Newspaper Page Text
E SALT LAKE ''"R'BUISE, MONDAY MOKNIiNG, MAY 25, 1913. JE7rwSS barber SK Kt lad w!d water In TErf eid'J camp; has nv-T-'Srf etc-! excellent tftHci an lh ,mal1 Xa?r Etf DESIRES STATE KteTiii. Mart have selling Kk4l asjotitlonible proof fl'Eri todil responsibility. LKsa Attractive duties. JETft Interview re KjjlrtWititlntr experience, mKif- Z 11 3Iawon- ,ifcima Cf ESTAB tcjl:.tu;,lot8 of work 7JiS Ml, Tribune, b3SS7 QjHt S&H loatlon, long or 1 flKa ta!r st 3391 24lh st, &jHpb?s mid parlors, clt, mJH(& IV five com jgHpMelia our methods are jBnvr apidicce with only tHnkv & TRUST CO.. "WylttBouth. m266t 'jarat. uy line, without Meat, on loans mada dr our own money. gf SwliW Co., aion Fi I, ud 10 West First nll53 WUIURIED PEOPLE 5s ttdr m namei; cheap Wqaotj , ceandentlaL D, HL Ulu bldg. el200 B AXD UP; LOW 'H5J sia: it- Phono 27, : 0123 5EAL ESTATE. Sti "tn & Trust Co., 303 0321 f3264 5" Dr & Vlele. 803 7 18 niV.SP10: busi. p WHker Bank bid". dl575 t rut ad,. fife: !im ss VO bfE9 i si. Cora?an jkt rr D2620 ' F0R SALE REAL ESTATE BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS ' ' COMPANY, 32S MAIN ST. v-w 5-room ' bunsaliw. J?S finished; v m r nottled pressed brick, maplo bu t In buffet, fireplace and book ',crJ' I t claw plumbing. cemented foment and furnace, largo front porch, hack porch and sleeping porch, sewer. nnd walks: n. complete, home. Price f3a6S00: term " 5650 cash, balance $35 per inorrth. Located near paved Htreot. N-0 770 Gth are.: has an old i-room hrlck I ouse which can he remodeled at , 1 cost- The lot Is GGxlGo and l.s S.rth nil we ask for the ent re prop rm??2500 on easy terms. Walks, water nnd 'ga' I n;TiMfiil new 5-room bungalow with h water heat; on Sin ave. $4500, $500 cash balance on easy monthly pay ments. Verv fine 6-room, 2-story home on 7th .... . "built of brick; has hot water heat, sleeping porches, full cement basement: n i eleRaht home; $5500; will take lot as part payment. No S5P 2nd ave.; a real bargain: 6 room's on first floor: built of brick; fine lot In lawn; .$3000. on terms. Very well bulk 5-room modern brick cottage on West 2nd South . for $2200, ou easy terms. A cosy S-room frame on rCxlG5-icot lot all In garden, trees and flowers: for $1250, J300 cash, balance easy monthly payments. Located southeast. When you are ready to build that home, see us. If you own a lot, you need no cash, but can make easy month ly payments. We write fire Insurance that insures. BETTILTON HOME BUILDERS CO. Was. 2030. Was. 2031. b379S ' "REAL BARGAINS." Elegant 5-room, strictly modern resi dence which cannot be duplicated for less than $4760, at a reduction of $1000. price now being $3750. Full basement under house that Is a daisy, equal in conve nience lo 3 rooms. Location, 212 West 7th South. 6-room residence and barn, together with 5x10 rods of ground, for only $2500, or Just what the ground is worth without the Improvements. No. 54 North 7th West. Phone Nos. 501 or 221.T Wasatch to see through residence 212 W. 7th South. No excuse for rontlns: when such snaps can bo had. Positively the greatest bar gains to be had In the city today. b2C90 BY OWNER. SOME NICE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE, CHEAP, BE TWEEN FIFTH AND SIXTH SOUTH. ON 13TH EAST, BY MRS. M. HOWELLS. ROOM 12, HENAGER BLDG.. 49 SOUTH MAIN. D563 WE HAVE SEVERAL SPLENDIDLY I BUILT HOMES IN CHOICE LOCA TIONS IN CITY THAT WE CAN SELL YOU ON PAYMENTS JUST LIKE RENT. HOUSES TO RENT. LIST YOURS, UTAH SECURITIES CO.. 379 SO. MAIN. WASATCH 2444. b20S2 OWNER WANTS TO SELL 20 acres fine garden land, fenced, close to city. Easy terms. $4250. 22 acres, Joins a city, good water right, large bearing orchard, frame house. Sell or exchange. $G000. 4-room modern brick, southeast, close to car line. $1900. 