Newspaper Page Text
5 ; , L l . ,72 i. I ' "i , KOM' San Antonio, Tex., comes the W I,1 word that Miss Grizellc Houston j " and Harold Bransford Lamb were jl J. married tiietc last Saturday even- I ing, and aro now visiting with ; Colonel and Mra. Holmes in Pasadena. Miions their u odditis jylfta was a new ' toui'lni: car from the bridegroom's aum, . ' In which the youns; people will tour the ;. slate before coming here to make their ; ho,UC- J Affr nil, tlie formal opening of the WgQ ? Country club will take place earlier this veur than ever before, Saturday having WSk been chosen as the day by the enler Sr talnment committee, at a meeting held 11 - csterday. The programme for the day TO uill Include a tea a. I ! o'clock, with mu K. " sic; a. table d'hutu dinner at 0:u0. and I' i dancing In the evening. There will bo L ' a game of mixed foursomes on the golt course during Hie afternoon and mixed ? doubles In tennis as well. The members ssB 1 ' of the entertainment committee Mrs. 1,, i i5. McCornick. Mrs. Arthur Callaghan mm 's and Mrs Arthur 11 S. Bird will 1o as- ' -Jstcd hv Mrs. William Reld, Mrs. George fM Stclnor," Mrs. T. Y Boyer. Mrs. SujuUel m c Mrs. p. 13, MoGurrln, Mrs. Robert W&- ': (Jcmmell, Mrs. J. Gibson, Mrs. Lester Wm: Freed. fc H 1 ' :! Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bersbach of Chi 1 case parents of Mrs. Samuel Porter, ara 0 1 h In town for a few days, guests of Mr. and 8 " Mrs, William H. Child at the Hotel Utah. 1 i Thcv arc returning from a visit with Mr. 1 I i and" Mrs. Porter at their Ilollywooa 3 8il ' borne. Mrs. lSlbridgo Thomas and Mrs. iflMI Child will entertain a few of the former Wjl ', friends of Mrs. Porter this afternoon at H an Informal tea. at the Thomas home to ;9 ,' meet Mrs. Bersbach. Mrs. Warren Benjamin and Mrs. W. r. S$ Snyder entertained the members of the U! Order of the JL'astcrn Star yesterday v afternoon at a reception and inuslcale at sSfj : the Snyder home on First avenue, in 31 ' compliment to the worthy grand matron Ml' :: of the order, Mrs. John S. Gordon of S$r I Ogdcii. The affair was enjoyed by a aw large number of the members, the hours being from 3 till 5. ' 'J The ladies of Lloyd Alliance held the i 4; annual huslitens meeting yesterday afU-r--9 J; noon and elected officers for the next Ijear as follows. Mrs. George H. Ray- 1y I bould, president; Mrs. R. D. Semour, ix first vice president; Mrs. Homer J. 1llawi, second vice president; Mrs.. Poole secretary and treasurer; Mrs. D. jtX. Straup and Mrs. R M. Bennett, dl I rectors. 1 i Miss Gretta Cosgrlff arrived from Cali- j 'fornia yesterday with her brother and ' a sister. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Cosgriff, after 'siendlng some time on the coast. Mr. nml Mrf, lid ward Fife entertained tjast evening at a family dinner at their ! 3 home for the bride and bridegroom. ! Mrs. Moylan C. l-'ox is here Trom Oak i 3 ,H,,d ln aPcnd a part of the springtime, :I and Mr, and Mrs. F.x will be at home ; dining her stay at the Covey apartments. Iftft: Mr .uid Mrs. William Vler. Jr., have 'w;0110 Lo 'aslilnstou, where they will visit lA'im. t'aptain an(i Mrs. Frank T. Mines Mrs. JM. Vler was Miss Cjiarlottc Trowbridge. iIr antI Wrs' lliiy ir- iiandon are here ffifmm? irom Canada after a most successful 1 II theatrical season, and are visiting Mrs. W 111'' -PndoH's mother, Mrs. M. A. Alford, at liome on Center street. K Mrs. .1. T Keith and her sister, Miss Miss Bonnie Miller, one of the attractive young society girls, -who will represent The Flirt in the dramatic section's play Saturday. Bella Blyth, and little Katherlne Keith will be home tomorrow after a stay of some time in southern California and a visit to San Francisco on their way home. Mrs. A. B. Witcher and her little daugh ter Babble and her brother. Willlam Pitt, left Saturday night for their homes ln i ij : SMART SHOP 1 I Creations of Style and Beauty !'A Spring models the smartest produced in years. vl 1 1 Prices the Lowest. 