Newspaper Page Text
l&B , . THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1913. 21 H BFancT guardianship 1 yMlvUcSB the respective lhKr?At KtJt Lake county. nEKPuio estote of Erlo Gus- IntffirBale of real and i'BKty at public auction. .rlWPK,. triven that, pursuant. Sft tho Met court of the :tiKfi district for Salt Lake Kof Utah, duly mado by said SlWBL? llth day of April. 1013 Thereby 7 referred to and BfieoO. the undersigned ad .WKK on Tuesday, July lo, tH&Vnck : noon of said day, at 3Sfct entwnco of the city and Sit Lake City, in said 0?!'Kntyf offer for salo and soli fyKtlon for cash to the highest SKo personal and real prop Of qjBletntc as follows: ISWffid shares of ihe stock of Consolidated Copper com- SlEdivlded one-half Interest In W mining claim in the Big JlWfiEolDing district. In the South Ktottonwood canyon, In Salt Utah, called Quartzlte No. ML containing 20 acres, for :Kjcu!ar description of said ItiBftce being hereby made to IHIBsook "Cr of Mining Loca iMBofflco of the county recorder imnty, at Salt Lake City, rfded one-half interest In Lot one (1). containing the southeast quarter of nuartor of section IS, i range .1 east. Salt Lake tracts containing alto es, situated in Salt Lake nd 12 In block 11. plat A. ido. Salt Lake City, Salt nrter interest In the fol od mining claims in Big tng district, In the South Jottonwood canyon, Salt -Bit: Contention, Con n, Contention Extension in Extension No. 2. Con on No. 3. and Conten-1 tfo. 4, each of said claims it 20 acres, for a more Iptlon of said claims ref ireby made to pages 104, , "of Book "O" of Mining ie office of the county It Lake county at Salt i whero tho notices of lo nimB are recorded, itented mining claims in mining district in the Big Cottonwood canyon, y Utah, said claims be nd called Elsie No. 1 and d claims each containing for a more particular de I clalmB reference helng i page 160 of Book "O" ions, In tho office of the of Salt Lake county, at ! payable in lawful money tates of America. ''JOHN BRANBORG, Blrator of Said Estate. JONEAUX, STOTT & jr Administrator. b805 'UftBSeORGE' E. GUNN, DE- Jl2M?j CEASED, tBugned will iell at private PHhfcr at a po'nt on the east "liKrectlon 32, vownship 1 south, , ftfiK'of the Salt Lake meridian, 1 nKgfees 41 minutes east 240.8 iHlli 2S(5 feet from tho south 4flKfbf lot 2, In block 23, ten BKA," Big Field survey, and fKxtono monument for said cor HKinlng thence south S2.5 feet Br of the Irrigation and Navl HBBl thence south 21 degrees V Ktne center of'sald .canal, 39G fc.' south S degrees west 40. G T yCast 161 fee:; thonce south .,jfcat 209.55 feet; thence west LfHnnce south 5 degrees east BBrence south 22 degrees east vkiBghioro or less, to the point glKn of the center of Murphy's 'iHd Irrigation and Navagatlon :HN. north 77 degree- 24 minutes I'Bine center of Murphy's lane, dBpncc north 72 degrees 10 min MK;6 feet; thence north 234.0 yMeaot 317.46 feet; thence Ht-to the center of Mill creek; BjJ7 degrees 36 minutes east ftHUnce- south 66 degrees cast .(loehce south 43 degrees 50 ftBM&5.3 feet; thence south 130 Kcenter of Murphy's lane; P' 88 degrees 57 minutes cast, dHpiter of Murphy's lane, 144 west side of the county road, stone monument; thence fHpces 23 minutes west, along ffijK-Of said county road, 301.4 BvRone monument marking the MR"ead road, thence north 15 JjJBrminutes west 471.6 feet: 7Bi818.5 feet,, thence north 4G IHbHSmlnutes west 60.05 feet; VB6 degrees 30 minutes west JgfliBjpce north 26 degrees west Bp.d thence north 89 degrees .est 707.0 feet to the placo mJM: containing an area of Knenclng at a point in Thir AR.8trcet, whicli point is situ flKwest and 1024.6 feet north fBteinutes east from the soulh MRLof lot 4, in. block 23, ten JtKri' ,B Flcld survey, and 'mJHPn commencement run 'VKV debTee 25 minutes west '.a v?ni ,n Thirteenth East HM situated 33 feet west and 'fc;n.0rth 0 dosree 25 minutes southwest cornor of lot 2, V. thence north 8G degrees ! across part of Thirteenth along the center lino of 168. S feet to the center of n and Navigation canal ; along the center line of n 10 degrees 02 minutes according to one survey, rees west 156.75 feet, ae ther survey, thonco still the center line of said degrees 10 minutes west iraing to one survey, or west 191.4 feet, accord survey, to a point, and ocgroeB 2G minutes west ' Point of commencement, or an acre, more or less, ct, however, to any rights and to such portions of vi. triot as mny le em hirteoiith Ea,st street and wojnxr real estate being t Lake