Newspaper Page Text
"W THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 15, 1913. 21 1 1 nd Floor. Wf 71' Roosevelt ave.. L-Pi fine c-r0om br'Ck ?VJrio t0,!ct: Cc lawn, shade, etc; l once r ,irRED from $5750 to Ih S "t ave.: fine, If:01':' in refect condition. t "VioSnl reception hall Li"- 5 n every respect. locality; a bargain r 'ji rood 7-room br. house. KtS fruit trees, beautl- F JSSi ii-cltylilock i .Mn- enap: owner gone fefS -11. only 52S0O takes I VACANT LOTS. t fl west front, on Doug- Kfeheapcsl lots on east LlC fL on 7th 5., half block EElih soUth front: ob both sides: owner cables hp Paris to reduce price from W Li hundreds of properties ev Us before you buy. We fcrw. Call. E5 BROTHERS COMPANY. ET GROUND FLOOR. P S c2372 bffifis BETTER POSTED ON ar.d values-both business. E residence property than the Snbtmln Hollldny, facing Vine Cj.r cultivation, good water La "brick house, fruit, fine soil. Jfe 37M, and terms can be ar- Ltcll (tat S-room, mod . 2-story (Qjwct ou the corner of 4lh and Krtovtr; It Is No. -'53 Fourth ave. ft! roi". deeping porch. beamed litw connection, etc. Price ro ItiJittMlSOO cash, balance 7 per t jw rcint a really good home LjiWJ under the market value, m ore over. on State street near 14th tiiti l-room brick cottage with (Hi tree. Price 3600. Terms, fa orient brick on Princeton ave. Mtui for only $2650. Terms. front by 330 ft. deep, Improved ItrliliOUEtJ, located on 6th South iafful, for 54750. $2250 cash, ijt'icrs everywhere, f- A. RICHTER, i'2i!n St. Phone Was. 641. c24Sl t KOOS C 1 j:oo - ! - . j 1 CASH . 0, BARGAIN. WW on Fourth avenue la fW FIVE-room buff brick t !ars rooms, well finished good cement basement. lury plumbed. WM feet wido by 10 rods ft Is elevated above the with south front. All IgUineijments paid. S&'M'WO-KM down. l(e like rent. REALTll' COMPACT. 'gsMfe RE A LIT & BLDG. CO. OK. ,A REAL SNAP, Pw. SmSL BKICK- HI ' PER MONTH fr ' r$B ,5XT INTEREST. .iff INCLUDED IN MONTH 4ffW -r PAYMENTS. rS TO STREET CAR. EjMKrrI-.PIPP03ED PAVED ST. XBMFEa CAR RIDE TO POST- RAISING. jfjWfcW? ACR0SS STREET.' ?jjBSrjKAKD FRUIT TREES. Hf1 P0RTU2flTY P"OR QUICK OSIWP-'S realty & BLDG. CO.. fliWfij-GRBAT SNAP. -Bnil SSyf ?VAst when It only itlnW., k?B,000 equity In 20J t? I h!1"5? Montage on 'Jtt oT$?Me ?nirance to city AMluSbe5i vu eet the J.UJd frofe . Ground 100 feet VorrJni y ttbovo 1350. See LffiSrft early Monday, at fSilhvl1ianir' Investment Maln street c2-(9S Wi?'.' ncw,y PPered. 2nd ftneSrWaSi6? lerms- Flve C'ant a house, 5200 -nor JJ C0- 17 8. W. Temple. . C2478 ijjj - C2107 S'r?tlnr South. nnd Wt,t7. B an4 Kensingf - b03 Boston Bids. i.. - b2708 e Its orth $110 fouRSON. Wasatch 3320. Ej-'BRigr-- C2480 Lt y3 so. 3rd EaKt Kt pii- C2130 Jr fet pi x?nt front 5th J$rrn trackL.n? ,th West st jSto owner. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOUSTON'S THE" HOUSE RS.. 5550. 40-foot bldg. lot on Slh hvc. Sec us for terms. $600. Corner of Kensington and State streets, a good location for home or store. $1200. 3-room brick home, close in. See us for terms. $3500. New modern 5-room bungalow, southeast; will take vacant lot aB part payment. 54500, Corner of 2nd South and Mc Clcllan ave.; lot 56x132 feet; 7 room home; fine location for stores or flat. S5000. Strictly modern 6-room bunga low, northeast, close in; cabinet kitchen, furnace heat, mission finish. Very cosy. Terms. ?-5000. Lot 00x165, close In. on nth South; improvements all paid. Terms of jlOOO cash, balance to suit. $1000 per foot. Improved Stale street property, 'between 3rd and 4th South; reasonable terms. $5500. Country home and money maker, GJ acres, 15 minutes' walk from car line; soil a rich, sandy loam; bearing fruit trees, berries, lawns, flowers, shrubs; good five room house; artesian water; large barns and chicken coops, flBh pond. Will take city property as trade. 5200 FOOT. p!