41 Dresses I Millinery II Think of handsome dresses of ST SgtogprS. Beautiful Mw tot de1S jU5t g ft from ln. Latest importations for I $15.00 tO $35.00 reet - 1 . I Coats and Evening Wraps Charming Assortment of j ' I yst&tFvSm. ana6its: Blouses and Smart Waists l ported fancy checks and mixtures I I; to meet all demands. See the snappy new things just I 111 $15.00 to $30.00 j j : Model Corsets of New Form ; iM Visit our corset department and inspect the latest models, reproduced 1 TAIN 1 from 0Ur I'rench styles, which produce a wonderful figure of grace, t J case and comfort. Your corset is fitted and properly adjusted hy one 1 ; f the most experienced corsetleres. 1 pelleo1 J . S le I I " : : 1 p S. T?1 Oamp-Fire Girls' Department g ; GfOCorrect Clothes for Girls I iVk an oung oraen Nothing has over been so favored B rrs!j 1 s LO -- by tlie college women the most in- 3 Trtu 'I Ct -rA!. -r Cl. tellectual people in the couaitry, who ,w tS'l I vlJ R liW admire smart and simple dreBa, are JySu I favoring Camp-Firo Clothes. Tho AU I TRADE in Wue WaCk 1 1 J Fho, smart stitched hats, middie blouses, plaited waists also sepa- ,foff -I "to skirts and coats. e ndldH il We baVQ the exclusive agency for Oamp-Fire garments. ; i Ely, after a stay of a few days here with their mother, Mrs. Isabella Pltl. Ttosallc Bllerbcck, the older daughter of Dr, and Mrs. Will L. ISllerbeck, will en tertain the friends In her dancing class tomorrow evening at a dancing party at the Clinton homo on A street. Mrs. F. C. Schramm, who has spoilt the past: two months ln Iho northwest visiting her mother, will bo home (.oday and Mr. and Mrs. Schramm will ha at home once more in their bungalow in Federal heights. Mrs. David Keith left Washington yes terday to return home after a delightful visit thcro with David, Jr., and a. short stay with friends since his return to school. Miss Mildred McMillan has stopped off In Denver on her way home from the east to spend a short tlmo with Mr and Mrs. S. C. Adams. Utile Karthorlne Whitney, the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Whitney, is recovering satisfactorily after an opera tion for appendicitis performed at the L. D. S. hospital yesterday morning. Mrs. J. T. Harris and her small son Bransford, and daughter Susanna, who arc just now visiting Mrs. Edwin F. Holmes, will noL bo home much before the first of May. They will go to Oak wood very shortly after to spend the summer. MM Mrs. 3. S. Sprouie of Otlowa. Canada, is tho guest of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. V. IS. Turner, on Fifth East street. M Tho members of the Ladies Literary club will hold a caucus ln preparation for the election of officers tomorrow after noon after tho meeting of the current '- San . Francisco - J Thursday, Friday ani Saturday Three Days lore Will End the Greatest of 1 H LSNENS HftUF WfFI II F Shefs, Pillows, Beddings, Ef o. 1 I Not in Months Has There Been Such Good llIBfl If III I llfaLI 11 CKRTAINLY THE DOME need not go I OfferingB as these. Main Ploro. B jfl y7 E ffl ffl fea MI HhImI r IfaSaBP without ionty fo fresh, cu beddings when I jH 10co)Jr, patterns arc dot, checks, stripes, fleur- BKsraraaEsSHHMsaMBBMSH FEATHER PILLOWS -Regular price .J 75 a 1 de-lis. scroll and others. On .