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KF THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 15, 1913. of Way for Inlerurban Gjk ot Provo lo Be Along Hr jf Public Road. ' K' Special to The Tribune. . H ( PROVO, April 14. Governor William R Sprj' and several members, of the state H road commission., visited Provo today HVy and. .accompanied by the" county com- Hhf rrilssioners and representatives of the B) ' Salt Lake & . Utah Railroad company, Ht 'bettor known us tho Intorurban, inspect- Bu ed llie county road on Provo bench for HXc th purpose or deciding whether the In- B tenirban company shall be permitted to K J fence a risht of way alons the public J The bench farmers arc anxious lo have HF7 the Iuterurban pass over the bench V v rather than follow the other railways into B ' Salt Lake county, as . this Would give B them a means of shipping tilth fruit without hauling it so far. Tho Inlcr urban companv asks permission to fence its right of way, which will probably bo H ; over the public road. Tho slate road H' commission, after looking1 over tho road. H: decided that this would not be permlt- ted, although tho commission favored B granting this company a right of way along one side of tho public road. The matter still rests with the county com H. mlsaloners, but they will not grant the fencing right in the face of tho decision B of the state road commission. AfUr the partv returned from their A inspection tfip. the members had luitch- B con at the Roberts hotel as the guests M' of tho county commissioners. B FORM BAR ASSOCIATION. B Attorneys of Fourth Judicial District B Meet and Plan Organization. A Special to The Tribune. H PROVO. April 14. At a well-attended A meeting of attorneys of the Fourth Judl- VPK clal district held here tonight, detlnlte VyJL plans for the formation of a bar associa- m' f f Hon were formulated. The following B' 1 committee was appointed to draft a con- l Ktittilion and by-laws and report at a -F date to be later fixed: A. C. Hutch. I-Ieber ' , '5 f'Ry? Peter Hansen, Vernal: Jacob Evans. K Jacob Colcnlnn and Harvey Cluff, all of H'tdf Provo. B. 15. Corfman was chairman and- H?M Harvey Cluff was secretary' of tonight's Hl meeting. Tho Fourth Judicial district H; f comprises the counties of Utah, Wasatch 1 and Uintah. Becoram ended for a Good Reason. S C. II. Grant, 230 Wavcrly street,: Hj, Peoria, UK, says: "Backache and 1 congested kidneys mndo mo suffer in- jlJiESG pains. Was always tired and HL-fioatinji Sp'cc'rta, bothered me. Took Hr Foley Kidney PiTigand saw big im HF provement after third day. I kept on v until entirely freed of ail trouble and suffering. That's why I recommend J' , Foloy Kidney Pills. They cured me." Schrninm-Johnson, Drugs, "The 2vover Substitutors." Five (5) good stores. (Advertisement.) I Go to Bingham, With the Commercial club, Arbor day, Tuesday, April 15. Special train leaves Salt Lake Tioute union statioii -at p. m.; rotums 0:30 p. m. A great trip. Bound trip only $1 .50. (Advertisement.) IFire Damages Hall. -Special to The Tribune. BINGHAM. April 11. Society hall was damaged to the extent of $250 by lire at noon today. The lire had gained consid erable headway when discovered, but by Mulclc work on ,the part of the fire de partment It was (julclcly brought under control. J'he cause of the lire Is un known, but it Is believed to have been a defective flue. The upper part o the building is used as a lodge room by a number of secret societies. I Tribute to Jurist. Special to The Tribune. PPvOVO. April 1-1. At the opening of the Fourth judicial district court here this morning the Utah County Bar asso ciation presented resolutions of respect for Judge Alfred Saxey of Spanish Fork, deceased. These were ordered spread on the minutes of the court and a copy sent to the family. I Children Who Are Sickly Mothers who value their own comfort and the welfare of their children, should never be without a box of Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children, for use throughout the season. They Break up Colds, Relievo Feverlshneas, Constipa tion, Teething Disorders, Headache and Stomach Troubles. Used by Mothers for '-2 years. THESE POWDERS NEVER FAIL. Sold by all Drug Stores. 