Newspaper Page Text
$M FOR RENT MFApartmen iftfBhed sul cs " furnishe. suites, with Molt anl: American p an. Cafe nertlon; onen to the public x766 ipuJBW " THE COVEY. 3B -Ipffantly furnished housekeeping 'ants elevator service: fireproof -JKr? Drice reasonable; East South location in city. Phone tBBOh 58 il. 1 THE COLONIAL. mntlr furnished two and three nartmerus. with reduced nates feo an w: lnElo rooms, with or it bath, ?10 and up. Bell phone . f-ROOM, STRICTLY MODERN: y furnished; hardwood floors; hot heat; laundry; will rent all or r'roomi in exchange for 2 meals i for -parried couple. Phone Waaatch r; before 9 a. m.. or evening !? THE ANNEX. &y furnished apartments, dose In. iyc1 'e. So. Temple. Was. 2352-J. Q-338 ;? 3-ROOM. MODERN FLAT. 415 ,5 ait. $20. McKellar R- E & g,, 402 Walker Bank bldg. r720 jM FURNISHED FLAT. OX f'flat. 119 W. N. Toinplo. r3633 jf, NICELY FURNISHED. FRONT Kment. The Hollywood. 231 East tsKvFAND BATH. MODERN. $25.00. SKr new management. 153 Plerpont SMllley apt. a3 'ft FURNISHED AND UNFUR SKed apartments In "Tho Caithness, rafcPof Second avenue and B street. ?Hfal roof garden: best of car service. -L. C. Riter, room 306. Newhouse -frPhonn Wasatch 904. s7o2 !l.3Mfen?)MS. MODERN. NICELY FUR llmtd: no children. 666 East 2nd So. 81967 IJuftlSHED AND UNFURNISHED, 4 a modern flats. Janitor, phone Bfr. or 320 &th av. Low rent. MODERN NICELY FURNISHED ds with heat, reasonable. Was, T, 125 H St. S3208 SSftRN THREE-ROOM APARTMENT. r "fcn. heat and phone. Walking dls iB134 W. 7th So. s338S fWOOD, 653 BAST BROADWAY, it apt., 3rd floor, three rooms and V B4073 M FURNISHED APARTMENT RH8. Newly cleaned, large front icK porch on a very busy 6treet, 10 j' car sen'lce, good place for rall eople. 577 No. 1st West. a4213 MS AND BATH. DISAPPEARING imodern, clean and light. 41S S i b50 OOM APTS., MOD.; ALSO COT ; In rear. S31 1st ave, a4-451 8gEWi0DAf:K, NICELY FUR td, front and rear poroheB, Janitor (, choice location. Tlia Lund, 135 jet. bSl Lpartments Unfurnished Lester: three large rooms. jppearlng bed, heat, gaa, laundry, f, sleeping porch, Janitor; cosy, Ike, with nice lawns and flowers; lln; only $25; but must he small Apply 125 East 7th South or g-Wafatch 4672-J. s7 fl ROOMS IN OAKS. 4TH EAST Srd South- steam, Janitor service; St In town: 527.50 to 532.50. uB & LITTLE. No. 1 W. 2nd So. iftiAGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, .Mlt front and rear entrances, 368 E. IHHII IT liml 'II V s4079 1 .RROOM A PA RTMENT, FUR-' or unfurnished: steam heat; 520 jg78. 454 So. 5th East, apt. 5. k350 VH?3-RM. APT.. NEW AND STRICT jdern. The Adamson apartments, viiTeW1 North Temple, ono block cast of - 9? W 33G-M- Q1476 BtoITrOOM, STRICTLY MODERN. r Bros. Co.. 159 Main at. o2465 --Brf-Y. MOD. 3-ROOM APT. fiTl tOOI-BfcMVcst. Was. 3852. r2270 BteREDlTH APARTMENT8. IBave.'116' front and rcar Porches. MziMMERMAN, FOUR ROOMS, -rMrn. and bath; first floor, front- HlW765'J- r2S23 ft fAT, CORNELL APTS.. COR -fcl and 1st So. W. c. A. Visslng. JlV 2691 jBcgW KNICKERBOCKER APTS SHg1th B. and So. Temple; rive rooms! lkS?K ir .ouh0V.t- separate sleeping -ZZmbrtvll d.J'alhs vacuBm cleaner, 3 JWBw11 storage rooms. W. C A frwJMJlfg'PS or Was. 2965. 82690 S';00 MODERN. SLEEPING mME" Q074-W. a30G5 EBf An?TArVENT F THE EMERY Jgi Apply offlco of The Bransford a02SO,OMS AND BATH; FRONT JBt 1st North. Wasatch 4997-W. I-J motgrn. Was. 2027-M. lJ' f0aCh p0,lcrWasatch 2400 3B!slE"ROfl0ni APABTMBNT AT TILE Jtbb First av0. Was. 5810-RT fjl B4044 Ry; -PTS. NO. 15, 3RD EAST. JK? wSm.? ??,rch find disappear tft.r Vaatch C017. Phono between 1 ffK?hJiM MODERN FLAT, DISAP- SJfei?5!', 2 OOMS AND " ,onfl Wasatch 0372. 84272 Tl&K OK . 3-ROOM APT. WITH Spwfe 2n57 B- 4TH souttt; JWft. Phono Hyland 371-W. ' a444a SjW0 Iree- 47 E"t lat So. Wm. i' Br r3028 iitK, AND MISS ALICE KJDavl.s Shoe Co.; 1oum 9 W&vhWi GRAD r'l -ft Mclntro bhlg., 08 go. Main. CTQKLAP BANKING 'iftl1 bl6ln FOR RENT Stores and Offices STOREROOM, LARGEST AND HAND- Hornest to bo had In the retail district State between 2nd and 8rd South. 12,000 square feet of floor space; approximately S000 square feet basement In addition. Will divide space to suit tenant. Apply G. S. Holmes. Semloh hotel. mll43 FOR RENT. SMALL STORE WITH UP Htalrs salesroom and work shop; finest front and best location in city; specially adapted to millinery, suits and cloaks, ladies tailoring, etc. Mehesy Theater building. 