Newspaper Page Text
THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL' 24, 1913. 9 3ldditional Sporting News I feSGHIPEBS TIKE ; FROM AIMS J : ral Fans Brave Cold and 5 I fee Local Boys Christen : New Park. ! Skyscrapers christened tho now ic at Mldvale yesterday afternoon lining tho Mldvale team. 16 'to -1. tno through which a crowd of tho Hies" sat huddled together, while 1 wind hurried and scurried about he first several innings of play, ims put up good ball and the fans It. On, account of the weather Lt first thought to call the contest the sun sneaked through the ong enough to alter this medlta he game commenced shortly after I Gaut. the southpaw -whom Mc brought homo with him from officiated in the box for the ague team, and acquitted himself ly. Gaut had no difficulty in i out eight Miavalers. He allowed Its during the game. Tho left has a good ball, -with lots of and should develop something fhlle for the local squad In the ug pennant race. Gibson received Impf held down third sack wIOi a m pitched for Mldvale and was up for about tho same number as Salt Lake made runs. The boys are a good bunch and -will tchlng this season, skey's men will wind up their season with two games Satnr Sunday at JJucas field with Bert 'b independent players. "Hon i" says his boys will be fit and en tho Union league blasts Its for the opening game '.here with alls, April 20. 'Wp Forty-One Clubs Accept. tM94.G( Apr,n 23. Forty-one ath lMe!EIubs throughout the United States 'accepted the Invitation of the ' BSS11 ,vnin,. Games association 10lLiEm compete in tho events in Grant prom June 2g to JulyJ. SfhTl laaWS ff FOOTEASE ?r BflL i.hc AatCplicpowdcr shaken into tntitHB tbeshoca The Standard Rein atllH3! ed-v ,or hc Feet for a quarter oHt century. 30.000 testimonials. Sold s, fcfe.TJ' everywhere. ?5c Sample FREE. ie USddrc5S. AHrn S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N". Y. 7en Jr0 who pt the EEs la FEE'1 1' 220 Down1 Main heryihing Men Wear 1 fcoa 1 I. Great I Sxhibit of M - flniu-s fTodav and the rest of this S 3gtii.. at. . !.ok wc will fcaturo shirts. ' i .a JVe have collected a lino that f. nii winner- f i style, fit and -wearing v os thoy arc far above the jj ;e. Thoir colorings arc f, but in good taste j 5 aro moet favored. i ing our showing -will be dras .Stripes (Plains and Fancies) p Percales ' Naples and Novelties) Repps ice and "Woven .Designs.) jj y all come, in plait nd, 1 and plain effects. French tandard cuffs. 'es range from I 25 t $2.5 1 ItK f A Special IRTS Arrav- 1 I howing that will please the j particular. Come- in and .50 to $5.00 I ir Wclton $.' Hat is I f)iir fiOp neckwear is RJ ranteed Clothes tor 1 m Their Sons I Their Fathers j 220 Down Main I DUNDEE HMDS HARD BLOWSJOSPflRRERS Challenger's Partners Can't Keep Up With Him; Kil bane Training Hard. By International News Service. LOS ANGELES. April 23. Johnny Dundee, challenger for tho featherweight title, is having his hands full keeping sparring partners. Tile Italian is in sucn good form that his helpers have been hardly equal to the task of keeping up with him and have been taking a great trimming daily. Sam Morris was laid on Lhe Hhelf with a wicked right to the jaw. "Young" Marino says he Is not feel ing well, and Johnny Shift quit, after working one day. Being unable to find competent boxers to work with him today. Dundee laid off from work this afternoon. "Kid" Taylor, one of the old-time boxers, -will bo at the quarters tomorrow to work with the challenger. While Dundee is having the time of his life to secure boxing partners, Cham pion Kilbano at Venice Is surrounded with the best that money can procure. The manner in which tho featherweight champion Is working will preparo him