Newspaper Page Text
Jl ' - ' THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 8, 1913. IKgden department OFFICE-2562 WASHINGTON AVENUE. PHOTO est 1; Offlco Hours-6 a. m. to lo?3o . Pt. 3 p R t()-8 p : K "CURFEW" t I IS IT EVIHCED C r T. U. of Ogden Is Cir-Mating- Petition for City Commission to Consider. (o The Tribune. 3K-pE,T, April 7. if the members of jKV. C. T. f. have their way there Kb; sudden (lisjippearaiicc of yoiith tKwrwns from the streets at D o'clock It ' evening. The ladles of tho tem- lL'nre Tinlon are now circulating petl- ffi'lBigiWno t,1c c,l-v commissioners to IEtt the 0 o'clock cut-row ordinance. iK.r contend that for sonic tinio the r, Jt strictly observed and enforced, ii lale the children under the a so ; Ht years pay absnlutely no attention ' ML curfew signal, which at tho present lfl-Ktli a blast from the whistle at the ILaHrail shops. The W. ". T. U. mem , E, believe that the ordinance should ll Kr be enforced or taken from the 3 !H'' faces ten charges. jK Estate Firm of Salt Lake Is Defend. ' jE ant In Series of Actions. Bcil 1o The Tribune. iBftDE-V, April 7. AH of the evidence Kug been submitted in the of A.. I K.fjampbell against the ZIon Co-opera- KiHonie Building & Real Mstate com- JBr, Judge X. J. Harris lias taken tip ,KjKeond of the ten cases against the jt( company. Tho court is now hear- .evldetico in the case of Fred King , Ktsu tiic Salt Lake concern. I Ks the evidence in all tun cases Is cx- to fce along the same lines. Judge it Hknu trill not render his decision until JKf evidence in all ca?es hits been :iub 3 IHte. The attorneys will cover tho ten Hiln their closing arguments. Hithecase under consideration at prcs plalntlfr alleges that the officers fcRfi; company misrepresented the facts V vRa Ihey fold him 0000 shares of stuck jKl ptr share. bbbbbv; 1 BOOSTING BY FILMS. Pictures of Scenes In Ogdcn and Vebcr County to Bc Taken, to The Tribune. April 7. After conferring le Denver company, which is to he film, the officers of tho Ogden bureau havo announced May ibe date upon which the motion i of Ogdon city and Weber conn cs will be taken. The object is ertise by means of 1000 foci or : resources of this section, lictures would have been made at icr date but for t lie lateness of sow. it being the desire of the to secure canyon and orchard Kith the foliage on the trees A ler than May is might have been , but for the fact "that the p'le mst be taken before the schools 'ed for the summer vacation. 71 :tcd that the "great white way" system will be completed before In which event the film will In line spring carnival scenes. trAVOR PAPER "BOTTLES." Milk Dealers Plan to Abandon Use of Glass Receptacle. I to The Tribune. BN. April 7. Acting on the advice r Military Inspector Shorten, who we thorough iwiulry into the mat al retail milk dealers arc prepar abandon the glass bottle for the i paper container, which can be ml once. The dealers appealed to sector on the subject because tho iw and city ordinance specify that must be used. lAVIIIard Hansen, state food corn er, and city Attomey Valentine So,Cn,,forImuPIontbnfI',0rtfn hus recclv "c of t c i 01 '' ' Prevents thc cltv orrii,..?.,1 pcr container- While" the not st?i . m e i "boi tics." it docs dealer wllo'e 1?, PJ""'!..1'0 iect probablv VvmC '(lv'ce,011 "c sub-' contained for ret lll it t,IB lary their nr,!,. ".uuiinc; milk ;us soon us factum! ua" 1,0 ,1,Icd 'c ''"- CHARGED WITH ASSAULT. Walter Williams Causes Arrest of Three Men Accused of Beating Him. Special to The Tribune. v2!liilwiilh.Pm? 70n 1,10 complaint of Red lVronV u?' f01lncr )"OIrlet..r of the I t li vi- ' C?' tnble. Karl Ulalr. a ?! -frV nr ?r.? JlK Ke Ur' Rccdcr on , .'l.irc of ussuult and butlerv Tlmv wifebn .? uni8 f "'Hy and -the case Wi ll-, mlCtl, V?x, 1 hl"V morning, summoned ,'0,,,t 1 10 1olIc that ho was tlm thni ? lh ,M," o the ropresenta-ne"- nmnoc','? of.l,,e ,vl hatl rh.,rP0Sili,!' to s,1,'"lt. When he r. ll "I 'u-cor(llK t" Williams. bc was . ) f V, m0,'1 ,I,n i"""lstoring a bcat fecis U SlM1 14,10 W8 e cf- Will Double Plant, Spwlnl to Tlie Tribune. 'ti?ni'r.AS.r.l,i 7'.Kor. tini l,n,c s'"rc re fall tliorr I nnie ,"7 rlU,-TO:1 rp' VOlr ln-t 'M't , ' ? w,:co1 '"rnl1"; fi the Twelfth Itallwar coiiiimny. This (tic vulvra of tlie tlrtr,,,d,il w",c" co.,,ve's ," Mw. i (,!. '"""yon liavc been .