Newspaper Page Text
THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 16, 1913. 15 !'1S(Bf regarding WS hotC,!;' 2iMg "SS 13000 : one" 'ifc&lSatally 51150; u7hTstret; running water -J-BiS Wi all rooms rented r Za cnitlh nicely furnished fefg ctor'"s 565 p,!r 'MjTFYie. HOTEL BROKER. ! holW and rooming houses other .agents combined. t . furniture and lease of 23 Street location: rent about ImSol This is a genuine snap LJJy, cjn make a good piece of fal of the house. f 1600. housekeeping apis., rent only fcMK J100; good location, better i OKLT $200. house. 10 roome: rent f.iO: fwtlon; only $250. Best bargain tioon. hording house, 11 rooms; income W rf month, j $1200. m,tt furnished: rent only 510 fl; '5-year lease, ,excellent loca- 5 .A BFJEE HOUSE AND LUNCH f ROOM. mm iferages about ?50 per day; felon in town: cheap for quick t IUKCH ROOM. pi fliturei), So. st.. ?1200; 4 talance &0 per month. fa DAWS,, HOTEL BROKER. LMAIN. WASATCH 3839. j, c2397 W, TOLL FURNISHED AND iL (ration. This Is a moncy jrUi rent Is cheap and expense T all the time Price 5530. jw, one nt the best transient jyora; fine location: doing ca jHBMii 51200; terms. . the finest place In town: and cold -water In ovry enl furniture and carpets. The ' This hotel makes Strday. $2700. "jrc looking for a hotel or 100m Hse ut. ;ve have more bor Tt can advertise. J- I. DEXILUt CO. Main St. Was. 4133. i. C2375 iilT23'RP0jr DOOMING jr light housekeeping, now full iwV,!..,mnls: Income of 5192 S W monthly, showing clear KT11' furniture in good "'ly.fiirnlshcd. Small LS.cftrito The best bargain BriT8lAe S0,cI ""mcdlate fcll! w' ,p2rtlcuhirs at Utah ft ' . 2nd South. c25'j3 &SD- 7-nooai room. 55Mt5WPlJF,n flne condition: wniCa,,,ia,V tlmc aml scc gggefieap. Leaving ST'OP W-ROOM k riir l' Itw rcnt. ljcst paying l8 Tribune. C12G0 feEItCIAL HOTEL AT ft ,J ;,nco,n8l1 of IS rooms; ftsoStX1!?316' onl' hotel k. "on CUv News. McCam 5r; clK20 gBe 7i Days. t- gCQ7 REGISTER 5Mlg.WIC0 Mattress & ai P15B5 ! rrz- 3389 fejCEMEOT WORK r "3208 t. U,h East. Hy. ;,l6.3; BmS? Av- T- tile Wj- Phones; Wasatch ph:: cCG1 imoSmsT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SECOND-l-IAD FURNITURE STORE FOR SALE; GOOD BUSINESS; A-l STATE STREET LOCATION. APPLY 209 SO. W. TEMPLE FOR PARTICULARS OR. PHONE "WAS. 1996. b2333 tCEN.?B FOR PHYSICIAN. OW ing to deaths and removals of phyal- tl3 X rieighborbood. For sale-Home rnmonces' Dayton, Five Points. S 2 3n2 aceB ,?r land- bam, horse, bug gy, office furniture, books, instruments; piemlses. Telophono 25. Kayavllle blH77 WANTED FIRST-CLASS CAFE AND lunch man to run cloctric kitchen in connection, with billiard hall and cigar store: musL furnish equipment; fine lo cation and good opportunity to make money. Rclman & Brown, Rupert, Idaho. c346 MmX .R "WOMAN TO MANAGE GOOD. Jlvo business in Utah and Idaho, for an eastern firm, and manage agents; "!Un havc rer"ercnces; will require about $400; you havc to handle your own money; can clear $4000 to ?5000 pnr vear. Phono o2'J-j and arrange Interview. c2145 PARTY TO FILE ON ENLARGED homestead land and join me In partnor ship fence. Total cost. Including fence, 51-2f per acre. Land worth 575 per acre. Address 1375 3rd avo. I-Iyland 1670 c59l GRINDING WAGON WITH GAS EN glne Installed; also team of horses; a well-established trade In Salt Lake: for sale cheap. 6 Love court. b21S6 FOR SALE A FIRST-CLASS BARBER shop, with bath, hot and cold water. In a good, thriving mining camp; has liv ing room. furniture, etc.; excellent chance for married man with small fam ily. Owner leaving. Terms to suit. Y-31. Tribune office. b3314 A CORPORATION DESIRES STATE manager for Utah. Must have selling record and furnish unquestionable proof of integrity and financial responsibility. Liberal compensation. Attractive duties. Quick roturns. To secure Interview re plies must be by letter stating experience, telephone number. E. B. Hanson. Hotel Utah. b3598 BLACKSMITH SHOP AND TOOLS FOR nale; cheap If taken at once: doing cood business; good location. Address" B-27. Tribune. cl305 FOOL ROOM AND CIGAR STORE: best location in town: must bp sold on account of owner leaving town. Address B-fil, Tribune. clS31 CLEANING AND PRESSING BUSINESS, horse, wagon, everything complete. Phono Was. 3535. cl9B5 ONE OF THE BEST CIGAR STANDS In city. For particulars, call 351 1st