiefs Underwear h I i f Satin finished mint cuts, regular 30c; T , Quilted Table Padding- LlAnn. Tea Towebng- Entirfe Z f initial w V 7 p . i 20c per pound. ,y&v Hi ict ni; - -All linon craeh for tea tow- .entire line or 6oc iniiiaL Women's outaeam fancy 1 I W 1 1 Ufitk B WfSfitJronS- elB; 17 inches Tdde; heavy handkerchiefs, choice, 25 vests-Regular 95c quality; I S X .. 1 54inXrS; 4r W 70?f?S tTlwrd ? CCntS- Ar & Saturday fecial, 69 "cents. ' I I V 1 r v V K vara; reduced to 75c yard. o"?ucedn Neckwear Women's fancy vests- 1 f t " Anniversarv Sale Z B 63 inches who; was $LJ5 &;inb Cloths Heavy Ja)0t8 made shadow TO j n anniversary oate . yard; reduced to 85c yard. knitted ahsorhent floor . on rf nL;ni oo ;lnV NiK I A Yl . (Mi K : Af gWg J 1 Toy Dept. Specials V V Bh rrr z. r A , . Meri4nklrto; No' 134 cedar boxes- ' To make necessary room for our en- mfe H rr aStl KjOOuS UeparjfTient C0c values;' choice, 10 cents. J8efolar price $12'50; for larged Basement Store, we offer entire stock of JP K We mention SOme Of the Very Special BeaJ Ints ot No-' 2193 atti boxes A1b0llt ? Styles in plain tai- toys, books, games and toy furniture at groafly . : 'ill, i i ueauuiui renmanis ol Tteeuiar nrica $S50- for lored, also cutaway styles and the much wanted reduced prices. mto items here, but We Wailt YOU tO reniem- embroidery, including both .610 -Rnlknn BIoiirp. nnlnr pp nftvv hliio hlaplr tin , , m , iVUfi ' W fhnf all nni- IniVl-, Jo wncli -faTTrnPR edKo and insertion; in Swiss. 5 4AOff T j Balkan J310USC , COloiS are navjr blue, black, tan, x Boolc CaB0. value $10.00; 2 Arm Chairs; value $3.00; M1W' oer mat dll our mgil Class wasil Taoncs, cambrio and nainsook; HaK No. 4026 Indestructo gray and the smart black and white checks; values spociai $6.75. special $1.85. m SUCh as ratine and epOngeS, are Subject to Price Saturday. Trunk Bosjlar price t $3250 iQ QUr Aimivcrsary Sale .at $19.75. 3 Writlnir Desks; value $1.50; S Dressers; value $4.00; special . m. 10 per cent discount during our anniver- Doilies $J4-00- for $241- wriu Besi-s and ch-urs- 3 Sottc' valU9 $3-25- sPeuIal TO J V sary sale. Hemstitched doilies ol Go-Carts Chiffon and Silk Dress IFaists value $o.oo; special .oo. ' 2 coset. Vftlue $6t00. f . K Kmiffl(1 n t t m- n- i. a fceantaful quality, an wliito Here is one of the finest -1 Writing Desks and Chairs; special $3.95. . H himono Crepes In Jap- Tissue Ginghams and hnen, stamped th forget- Go-Cart, made- has all the I "ha crronnpH a nnmhpr nf rhiffnn value $C00; special $4.80. 2 Library Tables; value Iff ig H anese designs; best quality, Irish Dimities-These are rlV 7?7 nZ- Smfr We nave gTOUpeQ a numDei OT CniTTOll 2 Arm 0hair8. value $1.75; $10.00; special $6.50. . RUp HP TTjich sold for 18c yarij the real article, and sold for tional desijn a; 7x7 in c lies. iSJ0 nivSSri Uk ll0f wajstf? lcft, f,rom onr ".'P10 lln0..a"a have 6pecial 05c. 1 Buffet; value $10.00; special f . m Dork 10; ?ic they 2 Satu; 7 is?d:Vatn$?:oi.f othcr styies; ou saie ,n our wa,st section 3 ve $4.75; 2 CTosot; value ,1800; B S?o VoUAnb' "eTta -TI - 2,Z)S Children's sweater S chWs; value ftvmoo; P f f P"ik, hght blue, Copenhagen evenly yoven cloth; can bo P gtamped for Trench 50 pieces cretonnes Women S UrCSS OKiriS oniiaiCU S S eatCl special $2. o. special $6.95. AT Wt fe vendCr and tnn; are had m striped effects, floral eyolet embroidery on Re-mlar price 40c to $1.00: Tn TlfiVV blue Sei'C x?atf 'rD rfC?iftandft 27 S 3 School Desks; value $1.2oj 2 Cupboards: value $6.75; M lordor effects, with four designs and borders; are 40 ?wbS Hto round thread Of Price , V i Norfolk stylo, regular $2.o0 flpeeial 75c. Bpcc al $3.95. WXSv ML rcwB drawn work; 40 inches inches irido and wore 45c a Vecular nricb 15o anS , , , also black and white serRB, values, for $1.4o. 0 0,, i,C5ks; 2 Misses Desks; value $10.00; jffiB S StvrA'VvSS0 yard; while they last, 20c fg WeSs, sSS Bungalow nets-regular fHafe"" Children's spring u vnsww&iWB; "' 'Mm . . V vSWlUl0 Vt' 89C DWSB Linens-ire much 40e grade; 25 cents. $12! 50 h our Annh-crsary coats, in red ami Vvy blue? n . , Un. d,, value 9 75 special .