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address, A. S. Olmsted, Lo Roy, N. Y. (Advertisement.) I WANTED Land Salesmen Bear River Orchard H Inter-Mountain H Realty Co. 205 Templeton Bldg TAKE A HIDE OUT TODAY ON THE New 15fh East Car see WESTMORELAND PLACE f THE TRACT WITH THE BEAUTIFUL ENTRANCE and WESTMINSTER HEIGHTS A A SUBDIVISION THAT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Better investigate for yourself, our restrictions, prices, etc. , 1 C. O. DUNSHEE, EARL DUNSHEE, ' 111 Newhouse Building. No. 9 East Second South. Phone W. 1911. Ground Floor Walker Bank Bldg. SEE UTAH IF YOU WILL, BUT SEE SALT LAKE FIRST. CLEAN UP W-. TODAY This is the official clean-up day, so order your clean-up goods early this morning, . as , we close at 1 p. m. ?HERE IS A LIST THAT WILL HELP YOU: i Wheelbarrows, Sherwin-Williams' Rakes, (( Stepladders, Brighten-Up' Digging Forks, h Lawn Mowers, Paints and Hoes, i J 1 Lawn Hose Varnishes . Shovels. T) The 4alf t-afee ' "'. ' JJ Hardware Go. HEAD IS SEVERED BY BACKING ffil! Special to The Tribune. -POCATELLO. Ida., April 14. Fred Sutter, nn employee in the yards of the Oregon Short Line In Poeaiello, was run over and instantly killed by a .switch en gine at 11:30 o'clock this morning. There were no witnesses to the uccldont. Ap parently Sutter was struck by engine No. 567, In charge of Fireman Drood "and Engineer Paxton, as it was backing, while he was leaning over to clean a switch Joint. Sutter's head and one arm were cut off and the body dragged a con siderable distance between the rails. Sutter was employed for a while as Short Lino pumper at Ileyburn. Little has been learned of his history, and as far as known, he was a single man. City Welcomes I. O. O. F. PROVO. April 14. The local lodge of I. O. O. F. and tho city commission are preparing a welcome for the crand lodiri1 session which opens here tomorrow. Business houses will be decorated in honor of the visitors and n big crowd will join tho parade in honor of the visit ing delegates. Tho session will Inst for three days and Mayor Decker will de liver an addreHH of welcome in the lodge rooms at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Radway's Heady Mr. J. Wciterrelt of lMtcnon. JJ J.. rltet: "I mini (ell you your IUdway'a Ready Roller Is ilio best remedy for pain that "there Is Id the market today. I have a larnc family of mall children, and It has saved mo ranny a doctor'a bill. Kor quinsy orc throat It In a king over that. My llttlo sir! hoi ipralned liar ankle and U comlriK around fine without any other doctor than Il&dwiy'j- Ready Relief." A Household Remedy. RADWAY'S UBAUV RELIEF, at all druKKlat3. RADWAY A CO.. New York (Advertisement) H "NUT" The Ideal Summer Coal i H I .w1i,rkffi'iac,.,i.of warm "'er Presents to the housewife a R H new problem in the use of coat. Bfj , , ,Snf nw requires a oo,tl that is abyolutcly Hcnn-onc con- 2 voiilcnt ty liamlle one that will ignite reudlly one that will give H H j . iho moot coal efficiency possible in the BK H rhort tlnit Hhe requires it. and one that W V V?7 I t vv'"1 awa" rapidly, allowing the liouse mm H -S W "0T lo "C?1 ort'- ile'ly. R 0qVYf! , FVroa-h or the above re(iiire:T,ents XS Vl J ESSE KNIGHT'S SPRING CANYON fctt H 'SpK HW T1?CAL has a distinct feature far In B SK v ,. tell you this toduy before fall H B v V Hi conl users in Salt Lake will tell SB H , J X. -K vou t,,e tnwo thing. QB A AC--.tiaPfaWPw "We do not fret, W9 K . Wel sell you yet." jPB k LewU M. Cannon, General Sales Agent, 18 Eatit South Temple St., Salt Lake City " V SAVE BY ELECTRICITY. Knight Woolen Mills Co. Plans Electri fication of Its Plant at Provo. Special lo The Tribune. PROVO, April 12. The Knight Woolen Mills will' he electrified In the next few months if plans materialize as given out here today. General Manager l-lenry Stringham and Lester Mangum have been figuring on this plan for several months, but never before have they given out anything. Mr. Stringham