-losr.i i o 1 !?r f pInnl11p"'1- Altlioiich tli plc It full "L Vi tvv " ,Ut,lln '"ore tlian four miles, AcconJIUK to lom Mnnnccr 5. T. Whltaker I w plant will ,e Mln for two woev. durlnR which r ?,?.. Ur,':r,rorc!..of nr"''en wl" install m-i-clilnerr which will .loublo Its rupmlty. Tho company k plants throuchout tn0 Matn nrc n coniiorlc1 llial the shutllnc iMwn of one stilluti ilors not Inlerfcro with the service. Mr. Whlt nhr my that the waior vnu nllniv-cd to i-emnlii kin lm hip pipe (o prevent yhrlnksso of thc wooden stacs. Indigency Expensive. Special lo Tho Tribune. iS,5-sc- April 7.-It rort Wobcr lounty nearly ii l,c3r? for '"'llsenln und Indlpcnt hlrk ilurlnt: (hi firm threo months of the present enr flccordlnc to the. quarterly report Fcubmlttcd by Poor Commlwtolior Moroni Sheen to the board of i.-oturalMilonorK at tho reculur lnccllnr today. Thl Ik tho flrt.l tiruo In many 7ers tint thr county board lias received h quarlcrly report of UiIb department. County Clerk S. (;. Dye repoiled ilie econd apportionment of tlm county srhool funds. At tho rte of $1 0? per coplta. tho total amount was Jl 1.53. S3, or rrhlch "the cltj- M hools receive.! $797.1. S3 aud tho county school!:. s;77.r.o, the bI aiiro rrnulnlnt; undivided belnz Jll.01. The rommlsslouers did not complete the traniu actlon of county buslnc5 Rt today's sei-slon and Hnothor rnectlnc -will be Imld tomorrow. Elks "Got Busy." Special to The Tribune. Of? DEN". April 7. Delayed by production In other cities or the H. I. Brown of TJcnrer. who to direct Iho local VAVn in the production of "Tho Amsterdam Iland." did not urrlvo in thc city until today. The fli( c-nrral rehcanal for flection of Ihote who will take part was held In tho lodce room of the tier. club houso this cvrtilnc. There was unlimited "tulcnt" on hand. An tho annual Miow will bo pretcnted on April Si nnd ::. Mr. Droin will rush the work of preparation. Tolls of Omaha Cyclone. Special to The Tribune. 0CD1;N. April 7. John T. Rllter. a dairyman realdlns at rtl-rcrdalc. ha returned from i biml-nt-M trip In Ihe cast. He was In Omaha on Kaslor Sunday, when tlii city was Hwept by the tornado which killed nearly S00 porsoiu and de stroyed everything In a path four block wide aeroM thr city. Tile Hlverdale man visited the storm district a fev hours after the devantatlon bad rciulted. He declare that the sreno vfis rucli as ho would not care to view acaln. . . Eeady to Plant Beets. Special to The Tribune. OGDi;. April 7. Willi a sufficient number of tuar beet seeder In ho county to seed trom COO to 1000 acres dally," nearly all the planned acreage In Weber county will be- planted within thc next threo wooUs If the weather remains favorable, according to officials of tho Amalea lflaled Supar company. Up to the present time tho fanners havn bfn delayed by the weather, the creator portion of tho sround belDc too wet for cultivation. Will Beopen Mine. SprcUl to The Trlbun. OODE.", April 7. Alter an extended rlilt in Nevada. J. F. Paraoa has returned to the city with tho announcement that he and other of ficers of tho company have decided to reopen tho abandoned mine of the Tuacarora Consolidated Gold Mining company at the ooce famous Nevada t A Human Match Factory i The body contains phosphorus sufficient to make 483,000 matches. Phos- 1 H- one furteen elements composing the body divided among I V tones, flesh, nervous system and other organs. The perfect health of body I B a Perfect balance of the elements. These elements come from the I Jood we eat the stomach extracts and distributes them. I But if stomach is deranged the balance of health is destroyed and the I titood does not carry the proper elements to the different organs, and there H isMood trouble nerve trouble heart trouble. Pain Is the hungry cry of wived organs. Put the liver, stomach and organs of digestion and nutri j uon into a condition of health. That is just what is done by DR. PIERCE'S GQLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY 'Kj11 has been so favorably known for over 40 years. It is now put up in 'H. "Diet form, as well as liquid, and can be obtained of medicine dealers flf K fhere or y mail by sending 50 cents in 1c stamps for trial box I - mLmess R.V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N.Y. 1 W THE COMMON SENSE MEDICAL ADVISER I Si book of 1008 pages handsomely bound In doth-trcat l Phylology-HygIene, Anatomy, Medicine and is a complete Kllome Physiciim-Seiul 31, lc