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jL,Vl 6 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1913. I Mutt Had All the Qualifications for a Motorcycle Cop, Except One By BudptM Mm CTe'.-nwWWWams Wj. Now haw To ( . IX Wfa ma -we ponce DefWKtweNT Jf , ANsw&.THei: Quesnowsr WHtYe 1 of tooese -mess p a .... , . . . JWJTI,-- 3 IB 2t?4.-tf.i-,6CHWC6W ,-b "ar-eyou col.9fi.eT op. CI - A -wi-ier. op mm. I v s Can 0o - U WkWif'J'- Wf.i H - TP GST ft 006 J T mA MHlEn J 1 llj "BOYOUKNOW L . I Safe Infee Gitfes Ggden Game I i4fer Having It Sewed Up Skyscrapers Make Numerous Attempts to Toss H Away Their Victory and With Much Difficulty mm Succeed in Doing So. H At Ogden .Ogden 11, Salt H take 10. H At Great Falls Great Falls 53 .jB Missoula 1. At Butte Butte-Helena game postponed; rain. Wm Won. Lost. P. C. Salt Lake 25 12 .07 HI Groat Falls 23 12 .657 WMt Helena . . , .' 15 IS .455 WmW Missoula 15 10 .441 Butte 13 IS .410 Bjj Ogden 12 24 .333 WW Special to The Tribune. P . GDEN. June S. After several ef- H8 i forls lo S'VQ awnv t,lc same, the KgH ffl 1 SaltLake team finally succeeded In HH doing so. J laving accomplished the 9 task, with, some difficulty in Itself, Bh Sale Lako decided, in the ninth Inning, HH that It hnd made a mistake, and wanted HH the victory back again. The visitors HI changed their minds loo late, however, mi for the best they could do was to como wjthln one of Ogdcn's total. Mm A bunch of mlsplays in the eighth ln nlng grave Ogden five runs, and that won MM the game. Salt Lake pot two back in WM the ninth, but It did them no good. HI Throughout the game was a series of WW Indifferent fielding plays, with two of BH Salt Lake's pitchers knocked off the slab, Wa or more properly retired for wildncss, 'and n the third given such WTclched support IS tliat there was little to be said In favor D of the Skyscrapers. P Ogden Out in Force. IB Ogden fans turned out In force today. M The Ogden crowd, together with a large K contingent from Salt Lake, almost j filled the grandstand and the bleachers Wn also held a considerable number of spec Hi tatore. H The Ogden folks were immensely pleas- H ed with the outcome. They are happy to say tonight tliat they took McCloskey's mm liard-h'tting band into caran twice In the Wm scries, when they had confidently looked WK forward to losing every one of the six BB games. Wa B" Slvlng Ogden today's game. Salt H Jake merely roturned the compliment D which Ogden bestowed Friday, when the U home club handed the visitors the con US test on a silver platter. H Moments of Excitement. WWl Today's game was full of excitement Wm -n SP'' 'ls rather dark brown aspect UW ? 'A baseball game. The reason for the excitement was that the score was tied a mm time or two and that the teams went n and neck up to the eighth, .-"'alt Lake got two runs in the second HI inning. With two down, Davis singled I and went to third on Fox's two-bagger. BJ Jioth Davis and Fox scored on Gaut's WW Ogden tied her up In the third. Both B of thorn were forced in with bases on mm balls, four of which were given by GauL WM There was only one hit In the Inning, but HJ the free paeaen served the purpose of B singles. I Gaut Is Wild. H B Gaut started the pitching for Salt B 3ake, and showed class In the first two B Innings. In the third he was wilder than B the hare that's supposed to grow crazy B In March. Bases on balls became so B frequent that the lifting of Gaut became By imperative, and Erlckeon was sent In. I He, too, was wild and after he had enj- I ated all sorts of havoc in the fourth, he WM Kave way to Dressen. Dressen pitched Mm good ball, but ho couldn't -win the game! 