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S FOR RENT flt Houses Unfurnished 31 Church st 00 Vf. br.. Kendall el "Thr- 355 3th East -0-00 4M. br.. 276 3rd nvo 80-00 ML br.. 67 B strcot. Hktrnent, vco' handsome. BEAL.J-STATE INVEST Jfa. meNa Phono Wm, 27. A HTWAl-HDATBD ,APART K range, disappearing beds, BnporS. ,arK fr?nt SPfQ JKig. $25.00 per month. C is.- ftVOMBUn.DKRS CO.. Hto St. Wan. 2030 and 2031. jftaCTLY MOD, 20 E.. qq iRly'mod.,'C54 3rd ave... 30.00 vKtly moil.. 4th avo. and B. 27.00 KnSON 11. Jp. JNV. CO., IEgf"4 'Phone Was. 3320. f. ?.o.oo E" 3lV W.'Vth ' So. 'lit 1G.00 JKi72S W. lot No. fit.... 10.00 H. Bo. V.'TornPlo. o8377 JRjTsTORT, 6-ROOM HOUSE; 't'oorch, bath, gaa rango and ferncr M st. and 3rd avo. 130. BfBoston bldg. Phono Wasatch iWH,'' d33St JfcZOOMrOOD CpNDr C yard: $17.00. Inqulro 3C,cw fi7ALLKI N DS AND PKICBS. K, Co.. 159 Main ut. nl410 feROOMHOUSE. OS FIRST VLly 70 First ave. c2Gll BtoUiTaND SIX-ROOM DOU B:'"" reasonable. 80 F street. Hfcecond avo. d849 kmodrn" brick; gas jKse In. 161 4th ave. dl441 SlclTTRICTY MODERN. flnlBhcd. 253 10th ave. d2137 !KrRObM"l6uSE. 250 ELIZA K; rear 424 So. 3rd East s 'Bistort! modern resi- Mrnncc. 1G7 So. 12th East. Ap JKLosce. Was. 327. c5CS ?myUSE. ALT. OR PART. No! 'Hg ave. Anply 4G4 E. 2nd So. S8SP !dERN HOUSE. WITH OAS. n rond. o!821 (BERN. GOOD CONDITION, on, gas, paved street. Wn 7, e2340 M MODERN HOUSE; MAN ite, gas nmgo; nice screened So. 4th East. c27Cl OD. HOl'SE. LAWN AND is. 232 Colfax ave. between South on 2nd East. e2915 HOUSED: WATER, LIGHT r rent S13- Phone Was. envcr ccurc. 3rd South bet. Weal. o3101 1MCK HOUSE. PARTLY ,'good bani; $15. Ilyland e3100 7-R. MODERN TERRACE. "'East Wasatch C710. e30S9 DERN' HOUSE AT 27 II ST. II 6t. C2037 r. COTTAGE. MODT''.KN; n kitchen; pantry and bath; feulltlon. Call 115-1 Browning Hyhnd 732-J. e3270 KOUSE, PANTRY AND pkfen runs. $12.50, at 1143 R Inquiry at G71 So. Main. f e33S0 MODERN 7-ROOM FRAME, RTcmple. ??f 00 per mo. .N. f 803 Kcams bldg. e33Si HDD. FRAME. BARN AND km East lllh So.. $.2.50. BE, 407 Judge Bldg. e'J-llo LlIE. 527 SO. STATE ST.. Tmodorn. 1535 Edison at., $25. JSOII, 201-3 Felt Bldp. 03434 )S! BRICK; HOT WATER fand buih. S5S E. 2nd So. T eC21S toERN HOUSE. APPLY CO" fiwl. c324G ftfRICTLY MODERN, HOT U and cemented cellar. 143 . Phone Was. 5357. e329G fclCK, WEST SIDE. CLOSE rjeroom I Mackintosh block. iHtoMBRICK COTTAGE: ALSO rtly modern cottage. $13; close B1S-R, C32GI PD. TERRACE. FURNACE 18 4th ave., ?25. &d., MS So. 2nd West, $20. &d. apartment, 505 So. 2nd nd 507-R. e35S0 ELECTRIC LIGHTS, GOOD ' yard. 133 T st. c3581 OM HOUSE. S73 SO. 1ST I o35SG H MODERN BRICK, SlT So. C332U uAT; GAS RANGE. BATH. Miy, 66S So. W. Temple St. O3390 toDERN HOUSE; SHADE. I 4th Efiat. o3507 IjODERN; $13 PER MONTH. I .Phestcr ave, e3S0S i IODERN BUNGALOW. OTIl co, na rai:se. etc; rent $30. -no children. Key at 46S J st. rT e346o ALOW FOR TWO; THREE !n. ranBf, refiljjerator. dis G14 E. Gth So. c.1520 bUSE, $10. II Y LAND 127-M. h C3521 ?IM"J:5- s?3 SO, 1ST WEST. ijE' C3519 ij Kod! jiouse. buffet jtlMMTnicnt' bntiomem. 51S Gth ave. ; Q3527 fjft LIGHTS. BATH. pn and yard. 3S 13th East nt. C3374 rMRL. WORKS. A SIX-ROOM xHter and llRhts In Iioiihc; $12 'A Inquire 219 W. Sixth North e3375 lBPERN COTTAGE. 28 E. e3407 SfHjUCK, MODERN. RENT $23. fMptJon Btrcot. Hyland 1510-J. yWL . C310G COTTAGE. 1125: ymMX. Phone Wasatch 1050-W. 'Kmk. Q33G0 5jBOtERN COTTAGE. 1N- 03348 WPUSH WITH ALT, QON- w jMm wBB 'n- Apply 420 E. 3rd C3335 FOR RENT For Rent Houses Unfurnished I TL'TtIROTHERS COMPANY. ,S-rm. utr. mod., 272 Wall (Main) bU 16.00 5-rin. tr. mod.. 4SS 3rd ave 36.00 7-rm. Htr. mod., 688 So. nl E 30.00 1 7-rm. atr. mod., 262 Sth live....'.... 30.00 I 7-rm. mod.. 257 W. 5lh South 28.00 7-rm. mod., 107 No. Main 25.00 '6-rm. mod., 154 R st 25-00 7-rm. mod., 623 9th ave 25.00 7-rm. mod.. 2-19 11th E 26.00 6-rm. mod., rear S 10 E. 2nd So 22.00 4-rm. mod., 208 K t 1S1 3-rrn. mod., 617 Gth Eaat 14.00 i-rm. frnme. S3S Pacific nv.c 10.00 3-rm. frame. 517 No. Main 10.00 APARTMENTS. Ivanhoe. I and G-rm. 3tr. molern $40.00 mid 45.00 Roseway, 3 and 4-rm. str. modern. $30.00 and 35.00 STORES. Now Orpheum, large atores S2S0.00 41 W. 3rd So., larc toro 250.00 Main at., ffood store 200.00 142 W. 2nd So.. larxo hentod store 7X.00 703 So. Stnte. store and basement. 