for almost any kind of a battle that Dun dee may put up on April 20. Speaking today of tho coming battle. Kilbane said: "Johnny Dundee will be the one to make a runaway battle of it Tuesda.v night, and not I. Why. vou will see me come out of my corner from tho tap of tho bell and take the aggressive, and be fore the fight is one ininuto old Dundee will be on the defensive and do the run away stunt If he doesn't, you will see the classiest toe-to-toe mixun that has been pulled off In the Vernon rinir for some time." Kilbano went through the full course of work this afternoon, and at tho con clusion of his training tilted the beam at 331 pounds, fully dressed. BALL MAGNATE'S WIFE I CHECKS DIVORCE SUIT CHICAGO, April 23. Thomas Mc Knight Chlvinglon, president of tho American association, is enjoined from prosecuting a suit for divorce in Louis ville, hy "by an order issued todav bv Judge Honoro in the circuit court. 'The court took cogniranco of the claims of counsel for Mrs. Chivlngton that her husband is a resident of Illinois and not entitled to prosecute his suit in tho southern city. Chivlngton has been sued in tho local court by his wife, who charges infidelity. FUELS WILL CROSS BATS WITH ARTHURS Sunday afternoon tho Utah Fuel base ball team will cross bats with the Ar thur team at Garfield. Considerable riv alry exists between these teams and a good game is expected. The Coal Dealers will hold their final practice tomorrow night on the Glen- follows: Williams, c; Harris and Tay lor, p.: Gibson, lu.; It. Taylor, 2b.; Cau el. 3b.; Schullz. ss.; Hanson. If.; Met ier, cf.; Emberson, rf. SAD NEWS MARS HOUR OF DOUBLE HAPPINESS CLARKSTON. Wash., April 23 Charles c. Gregg, father of Vean Gregg of the Cleveland Americans and of David oregg of the Toledo American associa tion, died suddenly at his home here yes terday of heart disease. The news was withheld from Dave Gregg until he had won his maiden game yesterday afternoon against Minneapolis and been united In marriago to Miss Marguerito Sangster of Clarkston. Standing of the Clubs NATIONAL LEAGUE. Nr.w York V' Pn t,tBhurS 7 3 WOO Ghlcugo 7 3 vno Philadolphla 4 .. ?,r00l5,jrn, '.600 l- , i"1" fi .400 Boiiton i i j.- Clucluiiatl j 7 AMERICAN LEAGUE. . , . . Won. Loit. P C. Wafitilngton r. i skt Philadelphia i CJvpl8nl s 1 !c87 Sh Cftf. 7 6 -535 Dotrolt , 5 - m 81- k I-Ulo - .-. s j .3.- Boxlon 3 7 300 New York 2 7 jjj AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. , Won. Lout. P.r Mllwaukof f) 3 fvf Knnoas City 7 4 .535 Minneapolis a ' 5 .-4- Coluinhlin r, ".r,oo Indlnnnpolln B n ir.oo LottlHvlllfi 5 7 427 gf", ftwl 7 lOlo'Jn 3 7 200 WESTERN LEAGUE. L Won. Znt. P.C. Otnah i j ,Soo Denver 4 i ,joo Lincoln 3 a ,600 Tont-ka 2 3 .400 Dck Molni.'n j joo Sioux City 2 8 .400 PI. Jo?eph Z 3 4do Wichita I 4 .2oo j INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lout. P.O. Newark 4 2 .e67 BiiHnlo 4 2 .6G7 Baltimore , i 3 ,571 Montreal , J 3 ,goo Piovlrluncn 3 3 ,fi00 Itocltftilur S 4 .4;9 Jorcoy Clly 2 4 .))33 Toronto 2 4 .383 COAST LEAGUE. Won. Lout. P.C. Los Angolcrt IS fi .es( Oaklnnd ...11 S ..170 Vcnlro ,........11 11 .r.00 b'ueramonto ., R 10 .Ul Han I-'rancltco 0 13 ,40.1 Portland 7 11 ,353 NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. Won. Iott, p C Vanr.rHTor , 6 2 .7S0 Heittln , P. h 4 .beo Victoria '.. E 4 .G5i PortMtuI 4 4 .500 fjpokano 3 6 ,33S Tacoma 3 6 .333 SOUTHERN LEAGUE. , . Won, LoL P.C. Atlanta ,. n 3 ,750 Mobllo 0 S MS Monlsomorj' 7 r. ,"if3 Nnuhvllln 5 .hit, nirinliiKlinni .....K n o . i;. MomphlB f. 7 117 New Orleans ., P 0 ,3i.7 ChutteiiO'jga 3 3 .250 SHUGRUE WINS FAST BOUT FROM LORE By International News Service. NEW YORK. April 23. Young Shu gruc won from Johnny Lore in a sizzling