- . STATE STREET CORNER. Corner of 6th South and State st, 14S5 feet on State and 82 feet on 6th South. Tho cheapest thing on the street. Part cash. HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. COMPANY. 351 So. Main. Phone Wan. 27. We write fire insurance. Will go on your bond. C22S1 iilBERTY HEIGHTS AND YALE PARK LOTS FOR SALE. EASY TERMS. ASHTON IMPROVEMENT CO CORNER SOUTH TEMPLE AND WEST TEMPLE STS. PHONE WASATCH SI 3. ... . C2528 SNAP ON 0TH EAST. 6-room strictly modern house, hardwood floors elegant light rlxtures and nnlsh; largo sleeping porch, cemented basement and paved walks. Two 5-room houses on Brown ing ave.. strictly modern, hard wood floors, sleeping porches, ce mented basements and paved walks. Call or - phono for prices and terms. ASHTON IMPROVEMENT CO., Corner West Temple and South Temple Sts. Wasatch S13. ' c2529 NORTH. S2500-G STREET NEAR 6TH AVE. Seven-room brick, with bath, on a fine lot, 3x7 rods. Sewer con nections and sidewalk assessments paid. See ua for terms. This is a snap. EAST. $2200 4th South near 7th East -Five-room modern framo; cement cel lar, chicken run. Must have half cash to close at this price. Bal- anee nas-y terms. SOUTH. $3500 12th South near 5th East 9-room brick; city water, chicken run, fruit trees. 100 small fruit. This is a fine Place for one who wants a small farm In tho city. $1000 cash and balance to suit binds this bargain. "VEST. $1500 We have made special arrange ments with a capitalist who will build homes in the northwest sec tion from $1500 up. on very easy terms. We haven't many listings of houses In this section, as tho residents are all satisfied, SEE US If you aro Interested in real estate Improved or unimproved In any section of tho city. HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., At tho sign: "The City of Oppor tunities!." Wasatch 173. 66 East Broadway. 52300-8-ROOM LOG HOUSE. FUR nlflhed complete, water in house, lot 75x160 feot, large fihade trees, at Brigh ton or will lease for the summer. Would make fine boarding, houso. 150 acres In Crescent, near Draper, fine fruit land; also ISO acres under new canal. Best buy for tho money In the county. Also Improved farm, 40 acres, with 6-room house, water, barn, all fenced and in grab, cheap. Wasatoh 6420. A. L. Scott, 36 Palace aptfl., Third East. 02508 W. H. CROMER, 103 East 2nd South nt Wasatch 420. 37JX140. near 7th East car line. $375; 50x135. with 5-room house, 1030 Seventh East. $1C00; 745x105, scvon-room house, city water, sower and sidewalk, close in for acreage; 2 lots. In Oakland for Salt Lake, will assume', improved acro atso southeast for olty; 2 modern homos on 4th East, near 3rd South, very cheap. c2r3 FOR SALE BY OWNER, 75 FT. NEAR Liberty park, all Improvements paid, for only $750. P. O. Box 1S7. $10003 LARGE ROOMS. PANTRY. bathroom, electric light, lot 60x114 to alley. Inquire 4G8 So. 8th West. c2J4b BY OWNER. NEW 1 ROOMS. B LOTS, flowing well. Main and Miller avo. S1S00. Monthly payments. Arthur Bistz. 8G8 E. 3rd So. c2.U2 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. Are you looking for a lot? Don't pass UP the lots in Fairmont Springs Addition. None better anywhere. Prices from $275 upward. $10 cash and $5 per month. Fairmont Springs Addition is located on 12th So. bet. 9th and 11th East, a paved street from the temple block right to it. Six-foot sidewalks and water main and shade trees in front of all lots. School house, bank, drug stores, hardware, furniture and grocery stores all within a half-block. Three car lines passing the property, a five-minute service. We sold seven lots this week. Lots are going fast, because they are the cheapest and best located lots for the money In this city. We have plenty of money to loan on Improved Salt Lake Real Estate. It will cost you only about $7 nor thou sand for three years to Insure your prop erty against loss by fire. Don't take any chances, but let me write a policy. A, RICHTER, 73 So. Main St. Phone Was. C41. C1217 RAILROAD MEN, "ATTENTION!" Elegant, 5-room, full basement, strictly modern house, for only 53G00. Location. 