Newspaper Page Text
THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 6, 1913. 15 ; H jfttttJ5urnSieu Rooms Wished rooms, HlngU or B'-i !RTnoM IN MODERN APT.. tH? R2? town. Address Z-o. jH&s from town. b3818 Pffimcrlshts. 1310 2.g ROOMS, Fphono Wasatch i2'mA KjBKISHED ROOM IN PnT Hu; rfint reasonable. 125. hsASANT' ROOM. BEST LO jjgawnabla. 209 A street. RTfoUR MODERN ROOMS, KBhed. with largo lawnrea- jK) ROOMS IN MODERN tollable for students or teach Hpil environment. Call after RROCWS FOR RENT." IS K; displayed In many of the KtidVe a roomer or two. Those rooms have, In most Instances JRparlence that the better kind are to be secured by using Fclnnins. fclJy FURNISHED MODERN Btns with a large shaded porch. K.), D36UO CroNISHED ROOMS IN COOL BLts. rent reasonable. Wasatch K. ' Louise. b jKjSEALL OUTSIDE ROOMS, Hf!e up. 10 "West B0 "HEADQUARTERS; QUIET, Kid right Jn heart of shopping Bte airy rooms; special aum- Jlrs. Sunderson, mgr., 240 FT FURNISHED ROOMS, HL'wlth the moat modern con Ehot and cold water, and best ' N'o. 102 North Main street. jfcRTTROOMS FOR GENTLD tnwlern home. 423 So. 3rtl0 1fcyFURNISHED ROOM FOR jHwitlcsnan preferred. 314 First FTcOZT, COOL ROOM, REA-K-f20 So. State st. c5S it;ROOMS, $2.00 PER WEEK Kd. co 01 7FURNISHED ROOMS IN feome. 135 So. 6th East. co28 Hnished ROOM, private' HjtfC. 6 Nelson apL, 347 So, 3rd TlFR30Ma MY LAND Preducc my rent. Cool, choice to S2.50 per week. Sa-ll BEeEPING PORCH AND BED .Eodern home; close in. Wa- cG95 JHTONISHED ROOM. ONE OR ni; private family; near unl- pRXlilIED.MODERN FRONT )vnlce home; porch, lawn and prenccs. 230 J street. c900 . RfRNI6HiED ROOM FOR 2; ipn preferred; close In; reason -1I1E. So. Temple. cS93 (ntOWIS, FURNISHED. IX !pisno, to young couple without reasonable. Call Wasatch mMEN, IN NEW HOUSE. E'32 A 8t- "Wasatch 4685-W. lpMWui Rooms 7AY; THIRD FLOOR; FOUR b4526 jf,EL; TOURIST HEADQUAR l .modern rooms; only hotel location off car line; 75c to JBHtty: S3 up per week; $5 with Btolflcepface. M982 , fcAYMOND HOTEL, 8t opposite Empress. U 'nar,aeement to he changed KL ,,tw-room apartments. P entirely renovated and rc peloplione In each room. Prl jK't fcrfns tS.50 per week and WTEL-BTRICTLY MODERN; r11E.Jl; hot and cold run iE'i.. conveniences: business Hf' ?2-60 "P Per wk. -jS. JfOTEL(n9 SO. MAIN. inotith C Reduced rates JOTiJIj, 240 STATE. NEW SKhM. rpnoted throughout; B"PW, single or en suite; hot "5. reasonable; Ideal location. SBfSEEK MoERN AND UP RkhTate1 tliroghout. and j"'1' rates reasonable. M R3V; CUMBERLAND. JK.fck f?om5,-,hot and cold 4Kmc 7S bath Privileges: 3 biles. jMfcjtod Bo for U on 1 WQ(!ict! ia? & ar now open ?rn?.n sl'o: 50 rooms with KrV 'modern and up to Cwi.,MU8lno6B conlor; newly Kst,1y respectable. wWSOJf. Prop. Ig Bank, ic7 go1.' Ma IK-Tj.AKE'S NEWEST .wout bath- i oaer" room?. c77f HOTEL REX tkorS,, rlroc-p,r0c,of : special lfeTLY MoW; Mm. 7bs v r'njce"trft': special gver thft La Moll holeU Efae? Euern,rcnt yhltc way; guropcan plan. Corner aHfS? wA1? SP,Ijt WATER. HliG-a. Pnone3 Wasatch FOR SALE Poultry and Pet Stock WlTE LIeGHORN BABi: CHICKS. ,8;n. ,p,cr,J00- 1,53 l0"i Kant. Hyland J I. Nathan, agent. Pioneer hnlcli-cry- rlS9J P.-WS CHICK MANNA SUPPLIES every need for chicks from ono day to three weeks old. 52.90 per hundred. Porter-Walton Co., 274 South State. r2850 BUFF AND WHITE ORPINGTON eggs. $1.50: R. I. Reds, $1.00 per 15; won u first. ?. second. 1913 show. J. II. Von Elm. Hyland 1038-R. 1)138 BLACK AND WHITE ORPINGTONS: eggs for hatching. $3 per 15. Baby ; chicks. East SIdo Orpington farm, 117 So. fith East. b2l8o MAKE MONEY RAISING CHICKENS. Our poultry courses loach you how. Interna llonul Correspondence Schools. room 1. Boston Bldg, Was. 4133. b2275 WHITE ORPINGTON EGGS. PER SET tlng ?1.50. W. II. Voyles, 854 E. 5th So. Hyland 33G4. s8S3 WANTED BABY DUCKS 2 OR 3 DAYS old. Call Wasatch 2332-W. b4415 EGGS FOR HATCHING, FROM THOR oughbrtd S. C. Rhode Island Reds, ?1 50 pcf setting. Call 415 3rd avo. c279 BABY CHICKS TODAY; W. LEG horns, 11c each. 906 South 4lh East. Hyland 960-J. cl09 Grain; Poultry Supplies ORDER YOUR GRAIN, POULTRY supplies from Granlto Grain Co., 1050 East Twelfth South. s4291 For Sale Furniture CHEAPEST FURNITURE IN CITY. Troy Furniture Co.. 4 doora Houth K.-O'Bs store. bl262 FURNITURE 3-ROOM MOD. HOUSE: all new; cheap. 16 Brunswick ave. c258 FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM HOUSE. cheap. 224 Poplar ave , between 1st and 2d West on 3rd South. cSSG EIGHT 'ROOMS OF ELEGANT' FURNT ture, all rooms rented, Including' g-aragc; house- for rent. 212 E. So. Temple. cS44 For Sale Pianos kehgps?etjrga1rdTngt want opportunities means that workers who are capable and willing and employ ers who assuro fair treatment for their workers, are both In touch with chances that are well worth while. For Sale Miscellaneous GROCERY SNAP. PRICE. SI 300 NETS $150 A MONTH. Al CENTRAL LOCATION WITH IN A FEW DOORS OF AUER BACII'S. DOING EXCELLENT BUSINESS. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY 151 E. BROADWAY OR PHONE WASATCH 107S. b3095 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER; MUST sell. Address Y-17. Tribune. b30S2 O'COATS AND UNCALLED FOR MADE-to-nieasure suits at a verv low prlco. EUREKA TAILORING CO.. 304 Brooks Arcade, Broadway and State. n891 TRY OUR S -YEAR-OLD RYE AND bourbon straight whisky, no blend; 25c a flask; $1 a bottle; 3 bottles Wagener beer. 50c. Social bar, 502 State. nl424 STALE BREAD FOR SALE CHEAP AT Royal Baking Co., stale bread depot c3432 WHISKY. $2.50 GAL. , WINE, $1 GAL.; Imperial beer, 3 bottles. 50c- Social bar. 502 State. Wasalch G278. slOS CLEANING AND HAND PRESSING; can save you 20 per cent on tailor made suits. Why can we do this? Be cause we are out of the high rent dis trict. Tako Sugar House car and get off at Bchlc & Roth's tailoring establish ment. bl30 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD CLOTHES AND SHOES. E. GREEN. WASATCH 1503. cS65 CHICKENS AND FRUIT FOR SALE. 376 South 8th West. c579 FENCE POSTS, $6 AND ?10 PER HUN dred. Hyland 1C70. s3570 2 LARGE, ELEGANT MAHOGANY AND plaite glass wall cases, cheap. Mehcsy theater. s3G17 100 MISFIT SUITS FOR SALE AT HALF their value. Nobby Sultorlum, 2G5 State. b2083 MISSION STYLE SODA FOUNTAIN cheap, at 717 Sixth East. b2256 WE MUST CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE line of ready-made suits: come early and get your pick; these suits will all bo sold less than cost, Beehlvo Tailoring Co., 27G So. W. Temple. b3295 LARGE $125 COLOGNE BODY VIBRA tor, double action handle, new. $50 with all attachments; ono Buckeye incubator, EO-cgg. $5. G5S South Eighth West. b39G0 ONE 4-TON YORK REFRIGERATING machine for sale, cheap. Wasatch 892. b389l UNCALLED - FOR TAILOR - MADE suits, worth $35 and $40; your size for $15. Spielberg Tailoring Co., 57 West Second South. b419G UNCALLED-FOR TAILOR-MADE SUIT at a snap. Wolf, tailor, 309 Judge bldg, bU9S ELEGANT ELKS' HEAD FOR SALE. Call Hyland, 1737. b4207 S-CT. BLUE-WHITE PERFECT CUT diamond ring for $100. Address Y-5J. Tribune. c270 B- CARAT BLUE-WHITE DLVMOND ring; will sacrifice for $40. Address Y-28, Tribune. c2G9 CEILING FANS (G), IN FIRST-CLASS condition. A. Fred Wey. Wilson hotel. cE31 OIL PAINTINGS, CHICKERING grand piano, steel eafo. hotel range, cheap, 301 State cG87 R. S. MOTORCYCLE, 2 FINE PARKER nroth;rs shotguns, t Popo-Winchester. 1 Pope-Ballard targot rifle. 8 M. M. Mannllchor. Stevcns-Popo barrel, mount ed with telescope. 120 No, 2nd Weal c67G 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, HOT water heat. 2 largo sleeping porcheB, cement basement, largo lot. fruit trees, garden. Chicken roops. 1115 Wilson ave. $3500. Hyland 1142-M. c671 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR NEW and second-hand furniture. Desoret Second-IIand Store, 70 o. W. Temple. G00 FIRST-CLASS CLEANING AND HAND pressing; alterations our cpcclnlty; 5c car far saves 50c on pressing; guaran teed. 1869 State. cGGS A 3-CHAIR BARBER SHOP CHEAP; good location; must be sold, ao owner leaving city. Address A-42, Tribune. cfi55 GOLD GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR set. new, $3. 113 So. Main, room 18. t:S9 1 ON 13 VICTOR TALKING MACHINE. set of. 20 records. .Inqulro Box 685, City. 2 A GENTLEMAN'S RETURN TICKET to Indianapolis, cheap If called for at once. Write A-59. Tribune;. cSG5 TRIBUNE WANT ADS P,UIIi. FOR SALE For Sale Horses and Vehicles SALT LAKE HORSE MULI3 MARKET, 344 West Fifth South. Phone AVasatch 4167. bPli ONE RUNABOUT BUGGY. RUBBER tires, auto seat, good as new. Hyland 7W-M. c553 HORSE AND WAGON AND HARNESS. Apply 149 So. State L, room 5. c55G For Sale Automobiles AUTO FOR SALE. INQUIRE DR. H. L. Smith. 116 So. State at., or phono Murray 157-Z. C27l BAB COCK ELECTRIC PHAETON. A-l condition; a snap. Raudall-Dodd Auto Co. g2357 U'ED AUTOMOBILES AT PRICES TO suit all buyers. Chcesman Auto Co.. G3 Automobllo row. kl035 WE HAVE REAL BARGAINS IN USED Cadillac cars. These machines have been rebuilt, repainted, and we give the same guarantee with them that goes with a new Cadillac. It wll! pay vou to see them before buying either a new or U3ed car of any other make. Sharman Auto mobile Co.. 42-45 Automobile row. ol9S8 A LOT IN BR1GHAM CITY. IN peach trees; will exchange for automo bile. J. V. Fowler. 57 South West Tem ple. s2338 FIVE-PASSENGER 40-HORSEPOWF.R automobile. In good condition, for sale cheap. Apply Bertram Motor Supply Co. S3355 TWO OR FOUR-PASSENGER FRANK lln, overhauled and repaintedtv a snap. Salt Lake Automobllo Co., 1C2 Ea3t First South. Phone Was. 268 i. bl806 FOR SALE CHEAP, 1 ELECTRIC RUN about In good running order. Randall Dodd Auto Co., Ltd., Auto Row. b3293 FOR SALE 1-TON AUTO DELIVERY truck in good condition. $600. Ed Stromneos Motor Works, 745 So. State. b3972 COLUMBUS ELECTRIC PHAETON, A-l condition; bargain. Address A-27. Tribune C25G AUTO WANTED IN EXCHANGE FOR A first payment on n handsomo 5-room bungalow. Hyland 102G-W. cG90 For Sale or Trade 1910 MODEL AMERICAN tVELT newly painted, new curtains, overhauled throughout. A. Fred Wey, Wilson hotel. c530 Autos for Hire ptjonIT'waIJat and holiday appointments; now cars; good service. sl491 AUTOMOBILES AT REASONABLE rates for all passenger Kervlce. F. Brownell. Lovendahl's corner, Murray. Phone Murray 215-W. 1)3734 Autos Stored and Repaired TPHPolsTOFFTcl opened by J. E. Flcege and G. W. Bal lard and In the future will be run as a first-class auto shop. We have only skill ful mechanics in our employ. Autos stored and kept In running condition. 69 73 Postofflce place. b4443 CARPET CLEANING TEL. HY. 2019 FOR CARPET AND RUG cleaning S. L. Carpet Cleaning Co.. 486 Seventh East. n3207 CLEAN AND RESTORE COLORS IN rugs and carpets; satisfaction guaran teed. Frank Martin. 58 W. First South. Phone Wasatch 226G. ol898 "SANTO" FOR SALE OR RENT; cleaning done. Stewart-Uleeaon Co.. Wasatch 290. r327fl F. C. GROENDYKE & CO. Carpets nteam cleaned. Our superior work insures satisfaction. Remodeling a specialty. Hy. 3220-J. 32954 A. F. THORNBERG, STEAM CLEANS and relays carpots, our work guaran teed or no pay. Works S59 E. 9th So. Hyland 1006. 84280 10 ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANERS to rent, 2 automobiles to deliver them. Cleaning dono by cuponslblo men- Ma chines for sale. Bates American Co. Tel. Hyland 2635. 83465 NATIONAL HOUSE & CARPET Cleaning Co. 9x12, $1: vacuum cleaning and house cleaning. Wasatch 4256. 21o Templeton bldg. b21S2 CARPETS CLEANED WITH "SANTO." Work jruarantoed. A. II. Alfrcy, W satch 2490-R. b2279 ERNST CARPET RENOVATOR Ca, makes your carpet dustless. 362 Amer avenue. Hyland 1009. b2278 DENTISTS DR. HODGES. DENTIST. SUITE 217-1S Brooks Arcade bldg. Best and cheap est. Wasatch 305G. K3790 DR. E TT. CONGER, 260 S. MAIN. Ex traction by use of somnoforme. Sunday hours. 10 to 2. Wasatch 4249-M. o313S THE BEST REINFORCED 22-K. GOLD crown, $5; bridge work, $5 per tooth; fillings. $1: all work guaranteed. Dr. Christie, dentist. 313 Brooks Arcade building, corner State and Broadway. b3375 Expert Dentistry d!Tt'b7ke y SRTTMATNslrmaE'T. Wasatch GG28. Good set teeth, $5. b4193 ATTORNEYS PWERS?IAK)NEAUX? STOTT & McKInney. Top floor front Kcarns bldg. Waaatch 1850. Associate office, 608 Los Angeles Investment bldg., Los Angeles. n3433 D. L. OLESON. LAWYER. 1209 Walker Bank bldg. Wasatch 6221. p830 UNREDEEMED PLEDGES 22-INCH REPEATER RIFLE, S5. 21-Jcwel Hamilton R. R. watch, $20. H-carat blue steel diamond, $40. $10 solo leathfir .suitcase, $3,75. Cash paid for anything of valuo. Cllne's Loan Office, 23 East 3rd South. Established 25 years. hi 146 VACUUM CLEANING IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING A CLEAN or, buy "The T'uoc," the best on the market; demonstrations given at all times; installed in homes or hotols; the only maehhm on the market that can't got out of order. Tuec Stationary Clean er Co.. 141 E. Broadway. Was, 280. 01146 MILLINERY SCHOOL pTrw3"1$cTk) up"-rorjATE hats exchanged for your old ones; finest assortment In tho city. 303 s. 5th E. Hyland 1761-M. b2430 PYORRHEA SPECIALIST rixyB pyorrhea AND ORAL PROPHYLAXIS, 810 ICEARNS BLDG. a2353 ' WHERE TO STOP LncoTN'nilyu 250 rooms; rates 35c, 40c and 50c; mod ern: baths. 15c n!339 ' DAJING DANCING LESSONS, 25C, DAILY. GS tfusloffico placa s2H BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Jlrjtejsi, and Rooming Houses A BARGAIN. 11-ROOM ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE CHEAP; LO- CAT ED AT NO. 419 W. TEM PLE. INQUIRE FOR PAR TICULARS AT 345 SO. STATE. OR PHONE WAS. 5145. D2423 19-ROO.M ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE at a sacrifice. Owner leaving city. Ap ply Wasatch 3387. b2055 FOR SALE HOUSEKEEPING APTS. of 2 and 3 rooms each; 5 apts., $G00; 10 apts., $1200. Terms to suit. Well and completely furnished. Ross C. Da vis. 113 So. Main. c902 FOR SALE CHEAP. A popular and beautifully furnished hotel; one that caters .to llrst-class pat ronage; good permanent and transient business. It will pay you to Investigate without delay. Ross C. Davis. 113 South Main. c90l FOR QUICK SALE. I AM OFFERING a llrst-class hotel of 3G rooms at a big sacrlllce; will take real estate In ex change, city or farm properly. The hotel Is first-class In every respect, receipts average about $1500 per month. ROSS C. DAVIS, HOTEL BROKER, 113 So. Main. Was. 3839. c838 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Miscellaneous SECOND-HAND FURNITURE STORE FOR SALE; GOOD BUSINESS; A-l STATE STREET LOCATION. APPLY 209 SO. W. TEMPLE FOR PARTICULARS OR PHONE WAS. 1996. b2333 HAVE BIGGEST MONEY-MAKING proposition In the world. I want party with money to back me and I will make us both rich. This Is absolutely a new Invention which will rank as ono of tho seven scientific wonders of tho world. Don't answer unless you mean business and have the money. AddresG A-55. Tribune. c790 FINE CHANCE FOR PHYSICIAN. OW lng to deaths and removals of physi cians in neighborhood. For sale Home and offices, Layton, Five PolntB. 8 rooms. 2 acres of land, barn, horse, bug gy, office furniture, books, instruments; reasonable terms. Apply Mrs. Cllft, on premises. Telephone 25, Kaysvllle. b!977 PARTY TO FILE ON ENLARGED homestead land and join mo In partner ship fence. Total cost, including fence, $1.25 per acre, Land worth $75 per acre. Address 1875 3rd ave. Hyland 1670. c591 GRINDING WAGON WITH GAS EN glne Installed; also team of horses; a well-established trade In Salt Lake; for sale cheap. 6 Love court. b2186 FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS BARBER shop, with bath, hot and cold water, in a good, thriving mining camp; has liv ing room. furniture, etc. ; excellent chance for married man with small fam ily. Owner leaving. Terms to suit. Y-31, Tribune offlco. b3314 A CORPORATION DESIRES STATE manager for Utah. Must havo selling record and furnish unquestionable proof of integrity and financial responsibility. Liberal compensation. Attractive duties. Quick returns. To secure interview re plies must bo by letter stating experience, telephone number. E. B. Hanson, Hotel Utah, b8598 BILLIARD PARLOR FOR SALE; FINE location; reasonable rent: good paying business. Address A-3. Tribune, elOO TOOLS AND STOCK OF BLACKSMITH shop for sale In city. Address A-38. Tribune. c554 WANTED PARTNER TO TAKE HALF Interest in good paying buslnoss; about $300 required, exceptional opportunity Address A-45, Tribune. c659 HAVE BIGGEST MONEY-MAKING proposition in the world. I want party TvlMi money to back me and I will make us tooth rich. This Is absolutely a new Invention -which will rank as one of t'ho seven scientific wonders of the world. Don't answer unless you mean business and have the money. Address A-55. Tribune. ' c855 To Lease mjTcJnTinr'sliol in Ogdon. Splendid location, long or short time lease. Inqulro at 3295 24th st., Ogden, or Kenyon billiard parlors, city. b2178 STORAGE, MOVING, PACK ING, SHIPPING WES4Ip""'llOu1 OOODSTO any part of tho United States. Cut rates. Kimball Van & Storage Co., 75 South Main. m3663 FIREPROOF STORAGE ITaVEYUNOTICED OUR NEW AUTO trucks three of them? Moro than all of our alleged competitors (and then some). Our strictly fireproof storehouse (only one in the city freo from RATS and MICE), with private rooms for your goods. Our packing and shipping depart ment employs more men than all others. Why not have your moving, storago. packing and shipping done by people wio know how. We insure your goods nn route from pilferage, flp and all other damage Incidental to shipping. REDMAN FIREPROOF STORAGE CO. b3805 COMPARE OUR FINANCIAL STAND ing, Insurance rate and warehouse with any other. Tho superiority of tho Keyser storage ovor all others is well known. Keyser Fireproof Storage Co., Wasatch 2823. b2418 SECOND-HAND CLOTHING 'higuSSt PRICES PAirT?OIt OLD clothes and alioea. E. Green. Wasatch 1503. o391 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' AND GENT'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING. CALL HYLAND 2629. J. FLAX. 403 SO. 9TH EAST. 1)4199 BEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing. W. Gllckinan, 71 So. West Temple. Was. 4513. c27n PAPER HANGING, PAINTING AND DECORATING HAVE IT DONE RIGHT. PAINTING, paper-hanging, kalsotnlnlng and wall paper cleaning. Jackson, 171 W. South Temple. Wasatch 2387. b3100 D. 7. CAMPELL, PAINTING AND papcrhanglng; rooms papered, $5 and up. Was. 3420-R. b2843 TAILORS a7XHAt2T'ta7lO AND repairing: ladles? an gents' stilts made to measure; suits presncd by the month 202 13. 2nd So. Wasatch 1842. o94o ROSELL THE TAILOR DOES HIGH oIhms tailoring work, guaranteed. 75 So. State. b2S33 SEWING MACHINES WE SELL. RENT AND REPAIR ALL makes. 159 State. Was. 4703. d34lG STANDARD SEWING MACHINES FOR tijilu at prices and terms to suit. Bow ers & Evans, lis S. W. Temple. bglS2 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS COMPANY,' 323 MAIN ST. FORECLOSURE SALE. A splendid 2-story, modern. 8-room brick home, on a lot 66x120. Fine gar den, lawn, shade, frill; coop and barn. $3500 takes it. NEW BUNGALOW On the west side. 4 large, airy rooms; built-in buffet, fireplace; nice electric fix tures. Mission finish interior. Cobble rock chimney and porch piers; cement walks; sower; nice lawn. $2000 $500 cash, balance easy payments, PRETTY COTTAGE On Belmont ave.. near 9th East st. 4 rooms, brick: bath, toilet. Electric lights, basement, sower, lawn, cement walks. Lot 411x140. Faces south. $2500 $500 cash, $20 per month. IF YOU WANT A beautiful, new 6-room bungalow at less than actual cost, see this one. - 6 ele gantly finished rooms and a sleeping porch, gas range, gas water heater, llnoloum on floor. Beautiful tile mantel, hammered copper light fixtures, swell buffet, French windows In leaded glass, built-in bookcases, polished floors. linen closet, swell bathroom. Best of plumb ing, beautiful buffet kitchen, full cement basement, furnace connected with water heater, concrete front porch and steps, lawn and roses planted, deep lot. South east. A snap. $700 cash, $30 per month. Only $4200. A cozy 3-room frame on a 50xl65-foot lot, all In garden, trees and flowers, for $1250 $300 cash, balance easy monthly payments. SoutheasL When you arc ready to build that home, see us. If you own a lot, you need no cash you can make easy monthly payments. WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE THAT INSURES. BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO. Was. 2030. Was. 2031. cl61 SPECIAL BARGAINS. 6- ROOM MOTTLED BRICK BUNGA LOW, close to Ninth East, tho paved street; with a lot 50x140 to alley; south front; large front porch, with a scrcened In back porch and sleeping porch; ce ment walks and full cement basement; beautiful large reception hall, largo din ing room and window seat; bullf-ln man tel, hardwood floors, china cabinet in din ing room, and buffet kitchen; strictly modern except furnace, but oil grates are in for furnace. "This Is the best bar gain offered In the southeast for some time. Price $3500. Terms arranged. HOFFMAN BROTHERS LOAN & TRUST CO ID? ANY, 22 East First South. Wasatch 244. c679 REAL BARGAIN. Strictly modern 5-room cottage with front and back porch, splendid basement, hot air furnaco. latest plumbing, nice mantel, also extra room in attic and room enough to make other rooms with very little extra expense. Lot is ton rods deep, with right of way in rear. Walking distance. South front. In splen did condition and built for owner. Will soli at a prlco less than same can bo duplicated, No trouble to show you through. Inquire 371 Third avenue. bS33 WE HAVE SEVERAL SPLENDIDLY BUILT HOMES IN CHOICE LOCA TIONS IN CITY THAT WE CAN SELL YOU ON PAYMENTS JUST LIKE RENT. HOUSES TO RENT. LIST