ten-round bout at the St. Nicholas Ath letic club tonight, almost finishing his man in the ninth session. Ho started Lore on hla way In this period with a snappy left hook to the jaw, dropping Lore for tho count of nine. Just before the bell rang. Shugruo nearly -went Lore through the ropes. Lore received a sovoro beating, but showed wonderful ability to take it and come back. It was a fairly even battlo up to this period,, both boys showing ex ceptional speed and clover execution. Lore landed the most damaging blows, while Shugruo held the honors evon by neat left band work. Referee Dan Tono stopped the open ing bout between Young Abeam and Harry Price of Australia In the fifth round, after Price had taken the count of nlno from a short right hook to the jaw. BERKELEY ATHLETES TO ENTER HARVARD MEET BERKELEY, Cal.. April 23.--Tcn ath letes from the University of California will enter the track and field meet to bo held in the Harvard stadium on May 31. California undergraduates today sub scribed SI 500 to send the team cast. Among those sure of a placo on the team Is Earl Shattuck, holder of the new world's intercollegiate record of 17E feet 10 Inches In tho hammer throw. ATTELL AND ZOTTE PREPARE FOR FRAY A crowd of several hundred fans yeotorday watched Monto Atlcll and Ad Zotto work out in tlio training ouarlore at 4S Eaat Socoad South street. Both youngslcrn allowed romarkablo iipoed In sparring and will undoubtedly giro local flcht enthuBlants a hard, swift, battlo In tho rlnrc at Murray next Tuesday nlKht Attoll has decided to nhlft his training ntiartOM back to tho lire station until Saturday, when ho will go to Murray to wind up hln preparation for tho bout. Zolto will train at JiIp quarters until Sunday, when ho also will co to Murray for a final workout. Tho demand for scats at tho club Ih still com ing In, and tho management expects that It will havo to turn away a largo crowd noxl Thurs day night for lack of room. Promolor Con Galla gcr reports that he lias, ordors for seats from Bingham, Sandy, Garfield, Ogdon. Farmlngton. Provo and Park City, and looks for tho blRgeat crowd thnt has been seen at tho ring In years. Pains in the Stomach. If you continually complain of pains in the stomach, .your liver or your kidneys are out of order. Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, dia betes or Bright disease. Thousands recommend Electric Bittors as the very best stomach and kidney modicine made. H. T. Alston of "Raleigh, N. 0., who suffered "with pain in tho stomach and back, writes: "Aly kidneys were deranged and my liver did not work right. I suffered much, but Electric Bittors was recommended and I im proved from the first dose. I now feel like a new man." It -will improve you, too. Only 50c and $1.00. Recommended bv Schramm-Johnson, Drugs, "Tho Nover-Substituto.,, Five (o) good stores. (Advertisement.) PIONEER STAKE WINS FRED PAYNES TROPHY By winning two out of three M. 1. A. contests at the Dcseret gymnasium last night. Pioneer stake captured the Fred Dnynes cup. which has been won twice nerewore oy bait raitc stake. Onlv Pioneer and. Salt Lake slakes contested last night. Ensigp and Llbcrtv stakes, which wero to have participated, failed to send representatives and defaulted. Pioneer stake won the basketball con test by the score of 15 to 11, and also succeeded in capturing the high jump event. Salt Lake stake won the relay race. The contests are hold annualiv. To have a fine healthy comploxion the liver must bo active, the bowels regular and the blood pure. All this is brought about by using Ilerbine. It thoroughly scours the liver, stomach and bowels, puts tho body in line con dition and restores that clear, pink and white complexion so much dosired by ladies. Price 50c. Sold by Schramm-Johnson, Drugs. "Tho 2srever Substitutors." Five (5) good stores. (Advertisement.) SMITH-BAILEYS BEAT CONTINENTALS Th Smlth-Balley bowling team took two out of throe games from tho Continental Oil toura last night on tho Wlndnor bowline alleys. Evans war, high man. with a total of M7 for the throo game. Thft Katlonuls and tho Scott Hardwares will howl tonight. Last night's scores: CONTINENTAL OIL. Vlncrnt ....... m IS.