Newspaper Page Text
fc. THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, MONDAY MORN 1NG, MAY 12, 1913. ' 7 fpSET lisie CLAIMS UWritain and the United 'UK Are the Countries Km Inlerested .BLtoN. Ma' H.-Groat Brit 'K United States will bcBln to f'BUtlcally Tuesday, when the I :K tribunal for the arbitration iKdlnr pecuniary claims between KtlonB will hold Its first meot Hunder the presidency of Henl Li Keot of France. This tribunal. rUBPo fecial agreement In 1910. W lms of private rthe two nations, some of them '.te to the war of 1S1-. ,mt been no Judicial settlement Erf, claims since U53. The Mff? for hearing at the opening .Pfic tribunal are chiefly -those or asralnst Canada, They re MLSc of American flahlns yes jKsnada sealers, co llslons. con Kh Yukon territory South i India and other subjects, ninnl consists of. besides Prcsl Kftccot the national arhltra Sbnrlcs Kltzpatrlck, chief Jus . fcflada, awl Chandler P. Ander PjKerly counsellor of the depart- 'BRerican claims abrogate ?. ,B the British 2,9CG.00Q. (ELLER TALKS MEN WHO DRIFT is Romarks to Bible Class le Picture of a Man in a Boat, nal News Service , Mav II. Drawing a pic n in a boat to Illustrate his n D. Rockefeller. Jr., to ri the young men s Bible lfth Avenue Bapllat church Weight or n Live Wire, oiler condemned the man to drift, bins back In his he might have ability, but leasurc, case and comfort," ;efeller. "lie does the thing e cannot put oft until to ho Is interested In is what ut of today." 'who arrives," however, is man who Is not satisfied to that is before him, but will )f the other man as well, jf a man who goes to night :ter his position," he con ic kind of a man you can e kind of a man who can the man who drifts Is a iclety a dead weight. But 'arrives' is the 'live wire.' whose life has been planned, ach day In his life count.' 1DDGE TALKS F SUFFRAGETTES Woman Says That Are Shirkers and Drones, lonal N'ews Service. TON", May 11. In a stinging of suffragettes on the . they were shirkers and c house of womanhood, Mrs. odge. president of the antis, ed that suffrage found Its gross in Its sex appeal, and e Ituolf was a distortion of Hon and Indicated a sex dls o further declared that the traders in New York last ire many of them "garbed in lilcli would have aroused rc nong any sCt 0f Indies and ic said, proves conclusively nftmlon Is the sourco from lining the cry for woman euC e insists that If women win or Hie ballot thev will sac W their duties as mothers srs of the home. y is to bo sacrificed to the at the home may be crucl ballot. what is to become of and reform which these ad- n?,l.cs ior women predict'" U e are In the midst or a i. period In our history. There Knoaesty In dreys, more loosc enversation and more Impro uanclng then has ever been tno American, and hack of this I women s Ideals and conduct k reason an. that which actuates re illHtnrliiui.o . Mold iu a child or a grown Ms' possibilities of a grave na- BkIp nm-' come o suddcnl-, lB0r J)ncumon"a may develop, lvBPrhal troubles and' '.onsump W K80 vaults. Foley's Honey iWponipoun.d nips a