45.00 553 So. State, shack store lfi.00 137 W. 1st So., sood store 13.00 MISCELLANEOUS. Factory, 2-story. Sth South 70.00 Restaurant, fully equipped, coun- tors, ranges, eta; 371 W. South Temple . G0.00 Workshop, r. 2G1 So. 3rd East 10.00 Rooming house. Commercial m.. 24 rooms 75.00 Rooming house, 2G3 South Main... Ask us. Stcam-hoatcd living- rooms. Consti tution hldg $ 10.00 Steam-heated living rooms. 2G3 So. Main $7.00 and 10.00 Barn, 35 So. Main 5.00 Private garagen, r. 431 E. 3rd So.. 6.00 Samplo rooms; sovoral cholco; heated, etc. Several homew to bo sold easy terms. Wo write insurance. TUTTLE BROTHERS COMPANY, 159 Main St. Phono 72. C32G0 4 -ROOM FRAME, 5TH NORTH and Sth West $ 5.00 3-room frame, rear 859 W. 2nd North 6.00 3- room brick, 3rd North and 4th West S.00 10 No. Sth West st C.50 4- room adobe. 354 N. 5th West.... 10.00 4- room modern, rear 150 ID. 7th So. 20.00 G-room modern brick, 204 E. 7th So. 22.50 5- room modern, 545 11th East 27.50 G-room modern, 7G R st 27.50 G-room modern, G32 E. Gth South... 27.50 S-room modern, G97 5th avenue.... 25.00 2 flats, 3 and G rooms. 77 D st 50.00 S-room modern, 10G4 2nd avenue.. 55.00 SALT JjAKE SECURITY fc TRUST COMPANY. 82 Main Street. Exchange 39. e32G3 EASEMENT. CORNER JUDGE BU1LD lng. Stores in the new Cllft-Halloran bldg. on West Broadway. Storeroom, 32S So. Main st $175.00 Storeroom, 372 So. Main st 75.00 Storeroom, 139 E. 1st So 25.00 Warehouse, rear 141 E. 1st So 12.00 10-rm. mod.. 74G E. 2nd So 50.00 5-rm. mod.. 3 Dubel ave 22.50 4-rm. pt. mod., 338 "K" st 11.00 Room In Newell block ............ 10.00 Office rooms, absolutely fireproof, In the new JUDGE BUILDING. II ALLORAN-JUDGE LOAN & TIVUST CO. Phono Ex. 181. e3247 $13.00 5 RMS., MOD., G14 SO. 11TH West. $10.00 5 rma,, mod., SIS 5th ave. $17.505 rms., mod., 72S Enst Sth So. $10.00 1 rms.. mod., S3 N at. $25.00 G rms., mod., 125 K st. $35.00 7 rms.. mod.. 172 U st. S35.00 7 nns., mod., furn.. 7S0 1st ave. S 10.00 7 rms., mod.. 1113 East 1st So. $40.00 S rma., mod.. 235 So. Sth Eust. $45.00 S rms., mod,. 144 So. -1th East. Rooms for light housekeeping. $25.00 5 rms., over 73 So. Main st. A. RICHTER. 73 So. Main St. Phone W. Gil. e3322 CLOSE TN, SMATJL HOUSE, 2 ROOMS and und s. k.. 235 "W. Broadway. WJNDSOR & CO., Utah Savings & Trust Co. Bldg. c3515 Bedbugs Exterminated CLEAN WORK GUARANTEED. CALL Rice. 127 E. 1st So. st. Wasatch 2400. 0144S For Rent Houses Furnished BEAUTIFUL S-ROOM MODERN ON East South Temple, completely fur nished. Call between 2 and 4 T. m., room A-5G. Semloh hotel. ellOl ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, MODERN house, East South Tcmplu; tlno lawn, shade, fruit; Stcinway piano, otc; reason able rent to dcidrablo parly. Wasatch CI 18. 0313S FOR RENT, CHEAP', FURNISHED houso of 7 rooms. 520 E. 4th South. o2042 STRICTLY MODERN, 9 ROOMS, ON 3rd ave. Key at 163 9th East st. c4G70 G-ROOM BUNGALOW; SLEEPING porch, shade trees, lawn, newly furn. For particulars, call Was. 6012-J. c73G STRICTLY MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. well furnished, closo in. Phone Wa satch 53SS-.T. el56S EXCELLENTLY LOCATED, MODERN. S-room brick house, sleeping porch, fine ! yard, fruit, garage. Call mornings. 100G Third ave. el672 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED I houses. Inquire 3S W. Gth So. Was. 5249-W. C2771 G-ROOM PARTLY MODERN. CLOSE IN. Inquire 17G West 2nd South. Was. 5704. e20G3 j BEAUTIFUL S-ROOM MODERN ON : South Temple, completely fur nished. Call betwen 2 and 4 p. ni., room I A-42, Semloh hotel. c3017 ONE EAST SIDE 5 OR 7-ROOM HOUSE. larpe barn and yard, bath, gas, e, 1.:. to small family. References required. Ad drcas P-7. Tribune e3H2 FURNISHED 4-ROOM MODERN COT tago. 959 Logan avenue. Tol, Hyland 27G-J. Reference. o3249 o-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE. MOD crn. 524 9th avo. c3325 FOR RENT. 4-ROOM FURN. HOUSE, close In. Was. 371S-W. e3576 MOD. NINE-ROOM FURNISHED OR jmfurnlshcd homso and garago. Inquire 175 A St. G3503 4 ROOMS AND BIG SLEEPING PORCH; electric lights. 1142 Blalnn ave. C83T9 Bedbugs Exterminated GTARTrEETNODTR RICeT E. 1st South .st. "Wasatch 2400. c3313 For Rent Lodge Rooms FOlt ReIHLODOE ROOM WITH hardwood floor. Apply room 1 Mack intosh block. h3401 For Rent Miscellaneous PoSSntobTarn teamB or autoo. 247 S. 6th East. Hy land 1445 elGol GARAGE FOR RENT AT THE ESTHER aptu.. 76 lnt nvc. Phono Wasatch 22S8-M. e2341 AUTO SHOP AND GARAGE. REAR OF KcaniG building. J. BaumRnrton. 