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A ' THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 16, 1913. -9 H ' m "" Additional Sporting News llllWES Band Cravath Star With 1 Kiderful One-hano1 IBrBCitches in Field. SfflKvrPOTA May 15. Batting EBH? T ninth ami tenth Innings ILHirieS to defeat Chicago K 5 The visitors drove Ale: mound In the sixth inning, oneXnd catches by Mnpreo -Nfcd Brennan were taken out to Sch hitters to bat for them. 55$MSrled the tenth Inning, when. S. 8aler tripled. Schulte and MbTerc 1 felvcn posses, nil ns the Archer filed to Knabo and Huncd Philadelphia tied the 'JHthe ninth on Killifer's single, BuAT.i. n.nmii nmn for the rfs Bacrlfice and reached oigt'B single and Clymer s trley ran for Luderus after eached third. The squeeze Howley scoring on Kilmer's SAOO-PHIItAJEIiPHIA. T PHILADELPHIA. i'o 0 A. AB.H.H O.A. y n i 6 PirtMt. cf..2 .12 8 0 12 3 1 Knahe. Jb...4 12 4 2 D 0 3 0 Lobnrl. 3b. .3 0 0 2 0 t S 1 J MW. ..- 0 2 11 I 3 3 0 Cravatti. rf.-4 0 1 3 0 10 1 Oltadorus, Jb..4 0 1 5 1 13 3 Doolan. sj ..S 0 0 3 2 1 3 5 8 Dodge. ! 0 10 0 ) 8 0 6 Kllllfor. c.o I 2 3 3 Alexander. p.2 1 1 0 1 Rlxcy, p....O 0 0 0 0 Brennan. p.O o 0 0 0 Soatiin. P....0 0 0 0 n ' tDolan ....1 0 0 0 0 Ur. Miller ..1 0 0 0 0 "Walih ....10100 ttCapron ..01O00 IJHowlry ...01000 iiyrii Total 6 ia 30 10 i winning run :ored. xt In the rovenlh. olin In the eighth, rtnoan In the ninth, ih In the ninth. nn In th tenth. 5.K.!T..0 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 0-5 00010003 l- tots Clrmer. Zimmerman. Seler, irt. Two-hio lilt ZIrumormaa. M8ce, Walrh. Thrre-ba.10 hit an Zimmerman. Hits Oft Alex wifl two-thlrdn Innings; off Rlxoj-. (third Innings; oft Brennan, none oft 8enton. I In one Inning. Snc be. Lobwt, Pasfcert. Sacrifice obnrt. MiKte. Double plar Ma ; Rillifor and Doolan. JaJt nn 10; Philadelphia. 10. Bases on 11, 4; off Alexander. 5; off Bran aa. 2. Hit by pltcher-By Bri- Etruc out Br Overall, 4: f Rlior. 3: by Seaton, 1, Time i 10 mlnutts. Umpires Rlxer and &Bjg HOME RUNS SW m?5 TTLE tiilHTN', May 15. Brooklyn took a .3EBp'aa,e from St. Louis today, JJfcitfi teams batted heavily, but the visitors threw away many runs by running wild on the bases, St. Louis started off in the lead, when with two out. Mowrey singled and scored on Konetchey's home run. Wheat opened Brooklyn's second with a scratch lilt. Daubert doubled and Smith trlplod, tying the score. Perritt succeeded Steel, and Miller's out scored Smith. With ono on base In tho third. Wheat hit for a homer. Tn the fifth, St. Louis cut down the lead to two runs and In every Inning afterward, except the sixth and tho ninth. came within ono run of tying the score. Brooklyn. Just as regularly as the vis itors scorod, also tallied a run to maln taln their two-run margin. Ruckcr was called to the rescue of Ragan in the eighth, and Sallec relieved Perrfct in the same Inning. NATIONAL ST. LOUIS-BROOKLYN. ST. Louis. j BROOKLYN. AB.R II. O.A. I AB.R H.O.A. Hurslns. 2h,S 3 1 GIMoran, rf 5 1 3 3 2 Moecc. U Cutahaw, 2b.4 0 17 3 and 83 4 1 2 2 3 Stongol, cf..5 1 0 0 0 Mowrey, Sb 4 1 2 3 3 Wheat. If.... 4 3 3 2 1 Kon'toll.. lb.4 1 3 10 0 Daubort, lh.3 2 3 8 1 Shockard. rf Smith. 