82538 FOP. RENT STOREROOMS ALL sizeo; all prices; low rentals; State st 2nd South at Pay you to Investigate. Apply G. S. Holmes. Semloh hotel. x5 TWO STOREROOMS. CORNER 2ND E. and 2nd South. Apply Semloh hotel office. c539 TWO LARGE STOREROOMS. 317-19 So. State. Apply G. S. Holmes. Sem loh hotel. c537 OFFICE ROOMS. TRIBUNE BUILDING. Inquire F. .T. Wcstcott, 1003 Kearns building. m33 STORES AT REASONABLE RENT. FRITS CH, 202 FELT BLDG. h2315 GOOD STOREROOMS AT 106 AND 113 E. 2nd So.: also 67 Com'l st. Applv G. S. Holmes. Semloh hotel. n404 CORNER STOREROOM AT 80 WEST Second South. Apply Schramm-John-son, Drugs. n30S9 DESIRABLE STORE. CORNER ST II East and 2nd South. G. E. Walker. 2S2 So. W. Temple st. r3190 FINE LJGHT ROOM", KEARNS BLDG., $20. Inquire C. W. Collins. 802 Kearns bldg. Phone Was, 1357. 83034 HALF OF OFFICE WITH TELEPHONE and stenographer. 207 Kearns build ing s3626 BEAUTIFUL STORE: ALSO FEW OF-i flees, in Hooper bldg. J. Wlrthlln. ! room 202. s3917 STORE AT 51 N. STATE. HALF BLOCK north of Eagle gate. Great location for drug store. Little & Little, No. 1 Wost Second South. s3916 FOR. RENT STORAGE ROOM. APPLY 426 South State, bet. 8 and 9 a. m. and 5 to 6 p. m. s4318 For Rent Pianos piawsfo1Pp3nt rivers Bros.. 23 West Third South. r743 BOARD AND ROOM NEW TEfMPLE HOTEL HAS BEEN thoroughly renovated and papered throughout, new furnishings added. Rooms en suite or single. Strictly mod ern. The very best accommodations for families. 13 W. North Temple. s4067 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board- modem. 242 E. So. Temple. Wasatch 4345-J. n2l67 BOARD AND ROOM. S A. WEEK Rooms, Jl.BO up. Rear 114 E. Second South. bl929 FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND ROOM; high and dry, Ideal location. 210 N. State bL 31144 THE STANCOMBE, FIRST-CLASS boarding house. 327 E. 1st So. Was. 1S45-M. 81892 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, Bultablo for two gentlemen, with board. 631 East Broadway. Hyland 3390. s25S3 FINE LARGE FRONT ROOM. EXCEL lent board. 348 E. So. Temple. s3042 TABLE BOARD. HOME COOKING: closo in; pleasant place. 69 No. Stnte. s3440 TWO VERY PLEASANT ROOMS FOR one or two. Board If desired 630 East 2nd South. s3812 PLEASANT ROOM WITH BOARD. 333 East 3rd South. S411S ROOM AND BOARD IN GERMAN family for two young men. 376 So. Sth West. B4025 A SUTTE OF ROOMS, WITH BOARD; rcnsonable. 254 3rd East. Was. 1661 -R. 64085 1 ROOM ANX BOARD IN PLEASANT home; sontlcmcn only. 143 4th East. n3443 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR R1D fliid young man, in private family. No. 1 Louise aplH b2 HAIR GOODS WE MANUFACTURE TOUPEES. WIGS fiwltches, puffs, etc. Largest Btock of hair goods in the city- Combings or cut hair mado up to order. S. L. Costume Co., 114 and 116 E. Broadway. rl671 HAIR SWITCHES. W.IGS. TOUPEES made to order. Basse's Hair Factory, 21S Main. b34 Wigs and Toupees AlLKINDSoirH factured. Kllnner. expert wig maker. 151 Main. b868 SCHOOL OF DESIGNING AND CUTTING shodlFoIT'th ing and cutting of ladles' garmento: loam to cut sklrta, drosses, tatlor-made suits, opera coatH, etc.; tho latest and most perfect system ever devlned; Indi vidual instructions to acholars: special offer on course; aleo cut patterns of any design to your own measurements at reasonable prices. L. Gross, 208 W. 2nd So. Was. 763-W. 84428 PAPER HANGING, PAINTING AND DECORATING WALlvvplDrT W. F. Pcrchon &. Co., 110 W. So. Temple- Was. 1829. 3708 HALVORSEN & GAYLER, PAINTERS. Give ua a trial. 765 No. 2nd West, Was. 1918-R. B3006 FURRIER and TAXIDERMIST EVERYTHING IN THE FUR AND taxidermist line mado as you want It. R, Stenzel Fur Co., 57 E. Broadway -23 years In Salt Lnko. n525 CHIROPRACTORS CECnT'&clsCILT'GK praetors. Chronic and female troubles a specialty. Consultation fret. Suits 403. 235 Bo. Main. r231 PRINTING arrow PRESsulrAirs" BIGGEST plant. Printing, Binding, Offlco Sup plies and Furniture, Legal Blanks. 88 W. 2nd So. Phono exchange 202. k!2 LAWNjMJ AND REP AIR LTD; BABY BUGGIES Re tired. C. A. Fowlor, key, gun. bike and novolty works. Phone Wasatch 4980. 