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l JSWlW-jfiaPf Surprising Evidence Offered to Prove if latipPim That Fair-Haired Women Are to I j lliiSiSWfcftft( Blame for Most of the Unhappi- g I Mflnf ness Which Wrecks Homes and Bfj mBi: 'SifiW Miss Lulu Glaser, One of the Most Kte-v- Striking of the Blonde "Trouble KpfSMSW Makers." She Was Sued by Her fSP! Leading Man's Wife for the ";.;--,-M Alienation of Her Affections. JSTICB GIEGttRiOH, of'tho'Su-' Bj.preme Court of New York, has M&eaused fires of wrath, to blaze Biath full1 hair by asserting that Miae-wreckers are nearly always odes. Having recently tried 220 prce. cases he has discovered that sj of the co-respondents were gKFhe blonde affinity cuts a large jMre in (he iransientness of Amer- K homes," says the grave jurist, Jfciating that the placard, "Danger! Ware!" should he enrried on the '.ft' tjKt and shoulders of a blonde as a nRylcb man displays his advertise $Bt to a st.iring world. "T don't p why a is, but It jk," asserts the Vcnic Court Justice, Brmnn L, Roth, who has secured divorces for prominent New Ker, and for national celebrities KQny other attorney in the United not only agrees with Justice brlcl), but he goes further. Knety-nine of every hundred co .Pudcnts are blondes," he says, bpldly gives the reasons Tor his liBt hl tlle olon(1e- What he says IfBP0-"1 oil upon tho. leaping flnxaes YKe among the fair-haired women Siffl countries. Casting his net in ldnrk KefI of llls experience, "Mr. n'hrInss up tllese flMh o1' frtCt: Kwondes nre vain. Blondes are CrWillod. Blondes are fickle, Hdus love no one well save them 3fcs. Blondes invite Hirtatlon and "Tfenge Insult. Blondes bear the AlWnark of the coquette. They . effect: 'Catch me. T am easily jAhearlngTvhat the Supremo Court J,Ce and the famous attorney say, ''ff"8 wiH be tempted to change their ' about the deslrnbllity of their Bjj.nB- Without doubt women have .B's believed it good fortune to be mME blonde. The proof of this Is they are not blondes many of t'K ndeavor to become so. Coquet J;Kr0men' caIcuIitlug women, de i'HpK woraen, unscrupulous women, private seances with beauty npe Hr Lby Ko Into the beauty shop rtory brunettes or mediums or r;Ml;he BJ1y varlety of femininity ''I?".6 out blonde. Why? Because I'KoIm? tbat t0 be n b,ondo to Mrttlve t0 men. To he a blonde IRri? a s??rer of So women .Uiought and so men have bo- Rto?0n5f! chflracter, like murder. Bt,,q'h rhe blonde is being found HVJUBHce Qiegorich and Attorney , tLo world trou niUc designing, self WJitiiout affection, without con- KmJ""1! wl11, sans Practically WmyS that i8 admirable save a mr Head, And that sunshine, as ":emnS of 108 Bench and the I Bar bnve Pointed out, is aRnot "WtWed by nnturc, but lias -fEPourea out of a bottle and tiR M?n Besses thnt were once .jftr different shade. mSaAettes wlU Wtilcome the ex LJKj. the blonde, because It sheds a FMCti,t on he mental density of fiHtEr nvertlBe mnn doesn't know H blonde from a bogus one. Mr Wi ku0W8 tbe wiles of women -s-,Knows his alphabet, snys so. 'jMttor c aunis up blondes us JfmfT Xllcra of tu world. Trieatriclil maniigers, who are rather learned In wonieu, have, discovered this and are engaging blondes to play the cruel adventuresses and brunettes to play the unhappy victims of their heartlessness. Dorothy Dorr, who plays the wickedest type of womau in "The Lure," Is a blonde. Mary Na.s'h, her almost victim, Is a bru nette. So in "The Fight." The good young heroine, Margaret "Wycherly, is a brunette. Cora Adams, the embodi ment: of all that a woman shouldn't be. Is a blonde. But hear Mr. Roth: "Ninety-one of of the women who've caused the trou ble in tho cases I havo tiled are blondes. Once I had a sad surprise. A fair-haired woman came to me and wept about her husband's nlleged un faithfulness. When the case was well under way and falling to pieces be cause tho plaintiff had deceived me about it. merits, around turns the husband and brings a counter charge, and proves it. "Jn another case a millionaire's son had ranrrled a chorus girl. They struck bad sailing almost at once. She demanded $250 a week alimony. The fnct that when she "vvns married a few months before she had earned $20 a week made no difference. And she had been notoriously unfaithful to her vows. "Lady Betty" Chapman-Pierce-Henderson, Another Fascin- Miss Virginia Marshall, the Beautiful Blond, Who Was ating Woman Whose Record in the Divorce Court and at Attacked in a Theatre Lobby by the Altar Shows Her to Be of "High Blond Power." an Angry Wife. "The glitter of golden hair gets In to a man's eyes, his brain becomes dnzzled by it, nud when he awakes from his fool's dream it Is to face the derision of the world. "Men have a wrong conception of the blonde. The world has been fooled by blondes for a long time. The painters have been a great deal to blame. They have painted the saints and nngels with golden hair, and, somehow, people have looked and be lieved that all fnir-halred women were In character like these pictures. I asked an artist about this once and he answered ane with a laugh: 'We paint blondes only because light hair mnkes pretty pictures.' "A blonde attracts Instant nttentlon because she bears the trade-mark of the flirt. Her golden hair Is a chal lenge. It talres the place of the 'Come hither' look In some