Newspaper Page Text
g SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNIjMG, MAY 25, 1913. flfocial Happenings in Cities and Towns of Utah I IB'in Ogden. IEhi, teller of theFlrst hp.!?!! S'of the Flv Hundred naU of Sir. Van ffiuraoon at the Reed fcy was hoEtess to the PjM,ph' Sowing Bocicty Thursday afternoon. falng of the Martha so- VBBMMto&W afternoon at the jpffiuA Jto. a M- Con- IjQjKiyths First Presbyterian "-.KiritndB were entertained 'JBHM'Ura. John Ball. Jr.. at flflHroorth Ogden. Wednesday. iHKi Blcboond and Brad '.flMFHaj, were the hostesses. raE'intz hw returned from (HHHWtith her mothor and aHjTihertj' left Thursday friBHj Jrandsco, whero she JfivHKnibter, who Is en route WMjt 'tf'MIss Hlnnie L Bllton ?flfljjfli;v)Ioye5 T.'as solemnized "HJflfcrJl. In the Salt Lake ?HHHi Mrs. Moyes will bo :"flif friends after June 1 at ::ffljWR ;&TsnQo. iHk iUn circle met Wednes fctflflf'At tho homo of JIrs- Hvpsople of the Baptist iriflHjM,'torfsl Wednesday oven jifljHjcrcJ Tiarlors. A pleasant cBHjMirin games ana music, tBtttsj were served. SBfcr, Thimble club was en .)BHb&7 afternoon bv Mrs, JWS-2t ier '10m'- n the Pllen of Iledlands. Cal pan Profits . Sing Utah HflH" , ?Pjw plonaand ffllBL ce. tWirr BTJSI. HHn' spent Tuesday In Ogden visiting his brother, W. S. O'Brien, manager of the Postal Telegraph company. The marriage of Miss Myrtle Kensler and Walter Nelson took' place at 11 o'clock Tuosday morning at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. A. B. Corey, Bishop H. C. Jacobs of flew tins- The Home Culture club mot Thurs day afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. O. Spencer on Canyon road, when the an nual election of officers was held. Mrs. E. M. Roberts of Bliss, Ida., is visiting her sister. Mrs. F. . E. Keller, for a week or ten days. Miss Anna Anderson has returned from a fivo weeks visit to California, The Ladies Kensington of the First Baptist churoh met Wednesday after noon at the homo of Mrs. Van Patten. After the business meoting.'a social hour was enjoyed, during which refreshments wero served.. Tho pupils of Miss Alma. Bauer gave a pianoforte recital Friday evening at the German Evangelical churoh. The stu dents who took part, wero tho. Misses Ruth Bailey, Zoo Thomas, Evelyn Nel son, Mabel Williams. Florence Reeve, Lois Foster. Vera and Veda Edson, Helen Baunian. Edna Moore and Mrs. J. XV. Card. They were assisted by Mrs. W. C. Blakoley. soprano. Mrs. Thomas O'Keefe of Salt Lake Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. A. Mc Bride. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Meckes departod Monday for Denver, -whore they will visit for a few -weeks. MJsh Marion Blchsel. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Blchsel, arrived home Monday from "Washington, D. C, where sho graduated from Chevy Chaso semi nary, Monday, May 12. Mr3. C. S. Gunnell spent Wednesday In Salt Lake. Miss Verna. Fair will entertain at a Bhower Monday afternoon nt her homo, in honor of her sister, Lucille, whose marriage to Franklin J. Foulgcr will take place Wednesday, May 2S. The members of the board of the Weber academy were guests of honor at a banquet given Thursday by the stu dents of the domestic science and arts department of that school. Covers were laid for twenty-five, tho guests Includ ing the members of tho board and their wives, tho principal and his wife and the department teachers. Fifty-six per sons were guests at a. dinner Wednes dav at the school. The rooms were decorated with pink and white, masses of pink and -white daisies adding to tho color scheme. Miss Ivah Wilson entertained Miss Hill of Seattle, Wash., recently at tho Hermitage. Miss Ina Hickel, a well-known young lady of this city, and E. D. Williams, superintendent of tho Ogden branch of- the International Correspondence schools, were married Wednesday, May 14. at Brlgham City. Mr. and Mrs. Wil liams will take an extended honeymoon trip through Yellowstone park and Into Canada, after which they will bo nt home to their frionds at Seventeenth street and Hudson avenue. Mrs. P. C. Krau3a and daughters, Mabel and Katherlnc, are spending a few days In Salt Lake with relatives and friends. Mrs. C. E. Warner has returned to Rock Springs, after a week's visit with her son, Charles Warner of the Union Pacific ticket office. Mrs. Warner was accompanied by Mrs. Charles Warner, who will visit In Wyoming for a week or ten days. The Historical society met Saturday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. F. W. Butler. Miss Josephine Sherman gave the club history for tho year and the annual election of officers was held. The last meeting of the Child Culture club, before adjournment for tho sum mer, was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Thomas D. Dee. Mrs. Emma A. Beemer Is here from Tucson. Ariz., for a visit with her son, Paul Beemer, city passenger and ticket agent of the Harriman lines. The sixty members of the local B. P. 0. E. and ladies who took part In the recent production or the "Amsterdam Band," were guests of honor at an in formal supper and dancing party at tho Hermitage Friday evening, under tho auspices of lodge 7L9. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Stone have announced the engagement of their daughter, Myrtle A. Stone, to Leland H. Farr. The wedding will take place In June. Mrs. John Holden entertained hor card club at her home Wednesday after noon. Prizes were won bv Mrs. I. Haughn and Mrs. J. O'Netl. "Following the card games. refreshmentH were served to twelve guests. Mrs. H, D. Brooks entertained about twenty-five friends, largely teachers of the Ogden public schools, at hor home, -347 Madison avenue, Friday afternoon, In honor of Miss Margaret DeVlne, fol lowing tho announcement of her ap proaohlng marriage to Howard Goddard. The rooms of the Brooks home wore prettily decorated with roses and other cut llowors. An elaborate lunch was served. The guests were entertained from 3 until 7 p . m. Mr, and Mrs. B. W. Drlggs announce the engagement of their daughter Lucille to Leopold Arthur Heller of Idaho Falls, the marriage to take placo the early part of June. 1 PARK CITY. ! I i PAP.K CITY, May 24. Mrs. P. W. Billings, entortalnod pleasantly at her home Wednesday afternoon. The guests were members of tho Prlscilla Sewing club and some other frionds, Those present were Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman, Mrs. C. T. Prlsk, Mrs. G. A. Sheen, Mrs. A- A. Browning, Mrs, F, A. Shields. Mrs. William Rhoedman and Mrs. J. F. Welsh. Mrs. McGinley and little daughtor Vir ginia were outgoing passengers Sunday afternoon. Mrs. S. E. Hartwcll entertained tho members of the senior class of the high school at her home Tuesday evening. ''Esmeralda," as glvon by the high school students Tuesday evening, was well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Robert Dalglelsh. returned to Park City rueBday, after tho year spent In Salt Lake nt the University of Utnh. The members of the senior class of tho nigh school entertained Thursday even ing in Rasband'a hall. Tho members of the alumni 'and tho high school were the gueBts. Mrs. Smith 1s visiting with friends In Bait Lake. Miss Jennie Wilson Is visiting with relatives in Park City. Miss Allison has returned to Salt Lake, after jsomo tlmo spent at the home of Mrs. E. J. Beggs. ..O"o of the events of the week wa3 tne dance given Wednesday evening by the mombers of the local lodge B. P. O. Elks. Tho hall was crowded to its capacity, tho music was good, and no trouble was spared by the committee in cnarge to make this the success Ir was. Dr. E. F. Root of Salt Lake was in Park City Wednesday. Miss LIbIo Webb is home from Callfor Bchool re She haS been attondInff Frank Keith spent several days in Salt Lake the early part of tho week. Mlso Ammu8sen returned to Salt Lake Tuesday afternoon. -JP6 emora of tho local lodge of Elks enjoyed a smoker Monday evening after ttie burning of the mortgage and the regular lodge session. Jooeph Bhanley has returned from vernal. iJu ? tHuhn and Rort Chamberlain of Park citye are flno1(J1E some time in tnJin. 1V'eu- .1,c-v haa o l Hock Enid I Riley w,th hor Mstcr' AIlKH CliyW,S Jctt:i hpent Wednesday in Purk PROVO. i PROVO. May Sl.-Miei Kditl. YounK entertained ror nor slutcr Wcdncn(Uy nftcrnoon. A nurnW of ladles gatliored In honor of Mrc. Btolla PMUIph n v?l?,lltJ31 S ty ftnd tilc "VPalriK wm aP6nt dc ItKhtfu lr. Mlas N'ettto Parkins cave several musical numbem and 3lrs. Amos Epperson aaj: a 1nu"")Br of iwlos. nefrrshmentn vr,ro nerved nnd tho dccoratlonr; wero swot peas and rarno tlonn. Preatnt were Mr. Stella Vencp. Mrr. D. JIntnselman, Mrs. Sfulle. Eppomon. Mrs. James Dutro, Mrs. Dennett Cnith, Mm. Spencer Juke niaii. Mrs. Hello AndcMon. lira. C. U Chajp. Mrs. Reed Bod:. Mm. Vtrslo Mtinlock. Mrs. Harvey Flotchor. Mr. Mllllo Acord and tho Misses HxscI and Viola Atihworth, Miss Emma Anderson. Mhs Joalo Nelson. Mlcaes Nettle and nuth Tcr klns. Mr. n.nd Mrs. J cm? Knight announced tho in Kasemout ot their daughter. MIm Add! Iona ICiilglit. to Knight Star Jordan, son of David Star Jordan, chanr-ellor of Stanford unlverolty. hero yesterday, Tho wedrtlnc v.MU take placo nt the KniRbt homo In September. Tho district federation of women's clubs xlll meet hero In convention Juno A In tho First ward mfotlnK houao. This district Includes all the towns In Utah county and also Hebor City. An olegant programme Ir bain nrr.inKed and n largo numbor of the ladles from tho federation It expected at thia time, Mr. J. D. Ashton'a sister, Minn Magjrio Sulli van, of Trln Falls, Idaho. Is spondlnr a fe-w days lu tho Garden olty. The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jamea E. Daniels yesterday surprlned them In honor of their thirty-seventh weddlns: nnnlvertary. Among those present were Mossrs. and Mnsdamei A. L. Towcle. M. H. Omham, Charlie Thomas, Arcbte Tburman, R. D. Knowlden. Inrln Za.b rlske, T. E. McOraw and Mrs. Marllla Daniels. Tho Provo chapter of the Mormon Battalion met at Mrs. Ovikley'o Friday afternoon, Mr. and Mro. N. F. Wilson entertained the teacbom of tho Parkor school Friday cvcnhiK at their homo In i dollghtrul manner. Dinner waa servod and ths Ublon wero baiutlfully decorated with sweet psis and carnations. Tho evening's ontortnlnmnt was Informal. The Invited cuests wero Superintendent L. E. EsuerUion. Mr. and Mrs, Lestor Mangum, Mr. and Mrs, F. R, Brown. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Garrott. Mrs. Acnen Cran dall, Mru. Ruth Pickering, Miss Edith Meldrum. MIbs Jean "Williams. Mlas Myrtle Jones, Miss Edna Southwlck and Miss Edith Younpr. Mrs. I. H. Masters returned Friday mornlnc from Salt Lake City, whero she had been for the past fow daye vlhltlng her mothor. Mrs. T. E. Harris, nnd friends, A social was given Monday evening In tbe Con gregational church In honor of the Rjov. Phillip lung and hie friends from Boston, Mr. and Mr. E. t. B-irkor. Music was furnished by Mm, E. E. Brown wid Mrs. A. V. Cain. Miss Gloanon of Procter academy gave somo splendid readings. Mrs. Anna L. Glade entertained at a children's party Tuesday evening for her son Kenneth In honor of his eighth birthday. Ono of tho plouiant affairs of the week was tho surprise given on Monday evening to Miss Neva Daniels, at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janifls E, Danlclr. Her many friends from tho B. T. tinlvtiralty and in Provo gathored un expectedly and tho ovenlng was one long to bo remembered. Game? and muslo furnished onler talnmont until a late hour. Tho Ladles Aid club mot Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. T. A. Thome, Mrs. Don 0. "Williams entertained at dinnor on Wednesday for Mrs Dan Furnuaon of Eureka, Mr. and Mrs. Joioph Bales and Mro. Mono Roy lunco of S(rlngvllle. Covers wore laid for ten and tho dccoraMono were beautifully carried out with rloleto and buttorcups. Tho officers of tho Mutual Improvement asso ciation of the First and Bonnovllle wardc enter tained at an olaborato banquet on "Wednesday eveninp in honor of their debaters, who won the sIako trophy enp a fow weeks ogo. The de balcm wore Earl J. Glade. Archie Thurraan and Morrill George. Tho commlttoo on debate of tho stake waG Invited, nnd Mrs. Earl Gladn acted as toastmistrcss. Those who spoko wer Mrs. J. E. Page. A. P. Merrill. Joseph A. Buttle. Leo Haon, Benjamin Bullock, Earl J. Glade. Archie Thurman end Morrill Goorso. Tho Soroslc club hold Its last meeting of thp club year TVc-dniaday afternoon at the homo of tho president. Mrs. Calloway. Tho annual report was read and tho work of the past year was din cussed with groat interest. Trie following read Interesting essays: Mrs. Alllo S Coleman, Mrs. "N'ottlo Kerr and Mrs, Calloway. Plans wore dis cussed for tha district outing, which will tako place early in Juno. Mr. and Mrs. Lira L. OUen announce the en gagement of tbolr daughter Pearl to Robert E. Wald of Madison, "Wis., tho marriage to toko pines early in June. MIm Mary Brown entertained at her homo on Wednesday at an informal luncheon. Hor guests were the Mluea Mnbel Moncon, Florence Billings, Agnes Smith and Mrs. Smith. Metsrs Lawrence Moncon, S. D. Moore, Andrew Brlmhall and J. E. Smith. The Nineteenth Century club met Friday at the homo of Mrs. Thomo. This was the last moot ing of the club for th year. Tho annual reports of tho year were read and arrangements for the opening again noxt year discussed. Refresh ments were sonred. The friends of Mrs. J. C. .Swenson surprised hor at the homo of Mrs. John Saxey on Wed nesday evening. A delightful evonlnz of music wan pasaed and refreshments wore nerved. Mr. and Mrs. Noli B. Johnson announce the- en gagament of tholr daughter Larena to Porcy Jones. The wedding will tako place some tlmo In June at tho home of the brido'a parents, I SPRINGVILLE. i : SPFvINGVTLLB, May 24. John D. Wardsworth of Salt Lake spent a few daya here this week. Mrs. John T. Burt has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Joseph Pow ell, at Price. Mr. and Mrs. Walaas Storrs of Amer ican Fork were visitors here Monday. Mrs. I. N. Brown, 3r.f of Mammoth Is visiting relatives here this we6k. J. W. Reynolds, formerly a Sprlngvllle boy, but who ban made his home In Cali fornia for come time, Is here for a month's visit with his father and other relatives. M. O. Packard, Bishop J. F. Bringhurst, William IColsey and Ueorgc B. Matson motored to Salem Thursday afternoon. RICHFIELD. ! 1 RICHFIELD, May 24. Mrs. John Duf fln entertained in a delightful way on Tuesday afternoon. Those present were the Me-sdames Carl Olson, L. B. Kinney, P. C. P. Peterson, Simon Christenscn, John Khyl, Ole Peterson and "Cap" Nel son. The Royal Neighbors wero entertained at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dall on Wednesday by Mrs. Dall, Mrs. Henry Robinson, Andrew Jeflaen and W. P. Payne. The seniors of the high school enter tained the public at a humorous exercise on Wednesday evening. They prepared a farco aimed at tho teachers and Juniors. Tho domestic science girls of the high school gave a very successful party on Wednesdav evening and presented their teacher, Miss Florence Home, with a beautiful present. The juniors of tho Richfield school en tertained for tho senlorK who are leav ing school and the teachere. Tho party was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Morrison. Music and games filled the time and lunch was served to the fol lowing: The Misses Colleen Oldroyd. Olive Neborker, Maud Hauchett, Maude Ericlcson. Pcarlotte Ramlose, Uarda. Mc Carty. Sadie Ivle, Mae Greenwood, Mabol Lewis, Mabel Morrison, Pearl Sevy, Hazel Henrle, Loroo Forsylhe. Tennessee Smith, Joale Skougaard, Alta Johnson, Edith Walker, Zlta Donohoe. Margaret Ross, Florence Home; the Mesdnmoa W. W. Morrison. J. J. Hayes; Messrs. Jack Christenscn, L. H, FInmren, J. J. Hayes. W W. Morrison, Leslie Poulson, Chris Chrlstonsen, Fred Black, Clm rles Cnvw ford, Howard ChrlHtlatiHen. Orln Oglle, Guy Porter, Vernon ErlckHon and Florlan Morrison. Mrs. Minnie Bean entortalnod In honor of her daughter Geneva's birthday on Wednesday, Games wore played and nrlzes were won by Cleo Morrison and Ellis Wright, then lunch way served to the 'guests, who were: Eva Montgomery, Genevieve Hnppler. Naomi ricpiiler, Naomi Farnsworth. lla Clark Iona Mor rlHon CoQ Morrison. Tndra flatit, cin Chid ester. Fern CliWesler. Gludy Mor rison. Molba Bnkcr, Nancy Bird. Dean Slelncr, Irene Greenwood, Grace Lrlck- fon. Laurence Jenkins, Reginald John son, Kent Goldbrandsen. Ellis Wright. Anidalo Hansen. Jack Mood. Chase Skou gaard. VI li Walnwrlght. V II ford Hen vie, SflUlsbury Andelln. Byron Jcnaen. Leslie bird. Monte Bean. Ward McCarty and Grant Hayes, Miss Josie Skouganrd entertained at dinner In honor of her birthday on Satur ?yi . .V0Re, Present were the Misses Mabel Morrison. Mabel Lewis, Sadie Ivle. Pearl Sevy, H;,.el Hemic. Alta Johnson, Tennessee Smith. Loree For sythe njid Uarda McCarty. r,?JS SadiS.,v, entertnliieel at a lawn S-i5L n 1ThursIay evening and lunuh 1.h sprvecl on the lawn, after whirl, the quests enjoyed the moving pic ture show: Mabel Lewis. Josie Skou Loree Forsythe. Mabel Morrlfon, Pearl Sevy, Alta Johnson, Uarda Me rle Smith and Hazel Hen- I i j BRIGHAM CITY. BRIGMAaM CIT1", Mav 24.