Newspaper Page Text
W . THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1913. 15 H 5F0R BENT Eg?J&l1!a lrJntly furnished iTnnd flnest location Single woms. nne thin one ijonftble rates. i- l)230 r Mty? furnished and 1,631 ftfrnlahcd suites, with T,lPfU?SS housekeeping intly urni5"vt.irp- fireproof "teVlt0LS East South iat location in cuy. dl?23 L FSTSnnd threc J" with reduced rates 7 MODERN FLAT. 41a Sl 520 McKellar R. B. & grjnank hldS. r720 W,SS?- TT-room apt., wit" !LJgjo. Main. bU12 gfiSnSHED FRONT IvThe Hollywood. 234 East MtftRRPD AND UNFUR ffistsln ''The Caithness," rand avenue and a Bireoi. harden; boat of car service. fffer,C,room 300. Newhouse .Wasatch 904. ) AND UNFURNISHED, 4 fcnpdern flats. Janitor, phone With av. Low rents'3023 if NICELY FURNISH I heat, reasonable. Via CRNISHED APARTMENT j Newly cleaned, large front ;ch on a very busy street, 10 Wrvlce, good place for rall fr 677? No. 1st West s421S ItPTS., MOD.; ALSO COT ir.' 231 1st av. s4451 TWO AND THREE-ROOM mod.; 58 N. 2nd W. b74i IS, " HEAT, GAS. CHOICE k 664 E. 2nd So. 1)700 b BATH. MODERN. 525.00. ' management 153 Plorpont fpt. b815 :V3-ROOM FLAT; REASON B street b!065 itAINS LAUNDERED, 35C Match 3856-M. M25S ONT APT. 230 E. 3RD SO. X'l Narvex Apts. Was. 440. bMIS 5TRN1SIIED 2-ROOM APT. ; H mod. conveniences; close bl7S2 pY FURNISHED FTvE bient very desirable: three IV rent reasonable. Wasatch 8 Poery apt., 215 3rd avo. bl653 Si OR 6-ROOM FURNISHED $z 634 So. Main. bl671 IODKRN APT., ?Tg PER qulro 404 So. 2nd West i blGOG k 4 ROOMS AND BATI-J, rturnlslied. 44S So. 5th Enst. h b!953 ft,'X. MOD. APT.; CHOICE 15. 2nd avc. Phone Was. j D2058 MODERN APARTMENT, tfshed, front and rear porch, ton parked, paved street. Jfi.Jlh East D2045 bpNISIIED 2-ROOM APT. ; ill mod. conveniences; close b2103 Bents Unfurnished threeTreomT Bfi bed. heat, gas, laundry, fclng porch, janitor? cosy, Itn nice lawns and flowers; py 2o; but must be small biy 126 i East 7th South or pen 4Ci2-J, S7 Ef.i IN 0AKSl m EAST S&anJ.' Janitor service; lown; $30.00 to $32.50 Kittle, no.Yw. 2nd so. 32051 F5mArARBNTi AT ft 16 First a-e. Was. 2288-M. U b813 VPck 51ThY MODERN. E Co-. tMafn Q2465 PITH APARTMENTS p rront and rear porches. 1-3070 IRbih: 2? Rooms; m bath, first floor, front! r2923 Ml hath.' Baratt sleeping ,ilMBBreliANB BATH; FRONT ; SJBkJ8' NO. 15, 3RD EAST QRDEAir? PHowa sowajMVa6. 23G3;V. to e rthyLonja'. 10 1 ppiKr yftfPMt 3 ' stato' Pnone Wh- FOR SALE Poultry and Pet Stock whtepTrc1sT"hn 'jTnew- ton.R, 3, Sandy. Half mile cast State 8t. on Social Hall road; Sandy or Mldvalo car. o2HG EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM THOR oughbrcd S. C. Rhode Island Reds, $1.50 per setting. Call 415 3rd avo. o2470 WILL SELL MY ENTIRE FLOCK OF nlnglo comb Whlto Orpington hens, pullets, cockerels; prices tliat will cult; also several 'colony coops. Call and see them. S49 Logan ave. Take Ashton avc. car to Logan, walk half-block west. rlCS8 EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM AMERI ca's best strains of W. Leghorns. B. Rocks, W. Wvandottes and S. C. R. I. Reds. SI. SI. 50 and J2 per setting of lo. Geo. Coulam, 1145 Xalrd ave. Hyland 244-M. rlS42 WHITE LEGHORN BABY CHICKS SS.00 per 100. 1453 10th East Hyland 432-M. H. Nathan, agent. Pioneer hatchery- rlS94 P.-W.'S CHICK MANNA SUPPLIES every need for chlckn from one day to three weeks old. $2.90 per hundred. Porter-Walton Co.i 274 S'outh State. r2S50 VOGBLER'S CHICK FOOD MEANS chick insurance. Mado from best quali ty grains and seeds. Vogeler Seed Co. 83467 BUFF AND WHITE ORPINGTON eggs, $1.50; R. I. Reds, $1.00 per 15; won 5 first, 3 second, 1913 show. J. H. Von Elm. Hy. 1038-R. bl88 PIERSON'S WHITE ORPINGTONS, prize winners; setting eggs, $1.50 jiip, C27 9th ave. Was. S43-R. 1)232 BABY CHICKS. INCUBATOR, FIRE less brooders and saddle. 353 8th East. b750 RHODE ISLAND REDS AND WHITE Leghorns, hens and chicks. 