Newspaper Page Text
1 :, aa THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JIULY30, 1913. JM IL; . WANTED M j j i TEAMS; PAV $5 PER DAY. AP- jh ply P. .1. Moran' lirii, SoO South Srnl f jj Weal street. j d4QS2 ' RIGGERS Riggers' hoi per .00 1 Carpenters , '- ( Horscahocr (S hours) 3.40 I l-aborors Way) 3.00 i' 2 miners J;?' ' STROCK'S I5.MPLOr.MENT AG B.N CI. j j 55 W. Still So. SL U4030 I " WANTED VT ONCE. ONE TIIOU- ! saiidt tlrat and second class mechanics 1 I to buy ntul sell their iooIb Jit the arlcty 1 Store. VI" So. imtc. near Broadway, i 1 d3949 J ' UTAH SCHOOL OP WATCHMAKING J ( offers got! opportunities to young: men; 1 i Irani a good irudc: day and night classes. 432-3 D. P. Walker Bldg. ! AN EXPERIENCED A. C. AND D. C. ! motor and generator repair man ana ! winder for work Jn open shop. Address j K-46. Tribune. d3402 I STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ' '' Hotol. restaurant and household help. ; , Headquarters for laborers. I 65 West Second South. Phono 4b4. , ( 0473 i MEN WAJCTSD TO WEAR OUR ' J Images; tit guaranteed. Rex Drug Co.. ; j W. Temple and Broadway; h3.i9 ; j FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BASE- 1 I ment First CongrccatlonaJ church. Wo i get you a position froo of charge. Tcl- i ephono Wasatch 5322. t3b; "1 UTAH BUSINESS COLLEGE SUMMER .j School. Sec us before yew rnaKe ' arrangements for summer school. It will . pay you. 8lC3' i i OPPORTUNITY FOR A LIMITED NUM- ;' her of experienced solicitors to make good. Proposition Ih well advertised. Ap- l' ply only before 10:30 a. m. to the (; Premium Department of The Tribune. ; cll9 j'! HELP FURNISHED EVERYWHRE. t SHEPPARD'S EMP. AGENCY, j'i 112 W. 2nd So. c4216 i MEN TO LEARN ALL KINDS AUTO; mobile wprk. 359 S. W. Tomplo. c21- il MARKER AND SORTER: GOOD t) wages. Apply Murray laundry. C435J J REAL ESTATE SALESMAN; STATE 1 experience and give reference. Address ' , ' P. O. Box C2E. city. C-.6G4 ' WANTED AGENTS. GOOD MONEY for rustlers. Ladles preferred. 561 East 1st South. . d1073 , 4 WATCHES CLEANED THOROUGHLY V and carefully for $1.00 July only. CUncs. 11 East Broadway. a3" WANTED MEN TO WEAR HOLT'S $2 hats; no more, no less. 35 E. Broad- wny d!451 TAILOR-MADE SUITS AT WHOLE KftUj prices. Patonal. 249 Main St.. J , room 9. j , MINERS AND LABORERS WANTED II to occupv clean rooms at the Miners i' i Rooming House; rates. 15c. 25c. 3dc. oOc per night 14 Commercial st. d231l GOING TO MOVE. MUST SELL 100 V uncalled for pulis. Nobby Sultorium. ' :r,5 Slate. "396 ' A FEW CLEAN-CUT YOUNG- MEN TO Ff-ll land under the government Straw- , 1 '"errv Irrigation project. Must be wlde- awake, energetic, ambitious. 1C-52. care Tribune. d296 ' MAIL CARRIERS WANTED. J5 TO ( $100 month. Salt Lake City. Lxamlna- i, J Hon coming. Specimen questions free. i Frmkllii Institute. Dopt. 436-F, Rochca- ,f j ter. N. Y. 1303S 4 LIVE SOLICITORS. FAMILIAR WITH ' 1 auto llres. good proposition. Capital j Garage. 123 So. State. d31S2 ll 50 LABORERS. APPLY TO FOREMAN ' 1 at 11th East and 3rd Pouth and 5th i i East betw.ien 10th and 11th South sts. JJ') d3249 1 TsT-CLASS SOLICITOR WANTED. I Apply Economy Cluanlng & Dyeing Co.. 170 W. So. Temple. d-1423 WANTED. PERFORMERS FOR MEDI- j cine show. Address or call on Mr. I Waldron. Lake hotel, city. d3S77 I , SOLICITOR TO TRAVEL. HOUSE-TO- house oanvasslnp;; expensos ndvancod. I A Mr Davis. James hotel, room 502. dSOfiO ij WANTED YOUNG MAN PIANIST FOR I I; road ho-. Call after 1 o'clock. 211 I jj E. 4th South. d397l I tl MANAGER FOR HYPNOTIST; NO I 1 boozer. Call 211 E. 4th South, aftfjr In 1 o'clock. . d3975 I MINERS WANTED. I A crew of flrst-clas minors wanted for I Kinking at the Montreal mine near Mll- I ford; huh) two first-olnss slmlt tlmber- I men. Apply Joseph Ralph, 817 McCor- I nick bldg. (H023 i HIGH SCHOOL YOUNG MAN 19 TO 22 ( years old to do clerical work and bill- '! Ing on tlw tj-powrltcr. Give rfcrenct jj ddre3s L-22, Tribune. dl021 t HOY WANT!-;!). APPLY UTAH ORNA- B meiitMl Iron fc Bronze Work. Isfi'W. ', So Temple 1 1042 M TWO ICE CREAM DRIVERS WITH routes. 