(jfSjP" 3 -. JJlS-a, Uma pair, covered with strong, fancy ticking: sale for Three days at, yard OiL- gift g iHSflS Kfiillllll'ffS. Ura- 5ze 20x27 'ohocn. On sale gA ilH $1.40 GERMAN TABLE LINENS Silver ftilggy MPmflHIay Wl U for Thrco Days at, each OSIC bleached, pure linen, 72 inches wide. Pat- FEATHER PILLOWS "Regular price $3.50 a terns are striped and wreath, rosebud, fleur- mw'sr lltfQiOM fcUlfeirHft i A Pair? with Imro clean, sanitary foath- dc-hs tihrysjinthcmuin, hly-oi-thc-vallcy, dot, P'Safln IWClldll ISltlllMwtf falWa crs; covered with good, fancy, blue striped an etc. On sale for fefiRnd V . ticking; size 20x27 inches. fli 1 1 Three days at, yard . mTrnpoTTaTTT,T nHM?AHTER- For Three Days at, each Jl-OO 1 NAPKINS TO MATCH. , IMUKUUlrilJj X OflAK AO i MARSEILLES BEDSPREADS Full I i.' grades, sizes 20x20, dozen 52.39 IbTIC value giving Auerbach advertisement, double-bed size, 78x88 inches, in scalloped t H.00 grades, sisccs 22x22, dozen $2.59 every item underpriced for three days, every or hemmed ends, beautiful raised patterns. S pi.65 GERMAN TABLE LINENS Silver item picked for its desirability and wanted- PorThree Days at, $2-69 j doThsh pat" now-quality and kind and embracing so many $3 00 crochet BEDSPREADslsizes 72x85 I terns. Por Three Days ? 1 11 3AjdT different needs of the average woman and and 78x88 inches; many desirable patterns, ! at 3'ard JL.JL fch fa t make it WQrth whiie coming iu scalloped, fringed and aemmod ends. I moo napkins TO MATCH. miles to share in tlie offers. Sch"! ..8. f f $1.66 I H 1 :i:8 SSJSJS dozen: : : 11 -'l Auerbach Matog Ba noor. H j A Wide Hange of Brussels, Duchess Buy lew Summer Wash Fabrics for 1 mi Irisii Point Lace 6urlains Less Than Summer Prices I n white, cream and Arab colors, arc specially priced NOVELTY PIQUE 27 inches wide, in white with hair stripe in black, U iS.oll and $9.00 grades, reduced to, pair 56.24 ' vk-: r-n zu-a 2 fl2.50 and $14.00 grades, relueed to, pair 8.24 cream, pink and blue. A splendad tabnc used J 8 d 39c 54.00 AND 4.50 TAPESTRY PORTIERES, $2.49 PAIR-3 yords long, I)re3se5' 8klrts and Coats- 0u sale frJ" T t "d H 40 inches wide, fringed top and bottom, extra good quality and de- THE FAMOUS "LOOMGOLD MESSAUNE" Retails for 45c a. yard, a f sign. beautiful wash fabric suited for evening and street wear. Light and t $7.50 TAPESTRY PORTIERES, $4.99 PAIR Attractive inside border in dark colors; pretty stripes anh figures. A.g 5 red and green, 2 yards long, 50 inches wide, extra heavy. Another Qtj sa0 for Three Days, at, yard '. fr1U S ?udd45iinJhesKwtideCiKht PrUCre E 3 35c PLAIN RATINE In tan, light blue, lavender, pink, gray and brown. 1 512.50 TWO-TONED PORTIERES, S7.85-Of beautiful sunfast fabrics, rortsTSSrmcnS4 ZlnL'fof 7 at yard 24C !3 yards long, 50 inches wide, light and airy. Brown and trreon com- 80rts ot RarmcntB- An halc tor lhT n&y3 at arrt v bi nations. Auerbach Drapery Section Third Floor. Auerbach Wash Goods Section Main Floor. M&y .Delineator The new summer styles 25c a book-Fashion sheets just in I I Ef Bl S l PC THTOSDAY' raiDAY AND SATURDAY I On Sale TH U RSD AY, F Rl DAY , 300 eltrlmmcd Hals for Women I J-LLau j I AND SATURDAY 1 S'W.SSS-"SfSS!?... ! tD I 25c a Pair 89c a Pair ? Ait&xxc, zLm A M For fast black or For fast black or tan the beat shapos in Hemp, Laghorn Btraws, Peanut