-. m 47! Jan 112 IIS m 423 wrT,l."Blon lu 133 1" 444 Hellbut i2l- M.I 113 sst HuRuos H 144 177 4f,5 'rtio 70C 7.',I 7S3 FlOJ SMITII-BAILKYS. fn 171 "IPS VA Wi- f,n"" ' 135 lcr. 107 410 Hunt 0 lf,2 131 . 3J!) Walker 135 IDS 19K Llnhotm ico 111 Ml j; ToUla 701 731 7C2 2251 BUSINESS MEN WILL HOLD ANNUAL BANQUET Tho business men's classes of Iho Pop crest gymnasium will hold thoir third annual banquet at tho Lion bouse on Fri day evening. April 2o. The speaker? will "bo John Giles on "The Meat rtack," Os car Carlson on "Tho Hookworm." and John Keddlngton, "Wheels and Spokes." Robert Slddoway and Moraco IDnsIgn will sing. The committee In charge of the ban quet is compoHcd of Judge Alexandor McMastor. "William Service. Leslie Young, William T. Bradford and ISdgar Ifarntnorid. The Descro.t Gymlet. tho of ficial organ of the bufilnoss men's classes, will bp published again this year. Pitcher Barker Boleascd. CHICAGO, April 23. President Charles A. Comlskey of tho Chicago American leaguo baseball club today released Pitcher Tiny 73arkor to Wlausau club yf tho Wisconsin-Illinois league. Barker was signed by Chicago at Lou Angeles during the training trip of the White Sox. . If our LIvef is Clogged usp Thatf a Why You're Tired OuS Sorts Have No Appetite, .ggjteh CARTER'S LrnXEaHiTN. UVER PILLS Xggggjff a , Thoy do JmM42mt ITTLE CtmaHpa- rfiirzsrfhQ lociscss, Isdiges2lo9 and Sick Headadtc 1 SHALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE GenceSne mmtbsar Siguatee OCDEN TEAM WILL GO T0P0GATELL0 Three Exhibition Games; Knight Denies "Mac" Has Purchased Schimpf. Special to The Tribune. OGDBN. April 23. Through tho ar rangement of a barnstorming trip to Po catello, Ida,, Ogden fans will be deprived of an opportunity to sec their Union leaguers in action before the opening of tho season next Tuesday. But tho Idaho series Is looked upon as a great condi tioning process. Manager "Kitty" KnJtrht's entire Hnuad of lxteon men. not Including himself, will leave at 0 o'clock tomorrow morning for the Gate city. Games will be played with Manager Ar thur Prout's semi-professional club on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Tho following are the members of the squad who will niako the Pocatcllo trip: "Kitly" Knight, manager; Fowler, Rem ington, Greon, Sinclair and Anderson, pitchers, Perkins. Pourroy and Moore, ! catchers; Van, first base; Hayes, second base; Foster, shortstop; Jones, third base; Moorehead, left field; Murray, center field. Wessler, right field; Laird, utility. Manager Knight stated today that Ar thur Schimpf, who 1b to play at third base for John J. McCloskey's Skyscrap ers, had not been purchased bv the Salt Lake club nor unconditionally released to tho McCloskey camp. He declared that Scliimpf's services on behalf of the Ogden club could be secured If lt was found absolutely necessary. But this Is Improbable, according to Knight, for "Johnny" Hayes, formerly slated for the outfield, Is working like lightning down around tho second bag. The Ogden crew manager belloves that 'tho second post po sition has been well provided for. BRITTON AND MOORE I BARRED FROM BOXING PHILADELPHIA, April 22. Director Porter of the department of public safety today issued an order that "Jack" Brlt ton. the Chicago lightweight pugilist, and "Pal" Moore, a local boxer, shall be barred from appearing in boxing matches in this city in the future. The order was issued following a re port from a police official that the bout In which these two boxers engaged at a fight club on Monday night was a fake, and that those who paid to witness the so-called contest wero cheated out of their money. MARATHON HERO WILL TRY TO "COME BACK" NEW YORK, April 23.