Newspaper Page Text
KrulK 2 nd 3. 443 So, MgJ, en nine b353o iffiff h93 Utahb957 TTt MODERN. FDR- win RESPECTABLE . 1 rimNTSHBD ROOMS: SferTwiR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP SoSS. 4S South JndE. lferROOjEODERxi WITH fejStW? South. Q1871 Efe"&ren. Wasatch BrTnMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE Mtlvmodern. 68 4th East jfejflEEN THOSE .NOVEL epsrtmcnts at the Ray SSOne room, with disappear fdW"n& gas range, folding a outside rooms. Rates jKSTtftek and up. 62 So. Main. gjfeKgeMs. 02016 ftfioRNISHED HOUSEKEEP WEnl one sleeping apt. 129 BKjt& Bo. T0M& GROUND FLOOR, Kua water. 120. Two rooms jVulater. HO. 404 . So. Fourth EtjTcOSr HOME FOR TWO .MKTSo' Grand e shops. 45V "West 5th t ,, bath and phone. Wasatch tuRGE ROOMS, QUTET AND JElS. 52S E. 4th South. c2593 2 COSY, HOUSE Kk roomi. 531 East 5th South. . . ijKffORK GUARANTEED. CALL BllH E. 1st So. at. Wasatch 240CL IKkilt FURNISHED HOUSE Htt apartments; gas, light, phone. jfKu. (5: So. 2nd East. c2S42 1 ROOMS FOR tomtkecping. 533 So. 1st "VJt&L ETeN SUITE. NICELY FUR J for housekeeping. 164 East nd IKarGsT COOL FRONT ROOM H- W a. week. 149 So. State jMjBOOM FLAT, FRONT. WELL Httt4, cool; gas. G6 E. 1st North 3B c30S5 HSeHED. MODERN ROOMS, $20 BKttL "22 E. 1st South. c3027 RfcX HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, Hp'4 phone. 331 W. N. Tcmplo. C3016 MODERN ROOMS. jKi 437 East Cth South. c3032. pjicELT FURNISHED ROOMS IcMli. k.; modern. 26G W. 2nd 3 MODERN SR ilMpIng or housekeeping, one iBfon county bldg. 30S East 4th So. M c145 BfnmNlSHED SUITE OF TWO JjKdUonvenlences; close In. 111 $TWO LOVELY FURJNJSIIED gwpltS rooms, close In. 129 East HOUSEKEEPING rK 9s. and Pone. No. 3 Union jB; and' llh So- on 3rd "East. Befogs Exterminated BJKUARTEErTCAlL Vw E. 1st So. sL Wasatch 2400. iR c'0 -"T-LODGE ROOM WITH noor. Apply room 1 ent table board; $22 50 Ulw v0U.r,ls solicited. New Vjv. North Temple st. cl65S BwLrURNi81 ROOMS. MHSfc W b"d: modern. 242 E. .MWasatch 4345-J. n2167 9. MM JEW $5 A WEEK. KHW yp' Rear 114 E. Second jj"wiTH BOARD. 333 IW -MODERN, PRI- Rfl So ihW1 and dInner jRi" Ea5t- Hv- 2299-.T. Bffi&hrr CAN FIND PWL 11 nr?me .'I1 exchango for iJBninEwlck court. b536 3RiSS0OM; SUITABLE FOR "raen' close in. 236 So. 3rd j7pr7ces RBASON- BJ Bu' near Eagle gate. S&So?TBi WMr WITHIN tPg$ GSaSoTB??i FONT ROOM. "atch 1661-R. c2057 1Bp?SSMB2?; ' "RST-CLASS BJJ 327 Eoat 1st South ofSifJ BAROM WITH J"ltB. 504 South Main. PSSaiTiSi G00D HOME 10catlon, G05 E. 1st IB?S'j,.R0.?,MERS WITH BJ" rard' "'"1 home, nlco oygfythlne modern: tl,H B. 7, i" door every 10 South. Phono Hy- LjcTsTIN KgVVcst lBt North. FOR RENX For Rent Furnished Rooms BnW ,2,6 t0 "-00 week- 201J E. 4th b0Uln' Bl153 THE HYLAND; MODERN; FROM $10 per month up; board if dealrfd" fine lo cal on. cool summer nights? I3i6 E. 2nd m2921 Eh?ANT1'Y FURNISHED ROOMS. bath accommodnt ons. Alexandria apartments. Phone Wasatch 4C32-J r2074 THREE AND FOUR MODERN ROOMS SK 'jgft - "f; TWO NICELY FURNISHED MODERN Hyffir74rM.Wlth ,nrff 8haded g0h5 nYJil FFRNISHED ROOMS IN COOL mXi? t mvnts;, rnt reasonable. Wasatch i090-J. No. j Louisa. b4205 CLIFT HOUSE ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS, per week and up. 10 West Broad- way- b4218 TI2ACI'I,ERS', HEADQUARTERS QUIET. Hiit5itU.1 iand r,e u ln heart ot 'shopping t IarBe. airy rooma; special sum mci rates. Mrs. Sundcrson, mgr.. 240 State Btreot.' b4448 NICELY FURN. ROOMS FOR GENTLE Trrmenlnin 'nodern homo. 423 So. 3rd E. Was. 4952-J. cog3 OUTSIDE ROOMS. $2.00 PER WEEK and up. oS& West 2nd So. c594 BARGAINS IN ROOMS. MY LAND lord lias reduced my rent. Cool, choice rooms at ?2 to 52.60 per week. Savoy hotel, 20 E. 1st So. C760 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. all front, with the most modern con veniences: hot and cold water, and best of service. No. 102 North Main street. c2500 LARGE, A TRY BEDROOM. MODERN. close in. Gentleman preferred. 