118 West 2nd So. 14l FURRIERS FURS REMODELED, REPAIRED; Ex port furriers; prices reasonable!. Hud son Bay Fur Co., 122 Main. Phona Was, ; 1161, K1758 FOR SALE Poultry and Pet Stocky WHITE PLY". ROCKS. JOHN J. NEW ton.R. 3, Sandy. Half mile east State st. on Social Hall road; Sandy or Mldvale car. 0260 EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM THOR oughbred S. C. Rhode Island Reds and White Orpingtons, SI. 50 per setting Call 415 3rd ave. o2470 WILL SELL MY ENTTRE FLOCKT OF single comb White Orpington hens, j pullets, cockerels; prices that will suit: .also several colony coops. Call and see them. S49 Logan ave. Take Ashton ave. car to Logan, walk half-block west. rlOSS EGGS FOR ILVTCHING FROM AME Ri ca' h best strains of W. Leghorns. B, Rocks, W. Wyandottes and S. C. R. I. Reds. SI. $1 CO and 52 per sotting of 15. Goo. Coulam, 1115 Laird ave. Hyland 244-M. rl842 WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS $8.00 per 100. 1453 10th East. Hyland 432-M. H Nathan, agent. Pioneer hatchery. rlS94 P.-W.'S CHICK MANNA SUPPLIES every need for chicks from one day to three weeks old, $2.90 per hundred. Porter-Walton Co.. 274 South State. r2S50 WHITE LEGHORN BABY CPnCKS delivered. $9.50 per 100. V. J. Larsen. 1315 Second East. Hyland 3293. r3547 WHITE LEGHORN EGGS, PRIZE stock, 53.75 a hundred, C5 cents a set ting, delivered. Call Wasatch 3304-W. si 455 SILVER SPANGLED HAMBURGS. eggs: wanted cattle and voung calves; bulls for service. A. T. Saunders, rear 1415 So. Main. Hyland 3032-.T. s2053 BLACK AND WHITE ORPINGTONS; eggs for hatching, S3 per 15; baby ohlcks. East Side Orpington P'arm, 117 South Sixth East. s2170 VOGELER'S CHICK FOOD MEANS xihlck Insurance. Made from hest quali ty grains and seeds. Vogcler Seed Co. s3467 FEW CHOICE WHITE ORPINGTONS. bargains; also hay cuttar. 210 U St.; Wasatch 3360. s3S43 EGGS AND SETTING HENS FROM thoroughbred S. C. R. I. Reds, 51 each. Perchon's paint store. 119 W. South Tem ple. Wasatch 1829. s4296 ONE PAIR 1912 GOLDEN PHEAS ants, J12. A. M. Vander Vlles, West Ogden. S4413 THOROUGHBRED WHITE ORPINGTON cockerels, ftue stock, ?1.50 up. Pullets cheap. 475 D street. bl7 Grain; Poultry Supplies ORDER YOUR GRAIN, POULTRY supplies from Granite Grain Co. 1050 E. 12th So. s4291 For Sale Horses and Vehicles we havFthree ca1ladsof horses Just arrived; some extra good, big ones; parties anxious to sell quick; can give extra good bargains now. Salt Lake Horse & Mule Market. 344 W. 5th So., Wasatch 4167. sl073 WANTED GENTLE DRrVING HORSE for Its keep; ladles' use only; best of care. 834 So. 6th East. Hyland 392-J. rl572 FINE DRIVING HORSE AND BUGGY. Apply Shay's cafetcrle. 341 So. Main. S1736 2 GOOD DELIVERY HORSES. CHEAP. Nelson Sz Ricks Co. Wasatch 4416. ' 53443 BAY HORSE FOR SALE, CHEAP: WILL drlvn single or double. 2169 Walnut avenue. s3645 BROADWAY' BOARDING STABLES; saddle horses for lilro; divided skirts. 1st South, between Main and State. Wa satch 4290. J. K. Hales, proprietor. s42S3 YOUNG, WELL-BRED DRIVING mare, gentle; also good surrey and harness. Phono Hyland 510. s4400 1200-LB. MARE, ?50; 1O00-LB. HORSE. $40. 816 E. 1st So. H4391 For Sale Furniture FURNITURE TWO ROOMS: WILL sell choap; completo for housekeeping; cheap rent; 646 West 2nd No. s.3808 COMPLETE FURNITURE OF 3-ROOM apartment, almost now, including piano. 7 Ruby apts., 4"7 East 2nd South. b55 For Sale Miscellaneous O'COATS AND UNCALLED-FOR MADE-to-measuro sultn, at a very low price. EUREKA TAILORING CO.. 804 Brooks Arcade, Broadway and State. nBSl TRY OUR 8-YEAR-OLD RYE AND bourbon straight whisky, no blend, 25c a flask; $1 a bottle; 3 bottles Wagoner bert 50c. Social bar, 602 Stato. nl434 STALE BREAD FOR SALE CHEAP AT Royal Baking- Co., utale bread depot. C3433 CHICKER1NG GRAND PIANO, STEEL cafe and cash register, cheap. 801 . State. r2281 WHISKY, 52.50 GAL. J WINE, 51 GAL. : Imperial beer, 3 bottles, 50c Social bar. 602 State. Wasatch 6278. sl05 BEAUTIFUL YEARLING FILLY COLT; also 4 lots. James Miles, 350 W. 6th So, 8475 HORN SADDLE, PNEUMATIC-TIRE buggy, portable Ice box for cafe or market. Wasatch S3, week days. s614 SEWER CONNECTION WORK GUAR antced. See Colin the Plumber. Was. S07. 82044 SAVE MONEY ON PICTrTIREFRAMTNG at Horton Book shop, 27 E. Broadway. 82334 100 MISFIT AND UNREDEEMED SUITS for salu at J their value; Nobby Sultor lum. 265 State. s3763 5-ROOM MODERN, 2 SCREENED porches, hot water heal, 50 fruit trees, largo yard; going to California; cheap at 53500. Call 1115 Wilson ave., Sugar House car. s3369 UNCALLED-FOR TAILOR-MADE SUIT at a anap. Wolf, tailor, 309 Judge bldg. 83466 FENCE POSTS. 56.00 AND ?10.00 PER hundred. Hyland 1670. 3F70 PASTURAGE FOR HORSES. WRITE S. B. Young. Jr., Mountain Dell, or phone Wan. 631. 83619 2 LARGE, ELEGANT MAHOGANY AND plato glass wall cases, cheap. Mehesy theater. s3617 NEW LIFE VIBRATOR. 535.00 Bzo, new, for 525.00. 