county. Utah. L'Uirn,ture' the toolB- the rm implements and other tv and equipment situated Hd real estate, 1 P'tol stock of tlonal bank of East Ely, the capital stock of tho L the Preferred capital Wte Pino Telephone com hu? mmZ,n capital stock Ulte Pino Telephone com bank of Ely. Nevada, the capital slock of tho r bank of Salt Lake City, confpa5Ual !ftCk f th Tilff c?p'l4.aI stock ot the atVh & ?,Ter company. caPWn stock of tho company. rinL0 P'tal stock of the alnes company, UhanyCaPrtal 8tCk of lhc Hbt t-h? llx)nS company, ' '?lnfeXpaanrCk f tb JBntfeb?ltai Bt0cIt of thc "KSd &Cplta,.f,tock of the -Bl?Wf Deposit company. AfK . vL1! Prefrrod capital yP--- Rlver clHnHea com- iHiw & r. t-olIIerleH company. 9K el '"Med Copper company. KompSiVCapIUl "tock f th0 &Mc0mi,e Capltal 8lock ot KiHmPaiiy; and yy'Vame, of the 6 per cent, Your Summer Auto You've promised the wife and children an automobile for the summer months, but here it is the month of May and no sign of one yet. Perhaps you haven't found just tho one that suited you, or, more likely, you have failed to get the price that fits your pocketbook? In either event it is plain to see that youhaven't tried putting a Tribune. "Want Ad in the paper, or even reading ' over the Want Columns, or you probably would have been the proud cwner of a machine by this time. Spring, especially May, is the time of year when people of large means are buying new cars and will gladly part with their old ones at a sacrifice price. The Tribune Want Columns are full of just such Ads. Why isn't yours among them? Don't waste time, but put that Want Ad In today and, before the week is out, you'll like as not be an auto owner. DIED LANIS At tho residence of Ills daughter, Mrs. D. C. Boyd, 21-1 East Third South street, James V. Lane, aged SI years Funeral notlco later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS EBER W. HALL, UNDERTAKER AND embalmer, 1G4 So. West Temple. Phono 605. d3 E. G. O'DONNELL, UNDERTAKER AND embalmer, has moved to new location, 225-227 South West Temple street. Realty bldg. Phono 580. o3309 S. D. EVANS, UNDERTAKER, EM balmor. Mortuary chapel 48 S. State. Automobile service if desired without additional expense. Was. 384. b31S CUT FLOWERS HUDDART FLORAL CO.. 62 SO. MAIN st. Phono 106. Cut flowers and fu neral designs. nl63D THE LEADING FLORIST," W. W. KING. 214 E. 2nd So. Phono 37. r27 FLORISTS ALL KINDS CUT FLOWERS FRESH from greenhouse. Porter-Walton Co., 27-i State. m37Sl MURRAY FLORAL CO.; CUT FLOW ers, designs, delivered; lower prices. Phone Murray 44. b!147 MONUMENTS, TOMBSTONES LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. R. McKenzle. Display yards. 442 S. State. LOST AND FOUND SMALL PLATINUM FLOWER WITH stem and leaf, no pin; became detached from locket. Return to 42 So. 7th East. Reward. s2578 LOST MAN'S ' OPEN-FACE GOLb watch with fob. Reward If returned to Utah Savings & Trust Co. 82623 LOST EITHER ON 3TH. 10TH OR 11th aves., Sunday, bet. 4 and 5 n. m. solid gold bracelet set with rubles and diamonds. Phone Wasatch 3604-J. Re ward. b743 LOST FEMALE AIREDALE PUPPY. about four month3 old. Return 529 E. 6th So. Reward. Hyland 1516-NW. b703 LOST BOY'S EXCELSIOR BICYCLE, colored black. Return to 3 Daniels ct. Reward given. bll"S LOST BLACK ENAMEL LADY'S ring, large diamond in center and four smaller diamonds, In Louvre rathskeller or on street. Return to Tribune. Liberal reward. bl245 LOST ONE ELGIN WATCH ON North Temple and 9th West. Return to 148 West So. Temple. Reward. bl242 LOST FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 9. BE tweent South Tomplo and Exchange place, diamond bar pin. Liberal reward. Return S37 E. So. Temple. bl269 LOST DESERT ENTRY LAND PaT pers. Reward. Wasatch 6730. bl791 STRING OF PEARL BEADS ON 3RD So. near West Temple. Finder return to room 66, Peery hotel, and receive re ward. bl466 LOST A WEEK AGO. SMALL WHITE poodle dog. In vicinity of Fifth East and 3rd South Return to 25Ds South Fifth East. Receive reward. U1S04 LOST ONE TWO -YEAR-OLD BAY mare, weight about 900, 4 whlto legs, white face; also bay driving horse, 1000 lbs., 7 years old. Phono MIdvale 27-W. Reward. MGG7 LOST ON M STREET BETWEEN 3RD and 4th avenues, two diamond rings. Return 165 M street. Reward. EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT DrTARTHUR BURROWS, OCULIST and aurist; spectacles accurately fitted; difficult casus collclted, g39G3 COAL AND KINDLING E. P. DEAL. COAL, BLOCK WOOD und kindling. 