YOURS. UTAH SECURITIES CO.. 379 SO. MAIN. WASATCH 2444. b2083 OWNER WANTS TO SELL, 23 ACRES, with about 7 acres of bearing orchard, about 10 years old; common frame house, about 18x32; plenty irrigating; adjoining city limits; will exchange for clear Salt Lake property; $6000. Good 4-room frame and stable-, lot 50x 140 ft.; corner; bath and electric Ughta; extra easy terms. $2100. Call 420 Atlas block. sS84 ACREAGE OF THE FINEST LAND IN Utah, planted, seeded, or good growing crop, improved with house, barn, flow ing well, small family orchard, cement walks, shade trees, chicken coop, incu bator, collar; located at 2535 S. Fifth East; will sell cheap or trade equity In small business or farm lands, Utah or Idaho. Hyland 154-R. b4291 6-ROOM RESIDENCE AND BARN cannot be built for $2000.00. 5x10 rods of ground worth $500.00 per rod, or $2500.00. Will accept $2500.00 for few days. Plenty of room to build another house. No. 54 North 7th West, tho best rosldenco section on west side. Phone W. 501 or 2213. Grab it quick for you got tho improvements for nothing. Is there any excuse to rent when such bar ealns can be obtained '????? b36l 5-ROOM MODERN PRESSED BRICK, with barn, cement walks. lawn and gar don; a bargain. 1045 West 2nd South. cl74 3-ROOM HOUSE, CHICKEN COOPS. 732 McClelland avo.; $1300. Bet. 7th and 8th So.. 10th and 11th East. A. Betls. c85 FOR SALE WELL BUILT MOUNTAIN cottago, containing four rooms and large sleeping porch. Tdlewlld addition, Ogden canyon; Ideal location: terms. In quire 2201 Jefferson avenuo, Ogden. Utah. Phone 1134-W. c163 ALL OF LOTS 18 AND 19. BLOCK 2. Oakdale. and all of lots 1, 2. 7 and 8 and part of lots 3 and 4, block 91, plat C, Salt Lake City survey, for sate at less than cowt. Price for same $600. Richard Rastorfer, Wardnor, Idaho. b42S2 FOUR-ROOM FRAME HOUSE AND 50 fl. lot, southeast, to bo comploted bv July 15, $900; terms. Addrosn A-51. Tribune. t;70S TRACKAGE OR FACTORY SITE FOR Fttlo at a bargain: 313 foot front 5th North and 330 feet along 4 th West St., on O. S. L. line tracks; only four blocks from O. S. L. depot. Apply to owner. John McCroady, Ogden, Utah. c82 A 7-ROOM HOUSE, WITH BATH. CeT montod basoment, hot air furnace, latest plumbing, large attic, largo lot, garage, barn and other outbuildings. In splendid condition. Desirable location, near Liberty park. 845 Park st. Phone Hyland 3496-W. Terms easy. b2728 BY OWNER. 7- room buff brick house with laro barn, nicely improved. A bargain. 1893 &o. State. B4427 WE BUY. SELL, EXCHANGE. RENT and manage real estate. Sea us. Mu tual Homo Purchasing Co.. 327 Mclntyri bldg. Wasatch 2726. al310 WE ARE SELLING OTHER PEOPLE'S property: w can sell youra. J. L. Den ham Co., 313 Main sL. Wasatch 4133. b4416 SACRIFICE. BY OWNER, 7 ROOMS. large lot, 6 blocks east from Main st.; cost $7000; terms, $4500. Look at this first. Call Hyland 269. clOl FOR SALEREAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved SEARS INVESTMENT CO. Have moved to 25 E. 4th So.. Grand Hotel building. We have customers for building lots. b. c., city. What have you for sale? ol003 EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN. ELE gant modern residence which cannot bf built for lees than $3250.00. Land well worth $1500.00. Price now is $3830.00 Fo few days will accept $3600.00. Terms No 212 West 7th South. Phone W. 501 or to see through. 6- ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE. 5 acres ground; 3rd East and 12th South. Easy payments. Apply Cap. Elec. Co. . r721 ASHTON & JENKINS. REAL ESTATE. loans and Insurance. 7 llain ntrcet. Phon Wasatch 780. m3072 7- ROOM. RED PRESSED BRICK MOD ern: gas and summer kitchen; lawn; right of way to alley. 636 So. Gth East. b3785 MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE AT SACRI flce; will exchange. 429 So. 13th East. b3G30 OR RENT. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE ON 9th East; will give lease. Hy. 2C2-M. cl03 SEVERAL 3 AND 4-ROOM HOUSES. $50 cash, balance like rent. Addison Cain. Hyland 2090. C262 "WE SELL REAL ESTATE. THAT'S all." Tuttle Bros. Co., 159 Main street. 