741 Main street blG7S 12 HENS AND ROOSTER. REDS. GOOD stock, large birds; SIS. 2222 3rd East. Hyland 2200. bl7S3 ONE PEN THOROUGHBRED S. C. W. Leghorns; Petaluma hens. Norton Lakewood male bird. Come- and sec them at 971 Washington street. b!777 Grain; Poultry Supplies ollDRYOUprGRAJN POULTRY supplies from Granite Grain Co., 1050 East Twelfth South. s4291 For Sale Pianos $900 PLAYER PIANO AT HALF PRICE, H. S. Daynes, 23 W. First South. blH9 KIMBALL HIGH-GRADE PTANO. SOLID oak case, $200. Call Hyland 10S-J. 21GG Eighth East bl5G5 For Sale Miscellaneous 'oCOATlDANfrU? to-measure suits at a very low prlco. EUREKA TAILORING CO.. 304 Brooks Arcade, Broadway and State. n891 TRY OUR 8-YEAR-OLD RYE AND bourbon straight whisky, no blend, 25c a flask; $1 a bottle: 3 bottles Wagener beer, 50c. Social bar. 502 Stato. nH24 STALE BREAD FOR SALE CHEAP AT Royal Baking Co. stale bread depot C3433 CHICKERING GRAND PIANO, STEEL safe and cash register, cheap. 301 State. r2281 WHISKY, S2.G0 GAL. ; WINE. $1 GAL.: Imperial beer. 3 bottles, 50c. Social bar, 502 State. Wasatch 6278. sl05 HORN SADDLE, PNEUMATIC-TIRE buggy, portable lec box for cafe or market. Wasatch 88. -week days. sG14 CLEANING AND HAND PRESSING; can savo you 20 per cent on tailor made suits. Why can -we do this? Be cause we arc out of the high rent dis trict Take Sugar House car and get off at Bchle Sz Roth's tailoring estab lishment. bl30 SEWER CONNECTION WORK GUAR anteed. See Colin the Plumber. Wan. S07. B2044 SAVE MONET ON PICTURE FRAMING at Horton Book shop, 27 E. Broadway. 82334 UNCALLED-FOR TAn.OR-MADE SUIT at a snap. Wolf, tailor, 309 Judgo bldg. R346G FENCE POSTS, SG.00 AND $10.00 PER hundred. Hyland 1G70. s3570 PASTURAGE FOR HORSES. WRITE S. B. Young. Jr., Mountain Dell, or phone Was. G31. s3G19 2 LARGE. ELEGANT MAHOGANY AND plate glass wall cases, cheap. Mehesy theater. s3617 FIRST-CLASS CLEANING AND HAND pressing; alteratlonn our specialty; 5c car faro saves 50c on pressing; guaran teed. 16G0 Stale. bl31 PANSY PLANTS, 15c PER DOZEN. Hyland 3391-M. 1169 Third East b211 FINE CREAMERY BUTTER. 30c; BEST ranch eggs. 20c; 3 Carnation milk, 25c. Uneeda Market. Was. 2521. 173 W. South Temple. bl265 PANSIES. DAISIES AND BEDDING plants. Hyland 3361. bl0G3 4-HOLTD BLUE STEEL GAS RANGE (Eclipse); cheap. 211 E. 1st South. 1., rt A $G00 VICTOR AIJXETOPHONE IN ' firct-class condition, and 100 assorted records. A rare chance to get. such an Instrument at a bargain. Address W-33, Tribune. bl78G OFFICE MINING ENGINEER FURNI Luro, transit instruments, cheap rent 37 Continental Bank bldg. 1)1360 FOR SALE A THOR MOTORCYCLE. Apply Druehl & Frunken. blUOG TWO Xf A DIES' SUITS. ALMOST NEW: sizes 38 and 40; also two dresses. Call 8-11, after 6, at 253 So. 7th East bl053 ROUND OAK STEEL RANGE. 52 SOUTH 8th East h2061 GOOD SECOND-HAND BICYCLE. cheap; nlso good wheelbarrow. 418 So. State. b2081 100 MISFIT SUITS FOR SALE AT HALF their value. Nobby Sultorium, 2G5 State. b20S3 $3250 BY OWNER $3250. 5-room modern, hot-water heated, two large screen porches, large yard, 50 fruit trees. This some bargain if taken at onco. 1115 Wilson ave. l2f)S9 CARA.T DIAMOND RING, S20. A BIG snap. Speak quick. Address X-19. Trlb une. 1)12 TWO SMALL DIAMOND RINGS. VERY cheap. Must havo cosh right u'u.y. Address X-18. Tribune. b43 BOOKCASE. GOLDEN OAK. SLIDING glaaB doors, 28 feet shelving. Dractlcally new; no scratches. Worth SGO. -will ac cept reasonable offer 1502 Walker bank building. b2040 FOR SALE 3 -HP. FAIRBANKS EN glne, in good condition: or will trade for motorcycle. X-23, Tribune. b209S 100 UNCALLED for suits, ranging in sizes frorn 32 to 44; latest cuts and fabrics; all wool gar ments; will bo sold far below coBt, ow ; lng to the fact that our tailoring business has been increasing so rapidly wo are obliged to dispose of theso suits at a : big profit to you. ; Get your next suit made by the Bee hive Tailoring Co. Wo guarantee per fect fit and workmanship; nults mado to your measure, $15 (up) Also do la- dies' work. Note We also agree to clean, and presn any suit mado to your measure for six months free of charge. L. Salomon, Mgr., Peury hotel, 27fi S. VV. Temple st blDSO FOR SALE For Sale Horses and Vehicles TEASrfAirNElWON? $175. i Good outfit for camp or peddler. ,Bcd,. stove aid dishes complete, or can bo taken down and used as a farm wa gon. Call 87(1 W. 2nd So. bl520 FINE DRIVING HORSE AND BUGGY, Apply Shay's cafeterie. 