1C5 East 4th South. Phone Wasatch 1238. h25 first mortgage, gold bonds of tho Mason Valley Mines company, on or after Thursday, Mny 22. 1913. and written bids will be received at thc office of Gunn-Thompson company, 1011 Now house building, Main Btrcet and E:cchango place, In Salt Lake City, Utah. Terms of sale of said real estate, cash, or at least 10 per cent cash of the purchaso price and tho balance on credit of not to exceed one year, secured by notea of the purchaser with a mortgage on tho prop erty sold. The terms of sale of the per sonal property, cash. Dated May 9, 1913. J. B. THOMPSON, W. W. ARMSTRONG, BERT CRIPPS. bl2nl Executors. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF SALT Lake county, state of Utah. In tho matter of the guardianship of the per sons and estates of Simeon V. Trent, Jr., and Mary Louise Tront, mlnorB. The undersigned will sell at private sale the following described personal property, to-wlt: Ten (10) shares of tho capital stock of Zlon'a Co-operative Mer cantile Institution, a Utah corporation, on or after tho 20lh day of May, A. D. 1913. and written bids will bo recelvod, at 201 JMcwhouao building. Salt Lake City, Utah Terms of sale, cash. S. V. TRENT, Guardian. Dated May 8. 1913. blOSS SILVER KING COALITION MINES CO. Salt Lake Lake City. Utah, May 1, 1913. To tho Stockholders; The annual meeting of the atockhold cro of tho Sliver King Coalition Mines company, for the election of officers and the transaction of Buoh other business as Bhull lawfully come before it, will bo hold at the office of the company, room 1008-9 KearnH building, Salt Lake City, Utah, at tho hour of 2 p. m. of Monday, May 19, 1913. Respectfully yours. DAVID KEITH, Prcoldont. F. J. WESTCOTT, Secretary. j M036 NOTICE. I will not bo responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. W, G. VEZIEN. bll84 READING THE WANTS SYSTEMATI cally results In being in touch w)tu many chances. AUCTION SALES TUESDAY, MAY 13, AT 58 WEST SEC ond South, at 11 o'clock sharp, I will sell ten rooms of tho best furlture; solid brass and Iron beds, mahogany parlor set and rockers, fumed oak library Bet, Including soctlonal book caso; quarter sawed oak dining set, $65; oak dresser, new Universal range, Detroit gas range, beautiful hall tree, upright piano with player attached, rolltop office desk, elec tric light fixtures, small safe, beautiful riding or driving horse, 5-horsopower motorcycle, lot rugs, carpets, dishes, Havlland china, cut glass, portieres, eta These goods are from the Ivanhoe apart ments, so you may be sure it's fine; $1200 worth; anything for tho homo. At tend this salo for good goods. C. E. Ostcrloh, auctioneer. bl675 THE. LARGEST, BEST AND CLEAN cst stock of second-hand goods in this city, consisting of furniture; stoves, ranges and household furnishings. Wo also have tho largest and best se lections of rugs and carpets. We have all makes and sizes. These goods are about as good as new and we can sell them for -about one-half tho regular price- UTAH FURNITURE CO.. 12S-132 W. 2nd South. bl63S WE HAVE MOVED FAR OUT, AND being out of tho high rent district en ables us to givo our patrons right value for their money. New and second-hand ranges and furniture. Trade new furni ture for old. Now Axmlnster rugs, $18. 430 State st. Michigan Furniture Co. Try us. S4276 BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! IN NEW AND USED FURNITURE. THIS WEEK ONLY. AXELROD FUR NITURE CO., 26 W. BROADWAY. M635 C. U. OSTERLOH. AUCTIONEER. RES idence, 634 S. Main. Wasatch 2824-W. n48o WE BUY AND SELL SECOND-HAND household goods. O. K. Furnlturo Co., 209 S. West Temple. r233 IF YOU INTEND TO SELL. SEE LIVE Wire Auction Co. Was. S07. s3631 PERSONAL LADH2S?lbl)? ly guarantee my great successful "Monthly" remedy; safely relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, abnormal cases in three to five days; no harm, pain or Interference with work; mall $1.50. Double strength, $2. Dr. B. P. Southlngton Remedy Co., Kansas City. Mo ol5 I SPECIALIZE IN GOWNS, FANCY dresses, wash dresses for women, chil dren, babies, outfits complcto made to order. Mrs. H. M. Murray, 205 E. 4th S. Prices reasonable. b934 GAURANTEE TO TEACH YOU TO play piano in 3 months; no notes; 50c lesson. Address T-39, Tribune. bS31 LADIES! ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR Chlchesters Pills, the Diamond Brand. For 25 years known as Best, Safest. Al ways Reliable. Buv of your Druggist. Take no other. Chlchesters Diamond Brand Pills are sold by Druggists every where. BANISH PIMPLES AND BLACK heads quickly. Elite cream makes them go. A Joyous surprise to all. Write today for full frco particulars to tho G. F. Osburn company, 109 Grand ave., Portland, Or. b!3S4 HOUSE CLEANING UTAH HOUSE CLEANING CO. DOES kalsomining or tinting. WE HAVE oxpert window cleaners. Tel. Was. 3082. 123 So. State. bS16 WIADL PAPER AND HOUSE CLEAN lng. Call up Monday, Wlasatch 4858. 1)1563 CORSETS MRsT'MANn SmETLXOSETs", 1-year guarantee 76 W. 4th North. Was. 4587. nlSO LIVERY STABLE McCGrSALES CAltRLETAND light livery horses bought and sold. Phon" at. p-ui SjINGJIACHINES WE SELL, RENT AND REPAIR ALL make." infl State. WnBatch 4703. dalg OJSHIONS, UPHOLSTERING MATTRESSES AND SrTngFRE palred. Salt Lako Mattress & Mfg. Co. Phono 3299. p!5G5 CLEANING AND DYEING SALT LAKE CLATfLNGOBEST work, prompt delivery. 351 State. Was E235. Hyland 1039. b2335 ACCORDION PLEATING bunbIjrtndside rLmXnso 608 East 3d South. Phono Hyland 737-J. ktOSS FJDISTOREEMODELED MIDSUMMER PRICES; ExVeRTFUR rlers; storage Insured against fire, burglars, moths. Hudson Buy Fur Co., 122 Main. Wnsntoh 11C1. b!7S5 SIGNS AND SCENERY CHAS, PETERSON, 20 RcliAltDSST brass, chipped glas3 and painted. Phone Wasatch 1503. x25 KEY FITTING do Supply Co. Wasatch 3028. 64 W. Broadway. o701 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING J, M. LUCE, PLUMBER: WORK promptlv attended to, 924 Penn. avo. Hyland 1367 ' a3390 R. H. REDDON. PLUMBING AND heating: Jobbing a specialty. Wanalch 49S6-R. 678 3rd ave. b!465 BEAUTY PARLOR T Fj3ETMAVGI3 IN THE CITY Velvctlna system. Was. 3530. 62 E. 4th So. b217 ZTOR A FAMOUS SCALP TREATMENT, VelyetlniL ayotom, phono Wa stitch 3536. 1)1CG7 REMOVAL NOTICE MRS. NELLIE GLOVER THOMPSON, formorly living at No. 143 So. Third East, has moved to "No. 11 Brunswick avo., whero she has established dress making parlors and will' bo pleased to moot all old friends. b537 PAPER HANGING, PAINTING AND DECORATING WAlITaIpEr PNTlNOTINTINaC W. F. Porchon & Co., 119 W. So. Temple. Was. 1829. s3708 HALVORS EN & GAYLER. PAINTER8. Give U3 a trial. 765 No. 2nd West, Was. 1D1S-R. s30Q6 PAPER HANGING, PAINTING, KAL somlnlng, rcfinlshlng and general re pairing: best work and reasonable prices. Wasatch 4824-J. bl34 SECOND-HAND CLOTHING highIssprIces PUFOR old clothes and shoos. E. Green, Wasatch 1508. o391 BEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing. W. GHckman. 71 So. West Temple. Was. 4513. b40 GENERAL BUILDING r1ePAIRCo! will give you estimates on your car penter work, bricklaying and plastering, painting and kalsomining, paper cleaning, tuck painting and whitening and cement work. Wo are reasonable and satisfac tion guaranteed. Phone Wasatch 1455. 115 East Second South. s4264 ICE CREAM WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANU facturors. of ice creams; quarts, bricks or specialty, 10c- in bulk, 35c. American Ice Cream Co.. Wasatch 4158, b933 IRON WORKS JOB DEVEY, MANUFACTURER OF I , all kinds of iron work. Bids and ostl- j mates gladly furnished. 243-5-6 Edison steet Wasatch 6190. b843 QUICK SHOE REPAIRING MEN'S SEWED SOLES, 60c; LADIES.' 40c. Utah Shoe Rep. Co.. 117 So. W. Temple. Was. 3837. Wo call and deliver. s867 PENMANSHIP ;p1oljrFltATIT i penmanship; engrosser: resolutions, di plomas, etc. Was. 2724-W. Hoopor bldg.. East 1st South. b231 KODAK FINISHING KODAK FINISHING; HIGH-CLASS work, guaranteed. Alseen studio, 69 E. 2nd South 176 State, Glena . block. 2nd floor. bS40 MATTRESSES and FEATHERS MATTRESSES MADE OVER THE NEW way. Have a now section mattress mado from your feather bed. Feather cleaning a specialty. Phone Hy. 2043. Mulkey Section Mattress Co., 472 EL 2nd Bouth; a2973 PRIVATE HOME WILLOWS-MERE. CONFIDENTIAL confinement, seclusion, legal adoption. Mrs. F. Phillips, 11th E. bet. 12th and 13th So. Smgar station. Hyland 1231-M. k3032 FURRIER and TAXIDERMIST EVERYTHING IN TllEFUirAND taxidermist lino made as you want it. R. Stcnzel Fur Co,. 57 E. Broadway 23 years In Salt Lake. n525 HAIRDRESSING ladies make your appIhntn ments early; wo are open evenings. W. 3536. Velvetlna Parlors, 62 E. 4th South street. s2756 OSTEOPATHY DirGTTAGAaS orders and diseases of women a spe cialty. No. 608 Mclntyre bldg. Office. Wasatch 5281; residence. 5090. b38 TAILOR-MADECORSETS MRS. M. HAYES, SPIRELLA CORSETS, one year guarantee. 260 West 3d No. Wasatch 25S0-J. n39 DAIRIES MAPLE LEAF DAIRY, PURE MILK and cream. For Information call Was. 729. o703 SAFES REPAIRED ALSO KEyTllrlNGAND LOCK work n specialty. S. L. Lock tVorkB. Was. 4054. hlOiO SADDLE HORSES. FOR HIRE; DIVIDED SKIRTS. BROAD way Stables. 