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Newspaper Page Text
H. THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, -1913. - J" ft ISL POST PREPAID f&K jjff SBm S S mf S S m S S m mBBma X S m S M ml BrW m tV M M ImBtt ml mf mm mJ vVffjy jdHFT '- , -&t3ssssssssssn I5c amasr :.: 1 wWVli. f 'ff (( lp ' l'iF''in 1 IMllwK S1C.E-D 60c S?0Rii S 10c 18c wgBMUBByPWi 43c r&IVo? (5c E:3 20c '.TiE NEVER-SVBSTITUTORS" , 86c Sl'l!?s irring Economy News for Mail Order Buyers An Entire Page of Matchless B - sssssm ft ains oUr Out -of -Town Patronj ng Strength of 5 Great Stores Is the Power Behind This Saw r Anything You Order From This Ad Is Sent With Km ation Charges Prepaid to Any Railroad Point Within 300 MilJp k&sF s wondorful FREE DELIVERY BARGAIN SALE means that you can order anything listed in this advertisement sending D dl or r? .lE! IjMf us only tho price of the article us quoted adding nothing for postage, express or freight. Depend upon it, our SERVICE IS PROMPT fiCHUlai Ii.4iD F&VAVltHtf lssSI AND RELIABLE there is absolutely not tho slightest shadow of risk in BUYING BY MAIL AT SCHRAMM-JOHNSON'S positively 2. , MjB I) not because we value your good will and continued patronage far more than the money-profit in any ouo sale. Do not retain any article fa (f)IFf JUT!! SwinnA Immt f purchased here that ic not satisfactory. SUPERIOR VALUE, PROMPT SERVICE AND NO RISK TO THE CUSTOMER, is our motto. Orders mm UJIUlgg M J received today are forwarded today. Never before have we been so splendidly prepared to take care of tho immense volume of orders which 23n 1PS 1 1 pour into our mail order department daily. ilv ' QOrtssW' j Shop by Mail at Schramm-Johnson's You'll Pay Less Save More Jl3V , X m ' and Get the Best. Notice This Week's Special Inducements. t(j i SB. &m Read every item some mighty big savings are listed in small print. Don't miss a line of this great economy news. II 1 V 03t typa oiB Blllj Hill's Hparlarhp xS?8i 35c English breast 01 3.go Marvel whin- !!,ructlon" BPjHU VM . S&nRHiiBnB)ft0dTa" ' rr -ry 111,1 S ""Haine SafiTSW PUMPS. SPECIAL Z 1 C Jpl lug Spray Syringe. J 1 f YT TuWnj I MB "t, Mil HBk8 Wrri H " . The most efficient Wf 25C BROMO QUININE. 1 7rTi vl of Perfection. TBjSi J 3SC 8-INCH DRESSING COMB. Part fine nervms V VtA SPECIAIj " C SSfr-'pBg flUarl aIze- !?&' d S-cISr.G. 21c SSK5-.25C j 'P:. a' "JJ' a gruat combination offer ,W f $2.75 "Kantleek" Fountain Syringe $1.90 y o,iia y i . UU $2.25 Shaving Outfit Delivered at Your Door Poslpaid for fUaW ot aaa nillr0Se Velv We'i at the Me stick WIlHamB' Sliavlns Soap V V fa! N7P5l - A 1 S fllllV feMl T cln, s!,,!?i:1r. 1 51-75 LAUREL COMBINATION HOT WATER tlfff, 25c. All tlirec of the above Items $2.25 value sent dla (tarJss' "ROTTT F XfSjTi J?d T TXTTP A TM CVDTVPP gTSL cach. postpaid-special. $1.62 j NL 1 1 J- AINU V U UN IAIN SYRINGE . CS t o tI, C o . , " 2-quart size May be used as a Hot Water Bottle or CrSfa-- O-lnCn tiClSSOrS special 23C a Fountain Syringe. White Rubber with hard rubber tfc f) -f Heals, nour- vfes ;M. A.vora Patent Spring Tension Shears. Always sharp. WIth a prac- 9 V fStVfiluWT IK WeB and feeds fFM tlca adjustable attachment which permits ot cuttlntr tho thickest nf ' ' - W l. , co r,rr, ,. J, JL. J, . c,')eci'1, H I 1 tTiocVin Tn fiU B H H aJfliXafili IOOrdeTTTfhe Following Articles:! If St V M ,r, DELIVERED FREE TO ANY RAILROAD POINT WITHIN 300 MILES OF SALT LAKE CITY II absorl3ed- MlliiHlK P JlSiSll HIUARBUTU I SkfJ5 , FlLwerffor 45c jI H IIIbsP l T ! i O 1,s- r"roduces Rood lather. No per- A Inrge oval cake of coap that lathers miitnf Ic3!' S X7 in's C g5-- - 5 for fc fgmfc CAes for 45c i bpeCial&W B ' " Hfesfl9HBBBBs Silicon r 9r 1 POUND BOR'VCIC 01 1 -8- iBj''1'1 la4!. 76c Itt1.! .19c nnV M0'c'-' $n5 'Sast6k;;c cl Sent Parcels Post IK .nrno wrgTHuSRSA.GE 79,. IMf 'S gMva,' ' Prepaid K 7y sa?gSS,l 42c B: 2Sc B .ifiiii-., 'a8..?:' 35 1 50c oz Qaadroole hMW ilmr- M 00 DANDERINE Jl 1 Pound Epsom Q flH .HRB strength ....... C.aI J5C 1 DOZEN SANlTARy I L' UflUI UP1C WWWri( pc;NE,-' L9c :au::';;."25c pScc perfumes m my ZZc 83c $5.oo ( I I;E.Ar,''l,U! "ens'ar "a,r Tonic s?siiu,'ti0tfl 55-00 1 ezmmmpitoZ ST 4& worth ' V pSh? fa a Mtm, p.,, An I i nr or more ji --,r,ly M I -yv-; 21Ws for 9 U&ljJP cZoJcasVa'ra'sj V CI Ctl I H I W " rLT'Z h. I ""Th" " P " "l"p" i !' .hum D I jound Susar nr 17 IT 1 mr ,- "air Tonic' S'" ,XMAis B Prepaici...! .Rff -1 Special Sale on Ssr 35c JmS$gr S'-"azo1 fttiTSsSI .-"'.T-nTrXAK wtel TRUSSES 3ScW. - 10c. a-'rwrSHlfI l.... "Inslc. like out .$I.tU -J3C SipBSi 75c S1.00 .M fej P Sent Parcels Post Prepaid lP'--f SIXX fte OKve Oil Shoe Dressings: Special TCS'p 2jKg K iK ubb. single P.W Its srowdi. The r- r lWsZti Positively without an equal for table For ladles', children's ami nw IS! 30c Stillman's Preokle Crown, 'llllflR KR "kST LEATHER SPRING C4 nn b"le 3UC fr or medicinal use. shoes. Dressing that yoften and HI S.nt P'irr,lM Post Pronald V'Sl AC B'l'RUSS, double $4.00 nWM Full ijuarxs. ft 1 AO l'rervc: restore color nnd U re 1 ta?1 H BEST HARD RUBBER C9 CfA fci 81 fel.UU a ,f Dressings fS 9 S5c Cuticura Soap, 1 ft , nf SPRIN TRUSS' 0,,l5,C $2.50 o0c University Fabric Linen, fine I ffc f jJ 50C Sent Parcels Post Prepaid 1 0 I FIVESTORES-WHERE THE CARS STOP" ' ' 1 rrrrCk... n's I l?S.g:.... 10c , . . rWwtl;:; Jxc 1 bVDt p,ols Prcpaid'; S! POWDER 1NSBCT IOC No. 2 Store. Main No. 3 Store, let W. No. 4 Store. Main No. 5 store, Ma.n I No. 6 Store Main and I G"tEdee 1 9 C D Dupree Giini Tiue Mender, JMlfS ncils, K Sr,C JTMDQ INSECT in 1 "d 5th South. and So. Temple. and 1st South. and 3rd South 2nd South. " Whlttcmore's Elite Co,n-H Sent Parcels Post 1'ropaiaW.gJt Cl Osk POWDER R LOWER IMC T T. Z (Th" Kenyan Cor. fo ?" L1(lld and Paste M " TT. tMKte& 9c immmmam Special Silvery Any Hour-Mny Time-Phone Ex. 10- All S!or""SjWliM