$6 85 M MZ a t in demand, especially the Hosiery Bungalow nets-regular Sale, for one day only- red coat., have black and 2 misses' w Jof 'ifrf ,l . . , K "ne and Ratine coarse weave; all pure linen, , , 0- i 1- $-1.'J5. w 0 checked collar and dresser, a iu 0 uu. fcpct.iai hfil CTepes-Horo are fwo fah all the desirable shades; 45 , Women's tan Silk boot 2oc Krade; lo cents. cuffs; navy blue coats bavo 1 dresser, value o, special S0.JU ,Jltt 'iH Hcs that are thl mSr inches wide; were S5c a hoseOur regular 50c qual- AYilfcon rugs all new Children's SWCatci' black and white striped col- 8 tables, value fQ, P &s5 "VP iK fashionable- thev - com? in yard; reduced to 59c a yard. ity; Saturday special, I5o sprfn- patterns- sizes 27t54 coats, in red and white. lar and cuffs; values up to 1 round table, value $0, special S-.o V 'K 8triP, Wch iB also the .Voiles Witn Ratine Bor- cents-3 pairs for $1.00. inches and 36x63 inches; ?ra"i1 white, regular $(j.0D; u. our Anniversary co-carts, less 20 per cent China toy tea sets, less 25 per ? S favored design this dersThis combination is Women's Silk hose reg- Saturday special - One $J.50 values, for-l.D... Sale-$3.9o. BSak?, less 20 per cent. i , Wife Ir5.001 can ha htt olthar la now and much in demand; ular $1.00 quality; 75 cents. fifth Off. Drums al half price. Teddy Bears, less 20 per cent. ir ' ssM w e -r colored grounds; white erounds with all col- Games, 20 per cent less. Rocking and sewing horses, B S1!"0?!1 at 50c Tata; re- ors irAordera; were 85c I I lvnil)Pr;nri Salp SbPriaU Dolls. 20 per cent less. special priced. j Jnceato 40c yard. yard; reduced to 59c a yard. SILK HOSIERY SPECIAL SlUlUVei Sat V OatC OpeCiaiS Toy animals of all kinds, 20 per cent less. 3L W FfVRQroTTnn j tv tt7ttt ttv r All the latest novelties in silk hosiery from the Toilet Goods Section onfv. Flerfrir Porfahle W ; m fUK bTOUT and MEDIUM &r spring, in an colors, plain and two-toned, A Q - - .1 A1mAn, Beautitul JLlectric rortaDie v I ' FIGURES eloe;Snietn lisle, .p and soles ; some are ACJ? Rcadm? Lamps. $2.50 ; jS AVJ UiVijU all silk; values trom $1.75 to $3.50 a pair. Sat- j8 a 70c purchase; to bo sold for 33c. ' .fcL &fe& With Improved Relief Bands $1'25' I Ed Pinaud's Beauteviva a liquid face f) -fflBftk sf"W n'ff 'or - 'H 'JSr'B " powder; tho 50c bottle that we sell always for 35c; special 'jMlKS? Urday A Strong An- fV& m A Vef P0Pular model for CATr? : or-25c" J mWjary Sale Feature. JT 'M women who need more abdom- L AlvlL 0AL1L Ed Pinaud's extract of Vegetal either k tlB . inal support than is given by the lilas or violet odors, repular 75c bottle that wc sell always for V Electric portable reading JfflB (S f regular Nemo Self-Reducing The ladies of the Christian Church Will flac, to be on sale for-52c. V lamp Tor desk or table; easily ad- 'Y. HM: jrfif$ front. The new Relief Bands have a table our center aisle Saturday whero cakes and Vantine's imported teas Sold for 50C a i iustedto an V position; stand is ? Jbbbbb jr ASsrJ-'s . . , other cood things to eat will ho sold for the benefit of the , , r , . , . , . . int II ; If vfflTvI have inside ends of elastic, mak- Sch. package; for 'joc. heavily weighted to prevent tip- -: lB ms em &t snugly with com- j i ping; shade is aluminum lined, giv- fW IjjJ KSiy ? plete comfort ' 1 " f : 1 ing a soft, bright light ; brush ; W MtifJ great success of these Demonstration of . 2000 OSe 'Bushes aZrX If 1! S AW liff "o-Ltf powrTnd WeSt EleCtMC Ha,r CuderS and Hardy Shrubs A ff" d '? f .X ' S wff aoie ll&ure.reaucing power ana . make a 8offc, beautiful They are made of electrified , - . , , r v cral; complete with shade, key lrfh , I stylish shapeliness: J Ive in a fow minuteB. steel, and will last a life- We have about two thousand of these IV socket pliiff and ei"ht feet of silk Wu " S, No.4O3-ithl0,bust)C TSSrtS ThTare indispcn.ablo in " C,SG out Saturday j cord. V )f M A PMiW Ao foe medium bust) VJ "on making tho Marcel wave. These wore all selected by our own florist and JY A r. j.i;c viH Unr wfftv 5 ilS3 -TT 1 Choux, 12c Each la HK,rr ' . flE, "lSjy This is our regular $5.00 corset. ' ' booths in center cross aisle. :Jfi ml ... 0