Newspaper Page Text
I, ... ' . THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1913. IN i OGDEN DEPARTMENT ( OFFICE 2562 WASHINGTON AVENUE. PHONE GG4. Offlco Hours-6 a. m. to 10:30 p. ni.; 3 p. m, to 8 p. m. I'M LOSES HIS REASON ; j WHEW CROPS Fill I I Aspiring to Study Music, J Young Farmer Becomes A Maniac. ' Special to The Tribuno. OGDEN, May 26. An unusually pa thetic ease of mental lapse was brought - in the. attention of the local county au " thorlties today when Deputy Shcrllt E i T. Rowlands of Evanslon, Wyo., arrived in the city in chaise of Milton H. Coz zens of Basin. Wyo. The ofilcer Is on his way to "Evanston, where Cozzens will be placed In the atate mental hospltul. Failure of the crop3 which would have , made it possible for Cozzens to iako a I much desired course In music Is believed 10 have transformed the man from a I hard-working farmer Into a raving ma , nJac. He was' engaged in dry farming .1 in northern Wyoming and hud worked i hard In preparation for harvesting' this i season's crops, which would make it. pos ' sible for him to take up his study of ; music next fall. When the crop was a complete failure thn effect upon the young man was very depressing. He re sumed his work again this spring, how ever, but the collapse resulted after a tew weeks of strenuous work, i Although only 22 years old, Cozzens is I more than six feet in height and weighs 210 pounds. His unusual muscular " ' strength, together with the serious do 1 rangement of the mind, makes him a pa ! tient unusually .hard to handle I-rom I the ranch to the nearest railroad sta tion ac Billings, Mont., It was necessary - I for the relatives to take the man over- land and It proved a strenuous trip. Dur- ! Ing the entire railroad trip from Billings I to this cltv, Coszens remained in a very i violent mood. It was necessary for I Deputy Rowlands to enlist the aid of I passengers on the train in strapping the ' ' man to a seat, i When they finally arrived here the of ficer was completely worn out and em . braced the opportunity to secure a few 1 hours' rest, placing his patient In the county Jail until this evening.' They de 1 parted for Evanston on board Union Pa ( cltic train No. I at 7 o'clock. During ' I he trips in n cub from and to the local station Cozzens could not be restrained j from singing and shouting at the top of his voice. I COOD WORK PROVED. I Students of Sacred Heart Academy Es tablish Excellent Record In Tests. Hpecinl to The Tribune. OGDEX. May 26. During the past , ' week the tests held In the various classes have proven boyond a doubt the excel Iriil work which Is being accomplished at the Sacred Heart academy. Civil 1 Kovernmcnl, a subject always important, j but of special interest In these days of ' radical changes, was discussed by the eighth grade pupils, who proved them selves familiar with the ruling of the na ' tlon. Those who excelled in their an- swers were the Misses A. Llnslcy, D. McClure. McConnell, F. Miller. E. Mc Nulty and G. Klsllngbury. , The second academics concluded their biographical outline study of English , i authors and gave evidence that they were interested In the mighty men who have achieved fame. A comprehensive ' i and thorough review was proof that these t young ladles might well lay aside their I textbooks, wherein facts of these au thors' lives were given, and devote their , time to the works themselves, realizing that the proper study of an author is through his works, The young ladies whose proficient work deserves mention arc the Misses Ruth Smith, Mary Hill and Florence Spiers. The botanists combined profit and V pleasure in their annual spring- Jaunt. spending a delightful day In the vicinity of the Hermitage, one of the most charming spots in Ogdcn canyon. The additional hours of pleasure came as a , reward Tor their efforts at preparing a literary programme, to which all of "the classes were invited. The majority of n , the papers were devoted to descriptive work. The members of the botanical i class are Misses Helen ICcnncy, Ida Sul tlc, M. Bangasser. F. Brooks, H. Clenry, M. Baum, M. Farr. L. Lcahv, T. Mur phy, M. Campbell, C. Gunnlp, L. Humph i rcy, F. Smyth. B. Murphy, S. Stoner. IS. Woodmansee. A. KirchofC and II. Colvln. I' ; Preparing Fine Foldor. Special to The Tribune. I OGDEX. May 2C The copy, for the most elaborate folder over issued by the ' Ogden publicity bureau will be read at the next regular meeting of the bureau directors. The new booklet will he is I sued by the passenger department of the I'nion Pacific railroad, the typographical appearance to be the same as that of an elegant folder recently issued by the 1 I road on the Yellowstone park canyon. ' The cover will be embossed in gold, while every page Is to be treated by the I tint-block method and printed on super- calendered paper. With a total issue of ' 20.000 copies, one-half of the nupiber will be distributed by the passenger trafllc department of the road. While the book- ' j lot will treat of Ogden In general, the canyon will be featured in both photo ' graphs and text. I' Ohoir Leader Going East. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN. May 2G. Prof. Joseph Ballan tyne, director of the Ogden tabernacle , i holr, has announced that he will go to j ' Xew York to study under some of the I noted musicians of America when the tholr rehearsals are abandoned for the ' J u.sual summer vacation. Professor Bal lantyne visited London for the same pur pose during the 1912 vacation. Upon his return next fall he will lake up active rehearsals for the choir's Panama-Pa -,' flric exposition tour In i!15. It Ib prob- .. si hie that the choir will also visit the 'i rfan Diego exposition during the same .1 '"car. ( IJ ' Graduates Present Play. Special to The Tribune. OGDEX. May 26. Another Important event of the Weber academy graduation week occurred this evening, when the members of the claaa who will be grad i ' tiated Tuesday evening presented their class play, "Mose." a three-act comedy, , at the Fifth ward amusement hall. It waH originally planned to present the I nlay at the academy auditorium, but the , ' Fifth ward hall afforded better staging facilities The production was witnessed ) by an audience which completely filled v t , the hall and was accorded the decision ,1 of being the best production attempted r , by an academy graduating class, t . . I, Cleaning County's Vaults. j 1 OGDEX, May 2G. The large vaultB at the Weber county building have been I equipped with a complete new set of steel ' k riling caseH, and County Clerk S. G. Dyo ' and his force of deputies are engaged ( j In going over the old records which have , i accumulated during the past ten or k twelve years. It will require Heveral days ' to examine tho tons or papers, conslst- ' ' ing chiefly of court records, and place ,rt them In proper filing order. V" Doctor Begins Tour. ; I OGDEN, May 2(1. With the Intention H. of spending several weeks In touring tho H . d eastern states. County Physician A. A. 1 . ItobinHon and wife departed yesterday H (, for Chicago. Before returning home. Dr. ' r Robinson will attend the annual ednven- J tlon of the American Medical association 1 , at Minneapolis, Minn., on June 11, 15 IS REAL BOOSTER FOR BETTER ROADS Big Attendance at Conven tion in Boise Next June Confidently Expected. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, May 26. Acting Secretary J. D. Larson of the Intcnnountuln Good Roads association and who is also man ager of the Ogden publicity bureau, has departed for Boise, Ida., to assist in mak ing further preparations for the annual convention which will bo held in the Idaho capital on June 10, 11 and 12. He will be absent from tho city several days, during which time all details of the ar rangements for the coming meeting will be thoroughly gone over by the acere taryjrand committees of the Boise Com mercial club. The enthusiasm aroused by the pre vious conventions and the lfiOO notices ! sent out for tho meeting next month leads Secretary Larson to believe that the six states comprising the association's territory will be represented at JBolse next month by not less than 1000 dele gates. The states Included In the scone of the good roads organization of the intcrmountaln region are Nevada, Wyo ming, Montana, Colorado and Utah. In the selection of delegates to the con vention the city and county officials throughout the entire territory have the privilege of appointing five representa tives each and the same right is extended to each improvement organization. In addition to these, the governor of each of the six states may appoint twenty delegates to represent the state at large. Lists of delegates already appointed are being received at the secretary's office dallv, the total number selected to date being nearly 500. In every case the dele gates are the representative good roads enthusiasts of each community. PLAN RESERVATIONS. Seats for Ogden City Schools Commence ment Can Be Secured Today. Special 'to The Tribune. OGDEX, May 26. Announcement was made at the offices or the Ogden city board of education today that the scats for the annual commencement exercises at the Orphoum theater on Thursday evening, May 2D, can be secured at the offices of the board in the city building after 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning. The usual reservations have bean made for the members of the alumni association and high school students, but those de siring tickets must appear at the offices in person. Another event Is planned for this, the final week, of school. The members of the freshmen and sophomore classes at the high school are arranging for an ex cursion to Lagoon on next Frldav. Tho final class sessions of the present school year will be held on Thursday, at which time the students will receive their credits. Superintendent John M. Mills is busily engaged In securing the names of teach ers and supervisors to contracts for the 1913-L1 school year. Ho lias been suc cessful up to the present time and there will be few vacancies to bo filled before the opening of the school year next fall. May Macadamize Road. Special lo Tho Tribune. OGDEX, May 26. Accompanied by Slnto Secretary David Mattson. the com missioners of Weber county made a trip over the proposed route of a road from i Thirty-third street to the territory em bracing the settlements of Roy, Kanes ville and Hooper. Tho trip, which was made at the close of tho commissioners)' regular meeting, was a tour of inspection to determine the. advisability of Improv ing the hlghway'by macadamizing. The commissioners appointed A. D. Fowers as the fifth delegate to represent 1 Weber county at the annual convention of the Intermountaln Good Roads asso ciation' in Boise on Juno 10, 11 and 12. The other four delegates were appointed at a previous meeting. W. W. Richard son, a special officer at the Glcnwood ball park, was appointed a deputy sheriff without pay. Insures Fair Treatment, Special to The Tribune. OGDEX. May 26. By working steadily all day today and late this evening. Su perintendent Wv N. Petterson of the We ber county public schools and his corps of assisting principals were able to com plete the marking of the examination papers of the 130 students who are. ex pected to graduate this year. The final examinations were taken by the students on Friday and Saturday of laiit week. To guard against any charge of fa voritism, no nnmes appeared on the pa pers, each student having been given a number. Superintendent Petterson ex pects to be able to announce the com plete list of the crraduates by Wednesday or Thursday. The annual commence ment exercises of the county schools will be held In the Ogden tabernacle on Saturday. Suspects Arrested. Special to The Tribune. OGDEX, May 26. As the result of a report that members of an Oregon Short Line freight crew had been shot at by tramps last night, the sheriffs deputies today rounded up seven men who were found In tho vicinity of tho railroad yards. Word has been received that the authorities of Brlgham City also have seven suspects. The men will be held until the members of the crew, upon their return to this city, have had an opportunity lo identify the guilty ones. II was reported to the officers that the shooting occurred when three men, who had boarded a northbound freight train In the local yards, were forced by the crew to leave the train at Harrisvllle. Several nhot.s are said to have been fired by the tramps, but none of the train men was Injured. Musicians Lease Park. Special lo The Tribune. OGDEX. May 26. The management of the recently organized American Federa tion of Musicians band has secured a lease on Sylvan park, the resort on "Wash ington avenue near the Ogden river, for the season. Although the deal was not closed until today, It Is the intention of the band management o have the park In readiness for the formul opening' on next Friday. Dancing parties are lo he given three times each week under the direct management of the local musical organization. Settles All Damages. OGD15X, May 26. Havjng made suit able settlement with the parties insti tuting the charge against him, the case of Jerry Dallon, charged with reckless driving, was dismissed by Judge W. I-L Rceder today. Dallon was arrested two weeks ago when Mm. W. Cragttn was knooked down and Injured by his horse. Mrs. Cragun has fully recovered. Ogden Men Will Help. OCDEX. May 26. As a member of the Ogden committee, Hagbart Anderson de parted for Salt Lake this evening to as sist In arranging the statewide testimo nial in honor CT the late Anton H. Pe dersen. a prominent Salt Lake musician. The other members of the local commit tee are Wlllard Scowcroft, president of the Ogden tabernacle choir, Joseph Bal lantytif;,. director of the choir, and Fred J. Klcael. OGDEN WILL HAVE YET AflfOTHER PARK OgHen River Bridge on Wash ington Avenue to Be Re built Next Year. Special to The Tribune. OGDEN, May 26. By accepting tho offer of United States Senator Reed Smoot, the city commissioners, at. their meeting tonight, added another park to the present system of municipal grounds. The board adopted Commissioner J. C. Nye's resolution accepting a small three cornered plot of ground at Five Points, and which has been donated to the city by the Utah senator for park purposes. Tho lot, which Is located between the Washington avenue and Tlnrrlsvlllo car lines, Is In the center of the village. The resolution of acceptance expressed the appreciation of the commissioners and also Instructed the park board to pro ceed Immediately with the Improvement of the lot. An artistic concrete bridge probably will next spring replace the present iron structure over the Ogden river on Wash ington avenue, according to a report sub mitted by Commissioner Nye, The com munication was in answer to tho petition of Mrs. Annio T. Dee and others, asking that the present bridgo bo widened. Commissioner Nye recommended that no action bo taken this year because the present structure cannot be made suita ble, also bocause of the fact that no funds arc now available. The commissioner believes that the proposed new bridge should be wide enough to accommodato two street car tracks, and with ample space on each side for vehicles and pedestrians. As there is urgent need ofl another river bridge in the vicinity of Wall avenue, he recommends that the present bridge structure be moved to that locality. The recommendation was approved by the board. Because the top of a desk Is being used for a table and the wash basin for a sink, Sanitary Inspector George Shorten appealed to the commissioners for more spacious quarters for the city health de partment. The limited space, according to Mr. Shorten, makes It Impossible lo successfully conduct the milk tests rec ommended by tho state health board. The matter will be considered by the com missioners in committee of the whole. Plee Industrial School, Special to The Tribune. OGDEX, May 2G. Suddenly leaving their work at tho school farm, Carl Bak er Nyman, aged 17 years, of Bancroft, Ida., and Harvey T. Bryant, aged 16 vcars, of Pueblo, Colo., escaped from the Utah Industrial school at 10 o'clock this morning. Thoy had not been appre hended at a late hour this evening. It Is believed that they are In hiding in the foothills not far from the school. Former Ogdenite Victim. Special to The Tribune. OGDEX, May 26. Through the news paper accounts of the accident, the Og den friends of Mrs. Frank Shaw and her daughter, Mrs. Fred Hess, have learned that Mrs, Shaw was one of the victims of the calamity at Long Beach, Cal., on Saturday. She was killed instantly when the municipal pier collapsed, and Kenneth Hess, her 8-year-old grandson and son of Mrs. Fred Hess, sustained a fracture of the leg. Granted License to Wed. OGDEX, May 20. County Clerk S. G. Dyo Issued a marriage license today to Charles Olsen of Morgan and Annie Jen son of Ogden, YEE FOOLUN, C. H. D., HERBS BRING RELIEF TO SALT LAKE WOMAN Kidney Trouble of Long Standing Re lieved by Wonderful Chinese Herb Treatment. Mrs. Josephine Larson of 50 Dopot aTcntio, Salt LaMe City, 1ms nddcil hor testimonial ot benefits received from tho Yeo Foo Lun, O. II. D., Chi nese herb treatmonl. For many years Mrs. Lar son ha suffered from trouhlo nnrt rheumatism ami, until rt fow Trcolcs nco, hd depended upon-'patcnt medicines nnd other means to bring relief. Following ft very nuvcro attack three weeks ago, M. Larson docldod to Jnvcstl-v gate, the Yeo Foo Lun, O. II. D., Chlnoio horh treatment. In tn Interview with a newspaper maji a few dnyK sgO sho odd: "Thoro lu no doubt that I lmvn heen honolltad greatly by tho Yeo Foo Lun Chlneso herb treat ment, and I fcol thai tho treatment will effect YEE FOO LUN, C. H. D. Original Chinese herbalist and founder of the Chinese Herb Institute, Denver. Salt Lake branch, 118 So. Main street, upstairs over Hlrschman shoe store. Phone Wasatch 6330. Special appoint ments at Hotel Utah. Hours Dally, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Sunday, 10 a. m. to 3 p, m.; evening, 7 to 8 o'clock. a complete cure in lime. Bnvcral yearn ago I began to bo bothered by kidney trouhlo and suffered frequent attacks, so sovaro that I will about my duties with difficulty. During that time T tried many patent medicines uud followed directions cloudy, but received uo noticeable relief. "About four weeks ago T grow euddnnly womc. Tho pain In my back was terrible and felt as thourjh a plnce of Ice wan bound against tho small of my back. T read Im the papers of the Yoe Foo Lun Chinese herb treatment and of tho curus It claimed In cases similar to mine. I visited the Institute and Investigated for my self. Ho far I h.ivo taken nlno treatments nnd already feel the benefits from them. Thoro la no denying th fact thai In my caso I havo been holped greatly by tho Yoe Foo Lun Chinese herbs." Thn Yeo Foo Lun. C. II. D. Chlntrn herb treatment Is especially designed for tho follow ing diseases: Catarrh. Bronchial Trouble, Throal Trouble. Lung Trouble, Chronic Cough, Tuberculosis or Consumption, Asthma, Hay Fever Malaria. Stom ach Trouble, Indlgestlnn, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Gastritis, Piles, Diarrhoea. Fistula, Heart ' Disease, Prlvatn Disease?, Wood Poison, (Inher ited or acquired); Sldn Disease, Eczema, Scorfula, Weak Men, Fomalo Troubles, Nervousness, In- 'somnla. Obesity, Kldnoy Trouhle, Bladder Trou ble, Lumbago, Bright' Dlncaau. Dlabotea. Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Dropsy, Dizziness, Head- ache. tcall at the Institute and get an Inter, estlng booklet, shovlng my professional standing and ability. Also full Information on HOW TO GET WELL IN NATURE'S WAY, WITHOUT DRUGS OR SURGI CAL OPERATIONS. Consultation free by presenting this no tice at the Vcc Foo .Lun, C II, D., Chi nese Herb Institute. I IS H. Main street, upstairs. Phone Wasalch 6030 CONTEMPT OF DANGER In a. recent magazine f.rticlc Lr. Woods lIuchinson says "scratches, pricks and insect; bites should bo treat ed with an3-tliinp but contempt. n And in this .iosllni; manner he makes a most serious statemont. Some germ or other is responsible for most forms oC malignant disease. These germs ontor our outer systems through iust such insignificant avenues as aro afforded bv insect bites, cuts or scrutcho8. To disregard tho possible ovil which might Tesult from these slight causes is foolhardy jii the ex treme And bocuuse you havo escaped the ravages of eerm disease up to now, don't imagine you aro exempt from it. You havo beon" lucky, that's all. Don't trust to luck. Nip troublo in the bud by destroying the germ. The daily use hi a Peroxide antiseptic as a mouth wash or douche, or applied lo cally to cuts, scratches or insect bites, will' do this promptly and cfl'ceti voly. Tho best to uso i3 IjISTO GIDN'. It gooa farther than Peroxide of Hydrogen, by uniting with that most efficient genu ' destroyer the remedial and anliseptic properties of Thj'mol, Menthol and Eucalyptol. These vahmble olemcnts take up the work where Peroxide of Hydrogen leaves off nnd with their help L1STO GYjN not only destroys the germ, but jr. some degree ropairs the damage that has boon done. ' Ask your druggfst for L1STOG-EN. Yo.i will dciight in the purifying, re; freshing sensation that it gives. 25 els., 50 els. and $1 a bottle at Drnehl & Frankcn. '-'The Busy Corner"; also the old stand. 271 So. Main st. (Advertisement.) jiuEitio rase TONIGHT EVERY NIGHT. luitd Sbws BIG OSTRICH FARM The White City Beautiful TONIGHT TONIGHT Kryptok? Two lenses ground with tho appearanco and comfort of a Blnglo lens. Columbian Optical Co. 337 Main St. Models and Crude Inventions Perfected 355 SO. STATE, SALT LAKE CITY. Wasatch 4601. Expert Safe and Vault Work. Special attention to Mail Orders and out of town safe work. IjH "The use of travelling U to regulate imagination by re- t?-i alltu. and intlead of thinking how things may be, to tea Jj-Y. (Y them ae theu are." Johnson. JL Hi L MaUo a Renlltr of tho Innd locked II T M T 8t' I'BwreDC0 route to Knropc. XI 1 TfiM Sailings Tucsdnys TAwff Irom MONTREAL & QUEBEC )$. W HY TZ1E nS5tt- "LAUR EMTIO" "MEQAHTIC" lEHftlCPjn "TEUTONIC" "CANADA" I I Aek the Nearest Agent rSl J for Particulars I UrsZ WHITE STflR-BQKUNIBN I SgSL HWE M'NjNEAPOLIS I BMIVE IT OUT I -Stfa Thn only sure way lo y '' Jcure rhoumallsm lo to f VI arlvc It out. Drugs don't ff do 'f' 'or you'vo trlml A j j tliom asiJ know, Uloc- nthd (( trlclly In tho remedy lllftwR VI "ial 'nes t'10 votU. IVVGR.I Elcctra-Vlta, applied VJ whtlo you sleap. will UJT if J J Imnl.ih tho pain forever T Cut out anil mall us tlila I XVijt ad- tor our tK fro )' liook about Klcctra- VSv! rUJ Thc Eloctra-Vita Oo. -A3rtFft Dept 18, ' Hm? 702 MARKET ST., TK-LrQ& San Francisco. ,v Every Woman iPj.lWV !s Interested and should feC ?Viai know about the wonderful ifM Marvel 'w DoucIie AskyonrdrusrclKtfor wwK It. If he ennnot sun- S'Wxfyrys ply the MARVEL, MfcPKy accept no other, but Mjj fii send stamp forbook. cJFJmJ) Marvel Co.. 44 E. 23d St., N.T. For tale by Schramm-Johnson, Drugs. o stores, and by Druehl Si Franken. suc cessors of Smith Dru; Co., also the old store, 217 South Main. Mall orders so licited. For Gonorrhoea and Gleet cetPabst'a Okay Specific. ItJstboONLY medicine which will cure each and every case. NO CASE known it has ever failed to cure, no matter how aerlouo or of how lone staadinr. KoBulta from its uso will astonish you. . Itiit absolutely oafc. prevents itricture6 0fc ffljn amlcsmbe taken without inconvcnicnceaJfinlulbfl and detention from business. PRICEr jFor Sale By SCHRAMM-JOHNSON TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK Matinees, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday E Henry W. Savage Off era mn Tho Tremendous Dramatic Spectacle 150 pEOPLE 150 Special Symphony Orchestra Prices livening, 50c to $2.00; Wed nesday and Friday matinees, 25c to $1.00; Saturday matinee, 25c to 51 DO. TrG Brandon Tynan Tlorcnco Stone And asHOciatc playcra present the great Bclasco production "THE CONCERT" Prices Night, 25c, 50c; matinee, I5e. 25c, 50c. Matinees Thursday and Saturday. Special Matinee Decoration Day. Opening Today TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY A new and thrilling Bison war picture "IN THE SECRET SERVICE" Three other big features. COMINGI Watch for the Balkan War pictures and "Thc Trip to the Garden of Allah" on Thursday and Friday. Reg ular prices. TRIBUNE WANT ADS PULL. . I WM. .1. KEUYpj'! j C; with l-'lorcncn ' S A U Hoskwcll and a Wi J notable company of xtiii&&f i KW f playerw In "OLD eft 'SraSgf .'J, glfl j j lIElDnLIJEItG." ' llj jj Spoe mat. Decora- ' if - tf - H !ll tlon day. lniM-'n-fti52z. li tV 23 Next woclc, "GRIiEN STOCKINGS " W ISULLIVAN-CONSIDINE i Greater Advanced Vaudeville. E 1 "THE NEW L E A D E R," y with Al. Lewis and orlfjlnal B TODAY cast. The Aeroplane Ladles, Kenney and Holllc, i he r 2:30 Cabaret Tro. "Just Right" I 7:30 Violinist. The Waytea. Gau-1 9:13 mont Weekly. Empress Or- chestra. cflular 30c- Matinee Dally - r f EmnrM: 311c 300 1 I If K Prices 10c Parquet Sn.-itn. tub 3 IV1ES9BY TIEfiTEl TODAY'S FEATURE PROGRAMME "THE SEA DOG" Dramatic subject of pathetic tender ness. In two reels by the famous BRONCHO COMPANY " "MUTUAL WEEKLY" World happenings of universal Interest. f "THE HORSE SHOW" With scenes laid In Washington, D. C. I WEAK HIH NOT S I NERVOUS Pf WF QWE DISEASED mmm UP COME TODAY GO AWAY CURED Free Consultation for Ten Days. Call Today. j A Cure Is What You Want e a SURE CUHE 1 gtfw Every case I treat is cured thorough- B 5ii-llr tK. patients have no relapses. N JPm y)k. When I pronounce a case cured there H firall k 's not a Particle of infection or infiam- fi ' jnatlon remaining and thcro isn't the 1 Wfl&MSsSk - A slightest danger that the ailment "will D fifMS? JPHi Wl return in Its original form or work its ffl KyzH25?ll& W wav 'nto Konoral system. Some n wmmwxeffl ailments are less serious than others. iHwSss TTa$r but none are too trivial to warrant vStfflf lk V uncertain methods of treatment. I so- ii(fi a licit cases that other doctors havo been WinksT r wi unable to satisfy. , KjlfXT rrSS To Have No Back Pains; No Nervous- v . X vk ness; No Kidney Dlsoase; No Loss of Ambition, but with Plenty of Life, En- iffl or9V and v,9r of Youth Is the wish I H 1 of any youno, old, mlddle-agod man. IV rfj To be strong and manly Is the aim i J . " f every man, and yet how many we . al find who lack the vitality and strength -r X vl which nature gave them. Instead of X f l developing into the strong, vigorous, tt X fl IV manly young fellows that nature In- V !i m tended, they find themselves gloomy, trA Kkt despondent no ambition to do any- I J$& ' thing. They struqgle aimlessly along, V V31. sooner or later to become victims of that dread disease, NERVOUS PROS- I TRATION, their finer sensibilities blunted and their nerves shattered. 5 I AM FOR MEN Cm&s Gua3.anteeti LL rffacfl & B!5 Dr Ehrllch's Famous Remedy tffc 4X rJvfl 'II m IMPROVED bb h gjfj77 t M Q For Blood Disorders t& Vg Viy 1 use thc newest and latost treatment for Blood Poison and Skin Diseases, jj Professor Ehrllch's (of Germany) "9H," the improved G08, instead of the old remedy. "914" Is absolutely safe and harmless and more effective than "COfi" B 1 and can be administered in tho office painlessly and with absolutely no 111 ef- I fects whatever or detention from business. This treatment Is far superior to S I any other employed In thc cure of this dreadful disease. Symptoms begin to II disappear In a few hours after the administration of the remedy. Even though 606 has failed or loft bad results and if you havo or ever had this disease In any stage or form, do not fall to call and get this wonderful treatmenL CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; evenings, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12 only. u Over Palace Market. 263 So. Main St., Salt Lake, Otah IThousando of written testimonials are In our office from grateful patients Nf varlfylng the above statement. h Oor Policy Is I aAmSB&ffi k. N'ot to make a long list of cxagser- fid MfSmv L acd statements impossible to fulfill. I jSgalg) Ws are a reliable, well established I i SmTstZni. Medical company, conserving tho wel- a KiriZvCyyM 'are our patrons In - diseases 3 i WKzZftfX& -ssttt. amenable to treatment by the use of B I i&iii&imfi fSrtt remedies always the latest and best. 1 1 xV aJ We Stand at the Head I If V . I ot ffpeclallsts In our lino, as shown I 3 X I jcffl$8w!m by thc In'uMsent business and oro- U I KJiii jLJICt. fessloniil men whose patronage has H 3 mW7-ftg&& made the SALT LAKE MEDICAL M V atSSF INSTITUTE what It Is a high class. W W , y progressive Medical company with H S-w J graduated physicians of years of ex- g Jw 5&3fei3T perience exceptional skill and abllltv. H Continuous study and practice has HfiJlw f At produced a high degree of competency J5SSk 1 jT Jiot possessed by the average special- I Bwfti $U vrfJoQSSHk. ist Many diseases which long haf- 9 ODflS ZwPks lied