5 acres good land, small frame house and stable, 5-wlro fence, 5-acre water right, flowing well, lucerne. Cash $750 ROOM 420. ATLAS BLOCK. b3502 BY OWNER, 8-room modern, summer kitchen, toilet, bath, furnace, cellars, etc. Lot 54-ft. front and 165 fl, deep. Lawnn and rose garden. Situated opposite Liberty park. Inquire Hyland 2328. b3509 OPENING OF CARET ACT LANDS: 4000 ncres; drawing Juno 10th at Leadorc, Idaho. Land and water, $30.50 per acre; $3.25 cash, twelve years on balance. With first drffrrrri nnvmftnr In 1916. Water readv for delivery. Filing can be made by proxy. Lands will pro duce grains and hay abundantly, and pnor great opportunity for stock rais ing. For descriptive booklot, address Keating Carey Land Company, Lcadore. ga"Q. b3G7S A GREAT SNAP, o-room brick houso and big lot, ap proximately 100 foot square a corner at "ia South and Eleventh East. Only Make offer. Very easy terms. -60 mortgage thereon can be assiunod. J?5?mFXeeman Mornlngslar early. rUTTLE BROTHERS. INVESTMENT BANKERS, 153 Main St. b3G0fl EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. ELE gant modem residence which cannot bo less than $3250.00. Land well Jorth $1500.00. Price now la $3850.00, For few days will accept S3G00.00. Terms. No. Z12 West 7th South. Phono W. 501 or 2213 to soe through, b366 AJ"R09M. HOUEE, WITH BATH, CE ito?P , ,)aaement, hot air furnace. v; P ublng, largo attic, largo lot, Sti?barn ml othcr outbuilding. In n5,t c."Iitlon. Desirable location, HLib5jr&r J?ark- 845 rk st. Phono hyland 349G-W. Terms easy. b2728 H( REAL BARGAIN, fmnf llZ J110?0 B-room cottage with W ?nd,tack Porch, oplendld basement, furnace. latest plumbing, nlco nSr. ,Ka? .extra room in n-ttlc and vpvv fl?,UBn 1 mal;a othor rooms with rori ,VtUe e35tra expense. Lot Is ten WniirweiV, .wIth rlht f waV rear. fiaii iUon and built for owner, Will uirWT N? iroublo . to show you wough. Inqulro 371 Third avenuo. i RpSpENCE AND BARN of rUEibo bm ft)r ?2000.00. 5x10 rods ?2500 nnnd-rTTV,orUl ?5'00 Pr rod, or diva ti T111 jwcept $2500.00 for fow hoin XTent?. JL room nuild another rosld,.0- North 7th wflt. tbo best sot iL f I213' GrQb 11 'l"ick for you th lh J'nProvomenta for nothing. Is ealns nn ?XCUS? jo rent when such bar Kaina can be obtained '?7777 b3Gl B!5GnT tBUITG LOTS. CLOSE trees walHS' C,lly v'tliov' Term. ctiS "no bomeH; only 5275. Ztfr ,Rom 20 Continental ttlonal Bank Building. b3719 8hPn.?rC0-'VVOlral WSOO-CLOSE bo. i hot 6;,lotn modern pred brjck; hi I'oJ 1 11,1(1 C0,(I water, toilet, alnk il00PBhy,J!cct1,10 1,KhU, otc' Terms 1 caBh ?2 Per mo 6 per cent Inter- C GIlvR' ,RT?om 120 Continental National Bank Building. b37J7 7"?r?i?RED MESSED BRICK MOD rlght:0?,v.,iuV1 B"nner kitchen; lawn; 'Kiu of way to alley. 03G So. 0th East. b37S5 MnSKIwiiii 7-n?0M 1 iorsi-j AT SACRI- "o. will exohangc. 129 H. isiti Piaal bSti'JV FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. t Beautiful Bungalows and Pretty : Cottages. BARGAINS. 4-rooiri modern buff brick cottage, dose to Ninth East, with a large lot and south front; ocmont walks nnd basement; screened In back porch and good front porch; bund kitchen; electric fixtures, and a now home. Sli0 cash. $25.00 per .month. Price, $2500. 4- room mottle brick cottage on Fourth Last, close In. with a good lot and cement walks and base ment; lawn, shade trees; modern; good, large rooms; electric llx iuH:s nml 1,1 first-class shape. 200 cash. $25.00 per month. Price. $2760. 5- room mottle brick bungalow, close - to inth East and largo lot: ce ment walks and basement; screened In back porch and sleeping porch; enameled buffet kitchen, wainscoted dining room, built-in mantel and bookcases, enameled bedrooms, with largo clothes closets, linen closet: large bath and medicine chest: beauti ful electric fixtures; it is new and never been occupied; this is tho best buy southeast. $500 cash. $30.00 per month. Price, $3150. 