Newspaper Page Text
' . " 1C THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNg, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 17, 1913. , M II MET ALTA COW. WITH THEJRAMWAY To Install Loading Station at Mouth of Tunnel at Once. I START WORK MONDAY May Extend Spur Track to Tanners ,and Mines in That Vicinity. M. J. Daljey, consulting engineer of tlie Alta Consolidated mine, lias returned from that camp, where he went accom panied by Superintendent Al Jucobson. While at the mine they save orders to , have the connection with the Mlchtjjan- . Utah tramway made and the loading sla- iion at tho mouth of the tunnel Installed. " A force of men was started on this con struction yesterday morning and the work should ho completed within ten days. g In the meantime the company has ap proximately 100 tons of ore in the bins below the tunnel level, and this ore will be loaded in wagons and hauled down I the canyon to the sampler at bandy. J This Is a portion of the ore that accumu lated during the winter months, when the management was forced to discon tinue hauling because of the roads filling 1 in with snowslldes. Tn addition to this, the company has some ore in tho various 4 workings which has been broken down " and will bo shipped Dy the tramway route. , After the lower bins have been emptied ) of their contents all ore will be sent to 1 Tanners Flat over tho tramway. This will reduce the cost of transportation considerably and when the railroad spur is completed in August the Alta shippers I liopi to be able to load into ears direct from the buckets on the tramway. By this means the hauling costs will be cur tailed to such an extent that it Is esti mated that thousands of tons of the low grade ores of that camp can be shipped ' at a profit. I The railroad line is to be built to the j quarries, one and a half miles above Wasatch. This will place the line within one and a half miles from the end of the tramway, which is at Tanners Flat. Ore shippers of Alta hope to be able to Induce the railroad builder to continue this spur up the canyon to Tanners, be lieving that they will be ablo to show that sufficient ore will be shipped to justify this expenditure. If a favorable consideration can be had of this pro posed extension of the line, it Is said that ' several of the mine-operating concerns In Alia will put larger forces to work at once with a view to having a large ton J nase in readiness to ship by August. Alta Consolidated has announced its in tention of putting on more men, now that it will have the tramway reuily for haul Ins within a few days, air Jacobson said this morning that he had a consld ' ruble tonnage exposed In various slopes and workings throughout the property; Hut they had a large tonnage that they could ship at a profit under existing con ditions, and that he felt sanguine that I hey would find a secondary enrichment at greater depth. All the conditions are favorable, with the fissure system of the vamp a much surer ore carrier than In almost any of the sections of Utah. t A number of teams are engaged in hauling ore from the South Hecla prop erties and Michigan-Utah has started in on a summer's campaign that promises to eclipse any of the past performances of that property. The entire camp shows greater activity in a mining way, and the ore consignments arc more promising than for any season In years. (IMPORTANT MEETINGS ARE HELD IN DULUTH DULUTN, Minn.. June 16. Meetings of two mining companies took place hero today, each affecting the stockholders. The Greene-Cananea Copper company ' voted to change the value of shares $20 each to $100 each and reduce the number of shares from 3,000,000 to U00, 00. The vote in favor of the change was 1,025,350 and that against was 25,1 IS. This will mean an ixciiangc of stock and details will be given out in a few days. At this meeting also the following di rectors were re-elected for a term of three years: Thomas V, Cole, John D. Ryan and Joseph B. Cotton. The meeting of the North Butte com pany was one of directors and a dividend of 