307 Scott building. c!2S3 CHINA DECORATING misTjertIhav 77 East Third South. China aultabl for Blfta and rHz3' Class and prLvnto lC3EOhB. c969 FOR RENT Housekeeping Rooms I NICELlFuISHlID ROOMS" FOR light housekeeping. 112 No. Main nt. j c 23(51 1 MOD. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED roornjt. very reaaonahlo. 308 So. ftlh EMI. H. 171-M. 142S TWO NICELY FURNISHED GROUND floor from rooma. modern. 217 W. 4th South. d2SS7 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. MOD., close in. 78 Weal 5th So. d3172 NICELY FURNISHED H. IC ROOMS. ground floor; modern. 330 South 1st West. Wasatch C072. d3D12 j HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; GAS. LIGHT: $18 to $20 per month. Savoy Hotel, 2o E. 1st South. el21 SUITE OF 3 LOVELY COOL FRONT rooms: gas, range, lights Included; mod ern: nlao one largo front room for H. IC I S Kendall Square. c576 j NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: ALSO deeping rooma. 510 E. 3rd So. II. 1134. eGS9 THREE VERY NICE H. K. ROOMS, modern, ground floor. 716 So. W. Tem plo. No children. eG9S HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NOVEL housekeeping apartmonts at the Ray mond hoti'I? One room, with disappear ing bed, disappearing gas range, folding table3, etc. All outside rooms. Ratca $3.50 per week and up. 84 So. Main. Phono Exchange 385. e77G FURNISHED RMS. FOR XJGHT H. IC 351 E. Sth South. nll84 TWO LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING roomn. Call after 4 p. m. 57 So. State. el77S NTCE LARGE COOT, FRONT ROOM FOR housekeeping; $3 a week. 149 S. State. c2065 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP Ing at 334 E. 2nd South. e2450 A SUITE OF 3 MOD. ROOMS, FIRST floor; private home; walking distance 134 W. 7th So. e2503 ONE II. IC ROOM FOR $8 AND ONE for $8: close In. 225 No. Wost Temple. Was. 2G9S-M. o275G ONE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room to couple. Phone, lights, gas; rea sonable. 652 South 2nd East. e2Pf0 FRONT ROOMS FOR H. IC. GAS, BATH, phono, porch. GIG South Main. e29G2 3 OR 4 ROOMS, MOD.; GAS RANGE: 859 Green at.; $16 or $20. Hyland 1008-M. e3019 NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. modorn; gas rango. 319 So. 1st Wost. No children. e3022 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms with everything; rent rea sonable Helvetia apt., 23 No. 1st WcsL o3103 2 ROOMS, FURNISHED. FOR LIGHT housekeeping; 110 children. Sll So. 2nd West. e32S6 MODERN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, reasonablo rent. G79 So. Main. "Wa satch 3S05-J. e3085 4 FURNISHED ROOM3 FOR LIGHT housekeeping;' modern; gas rango. 723 E. 1st So. O30S1 2 ROOMS. FRONT, GROUND FLOOR. $3.00. 321 East 1st South. e2348 ONE, TWO OR THREE HOUSEICEEP lng rooms, nicely furnished. 232 ID. So. Temple e3137 THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, modern; reasonablo. CG0 So. Sth East. e3l33 NICE LARGE COOL FRONT ROOM FOR housekeeping, 53 a week. 149 S. State. e312S NICELY FUKNJSinOD HOUSEKEEP ing rooms, at reasonable prices. 524 So. Main. Phbnc Woa. 5G78. c33Sl ! NEAT, CLEAN. STEAM-HEATED front room. 65 80. 3rd East. c332G STRANGERS CAN FIND NICE MOD orn h. k. -rooms, single or en suite. 24 E. Brigham. opp. Hotel Utah. e31S4 TWO NICELY FURN. FRONT ROOMS, closo In; gaJi and light, 130 3rd East. e3535 2 MOD. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: HOT wathor heat, gas: no children. 321 1th East. Ilyland 2422-M. e3S12 2 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. GROUND floor, cheap. Elizabeth place Inqulro 421 3rd East. , e3471 NICELY FURN. MOD. ROOM. WITH gas, for housekeeping. 737 So. Main. Was. 30S7-W. c3573 NEWLY FURN. ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Phono Was. 5593-W. 275 E. 5th So. c3525 TWO FURNISHED MOdTh. IC ROOMS; close In, on car line. 519 So. 5th East. o350G . FRONT PARLOR OR HOUSEKEEPING rooms; $3.50 per week. 211 So. 3rd East. e33S7 TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE kecplng. 218 E. 2nd South, e33S8 Bedbugs Exterminated guanteedT'n "rice2i E. 1st South st. Wasatch 2400. e3312 For Rent Stores and Offices coETTTiriiar lease $40.00 Corner 7th So. and 7th East 20.00 PETERSON R. 15. INV. CO.. Phono Wasatch 3320. 54 E. 4th So. e30SS OFFICE ROOMS. TRIBUNE BUILDING. Inquire F. J. Westcott, 1003 Kearna building. m33 i STORE AT 51 N. STATE, HALF BLOCK I north of Eagle gate. Great location for drug store Little & Llttlo. No. 1 Wost Second South. o391G STORES IN BUSCsTESS DISTRICT, with living rooms. $15. W. J. Dooley. 