Newspaper Page Text
A THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 23, 1913. 5 , . . . . 1 1 I 1 " '' Ev IS9 DOROTHY" INGRAM enler 3 L( T ta'.ned a party of thirty guests 1 ycslerclay at an elaborately a r J. planned luncheon at the Alta ; club, the affair being In com- 4 llment to lUJss Dorothy Bamberger, who 3 s recently home from the east. The two ;1 pns tables were laid in the gold room iricl wore decorated with glass baskets f' il lavender sweet peas and quantities tflovelv ferns. Place cards, showing the f lonogram or the hostess in lavender I rere at each place. The guests Included 7 tlss Bamberger. Miss Marian Obern--.orfer, Miss Margaret Walker, Miss No t lime Thompson. Miss Virginia Bcatty, jss Marv Wall. Miss Gladys Rich 14 fond Miss Marguerite Richmond, Miss 4 abei Shiffer. Miss Hasel Sapplngton. JL rs." Charles Stimpson. Miss Mary Lu- an. Miss Svbll Walker. Miss Margaret clntvre. Mrs. Donald Muir, Miss Helen , ettles, Miss Dorothy Marioueaux. Mrs. tn,', arolrl S Anderson. Miss Geneve Sav-' aU5 ;e, Miss Elsa Bamberger. Miss Hope emu. Miss Marian Hooper, Miss Glen e rnllcer, Miss Den Levi, Miss Blanche ism Anderson. Miss Martha Henderson, Mrs. 'm uncan Grant Richart. Miss Rowena it', owan and Miss Marjorie Pearson. - llic Miss Phania Cooper, who has been vis . ' Ing Mrs. W. D. Foster for a few weeks, tlE, its the guest of honor Monday evening a delightful lake party, the company 5 o' rinsr our to Saltair in the early even s', for the bath, the usual supper and ;C0t! nice. The company included besides , Iss Cooper. Mr. and Sirs. Foster, Mr. le, 1 id Mrs. Walter W. Little, Mr. and Mrs 1 i-thur L Thomas, Jr.. Miss Annie i -pit lams. Miss Clella McCrcady, Mr. Cook, ' v: McDermott. Mr. Vealie of Elkol. ) Tf yo.. and Paul King. Miss Cooper leaves 'c rlflay for her home In Seattle. She Ten lir he the truest of honor today, together ; ith Mrs Arthur L. Thomas. ,lr, at Kensington tea given by Mrs. W. D. osier. nl jyV delightful affair of yesterday after A Don was the bridge tea at which Mrs. Yflf O. teaman entertained all of the Jflie.s of the garrison, having four tables r the game, and all the others who did ' at play in for an elaborate tea at 6:30 clock. The home was lovely with flow 16; yellow and white flowers with the -een of ferns making a most attractive a fcorauon. Tne hostess was assisted itf iftea by Mrs. Willis UlSne. Mrs. Arthur led alton. Miss Genevieve Hoffman. Miss ,, t ' o'rothv Graves, Miss Dorothy Harkcr id Miss Hazel Sapplngton. -HP V jmfrs. J. H. Frederickson entertained 'lraln yesterday at another in a series of - ridge leas at her home, the affair be- kmz, arranged to meet her mother and sis 3ej jrrs- EM win Shelbv and Miss Eleanor O'flMelby. and in compliment to Mrs. Glb . ylfi Berry of Oakland. Two tables of 4 jetton bridge were enjoyed and later a n,Wpfen more friends came in to enjoy e.JJtat which a few of the most intimate ..Trends assisted. The rooms were lovely " . th flowers, nasturtiums and yellow Awirguerltes being used, snffmt . c"imlrs. H. G. McMillan was the hostess J5tenlay at a delightful luncheon for a AiK friends in compliment to Mrs. Gus ft&jye Lueluitz. who is to leave the Int- fjM. Is LISTOGEN in your aiifllmealicine cabinet? Anp You are using an anti ttfiKseptic, of course; but are -Tjgyou using the one which 6jjgrepairs as well as prevents jigerm action? .M For daily use as a mouth jjj fwash or gargle, or to ra il i'lieve little hurts, the best .1 antiseptic is Said i $iSXVm ANTtSEPTIC S aSt& It goes further than Per Jjjpxide of Hydrogen by uniting with that most efii- ".Hpent germ destroyer the 'valuable healing proper- . ''jfcties of Thymol, Menthol SSp111 Eucalyptol. I Ji .TIlus LIST0GEN acts JAith scientific precision as 'Jvlllboth a cleansing and heal- . feg agent. :K -S yur druggist for OJffilSTOGEN. You will Traelightin its purifying, re IWreshing action. 