341 So. Main. al736 FOP. SALE A FINE 2-SEATED TRAP. GIG So. Main. 1706 BROADWAY BOARDING STABLES; saddle horses for hire; divided skirts. 1st S'outh, between Main and State, Wa satch 4290. J. K. Hales, proprietor. s42S3 YOUNG, WELL-BRED DRIVING mare, gentle: also good surrey and Iiarncss. Phone Hyland 510. s4400 HIGH-CLASS BUGGY AND HARNESS. Bargain. Inquire 254 W. 1st North st, bo 5 5 OUR NEXT AUCTION SALE WILL BE FRIDAY, MAY 1G. AT 2 P. M. Salt Lako Horse & Mule Market 344 W. 5th So. -1)914 350 EAST STH SO.. FRESH MILCH cows for sale, from $40 up. bl032 ONE-SEATED TRAP AND HARNESS, good as new. bargain. 254 W. 1st N. bl236 !FOR SALE ONE HORSE, WEIGHT about 1000 lbs. Apply Jeremy Fuel & Grain Co., 7G North 6th West. bl05G HORSE, BUGGY AND HARNESS FOR sale, cheap. 324 W. 7th South. b!709 For Sale Furniture FUFNTTURETWO ROOMS; WILL sell cheap; complete for housekeeping; cheap rent; GIG West 2nd No. s380S FURNITURE OF 16 ROOMS. CHEAP. Inquire 217 Main st. Bingham Can yon, Utah. Phone 290-X. 1)1030 CHEAPEST FURNITURE IN CITY. Trov Furniture Co., -1 doors south IC.-O'B.'s store. 1)1262 For Sale Automobiles "bapTcokelSctrkTh condition: a snap. Randall-Dodd Auto Co. g2357 USED AUTOMOBILES AT PRICES TO suit all buyers. Cheesman Auto Co.. 63 Automobile row. 1:1035 AVE HAVE REAL BARGAINS IN USED Cadillac cars. These machines have been rebuilt repainted, and we give tho same guarantee with them that goes with a new Cadillac. It will pay you to see "them before buying either a new or used car of any other make. Sharman Auto inoblle Co., 42-45 Automobile row. o.1 988 A LOT IN BRIGT-IAM CITY, IN peach trees: will exchange for automo bile. J. P. Fowler. 57 South West Tem ple. 82338 FIVE -PASSENGER 40-HORSEPOWER automobile. In good condition, for sale cDieap. Applv Eertram Motor Supply Co. S3355 DESIRABLE FARM LAND IN Ex change for first-class automobile. Phone Wasatch 380L b!021 TWO OR FOUR-PASSENGER FRANK -lln, overhauled and repalntod: a snap. Sailt X.aJce Automobile Co., 162 East First Sonith. Phone Was. 2634. blS06 Autos for Hire pllolfSEHYTAD and holiday appointments; new cars; good service. sl491 Autos Stored and Repaired THE POSFFICE GAILGEVIIAs' been opened by J. E. Fleeze and G. W. Ballard, and in the future will bo con ducted as a first-class auto shop. We have only skillful mechanics in our cm ploy. Autos stored and kept in running condition. 09-73 Postofflco place. s4281 MASSAGE MAGNETIC VIBRATORY MASSAGE, manicuring, facial and scalp treatment. New York method. Room 20, Galena block, Second South and State. b949 CALL ON MADAME ERHART AT her new apartment, Warm Springs. Wasatch 5364-W. s2177 MADAME CORTE. FRENCH AND GER man graduate specialist. 220 Brooks Arcade bldg. Guarantees wrinkles re moved. Busts developed Scalp treat ment, manicuring, etc. Wasatch 2792. S3553 ELECTRIC TREATMENT AND MAS-sa-go; French practitioner. Madumo Cyr, 164 W. Third South. b28 VIBRATORY MASSAGE. FACIAL AND scalp treatments. Suite 2S, Merchants hotel. M023 VAPOR BATHS, MASSAGE. SUITES 2 and 4. 326 South Main. b!733 SECOND-HAND STORES beIbtplace sell second-hand furniture. Oak Fur niture Co., 315 So. Stato. Wasatch 601 J. r232 GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING or selling your second-hand furniture. Salt Lake Furnituro Co., 165 S. W. Tem ple. Wasatch .'1637. r2270 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture. Buckoye Furn. Co. Was. 4629. r266a THERE'S A PLACE OF MEETING for workers and employers it's the Went columns. SPOT CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. carpets, stoves. ranges, household goods of value. Axelrad Furniture Co., 62 W. Broadway. Wasatch 983. b428o WILL BUY ALL THE SECOND-HAND goods wo can get Michigan Furn, Co., 342 Suite. Was. 5145. s4421 STORAGE, MOVING, PACK ING, SHIPPING FTRFjPptoFSTOFTAGEr' Speaking of responsibility, this com pany baa $100,000 paid up capital, which is greater than all other companies com bined In the samo line of business. Look at our TEAMS and VANS and compare them with other outfits. This alone should convince you wo are the proper people to do business with. Our ware house, with aoparnto locked rooms, surely gets tho goods. Fifteen years' experience without many complaints. REDMAN FIREPROOF STORAGE CO. Phono 655. 