12249 BY OWNER 5-ROOM" MODERN BRICK cottage, walking distance; desire to sell at once. Wasatch 1035-.T. c7S4 Keal Estate to Exchange 2 modern houses, close in. and some choice vacant property, to trade for close-In, Improved property, suitable for boarding house; will pay difference. Apartment house, 4 apts.. paying 15 per cent net. $8500. Will tako 5-r. mod., southeast, as part payment. Choice farms to trade for city prop erty. Bettllyon Homo Builders Co.. No. 323 So. Main Sst. b3S07 I WILL TRADE A $5000 EQUITY IN 3x10 rods of ground with 14-room modern house, two and one-half blocks from Hotel Utah, for a smaller un encumbered home of equal value. My place makes an excellent private room ing house, with rental lncomo of $120 per month. Sufficient vacant land for apartment house, but too largo for me to handle. What have you to offer? Y-49, Tribune. b3494 ALL OR PART DESIRABLE INCOME property on 7th E.. bet.. 2nd and 3rd So.; 4-apt. bldg., 6-rm. cottage on prop erty. Will take as part payment 4 or 5-room mod. houso. Terms to suite; make offer. Was. 1598. bl257 REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE. A 40-acre Improved farm In Sanpcto county for good property In or near Salt Lake City. Address S-59. Tribune. h799 WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR LAND OR lots 5-passengor, 4-cyllnder automo bile. 200 Scott bldg. Phone W. 195. b!954 CORNER 7-ROOM MODERN BRICK house for Bale or trade. 376 South 8th West. blOlo WANTED VACANT LOTS OR ACRE age In exchange for first payment on a beautiful 5-room modern bungalow. Phone Hyland 1026-W. c691 Abstracts Title Insurance tjTAH'SAvliNG furnlBh abstracts and title insurance, attend to all details in transferring and mortgaging land titles. Capital. $300,000. 235 Main. S2529 Many find it well worth while to look ovor the Want Columns each. day. MONEY TO LOAN COULD WErAjSTARDIuS LOANS upon real estate than any five- com petitors combined unless our methods aro right? Nineteen years' experience with only one foreclosure. TRACY LOAN & TRUST CO., 11 E. 1st South. m26Gl YOUR PRIVILEGE IS to pay any amount, any time, without notice, and to stop Interest, on loans made from us. We loan only our own money. Home Investment & Savings Co., Glen Miller, president, 6, 8 and 10 West First South street. nll52 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. H. Tolman, room 339 Atlas bldg. el200 AMOUNTS OF $500 AND UP; LOW rates of interest. Houston Real Estate Inv. Co., 351 South Main st. Phone 27. ol23 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Halloran-Judgo Loan & Trust Co., 303 South Main. e323 SALARIED PEOPLE ACCOMMODATED without delay or publicity. D. D. Drake. 403 Scott bldg. f32Gl ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS: liberal options. Miller & Vlcle. S03 Kcarns bldg. allG SALARY LOANS NEGOTIATED FOR persons permanently employed; busi ness confidential. 717 Walker Bank bldg. dl575 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Pomcroy. 36 West First North. p881 $1000 TO $7500 ON RESIDENCE PROP erty within city limits. Inqulro Glcsy Walker Co., 711 Kcarns bldg. n52G MORTGAGE LOANS MADE WITHOUT DELAY. FRITSCH. 201 and 202 Felt Bldg. i?1906 MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ES tate. Thos. W. Partridge, 407 Judge bldg. S4QG2 60 PER CENT LOANS ON REAL ES tato at market valuation. J. G. Meyer. 407 Mclntyre bldg. M056 $1000 OR MORE REAL ESTATE mortgage. Burt & Carlqulst Company, 10 Main st. b!252 WE OFFER MOST FAVORABLE terms and rates on 1st mortgage loans, and make them quick. Building loans for houses or business buildings solicited. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY, Investment Bankers. 159 Main Street. b2520 CHINESE HERBS "YEEOUNTrTTr CHINESE HERB INSTITUTE. 113 S. MAIN. UPSTAIRS. Yoe Fou Luu, C. H D.. Chlnose herb treatment has cured thousands of suf ferers. WHY NOT YOU? Nature's way -The Chinese Herb way Is tho best for Rheumatism. Dropsy, Catarrh, Bright' Disease, Indigestion, Tonstlltls. Blood Disorders and other ailments. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 n. m.: Sundays 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.; evonlngs 7 to S; special appointments at Hotel Utah. Phone Wasatch G930, Consultation freo by pre aantlng this notice. b3836 JSCLENG HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED while you wait; 7 shines 50c; 15 for $1. Independent Shoe Shine & Hat Cleaning Parlors, thrpe stores. 10 E. 2d S.. 62 S. Main and 107 S. Muln. . ACCOraiONJPLEATING SUNBURST AND SIDE PLEATING. SOS East 3d South, Phono II viand 7S7-J. r b!571 FOR SALE FARM LANDS jif Farms and Acreage i, How would you like to got out ll wlwre ibo nlr p fresh and health- .'H fill: where Nature works with you: where ou'n free from business NH i"ule. and where prosperity and 'j'H eternal happiness prevail? r Such Is the life on a Park Val- kl farm. r. If you wll) come and work on jH fiio of Ui!M farms as hard as vou 'tliH do now. it will only be a few years 'H until you'll be well fixed. 11 Your right to peace and content- ts'H ment is just as great as any other t IH inn . Now tho opportunity beckons I Will you accept? '' Thj coPt of the land Is onlv $15 ! to $17.50 per acre on five years' ,. '!iiH A posttl card will bring vou tl our FREE booklet and complete I information. JH PACIFIC LAND & WATER ' COMPANY, 1509 Walker Bank t,H Blo'g., Salt Like City. Utah. - H . ; ' . ) III ' " 1 PARK VALLEY. ! , THE CHOICEST . HH OF UTAH'S ':H . FARMING JH OPPORTUNITIES; ' $15 TO $17.50 IH AN ACRE ON VERY " EASY TERMS. jH ASK OR WRITE ! IH W. C. AL3ERTS0N. N I . 603-4 Doolv Bid?., - Salt Lako City. , Also General Agent IH Canadian Pacific Ry. Land Branch. ' , c681 ; . THE YOUNG MAN'S ! , OPPORTUNITY 1 1 IH A good farm in a good locality. Become independent be -happy enjoy life as nature : intended live next to nature. PARK VALLEY ! offers opportunities unsurpassed " , to the young man or the old man. Choice tracts at $15 to $17.50 , an acre and five years to pay. ' Investigate today NOW. W. C. ALBERTSON. G03-4 DOOLY BLOCK. " SALT LAKE CITY. Also agents Canadian Pacific Railway 1 Land Branch. , c887 LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED I No canvassing or soliciting required. Good lncomo assured. Address National Co-operative Realty Co. Marden bldg. ' Washington, D. C. b304 I CHICKEN RANCHES, FARMS AND ' 'H SUBURBAN HOMES. You deal diroct with owners. We act ' as advertising agents only to bring buy crs and sellers together. WILLIAMS BROS., , MURRAY. UTAH. PHONE .MURRAY 288-J. b3482 III MODENA HOMESTEAD. , Unimproved, but adjoins cultivated .ll land; residence required. If you want a good farm and will cultivate It, here Is ; I your chance. None but bona fide settlers , need apply. We make homestead loca- ; tions. WESTERN LAND CO., 212 Judc bldg. c!73 ( UTAH LAND, "THE BEST IN THE wost." Excellont bargains, farms. ranches, colonization tracts. Homestead i locations on government land. ! WESTERN LAND CO.. 212 Judffa bldr ' b215 JM FORTY ACRES AT $25.00, NEAR CITY: ' get in before advance in prlcos. Owner needs money. Address A-25, Tribune. c2S8 , MASSAGE ' H MAGNETIC VlUAOYIA8AG , jH manicuring, facial and scalp treatment. , New York method. Room 20, Galena block, Second South and State. b949 ' CALL ON MADAME ERHART AT IH her new apartment. Warm Springs. ! Wasatch 5364-W. a2177 VIBRATORY MASSAGE. FACIAL AND scalp treatments. Merchants hotel. suite 304. Open evenings. bl023 H MARGARET ALLEN. MAGNETIC AND I IH vibratory massage. Room 30 Plaza ho- ; tel. 79 W. 2nd So., Eagle Bldg. b4715 VAPOR BATHS, MASSAGE. SUITES 2 ' and 4. 326 So. Main. c41 MASSAGE FOR LADIES ONLY ' jH Swedish and other scientific methods; salt rubs. Phone Wasatch 2624. c203 - SraAMSHIPS ANUHolTLINEi i STEAMSHIPS . SAIL EVERY SATURDAY To and From ' jH NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. Ocean Passage 7 Days. , FIRST CABIN, $70 AND $75. Ml SECOND CABIN, $50 AND UPWARD. , THIRD CLASS, $32.50. For Book of Tours, Rates, etc., Addrem Henderson Brothers, Genl. Agent. IH 35 West Randolph St.. Chicago. OR ANY LOCAL AGENT. 82701 , MTsTrTiMTwN'S MILLINERY ' school hats; made new; all branches of ' the trade thoroughly taught: very rea- 'H sonable terms; Investigate. Y. W. C. A. I IH Educational building, Wasatch 118. K.H cm ! fll REMOVAL NOTICE I msTne1Tmi3 goeIPthdip ! formerly living at No. 142 So. Third 1 East, has moved to .No. 11 Brunswick MLH ave- where she has established dress- H making parlors and will be pleased to , H meet all old friends. c77" VIAVI CO, I-LVE MOVED THEIR " offices to 307 and 30S Tompleton bldg. . b2423 ' HH FOR A FAMOUS SCALP TREATMENT. under Vclveltna system, phone Wa- . aatch 3536. b!667 MEN'S SEWED SOLES, 60c; LADIES." ' 40c. Utah Shoe Rep. Co.. 117 So. W. I -tiH Terr.plc. Was. 3S37. We call and deliver. 1 67 IH CUSHIOTHOLERm MATTRESSES A;jDWPRINGS Rif- 'f paired. Sale Lake Mott-.i & Mfg. . IH Co. Phono .pl55S j