43 M 7th South. (14010 j IF YOU ARE A LIVE WIRE AND CAN H ' produce results wc want you; salnrj'- H 1 Apnly Ixjtwi'cn ll:Xi m. m. mid 1:30 p. m. B if Srlirnuiin-Johniiou Drug Co. Ask for ll Mr. Waters. (14055 I GOQD STRONG BOY WITH WHEEL. B Uosloii .Meal & Gioc.. 21S E. 5th South. Wanted Situation (Female) Am?N7rvoLTNwNr B the day. Wasatch 6349. d3S09 NURSE WILL. CARE FOR SICK OR H I children in exchange for ullrOdd fnro 1 to Pacific coast. Address L-10, Tribune. T (I3S7S d POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER; CAN H , give rcferancos. AiSdrcM L-5S, Trib- YOUNG GERMAN LADY WANTS ! H ' stoady plaves to Iron. 7C0 So. W. Tom- d931 MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WANTS H ! house donning and Wishing. 750 So. H 1 W. Tomplc. d3IS2 1 LAUV OF REFINEMENT WISHES H i apt. or iooimIiijt lioiihe to manage and H 'ar for. Boat of references. Addr H L-21, Tribune. d401S Wanted Livestock ( STOKBUESolFi THE H Uuh Packing Co . 527 State at.. Wa- H I Mtch 70S, will buy all kinds of homed H i stock and calves of any ago. dZSi Public Stenographer H 1st at Remington Typewriter Co.. H 172 South West Temple. Phoned Was. M H and 7S. dl61 1 Wanted Agents H j agetTwteIToso H tiers for photos, enlargement and B ' framing of pictures; large profit. Apply by lrtter. Photo Supply. Box 27, Ainer- H '. lean Fork. d2079 8 "AGENTS WANTED; PHRISTMAS H ; cards. Anyone. Samples free. Ln;e H profits. Chlpchase, Darlington, Engian 1 " : 7 " : m j . 4'.. STENOGRAPHERS GET THE BEST positions at the highest salaries. I THROUGH THE TRIBUNE WANT AD METHOD. i WANTED mte- GIRLS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. AP PLY KEADY FOR WORK AT S A. M. AND 1 P. M. DAILY. TROY LAU.DRl. 421 SOUTH CTII EAST. g350 LUNCH COUNTER GIRL. 1 waitress. Idaho ?30.00 1 waitress, boanling house STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 55 W. 2nd So. St. (140.13 STENOGRAPHERS ARE CORDIALLY invited to register for temporary or permanent positions at the AMITO.N TYPEWRITING CO.'S FREE EMPLOY MENT DEPARTMENT, 172 South West Temple. d"917 FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, BASE ment First ConcrcFitlonal church, y o got you a position free of charge, ieie phono 5822. t-,M GO TNG TO SUMMER SCHOOL? SAVE money and time by seeing "S.",!' Utah Business College. Boston building. COMPETENT GIIIL OR WOMAN FOR general housework; small family: ref erences. Apply room 10! Mercantile An nex. DJ-bS ENROLL NOW FOR THE SUIMER course at Henagcr's Business College. School all summer. Positions guaran teed to all graduates. c.biv SHEPPARD EMP. AGENCY. 112 W. 2nd So. , HELP FURNISHED EVERYWHERE. C4-1 i MOTHERS. YOU CAN NOW GET YOUB boy a wash or wool suit, canvas or straw hat. at less than salo prices. Just look, then you'll know. Rowo s. 2nd floor Wal ker Bank building. c3135 W - NTED STENOGRAPHER AND OF fico assistant; must be bright. 5 salary expected. G-59, Tribune. dl290 FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER. 377 SO 2nd East. Was. f.957. d2S60 A LADY WAITRESS AT 237 W. 2ND So. d2981 MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN OR GIRL FOR general housework and caro of chil dren. Hyland 32S7. (13104 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL 1IOUSE work: must be good cook; $fi per week. Call 1547 So. 12th E. d3241 GOOD WOMAN COOK WANTED. AD dress K-41. Tribune. (13330 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: small family; good wages; no washing. S77 E. 2nd So. d3G40 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 72 J St. d3559 COMPETENT WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework in country. Apply 66 13th East. d37S6 AT ONCE. GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: cood home: liberal treat ment. W. 31S2-M. Call 903 3rd avenue. d3766 SWEDISH .OR FINNISH GIRL FOR chamber work. Room and board, $30 per mo. Apply Mrs. M. J. McKenzle. phono 09, Bingham, Utah. d3S78 EARN BIG INCOME WRITING MOV Ing picture plays. Instructions and sam ple scenario In proper form. Address Florence McDonald. 