1355 1 1th East. B3S42 A. GOOD 30-HORSEPOWER HIGH preBsuro boiler for Halo cheap. Inquire Royal Cafe. s3194 ONE NICE 4-ROOM FRAME HOUSE. suitable to move; also throe good wheal scrapers, 50,000 brick and a lot of bldg. material. Geo. Ross, 35 North 2nd West. 4069 FOR SAIE COME AND SEE. ONE new spring wagon, one mbbor tired buggy. 1628 South 2nd East. 84117 FURNITURE TWO ROOMS. COMPLETE for housekeeping; a snap; rent ?5 per month. Address 646 W. 2nd Norths4215 GOOD PIANO, CHEAP. PHONE WAS. 4160-J, s4395 PAWN TICKET FOR 21 VANGUARD gold watch pawned for 515. Sell for 55. Address V 12, Tribune. b43 $60 DIAMOND RING AT SACRIFICE; need ?30 Insurance proinlum Imme diately. Answer quick. AddresB N 11, Tribuno. b42 FOR SALE For Sale Automobiles lIXlHOKlSLEC condition; a snap. Randall-Dodd Auto Co. S2S57 USED AUTOMOBILES AT PR1CE3 TO suit all buyer. Cheesman Auto Co., C5 Automobile row. klOSJ TWO OR FOUR-PASSENGER FRANK lln overhauled and repainted; a snap. Salt Lake Automobile company, 162 East First South. Phone Was. 2884. s08 FOR SALE, CHEAP, ONE 1912 HEN derson motorcycle, used for demonstra tion only; In as good condition as when new. Call 54 So. W. Temple. 61549 WE HAVE REAL BARGAINS IN USED Cadillac cars. Theso machines have been rebuilt, repainted, and wo give the same guaranteo with them that goes with a new Cadillac. It will pay you to see them before buying either a new or used car of any other make. Sharman Auto mobile Company. 42-45 Automobile Row. ol988 A LOT IN BRIG-HAM: CTTY IN peach trecs; will exchange for auto mobile. J. P. Fowler, 57 So. W. Tem ple. 82333 FIVE-PASSENGER 40-HORSEPOWER automobile. In good condition, for sale cheap. Apply Bertram Motor Supply company. 83355 FOR SALE OR TRADE. THREE CARS, ono truck. W. Shirley. 144 0th East. 83G44 For Sale Motorcycles MOTORCYCLE, TWIN CYLINDER, 1912 model; good condition; a bargain. Phone Hyland 641-M. s3721 Autos for Hire PHOre'llYLAtt and holiday appointments; new cars; good service. el491 The Wants have been the means of restoring many lost articles. Autos Stored and Repaired THEPSTOTICE gTrAEHAS been opened by .7. E. Fleezo and G. W. Ballard, and in the future will be con ducted as a first-class auto shop. We have only skillful mechanics in our em ploy. Autos stored and kept in running condition. 69-73 Postofflce place. s42Sl MONEY TO LOAN COULD WE MAKE MORE LOANS upon real estate than any five com petitors combined unless our methods are right? Nineteen years' experience with only one foreclosure. TRACY LOAN & TRUST CO.. 11 E. 1st South. m2661 REAL ESTATE LOANS. Terms favorable. No delay. Any amount. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY, Investment Bankers. 158 Main Street. f2250 YOUR PRIVILEGE IS to pay any amount, any time, without notice, and stop interest, on loans made from us. We loan only our own money. Homo Investment & Savings Co., Glen Miller, president, 6, 8 and 10 West First South stroet. n!152 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. II. Tolman, room 339 Atlas bldg. ol200 AMOUNTS OF 5500 AND UP; LOW rates of Interest. Houston Real Estate Inv. Co., 351 South Main st. Phone 27. o!23 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Halloran-Judge Loan &. Trust Co , 303 South Main. e323 SALARIED PEOPLE ACCOMMODATED without delay or publicity. D. D. Drake. 403 Scott bldg. f3264 OWN UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS; liberal options. Miller & Vlele, 803 Kearns bldg. all6 SALARY LOANS NEGOTIATED FOR persons permanently employed; busi ness confidential. 717 Walker Bank hldar. dl575 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Pomeroy, 36 West First North. p881 I- 51000 TO 57500 ON RESIDENCE PROP-erty-within city limits. Inquire Giesy Walkor Co., 714 Kearns bldg. n526 MORTGAGES FOR SALE. INVESTORS. Our First Mortgage Real Estate loans pay a liberal Interest. Principal and Interest guaranteed by up, M'KELLAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., INVESTMENT BANKERS, 402-3 Walker Bank Bldg. r3080 MY LOANS ON CITY REAL ESTATE always give satisfaction. Meyer, 407 McTnlyre bldg. 5llf.R KEEPING POSTED REGARDING THE want opportunities means that workers who are capablo and willing and employ ers who assure- fair treatment for their workers, aro both In touch with chances that are well worth while. MORTGAGE LOANS MADE WITHOUT DELAY. FRITSCH. 201 and 202 Felt Bldg. S1906 5500 OR MORFJ -REAL ESTATE MORT gage. Burt & Carlqulst company. 40 Main st. si 9 22 MONEY" TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ES tate. Thos. W. Partridge. 