Newspaper Page Text
B THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING. JIJNF. i. iQil - 11 marketweak on trading late in day V , jn Canadian Pacific; Steel Down to mAQlS' Heavy-Switching of Loans M ' in Wall Street. IOADAN WAL I, ?KT- a u;iTi,i the pr ce iMSmrio(2l0l? This 'W&r 'ro:n i.nsiv offerings of 'JBBuS? the stock to KS .fts towhed since Frf" i'.Vnck This Is the WJ?50 since 190!.. tf.K'nftIt"tlon!. arc ln- PIPS IF Sir PER POUND LC Now Selling at 'XglS.25; Lead Un- r 1 Spelter DuI1' '4Btu&l.f!; electrolytic Jlo.OO ESd Wte.5.0015.87; cast- I3BET 1 northern. $16.00(5' 1 fHtfthtrn. IVS-751S"'V,-NJ1 ajjKWi'al Muthern soft, Jlo.oO AMs-scR clofed as follows: 'Ljtei ipot. f 65 10s; futures, iJHfeig; ijot, 206 5s; futures, tjjwg'jrarrants, 51s 7Jd. K,KT York Bonds. tf!BK9a,l K C South rtf St.- ?3 ii'SK Uki S deb It (1?31) S? VSKe. Vi h 4 V l?n 4 ?m mHk,. n k t if i in ... roi.o 79Bb VI io Kta I'.j SlU Mo Ficllle is CPA 0 d3 conv 5 0 . ,l Nit Rr ot Met jR so MnUil'iN T Oni Ron 3,.. ,Bili,.1lJ io itb li STV. 'MSBjCHti ljSNorthfn Pacific Is. S3 fWfrfTsi'iO F I tUs'l"" SS " MTV1 ' J"1 KPidlasr son 4i 93 ."Bfc'fc JUi ill con lit trtHR1 H '''Jlh IMe col Is.... S7U 'ElrRn to fv It ?IU jiBlV K'i r.r in rcf 4s.. s:v; W ...... H'i nlon IVllIc It ... J5'4 iHrtfii Hj "o rv M ;Br 4 if 11 & rcf 4t... mi .fc - ril' & Fcct :mi Ei r.;t-i f9'-H t"t, Hi & oil lc. 47 BtCSi-Juat 11. Mon'ey on call recent; ruling rate, 2 J; 1Eii:-SlK:n rates, nominal; Ht jjssi ct'm nlnc,y (lays' "13; 7 rapr-5c per cent. iBV"?iKtri"VMk" wl actual "01 Mil at J4.S6.B0 for de- trijvBi2iflBKPL 'SRV86 l'ePmcptit8(of Pkfe1, C H n CCil e "Er 1 ei? ' CThcJn,rCrb5 heavy, fmitrhln? of loans at advanclnp rates for time money, as hroker do not wIkIi to be at Uo mercy of call mony with rates as abnormally low as thoy are today. It 1b somewhat difficult for those not familiar with Wall street procedure to understand the meaning of time money hard to obtain at G per cent with money on rail freely ofTcrcd at lj. This Is a danger slqnal to the experienced banker :ind prevents tho stock broker from en couraging purchases except on the widest of margins. B. and O. Notes Sold. Olllv a fW WPpltK ntrn R.ill Iiviat-a jp. ril It was given out, was In ample funds, vet today $20,000,000 one-year S per cent notes iver -old to bankers at figures that sug gest a 7 por rent rate to the company. This borrowing was made necessary by the current situation, which has made It advisable to pay off some $11,557,000 Cin cinnati, Hamilton & Dayton notes matur ing July 1. It did not Improve nentlmcnt, either, to learn that the directors of the Rock Island confirmed the sale of $4,410, 000 equipment 5 per cent notes, although the statement was added that the com pany hns now some $6,000,000 cash and that no new financing Is contemplated. It was but yesterday that the street was assured that Ed was In ample funds, yet on the heels of this the rood hao sold 55.000,000 trust notes to pay for equip ment ordered In May. .Such misleading statements discredit railroad officials and Justify the Investor In hesitating to part with his funds. Foreign Markets Quiet. Foreign markets showed a quieter tone. Transactions for London account were small In volume and, on balance, on the buying side. Uneasiness still exists re garding the outcome of the London set tlement, and the market for Canadian Pa elfin will bp closely watched, as this Btock has long been the favorite international