3b... 4 1 4 I 3 and If 4 0 2 2 0 Fisher sa...4 0 14 4 Onlccs. rf.,.2 2 12 ol Miller, c.,4 0 0 2 2 O'Leary. ns.3 0 11 01 Rapan, p.... 3 0 0 0 2 Kvans, rf..0 0 0 0 0' Rucker. P...1 0 0 0 3 ' Cathfirs. rf.l 0 0 0 01 I "Wlnpo. c. .3 0 0 S ll Whittcd .1 0 0 0 0 Perritt. p. .2 0 0 (I l Sallee. p. ..0 0 0 0 ll McLean, o.l 0 0 i t! ToUls . .36 6 1C 24 3 4 1 Totaln . ..37 8 15 27 21 Batted for TVltiffo In the eighth. Score by Innings St Louis 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 08 Brooklyn 0 3 2 0 1 0 1 1 S Summary: Krror Smith. Left on bases St. Lnuls, S; Brooklyn. 7. Two-baso hltt Wheat, Daubert. ThrM-baso lilt Smith. Homo runo Konelchy. Wheat, Daubort. Saoriflco hit Cul shaw. Stolon banes Moran, Slonget. FIshor. Bases on balls Oft Porrltt. 1; off Ragtn, 4. Struck out By Perritt. Ragan (2). Hit by pitcher By Rucker (Oakes). Passed bftll Wlngo. Hits Off Steele, 3 la ono and one-third Innings: off Per ritt, 10 In five and two-thirds Innings; off Sallou. 2 In ono Inning; off Ragan, 13 In roven and one third Innings; off Ruckcr, 2 In ono and Lwo thlrds Innings. Tlmo of game 1 hour 40 minutes. Uraplren Brennan and Enron. I BOSTON PITCHERS POUNDED BY REDS BOSTON", May In. Cincinnati pounded four Boston pitchers In every direction today, winning easily by the score of 11 to 5. Johnson hold the locals to nine well scattered hits. Marsans fell in attempting to get Con nelly's long fly In the fourth inning and injured his neck. Ho fainted, but re vived and finished the Inning. Almeida then took his place. Connelly's drive went for a home run. Tho batting of Becker, Bates and Hob litzell were features, Beckor setting a hit and run each of the five times ho faced a Boston twlrler. B Q STQN- CI N C r NNATI. BOSTON. i CINCINNATI. ' AB.R.H.OA.j AB.R. II. O.A. Maran., m.1 0 0 2 31 Bates, rl 4 3 2 3 0 Myers, lb. .4 2 1 J Ol Becker. If.. .6 B 5 2 0 Con'ly. If. .3 1 2 3 0 Tlnkor, fs..4 2 4 4 4 Collins. lf.O 0 0 1 OIHobllU.. lb 4 0 3 S 0 Sweeney. 2b.3 0 0 G JiMnrsans. cf. l 0 1 1 0 TIuif, rf..-4 1 1 4 ll Almeida, cf .3 0 1 1 0 Mann. cr...4 1 1 0 OlBorg'mer. 2b.3 0 0 3 4 Devlin, 3b.3 0 11 3 Grant. Sb 4 0 2 0 0 Whaling, c.4 0 1 2 3 Clarko. C....5 0 16 2 Hns. p 0 0 n 1 1 Johnson. p..4 1 0 0 3 Dlckron, p.O 0 0 0 01 nervals. p.O 0 0 0 Ol Strand, p.. 2 0 1 0 2l McDonMd .1 0 0 0 01 tCalhoun ..1 0 1 0 Ol ToUls ..33 S n;7 13i Totals ...37 11 19 27 12 BattM for Hesn III the third. tBatted for Diefon in thn sixth. Scoro by Innings Boston 10010100 2 n Cincinnati . 1 0 2 0 2 0 3 3 0 U Summary: Error Maranvlll, Sweoney. Devlin, Uarkc. T-no-base hits Devlin, BMker, Orant. Thro-baso hits-Connelly. Mann. Dates. Kom n,,.n0,nne,ly- "'f-O'f Hom. i In three lnnln5s; pff Dickson. 2 In three Innings; off Gcrvals, 3 In one-third of an Inning, off Strand. 6 In two and two-thirds Innings. Sacrifice. Hits Grant. Bnrghamor. Stolen base Myors. Tltu. Tinker Double plnys Heaa and Myern; Mnranvllle. Sweeney and Myera. Sacrifice flles-Conuolly. Dovlln, Tinker, Hoblltzol. Ieft on base Boston 4; Cincinnati, 7 Banns on balln-Orf Hess, I: off Dickson. 2; off Johneon, 1. First bae on errors Cincinnati. 