stamps lo ILV.PlerceDutfalo, N.Y. 9 A Wise Policy .Bor everyone who earns II F A TTI7F '"aey is to place a certain W A 111 I PA 3 in the bank each Tf rS,A 1 ' W This fumisiics a sure pro- Land Salesmen ectioa for emergencies. Bear River Orchard fjj6 cor,3ially invite your Plan. ' Per Cent Interest Paid on T . . m savings Accounts. Inter-Mountain perchants Bank RealtyCo- H u T , 205 Terapleton Bldgf. K salt Lake City, Utah. BACKACHE IS A DANGER SIGNAL Kidnoy Troubles, Bladder Disorders, Bheuuiatism, and Sorioua Dis eases Follow, There are other symptoms, suoli aB pains iu tho region of the kidueys, nervousness, dizziness, tirod and worn out, feeling, weak bluddcr, or urinary troubles, which are just as dauRorous, i or tho sllprhtcsst kidney dcraiieemont if tiCRlectod may develop 4uto thu deadly IiriRht's Disease, Dropsy, or Diabetes. It is not ouly dangerous, but. need less, for you to suffer, and endure the tortures of these troubles, for the new discover, Croxouc, promptly ends all such misery. There is no more effective rouicdv Known for kidnoy, bladder trouble, and rhouinntisrn, than this new scientific! ireparutiou, becnuso it removes thc ciiuse. It. soaks ripht into tho kidneys, through iho walls and Iinins. cleans out. the eloRRe, up pores, neutralizes and dissolves the poisonous uric acid and waste matter that lodge in tho .joints- aud muscles and cause those ter rible rhouniatic pains, and makes thc kidnoy.s filter t ho poison from the blood and drives it out. of thc system, i I lirco doses of Croxouc a day for a few days is often nil that isc-cver needed to relieve thc wors-t backache or overcome disagreeable urinary disor ders, and you can take it with the ut most, confidence that, notbiug on earth will so quicklv reach thc worst case of kidney, bladder l rouble, or rheuma tism. Yon will find Croxouc different from all other remedies. It is so proparcd that it is practically impossiblo to take it. into tho human system without re sult;. An original package costs but a trifle, and all druggists arc authorized to return the. purchase price if Croxonc should fail in a single case. (Advertisement. "ITS" BF PRQVO 1 lUSJOR VOTE Movement to Have Question Submitted to Citizens Takes Definite Form. Special to Tim Tribune. ritOVO, April ".A number of citlienn met this forenoon in tho Provo Commercial club for the purpo3o of orcaultln; lo promote a liquor elec tion In thl clly in June. W. II. Ray was elected cbatrmau und K. A. Mitchell secretary. Addrcca wcro made by W. H. Ray, K. R. Drown and Walter Adamu favorinc reculallon as lMinr.t prohibition in handling the. llo,uor ques tion. Tho ipcJikcrs urccd that nn orcantzallon. to includo Icadinc huriuns men. bo effected, tn orgunliatlon that uo respectable citizen would heslute to affiliate with. A motion that the 1'rovo 1'roinotlon leasii", with district orcanlullouH all affiliated with the central urjMnlz.illon be effected, was unanimously tarried. The follovln- dlttrlct chairmen of the orsan liatlon wero elected: Klrst district. J. T. l'arrcr; Second dlalrlrt, W. I). Roberts; Third dlntrlct. U. A. .Milrhcll; Fourth dlatrlcl. Clay Spencer: l'lftli district. Walter Adnma: SlJtU illitrlcl. Georso M. Sinoot: Scronth district, John V Duchl; niKhth dlctrlcl. rrcslon (J. Petonon. Thuao will (.elect two other member from each of tholr dlKlrlott; to work for hlcniitutes lo tho llauor election petition now bclns circulated. All will meet at the Commercial rlub rooms tomor row (Tuesday) orcnlne; at T:;o o'rlook for tho purpose of effecting n Lentral orsanliatlon and for other business connected -vilth the movement Gcorsc M. SniooL dcclaroc that I1I3 only Interriit In the movement la to ha.YO the election held, without necessarily belnc iu favor of licensing kaloons. camp. Mr. Parnons iittea that the Tallies of tho oie Iu night arc bufflclCDt to Juitllfy an expendl luie for repairing tho forty-clamp mill on tho pro und a. Pays Fine of 550. Special to Tho Tribune. OGDEN, April 7. At a seralon of Judno W. H. Reader' court at 5 o'clock tbls altcraoon. nu cene Ilobson. a negro dloLnc car waiter, was found itullty nn a charse of disturbing tho poaco. hlr teiilencu beliiK a fln of $50 or fifty dys In Jail. H pild tho flno. Mobsou vrts charged with drawing a Vnlfo and threatening U, M, Prntt. .in employee of the railroad commissary, during an altercation last Trlday morning. Breaks Log by Fall. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN. April 7. It. J. Plialen, a check clerk oruployed by tho local railroad yard, iiustaloed a painful Injury this rooming when he fell from n ear and fractured the bone in lit w rlxht leg. He was taken to tho railroad cmericoncy honpltal and later to his home :.'C00 A Gams avenue. Granted Liconso to Wed. Special to Tho Tribune. OODEK, April ". Marriage llcentics woro grant ed today to John T. Wlieman and Mary II. Greg ory, both of Hupert. Idaho; endcll T. Plillllps and Nolllo Uakcr, both of Ogdcu. WOULD BRING MANY SETTLERS TO UTAH J. n. Shocnfelt of Venice, Cal., -n-rltrs the Utah Development league for informatloii record ing landit In Wuihliiglon, Iron or Ucaver couu tlea vacant and open for filing. IIo states that lio Intenda In bring a largo number of colonlots to Utah. Including ZOO families from caktern Oklahoma. Mr. Shoonfnlt Is well knoiru for hlg activities In bringing Jenlnli families to the ne- placcn of tho went and han dona much to build up ftparncly settled ueclloiid. A valuable dressing for flonh wounds, bums, scalds, old sores, rash, chafed skin, is Ballard's Snow Lini mcut, it is both healing and antisep tic. Trice !3uc, 50c and $1).QQ por bottle. Sold by Schramm-.Tohnaon, Drugs, "The Novor-Substitutors." L-'ivo (u) good stores. (Advertisement.) SALT LAKE ELKS TO SEND FOOD TO OMAHA Colonel C. I Applegate, truutre of the grand lodr.c of the n. P. O. 13., ha returned lo Salt Uikn aftur attending a upeclal iiculon or (he grand Iruntceu In tho eiM. Thc nioetlng wag called to luveallgato Iho best manner In which the big order could mslet lu icllevlng condi tions In Omuha and tho flooded dUtrlctn of Ohio and Indiana. Ho wan ndvlned by the Omahu lodge, which hua relief alutlonn throughout Hip tornado-stricken district or that clly, that food-stuffii-wcro bdly netdsd. Immediately upon arriving here ho notified Sor.ictnry GlbUs of tho local IoOko and asked him to co what coilbl bo done here lo analul Omulia. An a result u carload of food will be tihlppcd from hero within thu noU day cr two. i-onnlKiio'l free of charge by tho Oregon Short Line, to Ihe Omalu Elku. Tho dniinlloim to fill tlm rur aro bolng made by ptomlueut Salt Iike wholcaalcri and roUllurn. mout of whom are mem bera of the Salt Lake lodge Postofflce Employees Elect. At a metlng of tho National Federation of PoMofflco omployeos, Iho fotlowlna; offlcnre and board members woro elected: rtobert Askew, rjlnghatn Canyon, preslriont- Bou Sclven, Ogden, vlr.o preddent; A. If. Rlcb.irdit, Salt Iikn, snc-rotnry-treauurer, and Jin. Margarot McGaw of Ogden, and J, D. Urliihliirl of Salt Lake, mnni born of the board. The next meeting will be I hold at Provo. Vtth. October E, Kecovor Jewelry. Jewelry to Iho vnluo of t2V). reconlly molcn from MIdi Orano Wright at Pocalello, Idaho, wax rccovarcd. from a local pawnnhop yeatorday by DctectlTCo Bort HcKr end Ucurgc 11." Clovo-laud. "CASCARETS" BEST BOWELCLEANSER No Biliousness, Headache, Sour Stomach, Coated Tongue or Constipation. 1'rrcd Tonguo, Bad Taste, Indiges tion. Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, which causo ycur stom ach to bocomo filled W'th undigested lood. which sours and ferments Hko ci.rbago in a swill barrel. That's the ilrst step to untold miser' indigestion, tou gases, bud breath, vellow skin, meiitul fears, everything that is hor rible and nauseating. A Cascaret to night will give your constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straightun you out by morning. They work whilo you sleep a 10-cont box from your druggist will keep you feeling good for mouths. Millious of men and wom en take a Cascaret now and then to keep their stomach. livor aud bowels regulated, and never know a miserable moment. Don't forget tho children their little insides need a good, gontlo cleansing, too. (Advertisement.) AMUSEMENTS SALT LAIvE Ralucy African Hunt moving: pictures. Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday nights. Matinees daily. Maude Adains in "Peter Pan," Friday and Saturday. Mati nco .Saturday. COLONIAL William J. Kelly and Kdith Lylc In "Romeo and Juliet." all week. Mutincca Thursday and Saturday. ORPHEU.M Vaudeville performance every afternoon and evening:. "Puss In Boots" tho headline act. EMPRESS Vaudeville performance every afternoon, with two perform ances in tho evening. ANE needs but to spend thc two hours necessary to sec the Raincy African hunt pictures at tho Salt Lake theater lo reuliZQ tho vast importance which moving pictures have taken in the lloltl of science. A visit to a zoological gar den Is Interesting, but lo have actual photographs of wild nnimala In their na tive haunts thrown upon a screen is more than doubly so. To hear a large audience break into enthusiastic applause at a moving picture Is unusual, and lo listen to a lecturer explaining thc pictures, when that lecturer does not Inlk cntlrelv In dry and uninteresting statistics, is alsb unusual. Thc Raincy pictures, which opened a four days' engagement yesterday after noon, depict scenes and experiences of the hunting party headed by Paul .J. Rainey into the wilds of Hritlsh East Africa. Thc pictures are divided into six reels, each showing different general sec tions of the hunt. Reel 1 Is devoted to the general preparations for tho hunt, the hiring of tho natives. loading of camels, and finally thu beginning of the trip across the desert. Reel - is com prised of scenes of the trapping of wild animals and their later transference Into cages for shipment to tho Bronx park zoological gardens In New York city. Reel " Is divided into two parts, part one be ing given to ostriches, both wild and lame, young and old. Part two shows a leopard hunt conducted by dogs, in which the leopard is- trailed by the clogs, driven to a tree for refuge, driven out by the dogs and finally killed. Tho "water-hole" is the title of reel 1 and Is by far thc most Interesting of the serios, A synopsis of thc reel, taken from the programme, is as follows: "Baboons, impala and rhinoceroses drinkinsr at tho same time Two rhinoce roses indulge In battle for precedence at thc water-hole Arrival of two giraffes Rhinoceroses fight again and one of the glralfes acts as referee Peculiar method by which tho giraffe .drinks Orynx, water-hog and zebras drinking Rhino ceros hearc tho click of thu moving picture camera and attempts to llnd it Closest picture ever taken of a wild ani mal In his native haunt Tick birds, which live on the back of the rhinoceros and warn him of danger, shown very plainly, and his uneasiness when they leave him Herd of elephants feeding In thc Jungle Mother elephant and her two babies at thc water-hole Interesting do mestic episode In thc elephant family Mother clepliant will not let her baby drink until she lias cleaned out the water hole Sister elephant interferes and is chased away." Reel 5 is devoted to a number of dif ferent wild animals and closes with the killing of a rhinoceros. Reel 6 Is given In part to pictures of monkeys and con cludes with a lion hunt, showing tho chase and the lion finally brought lo bay by tho dogs, until he is killed by Mr. Raincy. No small part of the enjoyment of thc pictures is due to Albert Andniss. the lecturer. Mr. Andruss mixes comedy in goodly proportions with the facts and ligurcs of the hunt and shows an unusual familiarity with Ids subject. Tho following theater notices aro .marked "advertisement" In order to comply with a strict Interpretation of tho uew fodoral news paper law. In no ncnm nro they paid advor ItacmontB. They aro Hems fiirnlnhcd by tho prcaa ngenla of tho varloun thfatein. Seldom has there been such a satisfy ing bill offered at the Orphoum as the one which holds tho boards this current week. Thcro are at least two big acts that hit thc adults and hhe children equally hard. In "Puss in Boots" Is pre sented an extravaganza that It not only gorgeous to the eye, but is crammed full of clean, wliolesomo fun, with an Amazon march and an acrobatic "cat" thrown iu for good measure. Apdale's animal clr cuse, carrying three bears, an ant cater and a number of domestic animals, too, Is another big drawing and, wlillo Crcssy and Duync present one of their characteristic character studies limit Is more than worth wihlle. Taken all In all tho new bill is a -winner from start to i finish. Today Is' thc last day to sec the unliie bill of specialties that has been holding forth at the Empress tho past six days. Tomorrow will seo the opening of otio that Is tho most expensive yet to bc Ffhe Army off Constipation 1 ! I Crowing Smaller Erefy DayiJ CARTER'S LITTLE Jffe . , UVER. PILLS fflJV' cjue MO VlVEif I bus, lit&ffHriaa, Sdr. HstrUdbi, SaBov SHn. ' SHA11 POL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE Genuine nutt: Signature given ut the fcinprcss. "A Night in Hit Park," presented by Ruth Lockwood, Harry van and a company of ten talent ed people; Bobby Pandur and brothor 'the herculean marvels"; Floyd Mack, presenting his famous "Ilco-Ilaw Maude' and a series of dances; Rouble Sims, thr comic cartoonist and comedian; Ilobson and Mabclle, In a singing and dancing specialty; Havcriy and Carter, presenting an originality.. "Neighbors." and Gau mont's animated weekly will cornposo thc bill closing tonight. With two of the strongest and most ex citing films the Eclair people have issued In many months as thc feature on tlu programme, thc Rox today Ik announcing what is almost entirely an "Eclair" bill. Tho two pictures that headline tho pro gramme are "Thc Man Who Dared" and "Thc Stronger," and both aro stories ol the out-of-doors, so popular with Salt Lakers, The scenes of "The Man Who Dared" are laid In the great Canadian North west, where men know or rocognlzo no law but thc law of thc Northwest mount ed police, that most famous of police organizations in tho world. Thc Auditorium roller skating rink will bc open this evening, Thursday and Sat urday afternoon and evenings, and alsc Sunday afternoon and evening, and at each session there will bo an entertain ing programme. On Thursday night there will he another couple championsldp race between Miss Theo Grow and Willie ShaU and Miss Effie Chattcrton and teuton Hardy. Tho latter were defeated liLst week and challenged for another race at 0110 mile, which will be run Thurs day night. Manager -Dorr announced a llvc-mlle relay race for Saturday night, when Wilcox and Young will ride bicycles against a number oKspecdy roller skaters, 'his event will, no doubt, prove one ol the most exciting and interesting of (he season. It Is doubtful if in many seasons anv stock company In the west has appeared In so pretentious a production an the Co lonial offers this week in William .1. Kelly s presentation of "Romeo and Ju liet. There are six nctts and nineteen scenes in the great play and Mr. Kellv has staged It most olahoratoly. A ca pacity house greeted the star and his company Monday evening at Hie men's matinee. Reams of matter have been written commending Barrio's fairy plav, "Peter Pan, and its whimsical fantasy. ' Thc lyny has been one that those it pleased, t did so immensely and they did not licsitalo to say so. .Maude Adams feels tnal this play has brought her closer to her immense following than any other Play that she has over had. During tho periods when the actress hus been devot ing herself to tho work, she 'has been In receipt of hundreds of letters from ad mirers praising her portrayal of Uho boy who wouldn't grow up. It Js tho letters whlcn slm has ha1 from tho children, however, that have pleased her the most, and she has had many of them from youngsters who wanted to lcnow more about Peter, and Wendy antl Tinker Bel) and all thc other delightful fairies of Barrios imagination. Thc actress is to bp soon in -the play a.t thc Salt Lake the ater next Friday and Saturday. Tho sale of scats opens at tho box office tomorrow. The American company appears in a strong western drama entitled "Tih Renegade's Heart." at tho new Mohesv today. The renegade, whom the sheriff is seeking, is saved by a young girl, and promises lo return thc kindness. Later, through a scries of events, he givco his life for the girl. "At Twelve o'clock" l:i a Keystone farco comedy. iMabel Is kid naped by her rejected lover and tied In front of an infernal machine which will explode aC Vi o'clook. Tho Mutual Weekly is a photographic series of thc world's events. Resplendent in tho picturesque dress of 'his ol lice, a young chief of the Hoopa Indians, Chief Silver Tongue, tho noted Indian tenor, opened his engagement at the Rex theater Monday and achluved a success that has scarcely been duplicated in a local theater this season. Chief Silver Tongue is one of two In dians who hold thc distinction of being the only Indians now before thc public who arc rated as real singers. He sang classical, semi-classical and popular songs Monday at the Rex. and at tho evening performance recolvod a veritable ovation from every audience that heard him. His voico Is a rich, dramatic tenor antl fills ovory nook and corner of tho auditorium S$n5! Put Off seeking relief from the illnesses caused by defective action of the or gana of digestion. Most