avo.. or telephone Wasatch 2SS1-W. c2172 SECOND-HAND STORE. New and second-hand stock; only one In county: only one new furniture slorp In town, county soat. good country, draws trade over 00 miles. Will Invoice and dis count Address W. E. Roberts, St. An thony. Ida. c2121 SALOON. FINE CORNER LOCATION, long lease, dolncr good business: n bar gain If taken l his" week. Bettllyon Homo Builders Co.. 323 So. Main si. c24S'J WANT ACTIVE OFFICE PARTNERS. established mfg., wholesale, retail and mall order business. C. C. M. C. Box SI 3. S. L. C. Utah. c2555 5250 WILL BUY A LOT TN OJIBWAT. tho now steel city opposite Detroit, Mich., where the U. S. Steel Co, Is build ing thflr Canadian plant that will rival Gary. I ml. Select your loLs now and se cure the most desirable locations. Call or write for complete Information. Partial payments if desired. J. W. Sibley & Co., 320 New York Life BIdg . Chicago. C2255 BONDS WANTED. CHICAGO HOUSE. representing eastern llnanclal connec tions, is in the market for an attractive bond issue of meritorious proposition. Offerings confidential. Principals only. Address M. Phillips. 10C Schiller Bide.. Chicago. c225 l FOR SALE STORE LOCATION. WITH or without stock- Muln and 2nd So. Rent cheap. For particulars call No. 20 E. Broadwav or Phone Was. 6117. C2306 DAIRY 7 COWS. 400 CHICKENS. 23 gal. milk route; R-room mod. house. Owner retiring on account of' sickness. Mrs. M. Rcdekcr, 1st West, bet. 10th and lllh So. c2fJ0S POSITIVELY ONE OF ' THE BEST restaurants In Salt Lake, ono of the old established places. $3500. Ross C. Davis. 113 So. Main. c2398 7-ROOM, TWO-STORY BUNGALOW. corner lot, large lawn, fruit trees, east bench: term?. Wasatcli 545S. , c21I0 lilODERN BRICK COTTAGE. ON EASY terms (west bUIc). Inquire -19 E. 1st South. C21C1 Government Lands WILL LOCATE YOU ON 320 ACRE EN largod homestead. No residence re quiredcultivation only necessary. Phone Wasatch 5IS9or J1S0L c2344 MASSAGE MASSAGE MASSEUSE FOR SELECT ladlts only; treatments given at their homes. Swedish and other scientific methods. Best local references. Also pro fessionally recommended. Fhonp Wa satch 2624. C2501 MAGNETIC VIBRATORY MASSAGE. manicuring', facial apd scalp treatment. New York method. Room 20, Galena block. Second South and State. c97o CALL ON MADAME ERHART AT hr new apartment, Warm Springs, Wasatch 53C4-W. 2177 ELECTRIC TREATMENT AND MAS sage. Open until 9 p. m. 164 West 8rd So. M. Cyn c!73C MAGNETIC AND VIBRATORY MAS aage. Tloom 30, Plaza hotel. 77 W- 2nd So.. Eagle Bldg. C2177 VAPOR BAT ITS, MASSAGE. SUITES 2 and 4. 32C So. Main. "2Spo BANK, BAR AND OFFICE FIXTURES . fixtures; special designs submitted on application: household refrigerators, car om and pocket billiard tables, bowling alleys and Buppllcs. Brunawlclc-Balke-Collcndcr Co.. 55-57-59 West South Tem ple. Phone Wasatch 453. a4080 W. L WETIIERBEE CO.. DESIGNERS and manufacturers of bar. bank, off Ice and store fixtures; also ngentu for billiard and pool tables and supplies. Office ana faetorv. 158-lfiO West lot So. Wasatch C228. h3320 BANK. BAR AND OFFICE FIXTURES. estimates gladly glvon. bait Lake Cabi net & Fixture Co.. 27 Richards street Wasatch 3210- bJ29a REMOVAL NOTICE m1?sT"ne1aiec formerly living at No. 142 So. Third EaBt. has moved to No. 11 Brunswick ave., whoro she has established dross making parlors and will bo pleased to moot all old friends. . c7'7 VIAVr CO. HAVE MOVED THEIR offices' to 307 and 30S Templeton bldg. b242S DR. WHEELER MOVED FROM MICR cantllo annex to 302 Atlas block- 02492 TMBUNE WANT ADS PULL. FOR "SALE REAL ESTATE BETTILYON- - . y ( , - . , V . .--HOME BUILDERS ' V,. ''. ' COMPANY ' i 1 v 323" MAIN ST. ON SIXTH AVE.' . i ,'rc,ni cottage: has toilet, elec tric lights, city water, sewer, walks, shade trees. Neat and clean. ?M50. On easy terms. 779 STXTH AVE. Splendid south front lot. 66x165. Has an old 4-room brick house on It: can bo remodeled. All for 52500.00. Any terms. NEAR 9TII EAST. One of the prettiest new bungalows ever built. 4 large, airy rooms: built-in fireplace, buffet, bookcases. Hardwood floors: elogant bathroom finished In while enamel; largo front porch, screened back porch; cemented basement; concrete walks to back door. Large lot. All for 52S50.00. See It. HOW WOULD YOU LnCE THIS? Here Is a 2-story, S-room modern brick home, fine large rooms, with bath, toilet, elec. chandeliers. 