Newspaper Page Text
?fc THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 18, 1913. II I fl - I sWeekly Report 'H Side Road Conditions IBTT report of the weather and road conditions fnntomobile touring points, furnished by courtesy Mtaportaot au elcphono & Telegraph company to The lKiudy; roads good. Kauri- fltarTOX Mar 17. A revolu i Bif J by the -treasury doport- K l ght today in tho an s K?t bv Secretary McAdoo of '9nn7t'j ? intention to accept of municipalities as f.M'SS bank deposits. flKffSnt heretofore has re- "Sr the Mfiretarr announced Salina Clear; roads good. Richfield Cloar; roads good. Beaver Cloar; roads good. Milford Clear; roadg good. Evanston T?iin'; roads fair. Coalville Cloudy: roads good. Park City Cloudy; roads good. Hebor Cloudy; roads good. Price Cloar; roads good. Tooolo Cloudy; roads good. that tho department would accopt tho temporary certificates, whon legally is sued, as security for, 30 per cent o tho government deposits in Now York City national banks. These certifi cates aro to hold good until tho en graving of the now definite bonds. Many inquiries have como to the treasury department asking if tem porary bonds or certificates would be accepted. , Will Appoint Lieutenants. WASHINGTON. Mar 17. Three examinations will bo lieli, July H nnd 21 nnd Ausust. . to fill second lieutenant vacAnctcs In Uio irmy. There aro on fllo flfty-sovon Applications from can didates who will bo authorlzod to tnko exarftlna-tlonp. BiAre Looking Older . STkn When I Saw Yosi Last" jjjKftu Ever Had THIS M'of You Because of :fl':Grey Hairs? '-'iBaMt' embarrassing to hare a iKaLuk that you nro "looking MKin'.are NOT becoming. Peo IIvkII jou eo, but they are aay .fl5ilvea: at a P11 Sho 'BTj& & she wed to have- such J- "cub quick, absolutely enre, t aKfT.oi ceiting rid of grey or ItKT1 US Y HAIR Benefit by tho experience of thou sands of others -who aro using HAY'S HAIR HEALTH. It brings back the fino, glossy, brilliant c,olor of your hair restores tho gre3-- hairs to thoir natural color immediately, and keep3 tho scalp fro from dandruff. Druggists tho world over have been interested in the number of women who voluntaril1- recommend HAY'S HAIE HEALTH. It is not unusual for them to cay: "I want to toll others about it. It's perfectly splendid." Try it vour solf, today, "kon'll bo surprised" how quickly tho gTey hairs disappear. FOE 8 ALU AND PJ300MMSNDED BY SQHBAMM-JOHNSON, DRUGS, FIVE STOKES. (Advertisement.) "All is Well That Ends Well" I Along with dyspepsia comes nervonnness, sleeplessness and gen- A eral ill health. Why? Because a disordered stomach does not permit ' tho food to bo nasimilated and carried to the blood. On the other hand, the blood is charged with poiaona which como from this dUordered I digestion. In turn, the nerves are not fed on good, red blood and we I neo thoBO symptoms of nervous breakdown. It 1b not head work that does it, but poor stomach work. With poor thin blood the body la not I protected against the attack of germs of grip bronchitis conaomp- I tjon. Fortify the body now with " DR. PIERCE'S mmbbbb 1 Golden Medical Discovery I an alteratlvo extract from nath-e medicinal plants, prescribed In both liquid and tablet form by Dr. R. V. Pierce, over 40 years ago. H More than 43 years of experience b&i proven ita superior worth as an hi- I vlcoratinp stomach tonic and blood purifier. It Invijrorates and regulates 1 the Btamach, Hvor and bowels, and through them the whole system. It can now also bo had In suenr-coated tablet form of most dealers In medicine. H If not, r.end GO cents In one-cent Btamps for trial box to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' I Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo. N.Y. H - .The Common Sense Medical Adviser JL A BOOK OF 1008 PAGES HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOTH-TREATS I PySIOLOGY