25 c, 50c nd $1 a bottle at Hwbruehl and Franken, "The Busy JCorner," also the old stand, 271 rKouth Main street. .4a tS.'SKf your druggist does not carry 3.I0 p KSTOGEN we will send It post- Aid on receipt of price. Bolton gdpPBhemlcal Corp.. 25C W. 23rd St., gew York. J2i The last word mil ' p'JtioD' Perfecion of bifo- i I 1 '-cal lenses. een We Srlnd. these lensea i I ; leht liere in Salt Lake 1 I PalJ I AsktBGe'Kryptok,, 1 oimtntf a j Optical Co I City lit 337 South Main. I Wasatch 5360. I Miss Dorotliy Ingrain, channiug young girl who was the hostess yester day at a luncheon at the Alta club. I . r 'v" w w" ''"' V)YV J" At!' ..';. ter part of the week for Los Angeles to visit the Masson family before going to her home in Spokane. The table decora tions were of pink sweet peas, and cov ers were laid for eight of the most in timato friends of Mrs. Luelwltz. M r Mrs. Elbrldge Thomas and her small daughter have returned from the east after a delightful visit of several weeks. Mrs. Thomas visited Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Aley at Louisville. Ky., and went with them to French Lick Springs. Later she went to West Point to spend commence ment week with Lieutenant and Mrs. Wiley E. Dawson. Mrs. Ledyard M. Bailey will be the hos tess loday at a luncheon for a few friends at the Country club In compliment to Mrs. A. N. Humphries, formerly of this city but now of Colorado, who is visit ing here. Mrs. F. E. McGurrln's lunch eon, announced for today, is to be given tomorrow instead. Mrs. M". W. Child and her daughter, Mrs. Fiances Hartshorn of Boston, who have been touring the northwest, ar rived in the city Monday and are spend ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. William H. Child at their country home. Brook side. -it Mrs. William Igleheart arrived vester day from -the east and is with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Pearsall at their home in Harcton place. She was a. guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harris IC Masters in Chicago on her way from Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. WL A. Leatbam enter tained last evening at a delightful lawn party at their home, -ll5 East Sixth South street, about fifty friends being Invited to Uie affair. Tho card tables were arranged on the lawns and tho wihole place was beautifully lighted with strings of lights and gay lanterns. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Soper, Mrs. Richard Woolley and Mrs. Tad Pitt. Fol lowing tho game a delicious supper was served. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Hale, Jr., and George Critchlow motored up Ogden canyon Monday aflornoon, returning yes terday morning, accompanied bv Miss Isabel Shifter, who has been visiting at the Tvnight camp near Idlewild. A number' of prominent club women will go to Ogden today to attend the Chautauqua meetings, a programme of especial interest to the club women of 1-ne state liaving been arranged for the day. Mr. and Mrs. W. Montague Fern', who have been In town for a few days, will return this morning to their summer homo at Brighton. v to Ir and Mrs. Moulton and Mrs. Edith Afoul ton Wise of Chlco. Cal., pent a few days in .town last week and were enter tained by Salt Lake friends. Mrs. Charles II Stevenson, who has S , tllc. Past month or more visiting relatives in Indiana, will be homo the first of the week. Mrs. L. H. Fuller, who has been vlslt ,K iVor ,8,steJ M'rs- Arthur C. Watts, left Monday for liome in Oak Park, III. . Mrs. James Sadler entertained at an ViIiUti1 i dZ ycalerday afternoon for Miss Phania Cooer of Seattle. A number of Salt Lakers will motor up to Ogden this evening to attend the dance given by the Weber club at tho Hermit age. 0 wnin'8;,A Y' roreman of Fort Douglas will entertain today at a morning bridge party with a luncheon following at her quarters. Dr. J. N. Harrison left Seattle last Fri day for a trip of two weeks in Alaskan waters. William H. Dale la hero from Los Ange les for a stay of a few days and is at tho Alta club. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Koyscr left yes terday morning for Brighton to spend the day, returning last evening. Miss Olive Jones and Miso Hazel Clark will go to Ogden today to bo guests of Miss Ardello Browning at a houBe parly over the 24th. Mrs. F. C. Schramm and MIsn Anna Mc , Cornlck, who have been spandlng a few days at Brighton with Mrs. Ernest Bam berger, will bo back today. I H J Miss Nellie Davis and Miss Helen Berg i strom will entertain a party at Saltair this evening for Mrs. John O. Peterson of Logan. V- l Mr. and Mrs. Benner X. Smith will en tertain a few of their friends this even ing at a dinner at their home on South Temple street. : The Souvenir Card club will be enter tained this afternoon by Mrs. Bowen at 3322 Seventh East street. ii Miss Leono Foot will be back Sunday Trom having spent two months In Port land, Or. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo S. Culbert enter tained at. their home in the Esther apart ments Monday evening for Mrs. J. M. His kcy of Austin, Nev. Those presont besides Mrs. Hlskey were Mr. and Mrs. Verne Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Allan McOwen. Mr. and Mrs. Deanc Monahan, Miss Bess Malin, W. Hall Meakin and Mr. Becker of San Francisco. The prizes were won by Mrs. Cummings and Mr. Monahan. At the close of the evening a supper was served by the hostess. The color scheme was pink and white. Mrs. James W. Barbee, wife of attorney J. W. Barbee of Salt Lake, and two chil dren, Henry Marvin and May, left yester day afternoon on the Los Angeles limited for Santa Barbara, Cal.. where Mrs. Bar bee's father, the Rev. H. C. Morehead of Mississippi, was taken ill while on a vacation. Dr. M. A. Hughes, oculist and dentist, will attend to patients at his home, 10G8 East First South, from 10 to 12. (Atlvortlsoment.) Tonight, Majestic pavilion, society night, biir S3'mphouy band, standard music. Advertisement. COLONEL REED VISITS BRIGHAM YOUNG HOME Local Man Talks With Lorenzo Ames, Who Knew Mormon Prophet in New York, After having attended tho Gettysburg reunion and walked over tho spot where his regiment took part in the hard fighting fifty years ago, and after having taken his Hrst trip on the ocean and visited tho New York home of his boyhood. Colonel J. W. Reed has returned to Salt Lake enthusiastic over his trip. He de clares ho had a wonderful time and en joyed every hour of tho encampment in spite of the heaL On his way home Colonel Reed visited his brother at Port Byron, N. Y., which was the homo of Brigham Young during the latler's youth. It was there that the Mormon leader married his iirst wife, Fannie. Colonel Reed talked with Lor enzo Ames, now past 06 years of ago, who knew Brigham Young. Ho recalled the time when tho prophet was a paint mixer and ground up materials for his paint in an improvised water wheel ma chine. The colonel visited the house where Brigham Young lived "before he became a Mormon and talked to the present occupant of the house. Celebrate Pioneer day at Saltair. Spe cial train borviife all day. (Advortlnoment.) I. O. O. F. Members of Utah Lodge No, 1 and sister lodges, aro requested to meet at Masonic Temple this 11a, in. to attend funeral of W. P. Howe, P. G. M. A. B. MYERS, N. G. W. J. MOORE, Secretary. (Advorllhctnenl.) 1JNRIVALED for prcBcrvlnjr, puriryine and beautifying tbo complexion, hands and balr of infanti, children and adults. Sold by drUBKlntfl nml deatcre everywhere. Liberal sample, with 35-p. nkln boolc. mailed tree. Addreia "Cutloura." Dopu 3E, Boston. and"vari to close ctc. ' ' ," lemstitched styles, l them out in a hurry. Phoiie Ex. 300 State and Broadway Handkerchiefs Main Aisle I Thnrsday Pioneer Day-Store Clged All Bay! I Wednesday, Therefore, Should Srln DoiaMe 8 I Business,- and Will, With These Great Values! I I If 1 WEDNESDAY 'SPECIAL 1 The Great Clearance in .J Womes's illMEITS I Goes on. Here are Values that have I not been matched this season. I 1009 Summer Waists Thrown on the I I Bargain List at Half Price! $1.00 Waists ..48cFlne i,, $1.25 Waists 69clif,setiS $1.50 Waists ..97c S'Sffi $1.75 Waists 97c starts $3.00 Waists .