Newspaper Page Text
THE SALT LAKH TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 21, 1913. J 13 H Horrent iSBfcf.find So ping district: at iMff'&B.' South Temple W(?flr Jaa8ity? "uAlshod and .tiltca furnished suites, im jVS; 'American plan. Cafe Mfon; open to tho public .TffBf lYhod' housekeeping Wtt? service; XSth feic reasonable; East South location in city. Ph' 110 aDd UP X2056 JE THE ANNEX. " T mrnlshed apartments, close In. PWfo. Temple. Was. -SB-Jg vBbOM MODERN FLAT, US S$h 120, McKellar It. E. & Walker Bank Bldg. r720 BlRNISHED FLAT. OXFORD No. Temple. j-3533 OmtxTsHBD AND UNFUR Klrtmbnta In "Tho Caithness. cnIBcond avenuo and B street. K&rBaf garden; best of car serv c. Riter, room 306. New 3 H-l Wasatch P04. s'52 5M-3OR 6-ROOM FURNISHED SLjjjfcti 624 So. Main. b!6il 'Rick HOTEL APTS. K So. and West Temple. ?teF furnished and unfurnished Ji?r suites finest in city large -!L!jMr aervlce. Phone Was. 44 SS APARTMENTS FOR RENT Mher," 76 1st nvo. Phone vva- ltB'sEcTLT MOD. FURNISHED pln private home. ISO No 1 iiiiiM ii 1 1 i ii ii mi rHft and up: new management. - MV st- c953 BkB ALEXANDRIA, lRfurn!shed apartments. $2G and pgla rooms. Phono Wasatch -iKoM'lilODERN APT., SUM Mfl6 and $21. 1454 5th East1-6GG (B, WITH PRIVATE BA?$i bOM APARTMENTS. ALSO ?tUftttage in rear, all modern. 'ilillKl 1st avc. c27S9 EttBrURNISHED FIVE-ROOM '4&tlBghy modern, In ideal loca gEt 2nd So. e2S21 WABBNISHED FLAT, B34 SO. ..Waa. 2161-J. Q2SC7 IjjjEpients Unfurnished RdXpXitetVat 7irrBth. will bo finished about Au iiV rooms, sleeping porches, . -"K beds, etc; modern and up HpUCe your reservations now. 7rBBAL estate & INVEST- i'gBf MENT CO., MUHi kor Bank Building. BlteKlRWTLL BD READY SEP K; 3 and 5 rooms; fireproof; -fctlons now. Was. 16S6-R. 4TH EAST &lBiith; steam, Janitor servlco; tflVn; 30 to $32.50. urtBHTTLE, No. 1 W. 2nd Sa "ofil MOD. APT.; -initfcH no children. 351 3rd iSl c340 7m5MnOOM, STRICTLY MOD- aflEPr27T-NO. MAIN; 5 tSPlwrch, modern, beautiful lo "' 1 J I I I b3760 TTf LA FRANCE, jB-6100"1 apts., 535 to $42.60. HET SUITE, PRESCOTT CwJK,, Phono Was. 2572-W. -dKrBOOM APT., NEAR UNI :JEfKtit and rear porches. Hy- c4G51 6itMAN, 4-ROOM SVTRICTLY O0t'?HKn-er' newly decorated. Wa jiriJMS; r2923 ii JB1 1 i mm i nun i jJPMBf Tuck apts.. 449 South nd ftB" apartments" iliiP'ont and rear porches, 170 ZJBfe'T IN THE CLUFF. Apl ZkBir Phone Hyland 359-M. 13th MROOM APARTMENT. iJP-oSSo. Main. el570 , fjj)jMHH8thSo. o2120 AND I'l 8"' ?.r' Kuuter apts.. 321 , yth. ttaaatch 1H75-W. 0231S "JjT CORNER ?AKiw3ll,iflJi rooms, mod SMrespent. Including dlsappcnr- fAm 'n. Ct-nboxo!: ,,no wnltor VKm In; SaO and $35. Inquire rmacyat corner. e2S20 -Stores and Offices Zjmt Wcatco. 1003 KearnB 'Wt- ST.ATE. ALP BLOCK !tBB!TSUMSaic,,?reHt location for J5K&L Little. No. 1 West ?!?KmftUSIESS DISTRICT. ' ' W- J- Dooley. iSSEP1 STORE ROOM 27-9 "SJ?: 35x100: Win divide to Roberta & Daly. 371 South IK0 Ar. basexient; iKlDn V5 W.cst Broadway, af- i w rTvJKfoent. good terms to nood tfiK' a 8 Holmes. 103 State 'dmL ('3"S7 ,5SB?,T 0F STOREROoTl dl y?roadwtty. Inquire Horton d3925 (iBB11 ArD OFFICES IN f?W A"P'y J- WirthHn, room E"SO.. 15X75 FT.: MOD. WBL lt : near,y now hldg.; C21I4 Apply room 1 Mack- FOR SALE Poultry and Pefc Stock P.-WB CHICK MANNA SUPPI1E3 very need for chicks from one day to' three weekx old. $2.80 per hundred. Porter-Walton Co.. 274 South State- r2S30 LIVE CHICKENS WANTED AT ALL times. Will call for. Phone Hyland 154-R. c3999 DENVER INCUBATORS FOR SALE. S. v-adncr & Bro.. Sth East and Aahton ave. Hyland 2070.. r3133 BLmVCK MINORCA AND WHITE LEG horn chickens for salo. 1026 So. Sth Easi St., city. ;2837 KELLERSTRAUS WHITE ORPING tons. 42 liens. 2 cocks. CO pullets, 20 cockerels. 375 C street. o2927 For Sale Horses and Vehicles a GooB''wolucnG about 1250 lbs., wagon and harness, for sale cheap on account of sickness, at 33 Donelson court, on 4th East between So. Tern, and 1st So. oloOl SALT LA ICE HORSE & MULB MARKET. 844 West Fifth South. Phono Wasatch 4187. b914 FINE TEAM. OF GRAY HORSES. weight 2750 lbs.; good travelers. In quirjo 164 South West Temple. el555 ONE SPA:N 1400-POUND, 8-YEAR-OLD, No. 1 horses, 5240; one span, 1200 lb3.. harness and wagon, fit for gravel liaul or dry farm, 3250; one span, 1100 lbs., 5 and 6 yearn old, ?225. 