50 cents per share, payable July 19 lo stockholders of record July 3, was oted. I'' UTAH COPPER MAY OUTPUT IS LARGE 'i I'tah Copper produced 10.312,005 pounds t of copper during last month. This com pares with less than 10,000,000 pounds during the previous month and gives some idea of how the immense estate is again being whipped Into shape. Upon the occasion of Managing Direc tor Jackllng's return from the Arizona and New Mexico properties ho stated that May was the record month in the point of tonnago handled, but that the grade of the oro was lower and it would not show as many pounds of copper produced as had been handled on previous occa sions. The record production was just previous to tho strike last fall, when approximately 12,000,000 pounds were pro duced in a single month. MI! WE IS fill IE PROFIT Extensive Development Work Expected to Show Better Grade of Ore. Manager H". C. Baker of the Ogden Ce ment company spent Sunday in the city and gave an interesting account of the Mineral Ridge mining properties, situ ated twenty-sevon miles northwest of Brlgham City. This is a property that was first taken up by Mr. Baker a num ber of years ago and for a period of twenty years nothing was done in the way of development work. After round ing out some of his other projects, Mr. Baker decided that there had been a number of Improvements in metallurgy and that it would pay him to do some development on tho low-grade deposits of that section. The Mineral Ridge has been opened up by a tunnel over 2500 feet in length. This work gives a depth of about 1000 feet from the surfaco and there Is now ex posed in these workings at least 30,000 tons of oro which can he treated on the ground and made a profitable commercial product. For the purpose of handling this ore there has been installed a concentrat ing plant which has a capacity of about -00 tons of ore dally. A careful analysis of the ore has been made and while it Is a low-grade lead product, it has been demonstrated that something like $3 per ton 'net can be saved. While the mill is operating, it is the purpose of the management to carrv on extensive development work, and the Indications are that a much larger ton nago will be eventually added to tho ton nage now In sight. At greater depth It is anticipated that even better values will be found, and It Is expected that this Brigham property will remain in the shipping list for several years to come. Boston Mining Stocks, James A. Pollock & Co., bankers and brokers, furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon: BOSTON COPPER RANGE. I Salos.l H. Li. IClso Algomah lj Butte & Superior... 1,335 23 22J 221 Calumet & Arizona.. J00 60J 59 59 Chief Consolidated 1 Copper Range ....... 143 405 40i iOl Daly West 21 Davis Daly 300 2 2 2 Tiast Butte 475 103 10 10 Glroux Con igo 18 IE 12 Granby Con 385 C55 544 oil Greene C 270 6i 6J 61 Hancock 170 16 1G 10 Indiana Copper 6 Inspiration Con , UJ Lake Copper S2S 9 6i 64 La Rose , 200 2J 23 2g Mason Valley 5 Nevada Con 126 ISA 151 151 Nlplsslng 35 S3 S3 82 North Butte 765 26 25 25 North Lake 50 15 15 1 Ray Consolidated 17 Superior & Boston.. 25 2 21 21 Trinity , , 3" IJ. S. Smelter com.. 420 36 35 35 U. S. Smelter pfd... 92 46J 46 J 46J Utah Consolidated .. 35 8 8 8 Pond Creek 275 IS IS IS Mich. -Utah 20 American Zinc 155 20$ 191 191 BOSTON CURB CLOSE. I Bid. lAsked. Swift 102 1025 Cal and Hecla 410 414 Mayflower . , 61 61 Qulncy 56 57 Shattuck 231 24 Wolverine 45 46 Union Fruit 154 155 Allouez 301 31 Centennial 11 llj Old Dominion 43 44 Superior Copper 25i 275 Zinc 19X 20 Glroux 1 9-I6 1 11-16' Ahmeek 285 295 Range 40 401 Granby 54. 542 Mohawk 45 453 North Butte 24 J 25 Oscccola 7S SO Tamarack 28 233 Chino 34 S41 Hancock 141 H3 Miami 21 212 South Utah 20 30 Utah ex . : 15 ig BlnghaSi Mines 3 4 Ely Consolidated 5 6 Majestic 38 40 South Lake 41 5 Michigan-Utah 20 Inspiration 141 15 Superior and Boston 28 23 Gas 17 18 Boston Ely 50 60 Consolidated Arizona 28 35 Nevada Douglas IJ lj Verde 55 66 S. W. Miami 2 21 Mason Valley 5 Hay 17 175 Tuolumne 2 2 3-16 Butte Central 35 40 Eagle and Blue Bell 85 90 Nevada Utah 1 5 Yukon 2 3J Metal Market. The metal quotations for Monday, as posted by McCornick & Co.. were as fol lows: Silver. 