$1.49 Second Floor. fill Summer Dresses HALF PRICE! j; I $ 4 Dresses. .$1.95) Ratines, French $ 6 Dresses. .$2.95 V ported Lawns, S $10 Dresses . . $4.95 j eTc.brold; Styles 5 1 WEDNESDAY SPECIAL 5 I Hen's 75c ia I ODTtHfi SMTS C I Three shades of plain blue, plain !; I cream and several shades of plain !; I tan; attached collars; sizes 14 to j I Men's $1.25 7QA j OUTING SHIRTS 1 j! Plain white, plain tan and plain blue I !; soisette; also a selection of neat I 1; striped effects; new military collar, B ; link button style; coat models; sizes !; I j: uy2 to 1733. I Rien's $1.90 0 1 C 1 SHIRTS ...3 1 ;! With separate or attached soft collar ;! 1 J; and attached double French cuffs; ;! 1 ; plain and striped designs. !; M Men's Section Annex Bldg. ;! NOTICE OF AMENDMENT, Western Loan & Savings Company. Notice 1b hereby given that an ad journed session of tho annual meeting of Weotorn Loan & Savings Co. -will bo held at the ofllco of the company. No. 49 East First South street, Salt, Lake City. Utah, on Monday, tho 4th day of Augrust, A. D. 11DJ3, at 8 o'clock p. m., for the purpose. I among: other thlnss, to consldor and vot upon a proposition to amend the articles of Incorporation of eald company by In creasing the authorized capital tock of said corporation from $10,000,000.00 to 51 2,000,000.00 and from 100,000 sharqs to 120,000 shares, said increase to he gen eral stock, so that the first paragraph WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Ready! Another Group of 85 Wgnierc's Trimmed Hals Worth $7.50, $9.00 and $12.60. The Special m Jf jHk Wednesday is . Sale starts at 8.30 a. m. Come early ' for first pick- 8econd Floor. WEDNESDAY SPECIAL 75e Chanioss-Suede iloves 29c Pair Imported gloves, 2-clasp styles, in black, tan, brown, gray and mode; valso a small group of 12-button length gloves in mercerized lisle in black and tan. Glove Section Near Main Entrance WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Women's $3 Velvet Pumps Two-strap styles, with single sole and military heels a very dressy low shoe, specially reduced for quick disposal. Shoe Section Annex. WEDNESDAY SPECIAL Ladies' 75c Union Suits, 59c Of fine cotton, Summer "weight, short sleeves, close fitting and umbrella styles, lace trimmod knee lengthB. Children's 35o Union Suits, 19c each Summer "weight, low nock, sleeveless, lace trimmed kiea lengths, of Boft, fine yarn. Knit Wear Rear of Main Aisle Semloh-Louvre Patrons Enjoy, Besides the best of Food and Service, A COOL ROOM Tiie Smloli-Louvrc announce! engagement I I of Mw Pearl Rculil, the moit popular enter tainer tnat Lai ever appeared in Salt Lake City. p OREGON SHORT LINE TIME OABD. n EFFECTIVE JUNE 15, 1913. Depart, Dally. Arrive. 71 fi A TVT Ogrden (Preston and Losan Kolnf?), I)en- n.ce a mXU ver. Omaha, Kansas City. Chicago (S&n l bOO 7.1 K A TUT Francisco and west also nrrlvlnff). n.xn T TftJT 110 A.IV1. Ogden. Loffan, Preston (Chicago and OlOU P.M. 8.rr A ut points oast aloo arriving). -irt.Art :0U A.M. Osrden, Malad, Pocatcllo, Boiae, Auhton, lOlOO P.M. 9.1 tt A iff Intarmedlate (Montpoller also ffolnB). - - :10 A.M. Oi.'erland Limited ObA en. Reno, Sacra- 6:10 P.M. mento. Ban Franciaco. in. OH A WT Ogden and Intermediate points. (Cache R'EO "P 7W U.ZU I.Xil valley, Chiciigo a point eaat also ar- u,"u 4T.m. 12:01 P.M. pacific Limited Ocden, Omaha, Chicago, 8:15 A.M. 1:45 P.M. Og-den. Boise. Portland, Butte. 4l35 P.M. 2:35 P.M. Loa Angeles Limited Omaha, Chicago, 44fi P Iff " J I ' Denver. St. Louis. i.w jt.ot,. 