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I m ; I 8 ' THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 16, 1913. , If Mutt Loses Today, Ifs Right to the Cleaners for Him :-: V :-: 3; ! AN0RMi$He0SeWD,3USTWOS6DOUT- kOOK) VuX- 6T I X 00nSC N - -- f THE WHOUL X f IH McCloskey Divides Honors in Doukleheader with Missoula Bohen Holds Skyscrapers Down to Low Levels in First; Salt Lakers Get Revenge in Second by Hitting Ball Hard. I At Missoula: First game Missoula 7, Salt Lake 1. Sec ond game Missoula 5, Salt Lake 13. At Helena Helena S, Butte At Great Falls Ogden hi, Great Falls 4. TVon. J.ost. P.C. Salt Lake l2 30 .07-1 Great Falls 5S "( .(5J7 Missoula 43 10 .167 Butto -11 '10 .150 Helena SS o2 .122 Ogden 3u ill .305 !jjja Special to The Tribune, til "k yrTSS0ULA- Mont.. Aiiff. Jo.- Me- M' I t'lciskov pacemakers submitted Jwl VJl ,0 iI1 0fl,!1' division of today's j doubic-heudcr with the lligh- in landers, ttohen heating them 7 to 1 in Ml the first panic and Morgan winning for llicni, to u, in the second, ijjjljl The champions took kiudli' to the o- jjtfl fcrings of .Johnson, late of the Cardi- JvS nals, scoring five runs off him in tho iln fir&l aB ouc " ,10 SC(-'l,n(l T'1 t"l,e 'W third, after a single and a base on. balls .ffijj had put runners on the bases, Johnson jjjj was summoned from the hill and ICrick- m. son took up the battle. A cleanup hit 'gl, which scored two runs gave Eriekson Sflj a bad start, but after his first inning wjr he worked well, though hit often. M Salt Lake Gets One. jjttjj bait Lake's only run came in the first inning. Dresden walked and Mff Pendleton profited by Pcrrinc's error. ut Huelsman forced Pendleton at second MuS and then Started to steal. Auer made m a bhort throw to Morse, but Dresden, f$j u'th a pretly slide, beat tho short :hS fielder 's chuek to the plate. Jjl In the emu-hiding encounter the vis jjug itors Marled right out after Malouoy. e A combination of passes, orrors and jjl vicious hits gave thetn the game be ll fore it had been more than started. m iJavis's double fleni ;i runner across the Lg plate in the first. ; McCIain Brings in Two. iH fn the second, with two on, McCIain jj doubled, scoring both runners. Per- Ki Hue's error and Schimpff 's single each Ua scored a run in the third. Five runs ;t were counted in the fifth, Drcsson 's m tiouble counting ouc, a base on balls '.ending in another and Morse's error f riving tiie visitors a trio of runs. ! Morgan's hit drove in a tally in the ( sixth and run& were made In tho sev- m enth. and eighth on errors. Tho locals ran bases poorly, wasting most of their KS fifteen hits, tji llrrt frame 'iH ' . SALT LAKE. IS AB. R. H. PO. A. E. !fll Drossen. lb 3 i o 7 o 0 UJ Pendleton, a? -1 0 0 0 2 0 l(fl ftirpliy, rf S 0 1 fi 0 ,(JK HuelBnian. If ?, i o 1 0 0 tjW Davis, nb :i n o i o n 'lai Spencer, cf 1 n o I 0 o !! Schimpff. 2b t i) i ,, 2 2 M Strlpp, : 0 0 fi n 0 a .lohnhon, p 1 0 n o 1 0 m Eriekson, p 2 0 1 0 2 0 jI Totals 31 1 3 'H 11 2 M MISSOULA. 91 , . AB- R- H- PO' A. 13. ttjj WarrerT. rf 1 1 1 0 0 klj Chanpnon. 3'o . i 2 0 n 0 I'errlue. 2b 2 2 n ?, l t JS Carman, lb I 1 R 1 0 W Tobln, cf 3 1 1 r, 0 0 1K Morxe. sh 2 0 1 1 z 0 Iflfj Dnsclibach, If S 0 2 2 ft 0 fj Auer. c 3 1 1 r 1 0 Ija Bohen, p 0 0 0 1 0 H Totnls 30 7 9 27 10 "T KB 'alt Lake 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 jljff Mlcsoula 3 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 7 m Summary: Two-base hit Murpliy. IKS Sacrifice hit Mornc. Double plays 1 L'G Murpliy to SciilmpfT; to Perrlne to gtt f'aniiini; ChniiRiion to Auer to Carman. 1 1 "It b pjtclier Iluclsmnn bv Bohen. ; i-fl fctolen VasHs Huelsman. Carman (2), llK Mort. Bases on balls Off Bohon. 7; olt Jr im Johnson, 1: oft lirlckHon, 3. Struck out V Br Bohen. .,; by Johnson, 1; by Erlck- ;gg son t. llltc On Johnaon, 3 In 2 timings; tm ntt Hrlekaon. 6 In 6 lnnlngrs. Left on , SMELTER TEAM WINS BY LOP-SIDED SCORE Copper League. urr. v,'on p-c- MaCr.l J my. Aithur , , 2 1 'iff. Torrnsll X 7bt Srajtlor lean oi the Copp.' lcu ywter d!J flef"l.e1 lbt Townnlte nlno Ur the one.eMJ score ot 1. to . Downez for tho Smeller hi: tiro ?n';'r?, T b""rl Smelter-Uefi and WhUn. Tonitte-Jotcn, Holt ni1 Nllwa, Score bj tnnlncs SmtKcr . I 1 x 1 5 a I 4 -n "c E5 Totraelt A ....0 90100JC 4 7 s Wins. Xe.vt Gitme. Lescs. fiT7 ....Sail. Lnko t,ri Salt LrKo ...G67 H2U.. Great Falls : fj Great Falls ..Oil 173 .. ..Missoula Missoula 102 402 Butte IQ Butte -131 120 Helena ",! 7-lclena 418 371 Ogrlcn Ogden 361 buses Missoula. 7: Salt Lake, 10. Time of game 1 hour and i0 minutes. Um pire ISlsey. Second game SALT LAKE. AB. B. I J. BO. A. 15. Murphy, rf s 2 i, n fi 0 Davis, 3b 1 n 0 0 2 Huelsman. If 1 1 1 1 0 0 Drcsson, lb 2 2 2 :: (I 0 Eriekson. 11). ." 0 1 C I 2 Pendleton, ss 5 1 3 3 3 0 Spencer, cf. i r 3 2 T, 0 0 Schimpff, 2b 1 2 2 1 3 I) Morgan, p 10 1 0 3 0 McCIain, c I 1 1 2 0 Totals -12 13 . 20 27 12 I MISSOULA. AB. TL If. PO. A. 15. Warren, If. and rf. i" 0 3 0 I) 0 Changnon. lb, 3b... 5 1 1 S 2 0 Pcrrinc-, 2b 5 0 1 3 3 1 Carman, p 5 0' 2 .1 1 0 Smith 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tobln, cf i 1 1 0 0 Morse, sb n 1 3 3 3 I Daschbach. If.. 3b.. n 2 2 2.2 I Auer, e. .n -1 (I 1 n I 0 Maloncy, p ". I O 0 0 2 0 Da-wson, rf 3 ' 0 1 1 0 0 ! Totals 13 5 15 27 1 1 3 Han for Carma.n In ninth. Salt Lake 1 1 2 5 0 1 1 013 .Missoula 0 1 0 0 0 a 1 1 0 5 Summary: Two base hits Davis (2), McCIain. Tobln. Morse (2), Warren, UuelMinan. Dresscn, Murphy, Perrlne. Three-base hit Davis. Sacrifice hits Morgan. Pendleton. Sacrifice fly Huels man. Double plays Morgan. Pendleton and Schimpff; Morgan. McCIain and Drcsson: afore to Changnon; McCIain to lSrlclcson to Schimpff. Triple play Car man to Daschbach to Changnon to Morfie. Hit by pitched ball By Irfuloncy, Huelsman and Spencer. Stolen bases Murphy, Schimpff. Bases on "balls Off Moloney. 3; off Carmnn, h Struck-out By Maloney, 2; by Morgan, 5; by Car man. 1. Kite Off Maloncy. 10 in i In nings; off Carman. 10 In 5 Innings. Left on bases Salt Lake, 0; Missoula, J.J. Time of game I hour and Gu minutes. Umpire lilscy. FRAMPTONS TO PLAY MIDVALE TOMORROW The Frampton Pharmacy team, winners of the 1013 Trolley league pennant, will make their debut against the faatnr or ganizations next Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, on the MIdvale grounds. The champion.! have won twenty-four of twenty-five games played this season and arc confident that they are equal to the Etato seml-nrofesslonals. Manager Bert Margotts of tho Smelter team will uno tho same lineup that de feated the Rotall Clerke at Lucae fiolt! last Sunday. Tho Trolley leaguers will be out for a strong' fight, as It means a whole lot to the future of tho coming youngsters. Tho Framptons aro sohed ulevl to meet the Retail Clerks the 31st of this month, and aro practicing' hard for the final games of tho year. President Llewellyn Is trying- to ar range games with the Magna and Arthur team of the Copper loogno. Tho Frampton llnoup for Sunday will bo: ChouloK and Redfern, catchers; Po terfion and Bywater. pitchers; 1ea.tham. Dorn. Jrlowc. Cameron and Illllor, In fioldera; Sparr, Stack. Cowan and Balrd, outfleldeiu. CALIFORNIAN WINS MOUNTAIN MARATHON BIDLLINVJTTAM, Wash., 'Aug. 15. Paul "WeBterlund of California won the annual Mount Baker marathon today, finishing the course In 0 hours 33 minutes and -13 seconds Nine men enterod the race. The- courso was 100 miles loin; but the contestants woni carried In racing automobiles to the foot of the trails and hack. The actual endurance contest covered a course bf thirty-one miles tip and down the mountain, which has a hoight of 11,000 feet. Part of thn race wa.i rim through a blizzard which hue boon raging- on the mountain for seventy-two hours. Sev eral of the runners lost their way nnd two were seriously Injured through fall ing Into a crevasse. JOHNSON MAKES NEW RULING ON BALKS CHICAGO. Aug. 16. ProDident John son of tho American league ha3 notified all his umpires that no balk shall bo charged to a pitcher when he, In the act of pitching, accidentally drops tho ball. Mr. Johnson'H ruling koops tho ball in play; the pitcher oscaplng tho penalty of a balk and giving him tho right to recovfir the ball and play on a base run ner. In a rocont ruling by President Lvnch of the National league tho pitcher Is charged with a balk If h drops the ball while In tho act of pitching. The now ruling In tho American league is a compromise of the old rule in tho league, which mndo a bao runner hold lila baae, and that put Into force In the older lougrue. FOWLER GETS HERD'S Ml FROM QUIGLET Pitcher, Playing Outfield, Ties Score With Homer and Wins With Single. Special to The Tribune. HELENA. Aug. 15. Fowler, a Helena TMchor who pluycd In the outfield, was the star of today's game, which the Vigi lantes won over Butte, 8 to 7. Tn the fifth, with two men on bases. Fowler smashed out a homer and tied tho score, and in the ninth he registered the win ning run, going: all the way homo from ilrst on a single. Kellogg was wild. BUTTE. AB. K. H. PO. A. R. Domaggio. If 4 3. 3 1 1 0 Turgeon. lb. k 2 0 0 3 3 1 Duddy, 3b S 0.3 1 'o 1 ICnforu. e i 0 'I 7 3 0 Orlet. ss 2 0 1- 0 0 0 Merkift. ss 3 0 0 2 1 u Clynes. rf 2 0 0 1 0 0 Whaling. 2b -I 0 1. fi 1 0 Marshall, cf 2 1 0 3 0 0 Kellogg, p 2 2 2 0 1 i McCrcery, p 1 L 0 ft 0 l Totals ...31 7 Jl 2I. 10 I HELENA. AB. R. H. 'PO. A. E. Cronin. 3b. 3 0 2 0 F 1 Mcngos. hs A 1 2 3 3 0 Quiglcy. 2b. , 3 0 1 4 r 0 Lussi. lb -t 0 2 12 3 0 Gibson. If 2 2.0 1 o 0 Murray, cf 2 1 1 3 0 0 Fowler, rf. 2 2 0 0 1 Crittenden, c. ...... 3 1 2 3 3 o Sullivan, p 3 1 l l 2 0 Totals 23 8 13 .27 21 2 "None out when winning run made. Score by Innings Butte 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 27 Helena 0 10 13 110 1 S Summary: Two-bane hits Orlet, Kel logg. Three-base hit Kellogg. Home run Fowler. Sacrifice hits Turgeon f2). Clynes. Marshall, Mcngos, Quigley. Murray, Crltonden. Sacrifice flics Ka fora. Croulii. Lussi. Double play Cronin to Quiglcy to Lussi. Hit by pitched ball By Kellogg. Gibson; by McCreerv, Murray; by Sullivan. Marshall. Stolen bases Marshall. Quigley, Lussi (2). 13dhcs on balls Off Kollogg, 7; off Sulli van. 4. Struck out By Kcllogs:. 3; bv McCreery, 3; by Sullivan, 2. " lilts Off Kellogg. 7 In t 1-3 Innings; MeCroory. C in 1 2-3 innings. Left on bases Butte, 7; Helena. 11 Tlm of game 2 hours and B minutes. Umpire LaRocquc. TOUCHARD PICKED TO WIN TENNIS TROPHY SOUTHAMPTON. N. Y.. Aug. 15. William J. Clothier, former national champion, played into tho final round today with G. F. Touchard. the middle states title holder, in the lawn tcnnl3 singles on tho turf courts of tho Meadow club. Clothier, while winning- In the semi-final round from A. S. Dabney of Boston, failed to display tho strength expected of him. Tho score was 6-3. 3-0. fi-1. Touchard played in hlu most brilliant form. Ho held Karl JJ. Bohr, the former international champion, upon tho de fensive until ho liad defeated him, (i-3, C-3. Touchard is favored to capture tho cup tomorrow providing his form holds through. Strachan and Griffin, tho 17-ycar-old boys, who hold tho Pacific coast doubles championship, furnished the thrills In the doubles. Tn tho third round thoy defeated Alfred S. B-abnoy and G. M. Church, tho latter the Princeton Inter collegiate champion, C-3. 5-7. 0-1. This contest surpassed all of tho oth ers In point of interest and thn wonder ful, flashing plays of the boys, ajj well as tho syporlor playing of Church, who fairly surpassed himself, wero all lib erally applauded. Strachan and Griffin by their victorv gained tho ficml-flnal round, where they will meet C. Bundy and William M. John ston, tho other California pair, tomorrow morning-. VINCENT AST OR BUYS MAHOGANY SEA SLED NEWPORT. R- I., Aug. IS. Vincent Astor is about to take up hydroplaning. A now boat, or sea sled, aa it la culled, much resembling a bobsled with a Y-shaped bottom, was delivered here for hlrn yesterday. The hull is mode of ma hogany and a builder's trial about the harbor showed that the boat, which can seat five persone, and which will bi used as a tender to the Noma, tho Aator yacht, will be ablo to make twenty-eight to thirty knotH an hour between the yacht and tho shore. Mr. Astor has not seen tho boat yet. He will return today from a short cruise on tho Noma, Straightens Soccer Situation. NEW YORK, Aug. 13. Secretary T. W. Cahill of the Unltod Stotes of America Football association received a cablegram today from C. A. XV. illrshman, secre tary of the International Football asso ciation, saying- the emergency commit teo of that, organization had agreed pro visionally to a membership of the New York Football association. This recogni tion by the governing society of the world makes It possible for this country to compete in the Olympic soccer games at Berlin in 1915. It also means, accord ing to th" announcement made here, that the United Stale association will eon duct the- International soccer competi tion at tho Panama Canal exposition at San Fcanciaco In l'J15. HARBERTSON SHOWS FRIENDS HE SS GENUINE WRESTLER Ogden Boy Stays with Jordan Hour and Thirty Tour Minutes for First Fall; Unable to Continue Ownig to Injured Tendon. Spuclal to The Tribune. 0GD1SN, Aug. 15 Chris Jordan, champion middleweight wrest ler of tho world, eliminated an other candidate for his title to night, when he was given the referee's decision over .Tack U'arbcrtson, after throwing tho local man once in oue hour aud thirty-four minutes. The full was obtained "with a toe hold, which injured Barborlson so badly that he would liavo been an easy victim for tho second full had tho cowd pemitted him to coutinuo tho match. Tho tondons of his right luico were injured and ho re ccivcua sprained anklo. Jlarbertson earned the admiration of I lie largest crowd that has ever wit nessed a wrestling exhibition of this city when ue was carried onto the mat aftor tho fen minutes' intermission. It was announced that he was ready to euntinuc the bout, but undor conditions which made it practically impossible to get a fall. When tho question was put ui) lo the crowd, the ,No'' decision .seemed unanimous. There was no pro test when Kctfcrec 'ruck Childs awarded the decision Lo Jordan. Free From Roughness. With scarcely more than a suggestion of the roughness which every person present seotned suro would result, the match proved to be one of tho best exhibitions given in this city. There was a suggestion at times that Jordan might have ended it sooner lliau lie did, but tho defensive work of ITar bcrtson furnished an incentive- for Jor dan to demonstrate his superior gen eralship. For more than half of the time spent on Iho mat the w-ostlors wore on their feet, but tho horn locking tactics did not boconic tiresome because of tho in tervals when they wero down on the canvas. TTarbcrtson was the aggressor in tho small amount of rough work. RIFLE SHOTS MAKE REMARKABLE SCORES CAlP PERRY, Ohio. Aug. 15. Corpo ral M'homas 10. Vereer, company G, Four teenth United States Infantry, won the Wimbledon cup mulch at Camp Pony rlflo range today. Ills score was 09 out of a possible 100, with eight bullsoyca to lili; credit. Lieutenant Colonel C B. Winder tf Ohio was second, also with a total of 00. but with but four bullsoycs In his ucorc. One hundred and thlrty-threo prizes were awarded in this match. Scores wero so high that the first 100 raon all had records of 02 or better. Tho Hall match was shot In five re lays, na there wero -"S entries and fifty largo to wore used with two men shoot ing at each target. Tn thin mntoh there wero a largo number of possible scores and tho wlnnor, Captain B. F. Cole of tho First infantry, West Virginia, led by running a string of twenty-two con secutive bullacycs. missing iho twenty inch bullseyo on his twenty-first shot. Tho Halo cup match, which was the second cvont of the National Rifle asso ciation matches, closed today with Cap tain W, B. Hale of West Virginia tho winner, with a score of 50 plus 10 con secutive bullscyes, and C. II. Martin of tho U. S. M. C a. close second with 50 plus six hullseycs, A Denny of the United States navy scored a0 plus fi bullseyes. ,E. G. Hart lay. Tennessee, had 50 plus one builseye, and John Stone of tho Hawaiian team bad a possible 50. This match was shot on tho 000-yard range at slow lire, 10 shots with a score of 50 as a possible. The winner of this match, Captain Cole, had 22 consecutive bullseyos. including his sighting shots before ho missed. Tlie Calrow cup match, which, was shot ton the 800. 000 and 1000-yard ranges, waa concluded after 0 p. m.. and was won by Sergeant S. W. Pearson of the coast artillery of Oregon, by a score of 103 out of a pn.lhlf 105. Out of five tied at 103, Captain Pearson'H score on thy 1000-yard range gave him the highest score. Raps Angels Hard. , LOS ANGELES. Cal., Aug. 15. The chanccy of tho Los Angoleo baseball club to win the Pacific Coast league pennant this year took a slump today when It be came known thnt Trcsldent Comlckcy of the Chicago Americans had exercised his option on Hal Maggort, center Holder. Maggert who has beon leading the' Coast league In batting and who has been sec ond In ftolen bases and a good run-getter, as well, has been ono of the greatest aosctn of tho Lob Angolen team. He Is expected to go to Chicago Immediately. "Babe" Adama an Athletic. SAVANNAH, Ga., Aug. 15. It was an nounced tonlghl that Pitcher "Babe" Ad ams of the Savannah South Atlantic lpague club had been sold to tho Phila delphia Americans, to join the Athletics In the. fall. The price was not given out. Evers Nails Amateur. KANSAS CITY, Aug. 15. John Rcllly. nn amateur pitcher of this city, has signed with the Chicago National league club and will Join that team when they return from their eastern trip. Kodak Pictures Finished, ilail us your films. Salt Lake Photo Supply Co., 159 Main street. "Exclusive I photo dealers. (Advertisement.) ' I which did vtol auproach anything like that scon ii the Jordan-Yokol match. irnrbortson was defeated in tho last eight minutes of the bout, during which time thu Greek got three (oo holds be fore lie forced his opponent to givo up. Harberfsou 's shoulder did not touch the mat, until after tho Greek was jriven the fall. Willi each recurring toe hold JJar bortson weakened from the punishment, but, he displayed remarkable courage, especially in Clio fourth aud last hold, re-fusing for fully ono minute to com ply witli Jordan's repeated requost to give the word to the refcroo. When lie was finally forced to give in, Jordan helped ITarbertson to his feet, aud the Ogden man was earriod from (lie ring, lo return ten in imiles later ready to go on with the nmtcli. although deprived' of tho use of one leg. Jordan Makes Hit. In spilo of Hurbortsou's defeat and the conditions under which he was de feated, there was no protest Trom t'uo crowd against Jordan or his work. There was no time throughout the bout when the Greek could have- been ac cused of unfair tactics. This clean work on the part of Jordan came as a surprise lo the local fans, who antioi paled some ot the rough stuff which niarkod Yokel's defeat in Salt Lake three weeks ago. In a statement after the match .Tor dim said that lie considered ITarbert son a real wroatlcr and he predicted a good future for him. Mike Yokel and J oin Long, who will meet in a match at tvilt Lake Monday night, were intro duced to Hie crowd, and each was givou a band. IDE HI IS HY FOB OGDEN BflllEi Kitty Boys Touch Auburn haired Portsider for 22 Safe Swats. Special to The Tribune. GREAT FALLS, Aug. 15. Ogden found llildebrand easy today and landed upon him for twenty-two hits, pounding out an easy victory. The Electrics got to Knight in but two Innings and were un able to overtake the visitors. OGDEN. . , 11. II. PO. A K. csslcr, rf r. 2 4 2 0 0 I Wool urns, lb ti 2 3 IS 0 0 Cobb, cf f t 1. ?. o 0 Jones. 3b 5 2 2 5 i 0 Ulsbcrg. as 4 0 1 fl l l Blausscr, 2b i 2 S l i n Moorehcad, If. ...... 5 1 4 0 0 0 Knight, p f, I n 0 0 Perkins, c. ........ 3 2 ?. 3 I 0 Total3 W 13 22 2" 11 1 GREAT FALLS. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Potts, ss I 0 I I S i) Hester, lb I t) 1 S :t 0 Fa ye, ir t 2 2 2 0 0 Kelly, cf - 2 s :: o l Delhi, rf -10 12 0 0 Weaver, c 0 1 7 :': 0 Galena, Sb -. t 0 1 1 -l 0 Slnor. 2b ( 0 0 S 2 1 llildebrand, p n 0 0 n 5 n Baughman 1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 3G 10 27 20 2 Batted for llildebrand In ninth. Score by Innings Ogden I 0 0 2 0 I 1 2 013 Groat Falls 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 01 Summary: Two-base hits Jones, Knight Perkins, Moorohcad. Delhi. Hes ter. Home runs Wcssler, Kelly. Sacri fice hits Wcssler. Risberg. Sacrifice fly Risberg Double plays Blausser to Woolums; Sincr to Potts to Hester. Bases Mow to iirsl Yokel and Long Si'M ed Articles by Wfcjjj&S v ner "Takes K Harker referee tho match. M be in the city on that iLM l Nolson of the local fir. i llM I selected to act instead. ll St'l able to both men and nVX1 There was no hitch n-hmiB"' gan talking of the plan for tUB11 take all the sate rectlptujK :! ' that he had come here nili B i tlon and was perfectly TtHb S i lokel on those terms. HiH ever, that he was very tas;3Ba;i with and that if Yokel r3Mtr would split the money anr tjBf8 agreeable. He said: "i nerffP" of my weight come anyR'httiiMV"" ing me and 1 believe I aaBr"; findam willing to gamble nJjMfeii Yokel said that the "siniRiJH proposition was all rlrht alMfcr? the articles were rlgned. jKrg In a finish wrestling match iHb'te' Jesllc park Monday ovenlnt aPP moter Hcagren's office yeJUK.1 noon and signed a neiv MtR., which call for tho winner to'jBEL Tennis Cracks &taBr! NEW YOPvIC. Aug. 15.-llbl Loughlln R. Norris WllllitafIKi IT. ITackctt. the ylctodouilaMM r nls players, who lifted tb'ljHi I came back home today S France. All will play in ft comers tournament at XefaHpL At ning next Monday. Esdi on balls-Off llildelirandTsHg By Knight 2. by Hlldetart bases Ogden 8. Great Falli W1" game 1 hour and -10 m'nU!Bj!r I $i.2s v Men $ Suits jl f Spring including every late style Needle grays browns, tans and primal I Union Suits X Ucularly T7 M gQ af kmtxture, values to 1 Boys" Suits ur MffM m T f Shirt Sale Smt H Just the proper weight Continmy H for school Some with 2