75 P. O. place. C3I55 FINE LARGE STORE ROOM! 27-Td West Broadway; 35x100; will divide to suit tenant. Roberts & Daly, 371 South Main street. C4042 1 . ! FIRST FLOOR AND BASEMENT, ! 26x140. Nos. 41-43 West Broadwav. af ter Sept. 1, 1913. Inquire 202 Broolcs ar cade d25 BEAUTIFUL STORE ROOM, 225 STATE j street, between 2nd and 3rd South; fine cement basement; good terms to good tenant. Apply G. S. Holmes. 163 State 1 street. d3GG7 j FOR RENT PART OF STOREROONI ! at 27 East Broadway. Inquire Horton Book r,hop. d3923 LARGE STORE AND OFFICES IN Hooper bldg. Apply J. Wirthlln, room 202. I123 NO. GO EAST 4TI1 SO., 15X75 FT. : MOD. plato glnsa fronts; nearly new bldg.; $35.00. 02414 ! BEST LOCATED OFFICE ROOMS IN 1 the city; very reasonable. Rij;ht next I to Heart of Bualnes?. Inquire on prem lacB. Boyd Park bldg. b33lfr j WHERE TO STOP j LNCOLrJOSE? EA3T'TsTSa I 250 rooms; rates, 35c. 40c and 50c; mod ern; baths. 13o. n!339 ACCORDION PLEATING SUNBURST AND SIDE ?LCtINO. 50S East 3rd South Phono Hyland 7S7-J, b4571 FOR RENT Apartments Furnished ifyouar-Tl'ooki tiling highly and elegantly furnished and strictly llrst-claas in every reaped, you should cull and sell the Holland Apart ment, 410 South Wost Temple, one block wcat of tho Newhouso Hotel. SALT LA ICE SECURITY &. TRUST COMPANY. 22 Main Street. Exchange 33. C32G5 KEITH APARTMENTS. High-class and elegantly furnished aultofl and single rooma: finest location in city- opposite Eagle gate, within 1 block of the business and shopping district; at reasonable rates. 123 E. South Temple. cSTl BRANSFORD APARTMENTS. (Near Eagle Gate) Location best in city; furnlched and unfurnished suites; furnished suites, with or without board; American plan. Cafe In connection; open to tho public. x7S5 THE COVEY. New, elegantly furnished housekeeping apartments; eluvalor service: fireproof "building; price reasonable; East South Temple; finest location In city. Phone Wasatch 6671. dl72S THE COLONIAL. Elegantly furnished two and three room apartments, with reduced rates from $20 and up; slnglo rooma, with or without bath, $10 and up. Phone Ex. 42. v f2056 THE ANNEX. Nicely furniched apartments, clo3e In, at 150 E. So. Temple Was. 2352-J. 02333 NICE 3-ROOM MODERN FLAT, 415 So. 3rd East. $20. McKellar R. E. & Inv. Co.. 402 Walker Bank Bldg. r720 3-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT. OXFORD flat, 119 W. No. Temple. rS639 FINE FURNISHED AND UNFUR nlshcd apartments In "Tho Caithness." comer of Socond avenue and B street. Beautiful roof garden; best of car serv ice. Apply L. C. RItor, room 30G. New house Bldg. Wasatch 904. 67G2 FOR RENT 3 OR G-ROOM FURNISHED modern flats. G34 So. Main. blG71 SHUBRICK HOTEL APTS. Cor. 4th So. and West Temple uJegantlv furnished and unfurnished housekeeping suites finest In city larce lobby Janitor service. Phono Was. 4482. c402l 3- RM., STRICTLY MOD. FURNISHED apartment in prlvato home. 150 No. W. Temple e95S WILFLEY APTS., 2 ROOMS, BATH. kitchen, $25 and up; new management. 153 Plerpont st. e953 THREE-ROOM MODERN APT., SUM- mer rate. 16 and $21. 1454 5th East. elGGG 2- RM. APT., WITH PRIVATE BATH. 280 B st. e277G 2 AND 3-ROOM APARTMENTS, ALSO i-room cottage In rear, all modern. Apply rear 321 1st ave. c2739 THE ALEXANDRIA. Elogantly furnlshod apartments25 and up; also single rooms. Phono Wasatch 4032-J. e3011 4- ROOM APARTMENTS. "THE YORK," 7th Enst and 3rd South. Location Ideal. s3783 WARREN APT., 505 SO. 2ND EAST Ono 3-room newly furnished house keeping apt.; private bath. c35S2 FURN. APARTMENTS FOR L. H. IC. modern; ground floor; no children. 25 South 5lh East e33S9 Apartments Unfurnished 55o1s"cTn1 " nnd 2nd South $K5.00 3- room, Crltchlow, E and 1st avo.. 30.00 j 4- room, Gibbons, 251 East 3rd So.. 35.00 4- room, Avondale, Sth East and 2nd South 35.00 j 5- room, Crltchlow, E and 1st ave.. 47.50 SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST I COMPANY. j 32 Main Street. Exchanges 39. C32G4 THE SORENDO APAltTMENTS AT 255 E. Sth South will bo finished about Au gust 5th. Large rooms, filceplng porches, disappearing beds, etc.; modorn and up to date i.Iako your reservations now. McKELLAR REAL ESTATE INVEST- i MENT CO., ! 