407 Judge bldg. 84062 5500X OR MORE REAL ESTATE MORT- erage. Burt fc Carlqulst Co., 40 Main Street. O3970 CASH FOR DIAMONDS. WATCHES anything of valuo; low Interest Relia ble Loan Office, 66 E. 2nd S., Wasatch 1503. Established 1896. s4280 SPOT CASH ON ANYTHING OF value. Cllne's Cut-Rato Loan Office, 11 East Third South. b427q THE WANTS ARE A GUARANTEE against Idleness. HOTELS noraLJAMES Now Open Ready for Business. 100 rooms, single or en Hulte. 50 rooms with private baths. All modern and up to date. Newly furnished and absolutely respectable. JAMES STEVENSON. PROP. 167 S. Main St. b371 THE CUMBERLAND NEWLY FUR nished: hot and cold water; modern In all appointments. 807 E. 2d So. Rates reasonable. p857 PANAMA HOTEL, 240 STATE; NEW management; renovated throughout, newly furnished; single or suites; hot and cold water: reasonable; Ideal lo cation. n3948 PALMER HOTEL, MODERN AND UP-to-dato" renovated throughout and newly furnished; rates reasonable. 54 W 1st S. b46 STEAMSHIPS ArCHORLN 8TEAMSHIPS SAIL EVERY SATURDAY To and From NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. Ocoan Passage 75 Days. FIRST CABIN. $70 AND 176. SECOND CABIN.550 AND UPWARD. THIRD CLASS, $33.50. For Book of Tours, Raton, etc., Addresa Henderson Brothers, Genl, Agents, 35 West Randolph St.. Chicago. OR ANY LOCAL AGENT. T92708 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and Rooming Houses SPECIAL BARGAINS. 51800 IS rooms, extra welt fur nished; rent very low; heat free", flno transient location and a good little money maker. Reasonable terms. 54000 (S-room European hotel; elegantly furnished and fully equipped for the maintenance of a first class hotel; private and public baths and shower baths; located on Main st.; all depot cars stop In front; caters to high-class per manent and transient guests only: last month the owner cleared $300 net; If you desire something good, clean and moral in the hotel line, buy this; continued 111 health of owner compels him to sell; reason able terms to the right party: a rigid Investigation Invited; exclu sively with us. A. RICHTER, Real Estate. Established 23 Years. Headquarters for Business Opportunities. A. L. BRATTA1N. Mgr. B. O. Dept.. 73 Main St. Phono Wasatch 4l. 82924 LrVE BUSINESS BARGAINS. 56-room European hotel. In the very heart of city, furniture and carpets strict ly flrBt-class and In perfect condition; Ion- lease; clearing 5325 per mo. Only 55000. Terms. Rooming house, 54 rooms, steam heat, running water every room, extra good carpets, no dark rooms, fine transient lo cation, clearing $200 per mo. Only 53500. 5900 cash. " 26-room rooming house In very best condition: cheap rent; IS rooms rented permanently, balance kept for transients. Only S1600. Terms. RESTAURANT, In excellent location: large short-order business; receipts $0 day. Only S1000. BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO.. 323 So. Main. b66 BIG BARGAIN 17 ROOMS', ALL OUT slde. airy rooms well Turn, and rented, clearing 5100 a month; rent only 550; price 5600. Nothing better In town for 51200. Excellent location. Ross C. Davis. 118 So. Main. Was. 3839. s443S FOR SALE FIFTY -ROOM HOTEL ON Main; best location; a fine opening for man and wife; established transient busi ness. A rare chance if taken at once. Address T-34, Tribune. s4314 FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE HOTEL Metropole, 35 East Broadway; heart of the business district; doing good business; modern: part cash, balance to suit purchaser. Apply 2 to 4 p. m. b73 16 ROOMS. FURNISHED. A BARGAIN If taken at once. 341 State. Wns. S129-W. r2823 10-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE, BY OWN er; cheap If taken at once. Write. Ad dress S-47 Tribune, or phone Wasatch 3751-M. s2511 10-ROOM HOUSE ON PRINCIPAL streot In city; always filled; reason for selling, leaving city; ?600. U-25, Trib une. s3873 BUY SMALL ROOMING HOUSE AND have rent, light and fuel free. 616 So. Main gt. s40Sl BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Miscellaneous CAN INTEREST SOMEONE WHO HAS from 51000 to 515,000 to invest. The best money-maker that has yet been put on the market. It will pay 100 per cent profit on every dollar invested. Call at 149 South West Temple. b44 TAILOR SHOP In business center of prosperous mining and farming town; will sell house. lot and shop fixtures; bavins' other business requiring my attention. For Information address S Kragh. Muckay. Idaho. b20 SPECIAL! SPECIA L! At a big sacrifice I am offering the stock and fixtures of a dandy little res taurant; good location. Ross C. Davis. 