'Hi all by himself. H While the teams were practicing before H lne Eroe Jack Murray was struck In the M side of the head by a thrown ball. Tlio BB doctors tonight are in doubt as to wheth- BB er or not Murray's hearing v.-lll be lm- mm paired. It is feared that the fast out- Bil llelder has suffered serious Injury. Early Bm In the week Murray narrowly escaped M the Iosb of his eyeslgnt vhen a fly ball BM struck his sun glasses. Fortunately the B spectacles were not broken. If Murray I Make Us Prove What We Say That when it comes to glass or glazing we are absolutely satisfactory. THE CULMER COMPANY 377 South West Temple, i , Wasatoh 3200. is disabled, It will be the worst kind of luck for Ogden, because he is certainly one of the mainstays of the club. The Ogden and Salt Iako teams loft for tho north tonight, occupying a spe cial sleeper. "Dad" GImlln goes with the Ogden club ns secretary and also as 'legal adviser." "Whether Glmlin's trip has any significance In connection with rumored managerial changes remains to be seen. Salt Iake will begin a series with Missoula tomorrow. Ogden goes to Butte and Helena meets Great Falls on the Electrics' grounds Tho Skyscrapers will ' remain awav three weeks, playing Missoula, Great Falls and Helena in turn. Thev will skip Butte on tho present trip, owing to the fact that Butte's attention will be turned to horse racing. On July I the Salt Lako team will play the first game of Its second at-home, with Ogden as the opposing nine. In Close Race. Sf-1L ,Mlt0 ot two In tho fourth, schlmpfr started with a two-bagger. Da vis filed out. Fox got on with' a base on balls and they both came homo on u esslcr s error. .Ogden met the two In Its half of the fourth. Jones and Pourroy got bases on balls and were each advanced on Erlck son s error. They scored on Folcy'a sin gle. Ogden scored once more in the fifth, wessler hit for three bases and came home on the field's choice on Moore head's grounder to Schlmpff. Salt Lake evened It In the- sixth. Fox hit for three bases and scored on Mur phy's single. ' Salt Lake took the lead In the seventh when two came over. Dressen lived on Sinclair's error, and went to second on a base on balls to Spencer, and to third on Jonos's error. He scored on Schimpff's two-bagger. Ogden got one in the seventh also, wessler tingled. He was put out at second on a fielder's choico on Jones's grounder and Jones came home on Sin clair's single. One for Salt Lake in the eighth. Mur phy hit a three-bagger and scored on Pendleton's single. Then flvo for Ogden in Us half of tho eighth. Foley singled and so did Hayes. The latter was later put out at second. Perkins lived on the choico that, put out Hayes. Van singled, scoring Foley. Then Wessler hit the ball. It was thrown to Davis at third to head off Perkins, but Davis failed lo tag his man, who neatly slid under his waiting arm. Perkins scored a moment later on a fielder's choice. Van undertook to ateal home just as Dressen pitched the ball. Fox dropped It and Van was safe. Then Fox heaved lt ,low, to, Davis, who failed to stop it and Wessler scored. In going to second Schimpff declared that Wessler had Jab bed him in the ribs while trying to field Jones s grounder. Jones scored on Pour roy's two-bagger. In tho ninth Salt Ixike recovered Its batting eye and went after Sinclair roughshod. It wound up the Inning with two runs. Schlmpff singled and scored on Davis's three-bagger. pThe latter came home on Murphy's sacrifice fly. SALT LAKE. AB. TL If. PO. A. E. Murphy, rf. 5 1 2 3 0 0 Pendleton, ss i 0 1 S 0 0 Huclsman. If 4 0 1 0 0 0 DresHen. lb. Sb p. . 5 1 1 4 5 0 Spencer, cf. 3 1 0 l 2 0 Schlmpff, 2b 5 2 2 3 3 2 Davie, 3b 5 2 2 2 2 2 Fox, c 3 3 2 5 0 0 Gn-"t. p 3 0 1 0 0 0 Erickson, p 1 0 0 0 0 1 Bauer, lb 3 0 0 4 0 0 Totals 30 10 12 24 17 5 OGDEN. , AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Foley. 2b 4 2 " 3 A 1 Hayes, cf K 0 1 2 0 0 Jensen, rf l o 0 0 0 0 Perkins, rf. & c 3 1 l l i o Van, lb -1 1 l s 0 0 Wessler, 2b f 2 3 3 3 Moorehead, If 5 0 l 4 0 0 Jones, S3 .....4 3 l 4 0 1 Pourroy. c & rf. 3 1 l 1 0 0 Sinclair, p. ......... 2 1 1 1 2 2 Totals 36 11 12 27 12 6 By Innings: Salt Lake 0 3 0 3 0 1 2 1 210 Ogden 0 0 2 3 1 0 1 5 -11 Summary: Two-base hits Schlmpff. Pourroy. Three-base hits Weaaler. Fox Murphy. Davis. Double play Schlmpff and Dressen. Stolen bases Pendleton. Van. Sacrifice hits Spencer. Sinclair. Sacrifice flyMurphy. Struck out By SUU 2' b' dressen, 1, Base on balls Pff 9.aui; ?ff "Erlckson, 2; off Dressen. 1; off Sinclair. 4. Wild pitch-Sinclair. Passed ball Pourroy. Hit by pitcher HuelBman and Fox by Sinclair. Hits i? 3 lnyf and one-third innings; off Brickspn. 1 In two-thirds inning: off Erickson. 1 in two-third Inning; off Drfs Een. S In five innings: off Sinclair. 12 in nLnc A,1!"5"55- Rl,ns batted In By Mur &hy.(2,l pendIeton. Schimpff (2), Davis. Gaut (2). Foley (2). Van. Pourrov. Sin clalr. Left on basoc Salt Lake. 10: Og den. 9. Time 2 hours 14 minutes. Um pire La Rocque. Eradfords Boat Waterloo. The Bradrori yr.tlinlt.7 deftJ the Waterloo tcAsi on thj WltlttJer croundrt 10 to 0. Kodak Pictures Plnlshed. Mail us your films. Salt Lako Photo Supply Co., 159 Main street. Exclusive photo dealers. (Advcrtisemout.) EVERS WINS BATTLE " Cubs Beat Giants in Tenth by Remarkably Clever Base Running. Won. Loil. TC. Plllladelphlx 27 12 .692 New York 23 jr .sf.i Brooklyn , 22 13 .50 ChlaRO , 24 22 .522 Hlttsburp .... .- : 52 28 .0 St. I.011I.1 20 25 .43S Boston 17 2 .is Cincinnati IT 23 .370 CHICAGO. June S. Manager Evai-3's strategy In the tenth Inning today gave Chicago a 2 to 1 victory over 2s'ew York. Archer opened the final Inning with a doublo to left, and in sliding into second base he injured his ankle and Miller, a utility player, was sent in to run for Archer. Smith then followed with a Tex as leaguer to right and Miller pulled up at third. Leach grounded out to Merkle. Smith taking second. Evorn followed with a Cincinnati base hit to Merkle. but Miller slid under Meyers with tho winning run. Tho game was a pitchers' "battle be tween Tcsreau and Smith, with honors slightly In favor of the former. Zimmer man waa struck out throe times by Tes roau, who fanned a total of eight, while Smith struck out five. Score: NEW TORIC-CHICAGO. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. AB.R.H.O.A. AB.R.n.O.A. Burns. If.. 0 0 0 0 Leach, cf... 6 0 0 0 Sharer, Sb. i 0 0 1 1 Even. 2b... 4 1 2 f 6 I VIctchor. us 3 0 t 2 0 Clymor. rf.. .1 0 1 1 0 Doj-lo. 2b.. 2 0 2 8 2 Zlm'ernn, 3b 4 0 0 1 1 Merkle. lb. i 0 0 7 0 Ealur. lb... 2 0 0 11 1 Murray, rf. 4 1 2 3 0 Mitchell. If. 4 0 0 1 0 Meyers, c. 4 0 1 8 n BrMwoll, as 3 n 1 1 4 Snorter's, cf 3 0 1 1 0 Archor. o... 2 0 1 fi 1 Tecroau. p. 4 0 0 0 2 Smith, p.... 4 0 10 3 'Miller.. -.01000 ToUU ...S3. 1 723 8 Totals ...31 2 6 SO If. Ono out when winning run scored. tRan for Archer In tcnlb. Score by Innlnga Ncnv York 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 Summarr: Erro Sharer. MerVcle. TVo-baso hita Murray. Archer. Tliree-bato hlt Moyers, Ere. Sacrifice lit la Clymor. Archor. Doylo. Stolon bntric Snodgrtas. Doublo plays Meycrn to Doylo; Zimmerman to Evera: Evers to Saler. Left on baeos Now York, 6: Chicago. 8. Flral on halla Off Tcsreau. 5; off Smith. 2. Struck out By Smith. 5; by Tcrrcau. 