OCR Interpretation

The Salt Lake tribune. [volume] (Salt Lake City, Utah) 1890-current, October 04, 1913, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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fcfiil Witt Halt $ ukt Sfc ibnnt
i "
off &e Day by Im"
llg Heavy Sentences
L the Defiant
t Socialists.
3 Women Already in
Huit Await Action of
Supreme Court in Or
it to Regain Liberty.
fLE, Oct. 3. Superior Judge
'Humphries, who began the day
jfeient mood, with his docket
Wntempt of court cases against
i and opened the proceedings
aciation of his brother judges,
'asserted, had been plotting
Hn, adjourned court late today
kpensing pardons and remis
'all comers. His change of al
ine after a consultation with
wtative of eight other superior
i i
Host remarkable feature of the
court was the discharge of Dr.
VF. Titus, Kato Sadlcy and Mil
lee, the citation of whom to an
I&niompt charges because of
i thy made in city hall park,
ltd to the "resolutions of do
trliose signers have been on
lit number of whom aro in
Mod Changes.
Ujju. middle of tho afternoon,
iiaipinea continued to hear the
fvihe- fifty-flvo aigners of the
m,,s- making frequent addresses
pwd packed tight in the stuffy
iptroonii Tn tho. morning the
I imposed were sovere, in the
to mild. The court frequently
hho defendants not to be
Thote who were "sassy"
.tho "defiance" persons had
iposed of tho case of Dr, Titus
fcharjTo of violating an anti
peiking injunction, wns called,
fee delivered a long address,
ft had wrung his heart to be
to Bend so many of his old
jo jail, but declaring he must
wo law, Ho had been obliged,
I evou to sond his old cook
jo jail for "getting sassy."
i Great Power.
JWHu5e dwelt upon Uic great power
toing lie had but to close
J1"' 1,18 "carers In Jail nnd
"JP'n U to let them out. He ex-
-tfBr.if' K08- 1 have sreat power.
''7B,C , la the governor. I can
iilllHfji, J'! and I can pardon you."
fei?,e Jffo discharged Dr. Titus,
iCPiim' I'ltenso astonishment.
.rrjee came forward the
u him with u smile, saying:
lend of mine." Price anew-
questions and whs dia
ler, a strot speaker, waa
I the county jail, where she
onllncd for interrupting Hie
ainc!. yesterday. Questioned
urnphrles. Hhc declared she
wiled him in h0r speeches.
f contrary, had praised him
lesson of the need of recall
io nor nmazcmeiil. the court
t iLr('JF her 5100 fine to $10.
paj u, Bho shouted.
Wt sasay." Raid the judge, add-
? Ino is remitted anyhow."
;Hand to Crowd.
uVHVlmtl(1 to the crowd, the
u t-u "aw how eny It was
tb 1x1110 8-"
iv?lF of tllB woman with tho
u rii l court ncxt aHkcd.
Mi that Mrs. McNully would
WwSk J?.tonlB. Tho Judge
i foMW 'Mr5- SPencer. a worn
init '. PlllldI?n' anr' remitted tho
!? The prosecutor object-r-
'.no was very defiant, your
fc'fe B?u.?t t0"teht the prin-
ISa Socialist contempt case
tSnHiBii ,n dcfl"'l- of payment
Ittoth rrom. P ?300 for "talk-
WnV0U.rt Thrco of the lat-i-PrtSi.
lenced ,0 5X lnontha
toen in Jail.
SVnn0 i," Jal1 tonlRnt for non-
Mecutor tc(l remark made by
Wfer mbout ller 500tl Nothing
-'Vno hE8' Katherlne
rt Mm'ie2 ll10 C0l,rt to Pontius
3tfjir ?u' Mra- Annie Anderson
!IIs of s. Jl,dgt!8 would not give
lr ,mt!n,ln8. except that
-atich of" ti! t,mt Jude Hm
te wi? Vlc.8UncrIor court wan
" tavi nt,ie,r, ow" and they
SrL?ny.,ap'Uo" to restrain it.
l'trantw ,Ulat. Jl,dKe Kverctt
ffiVVt wrI,H of habeim cor-
euch ilLk nt ethical and that
Malta T of 7LHta, fhould bo iBHued.