666 South First West street. To duplicate same would cost $4750. Another. No. 64 No. 7th West; 7-room house, with 2JxlO rods ground; beautiful shade trees, lawn, sewer passes place; for only S1S50. Newly papered throughout. Cannot build house for $2000. Both houses located In finest residence section on west side. Phones 501 or 2213 Wasatch. Phone for appointment to see through house on First WesU . C2010 I WILL SELL 51 ACRES OF FINE ground, Improved with 3-room frame dwelling. 2 good cellars. 3 of the best chicken coops In Utah, barn, 1300 chick ens. 1 horse, wagon, all tools and Imple ments, 5 brooders, 3 Incubators; spring water piped In house. Located on Bryan ave.. botwen 16th and 17 East, facing south. Price. ?S500, one-half cash. bal. easy. Will sell 2 acres of the above for 52000 on very easy terms. If you want to get into the chicken business, here is an A-l proposition and money maker. Also will sell ten 371-foot lots on 16th East and Bryan ave. for $3000 on very easy terms. Seo owner, II. E, Herman, 16th E. and Bryan ave. cll37 REAL BARGAIN. Strictly modern 5-room cottage with front and back porch, splendid basement, hot air lurnace. latest plumbing, nice mantel, also extra room In attic and room enough to mako other rooms with very little extra, expense. Lot Is ton rods deep, with right of way in rear. Walking distance. South front. In splen did condition and built for owner. Will cell at a price less than same can bo duplicated. No trouble to show you through. Inquire 371 Third avenuo. b533 $1050 4-ROOM FRAME. BARN, CHJCK en coop; southeast; $50 cash, balance monthly. $3000 5-room brick, cement cellar, southeast. $100 cash, bal. monthly, for 5 acres Irrigated land near city and cars. E. J. HUFF, 405 Atlas Bloolc. c2502 3-ROOM HOU8E. SUMMER KITCHEN, screened porch, $750; $50 down and $10 per month. 0th East and 4th South. Lots, 25x110 ft., one block from car line, 5150 each; 51 down and $1 a week. WEILER REALTY & INV. CO., Was. 4443. 11 So. Main St. c2455 LEAVING CITY; WILL. LEASE BEAU tiful modern home, suitable for sani tarium or private hospital; sleeping porches, lots of shade, fruit, barn, chick en runs, garden planted and up. Tako Wandamere car, get off at WTilson ave. 707 Wilson avenue. Hyland S59-R. clS3S 1 ACRE GOOD GROUND. WITH GOOD 4-room brick house; hall, pantry, etc.; chicken sheds, lots of shade: nice home; easy terms. Price $2050. No. 2543 So. 5th East. c2131 0-ROOM HOUSE, 2 BATHS, 2 TOILETS. gas, clec. lights, fine garage; a fine place for a private boarding house. Partly fur nished. Will sell at a bargain and make easy payments or tako other property as part of purchase price. This Is a rare opportunity for the right party. C. W. Miller, 15 Exchange place. Phono Hy land 65-R. c2121 A. 7-ROOM HOUSE. WITH BATH, CB mented basement, hot air furnace, latest plumbing, largo attic, largo lot, garage, barn and other outbuildings. In splendid condition. Desirable location, near Liberty park. 845 Park at. Phono Hyland 3496-W. Terms easy. b2728 7-ROOM, TWO-STORY BUNGALOW, corner lot, large lawn, fruit troes, east bench; terms. Wasatch 5468. c2110 4- ROOM MODERN HOUSE. AT 1010 Lincoln avo., $2000; reasonable terms. Inquire 1010 Lincoln ave. c2116 CHOICE LOT, 50x140. FACING SOUTH, on north front of Capitol grounds, $1600. 201 Ncwhouse building. c2112 5- ROOM MODERN PRESSED BRICK, with barn, cement walks, lawn and gar den: a bargain. 1015 WeBt 2nd South. cm BY OWNER. 7-room buff brick house with larse barn, nlcoly improved. A bargain. 