Newspaper Page Text
t 22 . THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17, 1913. , ' II III F0R SALE ' Poultry and Pet Stock IllpjfjS P.-W'S CHICK MANNA SUPPLIES nlliSOiHnil vry need for chicks from on day to i jwejj ,J three weeks old. $2.90 por .hundred. ' H IP Potior-Walton Co.. 274 South State. 8 If S ; LIVE CHICKENS WANTED AT ALT. nfflffiu time, will call for. Phone Hyland HuHw 154-R. c3909 laiai: DENVER INCUBATORS FOR SALE. S. Vadner & Bro.. Sth East and Ashton !ffaS? ave Hyland 2070. r3133 11 IfiHl FOX TERRIER PUPPIES FOR SALE. sPfalf 171 E' 7th South- 2051 SfwSl R. L RED HENS AND ROOSTER: til ftfi Si . e'a0 Leghorns, laying-, 75c. 250 Eust I lufl at South. 02229 KH WHITS AND YELLOW HOMERS FOR tfPreSI &aJo cheap, at 371 South 2nd West st. II flS M FINE BUNCH OF R. L REDS; LAYING II lc hena and sprint' chickens. 127 Cth East. iImJBi ONB DOZEN WHITE LEGHORN tU (lilt chicks, 3 months old. 141 So. Cth East, ellf :16m "PaB" 4607""V' c2R2tJ WcWm 25 "WHITE LEGHORN CHICKENS. 3 wmlJt&i months old, 25 cents each. 2!) -South : fisjjjjjjj 6th East. c2I71 I For Sale Horses and Vehicles A. GOOD WO r"k3NTvSCW E I G H S ebout 1250 lbs., wagon and harness, for sale cheap on account o sickness, at 33 Donelaon court, on 4th East between So. Tern, and 1st So. el501 SALT LAKE HORSE & MULE MARKET. U4 West Fifth South. Phone Wasatch 4167. b314 FIN3 TEAM OF GRAY HORSES, welsht 2750 lbs.; good travelers. In quire 164 South West Temple. el55o ONE SPAN 1400-POUND. S -YEAR-OLD, Nb. 1 horses, ?240; one span. 1200 lbs., harness and wai?on. fit for sravol haul or dry farm, ?250; one span, 1100 lbs., 5 and 6 years old. $225. 51 So. 2nd West. HORSE. ABOUT 1150, AND COVERED spring camping wagon. 820 ID 13th 'So. Ply. 2H3.J. e2060 FINE BAY YOUNG WORK TEAM. Phone Wasatch 4S72-R. o2407 GOOD FAMILY HORSE AND BUGGY. Inquire 155 West South Temple st. MARE AND BUGGY FOR SALE. OR will take good cow In trade. Write B. C. Calhoun, R. P. D. box 465, Garfield, RUBBER TIRED BUGGY WITH TOP. Phone Wasatch 1575-J. 61 So. 7th East. ONE PAIR SORREL HORSES, WT. 1000 lbs.; one pair bay horses, wt, 1200 lbs,, 9 years old; also 3 saddlers and drivers, 5 years old. cheap; will trade. 37 So. Second West e2495 SltfflH HORSES FOR SALE CHEAP, ?15. 1427 1 1 3(8 Major ave. e2494 i m ; A HORSE. HARNESS AND EXPRESS F J i . wagon, $50, 1 large buggy, $10, and tone y , $7.50. 353 Sth East c2507 SWW 9 HEAD SMALL, GENTLE SADDLE I iyB ponies. $32.50 eaoh; will trade. S66 W. I mm Sth Stmtn' Was- 2S7-W. C24G7 Wm For Sale Furniture I mm tejAbget7b1b5t3jd'cjEn- I tSffm. eBt Btock of second-hand goods In this WKm clty consisting of furnituro, stoves, i ffijUB rangeB and household furnishings. Wnm e alHo have the largest and best so lections of rugs and carpets. We have fun all makes and sizes. ,MEm These goods are about as good as new i Mm a?d we c&n SH them for about one-half irHflm 1118 regular price. iftWV UTAH FURNITURE CO., 'ifmt 128-182 W. 2nd South. el454 FURNITURE FOR SALE OF A 12- ii Mu room boarding house; rooms all full; & ?' 8Trea-t bargain if taken at once; owner mm leaving city. 211 E. 4th South. el774 ! M CHEAPEST FURNITURE IN CITY. ' 'Ym- Tr,Z Furniture Co.. -4 doors south I j K.-0'B'r. store. cl71 f SBR F.URNITURE OF E-ROOM HOUSE AT M!fH aiUtaI No- 2 Cllft place, Wasatch M 3770-W. e905 I'M ! "WE BUY ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD V : furniture and pay reasonable prices. 'El I ou lvo time and worry by calling us lm Hp .,Fls"lS.r & Bobbins Co., GO West 2nd j! ! South. Waeatch 5171. eH99 I wk i BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE OF FIVE f 1 Ifi rooms chejfp; house for rent; two rooms i Hi 56 He, Pa3ing the rent; close in. 487 So. WM Main. ei968 Wfflk MODERN HOUSE. 8 ROOMS. FUR- Ffffl I rushed; close in, on Main; 4 rooms cover (Im! expenses; $500 caBh. Address N-30, Trib- I IrM e!054 fJl? FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM HOUSE. r'-Hm cheap. No. 15 Keysor ct. Phone Wa- jMm Batch 342S-J. el744 W$M ANTIQUE OAK DINING SET, SIDE- ;xom board, chairs, 54-inch round top, claw ,lj3W feet base table. Inquire 75 P st. el952 Wm FURNITURE OF TEN ROOMS fitflJH eaie reasonable. Was. 646-NW, or uWn call 76 B. Cth So. c2147 fjjSl DINING TABLE. COUCHES, SEEING IMEI machine, range, desk, bookcase, hall ttlnSBS ra-ck; selling out. Ky, 2252-M. o2236 HfflEl GAS RANGE, DINING ROOM CHAIRS I IP - metal beds and springs. Was. 6479-J. jJR o!9 D St. e253fi WE BUY ALLi KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD R'rl furniture and pay reasonable prices. ou save me and wr' bv calling us yWm t,n' Fisher & Robblns Co.,' 60 West 2nd Bffift South. Wasatch 5171. e2 I25 S Hi BRASS BED. COMPLETE; CHILD'S IWSs crasser, desk, go-cart, high chair, ' !i refrigerator; very reasonable. Phone IwSi Wasatch 1411-W. C2473 ; m Wanted Furniture ; juSSt HIGHEsTlRIC i Jtlflffi ,Jmnd.A h- BQoHa. Utah Furniture Co. j j jjja Was. 4317. 