5-room mottle brick bungalow, close to Ninth East and south front, with large lot. cement walks and full cement basement: screened In back porch and largo front porch; buffet kitchen, wainscoted dining room with imitation leath er; built-in mantel and book cases; china cabinet in dlnine: room: plato rail; beautiful elec tric fixtures; sleeping porch. This is a beautiful bungalow In every -respect. $500 cash. $30.00 per month. Price. $3400. 5-room cottage close to the new high school, with a good largo lot and excellent location; lawn; cement walks and basement; screened in back porch and large front porch. 1 no back 5ard is nicelv fencpH. i ou can pick your own mantel for the living room. The rooms are large and It is strictlv mod ern, with stairway In and room for more rooms upstairs. Look at this nice little cottage. $250 cash. $30.00 per month. Price, $3400. 5-room bungalow on the northeast bench and in an excellent loca tion, with a large lot: cement walks and basement; lawn; re ception hall; built In mantel; largo dining room and bedrooms: good sized bath: furnace: screened in back porch and large front porch: electric fixtures; gas. $800 cash. $30.00 per month. Price, $3850. HOFFMAN. BROTHERS LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY. No. 22 East First South. Wasatch 244. ' bSSOO A SPLENDID LITTLE HOME FOR THE POOR MAN. A good 3-room house, large barn, ce ment chicken . coop, wagon shed, 27 fruit trees, nice lawn, flowing well, lot 75x125 feet; good buggy goes with tho place. Located across the river near North Tem ple St., 1 block from car -line. All for $300. A good 4-room brick house, corner 11th East and Browning ave., J'u6t south of 10th South; lot 371x125 feet; sidewalks paid for in full. Goes for $1600. $200 cash, $15 por month. Near Bagloy's store on the county road, several fine farms choice summer homes. Plenty of water and well im proved with fruit trees, houses, barns, chicken coop, etc. The one consists of 7 acres, price $4000. The other. 3 2 acres, prlco $7000. Be very glad to show thoso properties to any bona fide buyer. For $4000. on easy terms, can sell a splendid G-room modern brick residence, on 2nd East near Gth South. It's within walking distance to center of city and as chcup as the same kind of a house would sell for 2 miles farther out, I own the corner Second ave. and Q st. It's a beautiful spot. Will build any kind of house on those lots at very rea sonable terms. You can uso your own plans. Have many good homes for sale In all parts of the city. Don't be bashful let me show you. Wo have 7 per cent money to loan on Improved Salt Lake Real EBtate. We will write your Flro Insurance policy, cither on your home or your furni ture. If you are not lnsurod, you ought to be it costs but very little. A. RICHTER, 73 Main St. Phone Was. 641. b38G3 McKELLAR REAL ESTATE & IN VESTMENT CO. INVESTMENT BANKERS. $500 FREE 5500 FREE $500 FREE That is what you got whon purchasing one of our cosy cottages in HOafESTTE ADDITION, the garden spot of the southeast. They ar selling faster than we can finish them, for tho simple rea son that nowhern else In the city can you secure their equal at our prices and bur unufiiml easy terms. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE ADDITION Is located on 5th East, Just north of WttiidnmerH. Take tho Wandamero car today to 13th South, walk a short dis tance west and f-:-f; what we are doing in HOMESITE ADDITION. Seeing Is believing. If. the arrangement of tho cottages wo are now building do not suit you, wo will build ono to suit you. IN HOMESITE ADDITION you have cement walks, trees, graded stroetp, clcc. lis., telephone and FREE WATER. All lotn arc nicely fenced. $50 CASH and balance monthly, like vjiU, will place you in a now home of your own. Now Is your chance. Act today. Save tho monov you ore mow throwing away for rent." Let us show you how easy it lo to got a homo of. your own. McKELLAR REAL ESTATE & IN VESTMENT CO. INVESTMENT BANKERS. Ehtb. 1902. i""7- 13 13' ' Capital $250,000 , 0- and 403 Walker Rank Building. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ... - ' ;'V WALTER ROMNEY, 32 MAIN STREET. . ON THE EAST BENCH AND BOUNDED BY EM ERSON HEIGHTS ON THE EAST, PROGRESS HEIGHTS ON THE SOUTH AND LIBERTY HEIGHTS ON THE NORTH. I AM OFFERING VERY CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, 50XIG5 FEET. FOR ?G50 IF TAKEN AT ONCE. 5-FOOT CEMENT WALKS AND CITY WATER INCLUDED. TERMS TO SUIT. ONLY FOUR OF TWELVE LOTS LEFT WHICH WE AD VERTISED LAST SUNDAY. LO CATED ON LAKE STREET AND A SHORT DISTANCE NORTH OF TWELFTH SOUTH. $450 FOR 40X165 FEET. ON TERMS MOST REASONABLE. A BRAND NEW FIVE-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN RED BRICK BUNGALOW. OAK FLOORS. MANTEL, FURNACE. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND BUILT-IN BOOKCASES. LOT 374X157 FEET. LOCATED ON TENTH EAST AND BROWNING AVENUE. PRICE $3900. CASH $500. BALANCE TO SUIT. WALTER ROMNEY, WAS. 1430. b3813 ONE OF THE FINEST APARTMENT corners In tho city, 10x10 rods. 53x165 rods, another on Ea?t 5th South, near In, only $3500. 5x12 rods on 9th East between 1st and 2nd South; a, bargain. 50x99 feet on Automobile row: fine site for garage. 5-room brick house on 6th East, .only $2000. A bargain. 160 acres of land, Llttlewood, for sale cheap or trade. 60 acres lot in fall grain and alfalfa, best water right 13 acres, all in crops, 7-room brick house and best water right. 10 acres, lot of fruit, good house, horse and buggy and implements, only $2500. Best terms on this. Hotel of 100 rooms, right In business center, for sale or trade. This Is a bar gain. JOHN REEVES, 222 Kearns Building. Hours 11 to 1 p. m. b3840 CLOSE IN AND CHEAP. 5-room new modern brick house, on paved street, walking distance, south east. All special taxes paid and a bar gain at $3300. $300 cash, balance like rent. 7- room modern brick house, two blocks from city and county building: large lot, lawn, etc. This Is a close-In snap at $3750, and terms to suit. East on 2nd So. at., an elegant 7-room 2- story brick house; large lot. full ce ment basement, sleeping porch, etc., $7000, and easy terms. Wo have anjthlng you want in way, of a house in any location, and cheap on easy terms. A snap In a. few east bench lots on tho 15th East car line at $125 each and up; $10 cash, $5 a month. J. L. DENHAM CO., Was. 41B3. 313 Main St. Was. 4133, b3879 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE, strictly modern, 170 G st., $4500. 10-room house for sale; lot 121x165 fU ISO G st.; corner lot; SS000. 8- rom strictly modern brick house and a G-room brick, partly modern; also 3- room frame, gas and light, corner G and 5th ave.; lot 5x10; $11,000. A new 8-room bungalow, all modern conveniences, 524 5th ave., $6300. A snap. v 3 big lots for sale, comer of 11th South and 7th East, 5700 per Jot. Lots for sale facing 11 lb South be tween 2nd and 3rd West, 2 fronts, $200 per lot. and will build to suit. Apply O. C Hanson, 65 W. 2nd So. b3S33 14 PER CENT NET. 14 PER CENT NET IS WHAT THIS BUILDING WILL RAY ON THE INVESTMENT. The price Is only $7500, and wo will loan you $5000 at 7 per cent to assist you in making a purchase, and you may pay us back monthly If you prefer. The building consists of four apartments, with built-in buffets, disappearing beds, gas ranges, gas heaters, linoleum on tho kitchen and bathroom floors, shades to all windows, a large front and back screen porch, largo basement with sep arate storo rooms for each apartment. The building Is now and occupied; largo lot; an excellent renting location. If you are looking for a profitable Investment, let us talk to you and show you this P BETLYONariOMB BUILDERS CO. Was. 2030. 323 MAIN ST. Was. 2031. b3S0G "REAL BARGAINS." Elegant C-room, strictly modern resi dence which cannot be duplicated for less than $4750. at a reduction of $1000, prico now being $3750. Full basement under house that is a daisy, oqual in conve nience to 3 rooms. Location, 212 West 7th South. 