8. Time 2 hours and 15 minutes. Umpires O'Day and Emalle. BRA VES TRIUMPH BY BUNCHING HITS ST. LOUIS, June S. By bunching hits In tho third Inning Boston obtnlned a lead over St. Louis that the locals could not overcome, and the visitors won, 5 to 3. The locals scored their only runs In the fifth, when a pass, two singles and a sacrifice fly netted three runs. Score: ST. LOUIS-BOSTON. ST. LOUIS. BOSTON. AB.R.H.O.A. AB.R.H.O.A. HucElnis. b 4 1 3 3 1 MaranMe. ss G 0 0 1 1 Oakea. cf.. 4 0 2 4 0 Moyors. lb.. B 0 1 9 2 Sbckcrd, If 2 0 0 4 0 Connolly. 12 10 11 Mowrey. Sb 4 0 0 1 2 McDonald 2b 3 2 2 8 3 Koaot'7. lb 4 0 1 7 0 Titus, rf... 4 1 2 4 0 Magcc. If... 4 0 1 0 0 Eoyrnour cf. 4 0 0 3 0 O'Leary. til I H 3 Devlin. 3b. 3 1 1 1 n McLean. 0.. 4 1 2 4 2 Rarlden. c. 3 0 0 1 1 GrtiiAr, p.. 0 0 0 0 1 Rudolph, p. 3 0 1 1 1 Forrltt, p.. 1 0 0 0 0 Mann. cf.... 0 0 0 0 0 Geyor, p.... 00001 Whltted .. 1 0 0 0 0 tEvans .. 1 0 0 0 0 , tWlnco .... 1 0 0 0 0 Cathern . 1 0 0 0 0 ttHauser . 0 0 0 0 0 , Totals .. .35 3 10 27 10 Totals ...33 S 7 27 U Batted for Orlner In third. 1 Batted for Perrltt In eevonth. 5 Batted for O'Leary In ninth. Batted for Gcyer In ninth. ttKan for McLean lu ninth. Score- by innings Boston 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 15 SL Louis 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 03 Summary: Errors Forrltt. O'Leary. Two-baso hlta Oakes. McLean. HucgSuj. Thres-oaso hits Devlin. Homo run Titus. Sacrifice files Sheek ard, Rudolph. Doublo plays Connelly to Devlin to McDonald. Hit by pitcher Br Orlnrr (Rarl don). Bases on balla Off Grlner. 3: off 'rcyer. l; off Rudolph. 3. Struck out By Grlner. 1; by Perrltt. 1; by Rudolph. 4. Hits Off Grlner. K In 3 lnnlnrs; off Peirltt. 5 In 4 Innlnxs: o(f Gcyor. 0 In 2 Itmlnss. Lett on bases St. Louis. 6: Bos ton. 6. Time 2 hour and S mlnutea. Umpires Brennan and Kanon, ALEXANDER WINS FOR THE PHILLIES CINCINNATI. June S. Alexander's ex cellent pitching enabled Philadelphia to win from Cincinnati today, 2 to 1. Suggs kept the hiLs scattered and was given excellent support. Paokard, who twirled the final Inning for Cincinnati, was wild, but pulled through the Inning without al lowing a hit. Score: PHILADELPHIA-CINCINNATI. PHILADELPHIA. j CINCINNATI. AB.R.H.O.A. I . AB.R.H.O.A. Becker, cf. 5 2 2 2 0 Derore. cf.. 4 1 1 1 0 Kr.ab. 2b. 3 0 0 1 c'Marsans, rf. 0 2 3 0 Lobrt, 3b 3 0 2 2 2:Beicli9r, if. 2 0 1 3 0 Marce. if. 3 0 1 1 01 Tinker. e.. 4 0 0 S 4 Cravath. rf S 0 0 0 OlHobllt'cll lb 2 0 0 7 0 Luderus, lb 3 0 I II O.'Almoldi. 3b 3 0 0 0 Doolan. it. 2 0 0 1 S Oroh. 2b .. 3 0 0 2 4 KlllUer. c. 4 0 3 6 2 Clark, c... 3 0 0 2 4 Alczan'r, p 4 0 1 0 0 Rupits, p.... 3 0 0 0 4 Packard, p. 0 0 0 0 0 I'Bates .... 1 0 0 0 0 I Totals ...It 2 0 87 IV Totals .23 1 127 16 Battel fo- Ruef 'n e gM ' Scare by Inning Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-3 rin-lnnatl . ..0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 Summary: Errors Lobert, Doolan. Two-btso AD WOLGAST IS OUT OF RING FOR MONTHS LOS ANGELES, Juno 8. Tho Ad Wolcasl Johnny Pundeo twenty-round so Fchrduled for Tuoadny night at Vernon arena, was deflnltnly deolarod off tonight by Wolgnst'a rnanacor bo causo of an Injury sustained by tho former light- , weight champion yesterday during a training bout. Tho o--champlon may not appear In tho ring for sovcral months bocaueo of a badly hurt thumb and It Is possible that his retirement may be permanonL Tito Injurud member, which was dislocated yestordny. lias glvou Wolgast troublo on numoroiic occaslonr. nnd surgoons who exam ined It today decreed that tho Cadillac nloshnr would havo to iihun boxing glovos for At leant six montliB. There w.i.i a, runh of volunteer to substitute for Wolgast In tho scheduled bout, Including bantamwelshtH find lightweights. Ono wuu Jack White, tho Chicago featherweight It was announced tonight that owins to Wol gast's disability 110 aitompt would be made to fill his place and Hint the Tuesday night fight card has been canceled. 1S1 GREAT FALLS, June S. Great Falls evened up the Missoula series by taking today's game, after a somewhat belter exhibition than has characterized most of the games of the series. Bolian pitched good ball for the Highlanders, but was found for eleven safeties. Slncr blocked Missoula's chances to even the score when he made a sensational stop and a double play with three men on bases in the eighth. Changnon fouled, cloven consecu tive balls in the sixth. GREAT FALLS. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Galena, cf 2- 1 1 1 0 0 Potts, ss 2 2 2 1 Kelly, rf. 3 0 12 10 Toner, 3b 3 12 0 10 Faye, If 2 1 2 3 0 0 Slnor. 2b I 0 0 14 0 Hester, lb C ,0 I 12 0 0 Bn.ughman. c 3 0 1 0 o Delhi, 'p. .. .........3 0 1 0 2 0 Totals 215 5 11 27 H 1 MISSOULA. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Bassey, If 4 0 1 0 0 0 Porrine. 2b ..t 0 1 -I 2 0 Carman, lb I 0 1 R 1 0 Tobln, of. 3 (J,. 2 1. 0 0 Changnon, 3b 3 0 2 0 " 2 1 Dashbach. rr 4 0 0 0 0 0 Trckoll. ss 4 I) n 1 4 0 Blankcnshlp, c. ..4 1 1 0 2 0 Bohan. p. .. 3 o 0 0 4 0 "Sorenson t 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 1 S 23 15 1 Score by innings Great Falls ,. 1110 0 10 1 3 Missoula 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 "Batted for Bohan in ninth Inning. Baughman out In fifth cutting socond base. Summary: Two-base hit Blankenship. Sacrlficn hits Potts, Kelly, Toner. Faye, S.1ncr, Changnon. Double plays Kelly to Hester, Siner to Potts. Trekell to Per-1 rlne to Carman. Wild pitch Bohan. Sto len bases Galena. Faye. Hester. Tobln. Bases on balls Off Delhi 2. Bohan 3. Struck out By Delhi 5. Bohan S. Left on bases Groat Falls I, Missoula S. Time of game 1:35. Umpire Frary. International League ! 1 Won. LoaL PC Nftirark 30 17 .63S Rochester 27 20 .574 Buffalo 25 20 -35G Baltimore i 23 25 .47? Providence 20 23 .46',. , Toronto ., , , 15 23 , .132' Montreal 18 23 ,439 .Tersoy Cltr 1G 27 .372 At Baltimore ' R. H. E. Baltlmoro .. 2 3 I Newark 4 7 1 At Montreal R. H. E. Rochester .. 5 . 8.2 Montreal ' 3 s 0 At Jviey City R. H. E Providence i fi 3 Jersey City 10 22 0 Southern League Won. Lost. PC. Mobil Jc 21 .s:i2 Nashvlllo .. , .....20 23 .Eflr, Birmingham 24 25 .510 Atlanta 20 2f .090 Montgomery 26 23 .500 Chattanooga 23 26 .490 Memphis 25 27 .431 Nov Orleans 16 37 .302 At New Orleans Memphis. 2. 4: New Orleans, . 0. At Nanhvlllo Nashville D; Birmingham. (1. At Mobile Montgomery, rain. (No other games cchedulud.) MAGNA BEATS SWIFT MIDVALE TEAM, 5 TO 4 In th? first meeting of the tearne this year, Magna defeated the Mldvale club yesterday at Magna, 5 to 4. The game waa attended by 1E01 fans. St. George pitched the entire nine Innings for Magna and allowed the slugging Mldvalers but six lilts. Prnson. Blaekmor nnd Schmidt worn all. forced to tako th mound for MMvalo to check Magna's onslaught. Beside the p"rhlni: of St, George, the features of tho game wero homo runs by Palmer for Magna, and Kllpatrlck for Mldrale. lilts Becker, ,Loberr. McGoe. Kllllfer Hits Off Suggs. D In 8 Innings: off Packard, none in 1 In ning Sacrifice hits llohlltiflll, Knabe. Stolen bases Dovore, Mrans, Double plays Doolan to Lobort. Lift on bia Philadelphia. S. Cincin nati, 3. Bises on balls Off Suggs, 3 off Pack ard, 'fcoff Alexandor, 1 Struck out Dy Suggs. 1. by Alexander, 4. Time 2 hour. Umplros Klam and Ortb. FRAMPTOK III WINS I FIFTEEN II1S Murphy Club Beaten in In tensely Exciting Game in Trolley League. In ono of the best games ever witnessed In tho Trolley league, the Frampton team yesterday edged out a victory over their close opponents, tho Murphy Candy team. In a fifteen-Inning battle. Coleman, who pitched the entire game for the Murphvs, pitched only one bali in tho fifteenth In ning Leatham was first up. He leaned on the ball for a clean home run. It was the longest drive ever seen on the diamond. The Murphy boys took the lead In the first, scoring two runs on an error and a bad throw. From then to tho fifth the Murphy boys never passed second. It was in the fifth that Poterson weak ened and allowed five hits, scoring four runs. For the next ten innings he pitched shutout ball. Framptons scored first In tho fourth inning, when they mado three runs on errors. The Framptons never got to Coleman for a clean hit until the seventh inning. He allowed but six hits in the whole fifteen innings. Peterson pitched fine ball, striking out fifteen men and allowing but one pass. Frampton tied the score In the eighth lining with a slnglo by Leatham, fol lowed by a single by Simpson. From the eighth on for seven innings not a man came close to reaching the counting plate. The game was close from start to fin ish and was kept exciting by brilliant Melding on both teams. Nearly 300 spec tators wero present. Framptons were handicapped by Uie absence of their reg ular shortstop and third baseman. Two pitchers were substituted and filled the positions fairly well. .i,Thi? J'Ictory gives the Frampton team the high standing In the league of 00n, winning ten out of eleven games plaved. Murphy follows with eight won. four iost. Per cent .661. MURPHY CANDY CO.-FTtAMPTON A. C. MURPHY C C. I FRAMPTON A. a AB.R.H.O.A.' AB.R.H.O.A. Olson, of.. . 7 I 3 4 0l Howe. 2b... 7 0 0 i 1 Jensen, If. 3 2 0 3 0'Karren. cf . . 7 0 2 3 0 Deni. M...7 I 0 3 T.I Clioiilcs. c. 7 0 0 IS 0 Searle. rf.. 3 n o 1 olLorithnm. lb 7 S 2 11 0 Shcltmi, rf. 0 0 0 1 1 By water, ss. 5 10 13 Glbroii, lb.. 7 1 2 13 OlSlmpjion. If. 1 1 ( o I-ord. !b... 7 0 3 I 0 Morris, rf.. 5 0 0 t 2 Rumph. c. 7 0 ill 0 Hansen. 3b. fi 1 1 I 4 Bonnolt. 2b 7 0 0 3 2 Potcrron. p. 6 'l 0 2 1 Colcmin. P71134 Totals ..,C 6 1042 121 Totals ...M 7 fi 15 12 None out when winning run was scored. Score by Innings Murphy 30004000000000 0-6 Frarap'n 00030021000000 17 Summary: Errorn Shclton. Ford (3), Bennett (2). JIowo (3). Loatban. Bywator. Simpson, Morris. Ilauss (2). Homo run Leathern. Two-base hit Gibson. Three-base hit Coleman. Stolon bases Murphy. !; Frampton, H. Hlts-Off Coleman, fi In 15 Innings; Peterson, 10 In 13 Innings. Bases on balls-Off Coleman. 2; off Peterson. 1. Struck out By Coleman, 11; by Petorson, 15. Passed bille Rumph. Sacrifice hit Morrlu. Sacrifice flies Howe. Hit by pitcher Rumph. by Tctcr on. Earned runs Murphy. 3; Frampton. . Left on bases Murphy, It: Frampton. 9. Time of game 2 hours and 50 minutes. Attendance. 300. Um pire. Backmau. Scorer Llewellyn. Western League Won. Lost. PC. Denver 31 jj 70i SL. Joseph 23 17 .(jjn Lincoln 25 21 .54 Omeh 25 22 .532 Dcs Moines 22 24 "47s Sloui City 13 24 U" Topeka 13 27 '41.1 Wichita 11 33 ;250 At Topeka Lincoln, "2. 3; Topck. 1. 6. At Denver Wichita. 2. 3: Denver. 3. , At Omaha Des Moines. 4. 1; Omaha, S 6 At Sioux City St. Joseph. 3: Slour City. 0 Northwestern League ' Won. Lott. PC Seattle 32 20 .615 Vancouver 32 20 .613 Portland 2tf 21 533 Victoria 25 27 431 Tacoma :-. 24 31 fS6 Spokano 17 37 ,;15 Tacoma. 1; Vancouver, 7. SeattlcSpokane gome postponed: rain. ORIGINAL TEAM WILL DEFEND POLO CUP HEMPSTEAD. N. Y.. June S. The "big four" of American polo Whitney. Milburn and the two Waterburys will onco moro dofond tho ln ternatlonst trophy against tho British challeng ers. The execute committee of the National Polo association decided today that the Injury which put Koxhall Keene out of tho International con test made It Imperative to withdraw also the team Kecno was to captain ond roly upon the veteran players originally chosen. Tho cup dsfendera will play In their old posi tions. Devercux Milburn. the only ono of the four who had a placo on th Keeno team chosen last Wednediv, will return to his place at back With the team today withdrawn ho was to play No. 2. Student Sues for Assault. Special to Tho Tribune. LOGAN, June S. Yesterday afternoon A. L. Cook, a student of tho AirJcultural college, filed suit agslnet John Lusher, another student of the same school, to recover damage placed at 12025. alleged to havo been uUned by the plaintiff vhlle playing a same of baseball with the de fendant last January C tlio cohere. Cook avers that the defendant "wilfully and with mullce" struck htm with his hand or fist on the head and tadly Injured his ear. so h wants tho dam ages mentioned. Wilcox Sets New Record; jl Hehir Breaks Collarw Local Pace-Follower Rides Half Mile Behind tier's Pace in 37 2-5; Fall Causes SeriouM Injury to Bicycle Star. 9 H'AItVIin' WILCOX, the local bicycle rider, hung up a new world's rec ord at the Majestic saucer last night when lie rode a half mile behind pace in 157 2-5 seconds, clipping four-fifths of a second frrom the former record. "Wilcox was attempting to better Hardy "Downlng's record of 1:15 for the mile, but lost hl3 pace after going three-quarters. Ho rode tho first quarter In nineteen seconds, which equals tlie world's record: set t.ho new mark of 37 2-5 for the half and wont to the three quarter post in flfty-slx, one second less than the record. He would havo had to ride the final quarter in nineteen seconds Coast League Wn. Loit. PC. Los Angelea 3? 2S .BS2 Oakland ' 35 29 .617 San Francisco as 3n .135 Portland 23 32 .475 Venice 31 .463 Sacramento 25 32 .433 PORTLAND, June 8. Score: . R. H. E. Oakland 4 S 3 Portland -.3 It 1 Batteries Christian nnd Rohrer; Hagerman. Krause. Carson and Fisher. LOS ANGELES, June S. Scors: Morning gamo R. H. E. Sacramonio 1 7 G Los Angeles Q 4 0 Battories Stroud and BHm: Perrltt. Crabbo and Brooks. Afotrnoon game R. H. E. Sic: amen to 3 7 0 Lor. Angeles 10 3 Battcrlco Arcllaues nnd Bliss; Tojer and Brooks. SAN FRANCISCO, June S. Score: Morning game R. H. E. Venice 0 .4 7 San Franeco 7 S 1 Batteries Koestner, Drucko nnd Elliott; Thomas and Tonnoman. Afternoon game R. H. E. V'cnlco 3 7 I San Francisco 3 0 Batteries Baum and Elliott; Douglass. Fanning aod Schmidt. American Association Won. ' Lost. rr. Columbus 23 'IS .50:1 Milwaukee 32 22 .503 Louisville 2S 23 MO Kansas City 23 2", .313 St. Taul 21 25 ,4P0 Minneapolis 23 21 .451 Indianapolis 19 2? 401 Toledo 19 jSl .350 MILWAUKEE. Wis.. June S. Score: Kl-st game i R. H. B. Milwaukee 4 5 2 Minneapolis 0 4 3 Batteries Horllk and Hughes; Patterson and Owenn. Second rame R- H. E. Milwaukee D 15 2 Minneapolis 0 4 4 Batteries Draun and Hughes: Burnn and Smith. INDIANAPOLIS. June 8. Score: Indianapolis .. 3 9 6 Toledo 10 10 1 Batteries Harrington, Kaloerllne, Shardt and Coltors; George. Collaroore ana Devogt. LOUISVILLE, June S. Score: R. n. 15. Columbus 9 15 2 LotiltvtUe 4 II 2 Batteries Cook, Cole and Smith; Loudermllk, Northrup and demons. KANSAS CITY, Juno 8, Score: R. H. E- St. Paul 2 5 0 Kanrar, City 3 S 0 Batteries D. Walker and James: Morgan, Vaughn and O'Connor. Coalmen Win Easily. The Utah Fuel team defeated the Utah Power fi Light nine yesterday oa the Olendals diamond by tho ccoro of 22 to 4. to equal Downlng's mark. TfrSBit was slightly wet from the auWfei; showers, which makes his (caJmX more remarkable. Ho woa' hmWiM paced by Fred Whlttler. Paddy Hehlr. one of the best gK; popular riders at the saucer, bK collarbone In the flvc-mlle oE event last night and will outH3 game for several weeks. He mm$ lowing Ned Young, tho pacomajKlJ closely and his front wheel S ioungs rear wheel, threw him hsmm& race was won by Ernie Fye whoBU a beautiful sprint after riding mWS judged race. "'ImV Finley Makes Debut. iBf? Bob Finley, the Australian clHi pace follower, made his rlebutvHT-motor-paclng game nt the localB and won in Impressive style fajKI1 Ducr. Finley was paced by "Waltp Ducr by Samuelson. VlHcTi Ned Young won the half-mlhvmlM cap from some of tlie best rlderaB track and his victory was thaH,a popular one of the evening. vjMIl. A disqualification marked the 1WW of the two-mile handicap for unjM1 Halsctt finished second but was (UH1 fled for foul riding nt the expmwx Aubray Taylor. The latter won tR5 notwithstanding the lntcrfer6nce,iKr 17. Schnicrts second and KrarasBll At the start of the first heatWJJ Australian .pursuit race, Brazier fSEr his bicycle and Carl Sehmerl2'a;--passed directly over BrazlorVB; Schmertz was not thrown and B third In the he&t. Brazier stiBta the second heat, and took third B, Kramer won the final In this evR; Taylor second and O. U. SchmertB Lawson May Come mwc Manager TL "W. Heagren ai)iB last night that ho is again negjBw with Ivor Lawson torido at tlieiMf and expects to hear today thut tB' favorite will accept his offer TfjSKjj comes to Salt Lake City to ride.fjM bo tendered a benefit at the &anBCi: Is- proposed to make the event mwik son night" on (he order of tliajHjl "Frank Chance day1' in ChlcagoMii There will be no racing at the JBmJJ saucer until next Sunday night. 'wWBf? day and Sunday are now the KMWf nights for racing and as the bfcRc' ha il at Majestic park opens ncxtB nesday there will be no racing. 'Si, The Summaries. .1' Following are the summaries H night's card: JaM First ovenl, first bat AiuL'sIIjd PUrMBij, thrco-qiiarters of mile IL ICrrnr, 'B bray Taylor second. Carl Sahmcru tH? Crob, fourth. Time, V-ZS 1-3. iK Second event, second heat AmtraUaVJ race O. U. Schmertz wonl James J. HMi oud. R. Bratler third, R. E. HalM'.UM Time. 1:3.'. 4-5. . WM.. Third event, flat heat, half-mile JB:! professional Ned Young (IS 7ir-mmtl Ducr (75 Tarda), second: Walter DMM? yards), third; Martin Ryan (25 yirdilfM1 Gordon Walker (IS yards), fifth. TlawJB;? Fourth event, second heat, nalf-rall JHL, professional Lloyd Thomas (30 juii), "WW? C Delfcnbachcr .(3 yards), neeond; Kirt'MmYZ (73 yards), third; Emle Tyo (21 "B," Fifth "event, final AoslralUn ""''.R' Kramor won. Aubray Taylor Sehmoris third. Distance 1 nllf. J 'WK? yards. Time. 3 '17. , SK? Sixth event, final, half-mil ntalttjWrS! slonal-Ned Young won, Walter D.W1 R. Dlofcnbachcr third. Gordon TYalK Time. :53 4-3. Jmtt Sovcnlh event, trial by Harvey wiictj,i; by Fred Whlttler for record for or.9 three-quirtdr. fractional time I?. "MMii ' Eighth event, two-mile lip h4?: mm Aubray Taylor (35 yards), won: O. 'JL (scratch), aorond; II. Kramer (45 "U, Frank Griffith (150 yards), fourth. 'SHV R. E. Haleott finished but rets dlru fouling. tmwk'. Ninth event, five-mile open Up. tWKl Ernlo Pye won, Gordon tt alker "BK; Thomas third. Martin Ryn focrtD.pi Ucnu' event, five-mile motor-ricM by Robert Finley (paced by ',"?r',,.'BJ7 Duer (paced by Semuelson) TJras. jBfc ( OUR SECOND STOEE NOW OPEIA'T iitttitttt STRAWS, PANAMAS, BANKOKS,