Newspaper Page Text
THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 17, 1913. V.M . , I For thirty years The Tribune has 1 I been producing more results for its I advertisers than any other Salt Lake 1 i paper. I S Don't waste money, use The Tribune. 1 H ) " LOST -EITHER ON OTH. 10TH OR lUh ave?., Sunday, bot. 4 and 5 d. ni., i-olld frohJ bracelet set with rubles and diamonds. Phone Wasatch 3601-J. Re- ward. b743 LOST BOT' S EXCELSIOR BICYCLE, colored black. Return to 3 Daniels ct. Reward given. bll78 , LOST FRIDAY MORNING, LVY 9, BE uvcent South Temple and Exchange place, diamond bar pin. Liberal reward. Return S37 E. So. Temple. M2S9 STRING OK PEARL BEADS ON 3RD So. near West Temple. Finder return to room 66. Peery hotel, and rooelve ro wa id. bHOb LOST -A WEEK AGO. SMALL WHITE poodle dog. In vicinity of Fifth East mid 3rd South Return to 2505 South Fifth East. Receive reward. blSO LOST AT EMPRESS THEATER, lady's small purse, containliiEr foreign olns. Phone Wasatch 1138. Reward. b2273 LOST -SMALL PURSE CONTAINING $40 in currency. alKo receipts, at JDm prcsst, Thursday evening; Liberal re whtcI. No. 7 Oaks apte. fog lit JPERSONAL LDIe1UoTr ly fcuarantce my great successful "Monthly" remedy; safely relieves some of the lonpept, most obBtlnate, abnormal cases In three to five days: no harm, pain or Interference with work: mall 5150 Double strength. 52.. Dr. B. P. Soulhluston Remedy Co., Kansas City. Mr. olg I SPECIALIZE IN GOWNs7FANCY dresses, wash dresses for womon. chil dren babies; outfits complete made to order. Mrs. II. M. Murray, 205 E. -1th S. Prices reasonable. bq34 G I AR-VNTHE TO TEACH YOU TO play piano In 3 months; no notes; 50c Icon. Address T-30. Tribune. M976 i i'm'uass err?! cKctIna system. Was. 353G. 62 E. 4 th So. b217 1 OR A FAMOUS SCALP TREATMENT. under Velvellna system, phone Wa yatcn r.V.6. b!667 rMSESElTFNTAT without medicine or knife. You may bo skeptical; If so, call at my office and be i onvliiccd. One treatment only will con - liu e von. J. U. Ilorr, 253 3rd avenue. IN as. 1721 -M. 1535 PRIVATE "wTludwIToJier! confidential confinement. seclusion, legal adoption. ?Irs. F. Phillips, 11th E. beL 12th and 13th So. Sugar station. Hyland 1231-M. 113032 LADIES. MAKE YOUR APPOINT mcnts early; v.c are open evenings. W. 3536. Vclvettna Parlors. 62 E. 4th South street. s2756 I LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -ndbpire:d: baby buggiesre tlrcd. C. A. Fowler, key. gun. biko and lovelty worka. Phono Wasatch 4080. IIS West 2nd So. sli2 d1lIA?GAIB orders and diseases of women a spe cialty. No. COS Mclntyre bids. Office. Wasatch 52S1; residence, 5030. b3S chiropractors" praetor?. Chronic and female troubles c specialty. Consultation in. Suite 402. 235 So. Main. r231 MISS BERTHA WAG ENETSSuIdIo! 77 East Third South- China suitable fr gifts and prizes. Class and prh'ate If 50118. cOBO ICE CREAM wTloTiESVLfrTNL) rIsTAIL MANU torturers of Ice creams; quarts, bricks uv specialty. '0c; In bulk. 35c. American l.p Cream Co.. Wasatch I15S. b933 PRINTING ARROWREs'sUTAR1 bIgGEST plant. Printing', Blndln?. Office Stip B r ey and Furniture. Lesal Blanks. CG 1 W '.'nri go. Phono exchange 203. k!25 II YOF ARF. FIGURING ON MOVING H iid -want oir goods moved In flrst- H i'u-s thape. seo the van men, Mollerup Br s.. Wasatch 2211 -J. b!0o4 KODAK FINISHING KOLAIC FINISHING: HIGH-CLASS 1 v.ork, guarantied. Alseen studio, 63 E 2r I Sou tn 176 State, Glcna block, j 2ril Hoor. bS40 i BOWLING ALLEYS "V IN DiOrlimVINGPARXoRsl 2ti H Main. Prlzea each week for ladie3' high H f corcg m551 AIJTOWJBILE NUMBERS NTCKEL BRASS, eS.'AMEL.GOcTO H $5. Chuii. PetcHion. Signs, 20 Upper H Rlchirds. pg33 SAFES AND VAULTS Hj ciTplete ine oafes on H hand. Shealy Safe & Vault Co., 41 H P Q. place. p2542 ELECTRICAL TREATMENTS nTssTANTMrr'iTor H trlcal treatr.ientx Martin InHtllttte, 223 j Brookn Arcade. Phono Wan. C003. bSlO SEWINGIriACHINES we "sell, "rent" an i j "repair all H uialv 1V siatc