524 9th ave.. or phone Wasatch 2C79-M. d3933 GOVERNMENT' POSITIONS OPEN TO women, $75 month. September examin ations in Salt Lake City. Write for spec imen questions. Franklin Institute, Dopt. 733-F. Rochester, N. Y. d392G GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 914 1st ave. d3920 COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; small family. Hy. 221 -W. 9Sl Sth East. 13956 A. J. tT COMM UNICATE WITH mother In Ogdon. Vory Important. d3S65 COMPETENT GIRL WANTED FOR genral housework; small family. 31 7th East su d4042 WANTED. A GIRL FOR GENERAL houwwork at No. 10 Miller flats. d4024 CHAMBERMAID. APPLY OXFORD Rooming Iloueo, 55 E. 2nd So. (11017 AT ONCE. YOUNG GIRL ABOUT IS to assist with general housework nnd enro of two small children; no cooking. 70 P L Wasatch I81G-.1. 140I2 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. Apply 1257 2nd ave. d4007 WANTED. A GOOD COOK FOR GEN rnl housework. Including washing and Ironing, in small, private family, living, lu Neva (Ik. House with all moJorn con veniences. Call room C-7. Semloh Hotel, betwoon S and S p. tn. Brlnjc references. d402 WANTED M0 WOMEN AND dRLS TO visit the Iiuitiiiimoiit Doatal Parlors; prlcoa reaMiMible and work guaranteed. 264 South Main. Wamtcb 92J. Dr. Con ger, manager. dt033 WOMAN COOK. HOTEL. IDAH6. 550; ali'O two waitres. Idaho, $45. pas. 1NTER-MT. ETMPLOYiHSNT AGENCY. d4K0 Wanted Situation (Male) NEAT. WILLING OBEDIENT YOUNG man wants work on chicken ranch or private place; small wages. Address K 2. Tribune. d3042 WAITED POSITION BY YO UG MAN of business ability; will do anything. AddroM K-J4. Tribune. dJ254 A-l CLOTHING AND FURNISHING xoods man; 12 ynars' experience. Ad dreas L-s, Tribune. dMOf WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEP er. S years' experience; references. Ad- drewi L-18. Tribune. d3537 10 LIVE AGENTS HA H r,( ft VZl rr at 1 ftnts J.-.-P" .'lor. J 1 M T, re Wdg U- " WANTED Wanted To Buy . ALL KINDS HOUSEHOLD GOODS wanted; highest prices paid. Was. 4317. clG95 WANTED MOTORCYCLE, SECOND hand, standard make; must bo reason able. Address G-31. Tribune. dl367 BABY CARRIAGE. FOLDING. GOOD condition; must bo reasonable. Ad dress G-35, Tribune. dl435 AM IN MARKET FOR SUBURBAN grocery. Namo location and prlco first letter. F. S., 32 So. 2nd East. d2325 WANTED A 5-PASSENGER CAR IN exchange for payment on brand new cottage, east side. Phone Hy. 1026-W. j (13771 ONE 5 OR 7-PASSENGER CAR; EN glnc must bo in good r,unnlng order: condition of body not considered; give price. Address L-25. Tribune. (14004 SECOND-HAND POOL " TABLE. CALL Wasatch 4749-W. (1402S Wanted To Borrow J YOlj7GMARI monthly wants to borrow $100 for ono year; will give note and pay, 12 per cent; 1 willing to mako monthly payments. G-5, Tribune. dlOSS WANT TO BORROW $5000 FOR ONE ! year for mercantllo proposition In new town in Nevada; ample securities. Ad flrcss box E-52. Tribune. dl3 Wanted To Rent MAN AND WIFE, WITH NO CHIL dren, desire housekeeping rooms; state price and location. Address K-36. Trib une. d3271 WANTED FOR FEW MONTHS, FUR nished house. 1 to 6 rooms; must be in desirable location, within 30 minutes city; no children. Address L-20, Trib une. d3936 Wanted Rooms and Board rjoTani'boariT pie. Refined eastern family preferred. K-31. Tribune. d3168 Wanted To Trade ONE 5lHlTr'7PASSEl grade car to exchange for smaller car. C2a State st. c4093 Wanted Teacher WANTED, ENGLISH TEACHER "WITH good education to instruct young man. Call 174 South State. Wasatch G277. d3939 Wanted Miscellaneous TO SELL OR TRADE: ILVVE YOU real estate anywhere, a rooming house, automobile, bicycle, horse, buggy, wagon, household or office furniture, or any thing of value to someone else, that you do not need? It Is worth money. List it with us. Wo make a specialty of sell ing and trading on a strictly commission' basis. Somebody has something you want; you want what they have. Soo us before buying. ESSEL SALES COMPANY, Wasatch E3S. 321 D. F. Walker Bldg. (131GG FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS WANTED. Will pay you first-class prices. Fisher (c Robblnn Co.. GO W. 2nd South. Wa