2 fireplaces; fine. large reception hall; barn, coops. Corner lot 66x136; all In lawn, flowers, fruit and shade trees. This place must be sold Im mediately. Will take lot or auto as part payment. Southeast on car line. NEAR LIBERTY PARK. No. 839 South 7th East, a 7-room. U story brick, modem. Lawn, fruit and shade. Sewr and walks paid. Worth 53500.00. Must sell quick. Price is 52950.00. on terms. ON NORTH 2ND WEST. Pa'ed st. Beautiful, new 8-room, strictly modern brick bungalow. Has full cement basement, furnace, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, fireplace and book cases; mission finish Interior; large screened back porch and sleeping porch. Gas, sewer and wnlks In and paid. All goes for 53S00.00, on easy terms. ON 11TH EAST. A splendid 6-room. full 2-story bunga low, with furnace, cemented basement and first-class Interior finish. On a lot 50x156. with barn, coops, lawn and shade. All for. S3450.00; takes 5650 cash, balance like rent. CLOSE IN ON 4TH BAST. A. good 6-room brick house, modern. The lot is 685x165 and has a 14-foot right of way on the side. Here 13 a splendid site for terraces. Price only 53950.00. Will take lot or auto as part first pay ment. LOTS! LOTS! LOTS! Now Is the tlmc to select a site for your home. We have many close-in Lots at prices no higher than asked for sub urban property. We can make easy terms on all. Have special snap on 10th East, corner lot 60x125; suitable for store and home. 51200. half cash. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! Suppose your home burns today are vou protected? We represent two relia ble insurance companies. Let us wrlto your Insurance. BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO.. Was. 2030. 323 MAIN ST. Was. 2031. . c24oi WE ARE PLEASED TO SHOW PROP- erty. Call us. 3-room house In Waterloo for only 5900, on terms. fi-room mod. brick home In the south east, nenr high school. Only 52750. on terms. We will build you a homo anywhere in the city on rent money. We have some fine high lots on the west side, at 11th West and 4th South; have others at 9th East and 11th South. SUMMER HOMES. Wo have five tracts of land of two and one-half acres each: all have ono-half-acre of .orchard; nil on the Holliday car line; all havc creek frontaso: the most beautiful SUMMER homcsitcB In the val ley. 52500: terms. We will trade 6 per cent gold bearing bonds (government and other bonds) for good vacant property UNITED HOMiE BUILDERS COMPANY. 502-3 Walker Bank Bldg. Was. 42S5. C240S McKELLAR REAL ESTATE & INVEST -MENT CO.. INVESTMENT BANKERS. 550 CASH, 550 CASH. 550 CASH. balance In payments of J17.50 per month, will place you In a nice now pressed brick cottogo. with 4 large rooms, buffet kltchon, clothes closet, bathroom, two nlcn porches, cemented cellar and a largo lot In HOMESITE ADDITION, tho par don spot of the southeast. HOMESITE VDDITION is Just north of Wandamcre, between 5th and 6th East sts. IN HOMESITE ADDITION you have cement walks, trees, graded streets, eloc. It, telephone. FREE WA TER, and all lotn are nicely fenced. No other addition gives you what HOME SITE ADDITION DOES. "No other addi tion is building up as rapidly with nice brick cottages as HOMESITE ADDITION IS. McKELLAR REAL ESTATE & INVEST MJSNT CO. INVESTMENT BANKERS. Established 1902. Incorporated 1913, Capital. $250,000, . 402 and 403 Walkor Bank Building. c247& EASY PAYMENT HOME8 CHEAP?" Closo In on 6th East st.. 5-room mod ern brick house; large bam; cement basement and wolkB; owner must soil; price $2800; ?300 cash, bnlunco monthly. Southeast, closo In, now 5-room modem house, with mantel; 2 porches; full ce ment basement. Thin Js a snap at 52200; 5200 cn-sh. balance monthly. 7-rooni 2-story modern brick houoc; lot 54x140 feet; comer; southeast on car lino. With lawn, shade and fruit; 53500. Easy terms. A few lots on the 15th East car lino at 3200 each. ?10 cash, 55 a month. J. L. DENHAM CO., W. 4133, 343 Main St. W. 1133, C2374 BY THE OWNER, SPLENDID CORNER lot and six-room -cottage, modern; sloping lawnc flowcra and shrubbery. Lo cated nt 3S9 Eighth uvunuc. 54250. Torms can bo arranged. See owner at above address, or rail Was. 2747. c-440 BY OWN ICR. S2JX1C5 FT.. WELL IM p roved n-nfal property, on Clh avo.. close lp, Would consider trade of small house as pari pnymont. 