1. Tlmo of gsinc 2 hours 14 min utes. Umpires Klem and Orth. WAGNER MIGHTY MAN WITH STICK NEW YORK, May 15, Pittsburg, with Wagner starring at tho bat and in the Held, won the first game of tho series from New York today. 7 to 2. Deraarcc was knocked out of the box In two in nings, the visitors scoring five runs on three passes, 'two singles, a double and a triple, aided by two errors by Murray and one by Meyers. Wiltse also was hit hard. Robinson pitched a fine game for Pitts nurg, an error by Mensbr permitting Now York to score its two runs in the first inning. Wagner fielded superbly and made two singles and a home run in five times up, PITTSBURG-NEW YORK. PITTSBURG. j NEW YORK. AB.R.H.O.A.I AB.R.H.O.A. Monsor, cf..3 2 1 4 01 Burns, If ..A 0 0 00 Caroy, If. .4 1 1 2 Oil Shafer. of. .3 0 0 3 ft Wagner, ss.5 2 3 5 2l Fletcher. ss..3 1 1 2 2 Vlox. 2b. ..5 0 1 2 41 Doyle. 2b. ..t 1232 Miller, lb.. 0 3 8 0 Murray, rC.4 0 1 2 ft "Wilton, rf. .3 0 0 5 01 Morklo, lb.. 4 0 2 11 1 Byrne, 3b. .3 0 1 0 H Heriog, 3b.. .3 0 0 1 3 Simon, c 3 2 1 1 0 Moycrs, C...2 0 0 4 3 Robinson, p.3 0 0 0 1 Hartloy, c.l 0 0 1 1 Dfimaree. p..0 0 0 0 1 Snodgrafs .1 0 0 0 0 Wlltfo. p.... 2 0 1 0 1 tThorpe ....I 0 0 0 0 Totals ..33 7 11 27 S Totals ...23 2 7 27 14 Batted for Demarco In the second. tBatted for WUUe In tho ninth. Score by Innings rittsburg . 2 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 07 New York ... Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02 Summary: Errors Monsor. Simon, Murray (2), Mcynrs. Two-baso hit Corey. Throe-baso hit Miller. Home run Wngner. Satvirico hits Carey. Simon, Roblnton. Stolen basics Cirey, Simon. Left on bases New York. 7; Pitts burg, 6. Double pity Wagner and Mlllor. naBca ou balls Off Demarco. 3; off Wllt30. 1; off Rob inson. 3. Struel: out By WUtse, J; by Robin son, 1. Hits Off Demuree. I In two lnnlngn: off WIlUo, 7 In seven Innings. Time of game 1 hour 1C minutes. Umpires O'Day and Era-silo. Umpires' Fines Stick. CHICAGO, May 15. Manager Harry Clark of Milwaukee and Dave Altizor of Minneapolis were fined $25 each today for their fight on the field at Milwaukee last week. "Cy" Morgan, the Kansas City pitcher, was fined $25 for using "bad language" and refusing to go off the field promptly when ordered to do so by Umpire Cahill at Kansas City May 7. Three Claim Ohampionshin. CALGARY, Alia., May In. Tf John Johnson, negro pugiliFt, is sentenced to the penitentiary for the violation of the Mann act, three fighters here Tommy Burns, Luther McCarty and Arthur Policy will Issue statements claiming the heavyweight championship of tho world. Each of the three fighters so announced today. Bradfords Beat Auerbachs. The Bradford baseball team won from the Auerbach nine yesterday afternoon on Uta.h field by the score of 8 to 7. Tho batteries for the Bradfords were Roche and Angel and for tho Auerbach team Jackson, Self and Roberts. Tho Bradford team will play the Sixth South A. C. on the Utah grounds next Sunday at 10 o'clock. CHANCE GETS WARM WELCOME IN CHICAGO One-time Leader of Cubs Comes With Hostile Ameri can League Team. CHICAGO. May 15. Frank Chance, erstwhile "peerless leader" of the local National league club, returned to Chi cago today as manager, of the New Yorlc American league club and opened a four game series by losing to Chicago. 2 to 3. Tho game was a pitchers' battle between Scott and Schuls, -with tho former hav ing a shade tho better of the argu ment. Schulz's wlldness, coupled with daring base running and Sweeney'H error, en abled the locals to make three runs. Scott's only pass, coupled with a sin gle, pave the New Yorks their first run, and Chase's triple and Midriff's double gave them their other run In a ninlh-ln-nlng rally. The New York team was warmly greeted when It took the field today and the friends of Chanco cheered tho team repeatedly. Today was the first time that Manager Chanco has gono to the coaching line on the American league (grounds, although he has played against the Chicago Americans on several "occa sions In city sorles and the world's cham pionships. After the game Chance said that he felt that his team had made a creditable showing and hoped to give the locals a harder fight in tho remaining games of the series. . NETV YORK-CHICAGO. NEW YORK. ' CHICAGO. AB.n.II.O A 1 AB.R.H.O A. D&nlels. rf. 4 0 0 0 01 Schallcr, If. 2 0 14 0 Wolter. cf..3 110 0'Borger. 2b... 2 2 0 2 0 Hartiell. 2b.4 0 0 3 SlLord. Sb 4 I 0 0 3 Cree, lf....l 0 1 1 OlFourntnr. lb. 4 0 0 9 0 Chase, lb... I 1 1 11 1 Collins. rt..4 0 2 2 0 Sweeney, c.4 0 2 2 2! Mattlck. cf. .2 0 1 4 0 Mldklff, 3b. 4 0 2 3 if Weaver. r...l 0 1 1 2 Stump, so.. 2 0 0 1 2'Schnlk. c....r. 0 0 5 0 Iellvolt ..1 0 0 0 0 Scott, p 3 0 0 0 2 M'Kcch., Fs.l 0 0 2 ll Sehulz, p.. .2 0 0 1 6! tStorrett ..1 0 0 0 0l KJopfer. p.O 0 0 0 lj Totals -.31 2 7 24 171 Totals ...2". 3 5 27 fi Batted for Stump In tho seventh. tBatted for Schulr In the sovonth. Score by Innlngo Now York 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 Chicago 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 3 Summary:' Errors Sweeney. Stump (2), Col llna. Two-bapo hu Mldklff. Throo-base hit Chasn. Hitr Off Fchulrz. I In six Innings; off Klopfer. 1 In two inning. Sacrifice hlU Off Weaver. 2. Doubln play HarlzoII to Mldklff to Chare. Left on bases New Yorlc. 6: Chicago, R. Bases on halls Off Scott. 1. off Schul. fi. Struck out By Scott. 3: by ICIcpfer. 1. Wild pitch Schulz. Tlmn of game 1 hour 45 mlnutea. Umpires O'Loughlln nnd Forguson. SEVENTH VICTORY . FOR FALKENBERG CLEVELAND. May 15. In their first appearance here this season, the Phila delphia club lost today's game, 2 to 0. Cy Falkenberg gained his seventh straight victory, allowing but three hits, one each to Murphy, Old ring and Mc Innls. No one was on base when Mc Innls hit a two-bagger. Plank was replaced In the third In ning by Wyckoff. after Cleveland had scored two runs in the first two innings. Wyckoff held Cleveland to one hit in tho rest of the game, but was replaced by Bush, who pitched the eighth In ning . Olson's double and Turner's single scored the first run for the locals. In the second, Ryan walked, reached third on Infield outs and scored on Falkcn bers3 scratch ulngle. CLEVELAND-PHILADELPHIA. CLEVELAND. PHILADELPHIA. ' AB.R.H.O.A. AB.R.H.O.A. J'nston. lb. 4 0 l 3 0 E. Mur'y. rf.l 0 I 2 0 Chap'n, kh. 4 0 0 2 1 Oldrlng, If.. 4 0 13 0 Olcon, 3b. ,3 1112 Collins, 2b.. I 0 0 2 2 Turur, 2b. 2 0 1 4 2 Baker. 3b... 3 0 0 1 2 Jackson, rf.3 0 0 2 1 Melnnl. lh..4 0 1 11 3 RyoJi, cf...2 1 0 2 0 Stnmk, cf..3 0 0 2 0 Oraney, If. 3 0 1 3 0 Barry, M...3 0 0 0 3 Csrlsch. c.3 0 0 4 0 Lapp, c 3 0 0 2 2 Falknb'g. p.3 0 1 0 ! Plank, p.... I 0 0 0 1 I Wyckoff. p..l 0 0 0 .1 I Buih. P-.....0 0 0 0 0 I 'Daly 1 0 0 0 0 ToUls ..27 2 o 27 ml Totals ...31 0 3 24 14 Dattod for Wyckoff In the eighth. Scoro by Innings Cleveland 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Summary: Errors Johnston, Turner, CoJIlns. Two-baso hits Olson. Mclnnls. Hits Off Plank, In two Innings; off Wyckoff. 1 In five Innings. Bases on balls Oft Falkenburg. 1; off Plank, 1 off Wyckoff, 1. Struck out By Falkenburg. 4: by Wyckoff. 2; by Bush, 1. Left on bases Clove land. 3; Philadelphia, K. Tlmo of game 1 hour 43 minutes. Umpires Dineon and Hart. BROWNS' PITCHERS EASY FOR RED SOX ST. LOUIS, May 15. Boston batted Wollman and Adams all over the ball yard today, winning from St. Louis, 15 to 4. Joe Wood was unsteady, passing seven men. Boston scored four run3 in the second on a double, a sacrifice, a passed ball, triples by Wagner and Hoop er and two singles. In the third Speak er's home mn, a hit bf.i3Rian, a single and two errors netted three more for Boston. In the sixth a base on balls, jl single and Yorkes's homo run counted three runs for the visitors. Boston bunched five singles with a base on balls and an error In the ninth for five runs. St.' Louis scored three runs in the fourth on a double, an error, a wild pitch, a base on balls and a- single. Pratt'R single, a passed ball and Austin's single netted the locals their last run in the fifth. B0STON-ST. LOUIS. BOSTON. j ST. LOUIS. AB.R.H.O.A.! AB.R.H.O.A. Hooper, 1 2 1 olcompton, cf..4 0110 Ycrkcs. 2b. 4 12 1 2 Johnston, If. 4 0 0 3 0 Speaker, 2 2 1 0i WH'me. rf--4 0 0 3 0 Lowla. lf.,1 2 11 Ol Pratt. 2b.. ..4 112 2 Hcnrlk.. If. 2 10 1 Ol Brief lb. ...4 1 1 12 1 Gardner. 3b.3 110 1 Austin. 3b. ..4 12 0 4 Englo. lb...S 3 3 fi 1 Walsh. SB....3. 0 0 1 4 Wagner, ss.5 2 2 3 4 Agnow, c...l 0 0 2 1 Nun'lter. c.4 1 1 12 0 Crotsln, c.l 1 0 3 0 Wood, p.... 5 1 2 1 2 Wollman. p.,0 0 0 0 0 Adams, p...l 0 0 0 1 Shotton ...1 0 0 0 0 tMalsel 1 0 0- 0 0 tWallaco ...0 0 0 0 0 Totals 40 15 16 27 10 Totals ...32 4 5 27 13 Batted for Wellman In tho third. tBatted for Crossln In tho ninth. JBatted for Adams in tbo ninth. Scoro by Innings Boston ...0 4 3 0 0 3 0 0 5 15 St. Louis 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 04 Summary": Erroris Spoaker, Wagner. Compton, Williams. Crossln, Wellman. Two-base hits Lowln, Brief. Three-base hits Wagner. Hooper. Home runs Speaker, Yerkes. Hits Off Wellman, 7 In three Innings: off Adam, 0 tn six innings. Sacriflco hits Gardnor, 2. Stolon bases Compton. Speaker. Left on bases St. Louis. S: Boston, 1. Bases on balls Off Wood. 7: off Wellman, 1; off Adams. 2. Hit by pitcher By Wellman fLewls). Struck out By Wood. 10: by Wollman. 2: by Adorn. 