6-room residence and barn, together with SxlO rods of ground, for only $2o00, or Just what the ground is worth with out the improvements. No. o4 North Phono Nos. Ml or 2213 Wasatch to see through residence. 212 W. 7th South. No excuse for renting when such snaps can bo had. Positively tho greatest bar gains to bo hud in the city today. b3S39 SALE OR RENT. -rm brick house complete, hot wa ter heated, electric and gas lighted. In stantaneous water heater, hardwood floors, largo rose garden, furnished or unfur- Two 'log- cabins, each forty feet squaro and 6x7 rooms each, at Brighton, Cot tonwood canyon; city nnd private? wa ter plants. I acres pines. Apply 150 State st. Verno Arnold. 1)3803 EQUITY HALF PPJCE HALF PRICE BARGAIN HUNTER. AHOY! Equity S1G09 in a modern 7-room brick, In excellent condition; coiuenlod base ment: Kewcr connected: garage and side walk: calling distance Rio Grande: walk ing distance up town: throe cor lines. Will soil equity for S850 or trade for east side lots- Owner. Y-53, Tribune. b3"03 5-ROOM HOUSE, CHEAP, 70-FOOT I front. 117 back; Waterloo. WJasateh 303S-W. "320 1 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved - . v. . . . ' '" ' '. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FR1TSCH, 201 AND 202 FELT BLDG. THE BEST OFFERS E-V-E-R M-A-D-E. 475 FEET ON 2ND SO. NEAR STH E. EVERYTHING PAID. $2625. 00 4lix10 RODS ON 2ND SO. NEAR 3RD E., ONLY 5000.00 CORNER, 100x140 FT.. STH E. AND STH SO., 3 BUILDING LOTS 3650.00 32x1 48 FT., ON 2ND SO. NEAR ' 7TH E.. $58 PER FT 1350.00 75-FT. LOT NEAR LIBERTY PARK. EVERYTHING PAID.. 750.00' 50-FT. LOT, 3RD E. AND 12TH SOUTH 460.00 40-FT. LOTS ON 13TH E., BE TWEEN UNIVERSITY AND NEW HIGH SCHOOL 800.00 40-FT. LOTS ON RESTRICTED COURT NEAR STH SO. AND . 10TH E. ALL, IMPROVE MENTS PAID. EASY TERMS. 350.00 GOOD HOMES FOR LITTLE MONEY. ANY FART OF THE CITY. 6- RM., STRICTLY MOD. BRICK, 1ST AVE. AND K ST..' $4200.00 7- RM. MOD. BRICK. 7TH SO. NEAR MAIN 3950.00 10-RM.. STRICTLY MOD. BRICK ON E. 2ND SO 6500.00 4- RM. BRICK, CORNER 1ST AVE. AND "O" 2100.00 5- RM.. NEW7, MOD. FRAME ON W. TEMPLE, ROOM FOR STORE ON CORNER. ACROSS FROM SCHOOL. VERY EASY TERMS. ONLY 3500.00 SMALL FRAME HOUSE, ON FINE CORNER. 50x135 600.00 FRITSCII, 201 AND 202 FELT BLDG. . .. ' -.'" 'c' . :'- '-A. ,' '' ' v b3712 FRITSCH. 201 AND 202 FELT BLDG. LOOK AHEAD, MR. INVESTOR. BUYING NOW MEANS PROFIT LATER. 76x120 ft., near Llborty park, only.$ 750 50x113 on 2nd E.. near Cleveland avenue 700 50- foot lots. 3rd E. and 12th South. 450 51- ft. lot on Kensington, near 2nd East 900 10-foot lots on Brook ave., east of 9th East 650 411-foot lots betw. 7th and 8th E.. near 2nd South 550 391-foot lot on L st., near 9th ave. S50 50x140, on 5th E. paved street 1.600 INVESTMENTS CLOSE IN. 2jxl0 rods, 2nd South near 3rd E-, imps, all paid, per ft $123 43x7 rods. 3rd So. near 2nd E all imps, paid for. per foot 217 SixlO rods, 1st So. near 5th E. St., all imps, paid, per foot 109 FRITSCH.. 201 AND 202 FELT BLDG. b2S09 FOR SALE JUST LIKE PAYING RENT. BUNGALOW. SHINGLE. Five rooms, modern. largo flower gar den, chickens. Fifth East is being paved, remember, to 12th South, and thlB place la corner Gth East and Kensing ton ave. Dr. W. S. Hudson. Phone Hy land 1666-W, or office, 603 Boston Bldg. 1)2798 FOR SALE 4 LOTS AT A BARGAIN in Hollywood, on State street, if taken at once. Inquire of tho Spere Tent and Awning Mfg. Co., 272 So. West Temple. D3782 OWNER, LEAVING C1ITY. WILL SAC rlflce beautiful modern residence; choicest residential section, First ave nue; large lot, garage, sleeping porches. Your own terms. Z-20, Tribune. b3054 ASHTON & JENKINS. REAL ESTATE. loans and Insurance. 47 Main street. Phone Waaatch 780. m3072 SEE US ABOUT THAT NEW HOME. Wa will design and build it for you and you can repay tis monthly. Modern Hotnu Building Co., 421 Dooly block. r3B8S WE BUY. SELL. EXCHANGE, RENT and manage real estate. See us. Mu tual Home Purchasing Co., 327 Mclntyre bldg. Wasatch 2726. nl310 "WE SELL REAL ESTATE. THAT'S all." Tuttle Bros. Co.. 169 Main atrcet. f2249 6-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE, 5 acres ground; 3rd East and 12th South. Easy payments. Apply Cud- Elec. Co. r721 MY 6-ROOM BRICK HOME. FUR nlshod, $2400. Less without furniture. Easy terms. 345 Fifth ave., Waterloo. Hyland 3297, bl607 CATTLE RANCH FOR SALE CHEAP. 8000 acres: excellent range; fine springs and streams of water; hundreds of acres of good drv farm land; all within 45 miles of Salt Lake City. Apply 1133 East 3rd South. Phone Hyland 2S82-J. M424 A" SNAP A BEAUTIFUL MODERN home cheap: don't overlook thia oppor tunity. Hyland 2303-J, 246 So. 10th East. bl076 $1050 FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. S. E Terms. 31250 Five-room modern brick, east. $2350 Five-room modern brick, h. o. $125 lots near City park. Tonus. . B. J. HUFF. 405 Atlas Block. b3S59 AN OPPORTUNITY. 12-room house, strictly modern, full basement, largo lot, Incomo $125 a mo. Price $7500. fiichidlng property and fur nishings; $1500 down. bal. $10 a month. One block from city nnd county bide ROSS C. DAVIS. 113 So. Main. b3S23 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved "REAL BARGAINS." Llegant 5-room. strictly modern resi dence which cannot be duplicated for loss than $4750. at a reduction of $1000, price now being $3750. Full basement under house that is a daisy, equal In conven ience to three rooms. Location, 212 West Seventh South. Six-room residence and bam, together with 5x10 rods of ground, for only $2500. or Just what the ground Is worth without the improvements. No. 51 North Seventh West. Phone Nos. 501 or 2213 Wasatch to see through residence 212 West Seventh South. No excuse for renting when such siiupb can be had. Positively the greatest bar gains to be had In the city today. 1)2690 BY OWNER. 7-room buff brick house with Iare barn, nicely Improved. A bargain. 1895 o. State. s4427 IF YOU HAVE A BARGAIN IN REAL estate, we can sell it. If you want a bargain, we have It- J. L. Denham Co., 343 Main. Wasatch 4133. b3080 ' BEARS INVESTMENT CO. Have moved to 25 E. 4th So.. Grand Hotel building. We have customers for building lots, s. e., city. What have you for sale? Q1009 FOR SALE LOTS NOS. 631 AND 632. plat A. Hyland Park add.: buy from owner; will give terms. Write J. F, EI sea, Potlatch. Idaho, b3397 2 LOTS, 30x136 TO ALLEY. AND 40 acres: close to town; can pay one-half In labor, balance easy terms. Bransford. 64 W. 1st S. b3371 4-ROOM HOUSE ON 11TH SO., $1100; small payment down, balance $14 per month. Addison Cain. Hyland 2090. b3289 A BARGAIN. For sale by owner well-built 4-room modern cottage, 1 block east of beautiful Liberty park. See owner, 1195 So. Sth East. 8-R. MOD. BRICK RES.; TERMS. SEE owner, 724 E. 5th So. st. b2391 Kal Estate to Exchange 2 modern houses, close In. and some choice vacant property, to trade for closc-ln. Improved property, suitable for boarding house: will pay difference. Apartment houso, 4 apts., paying 15 per cent net. $8500. Will take 5-r. mod., southeast, as part payment Choice farms to trade for city property- Bettllyon Home Builders Co., No. 323 So. Main Sst. b3S07 I WILL TRADE A $5000 EQUITY IN 3x10 rods of ground with 14-room modern house, two and one-half blocks from Hotel Utah, for a smaller un encumbered home of equal value. My place makes an excellent private room ing house, with rental Income of ,$120 per month. Sufficient vacant land for apartment house, but too large for me to handle. What have you to offer? Y-49, Tribune. b3494 ALL OR PART DESIRABLE INCOME property on 7th E bet, 2nd and 3rd So.; 4-apt. bldg., 6-rm. cottage on prop erty. Will take as part payment 4 or 5-room mod. house. Terms to suite: make offer. Was. 1698. bl257 REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE. A 40-acre improved farm in Sanpete county for good property in or near Salt Lake City. Address S-59, Tribune. h799 CORNER 7-ROOM MODERN BRICK house for sale or trado. 