1-lyland 218-H ,13S Paxton ave. c349J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved J TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY". 159 MAIN STREET. Ground Floor. A REAL SNAP No, 712 Roosevelt ave., near 7th East, fine 5-ropm brick cottage, bath, electric light, toilet, hardwood floors, lawn, shade, etc.; fine lot; only $2200; worth 53000. Must sell at once. PRICE JUST LOWERED from 55750 to $5000; O st., noar First ave.; fine, nearly new, In perfect condition, residence, S rooms, reception hall, furnace, modem In. every respect; fine yard; splendid locality; a bargain, for 55000. Two acres and good 7-room br. houBc, barn, 75 bearing fruit trees, beautl-. ful stream through It, city block from Lagoon Ptatlon; a snap; owner gone to Canada; must sell; only 52S0O takes It; terms. VACANT LOTS. 51050 75x140 ft., west fronl, on Doug las st.; cheapest lots on cast bench. 51350491x105 ft. on 7th S., half block from 5lh East; south front; good house 'on, both sides; owner cables from Paris to reduce price from $1500. We have hundreds of properties ev erywhere. See us before you buy. We can help you. Call. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY, 159 MAIN ST. GROUND FLOOR. C2372 NO AGENCY IS BETTER POSTED ON conditions and values both business, acreage and residence property than the Richter Agency. Just a few snaps. 6i-acre farm in Holliday, facing Vine st., all under cultivation, good water right, 3-rm. brick house, fruit, fine soil, etc. Price ?3750, and terms can be ar ranged. I must sell that S-room, mod., 2-story brick residence on the comer of 4th and B. Look. It over; it Is No. 253 Fourth ave. Lot 4x5 rods, sleeping porch, beamed celling, sewer connection, etc Price re duced to 55500 $1500 cash, balance 7 per cent. If you sant a really good home and one 52500 under the market value, look this one over. Two acres on Slate street near 1-lth South, with 4-room brick cottage with bath, fruit trees. Price 53600. Terms. 4-room modern brick on Princeton ave. near 9th East, for only 52650. Terms. 109i ft. front by 330 ft. deep, Improved with 4 brick houses, located on 6th South near 4th West, for 54750. $2250 cash. Many others everywhere. A, RICHTER, 73 So. Main St. Phone Was. 641. c2181 . ' 5200? ' . .5200$ CASH BARGAIN. - Located on Fourth avonue - Is a good FIVE-room buff brick house, large rooms, well finished woodwork, good cemont basement, modernly plumbed. Lot Is 40 foot wide by 10 rods deep. Is elevated above the sidewalk, with south front. All special assessments paid. Price Is 53S00 5200 down. Balance like rent. SMITH REALHV COMPANY. Was. 1933. 202 Hooper Bldg. c2524 PROGRESS REALTY & BLDG. CO. A REAL SNAP. 5-R. BRICK. 5-R. BRICK. $2000. 5 250 DOWN. $ 20 PER MONTH. 7 PER CENT INTEREST, INCLUDED IN MONTH LY PAYMENTS. I BLOCK TO STREET CAR, BLOCK TO PROPOSED PAVED ST. if. MINUTES' CAR RIDE TO POST OFFICE. VALUES RAISING. CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD. 535,000 HOME ACROSS STREET. LARGE LOT. FINE SHADE AND FRUIT TREES. fi-ROOM BRICK. NEWLY PAPERED. A REAL OPPORTUNITY FOR QUICK ACTION. CALL AND LET US SHOW YOU. PROGRESS REALTY BLDG. CO., 323 SO. MAIN. c2480 FOR SALE GREAT SNAP. Business Frontage. Nearly anybody can Invest whon It only takes 51736 cash for a $5000 equity In 20o fL (10 rods deep) of business frontage on South State st., opposite entrance to city hall. Mortgage of $5500 at 7 por cent can bo aflsumed. Remember, you got the equity for 1-3 Its value. Ground 100 feet north Is held from 5700 to $1000 per foot This is only slightly above 5350. See Freeman Mornlngstar early Monday, at Tuttle Brothers Company, Investment Bankers, 159 South Main street. C249S 4-n. B. COTTAGE, BARN, CHICKEN coops, 51700; near W. Temple st. ; easy .terms. C-r. mod. b., newly papered, 2nd So. and 10th Wost; cosy terms. Flvo acres near Granger ward house, 200 lier a. An elegant home and 213 acres of land In American Fori: to exchange for good east Bide property. MAHAN INV. CO., 27 S. W. Temple. Was. 414. c247S NON-RESIDENT RELINQUISHMENT. not far from Salt Lake City. Splendid land baryaln. See owner, 308 Utah Sav ings & Trust bldg. C2497 FOR SALE JUST LIKE PAYING RENT. BUNGALOW, SHINGLE. Flvo rooms, modern, large (lower gar den, chickens. Fifth East Is being paved, remember, to 12th South, and thlB place Is corner 5th Eaat and Kensing ton ave. Dr. W. S. Hudson. Phone Hy land 1C66-W, or office, G03 Boston Bldg. b279S TRACKAGE OR FACTORY SITE FOR salo at a bargain; 31S feet front 5th North and 330 feot along 4th Wost st., on O. S. L. Hue tracks; only four blocks from O. S. L. depot. Apply to owner, John McCready, Ogdcn. Utah. c82 MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE AT SACRI flce; will exchange, 429 So. 13th East. b3690 ASHTON ft JENKINS. REAL ESTATE. loans and Insurance. 