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H 18 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 13, 1913. itMSm&'Nevv&of the Society Worldk HE week just opening, while still 1 devoid of any largo fashion 1 able affaire of a social nature, brings more in prospect thnn that which has just pasddd. One of the largest affairs will bfc the card party of "Wednesday cvoniug to be given by the league of the Sacred Heart in Cathedral hall, which promises to bo an event of social interest. The object of the aftair is to complete the amount of funds for 1 bo purchase of two mar ble statues. The arrangements for the function are in the hands of the promi nent and capable ladies of the Catholic parish, assisted by the 3ountr girls of the society . Many of tho leading so ciety women of the city have already taken tables. The ladies of St. Mark's guild will follow with a bridge tea a week later, Tuesday, April 22, in the new club house of the Ladies' Literary club, the first large social affair to be given there. The affair is undor the management of Mrs. J. S. Birch, Mrs. C. IF. Van Annan and Mrs, Ernest GafcrJ. In tho immediate future a numbe' of small affairs will be givon, most of them either in honor of the season 's brides or of visitors to the city. Miss Edythc Evans will bo the guest of honor at a luncheon at the Hotd Utah Tuesday, with an Orpheum party following, given by Miss Eliza- beth O'Neill. Mrs. W. W. Armstrong will entertain at. a luncheon on Monday for Mrs. Robert .J. lendinning. The men of the University club will hold their monthly dinner Thursday evening, when Bishop V. S. Spalding will ad dress them. A week later tho men of the club will pivc a springtime dance, which will close a very successful Bocial season for them. npilli dansant, or tea dance, a form of entertaining which is meeting with marked success all through the oast, is to be introduced bodily into .Salt Lake society and that undor the most encoruagiug auspices. The Non- I. Sectarian Charity league, which is re- j sponsible for the most successful ball game of last season as well as for its unlimited charity work, is to be tho means by which Salt Lako socioty will ' come to know this most delightful form of entertaining. The time set is Thurs day. May 1. and the place tho Hotel Utah. The affair will last from -1 till 7 o'clock and the first part will con- j sist of tableaux representing famous I paintings which will be posed by the artist H. L. A. Culmer. A numbor of I the attractive young society girls and children will pose for these pictures, which will be well worth seeing. Fol lowing the tableaux there will bo the tea dnni'o lasting until 7 o'clock in tho A group of tho young society girls who will bo the Little Women in "The Best Seller' at the Ladies' Literary club next Saturday. They are ' MIbs Eliza Dey, Miss Marian Hooper, MIes Kate Groo and Miss Emma Oullen. evening, with numerous dinner parties following that. The Non-Sectarian league, which has done its work in a quiet way, finds that since January 1 it has had the care in so far as rent, fuel, food and clothes arc concerned, of forty-five families. It has distributed 200 quarts of pure milk per month for sick babies. It has given away 425 garments, more than half of them new. It has provided two complete layettes and furnished yards of new material. Aside from these things it has expended $789,92. it is employing Miss Rose Korous, the visiting nurse, for a half of each day, and making possible through her the relief of countless cases not enumerated IS Everybody Admires a Beautiful Complexion I pSp3 DR. FELIX GOURAUD'S 1 I Oriental Cream I I 0 OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIER I I ftS n fadbpwdfe and Delightful 1 1 v?5l f0T Fashionable Women. f 181 SJI A daily necessity for the ladles' toilet J f JSi N5rttI'ii V whether at home or while traveling. It M n &2 "taw- LMIm k protects tho Bkln from injurious effects H RsfSa 'fcUslfl it ot the elements, gives a wonderfully of- Jf K S?'5a AaAilOiV-rtl fectlve beauty to the complexion. It Is a a M SSKEVESlUO0 perfect non-greasy Toilet Cream and pes- FoaTwrbmisltittiMts(cra& Itlvoly will not cause or encourage tho 1 I Stf KmSSS a growth of hair which all ladles should 1 1 rmuuir M guard against when selecting? a toilet pre- m ilSa TtoLc,D&?!PN5' -irJlfi paration. When dancing, bowling or oth- 1 ifsS'" IiU3CMWn(SKuJl er exertions heat the skin, it prevents a 9 - 'UllljaIN' 3f greasy appearance. 