I TTiiiltife'''ft dVi M kH white silk hose with Pure Uiread slk hose straws, Chip, and Hair braids. Straws vertically S uqjjierwjear OUI15 ai f6.3U Hnnhi crartor T1'1111 dulbI? i1"1,6 2 sewn and plain stylos: all colors and two tones; im- fAr lQr x. . , , , . hblc double garter top, doublo heels and mongQ assortment. DO NOT MISS TUTS ONE OF rOF 16C Norfolk and double H aS' slzt3 Tho bes3t beLetS' wSrin? "Sfss 1 &EATEST SALES EVER HELD IN MIL- Ba,bri shirts unfl breasted styles; new 1 wearing 35c hose, on stocking, ln all sizes. LIINE.R1. diuuiij.j.ou asiris ,ino - sale at 25c. On sale at S9c. . Auerbach Millinery Parlors Second Floor. drawers jn ecruc all nobby patterns in IH Auerbach Hose Section Main Floor. kvwivvviVfcwvi sizes sicciacl at 18c. sizes 5 to 17 years. H events and current literature section in the old clubhouse. tt Mrs. Oscar L. Cox will entertain, the members of the Fortnightly club today at the Commercial club, a tea following tho usual game of bridge. Miss Edith Shearman will entertain a few friends at a tea Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Moylan C. Fox of Oak land. K Mrs. E. Greven, aunt of Mrs. Forres ter, is hero from Milwaukee, visiting Mr and Mrs. George E. Forrester at the Mil ler Hats. H H Mrs. Charles II. McMahon leaves today for tho east, to be absent some time.' She will go direct to Washington, T. C. for 'the mid-blcniilal ' council of ithe gen eral federation. The men of the University club will enjoy their monthly dinner this evening, Bishop F. S. Spalding being the speaker for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beunlon enter tained a few friends at cards last even ing for Mr. and Mrs. Andrew V. Gorcy. Mrs. Gall Moffatl entertained a few of the friends of Miss Blanche Squires yesterday afternoon at a tea at her home in compliment to the bride. The card party and musleale planned by the art section of tho Ladies Literary club for May 1 has been changed aa to Its date and will be given in the new clubhouse on April 2D instead. W H The Souvenir Card club will be enter tained today 1y Mrs. J. W. Whipple at her home, -in North Fifth West street. M Mrs. Charles A. Stnln is recovering uflcr an Illness and will shortly be out once more. 4 MY. and Mrs. B. E. Walker, who have boe.n visiting their mother, Mrs. N. Sehmittroth, for the past two weeks, left for Ely last night. Salt Lake Statistics Births. Tlmd Walton, South Tenth East street, girl Stuyncr niolmrds. U. I). S. lioaplliil, Klrl. .loKijph A Hull, 1167 Laird uvciiuo. boy. Wltlanl J Sinltli. L. I). R. hospital, drl. l'Mwurd Wllfion, St. .Murta hoKpltal, boy. Henry H. nruiin. 71 Cculor ulroal, sir). Krcdurlck Sehiiln, Holy Crow lionplUI, boy, Chftrlca W. Gun, fiU Prlxtou uvunuc, boy, Rodney Proctor, 11 Simonx avtiuwc, boy. .Touoph W. Don'ot bank, 5" North Hi si Went hjent, clrl. Johl'jiIi W. Mc.Cune, 931 W0.1t South Tonjplo vlrect, K'rl. , Deaths. April i:. 1913. Mary Taylor. 10(3 South Stalo slrent, agci S3 yrnr, artorlo acleroslH, April 13, 1913, ShmIi Hnrilu. 677 Kourtli avenue, agod 83 yeiir. chronic myocnrdltls. April It, 1913, Minnie O. Chnpninn. couuty ho pltnl, oci 41 yrsrn, uuerpcrul atipnlK, April H. JDI3. Anna K. Lunon. 872 Wt South Tomplo Blrocl, aged S nonlli:i. broncho pnou monlu. L April 15. 