59ic; lead, $-1.35; copper, $14,671. Mining Notes. Samuel Newhouse, who had Just been home a few days from a protracted stay in Europe, left suddenly for New York yesterday. He expects to return within a tow days. Senator Thomas TCearns has returned from a trip to the coast and a short visit , to his ranch in California, I Ml HOLDERS OPPOSE ELf MERGER Meet in New York and Ex press Dissatisfaction With Plan. ALLOTMENT TOO SMALL Basis of Exchange of Shares for Holding Company Stock Unsatisfactory. Following closely on the announcement of a meeting in opposition to the con summation of the merger of Ely proper tics, which was held In Butte last week, comes the report that a meeting was hold in New York a few days ago. at which it developed that the eastern interests were dissatisfied with the plan as announced. The opposition in Butte came from shareholders of the Butte : Ely company, who told Thomas F. Cole that they were not satisfied with tho al lotment made them in the holding com pany for their shares in Butte & Ely. The New York shareholders of the Gl roux Consolidated made It perfectly plain that they were not t-atlsfled with the acquisition of the Copperminos and Chainman properties on the basis of ex change that had been fixed. In local circles there Is some opposition to tho merger among shareholders of both tho Glroux and Butte & Ely. Yet there are some of the stockholders in each of these companies who take the view that this is the only way to get the money that will be required to place at least three of these properties on a paving basis. If Butte &. Ely were per mitted to cut loose from the Glroux, it is believed by some engineers that it could mine and market its product at a fair profit. It is also pointed out. that Butte & Ely Is the only one of the com panies entering Into this consolidation that has a largo cash surplus In Its treasury, and that It has the highest average grade of oro developed on any of the other estates. One of the chief points at issue in the Glroux camp Is understood lo bo the 53, 000,000 bond issue which tho now com pany will have outstanding. If 60 por cent of the outstanding Glroux stock and the stock of other companies make the exchange for shares of the holding com pany, the physical properties of the subsidiaries will bo turned over to the new company, thereby permitting the new company to secure tho proposed bonds by mortgage- If, however, an ln I sufficient number of shares are turned In, the proposed $3,000,000 bonds will be secured by subsidiary stocks as collateral. Thus far the New York shareholders of Glroux have reached no decision as lo whether they will accopt slia.ros of the new company or withhold from the con solidation. It appears that the controlling inter ests In Glroux have decided on accepting the merger plans, but there appears to be some question as to those interests voting tho Butte & Ely control, simply because the Glroux owns control of the latter. Coppermines and Chainman In terests are held almost exclusively by men , who ar0 heart and soul in favor of the merger as outlined. It has not been learned as yet whether or not Nevada Consolidated will release Giroux from Us contract to ship its ores to the Steptoe mill. If It does not, it will require another year under Its con tract, before It can discontinue shipments, which It is making at the present time at the rate of over 1200 tons dally and on which little or no profit has been made. New York Mining Stocks. James A. Pollock & Co., bankers and brokers, furnish the following, . received over their private wiro yesterday after noon: NEW YORK LISTED STOCKS. 1 Sales.l H. 1 L. IClse Chino Copper -4,900 353 33X 34 Inspiration Con 300 15 14 US Miami Coppor 700 21X 21 218 Nevada Con 1,800 lofl U& 15 Rav Consolidated ... 1.100 17X 175 17 Tennessee Copper .. 