-Tuesdai- St aTlM?8'. ?' FC Bo0the was host de,i1,tful luncheon at her home in of Portland, Or. The rooms were dalntl n decorated and refreshments were served. Mrs. Maddock will leave in a day or two for her home in the north west. i3Lr'3.d MJH R A' Loe of tMs city re turned Tuesday evening from a visit cov ering two weeks In Kansas City. i&usVSit..Graehl epent tljc weck In this clt visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Kate Erdmann. TVrr'Jan,lI.Mr,s- an P. Woodland enter tained Saturday evening in honor of prominent members of the general board or religion class workers, among whom wer0 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Morton of Salt Lake City. Mossrs. Herschel Bullcn. Jr., and Lerov Bullen of Logan spent a few days In this city during the week. Miss Zepha Poulson was tho recipient of a delightful paroel shower at tho home of her parents Tuesday evening in honor of her approaching marriage next week to George Greenwell of Ogden. A delightful time was spent by the many guests, among whom were Mrs. Sine Poulson. Mrs. Kate Erdmann. Mrs. Hazel R. Hanson, Mrs. O. G. Spencer. Mrs. Clara Poulson, Mrs. Chrlstena Mortensen, Mrs. Eliza Toombs, Mrs. Minnie J. Lund, Mrs. Daisy o, Hnnsen. Mrs. Elrnn Burrell, Misses Stella Wright of Ogden. Nellie Jensen, Zepha Poulson, Sarah Ma thias, Sarah Nelson. Mav Burrell. Ada Erlckson and Myrtle Poulson. Mr. and Mrs. Oluff Jenson and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jensen were among the visitors to Brlgham City during the week. Wllford H. Wilde of this city left yes terday for Rexburg. Tdaho, where he will remain several weeks. , Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cheney of Ogden visited their parents In this city a day or two early In the week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seoger of Tremen ton visited friends In Brlgham City on Monday of this week. A. Morton of Salt Lake City spent Saturday and Sunday in this city visit ing friends. Wynn L. Eddy was a Salt Lake visitor on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Cottam were In Brlgham City a few days during the week visiting relatives and friends, Phillip D. Evans of Malad, Idaho, spent a few days of the week visiting friends In BTigham City. LEHI. j LEHl, May 21. Mr. and Mrs. Abe An derson will leave for Chicago about June 1, where Mr. Anderson will spend tho summer In the Chicago Conservatory of Music In vocal training, and Mrs. An derson will study the piano. Mrs. John F. Cutler of Salt Lake City is sponding the week In Lohi, the guo3t of her sister, Mrs. C. XV. Earl. Miss Myrtle Stewart, who has been teaching school at Richmond during tho past winter, returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bone will spend the summer In Rlverdale, near Ogden. Mrs. Emma Hemphill of Salt Lake City Is visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. J. Child. Miss Vera Bushman returned home this week from Wellsville, where she has been teaching school. Mr. and Mrs. Bort Stout of Mount Pleasant Bpent the first half of the week the guests of Mrs. Stoufs father, J. W. Goates. Miss Emily Wanlass, who has been teaching In the primary school here this winter, will spend the summer, in Wash ington, D. C. the guest of her brother, XV. L. Wanlass. The Lehl High School Alumni asso ciation held Its annual banquet Friday evening in the high school building, after which tho banqueters went to the city pavilion, where the alumni ball was given. William Edwards, who has been In manv parts of the world since leaving Lehl" twenty years Rgo. wus here shak ing hands this week. Mrs. G. L. Stookey gave a Howlnc" bee at her home Friday in honor o( Miss Emelle Osterloh. Mrs. J. E- Cotter onlertained at a ken sington the members of the Athenian club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Keiresnmenis weio aerveu. iu. o. i. Ross and Mrs. J. E. Cotter were elected delegates to the Slate Federation, of Women's Clubs mooting to be held in June. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Darling spent Tuesday in Salt Lake City. Mrs. W. E. Evans entertained at a birthday party Wednesday. Household games wore played and a luncheon was served. Those present were Mesdames A. J- Evans, H. C. Webb, ISImer Peter son, Goorge Holmstcad, Emma Hrlggs, Fred Merrill, M. O. Poulson, XV. K. Ev ans. J. B. WatfOii, S. I. Goodwin. IT. C. Halbrook, W. T, Uafcler. D. 11. Sun din, XV. lv. Hopkins, Ruth Smollle. J. A. Woodruff. Jane Brown. OrnheUa Smith, E. H Davis. 13. M. Madsen, .1. H. Gardner. S. W- Rof-s, Abe Gudmundsen, IT M. Rovle, and the Misses Pearl Davis, Lizzie Brlggs, Vcrvenc Evans and Sylvia Ashton. "0MLY 1 DRBHK" The Abovo Heading to a News Item Appoarcd In a Large Daily News paper Last Week. Note the heartless lack, of sympathy, the apparent disgust, the dismissal of further consideration as if tho " only a drunk" was all' that wns necessary to dispose of the enso. Tho drinker jjots little sympathy. Most people believe these men drink becaiiBO they want lo drink or because they have not souse enough to lot it alone Thoy do not appreciate that theue men are held in the grip of a poison alcohol as insidious as it is implacable; so instead of help and en couragement, they receivo kicks and condemnation, what tboy need is the Neal Threo Day Treatment, which will relieve thorn of all appetite and neces sity for drink in three days, without the ubo of hyj)0(lcrinic injections. .For full information call at the Neal In stitute. 