S Win Ju.d,KCB wa that re-
: aE3.,22m. 1,10 0,1Prcme court,
S(y,ls?llcd lwo restraln
M 5S2insl Jud5u Humphrico and
M yejuS aPPalH from sentences
LM h Journcd ,udec Hum
& hunrfi ?ot gelded what to
Wotij nWr' of Blgncro of the
ttil defiance" wliom hn had
' ,
REED of Missouri, who had
physical encounter with wit
ness in lobby inquiry.
John Mclntyre, Witness in
Lobby Inquiry, Worsted in
the Encounter.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. The sen
ate judiciary committee room, -whoro
the recent lobby investigation waa
held, -was the scene today of a per
sonal encounter between Sonator Reed
of Missouri, ono of tho leading mem
bers of the investigating committee,
and John Mclntj're, Baid to be a for
mer officer of tho National Typo
thetne, whose name figured in tho cor
respondence of Martin M. Mulhall, tho
legislativo agent for the National As
sociation of Manufacturers.
There were fow witnesses to the epi
sode, Tjut it is said Senator Reed struck
Mclntyre in the face, accompanying his
action with an emphatic statement as
to tho falsity of cortain allocations
contained in an nffidavit which Mc
lntyre was supposed to have in his
possession. The controversy is under
stood to havo arisen over this affida
vit, which, it was said, bore on Senator
Kccd 's action in not putting on- the
witness stand ono of the men "sub
poenaed during tho lobby inquiry.
When questioned about tho affair
tonight, Senator Bood smiled but de
clined to confirm tho ordinary story.
"You don't see any scratches on
me," he said.
Mclntyre left tonight for Philadel
phia. Ho is alleged to have borne ovi
dencos of his encounter with, the Mis
souri senator.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 3. Attorney
General Mclteynolds expects to file an
nnti-trust suit for tho dissolution of
tho Now York, New Havon & Hartford
railroad as soon as the departmont of
justice investigation is completed, and
to defer the question of possiblo crimi
nal prosecutions under tho Sherman
anti-trust law for futuro developments.
1 The Sunday Tribune
tomorrow The Tribune will begin
a aeries of articles by George V.
Hobart. tlto famous humorist,
playwright and writer of librot
tos. "Seeing Life With John
Honry" is the general title of
the series. John Henry is a breezy
American character who knows
folly when ho sees it and can
shoot it through and tlirpugh with
shafts of satire. For the niomont
George Ado is silont and Finlcy
Poter Dunno is only an occasional
contributor to the gayety of the
nation. George V. Hobart ranks
with Dooloy and Ade and Ids hu
mor is thoroughly original. Bead
tomorrow's Tribune for a side
splitting satiro on the cabaret
S , craze.
;1 GAMBLES 'S GOLD Hero Is an
!' oxciting story of tho curse that
J lurks in ganfblor'B gold. How the
i S2.000.000 lured by Al Adams, tho
! "Policy King," from the poor
'I and ignorant is vanishing out of
!; the hands of his family and bring
; ing them nothing as it gooB Just
;1 as ho wiBhed it would.
FUTUEE A frog bred threo
' times its natural sizo by a Brit-
iah scientist points tho way to
;! cut the coat of living in threo.
l COATS Nowest fall fashions de
. scribed by Lady Duff-Gordon. The
!- fall fashions aro as unusual as
;l thoso which proved so startling in
i the Bpring and snmmor.
' The easiest part of our American
! Duchoss of Roxburgh's intorost-
ing experiment is ovor. Here her
I unique future dif Acuities are dls-
!' APES? 'A skeleton has boen dls-
;! coverod in England that is de-
clared to bo many ages oldor than
More Than 16,000 Salt Lake
City Pupils Flock Through
Grounds and See Every
thing on Exhibition.
Today Is Box Elder County
Day, and Also Will Mark
the Close of the
Great Show.
More than 16,000 school children
went to the state fair grounds yester
day to get their lessons on the re
sources and opportunities of their state
through the ninny splendid exhibits.