47 Main Btroot. Phono Wasatch 780. m307J SEVERAL 3 AND 4-ROOM HOUSES. $50 cash, balance llko rent. AddlRon Cain. Hyland 2090. c262 NICE 5-ROOM BRICK HOUSE WITH largo outbuildings, suitable for dairy or poultry ranch; low rcnt. Inquire A. E. Winter. Utah Packing Co.. 537 S street, or end of Jordan bridge car line, Inquire brick houoc. cl337 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved BARGAINS. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOWS AND PRETTY COTTAGES. BARGAINS. 4-room buff brick cottage, close to Ninth East street, and large lot; cement walks and basement, ficreencd-In back porch, buffet . kitchen, two large clothes clos ets, large rooms. In fine shape, electric fixtures, and the house Is modern. ?200 cash. $20 per month. Price $2500. 4- room mottled brick bungalow, close to Liberty park. In an excellent location; street back and front, cemont walks and basement, scrcened-ln back porch and sleep ing porch, buffet kltchon, bulll-ln mantel and china cabinet In largo living room, beautiful front porch, house strictly modern. $500 cash. ?22 per month. Price 52750. 5- room mottled brick bungalow, close to 9th East street, with a beau tiful' large lot, cement walks and basement, enameled kitchen, bath and bedrooms, linen closet, buffet kitchen, built-in mantel and bookcases, electric fixtures, large front porch and screencd-in back porch and sleeping porch. This Ib tho finest buy in the city for the money. $500 cash. 523 per month. Price $3150. 6- roo.m mottled brick bungalow, close to Ninth East street, lot 60x140 to alley, full cement basement and cement walks, large reception hall, living room, beamed ceil ings, built-in mantel and book cases, window seat, buffet kitch en, linen closet, screcned-In back porch and sleeping porch, beauti ful electric display. $700 cash. 5.32 per month. Price $4000. HOFFMAN BROTHERS LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 22 East First South Street. Phone Wasatch 244. C2453. . . WALTER ROMNEY, ' REAL ESTATE. A 5-ROOM BRICK WITH WATER IN HOUSE. ELEC TRIC LIGHTS. CEMENT WALKS AROUND HOUSE. LAWN, SHADE AND FRUIT TREES. CHICKEN COOPS, BARN. LARGE LOT. 3X9 RODS. 10TIT EAST NEAR 3RD SO. ONLY $2500, VERY EASY TERMS. IF YOU OWN A LOT AND WANT MONEY TO BUILD. COME SEE US, WE WILL LEND YOU IT. WE HAVE LOTS AND HOUSES IN BEST LOCATIONS. CALL ON OR PHONIC H. . 1 WALTER ROMNEY." OR H. SAVAGE. WASATCH 1430. . C240G W. H. CROMER. 103. East 2nd Smith st. Wasatch 420. 375x140, near 7th East car line. 5375; 50x135, with 5-room house. 1930 Seventh East. S1600; 74ixl65, seven-room house, city water, sewer nnd sidewalk, close In for acreage; 2 lots In Oakland for Salt Lake, will assume, Improved acre age southeast for city; 2 modern homes on 4th East, near 3rd South, very cheap. c2543 RIVER SAND. UNLIMITED QUANTI ty; 5 lots, on river, 5650. Sand will pay for ground. Owner, 64 W. 1st South st. C2013 BARGAIN IN MODERN BUNGALOW. 9lh East near 9th So. Four rooms and bath, screened porches, cemented baso ment. large lot; 52400. Easy terms. In qulro 248 So. 4th East, c!277 FOUR LOTS, INCLUDING CORNER. 5th East and Cleveland st, Also two lots, 6 and 7. block 1. on State St.; must sell. For particulars address owner, Chas. F. Uhl, 712 Chestnut st.. Anaconda. MonL cl824 WE HAVE SEVERAL SPLENDIDLY BUILT HOMES IN CHOICE LOCA TIONS IN CITY THAT WE CAN SELL YOU ON PAYMENTS JUST LIKE RENT. HOUSES TO RENT. LIST YOURS. UTAH SECURITIES CO.. 379 SO. MAIN. WASATCH 2444. b2082 FOR SALE BY OWNER, STRICTLY modern 5-room brick house with hot water heat and good terms. Box 214. City. C2307 "WB SELL REAL ESTATE. THAT'S all." Tattle Bros. Co.. 159 Main street. f2243 FOR SALE BY OWNER. 75 FT. NEAR Liberty park, all Improvements paid, for only 5750. P. O. Box .187, i-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, AT 1910 Lincoln ave., 52000; reasonable terms, Inquire 1910 Lincoln avo. c2116 CHOICE LOT, 50x140 FACING SOUTH, on north front of Capitol grounds, 51500. 