Newspaper Page Text
i v ' 14 . THE SAL1 LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 30, 1913, I WANTED j WantedMale Help M YOUNG MAN AS ASST. BOOKKEEPER. Reply in own handwriting, stating: ex- h perience and salary expected. Address I Q-0, Tribune. SILK SALESMAN, EXPERIENCED. Apply "Mr. McCann. nt Walkers. cU4G f BOYS FOR WRAPPER. APPLY MR. McCann, at Walkers. c4H6 I GOOD DELIVERY BOY WHO HAS A M -bicycle. W. E, Fife Co.. 170 Main at. M 0414U If 2 COMPETENT STENOGRAPHERS. $75 If and $S0, perm. Remington Typewriter Co. e4.135 f WANTED. THREE GOOD GASOLINE Ujj engine men for small portable trasollne t' engine work. Apply Landcs &. Co., cor- A ncr Second West and West South Tern II pie at once; good pay. c1140 If WANTED, A TAILOR TO DO BUS1IBL- I intr; Btendy Job for right man. Poca- J I tello Tailoring Co., Pocatello, Ida. clUl 1& SIX LABORERS; CITY DAM. BRIOH- J ton, Utah; wages $2.50, 8 hrs. Was. n 1754-M, bet. 10 and 12 u. tn. ciVJO r, WANTED, 20 MEN. APPLY STAGE jjj door Utah Theater at 10 a. m. e4Ul til Wanted Salesmen jpf MALE OR FEMALE. TO SELL REAL Hi'l estate; good salary guaranteed. Call at once. Inter-Mountain Realty Co., 205 jjit Templeton bldg. e!3U Hil SALESMAN MAKING DRUG TRADE Hjj$ three states will consider sundry and y rubber gooda; must have merit; commls- H'l alon-only. Address M-22, Tribune. 1271 M ' Wanted Situation (Male) Hlj C5jrTiiD j J concert band and road experience, j,"' -wants position; light -work; small town. j Good appearance, sober, reliable; age 29. el Address Gardner. Point of Rocks, Wyo. ttl Hff COLORED MAN AND WIFE WANT H work In or out of city; both good 'i cooks. No. 10 Our court. Phono Hyland '1 290S. e4053 i! CARPENTER, ALL AROUND MAN; all work guaranteed. I do new work If and repair work indoors and out, I Schmidt. Was. 540-W, 609 So. Main. C3401 BAKER ALL - AROUND BA1CER "f country, steady job. Room 65, Lincoln house, city Q3815 HIJ EXPERT ELECTRICIAN AND PLANT li' man desires position Trlth reliable firm H?'! or city electrician for independent con- H'i cern; college education; good references. Hj Address Q-S. Tribune. c3022 I EXPERIENCED JANITOR, PAINTER, i porter; Janitor outside bank several r years; steady, sober. Address Q-6, Trlb- une. e392S I A JAPANESE SCHOOLBOY WANTS j to -work In a family for board and room. 3 Wasatch 5-126. Harry. c3P2d l BOOKKEEPER WOULD LIKE TWO OR i three small sets of books to take care of. Address Q-1E, Tribune. o4080 BY A FIRST-CLASS MEAT CUTTER ' and mgr., city or country. Address Q-13, Tribune. c417S H f INTELLIGENT YOUNG MAN WANTS t position in business house, -with chance fi for advancement; am willlnp to work. ; Address Q-21. Tribune. c4175 ! A JAPANESE H. S. BOY WANTS TO i work morning and evening In a small family. Please write to T. M., 31 3 Richards St., clly. e417i JAPANESE COUPLE WTSM SITUA tlon: man experienced cook, wife wait - on table and housework; references. ' Address Q-22. Tribune. e4173 5 COLORED. MIDDLE-AGED MAN wishes position ns porter. 447 W. fith j I North. el 165 a Wanted Miscellaneous I TENANT FOR SMALL COUNTRY home, close to good school, only 15 1 minutes' walk from car line, rent to be ( paid by work mornings and evenings on ' the place. Address Q-ll, Tribune. I FURNITURE OF ALL KINDS WANTED. Will pay you first-class prices. Fisher ! & Robblns Co., 60 W. 2nd South. Wa- I satch 5171. e253 ! UTAH JUNK CO. HIGHB3T PRICE 5 paid for iron, brass, rags, bottles, rub- j ber, copper, etc. 840 So. 4th West. Phono I Wasatch 229. mlS78 I TO DO YOUR UPHOLSTERING AND ' mattress remaking. Utah Bedding & ' Mfg. Co. Phone 3S3. b202 ! YOUR OLD CLOTHING; WILL CALL. Salvation Army. Phone. t2101 j t I WE WILL HIP A CAR OF HOUSE- . hold goods to Los Angeles, San Fran- ! clsco. Chicago and ' Great Falls. Mont., 1 within the next ten days. Kimball Van & Storage Co., 73 So. Main. b-967 ! OLD COLTHES BOUGHT. We pay highest prices for cast-oft ; v clothing. Phone Wasatch 2115. r348l ' UMBRELLAS RECOVERED. RE- 1 ! paired and key fitting'. H. E. Hutte- j ball, 157 E. Broadway. el3G0 I ONE DELIVERY HORSE. CHRISTEN