Issue with both London and Berlin, learn ings for the first week In June show an Increase In gross of $107,000, against a gam for the same week last year of $160, 000. The Denver stocks were again weak, the oommon closing at 13?, a loss of over a point, and the preferred at 23, a de cline of 2?. The bonds failed to show any rallying power, while the Western Pacific 5s are selling at a price which is about half the cost per mile of the building of the road. Harriman's Lower. Union Pacific made a. now low level when It touched 1371 and Southern Pa cific shaded Its previous low price at S92. The street now fears that the segregation will include a receivership and that this will be both lengthy and costly. Reading fell to 1513 od rumors of fresh govern ment suits and Lehigh Valley declined In sympathy. Jersey Central lost five points. Can stocks were weak and Atlantic Coast Line fell two points further to 112. Mexican Petroleum dropped to 57 on un favorable reports nf the conditions In Mexico Soars-Roebuck, Soo common and Loose-Wiles all lost three points or more on light trading. Closing Stock List. I CM. Amalgamated Copper 31.300 6414 62Ul Ml AmcrliMii AKrlctilturnl 100 47 47 45 Anirrlcm IJpot Stipar E00 ZIM 20i 20U American C'nii 12.100 211 51 21 do pfd 3.S00I S3 S1U 81 American Or & Foundry. 3.600 SS 36H 3$t Amerlroti Colion Oil 3001 33?; 55H 3I'. Anierlcnn Ico Securities ... 4001 ISM lSii 1! American Linseed j 7'.t Amcrlr.m Ixcomollve SOO 2S 2714 27 American Smell .t lectin.. 4.7001 SOU r.S', 5S?t do pfd 200 07V, 07ft P7'4 American Siir.h- Roilnlnp: 1.200IM'.i 103 lOITi American Tol & Tel J.ino12f,i ZK J25 American Tobacco "OObOfiifc 205 203'.4 Ansronda Mining Co l.SOOl 33 32',t 32 AtohlRon 6.0001 .15 0314 83'i do pfd 4001 OS 07 07 Atlaullc Conbt Mno 1.200llK 112 110 Btlllmore & Ohio 3.1001 P3 01 Ot BothlHiem Steel 1.0001 25j 23 24?; nrnofclrn Itapld Transit .. S.7001 S6U S1T 8?i Canadian Taclflc .. M.ltK) 217Tl'210l 211 f'enlml Leather 1.7001 IS'J 1"?J 17? C'hcfapeakr & Ohio 2.000 55 I fit 54 c'lilmgo Great Wentcm 1 1 10?; Chicago Mil &. SI Paul ... S, 700 101 -Til 50 05H Chicago & Northwestern ... 6001123 123 124lj Colorado Fuel A: Iron 1.4001 2' I 2M 231i Consolidated Ga 2.20n127?ill23 12SVJ rorn Froductf 2.S00I S?il 7Ti 8 Delaware & HtidsoD 100lH7j UW MM Dunvrr &. Itlo C.rnndo OOOl 14 4 13H 12 do pfd l.lOOr 2iUil S3 23 DlBtlllons SecurlllcK I SOOl lfttfl 10 10 Krle I S.700 22?jl 21UI 21U do 1st pfd fiOOl 35 331 331i do 2nd pfd 3001 2SM;I 2SU1 27JI Generul Klcctrlc l.W0l33 f20 H30 Great Northern pfd fUOOIUO UC"i;ni7U Great North Ore Ctfs 2.0001 27 28 I 2S Illinois Central TOOlllO?; 11011(110?; Interborough-Mfl 3.000 J3; 12?it 12 do pfd 1.400 47 4v;l 4C Inter Harvester 3001 03 0011 1 OSti Inter-Marine pfd 3001 13 121 12U Intcrnatloniil Fiper SOOl 811 7 S International I'ump i I R'-j Knwas City Southern I l.SOOl 23V4 22H 23 Lieledo (inr I 100 03 M Ol'l Lehigh Vally I 0.fiOOll45 142?l 142U Ix)ulsvlll9 &. Nnohvlll ....I 2.5001125 12S?i 124 Minn St P A- Sault St M.I l.ioolll? tllSU 112 Mo Kan fir. Texng I r.OOl 1ST4 IS; MInourl Pnclflc I 4.4001 26?i SSI 2S1 National nicuil I l.:'J0tl05i 104 lOl'.i Nallonol Lead I J 43 Natl Uyr. of Mox 2nd pfdl 1 Nov York Central I 3.G0OI 07U 07't New York Ont & Western. I 000' 2rt 23 U -ZV Norfolk ft Western I 1.7001 lWil'OO'i' 00 North Amerimn I lOftl r,3 I C3 I Nortlioni I'nclflc I 12:4P0ll04; 103 103 Paelfle Mill I RDOl 17il 17 164 PcnnKvIvanla I e,4ft0ll0Si;llO7UMO7i; PcopleV Ga I COOll0i.4'J0SaMO'iT PlttBhurc C C & St Loul! I. .. I. ...I u Plttjiburi; Coal I SOOl 16U Ui 14H Prwd Sttfl Car I OOOl !0'4 20 20U Pullman Palace Car ' ioolic:n ir,2U ir.2 Heading I !.0OOllS4 1153; 181?; Iteoubllr Iron t Steel ....I 2.6O0 1SUJ I1?S 17 do pfd I 1.40OI 7filil 72 I 73 nn-k Island Co I 2.7001 13T;I 13 f 12". do pfd ' 4 000! 