Newspaper Page Text
THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 13, 1913. n H TiMESNAP SEEN IN sItock market trading SHiive Positions of Leaders Are Unchanged JDespite Fact That Total Transactions B'. Exceeded 530,000 Shares. Iy BROADAN WALL. TORK, Aug. 12. There was Be of the old time snap In today s rlcet Trading broadened and Lwsactions exceeded 530.000 shares Stive position of the market remains unchanged. Stent strength of steel corn ea dominant feature from the to the close. Short covering doubt responsible for a large por the activity but a good aeal of in was attributed to a large -who, believing that the market b way to higher prices, has ac td a considerable line of steel ' within the last two days, bn fic was second In point of m iS strength. A large open short tip to tills time hao not beeri extreme advance of two points, fc closed with a net gain of 15. k exchange has ruled that tran Hn Union Pacific on and after kl be ex-rights. F well defined belief that after fcmont of the Southern Pacific En Union Pacific shareholders ve an extra cash dividend, fedlng In Southern Pacific was Brely light in volumo. The II JUURKET IS rk and London Show ikness in Demand for Tin. (electro) ' 'T.$is!s7i16 00 4 ew York ?4.45 bid f r 53?c , tIOndon. t y j y ?. ,5"11d. )RK, Aug. 12. Copper, strong, pot and August. 51-1-72J5.S5: ... $H.9215.75: October, ?14.D5 electrolytic, S15.8716.00; lake, istlng, $15.6215.75. reak. Spot. $41.7542.00; August, .90; September. $41.1041.40; :lll.0041.10. ny Nominal. Cookson's, SS.40 Iteady. No. I northern. ?16.003 . 2 northern, S15.501G.00. i markets closed as follows: r-Easy Spot and futures, 69. c: spot, 1S8 10s; futures, 1S7. Heveland -warrants, Bos. Closing Stock List. u lStlcs.HlnhU3w1 Cli. td Copper :,700 74i 73 74H Agricultural 45 f 8tWt Bugr. 1,400 7S 27:4 2S K 1R.600 3S4 8J?i SS b- -5W S(H 02i Kl4 F"- 7 46H 15 Pa Oil.. 600 U vi 41 Becurltleii. . . :oo 23'A 22"A w&M(d : ..... p Rinotlre 1,200 34H isii 33H WJt Kef 6,200 6SU 65yi 67V4 Rf '. "200 iiivj iiiii 111 t.fc Tel SOO 237 fj'lPg Co 2.E00 87VJ ZiVi 37'i 'r' ssv; 074 07 ''t ja- I 300 07 374 07" JBjOhlo lo'r, 374 "r"" 07 jVI1 , Tranflt.... 2.600 0OU lOhi S9S ,lfT't!u 1;'400 21?1- "0t-i AlrKf. er 1'100 23"i "i; iR11?' 2'P00 67Si' r'ScS B7 uleni...... 100 14 I 14 13 lPv. p l.-00 lOSvjllOT 10SU liO.'lh West... 1.000 130HI130 130U Ml & Iron 1.7001 33H 32'i 3214 .G" I.200llS3"-li33 I13S',; ... 4.3001 11UI 10K-I 10'.', LHudton 107 Rio Orindc ;j h- 6001 'ssii 35" 35i Kurftlcs 2001 14 14 11 14.1001 29H 20UI 23H 1iA 3001 47 47U! 17H 300I 3S-'t 3Sll 3S KVlt 300I142U U2 14 1H f"1 PM 1.1OSI120V1 J2Si4.l2S-i 'V W0I 36'6l SOU! 3-5' I g"1, COOl 107 Il03mi07 - M(l 1.600 16t lC'.i: 16i " ',1,600 62 61?il ill 107U ff ' lS'.S PPr ja il Pump ; 7 ,Jlen 2,300 27 26 264 f 0C 17 8. COO 153H 152 1S2U f "1 &00 135Hll34 1S5H f . 8. M 130 r ' f 1.700 33V, 33 33Vi l""111 60 120:i 120 U9i "ji 4? !? ""IfO SOo! 13 13 ?t,ra' 2.5(Wl 55-; flflTi PJH SOOl 30 28; SOV. twtitcrn. S.400ll07M'l06i 106i LrI?f,n EOOl 71iit 711 71, Rtlr" 3.S10 113H 112y,lll2i!- 11 100 23 22 22 " 1.400 113V, li3'JlI3-4; J? a: . 2oo ii4?i U4Sini ?Mi : 10 Lef ; ... ; ; JJv Cur !..!ii:,3i4 rJM ' , 74,203 162 ' isoilllfiiri i0" 'StCB! 3.E00 25: 25 25 'sV V. 1'200 S7-'4 SO FtlKr Lo" ' O0 WW 18'-4 1014 ""SBr'V'V, 3(50 20J MA i'IZMRu ti""- P,J' ' 3ni) 8 S14 L,ue 3.300 20U 10'4 20 SUL"'. t 500 45U 444 4 iKiciri,. m 59 25Xi JK:."( JM00 024 01 ?ll ylW?n 7 2.500 25 2SUI 25T4 . jv 300l 80 SO 78 i?Br flW! " fl2 "'I .B?f B 100 624 61 63 ;fKv 145,800 es; 3i; cr. iik'B ?oolio?s;iosvt iosu ;mp. chtm.". 