2.200 31J 29 29 Utah Copper 6,000 43ft 413 42 Studebaker com 23i Ontario Sliver 2 NEW YORK CURB RANGE. I Sales.l I-L L. IClso FirBt Nat Coppeer. 100 IS IS 32 Ohio Copper 100 75 75 75 Braden Coppor 500 61 G8 63 EIv Consolidated ... 1,400 7 0 7 La" Rose .' 200 21 23 28 Nevada Hills 1,500 9S 98 98 Kerr Lake 300 31 V, 3 Belmont 200 68 01 63 Tonopah '1Z Alaska Gold 200 10jj 10 105 NEW YORK CURB CLOSE. 1 TJld. lAskod. Ely Consolidated 5 .06 5 .08 First National Copper .... 1.G2J 1.S7J Glroux Consolidated 1.62 1.75 Yukon Gold 2.37 2.62J New Keystone 1.25 1.50 Nlplsslng 8.87a 8.621 Ohio Copper .62J .75 La Rose 2.25 2.50 South Utah 2n .375 British Col. Copper 2.00 2.25 Bay State Gas 25 .375 Braden Copper 6.375 G.50 Mason Valley 5.00 6.00 Ontario 2.00 2.50 Sioux Consolidated ....... .03 .07 Colorado 10 .20 Iron Blossom 1.25 1.35 Nevada Hills 97 1,00 1 I 1 I rflh r Sweet -Orr I mm ffi ' Competes with hard work I 1 I j successfully. I sJf Jl- ' frend that never splits H, PIbS ll nf ou cari aways et wat yu want at ' JlM J III Utah's Greatest Clothing Store UHION MADE OVERALLS J Kearns Building illil KING IS SAMPLED 1000 FEET Vein on Surface Shows $25 in Lead Values for a Foot Wide. Some Interesting data was received yes terday from the Santaquin Klnp mining property in tho Santaquin mining district, where an engineer has been engagdd for several days in sampling tUe surface and examining tho tunnel workings In the In terest, it is understood, of parties who contemplate an Investment In the stock. In a letter to his principals the engineer said that he had traced ono of the nu merous lead streaks that appear in the fifty-foot vein at the surfaco for 1000 feet, taking samples from under the wash every 100 feot. Tlie average lead content of the streak, averaging a foot in width, a3 shown by tho averaging of the ten sam ples, was about 25 per cent, or about $22 to tho ton. The export, had not, at the time of writ ing, sampled tho vein across its width nor obtained the silver and gold values In the lead oi'e. He stated that the fissure whose out crop he had followed was, in his opinion, tho mother lode from which the Inter secting lime bed. on which a tunnel has been run, was mineralized. Tho Assure can be followed for at least 300 feet be low tho portal of the tunnel. Owing to the great width of the vein much soems to depend on the 'concentra tion of values at depth. A vorv small profit on each ton would constitute the difference between wealth and poverty for tho company. It is possible that the tracing of the vein to the lower levol may cause a new plan of development to ho adopted and a now tunnel opening made at the base of the outcrop. Tho examination, was not completed when the report was sent in and more interesting conclusions may to reached within the next few days. PARK CITY STOCKS ARE BIG TRADERS Tho big trading In stock issues on the local exchange yesterday was in Coalition and Consolidated shares The former sold at ?3.35 and $3,373. while the latter sold up from $1.S5 to $1.95. .These were the principals in rather a dull dav on the mining share market and asido from these a. few shares of the cheaper va riety were dealt in. Alta Consolidated was the only trader on the curb. A new demand was evinced for this stock as a result of the order given at the mine to start regular ship ments. Ohio Copper created a slight sen sation In the late session when the bid ding price was advanced to 75 cents, with no stock in sight for less than SO cents. Sales for tho day totaled 1-1,900 shares, for which traders checked out 55298.25. The following were the closing quotations and transactions: UNLISTED STOCKS. Bid. Asked. Sold for. Mend ha ... ? .021 5 .10 S Alta Con.. .20 .23 .IS .20 So Hecla ... .IS .20 ' N Ycr Cop.. .021 .031 Amor Flag. .38 .58 Rico TVcll. .22 .20 Col Ex ten. .02 .05 Centr Stand .06 .08 T-Qulncy . .25 ,28 LISTED STOCKS. 1 A. M. 1 P. M, 1 Bid. IAsked.ll Bid. Asked. Beck Tun $ .043 ? 07 $". .04 $ ,063 Bl Jack .. .OS .10 ,0S .10 Bing Amal .05 .07 .05 .07 Ced-Tal .. .01 .01? - .01 .015 Colo Mln .125 .14 .125 .135 Col Con.. ,04 .15 .03 .15 Con Her. OS OS Cr Point. ,015 .021 .on .025 Daly 1.275 1.50 1.25 1.50 D-Judge . 6.25 7.25 6.50 7.00 Dragon .. .03 05 E Prince. 01 Ot E C Point 00 001 13 T Con 005 003 E T Devel 0L 01 Emerald . 05 05 Gen Thos. .00 .071 .06 .07 Gold Chain .29 30 .3fi" Gr Cent.. .5S .70 .5S .70 Iron Bios. 1.25 1-.30- 1.25 1,27 lnd Queen 01 ... .01 J Bowers 10 King Wm. .05 .0GJ .055 .061 L,ead King 04 Lehi Tin. .005 .02 02 Lion Hill 03 .03 Lit Bell 40 40 Low Mam .03 .033 .023 .03 Musgrnve. .10 .20 .10 .20 Mammoth. .35 1.00 .35 1.00 Mas Val.. 3.00 2.00 6.00 May Day. .06 .07 .06 .08 Mln Flat , 003 .03 Mt Lake. .03 .05 .033 .05 Moscow .20 .10 Nev Hills. .92 1.00 ,S5 1.02 J New York 25 Ohio Cop. .70 .78 .75 .SO Opohongo. .021 .033 .02 .04 Pioche D. .003 .01 .003 .01 Ploche M. .001 .01 .001 .01 Pitts-Ida . 1.25 1.25 Plutus ... .05 .063 .06 .06 Prince C. .35 .38 .35 .3S Rexall 003 .02 .003 .013 Seven Trs .03 .04 .03 .04 S Trs Coal, ....... .30 '.26 SK'Coall.. 3.40 3.57 3.35 3.40 Sll K Con. 1.S5 1.S73 1.90 1.973 So Pac 013 ' .01 Sll Shield 173 .... Sioux Con .023 .04 .023 .04 So Ir Bios 003 003 Swan Con .003 .011 .003 .011 Tin Cent. .003 .01 .003 Toil Tin Humb 01 01 United Tin. .001 .003 .001 .013 Undo Sam -06 .08 .06 .081 Utah Con. Oil 013 Un Chief. .003 -01 .003 .011 Victor Con .04 .04 .04 .041 Victoria O .40 .45 .38 .46 Wilbert .. .083 .11 .083 .11 Yan Con, .073 .12 .073 .12 FORENOON SALES. Silver King Consolidated, 100 at 31.85. United Tlntlc- 2000 at 1c Undo Sam, 1000 at 6tc Wilbert. 1000 at 9c. Shares 60ld, 4100. Selling value, 365. OPEN BOARD. General Thomas; 1000 at 63c May -Day, 1000 at 7c. Colorado. 150 at 123c. United ,Tlntic, 1000 at c. Shares sold, 4950. Selling value, S39S.75. , AFTERNOON SALES, Ploche Demijohn, 1000 at lc. Silver King Coalition, 100 nt 53.373. Silver King Consolidated, 600 at $1.87J; 250 at $1 90. "vv'llbcrt, 300 at 9c. Shares sold. 2250, Selling value, 51975.50. OPEN BOARD. Iron Blossom, 300 at 51.25. Silver King Coalition, 300 at 53.35. Silver King Con.. 400 at J1.90- 100 at $1.95. Wilbert, 2500 at 9c. Shares sold, 3600. Selling value, 52560. Tonight Majestic pavilion, spacious, comfortable, excellent music, big floor. (Advertisement.) Moving picturo show free every evening, 8:30, Wandamere. (Advertisement.) Beauty baby show barbecue day at Lagoon. 25c fare. (Advertisement.) Big pavilion, big band, Majestic Parkf" Dancing tonight. (Advertisement.) SOME PROFIT-TAKING, BUT TREND UPWARD James A Pollock & Co., bankers and brokers, furnish the following, received over their private wire yesterday after noon: Paine Letter, Boston. Market opened strong at new levels for this move. Shortly, however, there was quite sell ing pressure by traders who were fortu nately to take advantage of the recent sharp advance. Around noon stocks were again freely offered on rumors of crop damage and also dry hot weather In the spring wheat states of the northwest. Lake was weak feature, selling off to 61 on unfavorable showing in annual re port. We do not look for much reaction from this level and believe tlie trend will be eradually upward. Gallagher Letter. New York. Profit taking and a natural reaction regarded as cause of easiness In some of tho curb specialties today. Cigar Stores sold at SO, compared with S3. Saturday's high balance of Industrials were Irregular. The oil shares wero quiet, but price changes were of little account. Logan & Bryan, New York. The vol ume of outside buying which accumu lated over Sunday was of rather small proportions iind after an irregular open ing the market declined slowly with re actionary tendencies becoming quite pro nounced In the afternoon. As a conse quence of the decisions rendered by the supreme court in various rate cases, quite a llttlo soiling took place, for as a gen eral rule the railroads lost in their ef forts to have state rates set aside. Of course the principles laid down In the decision in the Minnesota rate case were closely followed by the court, but never theless the street was disposed to take profits on some of the purchases on the decline and in addition tho element