-Tohnny Hayes, winner of the sensational marathon raco in London in 1D0S. is going to try to "como back." Attracted by the rich prizes offered for the fifteen-mile profes sional championship at the Monument Athletic club games here on May 4. Hayes has sent a letter entering for Che event. Johnny says that he has been running in New Jersey for the last two months and is confident of making a good showing acainst the best of the professional talent. Among the men the former olvmpic champion will have to meet are Willie Kolehinalnon, Billy Qucal. A. E. Wood, Tom Longboat, Harvey Cohn, Al Haines and J. Trent. Jf you cough all night you get no rest, nor does anyone else in the house. Keep within reach a bottle of Ballard ?s Horehound Syrup. It is r.hon easy to stop tho tickling which causes tho cough, whenever it appears. Price 2oc, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Schramm-Johnson. Drugs. "Tho Is'ever Substi tutors." .Five (5) good stores. (AdTertlseraonL) Boxers Begin Training. ,..?EIsTER' A1"'n 23. .limmy Clabbv of Milwaukee, who reached Denver vestor day. and Eddie McGoorty of Oshkosh, he can training today for thoir tea-round bout bore on May 2. The bovs arc to niakc 15S pounds at fi o'clock the even ing of the light. For rheumatism vou will find noth ing better than Chamberlain's Lini ment. Try it and soe how quickly it gives relief. For sale bv all dealers. (Advertisement.) Drouillard Boats Sheridan. . DETROIT. Mich.. April 23. Palsy Drouillard had the better of Mlckcv Sheridan In the final bout at Windsor to night. Mickey had both eyes almost closed before the end of the fourth round and fought at a disadvantage thereafter. Clerks Practice Today. The Clerks', baseball team will hold practice thin afternoon on the grounds at Eighth South and Main strels. The Clerks meet the Rio Grande shop team on the fiiime grounds Sunday morning at fl:r.O o'clock. I INTERNAL BATHS I For ills of tho. stomach, intestines, hradaHics. constipation and the dead ly appendicitis. Drugs may relieve for a while, but celebrated physicians all over the world aro now recom mending the ".I. B. Is. Cascade." Tho treatment for a. permanent re turn to perfect health. Wo have now tho ".I. B. L. Cas cade" 011 exhibition at Schramm Johnson, Drugs. "The Xevcr-Subsli-tutors," Five (3) Good Stores. Ask for booklet. "Why Man of To day Js Only 50 Per Cont Efficient." . IN 36 HOURS "I drank steadily fov years from tli roe pints to two quarts of whiske3' dally. One sanitarium discharged mo after six wcoks as incurable. After 36 I hours of the Neal Iroatmont the crav ing was gone. .Have worked hard over siiicr. " From .'i "genuine letter among tho scores wo can show you, proving absolutely that the ran be ovorcomo by the NEAJj THREE-DAY TREATMENT, Call upon, address or phone Tho Neal In stitute, 3-il South Fourth East, Salt Lako City. Phone Hyland 1792. J (Advertisement.) L CLEMENTS PREPARES TO DEFEND HIMSELF Friends of Thomas Clements, now In tbe county Jail facing a cbarge of first degree murder for the shooting of Hank (Rutherford in a Rlohards street rooming house, are taking steps to havo him properly defended at the time of his trial. It is claimed that eye witnesses can be produced to prove that Clements shot in self-defense, after Rutherford had knocked him