sen's store, 674 South 5th East. Phone ! Hyland 922. d3176 I 6000 MEN FOR STOMACH TREAT ! ment. Greenhalgh Remedy Co., 28 East 4th South. c416 ! WE BUY. SELL AND EXCHANGE ALL kinds of furniture, clothing, tools and all j kinds of hrlc-a-brac. Deseret Furniture I Co., 70 '. West Temple, Was. 2755. e873 i ; WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE 1 real estate, rooming houses, hotels, J indue, slocks of all kinds, automobll-s, motorcycles, furniture, livestock any thing. Call or phone Essel Sales Co., 324 ; D. F. Wnlker Bldg. Was. 838. ell91 , HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND- hand furniture. Wasatch Furniture Co., j 357 State. Was. 896. ell92 ; DOZEN LEGHORN PULLETS. PHONE C Hylnnd 169-M or call 1022 Belmont. I C1416 ijj MEN'S SECOND-HAND CLOTHING; fi best prices paid. 28 Commercial street. , Was. 3771. elS50 1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD i clothes and shoes. E. Green. Wasatch , ; 1503. e2061 I WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND ;J hand furniture. Michigan Furniture 1 Co.. Wasatch 5145. o2491 I SANITARY BARBER CHAIR: MUST BE In pcood condition; state price wanted ! Address 0-52. Tribune. e274fl 1 LET ME PHOTO YOUR CHILDREN and ,lve petn cuto Poses at home; It large, fine -pbotos in natural colors. Call Ig Walker. Hyland 56-M e3741 H D. R. FONG: CHINESE CELEBRATED Hlj HerballHt. master of all so-called In- c curable diseases. Salt Lnke offices, 11C 1 5 So, Main st Free consultation hy pre B t sentlng this notice. e3837 B YOUNG MAN WANTS ROOM IN ENG ii llnh-npeaklncf home: desires some one H 0 ?.Vlc to tcacn Bn8"'lsh language. 170 j " State. e3829 j AN UP-TO-DATE GENTLEMAN H I Keeps In the fashion bv having his B I shoes repaired In first-class stvlo '& MONARCH SHOE REPAIRING CO., K? 21 E. 2nd South (Basement). Was. 35S3. WANTED Wanted Female Help 1 GIRLS IN ALL DEPARTMENT?. AP PLY READY FOR WORK AT S A. M. AND 1 P. M. DAILY. TROT LAUNDRY. 221 SOUTH 6TH EAST. gS50 FREE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. BASE mcnt First Congregational church. We get you a position free of charge. Tele phone 5S22. f2773 GOING TO SUMMER SCHOOL? .SAVE money nnd time by seeing us now. Utah Business College, Boston bid?. cM3S GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN TO women, 75 month. September examin ations In Salt. Lake City. Write for spec imen questions. Franklin Institute, lpt. 733-F, Roehoster, N. Y. d392C CHORUS GIRLS EXPERIENCE UN nccessary. Apply after 9 a. m. to C. P. Knapp, manager Majestic theater. et-727 GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework. C70 E. So. Temple street. C2S55 COMPETENT GIRL: MUST UNDER sland conking; two In family; good wnges. 69 D st. Wasatch 133S. c3005 LADY WANTED TO PLAY A PIANO; must be Christian. Address P-3C. Tribune. e3124 LADIES WHO WISH TO EMPLOY their spare hours profitably In the In terest of a high-class established busi ness; nothing to sell; call 475 E. Broad way. 3237 GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; TWO IN family: go home nights. Apply fore noon. 132S Brlgham. Was. 36S4. e3542 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK nt 898 E So. Temple. e3579 TAILORESS WANTED. CALL AT G75 East 7th So., "Pioneer Cleaning- Co. c3533 LADIES CAN EARN $12 PER WEEK doing luster work at home; no experi ence required. Call 554 North 1st West st. . eS175 GOOD QIH.L FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages; nice home. 294 ID. So. Temple. c2658 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 69 1st ave. c8G60 A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply at 154 West 6th South. c3669 GIRL WANTED TO WAIT ON TABLE and assist in kitchen. Was. 5554. 