Newspaper Page Text
I ro THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 15, 1913. '. I EAGLE i BLUE BELL IH NEW RICH ORE Thirteen-forty Level Showing Splendid Tonnage and Rich Metal Values. OPENED SEVENTY FEET ' All Shipping Ore With Last Thirty Feet the Finest Kind of Rock. The Information lius reached Salt .Lake City that the Eagle & Blue Bell manage ment for some thno past has been work in? In ono of the most remarkable ore bodies ever encountered In the property, the scene of this development being the 3340-foot level. For seventy feet the man agement has been drifting in an ore body, the first forty feet being all of a whipping grade, while the past thirty feet has been extremely high grade, some assays going very to four ounces and over 100 ounces silver to the ton. Js Substantial Find. The "top, sides and bottom throughout this thirty feet has been of this character of rock, the ore occurring within the min eralized limestone zone In the character of sugar quartz, all of It being picking ground The high gold and sliver values are almost too good -to be true, and the t'ompany, doubtless, In pursuing Its con servative policy of not talking until some . thing approximating the real tonnage Is demonstrated, will prefer to do. still more deelopment before saying much about ihif find. At Iho moment, no estimate rou Id be made In all fairness, but condi tions point to this being a most substan tial source of revenue. Judging from results at the Eagle & nine Bell property during the- past year or two, the earlier operations were start ed at the leaner end of the mine. The now shaft has been the moans of drop ping the management right Into one of the moet spectacular sources of mineral wenlch In tho Tlntlc district, and the man agement la mining oro for tho market LIVELY FIGHT NOW 1 OVER UMATILLA Two Sets of Directors Are Seeking to Establish Their Authority. Secretary Martv of the Umatilla Tono pah Mining company has Issued a state ment covering the recent annual stock holders' meeting, at which there was a merry struggle carried on between the Zadlg and Marty Interests, the latter winning out. Tho statement sots forth that the Zadlg Interacts withdrew fiorn the meeting and held a rump session, and, iih stated bv Mr. Marty, they decided on calling another shareholders' meeting. Proxies arc asked in behalf of the In terests back or Marty, while sharehold ers are informed that tho Zadlg people will also request proxies for the new meetings. Tho Marty people assort, that the Zadig folks havu no legal right to call this meeting and thai they will be enjoined from holding tho same. Tf this is true, It Is being wondered by share holders why proxies are asked for by the opposition. The Umatilla affair appears to be badly confused by this contention and the shareholders aro to bo pardoned for wishing that tho whole business can be settled one way or the other and the property put upon an operating basis. A rather tolling argument advanced by Sec retary Marly Is the numbor of shares owned by his crowd, while ho asserts- that the Zadlg ownership In the company Is extremely limited, not exceeding moro than enough to give them a right to offi cial representation on tho board. from thes 700 on down, and It Is first class grade throughout. So far the mineralized limestone xone has shown ore for 000 feet In length and for a width of fully half that distance, while both faces north and south continue In ore of typical grade. This zone Is well provided with the so-called breaks, af fording In tho kindly llmo an Ideal condi tion for the deposition of ores, and there Is several times the extent of the developed zone still unprospected and which bears equally as good prospects for results as any now opened. Tho management is driving for oro at the present time on the 1350-foot level, which Is eighty feet bo low tho 1310, and should ore be found In this work as Is anticipated at almost anv shift, the ."Eagle will bo demonstrated as convincingly as any of -the great mines of the Tlntlc district. 