23 J 22 21?; St Loul tr H F 2d pfd...' 1.3M 7', j ?'i Seaboard Air Lin- ' 1001 K'i nu 14 do pfd ' inor n!M. ssu 3? Slo Slier Steel k Iron....l 2001 23 24U 23 Southern Paelfle I 700 01 SJH SO Southern nllway I 2.300 1? 15U lOJi do pfd I I 72'A 7214 Tennre Cornrr I rl 2 2714 27V, Texas d Pnelfle Wilt 2 12 1IU Union Pflclflo ' 5l.notlIMt 1 I3 do pfd I 7001 SOU ?0 toi; United State Realtr "H Ml United Ftateii nubbfr 1 2.2001 Rf!i4 r.R 55 United State Steel Il07.r.oo 51T 4fl? 60 ,lo pfd .' I loollOStt'lOl'tfr"- Utah Copper ' W.aftOl 41 10 401A Utah Copper ' lO.SOlt 41 40 40U Vlrnlnln Carolina Chomlcatj 200 V. 2S 2314 wnitn ..f" - -i do pfd ' Wl 7 C O'l WrMel-n Maryland 1J S: 8U r.-Mt-ni Union m M 654 M WMllndiOinc Klectrlr .... 2.100 654 C S3-; Wheeling fr. Lak? Itrle ...1 1 1 1 Tolnl ialcs for the dar. 674.400 nharej. Coudition of the Troastiry. WASIIIXOTON. -Tune 11 The condi tion of the United Stales treasury at the beginning of buslnnas today was: Working balnnce. S59.52fi.2n0. In banks and Philippine treasury, HM.-10S. Total of zonernl fund. 1 36. 108, 41 2. TtApnjpis vostcrdny. $2,052,675. ninbui-Hementf. 52,000.302. The surplus this fiscal year Jp $R.So4. 201. nil against a deficit of $3,S10.GW last yen r. The figures for recclots, disbursements, siirnlun and dnP.dt exclude Panama canal and public debt transactions. Evaporator! Fruits. NEW YORK, June 11. Evaporated ap ph'H, quiet. Prunes, firm. . Aprloots and peaches, steady. Raisins, quiet. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, .lune 11. Cotton closed Kti'iidy, but lnnt prices were from seven In thirteen points net lower. I0TMUPTU1 li WHEAT IJIET EnlEtrgement of Investment Demand the Cause'; Com ami Oats Also Higher CHICAGO. June 11. Important en largement of Investment demand, based to some extent to dry weather In the sprln belt, led to an upturn today. The market closed steady at a net advance of lc to Mr- Corn gained 3Jc to lg lie, and oats ic to ijiic. In provisions outcome was the same as last night to 125c up. Trade in wheat broadened from the start. Besides the lack of rain north west, there was bullish encouragement in the early cheerfulness regarding stocks and because of hints of renewed evnort I inquiry Aggressive leadership. too, counted a good deal In driving shorts to cover and forcing prices higher. Persistent buying of September wheat ror one of the largest houses on 'change attracted considerable attention. Less notice was taken of the fact that Julv delivery was simultaneously being un loaded by the same concern. At no time was any decided tendency to react ap-Parc,nt- Late dealings wero Influenced oy dispatches showing that the need of yain extended far beyond tho Canadian line. Seaboard clearances of wheat and flour equaled 521,000 bushels. Prima rv receipts of wheat were 4S5.000 bushels: a year ago. 23G.O0O bushels. rCorn finished at the highest level of the season. Lightness of stocks hero and damage reports from central Illinois rormed the chief incentive to buyers. Most of tho strength of oats was derived from wheat and corn. Profit-taking by longs restrained -provisions from an all-round advanco with grain and hogs. The close was unsettled. RANGE OF LEADING FUTURES. Wheat open. High. Low. CIojo. v 00; Ol'i SOK PP.5 September so 51 30 00)1 December 02?1 031', 02H 03 Corn Ju,y b;i; 5314 n?U sovi September 60; 60 60U 0 Otu r E7,i ri7"1 r'"4 fi7' 'ul' s?u 33; 3su J8?; September 37; 35H S7S SSli Docember as?, 30 3SH SSTi CASH QUOTATIONS. ..