7,?oo r4v 5H fcf;' 3.400 164 4 162 . H 4 K,LC'fei?C '",'':: '64H "4 ..'P torh dy. r7.80O Dharw. i-jB New York Money. iBBMnoiy 12;?ney on call, jB9ftna. eaaler: Bixty days, 2j4; 0JINTA Sands IlfB crle.J i J- '?nd8J flood pasture ft teALTY COMPANY, stock closed -svith a slight decline. It Is Inferred that the shares -will be under pressure for some weeks to come. It can not be expected that the situation will "hold the bas" for the drlbbllnc: liquida tion that may be expected to follow the distribution of tho stock. Tho copper shares were strong: and ac tive, Amalgamated jcralnlnc two points on further reports of a. strong demand for the metal around 16 cents. Utah and Tennessee copper advanced fractionally. Brie touched 29Z and Wabash preferred made a sharp gain of mora than two points. The speculative position of theso shares has already been alluded to. and a further advance is probable. Canadian common crossed 35 and St. Paul rose 1 per cont. The Hill shares maintained their position and tho less ac tive issues advanced from two to four points. Crop reports ar not encouraging", num erous' private reports estimates suggest a further loss of SOO, 000 bushels slnco the government crop reports of August 1. Confidence in abundant money at easy terms is no doubt the basis of tho strong buying that has appeared in the market this week. Commission houses report a steady Increase In outside inquiry and this may be ocpected to continue, fol lowing ns It does the operations of the large traders. ninety days, 4J43: six months, 5155 per cent Prime mercantile paper, 5 to 6i. Sterling exchange, steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 5-1.83.25 for sixty-day bills and at $4.86.60 for demand; commercial bills, $4. S3. Bar silver, K95c Mexican dollars, -47c. Government bonds, steady; railroad bonds, steady. ITcw York Bonds. V S Steel 2nd 65....100S Inlcr M M 6U1 Wabash lsi 4s 51H Japan 4V4s S7TS U S ref la rcg P3 K O So rot te 07 do coupon 03 Lafco S dob 4s SOVr U 8 3s leg 102 t. & K Un 4s 02'A do coupon 102 M., K & T 1st 4n.. 21 TJ S 4s rcg HOIS do gen 4,4b ...... 0Ti do conpon 110'4 Mo Pac 4s ........ J3 Panama 8s coupon.,. 00 do conv 5a 87 Allls Clial 1st 6s... .110 Nat Ryo of Mex 60 Amcr Agrl Bs 93 X Y Contral 34". ... S9 Amor TiTcv 4s.. 1014 do dob 4s ..20 Amcr Tob 6s 1154 No Pao 4s , 93W Armour & Co 4V4e.. P0H d & Atchison gezi 4s.... 054 O S Ii r(ds 4s , SOW , B & O 4s 91H Reading son 4s 04H do 3b 91 St L. & S. F. 4s.... 70V4 O & O 44s 92 do gon Ea ISEVt do conv 44s 8731 So Pao col 4s...... S3H C it A 34s 64,L do ov 4a 87U C B i Q Jt 4n S44 do 1st rof is 90 do gon 4k 03 Union Pao 4s 95 D & R G rot 5s 73 do ct 4s 2 III Contral 4b S9T4 do 1st rat 4s S2U Inter Met 45s 764 Condition, of tae Treasury. TTASHrKGTON-, Aug. 12. The condi tion of tho United States treasury at the beginning of business today was: Net balance In general fund . ,.$1X1,002,005 Total receipts yesterday 1.2G7.173 Total payments vesterdav 2.755,149 The deficit this fiscal year Is 311,-00S.62.-1 against a deficit of $3(742,329 last year, exclusive of Panama canal and public debt transactions. Coffee Futures Steady. NtETW YORK, Aug. 12. Higher Euro pean cable and reports of advance in the cost and freight market caused an open ing advance of 4 to 12 points In the cof fee market. There was a good deal of realizing and prices soon eased off. Tho close was steady at 7 to 12 points lower. August, 8.66c; September, 8.72c; Octo ber, 8.83c; December, 9.07c; January. 