1895 &o. State. gZ7 WE BUY. SELL. EXCHANGE. RENT and manage real ostate. Sco us. Mu tual Homo Purchasing Co.. 327 Mclntyro bldg. Wasatch 2720. sl310 WE ARE SELLING OTHER PEOPLE'S property: we can sell yours. J. L. Den ham Co., 343 Main st, Wasatch 4133. b4416 SEARS INVESTMENT CO. Have moved to 25 E. 4th So.. Grand Hotel building. We havo customers for building lots,. b. e.. city. What havo you for sale'.' ol003 NICE 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE WITH largo outbuildings, suitable for dairy or poultry ranch; low rent. Inquire A, E, Winter. Utah Packing Co.. 5B7 S street, or ond of Jordan bridge car line. Inquire brick house. c!837 6- ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE, 5 acres eround; 3rd East and 12th South. Easy payments. Apply Cap. Elec. Co. r721 ARHTON A JENKINS. REAL ESTATE. loans and Insurance. 47 Main street. Phone Waaatch780. m3072 7- ROOM RED PRESSED BRICK MOD-orn- gns and pumnier kitchen; lawn; rlght'of way. to alley. 636 So. 6th East. b3785 MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE AT SACRI ilco; will exchange. 420 So. 13th East. b3C90 MODERN BRICK COTTAGE. ON EASY terms (west aide). Inquire 40 E. 1st South. C2104 SEVERAL 3 AND 1-ROOM HOUSES. $50 cash, balance llko rent. Addison Cain. Hyland 2000. c262 FOR SALE BY OWNER Yr-SLL-BUTLT, 4-room. modern rottafie, 1 block cost Nof beautiful Liberty park. Sco owner. 11.05 So. Slh East. c!250 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved BARGAINS. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOWS AND PRETTY COTTAGES. BARGAINS. 4-room buff brick cottage, close to Ninth East street, and largo lot; cement walks and basemont, screencd-in back porch, buffet kitchen, two large clothes clos ets, large rooms, in fine shape, electric fixtures, and the house Is modern. 5200 cash. $20 per month. Price $2500. 4- room mottled brick bungalow', close to Liberty park, In an excellent location; street back and front, cement walks and basement, scrcened-ln back porch and sleep ing porch, buffet kitchen, built-in mantel and china cabinet In large living room, beautiful front porch, house strictly modern. $500 cash. $22 per month. Price $2750. 5- room mottled brick bungalow, close ; to 0th East street, with a beau tiful large lot, cement walks and basement, enameled kitchen, bath and bedrooms, linen closet, buffet kitchen, built-in mantel and bookcases, electric fixtures, large front porch and screcned-in . back porch and sleeping porch. This is the finest buy in the city for the money. $500 cash. $25 per monlh. Price $3150. 6- room mottled brick bungalow, close to Ninth East street, lot 60x140 to alley, full cement basement and cement walks, large reception hall, living room, beamed ceil ings, built-in mantel and book cases, window seat, buffet kitch en, linen closet, scrccned-lu back porch and sleeping porch, beauti ful electric display. $700 cash. $32 per month. Price $4000. HOFFMAN BROTHERS LOAN Sz TRUST COMPANY, 22 East First South Street. Phono Wasatch 244. C2450 ! WALTER ROMNEY. .; REAL ESTATE. A B-ROOM BRICK WITH WATER IN HOUSE. ELEC TRIC LIGHTS. CEMENT WALKJS AROUND HOUSE. LAWN, SHADE AND FRUIT TREES. CHICKEN COOPS. BARN. LARGE LOT. 3X9 RODS. 10TH EAST NEAR 3RD SO. ONLY $2500. VERY EASY TERMS. TF YOU OWN A LOT AND 1 WANT MONEY TO BUILD, COMB SEE US. WE WILL LEND YOU IT. WE HAVE LOTS AND HOUSES IN BEST LOCATIONS. CALL ON OR PHONE WALTER ROMNEY. OR H. SAVAGE. WASATCH 1430. C2406 RTVER SAND. UNLIMITED QUANTI ly; 5 lotB on river, 5G50. Sand will pay for ground. Owner, 64 W. 1st South st. C2013 BARGAIN IN MODERN BUNGALOW. 9th East near 9th So. Four rooms and bath, screened porches, cemented base ment, large lot: $2400. Easy terms. In qulre 243 So. 4th East. cl277 FOUR LOTS. INCLUDING CORNER, 5th East and Cleveland st. Also two lots, 6 and 7, block 1, on State St.; must sell. For particulars address owner, Chas. F. Uhl, 712 Chestnut st., Anaconda. Mont. C1S24 WE HAVE SEVERAL SPLENDIDLY BUILT HOMES IN CHOICE LOCA TIONS IN CITY THAT WE CAN SELL YOU ON PAYMENTS JUST LIKE RENT. HOUSES TO RENT. LIST YOURS. UTAH SECURITIES CO., 379 SO MAIN. WASATCH 2444. b2082 FOR SALE BY OWNER. STRICTLY modern 5-room brick house with hot water heat and good terms. Box 214. City. c2307 OWNER WILL SACRIFICE J 6-room modern cottage, flno location, boautlful lawn and yard, sleeping porch, gas range, etc. ?300 cash; $20 per month. Wasatch 6482. o2305 I SELL MY OWN PROPERTY. Cor. 2nd North and 1st West, 2 Lots. One double house, site for anarlment. Biggest bargain In city. $8500, 82x100 lot for apartment or residence 7th So. and West Temple, $3500. $3500 7-rm. house, E. 7th South. Easy terms. $30 month. Including Interest. 