Newspaper Page Text
p It, W THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 6, 1913. . 19 fffl fcJros,tOI, ut 1,11 ThJrcl i Bailey and lcr fa a- Setback to- WV r cllv and her small "Vr-r will Wo shortly to iSffi iu West Vi, X ,f,r:Cr Browjiins f C-den. Dorothv BIro ow, spent iiiqva of the week m town, c doJn t' Wollosloy Senilism II. Dale Ss expected SiS SS ''5Jllc ni' tl10 ,n0nth i?An"dcs ami will spend some Salt Lnlco rncuds. Kn t Gallic"" and Miss Bossic ft tv spent the nasi week in ftifeces Marguerite and Irene Licft early iu the week tor mZm aud New York to sail Kf a tour of Europe, s " Dade Reams, have move ft at "nomo at lilt Third & 1 J H McChrvstal is home from nf i few months in southern j lo visit with friends for a - ilor and Mrs. Thomas Kcanis Si early in Ihc week Irom their foil ranch, .where, they went to ie Faster vacation with their Ejonwil and Thomas, Jr. I'B. h. Edwards' of Salmon City, ilo iha been spending tho past nib tho Lee Charles Miller tam AMir visitinir her undo and aunt at? and Mrs W. B. Wallace, at DKBlas. ,i i flSj'lif Mvcv and Miss Laura :&who are in coHckc in the east, j,H Gloucester, Mass., to spend tii.ler vacation, and were enter tained by friends there. They arc back at their studies now. Mrs. I. C. Winslow, Mrs. C. H. Solier and Mrs. A. E. Bradbury of Uvanston, yo., arc registered at the New Grand hotel. Captain- George W. England uud lite mother will leave this morning for the oast, and Captain England will bo married to Miss Dorothea Youn- iu New York eity on April .19. After the expiration of his leave he will go to Jefferson barracks on recruiting duty, being separated from his regi ment for the npxt'fow years. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Frurnkin and their small son, Mark, have- returned from a stay of four months in south ern California and aro at homo at 1172 East South Temple street. Mrs. Addison Rby Ware, hor mother, Mrs. E. V Bertholct, and hor little daughter, Ethel, will leave- tomorrow for a visit to thoir former homo in Chicago. J. L. Horrick of Denver and his daughter. Miss Josephine Ucrrick, arc guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,W. C. McDon ald for a week or so. Mrs. IT. P. Lytic, widow of the late Harry P. Lytic, has just returned from a winter trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Walker and daughter, Ethlene, have returned from 1 a month 's stay in Nov York. Mrs. Sidney Decker of Elizabeth, Colo., is hero visiting hor cousin, Miss Grace Frost, at the Covey apart ments. Mrs. Joseph B. Roberts of Prico, ; Utah, is in town and is staying at the 1 New Grand hotel. Miss M. Adelaide Holton, formerly primary supervisor of tho Salt Lake schools, and author of several school books, is iu tho city for a time, and is with her sister, Mrs. II. S. Page. V A. G. Morse, a well-known merchant of Chicago, has been the guest for a few days past of Mr. and Mrs. "W. C. McDonald, who entertained Wednesday evening with an Orpheum party in his -honor, having as their quests Gov ernor and Mrs, Spry and Mr. and Mrs. Wellington E. Lake. Thursday oven mg Professor J. J. McClellan gave a recital for Mr. Morno. Mrs. W. J. Browning will leave Wed nesday for Los Angeles to join her husband and son, who havo been mak ing a trip through Arizona. Mrs. Adolph L. White is back from a stay of two months with friends in the east and south. . Miss Ivy Gunnoll of Ogdon ie spend ing clays with Mr. and Mrs. vX' T Traughbor at their homo in tho Woodruff apartments. x a Miss M. Edith Walker of Richfield .and Mibs Nova Walker of Garland are visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Walker of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Georce D. Mercer of Liberty, Ill are visiting in tho city, guests of Mr. and Mrs. 12. Sassc of 61 North Second West street. Miscellaneous Events day and Friday af tcrnoonB in honor of Mrs. Ida Orem and her daughter Lil lian, who have just returned from the cast." s Tho cast sido section of the Ladies Aid society of the Central Christian church will give a musicale next Satur day afternoon at 2:30 at the home ot Mrs. A. T. McCanno, 120 TJ Btroet. Master Borno L. Woolle', the littlo son of James J. Woolley of SGO South Second East, entertained a number of his friends Friday afternoon. Those present were Amy Lewis, Orvilla Kil eore, Beatrice Pugh, James Bavnes, Charles Columbia and Warron Pugh. Games wore played and refreshments were served. H 4. Miss Florence Grosholl, daughter ot Mr. and Airs. Oscar Groshell, enter tained about 150 of her 3'oung friends Friday evening at a. dancing party at tho Ladies Literary clubhouse, the guests being mostly her high school friends. Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. Haago will en tertain the; ladies of Liberty hive No. 9 and their friends at. a card social Tuesday, April 8, from 2 until 5, at the Jensen homo, 9.67 West Seventh South street. s Miss Bessie Willos entertained the B. Y. club Thursday evening. The time was spent in games, dancing and music, after which refreshments were served. Thoso present were tho Misses I ii J The house that feeds the whole world chocolates I Ida Giles, Miriam Jacobsen, HazoJ Meredith, Florence James, "Rachel Peterson, Marie Dougall and Bessie Willes. "Miss Hazel Meredith enter tains the club next. Mrs. J. W. De Ford of 333 North First West street entertained pleas antly at cards Thursday afternoon the Misses Hortense Hinckley K Afton Hatch and Vota Ashby assisting her. The rooms were beautiful with violets and tulips. Prizes wore won by Mrs. Jack sop and Mrs. Joseph Larson. The guests included Mesdames R. Meacham, C. II. Heritage, Jack Shafer, L. C. Van Voorhis, C. II. Temple, C. Spinner, W. M. Dunn, Frank Larson, B. Small ine. T. F. Jackson. J. A. Yates, A. Hatch, J. Ashby, P. Bray. T. J. Nipper. J. N. Hincklcv, M. Mahnkcn, F. D. Foreman. J. Evans, C. Shal'or, Joseph Larson, Jr., C. Clinton and L. A. Marks. it Tho Coterie club will give another of its dances next Thursdaj' night in I nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnunnnnntrnnnnnnnnnnnnnn I nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Ian nn I nn nn 1 Jfk ? 'Sweet's . 1 . inn 'SoiXinC ElSici!! mn 'xiP .ChOCOllltCS . nn i;nn x J-- y nn inn t nn SS Are Superlatively Good nn "': nn nn ? nn 8g From the first glimpse of the dainty pack- I-SS age to the last taste of the exquisitely gg 5S delicious chocolates, the unusual quality is gg g apparent. We invite you to try them. nn in , " ng p Youv Candy eaSer Sells Ttiem j; nn B 40c ' 7Se $1.00 nn m 55 HR . nn Eg : ! : nn tho Ladies ' Literarj' clubhouse on Third East street. h 1 The Y-Ganza club will entertain its friends at a dancing party ne-xt Thurs day evening iu tho eleventh ward amusement hall. 4 V Mrs. Harry Rac of Fourth East street entertained at' a luncheon Fri day for Mrs. II. Cornforth. Mrs. Rae later favored her guests with some mu sical selections and Mrs. Joanna Mel ton gave some Scotch readings. Miss Bessie Westphal will, entertain about twenty-five of her friends next Friday evening at a musicale at her home. The t young girls of the J. C. club will give a dance next Friday cveuiug at Whitney hall. The members of the club arc Miss Lucilo Timnis, Miss Juanita Timins, Miss Lucilc Cluff, Miss Viola Hall, Miss Pearl Hudson and Miss Clair Gardner. o w Mr. and Mrs. Ray L-. Hanners en tcrtnincd a few friends Friday evening for Mrs. Clarence E. Lyon, sister of Mr. Hanners, who is here from Ver million, S. D.. at their new homo, 567 Eleventh avenue. Cards were cnjoled and prizes awarded to Mtb. William Sutherland and J. Chambers. Spring flowers were uped for decorating and Mrs. E. Hancock assisted the hostess. Mr. .and Mrs. Jacob Hill entertained the members of the Jolly 5(10 club last Thursday evening at their Homo, 375 L street. Cards were enjoyed and prizes won bv Mrs. Joseph Bcrgstrom, Mra. Mack Bcrgstrom, Bert Shaw and Bert Nelson. Following the game a supper was served. WIVES OF THE HEW IGIE1LC0MED Formal Breakfast Stirs Up Much 111 Feeling; at the Na tional Capital. WASHINGTON. April 5. Society women of Washington to the number of 351) today welcomed the wives ot l'rusj leiU Wilson, Vice President Marshall m:d the members of (be Wilson cabinet at a formal