down. Tho prisoner Is said to have many friends at Murray, wbero he Is well known. They havo en gaged Attorney R0C6 M. Bonny to de fend him. Tho Odd Fellows and Eagles lodges of Murray havo corrected the statement made last night that the organizations have como to tho relief of Clements. The heads of the organizations say that members, rather than the lodges, are proffering assistance. CONFESSES THEFT OF CARPENTER'S TOOLS His unfamillarlty with the ueo of car pentoj'8 tool3 found In his possession led to the 'undoing of William Jones, a la borer, 22 years of age, yesterday. Jones was arrested on suspicion by Patrolman Richard Beynon. After giving ridiculous answers for some time to Captain J. J. Roberta at police headquarters, he finally confessed that he stole the tools from tho tool chest of E. C. Harris, 475 East Fifteenth South street. When arrested he was trying to sell the tools. Harris did not know that the tools bad been stolen until after the police had notified him and he had looked Into his chest. Ho sworo to a complaint against Jones yesterday afternoon. Sues City for Damages. The first claim for damages arising from the flood on Ninth avenue when a largo water main, undermined by heavy rains, burst soveral weeks ago, was filed with the cltv commission yesterday by W. F. Williams. Williams assorts that his lawn was ruined by the water and his premises generally damaged. 1 Railway's Deady Belief Mr. I Dlttmar. 710 E. H5th t.. New Tort Cltr. wrltet: "I caught a cold. I used ono bot tle of your Radway'g Ready Rollet with -wonderful results. r litvo also found It acts like ft charm for sore throat. I used It Tlth great benefit for ailments my children hare had. and recommend it to n; friends Sore Throat and Colds. RAD WAV 8 RHADY RELIEF, at nil druccUts. RADWAY & CO.. New York. (Advert IsemonO YOUNG MEN For Gonorrhoea and Gleet getPabst'a Okay Specific. It is the ONLY medicine which will cure oach and every case. NO CASE knovrn it has ever failed to cure, no mat ter how serious or of how lone 3taadinc. Rosulls from i ts use will astonish you. . It is absolutely safe, prevents stricture" 8 fln and canbe taken without inconvenicnceHrlalUlyl and detention from business. PRICEr w . For Sale By SCHRAMM-JOHNSON TONIGHT aNrlfld.1Iomorrow Matlne Friday, 50c to $1.50. Even Ings, 50c to $2. For the Original All. Star Production of Fine Feathers Great Cast Includes: Robert Edeaon Wilton Lackaye Max Flgman Robo Coghlan Lolita Robertson Amelia Sumers THE GREATEST CAST IN THE BIGGEST PLAY OF THE CENTURY. I All This Week SSSol l Wra, J.Kelly WWlki ! M And His Co.. - &sM$S$sl j M with EDITH v .fefeiSjf .. W, ST. ELMO p; U E Mats. Thurs. ' jty$tffik cfl if; and Sat. LLjMM.-J Vv PL Next Week "The Confession." sj WILLIAM ROCK AND MAUDE FULTON. "The Girl From Milwaukee" Llda McMillan Ktfdy Howard Lawrence Johnston The Reed Brothers Sidney Baxter Thomas A. Edison's Talking Moving Pictures CONCERT ORCHESTRA Prices Matinee Dally, 15c, 25c, 50c. Night 25c, GOc, 75c. EMPRESS PRICES NEVER CHANGE. SULLIVAN. CONS1DINE Greater Advanced Vaudeville. 1 . THE ROMANY GRAND! OPERA COMPANY, 9 B r..n.w Noted Grand Opera Stars, 9. m TODAY "THE BATTLE OF BAY RUM." Rita Redfleld. Stone I 7 ao anc Wander. Moore and I o'ti Young. jYlcConnell and Aus. I H,1i tin. Gaumont Weekly. EmJ '" ' press Orchestra. II ! Regular 30a Matinee Dally m A 1 Empreas 20c 600 fl (Ir Q Pricaa 10c Parquet Saatn. II AIDSTORIUM ROLLER RINK 1 Hudiforium Kaces Second HeaU Sx-Mlle RELAY RACE, ; BICYCLES (Wilcox and Young) VERSUS ROLLER SKATES (James and Fenton Hardy), SeaEOti for Skating Closes Saturday Night I I SHOE MARKE1 238-240 MAIN STREET Now " Going 1 i " 6 I The Great Purchase R Sale of the Entire I H Nicol Stock JJ I