116 B street. c2335 5 ROOMS WITH BATHS AND CLOS ets, well furnished, largo front porch. Beautiful front yard, also largo sleeping porch: no children. Call 3G E. 1st No. at 5'30 p. m. c2292 FURNISHED ROOM, 75 B ST. MEN or boys preferred. c2601 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRI vato residence; rent reasonable; $2 per week and up. 125 West 4th South. C2C00 LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for two, In a cool, strictly modern home; also use of cool porch; close In. Phone Was. 2294-K. C2363 FOR RENT FOR 1 OR 2 GENTLE men. Phone Wasatch 2286-J 24G Can yon road. c2610 MODERN ROOM. WITH PORCH; IN private family; Ideal summer location: beautiful view. 33G North Main. c2615 NEWLY FURNISHED, MOD. ROOMS IN private family; walking distance. 275 W. 0th South. c2740 LARGE FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE for two; cool and airy. No. 14 The Grace. c3037 FURNISHED ROOM AND BATH. SUIT able for lady or gentleman. No, 3 Gib bons apt. c2906 FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT: ALSO sleeping porch; close in. 254 4th East. c2955 1 LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. SUIT ablc for two gentlemen. 103 No. Main. c3057 For Rent Unfurnished Rooms 41 BROADWAY; THIRD FLOOR?1?OUR large rooms. b452G TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS, ELEC trlc light, phone and bath. 373 5th East. c2632 TWO LARGE MOD. ROOMS. 451 SO. 7,th East Hy. 201 3-M. c2585 HOTELS GLOBE HOTEL STRICTLY MODERN; housekeeping rooms; hot and cold run ning water; bath conveniences; business center. Rates, $2.50 up per wk. 265 S. Main. b4197 NEVADA HOTEL, 119 SO. MAIN. Rooms 25c, S5c and 50c. Reduced rates by week or month. b3279 PANAMA HOTEL, 240 STATE. NEW management; renovated throughout", newly furnished: single or en suite; hot and cold water; reasonable; ideal location. b4447 NEW CUMBERLAND. Large, airy front rooms, hot and cold water; also h. k.. bath privileges; 3 blks. of town. 307 E. 2nd South. c568 HOTEL JAMES. Mr. Business Man, we are now open and ready for buHlness. Wo have 100 rooms, single or en suite; 50 rooms with private hRthP", all modern and up to date; in heart of business center; newly furnished: absolutely respectable. JAMES STEVENSON. Prop. Next to Walker Banlc 167 8o. Main. c667 BROADWAY SALT LAKE'S NEWEST hotel now open: 40 modern rooms, with or without bath; $1 day up; weekly rates. 222 W. Broadway. c776 SHELTON HOTEL; WEEKLY RATES, with hath. ?5 to $8; without. i to $6. 121 S. W. Temple. c775 NEW HOTEL REX. Best furnished hotel in the. city; strict ly modern; absolutely fireproof; special rates by week or month. 253 South State st. J. M. Marriott. Prop. c885 NEW PLAZA STRICTLY MODERN; hot and cold water: central; special tourist rates. 75j W. 2d South- cS83 MRS. M. MELLOR WISHES TO AN nounc( to her many patrons that she has again taken over the La Mell hotel. 223 State at. f f ST. CECILE HOT AND COLD WATER. phones. bath3: well ventilated; special rates.. 233 So. State st. c860 HOTEL VICTOR: MODERN OUTSIDE rooms, hot and cold water: .rates 50c, 75c. $1.00 per day. Special summer ratps. 115 W, 2nd South. cl924 LAKE HOTEL: TOURIST HEADQUAR ters; cool, modern rooms; only hotel with central location off car line; 75c to $1.50 per day; 53 up per week. $5 with bath. 48 PoHtofflce place. clO-3 BELMONT; STRICTLY MODERN AND up to date; entirely renovated through out; running water in each room: COc up oer day. Cor. Stato and E. 2nd South. v ' c2507 THE MODEL HOTEL: UNDER NEW management; all modern; $2.50 and lip. One-half block onrt of Somloh hotel. 143j East 2nd South. c2927 PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING j i luce! pltjmberI work 'promptly attended to. 024 Penn. avy. Hyland 1367. b444 FIRST-CLASS HOUSE PLUMBING, lobbing worlc. sewer connections; work euaraWeZ Tfio8.ll. Cam, 322 Brooklyn avc. Hyland 1370-J. FURRIERS FraS REPAIRED AND STORED. Geneva C. Hicks Co., C8 So. fltli Easl. Was. 3707. c?83 J PANEK, PRACTICAL FURRIER, 124 Eant Broadway. C1KJ HAND EMBROIDERY ORDERS TAKEN FOR HAND EM broldorv and battonberg lace work. Will call at homo for orders If reauestcd. Decorations for thohome a Bpeclaltj. Phono Hyland 2C59-W. cl211 FOR SALE Poultry and Pet Stock P.-W.'S CHICK MANNA SUPPLIES every need for chicks from one day to uiree weeks old. $2.90 per hundred. Porter-Walton Co.. 2H South State. r2330 DAY OLD EGGS. 25c DOZEN! S. 1ST W to 2nd E. Swill taken. C.