Wauatch 1703. d341f BANK, BAR AND OFFICE FIXTURES BANK. OFFICE. BAR AND STORE fixtures; special designs submitted on application: household refrigerators, car om and pocket billiard tables, bowllns. alleys and supplies. Brunswick-Balke-Collonder Co., 55-57-o9 West South Tem ple. Phono Wasatch 453. ai086 W. L. WETHERBEE CO.. DESIGNERS and manufacturers of bar, bank. ofTlco and store fixtures; also agents for billiard and pool tablas and supplies. OfTlco and factory, 158-160 West 1st So. Wasatch C22S. h3320 LAUNDRIES PALACE LAUNDRY CO. Office, 70 W. Secoud South, phono. Offlco 7D E. Second South, Wasatch 1481. Offlcn 33 E. Third South. Was. 3710. Works, 75S E. Fourth South. Hyland 2562 and Hyland 562. Laundry brought to offices save3 20 per cent. No extra charge for one-day specials. k2327 Hand Laundry lTk1T5lvndlau clans work; ladles' shirtwaists; dresses our specially; men's shlrlc and collars. Was. 3594. 33S-40 W. 1st S. 1)45 CHIROPODIST lTASn3LT?OOTPC I A LT S T. CON sultatlon free. 47 Ea3t First South. Wasatch 5061. r3923 DR. .T. L. DAVIS AND MISS ALICE Onish, v.-ith Davis Shoo Co.; hour3 9 a. m. to G p. m. 2277 DR. ELIZABETH L. WTSMEB. GRAD uate, 725 Mclntyre bldg., 68 South Main. Wasatch 53 U- b57 HAIRGOODS HAIR SWITCHES. WIGS. TOUPEES made to order. Sasso's Hair Factory. 218 Main. b34 Wigs and Toupees ajkIndITof'TT factured. Kllnncr, expert wig maker. 151 Main. sS66 FURRIERS FURS REPAIRED AND STORED. Geneva C. Hicks Co., 68 So. 6th EasL Wus. 3707. bl2S J. PA NEK". FURRTER. REM. TO 124 E. Broadway. Furs stored free of charge If alterations or repairs are made. b945 PATENT ATTORNEYS SCOTT & COMPANY. "'ALxTaDUN tries; terms reasonable. 227-S Judge bldg. gG07 TO PATENT INVENTIONS, REGISTER trade marks or copyrights, see J. M, Thomas, 303 Utah Savings & Trust bldg. 0124 JSANKSjNDJ M'CORNICK & CO., BANKERS. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. ESTABLISHED 1873. b!613 ELECTRICAL WORKS ANY 4-ROOM HOUSE WIRED AND equipped completo with electric chando MerK, drops and shades for $25. Electric Construction Co.. 327 S. Slate, phono Wa satcll 5050. h935 CLEANING AND PRESSING FIRST-CLASS HAND PRESSING AND cleaning; reasonable: quick delivery service. Paris Cleaning &. Dyeing: Co.. 125 E. 3rd So. Wasatch 7S9. M062 HIGH-CLASS LADIES' AND GENTS' hand pressing and cleaning, $1 a suit; prompt delivery service, work guaran teed. Phone Was". 3591. Perfect Fit Tailoring Co., Y. M. C. A. bldg. 1)2329 SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRITING GATRELTS UNIQUE SCHOOL OF Shorthand and Typewriting. 313 D. F. Walker building. 83581 GOWNS AND DRESSES. FIRST-CLASS WORK, PERFECT FIT tlng; work guaranteed. 167 South 2nd PJast. Was. 1540. s3276 PICTURES and WALLPAPER PICTURE FRAMING AND HOUSE DEC oratlng. George W. Ebert & Co.. 41 MaJrijit. k2719 CORSETS MRS. MANN! SmETLXolSTS. 1-ycav guarantee. 70 W. 4th North. Was. 4537 . nl80 LIVERY STABLE McCOY STTALsTcXlim light livery horses bought and sold. Phonft ai. oUl CUSHIONS, UPHOLSTERING alttpTesses ANI) sTlngs re- palred. Salt Lake Mattress Se. Mfg. Co. Phono 3299. p!555 CLEANING AND DYEING SLrLAKcl:A BEST work, prompt delivery"- 71 East Broad way. Was. 523o. Hyland 1939. 82335 SIGNS AND SCENERY CHABT"pl3TEnts6 brass, chipped glass and painted. Phonn Wasatch 1503. x23 KEY FITTING sle Supply Co. Waeatch 362S. Ci W. Broadway. o76l SHAiMPOOING ATVeTVCTIN ; open until 9 p. m. C2 E. ith South at. s2755 AY AN TED Wanted Male Help CARPENTERS. IDAHO 4.00 Carpenters, Idaho "-0 R. H. hotisn carpenlurs. Timber framor, mine, Utali 1.00 Muckers ... " Machine men 'L2 Planing mill men 4.2o Cook '"-00 Flunkeys 3o.00 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENC. 55 W. 2nd So. St. b2326 WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY. ABLE bodled unmarried men between ages of IS and 35. citizens of United States, of good charactor and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer, old Walker Bank Bldg.. West 2nd So. st Salt Lake City. 1)312 WANTED, PARTY WITH small capital to Invest, silent or active; position guaranteed. Call bet. 3 and I p. in. today. 