cold at the R"CS croup quickly, chocks n HH' conh hc'tla inflnmod iV' SchramnvJohnson, drugs, mgrer-SubatUutors. Five (5) 1 (Advert iscmcnt.) M,'1."1?. invitations and iAdvortisomont,) CONDUCTORS LDCONVENTION -dKona t?. on u,Tangomonls that t nJ notion, n i,n been t SL SI? i?n '"a-ttora that SlBrRnS. i tl,c r5aiil!KiUoii "SjWPoss and Nerve .i'MB 'isn't 80,lnds Paradox. WtetokSiL0 is stamina. jHEiSi$Rtem- Perfects diKes- fMnXno01S 58 UlCr(iIOro rfrMp ervous pcr80n Jm-M'Z OP PRINTING ll JlKot i5 ?alt- Lako " the Con !? b"Bines5 55-57 Post-UVyJp-- CAdvertisemont.) .J (peloisk n ,n ft'day. May Ufm IN THE INTEREST OF CHARITY MONDAY NIGHT AT THE ORPHBDM TOLL BE KEITH-O'BRIEN'S NIGHT. THE PROCEEDS OP THE ORPHEUM FOR Wh Wp ONE "WEEK TOLL GO TO THE ELKS' BENEFIT FUND. Wig 1 The Results of a Week Will Be a Test of Prices Lower Than Usual 4$ I fj An interesting shopping T"HF "TT? TT TAfPH" I M hour awaits you down stairs Alip i 1 1 JL I iVl LJ 1V1 1 JJL jflfe )f amongst Trunks, Hand Lug- Illvvi rt i-t-s-tt l. t -v ir a T TT, T a ?Ee, cothK crts, go- ;s ? SEWING MACHINE i I T Carts, Pictures, Sewing Ma- ;;, w, fiw lV; chines. All needed articles; :. JP -J ' Sold hv the Keith O'Brien Co. H X sMerabiyg lower Tan 'we , ffl FOf $25$2 D0Wtl, $1 JV CCk T I Suh; can regularly afford to sell Wig X them. The Tiniest Rahv Will' S THE NEW WAY - THIS )f f& L . . ine imiest Baby Will KEITH-O'BRIEN WAY rfk j Other things, too, are ex- boon Be Go-Carting v Jp The maker sells direct to us; gets ceptionally reasonable. A Every baby needs plenty of fresh W, ,1 SWavf V wmVr l4 Visit to the department and air and sunshine. A cart of the kind ' tSi-li fr' l ' ohin!s re paid for by the final pur- ftul) A. vnu will fpp1 likp hnvincr ' we sell, makes go-earting safe and com- M VVI' f) ) 1 1 ( chaser; puts the money right back into H Wffi y" W, 11 tel 1lke bUymg iortable for the baby, nd pleasurable 1 ' ' bae'S and when yOU buy you Will ' for the mother. Here are some Lloyd f $- S "St "tl V ' A. get , an article Which Will carts at tempting prices Ssg iV J the "TriumPl1" of thc Keith-O'Brien ? Ion? Dlease vou : no a 500 c-irr fi0LltR VaV tiMS foLLt Co- ;usfc as y.ou 1)Ur otllC1' troods by Jwrn H Vm lung piease you. . .5sa g:o; J gS;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Hi;55 ilMJ i coming to the store you pay for the MP No. A $is.oo Cart ' $13.50 ksgg j machine by coming to the store and vs "Likly" Wordrobe ::& S :.' ! Zirwrz A I X Trunks :I.I.W 0CTS J I Ifjlfi UlllVO TftBliL Y0U SAVE ALL TIIEIR PROFIT Mfe H 'Hr portable clothes closet these mjLjLmMUJSMi W h AND EXPENSES' W I I'TUthS ' yojfr M?gs ?teat and y ' - Keith-OBrien Co.'s ; H LIT; f The Triumph" is our Sewing Machine for $25 I J ijmi , name for one of the seven With a complete line of improved ut- AT H T M SiSISMnl ;- A WarninP to Moths 1;)est sewing machines made. tachmcnts and uccessorics free wui do I flMlK tei .5lS2i5TiJ T uiaJUb LW mutiia t jd , , , any sowing that anv other machine docs INIIk Rim LL BET3 : A J pi 0 7 We Can truthlUily State that DO IT PERFECTLY. Runs easily and ftlfw v g