9.16c; March, 9.34c: May, 9.45c July, 9.51c. Spot Quiet. Rio 7's. 9ic; Santos 4's, 12. Mild dull, Cordova, 1316c nominal. Flax, Oats and Bye. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 12. No. 3 yel low corn. 767Ga. No. 3 white oats, S9s O40. No. 2 rye, 5759c. Flax, $1.46! 1.47g. Barley, 4864c, Flour unchanged. Bran, $17.00()17.50 Cotton Market. NE7V YORK, Aug. 12. Cotton soot Quiet. Middling uplands, $12,00; gulf, ?12.25; sales, none Evaporated Fruits. NEW YORK, Aug. 1 2. Evaporated ap ples, quiet. Prunes, firm. Apricots, qui et. Peaches, dull. Raisins, quiet. LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS, Chicago. CHICAGO. Aug. 12. Liberal arrivals at western points today made the hog mar ket here weak. Cattle were easy, the receipts being a little- larger than expected. Lambs appeared to bo In demand for feeding, but the supply of sheep appeared a trife in excess of needs. Hogs Receipts, 15,000; steady to a shade lower. Bulk. $8.30S.95; light, S.909.35; mixed. $S.05(fi)9.30: heavy, $7.80 579.00; rough. $S.008.S(i: pigs, $5.808.80. Cattle Receipts. 5000. "Weak to lOo low er. Beeves. S7.109.20; Texas steers, $6.80 7.S0; western steers, $6.3537.76; stock ers and feeders, $5.407,70; cows and heifers, $5.60$BS.50; calves, $8.00cS'11.25. Sheep Receipts. 33,000. Slow, weak. Native aheep, $3.905.00; western, $4.00!Q 5.90; yearlings, $5 1O0'5.85; lambs, native. $5.257.35; western, $5.75(0)7.50. Kansas City, KANSAS CITY. Aug. 12. Hogs Re ceipts, 12,000. Steady to 5c lower. Bulk. $8.258,70: heavy. $8.20(g)8.55; packers and butchers. $8.25(3.8.70; lights, $8.25(3)8.75; plgB, $G.257.00, Cattle Receipts, 15,000. Steady. Prime fed steers, ?8.408.S5; dressed beef steerH, $7.25(3)8.35; western steers, $5.75S.25; southern steers. $5.257.00; cows, $3.50(0) 6.50: heifers. $4.508.60; Blockers and feeders, $5.2557)7.75; bulls, $4.00(0)6.25; calves, $5.00(0)5.50. Sheep Receipts. 6000. Lambs. $5.75() C.S5; yearlings, $4.50(g)5.50; wethers, $4.25 35.00; ewes, $3.50(0)4.25; stockera and feeders, $2,50(0)5.25. Omaha. OMAHA. Neb., Aug. 12. Cattle Re ceipts, 3000. Strong to 10c higher. Natlvo steers, $7.20!g'8.80; cows and heifers, $5.75 QiS.OO; Texas steers, $5.75(0)7.50; stockers and feeders, $G.007,75; calves, $6.00 9.00. Hogs Receipts, 11.500. Market, 10o to 20c lower. Heavy, $7.758.15; lights, $8.15 (0)S.6O; pigs, $7.00(0)8.00: bulk, $7.85(0)8.10. Shee-p Receipts, 13,000; 10c to 15c High er, Ycarling3, $4.75(0)5.25; wethers, $4.20 (0)4.60; lambs, $6.50(0)7.15. YELLOWSTONE EXOUESION. Special "Home Folks" Excursion ""Wylie Way," Leaving August 28. Bail and complete stage transporta tion and six days' accommodations at flrst-claRS porruanent campa, $47.25. Go "Wylle Way," see all of Ycllowstono park, with a day at Old Faithful and the detour to tho famou3 Mammoth Hot Sprinpa. H. H. Hays, G. T. A.. 25 W. South Temple. Telephone Wasatch 4483, (Advertisement.) MOOSE EXCURSION 1 ' To Park Oity August 14. $1.50 for tho round trip. The Moose special leaves Salt Lako 6:00 a. m., audi Teturninpr, loaves Park Oity about 11:00 p. m. Good chance to ace the bi mines. Evorybody invited- (Arlvortlsrmtnt.) HEAVY SHRINKAGE II COM CROP REPORTED Estimate That Hot Weather CauseH Loss of 300 Mil lion Bushels. CHICAGO. Aug. 12 Estimates that the com crop had shrunk 300,000,000 bushels sine August 1 exerted a powerful ef fect today In lifting the market. Clos ing prices were firm at a net advance of ftl to i0 cent. Wheat showed a gain of h to g5 cents and oats a rise of