stated to day that ho believed tills would make a big saving in the running . expenses of the mill. This is especially true, since the company plans to run a night shift. It is the plan now to operate each unit of the mill by a separate motor and thus when the night shift Is put on it will be necessary to furnish power only for the units In actual operation. Mr. Stringham said today that thoy would probably put In a generating plant of their own which would be operated from the mill race, but this would fur nish only a part of the power they need and that they would have to purohase quite a little from the Utah Power & Light company. For rheumatism you will find noth ing better than Chamberlain's Lini mont. Try it unci gee how quickly it Rives relief. For sale by' all dealers. (Advertisement.) Society night, Saltatr, .Friday. Two trains. Montgomery's band. Fare 25c. Asks for Cleaner City. Special to The Tribune PROVO. April II. At the meeting of the city commission held this morning the Sixth ward presented a communica tion asking that the city ordinances re garding sanitation and the removal of garbage bo enforced, and the added sug gestion that the city be divided into garbage districts. Poultry Institute. Special to The Tribune. BOUNTIFUL, April 1-1. A poultry in stitute, under the auspices of the Davis County Poultry association, will be held at Bountiful tomorrow evening, at which Professor Alder of the agricultural col lege. Judge D. Duncan of Salt Lake and P. J. Sanders, supervisor of nature study In the public schools of Davis county, will be present and address the meeting. The institute will be held in thp high school building. Everybody is cordially Invited ' to attend. Y. W. C. A. Wants Plants. The Young Women's Christian associa tion has asked that any persons havn plants, they do not use on Arbor day give them to tho association, that they mav be used in beautifying the boarding house at 30G Ivast Third South street. Coldenglow. iris, hollyhock and other plants will be appreciated. Those having plants they do not .need may drop a card to thu association and tho committee will oend for thorn. Stroct' Car Men to Meet. A committee from the Utah Ught &. Railway company and pne from tho em ployees of the company will meet to morrow to confer . regarding an agree ment under which the employees will work during the ensuing one or two years. The conference will begin at K o'clock in the- forenoon. Although no announcement regarding the requests of either side has been made, it is under stood that a small raise in wages will be aaked by tho employees. I Former TJtahn Dies. .Mrs. Harriet Ann Scott, formerly a resident of this city, and daughter of George W. Threlklll, an early resident of Utah, died in Auburn, Cal., March 21, ac cording to a letter received In tills city from J. Si. Boutwell, recording secretary of tho California Genealogical society. Paces Serious Charge. J. U. Clark, a painter S3 yeans of age, was arrested yesterday nftcrnoon by De tectives Lyon and Gillespie on a charge of i grand larceny. Clark Is alleged to have stolen a watcn from J. P Force. WAREHOUSE STOCK IS RAISED $5 A SHARE Stock in tho National Wool Warehouse &. Storage company will be raised to G0 a share today, making a raisa of $5 a share, according to a telegram received yesterday by C. B. Stewart, secretary of tho Utali Wooigrowers association. The telegram also stated that sufficient mem bers of the organization had been se cured to warrant an extension of time for. additional and new membership un der tho new contract plan of a quarter of a cent penalty for not sending the wool to the warehouse. Friday night is society night at Saltair. Trains 7:45 and 8:15. ' Important Committee Selected. At the business meeting of the Utah branch of the Mothers' congress yester day, tho most Important action taken was the appointing of a special com mittee on prlsonorsr families and women prisoners. Tills committee consists of Mrs. H. W. Smith and Mrs. Ai R. Cook Its duties will he to care for all families of men imprisoned and to see to the treatment