Newspaper Page Text
r Jmt THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING. MAY 22, 1913. . 3 I m DIPLOMAS Knent Exercises of JEigh School Will fcld May 29. fc Sonty-fivc slu- e the combers of two SHFS graduated from tbe Op .Sil at the annual com- ttHk'.?, s J Ssfum: completed 4jBKfcaUontoday" ViK Dfll? WJlIb Smith. Henrietta ffpy g nuwll Lund and IKili ctmltler llUticlie, Johnson, M.' Sljra Grout. draco 4ififlrt oSls. UU Hlnchcllff. 2lVKn& Vi& ritten. Hrerot Sinn. Ida lMSSthTOuT dw.Himlll.ltu B5tatins. wniUmBtfcor. Ftor iKtlliDilton. Eta Fonts, Val Kl Kernun, CUra Koepp. Albert 3Ba1 Grlffls. Oliver Ellis, Hirrr SKWn. Wawiret Lonjt. Lura , 'JK' Fuller. Rajnoui Allfcon. J. Clln atB Scndder ud OrUf Farr. i)HOPS TO $200. by Ogden City Commls. n Time's Changes. For the small amount oromfssioners today sold l cost $35,000 to build, hire on Twenty-fourth xupicd by the Independ Djnpanv as a telephone purchaser !s S. F. Hal bn required to remove n the lot within thirty was -purchased by the llowinc the decision lo enue "between Twenty- ly-fourth streets. The cniples space required (Vben the commissioners tcr of a sale al today's und that Just one bid sd. It was the bid of ind was promptly ac- 17 AWAITED, mn Anxious to Hear t Mewlah." it.-Evldenco of the fact of Ogden have not for ucceBsful production of n till? city last reason Intercut rllsplnved in the tlon of "The Messiah" Klny of the University Orpheum theater next As was the case last Bqnlre Coop Is bringing e nwet production a com Ple. comprising soloists, Us.-ancl the forty mem PHOny orchestra. DlstK who will take part ? M. Maggie Tout no MIfs Edna Cohn, (Beat, tenor, and Anton If,: Moving West Tribune ?Ma75eVcral companies Sk.J r2? ,werc marched nS? Wct for exorcise ?&Mlr.f stay In Opden -tSlKTf0 falnloads of I138" throuSf the gjn1 the morning. R'to Visit Park. FTribune. iy,al;?tl, th Intention glttuler VD VC7LnWKt?nc 7ute or thl VU!.r.,t bf: 1V rtBfeS7oDd':f!'0?!.G?."rg Filler n -JeMen L Jesen, late I jH&'C- Walker Vi. (,.lorK". ?fBu0reman of R.:d Johri I Nervousness I The, first Indication of nervousness a should bo your warning to remedy I the Condition from which It results. I and boforo ll becomes a dcep-seatod, j nervous condition which will require time as well us treatment to remedy. Warner's Safe HervineT relieves nervous headaches, nervous I dyspepsia, Irritability, sleeplessness I and all neurusthenic conditions which I are symptoms of nervous disorder and I deranged health and nervous exhaus- n tlon. It acts directly on the nerve I centers and it invigorates mind nndfe body, restoring the system to a slate n rf perfect health. I Each 1 Kidney and Liver ffi f0r a Remedy. i r 2 Rheumatic Remedy H purpose 3 Diabetes Remedy. g 1 Asthma Remedy K Sold 5 Nervine jj by all 6 Pills b E Druggists (Constipation) b k (Biliousness) a I Write for a free sample plvlnp k U the number of Remedy desired to Ih I Warner's Safe Remedies Co. JeJJ99 Rochester, N. Y. proved that .housebreaking1 was not In his line. lie was given a six months' sus pended sentence . Much Unclean Milk. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN. May 21. According to a re port received by Sanitary Inspector George Shorten from State Chemist Her man Harms on the condition of Ogden's milk supply. In live cases out of sixteen passed upon the milk was found to be very dirty. Five other samples contained a Httlo dirt. Only six, or about one third of Hie total number of samples test ed, were clean and free from an appre ciable amount of sediment and foreign odor. Mail Clerk Is Arrested. Special to The Tribune. OGDEfC, May 21. Following his arrest on a charge of embezzlement. R- Al bright, a railway mail clerk running be tween Ogden and Denver over the -Union Pacific, was taken to Cheyenne. Wyo., today for preliminary hearing. It is al leged that Albright Is guilty of opening registered letters and special delivery en velopes. I lis arrest was made by ln spectoro It. ID. Nelson of Denver and Tj. A. McGoe of this city. Again Arrested. Special to Tho Tribune. OGDEN. May 21 Although released from the Utah Industrial school less than a month ago. Willie Green, aged 21 5fears, was arrested Rgaln today on a charge of petty larceny. He alleged to have stolen ?S worth of brass castings from the Rio Grande shops. Green Is locked up at the city Jail pending an Investigation which may implicate another boy. Explosion Bums Man. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN. May 21. John Mnir. fireman at the Pintsch Gas works, was badly burned about the fnc and hoad by an explosion of the oil tank at. ihe com pany's plant on "West Twentieth street at 1 o'clock this morning. Several hun dred dollars worth of damage also re sulted. Mr. Mulr. who resides at 2150 Reeves street, is being cared for by physicians at his home. The cause of the explosion Is not known. Grc-SB Receipts 520. Special to The Tribune. OGD1SN. May 21. Although the price of admission was greatly reduced, the gross receipts of tho operetta. "The Pio neers." presented by the students of tho Ogden grada schools yesterday, were $520. Por Burns, Bruises and Sores. The quickest and surest euro for burns, bruises, boils, sores, inflamma tion and all skin diseases is Bucklen's Arnica Salve. In four da3's it cured L. II. Haflin of rredell, Tcx., of a soro on his ankle which pained him so he could hardly -walk. Should bo in every house. Only 25c. Kecommendcd by behramm-Johnson, Drugs, "Tho Never Subslitutors. Five (5) good stores. (Adrertlicznent.) WILL DISMISS CASE HST MRS. IUW w (Continued from Page One.) tho necessary amount was available on several occasions. While Mrs. Inlow was in tho city jail her conduct, beyond the fact that sho was crying a great deal of tho time, was also of a highly commendable nature, ac cording to members of the police depart ment. The breaking down of the chain of cir cumstantial evidence which has been wo ven about Inlow, tho establishment of an alibi for him and the advancement of a new theory thflt the murder was com mitted by Eonm one driving past the au tomobile in a buggy seemed yesterday to he tho aim of the attorneys for the de fense. However, the possible evidence or Mrs. Inlow h believed to have been one of the reliances of tho defense and with that support withdrawn a complete reversal of the case may result, ll Is believed. It was even hinted laat night that Inlow may not be placed on the Htand in his own behalf. Had Good Reputation. The defense yesterday placed thirteen witnesses in all on the wtand, several of which were for the purpose of laying a foundation for an argument of tho previous- pood reputation of the defendant. E. E. Dudley, .iustlco of the peaco at Biwj ham; Charles L. Countryman, a Bingham merchant, and John M. JJuyos, assistant secretary of the Utah Copper company, all lestitk'd that previous to October I. 1012, they had heard nothing derogatory to itilow's reputation for peace am) quietude. The foundation for the theory that Eonxj one besides "Inlow committed the rime and that that peraon had gone to the scone In a buggy was laid with The evidence of Heber M. Frankland, S27 Ex press avenue. Frankland Is tho man who notified Detective George Chose and Desk Sergeant A. C. Spears of the police do- vjfK"1 m WOMEN ONLY i !! ?jpH'iSl rBackach, or HeadacB " I Jjjt'flES; """ ' ua Tenderness Low Down. J I SSMUfactly fJL-?; 8ome derangement or disease I MS8X&h. pierce's I j.Rfidence. 18 free and advite is strictly in 1 iBr Voritg Prescription i jBm-oS!? and sPirits and removes those 1 alWPltedaJSgfaoned above. It has been 1 P. pottle Xver 40 W in fluid form, 1 WMrf h in tabwVS general satef action. It can Q rmhtt!hv J i Tm' asmdified by R.V. Pierce, M.D. onrn!Ze kea'es or trial box rJI Vm T "ecQagtt of SOc in steeps tffiaBBss partment that he had found White's bodv j in the automobile. I Notified Police. Frankland said that he lives three blocks .south of Ninth South street and a half block cast of Third East street.' and that he was employed as a brakeman lor the Denver & Rio Grande railroad. lie left his house at. C:.IG o'clock that, morn ing, and while on his way to catch a car saw the automobile, and White's body, Ha said tlia.t he went to a nearby house to call the police department but was un able to get them. He then walked to tho corner and stopping the first car that passed, notified the policemen who were aboard the car. "Did you notice tho condition of the road? ' asked the defense. "Ves The ground was inuddv," Frank land answered. He said that he could sec the tracks of the automobile where it drove in. and could see buggy tracks leading In the opposite direction. The buggy tracks wero two feet or two and a. half feet from those made by the auto mobile. Ho said that he saw where tho buggy had turned from the track at a point north of where tho automobile stood. Tlie buggy, he said, had turned to the right, from the main road, and the tracks turned out about tho width of the buggy. ' Frankland said that ho remained about throe minutes, and took careful note of the conditions. Tho buggy tracks, he said, did not cross the automobile tracks so far as he could see. Ho said that ho be lieved that tho buggy t nicks and" the au tomobile tracks were made at a.bout the same time, as there was water In both trades. Knew Rozzelle. Frankland on cross-examination said that 'ho had known Attorney Joseph Rozzellc by sight, for a long tlmo. and wa3 Introduced to him a short time ago, but was unable to remember where or by whom, or the exact, date of the intro duction. He said that ho had gone to Mr. Rozzclle's office last Wednesday, and also a week ago, but that he did not mention tho buggy tracks to Mr. Rozzelle. , Ho said that ho could not recall If he gave Rozzelle any information, but told him that he knew something about the case, Frankland said, at the close of the cross-examination, that there wore plenty of hoofiracks In. 'the road, as well aa buggy tracks, but no tracks of a human being. Charles Carle, who lives In the neigh borhood near where White's body was found, said that he had planned to go duck shooting that day and got up be tween 12 o'clock and 1 o'clock on the morning of October 5 to care for hid horses. Tt was raining steadily, and it was so dark that he could not seo his horses in- their stalls without a lantern. There was no moonlight. Thurman on Stand. Attorney S, R. Thurman of the firm of Thurman. Wedgwood & Irvine, lawyers, who had boon retained by Inlow to de fend him in ids burglary case, was called by the defense for examination as to Mrs. Inlow's actions and demeanor when she learned in his office on the morning of October o that her husband was sus pected of being Implicated In the mur der of White. Tho state objected to the Introduction of such testimony, and the court sustained tho objection, pending the submission by the defense of authorities that would lend to prove to tho court that such evidence was admlssable. That phase of the case will be reopened If the defense desires to cite authorities, when a final ruling may be made by the court. Attack Rollo Testimony. The defense yesterday attempted to discredit the testimony of Alfred S. Rollo. who 'testified for the state that ho hod seen the shooting, and that he had seen two persons, a tall, thin person and a shorter, stouter one, leave the automo bile Immediately afterward, and hasten southward on the west side of Third East street. Thomas Mulholland. a book salesman, local manager for tbe Wheeler Publish ing company, testified as to a series of experiments he had assisted in conduct ing at the sceno of the crime on a cloudy night last week. Those who conduct-id the experiments. In addition to himself, wero Attorneys Walton. Hanson and Roz zelle and John Gresham. The experi ments were to determine the visibility of an automobile, lighted and unllghlcd. at various distances. "When the headlight was out and the sidelights were out, at what distance did yon lose sight of human forms on the automobile?" asked Mr. Walton, "At about thirty-live steps I could scarcely distinguish a human form. I could sen a form, but could not tell just what It waa. At 125 steps from the auto 1 could not see the automobile." Returning to the automobile, he was unable at a short distance from the car to see a person leave the automobile and go to tho sidewalk on tho west side of tho street. Gresham Excused. Mr. Mulholland said under cross-examination that he knew nothing of the condition of the weather and the sky oni the night of the murder. He said that the vital thlnr to have been determined by the experiments depended wholly upon the degree of light. The state admitted that. John Gresham, Mulholland's associate In the experiment, would give the same testimony, and Gres ham escaped examination. In following Its attack upon the testi mony of Alfred S. Rollo. the defense re called John S. Rollo, supreme court re porter, to the stand again. Rollo testi fied that A. S. Rollo and he had talked 'somewhat about the story of the shoot ing as It appeared In the newspapers, but that A, S. Rollo did not suggest to him In any way that ho had seen It or knew anything of It on the Sunday following the murder. They were together tho greator part of the day. Attorney Walton declared that if It wore shown that Rollo had not discussed the Incident he claimed to have seen on tho following day when hie attention had been called to the story In tho Sunday papers concerning Iho mater. It would go to prove that Rollo did not really see the shooting, but that ho Imagined that ho had seen It Not Spoken Of. "Did he Indicate to you in any way." Jtfr. Walton asked, "or suggest the Idea that he knew anything about It or hud been hi that, vicinity?" "Absolutely not." 7-5. A. Wedgwood of the lav. firm of Thurman. Wedgwood Irvine testified concerning bullet wounds. He said ho was not an expert, but had seen many men wounded during his service in the army during tlmo of war, The dufunse showed him the revolver that haw been usr-d In evidence and an ordinary .r.2-callber short bullet. "That gun, so loaded." ho said, in an swer to a question, "could not under any condition be so fired as to eaiTy a bullet through the slAill of an ordinary, man. from the back to tho front, and out. It would he absolutely Impossible. In my opinion." he said. "With a .::2-caIlb(sr long bullet, high power, smokeless, fired from a lomr narreled revolver of tho beHt mako, such a wound might, be Inflicted," he said. Discredits Theory. J. E. Ray. who said ho had handled a revolver nil his life, said that ho did not believe that such a weapon as shown him. loaded with such ammunition could inflict such a wound. He said un der cross examination that he could not dotermlno the caliber of a weapon usod from tho size or appearance of the wound. , ,, , , Mrs. Mary Beor, who lives In the vi cinity of the place whore White's body was found, was the first witness called hv the defense. She snld that on tho morning after tbe shooting, while a crowd was gathered about the automo bile, a man wnarlnp a brown suit and resembling A. S. Rollo, askod what was the excltenmet. He said that ho lived In thf country and had come to the city to vis'lt'hls daughter, who lived on Third ICast Htreet. He had become turnod around so'me.what. and asked for the di rections. Ho said, according to Mrs. Beer's testimony, that he was Kind he lived In the country and not in tho city. Hollo was told to enter the courtroom with hi hat mi, Mrs, Reer said that Rollo looked very much like tho man who hud apokt-n lo h;r. .Mabel lteei, a daughter of the firs! Smart Sport Coats Clever New Models .for the Woman Who Seeks Distinctive Style. The very jaunty L Model illustrated QL'SS is a summer weight lwQ Chinchilla Cloth, "iJk, with tour deep S'i'M" pookets and wide M&'Jmi belt, lingo buttons TO a r o effectively y fixyffjwainifB used, with a largo OlvEn storm collar in Q-'fym maize, emerald, copper and 2STell if Hose. Trices arc f'l' $25 aud $25. The belt, pockets and K f'vlftjfl ,lar:e buttons atid B'D'Iot to its smart style. fsJ witness and 13 years old, testified simi larly. She said that Rollo resembled the man very much, but that she was not positive he was the same person. Rollo's voice, too, she said, was similar to that of tho man sho had seen. During her cross examination Misb Beer said that her attention was first called to Rollo's nose, which Is crooked because of an old Injury, in the corri dor of the courtroom, yesterday morn ing, by counsel for the defendant. She had noticed when sho saw tho stranger that he had a bent noso. The first attorney In this case that she saw was Joseph Rozzelle, That was about three weeks ajro and he had gone back two other times. She 1ad told Rozzelle the whole story the first time, and on each subsequent visit. Mr. Walton went Into that phase of the case, and the witness said that Mr. Wal ton was also there on one occasion. Wal ton, she said, had not described Rollo to her. Rosizelle visited-her twice, and he and Walton called together. This Interests Every Woman. A family doctor said recently that women come to hiin thinking that they have female trouble, but when he treats them for their kidneys and blad der, they soon recover. This is worth knowing, and- sIbo that Foley Kidney Pills are the best and safest medicine at such times. They are tonic in action, quick in repults. They will help you. Schraram-Johnson, Drugs, "Tho Never Substitutors." Five (5) good stores , (Advertisement.) is Clogged up TWa Why You'r nrc40ai"Q Sorts HaT c No AW CARTEHTS UTniBEfSv OVER PILLS iCgJK -pit -1 tioa, Bfl- n m l. Uaweu, IadgeriMB, ad Sid: HM&cifc SHALL 1VL SMALL DOSE, SSALL FEK3 LAK& I HE Al jKANAfiSB Week commencing Mnn Mav ?fi Mats. Wed., Frl Sat. IVIOIl., may c$) Licnry tV. lavage Offers The Trinwidou Oranulle Spoclscle 150 - PEOPLE 150 Special Symphony Orchestra Largest Musical and Dramatic Organization Ever Toured Prices: Eve. Parq and 2 rowB D. C, $2: 4 -rows D. C, $1 50; balcony, $1: family C, 7Gc; gal'y, 50c. Wed. and Frl. mats. 25c to $1; Sat. mat. 25c to 31.50. . j "THE MESSIAH Under the direction of Mr. Squire Coop. CHORUS OF 150 SELECT VOICES UNIVERSITY OF UTAH MU- SIC SOCIETY. SALT LAKE PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA. (40 plecua.) Friday Evening, May 23, at 8:15 p. m. PRICES $1.00, 75c, 50c, 25c. Scats at Box Office, Wednesday, May 21, 10 a. m. Opening Today FOR THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, Tho great Eclair human Interest drama, "The Evil Gemsios" "THE POVERTY OF THE RICH" (Rex.) "A WISE PLEDGE" (Eclair.) "LOVERS THREE" (Crystal.) "HIS TWIN BROTHER" (Cryotal.) COMING: Saturday Only, The newest Blaan war drama, "THE TOLL OF WAR." ' n , , Mi i that period the motor was running so smoothly - that it was continued in operation for 100 hours more. This more than- doubles the best m previous record of 132 hours, made four years ago in England. The motor maintained a speed of 1200 revolu- i tions per minute. Measured in road perf or- 4 mance, it pulled the "38" car with a full load ft at a speed of 37.46 miles per hour, over roads w heavy enough to demand a wide open throttle. -f In 300 hours it rolled up 11,238 miles. j The accumulated strain of much more than the ; average season's mileage was compressed within a period of thirteen days. This is but another H demonstration of maximum service, an asset : built into every Packard car. ! Ask the man who owns one ' j Utah Motor Car Company j 45 South State Street ; : ! "t. I ALL. THIS WEEK. kMr JJ' , 4 1 W1. J. KEtlYte j !noc!cwolI nnrt n VM WBmB'ys 1 1 notabln company KtSMSi 1 Jext week: "OLD Opening of the Summer Stock Season BRANDON TYNAN-FLORENCE STONE And the Utah Theater Stock Company Present Forbes Robertson's Great Artistic Success. "THE PASSING OF THE THIRD FLOOR BACK" The same old prices. Matinees Thursday and Saturday. SWPRESS PRICES NEVER CHANGE. SULLIVAN-CONs'lDlNE I Greater Advanced Vaudeville. 1 "THE NEW LEADER," J j with Al. Lewla and original TODAY caot. The Aeroplane Ladles. H ' Kenney and Holllc. TncB 0.30 Trio. "Juat Right" 7:30 Violinist. The Waytea. Gau- III 9:15 mont Weekly. Empresa Or- H ! , chestra. . RcfjuTar 3Uc MaiTnec Dally ri H Empress 20c 50O lUC 1 3 Prleen 10c P.irgurt Sn.ita. -H MEHESY TSiEATER 5cCOOL .AND COMFORTABLE 5c BRONCHO Two-Roel Feature, "A SLAVE'S DEVOTION" An epi sode of tlie civil war. bcnsational battle scenes. Thrilling escapes. Beautiful romance. "THE OLD INVALID" Rollicking comedy. Mutual. "TACHKENT. RUSSIA" Beautiful scenic subject. IN THIS DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for tho district of Utah.1 In the matter of Harry Wobb. Jr.. voluntary bankrupt. In bankruptcy, No. 1560. To Ihe creditors of Hurry Wobb, Jr.. of Salt Lake City, in tho county of Salt Lake, and district, aforesaid, - a bank rupt: Notice is hereby given that on the Sih dnv of February, 1912, the said Harry Webb, Jr., was duly adjudicated bank rupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will bo held al my office In the Cuutinental blodi, Salt Lake City, Utah, ; ' Armstrong Letters - I Helen Armstrong in her JT jj, sis letters is an exact - si science and a pleasur- im able art. We have Mr svWl Wi a few thousand sets J 1 1 of these letters to AS S be given to house- Zi Jp s wives who will jfV g & ' at m appreciate them. A X & "' W Jy If YS? . ' at c05tly 8 jjjV ei o5 t0 scatter t ' Aw indiscriminately f Jj y h If yU WU1 UBB f 1 X. tyAr them return this N I I V r&t& AT coupon to us and we J UTAH GAS & COKE CO., jj J. O. -D. Claxlc, Gen'l Manager. OKBGON SHORT LINE TIME CARD, EFFECTIVE APRIL 3. 1913. Jf Bfc , Arrive. I Bv Oepan. Dally. TS tr.irz A -our Ogden (Preston and Logan solng). Dan- A TUT l-? 7:15 A.M. ver, Omaha. liansaa City. Chicago. (Sn .)U A.m. . ; Francisco and west also arriving.) rf, 7.ic: A TUf Ogdon. Logan. Preaton (Chicago and fi'Hfl P.M. 'tWhi 7. ID A.M. points "east aloo arrtvlne). D'uu -t.ATi. .t.fy 8-nn A TVr Opden. Malad. Pocatollo. Boise. Ashton. lO'OO P.M. H .OU A.m. intermediate (Montpeller also going). AU.UU jt.ava. ..j . jj 9 .On A TOT Overland Limited Ogden. Reno. Sacra- 4.9J5 PM frl?'' .ZU A.m. mento, San Francisco. tt.ZiU JT.XU., j,( ,y 10:20 A.M. Ogden and Intermediate points. 6 '.50 P.M. j' 12:01 P.M. Paeln Llmltea Ogden. Omaha, Calcago, 8:15 A.M. jy j.j) 1:15 P.M. Olfden. BOlse. Portland. Butte. ' 4:35 P.M. 2:10 P.m veriana iSMSi?.? CMcas' H:40A.M. 2:35 P.M. vetluS8' ch,c80' 4:45 P.M. 4:05 P.M. EJon- BriinrinteCrarnealaSUCy' HO A.M. Hf 0- f-.11r Oprdan. Denver. Omaha. Chicago (Park -in.eri T5 TWT 540 P.M. Ctty. Grocn River and woat only, return- 1Z.OU Jr.iVJ.. I "i ins). y 11:45 P.M. dJA SlacaiifoSitemai(r 10:35 A.M. Um 11:45 P.M. PacU,a LlralSLy' San 2:10 P.M. Telephone. Exchange la City Ticket Offlco, Hotel Utah. m ll on the 2nd day of June. 1913, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at which time tho said creditors may attend, prova their claims appoint a trnstco, examine the 'bankrupt, and transact such othfr busi ness as may properly come before Bald (7 If;! moctlnir. ' ! 3. CHARLKS BALDWIN, Roforo in Bankruptcy. ' ' Salt Lake City, May 21. 1913. b33B0 . y