423 Mclntyre Bldg. b2439 THE REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY'S? EMPLOYMENT DE PARTMENT can furnish you. FREE of charge, experienced stenographers, typists and bookkeepers. Phone the Remington, Wasatch 77. h-,41.3 EXPERIENCED SHOE SALESMAN. Davis Shoe Store, Judge Bldg. b'JI20 DANCING LESSONS. 25C. DAILY. SO clal Tues,, Thurs.. Sat. 63 Postofflce place. " o8C1 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, restaurant and housohold help. Headquarteru for laborers. fi5 West Socond South. Phone 4C1. o743 MEN WANTED TO WEAR OUR trusses; fit guaranteed. Rex Drug Co.. W. Temple and Broadway. ho279 PERSONAL ATTENTION AND THOR oughness characterise Utah Business College training. Dav and night. Begin now Boston building. slF.37 FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, BASE mcnt First Congregational church. Wo get you a position free of charge. Tele phone Wasatch 5322. t3G5 100 MISFIT SUITS FOR SALE AT 1 their value. Nobby Sultorlum, 265 State. s2761 WANTED A FIRST-CLASS WAGON and carriage blacksmith: must bo a woodworker; steady Job; 9 hours. SI to $4.50 to rlcht man. Wire or write. L. M St. Laurent, Idaho Falls. Ida. s3630 CASH AND-MESSENGER BOYS WANT ed today. The Bell sample shoe par lors, 403 Boyd Park bldg. 162 S. Main st., to wear S2.50 sample shoes. s4429 BIG MONEY FOR AGENTS; BEST proposition; new plan; no talking; easy work. Anthony Fisher. 161 W. S. Temple 1)41 WORKING MEN WE ALL CAN FIND comforlablo and homelike rooms at the Metropole hotel. Rates $2.50 up. 35 E .Broadway- hl32 LEARN SALESMANSHIP: POSITIONS) guaranteed all graduates. I. C. S.. 323 Felt Bldg. Was. 5015. hl33 ENJOY A PLEASANT EVENING AT tho Kosy pool parlors; everything now and now open to the public. 226 So. State. b228 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS NOT UN der civil service. New Red Book, giv ing list of thousands of them, with sal aries. Postpaid, SI. Andrews Paper Co-. Washington, D. C. b3I9 STENOGRAPHER AND GENERAL OF flco man. Apply W-5, Tribune. bS37 WANTED MEN TO WEAR . HOLT'S ?2 hats; no more, no less. 35 J3. Broad way. b811 "U" CAN LIVE WELL AT THE DAIRY Cafe without golncr broke: regular meals 25c. 71 W. Third South. East ern prices. 1)1061 WANTED 25 LABORERS FOR NEW high school bldg.; S hours. P. J. Mo ran. M170 25 LABORERS. APPLY TO FOREMAN at P. J. Moran concrete mixer, comer 1th South and 2nd West. bl237 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN. SATUR day, extra, ITIrschman Shoe Co. bl649 RELIABLE SALESMEN TO SELL farm lands. They can boost to tho skies without stretching the truth. At once. 604 Dooly block. bl7S5 A MACHINE PRESS ER; STEADY position. Apply today before noon. Panco Vesta club, 35 East 4th South. l1907 CARPENTERS, J3.50 AND $4 PER DAY: Idaho, STROCK'S EMF. AGENCY. 55 W. 2nd So.- b2000 S. L. COOKS' ASSOCIATION WILL furnish all kinds of cooks free. 222 S. V. Temple. hi 902 FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS. 561 EAST 1st South. bl955 MEN. LODARN RELIABLE TRADE; NO machinery can compete with you. Wo turn out good workmen; certificate to graduates; S weeks for complete course; tools given. Write or call for catalogue. Mohler Barbor College, 13 Commercial st. b20D2 WANTED AT ONCE, FIRST-CLASS machine presncr; steady position; good wages. Apply City Dye Works, Boise, Idaho. b2165 50 LABORERS. APPLY F ST. AND 2ND avc. A. A. Clark Co. b2255 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY FOR draftsman or map and blue print man to purchase the exclusive map business of Idaho. Owner will sell below Invoice. Prico $3500. Clears over 3200 per month. Address Tntennountain Map Company. Boise. Idaho. b22t7 THIRTY BOYS AND YOUNG MEN TO work all and after school with bicycles: Rood, chance to learn telegraphy. Apply Manager Western Union, 117 So. Main street. b2100 WIDE-AWAKE MAN WANTED; ONE who Is capable of maklnc $3000 a vear; $100 required. See Mr. Edwards, after noon, at Hotel Heron, 138 East Second South. , 12393 $2, $2.50 MEN WANTED TO OCCUPY some nicely furnished and cool room?, by the week. Savoy Hotel. 