With tho adults that accompaniod thorn
and tho large crowd that visited tho
grounds last night the total attendance
was more than 30,000, according to con
servative estimates. It was by far the
largest day of this year's fair and has
had few equals in the history of the
Tho public schools of tho city wore
closed yestcrdaj' to givo all the chil
dren an opportunity to attend the big
oxhibition. Judging from tho thou
sands that made merry there yesterday
afternoon there were very few who did
not tako advantage of tho opportunitj-.
Little tots were to bo seen evorywhoro,
their arms loaded with souvenirs given
them by tho generous oxhibitors who
had an unusual supply on hand to care
for the cildren. Not one of the ex
hibits was noglected. by the youngsters.
They were there to see tho fair and
they saw everything.
They See Everything.
The dog, pony and monkey phow in
tho coliseum wa3 a favorito with the
young peoplo, as were the horses and
cows in the livestock section. Much
interost waa also displayed in the fish
and game exhibit. When Annette bar
ker did her diving -act at 4 o'clock
there wore crowds of children that
made it impossible for a lato arrival
to got nearer than a block from tho
Forty of the "kiddies" were either
reported lost at polico headquarterts or
wore brought thoro by officers and kept
until they were claimed by anxious
"grown-ups." This was about tho only
feature of tho day for tho police, al
though a number of lost articles were
found. They may bo secured by call
ing at the polico headquarters and giv-
(Continued on Page Nine.)-
any skeleton hitherto xuiearthed. !;
and yet it is not the skeleton of ;!
tho prehistoric ape from which, ;
according to evolutionists, man is ',
descended. ;!
body is looking for tho greatest
battles in the history of baseball
noxt week, when tho New York !
Giants and the Philadelphia Ath-
lctics engage in a series for the
world's championship. This Strug-
gle is tho talk of the world of !;
sport. The Sunday paper will have '
columns and columns about It. !
Tho cliancos of either team will 5
be discussed from every angle. ;!
directors of the Union association ;
will meet in this city today. Busi-
ness of vital importanco will come !
bofore the board. Among other !
things, a now president will bo
elected. It will nlBO be decided ;
whether or not the league Is to bo
onlarged to an eight-club circuit. ;!
morning's news shows a total of ;
forty big football games on to
day '8 schedule. Tho big olevens '!
of the eastbrn and tho weBtern !;
divisions will experience their ;!
first roal gridiron strife, today.
The Sunday Tribune will have I
complete accounts of all those ;!
games. ;
UTAH'S FIRST GAME Today tho ';
UnivorBity of Utah will tako on I1
tho el oven representing tho alum- ;!
ni of that schooL Tho outlook is
for a close struggle. Football I1
fans will be enabled to form an ;
opinion of Utah's chances tills !
year by reading tho account of ;!
the game in Sunday's paper.
ton contributes an interesting col- I1
umn on the lusldo workings of ;!
pugilistic training camps. Ho i
tells a nombor of good stories
about tho fun the boys have after '!
the afternoon's work Is done. !;
Text of President's Speech
Wilson Declares the Law Will Help to Free the Country
From Grip of Monopolies. i
I feel a very peculiar pleasure in
what 1 have just done b' way of
taking part in the completion of a
great piece of business. It is' a
pleasure which is vcr3' hard to ex
press in words which are adequate
to express the fooling, because the
feeling that I have is that wo have
done tho rank and filo of the peo
plo of this country a great service.
It is hard to speak of these things
without seeming to go off in cam
paign eloquence, but that is not my
feoling." It is very profound, a
feeling of very profound gratitudo
that, working with the splendid
men who have put tlm thing
through with studious attention
and doing justice all round, I
should have had part in serving
the people of this country as we
have been striving to serve them
ever since T can remember.
I have had tho accomplishment
of something like this at heart
ovor since T was a boy and I know
men standing around me who can
say tho same thing who have been
waiting to seo tho things done
which it was necossar' to do in or
der that there might be justice in
the United StatcB. And so it is a
solemn moment that brings such a
busin6BS to a conclusion and I hopo
T will not be thought to bo de
manding too much of myself or of
Passengers and Crew in Life
boats Being Picked Up; All
Safe So Far as Known.
PORTLAND, Or., Oct. 3. Wireless
stations hero and nt Corvallis have
picked up messages reporting that the
steamer Spokane of tho Pacific Coast
Steamship company has been wrecked
off Capo Lazo, B. C. Tho stcamor
Dolphin is rushing to tho Spokano's
assistance in answer to "S. O. S."
calls. A message from the Spokane
"Sinking fast; rush help."
