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.t . 9n THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 8, 1913. , U mm GARDENS ARE PUVHD DrGOMPMir RH - First of Kind to Be Land W scaped in Utah Will Add HB ' Beauty to Salt Lake. MAINTAINED'. -BY. CITY Hi One Ravine Will Be in Doug p las Park; Residents Are Expectant. (ffi?& ' Three of the first Miuken gardens to be landscaped in Urah have been dc- Hnfv& cidod upon for Douglas Park by the Hra& city authorities and the owners of the Bf&v big residence sttbdivision on the brow HHrak of the east bench, ffijlp.' The wonderful sunken gardens of Hffpl '"it'ornia arc familiar to a great many HpM Halt Lakers, and the news that a start j Hft&" is to be- made immediately hero on HBj& three Mich parks will come as one of B3f; the most interesting announcements of HBju the spring to those, who have so long BV appreciated the opnortunities afforded Hm for such gardens d.v the beautiful, Hgjjp winding ravines that thread their way H$J .down from the Wasatch foothills Kj? through tlic bench laud in the vicinity BIS of Ninth South street. jj- Two Maintained by City. HKnSl The sunken gardens that have been BftCL determined upon will be exactly what RpV he name implies. Two of them will Hgl( be put in, landscaped aitd maintained IBei by the city, and another will be cstab- KkT lished with private funds and main- HS taincd for the benefit of tho residents H8fi! whose homes are immediately eontigu- H"gj ous to the garden. HKjfc The largest and most beautiful of the BPK" sunken gardens and the one upon which Bd" the city plans to start work immo- S'; (Mutely extends from Thirteenth East SL street) just south of Ninth South street in Douglas Park, eastward through the Hj'3 subdivision for almost three-quarters of fl Winding in great long curves, its H5 bottom 100 feet bolow the level of sur- HjSjr rounding property, the ravine is one of Hg the most, attractive of naturo's beauty B spots to bo found anywhere along tho HS cast bench. Tho undulating sweep of KST its grassy banks, the broad base and K&t gently sloping sides offer a wonderful HKS opportunity for tho landscape gardener, and when the park is completed it is Hwb expected it will rival in natural and HEm man-made beauty tho finest sunken Kn parks any of the coast cities have to IflEg An elaborate scheme has been devised HBg? for laying out tho park, and for the Sl three-quarters of a mile that -it coils BHffgy in anf out "P 'nto' Douglas Park the homes of those who have purchased HE property in the park immediately ad- Hn jacent will overlook as beautiful a "HjS ioeno as can be found anywhere in the jgf; Are Building Homes. HSwa" In anticipation of the completion of BfftttSt nc Inri'n sunken garden and the others BILm that are to follow, as well as the sur HR$ -face parks, property owners in Douglas Park who have recently built homes, KgLfaL and those who are arranging for the MB;' erection of residences in the immediate MBS future, have been careful to adapt the BBf style of architecture of their houses to the landscape surroundings of their BHugSS, building locations. The rolling, gently sloping level of Jr. Douglas Park permits of an unusually largo variety of architectural dosigns, all of which are made to harmonize with the surrounding property. Mrs. Zina Y. Card of Salt Lake, who lius just had plans completed for a very art istic and elaborate home on tho south H nide of Ninth South street in Douglas HH Park, overlooking the city, valley and Ijfl mountains, has so arranged her home that the south rooms will overlook the sunken gardens, her property sloping jH swiftly from the building site levol down into the ravine below to the very cdee of the sunken park. The ravine is fully J 00 feet wlc at Df the bottom, and it is proposed in ad Hf dition to laying out the sunken gar dens to put in an automobile driveway halt-way down on each side of the ravine. This automobile driveway will ocntiuue up through Douglas Park and Hj divert to similar drivoways to be con struetcd along tho sides of the two other natural ravines in the park that A GOOD SSW JOnute8 ARTICLE ' M From The slight difference V ''M Broadway, in first cost is saved ' ' '$1 many times over in '$m, THIS HOME is as near PER- 'M.' FEOTION as YOU WILL ' You can buy it on terms. tS 201-202 Felt Bldgr arc to bo converted into sunken gar dens. Have Deeded Land to City. In block 5 of the park is the second large gully, and further up over the crest of the subdivision is the third. It is planned to develop these with, pri vate resources and maintain them by arrangements with adjacent property holders. The main sunken garden, from Thirteenth East street, however, has been deeded outright to tho city by the owners of Douglas Park, with the pro vision that the city establish and for ever maintain the property as a sunken garden and public park. To tho cast of Dicstal road in Doug las Park and to the north of Ninth South street is a deep, -winding ravine with a mountain stream tumbling along through its heavily wooded bottom the year round. Hero soveral very fine homes are to be built by wealthy men who have purchased lots, and prepara tions are under way to so landscape those building sites fiat thoy will merge artistically with tho natural Tavino to the east of them. Tho city is also to put in a BUTfaco park at tho southeast intersection of Dicstal road and Ninth South in Doug las Park, the property occupying most of the space between Diestal road and Military drive in the park. Katherino L. Norton, Now Bedford, Mass., says: "I had a terrible pain across my back, with a burning and scalding fooling. I took Foley Kidney Pills as advised, with results certain and sure. The pain and burning feel ing left me, I felt toned up and invig orated. I recommend Foley Kidney Pills." For backache, rheumatism, lum bago and all kidney and bladder ail ments, use Foley Kidney Pills. Shramm-.Tohnson, Drugs, "The Never Substitutors," Five (o) Good Stores. (Advertisement.) Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Eeraedy. Every family without exception should keep this preparation at hand during the hot weather of the summer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea "Remedy is worth many times its cost when needed nnd is al most certain to bo needed before the summer is over. It has no suporior for the purposes for which it is intended. Buy it now. For sale by all dealers. (Advertisement.) I In the Heart of the New Home Section at Highland Park Jijjjs Beautiful homes, built on fine ter- ' raced front lots, facing beautiful tree- L, 'lne(l streets, t.e evidence of desirable - homo 'conditions at Highland Park. ORDER IS MADE TO TURN MONEY OVER An order for Zion's Savings Bank & Trust company to turn over to the Salt Lake Security & Tntst company, ad ministrators of tho estato of Ethel Wallingford, alias Ethel Williams, $4500 and interest, amounting in all to $4809.90, was made yesterday by Judge M. L. Eitchie. Three days ago the court rondo an order that ilcCornick & Co. should turn over to tho security company nearly $4000 belonging to tho woman. Ethel Wallingford, or Ethel Wil liams, as sho was sometimes known, was murdorod at Bingham on tho night of December 10 last. No arrests were ever made in the case. Kimball & Richards, land merchants, have installed every modern improve ment in this beautiful residence sub division at a cost of over $250,000. lOTIfi GOOD WEEK FOR fHEHITS Local Wholesalers and Retail ers Are Well Pleased With Conditions. Business in local Tetail circles dur ing tho last week lias "been of the very best, say tho local merchants. Tho set tled condition of tho weatheT has brought out tho crowds and everywhere tho salos have reached enormous pro portions. Duo to the late Bprings uBual in Utah, the business increases rather slowly and when finally tho summer time arrives and shows signs of re maining, business conditions reach a sound basis. In tho dry good3 stores, tho pur chases havo "been largely of light sum mer goods. Silks of washable and light variety havo "been in great de mand. Sales this year have boon each month larger than corresponding months in 1912. Women are now buying sea sonable goods, waists of light textures, piece goods, ratines, voiles and crepes. Hosiery in colors to match dresses and suits has also boon in demand. The local hardware trade reports no diminution, although the business has not reached any large proportions. The business has consisted largely 'of mis cellaneous merchandise and supplies go ing out to raining camps. In the furniture businoss, iomo build ers have purchased largo amounts of household furnishings. House cleaning has added to the business, -which seems to bo largo throughout tho city. Porch goods and outdoor furniture of all kinds have been in much demand. In tho men's furnishing stores, the business has continued along summer lines. Straw hats aro still oeing sold and tho lighter weights in clothes have found Teady sale. Forty-two homes are now built and many others will bo started this month. Seven thousand ornamental shade trees lino the broad streets of this ideal homo section. ' First prize 4-room cottage to be "builnP Park ' jlf! This cozy design is the work of Mr. Cifford Evans. IB J It was awarded first prize by a committee of J : " -TLL, ' ' : the leading architects of Utah in a competition for :. 'Ws l!UiiLB(5is the best economical four-room brick cottage. j. :1 yMoun This contest is being conducted under the aus- 1 L 1tJ4J'-;. ; flKlfc pices of the Utah Association of Architects and is lju I. n ' flBlf EXCLUSIVE for Kimball & Eichards. L HbP Highland Park 'L'' --JIB is the finest homeplace in Utah. M " jsf ' r 1ml All modein conveniences. Uniform improve- I " ments. 42 beautiful homes. Many others being T - (nihoii Hoi- 1m...JwV-,w !"HfCBF built. Reasonable building restrictions. Two fine '"4'' r'v;:,'f'tr"(" j ' jl Homes (not houses) for sale -?ounv twl A modern 5-room buff pressed brick home Only .- v. u iui. Hr $3750. A small first payment and $37.50 a month. .,v;, JrV W . B Another fine 5-room. brick cottage only $3250. 15 ' L ' iH per cent down and $32.50 monthly, ffi IT fl A few fine lots left nn, , . r 0niy $150 to $350 each. Two make a fine homeM Ine best citizen of any community is site. - the man who owns his own home. Xerms $6 to $14 down :. v; . ' . f and the same each month. Investigate NCWF .-.r u."". ; V;. Our autos are at your service. Wm- ' Phones Wasatch 963 and 964. .ft KIMBALL & RICHARDS I 56 and 58 Main St. "Land Merchants." Salt Lake City, t WEATHER FORECAST Salt Lake Cltr; Local showcrii Sunday; Monday I fair and varmor. Comparative wcatbnr data al Salt Lako City. Junr T. 1013: I Highest temperature today. S3 defrre&s; hlcli icnt In this month ulnco S74. 101; lowest laitt . ' nlglit. 53: lowest thU month kIiico 1S7(, 33; Mean temporaturo for today,. 70; normal. CC; ac cuniulutfd nxeem since tho first of tho month. -17; accumulated dcflcloncy since January I, 13 dCKrcca. Relatlvo humidity a: 6 a. m. today. 43 per cent, rolatlvn humidity al C p. m. today. 57 pr. cent. Total precipitation for tho twenty-four hours ending at ('. p. ni. . .03 of nn Inch; total for thli month to dif. .03 of an Inch: accumulated de flclcucr for fhl month to date. .!S of an Incii. total prcclpltutlon since January 1 to date. 7.5 Inches; accumulated deficiency Mnco Jnnuiry 1. 1.72 Inchef. Sun rise at and sctf at 7.JS. June S. 1313. WEATHER ODSEnVATlONS. Tempfirature. -.v. 0 p. m. Hlch. Lov. SALT LAKE ...."ft. 77 ' S3 K DoUo 7 $5 6? Chcyrnno oi oZ ChlcaRO ,-3 4? II Denver ..'. 5? a 10 Helena 55 75 iS JackionYlJle 75 SO 72 Knnsi City K 5! Log Angeles CI 70 H Now Orleans to SJ 71 New York ,.06 0 SJ Oklahoma 4 3 G Pocatello 72 8J 16 St. Louis 43 7i ai San Francisco 10 0 SO Withlncton 74 4 CI Vlnncmuccu (0 M M j Y. C. A. Va:ation School Trill opeu Monday, Juno 16. (Advertisement.) Montgomery "s band. Saltair, today. Two free concerts. Fan 2ic. (Advertisement.) t OATAIjOGTJE printing Done by tho Century is distinctive. ' 55-57 Postoflice place. (Advertisement.) 1 Have us show you jpS Five largo rooms, best plumbing fixtures, well finished woodwork. NEW. South front and elevated aboVH sidewalk. Splendid view. Above the smoke of tho city. Hod stono foundation and buff bricK. BL Price is S380.0. $200 Down Balance like BENT. V'''1H! vjSHDTH BEALTY COMPAJjjWM