61153 I II ii WB BUY ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD tlSBW furniture and py reanonablo prices. it mm You save tJrn(! a,lcl worry bv calling us it mm "P- F'sher & Robblns Co., 60 West 2nd ffirm South- Wasatch 5171. cl500 lif ELECTRIC NICKEL-IN-SLOT PIANO ItifTa ood as new. cheap. 161 W. Srd So. it MM Phone Was. 6S36-W. dl063 !iara prANO in good co'ndition.-reX Iniflf fjonablc, Call after 5 p. in.. C59 Somer- m ?150 plno at a bargain, tjyland JjS 2795-M. C25U Ii CHINESE HERBS lIPl ; YEnOLTFlCTT'D 9AV. CHINESE HERB INSTITUTE. m U8 S. MAIN. UPSTAIRS, ftfj Yee Foo Lun, C. H. D Chinese herb gW; treatment has .cured thousands of auf- U. ferers. WHY NOT YOU7 Nature's J2, way The Chinese Herb way 1b the VSl best for Rheumatism. Dropsy, Catarrh. jl Brlght's Disease. Indigestion, Tonsllltls, Jirtj : Blood Disorders and other ailments. Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m.: Sundays, 10 a. m, to 3 p, m.; evenings, 1 to ; npeclal jfe- appointments at Hotel Utah. Phone U, m Wasatch 6930. Consultation free by pre- 1 BentlnB this notice. b3836 i '1 f : D. R. FONG, CHINESE CELEBRATED S! ! HERBALIST. KKB , Master of all so-called incurable dls- Bllra' ases. Salt Lake offices. 116 So. Main. iKfti Yre8 consultation by presenting this no- FOR SALE For Sale Automobiles LOOK! AUTOS STORED, $S PER MONTH; RE PAIRING. 50o. PER HOUR: ALL SJ1 GUARANTEED; WE EMPLOY KV ?.19XJIEX' CARRY A -:kltr LINE OF AUTO TIR.TDS AND SV?TLISSi ALL KINDS OF MACHINE S-5.PKK- LOOK FOR 350 SOUTH W. TEMPLE. RALSTON'S GARAGE. C1301 HAVE REAL BARGAINS IN USED Cadillac cars. These machines have lieen rebuilt, repainted, and wc give the same ctmrnnfee with thotn that goes with a new Cadillac. It will pay you to see them before buying cither a new or tmcd car of any other make. Sharman Atilo moblle Co., 42-15 Automobile rov. olOSS TWO OR FOUR-PASSENGER FRANK Hn, overhauled and repainted: ; nnap. Snlt Lake Automobllii Co., 102 East First South. Phone Was. 2631. blS06 USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL KINDS for rale. Bicycle Supply Co. cl470 USED AUTOMOBILES AT PRICES TO suit all buyers. Cheesman Auto Co.. u3 Automobile row. !;103S NEW 1913 I3MSCTHIC LIGHTED. ELF.C trlc .ielf-started automobile: nn Ideal car for a lady to drive: iroori bargain: must be sold. Inquire 163 W. 2nd North d20fS3 WANTED 2 FIRST-CLAtfS AUTOMO bllr' salesmen. Address K-6. Tribune, d26TS HAVE YOUR BATTERIES RECHARGE L' thu new way. the Hume way. Also make a specialty of magnetonetos and coll repairing. 135 E. 2nd South. d3337 SNAP HAVE NO USE FOR 40 HORSE pouer, 5-pjissengcr. and oo-horsepower. 6-paKsenger automohlleH; must be sold quick. 73 Postofflco place. c2061 AUTO REPAIRING. VULCANIZING. painting and all auto work dcjnc, 50c per hour. Rear 73 Postofflce pl.-ce. e4713 AMERICAN TOURING CAR, IN FIRST cluss shape: cash or real estate. Ap ply to A. Fred Wey. c2117 4-PASSENGER COLUMBUS ELEC trlc, in first-class condition: new tires, new batteries. Either soil or trade for real estate. Address O-IS, Tribune. e2419 WANTED .'.-PASSENGER FORD: MUST be In good shape, 1911, 1912 or 1913 model; or will consider other second hand car In good condition. Address 0-59, Tri bune. e2355 For Sale Motorcycles exc!dl15IdTC"''mo cylinder. In fine condition, cheap. Wa satch 5967-J. e2047 GOOD TWIN INDIAN; FULLY equipped; $150. Hy. 1224-W. 1161 Cleveland ave. c23l6 For Rent Garage CMNTFLOOrT ELECTS LIGHTS and water: large enough for two cars. 242 E. So. Temple. ol0S7 MASSAGE CALL ON MAloMERLVSRTyTlER new apartment. Warm Springs. Was 5364-W. s2177 ELECTRICAL MASSAGE,. VAPOR baths, manicuring, etc. Treatment bv special appointments. Was. 5443. 127 So. Main. d2567 MASSEUSE FOR LADIES ONLY: PRO fesslonaly recommended. Was. 2624. C2501 MAGNETIC VIBRATORY MASSAGE. manicuring, facial and scalp treatment. New York method. Room 20, Galena block. Second South and State. ol397 JOSS BAILEY HAS REMOVED HER massage parlor from 328 So. Main to 43 East Broadway. el396 ELECTRIC TREATMENT AND MAS sage: open until 9 p. m. 164 W. 3rd So. M, Cye. eis48 ASSAYERS CRISMON aTNK2HOLsl ASSAYERS' and chemists, 223 South West Temple. W1793 A. F. BARDWETLIy, SUCCESSOR BET tlcs, Mathea & Co., 158 Soutli West Temple. Phone Was. 4696. f217 R. H. OFFICER & CO., ASSAYERS. 160 South West Temple st., Stilt Lake City. ml 60 BIRD-COWAN CO., ASSAYERS 160 South West Temple. Phono Was. 4114. b458 J. W. CURRTE, 70 W. THIRD SOUTH P. O. box 565, Salt Lake City. o682 UNION ASSAY OFFICE. INC., 162 AND 154 South West Temple. P. O. box 1446. Phono Exchange 185. d3 DENTISTS TlrlET3ElrrRE7 crown, $5; bridge work, $5 per tooth; fillings. $1; all work guaranteed. Dr. Christie, dentist, 153 So. Main. b3375 DR. HODGES. DENTIST. SUITE 217-18 Brooks Arcade bldg. Best and cheap est Waeatch 3056. C3041 DR. CONGER. 260 SO. MAIN. EXTRAC tlon by use of somnoforme. Wasatch 923. c3043 DR. DOUGLAS No. 313 Brooks Arcade, State and Broadway. d3055 Expert Dentistry 51C"7riciiYs6'a Wasatch 662S. Good set teeth, $5. b4193 LAUNDRIES worITeack bmeTtay rhT- questcd). No extra charge. PALACE LAUNDRY CO. Office 31 West 1st South. Office 70 W. Second South. Was. 5237. Office "9 E. Second South. Was. 14S1. Office 33 E. Third South. Was. 3710." Works 758 E. Fourth Soutli. Hyland 2562, 562. Laundry brought to offices saves 25 per cent. cl708 Hand Laundries cXprro"EC shirtwaists and dresses. All work done by hand. 120 W. 2nd So. Was. 3955. ol8 STOVES and RANGE REPAIRS HANG"fcQ''NCuS jackets cleaned, $2; L Jackets, $3; stoves repaired, E. E. Morriss. Phono Wasatch 6714-W. ail02 LININGS, GRATES AND WATER Jackets .nil makes, work guaranteed. G. D. Lovytt foundry, 44 7th Weat. Wasatch 3990. f24S0 STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRING: water Jackets cleaned. Goalen. 172 R street. Wnsatch 6719-J. n821 IRIERS FURS REPAIRED AND SYORED. Geneva C. Hicks Co.. CS So. Cth East. Was. 3707. c383 J. PANEK. PRACTICAL PURRIER. 124 E. Broadway; all work guaranteed, . e!096 HAIRDRESSING LADIES. MAKE YOUR APPOINT .mcIV. early: we are open evenings. W. 3o36. Velvetlna Parlors, C2 E. 4th South street. o2766 FOR SALE For Sale Miscellaneous SAND AND GRAVEL AT WARM Springs gravel pit. P. J. Moran, con tractor. Inc. Phono Was. 2273. d3945 UNCALLED FOR TAILOR MADE suits, worth $35 and $40: your sire for $15. Spelbcrg Tailoring Co., 57 W. 2nd South. - d395l .STALE BRBAD FOR SALE CHEAP AT Ttoyal Baking Co.. stale bread depot. C3433 FENCE POST?. $6 AND $To PEP. 1IUN dred. Hyland 1670. 3570 f I R ST-CLASS WALR US FO U NT A IN. nlmost new; will cell nt half price; easy terms. J. G. McDonald Chocolate Co., 159 W. Broadway. J141 BARBER SHOP FOR !' SaeT"d01NG ffood business; leaving city. 70C E. 5tb South. d3377 TRIBUNE BtCVCLK, COASTER BRAKE, cheftri. 2:M E. 4th So. d3S08 SAVE MONEY ON PICTURE FRA.M Ing at Hortoh's Book Shop, 27 East Broadway, d2492 UUUJJ lJl.Y.-SU. CH1SAP. OR TU.D1-; for horses. Mitchell Van, 273 So. W. i oniple. c36 ORGAN, PIANO. HOTEL RANGE AND barber eh.ilr. cheap. 301 State. eS74 LISTEN! HALF PINT BONDED WIIIS ky, 25c; pint, 50c; gallon. $2.50; 7-year-old, gallon. $3,50: flask. 25c; 3 bottles of Imperial beer, 50c; $2.50 case net; Social bar, 502-4 South State. , el941 ONE YOUNG AND GENTLE ANGORA goat, broke to drive In cart: just the thing for' children. 603 No. Sth W. C211S OLD BRrCK. GOOD As NEW. APPLY 212 Brooks Arcade building. Phono Was. 4116. e2114 20-H. P. 2-CYLINDER TOURIST RUN about; A-l condition; $200. Apply H. E. Vail, 36 State st. el0S3 GOOD WORKING SUITS FOR SALE from $4 'to $10. Misfit Parlors, 219 State. ell02 100 MISFIT SUITS FOR SALE AT cost. Nobby Sultorlum, 219 State t. ellOO A GREENHOUSE. 20X90 FEET. AND hot-water heating plant, Hy. 25-R. 01321 A FEW FINE DAIRY COWS: ALSO A few family Jersey cows: reasonable prices. Phone, 903-M, Theodore Teffas. 412A 25th street, Ogdcn, Utah, el737 SECOND-HAND 20 K-W. ELECTRIC generator and engine. Western Junk & Metal Yard, 1014 So. State st. Phone Hyland 2316. CJ861 COW WITH CALF FOR SALE CHEAP 1401 W. 3rd So. e205.V UNITED STATES ARMY REGULATION Shoe. Send for catalogue describing shoes adopted by United Stales govern ment. Guaranteed as represented or money refunded. The Haynes Shoo Com pany, LewJston, Maine. Reference First National Bank, Auburn. Maine. c3320 MUST LEAVE TOWN; WILL SELL diamond weighing nearly one carat for $135. Perfect and -blue-white. I paid S200 N-51. Tribune. c2342 MILLER STEEL RANGE. BASE BURN er: oak book case, child's Iron bed. all In good condition. 672 E. 2nd So. st. e2293 FOR SALE CHEAP, FOUR-HOLE BUCK range and Vulcan gas water heater. Phone Wasatch 538S-W, e2302 MUST SELL NEW "MANDEL" POST card machine: takes, finishes and de livers pictures in one minute on the spot; takes two sizes of cards and button; $20; cost $17.50; may be seen at 156 So. Main. e236S SMITH PREFER TYPEWRITER. NO. 4, new,, cheap. 519 D st. Was. 6479-J. C2535 SIX-DAY TOUR OF YELLOWSTONE park, with best camping company, for two or four people. Consider part trade. Good until Sept. 15. Address 0-37, Trib une. e2538 FOR SALE, NEW SEWTNG MACHINE. nearly new; gas range and other house hold goods. Inquire 419 Garfield avo. e2283 FOR SALE MAKE OFFER FOR 2000 shares Silver Queen (formerly The Boilermaker) mining stock. Address P O. box 34, Richmond. Cal. o2240 DIAMONDS, CHEAP- NEED CASH; bargain guaranteed; a bona fide oppor tunity. Do It now. Address O-ll, Trib une. e2216 25-INCH BIRCH MAHOGANY WAUL case and floor cases. W. D. Wether bee. IBS West 1st South. e2215 MISSOULA APPLES, FANCY GRADE, sent to any address, two dollars per fifty-pound box f. o. b. Wcstbv, Lo Lo View Orchard. Box Three Thirty-Two, Missoula, Mont. e2321 &MAIL, SOUND SADDLE MARE, good driver, cheap. 275 E. 7th So. e2190 FIVE LOTS, NEWLY FURNISHED 4 rooms and pantry; flowing well; near 14th South; $1S00; monthly payments like rent. Arthur Betz, S63 E. 3rd So. e2403 GOOD HOTEL RANGE. INQUIRE Free Employment Agency, First Con gregational church. e239S FINE LARGE ASTORS, 15c AND 20c a dozen. Hyland 12SS-M. Cor. 9tli E. and Ash ton ave. c2235 3 NO. 1 MILK COWS. 1 2-YEAR-OLD Holsteln bull, or will trade for beef; must be sold. 969 North 2nd West. C22G4 WltL SELL 10,000 SHARES OF WEPT ern Trout & Poultry Association stock at 2c per share, all or part. R. F. But terworth, 302 So. Srd West. Wasatch 3201. e2420 GOOD BICYCLE. CHEAP. 223 D. F. Walker blk. e24S2 75-LB. CAPACITY REFRIGERATOR; reasonable. 140 So. 4th East. e2198 WE BUY ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD furniture and pay reasonable prices. You Fave time and worry bv calling us up. Fisher & Robblns Co., 60 West 2nd South. Wasatch 5171. e2424 FOR SALE GOOD BICYCLE WITH new wheels, constcr brake- and $10 cushion pneumatic tires, all in first-class condition, $16.00. Address 3265 South 7th East. Hyland 155-R. e2464 $40 HUDSON COASTER BICYCLE, IN crood rondltlon. nt a bargain. $15.00, at 757 So. Main st- e2472 1 SIDEBOARD. 253 W. 2ND SOUTH. 02474 A 31 GEAR. WITH COAL BOX. WIDE tire, for 31 narrow tire, or will sell cheap. Apply 52C Brldport st., Sunday. 2 Q2454 COAL AND KINDLING E. P. DEAL. COAL. BLOCK WOOD and kindling. ICS East 4th South. Phone Wasatch 1238. h25 VETERINARY T KETEltlNRYCOlCL gins Sept. 15. No profession offers equal opportunity Catalogue free. C. Kcane, pres., 1818 Market St., San Fran cisco. d517 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and Rooming Houses FOR PROFITABLE HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES, SEE US. 50-room European hotel; public and pri vate baths; evcrv modern convenience; beautifully furnlsh'cd; steam heat and hot water free with rent. A very reasonable lease. Only $1500; terms. 42-room European hotel, best location, strictly modern and up to date; large, light rooms, elegantly furnished; rent less than $6 per room, with frw heat and hot water. 5-ycar lease, first-class repu tation. Average not profit $217 per month for last ten months. Only $:i500: terms, 55 room.i, running water every room: 4 baths, steam licat free with rent, which is less than $6 per room. Income from permanent guests about $150 per month, vicar of running expenses. Also good transient trade. $3500; terms. 27 rooms, nicely furnished: largo, light rooms, Hleam heat, running hot and cold water every room,. Only $2000; tenne. 19 rooms, strlelly modern, good en trance, line transient house. $1300; terms. IS rooms, rent only $50. lease: rooms are nil lighl and in lino shape, furni ture and carpets good value for the money. Only $1000; terms. 25 rootns oti one floor, cheap rent, heart of city, clearing over $100 per month. Only $1200; terms. 11 rooms, a- beautiful, homelike place, permanont roomers; steam heat; rent $6o. Only $950. - RESTAURANT Receipts $75 to $100 per day. Price, $3500. A great opportunity. EETTILYON HOME BUILDERS CO., 323 MAIN ST. Was. 2030. 23 5 S RlDNT $4.00 PER ROOM Twenty-eight rooms; good location; well furnished; all on one floor; steam heat; modem; $2500. B. F. Duncan, Manager B. O. DEPARTMENT A. RICHTER 73 SOUTH MATN ST. WASATCH 641 e23o4a J. D. DENHAM CO. 15-ROOM, BEAUTIFUL PRIVATE house, close in; location on east Bide. Fine furniture and carpots, steam heat. This 13 a buy for $600. 19 ROOMS, FINE TRANSIENT Lo cation, well furnished and a money maker. $1500; terms. 15-ROOM HOTEL; THE FINEST IN town; hot and cold water In every room, modern in every way; location Is the best; new furniture and carpets. Seo this -before buying. $2500; terms. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A HO tel or furnished house, seo us first. Wo have more bargains than wo can ad vertise. J. L. DENHAM CO. WAS. 4133. 343 MAIN ST. WAS. 4133. C2402 WANT AN OFFER 114 rooms; 22 private baths, steam heat; running water in all rooms; telephones In all rooms, an offer less than half cost will bo entertained. B. F Duncan. Manager B. O. DEPARTMENT A. RICHTER 73 SOUTH MAIN ST. WASATCH 641 e2354b A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY THE new modern hotel now In cotirso of construction at Park City, Utah, com prising 42 rooms, large basement, sample rooms, large bar room and barber shop, Is for rent to the highest responsible bidder. Bids will be received up to arid Including August 25, 1913. The terms of lease must be for five years, and bids must be accompanied by a good and sufficient bond as an evidence of good faith. The right will be reserved to re joct any or all bids. Address Chris. Sto von. Park City, Utah. e2026 HOTEL. OUT OF CITY, COMPLETELY furnished: bar and pool room In con nection; all doing good business; no oth er hotel In the town; will sell cheap. Ad dress K-22. Tribune. d3030 FOR RENT TWENTY-ROOM HOUSE for boarding or rooming. Very desira ble location. Large barn, fine yard. Phone Was. 2823. e2Sl BOOKS AND STATIONERY Magazines; office supplies; souvenirs; old established stand; reasonable Tent; a good opening, only $2000. B, F. Duncan. Manager B. O. DEPARTMENT A. RICHTER 73 SOUTH MAIN ST. WASATCH 641 c2354c MODERN HOTEL, 38 ROOMS; RENT $125 per month; stock on hand at in voice; good commercial trade. Write P. O. box 96, Downey. Idaho. ol937 FOR SALE 16 ROOMS, ELEGANTLY furnished; complete, modern, close in; rent $25 per month. Snap. Inquire 343 State. Was. 5115; 1951 7 ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED, blocks from Main; cheap rent; snap at 5300. Was. 6S36-W. e483 ICE CREAM FACTORY Sells product through Its own stores; confectionery; milk; eggs; staple gro ceries: equipment modern; a splendid opening, $2000. B. F. Duncan. Manager B. O. DEPARTMENT A. RICHTER 73 SOUTH MAIN ST. WASATCH 641 e2354 STORAGE, MOVING, PACK ING, SHIPPING WHATlDo"ro"u having your housohold belongings moved from place to place? You desire, above all things, not cheapness but care. You want your goods handled right, and not scuffed up. Such care do wc exer cise, and at the same time our rates are as low as any, because our organization Is large and efficient. REDMAN FIREPROOF STORAGE CO Phono 655. 159 Main St. d3631 WE SHIP HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO any part of the United States. Cut rates. Kimball Van & Storage Co 75 South Main. m2603 MEDICAL TlE"Co"Mi:NG BEWARE I No germ can or will afflict the human body, if Nunn's Black Oil 1b taken regu lar three times a wook. You are then Immune from any serm. Do as you like. Prevent It or let It come. It will kill sure when It strikes ycu. The same- for horses and cattle. Give them one ounce In ma3h three times a week. They never have the colic or any other diseases. Chickens pigs, cows, etc., all the same. Prevention 1b better than a' cure. Make your bodies immuno from I hose destructive germs and live. This advt. is for your good, whether vou think It or not. I tako It every morning my self. I am free from any destructive rem). Sold at all druggists, 50o and ?1.00 a bottle. Human In blue label. Manufactured and sold by Dr. C. W. Nunn Black Oil Co.. Salt Lako City Utah. d2664 SEWING MACHINES VVE SELL. RENTANDREPAuTALL makes. 159 State. Wan. 4703. d3416 STANDARD SEWING MACHINES FOR sale at prices and terms to suit. Bow ers & Evans. 113 S. W. Temple. b31S2 FURRIER and TAXIDERMIST EVERYTHING bTTHIS FUR taxidermist lino made as you want it. R. Stanzel Fur Co.. 67 E. Broadway 23 years In Salt Lake. n525 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Miscellaneous LOOKING FOR AN A-l BUSINESS INVESTMENT 7 An old established, first-olaas candy store, merchants' lunch and Ice cream, parlor, equipped with up-to-date noda fountain, etc.: doing a cash business of over $65 per day, located on thj best business atrcot In Pocatollo, Idaho; la offered for salo owing to the SERIOUS UNEXPECTED SICKNESS OF OWNER. Will be sold at Inventory price, $4000. About half cash will handlo thin, balance liberal terms; or will trade for livestock or good collateral. This la a chanco of a lifetime and will bear the strictest in vestigation; bankers' treforonco, etc For further particulars, address Pocatello Advertising Agency, P. O. box 1136, Po catello. Idaho. 223fl FOR SALE EXCLUSIVE STATE rights to handlo a high-class device re cently invented. It Is certain to be in groat demand; 400 por cent profit as sured; only small amount of cash re quired; the opportunity of a llfoumo; in vestigate. 318 So. 0th East at. owl WE GET IT. If you want something and don t know where to get it, write GRESHAM SELLING-BUYING AGENCY, 123 Llbot'ty street. New York. e224 DON'T PAY COMMISSION. I BRING buyera and Boilers together; particulars free. Address bos 128, Blackfoot, Idaho. d2458 GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR CAFE man to open cafe in Ogdon's moat beau tiful hotel. Rent vtry reasonable Act quickly. The New Healy Hotel. J. C. Lynch, prop., Ogden. Utah. 09 THE ELECTRIC QUICK LUNCH room, in ono of the best towns In S. Idaho; oloctrlo cooking; every thing up-to-date; well located; oheap rent and do ing a good business; a money-maker. Just the place for man and wife. Would tako in good team as part pay. 236 S. Shoshone st. Twin Falls, Idaho. e2259 PARTY TO FILE ON ENLARGED homestead land and Join me In partner ship fence. Total coat, Including fence, $1,25 por acre. Land worth S76 per acre. AddreBB 1375 3rd avo. Hyland 1670. c591 NOT IN A DENTAL TRUST. More and better dentistry for the money than any other office in the city. High-class brldgo work. $5 per tooth. DR. J. B. KEYSOR. 210 So. Main St. Phono Was. 6628. e35 WANTED PARTNER TO WORK lease; 30.000 tons of ideal frea milling gold cyanldo $20 ore; also 5-otamp mill; superior references; con make good. Ad dress N-53, Tribune. e2131 FINE MEAT MARKET, EXCELLENT condition, good business, best location In city, for cash trade. Owner selling out on account of sickness. Inquire 176 E. 1st So. oll67 A SNAP. Fully equipped restaurant in Ely, Ne vada, doing big business, for sale or trade. Address Box 707, Ely, Nev. elSSl WANTED IDEAS. WRITE FOR LIST of Inventions wanted by manufacturers and prizes offered for Inventions. Our roour books sent free. Tatent secured or fee returned. Victor J. Evans &. Co.. Washington, D. C. e2242 7-ROOM, TWO-STORY BUNGALOW, corner lot, largo lawn, fruit trees; ea3t bench; terms. Wasatch 5458. c2110 WANTED A MAN. We have one of the best openings In Salt Lake City for a live young man with a few hundred dollars. Ask for Mr. Hall, 141 R Broadway. c3224 RESTAURANT DOING GOOD BUSI ness, good location, cheap if taken at once. Inquire 65 E. 1st So. d2385 SPLENDID MEAT MARKET, DOING fine business; must sell on account of sickness; good location; cheap rent. Ad dress L-50 Tribune. d374S I HAVE A FIRST-CLASS RESTAU rant for salo. Address F. 8. Adams, box 104, Rigby, Idaho. e3S7 CHEAP IN CITY, FIRST CLASS. WELL established, well equipped carriage and automobile shop; good location. Address M-38, Tribune. e986 DANDY LITTLE BUSINESS FOR SA LK. $150. Investigate. Write M-47, Tribune. ell77 PARTY TO PUT UP $150 AS EXPENSE to examine copper proposition for half Interest. For particulars, address C. E. S p. o. box 304, city. el740 BARBER SHOP; GOOD LOCATION; good business; cheap rent; for sale j cheap. 700 So. W. Temple. el745 CYOLERY AND REPAIRING SHOP FOR sale at a sacrifice. Owner leaving city. .Address N-4P. Tribune. el962 FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR CAPABLE woman, smalV business for sale, $150. Address N-36, Tribune. C2143 GROCERY STORE. DOING A GOOD business; good location; will sell cheap on account of poor health. 410 2nd ave., Waterloo. e-2409 LARGE MANUFACTURER WANTS partner to manago office. Address 0-9, Tribune. e2217 CASH CONFECTIONERY JOBBING business. $350; good stock, P. O. Box 369. e2215 WANT PARTNERS BEST PAYING business In tho west; 100 per cent a month clear and guaranteed on every dollar invested. C. C. M., care F. O. Box 813, city. e2219 RESTAURANT AND ROOMS IN GOOD town of three thousand, doing fine busl nees and clearing from $150 to $200 per month; 14 sleeping rooms, with large kitchen and dining room; ull nicely fur nished; price $1000; am leaving on ao count of health. Mrs. N. B. Montgomery. Blackfoot, Idaho. G2323 FOR SALE BOARDING HOUSE BUSI ness, Including furnituro of olghteen rooms; SO boarders; highly profitable, but must sell on account of sickness; $1000, $500 cash, balance terms. Mrs. John Truclson, 62 Carr'a Fork, Bingham Can yon, Utah- e2529 BE YOUR OWN BOSS AND MAKE big money writing moving plcturo plays. Simple Ideas well paid for If put Into proper shape. Short hours, pleas ant work and good pay. Wrlto today for frco Information which shown you how. National Photoplay Co., 35 Pacific bldg., San Francisco. e2241 WANTED PARTNER WITH $400, TO take half Interest In a well eslabllshed cash manufacturing business and to manage same; no compotltlon. Refer ences required. Call at 472 E. 2nd South, Sunday, between 12 and 2, or phono Hy land 460-M. e2525 GROCERY AND HOME BAKERY; NICE fixtures and clean stock; low running expenses; well established; present own ers have always made money, but must go away; will sell for half actual money Invested. 104 West Broadway. c2479 PARTNER WANTED FOR MERCHANT tailoring and manufacturing: must have from $2000 to 34000 to Invest. AddrAas O-oo, Tribune. e2512 A BARBER TO TAKE A ROOM IN A nev,- building on the east side: good lo cation; rent reasonable. Hyland 519. R2522 PARTNER WITH $200: MUST BE SO ber and willing. Address 0-22, Trlh un0' c2462 LAWN and CEMENT WORK, WANTEDLAWTo nrompt and reasonable. Phono Hyland 97,-R- b3203 CHIROPODIST LIK,A',FOOT speclsTco FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved CUT THIS AD OUT As a. reminder that you aro to call at our office and investigate WHY TO BUY A HOME. Because my Interests are here. Because I want to seo the goods, Becatiflo I soil what I produce here at home, Because I want to get what 1 pay for. Boca.u.10 I 'bollovo in transacting busi ness -with friends. Because tho man I buy from stands back of the goods. Because tho community that io good enough for mt to live In. is good enough to buy in. And because 1 am able to purchase from GOOD, RELIABLE COMPANY, $1100 4-room cottage, large lot. In the southeast port of the city; terms to suit. 93100 3-room on Windsor ave., lawns and walks, lot 31x125 to alloy, or will trade for larger homo. $3150 Near 9th East on Hollywood at, 5 rooms, now, modorn, large basement, cement walks, graded lot in a new bulldlng-up district. East 1st South, only seven blocks from tho center of the city, a beautiful 14-room homo with lot 8x10 rods, large garage, south front; we will rent, sell or trado; make us an off or. For apartment house sites sec us. Let us show you 5x6 rods on D st, with a rental house now bringing a profit. Wo have 6ome beautiful building sites In Liberty Heights overlooking the city, valley and lake, close to tho 15th East car lino. If you desire to purchase a pair of theso choice lots we can nego tiate tho building of a home thero for you, Wo have plenty of money to loan you, and will build according to your plans or ours. In Yale park wo also have some mag nificent building lots located close to now high school at terms to suit. Cull In Monday and let U3 show you this choice traot. ASHTON-JENKINS CO. ' Edward M. Edward IS. Capital $100,000; Surplus over $100,000. MORTGAGE BANKERS. 47 SO. Main St. Insurance That Insures. MONEY TO LOA5N CULdS WE MAKEMOluTLO upon real estate than any five com petitors combined unless our methods aro right? Nineteen years' exporienco with only ono foreclosure. TRACY LOAN & TRUST CO., 11 E. 1st South. m2661 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names; cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. D. H. Tolman, room 339, Atlas Bldg. el200 AMOUNTS OF $500 AND UP; LOW rates of Interest Houston Real Estate Inv. Co., 351 South Main st Phone 27. ol23 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Halloran-Judge Loan & Trust Co., 303 South Main. e323 SALARIED PEOPLE ACCOMMODATED without delay or publicity. D. D. Drake. 403 Scott Bldg. f3264 ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS; liberal options. Millor & Vlele. 803 Kearns Bldg. all6 PALARY LOANS NEGOTLVTED FOR persons permanently employed; busi ness confidential. 717 Walker Bank Bldg dl575 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. Pomoroy. 36 West First North. pSSl MORTGAGE LOANS WITHOUT DELAY FRITSCH. 201-202 Felt Bldg. c!823 8TOP INTEREST. We give borrowers from us the privi lege of making partial payments at any tlmo, stopping Intorest Oldest and largest real eBtate loan company In Utah. HOME INV. & SAVINGS COMPANY. Glen Miller. Prest., 0 W. First South St. dflOl AT LOWEST RATES. A. RICHTER. 73 Main. FOR REAL ESTATE LOANS. SEE TUTTLE BOTHERS COMPANY. Investment Bankers. 159 Main Street. e267 READY AT ALL TIMES ON FIRST mortgages, 7 per cent; no delay. Alli ance Investment Co., 11 Main st, Was. 4443. ellOo $1000 OR MORE, REAL ESTATE mortgage. Burt Sz Carlqulst Co.. 40 Main st. clS49 SECOND-HAND STORES GET OUR PRICES BEFORE BUYING or selling your second-hand furnituro. Salt Lake Furniture Co., 165 S. W. Tom pie. Wasatch 3637. r2279 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture. Buckeye Furn. Co. Was. 4629. r2565 CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE. CAR pets, stoves, ranges, household goods of valu. Axelrod Furniture Co., 62 West Srd South. Was. 9S3. d3257 WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE nev and used furniture. Michigan Furn. Store. 430 State. Wns. 5145. elSSl AUTOMOBILE NUMBERS NICKEL. BRASS. ENAMEL. 60c TO 35. Charles Peterson, signs. 20 Upper Rlch ards street. oS79 WHERE TO STOP LINCOLN HOUSE. 68 EAST 1ST SO. 250 rooms; rates, 35c, 40c and GOc; mod ern; bathe. 15c. nl339 ACCORDION PLEATING 'SUNBURNT AND SIDE PLEATING. im uum znl South. Phono Hyland S.-J. Jj 1571 '"IT Porch CuCMon ymW Uio winter aa 1 V?" biK, three bedroo MsKBT' this homo is , WjSmm respect V,, JlrslCa4, mW "re brick IT1""00'' fcffB1' closet, fell' bu.'iWfc with v,as, traSnVnt.?5J p.j sewer, curSl'-5'01 tfRtf taxes are nai HT' pood vmue for tIh, tfeK' tn2ly aml win 4 ffSK bungalows for th? ''K jsssr wood floors, hAffB modern arrangcVjWT garage. Owlnc n "j U; mW the owner rnu St e.i. dH this property Ktfcj( homes for "th S1 M way is locafi no. We have leUfSpT on same for 10 faJPjF 8 rooms, all on tj K baths complete, baa Mf oak floors throurtw ijB. nea Ing plant, horns' hKSf newly decorated; thVufcB I ceptlon tho Interior 0(Qs home In the city wf,mm- ' you this bungalow for S' TVe wll guarantee 7 rmSS, price will bo lew ih'wJK house wday'0Un'1 3nd BLVt IMt Is a large horns iST 1 want we have seven! SKflffi Ufterent locations at JSmW will attract you. & .5S,Vi'r,,e Insurance WORLD'S GREATEST. INSURANCE roMpjKnBs Automobile, Plato GImr"""P"' and Bonds. Jfj HALLORAN-JOBGE MWpS TRUST CO. imp Exchange 181. 3W.H;jBt TRADES. City homes for acrme.'Mj-'. farms and ranche3 lor &""kWy Large and small PropoilfciBTf; for the right thing. jt,"fff S1D.TH REALTrlKft, COMPANY, '1:jBftE2 frasatcli "tt'JgS 202 HOOPER BimjSfeJ APARTMENT HOUEBK On E. Broadway, 6 VsW jj each and sleeplns porch. orn; paying better H"E fw Owner must sell account f Bp leaving state and wU"?S..Hfai, easy terms. Think of ii! MHKjpf ance in quarterly rilBriES Rents will positively !"B'tnn taxes and expenses, tof;""""; ' leave you a margin &.m first payment Greatest aftfMf gain in city, at U5.M4. jj0; PETERSON R. E, WW: M' Wasatch 2320. i LOOK AROrwB8 at the men who te.PfflmW&i Salt Lake you'll And ;'Bivi man they havo lnvlVs!B?tci proved residence suMMfiHjBrtsri a time when It was mmti I hold for the lncreMt. '"lB tor! son so many Salt J$MW MARLBOROUGH tylmM See Hoffman Bros. IJ lAWtaiM 22 E. 1st So. st. Kf TOOELE. UTAH, &&jmW' opportunities tomff means. Nearly 100 MSUN at the InternaUonaj wsgfc, , Is a constant denacdfOffc Is nn ideal hoa Wrt H families. Tbew Is a$J$Wmft deuce In tho towu ,.iiWmL be had cheap on eiir ,,5oi phono or call ,onnvSir8fBFu V TOOELE JfAiA'- Tooele. U"1 l,"wli7iC( niRECTFR0H SmwSST 40 ft. Brooks : ave. jMRfcty 100 ft. 12th W.fftfWlft 7-room PSJS V.B5 Inquire about "iBMPflW Meredith, 223 r St. SmWl ""East f5tfro3l5?Kf 'pyou"" G"XfjeTms1 from hlsdj " "pier jbW,iBfes