(l3lC.lG0' Juno 11- CAi-h: "Wheat-No. 2 red. Jl.0031.04: No. 3 red, 05C95c; No. 2 hard. 031413) 01c: No. 3 hard. SlJ0314c: No. 1 northern, 0243' 04c; No. 2 northftrn, 0lffJ3c: No. 3 northora. 00Q) 02c; No. 2 sprlnK. 0103c; No. 3 spring. 90fl33c: No. spring. S2S8Sc: velcet chaff, ' OOffOlUc: duruni. OOJJOSe Corn No. 2. MVi 6014c: No. 2 white. GOUtf u. j jciinw, hlKlffoc: KO. 3. RSOOc. No. 3 white. 60ff6OUc; No. 3 yollow. 69K56?ic: No. 4, 6S0'53o. Onti No. 3, 38o; No. 2 white. 40if404e: No. 3. 3714c: No. 3 whlt 3S?4?'40c: No. i. 37c: No. 4 whit", SSffSOc; Btandard. 33?45I(0c. Pvye No. 2, EOS'illc, Barler 50f6Sc Timothy $3.2ii34. 00. Clover Nominal. 1 Pork 120.85. Lard Ribs $11.75J3.25. Now York Produce. NEW YORK, June 11. Flour, steady. Wheat, spot, strong: No. 2 red. nom inal; No. 1 northern Dili nth, $1.02 f. o. b. afloat. Futures firmer on covering prompted by unfavorable crop advices from Kansas and Increased complaints of dry weather In the northwest, closing at UHc net advance. July, 90ic; Septem ber, 97c. Hops, quiet. Hides, steady. Petroleum, steady. Wool, quiet. Raw sugar, steady; Muscovado, 2.S0 2.S3c ; centrifugal, 3.303.33c; molasses sugar. 2.55(g2.5Sc; refined, steady. Chicago Produce. CHICAGO, June 11. Butter, un changed. Eggs, unchanged: receipts. 2.S11 cases. Cheese, higher, daisies, 153151c; twins. 143g)15c: young Americas, 15151c; long horns, l5(TJ!153c. Potatoes, old lower. 20i?25c; receipts, 18 cars; new steady, 75.?1.00; receipts, 30 cars. Poultry. easy; fowls, alive, lfJc; springs, alive, 24c. Coffee Futures Steady. NEW YORK. June 11. Coffee futures easy at an advance of six to ten points as a result of covering, a little buying for reaction from tho decline of yesterday and In sympathy with a sharp advanco at Havre. Later cables from Europe wero eased and prices here cased off. with the market breaking sharply In thf lato trading under renewed liquidation and local selling- The closo was steady; July, 10.54c; September, 9.74c; December. 9.87e: March. 9.S9c: May, 9.01c. Spot coffee, easy; Rio 7s, 10c; Santos 4s, 12c: mild corfee, quiet; Cordova, 14 17c, nominal. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS. Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, .Tunc 11. Hogs Re ceipts 14,000; 5 cents higher. Bulk, JS.55 S.65; heavy, SS.oSCBS.GO: packers and butchers. $S.G08.C5; light. $S.G5S.70; i pigs, $7.2557.75. CattleReceipts 5000. Prime fed steers, $S.2557S.S5; dressed beef steers. $7.25TS.25; western steers. $7.00S.25: southern steers. $7.75S.00; cows. $4.50i7.75; heif ers, SG.oOS.oO: stockers and feedere. $6.50fi'S.OO;" bulls, $6.007.25; calves, $9.00 10.50. Sl,oep Receipts 9000.. steady. Lambs, SG.OOfDS 00: yearlings. 55.00ifJG.5O: wethers. $4.50 6.00; ewes, $4.00O5.25; stockers and feeders, ?3.25Z5.00. Chicago. CHICAGO, .Tunc 11. Hogs Receipts 27,000: strong. 5c higher. Bulk of sales. S6.S5ffS.S0: light. $S.f)0&8.S5: mixed. $S.50 G5B.S5: heavy. SS.25giS,75; rough, $S.253 s:40; pigs, $G.75gi8.G0. Cattle Receipts 14.000; strong to 10c up. Beeves. $7.20(S.S5: Texas steers, $8. 