Newspaper Page Text
W THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1913. IT Ife pNESSIS SHOWN IN . Indertoneof MARKETS Sbst of Receivership for St. Louis and San HrFrancisco System and Holders of Rock w 1 Island Are Warned. I3R0ADAN WALL. UobsI News Service. -iVzr May 27. For some time on the stock exchange the receivership for the St. TTMnclsco system thnt was f t&. Holders of Rock Stoffiy profit by the hand irketa"was under pressure S and developed weak Hat' trading There was. ? undertone of firmness that h Iraored. Steel was stronp. am a. point, thanks to the S and a quarterly dividend Woff th s week. Pennsylvania a? nrm and J?ood buying was Jhlon Pacific when the prlco hmved'a tendency to offer the market abroad was par--k for Canadian Pacific, , i new level of 231B. This p, e most unsatisfactory of the 1 Issues and further liquida ted for from the continent, blocks of this stock are be oh' margin account, to Sell Frisco, nre to sell the Frisco stocks e Impression that any rcor plan will necessarily Include liments. as the bonded Jil ls out of all proportion to the There Is such a multiplicity mortgages on this property organization will necessarily I tedious, and now that the ilen. the barn door will be protective committees formed who a few months ago were 1 T-EUE II iniiiKET ' Bk of European Supply jKcei' Weakness; Corn KnJirl Oats Off. .GO,..May 17. Dry weather com Hni both the northwest and the IHt made sentiment bullish most Hpe today in the wheat nit. The Msd-frorn lc decline to il-Jc ad B3n com there was a net loss of lH16!lc. and for oats a fall of Jc iK'rovlslons wound up unchanged .klier. IRreports that wheat there would fr lo harvest next week and that would yield 8.000,000 to 10,000, IjBels had considerable influence fdepreyalns prices In the final "lH' clearances of wheat and flour lBiQ.OQO bushclf. Primary receipts Etfere (121.000 bushels; a year IHM bushels. -testher pulled down corn. After Hr. bulge, the result of expert "rwardlng losses In the middle lW turned lower with other grain. 'Hta entire provision list scored a eHttnce. The buying was mainly "jraders and packers. Or LEADING FUTURES. iH-' Open. itlRli. Low. Close. IHf.. HYi Sl'j B. sij ?j, pi; mi p........ S0H DUt ijWlVi S .,?; BCV, TMi pcddlinc securities to Investors. The minor Industrials suffered severely. , Rumcly preferred lost over 3 points; Har vester 2, and the Central Leather Issues were notably weak. The oil stocks lost a. point or more; "Woolworth declined over 2 points. Copper stocks were steady and the declaration of dlvlrlenris-on Chlno and Ray Consolidated failed of effect. Brooklyn broke below 91 and Is now some points below the figure at which .the stock was selling- before the dividend was Increased. The. so-called "Reld" stocks were soft. Can lost a. point and L-chlsh Valley 2. The Denver Issues and Mis souri Pacific were active at declining prices. Commission Houses Optimistic. This is not. tho kind of a market that suggests selling of good securities and commission houses that have long been conservative grew more optimistic as prices declined. There was nothing In tho day's news that weakened the posi tion of Reading, hurt tho steel trades or curtailed tho demand for copper; and the lack, of news regarding the Union-Southern Pacific segregation plan should not be considered a discouraging factor. Among the unfortunates, Distillers made a new low record by selling at HJ and tho B per cent bonds touched the lowest level that has been reached In years. Tho ability of tho company to continuo the interest payments on the bonds Is in grave doubt. This Is a short week in the stock mar ket and with Friday and Saturday holi days a covering movement may be ex acted that will give a firmness to prices. A. number of the leading issues will sell ex-dividend with the opening of next week and the short interest has prob ably heen Increased rather than reduced. Jul? 35U 33 SSH 35 S'Pt 37i 3SH S7H 37 Dec 35'i 35!, 35'i 3Si; CASH QUOTATIONS. CHICAGO, May 27. Wheat-Cash No. 2, $1.0S 31.03H: No. 2 hard. S3V55j85V4o; i northoro. 01H'S?314c; No. 2 northern, 82SJ5V4C: No. Z sprlns. SlflPlc; velvet chaff, 90337c; durum. 01 S7c Corn No. 2, OffSOUc; No. 2 white. GO'.ifteOMc: No. 2 yellow. lO'be; No. 8, SSSSftSOc: No. 3 whltn, COSBOUc: No.. 3 yellow. CSst&SSUc Oats No. 2 whllrti. 31ft3Iic: No. 3 'white, 30 10c; standard, 4 1 i(jyilic- .. Ry No 2. 65c. Barley SOQiSSc. Timothy 00. Clover Nominal. Pork $:o.50. Lrd Ml.22liftll.2S. Itlbs $11.70flI2.SO. Chicago Produce. CHICAGO. May 27. Butter firm; creameries, 2127c Eggs unchanged; receipts," 2."5.24S cases. Potatoes lower; receipts, 112 cars; Michigan, 57S?n0c: Minnesota, 50tizi5Sc; Wisconsin, 55C0c; new potatoes, $r.25J?, 1.35. Poultry unchanged. New York Produce. NEW YORK. May 2. Flour Firmly held. Wheat Spot, firm- No. 2 red, nominal; No. I northern Dulnth. 51.02J, f. o. h. afloat. Futures were firm and higher on covering, due to bullish crop news from Kansas and the northwest, but eased off late with corn. May. $1,011; July. 992c; September, .'lS4c. Hops Quiet. HiiIof Steady. Petroleum Steady. Wool Steady. Raw sugar, steady; muscovado, $2.77 2.B3; centrifugal, $3.27a3.33; molasses, 2.52g2.5S. Refined, steady. Cotton" Market. N"EW YORK. May 27. Cotton closed 4 or 5 points off from best under realizing with June 2 pointn lower and other months 2 to S points net higher. NEW ORLEANS, May 27. Spot cot ton quiet, unchanged; middling, 12 7-lGc. Sales, 220 bales. Usp the -wants for securing experts for office work. K . KB) Penver & Rio firande EXCURSIONS EAST JKjky, 1 10, 17, 24, 31; June 3, 7, 13, 14, 21, 28. vK Good until October 31st returning. jK: Round-Trip Fares from Main-Line Points. Pg0 $56.50 St. Louis $52.00 BauI 55.70 Minneapolis 55.70 jMs City 40.00 Omaha 40.00 TC?r 22.50 Colorado Springs. . . 22.50 Qportionately low rates to many other points. jMpovers. Diverse routes. 3AMSHIP TICKETS to all parts of the world. jWptric lighted Pullman and tourist sleepers to Denver, K88 City, St. Louis and Chicago without change. PINING CAR SERVICE BEST ANYWHERE. Krther information see any D. & R. G. agent or address mfc ADLEIGH, G. P. A. I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D. ,Wi Denver, Colo. Salt Lake City. ' ' j !?Sr' OREGON SHORT LINE TIME CARD, EFFECTIVE APRIL. 3. 1813. jB.'A.M. rirnrifl" nd'&Ran rolng), Den- t,kT -W Fran?.maha- .K1"" City, Chicago. (Sxn 7 50 A.M. TUT rancls--o and -west also arrtvlns.) gK'A.XVl, WBtlen. ij.arj) ProBton (Chlcaeo ana C.Kn "P TUT yR' A "Rff n Points caot alio anivlnR). D.OU X.AU. f25taW,V1. Pocatello. Bolao. Aahton. 1 ft'Ofl T TUT JB A UT nfnn"(J,ato-(Montpeller also Boinc). 1U.UU ZmfBlt uvland Llmited-Ogden. Rono. flacr. -p W k mento, San Franclico. Jr.IWL. JBv'vi ean and lntBrn"Uat points- 6:50 P.M. Kr.M. Pacmo Uialtea-OKden. Omaha, Chicago. 8:15 A.M. "vDtf B(Jen. Bolue. Portland, Butte-. 4:35 P.M. M, Overland i,lmitea Omaha. ChlcaKo. 11 .in AM 5fB'"5 TUT I Denver, St Loula. XX. w A.JX. Angeles Limited Omaha. Chicago, A'dK P TVT B lUr o.a Denvor, St Loula. ft.O JT.1U, Br,Kham. Cache ValleT, Malad 1 1 .A( A TUT KBj -j).. n and Intermediate. XX.fcll .XtX. WinGrEn,if.r' Omaha. Chicago (Park to.Kn H TUT - ty, Groon River and went only, return-. 12:50 P.M. VKi.'' WnM-Bol8e-. Portland. Butte (San in.OR A TUT HHG. P Iff pancico and went California mail). lU.OO A. XVI, T-k"l. acUIc Umlted-Ogden. Ely. Ban Fran- T TW fttim, ech cUc nd went Z.XU Sr.iXL. 1B c,y Ticket Office. Hotel Utah. SJ LITTLE OUNCE li METALWiARKETS Copper and Lead Stationary, While Silver Is Down Fraction. T y Copper (electro) ?!5.S716.00 4 t ca(3 N'0W York 51.304.-J0 4 T Jr sver ,7.60c 4. V &Hver In London 27 11-ltJd X.ta,....J .. .. ..j ... . .m. :. i.i . .,,..,.. .,, XEW,Y,9RK' Ma' 27 Copper, steady; spot and May. $15.37 ofrered; June, $15.35 2ileS! J"Jy. 5 15.30 offered: electrolytic, Si? ' ' 5l6-00,5'lc-23: castings, t Tln f,rm: Hot a"fl May. SlS.S5fiTiJO.00; June, 54S.62-lS.7ni July, S4S.0049.25. Lead, steady; S4.30ff.. 10. Spelter. $5.30(55.40. Antimony, dull; Cookson's, ?S.75f9.00. iron, quiet and unchanged. Copper arrivals today. 1650 tons. Ex ports this month. 33.0G4. Local ex change sales tin, thirty-five tons. Lon xlon markets closed as follows: 68OP3se9dnrm; SPOt' 'CGS 113 3d: f"turc5' r2ri18'53nrm; Epot' 222 1035 futures Lead, 20. Spelter. 23. Tron Cleveland warrants, 70s Od. Closing Stock Lists. , ISalcn.l II. L. CI. Amnlsinuted Copper 13.700 T4'il 72$: I 734: Amer can ABrkultural 0 Aimrlcan Bret Sugir m "so" "W Amerlcnu Can s,m 3SK 3L,i? 5nt r.Pf(1 V ' 1.2001 l3i 52U r,3H Am. Car & Foundry SOO 40 4SU 4S Amor cn Cotton Oil COO 40H 20K ZiK rtinnrlcan Icn fiecurltks .. 100 2PJ ul American LlnsocJ 400 9'i 0 S74 American Locomotive 500 32 j2 Am. Smelting & HotinlnK - 1.000 6511 67i C7 00 pjfl lOl'C American Supar Reflnlnc .' nnsi Amor enn Tel. & Tel 100 YiVA 1204 123'i American Tobacco 100 "v 2'7ii '27' Anicondu Mlntns Co 500 Z 37U "37s; A1.C,,E0 2.2W 031 93H 9K 00 pM 331, Atlantic Coast Line m z 12'U i-iia Daltlmoro & Ohio . 3sl Bethlehem Steel 200 33 ' "si" 32'i Brooltlyn Rupld Tranilt ... 6,000 ?2 91i Cnnsdlnu Pacific IC, 100123 (i; 231 3"' Central leather 2,200 224 COM 204 Chesapeake & Ohio J.noo 05 U CtV. 6t Ch 0050 Great Western .... SCO inn 134 13u Lh ca5o. Mil. ft 6L Paul.. SM 10S 107 4 10751 Chicago & Northwcsteni .. 200 130 125 4 12011 Colorado Xuol & Iron 200 31 31 ' 31 ' Consolidated Gaa 100 133 1321 13214 Corn Products 200 101J 10i I0H Delaware Hudson ..... 151 Denver Illo Grande 000 1S4 i'i; 171 Jo PM 700 3214 30 ' 2S"S Dtlllers Securities 700 ir, lli 11' -500 2Sr-; 2S'.i do ihi m 100 ; mi 424 do Jd pfd ioo 31 31 Centra) Electric nOO 110 133H 133 Great Northern pfd COO 127 12C4 12fi4 Great Northern Ore Ctfs .1- Illlnols Ccntial 1,200 il54 ilo 111 IntorborouEh-Mct 700 Hi; Htj , & P','t 100 50 4 50 4 40 International Harvester 103' Inter. Marino pfd 151 j International Paper 200 0'i OH 0 International Pump ........ jnj S g' 74 Kansas City Southern 100 224 224 22 Ladedo Can 31 Lhsh Valley 370o 1574 155 Loulsvlllo t Nashville .... 100 134 134 !33i M., St. P. H. Sault Sto. M. 1.R00 132 132 120 ' Mlenouri, Kannas & Toiaa.. 100 234 234 MUsourl Pacific 1,000 r.14 334 33',i National Blncult 200 115' 111' HS4 National Load is N. It. of Mexico 2d pfd.... 100 lflt IPS io4 New York Contrat 1004 sail M'i New York. Out. ft Weetoro . 500 2S?l 2S4 2S' Norfolk & V.'ottcrn 104 North American 200 7 0 70 63 Northern Pacific COO 1154 ut'i 114H Pacific Mall .. .... 22 Pennsylvania 8.SCO 1104 103T4 110 Pcoplo'B G.ta 100 1034 1034 1004 Pittsburg, C. C. ft St. L ' 02 Plttahurg Coal 100 17i 17i 17i Pressed Steel Car 100 24 24 24 Pullman Palaco Car 1544 Roadlng G.800 1C2K 1604 ICO'i Republic Iron ft Stoel .... 100 234 234 22?l do pfd 824 uock isiana p,oo 17 164 15H do pfd 2.S0O SOS 25 234 St. L. ft San Fran. 2d pfd. 8.800 13 8?i ST, Seaboard Air Line 1C4 do pfd , 40?i S. B. Steel ft Iron 20 Southorn Pacific U.SM 08 05 984 Southern lUllway 300 2-4 241 21 do pfd 77 TonneHee Copper 100 344 344 344 Toxas ft Pacific 100 II? 16 lCvi Union Pacific 35,400 1534 161U 1514 do pfd 200 SI SI $3J United Statu Realty 100 C5 C5 C3 United States Rubber 600 62?i 02 C24 United SUtca Stool 27,200 60 60 60 do pfd 1,300 10U 105 106 Utah Copper 1,200 50'i 50 50 Va.-Caiollna Chemical ... 400 2S4 27tt 2711 Wabash , 24 do pfd 74 Wcilorn Maryland S3 Western Union 100 654 654 65 Wojtlnghouso Electric .... 200 62 4 62 4 61 Wheeling ft Lalio Erie ...I I Total rale-i for tho day, 272.200 share. Now York Bonds. U S ref 2s tcr ...100 Japan 44n 85?; do coupon 100 K C Southorn ref 5a 074 U S 3s rcj; 102 L S deb 4s (1931).., 83 do coupon r.102 L N un 4s ...... 03 U S Is rcu 113K M K ft T lit 4a .. 004 do coupon Ill do zen 44s g. Panama 3s coupon. .102 Mo Pacific 4a cs' Allls-Chal. 1st Es.. 524 do conv C S3?i Am Aprl En 03' N R of M 44b SO Am Tol ft Tel cv 4s. 100 NYC gen 343 .... Sl-U Am Tobacco 6a ....110 do deb 4o SS Armour ft Co 4n.... 004 NV NH ft H cv 34s 76 Atchison gen 4n .. 014 N & W Irt con Is.. 0J4 do cv la (1305).... 00 do cv 4s 105 do Go 03 North Pacific 4 .,04 A C Line 1st 4s ... 014 do 3s ti n ft O 4s 02 O S L rfdg 4a SO do 3 00 Perm cv 34s (1015). 074 T. Transit cv 4s ... S04 do con 4s 03 C of Q 6s 1014 Heading gen 4n 04 Central Leather Co. 05 s I' & S F fg 4s.. 65JJ C ft O 44s ........ 03 do gen 5s 584 do conv 44 S sl L S'wcstorn conls 784 C ft A 34b 15 SAL ndj 6.1 71 C B ft Q Joint 4s.. 9 (; South Taclflo col 4s 314 do gon 4s ........ 034 do cv 4a 87 C M ft St P cv 44s. 101 S f It R lit ref Is.. 834 CRI&PRR col 4s ... 074 Southern Ry 5 ...1OT do rfs i S34 do gen 4a 74 0 ft S rofftext44.. 01U Union Pacific 4s .... . D H cr 4s 074 do cv 4b 01 D ft R G ref Cs ... 75 do lut and ref 4s. 004 Dlotlllera Co 634 V S Rubber 6s 103 Erie prior lien 4n .. S24 tl S Steel 2d Es ... 100 do gen 4b 724 Va Car Chem 5s ... 01 do cv 4s series B 70 Wabaa 1st and extls 56 111 Central 1st ref 4 00 "Wcotorn Md 4e .... 70 Inler.-Met 44s ... .78 West Elea cr E 00 1 M Marine 44 .... CI Wis Central 4s 85 New York Money. XEW YORK, May 27. Monoy on call, steady. 25(23; ruling rate, 2J; closing bid, 2i: offercxl at 23. Time loans, steady, sixty and nlnetv days. 324; six months, 4sTi43. Prime mercantile paper, 51 per cent, Sterling exchange, steady, with actual business in bankers' bill at $4.S3.10 for sixty-day blll3 and at S4.S6.40 for demand. Commercial bills. S4.S2.50. Bar silver, fiOc. Mexican dollars, 4Sc. Government bonds, heavy," ratiroad bonds, easy. Condition of Troasury. VrjSHTNGTON. May 27. The condi tion of tho United States treasury at the beginning of business today was: Working balance $ 5S.41S.5SG In banks and Philippine treas- urv 1 47.205.393 Total of general fund... 131.150,012 Tiocelptfi yesterday !i,l2f,M2 Disbursement?! . 1,704.204 Tho surplus thiH fiscal year is 53.523. 166, as against a deficit of 510,101,345 last year. Tho figures for receipts, disbursements. , surplus and deficit exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. Available Grain Supply. NEW YORK, May 27. Special cable and telegraph communications rocolved Ibv BnidHtreofs show tho following changes In available supplies, as com I pined with previous account: States, casL of Rockies, decreased 3.12D. 000 bushels. United States, west of Rockies, de creased 4000. Canada decreased 1.396.000. Total United States and Canada de creased s5. 120.000. C0OVO0Oat fQr a"(1 Euron'5 '"creased 1, Total American and European supply decreased 3,329.000. Corn United States and Canada, de creased 1.953.000 bushel?. Oals United States ind Canada de crease 1,375.000 bushels. Tho leading decreases reported this wecc follows: Manitoba, 2.3US.O0O bush els. Portland. Me.. 175,000 bushels. SU Joseph. 90.000 bushels. Louisville, 54,000 bushels. Coffee Futures Stoady. NEW" YORK, May 27. Coffee futures opened steady at a decline of 5 to 15 points In response to lower foreign cables, Luropean selling scattering liquidation and local pressure. The market rallied; partly after midday on steadier closing cables from Havre and covering of rA5- , Tl close was steady. Sales, 49,2o0 bags. May. $10,77: .fulv. S10.S1; September. S10.0S; December, $11.00: January. 11.01: March, Sll.05. Spot coffee, quiet; Rio 7a. llic; Santos 4s. 13Jc. Mild, dull; cordova, HlTe, nominal. Boston Wool Market. BOSTON". May 27. Trading In domes tic wool continues Irregular with values still at a low level. New territory wool Is selling slowly, while western buvlng Is said to be slack. New Montana half blood brings 21c and other territory wool is also low. Leading domestic quotations range a? follows: 1 Missouri three-eighths blood, 2324r; quarter blood. 23g)24c. Scoured basis: Texas, fine twelve months, 53555e; fine six to eight months, 47S48c; fine fall, 454Gc; California, northern, 5277i53c: middle county, 5052c; southern. 4S49c; fall free, 43'50c; Ore gon, eastern No. 1. staple. r4tf$55c; east ern clothing, 536Zi55c; valley No. 1. 53( 54c; territory, fine staple. 55(56c: fine medium staple. r455c; fine clothing, 4052c; fine medium clothing. lOSOc; haJf blood combine. 50f)52c; three-eighths blood combing, 4S50c: quarter blood combing. 474Sc; pulled AA, 5254c; A supers, 4S52c. Evaporated Fruits. . NSW YORK. May 27. Evaporated ap ples, quiet. Prunes, in good ..demand. Apricots, firm. Peaches, steady. Raisins, dull. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS. Kansas City. KANSAS CITY. May 27. Cattle Re ceipts S00O: steady to strong. Native steers. $7.00SS.G5; southern steers. $7.75 7.S0; southern cows and heifers. $4.50g C.75; native cows and heifers, 34,50S.35; stockors and feeders, SG.SO'giS.OO; bulls, $5.75'3)7.25; calves, 36.50(3)10 00; western steers, $6.75(518.25; western cows, $4,505? 7.00. Hogs Receipts 15,000; steady. Bulk of sales. SS.508.G2i; heavy, ?S.50S.C0; packers and butchers, SS.55fSS.G2i; light, ?S.55S.G5: pigs, $7.25ft7 75. Sheep Receipts G000; steady. Muttons, $4.25'Q)G.25; Colorado lambs. $7.258.65; range wethers and yearlings, l.757.00; range ewes, $4.25G.10. Chicago. CHICAGO, May 27 Hogs Receipts 12, 000; slow, steady to a shade lower. Bulk. ?S.608.70; light. $S.50S.72i : mixed. $8.45 rtj'8.725; heavy. $S.20rg)S.fi7i; rough, $8.20 S.35; pigs, $G.80S.40. Cattle Receipts 2500; slow, steady. Beeves, ?7.10S.75: Texas steers. $G.75fS 7.G0; western steers, $6.1iOS.05; stockors I and feeders, $5.80g7.90; cows and heifers, ?3.757.90: calves, $7.253i10. Sheep RecplptH 18.000; steady to 10c lower. Native, $5.20(5.90; western, $5.25 5:90; yearlings, $5.90(5)0.45; lambs, na tive, $5.75(g)7.G0; western. ?5.757.G5; I spring lambs, $G 00(5)9.00. O mall a. SOUTH OMAHA. May 27. Cattle Re ceipts 2900: steady. Native steers, ?7.00 8.10; western steers. $G.50(j)S.00. Hogs Receipts 12,000; steady. Heavy, $S.35g7S.45; light. $S.45g)S.50; pigs, $7.00(3 8.00. Sheep Receipts 5700: easier. Yearlings, $6.25G.75; lambs. $7.SO(0)S.GO. This Interests Evory Woman. A family doctor said recently that women come to him thinking that they have female trouble, but when he treats them for their kidneys and blad der, they soon recover. This is worth knowing, and also that Foley Kidney Pills are the best and safest medicine at such times. They are tonic in action, quick in results. They frill help you. Schramm-Johnson, Drups, "Tho Nover Substitutors." Five (5) good stores . (Advertisement.) i Ready Cash No one knows how soon the nail for ready money niay come. Sickness, accident or joss of position .may cause much anxiety if there's not a fund from which to draw. Start an account now with the Merchants Bank Salt Lake City, Utah. d Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. CHICHESTER'S FILLS tGr' flt n RV nDllfifilQTC CKrnvii'timf 1 Three Days More Then Will Come Picture No. 70 AND YOUR CHANCE TO GET ALL BACK PIC TURES FREE WILL END. You can secure the first 70 pictures free with the catalogue and Answer Book, and thus secure ALL the back pictures FREE. But picture No. 70 will be printed in three days, and then your chance to get ALL back pictures FREE will end. Act in three days. HERE ARE THE JUDGES OF THE BOOKLOVERS' CONTEST GAME: Gov. William Spry. Mayor Samuel Park. E. D. Woodruff. Their names stand as an absolute guarantee of the fairness of the contest, and they will have immediate and personal charge of the contest, and will see that an impartial awarding of the prizes is made. The checking of the sets of answers will be entirely in their charge. I THE TRIBUNE'S GREAT I . j $5060 Booklovei-s' Contest WHAT BOOK DOES THIS PICTURE REPRESENT? I Write title and name of author in form below. I Title .: Author r.-, ;. I Your Name , 1 Street and Number . S City or Town 1 Total number of pictures 77. Contest began March 23. Each day a different picture appears in this space. Out them out. Save them until the last picture appears on June 7. Don't send in partial lists. Wait until you havo all the answers to tho 77. Eead Eules, Dally Story and Special Announcements in another part of thia paper. Extra plcturos and coupons of any dato that havo appeared may be had at 5c each. Enter today without registering your name. Merely save pictures and coupons as they appear. Send a 2c stamp for The Tribune's four-page circular, giving all details, or call at The Tribune office. GET AN ANSWER BOOK:- it contains 77 ll Entitles You to 35 Pictures FREE doubIe Paes- You can make 10 answers to each picture, yet only need but one copy of each picture. On the upper page you pasto a picture. On tho lower section you writo from 1 to 10 book titles which you have solected for tbe picture pasted above. You savo time, labor and expense with an Answer Book, and it helps you to win. i Answer Books Caa be Obtained Only When this Form Is Used. This Applies to Both Subscribers and Non-Subscribers. 