1st So. bctw. Main and State. Was. 4290. 33230 WHERE TO STOP ONCollloljSrCSRAS 250 rooms; rates 35c. 40c and COc; mod ern; baths, 15c. n!339 GOWNS AND DRESSES. fTrIitSIaIss ting; work guaranteed. 167 South 2nd East Was. 1540. S3270 PICTURES and WALLPAPER PICTURE FRAMING AND HOUSE DEC-ora-ting, Gcorgo W. Ebert & Co., 41 Main st. k2719 SHEET METAL WORKS NEWMANsli skylights, furnaces, etc. Was. 4155. 32757 CHINA DECORATING mIssuerthaT" wagene1?sstk 77 East Third South. China sultablo for gifts and prizes. Class and private lessons. c969 PRINTING ARROWli BIGGEST plant. Printing. Binding, Office Sup plies and Furniture. Legal Blanks, 06 W. End So. Phono exohango 202. k!25 FURNITURE REPAIRING W. WILLIAMS & SON, 166 N ST. WAS, 1645-W. Upholstering, chairs recalled. o343 MOVING niYCu'TRiri and want your goods movod in first class shape, sea tho van men, Mollerup Bros., Wasatch 2211-J. b!0B4 CHIROPRACTORS practora. Chronic aftd female troubles a npnclalty. Consultation fr. Bulto 403. 235 So. Main. rMl SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRITING gCtrelITsunique schooiI of Shprthand and Typewriting. 313 I?. F. Walkor building. s2581; must have money. Good creamery butter, 30c; 2 lbs. Blanchard buttor, 05c; lard. 3s, 45o; 5s, 75c; 10s, SL45; 3 lbs. spinach, 10c; 5 bunches groon onions, Bo; 5 lbe. plo plant, 10c; 2 lbs, asparagus, 15c; 2 Grape Nuts, 25c; Cream of Wheat, 15c; 3 cans Car nation milk. 25c; M. J. B.. Wedding Breakfast, White House, Sohllllng'o, Yale coffee, 35c; Llpton'.i yellow label teas, 60c 4 cans pork and beans, 25c: 185 lbs. sugar, Jl; 9i lbs., 50c; sack, $5; fresh Utah eggs, dor., 20c; Columbia wheat flakes, 25c; tall can salmon, 10c; 6 cans sardines or devjl&d ham, 25c; straight grade flour. $1.05; Germade. 30c; 2 lbs. fig cakes, 25c; 2 lbs. sultana raisins, 15c; 8 Jollo, 25c; gallon can syrup, 45c; 4 lbs. rice, navy beans or red beans, 25c; 2 boxes shoo blacking, 5c; tomatoes, early June peas, 10c; 2 pkgs. wheat tlakca, 15c; Bakcrized coffee, 40c; split peas, lb., oc; Postum cereal, Koffe-et, 20c; honey, lb., 10c; 12Jc pancake tlour, 5c, best cream cheese, Ib 20c; 3 lbs. ginger snaps, soda crackers, 25c; compound lard, Is, 35c; 5s 60c; 10s, 51.10; Cottolene, 30c, 60c, $1.45; Quaker Oats, 10c. CHICAGO STOR.TL', 114-116 West First South. bl266 GROCERY AND MEAT SPECLVLS. 10c pork and beans, 1st grade .....7f 25 lbs. sugar $1.35 17 lbs. sugar $1.00 I0o Corn Flakes 2 for lof; 3 bunches onions ...5j Blue Karo syrup, gallon 4Fc Fine white rolled oats. lb... 5c 200 5c pkgs. garden and flower seeds to go at 2 tor 5c, 5 for 10c. Dandy meat specials for Saturday, A. F. HOPPER, 370 Main. Phone Wasatch 97. bl2G7 SANDCREST FARM STORE SPECIALIZES ON GRO CERIES, EGGS, POULTRY AND MEATS. PRICES ALWAYS REASONABLE. 9TH E. AND 9TH SOUTH. HYLAND 3431. M057 HOPPER, GROCERY AND MEATS. 370 Main. Wasatch 97. b93fl ASSAYERS CRISMON & NICHOLS, ASSAYER3 and chemists, 229 South West Temple. W1792 A. F. BARDWELL. SUCCESSOR BET tles, Mathez & Co., 158 South West Temple. Phone Was. 4696. f217 R. H. OFFICER & CO., ASSAYERS, 160 South West Temple st., Salt Lako City. m260 BIRD-COWAN CO., ASSAYERS. 160 South West Temple. Phono Wasatch 4114. b453 1 UNION ASSAY OFFICE, 152 SOUTH West Temple. P. O. Box 1446. hl510 HAIR SWITCHES, WIGS, TCUPEES made to order. Sasse's Hair Factory, 218 Main. b34 ST. LOUIS HAIR STORE. 174 W. So. Temple. Goods mado to order; combings a spe cialty; halrdressing, shampooing, facial massage, and scientific scalp treatments. Ladies, call and see mo. All work guar anteed. Prices reasonable. Nollio Pettl gew. bl708 Wigs and Toupees factured. Kllnner, expert wig maker, 151 Main. s36Q FURRIERS FURS REMODELED, REPAIRED; EX pert furriers; prices reasonable. Hud eon Bay Fur Co., 122 Main. Phono Was. 1161. gl756' FURS REPAIRED AND STORED, Genex'a C. Hicks Co., 68 So. 6th East. Was. 3707. bl28 J. PANEK, FURRIER, REM. TO 124 E. Broadway. Furs stored free of charge If alterations or repairs aro made. bS45 LAUNDRIES PALACEADRYCoT ' Office, 70 W. Second South, phone. Office 73 E. Second South, Wasatch 1431. Office 33 E. Third South, Was. 3710. Works, 768 E. Fourth South. Hyland 2562 and Hyland 662. Laundry brought to offices saves 20 per cent. No extra charge for one-day specials. k2327 Hand Laundry LAKGTHANrT class work; ladles' shirtwaists: dresses our specialty; men's shirts and collars. Was. 3594. 338-40 W. 1st S. b45 PATENT ATTORNEYS SCOTT & COMPANY ALL COUN trlcs; terms reasonable. 