341 So. 4th East St., Salt Lake City. Phono Jfyland 1792. Write or f ih one for freo book. (Advertisement.) t ' LOGAN. J l I LOGAN". May 24. The marriago of Miss Hazel Iiallif and Charles William Reese took place Thursday at noon in the Logan temple, the ceremony being performed by President William Budge. Immediately after, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. S.erge B. Balllf, a wedding breakfast was served. The rooms throughout the house were charmingly arrangoij with beautiful American Beauty roses and sweet peas. In she dining room roses were used ex clusively. The table was extremely at tractive with baskets of thoso lovoly flowers, and the guests Included the members of the immediate families only. Mr. and Mrs. Reese left on the 5:30 train on a wedding trip and will return later to make their home for the summer in Logan, A largo number of prominent Logan people and railroad officials attended the celebration given at Providence Tues day venlnc in honor of tho opening of the new electric railroad from Ixigan to Providence. In honor df tho event, a banquet was served in a large dance hall, to which ,150 giicsts were seated. Interesting speeches and an address of welcome were among the pleasant fea tures. A wedding of Interest to local society was solemnized In Salt Lake Thursday, when Miss Lenora. Morse was married to Dr. William G. Ruckenbrod. The cere mony was performed at the home of the bride's parents. Judge and Mrs. Morse by the Rev. J H. Mitchell, and "was witnessed by a small company of rela tives and intimate friends. Dr. and Mrs. Ruckenbrod will be at home In Lo gan after June 1. Miss Blanch Cooper, Miss Ida Savage of Salt Lake. Miss Alice Drew. Misses Florence and ITattlc Smith, Misses Grace and Maud Shirpley, Miss Joan Moan. Miss Marv Sorenson, Miss Jean Cox and Mrs. Berdic Hayball were the guests of Miss Edith Brrwen Wednesday at a de lightful evening party. Miss Mabel Goodwin, one of the spring brides, was the guest of honor Friday at a parcel shower given by Miss Let tie Jacobscn. The rooms were beauti fully decorated with American Beauty roses and ferns. Delicious refreshments were served in the dining room from an artistically decorated table. Fourteen, guests enjoyed the pleasant affair. The members of the A, C. Woman's club will hold their closing social Mian day afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. G. Thatchers. The event will be a "manuscript" day, when a number of Interesting manuscripts will be read by Miss Margaret Wilkcnson. Refreshments will be served. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Campbell enter tained at an Informal dinner party at their home Thursday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bacon and Warron De Long of Philadelphia Mrs. George W. Thatcher has returned from a delightful visit In Salt Lake. Miss Mabel Rolapp came up from Og den Wednesday to attend the Balllf Reese wedding. Marlon Eccles left Tuesday for New York. J. Castleton of Salt Lake Is visiting. In Logan. Mrs. Frank Rolapp and little son aro here from Ogden visiting Mrs. Rolapp s mother, Mrs. Marie Thatcher. Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Fleming left Tues day for Omaha, where they were called on account of the death of a nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Alhert Clark of Salt Lake arc visiting with relatives in Lo- Mrs. E. D. Bull and Mrs. J. C. Wal lers have returned from Salt Lake. Miss Salome Smith returned Tuesday from Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rlter and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hull of Salt Lake spont several days of the week m Lo gan, having made the trip from the city In a Franklin car. Miss Marie Eccles Is visiting in Salt Lake. Mrs. P. M. Poulsen is visiting with her daughter. Mrs. C. E. Card of Port land. Or. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Coombs of Kansas City are visiting here Miss Genevieve Thatcher returned Monday from Salt Lake. Mrs. George Torgeson spent several days of the week in Salt Lake, the guc3t of Mrs. Waller Pyper. Mrs. Albert Reynolds of Rexburg Is visiting with relatives In Logan. EPHRAIM. i : EPHRAIM, Mny L't MIsk Edna Anderson left Sunday for Salt Lake MIm Verdn Anderson cleverly entertained the J. G. K. gtrlo Monday evening In compliment to Miss Elizabeth Anderson and Miss BoudotU Boal. the brides to bo of the coming month. Tho club girls prewilfd them with n torvlce of Kllvcr Hpooni. Refreshment wero served to Miss Ellja heth. (Jcnova. Verda. Pxlra and Olive Anderson. Josephine Mnrtenson. Margaret Bolton. BendetU BcjI. Flora Thorpe. Sadlo Fowler Dolly Peter son Mario C'hrUtennnii. Mary Thompson, Han nah Brelnhnlt. Ann Wlllnrdson, Jeo Arrastronc and Erfle Thompson. Mr. Kern Johnson was hostnsa at a pretty af fair Sunday afternoon. An elaborate dinner was &nrvod. The nuests were Miss Nellie Johnson, MUr Flossie Peterson, Miss Alvrotta. Thompson. Mrs. Zarotla Mortcniiou and Mrs. Erncll Mortenoon, The l.iirtlw Lltcmry club will meet at the borne of Mrs. Dr. Rros next week. The M. M. club met Wednesday afternoon fit Die home of Mru. Geneva Peterson. Mrs. Sarah Paulson pave Hie reading from "Tho Prince of tho Houso of