3. rassed balls Agnew. Nunna maker. Wild pitch Wood Tlmo of came 2 hours 15 minutes. Umpires Hlldebrand and Evans. Sliakeup in Pennsy's Crew. PHILADELPHIA, May 15. Uhe de feat of Ponnsyh'anla in the triangular crew race on the Charles river on Mon day bos resulted in another shakcup of tho Red and Blue tonight. Shoemaker, who stroked the freshmen crew last year, was shifted from bow on the var sity to stroke. Caplaln Alexander, who was a stroke in the race against Harvard and Princeton, was sent to No. 7, while Maderia, who rowed No. 7, was moved to bow. Standing of the Clubs UNION ASSOCIATION. . won. Lost. P C. Helena s . .CIS Salt Lake ? f, .coo Great Falla ? f .371 Butt , 7 d Ogden , 5 ? .3X7 Missoula 4 '0 .303 COAST LEAGUE. Von. ' Ixist. P.C. Lob Angeles Z1 IS . Oakland II 20 .B12 San Francisco , 22 22 .od-0 Venice 20 St .453 Sacramruto 17 21 . i47 Portland ; ..IS 21 .432 NATIONAL LEAGUE. - Won. Lost. P.C. Philadelphia. 15 7 .052 Brooklyn , .'...17 3 .".t Chicago .. , 16 13 ,552 St. Louis , 14 13 .3IS New York 12 13 .4S0 Pittsburg 12 1? .423 Boston 10 14 .417 Cincinnati 3 13 .2S WESTERN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. P.C. Donver , .....17 ! .730 Lincoln 14 8 .36 St. Joseph 14 10 .538 Des Moines II 12 .478 Omaha. - ...11 13 .153 Sioux City ? 12 .4 Topeka 9 14 .331 Wichita 7 17 .232 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Won. Lost. P.C. Columbus ..v 15 10 .i00 Louisville 15 14 .635 Kansas City 1$ 14 .536 Indianapolis 13 12 .520 Mllwaukco IS 14 .517 Minneapolis 14 14 .500 St. Paul , 12 15 .41? Toledo '. 10 IS .357 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. P.C Philadelphia 1? 5 .753. Washington 15 8 .652 Cleveland 17 10 .630 Chicago .....17 12 ,5S Boston 11 V, .407 St. Louis 12 IS .400 Detroit 3 13 .321 New York '. 7 IS .230 INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. Lost. P.C. Newark 15 9 .625 Buffalo 14 0 .W0 Baltimore 11 10 .58.1 Providence 10 12 ,455 Montreal 10 12 .453 Toronto 10 13 .155 Rochester 10 13 .435 Jersey City 3 15 ,321 NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. P.C Seattle , 13 3 .7S Vancouver 14 3 .610 Tacoma .....15 15 .500 Victoria 13 18 . 443 Spokane 11 IS .373 Portland 9 18 .350 SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Won. Lost- P.C. Mobile 28 9 .743 Nashville 17 16 .631 Memphis 18 18 .590 Atlanta 16 17 .485 Montgomery 15 16 .484 Birmingham 14 16 .167 Chattanooga 13 13 .406 Nov Orleans 11 20 .335 Minneapolis Releases Players, MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., May 15. "Hobe" Ferris, third baseman, and Glenn Liebhardt, pitoher, were today uncondi tionally released by President Cantillon of tho Minneapolis American associa tion club. Forrfn was at one tlmo with tho St. Loula Browns of the American league and Liebhardt was with tho Cleve land Americans. They are said to have been sought by Western league managers. timely mni" I CIS fflJTTE SHE I Robinson Twirls Superior Ball Against Electrics; Score 3 to 2. H BUTTE, May 15. in a gume that was isH not decided until the Jaei Inning, Butte earned today's contest, r, to 2, through isH the superior pitching of Robinson and timely hitting. Robinson was given good support in the pinches wave in the fifth isH when Great Falls scored its first run. Great I-alts again scored In the ninth aH on two doubles. Gn EAT FALLS. AB. R. 11. PO. A. E. Ltulcna. rf -I 0 1 0 00 Potts, s.s ;. .) 