-21. Tribune. C2340 Grain; Poultry Supplies OUDEK YOUR UHAIN. POULTRY supplies from Granlto Grain Co.. 1050 Last Twelfth South. s291 For Sale Horses and Vehicles ,.., useditdTsIntt win keep bathroom etc., ln sanitary condition. Used In railroad coaches, hos pitals, churches, hotels and all public places. It will kill cockroaches, bedbugs, weavel, moth, files, mites and all kinds of Insects. No mill can afford to be with out it. It is highly recommended by all users Try Uncedit; manufactured only by the Challenge Stock Food Co. We .rnanufacture Poultry tonic, hoof oil, i ,, w,,cr ?oot case, hog remedy, worm balls, physic balls, colic cures for horses and cattle, soro throat and strangle for horses, spavin and ring bones, curbs, wind puft and all growths. Condition powder for horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. Black salvo and oil for cuts, bruises, running sores. Has no equal. Barn Feed Yard, 37 So. 2nd West. C2516 5 BLACK 3 AND 4-YR.-OLDS; WEIGHT from 800 to 1200 lbs. 1 sorrel mare, 7-yr.-old, weight, 1500 to 1600. 1 bay mare; 5 2-yr.-old mares and, horses. In quire 57 .2. 3rd So. cl715 SALT LA ICE HORSE & MULE MARKET, 344 West Fifth South. Phone Wasatch 4167. b914 ONE RUNABOUT BUGGY. RUBBER tires, auto seat, good as new. Hyland 760-M. c553 A BARGAIN. BLACK TEAM, AGE 5 years; weight 2600 pounds. Farmers Exchange, 5th So. and State. cl765 TWO GOOD DELIVERY" HORSES, cheap. Inquire Powell Meat & Grocerv Co., 1351-6 So. 11th East. c3105 TWO MORSES. AGES BETWEEN 2 and 3 and S and 9. Inquire 2131 South 7th East. csllO HOR'SE, HARNESS, ICE CREAM WAG on or peddler's wagon. 1-127 Major ave. C3147 For Sale Furniture EIGHT ROOMS OF ELEGANTURnT ture, all rooms rented, Including garage: house for rent. No dealers. 242 E. So. Temple. Was. 4345-J. c344 CHEAPEST FURNITURE IN CITY. Troy Furniture Co., 4 doors south IC-O'B's. store. cl713 MISSION BUFFET. PIANO AND OTH er furniture. 540 E. 1st South. c2392 FOR SALE, FUMED OAK FURNITURE, almost new; very reasonable. 323 So. 5th East sL c2561 THREE ROOMS FURNITURE, ALL new, very cheap. 16 Brunswick ave., 2nd East bet. 2nd and 3rd So. c285i LEAVING THE CITY; WILL SACRI flce complete furnishings for 5-room cottage. 31 S E st. c2920 FOR SALE, $50 DRESSER, $100 DAV enport, $50 brass bed, mattress and springs, cheap. Wasatch 53G-J. c3055 For Sale Pianos IepIngoIstIsd want opportunities means that workora who are capable and willing and employ ers who assure fair treatment for their workers, are both In touch with chances that aro well worth while. For Sale or Trade ' wanted to sell or trade, 5-Ecatcd, 25-h. p. Buick. In good order. What offer? Can bo seen at 923 W. 1st South. c2915 For Sale Automobiles U&ED AUTOMOBILES AT PRICES TO suit all buyers. Cheesman Auto Co.. 63 Automobile row. U1035 WE HAVE REAL BARGAINS IN USED Cadillac cars. These machines have been rebuilt, repainted, and we give the Eame guarantee with them that goes with a new Cadillac. It will pay you to see them before buying cither a now or used car of any other make. Sharman Auto mobllo Co., 42-46 Automobile row. ol98S A LOT IN BRIGHAM CITY, IN peach trees; will exchange for automo bile. J- P. Fowler. 57 South Wost Tem ple. B2338 FrVE-PASSENGER 40-HORSEPOWER automobile. In good condition, for sale cheap. Apply Bertram Motor Supply Co. 33355 TWO OR FOUR-PASSENGER FRANK lln, overhauled and repainted; a snap Salt Lake Automobile Co..' 162 East First South. Phono Was. 2684. W806 FOR SALE CHEAP, 1 ELECTRIC RUN about in good running order. Randall Dodd Auto Co.. Ltd., Auto Row. b3293 4-PASSENGER 30-H. P. OVERLAND. A-l condition. Phone Wasatch 4416. Sunday. 344 W. 6th North. cl225 60 HORSE, 7-PASSENGER AUTOMO blle; best buy in the city. Investigate. 629 So. State. Numa Rock Drill Sharp ener & Machine Co. cl696 1913 MODEL MOTORCYCLES AND MO tor boats at bargain prices; all makes: brand new machines: on easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposition bt foro buying or yon will regret It. Also bargains In used motorcycles. Write us today. Inclose stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11, Trenton, Mich. c!80S USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL KINDS for sale. Blcyclo Supply Co. c2476 X 4-PASSENGER PIERCE-ARROW car; has been run 6000 miles; Is Just as good as new. Address C-29. Tribune. c23S6 WE HAVE A FEW USED AUTOMO blles at prices which you cannot turn down. Also flvo trucks, millable for any kind of business. These are real bar gains, which It would pay you to lnves- UratCAMPBELL AUTOMOBILE