227-8 Judge bldg. g607 TO PATENT INVENTIONS, REGISTER trado marks or copyrights, see J. M. Thomas, 308 Utah Savings & Trust bldg. ol24 ANNOUNCEMENT sT!TlBoaKlJTol A. G. Hockett. from Kansas City. prop. s2432 MRS. M. MELLOR WISHES TO AN nounce to her many patrons that sho has again taken over tho LaMoll Hotel. 223 State. bS42 TAILORS ROSELL, THE TAILOR, 75 SO. STATE. Suits and overcoats from 15 up. gl522 A. J. HALL, TAILOR, CLEANING AND repairing; ladles' and gents' suits made to measure; suits pressed by tho month. 20? E.' 2nd So. Wasatch 1842. s9i5 VIOLIN INSTRUCTION ANDRE VRDIEr! TEACHER of violin. Former first violin of Thomas' Chicago Symphony orchestra. Solo violinist Men delssohn Quintette club, Boston. Studio, 111 Second Avo. 83337 SPANISH LESSONS SPANISH TRANSLATORS IN DE mand. Stenographers muBt soon kno this coming commercial language. Easi ly and quickly mastered by Mrs. Foley's method. Begin now. Mclntyro Build ing b!487 ELECTRICAL WORKS ANZTROolJr"lTo equipped completo with eloctrlo chande liers, drops ana shados for $25, Electric Construction Co., 327 S. State, phono Wa satch 5050. b935 BOWLING ALLEYS Main. Frizes each wock for ladles' high flcorca. tn551 AUTOMOBILE NUMBERS NICKEL. BRASS. ENAMEL, 50c TO 55. Chas, Petorson, Signs, 20 Uppor Richards. b839 SAFES AND VAULTS COMPLETE LINE OV &AFESON hand. Shealy Safo & Vault Co., 41 P. O. place. o2542 WANTED Wanted Male Help ARE YOU BETWEEN 17 AND 25. AM bitious active and healthy, but dissat isfied with the uncertainty of changing from one Job to another and not getting anywhere? Then find out something about the navy, not only as a business proposi tion, but as a valuable training and as a Job you'll like and want to stick to. Find out about the good pay, regular promotion, incentive to save money, easy hours, hoalthy life, practical training, chances to learn a trade or follow one you already know, to see something of the vorld. If you possess eomo trade you may enlist if under 35. Call at Navy Recruiting Stailon, Judge building. E. 3rd South and Main sts.. Salt Lake City, Utah, and get the real facts from officers there. Or write for free book, "The Making of a Man-o'-Warsman," telling all about dally life on the big battleships. Simple language, clear pictures. Address Bureau of Navi gation. Box 352, Navy Department, Wash ington, D. C. S3742 WANT 20 HUSTLING MEN AND women, who are anxious to make $20 per day for tho next month; tiouae-to-houso canvassing, with the quickest, easiest seller ever known. Samples furnished and specific districts given hustlers. Work very pleasant and dig nified. If you are willing to get in and work for $20 per day, call at 326 Mcln tyre bldg. Monday. bl593 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY. ABLE bodled unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate hablt3. who can speak, read and write English language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer, old Walker Bank Bldg.. West 2nd So. st., gait Lake City. b212 FEW GOOD SOLICITORS. APPLY 114 East Broadway. o754 DANCING LESSONS. 25C. DAILY. SC clal Tues., Thurs.. Sat. 68 Postofflce placo. 08G1 WANTED TWO LAUNDRY DRIVERS with own outfit preferred. Call Murray Laundry. o3306 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, restaurant and household help. Headquarters for laborers. 55 West Second South. Phono 464. o743 MEN WANTED TO WEAR OUR trusses; fit guaranteed. Rex Drug Co., W. Templo and Broadway. h327U PERSONAL ATTENTION AND THOR oughness characterize Utah Business College training. Day and night Begin now. Boston building. sl537 FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, BASE ment First Congregational church. Wo get you a position free of charge. Tele phone Wasatch 5322. t365 MEN. WOMEN: GET GOVERNMENT Jobs; excellent salaries; write immedi ately for free list of positions obtainable. Franklin Institute, Dept. 444-C. Roches ter, N. Y. B2423 100 nSFIT AND UNREDEEMED SUITS for sale at i their value; Nobby Sultor lum, 265 State. s2764 WANTED A FIRST-CLASS WAGON and carriage blacksmith; must be a woodworker; steady Job; 9 hours; $4 to $4.50 to right man. Wire or write. L. M. St. Laurent, Idaho Falls. Ida. s3630 CASH AND MESSENGER BOYS WANT ed todav. The Bell sample shoe par lors, 403 Boyd Park bldg. 162 S. Main st., to wear $2.50 sample shoes. s4429 BIG MONEY FOR AGENTS; BEST proposition; new plan; no talking; easy work. Anthony Fisher, 161 W. S. Temple. b41 WORKINGMEN WE ALL CAN FIND comfortable and homelike rooms at the Motropole hotel. Rates $2.50 up. 35 E .Broadway. bl32 LEARN SALESMANSHIP; POSITIONS' guaranteed all graduates. I. C. S., 323 Felt Bldg. Was. 5045. bl33 ENJOY A PLEASANT EVENING AT the Kosy pool parlors; everything now and now open to tho public. 226 So. State. b228 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS NOT UN der civil service. New Red Book, giv ing list of thousands of them, with sal aries. Postpaid, $1. Andrews Paper Co., Washington. D. C. b319 MINERS, ?3 PER "DAY, WEST DIP Utah. b739 STENOGRAPHER AND GENERAL OF fico man. Apply W-5. Tribune. bS37 WANTED MEN TO WEAR HOLT'S $2 hats; no more, no less, 35 E. Broad way. bSH TEN BOYS TO WORK DAYS AND after school with bicycles. Apply man ager Western Union. 147 South Main. bl07S "U" CAN DrVE WELL AT TUE DAIRY Cafe without going broke; regular meals 25c. 71 W, Third South. East ern prices. bl061 CARPENTERS, 50c PER HOUR- R. H Howard, Contractor, Evanston, Wyo M016 WANTED LATHER. C. M. GOOD man, P. O. Box 428, Rock Springs. Wyo. bll31 EXPERIENCED PAINT AND OIL salosman for Salt Lake and vicinity. C. L. Cox, 16-18 RIngold St., San Fran cisco, California. bllSO WA NTED RELIABLE BOY WITH wheel. Drug store. 2nd So. and Sth East. bll71 WANTED 25 LABORERS FOR NEW high school bldg.; 8 hours. P. J. Mo ran. bll70 TWO SOLICITORS; EXPERIENCED men preferred. Address at onco W-28, Tribune. bl229 EXPERIENCED SMELTERMEN, BEST wages to good, steady men, Stato age, nationality and last place of employ ment. Address W-29, Tribune, bl270 25 LABORERS. APPLY MONDAY morning to foreman at P. J. Moran concrete mixer, corner 4th South and 2nd West, bl287 KALSOMINER OR TINTER WANTED. Address W-31. Tribune. bl290 LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED No canvassing or soliciting required. Good Income assured. Address National Co-operative Realty Co. Marden bldg. Washington, D. C. b304 I WILL START YOU EARNING S4 dally at home in spare time, silvering mirrors: no capital; free Instructive book let, giving plans of operation. G. F. Red mond, Dept. 318, Boston, Mas3. n243 BE A DETECTIVE EARN OVER $300 monthly Greatest opportunities, Writo Detective Wagner, 1243 Lexington ave., New York. r3856 WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COL lctor; married man between 30 and 40 years of age. Address W-37, Tribune. bl431 GO LABORERS; APPLY SECOND AVE nuo and 13 st. bl430 ASSISTANT SODA DISPENSER. AP ply Willes-Horno Drug Co. bl.429 WANTED GOOD LIVE SALESMAN to work on commission, to sell best household article on the markot; good proposition to right party. Address W-38. Tribune. bl455 WANTED BOY TO LEARN DESIGN Injj Qi,0 with somo ability to work after sohool and vacation. Salt Lako Eloc Supply Co, bl530 LOCOMOTIVE RUNNING- PAYS BIG. Learn how. Particulars froo. Super intendent, 1018 Mailers, Chicago. M408 WANTED H Wanted Male Help GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. CTVTL service. Information free. Prior, 6 So. Il Wabash, Chicago, 111. bl407 jl $2ij WEEKLY AND EXPENSES, TO iH trustworthy people to travel and dfa- Kl tribute samples; big wholesale house. EjH Emery, 732 Sherman. Chicago. bl402 ll ORGANIZERS MAKE $50 TO $75 IH weekly organizing Red Eagles, a Boclal, HH fraternal and beneficial Boclety. Write Kl for exclusive territory. Red Eagles Or- Hl ganizlng department, Detroit, Michigan. 5100 WEEKLY PROFIT IN SPARE IH time at home. Mail order business. Il Don't worn' about capital. Boyd H. ll Brown, Omaha, Neb. bl39S il BECOME DETECTIVES. BIG PAY. fH Easy work. Traveling opportunities. fl Write Frederick Wagner. 1243 Lexington Il avenue. New York. bl3S3 MECHANICS OR PERSONS WITH 11 'ability lo invent Millions of dollars Il await good ideas. Write for list "In- ll ventions Needed." Randolph & Com- ll pany, patent attorneys, Washington, LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN, BRAKE- 11 men, wagcR about $100; experience un- El necessary. Send age, stamp. Railway. Il care Tribune. bl3S0 lH EXPERIENCED BUSHELMAN AT SH once. Apply Bradford Clothes Bhop. ;IH 116 So. Main. blS08 IH SALES MANAGER, TO HAVE FULL j charge city salesmen and agents; good , chance for capable man to make money. Address X-3, Tribune. ' bl809 il WANTED A. PARTY THAT CAN I give good references and one that lias $250 to Invest; a good proposition to tho right party: this business Is located in , Salt Lako City, and will bear Inspection. ; P. O. box 1073. '! b!793 10 CARPENTERS. IDAHO, ?3.50 DAY. . fH 1 tinner, $4.25 day. il 1 dairyman, Utah. $35. ll 1 farm hand. Utah, $35. Jfl STROCK'S EM P. AGCY.', ' 55 W. 2nd So. St. b!627 MIDDLE-AGED, HANDY MAN WHO 11 loves animals; will havo to batch short fl distance from city; must furnish refer- ll ence. Phono Hyland 1357-J, after 1 fH o'olock today. bl575 ijH A MACHINE P.RESSER; STEADY 11 position. Apply today before noon. 3 11 Panco Vesta club, 35 .East 4th South. iM b!611 - H FIRST-CLASS WALL PAPER CLEAN- 11 era wanted. Apply ready for work ?H Monday, 7 a. m. 426 South State. bl635 PANAMAS. STRAWS AND FELT HATS cleaned equal to new. 534 So. Main. flH Was. 3640-W. b!724 GOOD SOLICITORS FOR COUNTRY fil and city: salary and commission. 