113 So. Main. b29 .GROCERY STORE FOR SALE; GOOD location. Inquire 726 6th ave. Wasatch 4824-R. 82243 STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND Eold. companies Incorporated for 525. Rosenbaum & Co., 225 Halght building. Seattle, Wash. sl282 A GOOD TWO-CHATR BARBER SHOP. Write S-58, Tribune. b2516 HERE'S YOUR CHANCE OLD EST'D. mfg. and mercantile business, at rea sonable price: splendid opportunity. J. W. Dollar. 153 So. Main. S365S EIGHT-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE FOR sale cheap. 128 Wost 3rd So. s4103 CLEANING AND PRESSING Busi ness; everything complete; cheap. Phone Was. 3535. 81000 PROPRIETOR AND MANAGER OF cafeteria for 4 vears contemplates en largement of business and Is seeking a business partner with capital. Address U-3D. Tribune. 84071 FOR SAL ID COPPISR KING BARBER shop, two-chair shop with bath; best location in Bingham. Going cast. J. C. Burden, Bingham Canyon. Utah. s-1310 GROCERY STORE FOR SALE. VERY cheap If taken at once, doing a good business. Would trade for real estate. See Dr. Conger, 260 Main. . s43S9 WANTED, IDEAS. WRITE FOR prizes and list of inventions wanted by manufacturers. Four books free. Randolph & Co , Patent Attorneys. Washington. D. C. s4404 PARTNER WITH WQ RETURNS average 540 weekly and up. Mus-t be sober and honest. V 10, Trlhune. h50 WALLPAPER CLEANING HOME PAPER CLEANING CO. BEST work: reasonable prices. Office, 122 E. Brpadway. Was. 3154. d3179 UTAH PAPER CLEANING CO. OFFICE Salt Lake Glass Sz Paint Co. Ex. 100. Res., Was. 2040-W.. r742 WANTED WALL PAPER TO CLEAN: prompt and reasonable. Phone Hyland 1051-W. rl203 IDEAL PAPER AND TINT CLEANING: satisfaction guaranteed. Rear 234 South ' Second East. Wasatoh 1064-J. s2331 SUPERIOR PAINTING CO., PAINTING, kalsomlning, tinting, wallpaper clean- Ing; work guaranteed. Was. 1296-W. S2709 "IF GRIFFIN STREAKS PAPER HE RE papern." Phone Griffin. Hyland 2703-W. Prices are right. s4119 CALL GRIFFIN TODAY. HE WILL DO your work tomorrow Phono Hyland 2703-W. Griffin. s4120 ASSAYERS CR1SMON & nIcHOLoT A8SAYERS mjxd chemists, Z29 South West Temple. ' W1793 A. F. BARDWELISUCCESSOR BET tlcs, Mathes & Co. 158 South West Temple. Phono Was. 4696. ?217 R, H. OFFICER & CO., ASSAYERS. 180 South West TompU mu, Lake City. ra'flO BIRD - COWAN CO., AS SAYHRs" 160 South West Temple. Phono Wasatcn 4114. b4SS UNION ASSAY OFFICE. 152 SOUTH Weat Temple. P. O. Box 1446. h!510 HAIRDRESSING CALL WASATCH 3536 FOR BEAUTY work; done at your home. ol77 LADIES, MAKE YOUR APPOINT montB early; we are open cvonlngs. W. 3536. Vclvetlna Parlors, 62 IS. 4th South street. 52756 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved S1650 for a 4-room brick cottage. Lot 50x14? feet, on 4th East near 11th South. Terms, 5300 cash and 515 per month. ?1650 for a 4-room modern cottage, built of cc mont blocks. on G street near 12th ave nue. Lot 35x140 feet. S650 cash, the balance long time. 54500. $500 cash, 550 per mo, for a 7-room mod ern brick cottage, south front, on 1st ave nue. This home is In tiptop shape, all modern conveniences, hot water heat. Paving, sewer and all other speclai as sessments paid in full. A. RICHTER. 73 Main Street. Phone Was. 641. s4399 SPRING CLEAN-UP SALE OF NEW BUNGALOWS. 6-r., was 54200, now $3500 6- r., was 54300. now 3700 7- r., was $5000, now 4300 5300 down, balance monthly. Ninth ave. and J st. All of these are modern In every rospect, well built and complete in every detail; cement basement, fur nace, harwood floors, built-in furniture, buffet kitchen, Ilrcplace, etc. Sewer, wa ter, gaa and sidewalk. Nice neighbor hood, flno view. You will never get such bargains again, as thc3o prices are be low cost. Keys at -180 J st. MODERN HOME BUILDING CO.. 421 Dooly Block. s439S APARTMENT HOUSE SITE. 45x122 on 1st So. bet. 2nd and 3rd East. There Is a 10-foot right of way on the west side and the back and 17 feet on the cast side, providing light and air on all sides. It Is equal to 67 feet frontage where no right of way exists, for proper light and air are the first essentials. With paving, sewer, cldewalk and curbing paid, we offer this for S9000. LITTLE & LITTLE, No. 1. W. 2nd So. M419 ASHTON & JENKINS. REAL ESTATE. loans and Insurance. 