9 & JSffM -,7Gfa7lIfATirJiriSMtt Gouraud's Oriental Cream has been 1 I Vllsl1 isr--" -.?2r-. f highly recommended by physicians, act- J 1 rritfB? 4p res3es, singers and women of fashion for 1 m Nm nOr-iTM over half a century and cannot be sur- B Kxc?es passeclwhen preparing for dally or even- 5 Gouraud's Oriental Cream cures Skin m Diseases and relieves Sunburn. Removes Tan, Pimples, Blackheads. Moth K Patches, Rash. Freckles and Vulgar Redness. Tellow and Muddy Skin, giving 1 w a delicately clear and refined complexion which every woman desires. m ft No. 11 For sale by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. . I I Char 1 ton's I I I Chic and Attractive I H 1 Spring Models in I H 1 Coats, Gowns, 1 I Waists and Suits 1 I Charlton Cloak & Suit Co. I H Mo. 321 South Main Street S in tho above list. It has supplied an invalid chair to a crippled woman. It has transported back to Germany a family who could be oared for there. It has sent to England' a man and wife who could be cared for there. It has helped.' to keep in school many young sters who otherwise would have been left to roam the streets. So its dan sant will net be productive of pleasure alone, despite the fact that it will pro vide much of that, THE wife of the secretary of com merce has voiced tho sentiments of every busy woman in the following, which is a part of an interview on dress given recently. It is not possible for smaller people to rise above the little nesses of ridiculous changes of fash ions, but if more women of Mrs. Red field's Btanding would advance the same -views, and live up to them, there would be less of nervous prostration, less of misery and less of envy, hatred and malice and all uncharitableness. Mrs. Eedfiold says: I am a firm believer in every one presenting as good on appear ance as possible at home and abroad. I take great pride In the reputation which the American woman has for being neat, stylish and charming to the eye. "What I protest against is that foolish idea which so many have about the latest cry from Paris, to use the modish, term. That silly feeling about appearing twice in the same gown or wearing any robe, no mat ter how elegant or becoming, be cause perhaps the sleeves show a line not in accordance with the Paris fashion book or tho train shows a divergence from what con stitutes elegance in tho Rue de la Pair. Evory woman knows what gray matter, what energy, whnt precious time is spent getting gowns. "When they become multiplied as the modes prevail, it means part of every da- given over to something which is without value to one's self, to society, or to tho family. Really, I should like to sec our scnsiblo American women, thoso who form public opinion and whom Announcement i imii i iin iiimiin iii i ii inn i MADAME CORTE , Graduate Massage Specialist. ! (Six years In ParlH and Borlln.) Beauty parlors at 220 Brooks Ar cade, .corner State and Broadway. Guarantees the removal of wrinkles, bust development. faco massage, scalp treatment, manicuring and treatment for rheumatism and nerv ousness, etc. Hours from 10 to 7 dally; from 10 to 1 Sundays. Phono Wasatch 2732. Special appointments can be made for a call at your residence. the genera Tun of womankind con sider as models of deportmont, take a more common sense view of this question of dress. "Why not be hup py in last year's gown, if well made and suitable for the occa sion, and- give the time audi money which would be spent in getting new ones to something more worthy ? M MISS ELIZABETH HARROLD, who leaves Salt Lako today for Chicago, has been tho guest at numer ous affairs during the past few weeks in anticipation of her marriage to James B. Tallman, which takes place shortly after her arrival in Chicago. Her brother, J. P. Harrold of Chicago, has been visiting her hero for a week past and sho loavos today in company with him to spend a short time with her brother and sister before her mar riage. Among tho affairs, of tho past week was a delightful party given by Mr. and Mrs. "W. L. Post at their home at which a dozen friends woro enter tained at bridge with a delicious sup per following. THE really, truly conventional socie ty affairs havo practically all been set aside