159 South Main Street. bl93 WE SHIP HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO any part of tho United States. Cut ratOB. Kimball Van & Storage Co., 75 South Main. W2663 " STEAMSHIPS " ancholTne steamships sail every saturday To and From NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. 1 Ocean Passage 7i Days. FIRST CABIN, S70 AND 375. SECOND CABIN, $50 AND UPWARD. THIRD 6LASS, $32.50. For Book of Tours, Raton, etc.. Address Henderson Brothers, Genl. Agents, 35 West Randolph St.. Chicago. j OR ANY LOCAL AGENT. , S370S MATTRESSES and FEATHERS Jnra NEW way. Have a new section mattress made from your feather bed. Feather cleaning u specialty Phone Hy. 2043, Sbulkoy Section Maltross Co., 472 E. 2nd South. 82973 : BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and Rooming Houses 10 ROOMS. FURNISHED. A BARGAIN if taken at once. 341 State. Was. S129-W. r2823 FOR SALE GROCERY STORE DOING good business. Store and fixtures for rent 232 East 8th South. bl559 9-ROOM MODERN ROOMING HOUSE: fine place; close In; good location: I cheap: account leaving city. Wasatch 2283-M. ' bllG3 SPECIAL! SPECIAL! 20 rooms of good furniture onlv $150. Hurry If you want, it ROSS C. DAVIS, 113 So. Main. Was. 3S39. 1)2079 19-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE at a sacrifice. Owner leaving city Ap ply Wasatch 3387. b2055 SEVERAL, HUNDRED SHARES CHOICE Industrial stock for sale. 8 per cent dividends truaranteed. Address X-12, Trib une. h2OG0 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Miscellaneous . SECOND-HAND FURNITURE STORE FOR SALE OR PART NER WANTED ; GOOD BUSI NESS. A-l GOOD LOCATION. APPLY 215 E. 7TH SO. .OR II Y r LAND 513-J. 'b208G FOR SALE FULLY EQUIPPED BEAU ty parlor, good business. Bargain if taken at onco. Ogdon Beauty Parlor. 126 25th street. -Phone 45L "1901 CAN INTEREST SOMEONE WHO HAS from $1000 to $15,000 to Invest. The best money-maker that has yet been put on tho market. It will pay 100 per cent profit on every dollar invested. Call at 149 South West Temple, b44 WA NTED CONCESSIONS IRES WITH any good attractions; also have build ing with nico front, 30x110, suitable for Third Degree or other attractions. Terms reasonable. Address "White City Park." Boise. Ida. b!951 CLEANING AND PRESSING Busi ness; everything complete: owner leav ing city. Phono Was. 3535. bl283 WHOLE OR HALF INT. IN PTAIR drcssing parlors doing good business. Fine location. Terms or cash. Good rea sons given. Address W-14. Tribune. M527 A FINE OPPORTUNITY: 31-ROOM corner hotel; everything new and mod ern; good transients: must sell this week. Phone Wasatch 60S3. bl795 IF YOU WANT A. GOOD-PAYING, UP-to-dato business. with little money. answer this ad. X-21, Tribune. b2097 HOTELS vnhote"ljame ' Mr. Business Man, wo are now open and ready for business. Wc have 100 rooms, single or en suite; 50 rooms with private baths; all modern and up to date; in heart of business center; newly furnished; absolutely respectable. JAMES STEVENSON, Prop. Next to Walker Bank. 167 So. Main. b532 PANAMA HOTEL, 240 STATE; NEW management: renovated throughout newly furnished: single or suites, hot and cold water; reasonable; ideal lo cation. s394S LAKE HOTEL; TOURIST HEADCJUAR ters; cool, modern rooms; only hotel with central location off car lino; 75c to $1.50 per day; $3 up per week; $5 with bath. 48 Postoffice place. bl9S2 PALMER HOTEL, MODERN AND UP-to-datc; renovated throughout and newly furnished; rates reasonable. 54 W. 1st S. b46 NEW AND STRICTLY MODERN. ELE gantly furnished; transient rates. 75c to $1.50 per day; weekly rates. $3.50 to $5 to $8. Hotel Rex, 253 S. Stato. J. M. Marriott s4278 ST. CECILE; HOT AND COLD WATER, phones, baths, well ventilated; special rales. 283 So. State. bS38 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. BEL mont Hotel, on the great Whlto Way; rates reasonable, Europoan plan; cor. State and 2nd South. b841 NEW SHELTON, BEAUTIFULLY furn.: largo lobby, elevator service, central: weekly rates. 