47 Main street. Phone Wasatch 780. m3072 CHICKEN RANCHES. FARMS AND SUBURBAN HOMES. You deal direct with owners. We act as advertising agents only to bring buyer and seller together. WILLIAM BROS.. Murray, Utah. Phone Murray 2SS-J. rl670 A BARGAIN: MUST SELL ONE lot, 50x190 feet. Sugar House. The first check for 5600 takes It. Sugar House car. E. B. Stevenson, owner, 312 E. 52nd St., Los Angeles, Cal. bl9 MODERN P. B. HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS and sleeping porch: Just completed; bet ter see this at No. T19 Windsor ave. B1748 WE BUY, SELL. EXCHANGE, RENT and manage real estate. See us. Mu tual Home Purchasing Co., 327 Mclntyre bldg. Wasatch 2725. sl310 NEW 5-ROOM MOD. BUNGALOW. Owner leaving city. Call 774 E. 8th So. s4030 OWNER WULL SACRIFICE NICE building lot on cast bench for cash, near new high school and car line. Phone Hyland 659-M. s3932 SEARS INVESTMENT CO. Have moved to 25 E. 4th So., Grand Hotel building. We have customers for building lots, s. e.. cltv. What havo you for sale? O1009 "WE SELL REAL ESTATE, THAT'S all." Tuttle Bros. Co., 159 Main street. f2249 50-FOOT LOT ON DOUGLAS AVE. BE tween 3rd and 4th Sri cast side. Wasatch 5S3S. s4123 S ROOMS. MODERN. EXCEPT FUR nace: 2xl0 rods; 513 Tenth avenue; good family locality, near car lino: full cement basement, cement walks, cement steps being installed: contains 2. Holmes disappearing beds, largo kitchen, pan try, open-air sleeping porch, 5 bedrooms; $5500; reasonable cash payment and bal ance to suit. Particulars. .eo owner, 513 Tenth ave. Wasatch 301 9-M. 33634 OWNER WILL SELL AT GREAT SAC riflce. thoroughly mod., newly deco rated, 2-storv brk. residence. Fine loca tion, 755 E. 2nd So. On sale till June 1st for 55750, cost of the house. 2S0 E. 4th So. Was. 13S9. B2849 WANTED TO SELL. BY OWNER. S-room 3trlotly modern home, with splendid sleeping porch, hot water heat, fine, full cement basement; 4 finished living voorns In basement; beautiful view, facing now stato capltol. Was. 3437. S4034 FOR SALE BY OWNER, 0-ROOM MOD ern: largo lot; southeast; good torms. Inquire Monahan. 706 Kearns Bldg. Phone Was. 761. s3567 5- ROOM BRICK HOUSE. BRICK BARN, 2xl0 rods in court, j block east oar barn: 51675: easy terms. See owner. 151 E. 6th So. 3S4S DY OWNER, S-ROOM STRICTLY MOD ern buff pressed brick, furnished or un furnished. 135 So. 11th Eat. s3S05 REAL BARGAIN: STRICTLY MODERN S-room brick. 1010 E. 2nd So.; Hyland 1445. sS8i7 REAL BARGAIN. BY OWNER. A MOD ern 4-room double brick; 1499 So. 3rd East. Inquire 330 Kensington ave. s3858 FOR SALE BY OWNER. SIX-ROOM brick bungalow, sleeping porch, fur nace, built-in features, grate and mantel. 705 Sth ave. S3SS1 UNIVERSITY LOT, By owner, bet. 2nd and 3rd So., 40x156, $1400. 5800 cash. Wrlto S. W. Hoffman. McMlnnvllle. Or. s3733 6- ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE, 5 acres ground; 3rd East and 12th South. Easy payments. Apply Cap. Eloc. Co. r721 SEE US ABOUT THAT NEW HOME. We will design and build It for you and you can repay us monthly. Modern Homo Building Co., 421 Dooly block. r3933 HOUSE. ACRE OF LAND. IN A PRET ty grove In Knudson farm, Big Cot tonwood; cheap if you do it now. Call Was. 951. fll384 BY OWNER. 7-room house with largo barn in rear: make offer. 1895 So. State. 84427 $200 DOWN AND $15 PER MONTH small cement block house. electric light, etc; lot .120x165 ft.; ldoal location for raising pigeons or chickens; large plgoon flies and chicken runs. Call mornlngw. Hyland 641-J. 34388 W. H, CROMER, 103 E. 2D SOUTH. 10 a-cres nice, land with first-class water right, closo to city limits. 5G75 for few days only. b60 SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRITING GARELlS UNIQUE SCHOOLOF Shorthand and Typewriting. 313 D. F. Walker building. B3581 BICYCLE REPAIRING PHIL WRIGHT. PIERCE AND BAI3GER bicycles; repairing .specialty. 371 i Ejiuih, WcBi. Tenure- riSi? - t H FOR SALE FARM LANDS ! H Farms and Acreage j. IMPROVE YOUR CONDITION. Get on a Park Valley farm. Here Independence and ' fortune -1 await you. The cost of getting started is trifling. I 'H For the small amount of 515 or 'H 17.50 per acre you can buv Park "H Valley farm land. Terms aro on- jH fifth down and the balance in five HH years. sil The opportunities for .-specialty HH farming are unsurpassed. fH All temperate zono crops do well. Some farmers arc doing .splendid- il ly with potatoes; others are getting IH big profits from apples, whlla SH outers arc making fortunes from flH other special crops. lH No matter what crops YOU care jH to raise, you will get a good yield (Bl hi Park Valley. MM Buy your Park Valley farm NOW H while the land is cheap. 