10 First ave. e37GS WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER FOR club of four young men, good education and habits. Good home for right party. State age, qualifications and wages. N. II. P.. Montello, Nev. 3715 GOOD COOK. 1103 THIRD AVENUE. O3708 GIRL GOING TO SCHOOL, GOOD home. Mrs. Kenlpner, 463 6th ave. e3730 COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. One that can oook; good wages; no washing. Apply 32 South 6th East street. c8704 GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO DO x general housework; must go home nights. No. 7 AvondaJc npts. e8842 WANTED THREE EXPERIENCED dining room girls. Call Was. 1405-W. e3931 GIRLS WANTED FOR SPOTTING AND I pressing. 'Regal Cleaning & Dyeing. 156 East 2nd So. 03918 THE A17HRBACH CO. REQUIRES THE services of a dressmaker's model; must be unusually attractive, tall and slender; bust 36, waist 24, hips 41. Apply to Mr. West, second floor. eS914 LADY PRESSER; CALL EARLY. NOB by Sultorium, 219 State st. e3948 AT ONCE. THREE BRIGHT. CAPABLE ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell delicacies; $26 to $50 per week; railroad fare paid; teachers and milliners pre ferred. 62 E. 4th So., city. e3946 WANTED, AN EXPERT HAIRDRESS er at once. American Halrdresslng Parlors, 410 25th St., or phone 1057-W. Ogden. Utah. e8968 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family, good wages. 818 2nd ave. e3976 GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework In small family. Apply morning, Kensington apt. 18 North -Main and 1st North st e4089 GIRL TO GO TO SCHOOL AND AS slst with housework. 154 Wi 6th So. e4076 COMPETENT GIRL TO DO COOKING and housework; no washing; good wages. 37S First ave." e4075 EXPERIENCED AND COMPETENT girl: no other wanted. 54 West 1st North. e4S77 CHAMBERMAID FROM 9 TO 6; $9 PER week; must be good cleaner. Lincoln House. c40S2 WANTED, A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: Scandinavian preferred; wages $25 per mo. Was. 4389. e40S3 GOOD GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework: small family, no washing; reference. 517, 2nd ave. e4084 WANTED, GOOD MARKER AND AS Eorter; one that has had experience on manglo: good wages and board at first-class hotel. Address Frank Miller, Mgr. Shoshone Steam Laundry, Shoshone, Ida. e4054 . NEAT APPEARING, ENERGETIC ladles for "special advertising work. Call 475 East Broadway. , e4052 AN1 EXCELLENT HOME OFFERED studious school girl In exchange for help outside school hours: must stay In evenings. Hy, 1931 -W. o4030 COMPETENT NL'RSE GIRL BETWEEN li and 17 years; no school girl' need apply. 1354 E. So. Temple, between the hours of 12 and 3. e4027 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK at 101S Lake st. Hyland 529-R. e4018 GOOD GIRL OR WOMAN, GENERAL housework; must understand cooking: good home, good pay. 120 H st, c4058 COMPETENT GIRL, GENERAL housework; small family; good pay. 32 South 7th East. e4057 GTRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK and plain cooking; must be a good housekeeper; $7 per week. 276 N. 1st West. ci15S THE AUERBACH CO. REQUIRES THE servlcos of capable alteration hands, ac customed to suits, coats and skirts. Ap ply at alteration dept., second floor. c4152 THE AUERBACH CO. REQUIRES THE services of thoroughly competent sales women. Apply to manager. 4151 CORSETIERE. EXPERIENCED. AP ply Mr. McCann. at Walker's. ' o4147 GIRLS FOR CASHIERS. APPLY MR. McCann, at Walker's. e411S' COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; small family: no washing. References required. Wasatch 3110-M. 04142 ONE STENOGRAPHER. SOME Ex perience; norm.: $10. RemlnKton Type writer Co. Free Employment Dept. c413C T ft 1J? U N E W A N T ADS P U L L WANTED Wanted Female Help LADY STENOGRAPHER. APPLY from 10 to 12, 31(5 Judge bldg. 04139 EXPERIENCED PANTRY GIRL. AP Ply Franklins. 