the greatest medical skill, today 3 alSrm FlffE MASTERED IN OUR OF. jji OIiTAyB OAnRo Header, If you havc tainted blood come 3 020 IT OBSOil and ,carn ol our methods of cure. Go 3 . M , . elsewhere first. If you prefer, but come 1 to use before utklng treatmenL We absolutelv guaranteo satisfaction. It i costs you nothing to consult us, It 13 impossible to outline our methods i' here. A Our romedies stops every drain, bullda up the physical and nervoua system, purifies the blood. Invigorate the liver, revives tho spirits, brighten 1 the intellect and, above all. restores the wasted powers of vitality What- ! ever your ailment. Call today, postponement means more suffering. If H living out of town please write or call H Salt Lab Mmml lusfifufe 15Va utfa Mara I Hours 9 a. m. to 12 a. m. 1 p. m. to 6' p. m. 7 p. m. to 3 p. m. fi j The Tribune Isthe Recognized Want-Ad Medium S JSSLmm N'icholnsj KrBxwc. born rfJKfS i Gern.any. day at 'i p, m, fr(im .vi'iff warji lu.nPo, mFria A tend, and the body hi I'tHJt funonu parlors of Josenl? xvm-& lor. 'jr. South West TemSu tIBWt'Si and the funeral arrk iceminlBfW' from l"C ' Cnl" ln U'e naB chad josophhLane,' huR?jH ycfir. The funeral services tSKV will be In Kansiuj City Mo -'P' Hiring may view the bodv TuiB ing from 0 to 10:30 o'clock nfiHi'SSf trough-Allcott funeral MrtpSWf FUNERAL DIREC; etntoalmor. 164 So. West TanKrfp E. G. O'DOKELL. UNDICRTjSBTO embftlrrscr. has moved tovmBTti bldg. PbonejCSO. balmcr. Mortuary charjel rdKTfrt Automobile service If add tlnnnl vnne ttt ..'.V CUT FLOWERK huddXrtiraTo st. Phone IOC. Cut fWerKitf neral designs. 3HQvH THE EADlNGFbpTlSTrwi:KS 'JV4 E. 2nd So. Phone 37. Mfk from greenhouse. ""Bg MURRAY FLORA!, CoTTK Phon-'jlurr 44dellvercd; Kj' E. A. LAMBOURXr'fLORAIB'v 1 8 So. Main with WIlleB-HolBlSst! Co. Lending florists on funeniB?l Was, 371 nnd Was. 201. vmf MONUMENTS, TOMBgfcj lrgfsoiTtslectK McKenzte. Dfeplayyardgjj personal :m&& LADlEJlbOEVArTTr ly guarantee my great '.JH "Monthly" remedy, safely renB of the longest, most obstinatfLiC' cases In three to five day8;dB pain or Interference with vnmtti S1.50. Double strength, J2. pW Southington Remedy Co., KiB- LADIES' ASK YOURTJRUG(KlJp Chlchesters Pills, the DlamiHBv For 25 years known as Beat, StfKo ways Reliable. Buy of your;7J I Hit Take no other. Chlchesters .Kb Brand Pills are sold by Dru"SStjB I SPECIALIZE IN' GOWJRrJ dresses, wash dresses for wojHcsil drcn. babies; outfits compIeterB order Mrs. H. M. Murray, 205Bs Prices reasonable. -3BflA! GUARANTEE TO TEAClFH-' play piano In 3 months; no.iHflaS lesson. Address T-39, TrlbunetCl MAVE Ll.N'E ON SEVERARL tilings in Chicago. W BlrdiMiKi REMOVAL NOTIlB Mr9 NELTTiELVERTHBri formerly living at No. 143aHUl East, has moved to No. 11 BK- ave. , vhere she has .establlsbiBXK making parlors and will bo rHl! meet all old friends. t'-H VIA VI CO. H4VE MOVED'jBftu offices to 307 and 30S TcmplflKiS fTrtclsilndpresb cleaning, reasonable; quick, iE!. service. Paris Cleaning &"DyfcET 125 E. 3rd So. Wasatch 789. Hijjj HIGH-CLASS LADIES' AND hand pressing and cleaning, H prompt delivery service, work. teed. Phone Was. 3591. EeflH; Tailoring Co. T. M. C. A. blng.'jM CHmESEHEB lTuwooTsoTlunT cures dlsoases with celebratedBw rmedlcs. Consultation free. t?ie wants are-!-GUAH against Idkiticss. KT HATSCLEAg iLTTc7EAErT while you wait; 7 shines for or 15 for $1. Independent SnojKg & Hat Cleaning Parlors (threaKv 10 K. Second South. 62 So. MalB 1 ppjntingJC arSovpressuta plant. Printing, Binding, OffKi piles and Furniture. Legal "v W. 2nd go. Phone oxchangcJgM tailoSg and gents; cleaning atid nand.p, suits to order. Utah Tallorlngy W. Broadway. Was. shampowngJ ATVLVEfTNXEAT open until 9 p. m. 62 E. an jt PICTURES andWAjj;K Kctuiming orating. George V-Lbertj gowanFdSK FTRcilAisol ting: work guaranteed. it' ' ISast.' Wasatch 1510 "e. pTvtjel7PalTlocB5 Hnd kindling. 165 EasMUiJJoUWMjj CORSETSJ , iRsTnXSPIR 1-yearguarantee. '6 w Bg FOR JIIRID; DIVIDED SKIBTAW t way Stahloslst &o- bettt. "jMj CURTAJNSJL TPV OUR FAMIIY 'ASIIINQj. iLflrk; We will save ! SAFESJVNDJVU COMPLETE LINE OF SAJjMS hand. Shcaly Safe & vauiij Fostofflco place. iLS.