1913. Knlli Uaohliind, Holy cftmn hoa pltal. aged tie ycara. homorrhaKO of bralirl April 13, 1913, Mary Jauo Illnman, I. 1, 3. hospital, aged 60 years, obstruction of tho boir-elu. Marriage Licenses. Daniel S- Gardner. Sail Like, and Mary - E, Porte, Oakley, Idaho. Clmrles William Lombardl and Rosotta Bowers, both of Thl3tle, Utah. Hotiald r. MacDonnld and Sarin E. Wolaey, both ot Suit Lake. Mahonrl M. Dana 1 0 and Stella. Starllnt. both of Salt Lake. Iirllc P, Vallun and Ella B. Moe, both ot Butto, Mont. Leo Clyde Canning and Alice L, Bcaa, both of S.ill L.iko. Fred A. Smith and Marr E. Krauce. both of South Jordan. Keal Estate Transfers. Kimball f.-. nir.h.irdis company to Kimball & Richard BulldliiK company, lota 1217 und U'lS, Highland Park, pUl A t 10 National Itoul Estalo &. Investment com pany lo Mary A. Gregg, tclu S, 9 and 10, block 1, Fairmont subdivision 10 ; Mnrgaret A. Cahoon and othora to William MoBii and others, lots 1. 'i and 3, block 4, Cahoon & Ilayncs surrey 13.600 Mnrshat Helm to Val Zolcuskl. lote 2! to 32. block L Alhambra plnco' (25 Edward H O'Brien to C. A. McFarlmd, part of lot 1, block 23. pint G L800 Iccrlnda Ranee to Enoch Jorgonscn, part of section 1, township 3 xoulh, range 1 west 3,000 Enoch Joi-gciiiicn and wife lo Iccrlnda Uancc. lota 1 lo 4 and 13 to IS, block 50, Sandy city '. 600 ThomiiH Cr Pclrce and wife lo Jatncx C. Walker, part of section 7, township 2 houth, rango I cant ., COO Henry W. Drown and wife lo Jatnea C. Walker, part of (section 7, lownffhlp 'J noulh, rstngo 1 cast ...- , 365 National Heal tCst.ite & Investment com pany to MartlmiK Nloluon und others, lolu "1 uud 'J5, block 4, Cloarmont nub dlvlolon 10 Samuel SalloWK and wife lo Mrn. It. P. Mc Han. pnrt of lot 4. block 23, plat B .. 2.S00 Ruben M. Tuttle and wife to Ncphl O, Og lrn. part of lot 6, block 118, plat A , S,00) I Kimball &. Rlchardu Security company to Kimball & Richards company, lota 1330 and 1340, Highland Purk. plat A 30 Delia A- Brady to David Sinarl, part of section 32, township 2 south, range 1 cast '. S50 Est.Ho of Charles C. Moore to William Charles, part of lot 2, block CS plat C. l.SoO David Gllbort to Lottie Gilbert, lota 11 to 13, block 1, South Capitol aveuue addi tion , 100 R. A. Brlghlou to J. A. Aylott, part of bec tlon 35. township 2 &nuth, range 3 east.. 10 Kimball & Rlchurds to Charles Hcijss, lots 2069 and 2070. Hlghlund Park, plal A.. 450 E. S. Hallock to W. C Romnoy and othora. part Of lot 7, block SH. plat A 203 Beth T. Rlgby to W. G. Swanor, part ot lot 8. block 6, plat A 500 Injuries Prove Fatal. BOSTON, April 15. Mrs. Joshua Crane, wife of the court tennis und polo player, died today from injuries ruceived in an automobile accident at Middleboro a few days ago. lUdn of Beauty la a Joy Forever. DR. T. Follx Gouraud' Oriental Crsam or Magloal Bsautlflar. g Reuso7e Tan. rimplw, 2b5 Afe'ytV, Freckles, Moth Patche go5 rfeasYw. Rsh, and SWn Dliwei, 22o. and eve7 blemlfh' fti&Z- k 1 leMtj and lie. 2 v f2 flea dciwtlon. Il S-jo W fM basntood the test 5 3 CA & L.tW ' 6& yean, and a " 0 T J Is m Dwmlna ie ! w taste It lobeurall P-o s In Is properly made. . TJ fj f Aeceptnocountfr- Fx. CO vyV V Ml ol lnll,r ri-5i"S?-v-liry Titsae. Dr. L. A. r&T E' M Eavro told to ft 0-V33CT7 Jls ? laar of the baut fr yGTvW' rsi. I ton (a patient) : f X l M f v-y "A Jou lwJlw i y i iv Ul9 thetnf X recummend 'GournurtV ConI oa the lrast harmful or U tho ikln preparation!!." For tale br all druggists acd Fncy. Qooda Dealera In the United Slatej, Canada and Suiop. FERD.T.HOPKINS L SOX, ?iop:,37 GrUanes St.,K.U. are our watchwords and arn essential to a. successful optical service. Let us send our messenger for your broken glasses. COLUMBIAN -. OPTICAL CO. 337 Main St. AfooItrtelyjPim H TEIBUNE WANT AD'SPULL.