425 flH D. F. Wulker bldg. bl710 YOUNG MAN ABOUT 17 YEARS OF fH age, at once. Apply 268 South- Main, il Franklin's. f.l EXPERIENCED SALESMAN. SATUR- day, extra. HIrschman Shoe Co. bl649 $ BOY WANTED FOR WALL PAPER IH store. Apply morning, 122 East Broad- way. bl775 Sl RELIABLE SALESMEN TO SELL lH farm lands. They can boost to the tl skies without stretching tho truth. At '.M once. 604 Dooly block. bl75 il PORTERS.. APPLY STEWARD'S OF- fH flee, 7 a. m. Sunday, St. Mark's hos- tH pltal. bl605 MEN WANTED FOR CEMENT SIDE- walk work at Marlborough place, 7th lH East and Kensington ave., Tuesday H morning bl546 lll Public Stenographer jB 1st at Remington Typewriter Co., tH 172 South West Temple. Phone3 Was. ,77 and 78. B4433 fH Wanted Agents Igent&wgnd ijl ity. Act quick; soli "Ambrew" Con- r-H contrated Beer Extract; rnakes real, gen- KH uine. intoxicating beer right at home by lH adding water. Saves 100 per cent of iH brewers' prices. Not near beer, not a fH substitute, but real lager beer. Strictly TH legitimate, no license required. Small IH package, carry, week's supply, deliver as iH you sell. "Ambrew" Is the concentrated vH Ingredients of real lager beer, same ma- tH terlals used by all brewers for brewing fH the best beer. Big seller, enormous dc- yH mand, large profits. Just send postal. i'H we'll show you how to make money 'H quick. The Ambrew Company, Dept. 2627. i'H Cincinnati, O. bl397 ll WE FURNISH YOU CAPITAL TO (RUN TH PROFITABLE BUSINESS of your own. tl Become our local representative and sell $ high-grade custom made shirts, also H guaranteed sweaters, underwear, hosiery, and neck ties direct to homes. Write, H STEADFAST MILLS. Dept. 29, Cohoes. i flH - N. Y. b!404 I'l VACUUM CLEANER AGENTS EX- ll elusive, new design, $7.50. wheel op- orated, bellows type cleaner. Without H clumsy box or dirty dust bag. Big prof- iH Its. Write, DOTY COMPANY, DAYTON, OHIO. b!414 ll AGENTS MAKE $25 TO $100 EVERY fl week selling sign letters for stores and flH offices; success guaranteed; samplo and fll particulars free. Metallic Sign Co., 437 H N. Clark. Chicago. b!413 AGENTS WANTED; ALSO TEN CREW managers; new scheme; big profits; lH thirty days' credit; samples free. Model H Portrait and Framo company, Chicago. M bl409 IH AGENTS A DIGNIFIED PROPOSITION. jjl Big profits. Business men and house- H wives buy on sight. Investigate today. iH Sample postpaid 35c. Coast Manufactur- IH Ing Co., Desk R. Fresno, Cal. rl78 IH FREE SAMPLE ALL OUR OLD CUS- IH tomers write. Lowest prices over of- iH fered. Combination dish protector, wa tcr strainer and splash proventera. It sells Itself. $60 wook. S. J. Seed Filter H Co.. New York Q1396 M START IN BUSINESS. I STARTED as agent; am now big manufacturer. I will start you. Men of ability wanted to open branch offices; solicit business, H and employ sub-agents. Credit given. C. E-. Swarlzbaugh, PresL, box 33. Toledo, Ohio. h!394 AGENTS, SALESMEN MONTHLY DI rectory (Illustrated); always contains complete details of newest, best selling specialties; sont 3 months for 10a DI- rectory, 120 Liberty St.. Now York. bl892 H AGENTS, DEMONSTRATORS. BIG money selling Wolfer'B Fountain Pen Ink Threads. Samples 10c. Goods re- H turnablo. no risk. Trial package con vJnces you. Wblfer's Specialty Co.. 804 East 23rd, Now York. bl391 B HUNDREDS MAKE $50-$75 WEEKLY selling Guaranteed Itoslury for largest iH manufacturer In America. Why not you? fH Completo outfit free. Write quick to our M cltv office. Madison Mills, 486 Broad- H way, New York City. bl30Q. H RELIABLE MEN AND WOMEN ugents wanted to sell our specialty. Big H money easily earned. Write today. M Dover Mfg. Co., 13 East Blackwell. H Dover, N. J. blSSS H L.1VE REAL ESTATE SALESMAN IN every locality. Greater San Francisco M property, wonderful opportunity. North- tH wctitoi'n Realty Co., Clunlo bldg., San H Franolauo. b!379 H AGENT WANTEP WOMAN OR MAN. fH 667 So. State- s2617 H TRIBUNE WA'NT A.DS P'UIiL,