320-acre farm. Will cut up. $20 per acre. Tooele county. J. BAUMGARTEN, SCOTT BLDG. 0:589 FOR SALE, BY OWNER. 5-ROOM MOD ern brick coltago; lot 49xlG5 fl- Lo cated at 75S East 7th South st. s73S 2 LOTS, 75X150, 7-ROOM HOUSE; 1 cow. chickens, good barn, chicken coop; 215 Navaji st. S1700 cash if taken at onco. Josaphln Bosonc. b25S4 ! READ AND HURRY. FOUR ROOMS. pantry, closet and water, on west side. S350: your own terms. Inquire at C5S So. Sth West. C2643 Government Lands w!llTjOCAte largod homestead. No residence re quired cultivation only necessary. Phone Wasatch 54SO or 3801. c2314 Homestead Lands GREAT 5Tu5GON"'XnE CALIFORNIA railroad land grant forfeited to United States In Oregon, Is Oregon federal court decision, 15,000 claims lmmonscly val uable. Prepare for final disposition of land. Send 25c for map. and details. Douglas County Abstract Co., Rosiibuig, Or. bl37S Abstracts Title Insurance lurnlch abstracts and title Insurance, attend to all details In transferring ana mortgaging land titlos. Capital. $31)0,000. 235 Main. B2523 Many find it well worth while to look over the Want Columns cactf day. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved . ! ... - :;.':-'7'- ., -. - ' :rlt ' . '. :' FRITSCH;' 201 & 202 FELTaBLDG. -V" ' REAL HOMES ON EASY TERMS-. 1 Completely furnished 6-rm. new, strictly modern bungalow; fine pi ano:; mahogany furniture; corner 57Jxi25; for a short time only $5000 6-rm. mod. brick, 2 blocks from uni versity 7 S-rm. oak and birch finish. 2 sleeping porches. 2. blocks from university; easy terms 7000 G-rm". hardwood finished, brick bun galow, on Douglas avenue, facing west 5200 S-rm. hardwood finished brick bun galow 6000 5-rm. mod. brick on 3rd E. near 2nd South 3650 THERE IS PROFIT IN THESE INVESTMENTS. 415x165 ft. on 2nd So. near 3rd E..$5000 32xMS ft. on 2nd So. -near 7th E,.. 1S50, 7xl00 ft. on 2nd So. near Sth E... 2650 50x110 ft. on 5th East and Sth So... 1600 75x120 ft., Improvements paid, near Liberty park 750 $10.00 DOWN AND $5.00 PER MONTH. $33050 ft. lot near 5th E. and llth South ?350 $10050 ft. lot near 3rd E. and 12th South 400 '$C75 3$ ft. lot Kensington ave.. near 2nd East 675 $350 40 ft. lots near Gth So. and llth East S50 $55038 ft. lot Belmont avenuo and 3rd East st 550 FRITSCH, ,201 & 202 FELT BLDG. .' :.;.,.v;-Vr- '; 0 C3S71 Keal Estate to Exchange , CACHE VALLEY FARM1, CLOSE TO town, on R. R.; 20 acres In orchard. 700-acre stock ranch, one of the choic est In the state, or make a good farm, plenty of water. 10 acres at Lehl $1000 33 acres $900 50 acres $1500 (Has house and some water.) 100 acres $2000 (Some water: good soil.) Will tako small city home: THE REALTY EXCHANGE. 22-3 Continental National Bank Bldg. c2530 2 modern houses, closo In, and some choice vacant property, to trade for close-in, improved proporty, suitable for bearding house: will pay difference. Apartment house, 4 apts.. paying 15 per cent not. $S500. Will take 6-r. mod., southeast, as part payment. Choice farms to trade for city prop erty. Bcttllyon Home Builders Co., No. 323 So. Main Sst b3807 EXCHANGE. 50() FEET SIGHTLY. sloplmr frontage, located about 1000 feet north of state capltol, for northern or central California land. Value $5000. Address 2511 Etna street, Berkoley, Cal. r302 ALL OR PART DESIRABLE INCOME property on 7th E.. bet.. 2nd and 3rd So.; 4-apt. bldg., 6-rm. cottage on prop erly, Will take as part payment 4 or 6-room mod. house. Terms to suite: make offer. Was. 1598. b!257 DESIRABLE FARMING LANDS FOR sale or will trade for equities in city property. Phone Wasatch 5180 or 3801. c2345 REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE A 40-acro Improved farm in Sanpeti county for good property In oV near Salt Lake City. Address S-59. Tribune h799 WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR LAND OR lota fi-passenger. 