0 1 n 2 (i Toner, Sb 4 1 1 0 3 1 Kellcy, If 4 1 1 1 o Faye, rf (1 0 2 0 0 Slner, 2b V. 0 0 1 Hester, lb 0 l in 0 Gibson, c 0 (1 2 2 0 Ilildebrand, p.. .1 0 1 0 G 0 Totals 31 6 21 19 BUTTE. fM AB. R. II. PO. A. E. Demagglo. If 0 0 0 -i 1 1 Giffin. rf , 4 0 0 2 0 11 Whaling. 1H 1 1 2 S 1 n Marshall, cf 2 1 1 4 0 n Duddv. 3b :.. -I 0 2 L 1 0 Levy, ss i " 0 2 3 0 Kafora. c 2 0 1 2 2 0 McGeehan, 2b I 1 .1 4 1 2 Robinson, p 1 0 0 0 3 1 Totals 23 3 0 27 12 Great Falls 0 0001 000 12 Butte 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 Summary: Two-base hits Whaling. Duddv. Marshall. Toner, Kellcy. Sacrifice Ales -THcstcr. Demagglo. Sacrifice hits Slnr. Robinson. Marshall. Stolen base tJJJJJJJJJJB Kafora. Left on bases Great Falls 4. Butto S. Double plays Robinson to Lew to Whaling; Slner to Potts to Hester struck out Bv Robinson 2, by Hlldcbrand T Bases on balls Off Hlldcbrand 2. Hit bv pitched ball Marshall. Time of came 1:15. rmpire Laronue. L. D. S. U. FIELD DAY AT WANDAMERE TODAY Evrrythinp is in readiness for the 1. D. S. T7. field day at Wandamere to day. Many athletic ovcnls will be fen tures of this occasion. The first uum "ber on the programme is a basoball frame between the faculty and the se nior class of L. 1). S. U., after which there will be other sports, including threo-leggea relay races, 50 and 250 yard dashes and a valiso race for men and women. Lunch will then be served the various classes meeting in groups for refreshments. The school glee club and the orchestra, under tho direction of Oscar L. Kirkham. will furnish tnu Bic. A boat parly will be enjoyed the lake and a rowing coutest will be. participated in, followed by dancing at the pavilion, singing and speeches. jH ITo Hoodoo on 13. 'IH Room 13 of the Grant school defeated room 12 of the same school yesterday af ternoon In a baseball game on Orchard field bv the score of a to 6. Tho bat terles 'for room 13 were Gregory and Gladstone and for room 12 Griffith and Cuahrnan. isisl 24 Main StT ' OF THE 124 Main St. 1 1 I BUT THESE FEW DAYS WILL ECLIPSE ANYTHING IN VALUE-GIVING EVER ATTEMPTED BY ANY FIRM IN SALT LAKE CITY. I I yEOFFER THE FOLLOWING UNHEARDOF BARGAINS I WOK AT THESE observe these The Last Word in Hats I I jjjj j" y 'fL f j"J fy John B. Stetson's andother high-grade makes, in black 1 Wflnei snvoi . . . A ,u en'sreJa18-o6.a"d 0-0 Suits m mprenT I valuef Madras and other weaves ot gray and brow mixture, latest models- JQ EO 3.00 ind 3.50 values- CI CA I mSt s soft or pleated fronts ' il Your ch0Ice .5w fn M color L5j 1 HfW Men's high-class $27.50 and $30.00 Suits, in black . I H 2-S value, in fine Madras, Pongee and Silk Mix- nSenovSweeT6? ?! '. ...... Si 5.00 VH&WW&BV IIfif&illS I I -WdstfiSL! Sur(ch1aiceffeCtS' $1 50 s 1 B" V' "' rCgUlai 5C Vah'eS 35(5 I I jjN grade' $3.00 and $3.50 Shirts, in Pongee Silk 3 T SOYS SUITS 30 T0 B V. D. Union Suits, regular $1.00 value- , -J j J I res cool, delightful weaves, in very 4 AC with LonS Pants Fine $15.00 and $18.00 Garments, r .; ; ; ; ' ' ' : w I 'designs Your choice Ol.Od in black and novelty grays of latest models C7 CA Fest Silk and Linen Mixture Union Suits, knee length H I'jBL ft v " Your choice $bUv and short sleeves $2.25 valuer- Q AC I I M : ' : ; for iIbAO I CIWS ; 124 MAIN STREET 2Sc Boaton Garters 15c