serious sick nesses get their start in troubles of the stomach, liver, bowels troubles quickly, safely, Burely relieved by BEECHAKTS PILLS ' Sold every where. In boxea, TOc, 25c A Strike would follow an attempt to make men work with out the proper tools. Yet somo mon expect tboir wives to keep houso with appliances twen ty years out of date. With gas in hor kitchen ovory housowife may havo an eight-hour day. She can accoiulpish twice as much in the same time. She can do with case what was an exhausting and discouraging task. Tho right to modern tools is one of thu (i ret of woman 's rights. Gas costs no more than other fuel, but if ib did tho women would bo entitled to it anyway. Gas is installed aud connected free and tho appliuncoe sold on oasy pay ments. You may use as little as you choose and pa3r for as littlo as you uso. Thore is no minimum charge. Call for our cataloguo or telophono for our representative. Sixty-ono South fain stroot, Ex change two-fivo-two. THE UTAH GAS & OOKE COMPANY. John 0, D. Clark, General Manager, EUrSPFE 1 THt SHORTEST Will I rWmHy1 Tho map of tbo St. I-aNrrcmcc 'ilfeH route, crntl at any Ouleu or tf Asncy "la au Interesting otud rflB !u distances. FWIjg Iho detcrlptlvo Uooklots and V.Hj Uo fill co 1 1- llkowlro cratl. art fSrfiCg on Interesting slmly In coojpari; -cCJMSJWJ "v value. 55ff$&Jj Tho Wllle SUr-DorainicB Caniditn -TVyFfiS Service is a lern'co of Vis valuti 8 STEAMERS SAIL -VJ m EVEHY SATURDAY 'ZmKf Includes YjT T!jc -arott Canadian lttr 1 Liners YW A f tj ti i r AltTUT aclst Or 121 South Third St , Minneapolis, or any local agent. i s of the Rwc. Silver Tongue will bc seen . and heard at all performances at the Rex during his engagement. New Pictures Today. MEREST. "The Renegade's Heart," ; "At Twelve o'Clock." i I CITY AND VICINITY PROF. ANTON PEDERSEN, director of tho Salt Lako Philharmonic orchestra. Is ill at his home, SOU Third avenue, hav ing been overcome shortly after conduct . ing tho orchestra's concert Sunday after , noon. Some months ugo Prof. Pcdersen was prostrated bv a sevore attack of . neuralgia of thc heart, combined with la ' grippe, and his present illness is ascribed to overwork. His physicians beleve that a few days of complete rest wll effect re covery. RED WOOD, who has been manager . or the Semloh hotel for the- past six months, will leave today for Colorado , Springs, Colo., whore he will take over , tho management of tho Buena Vista club . ol that clly. A banquet was tendered I him last night by several of his Intimate I friends, FRED TOWN, a miner. :5fi years of age, was arrested yesterday afternoon by Patrolman MoMartln on a charge of , robbery. Town is alleged to "have Picked the pocket of Cnarlcs Van Ness winllo tho two were iu a Commercial street saloon. ON BEHALF- o her four children. Laura Constantino, widow of Francesco Constantino, who was killed in a dyna mite explosion at Bingham last summer, yesterday filed suit in tho district court "Sfiii'st the Utah Copper company for 5J01'0 damages. THE UTAH STATE NATIONAL BANK yesterday lied suit In Iho district court against C. E, Madsen. J. D. Owen and v. IT. banders to collect J5000 alleged to bo due on a promissory note. ALLEGING DESERTION, Mathew VIsser Hied suit In the district court yesterday for divorce from Judith Visscr, whom he married In Holland In I.OOj. DR. R. CLARENCE SMULLYAN has removed to thc Holy Cross hospital, it being reared by attending physicians that ho has pneumona. IN A COMPLAINT lnsticd by Ilie county attorney yesterday' Harry McColm Ik ac cused of having cocaine in his possession. LACRETA HERBERT vesterdav filed suit in tho district court for divorce from V. M. -Herbert, alleging desertion, ENDS UNSIHH7LY STCHIiO MORS Ecsinol for 18 Years a Success in Treating Eczema. Thousands of poople who for years hadn't really on.joyed a day's freedom from tho torments of eczema, whose nights had been nightmares of itching and burning, aud whose lives wore made miserable by the embarrassing disfigurement, have had perfect skin health restored by Rcsinol Ointment and Pesinol Soap, quicklv, easily, aud at little cost. Where some treat incuts hardly afford a moment's relief. "Resinol stops' itciiiug instantly and clears away the eruption for good and all. This is a simple statement of fact. You can prove its truth yoursolf, at our expense. Send to Dept. 5-S, Resiuol, Baltimore, Md.. for