satch 5171. e253 UTAH JUNK CO. HIGHEST PRICE paid for Iron, brass, rags, bottles, rub ber, copper, otc. S40 So. 4th West. Phono Wasatch 229. mlS73 TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND mattress remaking. Utah Bedding & Mfg. Co. Phono 3S3. b202 YOUR OLD CLOTHING; WILL CALL. Salvation Army. Phono. t2191 WE WILL SHIP A CAR OF HOUSE hold poods to Los Angeles. San Fran cisco. Chicago and Great Falls, Mont., within the next ten days. Kimball Van & Storage Co.. 73 So. Main. bl9G7 'ARE YOU FOND OF DANCING? Then seo that your footwear Is repaired in the neatest and best style. MONARCH SHOE REPAIRING CO., 21 B. Second South (basement). Wasatch 35S3. dl57 OLD CLOTHES BOUGHT. Wo pay highest prices for cast-off clothing. Phono Wasatch 2115. r34Sl BEST PRICES PAID FOR YOUR CAST oft clothing. Was. 2002. sSI30 PROSPECTOR WANTS GRUBSTAKE for Nevada or California; references. Address D-15, Tribune. c3206 BEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD clothes, valises, trunks, l Commercial. M. Stubeck. Was. 6064. d2S WE BUY'. SELL AND EXCHANGE ALL kinds of furniture, clothing, tools and all kinds of brlc-n-brac. Desert Furni ture Company. 70 So. W. Temple. d373 MONEY LOANED: CASH PAID ON all artlclea of value. 5S E. 1st South, opposite Salt Lake theater. Phone Wa satch 3423. (13385 MEN'S SECOND-HAND CLOTHING: best prices paid. 23 Commercial street Wasatch 3771. dl276 UMBRELLA S RE-COVERED. RF palrod. and kev fitting. H. E. Hui'. ball. 157 E. Broadway. dl300 CATTLE. CALVES. FOUR JERSEY bulls for service, two reglnfored cows: fetched. A. T. Saunders, rear 1415 So Main. Phone HyUnd M22-J. dlSOS TO CARE FOR CHILDREN BY DAY or by night. Phone Hyland 16-R. d3032 ONE DELIVERY HORSK. CHRISTeTT sen's store. 67 ( So. 6th East. Phone Hyland 922. d317 PERMANENT HOME WITH SCHOOL prlvilecM wanted for pood irl. 16 ymrs oW. Address L-7. Tribune. dlH V TORS'ICK a ro. V NICER S I.'-F 'I Y UTAH LSTVr.LI HEL IS'? b!613 , FOR RENT For Rent Houses Unfurnished fi-RM. MOD. BRICK, 225 SO. 3RD E, at $25.00 6- rm. mod." brick!" No." 2 Poplar ct. IS. 00 5-rm. mod. brick, No. 175 Social Hall - 20.00 S-rm. str. mod. brick. 4 IS So. 13th East -2.50 FRITSCH, 201-203 Felt bldg. dl691 MODERN, . 2-STORY. G-ROOM HOUSE; screened porch, bath, gas range and boater. Corner M st. and 3rd ave. $30. Inqulro 903 Boston bldg. Phone Wasatch 95S. . d33S0 ONE MODERN G-R. COTvaGE. WAYNE ave. Janitor service. Was. 6710. c945 (23 HOUSES. ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Tuttle Bros. Co., 159 Main st. n14l0 3. 4 RMS.. STRICTLY MOD.. ELEGANT; ly furnished; piano; strictly private, l-'o H st. Above smoko; largo lawn. Rent cheap. 5j208 4- ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE IN rear; gas. Call at rear 321 1st ave. c47S4 5- ROOM MODERN HOUSE. "ITH fino lawn and shade. Hyland 3"36-"A. d452 SIX ROOMS. MODERN, WITH GAS, $21. 634 So. 1st West. d!9SS 7- ROOM MODERN; BEAUTIFUL Lo cation: 1109 First ave.: paved street. lawns and shade; partly furnished If do sired; will lease. Wasatch 305 or Wa satch Glll-W. cl7E0 5-ROOM HOUSE, INQUIRE APT. NO. 1. 135 So. 7th East. 01932 MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. 6S FIRST avo. Apply 70 First ave. c2CH 4-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN. Inquire Rlvors Bros., 23 W. Broadway. c3454 8- ROOM. THOROUGHLY MOD. HOUSE. 624 E. 2nd So. Phono Hyland 1369-M. d60 MODERN FOUR AND SIX-ROOM DOU blo house, rent reasonable. SG F street. Apply 4G4 Second, ave. (1849 G-ROOM MODERN BRTCK; GAS range: close In. 161 4th ave. dl4il 6 ROOMS, MOD. HOUSE, GAS, FUR nacc. 3 bedrooms. 338 4th ave. Hy land 5G7-R. d2115 4-ROOM HOUSE. $11. 1135 BUENO avenue. 11th East bet. 1st and 2nd So. d20S0 YOU SHOULD WORRY'. WHEN YOU move call Package Grocery, Was. 54, T. and S. Transfer. S3 East 2nd South. Auto express and baggage. A. L. Thomp son, Mgr. Reasonable prices. d2221 7-ROOM BRICK, STRICTLY MODERN, elegantly finished. 