CO.. 49 West 4th South. c2521 FIVE-PASSENGER 1913. ELECTRIC lights, Hflf starter, a good bargain. In quire 163 West Second North. c2742 "WANTED AUTO IN EXCHANGE FOR first payment on handsome bungalow. Phono Hyland 1026-W. ( C2934 For Sale Motorcycles EWlBiTMOXCLrTl fully equipped, slightly used, $80 below cost. Come and have demonstration. Phil Wright, 371 So. West Temple. c3031 M M. TWIN MOTORCYCLE AT YOUR own price; leaving city: must sell quick. Klrchnor-Cheosman Auto Co. cl303 Autos for Hire pHONEWASAn and holiday appointmciita; new cars: good oorvlce. al491 AUTOMOBILES AT REASONABLE rateB for all passenger service. V. Brownell. Lovendahl' corner, Murray. Phone Murray 1'15-W. h3731 STORAGE, MOVING, PACK ING, SHIPPING WJ3HlpT5m?SIOLl5 GODSTO any part of the United States. Cut t rates. Kimball Van & atorage Co., 75 South Main. m2663 FOR SALE For Sale Miscellaneous ONE SET TEN-TON CHAIN BLOCKS. 3 wheel scrapers, one team, wagon and harness, forty .'U Studebaker wagon wheels, a lot of good doors and windows. Geo. Ross, 35 North 2nd Wost. Was. 5817. C21S5 O'COATS AND UNCALLED FOR MADE-to-rncasure suits at a very low price. EUREKA TAILORING CO.. 304 Brooks Arcado. Broadway and State. n391 TRY OUR 8-YEAR-OLD RYE AND bourbon straight whisky, no blend; 25c a flask; $1 a bottle; 3 bottles Wagenor beer. 50c Social bar, 502 State. nl424 STALE BREAD FOR SALE CHEAP AT Royal Baking Co., stale' bread depot. c3433 WHISKY, $2.50 GAL.; WINE. $1 GAL.: Imperial beer, 3 bottles, 50c Social bar, 502 State Wasatch C278. 510S FENCE POSTS. $6 AND $10 PER HUN dred. Hyland 1070. s3570 2 LARGE. ELEGANT MAHOGANY AND plaite glass wall cases, cheap. Mchesy theater. s3617 100 MISFIT SUITS FOR SALE AT HALF their value. Nobby Sultorlum, 265 State. b2083 MISSION STYLE SODA FOUNTAIN cheap, at 717 Sixth East. b2256 WE MUST CLOSE OUT OUR ENTIRE line of ready-made suits; come early and get your pick; these suits will all bo sold less than coBt. Beehive Tailoring Co.. 276 So. W. Temple. b3295 UNCALLED - FOR TAILOR - MADE suits, worth $35 and $40; your size for $15. Spielberg Tailoring Co,, 57 West Second South. b4196 UNCALLED-FOR TAILOR-MADE SUIT at a snap. Wolf, tailor, 309 Judge bldg. b4195 oiTi PAINTINGS. CHICKERING grand piano, steel safe, hotel rango cheap. 301 State. cfi87 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR NEW and second-hand furniture. Desoret Sccond-IIand Store, 70 So. W. Temple. c669 FIRST-CLASS CLEANING AND HAND pressing; alterations our specialty; 5c car far saves 50c on pressing; guaran teed. 1669 State. c6G8 WHILE WAITING FOR THE CAR Step down our cool basement and have your shoes repaired up-to-date. MONARCH SHOE REPAIRING CO.. 21 E. Second South. Wasatch 3583 C1343 TWO SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES for sale, cheap. Wilcox & Turvlllc. 136 E. 2nd S C1S36 $55.00 WHITE ENGLISH BABY CAR rlagc slightly used. $15. Inquire apt. No. 1. 135 So. 7th East. cl931 TWO FRESH JERSEY MILCH COWS for sale. 150 E. 8th So. c2485 ONE EUKREA CONCRETE MIXER, cheap. Hyland 2397-W. c2531 NO BUNGALOW MORE BEAUTIFUL. 5 rooms. 2 sleeping porches, hot water heat, best plumbing, largo front porch, faces south, nil kinds fruit and flowers, large lot: $3250.. terms. 115 Wilson ave. Hyland 1112-M. c290S $75 NATIONAL CASH REGISTER AT A bargain': wagon built in form of a port able store. Care of D-1, Tribune. c3012 2-CHAIR BOOTBLACK STAND. PHONE Wasatch 4380-W. c3052 NAVAJO RUGS. Beautiful rug. direct from reservation, very reasonable. 212 E. So. Temple. C3149 SECOND-HAND STORES GET'olinrRlcEir' or selling your second-hand furniture. Salt Lake Furniture Co.. 165 S. W. Tem ple. Wasatch 3637. r2279 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture. Buckeye Furn. Co. Was. 4629. r2565 CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. CAR pets, stoves, ranges, household goods of value. Axelrad Furniture Co.. G2 W. 3rd So. Was. 9S3. b3400 J,- i i ., REMOVAL NOTICE Mr1Nf22Th5'N formerly living at No. 112 So. Third East, has moved to No. 11 Brunswick avc. where she has established dress making parlors and will bo pleased to meet all old friends. c777 DR. WHEELER MOVED' FROM MER cantllc annex to 302 Atlas block. c2492 KODAK DEVELOPING exprTwokoIhoitnd Alseen Studios (2), 176 State st. 69 E. 2nd South. 961 AT REDUCED RATES; SAMPLES OF work shown upon request. Address Leslie Samuels. 270 12th East. Phone Hyland liOl-J. o3104 SALT LAKE MUSICAL COL LEGES wajtdtXlnd stu3ents beginners inclusive, to apply for the partial scholarship offered for singing and pin no. Mme. Sophie Brodbeck. Dir. Hyland 165G-W. b3405 banksnFbanng M'CORNICK & CO.. BANKERS. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. ESTABLISHED 1S73. b!613 HORSESHOEING AND BLACKSMITHING hohoeTngT ilLcTcsrTrliiNG", wagon repairing my specialty. Patent ed wagon axles. 225 West Third South. c!767 CHIROPRACTORS ClIcTLlTaECIL praetors. Chronic and female troubles a speclaltv. Consultation free. Suite 403, 235 So. Main. r231 HAIRDRESSING Sadies make youiT aPpoint ments early; wo are open ovonlugs. W. 3536. Volvctlnu. Parlors, 02 E. 4th South street. "2758 TRY OUR FAMILY WASHING; IIIGH clasH work. We will savo you money. Was. 2033-W. c2S34 ACCORDION PLEATING injBm?? ANrTsiDEj pleating. 508 East 3d South. Phono Hyland 7S7-J. r b4571 Tln3LrFOTSECLVLIST. CON sultatlun froe. 47 East First South. Wasatch 6064, r3928 SIGNS AND SCENERY aiLuT'ETla brass, chipped glasu and painted. Phone Wunatch 1603. X25 IKON WORKS JOE. DEVEY, MANUFACTURER OF all kinds of iron works, bids and esti mates glady furnished. 213-5-6 Edison. cS78 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and Rooming Houses BARGAINS. 24 rooms, strictly mod., o private baths, swell furniture. In good location; $2000. 25 rooms on first floor. In heart of city; 2-yenr lexiso: $1600, terms. . 18 rooms, 2nd So. near Main; rent $S0; heat free. Only $1000; terms. 7 rooms, nicely furnished; one block from Auerbach's; $450. BETTILYON HOME "BUILDERS CO.. 323 So. Main at. c2926 FINE FURNITURE OI? 10-ROOM . house, near In, low rent, best paying house ln city, rooms all rented; bargain for cash. Address B-24, Tribune. cl269 FOR SALE COMMERCIAL HOTEL AT McCammon, Ida.; consists of 18 rooms; building new and up to date; only hotel in the town; opposite Short Line depot. Address Junction City News, McCam mon, Ida. clS20 S ROOMS. COMPLETELY FURNISHED; rent, 325: piano Included; only $450. Third South and West Temple. Ross C. Davis, 113 South Main. c3019 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Miscellaneous PARTY TO FILE ON ENLARGED homestead land and Join me in partner ship fence. Total cost. Including fence, $1.25 per acre. Land worth $75 per acre. Address 1S75 3rd avc Hyland 1670. c591 GRINDING WAGON WITH GAS BN glne Installed: also team of horses; a well-established trade in Salt Lake: for sale cheap. 6 Love court. b2186 7 SECOND-HAND STORE. New and second-hand stock; only one In county; only one new furniture store In town, county seat, good country, draws trade over 60 miles. Will Invoice and dis count. Address W. E. Roberts, St. An thony, Ida. c2421 FOR SALE STORE LOCATION, WITH or without stock. Main and 2nd So. Rent cheap. For particulars call No. 26 E. Broadway or Phone Was. 6117. C2306 7-ROOM, TWO-STORY BUNGALOW, corner lot, large lawn, fruit trees, cast bench; terms. Wasatch 5158. c2110 MODERN BRICK COTTAGE. ON EASY terms (west side). Inquire 49 E. 1st South. c2164 WANT ACTIVE OFFICE PARTNERS. established mfg., wholesale, retail and mall order business. C. C. M. C. Box S13. S. L. C. Utah. C2855 I HAVE $1000 AND SERVICES TO Invest in an established business. D-11. Tribune. c311G FOR SALE, HAIR DRESSING PAR lors, good location. Call Wasatch 4941. c3146 FOR SALE CHEAP. FIRST-CLASS cafe, nine furnished rooms in connec tion, doing good business; good reason for selling. Address Court House cafe. Idaho Falls. Ida. c3125 FIREPROOF STORAGE HAVE YOU NOTICED OUR NEW AUTO trucks three of them? Moro than all of our alleged competitors (and then some). Our strictly fireproof storehouse (only ono In Iho city free from RATS and MICE), with private rooms for your goods. Our packing and shipping depart ment employs moro men than all others. Why not have your moving, storage, packing and shipping done by peoplo who know how. Wo insure your goods en route from pilferage, fire and all other damage Incidental to shipping. REDMAN FIREPROOF STORAGE CO. b3S05 COMPARE OUR FINANCIAL STAND Ing. Insurance rate and warchouso with any other. The superiority of the Keyser storage over all others Is well known. Keyser Fireproof Storage Co., Wasatch 2823. b241S DENTISTS THE BEST REINFORCED 22-K. GOLD crown. $5; bridge work. $5 per tooth: fillings, $1: all work guaranteed. Dr. Christie, dentist. 