Tho steamer La Touche is taking off
passengers. The Spokane is a passen
ger voflsol plying botween Portland and
north coast points.
Tho Bteamor La Toucho of the Al
aska Steamship company, was one of
the first vcsboIb to answer tho distress
call, and at 10:30 o'clock tonight was
standing, by. ITiftcon minutes later
she began taking off tho passengers of
the Spokane.
"Taking water fast; send all assist
anco possible,'"' was one of the flashes
Toccived at the wireless stations almost
immediately aftor tho first distress
call, which read:
"Steamer Spok xnc, fiftcon miles
north of Capo Lazo, wants assistance."
The steamer Dolphin and the steamer
MLnnosota answered tho message. Tho
Spokano is a vessel of 203G tons, and
was built by tho Union Iron Works in
San PranciBco in 1003. Sho left Skag
waj', Alaska, on tho return trip south
ward yesterday.
SEATTLE, Wash., Oct. 3. Tho pas
sengers and crow of tho stoamphip
SpoTcnno took to the lifeboats and are
being picked up by tho steamship Ln
Toucho. Tho steamship Alki is stand
ing by. It is bclioved thcro has boon
no' loss of life.
MELBOURNE, Australia, Oct. 3. EIrIu
rlngleadom of th cHmilluilH who recently
murdered John Henry Werneu, a. Ger-man-Amorican
mineralogist, while he waa
uL tho head of an expedition searching
for nidlum in an unexplored region of
Now Gulnrii, havo boon nrroutcd by a
pntrol, according to a dispatch received
here today from Papua.
Tho patrol, meeting with resistance,
killed four natives and wounded a num
ber of o ih erf.
President Wilson
my colleagues whon I say that this, great ub it is, is tho
accomplishment of only half the journey.
We havo sot tho business of thiB country free from
those conditions which have made monopoly not only
possible, but in a sense easy and natural. But there is
no use taking away the conditions of monopoly if wc
do not take away also tho power to create monopoly
and that is a financial rather than a merely circumstan
tial and economical power, tho power to control and
guido and direct the credits of the country, tho powor
to say who shall and who shall not build up the indus
tries of the country, in which direction the" shall bo
Giant Powder and Dynamite
Bombs Used at Trinidad
and Boulder.
Tit INI DAD. - Colo., Oct. 3. Fifteen
kegs of blnck and two cases of giant
powder exploded in the relay powder
house of the Primrose, an independent
mine at Rugby, early this evening,
shattering tho house, the company store-'
and shook tho town. No ono was in
jured. Tho damago is estimated at a
few thousand dollars.
Mine Superintendent Malott tonight
was unable to assign a cause for tho cx
plosiuu. The mino is oporatcd by nn
independent company that has refused
10 sign up with tho striking coal min
ors in tho southern Colorado fields.
Mine guards left tonight for tho scone.
An official investigation is planned for
BOULDER, Colo., Oct. 3. Six dyna
mite bombs were thrown into the stock:
ado surrounding tho Mitchell Mino
company's property near Lafayette at
11 o'clock tonight. The bombs struck
tho rear of a company boarding houso,
demolishing it. Twenty-five men were
usloop in the house at tho time, but all
escaped without injury, tho force of the
explosion being confined to tho renr of
the houso, some distance from tho
sleeping quarters. Immediately follow
ing, 50"0 shots wcro fired from rifles
into the compnnv's camp, but with no
Ogden Mother Saves Daughter From
Injury by Battling Animal
With a Clothes Pole.
OGDEN, Utah, Act. 3. Battling tho
animal with a clothes pole, Mrs. George
F Wright saved her S-year-old daugh
ter today from the attacks of a largo
porcupine, which had strayed from the
mountain and was mistaken for a pet
dog by the child- Tho "bristling of
quills frightoned the girl and her
screams brought assistance.
Report Goes Over.
WASHINGTON, OcL 3. Chairman
Garrett of the houne lobby investlpatlnj;
committee announced today that hln com
mittee would not report Its flndlnfi-s to the
house beforo ncxt December.
built and in which direction they
tdinll not be built.
Wc arc now about to take
the second step, which will
be the final step in set
ting the business of this country
free. That is what wc shall do in
the currency bill which the house
has already passed and which I
have the utmost confidence the sen
ate will pass much soonor than
some pessimistic individuals be
lieve, because the question, now
that this piece of work is done,
will arise all over the country, for
what do we waitT Why should wo
wait to crown ourselves with con
summate honor! Aro we bo self
denying that we do not wish to
complete our success!
1 was quoting the othor day lo
some of my colleagues in the sen
ate thoso lines from Shakespeare's
Henry V, which have always ap
pealed to me, "If it be a sin to
covet honor, then am I tho most
offending soul alive;" and I am
happy to Bay that T do not covet
it for myself alone. I covet it
with equal ardor for the men who
are associated with mo and tho
honor is goine to come from them.
I am their associate. 'I can only
complete the work which they do.
I can only counsel when they ask.
for my counaoL I can come in
only when tho last stages of the business are reachod.
And I covet this honor for thorn quite as much as I
covet it for myself; and I covet it for the great party
of which I am a member, because that party is not
honorable unless it rodoem Its name and sorve tho peo
ple of tho United States.
So I feel tonight like a man who is lodging happily
in the inn which lies half way along tho journey, and
that in the morning with a fresh impulse we shall go
' tho rest of the journey and sleep at the journey's end
like men with a quiet conscience, knowing that we
havo served our follow men and have thereby triod to
serve God.
Commercial Travelers Spe
cially Interested; Head of
Movement in City.
The enfranchisement of 1,500,000
votors in the United States, whoso busi
ness provonts their voting at iheir
place of rcsidonce on the day of elec
tion, is tho aim of Leon Meyer of Colin.
Brown & Co. of New York, who is a
guest at the Hotel Utah. Mr. Meyer
will call on Governor William Spry to
da3' to interest him in the movement.
Mr. Meyer, who has been a travoling
salesman for years, has doviscd a sys
tem of voting by mail which has been
pronounced constitutional by eminent
attorneys Speaker Champ Clark, at
the suggestion of Mr. Mover, has in
preparation a bill to be introduced in
tho Now York legislature which will
permit persons necessarily absent from
their polling places lo vote by mail.
With slight modifications to suit local
conditions this bill will bo recommend
ed for passage to the various legisla
tures of the country,
Cortified ballots, similar to tho cer
tified checks of banks, is the underly
ing plan whereby tho Meyer plan of
voting by mail would become opera
i tive. To mako this plan feasible in
Utah tho following slight, changes in
the election laws arc necessary, Mr.
Meyer points out:
First It will be ncccsuary to permit
traveling men and otheru who expect
to bo alioont from their voting: district
on election day to register any time
within four months of election day.
Second It will bo necessary to pro
vide each registration agent with
special blanks for tho reKlHtnitlon of
voters who expect to ho abHent, These
blanks mu3t be numbered and pro
vided with a numbered utub. On pre
Mentlng himnelf for registration the
voter muHl Ign both the blank and
the stub. Having properly roKlxtereil
the voter will then receive from the
replBtratlon apent an official ballot.
In caso the nominations arc not made
the ballot must have blanks in which
the names of thu candidates may be
written. This official ballot must be
folded and placed In an unucalod
blank envelope. The stub is than
pasted on the outride of the envelope
and the envelope and ita contents
giv mi to tho voter.
Third Provision rnust bo made for
(Continued on Page Four.)
Leaders of the Democra-
cy Assemble at the H
White House to Wit- m j
ness Culmination of the B jj
Long Fight Over the I J
Revision of the Sched- II t
One Is Given to Chair- B
man Underwood and K
the Other to Chairman 13
Simmons as Souvenirs HI
in Recognition of Their Hi
Work in Congress. il
WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. Surrounded ijjj
by tho leaders of a united Democracy, Hjjljy
President Wilson signed the Under- uiB
wood-Simmons tariff bill at 0:0! nnj
o'clock today at the White house. Sim- nfjjii
ultaneously telegrams were sent to jnjjj ;
customs collectors throughout the coun- fjujj
try by the treasury department putting IRij ;
into actual operation the first Demo Mffljiilj
cratic tariff revision fnncc 3S94. ml! '
A happy group of legislators, mem- Wm J
bers of tho cabinet and friends oncir- Ijjf Jl
cled the presidont as he smilingly sat ffltil
down, slowly affixed his signature with lMl
two gold pens, lie presented to Hop- jUftjll U
rcsontativo Underwood the pen that Mlftl
had written the word "Woodrow" and I
tho one which had completed his nanu- mM
to Senator Simmons, both of whom (jjmjj i
bowed their appreciation. twj
Impressive Scene. Ml;
In impressive silence the president njijj j
delivered in easy natural tones an ex- Will
temporancous speech that brought pro- wi) !
longed applause. Ho said that tin jljh
journey of legislative accomplishment Hillr
had been only partly completed; that a Plijj Ij
great sorvico had been done for the Inll I
rank and file of the country: but that HII
the second step in the emancipation of (Willi !
business was curroncy reform. He ear- TOjlu!
neatly called upon his colleagues to go fllfr
"tho rest of tho journey" with fresh Bjujl j
impulse. nallil'
It was an unusual spectacle winch at- ffffltl I
tended the completion of a legislative Sffill i
reform that had boon sevon months in IImIJJi
congress and embraced a tariff revi- fBnll
siou of a most far-reaching character. fm'
Guests Jubilant.
Happy and jubilant, the invited 111 I
guests came to the executive offices. Ij H
They chatted and jested with tho pres- Ifil!
ident in an anteroom while waiting for II ml i J
the full group to appear. When the Wi
members of the Benatc finance commit- iWn I
tee and house waj'S and means com-
mitteo finally arrived, Vico Presidont tjffljj II
Marshall was ushered into tho presi- uJMj Ij
dent's office, followed by Speaker nil 11 1
Clark, Hcprcsentalive Underwood and tBfiil 1 If
members of the cabinet and congrcs- HJ II
suonnl committoos and their friends. No ifil 1
photographers wcro admitted, as the Wajiiil
presidont regarded tho occasion as too ImhIIiII
solemn to be disturbed by flashlight Swill
apparatus. .
The guests crowded about the prosi- Qui l
dent's desk, over which an electric WXm
light threw a bright glow. Hmffjll
"I choso 0 o'clock," explained tho MfflliU
president slowlv, "on tho advice of MEII j
tho attorney general in order that the ufflll f
bill might be signed aftor business H$f5 I
transactions evorywhere, including San lilsli
Francisco, had closed for tho day. mini
"I will not nay anything about the Kjffifj II
bill," he added with a smile, "until lOMl
r havo Bigned it. T do not want it to (Still
yet awny from me." B$jil
Signs the Bill.
Promptly at 9:09 o'clock the presi- J
dent began writing, and at 9:10 he Hfllil
bad written tho words, "Approved 9:10 Kjaflfl
p m October 3, 1913. Woodrow Wil- IH3IIU
son," on tho llltli page of pnrchmont rfjHljM
containing the engrossed bill. Ml
As the president Tose and handed the ftBlllf
two pons to tho men who had steered jJM
tho measure successfully through both lmn
houses of congress there was an enthu- Ml! 31
siastic outburst of applause Tho pros- HUjlU
ident hud not intended to mako a long Wm
speech, and had not evon prepared a Mai
statomont, but was moved on tho spur Hlftflj
of tho moment to express his gTatlfica. Hmfj
tl(Tho small but distinguished audience ffl
that heard the president's speech Wt
crowded about him afterwards with MU
congratulations. Loading figures or the MM
Democratic party Spcakor Clark, Sec- MiM
rotary "Bryan, Representative Undor- jtiS Iff 1
wood stood together sponsors with iSfJ
the president for tho first big piece of IB
legislation that had been accomplished MiM t
in the Democratic programmo of re- H j
form. They gave the president their VflK
personal congratulations and reiterated !Jf
promises of support. Shh!t
Bryan's Prediction. jJlj
"We'll bo coming horo again ln a Iffrlfl
short time to eo tho currency bill trill?
signed," Secrctar3' Bryan said and See- Vlijtf
rotary McAdoo spoke with equal confl- . Jujvjjl
1 Svhilo the president was surrounded Ifl!
(Continued on Page Two.) jj

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