breakfast. The elimination of wlni; from the mei:u was the result of a c-ainpaign which caused lecling to run high. Members of I he Women's Christian Temperance union, who occu pied one or tlie tables at the affair, were active in tbe campaign. While 350 women were satisfied be cause they were Invited to the break fast, at least that many more not in vited arc today in a rather dlslurbe'1 frame of mind. As originally planmvl. the breakfast was to have been exclu sively for Democratic wonen. The plan was changed, however, and as a result scores of women whose hus bands are In the councils of President Wilson's party were left off the list, as the accommodations were limited Mrs. Champ Clark, wlfo of the speaker of the hodse, who was Invited, did not attend because of a previous engage ment. Her nonappearance caused con siderable comment Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. Bryan anil the wives of ether cabinet members wcro present WEATHER FORECAST. Salt iJL'.ir. City. Showora nml cooler Sunday: Momluy Mir. Comparative weather 6'J-li at Soil l.iks City. April 5. l'J13: Highest tcntporaturc loilay. 6S; lilsli cM In ttil.s nioli-.1i slnr 1ST I. 1: lawcut last nl;li'.. IV luteal tills tuo'itl) bluet; 1ST (. IS; mean 1 teinsioruoire for toiUy. CS? 17: accumu-'j I Ir.ieil oxcciq tlic flrtt nf the nionTli. 1; accumiiluleil Wlrlo:cy clnrc Jununry 1 1T1 tie- ltrlallvo humidity at r. n. m. today. 10 per rnnt; relative humidity ul i p. in. tol.ty. Si p;r (.ctit. Total prv'.lpllutfvli for thin month to lUin, 1.10 bichcK. accuuinlaletl excevj (or tills inonlh to ilnle. 1.01: total precipitation kIiico January I 1 to (lute. i.Z: nccumiiltileri cxcimj blneo Jnn- i unry J. .91 nf an Inrh. Sun rltci at CM uinl l nl CSS. April i. 101'J. I WKATMi:!'. ODSMUVATIONS. Tonitieratarc- I 6 p. in. 11 luM. Lotv. SALT LAKi: , SI I IIoUj DI 0-1 Id Cheyenne S3 iv: Clilciio ., 42 51 3C Donvor -. ' Ci 74 3R Helena - 02 CO to . Jockionrlllc : "2 SO CI Kanna-i City .,.'..,...70 71 40 Los Anr.elP ..'.-.t.'. ....C2 70 52 Now Orleans '......'.'.lO 72 New Yorl: i! aG R Oklahonm SI 72 10 I'ucatello .0 :,1 Si SU Loulx M CO 41 San I'ranclsco .". 5 31 r.' J WuMilnitlnn -'2 ' I Wlnuemuceu 50 C II For Sale. Beautiful new ten-room house ii Haxtoti place on' ljrinham. Koith Kcnlty Co. Phoiif Wasatch OOS. (Advorrisement.) j lj iSJexv GorporatigDJ The Itoeky MounUln Traffic aoclatlon, Salt Luke; cupltal slock i;5,00, share SI cnrli: UauM ESTABLISHED 1857. 'fiM DlNWOODETS 1 "Fine Furniture 1 1 II JH-rM" 'ii '-- WW m sv-- Period Furniture ., S ' Si In beautiful reproductions combining art and simplicity jj as well as strength and durability. Furniture from makers tUiC whose productions JiaA'e long been accepted as the standard g 7jt of quality the kind you would expect lo find at Dinwood- S i ey's I The fact, that many of these pieces are in patterns noA VjJw' shown for the first time attaches-special interest to the show- ji 'F in,g. ' ";!& MS A well-selected piece here and there will add much to mi-in tlie attractiveness of the home. A"m ' Yours Is the Chance to . - i Save Some Money 1 1 j on Bibles and Testaments 1 m Monday Is-the Day T 1 If S All Good Books are sold by j pj J ! 1 Deseret Sunday School Union fM j Book Store I 111 44 and 46 East South Temple Street i Filf 1 A $25,00.0Stock of 11 58. McKENZIE, 422 Soraili State St. K ill I-- ! i:. niMiop. president ml trarfle milliliter: rhlllp 15. MoICIiiney. vice pcoldetlt: WIUIjiij M. Ltlir; don. ecrr.lary and Kenoral inunar.or; DUvo CiuIck. truixr. I Mow Pictures at Mohosy. Another powerful dr- h the Kcllancs eout piny U the heaillliier Yi tho now .Mohcjy theater today. "The Judge' Vlndlcatlun." in two parli: f 'i'Sjtt I u Ktury col'.il'lmnj; lilRhcf finance und hlchor l?7j15 imlltli.K In a thoroughly intvi'Dtlnc manner. I-;. A jt3S Jm r. Sullivan slvrs a mixcrrul ImDcraoiiatloii nf J tho Judso. whom tits monoy truct radeavom lo '!' 5f3 hrltio for political rcao:is. "Tho Wax. Udy," ji f l3f Tlianbotmer eonirdy drama, allows how a wax fp. 'jRiJ model, aldfil ty a Miry, came to life and cured (j the irrouchy old mcn-banl of his rllnplno;'. f' i,