eyes. The average man doesn't know a .rear blonde from a phoney one. He has no idea of the transforming powers of a bottle of peroxide of hydrogen. It Is mightier than bad whiskey applied to a man's stomach. It is curious that while some men think a phoney blonde Is real most of them think the nature made one is self-made. They drop their pdwer of discrimination in a well of folly when a blonde is con cerned. But one fact they do grasp, that the woman who 1s deliberately blonde, who made herself so, lias done this to attract a man. Ills be havior is in line with that, belief. "In this the solf-niade blonde mere ly follows the lead of the natural one, for all blondes are vnln. I can locall no exceptions. They must have ad miration and it must be the admira tion of men. Blondeneps is In this sense an invitation. Blondeness is the trade-mark of the flirt I trav elled recently on a train between Chi cago and New York. On the car were six women, two blondes and four brown-haired women, all equally handsome. In an hour each blonde had attracted a man to her side one a passenger, the other the brnkeman. The brown-haired women sat alone throughout the trip. That Illustrates the attitude of the blonde. It Is a law of mental science that v,'e go nnd get what wo want. Blondes want ad miration and they get it? "Another renson why a blonde is tho best bait In fishing for husbands for It is n well-known fnct that most unmarried women arc brunettes is that men think they are easily won. A man must put up a fight to win n brunette, for she has a mind nnd will of her own. Next he Ib afraid to speak to her without an introduction. The blonde Is weak-willed, and scien tists claim that the blonde woman has a brain Inferior to the brunette's. "Men see the signs of a weak will In a blonde's pretty, baby face, and call it amiability. The truth is it is noth ing of the sort The record of broken crockery and smashed furniture that has gotten into many divorce cases Is generally made by blondes. I can think of no brunette with whom my cases have dealt thnt was a china or furniture smasheiv They respect prop erty as they respect homes. Men think blondes are sweet tempered nnd brunettes bitter tempered. Again they nre mistaken. "Another fancied trait that draws men to blondes is that they usually I Ex-Crown Princess Louise of Saxony IH Whose Career Furnishes a Strik- H ing Example of the FairHaired H Woman's Capacity for Causing H Unhappiness. have a sweetly confiding expression. 1 The male likes to be trusted whether he deserves it or not But the IM blonde's trustfulness goes no further IM than the expression, which Is gener- ally assumed because it goes well H with golden hair and a blue sash. H More deep-seated suspicion of hu- H mnnity has been voiced by blondes in H this office than by brunettes. H "The most legitimate reason for a H mnn's preference for the blonde Is H that he thinks she is more cheerful. H She is more hilar I- Usingf Little Lizards to Prove Mankind Can Be Made Better PROFESSOR PAUL KAMMER3DR, of the University of Vienna, has made some Interesting experiments on the common flro lizard or salamander of Europe, whloh havo a most important bear ing on eugenics and tho Improve ment of the humau race. He finds that the salamander if kept on yollow soil tends to become yellow, and that its descendants in herit this characteristic. If the sala mander be kept on black soil then ho becomes largely blaok and hl3 descendants Inherit that color. The Professor thinks that this proves in a general way that ac quired characteristics are transmit ted, and that if a man be well nour ished and dovoloped his descendants will inherit his strength. This la in opposition to the long asserted theory that a child cannot inhorit the qualities Its parontB aoqulrod after their birth and whloh were not In the paronts when born. The Professor says that . If the salamander be kept for yonrs upon yollow clay, then hln yollow mark ings beoome enriched at tho expense of the black ground color. If half of the offspring of individuals which have thus become vory yellow bo raised on yellow soil, tho amount of yellow Increases and appears In broad regularly distributed longi tudinal bands. The other half ot the offspring If grown on dark soil becomes less yellow, always, how ever, In olose relation with tho op posing influence of the color of the surroundings, and likewise In n regu lar ordor In this inatnnce as rows of spots along the sides of the body. If tho parent generation of the Are ealamander be raisrd on black gar den soil, after some years it become? largely bluck, while the young kept How a Curious Habit of the Fire Salamander Has Thrown Light on a Vexed Question of Eugenics. upon black soil havo a row of small spots on the middle of the back. On the other hand, in young which in contrnst with their paronts have been raised on yellow soil, rnese spots fuse into a band. When the Professor used yollow pa per instead of yellow soil and began to experiment, as ho did before, with scantily spotted individuals, then he obtained enlargement, but no In crease in the number of the spots. When he took black paper, then he obtained a reduction in the size of the spots -without reduction in Intensity of coloration. The young bore the few spots In the middle, while the normal young from the control brood in mixed surroundings at once pro duced an irregular pnttern of mark ings. "These wonderful now results," says tho Professor, "open an entire new path for the improvement of our race, the purifying and strengthening of all humanity a more beautiful and worthy method than that advanced by fanatic race enthusiasts, which is based upon tho relentless struggle for existence, I : jjlj l I Successive Changes in Color of a Black Salamander Kopt for Two Years on Yellow Ground. Each Gen eration of Young Inherited the Yellowness of the Parent at the Time of Birth Successive Changes in a Yellow Salamander Kept for Two Years on Black Ground. Its Little OneB Were Always Born as Dark aa I&elf- through race hatred and selection of races, which doubtless are thor oughly distasteful to many. This will never save human society from degeneration; It will not qualify man for greater efforts or higher alms. These must be acquired Bolely and alone by our own labor toward a well-determined end. "If acquired characters, impres sions of the individual life, can, as a general thing, bo inherited, the works and words of men undoubted ly' belong with them. ThuB vlowed, eaoh aot, even each word, has an evolutionary bearing. The acquir ing of new characters may prove an Inherited burden If unhealthy con ditions and overindulgence, or lack in all things, or bad passions ruin our body, and therefore our repro ductive cells, bo that even good germs' become strangled In It. "But the active striving for defi nite, favorable, now qualities will In a like mannor yield the power to transmit the capabilities which we have acquired, the activities which we haye busily practised, the overcoming of trials and Illness will leave somewhoro their impress upon our children or our children's children, "Even if ovor so much weak ened; even if onlj' In disposition or tendency, not in completed form; even if completely concealed for generations, some reflection of that which wo have been and what we have clone must be transmitted to our descendants. We know, amfor tunately, all too little about this, because well-plnnned breeding ex periments are Impossible in man. and bocauBO statistical investigation which wo offered In their place is frequently fuU of error." oub. Being or a butterfly nature. She more quickly tosses off trouble. Tjhe 'brunette, be- ing of a truer, 1 deeper nature, ponders over grief. broods about it. She is inclined to -be sullen and jH moroso. Men Ilka to be amused, and jH It vexes them to find their wives or any other wo- men in whom they are interested, in the doldrums. That 1 Is the handicap of the brunette on the road to happl- neos. But I will snv this for her. She sulks, but she doesn't nag. It Is the blonde who has the nimble tongue and carries at Its point a stiletto. "The blonde is fickle. The brunette Is true. That is where the brunette gets her Innings. When a brunette is named as a corespondent the man always marries her. The blonde co respondent Hits from divorce case to divorce case. Only ten of every hun dred blonde co-respondents achlevo marriage with the defendant" Atsrgtere, arraignment this, in which George Ttbblnson, also n specialist in divorces, joins. Mr. Johnson em nhaszes the fact thnt when a brunette Is a co-respondent, she always wins her husband. "In the final analysis of a man's emotions, even though the man be a fool, he wants a woman who Is true, and the brunette Is nothing if not faithful, said Mr. Robinson. Divorce records reveal Margaret Moreland. a blonde, as the defendant in the divorce suit Edna Goodrich brought against Nat Goodwin, and which she won. Miss Bessie McCoy, the blonde danoer, was the succes sor of Mrs. Richard Harding Davis after her divorce from the author. Lulu Glaser was sued for alienation of her leading man, Tom Rich ards's affections by his wife. Miss Virginia Marshall, also a blonde, was attacked in the lobby of ' a theatre by an angry wife. Mrs. Albert Weber, formerly Margaret Dalrymple. soon found marriage a galling bond. Mrs. Louis Homin- IH way's married life was brief and spectacular. The roll of blonde trou ble-makors is long and illuminating. "Lady Betty" Chapman, n beautl ful blonde, caused tribulation in the family of Henry Clay Pierce, the millionaire partner of tho Waters 'Pierce Oil Company. Mr. Pierce's romantic young son, Roy E. Pierce, jH wedded her after n spectacular courtship in Paris when the fond jl youth believing he was "cutting out" Baron de Rothschild. Mr. Pierce angrily demanded that the marriage be annulled, claiming that the blonde loveliness of his unwelcome daughter-in-law had gone to his son's head. In other words, that Lady Betty's light hair had made Roy Pierce light-headed. Lady Betty vowed she would never H9 give up her young husbaud. but she Bfl did, for a consideration. It was said the consideration was a third of the ' Pierce millions, made in oil. Her first marriage, with T. Irvin Chapman, of an old Boston family, whose lineage anteceded the much crowded May ttower, was not happy. Earh blamed IH the other. Result, divorce. She has since married Frank Clarence Hen derson, a millionaire bachelor, who before the ceremony made a will be- IH queuthing to his bride his entire for- IH tune, all of which proves that Mrs. Chapman Pierce-Henderson Is of hJgto blond power.