I to g cents. In provisions the out come was a decllno of 21(0)5 to 375 cents. According to well-known experts, the extraordinary new damage that is alleged to havo diminished the corn yield has boen ascertained by a widespread in vestigation as to 'baron stalks. The in Jury said to havo been demonstrated Is charged to severe and unusual weather conditions at the fertilizing season. Incessant dry, hot weather southwest more than offset in the corn pit any advantage the bears might have obtained from rains in portions of the country nearer Chicago. Many former holders replaced lines, and there was muob new Investment due to small receipts. Lib eral profit-taking sales on tho advance brought about only a moderate reaction from the top figures of tho day. Black rust reports from Manitoba and North Dakota helped cause a rally in wheat It was also assorted the export and mining demand had improved. Weak ness which provallod early was attrib uted largely to an increaso of the Eu ropean visible supply, bringing the total to above that of last year. Oats rose with corn and because of the smallness of offering. Buying, how ever, was only fair. Provisions broke sharply. Dry weath er hogs were too plentiful at western packing centers, and there was only a poor call for cash product. RAKG3 OP THE LEADING FUTURES. Wheat Open. High. Low. Close September 85 S5"i S5H 8KU Docembor SDH SOU SS4 80 Moy 94U 0B Ottt 04 Corn September .. 71 73 7114 7; December 6C 67T4 63 674 Mr 6S 6S 67 Oats September ni 4314 42 December 4414 44 44 44 May 47H 4854 47tt CASH QUOTATIONS. "WhcAt No. "Z red, new, 86U87Hc; No. 0 red. now, Sfi-XSiSSc; No. 2 hard, new, 8C3S7c; No. 3 hard, new, 86V4S6iic; No. 1 northern, new, 91c; No. 1 northern, old. 31(202o: No. 3 northern. 90 Sic; No. 3 northern. 8SSS0c; No. 2 spring, new. Wo; No. 2 spring, old, OOg.Olci No. 3 oprlnsr. SS SOo; No. 4 oprlng. 80SS7o; velvet chaff, SSftBSUc; durum, 4(3300. Corn No. 2. 7SK-0,73'4o: No. 2 -white, 73yt73c; No. 2 yellow 72i-S?73ic; No. 3, 7243.73c: No. 3 white, 72i373Wa; No. 3 yellow, 72ttS73o; TN'o. I. 71US'78c: No. 4, 7172c: No. 4 white, 7I.2) 72"io; No. 4 yollow. 724272o. Oats No. 2 new. 394J.0c; No. 2 white, new, J2g;4Sc; No. 3 now, SSVio; No. R white, new, 41 41o; No. 3 white, old, 41"t42o; No. i new. l42e; No 4 white, old. 40WS'41c; standard, new. ii'&W'Ac: standard, old. 2443yc. Ryo No. 2. 624C63Uc Barley BOS-TOo. Tlmotl.y $4. 00 Qi 4,90. Clover Nominal. Pork $20.00. Lard $11.224. Ribs J10.50211.75. Chicago Prodnce. CHICAGO, Aug. 12. Butter Un changed. Eggs Receipts, 11,166 eases; unchanged. Potatoes 'Lower, 6595c; receipts, 60 cars. Poultry Unchanged. New York Prodnce. KBW YORK, Aug. 12. Flour, steady. Wheat Spot firm; No. 2 red, '93ic; No. 1 northern Duluth, 97ix Futures closed 53H not higher; September, 045c; Decem ber. 973c. Hops, steady. Hides, firm. Petroleum, steady. Wool, steady. Haw sugar, steady. Muscovado, 3 82; centrifugal. $3.73; molasses, $2.9$; refined, steady. In Harmony With Nature. Will G. Richmond, Inglewood, Calif., Bays ho will bo glad to answer any in quiries regaruing the benefit he had from using Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. "It has also greatly bene fited me for ' bronchial trouble and cough, and acts so -well in harmony with nature, it is more like a food than a medicine." Schramm-Johnson, drugs, "Tho Nevor-Substitutors." Five (5) good stores. (Advertisement.) Travelers Save Time in taking with them our American Bankers Travel ers Checks. They insure Safety for funds, great con venience and available cash wherever one may stop. Merchants Bank Salt Lake City, Utah, i ATTENTION I i D is an Important Item In bus- 1 I Inous transactions. The K 1 Utah State National Bank , a cordially invites your ac- I count subject to chock and 1 gives prompt, careful atten- if H tlon to ail banking matters. I j B Travelers' Checka and For- a IB cign Drafts issued. w i dfl) M P' y Salt Lako- C collect honost A dobtn j wnry" fi Bonda'd m& ' S for 55000 Sm'SnK S J?3 With ttata 1 No one thing ives so much real pleasure, to so many people, for so long a time, at I so little cost, as a Columbia I ! Grafonola "the one incom- 1 parable musical instrument." - Demonstration at any ; ' i 1 time in the stores of' ;llSi 1 i all talking machine Mi I 1 dealers, or on approval llllllSrM k in your own home. KSB 1 I All Columbia Graphonolas B I I will play Victor Recordso tl" Plr 1 Sj 1 Likewise, all Columbia ISBJL mt 1 records inay be played on plPu I j Victor Talking machines. " i Columbia Graphophone Company "DeLnxe." Price $200! tS2 i r r et j m.e fourteen other Columbia 1 Woolwortb Building, New York models one at a higher 8' price, two at the same price, For sale by all dealers. eleven at a lower price fron j ' $17.50 to $500. j j Complete Line of Machines and Records j I FACTORY DISTRIBUTORS ' ' HHICHESTEFrsmLS 1 'URINAR K&sr TUB DIAMOND BRJLND. V13 g fr?Tt5pr. i C boje. "tfi nuie Ribbi"' f i V llWi W BELIEVED IN I Tl (Sfc SW) Toko no otlier. Uojoryonr X? s ' tU-P-r 5Ut t? &wk ? gehmssBA Wmwm'iA HOURS! SOtDBYDBUOfilSTSEVERimaE: WlJllSM'JJt.'S There are good partnerships, good $ WUIf namc- business chances, ood opportunities g Bt'jareofcounttreiti to secure capital if The Tribune Want smss druggists 3i Columns are used to advantage. IF SAPPED 0F VITALITY I wlw?fe?z or depleted by disease until n lack of am- J I WlwZSZl sst. &k billon, despondency and gloominess Is g M WlBvS&Frsk 4v?S kJL your master, and someone should lndl- 3 n v cat0 you where these shackles could m w""? promptly thrown oft! and give way to J 91 wlimrK n r'ear head, strong nerves and quick In- u I WlfPvX 6& I tellcct the favor to you could not bo a I A ",easurd In dollars and cents, I i x j Disease J EN gjve jjp fi N A' "Weakness" Is the cause of more sor- I ift - K row and suffering thnn all other ailinents 1 X f combined. 1 see the victims of this dls- ? V Hp order on every hand, his whole appear- ; j fs& ft anco proclalnune: to the world his trou- ; . wiflk. ,7,e am '""diner to bllsht his existence. 7 Ei'ui treatment cures disordered men by aaT m1k overcoming and removing tho effects of I y r.wv disorders. It stops all waste and quickly ! I restores the victim to what nature In- , I Am Fnr Mpti tended a healthy and vigorous man, with "cxm A U1 lTACU ull his functions and power comploto. I 1 NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL BENEFITED I SIS1 IMPROVED Mill : I For Blood Dlsorderis, yP3r&J I I- us. tlle .cwes and latest treatment for Blood Poison and Skin Diseases. I Professor IShrllch b (of Germany) "914," the Improved GOG, InBtead of the old I I remedy. "9H" is absolutely safe and harmless and more effective than "COG" 1 flj and can be administered In the oirlce painlessly and with absolutely no III I K effects whatever or detention from business. This troatment Is far superior I p to any other employed In the euro of this dreadful disease. Symptoms bo- 0 1 gin to disappear in a few hours after the administration of the remedy. Even I fl though COG has failed or loft bad results, and If vou have or ever had thin dls- I P easoln a"y atago or form, do not fall to call and get this wondorful treat- CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE. 1 Houro: 9 a. m. to 8 p, m.r ovanlnao, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12. Write ff you i W cannot oall. J I State Medical q., 2S3o!rPfll8? gggj" st- j I S Cure Men i REMARKABLE CURES. Perfected In Old Cases Which Have ' . Been Neglected or Unsklllfully Treated ! NO EXPERIMENTS OR FAILURES. 1 You Pay for Cures Only and the Lowest Fees Possible Free Consultation ! 1 1 offer not only FREE" Consultation 9 B and Advice, but of every case that 2 comes to mo I will make a Careful Ex- j lamination snd Diagnosis without; i charge. Ailing persons should not j j neglect this opportunity to got expert 3 opinion about their trouble. jj I treat only Special and Chronic Dls- 1 cases, such as Vital Decline, Varicose ( j Veins, Blood and Skin Dluordera, Kid- g ney, Liver and Bladder Diseases, Ner. 3 voua Disorders, Rupture, Fistula andE J Piles. I guarantee my cure to be per. J J manent and lasting for all time, X BLOOD POISON CURED AT ONCE, j I My new method of giving this New II German remedy should be seen before I I going to others; blood poison yields I S like magic. I want every afflicted H Q person In the West to write or call on 3 I me regarding this wonderful remedy, 3 B Cures Absolutely Guaranteed for a S email fee, 3 VARICOSE VEINS. I Varicose veins do more to destroy 9 1 human vallly than many othor a2- leases put""together, They s3p up the 5 J strength of the body. You come to 1 j my office with your varlcoso velnw, 3 I and you leave mo an absolutely well I M man. One treatment Is all that Is j m necessary. Not weoks nor months of j i ondloBS doctoring, but ono single visit, n 1 I permanently cure you without the 1 Fl loss of time, no pain whatever, and 3 j no aftor trouble. I K Write for Information or call R Salt Lake Medical Instituted g 1591 South Main Street, Salt Like City. eaa-n-a-mHnwHMHnasraBKi SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS MEET1NQ. Notice is hereby given that a special 5ei0t, S of tho ntockholdcrs of tlie ... . Brion company, a corporation. will be liad and held at tho office of said company, at its place of business. State "feet and Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah, on Tuesday, tho 2Gth day of August, 1313. at the hour of three o clock p. m. of said day. Said meeting will bo had and held fSr n?. PurPose of considering the ad vlsablllty of amending the articles of Incorporation, and. If deemed atrvlBable, to amend the said articles of incorpora tlon in the following respects: To amend Article VI of said articles ct Incorporation, so as to read as fol lows: "Article VL The amount of the capl nnn 0C, t?'3, COI"P-i"y shall be 5950. 000.00, divided Into 0500 shares of the lace or par value of $100.00 each. Tho said capital stock shall consist of three CuSmCE as 'oHows: 4500 shares theredf shall bo known and designated as Clas3 A preferred ntock; 2500 shares thereof as Class B preferred stock, and 2500 8hca Jhereof as common stock. The holders of Class A preferred stock shall bo entitled to receive, when and as declared from the surplus or not earnings of th0 corporation, yearly dlvi dends at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, on the dates to be fixed by tho by-laws, or by resolution of the board of directors. ino dividends on Class A preferred stock shall be cumulative and shall bo payable before any dividends on Class Preferred stock, or the common stock, shall do paid or set apart, so thaL If. ror any year, dividends amounting to 3 per cent shall not have been paid there on, the deficiency shall be payable bo- I rore any dividends shall be paid upon, or S6t apart, on the Class B preferred, or the common stock. Whenever cumulative dividends on tho JM mass a preferred stock for all previous years shall have been declared and shall have become payable and the accrued i semi-annual Installments for the current year shall havo been declared and the company shall have paid such declared cumulative dividends for previous years, and such accrued semi-annual Install ment upon Class A preferred stock, and shall have set aside from Its surpl'" or iH net profits a sum sufficient for the' pay ment thereof, the holders of Class B pre ferred stock shall bo entitled to receive, wncn and as declared from the remain lng surplus or net profits of the cor poratlon, after the pament of the cumu latlve dividends and the accrued eeml annual Installment upon Class A pro- IH ferred stock, as aforesaid, yearly dlvi dends at tno rate of 6 per cent per an num. and no more, payablo semi-annual- The dividends on tho Class B preferred stock shall also be cumulative and shall be payable before any dividends on the IH common 6tock shall bo paid or set apart, so that, if, for any year, dividends ftH amounting to 6 por cent shall not have tH been paid on said Class B preferred stock, the deficiency shall be payablo IH beforo any dividends shall be paid up- fH on or sot. apart for tho common stock. IH t Wlienever all cumulative dividends on H the preferred stock, both Class A and Class B, for all previous years, shall iH hav0 been declared, and shall have, be- IM come payable, and the accrued 8oml- 11 annual Installments for all the preferred tM stock for the current years shall have IjH been declared, and tho company shall 11 have paid such cumulative dividends for Hl previous years hpon both classes of pr- Hl ferred stock, in the order aforesaid, and 11 also such semi-annual Installments thereon, as aforesaid, or Bhall have set iH aside from Its surplus or net profits a 1(1 sum sufficient for the payment thereof, El as aforesaid, tho board of directors may IH declare dividends out of the net profits ffil and earnings of said corporation, pay- lH able at such tlmo as may be bv reso- tlll lutlon of the board of directors provided, Kl to the holders of Class A preferred stock and common stock of the companv, iH equally; that is to say, Class A pre- IH ferred stock shall share equally with the jH common stock In the distribution of any jH such dividends. jH In case of any liquidation, dissolution, HH or winding up, whether voluntary or In- voluntary, after the pament to the hold- MH ers of Class A preferred stock shall be SH paid the par amount of such preferred nH shares, together with accumulated dlvi- ffH dends thereon, before any amount shall ffll be payable to the holders of Class B preferred stock, or common stock, and shall likewise be paid such par amount HH of such preferred shares beforo the pay- Kl ment of any indebtedness of tho com- fll pany, created or contracted subsequent flH to tho issuance of such Class A pro- flH ferred stock. PH In case of any liquidation, dissolution, ffiH or winding- up, whether, voluntary or in- BH voluntary, after th pament to tho hold- jH ers of Class A preferred stock, at the liH par amount of such proferred shares, to- KH gether with accumulated dlvldonds there- H on, as above provided, the holders of. EH Class B preferred stock shall bo paid SfH the par amount of such Class B pre- BH ferred shares, together with accumulated dividends thereon, prior to the dlstribu tion of any of the assets or funds of the corporation among tho holders of IH the common stock. jH Class A preferred stock, and the pres- ent outstanding preferred stock, which nH shall be known hereafter as Class B. fH preferred stock, shall have no right to liH vote at, or participate in, the proceed- RH Ings of any meeting of the stockholders KH of the company, either general or spe- HH clal; but. the holders and owners of tho liH common stock of the company shall havo jH the sole right to participate In any such lH stockholders' meeting, either general or HH special, and vote the shares of tho com mon capital stock of tho company, for the election of directors and for the WM transaction of all other business of tho IH company." 1 And also, if the ;atd articles shall bo amended in the foregoing particulars, to ll authorize and direct the board of dlrec- HH tors of said company to cause tho ncc- 1 essary documents evidencing such amendment to be filed with tho proper BH county and stato officials of tho state H of Utah. Said meeting tvlll also be had and held IH for the purpose of transacting such oth- er business as shall lawfully come beforo jH This meeting is called pursuant to a iH resolution of tho board of directors of H Kclth-O'Brlun company. JENNIE B. MORGAN, jH Secretary. H d-1043 SHERIFF'S SALE. In the district court in and for Bait Lake county, stato of Utah, Utah Sav jH ings & Trust company, a corporation, IH plaintiff, against J. E. Darmcr and Em- H lly Darmer, defendants, to be' sold at sheriff's sale at tho west front door H of the county court house In tho city and county of Salt Lako, stato of Utah, IH on the 2th day of August, A. D. 1913, jH at 12 o'clock noon of said day, all the BH right, title, claim and Interest of said H defendants, of, in and to the follow- M lng described real estate, to-wlt: H An undivided one-half Interest In and IH to tho following: All of lots 3 to 11, IH both Inclusive block 1; all of lots 1 HH to 11, both Inclusive, and 14 to 22, both IH Inclusive, block 2; all of lots 1 to 11, ll both inclusive, and 13 to 22, both In- IH elusive, block 3: all in Fairneld subdi- H vision of part of lot 4, suction 31, town- H ship 1 north, range 1 west, Salt Lake flH meridian. Together with all and sin- IH guiar the tenements, hereditaments and 'H appurtenances thereunto belonging or In H anv Aviso appertaining. Sltuato. lying H and being in tho city of Salt Lake, county IH of Salt Lako, state of Utah. IH Purchase price payable In lawful money HH of the United. Stales. IH Dated at Salt Lake City, Utah, this BH 6th day of August. A. D. 1913. BH ANDREW SMITH, JR., MM Sheriff of Salt Lake county, state of flH Utah. H By D. P. THCOIA3. WM Deputy Sheriff. Hl Richards, Richards & Plainer, attorneys fll for plaintiff. iH Date of flrat publication, August 7th, HH A. D. 1913. Bl cm nl NOTICE. iH Tho partnership recently formed be- Bl twnen Gcorgo Ralston and Bates Noble. flH known as "Ralston's Automobile Garage,' HH 359 South West Temple street. Salt Lako ll City, Utah, has this day been dissolved Hl by mutual consent. lul Dated this 23d day of July. 1913. WM G. RALSTON. IH BATES NOBLE. IlH d3339 IH In seeking full measure of remunevn H tion employees in many lines, look to fiH Tho Tribune Wants to poinHtlie way K'H in onportunitv. ?H