4-cyllnder automo bile. 200 Scott bldg. Phone W. 195. M954 CORNER 7-ROOM MODERN BRICK house for Halo or trade. 376 South Sth' West. blOlS STEAMSHIPS ANCHRINEJ STEAMSHPIS SAIL EVERY SATURDAY To and From NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. Ocean Passage 1 Days. FIRST CABIN. $70 AND $75. SECOND CABIN, $50 AND UPWARD. THIRD CLASS. $32.50. " For Book of Tours, Rates, etc.. Address Henderson Brothers. Genl. Agents, 35 West Randolph SU, Chicago. OR ANY LOCAL AGENT. S2703 SEWING MACHINES VESELlT RENT AND REPAIR ALL makes. 150 State. Was. 4703. d3116 STANDARD SEWING MACHINES FOR sale at prices and terms to suit, Bow crs & Evans. 113 S. W. Temple. b3182 IRON WRKS JOTDENNY, MANUFACTURER OF all kinds of Iron works; bids and esti mates gladly furnished. 213-5-C Edl.son. c$73 ACCORDION PLEATING SUNBURST AND SIDE PLEATING. COS East 3d South. Phone Hyland 787-.I. r b!571 FOR SALE FARM LANDS Farms and Acreage ', smith, ' : "TARPEY & : '' SMITH. Near the mountains, and with a branch of the stream flowing through It: wo know that It would be difficult for you to find a more pleasant spot for a summer home than is this 10-acre Cottonwood farm. About S acres or It arc in 4-year-old apple trees of the bet ter varieties. Gano. Jonathan and Winter Banana There are cher ry, plurn, peach and pear trees, too. Also raspberries, dewberries and strawberries. The house. Is small, but comfortable: the barn good; the chicken coops will hold 1000 chickens. Water for irriga tion and culinary purposes in abundance. The car line Is not far away and will be but a block distant upon completion of the extension. The price, $5750, Is most reasonable. Let us take you out today. SMITH. ' TARPEY & SMITH. Ground Floor. Boston Building, 15 Exchange Place. Wasatch 5768. C2517 NOW THAT ABUNDANT CROPS) ARE ASSURED IS THE TIME TO BUY A FARM. On tho O. S. L. between Salt Lake and Ogden. beautifully located, we offer 315 acres with full water right; 20 acres In young bearing mixed orchard, 1 acre In berrtes, 10 acres alfalfa; splendid 4-room house and outbuildings, electric lights: 5 mile from three canning factories, 1-S mile from r, r. station. This Is as fine a small farm as there Ih In tho state and located In the best farming district. Price, including all the crops, only $11,500, on terms. I Do not fall to see this farm. Two 5-acre truck garden tracts, ad Joining, all In crop, excellent water rights, mile from r. r. station. 1 mllo from schoolhouse and church. Located on So. State st. car line with 15-mlnute service to Salt Lake. For a country homo Bite these tractB cannot be beat. We offer them at low price of $2250 each. Including crops. $750 cash, balance on easy terms. PAVANT VALLEY LAND COMPANY, R. E. EXCHANGE DEPT. Wasatch 1641. 517 Judge Bldg. c2233 A FINE DAIRY FARM. A few miles south of city wo offer an established wholesale dairy farm, folly equipped, with horses, wagons, farm im plements, fine house, large cow bam, milk contracts, and 73 acres land, with full water right and. lease on 40 acres more. Abundant crops of feed, and 33 head milch cows, best breed. This farm with full equipment Is easily worth 518,000. We offer same for 10 days only at $10,500. calling for first paitnent of only $S500, balance to suit purchaser. We could accept a small home as part payment of $2000. PAVANT VALLEY LAND COMPANY, R. E. EXCHANGE DEPT. Was. 1641. . 