during the past weok, and society's devotees have taken to tbo big hike for the better enjoyment of the real spring days. Every day par tics of pedestrians could be seen mak ing their way to the hills enjoying the glorious walk up through Federal Heigbts, where tho mcadowlarks on every side lured them to tho cosy littlo spot bej'ond, where tho very first dog tooth violets are to bo found. Nor havo they confined thoir goings lo pedes trianism alone, for horseback parties havo been formed covry day that has been fit for long rides to the outer rim of possibility on country roads. Several skilled horsewomen arc to be numbered among the younger girls, and nearly all of tho ladies at Fort. Douglas aro quito at home in the saddle. The canyons around the post afford delight ful byways for either a good canter or a more leisurely saunter. a w COLONEL and Mrs. Sydney A. Clo man, who have leased tho annex to tho Burlingamo country club near San Prancisco, aro to entertain there tonight at a most elaborate dinner for Lord and Lady Winston Churchill, who are on the coast for tho polo season at Monterey. Colonel Cloman, who was known horo as Major Cloman, has re cently won his promotion, and is now of the rank of colonel. Ho and Mrs. Cloman aro doing much entertaining during their stay on the coast and aro being fotcd extensively by their many friends there as well. TLII-JRIS is considerable talk among tho officers and ladies of the Twentieth about the possibility of the regiment as a whplo taking a trip through Yellowstone park this summer, going from here by rail and thence on horseback through tho wonderland of tho world. Tho plans for a general hike of the -various compauie have bccij well under way for some timo, though nothing definite has as yet been settled. But it is only recently that there has been talk of a good many of the ladies accompanying the offi cers. Tho majority would go on a camping trip rather than in the usual more conventional way, and tho outing would certainly be an enjoyable one, unequaled for its interest, its beauty and its fascination. The rides be tween stations are not of sufficient ! length to tiro even ordinary horse women, and the turf roads are so fine as to admit of the most delightful gal lops. Altogether tho experience would be one never to be forgotten. M A MERRY crowd invaded the Coun try club last ovoning accompan ied by an orchestra and laden with a picnic supper and enjoyed tho evening dancing. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. George Steiuor, Mr. and Mts. Les ter Freed, Mr. and Mrs. Lear Riter, Mr. and Mrs. William Reid, Dr. and Mrs. Will Ellerbock, Mr. and Mrs. Levis Evans. Mrs. R. H. Officer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank .7. Gustin, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nibley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dern, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dinwoodoy, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rooklidgo and Mr. Sears. u n THE last day of the past weok was the first really busj' day in so ciety for a fortnight past. First of all thoro was the matineo with its numer ous parties and its subsequent teas. There was a luuchcou at which Mrs, William Reid entertained a few friends for Mrs. Robert Glcndinning. A tea at ;thc Sappington homo for Mrs. R. L. Edwards, at which Miss Carrie Sap pington was tho hostess, came lato in tho afternoon. The second series of bridge teas given by Mrs. O. Iv. Lewis for hor sister, Mrs. Walter Lewis, was onjoyed by numerous friends. Miss Burdctto Clawson, who will attend Miss Blanche Squires as bridesmaid, enter tained about thirty of the bride's friends at a bridge lea at her home. Mrs. W. M. Havenor and Mrs. C. W. BoMien introduced tho first of the spring wild flowers, dogtooth violets, at a kensington tea at the Havener home for Miss Edythe Evans. Mr.J, A. T. .McC'anuc's home was the scene of a delightful musical ica, and in the I SUNDAY SPECIAL. 1 3-LAYEH BRICK BCE CLEANS One layer rich Vanilla Ice Cream, one M layer Concord Grape Sherbet, onoH layer Utah Peach Ice Cream, packed fl In Ice and delivered For 50 Gents Quart Brick 1 Regular selling price, 75i per quart.! Our Icq Creams and Sherbets haveH stood the test for years. Order early, 1 for they go with a ruali, 1 KEELEY ICE CREAM CO., I 260 So. State. 