350 P.M. Overland Limited Omahn, Chicago. Den- 11 -QK A ffi ' ver. St Louis, jtx.xtjl a -t c t tlx Ogden, Brigham, Cache valley, Malad 1 1 ,qk a tup tbJlU JT.M. and Intermediate. (San Francisco also 1JL .OO A.m. 5 going.) in P TW Ogden. Denver, Omaha, Chicago (Park in. en tj ur u 'M City, Green River and west only return- A.tAJ Jtr.XwL. 71 R P "M" Yellowstone Special Ogden, Pocatcllo rr,rr jp .At x .iTi. and Yei0W0tonc Park (Sftn ptanclaco also I .OU AJWU 11:45 P.M. Ogden, Boise, PortSnd. Butte (San 10'Sfi AM Francisco and west California mall). JXIU. 11:45 P.M Pao,f, """fiS-Sf San mB" 2:10 P.M. 1 Teiephqne Exohanpe 16. City Ticket Offfoa, Hotel Utah. ' of article 5 of said articles of Incorpora tion relating to the above subject an and If amended shall hereafter read as fol lows: "Article 6 The amount of the capital stock of this corporation shall be 512, 000,000.00, divided into 120,000 nharea of the par value of 3100.00 each." The bal ance of said article S remaining as here tofore. This notice is given and said business will be transacted at said meeting pursu ant to an order of the board of direc tors of said company. P. W. MADS EN. President H. M. H. LUND, Asst Secretary. dll83 1 s 1 WEDNESDAY SPECIAL 1 H 50 Slimmer Dresses ij H Worth $15, $17.50, S20 and $22.50, 5 H s of Irish Linens, Voiles ps t Marquisettes, etc, 4 O 1 A SMALL GROUP OF $15.00 SILK 1 COATS Made of Moire og R 1 I and Brocate Silks at...qt$0 1 ! New Mandarin and Russian Models, the sea- H (j son s best novelties, at $6.95. while they last m s 1 WEDNESDAY SPECIAL"" c I I Ladies' 20c HOSE, 12V2 Pair 1 I ;! Fine cotton hose with deep garter I j tops, linen heels and toes, fast color, I J all sizes. H !j Ladies' 73c USSE, 3Sc Pair j 1 H j! Fine lisle hose, full fashioned double B !; heels and toes just an odd lot for I ; qnick clearance. Hosiery Rear of Main Aisle I I jH ; 1 WEDNESDAY SPECIAL i I j FLAGS FOR PIONEER DAY j I TVe marked all our Flags at less than wholesale $ , prices, so that everyone can show loyalty and 5 & J, patriotism to the Pioneers of 1S47 and not feel ! the cost too much. t ,zQeU2A7TY..M.US.L.!hA IOC j SOFT BUNTING FLAGS H Black Varnished Handle, Shield Tips. 4 10c grade, size 17 Inches 5c each s ? 15c grade, size 24 Inches 8c each 5 25c grade, size 36 Inches 15c each Domestic Section Main Floor j y 1 WEDNESDAY SPECIAL i I I The Climax in STRAW H&T PRICES j I ;! Entire stock to be closed out at the s i following prices: j 35c Straw Hats at 19c straw Hats I ; 50c Straw Hats at 23c") fmui thern 75c Straw Hats at 39c teenmbSep- 1 H !; $1.00 Straw Hats at 48c styles are i 1 $1.50 Straw Hats at 76c ( j! H ;I -$2.00 Straw Hats at 98c Hats good $2.50 Straw Hats at $1.25 7 season. a IH Boys' Section Annex Bldg. Wk "IN THB HE.ILRT OV LOS ANOSLBS." HOTEL LANKERSHIM BROXDWAT, AT SEVENTH. Q THE SHOPPING AND BUSINESS CENTEB CLOEH TO AIL. THEATERS. EUROPEAN PLAN. Roomi without bktb. oue ocouDAat. 1.60 and upward. Room with prlrato bih. ana ooenpuU .00 wid upwrnrd. E fttatinrmt ft U carta and tab! a d'hot at papular prices. AUTOMOBILE BUS SERVICE FROM ALL TRAINS j COOPER DAVIB. LEaSBEB. Have You Heard This? J. H. KNICKERBOCKER, O. D., pioneer optician, has permanent ly located In Kearns Building Room 616 Responsibility is a word of particular im portance to people who are 1 looking for the safe invest ment of funds. An account with the Merchants Bank affords you Safetr and Lib- . eval Interest. 4 Per Cent Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. Merchants Bank Salt Lake City, Utafy. ' From ll OGDEN AND SALT HAKE CITY jH EAST AND RETURN. Missouri River points $40.00 Et. Louib, Mo 52.00 Chicago, III 56.50 St. Paul and Minneapolis... 55.70 Peoria. 111. 55.40 JM Memphis, Tenn., via Kansas City or St. Louis 59.85 Also reduced rates to other polnta. Jf STOPOVERS ALLOWED RETURN LIMIT, OCTOBER 31 natea ( Tuly 2 5 10 19' 2S' 31- 1 7. ) August 1, 9, 10, H, 16. Salo 22'2B- Beptemoer 10 and 11. For farther information address E. R. LEIS9 General Agent Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fa Railway Company jH 2S3 Judge Building J . Salt Lake City, Utah llJHION DENTAL CO.j I I 212 MAIN STREET. 1 I Honest Work J I Honest Prices 1 Painless extraction ot teotii or no pay. I AH work g-uaranteed. I H REMEMBER US. 1 We Treat .You Bight 1 Office hours: 8:30 a. m. to 6 a I H Sundays. 10 to 2. Phono 112 B. i B Francis iL ! G. Luke Salt Uako, IV AW1. bit colleota Y d"bteat i'fjK Bonded jH wA with stats H Trt$&f$k Utah. &wMEw Jr don,t nk