51 So. 2nd West el675 FINE BAY YOUNG WORK TEAM. Phono Wasatch 4S72-R. o2!07 MARE AND BUGGY FOR SALE. OR will talco good cow In trade. Write B. C. Calhoun, R. F. D. box 465, Garfield. Utah. c2304 GOOD DELIVERY HORSE AIND WORK horse. Alno spring wagon. 820 East 13th South. Phono Hyland 211S-.7. e2925 RUBBER-TIRED BUGGY, WITH TOP. Was. 1575-J. 01 7th E. c2945 For Sale Automobiles LOOK! AUTOS STORED, $8 PER MONTH; RE PAIRING, 50c PER HOUR: ALL WORK GUARANTEED; WE EMPLOY ONLY UNION MEN; WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF AUTO TIRES AND SUPPLIES; ALL KINDS OF MACHINE WORK DONE. LOOK FOR 359 SOUTH W. TEMPLE. RALSTON' S GARAGE. el301 WE HAVE REAL BARGAINS IN USED Cadillac cars. These machines have been rebuilt, repainted, and we give the same guarantoe with them that goes with a new Cadillac. It will pay you to sec thorn before buying either a new or used car of any other make. Sharman Auto mobile Co., 42-45 Automobile row. ol98S TWO OR FOUR-PASSENGER FRANK Hn, overhauled and repainted; a snap. Salt Lake Automobile Co., 163 East First South. Phono Was. 2684. blSOO USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL KINDS for Bale. Bicycle Supply Co. cl476 USED AUTOMOBILES AT PRICES TO suit all buyers. Choesman Auto Co.. QS Automobile row. Icl035 WANTED 2 FIRST-CLASS AUTOMO blle aaleamon. Address K-6, Tribune. d267S HAVE YOUR BATTERIES RECHARGED the now way. the Hiunc -way. Also mako a specialty of magnetonetoa and coll repairing. 135 E. 2nd South. d3397 AUTO REPAIRING, VULCANIZING, painting and all auto work done, 50c per hour. "Rear 73 Postofflce place. e4713 1913 RAMBLER: NEW; NEVER BEEN used; good bargain. Inquire 163 West End North. c2718 4 -PASSENGER COLUMBUS ELEC trlc. in first-class condition; new tires, new batteries. Either sell or trade for real estate. Address O-IS, Tribune. 02817 30 TT. P. CARTERCAR, 4 CYLINDER, auto delivery, $250; must Fell at once. S. L. Auto Exchange, 109-113 W. So. Temple. e2932 ONE AUTO. 50 HORSEPOWER, 7-PAS-scngcr, fully equipped; a bargain. 629 So. State st. e2913 For Sale Motorcycles iokT twin" excelsior fully equipped; party leaving town: snap If taken at onco. C. H. Miller Grain Co., 110 W. 1st So. o2924 For Rent Garage CEraNTPXOR! E?SctTLK?HTS and water; largo enough for two cars. 242 E. So, Temple. el087 For Sale Furniture THE'XAltGE&T?'B est stock of second-hand good3 in this city, consisting of furniture. stoves, ranges njid household furnishings. Wo also havo tha largest and best so loctlons of rugs and carpets. We havo all makes and sizes. These goods aro about as good as new and we can sell them for about one-half the regular price. UTAH FURNITURE CO., 128-132 W. 2nd South. el454 FURNITURE FOR SALE OF A 12 room boarding house: rooms all full; a great bargain If taken at once; owner leaving city. 211 E. 1th South. ol774 FURNITURE OF 5 ROOMS, THE LOT or single, very cheap. Everything just Uko now, SI West 3rd North. Phono Wa satch 3703-R. C2966 CHEAPEST FURNITURE IN CITY Troy Furniture Co., 4 doors south K.-0'B'b. store. cl71J FURNITURE OF B-ROOM HOUSB AT bargain; No. 2 Clift place, Wasatoh 3770-W. e905 WE BUY ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD furniture and pay reasonable prices. You pave time and worry by calling us up. Fisher & Robbins Co., GO West 2nd South. Wasatch 5171. ol499 " - FURNITURE OF 5 -ROOM HOUSE. cheap. No. 15 Keynor ct. Phoue Wa satch 342S-J. el744 SMALL FUR, APT. AT A SACRIFICE; apt. for rent. Addreen O-50, T.ribune. e2S27 For Sale Pianos electrTcjicke good hs new. cheap. 161 W. Srd So. Phono Wan. 6836-W. iU.008 Wanted Furniture hcIteIpIucI hand h. h. goods. Utah Furniture Co. Was. 4317. el453 WE BUY ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD furniture and pay reasonable priceti. You save time and worry bv calling ua up. Fisher & Robblrm Co.. 60 West 2nd South. Wasatch 5171. olSOU FURRIERS FUKS REPAIRED' AND STORED. Geneva C Hicks Co.. 68 So. 6th East. Was. 3707. c9Sa J. PANEK, PRACTICAL FURRIER. 124 E. Broadway; all work guaranteed. C1096 AUTOMOBILE NUMBERS nhskelbTCCssTena Charlns Peterson, algns, 20 Upper Rleh ardo street.. cS73 FOR SALE For Sale Miscellaneous SAND AND GRAVEL AT WARM Springs gravel pit. P. J. Moran. con tractor. Inc. Phono Was. 2273. d3945 FIRST-CLASS SECOND-HAND BRICK for pale. J4.00 per M at yard, No. 850 So. 2nd Went. Call Wasatch 4039. C2S49 UNCALLED FOR TAILOR MADE suits, worth $35 and $40: your filzo for $15. Spclbcrg Tailoring Co., 57 W. 2nd South. ,13951 STALE BREAD FOR SALE CHEAP AT Royal Baking Co., stale bread depot. c3433 FENCEPOSTS. Jfi AND $10 PER HUN drcd. Hylnnd 1670. 83570 FIRST-CLASS WALRUS FOUNTAIN. almost new; will Bell at half price; easy terms, J. G. McDonald Chocolato Co., 159 W. Broadway. dl41 BARBER SHOP FOR "SALE: DOING good business; leaving city. 706 Ei 5th Pouth. d3377 TRIBUNE BICYCLE, COASTER BRAKE, cheap. 221 E. 4th So. d3808 SAVE MONEY ON PICTURE FRAM Ing at Horton's Book E'hop, 27 East Broadway. d2492 GOOD PIANO. CHEAP. OR TRADE for horses. Mitchell Van, 273 So. W. Temple. e36 ORGAN. PIANO. HOTEL RANGE AND barber chair, cheap. 301 State. eS74 LISTEN! HALF PINT BONDED WHIS ky. 25c; pint. 50c; gallon, $2.50: 7-ycar-old. gallon, $3.50; flask. 25c; 3 bottles of Imperial beer, 50c; S2.50 case net. Social bar, 502-4 South State. el941 OLD BRICK. GOOD AS NEW. APPLY 212 Brooks Arcade building. Phone Was. 4116. e2U4 GOOD WORKING SUITS FOR SALE from $4 to ?10. Misfit Parlors, 219 State. ell02 100 MISFIT SUITS FOP. SALE AT cost. Nobby Suitorlum, 219 State st. ellOO A GREENHOUSE. 20X90 FEET. AND hot-water heating plant. Hy. 25-R. el821 COW WITH CALF FOR SALE CHEAP. 1401 W. Srd So. e2053 FIVE LOTS. NEWLY FURNISHED 4 rooms and panto; flowing well; near 14th South; $1S00; monthly payments like rent. Arthur Betx, 808 B. 3rd So. e2403 NEW WAGON AND COAL BED FOR sale. 737 Windsor st. Hyland 831-M. e2730 SECOND-HAND 20-IC W. ELECTRIC generator and engine. Western Junk & Metal Yard, 1044 So. State. Phone Was. 2316. e2747 DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN, FIRST class condition; will soli cheap. Ke vltch. D 15-16 Savoy Hotel. c271S ONE JEWEL GAS RANGE, ONE COKE heater, one coll heater for sale; practi cally new; bargain. Call No. 4 Bedford Villa, e2839 FOR SALE. CIGAR FDCTURES. SOLID mahogany, finest In the city. 351 1st ave.. Was. 2881-W. e2866 All GOING TO KANSAS CITY; HAVE tickets for two; a bargain; good until Oct 31, 1913. Was. 4296-J. c2951 WHITE-TOP CANYON WAGON AND two-seated trap. Was. 1562-J. 152 4th ave. e2923 HOTELS Best furnished hotel In tho city; strict ly modern; absolutely fireproof; special rates by week or month. 253 South State et. J. M. Marriott, Prop. c885 HOTEL JAMES. Mr. BuBinosB Man, wo are now open and ready for business. Wo havo 100 rooms, single or en eulto; 50 rooms with private baths: all modern and up to date; In heart of business center; newly furnished; absolutely respectable. JAMES STEVENSON. Prop. Next to Walker Bank. 167 So. Main. d367 SHELTON HOTEL WEEKLY RATES, with bath, $5 to SS; without. $4 to 56. 121 S. West Tcmpla. e868 BROADWAY SALT LAKE'S NEWEST hotel now opened. 40 modern rooms, I with or without bath, $1 day up; weekly rates. 222 W. 3rd So. d696 HOTEL VICTOR MOD. OUTSIDE rooms, hot and cold water: rates 60c, 75c, $1. Special summor rates. 155 W, 2nd So. dl471 WELD EN HOTEL. Rates $3.50 to $5 per week. 33 E. Broadway. d395o LAKE HOTEL. ! Weekly rates. $3' to $5. 48 Po3tofflco place. e3S PALMER HOTEL; TOURIST HEAD quarters; transient and weekly rates; close in. 54 W First South. Mrs. Swan, proprietress. e763 ST. CECIDE. HOT AND COLD WATER; phones, baths; well ventilated. Spe cial rates. 233 Ptate. cll07 YALE HOTEL. 1481 E. FIRST SOUTH. Mod. h. and c. water. ?1 day. Spl. ratos. 01276 STORAGE, MOVING, PACK ING, SHIPPING WHAT DO YOU MOEjT DESIRE WHEN having your household belongings moved from place to place? You desire, abovo all things, not cheapness but care. You want your good3 handled right, and not scuffed up, Such- caro do we exer cise, and at the same time our rates aro ao low as any. because our organization In large and efficient. REDMAN FIREPROOF STORAGE CO., Phono 565, ' 159 Main St. dS631 TO SHIP HOUSEHOLD COODS TO any part of the United States. Cut rates. Kimball Van & Storage Co.. 75 South Main. m2663 ASSAYERS CRISMON & NICHOLS, ASSAYERS and chemists. 229 South West Temple. W1793 A. F EARDWELL. SUCCESSOR BET tles, Mathfis & Co., 158 South West Temple. Phono Was. 4696. f217 R. H. OFFICER fc CO.. ASSAYERS. 1C0 South West Templo at., .'valt Lako Cltv. m260 BIRD -COWAN CO-, ASSAYERS. 160 South West Temple. Phone Was. 4114. b45S J. W. CURRIE, 70 W. THIRD SOUTH. P. O. box. 565. Salt Lake City. o082 UNION ASSAY OFFICE. INC.. 152 AND 154 South West Temple. P. O. box 1446. Phone Exchange 185 d3 MANICURING AND SHAM- FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. 62 E. 1th South. Was. 3536, olo BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and Rooming Houses HOTEL. OUT OF CITY. COMPLETELY furnished; bar and pool room In con nection; all doing good business; no oth er hotel In the town; will sell cheap. Ad dress K-22. Tribune. d3030 FOR RENT TWENTY-ROOM HOUSE for boarding or rooming. Very desira ble location. Large barn, lino yard. Phone Was. 2823. ' e2Sl MODERN HOTEL. 38 ROOMS; RENT $125 per month; stock on hand at in voice; good commercial trade. Write P. O. box 96, Downey, Idaho. cl937 7 ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED. 1 blocks from Main; cheap rent; snap at $300. Was. 6S36-W. e83 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Miscellaneous- $1500 HANDLES A-l MOVING PICTURE HOUSE. If you are looking for a picture house, an unexcelled opportunity presents Itself owing to death In family to secure one of the best moving picture houses in the city of Pocatello. population over 12,000, on main thoroughfare; seating capacity 460; plays vaudeville; fully equipped style, $1500 will handle this, balance liberal terms. Strictest investigation. For fur ther particulars address Pocatello Adver tising Agency, Pocatello, Idaho. e2S22 FOR SALE EXCLUSIVE STATE rights to handle a high-class device re cently Invented. It Is certain to be In great demand; 400 per cent profit as sured; only Finall amount of cash re quired, the opportunity of a lifetime; in vestigate. 31S So. 0th East sU e761 WE GET IT. If you want something and don't know where to get it, write GRESHAM SELLING-BUYING AGENCY, 123 Liberty street, New York. e224 GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR CAFE man to open cafe In Ogden's most beau tiful hotel. Rent very reasonable. Act quickly. The Now Hcaly Hotel, J. C. Lynch, prop., Ogden, Utah. d9 PARTY TO FILE ON ENLARGED homestead land and join mo in partner ship fence. Total cost, Including fence, $1.25 per acre. Land worth $75 per acre. Address 1875 3rd ave. Hyland 1670. c591 NOT IN A DENTAL TRUST. More and better dentistry for the money than any other office In the city. High-class hridgc work, $5 per tooth. DR. J. B. KEYS OR. 240 So. Main St. Phono Was. 6628. e35 FINE MEAT MARKET, EXCELLENT condition, good business, best location In city, for cash trade. Owner Belling out on account of sickness. Inquire 176 E. 1st So. 61167 A SNAP. Fully equipped restaurant in Ely, Ne vada, doing big business, for sale or trade. Address Box 707, Ely, Nev. 01821 7-ROOM, TWO-STORY BUNGALOW, corner lot, large lawn, fruit trees; east bench; terms. Wasatch 5458. c2110 WANTED A MAN. We have one of the best openings In Salt Lake City for a llvo young man with a few hundred dollars. Ask for Mr. Hall, 141 E. Broadway. c3224 I HAVE A FIRST-CLASS RESTAU rant for sale. Address F. S. Adams, box 104. Rlgby, Idaho. e387 CHEAP IN CITY, FIRST CLASS. WELL established, well equipped carriage and automobile shop; good location. Address M-38, Tribune. e986 DANDY LITTLE BUSINESS FOR SALE $150. Investigate. Write M-47, Trlhuno. ell77 PARTY TO PUT UP $150 AS EXPENSE to examine copper proposition for half Interest. For particulars, address C. E. S p. o. box 304, city. el740 GROCERY STORE. DOING A GOOD business; good location; will sell cheap on account of poor health. 419 2nd ave.. Waterloo. e2409 LARGE MANUFACTURER WANTS partner to manage office. Address 0-9. Tribune. e2217 WANT PARTNERS BEST PAYING business In the west: 100 per cent a month clear and guaranteed on every dollar invested. C. C. M.. care P O. Box S13, city. c2219 FINEST OPPORTUNITY EVER OF fercd for a lady with $500 to take an Interest In the best paying business in Salt Lake City. Bank and commercial references given Box 0-57, Tribune. e2S5S NEW GROCERY STOCK AND Fix tures; good business; good school loca tion; will mako liberal sacrifice to right party, must sell Immediately. 1120 So. W. Temple. Hyland 1047-W. e2926 FOR SALE CIGAR, FRUIT AND CON fcctlonery stand; good location. Ad dress P. O. Box 1G3 e2919 IF YOU WANT NICE LITTLE STOCK of groceries with good school trade, Bee Mahan. 273 W. Temple. Was. 114. c29:J9 MEDICAL tIhF'comIngell BEWARE1 No germ can or will afflict the human body. If Nunn's Black Oil Is taken regu lar three times a week. You are then immune from any germ. Do as you like. Prevent it or let It come. It will kill eure when It strikes you. The same for horses and cattle. Give them ono ounce In mash three times a week. They never have the colic or any other diseases. Chickens pigs. cowb. etc., all the same. Prevention is bettor than a cure. Mako your bodies Immune from those destructive germs and live. Thle advt. is for your good, whether vou think it or not. I take it every morning my self. I am free from any destructive germ. Sold at all druggists. 60c and $1.00 a bottle. Human In blue label. Manufactured and oId by Dr. C. W. Nunn Black Oil Co., Salt Lako City Utah. d2664 CHINESE HERBS S"YElinFoOMJ " CHINESE HERB INSTITUTE. 118 S. MAIN. UPSTAIRS. Yeo Foo Lun, C H. D.. Chinese herb treatment has cured thousands of suf ferers. WHY NOT YOU? Nature's way The Chinese Herb way la the best for Rheumatism, Dropsy, Catarrh, Bright's Disease, Indigestion, Tonallltls, Blood DlHOrders and other ailments. Hours 0 a. m. to 6 p. m.: Sundays, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.; evenings, 7 to S; special appointments at Hotel Utah. Phone Wasatch C930. Consultation free by pre senting tills notice b3836 D. R. FONG, CHINESE CELEBRATED HERBALIST. Master of nil so-calh'd Inrurahle diseases. Salt Lake offices. 116 South Main. Free consultation by presenting this notice. e237 STOVES and RANGE REPAIRS rnueIT'conlI Jackets cleaned. $2; L Jackets, $3; stoves repaired. E, E. Morrlss. Phone Wasatch 6714-W. ui402 LINJNGS, GRATES AND WATER Jackets .all makes, work guaranteed. Q. D. Lovett foundry, 44 7th West. Wasatch 3990. I21S0 STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRING: water Jackets cleaned, Goalon. 173 R street. Wasatch C719-J. n824 MACHINERY. SECOND-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS. shafting, hoists, pulleys, air compres sors, gasoline engines, motors, plpo and fittings; supplies of nil kinds. Boguo Supply Co.. yard 3rd So, and 7th West. Was. 5706. d4041 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved CONSERVATIVE INVESTORS. ATTEN TION! GENUINE PROPOSITION. Our client has an improved picre of property within 2i blocks of MAIN STREET, on FIRST SOUTH, that he will sell for $12,000.00. on following terms: Will lease the property for a term of 10 years at a rate that will guarantee purchaser 4 per cent per annum on hi money, lease to be subject to cancella tion at any time at option of purchaser, and at end of ton years. If property has not been sold In tho meantime, purchaser am get his money bark, or can exorcise an additional option given purchaser by our client of accepting $20,000.00 for the property at tho end of the twentieth year and receive nil the rents from the prop erty during the Inst ton years. As security for the lease and tho pay ment of the sums mentioned, our client will furnish $6000.00 of 6 per cent. 20-year gold bonds, gilt-edged, and will allow the Interest accruing on the bonds to be kept in a fund as additional security during the life of the agreement, which would accumulate a fund sufficient to refund the money nt times mentioned. Contemplate for one moment the possi bilities of such a proposition In a grow ing town like Salt Lake, with the glowing future ahead of this western country. You absolutely run no risk whatever, having the property In your own name at all times, which secures your money fully, and In addition thereto you have the $6000.00 worth of GOLD BONDS drawing 6 per cent per annum, with also the accruing interest on the bonds again Invested In additional gilt-edge securi ties, practically giving j-ou double the amount of socurlty, average, behind the money you Invest. If you want to make the surest money you ever made in your life, give this proposition the closest In vestigation. If history repeats Itself here as It has in other cities In the countryc then the one taklnc advantage of this proposition might mane himself Independ ently rich. Phone W. 501 or 2213, for Agent and make appointment to talk same over. e2712 (A. RICHTER) (A. RICHTER) 4 PER CENT TO 8 PER CENT I IS ABOUT THE BEST ONE CAN GEN ERALLY EARN ON LEGITIMATE SAFE INVESTMENT 12 PER CENT NET IS A RARE EXCEPTION Have a proposition which will net such rato of Interest on an Investment which Is as safe as government bonds. On a plat of ground in good rentable locality Have four 6-room modern brick cot tages, four 5-room modern brick cottages and one 4-room frame. These houses have been built only a few years ago at a cost of about $19,600 for actual construction, Hay nothing about the ground, which Is worth not less than $10,000. All these houses are In first class repair and all rented bringing now $172 per month rent. A plat of ground of eight (8) rods frontage and eight (8) deep room for three (3) more houses belongs also to this prop erty and I am authorized to sell all for $15,000. It will require $10,000 cash to handle this proposition. I invite your closest inspection and guarantee that I have not exaggerated in this ad. TO TRADE A splendid 20-acre farm on 7th Ea3t near 15th South all Improved. Three room brick house and barn with imple ments; for good Salt Lako City Improved realty. What can you offer? $2000 AND UPWARD For some choice 4 and 5-room bunga lows at prices which are right. Not the "slapped together" kind, built for sale by unscrupulous builders, cracked walls before you move Into them, but good, honest built homes. For Instance, there Is one for sale on the corner of 9th avenue. It is a 5-room modern brick cottage, with hard wood floors, large cement basement with fur nace fino Improved lot. An up to date modern home, for $3800. Terms can be arranged. Wo have hundreds of others. A. Richtcr, 73 South Main Street. Was. 641. e2353 TOOELE, UTAH, OFFERS STRIKING opportunities for the man of moderate means. Nearly 1000 men are employed at the International smelter and thero le a constant demand for more men. It is an ideal home town ror men with families. There is not a vacant resi dence In the town. Desirable lots can bo had cheap on easy terms. Write, phono or call on TOOELE IMPROVEMENT CO., Tooele, Utah, dl716 "NEW BUNGALOWS." 5- room modern, with full basement, hardwood floors, cement walks, furnace, gas; reduced to $3750. Fine location. 6- room mod. brick bungalow, on Ninth ave.; $4300. 4-room, partly modern, cement cottage; great bargain; at $1575. Many others. GODDARD INV. CO., 32 S. Main street. e2416 $750 or a little more If you wish, will buy a home site for you in MARLBOROUGH PLACE. WITH ALL STREET IM PROVEMENTS INCLUDED. together with five-year-old shade trees. They're BIG LOTS. too. frontages 40 to 51 feet. Easy terms; $25 down and balance monthly. Hoffman Bros. Loan & Trust Co., 2." E. 1st South st. Was. 244. 02391 $45007 ACRES IRRIGATED LAND. house, barn, 500 chickens and all Imple ments; near Holllday. $2000 5 acres Irrigated land on Mill creek, $900 5 acres irrigated land on new car line; only $100 cash down and bal anco monthly. E. J. HUFF, 405 Atlas Block. e2400 " DIRECT FROM OWNER. 66 by 165. West Temple near 4th So. S2i by 330, W. 2nd So., opp. C'ontinen tail Oil Co. Lot 25 ft . 6th East near 11th South. 75 ft, State near 13th South. 40 ft.. Brooks ave. near 9th East. 100 ft., 12th East near high school. 7- room pressed brick, 223 F st. Inquire about prices and terms. A. H. Meredith. 223 F st. Phono Was. 1954-W. e299 MAKE ME AN OFFER ON A 14-ROOM apartment-rooming house, with three by ten rods of ground, half block from Temple square. Room in front of house for a twelve two and three-room apart ment house, nnd with the two buildings on ground it would earn about 20 per cent on an investment of $40,000, Pres ent valuation of property as it etands Is $10,000. Address G-S. Tribune. dll49 6-RM. STRICTLY MOD. BRICK ON East Bench near university; fifil ce mented basement, upstairs floored and large enough for two good rooms. Can sell you this hom. for a small cash pay ment and balance like rent. FRITSCH, 201-3 FELT BLDG. el469 TOOELE. UTAH. FINE BUILDING LOT. 100 ft. frontage, S2i ft. deep, 1-blofk from high school and within o minutes' walk from center of city. Price, $300 for quick sale. H. G, Mahon. Tooele, Utah. ellM FOUR-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW, now. 52650 $375 down, balance $25 per month. Apply at S17 Roosevelt ave. e2351 3 LOTS, 75X150. 7-ROOM HOUSE: 1 cow. chickens, good barn, chicken coop: 215 Navajo nt. $1700 cash If taken at once. JoPaphln Bosone. b25S4 EM IGRATION CANYON LOTS ON creek and railroad: easy terms. Per kins station. Dooly block, or Hy. 1357-J. e2824 NICE HOME. EASY TERMS, $2650; 1 acre good ground, with good 4-room brick house, hall, pantry, etc.; chicken ftbeds, lots of Bhade. 2543 So. 5th East, Talie Wandumere car to Drlggs ave. d3773 "WE SELL REAL ESTATE. THAT'S klL" TutUo Broo. Co.. 159 Main street. f2243 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Improved and Unimproved WE CAN SELL YOUR REAL ESTATE. If you must hv money on same, we havo' Hie facilities for making quick turns. Properties for wile, rent or exchungo are handled by uc. ASHTON-JENKINS CO. Edward M. Edward E. Cap. $100,000. Surplus over $100,009. Mortsiige Uankcrn. Insurance that Insures. FOR SALE, S-ROOM BRICK BUNGA low. 13th East, near hlch school: lot 40x160; ljardwood floors; liro place, thor oughly modern. Owner learlne city: bar gain; terms. Address P. O. box 707. C2965 $700, TERMS OR 54600 CASH TAKES lots 22 and 23, block 2. and lot 13. block 3. Broadway addition. State street, south. Sail Lake. P. O. Moodle. 599 E. 40th N. Portland. Oregon. e23Sl IF YOU HAVE A BARGAIN IN REAL estate, we can sell It. If you want a bargain, wo have It. Easy payment homes. J. L. DENTLVM CO.. 343 Main SL W. 4133. 14415 ASHTON & JENKINS. REAL ESTATE. loans and Inuuranco. 47 Main street. Phone Waatch 780. m307J LOT 100x100 FEET; MOFFAT ROAD. IN Colorado; price $50 cash. 211 So. 3rd E. e8S7 4-ROOM, NICELY FURNISHED. MOD. home, southeast: i cash, bal. easy terms. Call Hyland 3-M. o2734 BY OWNER, 5-ROOM MODERN BRICK. 948 Brooks ave., 9th East. Bargain. e214S BARGAIN. BY OWNER NINE-ROOM modern brick residence: has garage anil sleeping porch. 149 So. 7th East. eSOO Duck Grounds to Lease TO LEASE. FINE DUCK-SHOOTING gvounds. See Meyer, 407 Mclntyre bldg. 1756 Wanted To Trade Eourry'TNst) acresof1 landTn Delta Tract for building lots or second hand auto. Real Estate To Exchange PwANTTORAD In three by ten rods of ground with 14-room apartment-rooming house, half block from Temple square, for a smaller unencumbered home or other property of equal value. House brings In $140 a month In rentals and Is good money maker, but too large for me to hand! Address G-7. Tribune. dll4S Abstracts Title Insurance furnish abstracts and title Insurance, attend to all details In transferring and mortgaging land titles. Capital. $300.00(1 235 Main. 2529 MONEY TO LOAN COULE) WE MCkeMORE LOANd upon real estate than any five com petitors combined unless our methods aro right? Nineteen years' experience with only ono foreclosure. TRACY LOAN & TRUST CO., 11 B. 1st South. m26l FIRST MORTGAGE REAL ESTATE loans for sale. Principal and Interest guaranteed by ub. McKELLAR REAL ESTATE & IN VESTMENT COMPANY. Investment Bankers. Paid up capital, $100,000. 402 and 403 Walker Bank Bldg. c2742 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names- cheap rates, easy payments, confidential. An drews & Co., room 339, Atlas Bldg. el200 AMOUNTS OF $500 AND UP: LOW rates of Interest. Houston Real Estate Inv. Co., 351 South Main st. Phone 27. ol23 MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE Halloran-Judge Loan & Trust Co.. 303 South Main. e323 SALARIED PEOPLE ACCOMMODATED without delay or publicity. D. D. Drake. 403 Scott Bldg, f3264 ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS: liberal options. Miller & Viele. 803 Kearns Bldg. all6 SALARY LOANS NEGOTIATED FOR persons permanently employed: busi ness confidential. 717 Walker Bank Bldg. dloia MONEY TO LOAN. ON REAL ESTATE. Pomeroy. 36 West First North. p8Sl MORTGAGE LOANS WITHOUT DELAY. FRITSCH. 201-202 Felt Bldg. cl823 STOP INTEREST. We give borrowers from us tho privi lege of making partial payments at any time, stopping Interest. Oldest and largest real estate loan company In Utah. , HOME INV. & SAVINGS COMPANY. Glen Miller. Prest., 6 W. First South St. dflOl AT LOWEST RATES. A. RICHTER. 73 Main. FOR REAL ESTATE LOANS. SEE TUT TLB BOTHERS COMPANY, investment Bankers. 159 Main Street. e267 READY AT ALL TIMES ON FIRST mortgages. 7 per cent: no delay. Alli ance Investment Co.. 11 Main st.. Was. 4443. ellOo $1000 OTt MORE, REAL ESTATE mortgage. Burt & Carlquist Co.. 40 Main st. el 549 UNREDEEMED PLEDGES $2T"GEulNEVrrE SAP PH1RE ring. $9.00. $100 diamond stick pin. $37.50. $125 saddle and stirrups complete, $35. Very expensive Martin guitar. $35. Cllne Jewelry & Loan Co. (Established 25 yars). 11 East Broadway. c293S SECOND-HAND STORES GTURPICeT"b12FORE BUYING or selling your second-hand furniture. Salt Lake Furniture Co.. 165 S. V. Tem ple. Wasatch 3637. r2279 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand furniture. Buckeye Furn. Co. Wa3. 4629. r2563 CASH PAID FOR" FURNITURE. CAR pets, stoves, ranges, household goods of value. Axelrod Furniture Co.. 62 West 3rd South. Was. 983. d3257 WE BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE new and used furniture. Michigan Furn. Ptore. 430 State. Was. 5115. e13Sl WALLPAPER CLEANING home""pa1per"sci work; reasonable prices. Office, 122 E. Broadway, Was. 3151. d3179 UTAH PAPER CLEANING CO'. OFFICE Salt Lako Glass ,fc Paint Co. Ex. 400. Res.. Was. 2040-W. rj42 SEWING MACHINES WESELl7RENT "ND REPAIR ALL makea. 159 State. Was. 4703. d3416 STANDARD SEWING MACHINES FOR sale at prices and terms to suit. Bow era & Evans. IIS S. W. Temple. b31S2 FURRIER and TAXIDERMIST eveIryingin THIS FUR A$u taxidermist linn made as you want It. R. Steniel Fur Co.. 57 E. Broadway 23 years in Salt Lake. n525 FOR SALE FARM LANDS BE A FARMER. Farming Is a business one of the big goat businesses in the workl loday. Last year over lOfl.OCO men and women loft the city grind add went on farms. A gcxxl part of thorn arc makljig good. Thay'ro Incorporated tholr business principlex In fxnn practice. The reMilt Is they are outstripping men who have been farmers all tholr Hvos. There is no renson why city men can not make good on a farm. Opportunity beckons. Grnsp it by the forelock and make It yield for you. For na low as $15 pr acre, you can buy Pnrk Valley land; terms, llvo years. You won't need the five years, but we grant you tho privilege anyway. In many Instances, the flmt year's crops fully nay for tho hind. ' Take a few minutes today; come to our office and see this year's crop sped- Information, booklets, folders nil grat Is; no obligations. If you can't come, drop us a card. PACIFIC LAND ft WATER CO.. 15th Moor. Walker Bank Bldg.. Suit Lake City, Utah. 2935 LAUNDRIES H WCRlT"!vCKL AMEDaVUFIie'- quested). No extra charge. PALACE LAUNDRY CO. Office 11 West 1st Soth. jH Office "0 W. Second South. Was. 52S7. Office 79 E f'.cond South. Was. 1481. IH Office 33 E. Third South. Was. 371C IH Works 758 E. Fourth South. Hyland iH 2562. 552. WM Laundry brought to offices saves 25 per cent. cl"0S Hand Laundries cXrruLs?Etn tihlnwalsls and dresses. All work d'. ne by hand. 120 W. 2nd So. Was. 39;'. CIS VETERINARY H r veteIrTnXrycol gins Sept. 15. No profession offe.s equal opportunity. Catalogue free C Keane, pres., ISIS Market SL, San Fra .- iH Cisco. dM7 SANITARY GARBAGE CANS H grbagecas' HH with our service. S. L. Scavenger & IH Sanitary Garbage Co., 25 East .4th Soutb UH Wasatch 170, n?.i1i LADIES' TAILOR H FASHION LADIES' TAILOR. 120 EAST Broadway. H. Babbcl, Mgr. Wasatch 6959. b2030 YOU CAN GET AN ELEGANT FALL suit, cloak or gown for one-half regu- jH lar P.'ce. Call Hyland 74. e!390 COAL AND KINDLING H eTd"ealTco and kindling. 165 East 4th South. Phone Wasatch 1238. h25 SECOND-HAND CLOTHING H HIGHEST PRICES PAIDFOR OLD clothes and shoes. E. Green. Wasatch 1503. o39l BEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND hand clothing. W. Glickman, 71 S. W. Temple. Wa3. 4573. el7 SANITARIUM H QUIET, COOL. PRIVATE SANITARIUM. where nervous casus and children are HH catered to; Ideally located; rates rea- sonable. 107 Wilson ave. Hy. S59-R. hH el2S Bfl JSAJJK H M'CORNICK & CO., BANKERS. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. ESTABLISHED 1373. b!613 ACCORDION PLEATING H SUiBu7tST AND SID1S PL"EATING. 508 East Srd South Phone Hyland jH 7S7-J. b4571 CHAS. PETERSON. 2U RICHARDS 8T . brass, chipped class nd palmed. Pbon Wasatch 1503. x lXdTesTake youpTapoTnt jH ments early: wo are open evenings. W. 3536. Velvetlna Parlors. 62 E. 4th South street. s2755 OPTICIANS :JvELl"DUPl7 60 minutes. Columbian Optical Co., 337 Main st. - d4010 SAFES AND VAULTS COMPLETE LINE OF SAFES ON hand. Shealy Safe & Vault Co.. 41 Postofflce place. Q2542 1 BEAUTY PARLOR FiP'X'lAMO treatment, under Velventla system H Phone Was. S536. els CARPENTERS and JOBBERS CVRplE7jTlTtYTCEE7?S FIRTrURE repaired, reupholstercd. Evington, ,14? E. 2nd South. Hyland 3245-R. dL5S , BOWLING ALLEYS VTNDSoTl BOWLrGPARLOR 225 Main- Prizes each week for ladies high scores. PRINTING ' AROwnREsFn?r plant. Printing. Binding. Office Sup piles and Furniture- Legal Blanks. Gs m XV. 2nd So. Phone exchange 202. kl-n H WHERE TO STOP LJCOLlTmJSE?" 250 rooms; rates. 35c, 40c and 50c; mod- B thi: baths. 15c. n!339 CHIROPODIST lTOIbTaTOOTSPECIALIST. COi- sultatlqn free. 47 East First South H Wasatch 5064. r3528 H LAWN and CEMENT WORK prompt und :i-onuulc. IMione Hyland H 977-R. b3203 PYORRHEA SlCIALIST DR. ROBERT W. HALL. PYORRHEA H AND ORAL PROPHYLAXIS,'. 816 KEARNS BLDG. ft2353 HH