1st So., hot. Main and Commercial. b232S WANTED. CARRIERS FOR HORSE routes. Apply to Geo. L. Gelger, cir culation dept. Tribune. b2352 TWO YOUNG MEN WHO UNDER stand prospecting and mining;. Give phono number. Address X-39, Tribune. 02415 WAGON WOODWORKER WANTED. Give experience and reference, Fuc tory experience preferred. Apply P. O. Box SSS. Ogdcn. Utah. b2391 Teams Wanted tCmTwactdto hXuiTsand and sravel; long job. J. W. Mellcn. 704 .Mclntyre bldg. slo05 Wanted Situation (Female) LAIDyr"wOUl3STAK!E or children for fare California. Hy land 236-W. bl974 LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. 35 cents pair. Wasatch 3856-M. bl258 YOUNG WOMAN OF REFINEMENT desirpx poHllldu lit hur. c Addrrs" X 1 , Tubunc b'JVJ') WANTED WaeFeju GIRLS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. AP PLY READY FOR WORK AT 8 A. M. AND 1 P. M. DAILY. TROY LAUNDRY, 421 SOUTH OTH EAST. g350 SUCCESS INSURANCE UTAH BUSI , ncss collcgo preparation for huMiiess me. Start a course now. Boston hid,",.. day or night. el38 FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BASK mcnt First Congregational church, wo get you a position free of charge. Tele phono ES22. 12 n 3 COMPETENT COOK AND HOUSE; work Kill. Call between 2 and o o'clock, 1354 East South Temple. r.2u0a FREE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU FOR colored help, at Calvary Baptist church. Phono Hyland 2229. a391a LADIES' SHOES SIIINED, 5c. REX parlors; private chairs for ladlc3. 222 Stato st. b3 ONE WAITRESS, NEVADA $60.00 STROCK'S EM P. AGENCY. 55 W. 2nd So. sL 194. 500 LADIES TO IMPROVE THEIR complexions under guaranteed meth ods. P. O. box 204. city. 101 GIRL WANTED; GOOD WAGES; NO washing. 377 E. 3d S. bl049 RELIABLE NURSE GIRL, BETWEEN 15 and 18 voars old. Call between 2 and 5 o'clock," 1354 East South Temple. 1)1135 YOUNG WOMEN OF REFINEMENT desiring prolltable employment, call 53 N. State. Apt. No. 1, Sundays and after noons. bl518 WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. Wus. 4SS. M796 EXPERIENCED SALESLADY, SATUR day, extra. Hlrschman Shoo Co. bl630 GIRL WANTED AS HELPER ON coats. Rogers Tailoring Co., Muln and Broadway. 1)1909 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 420 East 3d South. M999 CTRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE work; no washing 407 Vadner ove. 1)2001 GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; GO TOMB nights; Sunday off. 136 E. Broadway. hi 965 THOROUGH. COM PETBN-T WOMAN to do washing. 'Apply at. once. Mrs. Swanson, 537 "So. 5th East. b2057 MJDDLE-AGED WOMAN Af5 CHAM hermaid. Apply Hercules hotel, 56 W. 3rd S. 1)2209 COMPETENT GIRL- FOR GENERAL housework In family of three: no small children: good wagca; good home. Call at 1159 First avc. bl95S EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 1116 East South Tem ple. Wasatch 3626. 1)2 1S9 GOOD LAUNDRESS. WASATCH 2067. 1)2201 SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS. AP ply Mrs. Bywater, Z. C. M. I. Overall Factory. 1)2259 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL NOUSE work; good wages. r,76 No. 1st W. b2257 COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good wages; 3 In famllv: good home. 69 D st. b2252 WAITRESS. NEVADA $60.00 2 waitresses, mining rainn 30.00 STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 55 W. 2nd So. Sf. b2325 WANT TWO NEAT YOUNG LADIES, not over 23 years of age. light work, by a big advertising concern. Call 9.30 a. m. lo 3:30 p. m. today, room 501 Tem pleton building. 1)2116 GIRLS WANTED. OVER IS. TO WORK In pickle factory. Apply at factory. No telephones answered. 