Newspaper Page Text
- THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1913. 5 H I game tomorrow afternoon :n tlie Alta and the Unlver lubs will be the event of Importance- for tho day. If r the whole week. All the een Bold and from all ap y will he filled with so The concessions have all vcr to the Voting Women's jclatlon members?, and will of Mtes Mildred McMillan, ar member of the social Unong those who will en s of friends arc Mr. and L. Tracy. Col. and Mrs. is, Mr. and Mrs. Ashby D. , and Mrs. J. H. Frederick Mrs. Charles Stlmpson, C. Mr. and Mrs. Lester id Mrs. William Reld, Dr. N Mayo, Mr. and Mrs. L. McLaughlin, Mr. and Mrs. jarp, Mr. and Mrs. W. TV. r. and Mrs. Karl A. Scheld, e, Leonard Wilson and Dr. "' young people ettjoyed the the Mclntyre home last ests of Miss Margaret Mc nformal dancing party. The :Iearc-d for the affair and decorated with quanltitles . The young .iostess was r mother, Mrs. W. H, Me ier sister. Mrs. Arthur G. b gueuts were Miss Mary Geneve Savage, Mies arson. Miss Marian Hooper, Marioneaux. Miss Dorothy rnest IUI1, Lawrence Clay Sraves. Fred Perkins. Le Lleutenant A. R. Under Loughsberry of San Fran- jjtErce Lewis entertained a dozen UKry pleasantly yesterday after T luncheon at the O. K. Lewis &, Harold Berry (Mike Bur 1 Hife, Orpheum). The long table kKt 'With many colored sweet pea. VB. The guests to meet Mrs. LKBre Miss Dorothy Bamberger, Khy Marioneaux, Mrs. Edgar C. ftrs. Walter Lewis. Miss Mar (JHcer, Mrs. Morton FL Cheesman. Hfcfl Houston, Miss Romola King, llBces Cowan, Miss Lillian Mur Bennsylvanla, Mrs. Stewart Tay jEPennan A. Prosser and Miss llBrestlng wedding of Wednesday MKLs that of Miss Ivy Griggs and Kvhich was solemnized at the Ehe bride's sister. Mrs. Murray nlK' Downington avenue." The '"jMLwas performed by Is'ephf L. y. JB It was interpreted lit the sign iBor the bride and bridegroom x jjE'rank. M. Driggs of the Utah V'PJql for the Deaf and Blind. The Je'a beautiful gown of white Ratine with a lace overdress. The ;B-ivt5 witnessed by about 3pends. and a reception followed jHwhlch a wedding supper was M iMtbuftet style. Assisting In re t j K guests were Mr. and Mrs. rU(H''aud Mrs. A. W. Griggs. Mr. oH U. Griggs and Miss Lizzie , HLln the dining room were Mrs. .Rs; Mrs. G. W. Phelps. Miss . lAmmertson, Miss Irma Snow and - 1 1 1 Miss G-eorglanna Humphreys, who arrived last evening to take the posi tion of principal of Rowland Hall. If l -1 p ' '' ' & fit!? UBi'- iw9i 0 Miss Gladys Griggs. Miss Kate Keeley served punch. The home was all in yel low, the rich colored golden glow and marigolds making a beautiful decoration. Mr. and Mrs. Low will leave for Boulder, Mont., where Mr. Low will be a super visor in the Montana school for the deaf and blind. The ladles of the army received their friends yesterday afternoon, as is their custom on the first Thursday in each month, although the calling was of a much more Informal nature than is usual In the winter season. Many of the hostesses received their friends on the lawns and had tea served outdoors. The officers and ladles will entertain their friends this evening at the first hop since change for the betterfrom .u-. . pasted and other lenses with ugly f Br fa' mr teams t0 clear !e,tses: $M 1 Invisible Bifocal I "Your glasses, Governor, are almost on your I ftffKEmautV remarked a friend to Woodrow Wil- 1 feD whose eyeglasses were perched perilously I 'pear the tip of his nose. H lUlKr "That's all right," was the quick response, 1 lm want to see what I am talking about." 1 BaJiB. Had Mr. Wilson been wearing "Kryptoks" 1 BFe would have been able f'to see what he was 1 --plking about," and at the same time wear his 1 SKpsBes where they belonged, U Wt They are the only invisible fused bifocal B Jpjtim and are protected by ample patents for Ml 3X9 made by fusin& two lenses into i ' 'JSpe the upper part for distance, the lower 1 Jg;HRarfc for reading and you can't see where they I &T wte fused together. B' Kryptok lenses are the finest bifocals in fl -'Se world you'll find them only at the Colum- 1 im Ptical C' I Amber Tinted Glasses S B&Hl'r' tenul8 P!ay,ns' ,mtrlna or any other outdoor fi .hUSat,on,v'henAhe 8Un 13 farS"t or In the winter when 1 Uklnt LB 5n the around, are made many times more I vVmnii.ble and eas;i,0nt.the eyeo whe" amber.colored 1 1lB,as,?eo are worn. We show a I styles and olzes In finest I "?fnU(ale8-It,;e k,nds that crease the llSh? wltK affSrt- I yE v'3'n g 337 SO.. MAIN ST. jgmt fyiMBIAN fo. early in July, the affair being one of the series of informal summer hops. v. Miss Blanche Strickley entertained about a score of friends yesterday after noon in honor of Miss Alice Jones, whose marriage takes place next Thursday. Four tables of "'500" were played and prizes awarded the winners. The hos tess was assisted by her niece, Miss Marjorie Gray. The rooms were deco rated with pink sweet peas and gladi olus. Colonel and Mrs. James M. Arrasmlth left last evening for Los Angeles for a visit before going back to their station at the Presidio of San Francisco. Miss Dorothy T-Tarker, daughter of Captain and Mrs. T. K. Harker, remained over a day or so, so as to make her trip with them, and she left also last evening to visit relatives there. Mrs. Malcolm Key3er was the hostess yesterday afternoon at a matinee party at the Utah theater for Mrs. Horace H. Clark of Chicago and Mrs. John Charles Clark of Rolla. The other guests were Mrs. John C. D. Clark and Mrs. J. A. Slaughter. Following the play the com pany enjoyed a tea at the Hotel Utah. During their visit in the city on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bush and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander were en tertained by the cousins of the last named, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Robert son. The parts' enjoyed a motor trip around the city and a visit to the Rob ertsons' beautiful country home in Gil mer place. Adjutant General and Mrs. TD. A. Wedg wood and .Miss Wedgwood will leave on Monday for the east, General Wedgwood to so to Camp Perry for the annual shoot and tho ladies to visit friends in Chicago and Nebraska. t Miss Georgianna Humphreys, tho new principal of Rowland Hall, arrived last night on a late train and is at home at the Hall. Miss Humphreys has been dean of women at the Huron university in Michigan. Mrs. W. W. Torrence is spending a few weeks with relatives and friends in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Giendinnlng re- Now Is the Time to Get Bid of These Ugly Spots. There's no longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your frecldes, as the prescription, othine double strength is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine dou ble strength from Schramm-Johnson, Drugs, "The Never Substitutors," five (5) good stores, and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soou see that even the -worst freckles have begun to disappear, while tbe lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce is needed to completely clear the skin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be sure to ask for the double strength othine, as this is sold tinder guarantee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. (Advertisement.) Natural Attractiveness Axv 3 Just a little touch of CARMEN" rndlatcs your reul beauty adds a youth fal blushing complexion y and won't enow powder or come off until removed. CARMEN ?owpv rrrr Knttrpiv diaerenttw'ciraJ MHBfrom all otbers.t&gEan Xrctalnslragrauce sc"i JBk -will not injure M W r JWWWI mostrlcllcatefkln.Pl A ili LH 111 Wfii". FUth, HfeMdAaPfe-tl-H I Cream. Pink. DpVHPrnBy Toilet Size. SOe. W m X A 1 LH Ml Stafford .Miller Co. VAtfttitofcaV SlSOIircSt, St. Lonb, Ha. For bale uy SCHRAMM-JOHNSON, DKUGS And all Leadlnfj Druggists j 4 RESTAURANT M EivinESTiiiy One of Salt Lake City's Most Popular Restaurant Men Tries Plant Juice. Everybody In Salt Lake City knows of the State cafe, one of the biggest and most popular eating houses in the state. They also know of Us owners, the Buller Brorf., who also own other restaurants, among them a noted one at Butte, Mont W. J. Buller Is one of tin: best restaurant men in the west He is a Arm believer in the merits of Plant Juice, for he has tested It and knows of Its value. Mr. Buller says: "I can say that your Plant Juice is all that you claim for it. It has given me great relief from indigestion and other stomach troubles. It is a grand remedy and I take pleasure in telling my friends who are on the sick list about it." Plant Juice is truly a grand remedy as Mr. Buller says. Thousands of people in Salt Lake City have become aware of this and hundreds of others are learning daily. It is new and Is the greatest system cleanser, corrective and curative of the age. It is an absolute specific for all ail ments of the stomach, kidneys, liver and blood. Tf you are debilitated, nervous, dyspeptic, constipated, bilious, have ca tarrhal troubles or suffer any ailment of the vital organs named, take Plant Juice. You will find quick relief and a speedy cure. For sale by Schramm-Johnson, drugs, five (5) good stores. (Advertisement.) turned yesterday after a trip abroad, having spent several months on the continent. , Mrs. Anna Seek of Kentucky and Miss Bonnie Kunz of Illinois are guests of Mrs. J. P. Schraven at her home, 623 West First South street. Mr. and Mrs. Ben L. Rich have re turned from a stay of more than a month In Washington and at Atlantic City. t- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brandon, who have leen visiting Mts. Brandon's mother, Mrs. M. A. AJford, left Tuesday for the northwest. s Mr. and Mrs. Cliarles Van Dyke will leave on Monday for a visit of a few weeks in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stowe have re turned from California, and are again at home in Federal heights. Mrs. Tliomas MarioneauN- and Miss Dorothy Marioneaux returned yesterday from a slay of a few days at Silver Lake. V Mrs. Andrew (Elsie Parsons) is here from Nevada visiting her father, M. K. Parsons, at the Bransford. 4 i Miss Lida A. Gilmore, who has been spending the summer in Chicago and vi cinity, will return today, and will be at home with her niece. Miss Grace E. Frost, at Is'o. 10 the Dorius apartments. a Mrs. W. H. Dyer will entertain a few of her friends at an Informal tea. on Tuesday next at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Frederick Steigmeyer. Mrs. Clarence Warnock and Mrs. A. L. Hoppaugh and their children went up to Silver Lake yesterday to remain a few weeks. ir W Dr. and Mrs. James B. McEnany have returned from a delightful outing of a few weeks at Fish Lake. Miss Francis Cowan will entertain at a luncheon next Wednesday at the Coun try club in honor of her guest, Miss Lil lian Murdock. Mrs. W. O. Bechtel will be here Sun day from Kansas City on her way to Portland, and will visit her daughter, Mrs. C. U. Heuser. Mrs. EJ. F. Root will entertain at cards this afternoon for Mrs. Waiter Hlmman. formerly Miss Hazel Culmer. Mrs. N. L. Swartwood will entertain this afternoon at a tea to meet Mrs. W. E.- Kcit of Lincoln, Neb., sister of Mr. Swartwood. George J. Bailey and wife, together with Daniel and Mabel Church of Po catello. are spending several days in the city shopping. They are guests of the Semloh hotel. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Delano, who left early in February for a tour of the world, have landed in Xew York and will be homo shortly. 4 IS The regular meeting of the central W. C. T. U. will be held today at 2:30 at the T. W. C. A. rooms In the Continental building. b a The marriage of Miss Nellie Ashworth of Ogden and John T. Nuttall of this city took place yesterday afternoon at tho home of the bride In Ogden. Miss Jeane Salmon of the county re corder's office and Miss Annie Salmon of the county clerk's office have returned after a vacation spent at Yellowstone park- Salt Late Statistics Marriage Licenses, Benjamin F. WaltOB and Jesslo G. Hamilton, both of Salt Lake. Ward L. Loo and Annie L. McLciiy, holh of St. Lsuls. Patrick Heiley and Ada Stadtlander, both of Butte. Mont. Births, Robert J. Cleshoro. -I1G Seventh avenue, xlrl. Henry A. SkllbecV. 136$ South Fourteenth Eist. girl. William M. McGrath. 1511 South Ninth East. nin. Daniel W. Llprrmn. 2: II ttreet. girl. A. It. Tlotf, 1215 Soulh Sevrntu East. girl. Hamilton E. Robinson, Juds Mercy hospital, slrl. GeorRc Panos, 2-11 Sccoud East, girl. Archibald A. Kerr, 475 South Twelfth East, girl. John Henry Cam Koly Crocs noipltal. slrl. Deaths. Augutt I. 1313 William Lester Kclchum. ZZZ Eatt Fourth South, years: acute nophrltlo. August 0. 1313 Lee KoUr Scu. St Plum alley. 63 years; unknown but natural. Heal Estate Transfers. A. D. McMullIti to Franc! W. Klrkham. part section IS. township Z louth, rans 1 west .. , ...J j A. E. Cook to W. C. Clos, lots C and 7. niith half lot 5, block 6. Welby townsltc. I'lat A 73 V W. Scott to Hert B, Gray, pari lot 5. block plat 12 10 Louise WVlkcr to David Walkor. part lot IS. block 1. flve-acre plat A 500 David Walker to Naomi Holme:, part lot 13. block 1. flve-acre plat A 7fio Qulnco Rice to Maud E. Vord. lot . north half of block 5, Thonn subdivision .... 10 James- G. Smith to J. Carloi Lambert, part nccllon 21, township 1 south, range 1 cnt 1 William O. Mawsoii. Jr., to Granite School dlbtrlct. part lot 13. block Granite sub. dlvlulon - 200 Paul Tbomasaen to William G. Torev. pirt lot , block 72. plat D .' jo David Warr to PhllUa Warr. part rcctlon 10. townihlp 1 south, range 1 went 1 David Warr to Parley R. Wnrr. part sec tion 23. township 1 south, ranga 1 tvett 1 Charier E. HIM to P. H. Hansen, part sec tion 8, township 3 noutli. rango 1 cast... 1.500 Hurt & Carlqulat Co, to Quince Rice. lot and north hclf lot 5, block 1, Thorn's . subdlvlalou ,. 10 THE AET OF. FEINTING Would be lost in Salt Lake if the Cen tury were not in business. 55-137 Post office place. (Advertisement.) 1 l1 the Coupon I lJ ShownBelow I I This forty-eight page book, we will be pleased to give you, describes and I H S pictures tbe hundreds of beautiful and useful presents we give in exchange I H S for coupons packed with our brands of cigarettes and smoking tobaccos and 1 1 for tags that come on chewing tobaccos. 1 H I The book explains the value of all tags and coupon.3 and states how many are I I required to secure any of the presents. 1 I Get a copy of the book at our store 21 East First South Street, Salt Lake 1 1 or mail us the coupon shown below with your name and address. I Giving away these presents is our method of advertising our brands of cigarettes B I and tobaccos. You get the same high quality in the goods full value for your money. I Save the Coupons and Tags I I Presents as listed in the catalogue are given in rs fj' I fe return for lhe follonS coupons and tags': LWg- S H I iMMS-'f liii i Cigarettes having coupons: Smoking Tobacco having Psiffi 1 I ' fRETM FAT1MA coupons: 3 IMPERIALS VELVET "5-" 1 H I 4Z3tiBK&Ete&& RICHMOND STRAIGHT CUT DUKE'S MIXTURE l 3 i W& I I PIED310NT PICK. (Plu5 Cut) - "Jfs- I I W't S? m LT 3IILL FOURER05ES S H 1 Lt! pe? cigr1111 RECnuiT L1TTLE j- I rSffl POLO Certificate, with TIN SLEY'S J ''l ' I iVfl si CAPORilL PREMIUM (Chewing Tobacco) j j. I I Ikwl (Cheiving and Smoking) Tobacco having tass of value aucNo I 1 I uOTrf g (jSk " CIGARETTES- 1 I "A"ciiCO jy Uado Sa 0 Hcr.c lloo QnsJsRrd'm.Ksi 1 Hundreds of Beautiful and Useful Presents I I When you get the book you will be surprised to see the great number of presents you have to choose from, including those for men, women and tlie entire family, and 1 H I for the household. Such articles as pipes, razors, vatches, fountain pens, toilet 1 1 articles, shopping bags, umbrellas, jewelry, cameras, roller skates, baseballs, catchers' I 1 mitts, fishing rods, dolls, silverware, cut glass, etc. I I Coupons and tags may be assorted as explained in the book. 1 1 Pennants and Pillow Tops I I Gobelin Tapestry Panels College Pillow Tops I Six deIgn to eclect from, procurable vrilh . All tie leading unirerjiric, colleges and fntsxsll orders, procnrablo with I 40 coupons: Imperiales, Fatima, Richmond Straight Cut 50 coupons: Imperiales, Fatima, Hichinond Straight Cut I 60 coupons: Old Mill,.Picdmont, Obak 75 coupons: Old Mill, Piedmont, Obak 1 Beautiful 2onI defTgns, czoztmcsi of 24 to select frna, procttrailo iHlIi I v Jjpggfe 60 coupons: "Imperiales, Fatima, Richmond Straight Cut I mwl flf A -P SGg" 90 coupons: Old Mill, Piedmont, Obak College Pennants 1S9 eollesci, unirerili, fratenwl order ad foreign coaatric to ft' P"1013 Store , R H 1 cUooo frosi, proeunblo vith M LIGGETT & MYERS TOBACCO CO. g I 25 coupons: Imperiales, Fatima, Richmond Straight If 21 Eut Pint Soaih St., Salt Late. Utah v I jH Cut pjeaae tzzd mo your forty-eight pa5e feea book picturing cal detenbing, ( J H 38 Coupons: Old Mill, Piedmont; Obak Wf ti,, preaUj you 5W0 for tio return cf dgirctlo cad tobacco exjupoa 1 pm and tobacco tsg H H Send the Coupon Get the Catalogue M rame- " 1 0 Ad- 3 I JM I TTfcea you call to ret tho book of preenli be fure nd ee tbe f'j j. ? I H vlndow dlepliy of thee prnnanU, pillo' top tail pencil. Ak aS H)f " ' p ftj '"iVu U teXf cntoTr;. tben d tbe roPoa. gB-g 1 H Premium Store I C2 and The John. Bollman Company 1 S . 21 East First South Street ' 1 1 '':g; ; salt lake, utah ' - I H NO PRESENTS iv-ill be mailed or expressed from this Htorc as it is maintained for counter redemption only. I Mail and express shipments arc made ONLY lrom 331 Battery Street, San, Francisco. I