201 Newhouse building. c2H2 5- ROOM MODERN PRESSED BRICK, with barn, cement walks, lawn and gar den; a bargain. 1045 West 2nd South. cl74 BY OWNER. 7-room buff brick house with lare barn, nicely improved. A bargain. 1895 o. 8tate- B4437 WE BUY. SELL. EXCHANGE. RENT and manage real cstatn. Sea ua. Mu tual Homo Purchasing Co., 327 Mclntyro bldg. Wasatch 272C. 1310 WE ARE SELLING OTHER PEOPLE'S property: wo enn sell youru. J. L. Den ham Co., 343 Main at., Wasatch 4133. b4416 SEARS INVESTMENT CO. Have moved to 25 E. 4th So.. Grand Hotel building. We have customers for building lots. e.. city. What havo ypu for sale? olOOS 6- ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE, 5 acreti ground; 3rd East and 12th South Easy payments. Apply Cap. Elec. Co. r731 2i ACRES IN MoCAMMON TOWNSITE "Idaho, 5300.00. Will sell im $130 pay ment on same for S75.00 rash. Address C-59. Trlbuno, c275S t FOR SALE REAL ESTATE IinjJrovdjH LOTS. LOTS. LOTS. Arc you looking for a lot? Don't pass up the lots in Fairmont Springs Addition. None better anywhere. Prices from $275 upward. $10 cash and $5 per month. Fairmont Springs Addition Is located on 12th So. bet. 9th and 11th East, a paved street from the temple block right to it. Six-foot sidewalks and water main and shade trees In front of all lots. School Iioukc, bank, drug stores, hardware, furniture and grocery stores all within a half-block. Three car lines passing the property, a rtve-mlnute service. Wc sold seven lots this week. Lots are going fast, because they are the cheapest and best located lots for the money In this, city. We havc plenty of money to loan on Improved Salt Lako Real Estp.te. It will com you only about S7 ncr thou sand for three years to Insure your prop erty against ldss by fire. Don't take any chances, but let me write a policy. A. RICHTER. 73 So. Main St. Phone Was. Gil. cl247 RAILROAD MEN, "ATTENTION!" Elegant. 5-room, full basement, strictly modern house, for only 53600. ' Location, 666 South First West street. To duplicate same would cost 54750. Another, No. 54 No. 7th West; 7-room house, with 2ixl0 rods ground; beautiful shade trees, lawn, sewer passes place: for only $1850, Newly papered throughout. Cannot build house for $2000. Eoth houses located In finest residence section on west side. Phones 501 or 2213 Wasatch. Phone for appointment to see through house on First West. c2010 1 PARK VALLEY THE VALLEY OF OPPORTUNITY. For the man with a family an Independent livelihood assured quality of soil unsurpassed cli mate Ideal conditions perfect. Wo offer land nearer tho railroad at 515 to $17.50 an acre than any other concern, ajid give you five years to pay. W. C. ALBERTSON. C03-4 Dooly block, Salt Lake City. Utah. Also agent Canadian Pacific Railroad Land Branch. I c2 56 1 WILL SELL 55 ACRES OF FINE ground, Improved with 3-room frame dwelling, 2 good cellars, 3 of the best chicken coops In Utah, barn. 1300 chick ens, 1 horse, wagon, all tools and imple ments, 5 brooders, 3 Incubators; spring water piped In house. Located on Bryan ave., betwen 10th and 17 East, facing south. Price, 58500, one-half cash, bal. easy. Will sell 2 acres of the above for $2000 on very oasy terms. If you want to get Into the chicken business, here Is an A-l proposition and money maker. Also will sell ten 37i-foot lotB on 16th East and Bryan ave. for $3000 on very easy terms. See owner, H. E. Herman, 16th E, and Bryan avo. cl!37 REAL BARGAIN. Strictly modem 5-room cottage with front and back porch, splendid basement, hot air furnace, latest plumbing, nice mantel, also extra room In attic and room enough to make other rooms with very llttlo extra expense. Lot Ib ten rods deep, with right of way in roar. Walking distance. South front. In splen did condition and built for owner. Will sell at a price less than same can be duplicated. No trouble to show you through. Inquire 371 Third avenue, j bS33 $1050 4-ROOM FRAME. BARN, CHICK on coop; southeast; $50 cash, balance monthly. $3000 5-room brick, cement cellar, southeast. 5100 cash, bal. monthly, for 5 acres Irrigated land near city and cars. ,E. J. HUFF. 405 Atlas Block. c2502 3-ROOM HOUSE, SUMMER KITCHEN. screened poroh, 5750; $50 down and 10 per month 9th East and 4th South. Lots. 25x110 ft., one block from car line, 5150 each: 51 down and $1 a week. WEILER REALTY & INV. CO.. Was. 4443. 11 So. Main St. C2455 LEAVING CITY: WILL LEASE BEAU tlful modern home, suitable for sani tarium or private hospital; sleeping porches, lots of shade, fruit, barn, chick en runs, garden planted and up. Take Wandamcre car, get off at Wilson avo. 707 Wilson avonue. Hyland S59-R. cl833 I ACRE GOOD GROUND. WITH GOOD 4-room brick house: hall, pantry, etc.; chicken sheds, lots of shade: nice home; easy terms. Price $2650. No., 2543 So. 5th East. c2131 9-ROOM HOUSE. 2 BATHS. 2 TOILETS. gas, oloc lights, flno garage; a fine place for a private boarding house. Partly fur nished. Will sell at a bargain and make easy payments or take other property as part of purchase price. Th,ls Is a rare opportunity for the right party. C. W. Miller. 15 Exchange place. Phone Hy land C5-R. C2121 A 7-ROOM HOUSE, WITH BATH. CE mentcd basement, hot air furnace, latest plumbing, large attic, large lot. gp.rage. barn and other outbuildings. In splendid condition. Desirable location, near Liberty park. 845 Park st. Phono Hyland 3496-W Termo easy. b272H 7-ROOM RED PRESSED BRICK MOD ern gas and summer kitchen; lawn: rlght'of way to alley. 636 So. 6th East. b3783 FOR SALE BY OWNER WELL-BUILT, i 4-room. modem cottage, 1 block eaat of beautiful Liberty park. Se owner, 1195 So. 8th East. cl269 Heal Estate to Exchange 2 modern houses, close In, and some choice vacant property, to trado for close-in. Improved property, suitable for boarding house; will pay difference. Apartment house, 4 apts.. paying 15 per cont not, 58500. Will take 5-r. mod., southeast, as part payment. Choice farms to trado for city prop erty Bettllyon Homo Jiulldera Co.. No. 323 So. Main Sst. b3S0 ALL OR PART DESIRABLE INCOME property on 7th E.. bet., 2nd and 3rd So.; 4-apt. bldg.. 6-rm. cottage on prop erty. Will take as part payment 4 or 5-room mod. house. Terms to suite. make offer. Was. 1598. M237 DESIRABLE FARMING LANDS FOR sulo or will trade for equities In city property. Phone Wasatch 5 ISO or 3801. c23i;. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE. A 40-acro improved farm In Sanpete county for good property In or near Salt Lako City. Address S59. Tribune. h793 WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR LAND OR lots 5-pnssengor, 4-cyllnder automo bile. 200 Scott bldg. Phone W. 135 H193I CORNER 7-ROOM MODERN BRICK house for ualo or trade. 376 South 8th West. r bl013 FOR SALE FARM LANDS Farms and Acreage CATTLE RANCH . j 290 HEAD OF HEREFORDS 230 Bp WYOMING j A ranch of 640 acres, located in south- IwiK western Wyoming, a." miles from rail- ; road; surrounded by free, open range, ';-'" Comfortable house, barns, hay sheds. cnttle corral", ei, together with an abundanco of water. Beaver creek flows Iff" through the ranch. Cuts from 300 to 100 f'-!k ions of hay each year. There are 100 head 'nil of fine work horses. Tool3 and imple mcnta necessary on hand. 230 head of good grade Hercfords 230 !St5 1 The price la $20,000 for everything in- 'Ai'i eluded. Will make terms to suit pur- chaser. The owner will tako a city home f iJl as part payment-. sKr" Phone or write us and wc will mall you rH complete particulars. Conic and seo it. 'iS K SMITH REALTY COMPANY. ' ' pk Was. lDSb". 202 Hooper Bldg. -'M C2376 ( m NOW THAT ABUNDANT CROPS ARB -,1 j ASSURED IS THE TIME TO BUY A FARM. On the O. S. L. between Salt Lake and V-l Ogden. beautifully located, we offer 3U ' ii acros with full water right; 20 ncres In '"'?g young bearing mixed orchard, 1 acre In f',J berries. 10 acres alfalfa; splendid 4-room .'J house and outbuildings, electric lights; 1 . 'j mile from three canning factories, 1-3 V . mile from r. r. station. " This Is, as fine a small farm as there is in the stale and located In the best i :' :J farming district. Price. Including all the .'':') crops, only 511.500. on terms. -' Do not fall to see this farm. 5 Two 5-acre truck garden tracts, ad- 'fe Joining, all In crop, excellent water rights, liPi-1 a mile from r. r. station, 5 mile from '"' schoolhouse and church. Located on So. tm State st. car line with 15-mlnute servlcn in', to Salt Lake. For a country home slt3 ' i .1.1 these tracts cannot be beat. We offer them at low price of 52250 each. Including crops. ?750 cosh, balance on easy terms. PAVANT VALLEY LAND COMPANY, r R. E. EXCHANGE DEPT. . t Wasatch 1641. 