57 Copyrlcht Hart Schaffner 3c, Marx H SOME MEN think they are hard to H fit; they are for some tailors and for H most dealers. Heavier men particu- H larJy, and when you think of it, there H are not many dealers who cater to the H stouter men. H H This cut above demonstrates that "J : HART S.CH APFNER & MARX ' ; CLOTHES are for stout men as well as slender men. "Old Boys," so then HI mingle with the younger men and old age gets a "set back." In speaking to the general man we say $25 for clothes; more or less as you wish $18 to $40, but at this price we know from much experience that you c will get the most proportionate value. H Get into the stride of the LEADERS and fet us usher you to the equipment J:. we have for you. You can always get t-; what you want at Utah's Greatest Clothing Store Kearns Building PLEIf OF COPPER . IS BEII WASTED Tailings Contain One Future Source of Supply Which Is Important. It frequently has been a subject of comment that the American Copper prop erties arc being depleted of their re sources that Europe may secure its red metal at a reasonable tlgure, and that there Is not to exceed a very few years' supply of such ore now in sight, so that unless new mines are found American copper will be a scarce- article. But Thompson, Towle & Co. have called at tention to a source of supply that ovontu ally should fill In some of the gap oc casioned by the lack of original ore. This Is nothing more or less than the rescuing of tho copper values now being lost in tho tailings at all tho big concen trating plants of the country. The fol lowing paragraphs suggest Interesting possibilities. The Anaconda company has 1.000. 000 tons of slimes which will aver- : age 2 por cent copper, besides pro- 1 clous metal values, and about 15,000, 000 tons of tailings averaging five eighths of 1 per cent copper of a to tal value of over $53,000,000 gross. The company itself Is understood to be experimenting with a leading pro cess with a view of retreating these slimes and talis. The Nevada Consolidated has paid $11,000,000 In dividends to Its stock holders, but has had to let $18,000. 000 of values go to waste in Its tail ings and Is adding to these lost values at the rate of S300.000 a month. The Utah Copper company has likewise lost millions in tho same way. The question 0f a better mill ex traction, and tho recovery of these lost millions in old mill tailings, Is the big question upon which the metal lurgists of the country are now working. BULLION TAX CALLS OUT SOME REPORTS .Bullion tax reports of the Copper Mines company and Lead King Mining company show no net yield on which taxes are paid. The Copper Mines company reports 250 Ions unci 300 pounds of ore handled during the quarter ending March 31. Value or the gross yield $1031.51. Costs: Extrac tion. $nf7-l 2S; transportation. S31.2S, and reduction. $73S.fil. Lead King property handled 21 tons and 1000 pounds of oro. valued at S961.31. Cost of extraction. $1X104.71 ; transportation. 5J6S.77; reduction. S1C.17; net yield, none. Vanderhocf, & Kellogg's Cuba lease paid a bullion tax of ?I9.44. Ore shipped. 52 tons and 095 pounds, nt a value of $2171.7-1. Cost of extraction, 57-IS 53; transportation. 5u..i; reduction, SH7.S5: production a net viol of $900. "Ely Expositor. Boston Mining Stocks. James A. Pollock & Co.. bankers and ibrokors. furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon: BOSTON COPPER RANGE. Sales. H. I L,. C1se Algomah 70c 70d 70c Butte & Superior... 165 275 271 27 J Calumet & Arizona.. fiO G4 64" Cl Chief Consolidated - . 100 H 1J H Copper 'Range 150 43 V, 43 Daly West 3 23 8 Davis Daly 2$ 2 2 East Butte 270 11? 112 113 Olroux Con . 400 2J 2 2i Granby Con 150 034 C31 63 Greene C 55 63 fij 63 Hancock 200 19J 191 Indiana Copper 9Z 9 9 Inspiration Con 17 J 17 17 Lake Copper 100 124 12J V1 La Rose 6 6 6 Nevada Ctm ItiJ 165 165, Nlpisslng 25 S2 S5 89 North Butte 215 2SS 283 28J North Lake 250 1 I 1 Ray Consolidated ...... JSJ 18 18 Superior & Boston.. 270 IH 3& 3J Trinity 35 3 3 U. S. Smelter com..' 150 39JI 39a 391 V. S. Smelter pfd... 47 462 47 Utah Consolidated .. 30 75 75 75 Pond Creek 40 19 I 19 19 Mlch.-Utah 1 1 Amor Zinc BOO 23 I 223 223 ' BOSTON CURB CLOSE. Bid. Asked. Alaska 510.75 $11.00 i American Zlno 22.75 23.12J Arcadian 1.75 2.00 Begole 1.50 2.00 Boston Ely -50 .60 Bohemia. 1.75 2.00 Bingham Mines 4.00 .Butte & London , ,21 .25 Butto & Balaklava 2.00 2.12& Butte Central 2.00 2.061 Calaveras 2.50 2.75 Eagle & Blue Boll 9S 1.00 Greene-Cananea 6.75 G.87J IToton Copper 2.75 3.125 Korr Lako 3.125 3.25 Keweenaw 1.00 1.25 Mass 3.50 4.00 Majestic ...... 38 .39 Mayflower 7.50 7.75 Miami Copper 22.75 23.00 Michigan 1.00 1.50 Nevada Douglas 1.75 2.00 Ohio Copper 82 -S7 Old Colony -1.25 4.75 OJibway , 1.375 1.50 Oneco 1-00 1.061 Pond Creek 18-00 18.25 Shannon S.37J 8.50 South Lake 5.25 50 S. W. Miami 2,00 3.00 Stewart 1 .55 Tuolumne ..... 2.1 21 2.375 Utah Apex 1.25 Victoria 1-00 1.2o Winona 2.00 2. DO Wyandot 9" 1-00 New York Mining Stocks. James A. Pollock : Co.. bankers and brokers, furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon: NEW YORK LISTED STOCKS. 1 5ales. fl. L. lClso Chlno Copper 1,200 39i 39i 391 Goldfleld Con 1,600 2i 2 21 Inspiration Con 200 175 HI 174 Miami Copper 100 22 J 22S 22 Nevada Con 300 162 163 163 Ray Consolidated ... 1.000 IS 18 18 Tennessee Copper 34 3U 3i Utah Cpppor 700 52 51S 518 Studcbakor com 28 27 2S Ontario Silver 1 25 2 2 NEW YORK CURB RANGE. Sales. H. j L. Clso First Nat. Copper ,. 21 1J 21 Glroux Con . 400 2& 2 2 Yukon Gold 500 26 28 23 Ohio Copper I 3 i New Keystone 2 li 2 South Utah 3 1 ? Mason Valley 6$ 6 6 Brodon Coppor ..... 500 1 73 73 Ely Consolidated ... 1.0001 8c 7c Sc La Rose 100 2 2J 2J Belmont 30 61 6i 6i Tonopah 53 65 55 Alaska Gold 300 101 103 10? NEW YORK CURB CLOSE. 1 Bid. lAfekcd. Ely Consolidated .06 $ .08 First National Coppor 1.S7J 2.25 Glroux Consolidated 2,00 2.12J Yukon Gold 2.50 2.625 New Keystone 1.75 2.00 Nlpisslng 8.75 8.87J Ohio Copper .S0 ,S75 Ljl Rose 2.37J 2.G2J South Utah 25 .37J British Columbia Copper.. 2.S7J 3.00 Bay Stato Gas 25 .375 Bradcn "-75 7.S75 Mason Valley 6.00 6 50 Sioux Consolidated 03 j Colorado 10 1 .20 Iron Blossom 1 35 I J.45 Neia la Hill 1 00 I 1.12S LOWER MAMMOTH IS OPENK NEW ORE Fifteen Hundred Level Raise Finds Ore in a Formerly Productive Vein. The recently developed market strength In the stock of the Lower Mammoth com pany Is considered locally to be a reflec tion of improved mine conditions, the 1500-foot level especially showing signs unmistakably of making a new Impor tant source of mineral for the company. On tho 1500-foot lovol and at a point approximately 600 feet from the we3t end line, the management has drlvon Into a llssure by raising, this being the same ilssuro formerly had on the 1200-foot level and frem which about 1000 tons of first-class shipping grade rock was for warded to the market. Viirloua estimates of the value of this ore have been received locally, the first values being given as fourteen ounces silver. 