741 So. 3rd West. b2403 EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN FOR various departments. Apply Mr. Mc Cann. assistant manager, Walker Bros. Dry Goods Co. 1)2395 WOMAN FOR LAUNDRY WORK Mondays and Tuesdays, also for 1"YI days for weekly house cleaning only. Those who cati do such work well need apply. 505 E. 1st South. b2412 WANTED. EXPERIENCED ALT ERA -tion hand. Apply at The Modo. II Broadway. 1)2134 GIRLS FOR STAGE; NO E-XPERI-en"! necessary. Apply at Majestic theater at 11 a. ni. b2I35 WANTED. EXPERIENCED C'MAM bermaid. Wasatch rooming house. Ill) So. State. b243S WANTED. MIDDLE-AGED. EXPERI onccd chanihnrnudd. Apply Belmont Hotel. 1)2-140 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND typewriter wanted by Hobsoii-CImrlton Co. Apply Sunday. 10:30 a. ni. b24H GIRL TO COOK FOR FAMILY OF TWO, small apartment. Was. 5012. 16' Brans ford. h2141 Public Stenographer pIhhcstISnc 1st at Remington Typewriter Co., 172 South West Temple. Phones Was. 77 and 78. s4433 MANY HAVE FOUND A CONSISTENT reading of tho wants well worth while In gaining full measure of profit and success why not you? T Wanted Situation (Male) YOUNGMAN DESIRES PolsTTION with electric firm In shop or inside wiring. Throo years' experience. Ad- dress V-2S. Tribune. b412 EXPERIENCED .HAND WANTS JOB on farm; not. particular as to wages. Address V-55, Tribune. b653 YOUNG JAPANESE AS COOK TN PRL vate family; has city references. Ad dress V-42. Tribune. boOl EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. NOW employed, desires employment 3 or 1 evenings, a week. Address X-59. Trib une. bl72S POSITION AS CHAUFFEUR. CA LL Wasatch 4S33. 12200 A RELIABLE JAPANESE COUPLE wish xl position as housework or kitch en help, etc., in family or hotel. Apply K. Yokayama. 550 W. 2nd South st. b2264 EXPERIENCED TYPIST AND BOOK keepor deMros work evenings, prefer ably to take home. Address X-17, Trib une. b'J-JlS YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED FIRE man N and handy with tools, wants steady position. Address X-3S, Tribune. b2414 REMOVAL NOTICE MRS. NELLIE GLOVER THOMPSON. formerly living at No. 112 So. Third East, has moved to No, 11 Erunswlck avc., where she has established dress making parlors and will bo pleased to meet all old frlunds. b537 MISS THOMPSON. MILLINERY school, moved from 303 So. 5th East to Y. W. C. A. Educational bldg. Wasatch US. 12251 VI, U I CO. II.'VE MOVED THEIR iffl'-cs to 3t7 and 30, Tcmphluii bldg. b242Sj WANTED Wanted Miscellaneous FUKNTTJRE OF ALL KINDS WANTED. Will Day you flrnt-clasu prices. Flahcr & Robblns Co.. tiO W. 2nd South. Wa satch 5171. c23 UTAH JUNK CO., HIGHEST PRICE paid for iron, brass, rags, bottlos. mo ber. copper, otc. 840 So. 4th West. Phono Wasatch 229. ' "U8J WESTERN JUNK & METAL COMPANY. Highest prices paid for copper, ,"r"f3. rubber, bottles, etc. Phono Hyland 2316. 1014 South State st. H-93 TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND nmttross remaking. Utah Bedding & Mfg. Co. Phono 383. 2T YOUR OLD CLOTHING: WILL CALL, Solvation Army. Phone. t-iai BURT'S MISFIT PARLORS BUYS AND sells second-hand clothlnir. 26n State. Wasatch 5021. rS HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand doming. A. Albert, 14o South West Temple. Wasatch 1690. sp . IT PAYS BEST To havo footwear well repaired wltn bent oak leather and expert workman ship. Prices reasonable. . MONARCH SHOE REPAIRING CO.. 21 E. Second South. Wasatch 3oS3. WE WILL SHIP A CAR OF, HOUSE hold goods to Los Angeles, San ,Fra clsoo. Chicago and Great Falls. Mont.. within the next ten days. Kimball Van & Storage Co,, 73 So. Main. 0r OLD CLOTHES BOUGHT. Wo pay highest prices for cast-oft clothing. Phono Waaatch 2115. r3481 CATTLE, CALVES, POULTRY. I KEEP 3 Jersey bulls for service, ono regis tered. Cows fetchod. Take cattlo to pasture. A. T. Saunders. Rear 141u Main. Hyland 3032-J. 261 BEST PRICES PAID FOR YOUR CAST off clothlns- Was. 2002. s'430 BEST PRICES PAID "FOR OLD clothes, valises, trunks. 