313 Brooks Arcado building, corner State and Broadway. b3375 DR. HODGES. DENTIST. SUITE 217-1S Brooks Arcade bldg. Best and cheap est. Wasatch 3056. c3041 DR. CONGER. 260 SO. MAIN. EXTRA C tlon bv use of somnoforme. Wasatch 12I9-M. c3043 Expert Dentistry Wasatch 6628. Good set teeth, $5. ' b4193 mlElinery m7s THOMPSON'S MILLINERY school hats: made new; all branches of the trade thoroughly taught: very rea sonable terms: investigate. Y. W. C. A. Educational building. Wasatch 113. c666 ALL STYLES AND SHAPES. FROM $5 lo $6. Low rent affords me to make those prices. 273 Center st. Get off at 4th North. c2154 BREAD ::manuta1v: made clean sold clean, delivered clean, holsum bread, cream dandy bread, butternut bread, superior baking company. HYLAND 3166. c22S6 UNREDEEMED PLEDGES SECONDHND GOOD TONE violin f 7.50 25-vear gold filled Elgin watch.... 5.00 $1760 Premo camera 10.50 $100 cluster diamond ring 47.50 Cash loaned on anything of value. Cllnes, 11 East Broadway. Established 25 years. c2535 SECTIONAL MATTRESSES sect!Eo5alma made from your feather bed; new way. Feather cleaning a specialty. Mulkcy Section Mattress Co.. 472 East 2nd South. Hyland 2043. c2028 PRIVATE HOME "whXowsmereC confTdentlvl confinement, seclusion, legal adoption. Mrs. F. Phillips, 11th E. bet. 12th and 13th So. tugar Btatlon. Hyland 1231-M. k30S2 FOR MOTHERS SE?ELILYrBA make ludles' and children's clothes; special prices on all work. Mrs. H. M. Murray. 205 E. 1th S. Was. 6957. cl839 FUR STOR A GE,REMODELING FURS STORED, CLEANED, REPAIRED, remodeled; summer prlce-i; export fur riers. Hudson Bay Fur Co.. Was. 1161. 122 Main st. M785 CHINA DECORATING miIssbTsrtIlTw 77 East Third South. China suitable for gifts and prizes. Class and private lessons- c98 FISHING BASKETS TRIMMED .AIR. FISHERMAN, YOUR OLD BAS ket made like now; trimmings of all kinds. Champion Shop. 337 State. c2931 LAWN AND CEMENT WORK WANTED LAVNTTchB??Wo1?, prompt uud reasonable Phono Hyland 877-R. &3208 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved RAILROAD MEN, "ATTENTION!" Elegant. 5-room, full basement, strictly modern house, for only $3G00. Location. 666 South First West street. To duplicate eame would cost $4750. Another. No. 54 No. 7th West; 7-room house, with 2xl0 rods ground; beautiful shade trees, lawn, sewer passes place: for only $1850. Newlv papered throughout. Cannot build house for $2000. Both houses located In finest residence section on west side Phones 501 or 2213 Wasatch. . Phone for appointment to see through house on First West. c2010 REAL BARGAIN. Strictly modern cottage with front and back porch, splendid basement, hot air furnace, latest plumbing, nice mantel; also extra room In attic ami room enough to make other rooms with very little extra expense. Lot Is ten rods deep with right of way ln rear. Walking distance, south front, in splen did condition and built for owner. Will soil at a price .less than same can be duplicated. No trouble to show you through. Inqire 371 Third avenue. b533 WE HAVE SEVERAL SPLENDIDLY BUILT HOMES IN CHOICE LOCA TIONS IN CITY THAT WE CAN SELL YOU ON PAYMENTS JUST LIKE RENT. HOUSES TO RENT. LIST YOURS. UTAH SECURITIES CO.. 879 SO. MAIN. WASATCH 2444. b208i MUST BE SOLD. At a great bargain, handsome 5-room modern brick bungalow; sleeping porch, hardwood floor, built-in book cases, seats, mantel, linen closet, kitchen cabi net, clothes chute and In fact everything complete and up to date; don't overlook this great bargain. See owner, S30 llth East. Come out today and look It over. Terms to suit. c2937 9-ROOM HOUSE. 2 BATHS. 