9H Write TODAY for our FREE Sl booklet. nl PACIFIC LAND & WATER CO., KH 1509 Walker Bank Bldg., ffiH Salt Lake City, Utah. HjH b31 IRRIGATED FARMS WITHIN FIFTY MILES OF SALT LAKE CITY ON TEN YEARS' TIME. jH Why not Investigate our farm X lands at Mo3lda by Utah Lake? 1 Vour choice of forty or eighty acre tractB, beautiful, level land, HH with full water right. In the tH neart of Utah valley. Land all around Is worth from $200 to lH 51000 per acre. Our irrigated farms are selling at $100 per acre, and you have ten years to complete payments. Only one- fH tenth down. All crops raised In IH Utah valley thrive in Moslda soil. Write us when you can H come and make inspection trip. NATIONAL SAVINGS k TRUST Top Floor Walker Bank Bldg. VM SALT LAKE CITY. fll 4292 DO YOU KNOW jH QUALITY SOIL? H If you know rich soli, the kind that IH will produce "COMMERCIAL FRUIT," and the best yield per acre of grains. j let us show you our i PARK VALLEY LAND At $15 to 525 per acre easy terms. Bargains In 10 to 40-acre Irrigated tracts at Elberta, Utah county. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAHWAY COM- 5 PANY. LAND BRANCH. SELLING ON 20-YEAR PAYMENTS. Three million acres choice farm lands il One million acres Irrigated. , Full particulars apply fll W. C. ALBERTSON. Gen'l Land Agent. fflH 603-4 DOOLY BLOCK MM PHONE WASATCH 3733. WM LAND SALESMEN AND REAL ESTATE agents, city and country, can make Hjl srood money selling our 5-acre Trenton KH Frultland orchard tracts, planted In ap- BH pies or other fruits, under the supervision EH of Utah's foremost horticulturist. Mr. ffil Benjamin Carlisle. Strictly high grade. HH clean proposition, with liberal advertloiny BH and sales assistance. Send for our new BH book "5 Acres and Liberty' and our fH proposition to you. Exclusive territory. HH J. W. Musser. President Intor-Mountain HH Realtv Co., 205 Teropleton Bldg., Salt Lake 'City. 2493 jf jH SEVERAL SECTIONS T2"EST SUB- H irrigated land in Utah. A fine Improved BjB ranch. Also small Irrigated tracts. All f-fj aro bargains. Wo make homestead lo- jH WESTERN LAND CO.. 213 Judge Bldg. WM BftBB 0 ACRES OF CULTIVATED LAND BbI and water, near Rosedale station. Wll- BBBI Ham Wright. Farming ton. "4412 BKBB RANCH OF 305 ACRES; ALL FENCED fl and cross-fenced; 4 head good horses, 3 jBBBJ head cattle. 2 calve; splendid house; BBB close to a new school: 4 miles from town. BBBI on both Southern and Western Pacific BBH railroads: Just the place for new blood; BBB reason for selling. Is owned by a widow. BH who Is too old to even get over the flBJBJl place. Terms, 54000 cash down, balance BABI on time at 8 per cent H. S. Taber, Elko. BH Nevada. aUto BKBB WILL TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY. 240 acres, good water right. Hyland BBBil 268-W. S4410 For Sale or Trade H Rl0AL"EfsrAT A 40-acre Improved farm In Sanpete BBBI county for good property in or near Salt BBBJ Lake City. Addresa 8-59. Tribune. hi99 BBB BY OWNER 6 ACRES. POULTRY ranch: fully equipped: good, , large fl-BJ buildings; 500 W. Leghorn chickens. BJBJBJ William Redeker, First West between BBBJ 10th and 11th South. b!04 BH 130 ACRES OF VOLCANIC ASH. AP- pie land, 2J milos from thriving town. BBBa north of Wenatchee. Wash.; unencum- BH bered. Would exchange for Salt Lake ABB! property. Addresa R-53. Tribune. a!841 BKBB Real Estate to Exchange asoACRE "homestead reltn qulshment - near Fillmore, to exchange HBH for cltv property. Arthur Beta, 888 E. 3rd South. 6373 ' Government Lands jH WILLOCATB YOIJ oliHjzOACRES sagebrush land; reasonable fee. Phone BBBI Wasatch 5489. "5 BKBB Abstracts Title Insurance UTAprnSAvlNGSX furnish abstracts and title Insurance, BBBI attend to all details In transferring ana flBBI mortgaging land titles. Capital, $300,000. 235 Main, 252i BIBB BANK, BAR AND OFFICE FIXTURES H BANK OFlricE jRNTTORE fixtures; special designs submitted on BBBI application: household refrigerators, car- BBBI om and pockot billiard tables, bowling uUt-vs and supplies. Brunswlck-Balko- Colfender Co., 55-57-59 West South Tom- pie. Phone Wasatch 453. a408 BBB W. L, WETI1ERBEB CO., DESIGNERS ' and manufacturers of bar. bank, office and store fixtures; also agents for billiard JM nnd pool tables and supplies. Office and BBBI factory, 1ES-1C0 West lat So. Wasatch 6228. 113320 . SCORES OF HOUSEWIVES FIND THB " Wants well vorth while la effecting BbBI home economy.