of Stacy-Adams f7.of rjj$ L. I H SHOES for MEN MM 1 I High or Low Cuts. jm'j m 11 Hundreds of Pairs. jl m Secured by the "SHOE -MAE- iS'W S KET" for spot cash at a tre- Q xnendous price concession and fpyg Wm now being offered at actually less mJS H iiil than costof manufacture in three 0 H J LOT 1. LOT 2. LOT 3. H Sizes for All sizes, tncludlnn everv Hi H f?iaTfWVth all leathers, 'Sffsff B small feet all styles szo and vldth H BEFORE EVERY PAIR I j, ! SOLD FOR LESS WORTH REGULAR. NONE BETTER THAN $6,00 AND LY $6.00 AND ANYWHERE AT H $7.00. $7.00. $6.00 AND $7.00. H I Men Who Know "STACY-ADAMS" Shoes WiU Need No Urging to Attend This Sale To Those Who Have Not as Yet Worn a Pair of These GOOD SHOES We H Emphasize the Fact. That They Are in a Class Alone B THE BEST. B mm This is a most extraordinary opportunity to secure one of the H IflD world's foremost makes of men's shoes at actually less than maker's B H coBt None better anywhere at $6,00 and $7.00 While this sale con- H tinues buy at H 1 $1.98, $2.49 and $3.49 I H and Don't Delay Coming They'll Hurry Out at These Prices. B B R "A Little More for a Little Less" 9 B I 238-240 Main Street 1 B B In the Old Location Formerly Occupied by "Davis'Shoes" JB Your Lawn I will do Better if trimmed with one of fl our high grade "Crest Lawn" mowers. Nothing could please him more or THE ive him more real satisfaction BOY and genuine enjoyment than one A of our nifty suits and an outfit of BASE- "REACH" Baseball goods. SUIT Tennis Goods of all kinds B The SLaif La fee I 1 rUardware Qo. I SCIENTIFIC COLLECTIONS H I We recently collected money for all of the following clients: Thosn 1 II that have not already received the money from us may havo It by calling I M upon us for lt. Read tho list, there might be some for you. I In Albert Smith &. Company, o roc era. State 1 U and 11th South $ 66.80 W IH W Albert Smith, grocer, 1800 S. 3rd E city 119.90 I IH H .(rAn Rleger & Llndley, Tho Whisky Mer- 1 3 'IP. chants, city ... 183.73 I jH i M'wo Harriett A. GrahTm, Medford, Or 350.00 I IH Wvl'" vik Evans, Brown Co,, Uneeda Mar- 1 1 ketl clty 16'65 R ' H1 I fifeSB85''""v Leyson-Pearsall Co., Jewelers, city 112.00 1 I IH U WSSL W-W. E. Farrar, grocer, W. So, Temple... 136.35 W I Trotfe' Hoggan &. Pitts, grocers, 9th So. and H r; . O 9th East, city 53.20 i Pi pLy- y ' There are many others too numerous to men- tH a .5K f tlon. If we have your claims for collection ym 1 visL vfUi there may be money for you any time. Don't I SLfefjff v forget to see us, or write to us. If you havo I y claims that you want collected, turn them 1 j8&fj jr v. in. Vou will not receive the money too soon. I rffljSl'l s S55 Lawyers make money by having law suits and fM I u jOi obtaining judgments. We niako money by 'H 1 LTT collecting accounts and judgments. We collect I &''$lrJ&tfi' J? throughout th entire civilized world and in jRM I vour town. Red streaks of honesty exist in IH - ? everybody. Vjiorever this ad. a read, or I s wherever the man lives who owes you, we col- H I ect Turn In your ulaimu. , -M I MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, ) I Scientific Collectors of Honest Dobts, I Fifth Floor Continental National Bank Building. I I 27 East 2nd South Street, lmm Salt Lake City, Utah. Francis G. Luke, Gep'l Mgr. ''H "SOME PEOPLE DON'T LlKE US," ' jmm NEW Pvf EHESY THEATER j fl QUALITY PICTURES ONLY. I 'H W3T A "T "EP TET' TET' Stupendous War Drama. f Pl M. mM3 JELlJIld Wonderfully Staged. 1 . ''H "WITH LEE IN VIRGINIA" In two thrilling reels. Scenes of destruc- Tl tlon and Btrlfe. Scenee of heroism and bravery. Scenes ' of melting tenderness. I'B "THE BACHELORS' HOUSEKEEPER" Tho three bnchelors fell' in. love f 'JB I with her. Solax Comedy. flB