Newspaper Page Text
fll B' THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 6, 1913. 6 m&mf LIM1TED 1 jjftfrtil Monday; I 1K' 8ome T-n' MSBponliB return from 'lEUr The Navadi senator, IIKB to make a KtS fora I -.BLtr cmtmplatcd at any , Kt on tho ta nffjut- IBSitDMr'toniglt just be- J lL- ft Democratic caucus, Kvctid to wind up con- lKf satten t variance with- iEr lines. Havinc made WmMlw the income tax and KSSi seDste leader i pre- R Ed imenamonts would be I and that the bil I ft&Kirote late Saturday night KKa leaders would consent S'Somonj. chairman of the I FHMtk aid tonight that he SSsEuic to limit Senator La Pol- I B?lisaujion of the textile U for that reason mifrnt 'Knie before Monday, but he 1 JHL Ml could he put upon its I Sfctht fine at the latest . S circulated tonight that a .K BepublicaiiB were attempt- j aiUisftft their final discussion so I Knit be reached late Bat- 'E or oily Sunday morning I jKfciioT South' Carolina I ' B' lie Democratic caucus to- 1 tBtiifj the proposed tax ou HQ Ka, tie caucus refusing to I action approving the 1 . 'ijEi prpopewed by Senator 1 iufi iBATxaneae, designed to curb 1 mk eotton on exchanges. The I jK 11 etands in the bill I yg-Bx oi one-tenth of a cent a H ijmti cotton sold for future I fBi tax to he refunded "when 1 iwgjBichjallj were mado. HfTu Compromise. lOMBw differences within the I . xapte fettled with an amend- 1 ' fjHvfaising between the high- II fc laiReit incomes advocated xj rBtehil Democratic "insur- H JBwtors Thompson, Reed and II fcd the lower rates of the I JMP- In the senate Senator l IjHniiho attacked the admin- 1 noB the standpoint of the H. . fcUd western farmer. He ra P raw wool as disastrous h .'"."'ry and criticised the y JjHp rates on lead and I Fnro discussed the pro- 1 Jjm bill which would admit I WB, ' from the Philip- S 'KJ v, l ou,d Iet in the B lSJiiMfi .P labor to compete with !S tJfcC'iD WOrk'IDKln6U' 1 Wy..mjnea on recommitted I 'sB(r,bl11 and Senator Wil- a su'05titute for the 1 JKt p,r.ov!?ion tbe commit- 1 .Bffi11 V Senator La Pol- fi dLHJnjnent approved by the Q HbMS , no meat shall bo 1 certified by proper 1 mfn i" 1 fo?m to prescribed 1 SJftL1 aXncUure to have 1 Jirom animals entirely freo 1 BTin r J0T iuman food, and I BCMS sDfc Placed on K, JJJJ "leat shall be I MfnaCpn"TJtah entered i,,u' ot heheyc that the Vbr'0"' ow tariff hill ill BNoat, nctop and wnequa I 10 4t, 7. 'on was formed feSon ?Dt,,ry Cnfcr- ;WU and the occl- BUdVa tlct "f the japa. """"vaiila Mtfy con- ' Home. , STORE OPENS SATURDAYS AT 10 O'CLOCK IN THE MORNING I i, ' etc. " rVumaiBAtt' ciovea. SHks-Ncar Entrance. PHONE EXCHANGE 300. STATE AND BROADWAY 1 Cham0'S6tte CovcNcar Entrance 1 HD B . New Waists very Day and Saturday " I II ' $4 Chiffon Waists for S2B9B' ' lac m Navy Blue Serge Suits lor Women I Regular $18.50 Grades; Specially Made for i 5 S I 11 DOTOLE ACTIVITY IN TflE WAIST STORE-First, the inpouring of Us EXClUSiVelV FeatllTed Here at . . . 1 I iff 5 lw new styles ijn immense variety and with remarkable charm. Next, I fflllS I lllfeillf the arrival of the special purchases that give lucky women a chance A rOST NOTABLE ASSEMBLAGE Notable in that it is a refreshing Wffi M !; f to buy modish autumn waists for a fraction of the ordinary prices. l What "may be acco1raPlished bv cf.ver b'u'el who h uo1 I ill $1 g . sa"B"ed to draw upon commonplace sources for his garments. IpWfth 1 Wnfc ' 1.' erflS ai pc;lartner,2&g S-P f . designs and qualities expect to find here at $13.95 all t $&B&m I i i iiSvK Bw this latter kind today $4.00 Ohiffon Waists a , Kn , , . , . I mlM jp, elborately trimmed with Messaline and Silk P A II purchase in any other store m Utah. - 4 hnbroidery net yoke and net sleeves many Of MI$ Full yarn dyed Storm Serge Suit Satin lined coat 34-inch model. rMmDvi P ill BmSk ?f th.e season's most popular colors included f W finished with shields, and made with full hair-cloth front. The iiS&mw HI Smm. at thl6.grol3p are a number o fine Taffeta and m& 3 ! skirt is the most popular model made with new side knee drape, W'Wi'l ill fill!! 