com- Nevadas In San Francisco. James A; Pollock & Co.. bankers and brokers, 1G9 South Main street, furnish the following, received over their private wire this afternoon: I Bid. Asked Gold field district Atlanta 5 .14 $ .15 Booth 03 Blue Bull .02 C. O. D I .04 Combination Fraction ....) ,04 1 Daisy f .03 Dlamondfleld B. B 02 Florence , 37 Goldfield Con 1.S73 ..1.90 Kewanos 03 Jumbo Extension 22 Lone Star 01 .02 Merger Mines .18 .20 Oro 12 .13 Silver Pick Con 04 Yellow Tiger 03 Manhattan district Big Four 50 Dexter Union 02 Gold "Wedge 04 Manhattan Con 02 Manhattan Dexter 02 White Caps 07 Comstock district Con. Virginia 04 .05 Confidence 20 Jfale and Norcross 05 Mexican 65 Ophlr OS .09 Savage 07 Sierra Nevada 04 .05 Union 05 .07 Tonopah district Belmont 6.223 Boston , 02 Cash Boy 08 .09 Gypsy Queen ..... .05 Jim Butler 70 .71 Halifax 1.40 Tonopah Merger 69 .71 Midway 43 Mon. Pitts. Extension .13 Montana 1.25 Mlzpah Extension 65 MacNamara ic North Star 79 ,S0 Rescuo Eula 17 .18 Tonopah of Nevada 4.00 Tonopah Extension 2.00 West End 1.50 Other districts Nevada Hills 95 Round Mountain .'39 mitted to the side of declining prices look advantage of the uncertainty and proceeded to sell quite freely issues with a narrow market such as Missouri Pacific There was rather aggresslvo selling of the steel stocks, also copper, without any particular reason being assigned there for except that as urgent short covering had run its course and the position of the market had ben somewhat weakened from a technical standpoint. We con tinue to feel as advised late Saturday and throughout today's session, that the re action will extend somewhat further A dispatch from Washington stated that It might be several weeks before hearings are resumed in connection with the pro posed Increase In freight rates on eastern railroads and then, too. there was more or less discussion relative to the forth coming banking and curroncy measure, so thin on the whole it appeared to be the consensus of opinion that some of the adverse features confronting the sit uation are again beginning to assert themselves. Ore Shipments. The Utah Ore Sampling company on Monday released eight car,s of ore from Utah; three from Colorado, and two each from Nevada and Idaho. Ore and Bullion. Ore and bullion settlements for Monday, given by McCornick & Co.. was as fol lows: Ore received, 520.000; bullion shipped, $70,000; total, $90,000. ELKS' GAVEL PRESENTATION Provo, June 19. Special train G p. nu, via Salt Lake Route. $1.25 for round trip. Get tickets at Elks' club (Advertisement.) "The Union Pacific Systerp?7 .IVCMMtSCHMLKMBPaimtiASr r "The Direct Yay" Automatic 322 r , Qecirit SdFeV Sl rAr;i.i. Block ifona I Prctectfon r Excursions East Following low round trip fares from Salt Lake to: Denver v...v.... .922.50 Omaha orE, 0 10.00 fit. Loula 62.00 fit. Paul or Minneapolis. . E6.70 , Chicago . 66,50 Proportionately low fares to many other points. BALE DATES: May 17, 24, 3L June 3, 7, 13, 14, 21, 28. July 2, 5, 10, 19, 23, 31. August 1, 9, 10, 11, 16, 22, 2S. September 10, 1L " LIMIT OCTOBER 31. 1913. For reservation!!, tickets or further particular!), call City Ticket Ofllco. " HOTEL UTAH. c Phono Ezch. 15 No. 49, J tn STOCKS, BONDSjr GRAINS, PROVISION COTTON, jfc: James 1 Pollock It BANKERS AND BROKHRt- 169 South Main Street , (Heral4. 2 Ealt Lalto City. Direct Private Wires lo an MMT Duplex System Ono Relay to NS and Boston. ,, Correspondents Members all EMT" Stocks Carried on Liberal iI"u?B'" ciallsts In Mountain State3 Telep Telegraph. jB"" Mist From -Jr-OGDEN AND SALT IAKB BAST AND RETUBlf. j!! " Missouri River points ijS St. Louia, Mo Chicago, 111 Bt. Paul and Minneapolis... Peoria, 111. IMf Memphis, Tonn.. via KansM City, St. Louis or AmarUlo Al&o reduced rates to other PM BTOPOVEKS ALLOWSdMv KETUEN LIMIT. O0T0BBB June 3, 7, IS, li ijm; Dates J2.5.lQ'1l09' Df August l, s. i lm Bale ) 22,28. ( September 10 ana For further information adds E. RB LEIS, m General Agent Atchison, Topeka & Santa Hallway Company M, 233 Judge Building Salt Lake OityUtahj