517 Judge Bldg. c22& : ' ; v : A FINE DAIRY FARM. ','' ,4 ' A few miles south of city we offer an "' established wholesale dairy farm, fully vy equipped, with horses, wasons, farm Im- jji ( Plements, flne house, large cow barn, if.- milk contracts, and '- 73 acres land, with full water right and ( '!' lease on 40 acres more. Abundant crops ' i'i , of feed, and U-Vi I j 33 head milch cows, best u-' breed. ' , This farm with full equipment Is easily . worth $18,000, Wo offer same for 10 days !!' ; only nt ;f 310,500. calling for first payment of only iHt! $3500, balance to suit purchaser. :y "t We could accept a small home as pari lj-'1 payment of 52000. 'S?:'-! (i;iHi PAVANT VALLEY LAND COMPANY, ' '.'; R. E. EXCHANGE DEPT. Wap. 1641. 517 Judge Bldg. PUT YOUR MONEY INTO A Park Valley farm. liyt. Horo rich, virgin boII awaits the turn of your plow to make It yield fiw a crop of golden dollars. t jtiuji Many a man who was almost a yiiii a failure, has come to Park Val- ilifS Icy, made an honest effort and t il succeeded. will And there Is no reason in the fesiff world why you can't do as well. ,s Now don't pass this opportunity F tl up and In a few years look back ft upon what might have been. g tjjj Act now! !f'2! And within a short time, you'll ftfl be upon the highway of success. !Kf! You'll be independent. VtSA Elthor 'phone or write for our hVLt free booklet today- AfS PACIFIC LAND & WATER SJtMJ COMPANY. 1509 Walker Bank 1;K Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. c2377 .5p 2 ACRES FINE LAND, GOOD 4-ROOM i?;, house, barn, chicken coops, etc., small ''t' orchard, J block from car line; 52700; terms. ; itt4 5 acres in flne bearing orchard, some itj'r" raspberries and strawberries, near Union; ?Ji ' , $1600; terms. ' Jl'h 15 acres tine land, with good water . '3-t1 right; Cottonwood: $3000; trade for good 1 brick house, calling distance, west side. , t 'ti 21 acres, with good house, all crop, Im- : K'i plements and stock included; $2500; splen- i11 J(i did water right. ir'Ufl BETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO..- 1 323 Main St. Was. 2030. C2150 L MODENA SPECIAL. 2 sections of deeded lands within 5 miles of Modcnn, less than 510 per acre. !' j.v' Terms reasonable. (ft',' WESTERN LAND CO.. lrTi 212 Judge Bldg. c252S ," WANTED TO BUY. ; ' . Well-lm'proved farm or stock ranch. ; Must be well located reasonable. In price ',tt. and offered on terms. Prefer something ; -.lU" 510,000 or $15,000. Will deal with owner u-, direct, only. Address B-32, Tribune. I i? ,r C2499 I . WILL RELINQUISH 330 AC RE 3 j : 'i I choice land. 2 miles from Milford, Utah, 1 S . Inquire 1331 S. 10th East. c244T 'ijL' PATENTED STATE SCHOOL LA NDS. j :: , McMullcn county, Texas. Only $15.00 risi per acre 51.00 per acre cash, balance 10 . ;)' annual payments. F, A. Connable. Tru;- 5'4 tec. Houston, Texas. c232S y-v HOUSTON SUBURBAN LOTS ONLY I ft! $25. 51 cash. 51 month. Write today. CvpreRS Park Land Co., Houston, Texas. c2324 v"1, I 2-ACRE FRUIT AND CHICKEN FARM. " ) '' ' -room brick; close In. Phone Hyland 1 2070. b2550 1 LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. ' No canvassing or soliciting required. t ,V. Good Income assured. Address National t VJlli Co-operative Roolty Co. Mardon bldju . ';,? 2"! Washington. D. C. b304 ;;i-H WILLIAMS BROS.. 'i'iV Deal In f?$&L' CHICKEN RANCHES, FARMS AND (Jijfs SUBURBAN HOMES. IV-M You deal direct with owners. We act ;nuf"i as advertising agents only to bring buy- c-t!'- ers and sellers togethar. : .V, Phone Murray 2S8-J, Murray, Utah. ' t.". i UTAH LAND. "THE BEST IN THE! )t'U't west." Excellent bargains, farmn, ' 1" ranches, colonisation tracts. Homestead. Ai locations on government land. 1 I'.'i'i WESTERN LAND CO.. 212 Judge bldff, I " : ! I- 'ill 40 ACRES IN BOUNTIFUL. SUITABLE j : j for chicken ranch: will sell or exchange .!"'(' for city home. B-4R. Tribune. cl7H j. ;. ;.; EIGHTY ACRES MO K BENCH i'ffl'T fruit land. IS miles southeast of Olty; $4000 for quick sale. 201 Newhouse bldg. f flfH&i cSIll t y&Yi Abstracts Title Insurance f!M turnlsh aosiracta and title Insurance tttt-nd to ull details in transferring and Z?'r;yf mortgaging land titles. Capital. $300.100. '' ' 23.-. Main. 82528 TRIBUN ID WANT ADS P, U L L