376 South 8th West. bl015 WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR LAND OR lots 5-passenger. 4-cyllnder automo bile. 200 Scott bldg. Phone W. 195. bl954 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN PRESSED brick cottage; will oxchango for prop erty in Lansing. Michigan, or will sell at a. bargain. Address C. W. Miller, 15 Ex change place, Boston building, city. b27SG WILL TRADE MY EQUITY OF $7000 IN 2 houses, ono double house, renting for $50 per month, the other hns been rent ing for $7S. furnished, both on east side, one in walking distance, half block cast or Main street, for a $6000 cottage on east side. Address Z-57, Tribune. , b3S74 20 ACRES LAND LOCATED KLAMATH county, Oregon: will trade for automo bile. Z-21. Tribune. b3SS3, Abstracts Title Insurance UTAH SAv:iNGTX'Tltul:T furnish abstracts and title insurance, attend to all details In transferring ana mortgaging land titles. Capital, $300,000. 235 Main. s2529 WALLPAPER CLEANING homeapeJr' work; reasonable prices. OfTIco, 122 E. Broadway. Was. 3154. d3179 UTAH PAPER CLEANING CO. OFFICE Salt Lake Glass & Paint Co. Ex. 400. Res.. Was. 2010-W. r742 WANTED WALL PAPER TO CLEAN: prompt and reasonable. Phone Hyland 1051-W. rl203 PAINTING, TINTING, PAPER CLEAN inr paper hanging, 35c roll. M. Ba sarek. C06 West First South. bl070 GUARANTEED IDEAL PAPER AND tint "cleaning." like new. Call Wes ley. Was. 1064-J. b2266 FOR PAINTING. TINTING. PAPER cleaning, etc., call Wasatch 5270-W. Estimates cheerfully given. b2350 GRIFFIN CLEANS WALLPAPER LUCE now. "If I streak I repaper." Do It tomorrow. Hyland 2703-W. b3952 PAPER HANGING, PAINTING AND DECORATING HAVETONERGITr PaSjTINgT paper-hanging, kalsomlnlng and wall paper cleaning. Jackson, 11 W. South Temple. Wasatch 2387. b3100 PAPER HANGING, PAINTING. KAL somlnlng, reflnlshinc' and general re pairing; best work and reasonable prices. Wasatch 4S24-J. bl34 D. J. CAMPELL, PAINTING AND paperhanglng, rooms papered, $5 and up. Was. 3420-R. b2S43 HAIR GOODS HAIR SWITCHES, WIGS. TOUPEES made to order. Sasso's Hair Factory, 218 Main. b34 Wigs and Toupees ALL KINDS OF HAIR WORK MANU factured. Idianer. expert wig maker. 151 Main. s866 MILLINERY MIsiT THOMPSON'S MILLINERY School Hata mado new; all branches of tho trado thoroughly taught; very reasonable terms: Investigate. Y. W. C. A. Educational bldg. Was. 118. b540 A NICE LINE OF MILLINERY AT THE Bungalow MllHnury Co.: remodeling a spcclaltv; plumes cleaned and dyed. 02 E. 4th S- s2?3 BUTTONS your own cloth. 119-31 Mercantile block. Wasatch 4G77. n1537 DIFFERENT KINDS OF BUTTONS made at Babbol's. Ladles' Tailors, 68 Wost Broadway. b33 CUSHIONS, UPHOLSTERING MATTRESSES AND SPRINGS RE paired. Salt Lako Mattresa ffc Mfg. Co. Phono 3299. pl555 FOR SALE FARM LANDS hjfj Farms and Acreage J j BLOSSOM ON THE HUM- jfgt BOLDT, LANDER COUNTY. Vm NEVADA, OFFERS YOU THE . ! Kg BEST CHANCE ON THE MAR- KET FOR A FARM AND INDE- jg PENDENCE. jg SOIL. CLIMATE AND EXCEL- J LENT MARKETS MAKE TOUR LAND PAY GOOD INTEREST '.fsp ON DOUBLE THE MONEY IT ) WILL COST YOU. WE GIVE YOU VERY EASY L'Je TERMS. WRITE FOR PAR TICULARS. WOOLF BROTHERS COMPANY, $fim SELLING AGENTS. l WALKER BANK BUILDING, 'HM SALT LAKE. uiJff b3714 iliHjj FARM LANDS. 'J CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILWAY LANDS. $5.00 TO $10.00 PER ACRE. BOX ELDER COUNTY. UTAH. ilHif ELKO COUNTY. NEVADA. Iji TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL LINES li'ity OF RAILROADS RUN THROUGH THIS ' ) LAND. TEN YEARS TIME TO PAY. , " H AND ONLY ONE-TENTH OF PUR- ",-'? CHASE PRICE DOWN. GOOD ':):. FARM LAND IN TRACTS OF 160 rt. ACRES OR .MORE TO SUIT PURCHAS- ! il; ER. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST BAR- ' kj GAIN IN GOOD LAND NOW OFFERED. i W IT WILL SURELY PAY THE HOME- '-ril SEEKER TO INVESTIGATE PARTICU- i LARS. 'Mi I- SOUTHERN PACIFIC LAND AGENCY. 15 WEST SECOND SOUTH ST. 