'llll Messaline "Waists. 1 ; s front plait and trimmed with tailored buttons, suit section second Floor.. 'MMt u flli SSW CHREN'S DRESSES- OK Li . The New Autumn Coats are shown- M0lklW ) If $m iMS&Mmf J Jeablo Values, at fepna f-" ies and reproductions from imported Wi 1 I! IP, Js stSdmoSeef tSs arSs Our Entire Stock of Summer Waists m6del8 i 4WWmm I I j f bra,d- Ral patent feather belts and attractive gilt 34 VA BWIUiUft VV CUUiJ stunnine 3tvles JL eSn KeS'S ffl R II l K'7 JiWmi buttons. Styles all the rase just the right frock lor 8f 5. 1 PA Sl-unil-ng Styles H yrfeaft FW ''A ll v .7s 'la school wear aires 6 to 14 years. MlTiVl fit Till HID PllI B5 Coats made of a ne- quality of serse, trimmed v.W'.'iwt ' 5 M lH ) IM W . . WvlWl AivJVj ftVrllbl WTS 4. with nev, plquan velvet collars, lined with peau Sffi1fi: ! Ml Jm r ll A Special group Of Children S J J jl irJrwir X de 'S"6 satIn' sllk revcrs. Another is a now faSrtf MM tffi ? . $1.50 Dresses at Saturday at, each ass ss& sj. 4tl4 h 11 5 lfli' iry? Made of fast colored ginghams and galatea cloths. rf ' and white, black and white, blue and white. Rich VUvi'jft&U '. 8 1 IE 1 Btriped and dhecked styles, high and Bquare neck . . f dt en tt velvet collar and cuffs. Hy'5)l? U W m Iftmfc I ' rVr models and very pretty self trimmed designs. Spe- Another shipment of those $1.50 HoUS6 jfk , rtrv . , -X S I f ciai Saturday at doc Dresses arrived Saturday at Just unpacked 100 Beautiful Dress V-Va ,; l' 50 CHILDREN'S COATS, f!IO 1P . if-o Skirts. They'll be snapped je ' fSvk "a M't Worth $3.25 and $3.50, go at ? 1 -48 God Hu DessS; ef of ,ef e lenfc, Per- up in no time at If OhO jfj: ii , . Y, . ' 6 ,T . . . , . cales and Ginghams in light and dark colors. High and ah wool checks, stripes and plain, solid colors, s&rTS R ift lfr For cool evenings and cool days. Made of heavy black messaline and good lftW nppt 8fvlpt nnH wlpiiirl natrnt: These come in newest DRAPSD, TUCKED. ' i 'I fl ? quality serges. Fully lined and neatly trimmed with embroidery, eta Sizes 10W neck Styles, ana spieiiaiCl patterns. BELTED and PLAITED models All !zes and 4 X 2 to 6 years only On sale Saturday. Second Floor. lengths. " " ll A Piec of Special Good, Fortune Cam Our HIIMUB'FI NFUf Uf f HT ! if Way-Our Millinery Buyer While East Secured ll U 11 Ul0 llbW rULiLi Ml r: j rrr fr Made of velvets and plushes ii I newa55beauSpotT H ' 1 j 50c Black Satin RlDDOllSfe .j&SSi&L and trimmed with ostrich Sj Parisian Sashes and Girdles i '1 534 inches wide, feS bands and feathers, atsSBgl RE SH7AKYxavITEA5riKOMND -II batliraay a lara "Wxaar SWrX flUr fsyAv' iSQ CA fa a ElsS!SHagTiX$1.( klndi for, each 65c S2.00 kinds for, each... .S1.43 t 3 ! il J The very ribbon so much in demand for sashes. a5BaMV IUliy WOFil 5.0U T!!, "IWBF.flOL . Z 1"' .' " &S SSdS fS-' ch''--&8 1 Sf! '! girdles, millinery and the multitude of uses. $8$ VaiHtf& Wli J li-i a I'5 i bJtCbO SP lfflBra1.50 kinds for, oach....$1.2o $3.o0 kinds for, each. .. .$2.48 ? a g j raj"' m f m& ana $10. on sale at -SSfllav laoe and silk rutflings. g pi ? 35c HAIR BOW RIBBON 19c OlP ' TffliPviliT Afc Very Special Prices on Saturday. 5 I i Six Inohes wide, taffeta ribbon in all colors, w THE TRUTH OF THIS SALE OF FALL MILLINERT Jwh T Wm attract many women in need of these popular lines H : SI 1 of an extra goodquality. (A "fx ,s far 100 ,ntcreBUnS to the public for us to spoil it by 55f' Wfa-s Kheui c?m6 15ft0 4 'nches wide. H ' fll THE 30c KIND 4J INCHES W I DE AT 15c A YARD. Iff kV even the faintest touch of enthusiastic exaggeration. y ll 1 k,nds go at', yard' 75c and "sic kinds qo 'at, 1 ! t f s We also have about 1600 yards of . ygv vQ- v 11 would be Ilke SlWng the lily to add our word to the 2&g "4 ilYVBll yard 05c S 1 tml FANCY RIBBONS, worth np to 30c i rT&ll mVm 40 2eW lace sets that sel1 at $li50' WiU I il a yd. On sale Saturday at, yd XX ?fneoM go Saturday at, a goQ fi ' This is a special lot and com in many new and attractive gallne silks, In various very attractive colors that every Wtf A ly'Mj-,? , f)' se' jg iW&k ! iitt.H fnr hnlr bows, mllllncri' sashes, etc penny you save on these hats is real, and you really save 7 V 'WJf ff Just 40 sets and at 9Sc they'll be snapped up soon. Better S Ell 5 colors, suited for hair bows, nnTEha,sr3eXlle--MaIn Floor. HALF the price. Second Floor. " U come early If you wish to share ct t ct . c t i j runjwuw iru-wvwru. )jfJWV j I BOY'S CLOTHING Toilet Articles and 1 irHosiery--Underwear for Clilld"" i AT SAVINGS Prrif'atiofis and Woman-Money to Ee Saved 1 I We alwaya manage to make Saturday In- Wi tH W Js&Al X jp WB TBY TO PUT INTO one .sentence the whole message of this E Bf ! I terestlng by offerlna special inducements In J, ! sale, it would be something like this: 7 ftl'l 1&7&3bK. Por'thiSd Saturday wo prepared an extra $ These low prices will prevail Saturday and Monday only. matever you need In Hosiery and Underwear can ne I ml IWK g&&aU8lu& 1 J Jougnt at iAuerbach's at a .saving ranging from a fourth ugL)ys& Bovb' S5 00 Norfolk suits with Hot Water Bottles, Very Spe- a Listen He to more than half of usual Prices. H yCricTTV O.uu iNoriom suii-8, wiuu f r 50c LIsterln0 35c Wfl panne(i to give a much longer list than space permits today, -I Kfli, .xf$Vv&&e TWO pair8 of pants, tfJO 51.00 Llsterlne 59c S but wo trust you will take these items simply as a fair example of J iff ml&SXifi at ipQ70 Jlany different kinds to choose from. 25c Gyco rhymollno 19c j what the sale holds. jg ' fffi BOYS' $6.00 SUITS AT $4.95 R f'wh'1? joc oiyeo Thymoiine 38c Children's 35c Silk Lisle Ladies' 40c Underwear, I i Norfolk or double breasted styles-knicker- $1.50 and $1.75 Hot Water $1.00 Glyco Thymollne 76c X Q p p Weiffhfc og' I il M bocker panta ar0 lined-all wood eerses. for Bottles, Guaranteed Quality, $1.00 Aspirin Tablets 75c f rr' fln-lv we S 1 ijfi. bovu fi to 14 years. J wwwoo, wulo"T j ujr, 1 Epsom Sa,t8 gc Really good hose, made of finely Each I ill!! An especially fine line of Fall Suits for boys. 1.16. b. Borax 12c mercerized lisle thread double v t fl pflnts veu m.ide vct i IfLt ranging in prices from 2.00 up to (15.00. , gg . Bruhe g4 1 lb. Boric Acid 23c ft?? 2 f5ft$erC,!d with hi Jh neck and 'ion"? sleeves I Bit tefCQ -Rnvc' 7fir onrrhirov "DantS J C, anajO0C -air J3rusnes OC 6 oz. Glycerine 3c S Colors absolute fast die. ts anke lenglhs. made ot M HSf'S P?t feSatuday at '4SC 4"n1eeTI!i Br'8' 1 Women's Silk Lisle Hose, n.eShrunk cotton perfect ntt.n. 1 f ?t.nS T Uwn 'corfuroy-knickerbocker 2-qt. irrigators $1.43 irootedffik gc Real 35o Value, at 19c Pr. Misses 35c Black Pants 1 g ffKS styles-sizes 4 to 16 years. irrilatora SI 69 25c Eay?s Food MI "!!!l!!!!!!l7c A good 35c hose with deep carter 2oC 1 ! fiif BOYS' 50c BLOUSES AT 390 i qt UT1eators JP-LW 50c Eskay's Food 34c !j JOP. extra strong heels and toes: An ldeal garment for street and B8Kj 'Pi , J DU, . v-!7r, XX c in S SanltaiT ware with six-foot rapid now 75c Eskay's Food ...54c fast color. i school wear very practical fast IWjg W ?.Ia,de f, er0rfjtm biSi fiu v?irs i tube, three finely finished hard rubber 50 Mellln's Food .. .30o mr, "D cjw color. All sizes. 9 W light and dark patterns, sizes 4 to 14 years. tips and patented "shutoff" valve. 75c Mellln's Food .49c $ The Pony Stocking, for w , ok tt , 1 K fe Xj Caps for boys and youths, splendid 25c Whl8k BroomB 19c $1.00 pmkham's vegetable com- I Boys and Girls, 25c Pair. women s 00c union h !1 M 50C grades 29C V,n8Wr,VnB 35 "a- aflwtefoth'fimouV Vel! TtX'&eM toSh A limited cjuantlty to be closed out I If 4. for " 15c L,nen Envelopes, 2 pkgs 13c vetlna Preparations, Flemmlng'a Fa- ons service yet It 1b a shapely of line cotton, with low neck. W1 The very latest large shapes In the most pop- ' 50c Cascade Linen, box of 48 sheets clal Creams and Flemmlng'a Rougo. hose, well fitting and beautifully sleeveless and knee lensth styles. I gff'lir ular patterns all wool sergos, fancy worsteds. and 48 envo0pe8 29c Drug Section Near Soda Fountain. S liniahed. Knitwear Main Floor. etc Boy3' Section Annex "jgj wwwwwi uwvw J s the ST of ouat sale j I vumn wMmrh Factory fleanm) I I Some Very Great Offerings This Saturday in Men's Furnishings iS RI ANICETS COMFORTERS AND BEDDING women b mreedr ft rauury ucduup j would be har&to match at these rlce6 8 1 BVToa?t?PaV L Vmaf TO 40 PER OT Saturday you may choo.. from lOO dozen Irish Crochet "Whitney" Shirts, $1.50 and Men's Athletic Undershirts 9 i I ENDS SATURDAY SAVINGS 20 TO 40 PER CENT. b0t8 and Tabs; worxh 25c to soc- qq y Values $115 10c Each ; 1 111 i EVERY TEAR 'FOB "FORTY-NINE YBaKS past we havo hold a. great salo , , , ,fl, , .eaC .,"''"1 i. 'iiil'w.L' Y ) Included are some of the famous In white ribbed cotton-all sizes. j 1 of Blankets and Bodoinga, and each yoar !t has grown biffgor In importance Inched at six -JyhWorf ,and "Griffon" shirts. Dress "Weston" Walking Socks Mil 5 and bettor in values. J shirts, negllKee shirts, etc., in a uroan en & '1 a Today the calo excels any previous effortelstt by Jeto grades ? Here's a surprise sale of handkerchiefs. j Boon'G Pair. of which Edward Paytson Weston. IB Sf I of Blankets and Beddings, by greater We have by far tho X ZT ? VhvL ' ,if nnini America's greatest pedestrian, says. 1 gj 5 larcest selection by far the moat distinctive deBlgna. 5 e'v0 gathered some sjxty aozen odd handkerchiefs to- S Pad or cord sly c -all colors. "The best sorks I have ever worn." g , largebi; BBietuuu s petner that sold up to 1r.c aplfjce. and offer them Saturday l Men S 75c OlltmC Flannel ivrJ Co TT; C;fr. C1 QQ X t EM t !' nrr1 nn ovorv bareain table throughout our Domestic Section are these Blan- at 5c each. Plain, fancy corners, hemstitched and others. X li-ol- Men S $2.50 UlUOH Suits 1.98 M njiWpniftvrii SheetH otc. Come, don't miss the best bargains of the Limit, one dozen to a customer. Night Shirts 45c Medium heavy weight of mercerized 5 MK ? J, f; ?0dd,T,gB' Pil ' ' ' Neckwear-Near State Street Entrance. Grey, pink and. blue striped patterns sllk-h. bine shades-all sizes. J jl acaton. I L ;jitnjiizM j Wyu U. P. DISTRIBUTION COMPLETE SUCCESS NEW TOPvK, Sept. 5, The offering of the Union Pacific Railroad company's 585,000.000 in Southern Pacific stock to Union Paclllc shareholders, under tho Harrlman dissolution plan, was more of a success than was Indicated by an an nouncement today by tho banking tlrrn which managed tho underwriting syndi cate ,. According to this announcement 810.054 .Southern Paclllc certificates, or nearly 92 Per cent, of the offering were subscribed for. leaving; only ?a,07'I shares for dis tribution nmonf? participants in th im derwrllnK syndicate. The first estimate of the amount mibacribed for, made r-hortly after the expiration of tho time limit, was 80 per cent. The. success of the offering caused a fcharp advance- In the Harrlman stocks mi the stock Hxchsinse today and was In jluentlal in (strengthening the whole mar ket Bankers regarded tho outcome as an indication of Improvement in tho invest-j mcnt market JAPANESE OFFICIAL IS STABBED IN TOKIO TOKUO. Sept. 6. An attempt was made today to assassinate Morltaro Abo, direc tor of the political bureau of the Japanese foreign office. Ho was stabbed In the abdomen and is suffering from a severe wound. . ,, ... . . The attack came while Mr. Abo was walking home from the foreign office cai'lv today He had reached a point opposito the American embassy whon two young men ran out of an alley to ward him. Ono of them seized him by the shoulders, while the other plunged a ahort sword into his abdomen Both of them escaped, , Passersbv came to the assistance of Mr. Abe. who had fallen. They bore htm to his home, whoro he was operated on Immediately? The doctors declared that the (wound probably would not prove fatal. Th motive of the crime Is not known. buT thoTe a tendency to attribute It to the political excitement growing out of recent attacks on the Japanese fore gn office and ton Mr. Abcln regard to tho ASlffornla land ownership legislation. CALIFORNIA OFFICE WAITS FOR OCCUPANT SAX FRANCISCO, Sept. .5. Gov. Hiram W. Johnson would appreciato having somebody accept a $7000 posi tion in the state government, it was learned today. Even-one to whom the place has boon offered has turned it down and tho governor is getting, wor ried It is a judgeship in the state appel late court, made vacant by death. It carries about $2000 a year" more salary than the average superior court judge ship, but ono after another men now on tho bench have nibblod at the added inducement and stayed whoro they were. The trouble is that tho appoint ment is for only a rear, and tho in cumbent then would have to stand for election if ho wishod to keep on draw ing tho $7000. None of them liko the idea. Tiro Oliief Roporls. The monthly report of thu chief of the fire department, filed with the city com mission yesterday, sliow that during August the fire department responded to sixty alarms, six of which were false and threo unnecessary. Total losses by fire amounted to $3242.52, of which all but $S37 was covered by Insurance. The value of the properly Involved In the (Ires was f72S,G13. Rich Unable to Travel. J Word comes from New York city thaw Ben E. Rich, president of the eaalern states mission of the Mormon church, will not be able to start for home for several days yet. However, Mr. Rich's condition Is Improving and his friends am hoping for the best. Many auto dealers tocato prospective purchasers through Tribune Wants, and many auto owners, who seek to sell or exchange their cars, are placed in touch with purchasers through the Wants. Cubs Sign Three. CHICAGO, Sept. President Murphy of the Cubs today announced the signing of three now players. They are J. J ' O'Connor, a right-handed pitcher from the Univcn-lty of Illinois; William Valandlng ham Illcronymus. a right-handed "pitcher from Clinton county, Ohio, and Charles Pauwen, a first baseman, who has been playing semi-professional ball here. Good, Boad Advocates to Meet. A meeting of good roads enthusiasts will bo held at Murray next Friday even ing, H. C Banks of the good roads bu reau of the department of agriculture will deliver the muln addretss. Represen tatives from all commercial clubs In the county will be present. Harness Eace3 Postponed, HARTFORD, Conn., Sept. 5. The Grand Circuit meeting at Charter Oak park was to have conoluded today, but rain caused postponement until tomorrow. If vou are a specialist in any lino of endeavor, get The Tribune Want Ad habit at one I SALT LAKE I :J ! P ENGRMN6C9J Ih 1 3occesioces tribune- apt &pTJ Si imffi(S7IlSo&n if TRIBUNE W ANT ADS PULL