2CS So, Main. e4192 Wanted Situation (Female) WANTED WORK D? tTIe DAyT houeuclcanlng; washing and. Ironing. Call Was. 1S47-M. ol07J GERMAN WOMAN WANTS WASHING and cleaning. Call Wasatch 2523-W. elS29 YOUNG WOMAN. COLEGE EDUCA tlbn, wishes clerical position. Phono Was. 12I4-.I. c3807 TEACHER WISHES TO BE CARE takcr; references nxchnnged. Address P-3S. Tribune. cl031 WOMAN WANTS ANY KIND OF work as housekeeper. Address Q-1C. Tribune. ci04G BV YOU NG LADY STENOGRAPHER, beginner. Phone Hyland 102-W. cIOlo YOUNG WOMAN WITH FOUR-YEAR-old son desires position, housowork: will consider ranch; good home rnther tlin.ii high wages desired. Room C-17, Savoy hotel. ellSO Wanted To Rent 8 OR 9-ROOM HOUSeI MUST BE ntrlctly modern, hardwood floor? and furnace heat throughout; good location; also garage; will give best of references. Call Wasatch 2908. e3034 4 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE, FURNISHED or unfurnished. Please write and give location and price. N-23, Tribune. ell95 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN. Phone Was. 1335. e313G 4-ROOM COTTAGE. SLEEPING PORCH, sras, electricity, coal stove: good lo callty. Address P-1S. Tribune. ' c3S10 3-ROOM HOUSE OR APARTMENT. furnished; close In; no children. Call Was. 1155, ' c40GS MODERN BUNGALOW. TJNFUR nlshed, with three bedrooms; good lo cation. Box 1072, city. e41G8 Wanted To Buy ALLKINDS HOUSEHOLD GOODS wanted; highest prices paid. Was. 4317. c4G95 TWO OR THREE MARES. 1300 OR over, must be reasonable. Phone Was. S49. o3760 Wanted To Trade ONE GHlC 7ASEral2R7T-KH grade car to exchango for smaller car. 620 State st. c4093 GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET, DO lng strictly cash business and located In one of tho bost residence sections of Salt Lake; worth $4600, will trade for good farm. Address 0-32. Tribune. eSOSl FINE PIANO, A KNABE, FOR REAL estate or livestock. Wanlcss, SOI Walker Bank bldg. e.4047 To Lease WANTED TO LEASE FURNISHED OR unfurnished apartment house for one year or longer. Location, furnishings and business must be goodt Make an offer and give particulars at once. Will be In Salt Lake In September. Address Q- l. Trlhuno. e3Sll AUCTION SALES BlsiNGlrAprUT the reason we can sell goods cheaper than anyone else; new Axmlnster rugs, 9x12, ?19; wo also have a lot of second hand rugs, ranges, dressers, beds., etc. Michigan Furn. Co., 430 State. Was. 6145. ol382 WE BUY AND SELL SECOND-HAND household goods. O. I Furniture Co., !09 So. West Temple. r233 C. E. OSTERLOH. AUCTIONEER. BES idence, 684 8. Main. Wasatch 2S24-W n485 JOHN JONES, AUCTIONEER AND valuer; commission buslnoss; 8 years with K. A. Andrews. Residence 1230 Stringham ave. Phone Hyland 1614 Q2S35 DENTISTS Tn3"l3TRI- crown, $5; bridge work, $5 per tooth; fillings. Jl; all work guaranteed. Dr. Christie, dentist, 153 So. Main. bS373 DR. HODGES. DENTIST. SUITE 217-13 Brooks Arcade bldg. Best and cheap est. Wasatch 8056. C3041 DR. CONGER, 260 SO. MAIN. EXTRAC tlon by use of somnoforme. Wasatch 922. c3042 DR. DOUGLAS. " 1 No. 318 Brooks Arcade. State and 3road rway. e2947 Expert Dentistry DR?'jr3rifiYs6 Wasatch 6628. Good set teeth. $5. b4193 : MASSAGE cal1Ton"'mjld new apartmont, Warm Springs. Was. B8G4-W. s2177 ELECTRICAL MASSAGE, VAPOR baths, manicrurlng, etc.; treatment by special appointment. Wasatch 5443, 1271 So. Main. c2848 MAGNETIC VIBRATORY MASSAGE. manicuring, facial and scalp treatment. Now York method. Room 20, Galena block. Second South and State. el397 ELECTRIC TREATMENT AND MAS sage: open until 9 p. m. 161 W. 3rd So. M. Cye. clS4S ' MASSEUSE. FOR LADIES ONLY; PRO fesslonally recommended. 102 North Main st. o2501 WHERE TO STOP ON??ONTloTjini 250 rooms; rates, 35c, 40c and 50c; mod ern: bath3. 15c. nl339 ACCORDION PLEATING SfNPUR-VrN) SIDE PLAT1NG 508 East 3rd South Phone Hyland 787-J. ; b4571 SIGNS AND SCENERY brass, chipped ls an puliueu. Pho.n W-eatch 150-. xzi FURNITURE REPAIRING w7WTLLAlTs"rSO Wasatch 1545-W, Upholstering, chaira rccaned. 0340 SAFES AND VAULTS CMplETE LINE OFaTeTON hand. Shealy Safe & Vault Co., 41 Postofflce place. o2542 Xawnmower-Tshai AND REPAIRED: BICYCLE REPA I R ing; also key fitting. S. L, Lock Works. Was, 4054. b4191 OPTICIANS. wlITImlTcate mlmites. Columbian Optica Co.. 337 Main st. (14040 TouseWecg FOR HOUSE WRFCKING. CaTlHyX land 225S-M. c530 FOR RENT For Rent Houses Unfurnished 23 HOUSES. ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Tutlle Bros. Cd.. 159 Main st. nl410 MODERN S-ROO.M HOUSE. 68 FIRST ave. Apply 70 First ave. c2Gll MODERN FOUR AND SIX-ROOM DOU ble house; rent reasonable. 86 F st. Apply 164 Second ave. dS19 G-ROOM MODERN BRICK; GAS range; close In. lfil 4th va. dllll 7-ROOM BUICIC. STRICTLY MODERN, elegantly finished. 2.V1 10th ave. d2lSi G-ROOM, 2-STORY. MODERN RESI dence; furnace. 167 So. 12th East. Ap ply W. G. Losco. Was. 327 c5G8 S-ROOM MODERN. GOOD CONDITION. fine location, gas. paved street. Wa satch 197S-W. 0234 0 G-ROOM BRICK HOUSE. PARTLY modern; good barn; $15. Hyland 1092-M. c3100 .".-ROOM HOUSE, PANTRY AND cellar, rhlckon runs. 412. GO. at 1143 Browning ave. Inquire at 571 So. Main. e3380 $25 6-ROOM BRICK; MOT WATER heut; gas and bath. S5S E. 2nd So. c3243 5-ROOM BRICK. WEST SIDE, CLOSE In. Inquire room 1 Mackintosh block, c.3262 $12.50 3-BOOM BRICK COTTAGE: ALSO 5-room partly modern cottage, $13; close In. Hyland GIS-R. e3261 i-ROOM MOD. HOUSE, BUFFET kitchen, cement basement. 518 6th ave. e3527 7-ROOM BRICK, MODERN, RENT $23, on Washington street. Hyland J510-J. e340G MODERN. 2-STORY, 7-ROOM HOUSE, with bath, lights, sewer and water; fur nnco and range connected; rent reason able. Inquire Newbould Printing Co,. Nev.- Grand Hotel bldg.. 4lh South and Main lis. e3703 SIX ROOMS. GAS. E. L., LARGE LAWN. barn, nice neighborhood; $22.50. Home Tnv. & Savings Co., C W. 1st So. 03G59 2-ROOM AND KITCHEN; LIGHTS AND cellar. Inquire 825 E. 4th So. e3675 i-ROOM BRTCK HOUSE. WITH ALL conveniences. Apply 420 E. 3rd South. C3S30 FOR RENT CHEAP. HANDSOME FIVE room mod. bungalow, brand new. No. S20 So. 11th East. e394 1 NICE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. $17. 924 So. 1st West. Inquire 3G4 W. 3rd So. c792 7-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN BRICK house; bath, gas, electric furnace; 650 So. Suite. C3971 COZY 4-ROOM MODERN BRICK, 2 blocks from Main st.; adults preferred. Was. 194G-W. e4074 2 FOUR-ROOM MODERN TERRACES, 944-6 So. W. Temple. Inquire 926 So. W. Temple. e407O COZY AND MODERN, 3 ROOMS AND bath. 320 East 9th So. Apply 375 So. 6th East. e!025 7-ROOM MODERN: LARGE CORNER lot; shade, lawn; Center st. ; $25 month. Goddard, 32 S. Main st. e4019 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. WITH furnace. 43 1 E st. ; $25 per month. Was. 5S17-M. e!029 5- ROOM MODERN; LARGE LOT, flou'lnsr well; $16 per month. Lights furnished. 447 E. 9th So. eilSl For Rent Houses Furnished 4- ROOM MODERN HOUSE; 946 SOUTH W. Temple. Former tenant will sell range and heater, with connections; also other furniture. e380S 6- ROOM BUNGALOW, FURNISHED or unfurnished; gas. e. 1.. furnace; gas and coal ranges. 521 Fifth ave. P. O. Box 346. e4065 STRICTLY MODERN. 9 ROOMS. ON 3rd ave. Key at 153 9th East st. c4G70 6-ROOM BUNGALOW; SLEEPING porch, shade trees, lawn, newly furn. For particulars, call Was. 6012-J. e736 STRICTLY MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, well furnished, close In. Phone Wa satch 53SS-J. el568 EXCELLENTLY LOCATED, MODERN, S-room brick house, sleeping porch, flno yard, fruit, garage. Call mornings. 100G Third ave. el073 6 ROOMS, NICELY FURNISHED, close in. Call between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., No 6 Concord ct., bet. 3rd and 4th East on 3rd South. e3770 BEAUTIFUL S-ROOM MODERN ON East South Temple, completely fur nished. Call between 2 and I p. m., room A-42,. Semloh hotel. e404S ELEGANTLY FURNISHED I-ROOM cottage: right terms to right party. GG1 So. 2nd West. t cl052 1-ROOM COTTAGE, SLEEPING PORCH, gas, electricity, coal stove: good lo cality. Address P-4S. Tribune. e3756 MOD. HOME. EMIGRATION CANYON, Loafers' Lodge. Was. 22GO. e.T15 5- ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. 1060 E 2nd South, $12. No children. e3929 4-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NICELY furnished; close hi. 33 So. 2nd West. Free telephone. c4153 HOTELS lJEWHTl2LRxr Best furnished hotel in tho city; strlcN ly modern; absolutely fireproof; special rates bv week or month. 253 South State nt. J. "M. Marriott. Prop. c835 SHELTON HOTEL WEEKLY RATES. with bath. $5 to $8: without, $4 to 121 S. West Tempi eSG3 BROADWAY SALT LAKE'S NEWEST hotel now opened. 40 modern roomj. with or without bath. Jl day up; weekly rates. 222 W. 3rd So. d696 HOTEL VICTORMOD" OUTSIDK rooms, hot and cold water: rates 50-, 76c. $1. Special .summer rates. 155 W i'nd So. dH71 LAKE HOTElI Weekly rates. $3 to $5. 48 Postofflce place. e3S PALMER HOTEL; TOURIST HEAD quarters: transient and weeklv ratt-s close In. f.4 W First South. Mrs. Swan, proprietress. e7c3 fST. CEC1LE. HOT AND COLD WATER; phones, baths: well ventilated. Spe cial tates. 233 Slate. ell07 YALE HOTEL. 14Si E. FIRST SOUTH Mod. h. and c. water. $1 day. Spl. rates' . el 276 1ARDEN HOTEL. 151 W. 3RD SOUTH; mod.; h. and c. water; rates. C0c 75c. si." cSOOS WELD EN MOTEL. Rates. $3.50 to $5 per week. 23 E. rendway. e4059 STOVES and RANGE REPAIRS jackets cleaned. $2; L Jackets, ?3; stoves rcpalted. E. K. Morriss. Phone Wasatch G714-W. oi402 LININGS. GRATES AND WATER Jackets ,all makes, work guaranteed. G- D Lovett foundry, 44 7th West. Wasatch 3990. f24S0 STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRING; water Jackets cleaned. Goalcn, 172 R street. Wasatch 6719-J. n824 FOR RENT. Apartments Furnished ""KliirTU APARTMENTS. High-class and elegantly furnished suites and single rooms; finest location in city; opposite Eagle gate, within I block of tho business and shopping district; at reasonable rates, 123 E. South '1 emple. eS7.1 BRANSFORD APARTMENTS. (Near Eagle Gate.) Location best in city; furnished and unfurnished suites; furnished suites, with or without board; American plan. Cafe In connection: open to tho public. xiuu THE COVEY. New. elegantly furnished housekeeping apartments; elevator sorvlcn: fireproof building; price reasonable; East South Temple: finest location in city. P9mI; Wasatch S671. dlllS THE COLONIAL. Elegantly furnished two and three room apartments, with reduced rates from $20 and up; single rooms, with or without bath. 510 and up. Phono Ex. 42. f-05G THE ANNEX. Nicely furnished apartments, close In, at ISO E. So. Temple. Was. 2352-J. o2333 NICE 3-ROOM MODERN FLAT. 115 So. 3rd East. S20. McKellar R. E. & Inv. Co., 402 Walker Bank Bldg. r720 3-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT. OXFORD flat. 119 W. No. Temple. r3639 FINE FURNISHED AND UNFUR nlshod apartments In "The Caithness,' corner of Second avenue and B street Beautiful roof garden; best of car serv ice. Apply L. C. Rlter. room 30G, New house Bldg. Wasatch 904. s752 FOR RENT 8 OR G-ROOM FURNISHED modern flats. 634 So. Main. bl671 SHUBRICK HOTEL APTS. Cor. 4th So, and West Temple. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished housekeeping suites finest In city large lobby Janitor service. Phone Was, 4482. C4021 3-RM. STRICTLY MOD. FURNISHED apartment In private home. 150 No. W. Temple. c95S WILFLEY APTS., 2 ROOMS, BATH, kitchen, $25 and up; now management. 153 Plerpont st. e953 3- RM. APT,, WITH PRIVATE BATH. 280 B at. , e277G 2 AND 3-ROOM APARTMENTS, ALSO 4-roorn cottage In rear, all modern. Apply rear 321 1st avo. 2739 WARREN APT.. 505 SO. 2ND EAST One 3-room newly furnished house keeping apt.; private bath. e3765 4- ROOM MODERN FLAT. BEAUTI fully furnished, 530. Hyland 2577-R. e030 Apartments Unfurnished tIie'IsoTu-Ndo E. 5th So. have large rooms, sleeping porches, disappearing beds, refrigerators, etc., are modern and up to date. M'KELLAB REAL ESTATE INV. CO., Investment Bankers, 402-403 Walker Bank Bide;. e3911 4-ROOM APT.; BATH, FRONT AND rear porches, steam heat, gas range; $32.50. See Janitor Kuster apts., 321 E. 5th So. Was. 1G75-W. eSOlG 4 ROOMS', WITH BATH AND DISAP pearlng bed; 2 porches; good location: $35. Hyland 746-R. e3927 FOUR ROOMS IN OAKS, 4TH EAST and 3rd South; steam. Janitor service: cheapest In town: S30 to S32.50. LITTLE & LITTLE, No. 1 W. 2nd So. S2951 3, 4 AND B-ROOM, STRICTLY MOD- ern. Tultle Bros. Co., 159 Main st. Q2463 LAKEVTEW . APTS. , 271 NO. MAIN ; 5 rooms and porch, modern, beautiful lo cation, and cool. Was. 972-R. b3769 KENSINGTON AND LA FRANCE, mod. 4 and 5-room npts., J35 to ?12.50. c957 ONE VACANT SUITE, PRESCOTT apartments. Phone Was. 2572-W. elS12 MODERN 5-ROOM APT.. NEAR UNI versity; front and rear porches. Hv land 2890. clOol THE ZIMMERMAN. 4-ROOM. STRICTLY modern, corner, newly decorated. Wa satch 1765-J. r2923 MEREDITH APARTMENTS. Four rooms, front and rear porches, 170 1st ave.; fine view. e273 APT. TO RENT IN THE CLUFF. AP ply janitor or phone Hyland 359-M. 13th E. and 2nd So. e994 BEAUTIFUL 4-ROOM APARTMENT, strictly modern. 75S So. Main. el570 ROSEWAY APARTMENTS. CORNER State and 7th So: 3 and 4 rooms, mod ern In every respect, Including disappear ing beds, buffet. Ice boxes; fine janitor service; close In; S30 and $35. Inquire Sherwood Pharmacy at corner. e2S20 4-ROOM FLAT. BERNICE APTS., COR 8th E. and 1st South. S. S. Stevens. Was. 2155-W. e3140 S22.50 FOUR ROOMS- AND BATH; GAS range: close in. 23G 2nd East. Inquire Huddard Floral Co. Phone Was. 10G. 63546 KESLER. 264 NO. STATE. WILL BE finished Sept. 10 Fire and sound proof; 5 rooms, S45 and $50. Make reser vations now. Was. 15S6-R. e4071 STRICTLY MODERN 5-ROOM APT., vacant Sept. 9. Phone Was. 5566. e35H 3-ROOM APT.: NOTHING PRETTIER or cheaper In town. 24 E. 2nd North. ellSO THE "POPLAR." 470 E. BROADWAY; 4-rm. apt., front and rear porches, vacuum cleaner, laundry, etc.. $35: no children. Hyland 747-N-J. or apt. No 1. eiisn For Rent Miscellaneous torrTnt3o teams or autos. 247 S. Gth East. Tly- land 1415. c 1 53 1 GARAGE FOR RENT AT THE ESTHER apts., 7G 1st ave. Phone Wasatch 22SS-M. e224l LARGE VACANT LOT. HIGH BOARD fence; close in: rent cheap. 574 South Mnln . ellGO CHINA DECORATING mIssepthawagner 77 East Third outh. China suitable for gifts and prizes. Class and private 'osgo- c969 WATCH REPAIRING watch1Js"and7ev work guaranteed: moderate prices prompt delivery. Wilson fc Co. 423 D F. Walker bldg. ',3153 CLEANING AND DYEING sa!tXke cleaning coT best work, prompt delivery. 71 East Broad way. Was. 5235. Hyland 1939. s2335 LADIES' TAILOR FmpNllADnH:ATLC)RT2TA Broadway. H. Babbd, Mgr. Wasatch 6fl63- b2080 AUTOMOBILE NUMBERS ckelTbr -J na;Ie6 Peterson, signs. 20 Upper Rich Bros sireer. c87& FOR RENT ousejieeping Rooms NICELV FyRNlSIIErr5FOR light housekeeping. 112 No. Main at. C-23C1 MOD. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms, very reasonable. 303 So 5ti, Eaht. II. 17G1-M. eU2t! TWO NICELY FURNISHED. GROUND floor front rooms, modern. 217 W 4th South. d2857 NICELV FURNISHED II. K. ROOMS ground door; modern. 330 South West. Wasatch 6972. (13912 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; GAS, LIGHT $18 to $20 per month. Savoy Hotel ", E. 1st South. cjo4 SUITE OF 3 LOVELY COOL FRONT rooms; gas, range, lights Included; mod ern : also one large fiont room for h k 8 Kondall square. C37G HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE NOVEL housekeeping apartments at tho Ray mond hotel? Onu room, with disappear ing bod, disappearing gas range, folding tables, etc. All outside rooms. Rates 53.50 per week nnd up. 04 So. Main Phone Exchange 385. 0775 TWO LARGE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Call after 4 p. m. 57 So, Ptnt el77S NICE LARGE COOL FRONT ROOM FOR housekeeping; 53 a week. 149 S. State e20G3 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP Ing at 334 E. 2nd South. c2450 3 OR 4 ROOMS, MOD.; GAS RANGE: 859 Green t.; $10 or $20. Hyland 106S-M. V C3019 NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, modern; gas range. 319 So. 1st West. No children. e3022 NICELY FURNISHED IIOUSEKEEP lng rooms, nt reasonable prices. 524 Po Main. Phone Was, C678. e338i NEAT. CLE A N. STEAM-HEATED front room. 55 So. 3rd East. e3326 2 MOD. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; HOT wather heat, gas; no children. 321 1th East. Hyland 2422-M. 03812 TWO FURNISHED MOD. H. K. ROOMS close In, on car line. 519 So. 5th East! O350G 2 NICELY FURN. K ROOMS; kitchenette, light, gas and bath. 217 W. 4th So. e3526 FURNISHED ROOMS ' FOR KOUSE keeplng; no children. 157 So. 1st West. e3759 ONE LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED room for light housekeeping; closo In. IS So. 2nd East. e3857 MODERN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; close In; rent reasonable. G79 So. Main. e3852 3-ROOM FLAT. MOD.. COOL; TWO blocks north Hotol Utah. 66 E. 1st North st. Was. 4301. c385l NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, with everything; renl rea sonable. Helvetia apts., 23 No. 1st West. e40U GROUND FLOOR ROOMS, FURNISHED. modern, gas. Apply 531 So. W. Temple street. " e4042 MODERN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; single rooms cheap. 23 W. Gth So. 1 ciOI3 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING: NO children. 122 W. 4th So. Close In ellSG TWO FRONT ROOMS. CLOSE IN: GAS, e. 1. and hath. Ill . So. Temple st. e4l9l 2 MODERN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ens and hath. 741 So Main. Was. Sfi37. ollS7 brdFrooms FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT; board If desired. No. 4 Barrows ave, between 5th and 6th East on 2nd South. e4S2 NEW TEMPLE FAMILY HOTEL. first-class rooms, with excellent board; hot water In rooms: tourists solicited, block north Hotel Utah. 12 W. No. Tem ple. Was. 3065. C165S BOARD AND ROOM, $5 A WEEK. Rooms $1. 50 up. Rear 114 E. Second South. 1)1329 PLEASANT ROOM WITH BOARD. 333 East 3rd South. s4113 LARGE ROOM. WITH GOOD HOME cooking; splendid location. 605 E 1st South. C279S BOA'RD BY THE DAY. WEEK OR meal: good home cooking; meals, 35c. 217 E. 4th So. dS54 NICE. COOL ROOMS; GOOD BOARD: family stle: $5.50 and up a week: board $1 a week; early breakfast for Gar field. No. 6 South 1st West. d3337 MODERN. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH or without board; close In. 71 North Slate st. d39Gl HERALD HOTEL AND CAFE. BOARD. 55 per week or SI per day. W. 1st So. and So. W. Temple. e774 TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for one or two; board If desired. 630 E. 2nd South. e950 BOARD AND ROOM, SG.00. 121 South First West. ellOG THE STANCOM.BE. FIRST-CLASS boarding house. 327 East 1st South. elSGC WANTED ONE OR TWO GENTLE men can find nice room and board at 336 N. 2nd West. Was. 6156-J. e31S6 NICELY FURNISHED. LARGE. FRONT room on ground floor, for two; board If desired. 630 East 2nd South. e3324 GOOD BOARD AND ROOM. SUITABLE for teachers. 473 So. 5th East. e3273 DESIRABLE MODERN 'ROOMS. WITH or without board. 924 E. 2nd South. C351S A WIDOW WOULD LIKE TWO TEACH ers to room and board. Call Wasatch 1457-M. 63062 FURNISHED ROOM AND BOARD FOR gentleman. Phone Was. 3778-M. e3673 GOOD PLAIN HOME BOARD: WATER In rooms. W. 571S-W. Close In. e3S23 ROOM AND BOARD. COMFORTABLE home; use of piano. 962 Lake st. e404t WIDOW LADY WISHES REFINED young lady or schoolgirl to board anil room, or can do her own cooking. 3 Union ave.. bet. 3rd and 4th So. on 3rd East. eJISS TWO YOUNG MEN TO ROOM AND board In private family; no other boan -ern. Phone Wasatch 51S3-W e" TAILORING A. J. HALL. LADIES' AND GENTS' suits made to measure: cleaning, prefs Ins and repairing. 202 E. 2nd So. Vtus. 1842, q31j0 PRIVATE HOMES WILLOWS-MERE CONFIDENTIAL confinement; adoption. Mrs. F. Phil lips. 2505 11th East. Hyland 1231-M. e323a ELECTRICAL TREATMENT" VERY BEST RUSSIAN DRY HOT-AIR bath and electrical treatment; also hairs removed. Martin Institute, --i Brooks Arcade. Phone Was. 60U3. e.l-a lisp bath and phone; tjBrjjj 321 llh E. Hjliaj uK". ato family. WiniiuMBrt 2 LARGE FURNlsiip--housekeeplns. Ml tJWt& room 2. "KKt 1 MODERN R00MlffiTE---reasonable. 253 8a ? iB' ? MODERN YVKSKmKi In; 52 and up. !U j(B'! 1 OR 2 FUHNBHirEi nlsned room;, coc 0 st. Phone "Was. Uy. 7-li FURNISHED ROOM nHf" V of U. Sit htnf TWO NICE SEWIT r: rooms; private falj; B. 0 land 509-R. mMt' FURN. OR VNTDRK, VMrZ. or without w 'iiWJ, keeping, cheap. Ill aMF II I I I I I H I lh II In. su'lable for Im r.iigM: South Tomple. ' For Rent-UnfuTiiik TWOFRONTROWiruW and phone. 313 5th tf8fc.s two nice iooiiirKHi- ?th East. HyUnl !.'ltpr For RentsoraJy Store and .Sxluru; B?B trade. Tenant car. n.Ei chasln? entire stede JK ls compelled to Ia fi? 'jt, SMITH BEAinsjKw 202 Hojjir Phone Wasatch Wl norlh of t? USipi dm? store. Lliue s n Second Sou FINE B -est Bg-iaBL suit tenant. Koc Malnjsuet-. street- "Hooper toWf- J 02. T Biuiwj