a liberal trial of Rcsinol Ointment and Itesiuol Soap free, by parcol post. Every druggist sells Resiuol because doctors in cver3' corner of tho United States havo prescribed it regularly for eighteen year?, (Advertisement.) lyino "Grandmother used it for her I ll nO. batiies, Mother used it for her WINSI flWRbabiesi Anrl now lam using it onnTiJlun for my ba,b-v" spokc thc OllUlnlllU young mother. Three Generatteai. QVQIID U Soothes thc Child. It Softens OF nUr the Gums, it Albiys the Pain. FOR It Relieves Wind Colic. And it GHILDREH " the Bo,t Remedy for Infantile Trrrilllin Diarrhoea. Favorably known t CUll I Uli nd sold all over the world. j II AUDlTORIIISffi ROLLER R8NK OPEN TONIGHT, THURSDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY AFTER. NOON AND EVENING THURSDAY NIGHT, Return match couple race: EFFIE CHATTERTON AND FUL TON HARDY VS. THEO GROW WILLIE SHATZ ; MONTGOMERY BAND, I Don'i jar your life atfay! I Rubber S f . .Heels I I Sofen City Pavements W5 .Styles and.. Sjes Wm Be sure to net iSi&ParSaiB red plug; It pre yfjT vents slipping. j 3 MORE MATINEES AND NIGHTS. : jl TODAY at 4 TONIGHT at 8 11 Rained African Hunt i Marvelous Motion Pictures and New iMf, Facts About One of the Greatest Sfjji Hunting Trips of Modern Times. W A Two-Hour Performance. ' 30 Prices 25c, 35c, 50c. Children, 25c Slf to matinees. Jftgt April 11-12 MAUDE ADAMS In fm "PETER PAN." Jkfi Prices ?2.00, 51.50, $1.00. 50c. Mall K(t orders now. Box tale Wednesday. W I All This Week I Wm.J.Kefly I $ $ and his corn- '.dam. I ?t 'hfv II pany with W ' H fc Edith Lyle in v.fam8m ' : Vf : "Romeo and tf&j - la "r J B Sp'l prices for ?J. rBk l i t ft mens matinee i A2tgt? i Aim i tonight. rSimW a h f$ (jjj Next. "The BePo of Richmond" j "The Village Lawyer" J3j EDWARDS, RYAN AND TIERNEY , ? APDALE'S ZOOLOGICAL CIRCUS fi;8 THE KYLES Kft CLAUDE GOLDEN THOMAS A. EDISON'S TALKING MOVING PICTURES i CONCERT ORCHESTRA fr Prices Matinee Dally, 15c, 25c, 50c. H; Night 25c, 50c, 75c. f- Q, EM PR E jL" ' fl f By flffiwrn W M tSi m M tm v?2faJfe?W ' - Map LZJbe 3h, 3 X 5a&-,ita ' ' WSSM ' , ;; ISULLIVAN-CONSIDINE I V L Greater Advanced Vaudevlllo. tt - 1 Ruth Lockwood. Harry 1 ? Van and ten people in I ;'. ; TODAY "A NIGHT IN A PARK," 1 li r miniature musical comedy. 1 y ' 2:30 Boby Pandur & Brother; I " , 7:30 Floyd Mack: Hobson &M J' : o.15 Mabello; Rouble Sims: H " i Pathe'a Weekly; Empress! "ur Orchestra. v RcQUlar 30c Matlnco Dally 1 f I ' i :': Empress 20 o 500 I lip 1 Prices 10c Parquat Seats. ' ''J I TODAY l A great bill of Eclair features, j,-,f "THE MAN WHO DARED." W J A gripping story of the Canadian ,li k Wilds. "THE STRONGER." U if A drama of the North a. story of ;ff f lovo and adventure. ft'K .- ' The Musical Treat of the A ' t j-tj I Season Chief Silver Tongue, .' j the Indian Singer at Every I jj J Performance. I f Coming Friday I "THE BATTLE OF BULL RUN," ': I NEW HEHESY THEATER TODAY'S NEW PROGRAMME: ',ffe "THE RENEGADE'S HEART," 'M Slroui; "Western Drama of a Iran's Sacrifice. y$l.' American Playors. ' ; Xli'1. "AT TWELVE O'CLOCK," ' )t;j;; A Burlesque on Heavy jrcloilrama. by ihe 'tff H Keystone Comedians. MUTUAL WEEKLY, The Great Photographic Newspaper. 1 OREGON SHORT LINE TIME CARD. I M-'M EFFECTIVE APRIL 3, 1913. ;il l$A Depart. Dally. Arrive. 1 71t; A TUT Ogden (Preston and Ixigan going). Don- rr.en A HfT ftNL'Fi I.IO A.M. ver, Omaha, Kansas aty. Chicago. (San 7lO0 A.M, illKf; Francisco and west also arriving.) jjitf' :n 7:15 A.M. 0sd-- Air and 6:50 P.M. jf 8nfi A TMT Ogden, Malad, Pocatello, Boise, Ashton, in.nn D TW iii .UU Intermediate (Montpollor also going). 1U.UU IT.IU. jj iX 9:20 A.M. 0vcr,Qnd ncra- 4:25 P.M. I 10:20 A.M. OeAtn and intermediate points. 65Q P.M. BW 12:01 P.M. Pacific Limited Ogden, Omaha. Chicago. 8:15 A.M. f 1:15 P.M. Ogdon, Boise, Portland, Butte. 4:35 pJ. j - 2:10 PJI. 0vcr,and Ksl.ai8' ChIcag0' 11:40 A.M. Mfc- 2:35 P.M. B -Zo' ChIcasu 4:45 P.M. 4:05 P.M. OBde' BrJ&nteaiaS,lc71 aA 11:40 A.M. $)M 13 TUT 9pdel1, Denver, Omaha, Chicago (Park 1fl,en t TUT "''liSffi O:40 Jr.JML. City, Green Rivor and west only, return- 12:50 P.M. to Hffi inG)- (IS ml ll'd1! P M Ogden, Boise. Portland. Butto (San If, A TW B' Vl XX. to ST .XU. Franclfico and west California mail). 1U.OO ii.Xa.. ' 11:45 P.M. paclno TjIm,tedrndswc0't. San irrand3C0 2:10 P.M. ri Telephone, Exohanoe 16. City Ticket Office, Hotel Utah. V l , 1 1 . - ,