David." Refreshments wore oorrod. Muinucrs. in aucnauncc wore mu .ii;iiuii.,.i, Carlton. Sarah PauMon. Rose Bunco. Jane Breln holt, Mnncle Wlllardion. Mottle Larson, Mary Stevens and Ourlt SoriMifton. Mrs. Kate Clillds of Ounnison la the cueot of her mothor. Mrs. Hans Undhort. Mrt. D-igni'ir Thorpe entertained the public celiool teachers Thursday afternoon. Delicious rc freahmeiitx were served. The teachers present were P. D. Jcnton. P. 0. Anderson. Well Thomp son. IMcnr Joiihon, Mr. Sadl- Fowler, Mre. Flora Thorpe and the Micros Mnrlo Chrlstenson. Dolly Peterson. Effle Thompi'On, Jetnln Annstrone, Beudettu Boal, Elizabeth AndiTton and Edna Aud- OtfOU. Mr, Flow Thorpn left Wednesday ror her home at Mantl. Little Miss Helen MadMin was hofte?s at a birthday party Sunday afternoon. Pleasing re freshments were torved tho little onrt at I o'clock. The children unc-nt wore Eva Johnn son. Nelda Soroin-on. elbi Mndbcrg. Ev Nlelbon, Fontabftll ChrUtcnsoti, Vlrgllllu Anderson. Curtlit and Roucf ArmKtronc and Donglan Nlelnon. Mir Helen received many beautiful gifts. GARLAND. j i ! GARLAND, May 21. On last Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Longstroth were host and hostess for an auto party from Mendon. The guests were Edward Peterson. Mrs. Fred Lars en, the MIsBes Mary Margaret and Effln Jensen. On Wednesday, May 21, Miss Lou Vaufleet nnd ISneat Jensen, both of Gar land, were united In marriage In the Salt Lake temple. They will be at home to their friends after June 1 In the Jar dlnc place. The Kensington club was entertained on Tuesday evening by Miss Clara Smith. .Mrs. George Grover was re-oloctod as president, MIbs Hattle Hess as ttccre tary. Two new members, the Misses Agnes Olscn and Alice Munns, wero ad mitted to the club. After a busy hour spent over fancy work, the hostess served delicate refreshments. Tho next meet ing will be held at the home of Mlsn Alta Harris. One of the most pleasing affairs of the season was the mlscellaneoua shower In the form of a surprise given In honor of Miss Iva Vanfleet, a bride of the wook, on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs XV. R. Vanfleet, Amid morrl ment a beautiful collection of glft3 was showered upon the bride-to-be After various games dealing with affairs of tho heart were played, luncheon was served. j Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Long strath, Mrs. Peter Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred MIchells. the Misses Minnie Sas scr. Alice Munns, Eulala Sorensen. Hcu lah Grey. Klna Winters, Mattlc Strong. Alta and Lillian Harris. Laura Holf, Lizzie Preston, Alllsa Manning, Lucy Thompson; Messrs. Ernest Jensen. Le roy Manning, Walter Michells, Myron Rogers. Parker Vanfleet, Clifton Van lleet, George Blanford and Ernard Nell son. The members of the eighth grade ten dered George Larson, principal of Gar land's public nchool, a surprise on Tues day evening. Ping-pong was the amuse ment of the evening, followed by refresh ments. During the evening Mr. Larsen was presented with 2 handsome leather stationery case. The Ladles Self-Culture club met at the home of Mrs. J. C. Whcolon on Thursday for its musical afternoon. Pa pers were read by Mrs. Loren Preston end Mrs. O. L. Winters: selections were rendered by the ladles' chorus, ladies' quartette: solos by Mrs. Joseph Wing and Mrs. F. A. Wnnlcss. with Mrs. Roy Lewis nt the piano. The hou?e was beautifully decorated with tulips and li lacs. Mesdamcfi Ada Burns. D. P. Squires, Misses Anna and Ruth Wheelon, Mahala McFarland. assisted the hostess In serving. Twenty-throe mombers of the club were present and the following were guests of the afternoon:' Mesdames Ada Burns, D. P. Squires, Horace Tur ner, R, L. Leishman, Roy Lewis, Miss Mattle Strong. Margaret Wheelon. The next meeting of the club will be with Mrs. Joseph Jensen. j SPANISH FORK. SPANISH FORK. May 21. The members of the New Stir club wore entertained al the home of MUs Creer Wednesday evening. Refreshments were sorved. Mlo6 Fay Lawrence returned Thursday from Salt Lake City, where obe has been vleltlng for the past week. Miss Dorothy Sloddard npent the week 'lth her alster, MUs Greor, In Salt Late City. Mm. Atbort Engborj: was hostels at a dinner party Wednesday. Ajnonc tho cucsts wero Mr. and Mrs. SteJllr.B6 and Mr. Maloncy. Dr. and Mrs. Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Kreonian and Mr. and Mrs. Ellsha Warner attended the. ball guno at American Fork Wednesday between Spanish Fork and American Fork. Mn. A. 0. Stoddard is visiting with hsr daugh ter In Salt Lako City. Mrs. Andrew Engberg has returned to Sail Lake after a vreclt'B visit with frionds here. Mr. and Mrs. J, J Bankr, announco the en gagement of their daughter Lenore to Elmer W. Bird of Maploton, the marriage to take placo Juno IS. Miss Lucy Evann of this city and Klnly Taylor of Beaver woro married Monday by Bishop Ben jamin Argylo. A reception end suppor were given at the homo of the brlde'c parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Evani. Tho young couple will nuke tholr home 1b Nevada. Mrs. Efflo Dart vu hoatew at a Sunda-r din ner for a. number of tho high chool girls. Lilacs tnd out flowers wep effectively used for table decorations. The guest of honor Included tho Misses Dora, and Susie Johnson and Lonore Bearn son. Mrs. J. P. Creer entortiined a.1 a children's party Friday afternoon in honor of hor little daughter Lncllo's fourth birthday. The little &-ucsta Included eight 4-yes.r-old playmates. After an auto ride, the youngsters enjoyed lawn game. Refreshments were iorve-i Rnd each little ffuest