1913 Booklovcrs' Contest Editor, Tho Salt Lake Tribune. Salt Lako City, Utah. Find herewith SO cents (75 cents at office) for which deliver to mo your Answer Book and 6 certificates returnable as the pictures appear in tho contest for Pictures !Noa. 3G to 70. In consideration of tho above I agree to take or continue to take your paper for a period of three months from date. Name Street and No City ,.T State SPECIAL ATTENTION TO NON-SUBSCRIBERS: By tho pay ment of $1.00 at our office or $1.10 by mail, you will receive the Answer Book without the 35 pictures. Bring or sond the nccesBary amount as staled in this order form. You had better subscribe to this paper and get the 35 freo pictures and the lesser price. Use This Order Blank for Catalogues If you cut this order form, fill it out and send or bring it in with the sum designated, you will receive tho Official Cpyrighted Contest Cataloguo of about 5000 book titles, and seven certificates redeemable for the first 35 pictures in tho contest. In the Cataloguo iro all the correct titles to tho 77 pictures. Catalogues are 35 CENTS AT gS OFFIOE; 40 OEMAJI.. j Booklovors' Contest Editor, The Salt Luke Tribune, Salt Lake, Utah: Inclosed FIND 40 CENTS, for which send mo a Booklovers' Contest Cata loguo of 5000 titles and the 7 certificates redeemable for the first 35 pictures. Name Strcot and No , City and State . Tho principal features in connection with this contest are copyrighted" by yonkiiiVEinie -IN THE HEART OF 103 AlS'GELES." HOTEL LANKERSHIM HB BROADWAY. AT SEVENTH. rS9 IN THE SHOPPING AND BUSINESS CENTER BJUH CLOSE TO ALL. THEATERS. (fffiW EUROPEAN PLAN. (gttltfl Rooms without bath, one occuptat. SzKfll II. CO and upward. gfflUI Roorai with prlvata blh, on occupant. HxMfl t: 00 and upward. KBBH Restaurant a a carta and tabU d'bo-.a, mHUI at popular prtcet. KWlja AUTOMOBILE BUS SERVICE FROM ALL i&Hlil TRAINS. fffUtiS COOPER & DAVIS. LESSEES. ClKo ( , I Before you go away on your - trip, call on us for a supply of i i' "A.B.A." Cheques. The safest l i'ij and most convenient way of f A carrying travel funds, in the p j United States and Canada, as well . j , as abroad. f "A.B.A." Cheques are just as " handy as personal checks, with r no difficulty about identification. U V r Accepted all over theworld. , ' ISSUED BY l Walker Brothers ;; Bankers Before leaving, store your sil- 1 ver, Jowolry and other valuables in our safe doposit vaults. 'fWr:' 'P "The UnioR Pacific 5y5lein" "TheDirecfWay" AatomaHc jr.c I w$ Elecbnc Safetv zz,,-, XZ? -" , Ki j Block Serial Protection "r- t l w ! cut h !: Excursions East II ma 1 1 Following low round trip fares fi M from, Salt Lako to: Denver .- 22.'50 Omaha or K. 0 40,00 t Kd St. Lonia B2.00 fi fof St. Paul or Minneapolis. . 55.70 fi fck; Chicago 66.80 A r Proportionately low fares to many other f f, points. j SA1B DATES: J g May 17, 24, 31.. M June 3, 7, 13, 14, 21, 28. v M July 2, 5, 10, 19, 23, 31. ft W Augurt 1, 9, 10, 11, 16, 22, 28. & m September 10, 11. " j LIMIT OOTOBEB 31, 1913. fij For reservations, tickets or further hii particulars, call ''9 ' City Ticket Offlca. " S K HOTEL UTAH. n ffijf f Phone Each. 15 No. 43. k Luke H Salt Lako, . yOTfEnk DISCHARGES U '' Ail k I r ffM believed in ' U - -1 , ffflii 24 HOURSi j j I' ' ViFyl Each Cap-. f:r', ' wiiMlliMWaule beargfMIDY)? A : VBHr the narnc?-XwX I .lf"-t. 'i ALL DRCOOI8T8 1 : i. ...... ........ .....t.t. y.X ' i