2 TOILETS. gas, elec lights, fine garage; a fine place for a private boarding house. Partly fur nished. Will sell at a bargain and make easy payments or take other property as part of purchase price. This Is a rare opportunity for the right party. C. W. Miller, 15 Exchange place. Phone Hy land 65-R. c212I LEAVING CITY; WILL LEASE BEAU tlful modern home, suitable for sani tarium or private hospital; sleeping porches, lots of shade, fruit, barn, chick en runs, garden planted and up. Take Wandamere car, get off at Wilson ave. 707 Wilson avenue. Hyland S59-R. cl83S MODERN BUFF BRICK HOUSE. WITH large sleeping porch and convenient laundry room. Lot 331x146 feet to 20-foot allevway ln rear. Inquire of owner on premises, 538 Columbus St., Capitol hill. Tel. Wasatch 2729-M. c2799 NICE 6-ROOM BRICK HOUSE WITH large outbuildings, RUltable for dalrv or poultry ranch; low rent. Inquire A" E. Winter, Utah Packing Co.. 537 S street, or end of Jordan bridge car line. Inquire brick house. cl837 FOR SALE BY OWNER. STRICTLY modern 5-room brick house with hot water heat and good terms. Box 214. City. C2307 5-ROOM MODERN PRESSED BRICK, with barn, cement walks, lawn and gar den; a bargain. 1045 West 2nd South. cl74 2h ACRES IN McCAMMON TOWNSITE. Idaho. $300. Will sell my $150 pa--ment on same for $75 cash. Address C-59. Tribune. c3023 7-ROOM. TWO -STORY BUNGALOW. corner lot, large lawn, fruit trees, cast bench; terms. Wasatch 5458. c2110 FOR SALE BY OWNER WELL-BUILT. 4-room. modern cottage, 1 block cast of beautiful Liberty park. Seo owner. 1195 So. Sth East. cl259 TRACKAGE OR FACTORY SITE FOR sale at a bargalnf 313 feet fronV 5th North and 330 feet along 4th West St.. on O. S. L, line tracks; only four blocks from O. S. L. depot. Apply to owner. John McCready, Ogden, Utah. c82 SEVERAL 3 AND 4-ROOM HOUBES. $50 cash, balance like rent. Addison Cain. Hyland 2090. c262 BY OWNER. S2JX155 FT.. WELL TM proved rental property, on 6th ave.. close In. Would consider trade of small house as part payment. Hyland 21S-R. 13S Paxton ave. c2494 2i ACRES IN McCAMMON TOWNSITE Idaho. $300.00. Will soil my $150. pay ment on same for $75.00 cash. Address C-59, Tribune. c275S BY OWNER NEW 4-ROOM MODERN brick house, easy terms; parties leaving city. 761 Roosevelt ovn. c2922 31X126-FT. CORNER LOT TN POPLAR Grove, cheap; $25 down, balance easy monthly payments. Apply 418 State ft. C2941 SNAP PRETTY LITTLE 4-ROOM modern brick bungalow to be sold at a bargain: torms to snli most any purse: out today. 622 S. 10th East. c2D36 "WE SELL REAL ESTATE. THAT'S all." Tuttle Bros. Co., 159 Main street. f22l9 BY OWNER. 7-room buff brick house with large barn, nicely Improved. A bargain. 1895 So. State. sJ42" WE' BUY, SELL. EXCHANGE. RENT and manage real estate. See us. Mu tual Homo Purchasing Co., 227 Mcln tyre bid g. Wasatch 2726. S1310 WE ARE SELLING OTHER PEOPLE'S property; we can sell yours. J. L. Dun ham Co., 343 Main st. Wasatch 4133. b!416 G-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE, 5 acres ground; 3rd East and 12th South. Easy payments. Apply Cap. EIoc. Co. r721 ASIITON & JENKINS. REAL ESTATE. loans and Insurance. 47 Mnln street. Phono Wasatch 780. m3072 , STEAMSHIPS j "anhrline steamshpi3 sail every saturday To and From NEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GLASGOW. Ocean Passage 7i Days. FIRST CABIN. $70 AND $75. SECOND CABIN, $50 AND UPWARD. ; THIRD CLASS, $32.50. For Book of Tours, Rates, otc. Address Henderson Brothers, Genl. Agents. ' 35 West Randolph SL, Chicaso. J OR ANY LOCAL AGENT. S2703 ; ATTORNEYS powers maridneaux! STOTT & ' McKlnney. Top floor front Kearns , bldg. WaBatch 1850. Associate orflce, ' 603 Los Angeles Investment bldg,, Los , Angnles. n3432 . D. L. OLESON, LAWYER. 1209 Walkor Bank bldg. Wasatch 6221. . PG30 CT1NGJIHIJJES WE SELL, "RENT AND REPAIR ALL " makes. 159 State. Was, 4703. d3416 STANDARD SEWING MACHINES FOR 3 pale at prices and terms to suit. Bow ora & Evans, 113 S. W. Temple, b3182 FOR SALE FARM tANDS Farms and Acreage ; ;: THE BIG FEATURE THAT -ijl stamps Park Valley farms as being different I the exception- 'l-,i ally large crop profit. t' j The land Itaclf only costs $15 y to $17.50 per acre on five ycara ,'; lime. . RU FT'- And the crop production equals Ir-j that of land that coats 5 to 10 f-JVH times as much. p Tills means that, vour crop pxt)flts run from 50 to 200 per cent Instead of from 7 to 18 per ,w,v if From whatever angle you view 5t ' Park Valley (Investment or live- SU Ilhood). you'll have to admit that k It's ''class A" through and la, through. E;vYi If you could spare the time. UiJ we'd like to have you visit. Park valley and verify our statements. Wjl We are offering you a good thing and It will stand the ',r scarchllght of Investigation. Now don't put your money into any kind of a farm or Investment until you get our booklet on Park Valley. ' Write for It at once. Jjv PACIFIC LAND & WATER CO., if-'' 1502 Walker Bank Bldg.. Salt Lake City, Utah. -j c3015 fV WESTERN CANADA m The land of prosperous farmers and plenty of 21 c room for more H A million Americans now pros- llr pering in Alberta. Saskatchewan n1! and Manitoba can tell vou how to "better your conditions'." They're ijii unanimous In voicing the "On to Canada" fentlment. We not only give you twenty ' years to pay for your lands, but h, LOAN YOU $2000 to buy equip- ' mcnt, build ncccssarv building? and get started right. WE HAVE it, THIS CONFIDENCE IN YOUR SUCCESS on a Canada farm. Iff Investigate today DO IT NOW. Write or call on '3jh W. C. ALBERTSON. General Agent Canadian ifSJ Pacific Railway land Branch. .', 603-604 Dooly Block. Salt Lake. J'lJ AJio Agent PARK VALLEY LANDS iff In Box Elder Co., Utah. CS125 ';?' L, - PUT YOUR MONEY INTO A 'i'v Park Valley farm. . ' Here rich.' virgin soil awaits the turn of your plow to make It yield jli' r crop of golden dollars. ?' Many a man who was almost a .'yf' a failure, has come to Park Val ley, made an honest effort and succeeded. it And there Is no reason ln the i, world why you can't do as well. jjJ Now don't pass this opportunity !,,v up and In a few years look back i ' upon what might have been. )f Act now! i And within a short time, you'll ftf-i be upon I he highway of success. j You'll be Independent. ' Either 'phone or write for our n. free booklet today. ,.' . PACIFIC LAND &. WATER J ' COMPANY, 1509 Walker Bank i, Bldg., Salt Lake City. Utah. c2377 1i , : i1 WANTED TO BUY. Well-improved farm or stock ranch. ' Must be well located, reasonable In price j and offered on terms. Prefer something $10,0011 or $15,000. Will deal with owner dlroct, only. Address B-32, Tribune. c2439 ' WILLIAMS BROS., Deal In CHICKEN RANCHES. FARMS AND ; SUBURBAN HOMES. f You deal direct with owners. We act ; as advertising agents only to bring buy- "f ers and sellers together. . ) Phone Murray 2S8-.T. Murray. Utah- -!i b3132 J 40-ACRE FARM. WITH 2? SHARES OF ' water: good home. Inquire Soran C. ' Madsen, Rcdmon. Utah. c2S19 ' - 40 ACRES IN BOUNTIFUL. SUITABLE for chicken ranch: will sell or exchange for city home. B-4S, Tribune. cl7li V . Government Lands WILL LOCATE YOU ON 320 ACRE EN- ; larged homestead. No residence re- . ', quired cultivation only necessary. , Phone Wasatch 54S9 or 3801. u2344 Real Estate to Exchange f. DESIRABLE FARMING LANDS FOR sale or will trade for equities in cltx . ; property. Phone Wasatch 51S9 or 3S01 C2345. j WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR LAND OR j lots 5-passenger. 4-cyllnder automo bile. 200 Scott bldg. Phono W. 195. . ! 4 M954T j CHOICE BUILDING LOT. 30X142 TO ' 1 alley, close In. Owner will trade Tor auto. Tribune D-7. c30S(? EQUITY FINE HOME, 40 ACRES GOOD land. Pavel te valley, for city property. Was. 699 -R. c31Io j Abstracts Title Insurance : j furnish abstracts and title Insurance, attend to all details ln transferring ana ! mortgaging land titles. Capital. $300,000 235 Main. 523 MASSAGE j CALL ONLVDAME ERHART AT her new apartment. Warm Spring. Wasatch 63G4-W. b2111 MAGNETIC VIBRATORY MASSAGE. manicuring, facial and scalp treatment. New York method. Room 20, Galena block. Second South and State c975 j' . MASSAGE MASSEUSE FOR SELECT ladles only; treatments given at their , homes. Swedish and othnr scientific methods. Best local references. Also pro- '.. fcsslonally recommended. Phone Wa- . satch 2624. c2501 ? ELECTRIC TREATMENT AND MA8 sage. Open until 9 p. m. 164 West 3rd So. M. Cyr. c-1738 MAGNETIC AND VIBRATORY MA 8, sago. Room 30, Plaza hotel, 77 W. 2nd So.. Eagle Bldg. C2177 SECOND-HAND CLOTH IN G- iTghest rmcissPAnS tor old ; , clothes and shoos. E. Green, Wasatch ; v 1503. o391 '., i HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR LADIES' . ' AND GENT'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING: V 2ALL HYLAND 2G29. J. FLAX, 403 SO. )TH EAST. b4199 f ': ' BEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND- band clothing. W. Gllckman. 71 8o. ,,;" West Temple. Was. 4513. c27S l&l SCREEN DOORS j PREPARE FOR HOT WEATHErT M screen doors, windows to order. J. Rucklcy. 1009 So. llth East. lly. 915-J. ft cl92fl 3gt corsets" sTlnnI spTrlXaoets; i l-ycar guarantee. 76 W. 4th North. Vas. 4587. nlSO ( ,,