70(g) 7.75; western steers. 5G.S5S.00; stockers and feeders. $6.25S.2o; cows and heifers, $3.G5S 00: calves, $7.75?TU0.7u, Sheep Receipts 18.000; steady to strong. Native, Ju.OO'fFG.lO: western, '55.00 fiH,25: Yearlings. $3.50(f?G.S5, laiubs. na tive, $5. 707.75; western, J5.G0iQi7.S5: spring. $5,75$?S.75. Omaha. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., June 11. Cat tle Receipts, 3000; steady. Native steers, S7G08.G0; cows and heifers. $G.25g8.00; western stoers, $6.7wtfr;S.00; Texas steers. S6.00fi7'7.50; range cows and helfors, S5.75 7.50; calves. SS.00fi510.25. j.i0,.Kccelpts, C700: higher. Heavy. 3S.40(iT'8.50; light, $8.50(J718.55; p(gs. ?7.00ft 8.00; bulk of sales. $S.45(?JS.50. Sheep Receipts. 1200; higher. Year lings, 55.75(0) G. 75: wethers, $5.50(3)0.00; lambs, !7.50S.35. EAST BUTTE IN MAY MADE GOOD RECORD Jamas A. Pollock & Co. received the following over thulr prlvnte wire. Boeton News Bureau says: Muy was one of tlm best months In history of ;Eaat Butto Copper company, tho miiel tcr production being about 1.400,000 pounds of copper and net earnings about $100,001). Brnden produced 1.14S.O0O poundG cop per In May; smallest of any month this year to date. Best Laxativo for the Aged, Old men and women feel the need of a laxativo more than young folks, but it must be Bafo and harmless and one which will not cause pnin. Dr Kinjr's New Life Pills are especially ood for the uccd, for they act promptly and easily. Price 25c. Recoimnonded by Schramm-Johnson. Drucs, "Tho Nevor Substltutora." Five (5) Good Store. (Advertisoir.ont ) 35 CENTS IS ALL THE COM- 1 PLETE CONTEST SET COSTS There are 77 Booklovers' Contest pictures. You get the first 35 of them free with the catalogue. H You get the balance, up to and including No. 70, with the Answer Book (if when-buying the An- jflj swer Book you agree to take the paper for three months) . Then buy the last seven pictures for 35 H cents. Total cost of all 77 pictures, 35 cents. And you have 23 more days to solve the pictures! . . H 35c75cPleasure$985.00 J THE BOOKLOVERS' EQUATION 1 35 cents for a Catalogue; 75 cents for an I Answer Book; a most interesting and delight- 1 ful time solving the puzzle pictures, and you 1 have the key to the treasure vault which 1 contains $985.00 for you. The surest way I to first prize in The Tribune's contest is 1 through the catalogue, which helps you solve 1 the pictures, and through the Answer Book, 1 which permits you ten answers to each pic- I ture with but one coupon of each. For an I expenditure of $1.10 you get such a grip on I that goal of gold and merchandise that final 1 success is almost assured you. 1 The Catalogue 35 Cents; 40 Cents toy Mail Use This Order Blank for Catalogues If vou cut this order form, fill it out and send or bring it in with the sum designated, you will receive the Official Cpyrighted Contest Cataloguo of about 5000 book titles, and seven certificates redeemable for tho first 35 pictures in Ilia contest In tho Catalogue are all the correct titles to the 77 pictures. Catalogues are" 35 CENTS AT THIS OFFICE; 40 CENTS BY MAIL. Booklovors' Contest Editor. Tho Salt Lako Tribune, Salt Lake, Utah: Inclosed FIND 40 CENTS, for -which send me a Booklovers' Contest Cata loguo of 5000 titles and tho 7 certificates redeemable for the first 35 pictures. Name Street and No. ,--. V. City and Stato ' Send a 2c stamp for The Tribune's four-page circular, giving all details, or call at The Tribune office. The principal fcaturos in connection with this contest aro copyrighted by tho Booklovers' Contest Co,. San Francisco. Cal. WHAT THE CATALOGUE IS: The catalogue consists of 5000 titles of books, with the names of the respective authors, arranged alphabet ically. From the list The Tribune selects the 77 titles in .the Booklovers5 Contest It devolves only upon your in genuity, common sense and application to the puzzles to pick out these 77. Book knowledge and brilliancy of mind are neutralized by the catalogue. In the catalogue you find ten titles marked with a star. This signifies that these ten titles arc among the 77 correct ones. It only remains for you to be on the alert Tor the ten pictures as they appear and fit them to the ten starred titles. This leaves only (J7 pictures for you to solve unaided. In the contest catalogue you will find, seven cer tificates. 13a ch certificate will be redeemed for the five pictures named thereon. Thus when you buy a catalogue you get the first 35 pictures free. They are worth five cents each. The Catalogue Assists You in solving the Puzzles Quickly and Easily, Greatly Increases Your Chance of Winning and Adds to the Fun Costs but a Trifle in j Comparison With the Services it Renders You. The Answer Book I 75 Cents; 80 Cents by Mail I Use This Form for Mail Orders ffl GET AN ANSWER BOOK:-- It contains 77 J ' ffl l( Entitles Yon to 35 Pictures FREE double Pages- M You can make 30 answers to each picture, yet only need bnt one H copy of each picture. II On tho upper page you paste a picture. On the lower section you ffl writo from 1 to 10 boojc titles which you have selected for tho picture M pasted above. You save time, labor and expenso with an Answer Book, and It 9 helps you to win. Bj Answer Books Can be Obtained Only 1 When this Form Is Used. This Applies 1 to Both Subscribers and Non-Subscribers. - I 1D13 0 Booklovers' Contest Editor. H Tho Salt Lako Tribune, ' H Salt Lako City, Utah. H Find herewiih SO cents (75 cents at office) for -rrhlch deliver to me your Answer Book and 6 certificates returnable as tho pictures flj appear in the contest for Pictures Nos. 36 to 70. In consideration of H the above I agree to take or coutinue to take your paper for a period ffl of three months from date. jH Name .....w Q Street and No JH City Slate H SPECIAL ATTENTION TO NON-SUBSCRIBERS: By the pay- mcnt of $1,00 at our ofllco or $1.10 by mail, you will receive the Answer M Book without the 35 pictures. Bring or send the necessary amount as HI ttated in this order form. You had oettor subscribe to this paper and HI get the 35 free pictures and tho lessor prico. flfl What the ANSWER BOOK IS: I The essential feature of the Answer Book is that it I permits you to submit 10 answers to a Picture with but II one copy of it. Do not expect it to help you solve the II puzzles, or to give any preference over the contestant II who uses it not. II The Answer Book contains 77 double pages. It is I similar to a stenographer's notebook, being bound at the top. I One copy of each of the 77 Pictures is pasted by the I contestant on the 77 top pages. On the bottom pages, beneath where each Picture is pasted, the contestant I writes down from 1 to 10 answers. On the top section J of Page 1, for instance, you paste Picture 2sTo. 1. On the j bottom section you write down tbe answer or answers you wish to submit to the Picture. And so on for all the 77 Pictures. '- ,