517 Judge Bldg. C2282 PUT YOUR MONEY INTO A Park Valley farm. Here rich, virgin soil awaits the turn of your plow to moke it yield a crop of golden dollars. Many a man who was almost a a failure, has come to Park Val ley, made an honest effort and succeeded. And there Is no reason In th world why you can't do as well. Now don't pass this opportunity up and In a few years look back upon what might have been. Act now! . And within a Bhort time, you'll be upon the highway of success. You'll be Independent. Either 'phono or write for our free booklet today. . PACIFIC LAND & WATER COMPANY, 1509 Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. c2377 2- ACRES FINE LAND, GOOD 4-ROOM house, barn, chicken coops, etc., small orchard; J block from car line; $2700; termB. 5 acres In fine bearing orchard, some raspberries and strawberries, near Union; $1600: terms. 15 acres fine land, with sood water right; Cottonwood; $3000; trade for sood brick house, calling distance, west side. 21 acres, with good house, all crop, im plements and stock included; $2500: splen did water right. BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO.. 323 Main SL Was. 2030. C2460 MODENA SPECIAL. 2 sections of deeded lands within 5 miles of Modepa. less than $10 per aero. Terms reasonaolo. WESTERN LAND CO., 212 Judge Bldg. C2525 WANTED TO BUY. Well-Improved farm or stock ranch. Must be well located, reasonable In price and offered on terms. Prefer something $10,000 or $15,000. Will deal with owner direct, only. Address B-32. Tribune. c2490 WILL RELINQUISH 32 ACRES choice land. 2 miles from Mllford, Utah. Inquire 1331 S. 10th East. c2447 FIVE-ACRE TRACT WATER RIGHT closo In car two blocks terms. Owner. E-2S. Tribune. C2350 tOO ACRES WILL SELL-RELINQUISH-ment on 100 acres fine sagebrush land. 50 miles from city for cost of improve ments. Cabin, well, pump and some fencing. U0 H st. Wasatch 2G37-W. C3343 PATENTED STATE SCHOOL LANDS. McMullen county. Texas. Only $15.00 per acre 31.00 per acre . cash, balance 10 annual payments. F, A. Connable. Trus. tee, Houston. Texas. c2325 HOUSTON SUBURBAN LOTS ONLY $25. $1 cash. $1 month. Write today. Cvpress Park Land Co.. Houston, Texas c232' BARGAIN 37-A. IMPROVED FARM. mi. from ry. town, priced $350 cash, worth $500. EVERTON LAND CO.. Everton. Ark. c2215 FOR SALE. JUST LIKE PAYING RENT. BUNGALOW, SHINGLE. Flvn rooms, modern, large flower gar den;, chickens. Fifth East Is being paved, rcmombor, to 12th South, and Ihls place Is corner 5th East and Kensington ave. Dr. W. 3, Hudson. Phono Hyland 1GG6-W. or office, C03 Boston building. s2941 2-ACRE FRUIT AND CHICKEN FARM. 4-room brick; close In. Phono Hyland 2070. b2550 WILL TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY. 240 acrt'h. good water right; , located Hinckley, Ttaii Hy. 268-W. c2l48 I FOR SALE FARM LANDS Farms and Acreage n ' " ' ' CATTLE RANCH IS 2UVHEAD OF HEREFORDS 230 9 WYOMING BbB A ranch of 640 acres, located in couth- jtnfl western Wyoming. 35 miles from rail- HUH rosjd: surrounded by free, open range. ImB Comfortable house, barns, hay sheds. oaSt cattle corrals, etc., together with an lofH abundance of water. Beaver creek flows loio through the ranch. Cuts from 300 to 400 IMS tons of hay each year. There are 100 head Riffl of fine work horses. Tools and lmple- f4 inenis necessary on band. IffUS 230 head of good grade Hcrcfonls 230 n The price Is $2u,000 for everything in- fflffl eluded. Will make terms lo suit pur- Iftifi chaser. The owner will tako a city home ItfES as part payment. lUffi Phone or write us and we will mall you Kftll complete particulars. Come and see it. mln SMITH REALTY COMPANY. Rtfi W3. 10S3. Hooper Bldg. MB Tt's to your own Interests to let USB us prove to yon that our Park (Riff Valley lands are nearer the rail- iulfi road than any other tracts of- vfifM fered at the same prices In the BttW And Incidentally, to prove to you uhS that Park Valley lands are the HUB biggest values In the state today. (mH W. C. ALBERTSON. YUM 603-4 DOOLY BLOCK. Also agent Canadian Pacific Rail- wfH way Land Branch. miff WANTED TO BUY. 1 fill Well-Improved farm or stock ranch. Ufl Must be well located, reasonable in price Hit' and offered on terms. Prefer something mtl $10,000 or $15,000. Will deal with owner direct, only. Address B-32, Tribune. 