2 Phones 3223 3224. lato afternoon .Miss Nan Clawson had a few friends in to mcot MiBS Chosmond of tho "Peter Pan' company. THE senson for college fraternities and sororities to onjo- tho 6ocial side of their life has come and some thing in a social lino has charncterizod overy day recently in college circles. Tho young girls of the Delta Epsilon sorority enjoyed a delightful evening as guosts of Miss Josephine Wallaco at tho beautiful Wallace homo in Federal Heights Tuesday, music and merriment making a pleasant event of tho gath ering. The young people woro chap eroned by Dr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Kings bury, Dr. and Mrs. Byrnes, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B, Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace. The whole place was decked in Japanese fashion with cherry blossoms and Japanese lanterns. Punch was served by Miss Florabello Raddatz nnd Miss Eunico Raddatfc, dressed in Japanese costumos. Music was fur nished by Miss Tona Rasband, Miss Margaret Bardcn and Clarenco Burton, and also by the Troubadours. I Weddings and Engagements The following from the Evening Democrat of Marysvillo, Cal., will be read with interest by Salt Lake frienda: "Tho wedding of Harry G. Scott of Salt Lake and Miss Vera M. Laney took place Thursday noon, the Bj Thomas Nicholas officiating. 31 -'v uewlywods and a few intimato friei ft were given a dinner at the home the bride after tho ceremony, and th' took the 3:150 trnia for Los Angel whore they will spend a fow days pri to returning to Salt Lake City to ' side." :t " 2 A Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Dontou Ev announco tho engagement of th' daughter, Rose, fo William Nownii McCurdy, tho marriage to tak pla, ia Juno. Miss Evans is tho secol daughter of tho Evans family and? & one of tho much admirod and popul H younger girls in socioty. The eldi & daughter ia now Mrs. Paul Nolden.' ft -4 ? An interesting wedding of the pi week, announcement of which cai from Los Angeles, was that of Mi f Mary B. Dillon and George Nevi y Warwick, formerly of this city. T i friends of the bridegroom have alro&i i sent good wishes to him in his ni ? happiness, as for several years he one of the well known local men. & f 1 f 1 Another interesting marriage of past weok was that of Miss Mildri Chispa Harrison of San Francisco aj t' Joseph J. Shoemaker of this cij ' which was solemnized Thursday evt ing by R-ev. P. A. Simpkin. ' . is 1 A weddang of tho week in which Si t Lakors are interested is that of Ml (Continued on Pollowing Pago.) Jlr j ill will give more 4real" service and pal M satisfaction than the "ordinary kmd" and "cost no more" than the glove iJ ifl represented as "just as good." ! "KAYSER" Silk Gloves are not the outcome jji of "claims' or "arguments," but solely the Jjl ?- result of a lifetime of striving for the attain- 3 J ment of an ideal, the achievement of which has p I pi not been hampered by restrictions of cost or g I i The guarantee you receive with U gloves, sold without the maker's oH name, rarely ever goes back any, Igl II further than the clerk who sold f Ma the goods. J f Every pair of "KAYSEB." Silk Gloves con- $ tains a guarantee ticket both the glove and the M 1 I ticket bear the name "KAYSER." Look 111 ! for it it is assurance of quality, iit and value pjl j and is there for your protection. Sj m Short Silk Gloves, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50 II Long Silk Gloves, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2 g Julius Kayscr & Co., Makers Wm The Results Obtained by My NEW SYSTEM for REDUCING FA; in an Amazingly Short Time Are Most Marvelous. 1 THE SAFEST, SIMPLEST AND MOST HARMLESS SYSTEM ON THE MAR KET TODAY, . ,' nil u"d 0311 re(jU-C0 8 nu.rybot ' fact, nothlnjto m.'ike you one' hit -'i- JM 'iwi I was fat and experienced all ' jtl Egs 1 v-? '? "l0 discomforts of fat people. I ' gg NfoHpyMW VX' -V om a new person. Nothing could iwHkJPfiSB yf' Inducu mc to npaln carry around kjjM im$l&z,P "a dds years to your an as -V aEanSafrlB 0rM'SK -v, well as causes Ulest!, so rid your- njRBrVM ftv. oclf of this menace and add beauty, i&M&iM JH ffifef V f plj youth, health and happiness to ' , iM E Ill nt'n00 p I Utah Savings & Trust BIdg. wllllfl Louise Lee Sait lL cuy, utah lrLM When wrltlnc mention this paper. AS 1 AM NWr;j