'Wl SALT LAKE CITY. ilm i " - ; m " b3705 ; IF YOU ONLY REALIZED THE "'iff wonderful opportunities a Park Hilt Valley farm offers, you'd lose no f time getting one. j J' In just a few years men who ''Vl had practically nothing to begin .f fc with have gained an lndepen- I- deuce. .'ft You know that to accomplish t. such a thing In the city Is now )-' i almost Impossible. ' iG ; The prlco of Park Valley land ri Is only $15 and $17.50 per acre I ' Jtf fl on five years' time. Xf j The crops it produces are as i ' fine as are raised in jthe west. ( Gasoline pump wells furnish J j plenty of water. Climatic con- '; rj tlons are unsurpassed, : j $f : Drop us a card now for our !sj'i FRI5E booklet before you forget ' PACIFIC LAND & WATER CO.. 'l t 1509 Walker Bank Bldg. .'fl;.. "ill- b3S02 ; , : . -j. ( FA RMS ACREAGE. ! 7 j . Mr. Homesecker. Investor, Speculator -.t or Farmer, wo have a bargain for you. Three acres fine land on 7th East, 2 ; ,.ri ? blocks from end of Wandamere car line. j? i with 5 shares of water, old brick house, barn, .flowing well, etc., for $3900; terms. j '! 20 acres, splendid water right land ; In peas, tomatoes, etc., some alfalfa and . i,i fruit; 5-r. mod. brick, etc., near can- : jj ning factory; $0000. Take city property for part. i.j '- " acres fine land, South Bountiful, 3-r. ' ' : brick, large barn, 40 fruit trees, J acre ' ! asparagus. Only SIG00; terms. BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO. -i j WB5. 2030. 323 MAIN ST. Was. 2031. 'M ' b3S0S , -; J ' ., , U i SPECLVL FOR THIS WEEK. Ni S of nn acre, 14th So. and 11th East, two city blocks from car; nearly nil in fruit, large and small; good water right, t well. . good 4-room frame house, barn, , - chicken house for 300 chickens; a swell , - little TMacc. Price $1500, on very easy terms. ' '. We have some big bargains in HollI- ; ( day, from one to ten acres, on easy . terms; also extra large building lots on .' :':'t and near State street. $65 to $300 per lot; So down and $2.50 per month. 'i N. M. LONG CO., 309 Kearns bldg. -! b3624 ' ) CHICKEN RANCHES. FARMS AND ' : .-; SUBURBAN HOMES. " i You deal direct with owners. We act ' j as advertising ngents only to bring buy- J ; ers ana sellers togetner. 5 WILLIAMS BROS., ,' , i MURRAY. UTAH, l J ; PHONE MURRAY 283-J. b3482 .'-tTi . FOR BALE. California stock ranch. 250 miles north t1( : of Los Angeles, containing 8374 acrei: ? rolling hills and small valleys with nu- ' meroun springs of good water. -75 per cent . v I ' . of this land can bo cultivated; gbod ap- :.. $ plea aro growing on the land. Improved j ' ' with largo ranch houso, large barn, stock i. ; scales and corrals. Tho oil rights are re- j ; f served to the present owners. Absolute ! ' -i . :. title. Prlco $100,000; reasonable terms. j . ; ' See or write one of owners. M. Kinney. ; ! G14 Story bldg., Los Angelc3. Cal. b33Q0 - i ,j! 3ACRES NEAR 14TH SOUTH AND js V State, very cheap. Seo owner, 308 'i, Utah Savings &. Trust Co. Bide. b2533 . : 1 A BARGAIN ONE ACRE, CLOSE TO .j car, half In orchard, part bearing; , t"i v beautiful home situ; terms. 17th East , ,:'?, and 12th South. Hyland 3097-W. bll37 I ' -i . j? ;i UTAH LAND. "THE BEST IN THE ' . i west." Excellent bargains, farms. ? ,J . ranches, colonization tracts. Homestead !; ;, Jf locations on government land. ', : f WESTERN LAND CO.. 212 Judge bide. ' ; - A k b2is ::,: TWO SNAPS NEAR DELTA. rifif' S 320 acres.near Oak City on county road. ! !j i Canal through property: within 10 miles "j 9 of railroad station. Relinquish, $2.50 per & acre. .i-'S a SO acres unimproved school land, drain ,tl!irr to river, near railroad station, $15 acrp. hH S WESTERN LAND CO., 212 Judge Bids. WVhjl JBANKSA j J ; M'CORNICK & CO.. iS BANKERS. ;TJrl SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. fm ' 1 ESTABLISHED 1873. zi'Jl m M r IRON WORKS ( if I joedeveyTiunufacturer of i ; all kinds of Iron work. Bids and estl- ' mates gladly furnished, 213-5-6 Edison sleet. Wasatch G190. bSI3 I