Newspaper Page Text
j lg THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 8. 1913. , ' i TICK TIRE Clif I 1 IF I HOUH MB Any truck owner can now change KHj his o'wn tires in half an hour, often in MH even shorter time, and do it without jB the UfiO of any special machinery. The Fircstono Tire & Rubber com puny are offering n quick removable rim ivhioh makes this big ecpnomy pos siblc. This rim unquestionably ro moves the final obstacle to continuous .nd profit-able truck service. WmW M. h. Tcrbush, local manager of that rmm company, when interviewed on this sub- QW joct. mid: (j The quick removable rim, as now proved practical, will do more to tB mcrcaso I ho wo of motor driven I trucks lhau anything sinco the practical trurk tire was evolved. Working hand in hand with this rim is the excellent work of the So ciety of Automobile Engineers, which has established a standard for wheel and J'olloo band. To illustrate the almost revolu tionary of feci, and value of tho Firestone rcmovablo rim, it is necessary to recall tho disadvant ages and losses of the old-time method. Before S. A. E. stands wero es tablished, wheols were made of a. dozen different, and fow wheel manufacturers made their products to any standard sizes. The result was confusion. "When an- truck owner found it neces sary to change tho mako of his tires, or oven to renew a tire ot tho same make, it was necessary for him to send his wheel to tho tiro service station or factory, and havo it cither trimmed or built up to fit the lire. The result was a big loss of val uable time in tho use of his truck, -which in a few days would eat up a large amount of the profit on his business. ITako Plenty of Time to Eat. There is a saying that "rapid eating is slow suicide." Tf you have formed the habit of eatinc too rapidly you are most likely suffering from indigestion or constipation, which "will result eventually in serious illness unless cor rected. Ingestion begins in tho mouth. Food should be thoroughly masticated and insalivated. Then when you have a fullness of tho stomach or feel dull and stupid after eating, tako ono of Chamberlain's Tablets. Many severo c?C9 of stomach troublo and consti pation have been cured by the uso of these tablets. Thoy are easy to tako and most agTeeable in effect. Sold by all dealers. (Advertisement.) Hupmobile Agency Taken j The above as a cut of the 11)18 Hup mobile now on exhibition at tho "Whito Automobilo company's garage on East First South. Munager Reosink an nounced yesterday Unit his firm had just closed for tho agency of this popu lar car, and that the demonstrator could now bo soon at their store. Two IE HEPAIK NEEDS GOOD WORK Although tho United Vulcanizing company has been in business in Salt. Lake only a short time, they report con ditions in tho tire repair department far abbvo all expectations, "The Salt Lake public quickly got on to the fact that -wo do first class work," said Man ager Oscar Hamilton, "and wore not slow to come to us for repairs. We find tho demand for patching old casings and retreading old tires is daily on the increase, showing that the car owners arc beginning to realize that they can Sreatly add to their mileago with a lit o expense. The tire repair game can bo compared with the adage that 'A stitch, in time saves nine.' This .is true with tire repairing. If owners come to us when the first sign of the need of repair on his tire shows up, it can be fixed at a smal expense and will eive better satisfaction." I Owners of Pleasure Electrics I We Guarantee These Tires I 10,000 Miles two Years Nearly everybody now knows that iJftM)IMfaBJIIl! &t1 Motz Cushion Tires are easy-riding KnfjSSfjfrJ ofili and trouble-proof, but do you realize IflliiP lll$VBi j the great economy of these tires Awf$ iff MYhJLfr Do you realize that every oet of ASSw flf Ulrfc rasl Motz Cushion Tires is guaranteed AJlvwkwM vwg for 10,000 miles two years? BvVJI Do you realize that the upkeep cost jhS on a set of Motz Cushion Tires is lt34i!i't practically nothing ? C "''S.fe.uii'i?. JDj Do you realize that four, not five, m rk rrrt v-v j of these tires make a complete set. jy J ft What if the initial cost of Motz , ra Cushion Tire3 is a trifle more than S g V AM JC j pneumatics, is not the additional cost vaa a vo paid back ten times over? . They Ride Easy All Leading Electric Car j Motorists and motor car makers Makers Adopt Them once thought that only pneumatic r mm tires could be easy riding and resili-' The demand for Motz Cushion hM ent, but Motz Cushion Tires upset all Tires in two years has multiplied ten- calculations. Thousands now know fold. On every boulevard, in every j from experience, from using Motz city, wherever electric cars are used, Ml Cushion Tires, that they were wrong. Motz Cushion Tires predominate. Hj They know that no pneumatic, except All leading pleasure electric manu- Hj Under excessive speed, is more resili- facturers have adopted Motz Cushion H ent than the Motz. Tires as standard equipment. Note the construction of this re- m -p. t i d j H markable tire. Note the double, INeW lire DOOK