SSflliMyjl I A .eclar Lihest Oale '"; no other machine made is any smoothly. , - V7 H L lSU rn. , , hetfpr for nil numncpc nr -Pnv or tne convenience of those who do rH fiWfe Time to put away furs, woolen . e 01 a11 Purposes 01 toi not care t0 mako tho fuI1 nt at one jWh H WD i . j . any pmose. Under its real time wo offer fUN? H V Your Clothes cannot wrinkle or Sn L ? namc The Triumph is known 0TTR PT TTR PT AM T I muss in one of these trunks. Exeep- nothmg beUr than a Cedar Chest. ' wherever Sewing machines UUR CLUB FLAlN I H Wife tional reductions for this sale- e vmety of spacious chests arc in d . d ih h The f rices are exactly the same as W& M W $60.00 Wardrobe Tmkn $37.50 tme to be delivered to you. Be- ao-encies for 50 00 in ovorv for cash M f-S'SS ar?ro!)0 Sru,n,k 35-00 low is the variation in length and t, - thf MACnrcr is df A. H l?h -18.00 AVardrobo Trunk $30.00 ice Slate m the lUHOn. For thlS $2 DoWI! LTVIC RJS D O Wb Jfffe reason we are not permitted xV home at once. Mjj H ExnerienreH SSdCh..h long; tray; to mention its real name in $1 each Week UNI3rf?s pI11)0LK A ' JT Travelers CglafVou NO INTEREST OR FEES fk J F.lnr S.-..J??---. AtoVSiirf OF ANY KIND If M l - " t . , f?mi?clCLCSt; 51 inChCS l0Dpr; tmy' .or.a-- the Mg plant where it is made The manitfaclurer says to us yfL jH W II , "Likly" nsP'c; vhen you come to the store. "Jfe guarantee every Triumph WP H AT sS?i ... .uiV trimmed .lO.Oo , . , . r , , T lH r Baggage ' The'Tnumph" Sewing for ten long years" Mfi Grips, Suit Oases and Bags in rr. mi Mrhinp iq 00 anything brealcs TJ Wife H brow, russet and black, made from "Llklv BaPp-p-P ' V 1.7 , , , 'UU i If anything is wrong ....... 9 genuine cowhide, walrus or seal. You JL-vliS iy JUaggdg You are entitled to know why If anything Vvears out ? H JWOh may feel safe if your suitcase or bag T'ip Fripiidnf thp Traveler AVC can sel1 a 50-00 machine for Tr -,. rc TT, pi,"" TP a a IMh H Hi lias thc "Likly" trademark. 1 ne rrtena J me 1 ravele . AVE want you to know,' be- 11 Vs the ownei 5 fauIt JR V fljB H V SIKLY COWHIDE SUIT CASES 69 years of honest work has made callse ,t,,is bi scwi"ff machine busi- l s ihe machine's fault . .$S.00 Suit Case 46 7S llis manufacture of trunks and hand ness of ours has been built upon the H its our own fault J, 9 Mm $10.50 Suit Case .sioo luggage kuoAvn for his painstaking 22n. ,5?, .t,hc People have m the No matter what's the matter J I lWh ( t 8 00 sSt rSS ; 'M'" 1 methods in producing bagga-c that Ke.1 i-O'Bnen store Tc pnee of fflffi H )f $20:00 s!St cS ::'-i795 ' will meet all the requirements of hard' t 2tx(?0 18 M!ade l?oss,bk' purchas- And we reiterate to our customers, f jAV f2.2H 24-inch fiber Suit Cases, .$l!7i travel Wear ing m car lots, tor cash, and selling IfThe machine is guaranteed and WE FIX A. IrU iJ.OO 2-1-iiich miiUin Suit Cuhcs .