'tig 22 Li! LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. "rjl No canvassing or soliciting required. . Good Income assured. Address National Co-operative Realty Co. Marden bldg.. urV Washington. D. C. b304 tirjS WILLIAMS BROS.. AiYi Deal in Hjlj CHICKEN RANCHES. FARMS AND A1 SUBURBAN HOMES. You deal direct with owners. We act as advertising agents only to bring buy- iif; ers and sellers together. ilifi Phone Murray 25S-J. Murray, Utah. b.14S2 ,j $ UTAH LAND. "THE BEST IN TH3 V- j west." Excellent bargains, farms. t . V; ranches, colonization tracts. Homestead locations on government land. ':' WESTERN LAND CO.. 212 Judge bid. -i if -JtJ FOR SALE BY OWNER, AT MURRAY, ,M 1J acres, with house, barn, shade. :(, fruit and ornamental trees, etc.: a bar- ' gain. Address C-10. Tribune. c2041 , ; 40 ACRES IN BOUNTIFUL. SUITABLE iijfcj for chicken ranch; will sell or exchango ;Jt for city home. B-4S. Tribune. cl714 !jTl EIGHTY ACRES CHOICE BENCH '.'E fruit land, 18 miles southeast of city: $4000 for quick sale. 201 Newhouse bldg. I'lva C2111 1 M t f P BANK, BAR AND OFFICE M FIXTURES ! BANK OFFICETBARNrTSO .; fixtures; special designs submitted on ,.p. application; household refrigerators, car- A om and pocket billiard tables, bowling ' tlj alleys and supplies. Brunswlck-3alke- ''," Collendcr Co.. 55-57-50 West South Tom- :i pie. Phone Wasatch 453. a4088 W. L. WETHERBEE CO.. DESIGNERS and manufacturers of car, bank, office and store fixtures; also agents for billiard and pool tables and supplies. Office and i '.'.i factory. 15S-160 West 1st So. Wasatch 'IH 622S. h3320 j , BANK, BAR AND OFFICE FIXTURES. estimates gladly given. Salt Lake Cabl- !'-! t net & Fixture Co., 27 RlchardB street- dl Wasatch 3210. b3292 iLASSAGSlXs ji'a ladies only; treatments given at' their ; M homes. Swedish and other Eclcntillc j . il methods. Be6t local references. AI60 pro- ' 1 j fesslonally recommended. Phono Wa- satch 2624. c2501 ! W MAGNETIC VIBRATORY MASS AG E. !,!(l manicuring, facial and scalp treatment cJjrt New York method. Room 20. Galena iijjfs block, Second South and State. c975 , m ' i L CALL ON MADAME ERHART AT : t f!4 her new apartment. Warm Springs. .1 Wasatch 53G4-W. s2177 ",ti . v.i'" ELECTRIC TREATMENT AND MAS- "M sage. Open until 9 p. m. 164 West 3rd f;i '3 So. M. Cyr. cl736 tijjjj MAGNETIC AND VIBRATORY MAS- i'lffi sage. Room 30, Plaza hotel, 77 W. 2nd So., Eagle Bldg. c2177 rfcj, VAPOR BATHS. MASSAGE. SUITES 2 and 4, 326 So. Main. c2355 ; $: EMOJVAN ijl MRS. NELLIE GLOVER THOMPSON, formerly living at No. 142 So. Third 3 East, has moved to No. 11 Brunswick ave., where she has established dress- i IH making parlors and will be ploased to IBS) meet all old friends. c777 VIAVI CO. HAVE MOVED" THEIR fffl offices to 307 and 308 Tcmpleton bldg. lUiXfi b242s r.Ly. DR. WHEELER MOVED FROM MER- cantlle annex to 302 Atlas block. c2492 i"!fJ 1 if ANY DISEASE CURED. NO EXCEP I'jflJ Hon: no knife, medicine or hypnotic in- ijlili fluence. See me beforo submitting to sur- MfK geon's knife. Consultation free by pre- hMl sentlng this notice. J. H. Horr, 258 8rd 'lift? avo Was. 1721-M. cl835 IfjjJj CHINA DECORATING m7S15"bevrthw .! 77 East Third South. China suitable I Ki for gifts and prizes. Class and private ; ul leerons- c963 jj MILLINERY SCHOOL 1 1 pmsscHbirrEw! uptoTSJte J f I hats exchanged for your old ones; (' t finest assortment in tho city. 303 s. oth il E. Hyland 1761 -M. b2430 t; M HAIRDRESSING !ji LADKS! MAKE YOUlT APPOINT? r M ments early; wo are open evenings. S ; W. 3536. Velvetina Parlors. 62 E, 4th it JET South atrcet. s275g J ! ICE CREAM II wlIOLlssTLE RIr! facturcrs of lee cream: quarts. brlck3 iffl or specialty, 10c; in bulk, 35c. Amcrl- ilB can Ice Cream Co. Was. 415S. c959 f B AUTOMOBILE NUMBERS : W ncIcelTbra Chas. Petorson, signs, 20 Upper Rich ards st. 1,379