was presented with o, paper cap as a faror. j GARFIELD. GARPTELD, May W Mr. nnd Mr, R. F. Barker end daughter Elliatwth left Saturday for Ann Arbor, Mich., for a summer ontlng. K. H. Voaeh went to Rlsle. Colo'., last week, where ho was married to Mlsn Susan A. Thomp son. Mr. and Mrs. Veach are at home for tho summor In tbo E. E. Nelson residence. Born to Dr. and Mrs. D. D. Barnard, Tuesday May 20, a daughtor. Mru. L. N. Foster was hostcis to thf Neighbor hood Sowing club In a round table of twsUe Indies Thursday afternoon. ...P'633"1 tlwIiiB celebrated tho new electric i'B.. l2F ot. lhe "ooloa Consolidated Sunflower hall Thursday evening. Ther was reading and musical prOKrammo. followed by refreshments. ; i j MANTI. j I MANTI, May 21. One of the special occasion! of the w.jek was the social given by the senior BB rlaM of Mantl hl;h school Tuesday evening at HI (he high school building. Those present ware HI -Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Cbrlstenaou. Mr. and Mrs. K P. P. Dyreug. Mr. and Mrs. J, Jacobsen. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Axdton, Professor and Mrs. Rob- H9 !non. Mr. and Mr. E. T. lUld. Alva Wood- ffjl ward, Fred Frorer. A. Dixon, W. Taylor, Ml B Margaret Man&flcld. MIm Ella May Coz. Mis Annie Carlstensen. llettle and Myrl Aider. Genlel !H Brcnvn. Blanche Mctcalf. Ann Parry and Edytlt jKI Clark. The seniors were Melvln Porter. Orson mi and Stanford Madsen. Hyrum Bowan. Jay Me- BJ AlllUor. Laura and Llllle Mellor. Lydia Mlckle- flw son. Oharlotte Parry. Kate Johnson. Matx&ret IBS Billings. Allen Peterson, Edith Carpenter and BJ Eunice Jorgenion. Games and music were en- BJ oyed until a. late hour. BJ Mrr. "W. K. Reld of Salt Lake City Is spending H the week with her daughter. Mrs. 71. R. Clark. Bj Mltx Maud DJxon entertained delightfully Tees- mm y evening for ArUiur Slndburs of New Jersey BJ tnd Eltlc Greundwald of Wisconsin. The even- Bj Ing was pleasantly spent In parlor games until BJ 11 oVlo-k when luncheon wm served to Mrs. G. Bl W. Martin. Mrs. J H. Hnrnung and daughters BJ In.cphine and Margaret. Mr. J. P. Neleon. Mr. Hfl ind Miv. Henry Mncko7. Mm W. Dixon. Den Id B Di:on, tho MJises Maria Nelnon. Jennie Work. BJ Vamle Harry and Mr. and Mrs. Eraect Be of HI Ephralm. MS Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kellson entertained at din- H9 ner Sunday evening. Covers wore laid tor ebtht. BJ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Madsen made flytse lira '.rip to Ephralxn Monday evening;. Kg Joy Jen?en and Alfred Lynn were pHamntty Kg tirprlsed Friday erenlng at the hora ot th for- Kl ner. The occasion was th birthday anniversary Kj-fl of both. About twenty of their friend wer MS iresent and spent an enjoyable evonlng. wR The R. K. clan met Tuesday erenlnr with Bl Mrs. Lucy Tennant. Mrs. DianUia Reld in the Hfl rhair. Mrs. Tennant gave tho correct English In HJ the home: Mr. Maud IJrown conducted the drill Bfl In parliamentary lawr "More Joy In Mere Llv- Ha Ing" was read by Mrs. Mary A. SoreCxon. Re- H9 freshtnonta were served by tho hostess. HI Mrs. Flora Thotpo haa returned home aftor HI spending the winter in Ephralm. HJ Miss Florence Sperry enteTtainel at a sleeping KJ psrty Thursday evening after the opera. A mid- BJ night spread wok enjoyed by Vera Hougaard, Fan- BJ nie Tutlle. Dolla Keller. Stella Madsen, Wilt Hi Tjylor. Jessie Keller. GJoa Jensen and Tbstsr BJ Kenner, The ladles remained for the sleeping HB The inuslr rcctlon of the Iadle Literary club IwB met Saturday afternoon with Mr. Ida Reld. HQ Mrs. H. M. Sperry was a visitor at Walea tho BJ early part of the week. Mjj Miss Delia Keller was a charming hostess Sun- HS day evening when oho entertained at dinner for Hfl Will Taylor. Glen Jer.s.en. Alva Woodward. Lytl Hfl Dalby of Roaburg. Idaho. Fannie Tattle, Delia H9 Keller. Lucllo Bradley. Vera Hougaard and Flor- HS enes Sperry; BJ Mr?. Margaret Lund wan hostess Slonday even- BJ Ing when she entertained the South ward vri- Bj mary officers. RcfrcKhtnents were oerred to Mrs. Ha W. Strlngham. Mrs. Andrew Sorenson, Lenh BJ Bralthwalt". Vora Keller, Louisa Ruesh. Alice HI Peterson. Edith Kar and Clara Munk. HJ Albert Keller came In from Wyoming and spent H tho week with relatives, returning- Saturday. BJ j GUNNISON. 1 GUNNISON, May 24. Mis TJa Rasausn-n en- Vl tertalned at a birthday prty Saturday after- BR noon. Twelve little friends wero preaemL Lunch- Kg con was r. erred nnd a Jolly good time was had. Bjjj At the county commencement exerolsee to ba ' BBh held at Mr. Pleseani May 9. Gnnnlson has re- JEfj ceiTod the honor to give the oration. JBHj Mrs. J. W. Dugglns and two children of Salt Hfl Lake nnd Mrs. E. W. Dugglns and baby of Blng- ma horn will make a month's visit with Mr. and Mrs. BJ S. M. Dugslne. , Mjj Mrs, C. L. Smith and C. W. McDonald of Star. BB Idaho, were married t Mantt Monday. They -Bl -n 111 make their fuulre home In Idaho. Hfl j SAUNA. fl SALINA. May ;4. Mrs. J. W. Humphrey of Hfl Logan visited her mother tho past weelc flflB Mlsn Monte Matt I son left Monday for Salt Hi Lake, where .sho' will spend tha rummer. 