$1.10 . the machines on a small margin of IT." No rod tapo, no arguments. If the ma- Jfjlfe iH Xf filDNULNE CO"VL-lTX)E HAND BAGS ? Lollowing arc Likly trunks and'. ". profit as we sell all other goods. d,in0 nceIs fixin at any time during ten Klip '1 ? i'N BROWN, RUSSET OR BLACK ' nps dlsfnoim1ied tor thls sale: This eliminates all middlemen's loug years we fix it. AT 1fm WALRUS FINISH steamer Irnnks profits and expenses, which become jiWk JUJ; $7.00 jo-inch to 17-inch Bag $5.75 ?25.00 Trunk ' .fio.75, a large part of the selling prices n'anfnl HrB SH V 0.00 1.5-inch to 17-inch Bag $7.50 0.00 Trunk G.00 ,. under the old method of selling 3UU 11611131 Kll?S H $2 oO jcineh imitation leather $2.10 l-.u0 Hunk through agents, canvassers, etc " " ' -w-nr A H jWjR Above bags guaranteed for years All steamer trunks up to $35 ate reduced THE OLD H.3.11 PriCC Wffi A The 'INDESTRUCTO' Trunk XA5rr!2S'i3f I I V -ri 1 n - j , . w m '.'..'Pk 'ho sells to you through the house-. (V rior decorations in ham- f ,2 I link Ol having a trunk insured Chouse canvasser; then after the mered and Damascus insured for five years regardless of what SiraPife 'fcifjlM machine is delivered comes thG col- IX brass s.lfi lo confinilo ffllfe lW happens to it If it is lost bv wrock SiWSBl lci:ior; undcr t,,is I)lan rTT n 1 r ntinuc NN) H Vf lupptiih 1.0 iu. jl a is iosi, d icck, jjjfedpilg mmkXm S3ii ' P.v each of these middlemen 1 UIltl1 rr- Ourfalian leaves for the east T 1 J:irC r carolefisncss' yu ct 11 ,,GW trnn1c RiPC- gBjpSi profit and their 33XIJ5NSES. Now io purchase new goods. H absolutely free. And this is only one of ffiwwj4gS compare this with 0111' NEW PLAN ' fflfti the many good cjualitics of the 'Unde- tigWlffllfM ;,nd .V 'i'1 fife clearly why we . "J ? sfructo" baggage. U would take a full Ippp fiiWMm !U so11 T,K; Triu,nPh so , much UnderpriCed m r 1, n T iHi t Jl P J Merchandise Square ft serviceableness, their beauty and also the vggS55 TTmJ WsB jv- hw 4W pleasure, derived by thc owner. VipjliZU Just inside Br: away and State St. I H Jnjfe 7o Wtfrr reductions on "Indestructo" goods is unumal, but here is what w propose: rlCtlireS tO Utieer and entrance. Sale starts at Q Mj 5 !S?5? Steamer 'andestructo' $23.95 reputablo bitggngo is used. Hero are some BriPrhten l OUr Home CJ r D J 7C 5 5 $24.00 l0.mfth -Women "ludebtruc- . L3vorlastinK Fiber Trunks reduced for vaca- 1 b -tuii 1AUUJC 51) C Compl 6X1071 Powder 15 C ? m 'B.H: . h M N n-"1! A- Poem's new, high-grade ft y 00 40-inch Women', Dresser ; -, v .- - ;;;;-c array of bcaulifulness on canvas. rice powder-perfectly harmless, con- Vf H wV tt ir 1 .7 . ' y. no" $19.75 FRENCH OLEOGRAPHS taining no arsenic or other doadly ihSv rial the pleasure oj travel is S?5B??i?r.u.11.1! ! A2. fff?.0?.1.0":5. "IsaSo IS ls$frrtio&&0"''' mo' poison In 811 coIors- Mon'day in WjR H W having your baggage Safe $44.00 Trunk; 3S inches lonp;? black the- Aniimber 0 pictures leplctiiic iininial" iife;val- Underpriced Merchandise Square only , ioh Safety, prompt delivery and $25.00 frunk- so liiYoVg;, bVoVmlio.oo a raek' wnnYf pictiirVs 'oV favorVto" 'subjects ljr' lunh ,s complete satisfaction, ih assurctl when our $30.00 Trunk; n splendid b3' $20,00 25e to 50c values 15c " JvllD ,i ii ift jft ij ifeii ijii ii if 1 State3Tbnroradway I i if M) ft ft ft ij-ift ft I