Keady notched treads (A in picture), which . , ,. Cl . . prevent skidding and distribute the J10.1-2 Cushion Tires fit any stand- weight to the sides. The sides are af? clmher- universal quick-detach- undercut (see B) , which allows free able or demountable nm. action of 3lantwise bridges (sec C). Our latest Tire Book is now ready These bridges are clastic. They give for mailing. Don't fail to get a copy, and yield like the air in a pneumatic Send a postal today and get acquaint- tire. Note D in the picture, showing cd with tho tire that gives utmost mm shock-absorbing qualities when tire riding comfort, utmost convenience, runs over a stone. utmost mileage, utmost economy. Needless to say, Motz Cushion Give specifications name of car, Tires end all punctures and blowouts. model, size of rims, etc. SALT LAKE HARDWARE CO., DISTRIBUTORS, SALT LAKE CITY. H The Motz Tire and Rubber Co. fkron, omo Service Stations in All Principal Cities I $5,000.00 . $5,000.00 I STATE OF UTAH. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE. I, DAVID MATTSON. Socretary of State of the Statn of Utah, do here by certify that THE MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, a cor poration organized and existing under and by virtue of tho Laws of the State of Utah, did on the sixteenth day of May, 1913, file In my offlco a good and sufficient bond In the sum of Five Thousand DolLnm. In favor of the State of Utah for the use and bcneilt of any person or persons entitled thereto under the provisions of Chapter 14, Laws of Utah, 1S13, as provided by said Chapter. AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that I havo Hi duly accepted, approved and filed said bond and IgynK that the said THE MERCHANTS' PROTEC- 'SB V&- TIVE ASSOCIATION has fully compiled with Xf VsM e Prov,a'n3 of Chapter 14, Laws of Utah, 1913. WL. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have heretunto aaV"" t3D Bet my hand and affixed tho Great Seal of the fpj3---5l State of Utah, this seventeenth day of May, 1 tt" i-i A Q) ' DAVID MATT SON, 1 W'ML ' ' Secretary of State. I J (Seal) By T" HODJkA'- I 1 Tg'flrtiltf t People prefer to do business with a reliable 1 Jr" y bonded Institution in preference to others. Wo I mtL S have been established 20 years In one bulldln? I rmmmfnk S ln Salt Lak0 Ct?- Wc collect all kinds of hon- I l)DBjy -r C flt debts and obllpatlons for everybody: n-o I raJKrf rL havo cUeJ,ta in nearly all civilized parts of the I 'f'-iu'ilKjZ V world. Wherever UiIb ad. Is read, wo collect. I J-ZT' Turn ln your claims and we will collect money I y y tor you. I THE MERCHANTS' PBOTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, I Scientific Collectors of Honest Debts. I ' 12 Rooms Continental National Bank Bldg. 1 Salt Lake City, Utah. FRANCIS G. LUKE. General Manager. 1 "SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US. 1 carloads of Hupmoblles are on the way from the factpry. The Whito company has secured tho services of "FroA B. Aubert as salesman for tho Hupmobile, who is now ready to domonstrato tho car in all respects. Mr. Aubert comes to Salt Lake from tho Hupmobile factory, where ho has TOWN CAR TH IE IS POPULAR "The popularity of tho Task Town Car tread tiro is evidenced by the num ber of automobiles seen in and around tho city equipped with this tire," Bays W. P. 'Fowler, manager of tho automo bilo department of tho Salt Lako Hard waro company. "Tho now Town Car tread is by far tho most efficient non-skid tread ever produced, on account of tho fact that tho entire non-skid tread is positively additional rubber over and above that of tho regular plain tread casing, of the same size and crosa section, which insures a great dea more miloago as well as being a positive non-Hkid tread. "Another big feature is the self cleaning of tho Town Car tread, and this is a great advantago, especialjy when you aro compelled to run in heavy mud for any groat distance. The tread is so designed that instoad of tho depressions clogging up. the mud is thrown off at every revolution of tho wheels. "We have had a groat deal of troublo in getting Town Car treads lately, but the Pisk. Ticoplo havo increased their: capacity within tho last sixty days, so that shipments are coming through in good Bhape and wo are now in position to tako care of all Town Car business in A-l shape. "Tho new city ordinance is making had practical experience in tho build- I ing of tho car. J The new Hupmobile soils for $1100 1 f. o. b. Salt Lake, fully equipped. Tho I Hupmobilo is not a stranger in Salt I Irfike, as it hus many friends among I tho motorists who have driven tho car I for tho past several years. 1 DOLLAR II HUE j TO IE IN THICK! 