253 10th ave. d21S7 HOUSE IN POPLAR GROVE. FLOW lng well, chicken coop, f-arden. placo for cow and horse; $10 a month. Wa satch 4562-R. t!2G70 4- ROOM BRTCK COTTAGE AND BARN. No. 737 South Sth West, $15 per month. G-room modern brick cottage, No. 527 East Sth South street. $20 per month. HOFFMAN BROTHERS LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. No. 22 East 1st South St, Wasatch 244. d2773 G-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW: FINE location for summer. Hyland 843. 775 So. 11th East. d3127 5- ROOM COTTAGE: MODERN FIX lures. 12S No. State St. Rent ?22.50. d3125 9- ROOM. STRICTLY MODERN, NEW ly papered; sleeping porches. SI S st. Call Wasatch 3S01. d3242 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. HYLAND 127-M. d3332 HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS. STRICTLY mod., with gas range. 506 E. 1st So. Wasatch 599-R. d3639 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE AT REAR Y. W. C. A. grounds. Apply at boarding home or educational bldg. (13550 NEW, MODERN. 4-ROOM HOUSE; corner Sth West and 1st North; $18 to right party. Phono Hyland 1431. d3G6G 3. 4 AND 6-ROOM HOUSES, WEST side. Phone Was. 4979-R. (1377S A MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE. SLEEP ing porch, furnished or unfurnished 421 A street. d377l 2-ROOM HOUSE. REAR 351 SOUTH State. Phono Wasatch GG12. d375i 4-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. GAS range, $20.00. Ktistcr court, 321 East Sth South. Was. 1C75-W. d39G6 MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 264 J street. Just cleaned furnace and gas range. Call Wasatch 539. (1I0G2 NEW BUNGALOW, MODERN IN EV ery wav; fine parage. Call Wasatch 3S01. 415 West Capitol. d4015 7-ROOM MODERN BRICK; GARAGE in roar. 3S0 D street. Was. 574-M. (11013 Bedbugs Exterminated claTworIc' Rice, 127 E. 1st So. st. Wasatch 2100. d3G74 For Rent Miscellaneous 'sToltElT7NVl3u1nN garage, 2500 en. feet floor space, suita ble for many purposes. cl205 SMALL WAREHOUSE ON TRACK. close to paved street. Phone Wasatch 1290-W. d3393 For Rent Lodge Rooms FOR 130013 ROOM WTTH hardwood floor. Apply room 1 Mack intosh block. h3401 For Rent Stores and Offices sutteIcoTfl'oo'rro on Main: rlKhl for light mercantile busi ness; altered to suit; low rent. "Utah Gas & Coke Co. d24G0 OFFICE ROOMS. TRIBUNE BUILDING Inqulro F. J. Westcott. 1003 Kcarns bulldlng. ' m33 STORE AT 51 N. STATE. ILLF BLOCK north of Easle gate. Great location for drug store. Little & Little. No. 1 West Second South. s3316 STORES IN BUSINESS DISTRICT. with living room. $15. W. J. Dooley. 75 P. O. place. C3455 FINE LARGE STORE ROOM. 27-29 Wsl Broadway; 35x100: will divide to suit tenant. Roberta & Daly, 71 South Main street. c4012 FIRST FLOOR AND BASEMENT. 25x140, Nob. 41-43 Wt Broadway, after Sept. I. 1913. Inquire ?02 Brooks arcade. d25 500 FEET FLOOR SPACE, CORNER Main and Broadway, over Merchants' 3auk; elegant location for doctor, den list or specialists; modern convenience. Merchants' Hotel. c41S9 WILL SUBLET VERY' REASONABLY large corner room In Boston building. Address H-32, Tribune. d2375 BEAUTIFUL STORE ROOM. 225 STATE street, between 2nd and 3rd South; fine cement basement; good terms to good tenant. Apply G. S. Holmes, 162 State street. d3G67 FOR RENT PART OF STOREROOM at 27 East Broadway. Inquire Horton Book shop. d3925 AT NO. 3 WEST 2ND SOUTH. PART OF basment. llxll ft.; reasonable rent. dI053 To secure tho better grade of office workers, summon thorn through tho Wnift columns. " j FOR RENT For Rbnt Houses Furnished WILL SHARE BEAUTIFULLY' FUR ninhed, 10-room homo with couple: no children; rcferonceK required: best loca tion In city. Address L-21. Tribune. dnooo $50.00 NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM modern house for rent; vory closo In. Call at tho house. 170 N. W. Temple at. dl440 STRICTLY MODERN. 0 ROOMS. ON 3rd ave. Key at 153 9th East at. c460 FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL, WELL furnlshed. 7-room house, modern. 210 N. State st. dlSOO CLEAN WORK GUARANTEED. CALL Rice. 127 E. 1st So. st. Wasatch 2100. C2526 BEAUTIFUL S-ROOM MODERN ON East South Temple, completely fur nished. Call between 2 and I p. m.. room A-5G, Semloh hotel (13320 1 ROOMS AND BATH. 75S SO. MATN. Rent reasonable. d3iS5 A 7-RM. AND A 3-ROOM, STRICTLY modern house Inquire at 176 West 2nd South. Wasatch 574. d372 3- ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE: electric light and water. 4545 W. 5th North. (13921 6- ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE; ONE G room, unfurnished; 2-room apt., unfur nished, screen porch. Inquire 3S W. Gth South. Was. 5249-W. d3972 7- ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, MOD orn; 217 E. 4th So. (13S04 4- ROOM MODERN SLEEPING PORCH: piano, gas. W. 3574-J. 121 E. Sth South. d40Cl Bedbugs Exterminated RESULTS GUARANTEED; CLEAN work. Rice, 127 E. 1st So. st. Wasatch 2400. d26S7 Housekeeping Rooms 4 NICE LARGE ROOMS. BATH. QUIET and clean. 528 E. 4th South. c2593 STRANGERS CAN FIND NICE MOD ern h. k. rooms, single or on suite, 24 E Brlgham, opp. Hotel Utah. b3937 2 NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms and ono sleeping apt 129 East 4th So. C2044 CLEAN WORK GUARANTEED. CALL Rice, 127 E. 1st So. st. Wasatch 2400. c252C FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, ground floor; gas. 73 North State st. c4742 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 12 KEN dall terrace, off W. Temple, bet. 4th and Sth South. d43 HOUSEKEEPING TRANSIENT AND permanent rooms. Gl W. 2nd So. d236 'FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE kcoplng. 150 No. Main. dlS05 3 CLEAN. NICELY FURN. ROOMS FOR h. k. ; gas range, bath and phone: ground floor; desirable location. 3G9 So. Glh East d2297 TWO NICELY FURNISHED GROUND floor front rooms, modern. 217 W, 4th South. d2857 TWO ROOMS, MODERN, DOWN floor, rent reasonable. 545 West Sec ond North. d2793 2. 3 AND 5-ROOM APTS , $8, $13, $20 rent. 76 West 4th North. d2864 3 OR 5 MOD. ROOMS. 531 E. STH SO. strcete. Also sleeping room. d2S68 2 FRONT ROOMS, BATH. GAS, PHONE, porch. GIG So. Main st. d3171 3 MOD. UNFURNISHED, BASEMENT. $7.50, Inc. c. 1.: no children. 112 So. 6th East. d3179 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, MOD., close In. 78 West 5th So. d3172 2- ROOM. STRTCTLY MODERN APT. lawn and shade; close In; no. children. 559 So. W. Temple. d35IG NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEI? inp rooms with everything; rent rea sonable. Helvetia apt.. 23 No. 1st West. (13742 MODERN ROOMS FOR LIGHT H. K. 539 So 1st West. d3750 TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE koeplng rooms, gas range, phone, light; no children. 716 E 2nd South. Phone Hyland 742-W. d3944 NICELY' FURNISHED U. K. ROOMS, ground floor; modern. 330 South 1st West. Wasatch 6972, d3942 2 ROOMS. FRONT, GROUND FLOOR Electric light; $3. 321 E. 1st South. d3952 TWO FRONT, UNFURNISHED ROOMS; gn3. e. 1.; closo In. .111 E. So. Tomple. d3957 THREE MODERN HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ground ' floor; pantry, slecplncr porch, yard. G52 So. 2nd EaBt. (1396S TRANSIENTS CAN FIND MODERN housekeeping rooms by day. week or month, with everything finnishe'd ; rea sonable rates. 652 So. 2nd East. diOGS COMPLETELY FURNISHED ROOM. II. k. apt.. $12.50; gas, electricity, use of bath and phone Included. The Vines. 443 E. 1st South. (11059 TWO II. K. ROOMS. PARTLY FlTR nlshed: $10 per month; modern. 410 E. 2nd South. dlOGI MOD. H. K. A PT. : ALSO SINGLE rooms. 23 W. 6th So. YVas. 1531-R. d4016 NEWLY' FURNISHED 7TOUSEKEEP Ing roomsHniodern. 261 W. 2nd North Wasatch 2S3I-W. 14005 TWO ROOMS, CLOSE IN; MODERN. 5S S. 4th East. d4037 TWO MODERN HOUSEKEEPING rooms for couple. 331 W. N. Temple. Wasatch 3966-N. d 103G 3- ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED, private bath, gas. CG E. 1st North st. Was. 1301. (11034 FURNITURE REPAIRING W. WILLIAMS C- SON. 1GG N STREET Wasatch 1545-W Upholstering, chain recaned. o3I2 CONTRACTORS CEMENT CONTRACTOR. "aITTTlNDS of first-class cement work. Hyland 20JS-YV. ,i25C0 SECRET SERVICE INTER.IONANSEcluTElv7cE reliable operators. 401 Boston building' Wasatch 2475. cliso VEAINOSE THROAT DR. ARTHUR BURROWS. oTULIST and aurist; spectacles accurately lltted difficult cases solicited. g3963 PYORRHEA SPECIALIST DrT3RTW AND ORAL PROPHYLAXIS. 816 KEARNS BLDG. a2lil CLEANING AND DYEING SATTXlcEcTENrNGO BEST wacmrfed7iiSsi Br&ii FOR RENT Apartments Furnished vmtANSFolur' Location nlshecl and unfurnished suites; furnished cultei.. whii or without board; American Plan. -ai In connection; open tothg Pab'K- "COVEY Now. elegantly 'furnished' .V9?"" apartments: clovator service. J building: price reasonable: Last oiiui Temple; finest location In city. FtlS.' Wasatch 5671. " THE COLONIAL. Elegantly furnished two and three room apartments, with reduced rates from $20 and up; single without tmth. $10 and up. I Miono ax. THE ANNEX. Nicely furnished apattuients. close in. at 150 k. So. Temple. Was. 2..u2-J. o-i- NICE. 3-ROOM MODERN FLAT. 415 So. 3rd Easl. $20. McKolIar R. E. A. Inv. Co., 402 Walker Bank bldg. ri-u 3-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT. OXrOicu flat, 119 W. N. Temple. rJfaJJ FINE FURNISHED AND 'HtVJ''" nlshcd apartments In "The Caithness, corner of Second avenue and B "'rye'' Beautiful roof garden; best of car ser . ce. Apply L. C. Rlter, room 30G. Nowhouse bldg. Phono Wasatch 00 : FOR RENT, 3 OR 6-ROOM FURNISHED modern flats. 634 So. Main. blSii ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 4-BOOM flat In Cummlngs. Wasatch 6on. MODERN 3-ROOM AND BATH. $25 and up. sultnblo for bachelor apart ments. 153 Plerpont st., YVllfley apt . SHUBRICK HOTEL APTS. Cor. 4th So. and West Temple. Elegantly furnished and unfurn shed housekeeping suites finest in city large lobby janitor service. Phone YVas. KEITH APARTMENTS. High-class and elegantly furnished suites and single rooms; finest location In city: opposite Eagle Gate, within 1 block of tho business and shopping district; at reasonable rates. 122 E. S. Temple st. a if) WARREN APARTMENT. 505 SECOND East; 3 rooms, newly furnished house keeping apartments. Hyland 5C7"R-dl71 2-ROOM APT., FURNISHED. MODERN. 407 East 3rd South. d30G8 1-ROOM MODERN FLAT. E LEG A NT -ly furnished, $30. Hyland 25i.-R. dlOov injRNISHED APARTMENT. CLEAN and modern. 31C So. Ith E d4045 Bedbugs Exterminated CLEAN WORK GUARANTEED. CALL Rice. 127 E. 1st So. st. Wasatch 2400. (13674 Apartments Unfurnished tIie'Isofdoaj'a E. Gth South will bo finished about Au gust 5th. Largo rooms, sleeping porches, disappearing beds, etc,; modern and up to date. Make your reservations now. McKELLAR REAL ESTATE & INVEST MENT CO., 403 and 403 Walker Bank Building. d2726 FOUR ROOMS IN OAKS, 4TH EAST and 3rd South; Btoam. Janitor service: cheapest in town: $30 to $32.50. LITTLE & LITTLE. No. 1 W. 2nd 9o. 02951 4-ROOM APARTMENTS, "THE YORK," 7th East and 3rd South. Location Ideal. S37S3 THE NELSON 4-ROOM MOD. APT.: sleeping porch; no children. 351 3rd East. Was. G349. c310 3. 4 AND 5-ROOM. STRICTLY MODERN. Tuttle Bros. Co., 159 Main st. o2463 LAKEVIEW APTS., 271 NO. 7.LMN: 5 rooms and porch, modern, beautiful lo cation, and cool. Was. 972-R. b3769 KENSINGTON AND LA FRANCE. MOD. 4 and 5-room apts , $35 to $42.50. c957 ONE VACANT SUITE, PRESCOTT apartments. Phone Was. 2572-W. cl312 CLEAN WORK GUARANTEED. CALL Rice. 127 E. 1st So. st. Wasatch M00. , C2520 4 ROOMS AND BATH: NO CHILDREN; $20. 133 4th East. c47Sl MODERN 5-ROOM APT., NEAR UNI verslty, front and rear porches. Hy land 2890. c4G51 4-ROOM COTTAGE IN REAR. IN quire In rear. 321 1st ave. c4794 THE ZIMMERMAN. 4-ROOM STRICTLY modern, corner, newly decorated. Wa satch 17G5-J. r2923 TUCK APTS.. 3-ROOM MODERN. IN quire rear of Tuck apts.. 149 South 2n(" East. (12184 KESLER 264 NORTH STATE ST. One 5 nnd ono 3-room: Just completed; modern and beautiful. Phone W. 158G-R. C44S7 BUNGALOW APARTMENTS. 4 AND 5 rooms, disappearing beds and largo porches. No. 15 3rd East. Was. 6922. (13S05 BUTTON FACTORY ALlTTcTNDlirAND own material; special attention to mall orders. 119-23 Mercantllo Annex. Was. 4677. d231S JANO LESSONS P. N. COOK. PIANIS'I " ' Special attention to fingering and touch Beginners taken. Studio 1039 3rd avenue' Phone YVas. G710-M. dl010 BEAUTY PARLOR fosraa7kmjs9cal under Velvetlna bystem. phono Va gatch 3536. bl667 TIA.E J'"INEST MASSAGE IS UNDER .tho y.cii'et'na system. Y'ou must phone ass. 3o36 for appointment. 62 E. 4th South. jjljo SECOND-HAND STORES cas!T'Ta7d'v9diT pets, stoyos. ranges, household soods of value. Axelrod Furniture, Co.. 62 Wost 3rd South. Was. 9S3. d32'57 IRON WORKS JOE DEVEY-pMAlUFA OF all kinds of Iron works: bids and esti mates gladly furnished. 213-5-6 Edison SL d69j VACUUM CLEANING iyojTai er', uy Thu Tec" the host on the market. Demonstrations freelv civon" Installed In homos or hotila; hoS onh? machine on the market that can't got 0ifJicr4, TVCC Stationary Cleaner Co 141 E. Broadway. Phono Wasatch d?398 SAFES AND VAULTS compTeteTu AUTOMOBILE NUMBERS Sr.7-?.lW"0n' bIS"E' rppCerTHl Co 1 3 FOR RENTB ICrNEYi THE HYLAND; MC?7J--iB per month upi'bourd U cation, cool summer ni"hJleslrt,5TB South. " r nlht. Ui'fH ELEGANTLY iTTnvt7?-7----iB bath accommoaafflIETB apartments. lMioi.o Stch H district: large, a , ry t mcr nites. Mrs. Siin.w' sPd State street. '''erson, NICELY FURN. ROOMs?r-rB SSE NEVv'LY FURNISHED IlOTAnSfe vale residence; rent reaSSHiB week and up. 125 Westtth gSK LARGE. NICELY FURNlflmB room, sullablo for tfl? strictly modern homo; also porch; closo In. Phone -,vUp FOR RENT FOR 1 nn7Ji men. Phone Wasatch 22S6J per month. 325 E. 3rd So'; No. LARGE FRONT iLEBPlNfIS newly furnished, buIUWs BsbbbT month. 262 Canyon road. "W ONE NICELY FURNISHED lift ..Private fa-Hy. 2 blook?1SnJBP Utah. 47 Conter st. NLC?J,T .BURNISHED RfjSf bath and steam beat 325 5a jB Ill porch, for ono or two rcnitKf private family. Was. ZmM NICELY FURNISHED FHoSbbbE c ln Pie fa'nHi: lady preFtLV So. 4th East. iB B A RC, A I NS IN ROOMS. MTsssK lonl has reduced my ront. furnished and only $2 and JJEOB' Save your car fare. Elevatorsfc' Savoy hotel, 26 East lBtjfflfcML NEWLY FURNISHED ROOSIsSS cm home. $2. 50. $3 and 14 rM Shady yard. 103 2nd East. 3 ROOMS. NEWLY FURNlimTS: gas. Wasatch 3852. NICELY FURNISHED HOrm rsssP ern home; all conveniences; SB' walk from business district. to quiet parly. Address G-48.H' NICELY FURNISHED bath; light, cool, modern aofiW No. 4 Smith apts, 230 3rd EaitB VERY NICELY FURN. KOOifB crn convonlencps. referenctt!iBBc .-35 so. w t. -aB NICELY FURNISHED ROOMll In; breakfast If desired. HHjf A NICE PITIT1S OF lOOMSB quiet family, with use of pIiH bath, etc.; 1 blocks from LlbB-; and within walking distance oIBf park and ball park: sultablo foV' 1 1 em en or a business couple; aj)B In or out doors. Phone HylarHl 2 FURNISHED ROOMS. 333 FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVAB. Ily; Amth connecting; 3 blockBTj Xlidn st. off Second South. PhBJ ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT'ML' close in; modern. Was. NIPE FRONT ROOM IX K modern, private home; tcautllE. 336 No. Main. -f LARGE FRONT ROOM AND (S best of location. 77 No. Statei'H ELEGANTLY FURNISHED outside, cool, modern. 102 NICELY FURNISHED FRONTlMt splendid location, batli and PSL South 2nd East. WliLL FURNISHED ROOJtfBf tory. disappearing bed. dothK. bath accommodation.-:, $3.00 "7 The Vines. 443 E 1st So. 't LARGE ROOM IN NEV .."B home: best accommodatloiJ FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ROC 135 E. 1th South. j 2 NICELY FURNISHED sjg rooms, with steam heat B bath. Breakfast if desired. P"B FoTentfumiSSw largo rooms. jHt TWO NICE FRONT ROOMaJH trio light, phone and batb. To Lease tolaeTfheuck grounds. L G. Meyer, 107 iWj S. F. VETERINARY COLIB: gins Sept. 1. No profesiJ-' equal opportunity. Catalogue Keano. pres.. ISIS Market St.. ARROW PRESS-UTAH'S A plant. Printing. Binding. plies and Furniture. Legal "J W. 2nd So. Phone gxcljaMreg WE SELL, RENT AND makes. 159 State. Was. jjZf STANDARD SEWING MACHIR sale at prices and tj ers & Evans. 113 S. w. privatehomesS 'ILLOWS - M E R B. CP& conllncment. seclusion US Mrs. F. Phillips, 11th t-.j&m 13th So. Sugar station. jM SHAOOINGB S1LVMPOOING ".SSm xentlcmcn; also Wlu?B-fel all Ilnus. G2 L. 4th oui- LADIES' TAIIji! Broadway. 1 1 Bauoc JjML BgiYLINfi AL,i5M Main. Prit-s each ,e high acoroa 7:::Bl LAWN liHES 7? I ftnd rcaJI ft . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl