Newspaper Page Text
THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1913. jjlTiie Paris in Its New - 1 ar a I .1 nw Bra Hcm Iff i The opening yesterday of our beautiful new store on Broadway was H iiKeautiful I a mos"t brilliant and successful event. We did expect a big crowd, but the mag- sasris5 I ijpaists nmcent reception accorded us went far beyond our most sanguine expectations, fluves I ,fi.ft of Mam Msie. and was a most plowing tribute to the new store. Words of admiration were expressed on all sides,- I H ilSSi " " . FIRST SECTION TO THE j! rgg) Doz. Beautiful Waists anc manv were the pleasant surprises. We thank you for your kind appreciation and hope to deserve LEFT- H SUDlDle line "intro QUC- " t ri n l i -sr l i as an opening special j M A Zr nnP i 9S success. Our policy of low prices will be maintained. W,e have gone to a heavy expense to give Salt w-buV0" 8: U iWlUiJf F T 1 .1 1 .-Pit 1 i i ,1 1 1 1 ,i ,. n ' inforced. double tips, black chSS'fro.S Lake this beautiful store, but at the same time we have reduced our expense m the matter of rent, our SjlJligrf,,,3r; aU 8 ggj M l"W iStoiS rental per square foot being less than on Main Street. Our great purchasing organization has some 75V grade 2.claSP H tT&wialiity coloring: high . r 1 . 1 1 I i P 1 1 1 1 1 11 . CHAMOISETTE GLOVES HI m7p ' unique facilities and merchandising connections for securing good goods cheap, which enables us to more gjyyjgs wa3haggJ; H $lo strongly pursue our policy of low prices and good values, we hope for a continuance of your patronage. amols Ifl RrotoctoE'y to isr Hew Store Sale of nrUCr New Store Sale tff H Hone-flurth off their regular prices-em- J T At one-fourth off their regular prices-em- 9 Srac cJ7k bracing our enjire.lile of the newest El m5D Suits, introductory 'sale price $f6.85 . V Lilh VT) $12.50 Coats, introductory sale price. .. ... $9.35 I 1MM Suits' introductory sale Price $18.75 fj l mil II $13.50 Coats, introductory sale price $10.10 I t50 Suits, introductory sale price $20.65 9UJ LmM WllmY $15-00 Coats, introductory sale' price $11,25 I ;J.00 Suits, introductory sale price $22.50 V-J fflM PPl i $16.50 Coats, introductory sale price $12.35 ! I UjBSO Suits, introductory sale price $24.35 kJK MB $18.00 Coats, introductory sale price $13.50 j I .00 Suits, introductory sale- price $26.25 i lO ffjo f $20.00 Coats, introductory sale price $15.00 I 3p50 Suits introductory sale price $28.15 j tn f Wol I $22.50 Coats, introductory sale price $15.85 II '$00 Suits, introductory sale price $30.00 A Jffl fM ' $27.50 Coats, introductory sale price $20.65 11 Suits, introductory sale price $33.75 V SW f (1 wl ( HI lllir4 $30.00 Coats, introductory sale price $22.50 II m00 Suits, introductory sale price $37.50 Wm vK IP If $32.50 Coats, introductory sale price $24.35 II .00 Suits, introductory sale price $41.50 fKlfo ' IM W W 1 ' JI $37.50 Coats, introductory sale price $28.15 JOO Suits, introductory sale price $45.00 1 WrV4r As K o f $35.00 Coats, introductory sale price $33.75 II 00 Suits, introductory sale price $48.75 I jltrl2 J Ifvl 0 f HI IS:SS:SS:::::JSS :I Wmmy I re cl Boy's Department I Y Wpi Jlki W fraNl rl W 1 HlS RIGHT OF MAIN AISLE. Introductory Extra Specials. j ' H .'St' '' LyI IM)!1IpI V ' vf ITS A COMPLETE LINE OF BOYS' CLOTHING, embraclns every concei"able style I II BimmK Q 0 flii'll0 7 feT lifPrfM I ' and fabric; all moderately priced extra line values. VM mm Spacious Millmery Department & KM If Jwn fil irL3BrP 1? 1 JSSE SECOND FLOOR. . g M .1 1 K ii S1 f. .f.SS.OO Peof aT!.?! 1 6C iJBw"5 Sfme f 11,6 m0St wondro,,; introductory specials. TTc ask you to visit mWl&Wiil I I S lvmVv v8 (Pi ll I S1-00 BOYS PONGEE SHIRTS, made of II ggUjaepartinent regardless of whether you buy or not. The entire pecond floor ha. nvWVmiSJl ' II voM mlll Jilll BOYS' RAIN COAT8 a-bsolutoly watnr- fine mercerized cotton pongee, separate I M'five?t over xo millinery, at prices that are most remarkably low. Read the . f, 'ttSTlll?Aw1 , WV 1 wVWWSl III proof: Uses 6 to 18 yeara. Besular $5.00. f?"atF fsC oej,PLngr Introductory specials' i PvSSMm BS yWi M I Opening QS from 10 to jears at vjs"u H 'iKft, TBIMf(CK ,, , h,,. , iWWil BaVaiffSf Ml., i m A'llSiHl Prlce q50 MEN'S AND BOYS' FOUR-IN-HAND H rJnRHhnn!?SED HATS All Uie 1 AN IMMENSE SHOWING OF MISSES' ' 1U )SSsSSJra Mill S ,1 ,W!Sffli CROCHET SILK AND MERCERIZED ?Jmltlt nd Tfetflfc HATS, made of Neapolitan "and Tuscan 1 H MM WW IMB, feL? J ft llvO -PS588H SENSATIONAL PRICES ON BOYS' WASH TIES, all dainty pretty UfM VWU iVm iTtfi i . 2 I IbI tejW KVV rfiMl I WASHABLE SUITS: mado of an oxtra patterns; Opening special H ?..?tijip-tp ,3?-00:' eCJ) CfeK CHILDREN'S RUSTIC STRAW HATS, ' lifcwMS llll?M 'w&iv CST IFCTYS: WASH' SUTr5 i' ITao mcd'- $1.00 BOYS" STRAW HATS, splendid I ir. P 1 1 low basin effects, trimmed: colors whit a il i 1 tM? TriV v rf f 1 toes supilrc, repps, ira&tw ajJd Uens; quality, In either milan or sennet straws. J H .SSgBREN'S OUTING HATS, especially Hght blue aKd I pink eatinf eapwla ly " IllfW .' 1 thewest styles, Suaa-antoed colors; new atyUsh shapes. pretUly trimmed; one Wat 25c Egffln.1.?: 50c '1 e gjs?.? $1.29 TSTl. 47c 5?JiACE CURTAINS Household Linens and Bedding TABLE LIMEMS BED SPREADS HOSIERY B (feN?W DEPARTMENT MAIN FLOOR NEW DEPARTMENT. NEW DEPARTM ENT MAI N FLOOR. NEW DEPARTMENT. MAIN FLOOR, TO THE LEFT. JtMdPNE THpySAND pARS OF BEAUTIFUL 16c pillow CASES, bIzo 42t:3G -inches; made of flrpaf MilLFnrl nf Tafilp I inn 52"BQ WHITE DAMASK BED SPREADS extra full CHILDREN'S FINE RIBBED HOSE H E?SrwnURT LNS' ovor flaw styleB to choose from good Btron? muslin, soft finish; fflfc Ureal lVllll-na Oaie Or iaDie II15nS. 8,ze plaln ol. fringe(3, with or without fiJO in black white or bVown-"nc ?rad'e 1 C IB tSblSn,toVVrt?1r,.0r eCrV ,fn11 nsth nT,, wWtli: contains no starch; each SfC Remnants containing from 1J to 3i yards; all made cut corners. Opening special Monday ...43W cmLDRE NOVE in fbnflafL 250 PILLOW CASES, sire 45X36; made of very fine J vl?US fla ffawBtwn-E SPREAD' " eoftoToT HSE R ' ;STT,N?HAM verrtro g af TabTe fRM"i!S:l.PlaIn hCmStltChed' 1 gfi WHITE Me"r" E Rl Z E D T A I3LE CLOTH, tvo SfoaynVcWf: 85C "f0 : ?Jm$hl '.only;, full length and width. 5 fij CMn ' Ji. L1L. yards square, extra good quality; 2Dltfi 25c GRADE BABIES' CRIB BLANKETS, good size, WOMEN'S 'PURE THREAD S LK STOCKINGS, re- Palr r, Monday fJC 50c BED SHEETS, size 72x84 inches; made of soft especially priced for this sale at UafC ven- soft nd fleeov; 1 K Inforced isle feet nnd lisle top, combining beauty H ftWfUEn V!,HTE, EMBROIDERED CURTAIN finished muslin; very Lrong S2:0,0 ALL PURE LINEN TABLE CLOTHS, half Monday extra special 1 OC I ce ...!7QC i.cTA-"S SUSWf: :..59c vKK Beautiful Rich Cut Glass TJSL'&'SbX".:.!??: 39c &mt..!?:. 19c fUl-L SIZE WHITE CROCHETED BED ---- r 1000 PIECES Of" HIGHGRADEN mcHUT GLASS. r T , T -I t r J n L H a'SlRPE telescope"sash"rods. 'ixtra. lone hiilnLi rm' h"-vir tt"i fiSr TmIir, 0 , Mr. rrnmri ., sonniniMd to i genuine ni Sit an ihe hisiiem. ' ' ipeClalS rrom 1 Oliet UO dS Uept. Ii Sa. ISc " "' 10WELS AND TOWELING SJi'rnlnAgr-E!.1 . th,rd kcnoN. to thE left. j ssiiWBAnp rvYr-M.- ' ' 10c TURKISH TOWELS, well mode, &Lr lot contnlnti handsome bowls, water Jugs, fern .n . . -. DnTTi e m.nmf 1 11 ,r i'IR2vv hEJJ SAS HRODS, 2.3x42; made am, rmjr hemmed and of sood size, each C dishes, cases, butter dishes, decanters and other te ?'iEtf"? fLT SAocrnniQnt ff-p 'St? 5 COKSETS 35c TURKISH BATH TOWELS; a very large, heavy novelties and are worth up to flj eg ffT euaranteed peroxld : ,?JW; VA.3JIUIJH. J hemmed and fringed. -f Oji $7,00: or opening sale q5y..W 50e SIZE GALATEA FACE POWDER. 2f4r 1 J'lf. MAIN FLOOR. TO THE LEFT. at. each 7... 1 S9C 1 Q ""t3' a excellent article UHL SAHlini r NEW SPRING MODEL, "JUSTRITE" CORSETS- j 10c COTTON HUCK TOWELS, good size, f? TTTWTTfc'iT'TO MITSf TTTKr 5VIOLET TALCUM6 POWdIr "al Tffi H !1 LRAPERIES 11f1 TR?TfT low busL a,ld Ion extended hip effect, made of red border, hemmed, at each 531, J J$ f JfcjMifS. U SJL11 J, 0,1? bSx ' V ''-1 H !&5iWjrr,., 129 eHMVL JE. UJ J3 good quality batiste or coutll; ffi U TB Ch 15c HEAVY TURKISH WASH RAGS, m MAtM n. nra Tn w .-j, 75c PA2ZONI COMBINATION BOX, con- 9Q r2S'REW DEPARTMENTS MAIN FLOOR 51"75 values for loio1 I as.ortod tlnls, at each C MAIN FLOOR, TO THE RIGHT. lalnlng powder, chamois and rouge uBHL. tSTJflBtEpES of fane- aolf flP..- ' ... a' cbi Fwnm wtA eooiMr MnnPi rnnPT CORSET COVERS A largo variety of very pretty 25c GRADE, LARGE SIZE, SANITARY TJ S-f. W! brown: Sir i2 5 ' i C! AS! iniPht.Sp innrtri hl?. mSr?A Sf 13 styles trimmed with fine laces and pretty QCk CHAMOIS SKIN, white or natural J- OC . 1 'JBkN? W'-f $1.49 cUeKaTeS made of ej- fATMKR QCfttfBBS a rA n rtm p n't very handsome coF 15c SPONGE, excellent quality, ' 1HNCY COUCH COVERS, frlneed Homrm and style; $1.25 value for 0C JLiilUa IL illjlJi VJMJ& A BIG ASSORTMENT OF VERY HANDSOME COR- . assorted sizes Jfi. ?LP fc--rtodBty1e!,: fringed Roman NEW DEPARTMENT THIRD SECTION TO THE lOW-SHEET ANTISEPTIC TO.LET PAPER. gc KONDRPn av, RIGHT. embroideries; 51.00 values tpfeDC 10ft 'JlK; Isltc?,,. M,NSTER RUGS, r.Izos 27?:5l TT 11 1 f r MI AS AN OPENING SPECIAL we offer 1000 suit cases. GOWNS made of fine nualitv mualln hlch nerk Handkerckefs, Laces, Neckwear JS'vSSH aS?M 5c " Girls' Dept. Specials J i5 Sacu i L. "3 IsPil SECOND SECTION TO THE LEFT. f ly equipped with straps and best make of locks v .' c 4 , , I r- VSiA?HABLE STAND AND Table coVFRR mt and catches: value fi O b E DRAWERS Women's mualln drawers. plain .or TO RIGHT OF MAIN AISLE. ey laDt table COVERS, ONE GREAT SAMPLE LINE of flno Imported Swiss to $10.00, for embroidery trimmed: made of good AM cwrtbwn, , accobtmpnt op girls' w-nv 1 Mt 1 fltf embroidory handkerchiefs: some nllghtly soiled, but 1000 ALL LEATHER HAND BAGS TotnilRi- slft quality muslin; all sizes, 3oo values tSOC ANA,E,?Ro.0 DcccrrlL ?,f f irftftf Lm, the values range up to 7nc: T aid assorted sty if S PETTICOATS-Muslln petticoats,, made of good . WASHABLE DRESSES, Monday at H f - "11 go at one price, each JL&C Vvhilc Tlcld bas: vu ues Otllii! quality muHlin. with flounce of lace 2 Male of unbray and Imitation linens; ages 6 to iaS?T TtfFTPTfcWTi? WrVroa-Rr LACES In fanty vala and linen torchons, with to 35c. for $S9C or embroidery; $1.50 skirts for a3C -H 'far. an extra eJCceptional value. H 'sSMS -Il.llOJLilii W IKjSi InnertloiiH to match: many pretty pat- O $1,50 MATTING SUIT CASES, size 21 and 2G. strong PRINCESS SLIPS Princess slips made of very fine GIRLS' MIDDY BLOUSES, good quality, prettily 'JJ' -jBp.fOURTH section to tut- . r-- torus and a vaiidty of widths; npoclul. yd vCDCL. metal corners anl frame, good lock; Just the thing nainsook, with real hand embroidery yoke; very trimmed, all sizes; ages from ! Caps ' SfccKAGE; n e.7 THE LEFT. .... for your outing; fif. tb Tfl ftv rich and dainty; S.'I.OO "B R'fi' S to IS years, at "fJSHpWeli auf nv ,,STAMP?P PILLOW TOPS, vniv nfr.H,ArnLAC r2 iK 1p opening sale 1.1 slips for 1$ 1 & OPENING SPECIAL CHILDREN'S ROMPERS, made tfJWVctloi H in ei?h variety of patterns, 1 -yard piece JL i3yL. 1Q00 BRASs TRAYS( Kom,no RxiH3la hand work, CHILDREN'S PRINCESS SLIPS of fine oumbro. of an extra good quality of chanwrays. ginghams, fPfUmPU0 fot- ... 4 c,lc" Pacitage & 50c LACE COLLARS. In a largo varlory rDi, 12-Inch slr.o. caBt brass handles; Qfif nicely trlmmo.d with lace and matlnises and linens; all slnos I jM U of squaro or round shapoB f3 ?1.50 value 0C embroidory; 31.00 slips for and colors, at .