121 So. W. T. bSJj STOVE and RANGE REPAIRS RANGeIPcONNECTED, $3.50: WATER jackets cleaned, $2: L Jackots. $3; stoves repaired. E. E. Morrls3. Phone Wasatch 6714-W. R1402 LININGS. GRATES AND WATER jackets, all rnakos, work guaranteed. G. D. Lovott foundry, 44 7th W. Wa satch 3990. f248G STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRING; water Jackots cleaned. Goalen, 172 R street Wasatch 0719-J. n824 TYPEWRITERS WBUSNTTPWRrrERS ' All makes repaired, exchanged and sold. Utah Typewriter Exchange Co.,311 Walk er Bank bldg. Phona 430. Established 1D04. o2187 TYPEWRITERS OF ALL MAKES. FOR sale or rent agents' nev.' No. S Royal. Etewart-GleeBon Co. Typewriter Ex change.. 36 W. 2d South. Was. 290. m3230 MLLINERY ilnsS raoMPSON-'s millinery School Hats made new; all branches of the trade thoroughly taught; very reasonable terms; investigate. 303 5th E. Hyland 17G1-M. b540 A NICE LINE OF MILLINERY AT THE Bungalow Millinery Co.; remodeling 1 specialty; plumes cleaned and dyed. 2 E. 4th S. B42VJ RANGING nlc7NnVESSONS. 25C, DAILY. So cial Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. G8 Postofflco place. s214 AUDITORIUM DANCING ACADEMY beginners' class, commencing May 1. Classes ovcrv evening. Private lessons during thc day. Phone Wasatch 2746. v H3S1C PRIVATE HOME WILLOWS-MERE. CONFIDENTIAL confinement seclusion, legal adoption. Mrs. F. Phillips, llth E. bt. 12th and 13th So. Sugar station. Hyland 1231-M. . k30S2 EYE, EAR, NOSETHROAt" Dlt ARTHUR BURROWS. OCULIST and aurlat; spectacles accurately flttod; difficult c.'iagx solicited. g3963 SHAMPOOING ATVELVETINA BEAUTY PARLORS; open until 9 p. m, 62 IS. 4th South r.t S2755 SHEET METAL WORKS nIIIvvmvns skylights, furnaces, etc Was. 4155. 8757 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved ABSOLUTELY THE BIGGEST BARGAIN IN THE N. W. PART OF CITY. JUST THE THING FOR RAILROAD MAN. AS A SPECULATION BEST RENTAL HOUSES IN THIS LO CALITY. ' AS A HOME ONE OF THE BEST INVESTMENTS WE HAVE EVER OFFERED. YOUR TERMS CAN BE ARRANGED IN THIS DEAL. $1890. $1890. 6-room house, large lot and well located above the sidewalk; all assessments paid: on ono of the best car lines in tho city. $2500. $2500. ,4-room brick cottage, large porches and basement; modern house. See us at once, as these places must be sacrificed. ASHTON-.TENKINS CO., Real Estate. Mortgage Ioens. Insurance.. 47 Main St W. 7S0 or 781. - M160 HOFFMAN BROTHERS LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. MIDWEEK SPECIAL BARGAIN. 4- room buff brick cottage, southeast, with large lot; close to paved street: ce ment walks and basement; scroencd in back porch; buffet kitchen and modern electric fixtures. $200 cash ..$20 per month PRICE $2450. 5- room buff brick modern cottage on 4th East, close in, with large lot and east front, lawn and shade trees, cement walks and basement, largo rooms, mantel and electric light fixtures; property contains a nice chicken run and coops. This is positively the cheapest and biggest snap In south cast part of city. 5300 cash $25 per month PRICE $2850. HOFFMAN BROTHERS LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 22 East 1st South. Wasatch 244. b2047 SPECIAL SNAP. HOUSTON'S THE HOUSERS. $600. ! Corner on State street bet lQth and 11th South. Suitable for small j home or store building. Will sell on small payment balance monthly. HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. COMPANY. 351 So. Main St. Phone Was. 27. Wn Write Fire Insurance. Will Go on Your Bond. b20SS WE HAVE SEVERAL SPLENDIDLY BUILT HOMES IN CHOICE LOCA TIONS IN CITY THAT WE CAN SELL YOU ON PAYMENTS JUST LIKE RENT. HOUSES TO RENT. LIST YOURS. UTAH SECURITIES CO.. 379 SO. MAIN. WASATCH 2444. b2082 6- ROOM RESIDENCE AND BARN cannot be built for $2000.00. 5x10 rods of ground worth $500.00 per rod, or $2500.00. Will accept $2500.00 for few days. Plenty of room to build another house. No. 51 North 7th West, the best residence section on west Bide. Phone W 501 or 2213. Grab it quick for you get the Improvements for nothing. Is there any excuse to rent when such bar gains can bo obtained '77777 b3Gl A REAL SNAP. Three good lots In Westminster Heights, cheap. Will make terms. X-2, Tribune. bl807 , CATTLE RANCH FOR SALE CHEAP. 