'f . I Fifteon dollars flat for a rush trip from Savanna to Morrison, 111., thirtr- 1 oight miles, and a dollar a minuto for I every minuto ho beat 10 o'clock, was ? tho proposition made br a hustling $ young lawyer of Savanna to J". D. Ful- j rath, Buick dealer in tho same town, i Tho order came at S:30 a. m. At 8:45 3 they wero on tho road, and at 9:43 they P arrived at tho Morrison court house. B Mr. Fulrath got $32 for the trip. s "I am not making any boast because j the Buick covered thirty-eight miles S in fifty-oight minutes," says Mr. Ful- t rath, "but it was some record, consid- ering the roads. Tho route was over p tho worst hills in tho country, but I didn't shift a gear. In sovoral places N I had to follow teams for quite a dis- n tance, and it cost mo sovoral dollars." g , business msbing on front liconso num- I bers, but wo are well stocked at pres- ' ent with a new style pad which is do- I signed to be fastoned in front of tho radiator, and ib perforated so as to not ! obstruct tho cold air from passing through tho radiator. This pad is i equipped with a novel arrangement to fasten it directly to the Tadiator, which eliminates tho necessity of using a spe- ,'f cial bracket. l'ft I 11 ' Endure and Economize. Toughness of 11, I ilv!iO tal treac' extra thickness of high-quality jkjffklf I ft " VPvIk kS have them the standards BS S I if fi lla r I U vi or meaS obtained. Road-gripping erfftfl Mm I 1st 5 fl design of buoyant rubber tread reduces f 1 j U upkeep expense by increasing traction sblikl I i I iW" j m an PreventmS expensive repairs MgMMf l milll FIRESTONE TIRE AND RUBBER CO. OF N. Y. H j HI 147 So. State Street, Salt Lake City. Phone Wasatch 5444. j lllllfl Distributors for ' The Firestone Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Obio AH Large Cities I I I "America's Larucjt Exclusive Tire and Rim Afakcrj" I I R lL lUlU ' Ml' ' .HI' : ' ' "M , : IlllllllllUlllipiilll I II Put the rest in the bank. You'll find j J I I yourself in the lest of company your I S I I troubles lighter your purse heavier I I 1 1 if you buy a JTord and join the 1 J' I H happy throng of those Yho know car 1 j I n comfort plus service satisfaction. I i S 1 J More than 275,000 Fords now ln service Runabout, S I J610; Touring Oar, $685. F. O. B, Salt Lake with all 1 I I II equipment. Immediate delivery. 1 1 II Alkire-Smith Auto Co. I j These Are the Rules Yoym Must Follow: v Sale of Answer Books, Pictures and Catalogues ends Saturday, 'SvLt First day for sending or bringing in sets Sunday,' J, Last day for sending or bringing in sets Saturday, JrJKlG0 J You have practically three weeks more in which to finish solving w" tures and supply yourself with the contest aids you have not yeM$ cured. Then will come a final week for sending in sets, giving fS weeks' time before the last day for submitting your set arrives. YU STILL HAVE PLENTY(jl TIME TO ENTER M How to Start Today And Win! C You should understand that you can start today by .Jk providing yourself with the pictures, the catalogue and answer book, and win first prize, the $985 Studebaker ft There is plenty of time left to solve the pictures, and 9? the contest consists only1 of obtaining the pictures and S solving them. You are under no handicap. Nobody has E a head start on you. 9 Get the 77 Pictures This Wall 1 The contest catalogue (a list of 5000 book titles, 77 'WL 1 of which are GUARANTEED to be correct titles to the ' Wr I 77 pictures), costs r.-. . $ .35 (With it you get the first 35 pictures free) 9 I The answer book (a book of 77 pages, in which "IjB. you paste one copy of each of the 77 pictures, and and are enabled to make as many as ten different answers to each picture), costs 75 mjf Buy the last 7 pictures for 5 cents each. Cost. . .35 JH I Total cost of all 77 pictures and the two contest ' books $1.45 Last picture appeared June 7th. Last day for buying JB I Answer Books, Pictures or Catalogue, Saturday, June JB I 28. First day for sending or bringing in sets, Sunday, S June 29. All sets must be in by midnight of Saturday, ; July 5. So you have until midnight of Saturday, July JH 5 to complete solving the pictures and turn in your set. You have plenty of time to start in the Booklovers5 Con- B test. Start today. You can win. 9 Here Are the Judges of the Booklovers' ContestGame Gov. William Spry Mayor Samuel Park E. D. Woodruff Their names stand as an ab solute guarantee of the fair ness of the contest and they will have immediate and personal charge of the con test and will see that an im partial awarding of the prizes is made. The chock ing of the sets of answers will be entirely in their dh'a.rgc. GET AN ANSWER BOOK:-- J cZ?taiJm Ydu cm mako 10 answers to ench picture, yot only need bt 'B copy of each picture. , , taB On tho upper pajje vou paste a picture. On tho lowor ""fZBl write from 1 to 10 book titles which you havo aeloctod for tno pi.," pasted above. nu !ll:1mu You Bavo time, labor and exponse with an Answer Book, a WM helps you to win. :'tsB Booklovers' Contest Editor. 'm Tho Salt Lako Tribune, Salt Lake City, Utah. the above I acree to tako or continue to tako your paper ior a v mm of three months from date. Name Street and No. mm City State iViSB SPECIAL ATTENTION TO NOSUBSCRIBEBfl: ; aJ meat of $1.00 at our oflico or $1.10. by mail, ..'Lccssary amount M Book without tho 35 pictures. Bring or sond, '5fih to tS P3Pr Btatod in this order form. You had "better subscribe to this Fi get tho 35 frco pictures and the lesser price.