1 Commercial M. Stubeck. Was. 6061. CAN LOCATE YOU ON GOVERN mcnt homestead land or improved farm3. -105 Atlas bldg. h200 EOYS TO INVEST 53 TO $6. WE CAN save vou $1 to $2 on every suit at up stairs prices, at Rowe's, 2nd floor talker Bank bldg. b3C MEN'S SECOND-HAND CLOTHING; best prices paid. 28 Commercial st. Wasatch 3771. b81 NO PAIN! NO SHOCKI A TRTAL treatment free on tho Davis electric medical battery will convince the most skeptical: terms to suit purchaser. 304 Judge bldg Wasatch 2279. bills SETTLERS FOR HOMESTEAD AND desert lands. Stanton & Hardlc. 63J W. 2nd South. t19 TO ADOPT BABY GIRL BETWEEN 5 and 7 years old. Address X-5. Trln-e0 DON'T KEEP YOUR OLD CLOTHES OR give them away; we buy men's and la dles' suits, trunks, grips and men's old shoes: reas. prices. L. King. 41 Commer cial, Was. 1467. "21S1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture. Wasatch Furniture Co., 357 South State. Wasatch S96. b2184 KITCHEN WASTE, SWILL. ETC., hauled free every day. Sundays In cluded. Address X-ll, Tribune. b22l WANTED, 1 OR 2 CHULDREN TO board and care for by respectable widow. Good home, best of care. Hy land 495-M. h23t1 WA NTED WORKING GIRL OR WOM an to share housekeeping rooms with a ladv. 406 E. Broadway. b213l Wanted To Buy 55W)(P WoItITFTOHCIASS EC -ond-hand furniture at once. Wasatch 4317. r2S49 A MOTORCYCLE. MUST BE IN GOOD condition. Terms cash. Call Wasatch 6135. b2071 WANTED 4 OR o-PASSENGER AUTO mobllc: muat be in good condition and reasonable. Wasatch 684 1-W. b2101 SOME IRON FENCING. INCLUDING double and single gates. 50 ft. In all: must be reasonable. Address X-27. Trib une. b2160 WANTED A GOOD. GENTLE FAMILY horse, harness, buggy, about 6 to S years old. Call 802 So. 6th East. b2272 Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT ABOUT 10 OR 12-room house. unfurnished, close In. Hyland 613-M. s3395 SMALL THREE-ROOM UNFURNISHED apartment: must be In an apartment house, prefer a disappearing bed: also front or rear porch: east side or bench; permanent tenants if reasonable rent. References If desired. Ready to occupy at anv time this month. Reply, Klvlnc rent. Address X-1G. Tribune. - b2062 5 OR 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. CLOSE In. Address P. O. Box 1322. 1)2172 6-ROOM MODERN -HOUSE. SOUTH east; no agents. X-31, Tribune. Ref erences: state price. h2337 A 1-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. MOD ern. east side; renl reasonable, for 3 or .4 months: prefer front yard and porch: will give place tho best of care. Address X-42. Tribune. 1)2132 Wanted To Lease PREFER TO LEASE FROM OWNER modern, double eight-room terrace, close In. side, within one-half block of car line on paved street. Phone Hy land 1792. b2331 W7anted Rooms and Board YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE ROOM and board In homelike place. Address X-32. Tribune. b2336 WANTED. PRIVATE PLACE FOR room and board, two steady young men. DeForest SklUington, general dc llvery. Salt Lake, Utah. 1)2417 PAPER HANGING, PAINTING AND DECORATING WALL PAPER. PAINTING. TliNG W. F. Pcrchon & Co.. 119 W. So. Temple. Was. 1S29. 83708 HALVORSEN & GAYLER. PAINTERS. Give us a trial. 765 No. 2nd West. Was. 1918-R. S3005 PAPER HANGING. PAINTING. KAL somining, rcflnlshlng and general re pairing; best work and reasonable prices. Wasatch 4824-.L bl34 TAILORS repairing; ladles and gents' suits mado to measure; suits pressed by the month. 20;' E. 2nd So. Wasatch 1S42. s945 WE SPECIALIZE ON LADIES' AND gents' high-class tailoring; work guar anteed. Utah Tailoring Co., 251 w Broadway. b2091 ROSELL THE TAILOR DOES HIGH class tailoring- work, guaranteed. 75 So. State. b2332 INSURANCE cNJEiJTwrrTrn lug Company. We liavc an excep tional contract for one good man In our life department. Utah Funding Com pnny. 010 Boston Building. b2409 PYORRHEA SPECIALIST DrP ROBERT wT H ALU PYORRHK v AND ORAL PROPHYLAXIS. SI KEARNS BLDQ. 3353 FOR RENT For Rent Houses Unfurnished FUrTROOMS, NEWLY PAPERED. pnrtlv modern ho u tie. 338 i-w st. Inquire 74 K s'treet. k309 23 HOUSES. ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Tutllo Eros. Co., 159 Main Ht. n!410 3. 4 5 AND 8-ROOM MOD. BRICK houses. Phono W. C4S0. n3243 FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE N. E. and r.-vooin house n. w. Apply chief fire dept. b?89 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. COR. 3RD' ave. and H Ktroot. ?35. Utah bavlngi Trust Co. ELEGANT S-ROOM RESIDENCE AT 234 No. Main St.: magnificent grounds. Frtvato family only, Frltach. 201-202 Felt Bldg. s208 3-ROOM HOUSE: SUMMER kitchen. East court, 453 9th East. slSOl MOD. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 413 VADNER avo., on 4th So. bet. 2nd and 3rd East. Hyland 2070. "3-.iC S-ROOM. PANTRY. CLOSET. 5S.00 per month. 210 Paxton ave. c3799 STRICTLY MODERN 3-ROOM COT tago; light, bath anil disappearing bed. Inquire 447 E- 8th "0. Hyland 9K6-J. M39 7-ROOM MOD. BRICK HOUSE. 773 E. 1st So. Was. 4465-J. b23S NICE 5-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. WITH large out buildings, suitable for dairy or poultry ranch: low rent. Inquire Utah Packing Co., 537 So. State, or A. E. Winter, end of car lino. 1)539 STRICTLY MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, with stia. 634 S. 1st W. Wasatch 3852. bl052 4 AND 5-ROOM MODERN BRICKS. I,wn, otc; close to business center. Also house, 3 rooms. 516-520 So. 3rd East. 11524 TWO OR THREE ROOMS. DESIRA hlo location. 40 So. 7th East. 1)1503 1 7 FOUR-ROOM MODERN HOUSES. Inqulro 476 West Sth South. s3S20 3 MODERN ROOMS UPSTAIRS. 520 E. 10th So. sa 6- ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 775 11TH East. Key at 749 Elizabeth. Hyland 843. blOlO 5 ROOMS. LARGE YARD; GOOD place to raise chickens. 19S3 View st.. 1 blk. n. w. of state prison. $10. bl717 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, FUR nlshod or unfurnished; nice lawn and shado trees. 856 East 7th S'o. Hyland 10H-M. bl76S HOUSE, 7 ROOMS. 453 UINTAH place, near car bam. Apply 410 So. 7th East. b!776 4-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. ITH East, between 9th and 10th So.. $17.50. Hoffman Bros. Loan & Trust Co. Wa satch 244. D1545 ONE D-ROOM ' HOUSE FOR 335 PER month. 701 1st ave. Call at 233 Atlas block. b216G 7- P.OOM STRICT LT MODERN. CORNER 1st avo. and P street. Inquire 40 P stroot. Phono Was. 5177-.T. b2157 THREE ROOMS, $il INQUIRE 1022 So. 7th East. 1)2199 4-ROOM AND SCREENED KITCHEN. ncatlv papered. 1370 Park st. Hyland 2767-R. b2268 NEW 5-ROOM MODERN. 601 SO. 11TTI East, $25. b2327 4-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. REAR 29 South 4th East, $10.00 to right partv. J. L. Denham Co.. 313 So. Main. Was. 4133. 1)2274 S-ROOM F.'TRTCTLY MODERN BRICK; furnace; paved street: east side. Hy land 1445. 1)2102 FIVE-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 31S Almond st., half block wosi of CViilr and Second North. Phono Was. ISOS-W. 1)2119 Bedbugs Exterminated CLESPWOKGUARA Rice, 127 E. 1st So. st. Wasatch 2400. o92S For Rent Furnished Rooms FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE FOR gentleman. No. 9 Emery apts. Wa satch 1285-W. 1)2161 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR lady. No. 3 Gibbons apt. Phone Was. 5549-W. 1)2103 IDAHO, NEWLY FURNISHED, STEAM heat; $2.50 to $4.00 week. 201J E. 4th South. gll53 THE HYLAND; MODERN; FROM $10 per month up; board If desired; tine lo cation, freo from smoke. 1310 E. 2nd So. m2921 THE WANTS ARE A SIMPLE. ECONO mlcal method of effecting many home savings. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, steam heat, bath accommodations. Alexandria apartments. Phono Wasatch 4632-J. r207l WANTED COUPLE NICE YOUNG men or man and wife to take nice front room. 210 North State. Wasatch 22S6-M. 82413 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH private bath, for ono or two gentle men. 61 North Stato st. s3991 TWO NICE ROOMS FOR TWO NICE people, In nice homo: bath; every mod ern convenience. SO 2nd ave. Wasatch 3061-J. b237 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM, reasonable rent. 102 No. Main. bl06D NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. 567 HAM llton place, 6th So. bet. Slate and 2nd East. M136 FRONT BEDROOM IN NEW HOME, modern accommodations. Phono Was. 1096-W. bll36 PLEASANT, COOL ROOM AT 73 D ST.. very reasonable. hi 691 2 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT RMS., with large, shaded porch. Hyland 743 -M. hl53c NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. STRICT ly modern: modonile price. 376 East Broadway. Wasatch 23C3-W. biOll NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRI vate residence: rent reasonable. 125 W. 4th South. bl968 3 NICE NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, reasonable. 76 East 5th South. Wa satch 0829. b21S0 LARGE, WELL-FURNISHED FRONT room. In private family, suitable for one or two; bath; phone. 123 So. 3rd East. . h2155 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman, $2.50 per week. 351 Lam bert place, between 3rd and 4th South on 1st West. ' b2253 NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR ROOM. suitable for two gentlemen: also other sleeping rooms. 325 So. 2nd East. 12261 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRI vatc family; walking distance. 607 So. Main. Wasatch 205J-.T. 1)2403 WELL FURNISHED MODERN FRONT room In nice home. Porches, Jawn and shade. References. 230 j street. b2443 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, 52 a week and up. East 1st Sr.. Wasatch 2578-W. b2133 JV)rJlent Unfurnished Rooms ONE R6PORlNCUFU nlshcd. S25 E. 4th South. s3UG0 FOR RENT. TWO ROOMS. PARTLY mod. 31o So. 7th E- bl700 ' Imth rcwii"J5SiER5K kirgc lwn ainl' hKj MODERN IIOUqlT---K for all orAft-oWSKfc P;ery ave,, Ftdcra 7 h'"! 20 O street. renl- CapJBji FURNISHED 5-n6mTAft5Q tage for th auffS Skl BEAUTIFL wTwSaSJ home, convenient n.nvi?Jf' ern: close hi. Call TJhL' n, ass E. 3rd s1"trWtta't!M SEVEN-ROOM Jlf5iTHnl?5?r 6-ROOM MODERN- carriKF I nqulre AVasatchJPgf L lioiisem lawnnlSlS ''B HousekeepingJ2 2. 3 OR 5 PARTLY FimvT unfurnished rooms, fj rSK'i FURNISHED. ROOMS keeping. 150 KorthM r!B NICELY FURN BomT7n igi.ghtur ga, frk -s$zm wo rooms, AMfToiirfe room, neatly furnlsliea foTfeiH keeping, ao South Third EuirRC FRONT SUITE, NEWLt'15P gas range, e. 1.. bath c!!(A?' able. 28 E. 4th So. ' jm MODERN R-ROOM FUT7oIit'; ' 459 So. 2nd East, AVSJfcl ENTIRE 1--7.00R. 3 H. kTrK- telephone; gas or coal cooBr So. Main. ?ri- -ijHfcr SMALL COTTAGE. TWibiiK nlshed for liousekeepiag. B TWO FURNISHED R00M1 housekeeping; bath. fr KB' telephone, wash Iiouse, reDiriHBti rooms (same); rent 11. !J JH' NICE. CLEAN ROOMsl1!! keeping; also sleeping r HP Hyland 114S-R or tall ED'llKl South. FURNISHED ROOMSrrjtflE keeping at 224 Poplar art, bttjHQ and 2nd West on 3rd South. TWO FURNISHED M0SKJK every convenience; btil taBI city. 266 So. 2nd Easf. a FURNISHED ROOMSF0?0 keep! uk. 224 PopIr avc, MjHJ) 2nd West on 3rd South. v 2 FURNISHED ROOmFfvRiIBI keeping. 21 Churcli at jKv. 3 EliEGANTLT FbTWliHR for sleeping or llpW b?IB block cast of county bldg. JjmZ TWO-ROOM KURNIBHED- 113 West Broadway. 'tKf 273 West Temple. !HT5 2-ROOM STRICTLY M0DEjHli menl; lawn and shMc; v fB close in. 5r.o So. - Ttropa. jc Stores and SK STOREROOM. LARGEST AD;WJ somest to bo hodjnJlrtn!KJ State between 2nd and 3rd B square feet of floor space; aBN 8000 squaro feet bawntet "l' Will divide spaco to sultjtnut Bf Apply G. S. Holmes, 4BlB FOR RENT - STOWfffljF F?1S; aU prices: "nStfc 2nd South st. Pay W Apply G. S. HolBj5gjij Tand d0R4mh?M APHi office. " ------j::E loh hotel. . building. Hfi GirD2ndTs5?aS2SSB FINE 'lIGHT R005f'j2?Bi S20. or desk room, ami, lins. S02 Kearnabiqg; "Kf HOXJSECLKK u7a!H?o1jsTc icnlsoinlnlng or Jjmj VTe!..1K 123So. 'state. T" done up: work sua"" pentcr work. ,.KnlninJSBE , painting and kaj-o yttnMff tl0.rlj'"uunjntcd