3000 acres; excellent range; fine springs and streams of water; hundreds of acres of good drv farm land; all within 45 miles of Salt Lake City. Apply 1133 East 3rd South. Phono Hyland 2882-J. M424 A SNAP A BEAUTIFUL MODERN home cheap: don't overlook this oppor tunity. Hyland 2303-J. 246 So. 10th East. blG7G W. H. CROMER. 103 E. 2D SOUTH. 10 acres nice land with first-class water right, close to city limits. $675 for few days only. b60 BY OWNER. 6-ROOM BRICK BUNGA low. Furnace, sleeping porch, built-in features, hardwood floors, etc. 705 8th avenue. bl960 SEARS INVESTMENT CO. Have moved to 25 E. 4th So., Grand Hotel building. Wo have customers for bulldinp lots, s. e., city. What have 5'ou for sale? O1009 J. L. DENHAM & CO.. 313 Main St. Was. 4133. Wo have buyers for all kindn of real estate. What havo you to sell? bl98l BY OWNER, APARTMENT HOUSE site $1500. Address X-6, Tribune. bl978 FOR SALE BY OWNER, NINE-ROOM modern house, east bench; splendid lo cation; price reasonable. Call or address 5,25 Atlas block, city. b2074 5-ROOM MODERN PRESSED BRICK, with barn, cement walk, lawn and gar den; a bargain. 1045 Wost 2nd South. b2054 BY OWNER. 7-room buff brick house with laro barn, nicely improved. A bargain. 18D5 i. State. s4427 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved YOU CAN RAISE YOUR SALARY BY BUYING A HOME AND "CUTTING OUT" RENT. We sell lots and houses on easy-payment plan. .Salt Lake realty not only pays good In terest, but its growing value makes the principal Invested increase. A FEW SNAPS: $2050 For two houses, one a 1-room brick and the other a 5-room frame. Electric lights and water: Shade and fruit trees. Sewer and sidewalks paid. Lot ''2x115 ft, lo cated on West Temple near 9th South. Easy terms. $2350 For a 5-room brick on a corner, 12th So. near 0th East. Lot 50x135 ft All assess ments paid. Easy terms. $2400. A brand-now 4-room brick, with a sleeping porch. Porcelain bath, lights and water, cemented cellar and sidewalks. Fir finish. It would cost you at least $3000 to buy lot and build house. I can sell you this bargain for $2400. $250 cash and tho balance like rent $3200. Two houses, one a now 4-room brick and the other a 6-room frame, adobe lined, with lot 75x140 ft. Owner must sell at onco. This bargain will not last long. Located near 7th East and llth So. Price $3200. $500 cash, $30 per month, includ ing Interest $6500 For tho corner of 4th ave. and B st, with a south and west front. Lot 4x5 rods, and a modern, up-to-date 7-room brick, with double sleeping porch. Full cement ed basement, beamed ceiling, furnace. All assessments pnid. Terms, $1000 cash and balance to suit If you are looking for an absolute bargain, let me show you this one. If you want to borrow money, or Insure your buildings, see me. A. RICHTER. Phone W. 611. 73 Main Street M617 BY OWNER. SOME NICE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE, CHEAP. BE TWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH SOUTH ON 13TH EAST, BY MRS. M. HOWELLS, ROOM 12, HENAGER BLDG., 49 SOUTH MAIN, b553 BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO., 323 MAIN ST. SPECIAL BARGAIN. 31 E st. A well ljuilt 6-i-oom modern brick cottage; has bath, toilet gas, elec tric lights, cellar, sewer, walks, lawn, shade; coops and barn. The lot Is 41 by 155 to alley, and Is worth $1500 alone. Tho house could not be built for less than $2500. It Is certainly a bargain for $2050 on easy terms. Was. 2030. Was. 2031, REAL BARGAIN. Strictly modern 5-room cottage with front and back porch, splendid basement, hot air furnace, latest plumbing, nice mantel, also extra room In attic and room enough to make other rooms with very little extra expense. Lot is ten rods deep, with right of way in rear. Walking distance South front. In splen did condition and built for owner. Will sell at a price less than samo can be duplicated. No trouble to show you through. Inquire 371. Third avenue. 1)533 CHICKEN RANCHES. FARMS AND SUBURBAN HOMES. You deal direct with owners. We act as advertising agents only to bring buyer and seller together. WILLIAM BROS., Murray, Utah. Phone Murray 2SS-J. rl670 7' $100 DOWN. BALANCE LIKE RENT, will buv brand new 4-room modern bungalow, up to date and connected with sewer: good location, eust side. See Swnncr, 830 South llth E. Hyland 1026-W. b2QS5 ASHTON & JENKINS. REAL ESTATE, loans and insurance. 47 Main street. Phono Wasatch 780. m3072 EXTRAORDINA RY BARGAIN. ELE cant modern residence which cannot be built for leso than $3250.00. Land well worth $1500.00. Price now Is $3850.00. For few days will accept $3600.00. Tenns. No. 212 West 7th South. Phono W. 501 or 2213 to see through. 1)366 SEE US ABOUT THAT NEW HOME. We will design and build it for you and you can repay us monthly.. Modern Homo Building Co.. 421 Dooly block. r3963 WE BUY. SELL, EXCHANGE, RENT and manage real estate. Seo us. Mu tual Homo Purchasing Co.. 327 Mclntyre bldg. Wasatch 2726. sl310 "WE SELL REAL ESTATE. THAT'S all." Tuttlc Bros. Co., 159 Main street. f2249 HOUSE AND LARGE LOT AT 423 ELM avenue, for $3000, worth $5000. bl239 50-FOOT LOT ON DOUGLAS AVE. BE tween 3rd and 4th Sn" east side. Wasatch 5S38, s4123 OWNER WILL SELL AT GREAT SAC rlfice. thoroughly mod-, newly deco rated. 2-storv brk. residence. Fine loca tion, 755 E. 2nd So. On salo till May 20th for $5750, coBt of the houBe. 280 E. 4th So. Was. 13S9. S2843 G-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE, 5 acres ground; 3rd East and 12th South. Easv payments. Apply Cap. Elec Co. r721 BY OWNER, MODERN 5-ROOM bungalow; hardwood floors, cement walk, cement basement, with furnace.; built-in buffet; window seat to fireplace. Hyland 2549. 1)2053 BY OWNER, SIX-ROOM BRICK home: large barn, chicken coops, shade and fruit trees; must sell; terms to suit; half-block from car line. 345 Fifth avo . Waterloo. Hyland 3297. M607 WALLPAPER CLEANING HOME PAPER CLEANING CO. BEST work; reasonable prices, Office 122 E. Broadway. Was, 3154. d317 UTAH PAPER CLEANING CO. OFFICE Salt Lako Glass & Paint Co. Ex. 400. Res., Was. 2040-W. r742 WANTED WALL PAPER TO CLEAN; prompt and reasonable. Phono Hyland 1051 -W. rl203 PAINTING, TINTING, PAPER CLEAN inT papor hanging. 35c roll. M. Ba zarek, 506 West First South. bl070 IDEAL PAPER AND TINT CLEANING; satisfaction guaranteed. Rear 234 So. Second East. Was, 1064-J. s2331 SUPERIOR PAINTING CO.. PAINTING. kalsomlnlng. tinting, wallpaper clean ing; work truarantaad. Wasatch 1296-W. 82709 RELIABLE WALLPAPER & FRECO Cleaning Co. Also furniture polishing A'M work guaranteed and orders promptly attended to. 211 So. 3rd East Wasatch 1964. bl244 GRIFFIN CLEANS WALLPAPER LIKE new; twolvo years cleaning Salt Lake Phone Hyland 2703-W. "If I streak. I ropaper." bl793 FOR SALE FARM LANDS -Farms and Acreage SOME MEN COMMIT THE fl , folly of wasting their best years . iH working for someone else. 'H When they might bo accumu- ;H lating a fortune for themselves tH on a Park Valley farm. '.H With practically nothing as a 'H starter, many have mado good in jH this valley. jH And with a little effort any man can duplicate their success. The price of, the land is only $15 and $17.50 per acre. One fifth down and the balance in five The crop production Is exeep tionally bounteous. Some of the finest specimens shown in the west come from Park Valley. Climatic conditions are unsur passed. Gasoline pump wells .furnish a il plentiful supply of water. jH Tf you want a good farm at the jl right price, investigate Park Hl Valley. Write for booklet TODAY. IH PACIFIC LAND &. WATER CO., 1509 Walker Bank bldg., Salt IH Lake City. UTAH LAND, "THE BEST IN THE west." Excellent bargains, farms. ranches, colonization tracts. Homestead locations on government land. WESTERN LAND CO., 212 Judge bldg. A BARGAIN ONE ACRE. CLOSE TO car, half in orchard, part bearing; beautiful home site; terms. 17th East IH and 12th South. Hyland 3097-W. bll37 H BY OWNER. SMALL FARM ON CAR line; plenty water; cheap. Hyland iH 297-.I. b-1017 SO ACRES. $2000; 40 FOR $800; 20 ACRES jH in city. S3000; car line close: good fioll. Farmers Union, 04 W. 1st So. St b793 FOR SALE BY OWNER, 10 ACRES ON cast bench under high state of cultl vallon; good water right; worth $4000; will sell for $2000 this week. Address X-13. Tribune. b2075 Real Estate to Exchange aTlopT"part"1 property on 7th E.. hot, 2nd and 3rd So.; 4-apt bldg.. C-rm. cottage on prop erty. Will take us part payment 4 or 5-room mod. house. Terms to suite; make offer. Was. .1598. bl257 REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE. A 40-acre Improved farm in Sanpete county for good property in or near Salt Lake City. Address S-59, Tribune. h793 FARM LANDS IN EXCHANGE FOR 1 Salt Lake real estate or equities. Phone IH Wasatch 3S01. bl020 IH CORNER 7-ROOM MODERN BRICK house tfor sale or trade. 376 South 8th ' West. 1)1015 For Sale or Trade wnXlELliroRr Sots 5-passenger, i-cyllndor automo bile. 20Q, Scott bldg. Phone W. 195. Abstracts Title Insurance U1AH SAVNGS&rTTuI furnish abstracts and title insurance, attend, to all details in transferring ana jH mortgaging land titles. Capital, $300,000 'iH 235 Main. 32529 MONEYTOJL ! COULD WE MAKE MORE LOANS iH upon real estate than any five com- ll pctltors combined unless our methods are ll right? Nineteen years experience with only 'H one foreclosure. IH TRACY LOAN & TRUST CO.. 11 E. 1st South. m2651 iH ' REAL ESTATE LOANS; 'H Terms favorable. JH No delay. Any amount ill TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY. IH Investment Bankers. 158 Main Street. f2250 YOUR PRIVILEGE IS to pay any amount, any time, without notice', and stop Interest, on loans mad? jM from us. Wc loan only our own money. jH Homo Investment & Savings Co., Glen Ml Miller, president, 6. S and 10 West First MH South street nll52 ijH MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE iH and others, upon their own names; cheap :H rates, easy payments, confidential. D. H. jlH Tolman, room 339 Atlas bldg. el20Q ll AMOUNTS OF $500 AND UP; LOW jH rates of Interest. Houston Real Estate Inv. Co., 351 SoMt!; Main st Phone 27. iH MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. 'H Halloran-Judge Loan & Trust Co., 303 South Main. e323 SALARIED PEOPLE ACCOMMODATED iH without delay or publicity, D. D. Drake. il 403 Scott bldg. f3254 jH OWN UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS: liberal options. Miller & Vielc, S03 iH Kearns bldg. allB 'WM SALARY LOANS NEGOTIATED FOR tH persons permanently employed; busl- 'H ness confidential, 717 Walker Bank bldg. lH din?? ! MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. jH Pomcroy, 3R West First North. pSSl jH $1000 TO $7500 ON RESIDENCE PROP- JH ortv within clly limits. Inquire Giesy Walker Co., 711 Kearns bldg. n52fl MORTGAGES FOR SALE. il INVESTORS. IH Our First Mortgage Real Estate loans pay a liberal Interest. Principal and jB interest guaranteed by us, M'KELLAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., INVESTMENT BANKERS, 402-3 Walker Bank Bldg. r3080 ' MORTGAGE LOANS MADE WITHOUT DELAY. FRITSCH. 201 and 202 Felt Bldg. R190S MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ES tate. Thos. W. Partridge, 407 Judge bldg. s4062 CASH FOR DIAMONDS, WATCHES. ! anything of value; low Interest. Rella- iHBhJ bio Loan Office. 6G E. 2nd S.. Wasatch 503. Established 1696. S42S0 SPOT CASH On anything of value. Cllne's Cut-Rato Loan Office. 11 East 3rd South. 34275 iH GO PER CENT LOANS ON REAL ES- tate at market valuation, J. G. Meyer. IH 107 Mclntyre bldg. bl056 'lfl $1000 OR MORE REAL ESTATE mortgage. Burt & Carlquist Company. iH 40 Main st. M259 jH DENTISTS SEEM?CMPA jl lightest, coolest' and strongest plate - jl made. Docs not interfere with taste or il speech nor make tho mouth b'Ore. Dr. Christie, artificial teeth specialist. 313 IH Brooks Arcndo building, cor, State and Broadway. a2786 jH DR. HODGES. DENTIST, SUITE 217-18 Brooks Arcade bldg. Best and cheap- iM tst. Wasatch 3056. q k3?90 lH DR. J. B. KEYSOR. 240MAIN ST.. TEL. Wasatch 6G28. Good set teeth, $5.00. DR. E. H. CONGER. 260 S. MAIN, EX- ' traction by use of famnoforme. Sunday " jB hours, 10 to 2. Wasatch 4249-M. o313S IH