402 and 403 Walker Bank Building. d2725 NEW KESLER WILL BE READY SEP tcmber 1st; 3 and 0 rooms; flroproof; make reservations now. Was. 15SG-R. e273S FOUR ROOMS IN OAKS. 4TU EAST and 3rd South: si earn. Janitor service; cheapest In town: $30 to S32.50. LITTLE & LITTLE. No. 1 W. 2nd So. U2D51 THE NELSON 4-ROOM MOD. APT.;' sleeping porch; no children. 351 3rd ! East. Was. G349. C340 3. 4 AND 5-ROOM, STRICTLY MOD- em. Tuttlo Bros. Co., 159 Main st. o24G3 j LAKEVIEW APTS.. 271 NO. MAIN; 5 I rooms and porch, modern, beautiful lo-1 cation, and cool. Was. 972-R. b3769 KENSINGTON AND LA FRANCE, ! mod. 4 and 5-room apts.. $35 to $42.50. I c957 j ONE VACANT SUITE, PR E.SCOTT j apartments. Phono Was. 2572-W. C1S12 j MODERN 5-ROOM APT.. NEAR UNI verslty; front and rear porches. Hy land 2S90. c4G51 THE ZIMMERMAN, 4-ROQM STRICTLY modern, corner, newly decorated. Wa satch 17G5-J. r2923 TUCK APTS.. 5-ROOM MODERN, IN qulre rear of Tuck upts., 449 South 2nd East. d21S4 j MEREDITH APAr"tJIENTS j Four rooms, front and rear porches, 170 1st ave.; fine view, c273 APT TO RENT IN THE CLUFF. AP- ! ply janitor or phone Hyland 359-M. I3th E. and 2nd So. e994 j BEAUTIFUL 4-ROOM APARTMENT, J strictly modern. 758 So. Main. cl570 j i MODERN 4-ROOM FLAT, FIRST j lloor. 252 E. Sth So. e2129 ; ' 4-ROOM APARTMENT. FRONT AND ' rear porclnis; steam hoat, gas range. 1 $32.50. See Janitor. Kustor apts., 321 East 5th .South. Wasatch 1075-W. 02S13 ROSEWAY APARTMENTS. CORNER State and 7th So; 3 and 4 rooms, mod ern In ovory respect. Including disappear ing beds. bufTet, Ice boxes; fine Janitor service: close in; $30 and $35. Inqulro Sherwood Pharmacy at corner. e2S20 4-ROOM FT.AT. BERNICE APTS., COR. Sth E. and 1st South. S. S. Slovens. Was. 21S5-W. e3H0 CORNELL APTS.. COR- 1ST SO. AND Gth E. Four rooms. Phone Mr. Sheck ell, Ex. 150. cS121 A SPLENDID S-ROOM APARTMENT: every modern convenience; largo sleep ing porch. In beat residenUnl district; $S5 per month. Houston zteul Estate Inv, Co., 351 Main st. Phone Was. 27. e33S2 ! $22.50 FOUR ROOMS AND BATH: GAS j range: close in. 23G 2nd East. Inquire Huddnrd Floral Co. Phone Was. 10G. 0351G 1 i STRICTLY MODERN 5-ROOM APT., 1 vacant Sopt. 9. Phone Was. 55GC. C35I7 ! Bedbugs Exterminated I (KaTlTEICIX nTTMRtT IUeTi27 J E. 1st So. Bl. Wasatch 2400. 3311 FOR RENT For Rent Furnished Rooms nSAIoTNEWLlPKTHt heat; $2.50 to $4.00 week. 2011 E. th South. R1153 THE HYLAND; MODERN: FROM $10 per month up: board If desired; fine lo cation, cool summer nights. 1310 E. 2nd South. m2921 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRI vate residence; rent reaonbl-; $2 per week and up. 125 West 4th South. c2600 ONE NICELY FURNISH I-D ROOM, close In; C window-, prlvat- family: $15 per month. 325 E. 3rd So., No. 6. c4310 BARGAINS IN ROOMS. MY LAND Ionl has reduced my rent. Cool, nicely furnished and onlv $2 and $2.50 per week. Srtvc your car fare. Elevator icrvlce. Savoy hotel. 26 East Ut South. d!033 3 ROOMS. NEWLY FURNISHED, WITH gas. Wasatch 3S52. dl3f3 VKRY NICELY FURN. ROOM. MOD crn conveniences; references required 525 So. W. T. d2S47 A NICE SUITE OF ROO?!S WITH A quiet family, with use of piano, lawn, bath, etc.; li blocks from Llhertv park and within walking distance of Majestic park and ball park; suitable for 2 gen tlemen or a business couple: may sleep In or out doors. Phon Hyland 793. d3477 LARGE ROOM IN NEW MODERN home; best accommodations. Was. I096-W. d4060 STRICTLY MODERN FURNISHED rooms. 254 So. 4th EosL elOO STRICTLY MODERN ROOM, SUIT able for two. VT. 1970-W. ol091 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE or en sulto; all outsldo, large, airy rooms, hot and cold running water, phones In all rooms: quiet and homellko; rates reasonable Lake Hotel. 43 P. O. Place. e!279 TWO MOD. ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite. 734 E. Sth So. st. el411 ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS, outside, cool, modern. 102 N. Main St. el750 FURNISHED ROOM FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 48 So. 2nd E. ; closo In. e2528 A NICE. CLEAN ROOM, WITH SLEEP Ing porch; cheap; close In and modern. No. 5 Mortonson court, oft 5th South be tween 2nd and 3rd Ea3t. IN MODERN HOME, . DESIRABLE LO catlon for students or teachers. Call after 5 at 20 O at. e2741 NICE. CLEAN ROOMS, STRICTLY modern; reasonable rates. 325 So. 2nd East. 02725 TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE for one or two; prices $2 and up. 413 Vadner ave, East 4th So. c2713 ROOM TO RENT, SUITABLE FOR GEN tleman, $12.50 per month. SI Woodruff apts. Phone 5117-J. e3107 ONE FURNISHED ROOM. 335 2nd ave e3115 ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT GAS; sleoplng or light housekeeping, 41G State. o342C LARGE FRONT ROOM; FIRST FLOOR; modern; with or without housekeeping; 541 South West Temple street. e32S2 LARGE. MODERN. FRONT ROOM; walking distance; 514 E. 1st So. e3275 ROOM FOR RENT, GENTLEMEN only, $10 per month. 39 Woodruff, apts. e3294 FURNISHED ROOM OR ROOMS FOR housekeeping, modern. G25 W. 1st So. e3295 LARGE, NICELY" FURNISHED ROOM: bath and phone; close In. Was. 1423-W. c3547 A MOD. ROOM: HOT WATER HEAT. 321 4th E. Hyland 2422-M. c3513 CLEAN. STRICTLY" MODERN ROOM. walking distance to depots or city. 275 West Gth South. e3514 ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN IN BEAU tlful modern home, $9. Hyland 109G-W. 03524 2 NICELY FURN. IL K. ROOMS; kitchenette, light, gas and bath. 217 W. 4th So. C352S STRICTLY MODERN ROOM; BATH adjoining; suitable for couple, or one or two gentlemen: roasonable 420 East So. Temple, No. 1. e3449 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, CLOSE in; suitable for two gentlemen. Ill E. South Temple c3453 COOL, PLEASANT ROOM, MOD.; TWO blocks north Hotel Utah. 6G E. First North st. Was. 4301. c3502 1 MODERN ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 MEN; reasonable 359 So. 4th EasL o3370 3 PLEASANT ROOMS: BATH, LTGHT. gas; $1S per month. 4G2 F st. Dth ave car. C3373 FOR GENTLEMAN. FURNISHED room In mod. apt., closo In; use phone Was. 431S-R. e3405 NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. close In; reasonable 32 Union ave, 3rd East, between 3rd and 1th South. c3347 ONE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN private residence, suitable for two: teachers or students deflred. Call at 921 E. 1st So , or phone Was. 1340-J. C3333 For Rent Unfurnished Rooms TWT9;RONT'"?tOO and phone. 373 5th East. el365 TWO NICE MODERN ROOMS. 451 SO, 7th East. Hyland 2013-M. c272l FOUR ROOMS, MODERN, WITH sleeping porch; beat location In city; also throe rooms with sleeping porch, modern. Apply lo owner, 25 B sU c.1544 TAILOR-MADE CORSETS Sirs! mann! IspTrella corsetIC l-ycar guarantee. 7C W. 4th North. Was. 45S7. r.lSO WADE CORSETS. HELEN OSBORNE. 50 Woodruff apL Wasatch 7016-J. ' c3354 SAFES AND VAULTS COMPLETE LINE OF SAFES ON hand. Shealy Safe & Vault Co.. 41 Postofflcc place. Q2542 PIANO LESSONS pTn. COO?C. Special attention to fingering and touch. Beginners taken. Studio 1059 3rd ave. Phone Was. 6719-M. cllOS MANICURING AND SHAM POOING FRTAH3SAlTrETT 62 E. 4th South. Was. 3536. c!5 LAWN and CEMENT WORK prompt and reasonable, l'hon II y Und 977-R. b.t203 SIGNS AND SCENERY T!A5rPtri:Cr? UT.. brass, chipped slass and painted. Phon Wnsn-tuh 1503. xl HOUSE WRECKING frhuewrekSnPcallh land 225S-M. c530 BOARD AND ROOMS FOsl-ED ROOM oTTtET; board If desired. No. 4 Barrows ave., between 6th and 6th East on 2nd South. HS2 NEW TEMPLE FAMILY HOTEL flrst-claas rooms, with excellent board; not water in rooms; tourists solicited; block north Hotel Utah. 12 W. No. Tem ple Was. 3065. cl-S ELEGANTLY FURNISHED R6oMS. with or without board; modern. 242 K. So. Temple Wasatch 4345-J. n2167 BOARD AND ROOM. $5 A WEEK. Rooms. $1.50 up. Rear 114 E. Second South. bl929 PLEASANT ROOM WITH BOARd! 3-3 East 3rd South. all 13 LARGE ROOmTWITH GOO"lS TToMK cooking; iplendld location. 605 E. 1st South. c27SS BOARD BY THE D A Y. W EEK OR meal; good home cooking; meals, 25c. 217 E. 4th So. dS54 NICE COOL ROOMsTG OOD " BOARD ; family style: $5.60 and up a week: board $4 a week; early breakfast for Gar field. No. G South 1st West. d3337 BEAUTIFUL FRONT ROOM WITH very best board; close In: nlcn for 2 men or nice couple Wnsatch 5534. No. 10 1st avo. d341l MODERN", FURNISHED ROOM. WITH or without board; closo In. 71 North State Ht. dS964 HERALD HOTEL AND CAFE. BOARD. $5 per woek or $1 per day. W. 1st So. and 80. W. Temple. o774 TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for ono or two; board if desired. 630 E. 2nd South. e950 BOARD AND ROOM. $6.00. 121 South First West. el 106 THE STANCOMBE, FIRST-CLASS boarding house. 327 Enst 1st South. el56C FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD; fine sleeping porch and all mod. con veniences. 24 So. 2th E. Was. 18S8-W. e2444 FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND ROOM: closo In. 412 East 2nd Sohth. e3143 NICE ROOM. WITH BOARD; STRICT ly homo cooking. 121 "W. 4th South. c3259 WANTED ONE OR TWO GENTLE mcn caa find nice room and board at 336 N. 2nd West. Was. 615G-J, e348G NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH board; private modorn home; hot wa ter heat; very desirable. 47 So. 8th East. Was. 4946-NJ. e3442 LARGE OUTSIDE ROOM AND BOARD for one or two. Prlvato family. Mod ern apartment. Closo in. Terms rea sonable. 213 E. Gth So. Wasatch 1700-W. C3245 GOOD. PLAIN HO(ME BOARD. NICE rooms; private bath, lavatory and toi let; cast side Was. 5718-W. c3307 NICELY" FURNISHED, LARGE, FRONT room on ground floor, for two; board if desired. G30 East 2nd South. o332i WANTED LADY SCHOOL TEACHERS or students to room and board. 146 E. Cth So., upstairs. e327i GOOD BOARD AND ROOM, SUITABLE for teachers. 473 So. 5th Ea3t. e3273 FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD; homo cooking. 375 So. 2nd East. Was. 4960. e3448 NICE FRONT ROOM AND BOARD. suitable for ladv school teacher from Lincoln school. No. 14 Hotchklss court, Sth So. bet. 2nd and 3rd West. o345l DESIRABLE MODERN ROOMS. WITH or without board. 924 E. 2nd South. c351S 1 FURNISHED ROOM WITH OR WITH out board. 173 E. Sth South. c34G3 FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD FOR gentleman. Phono Was. 377S-M. e3462 HOTELS ' nsWlOTELmExT Best furnished hotel in tho city; strict ly modern; absolutely fireproof; special rates by week or month. 253 South Stat et. J. M. Marriott. Prop. c8S5 HOTEL JAMES. Mr. Business Man, wo are now open and ready for business. Wo have 100 looms, single or en eulte; 60 rooms with private baths; all modern and up to date: In heart of business centor; newly furnished: absolutely respectable. JAMES STEVENSON. Prop. Nest to Walker Bank. 1G7 So. Main. d367 SHELTON HOTEL WEEKLY RATES. with bath. $5 to $8; without, 34 to $6. 121 S. West Temple eSGS BROADWAY SALT LAKE'S NEWEST hotel now opened. 40 modern rooms, with or without bath. $1 day up; weekly rates. 222 W. 3rd So. d696 HOTEL VICTOR MOD OUTSIDE rooms, hot and cold water; rates 50e. 75c $1. Special summor rates. 155 W. 2nd So. IH71 WELDEN HOTEL. Rates $3.50 to $5 per week- 33 E. Broadway. dS950 LAKE HOTEL Weekly rates, $3 to $5. IS Postofflce place. c38 PALMER HOTEL: TOURIST HEAD quarters; transient nnd weekly rates; closo in. 54 W First South. Mrs. Swan, proprietress. c763 ST. CECILE. HOT AND COLD WATER; phones, baths: well ventilated. Spe cial rates. 233 State ell07 YALE HOTEL. 14Sa E. FIRST SOUTH. Mod. h. and c. wator. $1 day. Spl. rates. el276 GARDEN HOTEL, 151 W. 3RD SOUTH; mod.; h. and c. water; rates, 50c, 75c, II. e3093 CHIROPODIST lTIsAMBIA, FOOT SPECIALIST. CON Kultatlon free 47 East First South. Wnsatch 5061. r3928 LADIES' TAILOR FASHION LADIES' TAILOR. 120 EAST Broudwny. H. Babbcl. Mgr. Wasatch G959. b2OS0 COAL AND KINDLING eTdeal?''cosa and kindling. 165 East 4th South. Phone Wasatch 12.1S. h25 CLEANING AND DYEING salVx-X-eclenin work, prompt delivers'. 71 East Broad way. Was. 5235. Hyland 1939. s2335 FURNITURE REPAIRING wTVILLLVMlfArSo7fr Wasatoh 1545-W. Upholstering, chairs rccaned. Q342 OPTICIANS. WELL"mHL?CATirX mlnutcc Columbian Optical Co.. 337 Main st. d4040 SECRET SERVICE INTERMOUNTAIN SECRET SERVICE; rollablu operators. 401 Boston building. Wasatch 2475. cllSO AUTOMOBILE NUMBERS NICKEL. BRASS, ENAMEL, 50o TO $3. Charles Peterson, signs. 20 Upper Rich ards street. cS73 FOR SALE Poultry and Pet Slock H.-WVK CHICK MANNA SUPPL1&3 every need for chicks from one day to 1 three weeks oW. per hundred. 1'orter-Wa.itoa Co. r7 South Stat. LIVE CHICKENS WANTED AT ALL times. will call for. Phone Hylnnd H4-R. c39S DENVER INCUBATORS FOR SALE. S. adner & Bro.. 8th East and Ashton avb. Hyland 207. r3l33 BLACK MINORCA AND WHITE LEG horn chicken for sole 1036 Su. Stii last St.. city. -23.37 Wnvra pekin ducks for sale T. Filmier;. 1140 Lake sL tZZ3 10ELLEIt3TR-US WHITE ORPING tons, 42 bans. 2 cocks. M pullets. 20 cockerels. 37C C streat. c336l S. C. WHITE L1CG HORN AND BARRED Ilymouth Rock chick ana. 96& East First &ouUt. t-13C2 20 RHODE ISLAND RED HENS. ONE year old; SSc each. 431 2nd avenue Watorloo. cZI'G For Sale Horses and Vehicles a goodrIngeamTveighs about 1250 lbs., wagon and harness, for sale cheap on account of sickness, at 33 Donclson court, on 4th East between So. Tern, and 1st So. olBOl SALT LAKE HOUSE & MULE MARKET. 344 West Fifth South. Phone Wasatch 4167. b91 FINE TEAM OF GRAY HORSES. weight 2750 lbs.; good travelers. In qulro 164 South West Temple. el655 ONE SPAN 14 00-POUND, S-YEAR-OIJD, No. 1 horses. $240; one span, 1200 lbs. harness and wagon, fit for gravel haul or dry farm, $250; one span, 1100 lbs.. 6 and G years old. $225. 51 So. 2nd West. olG7G FINE BAY YOUNG WORK TEAM. Phone Wnsatch 4S72-R. e2407 GOOD DELIVERY HORSE AND "WORK horse Also spring wagon. S20 East 13th South. Phono Hyland 211S-J. C2925 JM RUBBER-TIRED BUGGY. WITH TOP Was. 1575-J. Gl 7th E. c2345 jl HORSES FROM 2 TO 7 YEARS OLD. 57 E. 3rd So. IC StenxcL c3029 RUBBER-TIRED tBUGOY AND HAR neas, nearly new; will soil very cheap 21 Western ave, N. Temple bet. 5th nnd Gth West. c343l GOOD RIDING OR DRIVING HORSE, mountain buggy, side springs: doubla sot surrey harness. 9x9 Tlpo tent. 2fi, BH Sth East. ?-329 7IORSE FOR SALE. AVEIGHT 900 LBS , good saddler or driver. 741 So. Sth F FOR SALE TWO HORSES. S1G E.VST First South. 151 RnDING AND DRIVING HORSE, SIN- gle harness and cart, heavy Freemnt PH stock snddlo. at a bargain today. Barn HB 2G3 W. 1st No. c33H TWO EXPRESS WAGONS FOR SALE cheap. 225 West 3rd South. e3l7J 2500-POUND TEAM BROWN MARES, chunky. 4 nnd 5 years, $325; 3 h.tddle ponies, $25 each: will trade S.6 W. S'.t South. Was. 21S7-W. e347J For Sale Furniture jH tThL A II GK -t7" BE St" ,VND CLEAN est stock of second-hand goods in this city, consisting of furniture, stoves, ranges nnd household furnishings. We also have the largest and best so- lections of rugs nnd carpets. Wo havo all makes and sizes. Tliciio goods are about as good as new and we can sell them for nbout one-half the regular price UTAH FURNITURE CO., 12S-132 W. 2nd South. ol454 HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE OF 6 rooms, the lot. or slnglo, very cheap, fll sideboard, china closet, dishes, tables, jH rockers, chairs, chiffoniers, sowing ma- HVJ chine, kitchen range, heating stove, re- SVfl frlgcrator. bods, cots, fruit Jars, etc., ov- wH erythlng In fine condition. 31 West 3rd IL--H North. Phone Was. 3703-R. c34S5 H FURNITURE FOR SALE OF A 12 room boarding house; rooms all full; a great bargain If taken at once; owner leaving city. 211 E. 4th South. cl774 CHEAPEST FURNITURE IN CITY. Troy Furniture Co.. 4 doors south HHV K.-0'B's. store cllll FURNITURE OF G-ROOM HOUSE AT bargain. Wasatch 3770-W. 346 So. W Temple. cS05 WE BUY ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD furniture nnd pay reisonable prlcos. 1 You save time and worry by calling us up. Fisher & Bobbins Co., b0 West 2nd South. Wnsatch 5171. 1493 FURNITURE OF G-ROOM HOUSE. cheap. No. 15 Keysor ct Phono Wa satch 342S-J. el744 A BARGAIN. Would you pay $500 for $1000 worth of furnishings complete for 4-room flat7 1 Strictly mission furniture; first-class con- 1 dltlon. Terms, part down, balanco $15 1 per month. Pliono Hyland S19-W. c3I05 5 ROOMS OF FURNITURE. CHEAP; 3 rooms arc paying tho rent. 437 South HH FOR SALE MISSION DINING TABLE and buffet. IS Grace apts. e3122 WE BUY ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD furniture and pay reasonablo prices 1 You save time and worry by calling us up. Fisher & Robblns Co., 60 West 2nd South. Wasatch 5171. c3420 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AND part of furniture for sale 21G W. 2nd South. e3254 ALMOST NEW FURNITURE FOR sale. Phone MutTHy C04. c3277 FURNITURE OF A 7-TtOOM HOUSE. cheap If taken at once. 135 W. N Tomple. c33GS H FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 22 RMS, on Main st. Owner leaving city Cheap rent. Phono Was. 2146-W. e3390 T O BUFFET TABLE, CHAIRS KVH dishes, rofrlgorator. go-cart. Wasaf 1411-W. Call mornings. c34GG jH ' Wanted Furniture mauEsrli Vfl hand h. b, goods. Utah Furniture Co. Was. 4317. 153 WE BUY ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD furniture p.nd pay reasonable prlccn, You save time and worry bv calling us up. Fisher & Bobbins Co., -0 West 2nd South. Wasatch 5171. elSOP For Sale or Trade A GROCERY STORE. IN GOOD LOCA- tlon. Will ell or trade. United Homo H Builders Co., 502-503 Walker Bank bid? Was. 4285. 3S7 jH 4-ROOM BRICK HOUSE; E. L. FLOW- Ing well, lawn, whude: lot 66x140: 1325 H So. 11th West: $750, $50 down, $15 per H month. ?3300 4-ROOM MODERN BRICK: BIG YARD, Hfl with large, new chicken coop; c!os In. Bfl $S0 down, $15 per month. Phone Hylan'i Hfl 3371 -M. c335j B For Rent Garage B and water; large enough for two cars. B 242 E. So. Temple. el087 H TRIBUNE WANT ADS' PULL WK