'flflflj Mr. and Mm. George Raluoy ot Helper vlsiUd VM relatives and friends at Sal la last week. ' Bjfi Mrr. Marie Long- of Marysvale was the truest of Hfl her sister, Mrs. II. B. Menxei, the put week. HJfl Mies Leona Chrlstcnson left Saturday for Orange- HD vllle. whore he will remain for the summer with WU her sister, Mrs. Humphrey, fljH AlvisbiBeau1y?M)a I 6SlS fl " jk flu DUratt S America'. Most Beautiful Actreea Give Her Owa H mi Original Secret By Which Sho Beautified D jjf. Hendf In a Most Rcmftksblo Way. WM if, LUCRETIArFor any Mrfit or heavy D Ay superfluous hair, this will never fall Ha & X y&Sa an(J !t lE unsurpassed. Got one ounce KM flsK:vv'-A, of simple sulfo solution. This you can Sfl 4Hii''yfiJ seL at al,y dn,2 storo for one dollar. Kg WMiUfMk Apply It with the finger tips H it.fVWWl the superfluous hair, H -5- ,jJs?SSr4iK keeping the hair moist with flU lfip8Mv until it has been dissolved. Wm Then wipe it off with a H sgHHHHHKiHl da,"P cloth and wssh the H By Valeska Suratt A FEW days ago I received a letter f from one of my readers, stating that she had been using two of my formu las which 1 had published In these col umns. One was for removing wrinkles ajid the other for beautifying the face and arms. She said she had received no benefit. Fnrtber along in the letter she made tho remark that sho had been "using the formulas faithfully for a week or ten days!" Imagine, a woelc or ten days! Once In awhile a letter of this kind received makes me feel as though some people need guardians. But happily I am not beset with very many exhibitions of surh lack of good Judgment. The formulas T give I have- almost been impelled to call little miracle work ers, not in the sense that they produce their results In a week or ten days, for that would be ridiculous, but in their positlveness of action. Faithful use of these formulas for a reasonable length of time will nevor fall to make you wonder at their power. Much of my mail contains requests for my sure wrinkle eradlcator for wrinkles little, wrinkles deep, wrinkles few, wrinkles by the thousand, crow's feet, deep lines, and Magging checks. For all these, the folowing formula is absolutely unequa"lcd: Pour half a pint of hot water In a bowl and place the bowl in a pan of water over a slow fire. To this add two ounces of eptol. Stir until It Is dissolved and starts to cream. Then remove from the fire, slowly add two tablespoonfuls of glycerine, and continue to stir until It Is cold. Eptol may be obtained for no more, than fifty cents nt any good drug store. This cream should bo applied very liberally and thoroughly nibbed Into tho skin until It lias disappeared: The cream will not grow hair on the face. Keep the cream In an air-tight Jar or bottle. 0 OBSTINATE Your muddy. freckly. spotty skin will clear wonderfully by using this mixture: Lot half a pint of water come almost to a boll. Add two tablespoonfuls of glycerlue. Keep stirring while adding ono ounce of zlntonc, until it is all dissolved. Then let It cool. If tho cream Is t(oo thick to pour easily from a bottle, thin It down with a little more hot water. The cream will be white and satiny. Mold a wot, hot towol to the face sev eral times for several minutes. Rub this cream on the entire face. Then wipe off with a soft, dry cloth. Then apply again and lot it dry on the face. ; Repeat this again nt night Any good druggist will lot you liavo zlntonc for about fifty cents. MRS. L. T. A. Tou will admit that Hfl a formula which will develop the bust IE 9 superbly even in cases of those who H fl have been mothers of several children W fl and who have lost almost all their de- ft fl velopmenl, must be a very remarkable Kg a product. This Is tho formula, try It: fffl In a half pint of cold water, dissolve Mm two ounces ruetono and half a cup of HI sugar, all well mixed together. Of this. n SJ take two tcaspoonfuls threo or four 9 BJ times a day In a wine-glass of water, M H a.fter your meals. The ruetono will flfl cost you one dollar at the drug store. HB SUSANNA ML O. Tour hair will ab- 19 solutely stop falling and begin to grow flfl most luxuriantly if you will use this: Hwfl Mix half a pint of alcohol with half a flfl pint of water. To this add one ounce WRm of beta-nuiuol. Shake thoroughly, and &m then It will be ready to use. If you All prefer, you can use Imported bay rum Hsflfl Instead of the water and alcohol. The IBB bota-quinol you can get at almost any mJm drhg store for not more than fifty mmm cents. This formula should ba applied IHfl very freely to the scalp after brushing flfl it generously for a few minutes all flflfl over. Rub the tonic thoroughly Into tho flfflflj scalp with the finger tips. Bflflj A shampoo is exceedingly important. fifl "Do not use soup on your hair. Eggol. Hfl which you can get at any good drug- flflfl gist's for twenty-five cents, is surprls- BH ing In Its action In ridding the scalp Kfl of every particle of scurf and foreign flBflfl matter, which nothing else, not even flMffj scrubbing can do, fljHI CONSTANCE The blackheads around HfH the mouth and' chin or on any part of flKMflf the face can be quickly eradicated. fifl First wash the face with hot water Kflu and soap. Then sprinkle some neroxin fljjMflJ generously upon a sponge made tret fflafl with hot water. Then rub well for a flUB? few minutes on the parts of the skin JJKWI which are affactod with blackheads. flnfl You should be able to secure the ner- flfl oxin at any druggist's for fifty cents. BJ PIMPLY FACE -Tho pimples you Have Hfl win vanish and no more will appear. mSm Dissolve twelve ounces of granulated su- wfl gar In one-half pint of water, add one aflPj ounce of sarseno, and mf: the whole to- jfljl gethcr thoroughly, then add more water w3 i to make a plnf, Sarseno Is a liquid flBBj j whioh you con get at the drug store by Hi ' the ounce. Got it In the original pack- fp?f i age. Take one or two teaspoonfula of fl'1 this mlxluro throe or four times a day, H 'r with a little water If desired. Advertise- , meat. r '! hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhI