Newspaper Page Text
ilii 8 ' ; THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23, .1913. ' Iii Robinson Goes Up in Seventh II Kallio Also Is Easy Victim 11 Salt Lake Wins Third of Series With Butte; Mc- 9 Closkey Escorted Off Field By Policeman j Following Dispute With Umpire. ! jM At Bqtlc Salt Lake 9, :jfj Butte 6. jUg At Helena Ogden 5, Hele- lm At Great Falls Great Falls I m , Missoula 1. tt HI Union Association. f Mil Won. Lost. Pet. IfiW sIt Lake fi Xt .(567 IMlfpJII Groat Fulls 63 37 .(530 mil .Missoula 4o i-l .-155 l Butte 43 53 .MS W Helena 41 :"Su .427 g Opdcn 3S 01 .372 Special to The Tribune. I BUTTE. Mont., Aug. 22. McCIoskcy was oullleldcd today, but he outlik Butte, ilo has that same old happy faculty of loin? things at the right time and he did It In the seventh today after the Coppers had a nice lead. Robinson was assailed for quite some In this sossion. Stony McGIynn ' got away nicely to day, but It was not until the fourth in ning that he got down to business, after there hnd been a few messes behind him that allowed Butte to put across a few. The Inst half of the ninth had to be piayed. nnd there was one of those be lated rallies on the part of the locals that sometimes win, but today only saved a little bit of the Ignominy. Kellogg was sent In to earn a portion of his monthly stipend nnd biffed nicely. Demagglo passed away and Turgcon singled. Duddy tripled, as lie Is gonerally Jcpoctcd to do, and It was the sit-down for Stony. Morgan went to tho firing line when McCIoskcy pulled McGIynn and the former retired th tIdc. But there is not a little to say about ti e Butlo defense. .Marshall and Demog glo both pulled off some of the circus stuff that would have even awakened a Detroit crowd. McCloskey In the ninth asked Umpire LaRocquc the location of the hospital for the blind, and was escorted from the grounds by a policeman. SALT LAKE. AB. B. II. PO. A. E. Murphy, cf 2 .1 1 o o Dresscn. lb 6 1 1 11 0 I Huelsmnn. If fi 2 1 f 0 2 Davis. 3b 4 13 1 10 Spencer, rf ' 3 0 1 3 0 0 Pendleton, ss 5 0 2 I 5 0 Schimpff. 2b 5 0 0 3 0 3 McClaln, c 1 0 0 4 1 0 Strlpp. c. 2 I 2 2 0 0 McGIynn, v S 1 1 1 3 1 Morgan, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Johnson 1 1 . l 0 '0 0 Totals 41 0 15 27 13 5 Batted for McClnin in seventh. BUTTE. AB. B. H. PO. A. E. JDemaggio, If S 0 0 3 1. Q Turgcon. lb.. 1 i 5 1 1 Duddy. ss. .i 5 0 2 2 5 1 Kafora. c 5 0 0 ii 1 0 Clyncs. rf. 1 2 1 1 0 0 Whaling. 2b 4 1 0 3 2 1 Marshall, cf t I R 0 0 Orlct. 3b 2 0 0 2 2 1 Robinson, p 3 0 1 0 1 0 ICalllo. p 0 0 0 J 0 1 "Kellogg 1 I I 0 0 0 Totals 33 C 10 27 13 5 Batted for Kalllo in ninth. Salt Lake 0 0 0 1 0 1 3-1 09 Butte 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 26 Summary: Throe-base hit l-Iucslman. Two-base hits Turgcon. Pendleton. I American Association Won. Ior. I'.c. Mlfoitirtet 7 G .M7 Mlniicipollf 7S M .''' I'olilintjun 71 56 .560 I)ulvlllc 3 .S5 St Pul ..... 7 Toledo 67 6 .45(5 Kanfr City if. 71 .Ml Indfftnipotlb 7 .371 ( Toledo It. II. I". roinnibuK i: l Tolrito 0 S 1 Rultrrlts Dvli aiiJ Smith : Brenton, HaiVctK-. IKnn mid lin Vosut. At Kn.M City n. II. i:. MlnnenpolU ? IS 2 Batttrlts Oiiligtn and CWcns: Lmgc find O'Con A Ijtiiirllle I-oulavlIr-Tnllinapoll sainr jioil ponfd. ot grounds Tvo cunts tomorrow. I Coast League Won. I,oL PC FortUnd 73 S7 .M Stcrsmento $s $5 .sjj Vtntce m ii 4j7 Too AnK!le fi7. 71 1S 8n Ftanclroo 57 73 .179 OilUnd 7; AH At J13 AniwlM H. H. E. 5cramr.nto 2 J ; Vanlce 0 2 1 nlttrlr-Siroud nd HKm; Ttllsh. Klcnfer nd Clllott. At PortUnd n. II. K. Lo Angeles 2 3 0 PorlUnd , i j 1 Battfria Pcrrttt. Torer nd Arbot; Ill(;?ln tnlhtn ind nrrj-. At 15n Frfldco r. ji f, 0VUnd 3 15 j Krinflffo S jl j lUlterlts-rrultt. JUlarVrr nd Hohrcr. Krelti; Pker, Ilfnle 3d ClarVn. fi Western TriState League , MB! . Wn. IxjjU p r. hJBL nol S3 17 .S73 ivmS w s"0 Me NoMh vkim 30 59 so lim I'fOdliton IT 23 Ol ilml At rrndlstaa- n. U. E. 'tjEBf ivndletcn 7 II 0 SML not. J 5 3 jfln nttrrlre Weleb and Howard: WoodV ind OniiJ Iml' At Wtiu wu n II F 55l t iu wm s E; i ifHll Vortli Tlm ; j jq J. lnl nlterl DIfy ind Drturn: Botnun nd Tj- i Northwestern League Won. Lot. p.c. nrquver 74 55 u 3,f,U,r M tft .SM Y1 . A SpoV4n Tcora. 1: HprAnc 2 At TortUod VictijrU. 5; PortUnd. is A 1 Vancouver StUl. 5; Vincourer. 1 fll Kodak Pictures Finished, ill'ffi Jour films. Salt LrK-o Photo 'Mam fiopnly Co 150 Maiu Btreot. Exclusiro V?Ff Poto dealers. (Advertisement.) Wins. Next Qame. Loses. ti70 Salt Lake flip Salt Lake fifiO S34... Great Falls Great Falls... 621 460 Missoula Bflr Missoula 460 ATU Butte gfl liutto H3 433 Helena 21 Helena 423 379 Ogden Ogdcn 3C3 Johnson, Dresscn. Clyncs. Kellogg.' Sac rifice fly Pendleton. Sacrifice hits Orlet, Davis. Stolen bases Spencer. Turgcon. Double plays Ttirgeou to Duddy to Whaling. McGIynn to Dressen. Hits Off Robinson. 0 In C 2-3 innings; oft Mc GIynn, 10 In S 1-3 Innings. Struck out Br Robinson. 11; by Kallio. 1; by Mr Glynn. C. Bases on balls Off Robinson. 1; off ICalllo. l; off McGIynn. 2. Wild pltch-vMcGlvnn. Hit by pitched ball McGIynn. 1: Robinson. 2, Kallio. I. Left on hascK Rutin. 7, Salt Lake, 9. Time of game 2 hours. Umpire -Lallocqiie. MISS0I1U NHf ESCflPESA SHUTOUT Timely Hits Off Bohen and Errors Give Electrics Easy Victory. Special to The Tribune. GREAT FALLS. Aug. 22. With Bohen in the box for Missoula, the locals ex perienced no trouble In winning today, while the Highlanders narrowly escaped a shutout. In the second Inning, with two i men on bases, G,a!ona tried to sacrifice, and all three went home when Bohen made a wild throw to third, but Weaver, the second man to j?ct in. was called out for not touching; the plate: MISSOULA. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Tobin, cf 1 0.1 1 0 1 Changnon, 3b.. lb.. 3 0 0 3 4 0 Perrlne, 2b 4 0 0 1 0 0 Carman, lb 3 0 2 T 0 1 Dawson, If 1 0 0 0 0 0 Morse, se I 0 0 1 3 0 Daschbach, If., 3b.. 3 110 0 0 Alter, c 1 0 0 C I 0 PIcper, rf 3 0 1 3 0 1 Bohen, p 3 0 0 2 4 2 Totals 32 1 24 12 5 GREAT FALLS. AB. R. II. PO. A. E. Potts. .s 4 0 1 2 2 0 Hester, lb 4 0 1 n l 0 Fayc. If 3 0 2 0 0 0 Kclloy. rf 3 ft 0 1 0 0 Delhi, p . 0 . 1- 0 1 0 Toner, 3b 3 1 2 3 4 2 Weaver, c 1 1 1 4 0 0 Ba ugh ma 11. c 0 0 0 L 0 0 Galena, cf 1 3 0 2 1 0 Siiler. 2b 3 1 0 5 1 0 Totals '....3(5 (J S 27 10 2 .Missoula 0 000001 0 01 Great Falls 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 0 " G Summary; Two-base hits Daschbach, Hester. Delhi. Thrce-baso hit Fayc. Sacrifice hits Slncr, Galena, Fayo. Dou ble plays Bohen to Carman; Tonor to Slner to Hester: Potts to Hester. Stolen base Kelley. Bases on balls Oft Bohen, (: off Delhi, 2. Struck out By Bohen. 2; ly Delhi, 5. Left on bases Missoula, G; Great Falls. 5. Time of game 1 hour and 30 minutes. Umpire Frary. Southern Leag&t Won. Ix?U r.C. Mobile 74 43 .507 MonlKomcrj" 6 53 .I7 Atlanta C7 Bl ..vl UlrriilnRhatn 6t .'.3 .520 Ulintlatioogu 5S . .".S .500 Jlcinplils , m Naitlivllln 51 71 .413 New Orlcam S9 72 .zoi At AtUnU llonlgomcrr, 0: AUanU, t. At Mobile N'anhvlllr, C; Mobile. . Otlicr games po?lpond; rain. Federal League. Won. LoM. P.C. IndlAnapoli: CO Sf, .r,:.", Cleveland &J 4X ..'.52 Oiltusn 47 S -D.' St. I-otih ....47 41 .495 K a nra City 44 M .4M Pittsburg SS .255 At Plttburc Clevclnnd, 3; Pitlbut?. X. (CIIcd tt end of iiovcnlli: rnln ) At fhlcaso Inillanpoll. 2; Clilcaco, 2. . At Si. lyiuls Knn Cltj, 2; St. Louis. 6. Western League "Won. Lot. P. C. D'nrer , ,l so 43 ,53 Dm Molnrj $9 12 .r,6? Lincoln .....J B CO ,c:o St. Jocph J M .hio Omoh 1 ft 4 ,ji; Tnpeka '. S5 r,7 .431 6(oux City P K? ,433 Wlclilta. 45 75 .3(a At St. JMtph Topeka, 3: SL Jorpb. 10. At Lincoln Sioux City. 3; Lincoln, 7. I I International Learnt Won. Lout. r.C. NcTrirIc t , ....SI U .Ml Rochester .....57 a ,S9 Baltimore ? .31; Buffalo ,. .50 (2 . (SS Mnntrl S3 A3 .481 Toronto 57 fi.'i 4;t Provldcne 6S 6? .454 Jerrr f'lly ... . , 47 7 .J2 All Rame poitponoil yMtcrdny: rain. MOY AND CAMPBELL MEET THIS AFTERNOON VANCOUVER. B. C. Aug. 22. Eddie Moy and Ray CampbcIL the llghtwelghta scheduled to moot at 1:30 tomorrow nf tor noon at BrlKhouse arena, aro at weight and TromlE to put Up a lively elimina tion bout for tho honor of meeting the world's champion, Willie Ritchie. In tho same arena Labor day. Fl;tal arrangements have been com pleted for the appearance of Freddie Welsh, the British champion, ngalnst Ritchie on September 30. and tho bout is now a certainty, provided BItchIo gcta past tho winner of tomorrow's battle. X-Bay Raiment Barred. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Aug. 22. Of ficial Los Angeles enjoined todny the wearing of the to called X-rny dress on the streets. Chief of Police Sebastian said if he found present laws Inadequate hf woulq recommend the passage of an orrilnanco specifically forbidding the pub lic appearance of women In diaphanous raiment. The Judge Always Did Have a Weak Heart :-: By Tad AGO" I'M ALNAOST J TgT " S-7 VJ0I1VA VOO-A-AH I'LL oucj H'Mc J -r - J j-pf irlrs 1 GOTTA voEAk . ... U 1 I . .. 1 KNIGHTS Mil HIIS COUWTfi tallies Beat Helena in Game Fea tured With Much Batting on Both Sides. Special to The Tribune. . HELENA, Mont., Aug. 22. While the Vigilantes made twelve hits off Manager Knight thoy were scattered and only netted threo runs. The visitors made .their fourteen safeties net five runs, thus winning today's game. Errors and two baggers greatly aided the visitors. OGDEN. , AB. R. IT. PO. A. B. Wcsslor, 2b o 2 3 10 4 0 Woolums, lb K ' 0 3 S 1 0 Cobb, cf ,....4 1 2 3 0 0 .Tones, 3b 5 0 1 1 2 ' 0 Blsbcrg, ss 4 0 0 2 3 0 Blaiuser, rf 4 1 2 2 0 0 Moorehead, If 4 1 2 1 0 0 Knight, p 10 10 4 0 PorkIn3, c. 3 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 38 R 14 27 14 0 HELENA. AB. R. I-T. PO. A. E. Spencer, If. ......... fi 1 3 4 0 0 Cronln. 3b. 3 0 l l 2 0 Menges, ss 2 0 112 2 Qulglcy. 2b 2 0 1 3 4 2 Lussl, lb , 4 0 0 10 0 0 Gibson, rf 4 0 1 2 1. 0 Murray, of 4 1 3 4 0 0 Crittenden, c 4 1 1 i l o Ames, p 4 0 1 1 l 0 Totals 32 3 12 27 11 4 Score by Jnnlng3 Ogden 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 03 Helena 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Summary: Two-base hits Woolums, Wcsslcr, Cobb. Moorehead, Spencer, Amos. Three-base hit Murray. Sacri fice hits Cronln 2, Menges. Sacrifice flies Cobb. PorkliiK, Menges. Double plays RIsberg to Wcssler to Woolums (2); Jones to Wessler to Woolums; Quig ley (unassisted); Gibson to Cronln. Stolon bases Woolums, Cobb. Murray. Bases on balls Off Knight 2, off Ames 1. Struck out By Ames 1. Loft on bases Ogden none. Helena 8. Time of game 1 hour and 35 minutes. Umpire Elsey. MAGNA AND CLERKS READY FOR BATTLE A fast game In expected at Lucas Held tomorrow, when Magna and tho Retail Clerks meet at 3:30 o'clock. A special train will bo run from Garfield to this city to accotnmodato the "Magna rooters, many of whom will likely attend. th game. The two teams are very evenly matched and both are out to win. In a game which they plnyed about two months .ago at Lucas field. Magna won by the close sooro of 2 to 1. It was ono of the most hotlv contested games played on Lucas field this year. Tho Clerks aro anxious to cvon up matters tomorrow by beating Magna, and In preparation for the gamo thoy havo held threo fast practices this week. Man ager Grlmmctt hux not yet decided which, pitcher he will use. a3 all three of his slabmon. Barber. Coleman and Jensen, are In shape- Rex Sutherland, who caught for the Clerks last year, will catch for the Clerks tomorrow. The Magna battery will be cither KUburn or SL George In the box. -with Buddo or Scott catching. Tho lineup will be as follows: Clerks. Masna. Bowadzkl. Scott. Sutherland c Budd'o Coleman, Jensen, Klllhourne. Barber p St. George Johnson lb O. Romncy WletleH 2b Trosedor Fltxpatrlck u P.omncv Gunn 3b Farmer Jcnson. Coleman If Kllpatrtck Gallagher cf Kelly Dock rf , Stewart Park City Fans Interested. PARK CITY, Aug. 22. Much Interest Js being taken in the corning twentv round boxing contest to be held Iito "tu th Iiwev theater Labor day. uhen "Young" Peter Jackson and Ja-k Downey will face each other. Both men will come to this city to llmsh their training within tho next few days and then the sporting folks of thin camp will bc given a chance to pick the dinner for tiicmsclyca, Transfer Is Clinched; Great Falls Accepts Electrics Will Follow Helena on Lucas Field; Salt Lake Fans Assured of Fifteen Games of Fast Baseball. y j NLBSS ' something happens that I doesn't show up in the cardB at I this time, Salt Lake baseball fans V ivill see at least llftccn more games of league baseball. There doesn't appear to be any possibility of the jinx being put on the arrangements now. and therefore it can be stated, with ofllcial sanction, Lhal l,ucas Held will again ring with cheers for a space. Vesterdny the transfer of the Great Falls series was clinched. That serins, according tc schedule, Is due to begin Wednesday, September 3. and to continue to nnd Including the following Sunday, September 7. Present Indications arc that the final heat In tho pennant race will be fought out on Salt Lake's lot. Only three and a half games separate Salt Lake and Groat Falls, The winning or losing of a single gamo makes a tremendous difference. Next week Great Falls plays Butte, at Butte, and Salt Lake plays Helena on Salt T-Tkc grounds. Last Heat Here. It Is reasonable to assume that neither McCIoskcy nor Hester will got much of an advantage, one over the other. In next week's play. Therefore. If there arc no douided reversals of form, the two leaders will moot In Salt Lake neck and neck ami with a healthy thirst for each other's gore. Tho scries with Helena, which begins next Tuesday, includes eight scheduled games and one postponod game. There will bo double-headers with Helena on Sunday, August 31 one of tho games be ing a postponed game from the scries played at Helona and on Monday, Sep tember 1. Iibor day. According tfo Wie schedule. Sail Lake will go to Ogden for live games, Septem ber 9 to 13, Inclusive, and wlil then re turn for the windup game in this city on Sundny. Soptcmber 11. There is reason to believe, however, that two or three of the games carded for Ogden may be brought to Salt Lake. President Ben TTito of the Salt Lake club yesterday announced that, owing to tho extraordinary expenso to which the STANDING HIGH ID BROAD JUMP BARRED, International Olympic Com mittee Discusses Events; Amateur Defined. BERLIN, Aug. 22, The International Athletic Federation was engaged today with the most difficult part of lis task, that of formulating a programme for In ternational contests, notably the Olym pic games, as the delegates of various nations- foresee special advantages In the Inclusion or exclusion of specific events. Tho committee this morning agreed on a tentative schedule, eliminating the standing high and standing broad Jumps, limiting shotputtlng and javelin and dis cus throwing to tho best hand only, In serting the fifty-aix-pound weight and the 400-meter hurdles, and retolning the walking events, but the struggle will bo resumed at tho general meeting. Tho United States fared well In tho committee report because that country Ih no longer supremo In standing Jumps, to which the Swedes and Gnrmans objected to, referring to them as "circus stunts," and the Americans havo by far the he3t chances In the hurdles and tho weight throwing. The Scandinavians are Insistent In de manding the retention of ambldoxtrotis shotputtlng. Javelin and discus throwing In which events they excel, and tho Brit ish representatives liavo adopted a simi lar attitude in their requeot that walk ing ovontB bo Included In the programme Tho committee on the definition of an umatour today drafted rules making an club will be put In bringing Helena and Great Falls to Salt Lake, ihc free list will bo entirely suspended. "We want to give the people of "Suit Lake a fitting llnish." paid' Mr. Hlto ves terday. "and with that end In view we have succeeded, after somewhat strenu ous efforts, in getting the Helena and Great Falls series transferred. It will cost our club a lot of extra money, be cause wo will havo to pav their trans portation, all their traveling and other expenses, and for lhal reason we will have to turn tho free list toward tho wall. 1 think tho people will understand I lie situation and will patronize the games." Great Falls Agrees. The following telegram was received bv Tile Tribune last night. Great Falls, Aug. 22. Tho local basoball directors have agreed to the transfer to Salt Lake of the Great Falls-Salt Lake scries of games, scheduled for this place, beginning Soptcmber C. All of the terms de manded have been accepted by the Sail Lako management. The tcrma arc: Sail Iakc must pay railroad fares and traveling expenses for Iho Elec trics to and from Sail Lake and di vide Hie gate receipts 50-50. paying the guarantee in the event that the gate fails. Locally, baseball conditions are dis appointing. The games aro bringing out fans In such small numbers that the visiting team's guarantee is not taken In at th0 gate. This fact, to gether with the further fact that the races will bc on In full blast during th period that tho Salt Lake series . is scheduled, has convinced the man agement that the transfer Js the only thing to do under tho circumstances. Today's receipts were about ?25. and the prospects aro that nono of the games played to the end of tho season will pay expenses, unless thov be the Sunday contests. Tho Electrics arc going at top speed Just now and tho Salt Lake series, promises to bring out a set of hot oncounters. athlete who accepts a pecuniary reward In any branch of sport a professional in all Its branches, but allowing, except In track and acid sports, amateurs and pro fessionals to compete together for non monoy prizes If the rules of the country In which the meet Is held permit. The rulo classifies all pecuniarily rewarded teachers, trainers and coaches as profes sionals, though Individual countries may oxcopt from this classification a repre sentative or employee of a government, an army or an educational establishment, who coaches as an incident to his main vocation. s ELEVEN ATHLETICS IN HOSPITAL SQUAD iSJuSAGO' 22--Connle Mack's hospital squad today numbered eleven men. Three of them are on their wav to Philadelphia, where thev will remain until the Athletics get home". Two of the cripples Catcher Schnng. with n spike cut on Ills foou and Thomas with a split finger will have to stay In the hard western campaign beca use Catcher lipp. suffering from a moro seriously injured hand, was forced to abandon tho trip with Inllclder Orr and Outnoldor Strunk, tho former with an Injured hand and tho lat ter ill. .in75i Murphy utility man, has been sick in bed several days; Barry lias heon out because of Illness, though ho Is ex- Pitcher Plank was reported 111. pitcher Bush atuck his right thumb Into a hard on the hill for some time, and Brown 1b Buffering from a serious cold cauirht In Jnltcher Coomb3' " hn boon tho caso all soaoon, Is atlll out of the Koerner to Topeka h.nOPA' A,u?- 22.-Thc Topeka Bas ball club today lought Koornnr. llrit baseman of the Wichita Western ea" no baattln?rnol?0f,a8t -VCttre Koerner Is Datum? .303 at present and Is regit riled rs Sue' "V"1 Pla,yra ,n,"h Astern COFFEY AND GEORGE NUKE WEffi LIMIT Principals in Monday's Bene fit Will Take It Easy Un til Ring Time. Walter Coffey will tako his last real workout today for his coming twenty round bout with "Kid" George, which takes place at the Majestic park arena Monday evening for Ihc benefit of Hip Griffiths family. After his rub down yesterday afternoon he was a half-pound under the required weight or 160 pounds and decided that today's workout would be his last. He will do onlv enouglullght road work Sunday to keep from taking orr weight. George is also very close lo tho weight, but he has not decided whether he will do any more boxing after today or not. It depends on how his weight in after today's workout. He is making the weight in nice shape, as he Is only a pound or so over at the present time and has not had to dry out any in order to make It. The men will weigh In at the gym nasium. IS East Second South street, Monday afternoon at I! o'clock. .limmie . Howard of Chicago, who was) hero for sonic time and who boxed "Greek Knockout" Brown in Butte on the Fourth of July, lias sent word that he has entirely recovered from the op eration on his knee and that ho would like to meet the winner of the Coffey George bout. lie has started training at McConnell's gymnasium and will be In shape to meet any of them Inside of a couple of weeks, he says. It was the same old grind with Gcorgo and ColTey yesterday. They went through their gym work about the same as usual, savo that they worked fuster than at any tlmo since they began training. They both went ten rounds and took the regu lation three minutes' work and one-mln-uto rest. At the finish both men were comparatively ns fresh as when thoy started. As far as picking a winner Is con cerned, if Is a hard guess, as the men arc very evenly matched, although they are different types of mlllors. Georgo is a clover, rangy fellow, with a snappy punch In either hand, and Ib hard to lilt effectively, while Coffey Is the typical fighting machine, rugged and strong, with a punch in either hand that Is likely to bring home tho money any time it lands In the right spot, and he Is willing to get In close and mix mat ters at all times. Ho will willingly take one or two to land one himself, and as Georgo is a fellow who lets thorn come to him, there Is sure to be some fast go ing and It Is a question whether or not Coffey's punch will offset George's speed and cleverness. The ton-round preliminary between Jack Downey and Johnny Sudenburg of Omaha should also prove to bo Interest ing. Both men are working out daily with tho principals and will be In condi tion to go the ten rounds at full speed. Downey will have several pounds the bol ter of the weight, hut Sudenburg is a fast and strong young fellow and will probably glvo the local bov a busy time. WOMAN SENDS ARROW FOR RECORD FLIGHT CAMBRIDGE. Mass., Aug. 22. A new association record for flight shooting by ft woman archer was made today by Mrs. G. P. Bryant of Melrose, when she sent nn arrow 251 yards and 4-10 of a foot at tho tlnal day's meeting of the National Archery association. The best previous record was 218 yards. In the flight shooting contest for men. Dr. R. p. Elmer of Wayne. Pa,, was first with a distaneo of 2G0 yards 1 foot. Boston Avon the team match for men, flooring 32S hits and 151S points. The Keystone club was second and Chicago third. The women's team evont was captured by Newton. 231 hits and 10S3 points total score. Boston waB second and All America third. Toama Primed for Battle. The Rioger & .LIndloy "Montlccllo" nine will moet the Fort Douglas team on the post grounds at 10 o'clock Sun day morning In a match game. This Is a return game for one recently played between the two teams, In which the M.ontlce!lofi were defeated by the close Hcore of 10 to 9. "With their Ilnoup now strengthened, they oxpect to put one over on Uic Post boya, and a llvoly game is, expected. hhpeIsh Speed ArtU inEvery Event iM l're motonl,? ; vna entered ftn(, X" ,r second of " ilSH Plucky nghi , throJSB b' ,a" extra burs in tlic tw0 men brem.M1,(cHM feet several tlnici nwi I" lifllsht whin i WSSfUM stirring llnlahco. ulcnd"B Nearly Equa HecotH In the first heat of tv "B Peck. Urst ana Wi i ? ?on linishcl third in 'fv'H which la wl hlii i&H of equaling " r,nfliB miles of 2-2h entire prosrammeTu' S worthy becftusft It Whlltier Wh0 Is LSM previous y used on tl.T fM would at least dWehjIM 1 ho second event tH m ch pursuit race which was won handOr son over Burt SmaffiftM of the race SarouelioqH t vo, miles and tWo hu eled. The u,ne was lSM nfLu l 'l,Tl event tM of the three-mile, ihTitH race Tor class, A fomH lead from the crack oIUubSH the other rlden lor S distance. The Iwt.ufuJB saw Whlltier and PeciihJB and as merry n fight uS first heat ensued. WhlttiB ly to the finish, but performance of lli r 'Vvlm,er b' half a le:rK for this heat was 1:0$ H'.Kj the two heats gave PttVu'B tier G and Satnuolson I 'r A two-mile dash for daH was the fourth event FH of trouble with his mtd!K to drop out and thin left tWHT M. Sainuolsnn and SminiacHI took the lead nfUr the UUB first mile and was ncruMH the race In the limeotjH Finish Is Thriller. X The ncxl event. R farK class A riders, vat wca WEi Whlttlcr second and TC'iHF third. As In the previous eF Peck and Wftlttler Wf; lHt for first place and PertuHJ nosed out his compMltotrijHr Not In n long time lure NHp fslies been seen at tli( "faL two riders as were the netfB and Whlttlcr last nlghL TVm felt that they were gtllliirpHi bike racing. The time fo: tiV was 2:511. The Inst event of the tuBl "R E. IVhlttler frte-for-tfJH All ijf the class B rUtnljA were forced to drop out P or three laps and the MfB the clans A men. frdJHq with Whlttlcr second atdVfc son third. The time wu MK" The siiminnrlcs. i "Hp Klral licit of thrtslle, ifcaE rare, clsw A Won tj TkV, VB third. W. E. SiBQilML TaK reck. 5: Whlltier, 3; SintlorBl Unlimited nutcli parvslt rt-viBI Won hy T. M Simsl3; miB lance, two miles, tvo Up. lHt Second lint or tint (Ttal-taK. onit. Whtttler; third. fitistML J'olnu-PccV, 10; Wblillif; L Two-Diilf daih. elm B-VJP tieleoir. .trconi, Snulllcj. JBr rour-mlle el A-Woa f .MHL tier: third, W. E. Sn-.i!i:t KJKj "F. K. WhlltUr frM-W-S-.P by Peck; Mroriii. Whltili aXK son. Tlrnr, i ll 1-S H& RACE FOR XDW YORK. Aur. r"rfc twocn the New .York f,Br Royal Ul3tcr acht tl yenVs race for tlie SuBv been slcncd. fcaled ifBK now notlilnc stands la wBl contest- The offlcisl t that effect will be njai a The New Tork club B Its plans for-lha drftWjtM the announcement wfliHjjm as to Uie size or ""SiB meet Sir ThomssIWf Shamrock IV, as ire" "Jm owners of the ."jSB to meet nor. Ttat UJJJB with a j-acht of the tu jM Is bcllevftd to be i there will be at ' TK , Ing In trial ractf . "ending Is also Pml TENNIS ENTHJfflfc' READYF0R1 Interest lbftd!W tennis enthusing ft , jMkii 'draws near '?r '..SirHRui champlortshlp lenn"' ft will be held ,e.siB- courts Auwst respectively. . AjfiMi? tournnmdni ,mfmi the second mxfsJm, The winner ffi, JjJJ toiirnnmont jfi,f &mw challenging the fMiHf fchiP trophy. PJffivSKMi the winner undisputed rUfht to w ship Jfth,e cjfanw 'Lf the public. A tournament. --rJWfcf: ! BEGIN SHO0j camp rM&tfsE. ' National Rine tlx,JV' this mc.m'i on m ranpea. 1 K n,A tM elpht men taw iH & , a score of K jfl -ynrl nn&tJm- . with ojnl teams wlU 'If tfJSK in Ca I torn j" nKII