6J per cent lead and $1.20 gold. Tho face on Wednesday was reported to average forty ounces of silver, 10.25 por cent lead and $1.20 gold, while a pllo sample- of the oro broken gave assay returns of 16.6 ounces silver, 6 per cent lend and $1.20 gold. Tn view of the early productivity of this ilssuro in connection with the exist ing showing on the 1500 level, the local Interests knowing the mine In a thorough manner behove the management at. last has a key to Increased usefulness, and Ih news from Tlntlc about this propo sition Is being awaited with keen inter est Ore shipments still continue In a limited manner from tho property, whilo some of this new ore should ba coming to market within a few diivs. COPPER MARKET IS FIRM DESPITE THINGS The Pollock wires on Wodnesdav car ried the Interesting news that the copper metal market remains firm, and Is even advancing, despite a slowing down of other Industries, this being one of the anomalies of tho present business situa tion. It Is stated, also, that the United Metals Selling company la sold fully six ty days ahead. Considerable omphnsls Is being placed upon a statement by President Ryan of the Amalgamated company to the eftYx't that the world's consumption is now fullv equal to production, and that there is a certainty that production cannot materi ally increase, at least in the next few years. Tie sa.ys the copper market Is in a sound and healthy condition. The forthcoming copper producers' re port I expected to show another big de crease In the Burplus during May. Ex ports during April wore 33,274 tons, and for the first twelve days in May the ex ports wore 16.475 tons, an unparalleled movement, and indicates that the foreign buyers still lack their normal stocks. VALUES HOLD WELL ON LOCAL EXCHANGE The trading yesterday on the local min ing share marct continued satisfactory, and prices were little. If any. changed. A rather unsual development of the day was the fa.ot that each session, forenoon and afternoon, was productive of sales for 12.900 shares of stock, which brought, the total sales to 25.800 shares, the market value of which ii'as $5500. The following were the closing transac tions: UNLISTED STOCKS. I Bid. Asked. I Sold ForT" McD Ely ...IS .24 IS .25 ? .24 (fr TsTI Thomp-Q ...J ..".Is .32J .31 fr .34 Alta Con ... . .245 .26 .23 .25 New Yer ... .01 .02 .02 (fj) Dragon Con. .2o .26 " Rico Well 35 Rico Arg 16 Blng C-S ... .095! .10 Utah Mine I .15 Col Ex Q2il LISTED STOCKS. I A. M. 1 P. M. I Bid. Askcd.U Bid. lAskotT Bee Tun .OS IS .09 i$ .OS Blng Amal .05 1 . 053 ! .05 .06 Blk Jack .. .095 .093(1 .09 10 Cedar-Tal . .02 .023 1 .02 023 Colo Mln .. .135 .1411! .135 AH Con Mercur .015 .06 I 06 Crwn Point .025 -033 .025 .03 Daly 1.15 1.50 1.15 1.50 Daly-Judge 6.00 7.00 6.00 7.00 B Prince 003 1 003 E C Point.. .0OJ .005 001 E Tin Con 005 00? E Tin Dev 01 1 01 Emerald 10 10 Gen Thus .. .065 .07 .065 .075 Gld Chain . .34 .36" .33 .36 Gd Central. .6S .71 .65 .71 1 Queen 1 015 02 Iron Bios .1 1.371 1.40 1.35 1.40 Iron King .1 ,10 10 J Bowers . .1 10 10 Keystone ..! 15 15 King Wm . .05 .06 .05 .06 Lead King 05 05 Lchl Tin .. .013 .02 .015 .023 Lion Ilill I .05 05 Little Bell 35 35 L Mam 01 .05 .04 .045 Musgrovo . .10 .IS .10 .15 Mammoth 1.00 1,00 Mason Val 8.00 May Day .. .10? .115 .11 .115 Min Flat .. .01 .02 .01 .02 Mt Lake .035 .045 .035 .045 Nev Hills . 1.00 1.10 1.00 1 ,10 New York 2 J J .04 .2.1 Ohio Cop ., ,S1 ,S5 .SO .91 Opohongo . .035 ;05 .04 .05 Plocho Dem .01 .01i .01 .011 Ploche Mtls .00J .003 ,00i .00J Pitts-Idaho 1.25 1.25 Plutus 06 .07 .01 .07 Prince Con. .465 .4S .46J ,4S Rexall 01 .01 Roch Or Pt 15 Sev Trs ... .03 .04 .03 .033 Sll K Coal. 3.S5 4.00 II 3.S75I 1.00 Sll K Con.. 1.10 1.42JI 1.10 1.(5 S P 015 .30 I .01 .30 Sil Shield 01 Sioux Con .03 .04 .02 .04 S I Bios 00J 005 Swan Con . .003 .01$ .01 .015 Tin Cent .. .01 .02 .01 .on Tin Humb 01 01 " U Tlntlc . . .005 .003 .005 .003 Uncle Sam .05J .075 .05 .OS Utah Con . .01 .02 .01 .013 Union Chf .025 .04 .025 .035 Victor Con -04 .05 .04 .05 Victoria C .45 .47 .15 .47 "Wilbort ... .075 .09 I .071 .09 Tan Con 125 -05 .12 Yer Cop ... .005 .02 .003 .015 FORENOON SALES. Black Jack, 2000 at 10c. Iron Blossom. 500 at $1.37. Lower Mammoth, 1500 at 5c. Silver King Consolidated, 600 at $1.40; 300 at $1,375. Victoria Con.'ollclatcd, 200 at 46c. Sliares sold, 5100. Selling value, J2407. OPEN BOARD. Lower Mammoth. 1000 at 4sc; 1000 at 4U-. Prince Consolidated. 700 at 48c. Silver King Consolidated, 300 at $1.40. Shares sold, 7S00. Selling value, $15S7. AFTERNOON SALES. Lower Mammoth, 1000 at 4c- 1000 at 45c. Prince Con.. 100 at 47c. South Iron Blossom. 5000 at ic Swansea Con.. 3000 at lc. Shares sold. 10.100. Soiling value, $177. OPEN BOARD. May Day, 100 Oat 11c. Silver King Con.. 600 at $1.40. Shares sold, 2800. Soiling value. $1329. Oro and Bullion. Tho ore and bullion report for "Wednesday, given by McCornlck & Co.. was as follows: Ore received, $114,000; "bullion shipped. $120,000, total, $234,000. LightDecayed BeerS HRB I Jr our House il llfi ou muSt beer nt Only 8 made pure, but kept pure. 'Wi Purity exceeds all other costs in lm J ou?r brewery. We even filter the air in which x Schlitz is cooled. We scald every tub, keg and Jp barrel, every pipe and pump, every time vc use it. .Mffi Then, instead of putting pure beer in light glass jtt y bottles we use Brown Bottles. A Light starts decay even in pure beer. Dark glass gives JpS the best protection against light. The Brown Bottle pro- jKi tects Schlitz purity from the brewery to your glass. Wp I We began in a hut, sixty years ago. Today our agencies ' Wjjf dot the earth. Our output exceeds a million barrels a year jKtj I More and more people each year are drinidng Schlitz. IBp Why don't you, too, drink only pure beei Schlitz ih h Brown Bottles. Thai Made Milwaukee FamoB GOOD SIZED SHORT INTEREST IN MARKET James A- Pollock & Co., bankers and brokers, furnish tho following, arecolved over their prlvato wire yesterday after noon; Paine, Weblicr &. Co., "Boston The pro fessional character of the market was shown In Its action today. After a fair showing of strength yesterday and early this morning, prices ran off easily in the late dealings. Amalgamated. Union Pa cific, Steel and Reading showed Iosbos of a point. In the local list, tho volume of transactions was slightly larger, but this was duo to considerable liquidation In the low-priced stocks. We see nothing to cause us to change our opinion that wo sliall havo further reaction before we can have any sustained rally. Logan &. Bryan, New York Tho market today lost the greater part of yesterday's Btun una a icw specialties, such as Penn sylvania and Canadian Pacific, were con spicuous for tholr weakness, which, per haps, as much as anything else, was re sponsible for the unsteady tone of the list. Various rumors were olrculated rela tive to further complications In the Bal kans but the same wero very vague and seemed to be an outgrowth of tho weak ness in Canadian Pacific, which ordinari ly refiocts more readily than any other Issue the conditions In Europe, but which at present seems to bo depressed as a consequence of domestic selling. The railways filed their brief for a re opening of the advance rate cases, and the Interstate commerce commission took tho same under advisement. It Is the general Impression that tho commission will render Its opinion by next Monday, and that the rehearing will be granted. An analysis of conditions in Iron and steel circles by tho Iron Ago tended to accentuate quite forcibly that the alow-, ing down process in general trade Is mak ing greater headway. The situation, a whole, has not altered materially one way or the other, but the short Interest In the market has assumed large proportions and outside liquidation at present, is of a very limited extent, so that, while back ing and filling may result In quite a lit tle Irregularity, still the -.disposition to follow the selling side closely, except In tho Instance of specialties like Canadian Pacific, 13 not as pronounced as hereto fore. Gallagher letter. New York Traders and tho public appear to favor tho buying elde of North Star, Jim Butler and other low-priced Tonopah Issues at present, and the buying of this sort hae steadied the market In these shares for the time being. Oro was in good demand around 20, nnd same talk or higher prices for this issue Oils and lnduotrlals held steady through out tho session. Copper stocks were' ir regular, with few sales. UTAH COPPER MAKES REDUCED EARNINGS The Pollock wires on Wednesday brought the Information that durinc thf quartor ending March 31, 1013, the Utah Copper company produced 23.884.-i67 pounds of copper, a reduction of 1.045 183 pounds. The total not profits earned of $1,535,363 show a decrease of 53G2.28D. Tho net surplus for the quarter was i $313,725, a decrease of $267,620. M'DONALD ELY IS OPENING FINE ORE From the Ely district on Wednesday was received word that tho McDonald Ely Copper company was opening what looks to bo one of the largest hlgh-grado straight smelting bodies of oro ever ex posed In the camp. Tho management for the past three shifts Is roported to havo driven Into oro averaging 131 per cent copper and S2.20 per ton In gold and sil ver. The whole drift was In ore. and only one wall has been found aa yot. The management Is constructing new ore bins, and as soon as tiicso are com pleted active extraction for shipment will be started. There Is a great doal of In terest being centered In this property, and the miners working for the company aro roported to be the most persistent buyers of the stock. Tho stock has jip preclated on the local exchange over CO per cent during the past few days. PRESIDENT OF OHIO COPPER IS VISITOR President W. O. Allison of the Ohio Copper company Is a Salt Uake visitor, having arrived late Monday evening. Mr. Allison spent Tuesday at the mlno and mill, accompanied by Genoral Manaeer Al Frank. When seen by Tho Tribune yes terday, Mr. Allison said that ho had noth ing of lnterost to clve out for publication at the moment. Intimating that ho might have prior to his departure for the cast during the next day or two. Mr. Allison in a guest at the Hotel Utah. Oro Shipments. The Utah Ore Snmpllng company on Wednesday released seven (sirs of ore from Utah and one from Nevada camps. Metal Market, The metal quotations for Wednesday, posted by McCornlck &. Co., wero as fol lows; Silver, flic- lead, $i.?,5; copper, ?ln.32. Mining NotcB J. Tt. Van Evora Is In the city from his Michigan headquarters. The annual meeting of the Beck Tun nel company will be held at Provo on June 3. Spot coppor on Wednesday was of fered In the east at 15B cents per pound. STOCKS, BONDS, GRAINS. PROVISIONS, COTTON. James k Pollock & Co. BANKER 3 AND BROKER3, U0 Bouth Main 8tret (Herald Bldg.). Salt LjUs City. Direct Privto Wires to all Market Duplex System One Belay to New Tor nnd Boston. Corroipondenta Mombers all Exchng. Stocks Carried on Liberal Margin. Spe gAllata In Mountain Btatvs Telephone TtlegraptLi LIST OF SMOtfHM OFFICUUBKr. A list of officers and Smokey Development o"!Br, filed In the recorder" j offlctJJWL dent and secrcUry of uMMh , officials consist of the (wiQM B. Herbert WllUaaa, P. Anthony, vice prMli"Br Arthur L. Kingsbury. tnufH'? tor; Harry P. Eastwood. "9H.; rector, Thomas J, am.ttffali M. Lockhart is n xrcrfMJJfc thorized agcntW wgMWt All Kinds of Brass ai uK