HYGIENE, ATCATOMTT, MEDICINE AND IS A COMPLETE I HOME PHYSICIAN. Sendai one-cent stamps to R. V. Pierce, Bullalo. N. Y. fl , A REAL BUCKER IN ACTION. Wonderful Skin Salve. Bueklen's Arnica Salvo Ib known everywhere as the best remedy mado for all diseases of tho skin, and also for burns, bruises and boils. Reduces inflammation and is soothing and heal ing, .T, T. Sosamau, publisher of News, of Cornelius, 2?, C, writes that ono box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed, Only 25c. Recommended by Schramm-.Tohnson, Drugs. "Tho Ncvcr-Substitutors." Five (5) good stores. (Advertisement.) jKfllSample Store, 38 S. Main St. gfg.f'ifc ,. Segil Sample Store, 38 S. Main St. gp'ft j MSEGIL'S Entire Stock of WOMEN'S APPAREL 1 j.Hia Second Great Week Tomorrow "" g Swhing at HALF 1 plB?3 an"IQaff of the garments would JJ'v) iLsSi ( J H vB?8 these prices represent. No sav- 19 fotaW can afford to miss this sale. k Q O'S ALL-SERGE CM 'y Hnequalod. It's a great stylo collection va- I' 1 i H klMp0''siz6s for misses and women the materials If H sMf tllCS0 dvessQa are worth mora thaiL to" U y MI' H .Bp NBWEST ONE LOT V ( " : 1 i m BliTi Women's m4h 1 'BU A 1 U 1 II11 ONE LOT M Ei" SUITS Skirts to $10 1 KV", S I UP to gtk ge& i nwesC S49S I Hpof M 500 clovereU l" Forced 1 BB' ,cst imnorv deluding na- M Sale Price, $4.95 Less than nBHtotaa vnhZ vy and white HaiC Price. l,Hb.00.n o .,, up serges. All sizes for misses M -' IKh5 rCGd an(womeiL ONE LOT ".iBiw' One lot WOMEN'S SUITS to $4 KlIIIOIlOS rim&V1 them to $35.00-Segil's 1aK Beautiful fa A AP I iKm. approciate the Forced Sale Price .laaiVa crepe Ki- Jfe Hyi9 P anfr!11 WOMENS SUITS to Snd iaQ0 tximmed- 1 KT ' od fOegjrs Sale Price, $1.85- 1 Savo More tlinn Half' n WILSAIVIPLE STOREi In 38 SOUTH IVIAIN STREET eH&6 1 Bucking Horses, WilH Steers and Indians Will Be Fea tures of Stampede. WITH $20,000 in cash, prizes and many- special prizes of various kinds to compete for, it is be lieved by tbe officials of the Western, btaiupede company ol tins city that more than 200 contestants will enter tho contests to be bold dur i ing tho "stampede" to bo hold at the state fair grounds in July. Already it is definitely assured that ten men. vrho have won world's championships in va rious ovonts will be here, and it is believed that" this number will be doubled. Tho "stampede" will bo a series of contests for world's championships iu tho various events in connection with wild west shows-. Tho contests held here will bo the first, in which standard rules will govern, and where tho rec ords and championships will bo official ly rocorded, Tho ovents for which prizes aro offered include riding buck ing horses, roping wild Btoers, Tiding stocrs. wild horse races, cowboy races-, Indian races, relay racos, fancy" roping, trick riding and many others. One bir featuro of tho show will be an Indian village composed of 500 In dians from Fort Trail. Tho Indians will form a typical camp on tho fair grounds, and many of thorn will com peto in the races and othor ovents. Tbe contests will bo held every afternoon for a week, and in addition, thcr will be a monster night show with wild west features. I ThiB Interests Every Woman, A familj' doctor said recontly that women com to him thinking that thej' havo female trouble, but whon ho treats them for their kidneys and blad der, they soon recover. This is worth knowing, and also that Foley Kidney Pills are the best and safest medicino at such timos. Thoy aro tonic in action, quick in results. They will help you. Schramm-Johnson, DrugB, "Tho Never Substi tutors." Five (5) good stores . (Advertisement.) HOURS OF SERVICE SUBJECT OF ATTACK WASHINGTON. May 17. Constitu tionality of the federal hours of serv ice law for railway telegraph operators was attacked today in a petition filed in tho supremo court by tho St. Louis Southwestern. Iioilway company of Texas for a review of its conviction for violating tho law, The railway had its day operators work from 7 a. m. till noon and, after an hour's rest, from 1 p. m. until (3 p. in., with like hours vfor night oper ators. It is claimed tho law merely forbade a "continuous" service of moro than nino hours. DEMOCRATS TO HOLD i CAUCUS TOMORROW WASHINGTON, May 17. Alarmed by tho Republican strength in oppo sition to eomo of T?residout Wilson's nominations in executive sessions, the souato Democrats oxpect to caucus on Monday on Senator Williams's amend ment to tho rulo3 which would allow tho counting, whon a quorum is called for, of members presort but not vot ing. Tho Williams nmendment, if adopt ed, would rnako the rules in this par ticular much liko thoso of tho hoiiBO when formor Speaker Reed made uso of tho same dovice in counting a quorum. Radway's Deady "Belief J. L. Haddock ol Mr.08, Mo,, write : "I had tnusculnr rhumtlm six wol, IU4 thro doo tors, but did not sot much rallnf. A friend !n nlittcd ou mo ti-yluc K. R. R. and aent rao two uuttlos. In twenty mlnutts aftor th Ant appli cation I could turn In brd with ens. H&ve uid two bottles and am veil," Relief in 20 Minutes, nAU WAY'S KKADT RELIEF, at oil drusclsU RAD WAY A CO.. New Tortr. (Advertlsoatnt) 1 1 Bssa? H Now For a Stirring Week of I K 1 1 UB SUPPLIES, 3 RE QUISITE3 M AT OUR Q m V AT OUR H I 2ri"d' oOap 3P6C1I1S n,f,rrp I B (The Kenyon (The Kenyon I !!! 1 AT ALL 5 SCHRAMM-JOHNSON STORES. I !!I2! 1 I H Soaps for tender .skins Soaps that will preserve a clear complexion Soaps that lather H . Hi freely in hard water Soaps imported and domestic, perfumed and unscented, pure and H y K sweet Soaps for the scalp and hair Soapsfor the Nursery, Shampoo, Bath, Laundry and H j ffl Kitchen Soaps for rough, irritated or diseased skins. If it's Soap -Schramm-Johnson have H H it and nowhere else such completeness such quality such VALUE. We show over 123 H H brands. That's variety. 1 10c OLD ENGLISH i 77 HI'sBathCastiieSMp I I GLYCERIN SOAP KtfS Specl,3 Cakes (.r25o Hi jjfe CeIc6s JQk USE I Flrat 5011411 and Maln sta 1 The Boap or soal53 for 11,6 "bBth-the B O for eOC Crystal White &"ssra7Ssr& n , KB Nono better for 10c cake unaues- 1 Lanndry Soap 5 tarffe Bar for 85c I t MM tlonably our creatcst. value in Toilet mt r 1 d m 1 f Soup. Is delicately perfumed and jM Lakes "H Mm s-. u ' H )M lathers freely. Doea not wash away M9 I fc 1 assai'a pis?-K?Mifaa for M. Ut I 47 VERDURA VIOLET I 1 M this week for 45c. Limit Four cakes to a cus- 1 H 1 1 nc 7 ci c HHwSS" I Glycerin Soap I Z5c Zemo 5km Soap 1 cajtes w 1 fHBB 1 LAUNDRY 5 for I I 1SOAPS: 32Pa'&,M6 SPECIALS I I Hillrose l-ZZZ w SOap 6 ta-25c 50c Box 1 I Hillviolet zZhZ p, aOAP s ..ioc Chimes of Normandy I H HillarhnhK aml h,ghIy per ivory soap 4? for.a."...25c ,, . c , . H nl,larDUmS - JS .GRANO. 4 cako. 25 ft soap g C k f I I Cakes fairy soap 6 g.825c rWa3 QCr Q j II iJ few J& Z" Special ufs QM fl H AU Maxme Elliott weQk 39c box- H 10c Viall's Floatlnff Bath Soap TOILET SOAPS Soe'cial ' - B H Unscented UnequaJcd-i very bu- J" wrxi u U(JCi.ldl fl M gerlor Bath Soap. Greatest 10c bars. MAXINE ELLIOT V Ni ft B-'oVOlQl fl H S"CClal hlS WCCk- BUTT ERMILK jm OOM Ol 1 ClSla 9 3 CAKES fi M AX INE ELLIOT rW Ahlghly soent- t ft f f fl ho for wt.UTf ermilk &jkf2 5 lakes tor I Wm and GLYCERIN perfume ro- H fl . .. MAXINE ELLIOT r r mains to the H I tt?ZiP"oTP for llC BUTTERMILK CakeS f0r 'weeia1 Sl.OO l IM 25c SAVON FOUGERE nj VIOLET cakes for gl.OO. DOREE (Imported), cake.. .1. OC Produoo a beautl- ; WM 25c BOX MADEIRA LETTUCE f"1' , Pcct com- ffW) 0 25c CUTICURA SOAP, f 9 CREAM. 1-Ci plexlon Ideal M9 coke JLSCM 3 CAKES FOR JL toilet soaps. Spe- 4$ 9tM L 10c CAKE ANTONIO BERT,, da. th.s week, at V tZ 1 SC fl CASTILE, f jgTk 4 enkoa for 25c. HH 3 CAKES FOR '.....JLOL 25c WOODBURY'S -W fl STORK CASTILE SOAP, 10o PALM Al OKi FAC,AL' cake -.XOC 3 CAKES FOR , OLIVE SOAP 3e for OC 25c WYETH'S SAQE AND f PTj, 'fl LE MAY'S CASTILE, the purest ob. i5o MUNYON'S per SULPHUR SOAP, cake ..Jl.7C c'6.' 2SC W,TCH HAZEL SAP "keSC 25c HERPICIDE SOAP, , WILLIAMS' 1C O Cnv. nCn cake 1Q)C S Hi 25c BOX LANA OIL an -3 JERSEY CREAM 10C. L IOf LOZ K' BUTTERMILK, box. ....... J. oC - 25c PALMER'S SKIN Iff AA Wi l PHYS.C.ANS' AND SURGEONS' NTED 3 for...49C SUCCESS' Cak 1 C YA I "aab por 25c pEAgrNTED 1Sc 2 for 25c 25caAR.F,.N.A: 17c 1 M "CRAB APPLE" BATHROOM SOAP, u"ooc' ,,, fl M very economical, A iQ, 15c "4711" WHITE per 1 PACKER'S TAR, H HH dozen cakes 48C ROSE PLYCERIN cake. . . . JL &L 20c cake, or 3 FOR Olll WM m Ib the Past Week Over a Hmitdred Enthusiastic I g Kodakers Have Esttered Our H l THE ONLY CONDITIONS OR I E5fl Have you? The contest is open for aU .i I fil! cibflSS ' STIPULATIONS ATTENDANT UPON m "mattoUreStcdrakeGet lll J S SFm ENTRY ARE THAT YOU PURCHASE M Wi Dm7C a e9- nn K-onAK K !llHH44'flvi YOUR FILMS AND MATERIALS AT WA m 1ST PRIZE-A $2O.00 KODAK. m SI KUMW OUR NO. 6 STORE. ALL PICTURES fi m 2ND PRIZE A $10.00 TRAVELING ItkI MUST BE ,N OUR HANDS BY JULY fl Wrgl S,00 OHVELOPINO gH. IN-OU MAY WN THB M I TUNGSTEN LAMPS An Unusual Sale I QH Perfect In every respect kinds never before sold for less than the auotod regular prices a limited auantlty H , E while thoy last hn follows: H j IB 40cWflrade 45cWnrade 38C 60c grade 4r8C fl ' II If You Live Out of Town, Let Us Serve You Through the Parcels Post I H ORDERS RECEIVED TODAY. OUR SERVICE IS PROMPT, RELIABLE, fl Wm SATURFACTORY. H I Schramm-Johnson, Drugs--5 Stores Serseto J !: BRYAN ID WILSON TALK ABOUT MEXICO Statement Is Issued Concern ing Alleged Charges Against Embassador. WASHINGTON, May 17. The presi dent conferred with Secretary Bryan two and a half hours this afternoon on state department matters generally. It was the first opportunity the pres ident has had i'or an ertondod discus 8ion of stato department business -with Mr. Bryan and a znultitudo of eub .iocta wore considered. Matters of personnel of tho diplomatic representa tion abroad were considered and some nominations aro looked for when tho senate convenes, on Monday. Tho administration has been greatly anuoyod by reports he'ro and. in Mexico City that it has been investigating charges against Embassador Ilonry Lane Wilson, The matter was dis cussed by Secretary Bryan and Presi dent Wilson, and tho secretary issued a statement deuyinj: the reports. "Thoy are entirely without founda tion," said Mr. Bryan. "Tho depart ment is not conducting and has not conducted any such investigation, and in donjang tno statements and all in ferences which havo beon built upon them, I dosiro ,to add that I cannot understand why any Amorican news paper would give circulation to such misstatements, knowing the uows papar must that they would embarrass a represent ativo of tho United States in the porfonnanoo of official duty while ho ia dealing with a difficult ' situation.' ' WASHINGTON, May 17. Tho Mox ican embassy tonight announced it had received word from its foroign offico that Russia and .Tapan had Bont letters of recognition of tho Huerta fiovernment. This, tbe embassy Baid, ;i Ml, eaves only Italy, Gorman3r nnd tho f United States of" the great powers to. i! M bo heard from. JfO SUFFRAGETTES APPLY M THE TORCH IN BRITAIN m L.ONDON'. May 17. The militant suf- 1 fragottps today made a slight change In 'P their arson campaign. Instead of sat- ting fire To unoccupied liousos they at- 'wki'i tempted to destroy a tenanted residence at Cambridge. The interior woodwork j!s was grcatlv damoged and ono of tha unU jfiilS verslty laboratories adjoinlns also suf- Jjtiw fcred. ,PSJ ;J Another canister of gunpowder am? iff i slugs wua found at Eoxmoor station in1 Hertfordshire on tho London & North.-' western railway. I