of all women prisoners. Snow Melts Rapidly. The streams from Parley's and Emigra tion canyons rose to nearly flood mark again Sunday and yesterday under the melting snow. All drainage canals arc In good shape, however, and the street de partment of the city is prepared to cope with the water without serious trouble. , 4 With CUTICURA SOAP 1 And Cuticura Ointment. Their ( use tends to prevent pore clog ging, pimples, blackheads, red ness, roughness and other un wholesome conditions of the skin. Cutlcur 8op ond Ointment sold throuRhout tho -orld. Liberal BAmple of each malted Irwt with 32-p.boolc. AddrWCiillcura'Dcpt lOR.Doston. Rf-Men who oharo and shampoo wltU Cuticura fp?Ul0Qd It bnetforakln and scalp. j I IN FULL TO HIS FAMILY FOR THE PIANO,! 1 WITHOUT ANY FURTHER PAYMENTS! H The uncertainty of life need never enter into thgkl m question as to whether you should buy one of thesS jl splendid Newton Pianos or not. Wfi ;i You should not hesitate if this thought is in your mind-; 1 because the Consolidated Music Co.'s Co-operative CIuw; Plan does away with all such anxiety. jj I Come to the store today, and select one of these New-j I ton Pianos, and ferever dismiss from your mind any! thought of it being lost to your wife and loved ones.l q The real value of a Newton Piano is $390. The Co4 I operative Club price is 277 dollars and 50 cents an I actual, complete saving now of $112.50. ; I q You pay us only 6 dollars when you select your instru-' I ment. We deliver it immediately, and charge nothing for drayage. Stool and scarf FREE. ' 1 f After you get it in your home, all you have to pay is;j I 1 dollar and 50 cents a week about 20 cents a day for. I a regular $390 Newton Piano. q Purchaser is given 181 weeks in which to pay for hisa piano. That's a' long time. In the event he should die' I I before all payments are made, the piano will remain with I j his family. We shall not make any more collections-,-! I but will send a receipt in full to the family for the instru-:; I ment. No questions will be raised, no matter. wheii I the death occurs. This agreement is bona-fide. . ' J TW Sab Close. Tomorrow 0nr Co-aperafel N-Few Pianos Left J 16 dollars will secure the piano m I fs M t V J i f a In connection with our -Qo- ' vmir home 1 doliar and cents a operative cmb suio or m m J U1J" Yi . , j n Pianos, we aro conducting a Co- week will insure it staying there as tjr,:' I (H li-r-irv oci -TrTl TCk lon P'anos w, the player at- I M lUllg db J UU 11 VC. tachment built In. This is the I Cf The dollar and a half is for owner- rTrrrS I $? r Jl 1 "J? 4- market In such large numbers. 1 ship, not for renting, though it s just as x.urta"S' SLSXJT 1 rT"ioa"r qq Y"n'H"ncr ables us to offer thcm 10 you -a,: ''I UlltdjJ CtD XdlLlll-j. an almost unheard-of price.' H There are several other big features p.'p 'I connected with this Co-operative Club HHf siS"" I Plan, and we'll be glad to tell you --1 what they are. Come in today. ssjsw&3fcjs's& I CI Just weigh this life insurance feature SSAiSiJonrSnto'J M ryigu u .7- , . -it terms of S10 clown and $2.50 u well, and you will see there is no possible r6?VeE chance for you to lose when buying one 8.pS of the fine pianos, worth $390 selling for j2,Vfr ffi M $277 50-Terms$6downand$1.50aweek S&sSn &(Sei , A X CIXXIOvj- xkj r receipt In full to his family for P ' ' tho Instrument. sale priob CUT OUT AND MAIL TODAY I Twclvfj rolls of.SS-note mufdq rl Crr KtfTh J 'Please Ecml oomploto Information re- are given frco with each player, '-M ?Bj4 4 JPO I cardint: Co-operatlvo Club I'lano and and tho purchaser has free ue 'H f Plavcr-PIano Sale to - of the Consolidated Music Com- MH Tl?T?AfQ Pany's iluslc Holl Exchange .M JU 111jILLO HbraiT. You will receive cash . frtiT;i I Name credits on your account for S6 Down. 51.50 Wk 1 , every nw customer you secure v ' Y 1 Addrcsn for us under this Co-operative 1 Freloht Prepaid to ) Club Sale of playcr-planos. any R. R. Station. ) city State , H CONSOLIDATED LIUSIC CO.I ESTABLISHED 1852. .'M 13-19 EAST FIRST SOUTHS ST., SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH