t > < tj
r T7 T7I
Congressman Passes Awa AwaAfter 11 Away AwayAfter ay ayAfter
After a Long Illifess IllifessWAS llb 1thiessWAS ess essWAS
Held Many Positions of Tm TrnHt t and andHonor nmiHonor andHonor
Honor in Hfs Native City OltyLenTeN Leaves a aWife nVlfe aWife
Wife and Two Daughters Dnus11tersDenth Dnus11tersDenthHnll Death DeathHail
Hail Been Expected Almost Daily Dailyfor Dnlltor Dailyfor
for Several Weeks Past PastWorcester PnstWoreestw PastWarestr
Worcester Mass Nov 1 1RlltrHRt 1RlltrHRtatlve LReraseztative Represent Representative ¬
ative Redwood Hoar of this th city died diedshortly died3borUy dIdhorUy
shortly after 9 oclock tonight Cbt of tumor tumorof tUl1IOrot tumorof
of the brain after an IBnesB INIIS S of ofThe five fiveweeks finWeekL
weeks weeksThe WeekL WeekLThe
The illness na which wW ieuM cau ed i Mr Ir Hoers Hoarsdeath HOtUsdeath Hoersdeath
death developed on ot September Setmoberhe 35 after afterhe afterhe
he had attended a political tkl meeting Since Sincethat Slneethat Sincethat
that time he has been gradually Ib declin declining declloIns deem deemng ¬
ing Ins ng the desperate character ehara chara ter ter of nfs Illness Illnesshaving nJneaha flIncshaving
having ha vine been known for two weeks An Anoperation An9penttJoft Anoperation
operation flva 1h days ago a failed to relieve relievethe reUavethe reihvethe
the patients condition conditionMr CIIndltJolaMr ceudlUonMr
Mr Hoar was a son of the late SenatorGeorge Senatoreorge Senator SenatorGeorge
George eorge Frtobfs Hoar Bo r of Massachusetts Massachusettsand MaaachUHt1Dd 1aaIMChUietsand
and had served eel in the present pre Congress Congressas Coorcesas
as the Representative of Uw Third die district dla dlatrict dierict ¬
trict trict having ba received receiY 4 the the nomination nOmlaaUon the theday thed2y the4ay
day of his fathers burial burialIVaa burtaJVns berlelWas
Was Vns Born in liWorccster liWorccsterMr Vorccster VorccsterMr VoreesterIr
Mr Hoar was hi his ftftysecond year yearhaving yearhaving 4MU 4MUhavj
having havj been born In 1 Worcester Mass Ma in fa1i5 hilss
1i5 1 55 He 11 received hi ble preliminary 1U7 eduoa eduoation ed edlion ed20alion
lion In the Worcester Worcat public p schools hooI and andwas andwa andwa
was wa graduated from Harvard college Qbltegewith CibUefeth collegewith
with th the degree d of o A B in 1571 and with withthe withtb withthe
the tb degree d of A M m In ISiS In 1X4 be bewas beas bewas
was as admitted to the bar m Worcester Worcesterand Worceetermd WoI eater eaterlnd
and has since practiced taw m that city cityMr eltyMr cityMr
Mr Hoar was deaeivedly deIeIWdl popular In InWorcester 1ftW InWorcester
Worcester W OrcNt as weU as with his fieHow fieHowmembers tIIoW1l1embe fiowL2lembers
members of the House In bis native tlTe city cityh dtb1
h b1 > held the position poaj OII of assistant district districtattorney cllatrictattm districtattrcev
attorney attm r for the middle district of Mass Massirhusetts 11 111Chu MassjthUtt5
irhusetts 1Chu tts from MM to J3 u l and was a amember amt ameTthcr
member mt hM of the th common council of Wor Worcester Worstr Wornestpr ¬
cester str from M7 1 lid to KM Inclusive 1ndu8iveils e betas betasits biii biiiits
its president during dU durhi the last year He Hewas 1IeW1S liewis
was a private rtate in the Massachusetts Con Concord Concrd Conc4rd
cord Artillery Company Company C CHfth Co
Fifth J lfth Regiment R giment Massachueetta ett Volunteer VolunteerMilitia Volu Volu1Iitla VohunqerflhitIa
Militia 1Iitla from 1575 to 1878 l81 was attde attdeamp aW4emp aiddoflp
amp mp An n the staff tr of Gov Oliver Anne Anneror Autosror nae8 nae8fOr
ror lff ct to IliO and was judge advocate advocatencrai advocaten advocatencI
ncI n on the staff tall of Gov Reg It Rer + r Wol Woltt Wol Woln VoI1t
> tt acting aa president p t of the advisory advisorylilitary ad adliUtal1
lilitary board of officers having In hiarge Inarge
arge ar of the equipment of the Maasachu MaasachuUs
Us troops in the Spanish SlluIeltAJaerie American a war warr warr1st warr
r r1st r1stror im imFor 1mror
ror six years from IS l to Uti 31 Mr MrInar MrIa
Inar Ja wa district attorney of tbe th middle middledistrict middlelistrIct
district of Massachusetts ebuaet Including wor worster WorI Worter >
I > r ster ter County He was a trustee tee of ctark ctarkUniversity 1aarJCnhemty ark arkIrnlverslty
University of Wiwrcerter and for twenty twentyyears t1oeluyyans twentyyears
years was a trustee ee of the Worcester In Inisie 18tnp Intne
isie Hospital having vial in charge the theVorcester theWorceater theVorcezter
Vorcester Insane Asylum both State StatetjtuUou in intitutiona Int IniCud
titutiona t
Had Brlllixnt Future FutureMr Putorcr
Mr r Hoar was held te high hIhesteem esteem by his hisullcagues IaIII hislleogues
I ullcagues in Congress and there is no nolosbt DOIonbt o olobt
losbt that he h would have made ilia de a ar name nameor namer
or r himself in ii the uoaalle8lalatur uoaalle8lalaturhe y fr > ml kgfatetuTq had hadhe hadaIC
he been permitted > to tohere serve his country countryihere countryhere
here for even for a fraction of the time timethat t1 t1tht timehtt
that htt his distinguished father spent m the tbeUnited t tjnit thenItod
United jnit nItod d States Senile SenileRepresentative eftlleRepr enite eniteRtpresentatIve
Representative Repr Dtat1le Hoar first came into intot na national ust ¬
tional t prominence pVQdDencewhen when elected to Ute Fit Pifrvninh Plttyninh FitYpjn
rvninh Ypjn ii Congress ongresia from a aMRAaCh aMRAaChI Massachusetts Massachusettsfistrict Nssathussististrict
I fistrict trlct that fcad ad been bee eartled ei 1ed led for or thtee thteeterms tltieeIETma thineterms
terms by bya a Democrat His vote was wa 17TM 17TMAgainst 11 11iinat iTillg1nst
Against g1nst iinat 1 14A7 < 17 7 for his Democratic DeIDoeraticilia opponent opponentills Dpponetills
ills nomination followed UM d death ath of offathtr Ms Msfather hisa
father a t her whose who great t name was wallror responsible responsibleror
ror much of bis bi support although aI b the tbeIud son sonhad mehai
had taken take an active interest t In polities politiesmU JlGlidaLl1d politiesd1d
mU locally lo aJb had ha made a name for himself himselfMr blJll8elflr himselfMr
Mr Hoar was regarded as destined hi tilt thfBourse tiltoue theourre
Bourse of time 10 Q take a seat m tile United UnitedStates lnltedta Unitedlites
States ta lites tts Senate SenateMr SenateMr nate nater
Mr r Hoar was e member of the Commit Committee COIJImlttet Committee ¬
tee on Elections No 2 and on Revision of ofthe oft attht
the t h Laws He took a great interest in the thework thework thework
work of the House and was a constant constantattendant COMtaatltedaBt ceistaRtattedaat
attendant upon the session Owdng as mat matwinter IwInter lastwinter
winter winterMr wInterIt winterJr
Mr It Hours family consists of a wife wifeiid wifetid
11111 iid two daughters daughtersWl cJa cJaWkt daughtersWhat
Wl What t Have You to Sell SellYou Sell SellYou SellYou
You will quickly quick find a JMNe purchaser for form forI forn
m I automobile pl pln phnn no furnttura tUraItu curprts curprtsruga erjtsrug lJMta lJMtarUl
ruga rug sewing IN machme or anything alQt else elseabout
about huut the hnwe h e that you rou deetr dsre t to < cpo1 eas easpo t a apof
pof po1 po of by ndvertMmr ftdverti lmr them hi The Th Her Hertld
dd und under r th bead e of w r sate eel Ie mucous mtoceilaI
I MH ltI Th The elnrfte eh 211fe < is only 1 cent a word
ptq vr iIn I IWEATHER Vfl VflwEAnEa
e i S Drot at AaricnUwt Weather WeadIeIWacbiJlct WmtheWablntu Dana DanaWrtrfatfra
WacbiJlct Wrtrfatfra Thnnday XOT ec 1 1rrr 1 4 II p prrg
F IIftd COI wratlMr wu J JtlOi Thuruy ThuruytJ
tlOi tJ ilpl VaIW 11r7 I tM ItJ CIIMt Ia IatJ8 Lab
tJ8 b t1de e and LoWft Len lhuti V Ylky w aM sn tMIIee tMIIeef1 t trr
rrr f1 fk RTcky Mamteb dbiriets a aed a cmt put putf
i f the PUtraa n ftp fe toile wtMher M dndy dNIJtm4 with withttcrtd withttcrrd I
ttcrtd rim Dnrb Friday Fra UK s cited and raiD raiDmt alanra ninrr
rr mt a win cztead over er UM Upper MfrrHTf fhi4 Valley VaBeynJ VallcroJ Valleynj
nJ q Use e ttrrthFe l hstc teni part d tkc th Lab itgfco ItIIMIIJI and andia salLH
IJI OTU ocrpes4 = pa4 tile abIIcI aca of tM t Lake rm aed aedth 1
ti th trtewr of 1w es Taft sad New Earl Igpd Igpdta iIatur
ia Ia wW 1th mine tevjaramnc t la I the MiMIe MiMIentlvrn aad aadvinthrra
vinthrra ntlvrn Kocky Blooatate Mota dfatrieU tbe weadwr dMr will wfUt will4otinue i iAtiBii
t trtmu AtiBii eod sad mettled with rain IB l the therntberfl
sHithrm rntberfl hutes tLt ta tM tr RIa itpqvtm pti tm wU rite riteon rileOD l1S l1Son
on the Xrw Nc f1 England cant frak fra Mttertr wInds wtodsvil wIndsin
vil iJ bercBK T unable ruble Friday e ee tb tile > MidAt M Atlaatk Atlaatkroan AtliStleerat I Irout
roan tbo tit winds 1Li I ril be Ufht sad tariaUe i tae taeroutine theonth
imth onth Atlantic t1aaj ai4 rd East st Gilt ass fI north 1IOftItAst northsstcry
Ast sstcry rr ii t1 the Wcst GoJf Gn eos 1ie14 D61 nt5 be beJEaint
routine J JEaint variable on the Lower lakes ae MrkMc aMTt Jtt Jttiig
fcii to fresh soutbtttr aod oa the Upper U L IAIIea IAIIealOUtJIfl Im c fieu fieutiuthery freak freakKKitherTy
KKitherTy KKitherTyv lOUtJIfl lOUtJIfl9taIU tiutheryStUal
8t 9taIU dSPSTtlPIr rtn lridQ rlday W tar ITuwsaa
v SLT1 port P8 po vOl vOlI vOlSpecial M MSpecial
hne IIfIb DCI1IIer1J I
fir vatlllr to tile GIIIIIII GIIIIIIISpcclal
Special Forecast ler8Clstfiwraa ForecastStorm i ikiarm
Storm waraswi wus arr dhpisysi spbo il ea Ihs Ps IWIIk lk most
from Ewes ctthwacd atsthsMiocni ctthwacdLocal
Local I cal Teini TC TCJltporaturc TCJltporaturcMklnkt aratnre ltolatnrefidaiPt aratnreIidsbt
Iidsbt > fidaiPt 3r 2 a a a 38 I a L m 31 31a a 6 a a aa a aL
> a L M 3t V a a L 41 O MM noseS e S p m mt m mf aI
t ix p ax Ri 41 f > J p m U 111 I IJniBItT1ll H HRelative h p a X XIaiiera
JniBItT1ll a af II IIntlati 31Uelatie
Relative ntlati hiaMit1 muOty 9 a L a L ft ftox 17 2 p 31 I 1r
1 ox 17 lUiafaB S hews 11 ef eftnt = = I 1 1Ctat I4I I4Icent
cent tnt of ofTtlllJlemtu poeeMe MHWaa MHWaaTemperatun a aTLWPeTtknV
Temperatun TemperatunTcniprrninrojt mee dsts dstsinInim 8 8nipim1
nipim1 inInim 56 56TCIIIItrnturo 56 56Tens
Tcniprrninrojt Tens lierntn rec i In Qtltor 0 hr Cities CitiesTcnpoatTvcs CitIesTe Ci tics ticsTeapaatrvs
TcnpoatTvcs Te pe tnrca hi dber er cate ddII d tapsbw vMk wj wjiormnt U U1t8lOftDt OM OMnatoont
natoont at rainfall for tk ths tweb t1Nht hun a aMjd M at S Sp sp Ip
p p m ye yeverdsr mU rrta an aa toBsxt toBsxtAfberiQe feIIIIIx Inll
n ala ala31sE
x 31sE I laM filiiAIbnfDe laMAIbeT11IeC
AfberiQe AIbeT11IeC X C CAtlanta c II IIAtlaut 31 31AUanti
Atlanta Ga GaAUantfc 31 31 31AtlaatCkyJ tI tIAUlwtr
AUantfc AtlaatCkyJ City K J JcijBaarek JI S 31 31N
cijBaarek I X Dtk DtkBoston DaBo 31 2 1 1Thiltao
Boston Bo Mas MasBiiT T Tn
BiiT n Thiltao l1fac o X x Y YtThkxgo a aCbicllIO IiChkweo
tThkxgo IH IHttediwati 31 31rthdntntl 4 4nU
ttediwati nU OM OMteyeBDe Otde OtdelItrtIU1e his 4 m it ithryrnime
< teyeBDe WTO WTODarfBport Vyo 31 31Davenport 41 Ii IiD
Davenport D Icwa IcwaDfimr IcwaDft1rr Ol a w wDenvrr
Dfimr Coo CooDes M 0 a T TDes TDeiIoueslvnaR
Des DeiIoueslvnaR DeiIoueslvnaRaletitcs Uotoes Iowa IowaOalTOtos WwaiaJ
OalTOtos iaJ Tex TexlUi Tund Ol Olildesa
lUi ildesa n Moot MootIwl Meetln4anapc1s
Iwl llanapr1il < anaprlis Ind IndKu a it itsckamllk
IscuoIille sckamllk Fla FlaKana P1 n nltunaa
Kana Ku City Mo MoIittie 10Ljlie 41 41tirte
Iittie Rck LiP AitMaruette JtIaruettt LiPlaruettr
Maruette Micb MicbMemphis f fltII1pbb S 0 0Memphis
Memphis T Tf1U1 Tf1U1l w wSiw > tt ttfj 31 31Orirus
Siw l Ortiart Orka La UXow fj fjSalt 1 Ol Ol OlNwYtriNY
Xow NwYtriNY 11 Y Yrr rn X Y YNvTtb a aS 3 0 0Nttj
NvTtb S rlJ PlAtt stte Nebr NebrOwiaha NdIrlSIaba 31 31Ustaba
Owiaha Nebr rbt bT bTlitt Ol 31 a aPittilmirg
litt Pittilmirg IW Pn R 56 31 31S aa1t
Salt S a1t Lafco Lak City t Utah jl jl8u 41 11 T TFit PSLLGitMo
8u SLLGitMo Lwris Mo 10 H HHt 31 g gMt P1t
Mt Ht t Paa Mrn MrnSprtofflHd Irn 31 31 31MrT1nn1I4 f4 f4SprlJll1clIt
SprtofflHd I Ui IL S SYok IIic 31 31cksbur
Yok ic cksbur burL bu Hba M MTide 14Tide C2 N NIde
Tide Ide Talj Taljrpos Table TableIiil TableTf
Tf Iiil tIe todI7 toda 1C IY a a Ill a and Si3 S p p m m mude
1 lidl 104aJ J Ill and Slt 1l 1li
i i 1 ti4c mrrow mnr IS a m aDd 3 i t
tide de toocpsw J a a a aDd J p pn p a ax3
rpos n x3 Ftny erq Xo NO jB JBe a < h rims tt itar u
Want Bxra Exra xrnA Appropriation proprlnHon for Cap Cnpfureof3 Capo CapueotlflcflpciI
o fureof3 ture ueotlflcflpciI of scnpct cnpc < l lunatics lunaticsWilliam ItnnntlcllWilliam LunatIcnWilliam
William A A White superintendent sup rlntendent of ofthe orthe ofthe
the Government Hospital for the Insane Insaneyoeterfiay IMaMyo Insaaeyeetneda
yo yoeterfiay tereq submitted to the Secretary of ofthe atthe ofthe
the Interior his annual report for that thatinstitution t atht thatInsUtution
institution ht tltuUon Supt White makes no refer reference reference referonce ¬
ence to the Congressional Conare lonal Inquiry J into intothe Intothe Intothe
the altalrs of the asylum ox oxeopt opt to in inform iftform I Ifrm ¬
form the Secretary that the commltt commtttee commttteebas cuinmtttsehas e ehas
has not yet submitted Its report reportMr rep repcrtMr r rMr
Mr White says that the usual method methodof meUtodor methodof
of presenting the report is changed In Inthe Inthe inthe
the interests Inte t3 of condensation and brevity brevityThe brevityThe brevitYThe
The report also aJ o covers only the period of ofthe oCthe ofthe
the cal ft year ended last la t June Repairs Repairsand RepairsI RepaIrssod
I and Improvements amounted to t41OGO t41OGOduring WWO 41OOduring WWOduring
during the year ear There were S6J8 I patients patientsat
at tbe end of June June and a total of 3165 3165w 31ewre 315 315were
w were re treated during durin the y YM1 YM1Wlth yMIWith < Mi MiWith
With reference r fercncc to the needs of the hos hospital bospl hospital ¬
pital pl l Dr White says saysThe sasMfhe saysThe
The population of the hospital seems seemsto IMmsto ieemsto
to be approaching a more nearly stable stablebaste S lblebUts stablebasle
baste there being the last two years a avery avery avery
very slow increase in the number of pa patients patJrnts paiJent ¬
tients iJent as compared with the time just pre previous prtvtous provious ¬
vious It thus seems fair to ask for an anamount anamount anamount
amount representing approximately the tbesame theame thename
same increase for the year 18067 18067For DQI1iFor 13067For
For expenses expen es In returning r turnJnG escaped pa patients patients patients ¬
tients to the hospital the sum of I 1590 Is Isasked Isasked Isasked
asked to be set apart A decision d cslon of the theComptroller theComptroUer theComptroller
Comptroller prevents the payment ment of ofthese ortbee ofthese
these expenses out of the support fund fundof fundof fundof
of the hospital and makes it necessary necessarythat neeetI8IUYthat necessarythat
that a special appropriation be b made for forthis forthis forthis
this purpose purposeBOTTOARY pur purpoLBOUNDARY 08 08BOUNDARY
Edward KoKnck Declares StIIaon StIIaonHntcliinR Stl1l1onI1uteJlinR StilnonIlntcJiIni
HntcliinR EJneroacIien on Property PropertyAlleging PropertyA11t PropertyMleglng
Alleging A11t nl that defendants do not draw drawa
a straight line between the two proper properties properties properdee ¬
ties and that lb t they infringe on land 1aadyond be beyond beyond ¬
yond yond his line Edward cIward Koeaek Ko aAk yesterday yesterdayf yesterdaynrered yesterdaycatered
nrered f suit in the District Supreme Court Courtagainst CourtaPlft8t Courtagainst
against Stilton Stil 1I Hutching and nd Benjamin Benjamin1Blethyn BeajamlnI BenjaminBlethyn
Blethyn I th He petitioned petItto the court to en enJofn enjofn enjoin
Jofn Hutching and Blethyn from further furtherappropriating furtberappropriaUns furtherappropriating
appropriating his Kosacks north wall cf ctbutktiall CfbuIIdigs j jbuildings
buildings on lot 11 in square 177 near nearTenth lieuTMt nearTenth
Tenth and F streets northwest northwestB northweiLB northwestB
Trains from linden Md to George Georgetown Georgetown ¬
town by July 1 1907 1907Rente 1907Ront I II I
1 1Route
Route Ront Will 111 Follow tIle Survey Snre Made MadeSeveral MadeSeveral UndeSe1ernl
Several Yonr s Ago A o Under Char Charter Ohnrtor Charor ¬
ter or Recently Renewed RenewedThe RenewedThe RenewedThe
The BAltiMore and Ohm RaUrend Jtaj Com Company cP3ft Costpatty ¬
patty P3ft will build a branch track from IAn Linden LIat LIatMd IAndrs ¬
den Md into Georgetown which will wittprobably wtItprobably willprohably
probably be in operation for freight by byJuly b bJl byJuly
Jl July 1 UK The route will follow the old oldsurvey eIcImade oldsurvey
survey made several years ago ageetlarter under a acharter a acharter
charter which expired hi the early part partof putof prtof
of the present year and was wa renewed for forthe fortbe forthe
the company by act of Congress CongressThe COD CODTIle CongressThe
The terms of the renewal of the charter charterwere cbartelwere charterwere
were that the company should begin Deatacrk the thewcrk thewcrk
wcrk crk of construction within six months monthsand monthsaM monthsand
and operate te trains tr over the branch within withintwo wtUdetwo withietwo
two years y from th gaamge mege e of the bill billThe WUThe billThe
The completion of the U e Potomac freight freightyard tretPtTW frelrjstyards
yard on the south th shore of the river be below beow below ¬
low Four Mile MU Run n and the abandonment abandonmentof
of the ferry ftT at Shepherds Landing tAn4In baa baamade haJde basmade
made de urgent the entry of the Baltimore Baltimorejand BaJUmoreand Baltimoreand
jand and Onto into Georgetown Otherwise Otherwisemuch Otberwtenovels rwIe rwIel8ucl1
much freight for Washington must uat be besent 1MBent belent
sent to the yards maxd1 in Ecktagjon 1cIda or O trans transferred tJaqerred transferred ¬
ferred over fee li Pennsylvania Pe tracks trckaReNIn to toRcftslyn toRca1yn
Rcftslyn at the tle south end of the A Aduet Aquaduet Aqua Aquaduet
duet Bridge ehtaflralr eItaftIn heavy drayagecharges drayage cIra7aceeharpa dra7egecharges
charges for the merchant and consignees consigneesin eoR eoRla
in Georgetown Georgetowni Oeorz owaeonatraetkm GeorgetownThe
i The construction of the branch line has hasalready hualrndy hasalready
already begun near nea r Linden La and win be becontinued beCOIIttllued becontinued
continued as s rapidly as u s possible until the thebranch theMaacb thebranch
branch Is finished and made de ready to die discharge tile tileelaarp diecharge ¬
charge freight at a warehouse to be built builtat builtat builtat
at eome point near Thirtieth and Water Waterstreets Waterstreets Waterstreets
streets Georgetown GeorgetownTbe G GeorgetownThe etoWL etoWLThe
The Heralds authority for these state statement catomenU statemonte ¬
menU consists of information given 10 10one lOone toone
one of the largest shippers sbt of the city by byone byODe byone
one of the principal oOctala of the Bal Baltimore Baltimore Baltimesc ¬
timore and Ohio Company in a recent recentconference meantconference
conference in Baltimore and m ha a state statement 8tate 8tatemeat statemont ¬ I
meat submitted by tile attorney of the tbecompany thei thecompany
i company to the head of one of the pain prtqctpal painchial I Icipal
cipal banks of the th city which has auerty prop property property >
erty involved hi the th site for the proposed proposeddepot proloaMdepot I IdepoL
depot The statenv Btatemt t made to these two twomen twomen twomen
men was practical > the same sameIt 81U11eIt sameIt
It was acid that an mm average of eighteen eighteencars eighteencars teea teeaear
cars ear of freight are discharged d dally at atRossiyn atRoalya atRosslyn
Rossiyn for merchants and manufacturers manufacturerson
on this side of the river It is carried carriedthere can1edtllere carriedthere
there by the Pennsylvania Pea Ivarqa Company over overIts oV overIts r rIts
Its tracks to be hauled back again over overtba overthe overthe
the nueduct bridge The B DDd R and O offi officials ometals amdaIs ¬
daIs declared that this was a most nn nnttolactory DntlefaetofY ansatisfactory
satisfactory freight service to 1 1obviated be beotmatcd beobviated
obviated only Oul fey b buUdicg buUdl the branch line ttneIt lineIt lineIt
It wasstatfd that the line must be con constructed C8Qtructed csietructed ¬
structed with all possible pos dtepatcb to toserve toJk toncrv
serve Jk ncrv rvf > the interests ot the company as aswell a awell aswell
well as those receiving r freight in George Georgetown Geoqet01nL Georgetown ¬
town It was positively stated that the thebranch tINbranch thebranCh
branch would so o into operation within withinsix wtthIaax withinsix
six or eight months monthsThe JDORtbaThe monthsThe
The facts a as set forth above were re related re related reatM ¬
lated at yesterdays meeting Nt of the theor beard beardof boardor
or directors of the Jobbers and Shippers ShippersAssociation ShlppeJTA ShIPeTsAeeociatloo
Association A and favorably commented commentedupon commelt commeltupon commentedupon
upon as a great addition to Washingtons Washingtonsgrowing WMbIAtoftsJTOWIng Washingtonsgrowing
growing transportation tta 8lOltaUon facilities facilitiesABLER CaclUtlee facilitiesADLER J JADLER
Ills Assailant AIphon AIpbonllo o IV Newell XcrrellStill XewellStili NewellStill
Still in Hand of Police PoliceThere PollceThere PoliceThere
There are are no new developments in the theshooting theaAooUm theshooting
shooting affair of Wednesday Wedne day night m mwhich In InWhIch inwhich
which Victor E E Adler the clothing eIOtbln mer merchant merehant mnerchant ¬
chant was shot In the left arm by his hishue hislat hishite
hue lat clerk Atphoneo N Newell with withwhom withwbola withwhom
whom he e had a l been t associated u in business businessfor b1l8l b1l8lfor bnelnessfor
for the past tWWltyft twentyfive yews Those ThosecoHcernod ThMeCOftClllMIt Thoseconcerned
concerned decline to say anything about aboutthe aboutU abouttli
the U tli case caseMr ca caMr caseMr
Mr Adler was resting well last night nightand 1118btud nightand
and it is thought 1t he will 111 111 be able to ap appear ap p ppear ¬
pear this morning moml when the case ea conies coniesup oome oomeup comelup
up in Police CourL CourtWhojt CourLWheft CourLWheit
Whojt asked if be intended to prose proaeeute pr prcute prosecute
cute Mr Adler replied that he beJM bad badnothing hadnothing
nothing JM tl ng to say say Mr MrN Newell swell fe still locked lockedup Jockec1UJI lackedUI
up UI in the Sixth precinct station stationIt statJoGIt stationIt
It IB It not believed Mr Adler will press presstbe pressthe I Itile
tile charge The police might insist on ona onl ona
a a prosecution but that is hardly probe probable probebin ¬ i
bin Mr r Newell could C ukl be fined M S for forcarrying forcarrying I
carrying a dangerous weapon weaponMr weapon weapol31r j jUr
Mr Hitchcocks Carriage Damaged DamagedA I IA
A carriage owned by Secretary Hitch Hitchcock Hitchcock ¬ i
cock of the Interior Departmeqt was wasrun wasrun wasrun
run into and considerably damaged by a awagon awagon
wagon owned by Littlefield Alvord and anddriven anddriven
driven by Jesse Marshall The damage damagete damagelsestlmated
te lsestlmated estimated at 5a0 5a0Your oO iI4Your
Your Savings SavingsWill SavingsWill avin s sarn
Will Earn EarnInterert arn arninterest
interest intere t and receive rectelveevery receiveevery
3 1 every protection if depos do es ¬
ited In this bank The Therecent Therecent Therecent
recent examination by byg1 i
g1 the United Unl ed States tate Tress Treasury Tressvy ¬
vy ury officials o c1als found our ouriO
iO 0 < finances in flrstdass flrstdasscondition firstclasscondition flrstcIasscondition I
condition conditionE7One conditionUOne conditionE70ne
E7One Dollar opens an account accountSavings accountCITIZENS accountCITIZENS
Savings Bank f40UY f40UYBal
Bal 8111ta fe fe3X
3X 3 interest nteren on Savings Accounts Accounts2X Accountszx
2X X interest on Checking Accounts
Le Leader oder of Black Hand H alHI ill New NewYork NewYork NewYo1
York Yo1 StabledtoDcatIi StabledtoDcatIiHEARO Stabbetl abbcd toneat1l toneat1lHE toDeat1iHEJ
Glnseppc Morlcllo nncl Fertliiiaiulo FertliiiaiuloHuis Fert1inamloRUHfJO FerdlnaizdoRuso
Huis RUHfJO o Quarrel Over White lte Slaves SlavesOne SIllTesOne SlavesOne
One of ihoac Imported and Held Heldin IIcIdIn Itchlii
in Bondage Don BondagePolIceman agePollccmnn Policeman In Arrest ArrcistInj ArreKtIng ArrestIng
Inj Ing Slayer Is I Attacked l by > y Friends FriendsNew FrlcndNew FriendsNew
New York Nov L l5tabJe Stabbed to d death dJflthwith deathwIth ath athwith
with a needle need which Is baliavoa to have havebam hllvebeeR havebeen
bam poisoned ned Giuseppe Merietlo a lead leading leodlag leadlug ¬
lag light ia the th Black Hand fraternity fraternitylie
lie 11 dead at the morgue morg and Ferdlnando FerdlnandoRuwo FerdlnandoRUII FerdinandoRuao
Ruwo twentythree yeans 7 8 old of 016 016ISInlberry 116lalbe1TY JiCMulberry
Mulberry street t is ohargod with his hismurder hl8murder hismurder
murder murderThe murderfhe murderThe
The arrest arr of Rosso followed swift swiftnpon swIllupon swiftupon
upon the stabbing which lIlch took plaeo last lastnight lutnlht lastnight
night in front of 1M Mulberry street streetas streets streetas
as the climax of a quarrel over the pos possentlon passeMion posesIon >
sentlon of a girl white slave It was waamade wasmAde wasmade
made by Detective Frank Bonano who whosaw whosaw whosaw
saw the th light A ht wad cawght Husto o before bcforahe bolor6h beforebe
he h had an opportunity to get away awayBonano I IBonaA jnenann
BonaA did not effect the arrest wifcn wifcnout wlab wlabnut wi wiIbut
out a ftrusjjrl Itna and in the course of it itGiuoeppo ItGt ItGluseppe
Giuoeppo Gt ppe Ddeqeto struck him in the head headwith beadwith hoedwith
with a beer bottle Banana however bowevorciting howeverclung
citing 01 < to his prisoner and dragged him himaway himaWAY himaway
away from his victim who lay dying on ORthe onthe onthe
the street surrounded by an excited mob mobDrlessio mobwa mobDeleesfo
Drlessio was wa arrested by policemen who whowere whoere whowere
were ere summoned to tIM scene RenePl noosePICture scenePIqtnr
PICture Pl turu In Rogues Gallery GalleryMortolio Gn1lel7MortelJo GalleryNorlehlo
Mortolio accordlns to Detective Ser Sergeant SereIUIt 5crgeasit ¬
geant Petreatno was one of the loaders loadersof
of the Biack FLanders cf the city He kb was waswell w wwell waswell
well known to tbe police his picture tw twins Hl1l belg ¬
ins l1l No Nfl in the Rogues Gallery GalleryFor Galler GallerFor GallsryFor
For a time it was w difficult to tell what whatbad wbatha4I whathad
bad caused MortelhVs MOI1e1 s death A surgeon surgeonfrom SUT5eoDfrom surgeonfrom
from the Hudson Street Hospital could couMfind coulctacI couldfled
find no mark k on bill body It was only onlyafter 0A1yafter onlyker
after ker Use body bad been taken to UK UKmorgue tilemofSUe thismorgue
morgue that a small blue spot was K5 found foundon feundon
on the left breast breastThen b bThen breastThen
Then the use U of a a lone murderous noodle naadiefound neoo neoofoua noodlefound
found by the police on the sidewalk after aftartb afurthe afterthe
tb the fray was known knownThe 1aIoWJITbe knownTb
The Tb needle was a urn ham teeter useti by bybutchers bybutchers r rbuteben
butchers for testtns te the Interior of meat meatIt MMlIt meaLIt
It bad pierced the Lb mans heart beart and tile tbaswiftness tiletn theswiftness
swiftness with 1th which It accomplished its itspurpose itspurpoee Itsjisrpose
purpose fead lea leads the police to believe mat It Ithad itbad fthad
had ben poisoned poisonedLender dLender
Lender in Illicit nU It TralDc TralDcAfter TrailleAlter VrnZllcAttr
After worktas a a nlgbt on this ease De Detoothre De Detocttn IDetoctive
toothre Petrostao today said saidMorteilo akIlorIeIlo saidss1al1o
Morteilo ss1al1o warn the leader of a pag pagtrolls a ng ngfrom ngfrom
from the province of Avalma A near nearNaples aearKapl nearNaples
Naples which makes a a business of brine brineing brtac7e11ft1 bringlag
lag young gins here and sid hoWlns tbem la labondage IIITlletr inbondage
bondage Their x xack aok Hand worn to a aSMC a8Ide aside
SMC side line lineLast IIDeULHt lln llnLest
Last night Ute dead man quarreled quarreledwith q qwItb qunrreledwith
with Russo R over the ownership ot one onea ot ota ofa
a batch oC a girls rta aDd MarieHo was killed killedMortello k killedMeddle led ledMMorIeUo
Meddle was arrested in BtoomfleW BtoomfleWPa BlOOIftftekLPL BlooinfteldFL
Pa ra In m 11 on a enarge e of murdering murdernsanother mu muROther murderinganother
another Italian he was sentenced tfftOed to totwo totwo totwo
two years imprisonment from which be bewas 1Mwu bewas
was released on June 4 4 19M 19MEXPLOSION 1JtICEXPLOSION lIO4EXPLOSION
Three Women Injured by Bursting Burstingof
of Steam Pipe PipeGuests PIpeGueata PipeGuests
Guests of the WiUard Hotel were werestartled wereretell warsItArtlOlt
startled retell by an explosion at 5J8 oclock oclockbuu oclocksst deck deckat
at buu sst evening when a steam sa pipe pip MV ia j t rk rkbt a alaundry
laundry bunt Injuring three tltreeJIoreace women womenFlorence wom womFlorence
Florence Cornell of Stf Fayetta Fayettestnet Fayettestnetwu street streetAlexandria streetAlexandria
Alexandria was badly J scalded About the tbebead LMIaeacI thebead
bead and face Ida Dressier of Brent Brentwood Dreatwood Brentwood
wood Md was w aa slightly burned about the tneface tMface theface
face and Mrs Mt Brown of 29 Third street streetnorthwest streetaorUIwat streetnorthwest
northwest was shocked 1M by the explosion exatodoncaptntj explosionand ko koCOt
and COt a a moment overcome by tile tilecapa thecoping
coping steam tealll The ant two were werelIIOecI re removed ye yemoved ¬
moved to the Emergency Hospital Their TbeircoMHitoQ TMIrcoioQ Theircondtlo
coMHitoQ to not Qot serious seriousAtrs emuA SerIOUScas
Atrs A ra Brown did not 90 to tbe hospital boIIpItaLbut hospitalbut hospitalbut
but was s treated at a nearby bf drag store storeTbe soreThe ore oreThe
The pipe pi which caused ca the trouble warn waaused wuu warnused
used in Ute msngttng mfl tll machine at L which wbIdtHftral Whichvral whichaeveral
aeveral vral women were re at work TIM TIMca es escaping oscaping ¬
caping ca steam and water struck the women womenbefore WOIMIIbefore womenbefore
before they had any U chance to escape escapeThe MeapeThe escapeThe
The cause ca of the accident Is not known knownbut knowabut knownbut
but It te supposed Ole pressure JJmMN in the thepipe t1aepipe thepipe
pipe was too strong TIM machine was waabought wuboUCbt wasbought
bought recently and baa been in opera operation operatloft operatiost ¬
tion only a a abort time The damage da Is es astimated esUt esthatd
timated Ut at i iWilliam SiWilliamRandolphHearst 00 00William
William WilliamRandolphHearst Randolph Hearst the Man ManYou ManYou ManYou
You knew all about t his newajvansrs newajvansrsbut jsewspopersbut swn swnbut
but there to much yo do not t know kmjwabout kWabout knowabout
about Hearst himself and tile mem memwbo 1MIIwIt iss isswho
wIt make Ms newamipafis newamipafisRead HWIIII HWIIIIRe aewapeasand
Read next Sundays tsa Issue e I This TbaWashington TMWashItoa ThisWashington
Washington Herald HeraldIt HeraldIt HeraldIt
It win tell you about the men uussi and andtbe adthe andthe
the methods that have precipitated precipitatedtbe
Ute Mttsreet bht an 04 moat notable cam eantpaiga camjisigu
paiga bt latlae the Metory of American pall poHttc poIIQi pallNovember
Qi ttc
November 4 to the date and The TbeWashington TtoWuhwgtoa TheWashington
Washington Herald the paper paperWANT paperWANT paperWANT
IIonsebol Householders ers at Berlin Despair of ofGetting ofGetting ofGetting
Getting Female Servants ServantsBerlin SernntsBerlIn ServantsBerlin
Berlin Nor 2 2Tbe Tbe servant problem problemhas problemhas problemhas
has reached an acute stage In most large largecities largeelti largecities
cities elti in Germany aDY In Berlin suburbs es especially aspecJan7 espoclahly ¬
pecially the wiflteulty 1 in 1 obtaining female femalehelp Cemalobelp femalehelp
help even at high wages was is increase increaseat blcr ng ngat
at an alarming rate bervant girls com complain complaia cernplain
plain of the tedious hfe ia the outlying outlyingdistricts outylnsdi8trlcta outlyingdistricts
districts and long for tbe amusements amusementsafforded amusementsafforded amusementsafforded
afforded by mere centrally situated tjuar tjuartars tuar tuartars uar uartfK
tars tarsIt tfKIt tarsIt
It to nothing strange nowadays to rOAd readin rOAdIn roadii
in ii Berlin suburban papers advertisements A advertlsonientsfor vtrtfsOmetttsfer i ifar
far males to take situations as cooks cookshousemaids oookshou cookshousemalda
hou housemaids or general l servants the in inducements fnducemenUi Inducements ¬
ducements held out being be fair wages geoa reoufood gornifood j jfood
food and proper treatment treatmentExperiments tNatmtmLExperiments treatmentExperiments
Experiments m In this direction have been beengreatly beeB1WUy beengreatly
greatly successful The men showed showedthemselves ahowedthemselve showedthemselves
themselves apt learners In country countryhouses countl7houses countrybosom
houses and villas UIu just t outside Benin Beninthere Btrllthere Brsuithere
there is a steadily growing Wlng demand demauul so sothe sothe sothe
the papers sly for unmarried male ser servants norvants r rV1lUts ¬
vants or widowers wl ew to assist in the house household housebold household ¬
hold duties as girls will not long Ion > re remain re remain remain ¬
main in places where tie opportunity opportunityexist oPP opportunityexists rtuntty rtunttyexi8
exists exist for theatergoing thea nb dances and andslml andslmlJar simi similar sledlar ¬
lar gayedea gayedea3lrs gsyetlesMrs etl etlJlrli
Mrs Terrell 311sqnotoil 311sqnotoilIn
In the t o talk with Mrs Mary Church Tyr Tyrrell Tr Trrell TrrIi ¬
rell printed in I yesterdays 7 S Issue of The TbaWashington TNWasitandOD TheWashington
Washington Herald Hen she was wa erroneously erroneouslymade orronecmlilrmade erroneouslymade
made to say y that l when site was ap appointed appointed p pJIIOlnted ¬
pointed to teach teach in the colored high highschool Idthschool highschool
school nineteen nll1e een years ago a < o she found Toundthat foundthat roundthat
that the elder Cardozo C o had been removed removedfrom removodfrom removedfront
from its principafehip What she did didsay didaay tildsay
say was that be was principal when she sheentered Iheonter sheentered
entered onter the school as teacher Dr DrMontgomery DrMont DrMontgomery
Mont Montgomery omery succeeded him later laterGasoline laterGnsolll1e laterGasoline
Gasoline Explosion Damages House iloascThe HouseThe louse louseThe
The residence of Robert H H Edwards Edwudstl9
819 Mal3la Maryland d avenue northwest was s ser serously ser seroUlly ncrously
ously damaged yesterday afternoon by byth b bthe bythe
th the explosion o OL a gasoline stove in the thebasement thobAsement thebasement
basement The flames spread rapidly rapld td tdhouse tboWIe t thouse
house and ad furniture The loss Is placed placedat
at 300 0o The building bulldbtSs is s owned own by byEllen byEllen tyEllen
Ellen N Snowden Sttow en of 910 mGlassnehusGtts mGlassnehusGttsnenle IU Massachusetts Massachusettsavenue Massthuettsavenue
avenue northwest Darn Dtmlte ee U 11qr partly y COY covered COYcred coyered ¬
ered J by insurance
Canal Commission Ends Discrimina Discrimination Dlscrlmlnntlon Discrimination ¬
tion in Shipment of Supplies SuppliesAs Suppliesthe
As the result of a conference which whichcertain whichcertain whichcertain
certain prospective bidders for construe construction con construetion truo truotlon ¬
tion work on the Panama Canal had a afew nfew afew
few days ago with 1th Secretary Taft and andSecretary andSecretary andSecretary
Secretary Root Root the Isthmian I tbmlan Canal Com CommisGlon Commission Cornmission
mission has announced several changes changesin
in the form of the contract contractThe contractThe I
The most important of those th Is tie tji one onesought onenought I Isouht
sought by Southern ports particularly particularlyNew IJIlrtlcularlyNew particularlyNew
New Orleans Orlwherebr whereby the discrimination discriminationin
in favor of New York in the matter of ofthe orthe ofthe
the shipment of supplier for employes employesand employosAnd ompioyosand
and their families is abolished bohed The Tk orig ¬
inal contract provided that such sup supplies supp1les supplies ¬
plies should have the advantage advanta of half halfrates halfmtee halfrntes
rates over the steamship lines of the thecommteslii theeommJatn thecommn
commteslii As these th ships ply between betweenNew 1 elwMnNew betweenNew
New York and 114 Colon practically all sup supplies supple up uppRos ¬
plies would would by reason of the reduction reductionin
in rates rat be purchased In it New N York The Thechange TheClwlle Thechange
change in the contract abolishes the haif haifrate bIIitrate ha harate
rate tariff on supplies suppliesSeveral euppllesSeveral suppliesSeveral
Several other minor changes ehan wore made madeIn madeIn medsIn
In the phraseology phrueol or the contract to tomeet tomeet tOmeet
meet the thetprospective view vie of prospective bidders biddersHIS bIddenIDS biddersHIS
Frank MeRcury Arrested After De Detective DeteetiTe Dctcctive ¬
tective Bureau In Warned WarnedFrank WarnedFrank VnrnedFrank
Frank AIcHeary altos lias St Louis LouisWhitey LoutlWhitey LouisWIdtey
Whitey was arrested < yesterday as the thero thereult theresult
ro result ult of a warning wand sent to the detective detectivebureau detectiveburGau detectiveborcau
bureau that he was representing himself himselfas hlm eIt eItIlS
as S a government employs ploe buying up mules mulesfor mutesfor mulesfor
for use in Panama Detectives Cornwall Cornwalland CornwellaDd Cornwallaiid
and Mueller arrested McHenry on onsylvania Penn Pennsylvania ¬ i isylvania
sylvania avenue last night after he had hadtold hadtold hadtold
told several persons his III story tor about his htegovernment IemnMftl hisgoercment
government emnMftl connection and had at the thesame theme thesame
same me time UrM it te said been quite anxious anxiousto
to have a cheek or two twoWhen cashed cashedWhen cashedWhen
When questioned ed at the detective head headquarters headquarte headquarters ¬
quarters quarte McHenry acid aiel that he was In hiWashington InW inWashington
Washington W ubJton to the hope that he might mightfind miCtltftnd mightlied
find employment as s a waiter as his phy physical pft pftsteal p117sical ¬
sical condition would not permit his doing doingany dolo doloany doingany
any heavy work He stated that he had hadbeen hadbeen
been employed eJI1p107 a as a waiter walt in a well wellknown wellknown wellknown
known resort In New Turk MeRcury McFlenrythirtytwo te teI isthirtytwa
I thirtytwo years of otFREIGHT age ageFREIGHT ageFRBIGIIT
Transportation Companies Concede ConcedeAbout OonoedeAbout ConcedeAbout
About Everything Asked AskedHoard AskedDonrl AskedBoard
Hoard of Trade Decline to Appoint AppointCommittee 1ploiutCommittee PlwlntOommlttee
Committee for Formation of ofJoint ofJoInt ofJoint
Joint Social Clnb ClnbAt ClulAt CmiAt
At yesterdays meeting flleetID of the board of ofdirectors ofc ofdirectors
directors c cf the Shippers and Jobbers JobbersAssociation J JohbercAsSOCIatIOn enA8
Association A8 the freight committee COInU COInUa mad mada made madea
a report upon tbe freight service rrlce just in installed JD JDaaIJed installed ¬
stalled In the Potomac yards at Four FourmBe PourMIle Iournib
MIle nib Rim him TIM committee was able to totM as asfcurc assure
sure the hoard Ill that most n of the things thingsfor th thingslou I8JI I8JItor
for which bleb the Jobbers J and Shippers 5fpqy 5fpqymeintlots As AsMemtioa A AIOdatJc
Memtioa a had been contending S had JuIdIrftt been beenir beenwet
ir wet + t ta the th new arrangements arrangementsIn JTIUICIt1l1 JTIUICIt1l1la
In brief tile system 1s this A general generalbilling poenJbIUtn generalbilling
billing offlce for freight f t ta transit either eitherway eltbftW7 eitherway
way between the North aM nd d the South Southhas SoaUtbaa SOUthhas
has been ntabl established bed at the yards yanILpaeral A Ageneral Ageneral
general superintendent accountants and andsome aDftacnDty andsome
some seventy hilling clerks are employed employedhere OIRPIOYIdhere ed edhere
here The omce omo te in the nature of a ad a4houee a014ilbOue
014ilbOue d u1gbou 4houee e for the bills of the roads roadsermtnatrag roacbellldMttaa mudsertIng
ermtnatrag on the south bank of the thePotomac lbeoma thePescmsc
Potomac oma and of those from the North Northvith Northvltlt Northvith
vith flues 1Ir running runnln late the yards yardsIt pntaIt yazsIt
It was explained that freight out of ofWaahiogtoa ofWaaJdactoB ofWashington
Washington wMHit t I the station stationte doe doeSlNtb tfo tfoIs
te Smtth Waehhfrtssi Wssbhui trnntedlaWfr hessaMIa L 111 after attarodoelt C Coetee 6oeIok
oetee each day V billed te the tMfnlPt tMfnlPtyanI freight freightyard freightyard
yard once miles There it will he reMlted reM to tothe teLhe tothe
the Hue It over ivhlch hieh It te to be beand dcMverwt dcMverwtand deftvrsdand
and dispatched on its way before 10 10oclock 10dock Iioc1ock
oclock dock It was explained eXJ that Washing Washington Washingto ¬
to ton freight will II be delivered at paints paintsithm p81ateVithln pestsithlu
Vithln ithm a hundred red miles of Washington WashingtonvUfeln WulduPAmwltbln Washingtonwithin
within twentyfour hours from the time it itte ItIII Itis
te loaded in South Washington WashingtonIt Wub WubIt
It was further said that freight from frompoint flOltlpe6atp fromtp
point tp to the North must go through thro the thesame ueprocaa thename
same process of rebilttng a as that sent at out outof outof outof
of Washington W It to claimed that Wash Washington WastaI Washingt ¬
ington I ingt will thus tit have several hours 11M 11Mft8ap ad advantage advantage ¬
vantage over Its Northern rivals maILtII 9ven 9venin IkoriIn
in brokenlot cars can It is I said the Wash Wubla Washlngtoo Washington ¬
too la consignment COD nae8t will have ba ve the same sameadvantages aIMhta nameadvantages
advantages s as those accorded aeeo to the thecaa same sameclass sensecla
class cla of freight from tro more distant t point pointTbe potau potauThe palateThe
The committee tu said to 0 the board that thatapparently tbatrently thatapparently
apparently rently the transportation tJaUlMna companies companieshave COI8 COI8bave companieshave
have now conceded all that the associa association UIIOdaUoIa sasodaLieu ¬
Lieu had ha < contended for in the way of bet better bet better bettsr ¬
ter freight Iu service serviceAt llerviceAt serviceAt
At yesterday meeting of the board a acommunication aUJdcaUoo acosnisunleatIos
communication UJdcaUoo was read from the tJMdeat presi prtdent president ¬
dent of the Board rd of Trade declining dcIhuhi to toappoint toaPlObat toappoint
appoint a committee to consider Jointly Jointlywith Jo Itbwllh JolatlyWith
with the other trade bodies bod the U praised proposition MOfNMIIdoll praisedUoa ¬
doll to establish a commercial dub for foroctal foroeIal
octal 1 purs purposes sees in the city cityPresident ctt cttPreJddelll cityPresident
President Bell announced the comniots comniotscommittee eompioteeoaqgJtee cempietscommittee
committee for the retail board of the theJobbers UteJobbfon theJbbrrs
Jobbers and Shippers Association AuodatJottJM1WIded a aprovided as asprovided
provided for at the previous meeting of oftbo DCtbo ofthe
tbo board of directors the be names an announced aaaotmeed announced ¬
nounced being beba D J 1 Kaufman chairman chairmanW
W V P Van Winkle Sigmund SI uDCI Kahn B B l C CGraham CGmam CGraham
Graham and T I Donnelly Donnell On motion motionof OtIoitof motioOof
of Monroe Luchs Luc It was determined to tos4d toadd toadd
add five additional names to the retail retailboard retailbeard retailbeard
beard In order more mo fully to cover the thefield theAeld theAdd
field of retail trade In the city cityA dtA cityA
A general plan for the establishment of ofa ora ofa
a shoeJobbing Jobbtac house was discussed at attome at101M atsome
tome length b and a committee ooneiting ooneitingof centl tI tIof
of Monroe Lucas B F GUT and Wood Woodworth Woetlworth Woodworth
worth Clum was appointed to go to toLynchburg toLynebburg toLynchburg
Lynchburg and confer with a manufac manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer ¬
turer there tbEl in the hope of establishing a awholesale awholesale awholesale
wholesale house in Washington WashingtonMES Wa8hinl1onMRS WashingtonMRS
Nervous Prostration Follows Attacks Attackson
on Her II r husband by Press Prc8PhJla4epbta PressPhiladelphIa I IPhiladelphia
Philadelphia Nov 1 IIt It was announced announcedfrom announcedfrom nouDe d dfrom
from the 1 stage tase of Institution Hall to tonight tonight tonight ¬
night that Mrs Silas 511a C C Swallow is lying lyingat 11n 11nut lyingat
at deaths tits door as the result r lt of nervous nervousprcvtreHon 1IenOUpraetntJon netvaneprcsetrntlon
prcvtreHon brought t on by the attacks attacksmad attacksma attacksmad
mad ma on her iet husband by newspapers newspapersActs newspaporsActs newspapersActs
Acts as Trustee T rultec Under Will or orby orby orby
by Private Agreement AgreementAMERICAN AgreementAJERICAN AgreementAMERICAN
3000000 Caplhl CaplhlSurplus Cap1bt1Surplus CajJSurplus
Surplus 1600000 1600000Nertftwest 1600000Nerthwest v vNarthwest
Narthwest Corner of ofFifteoBth orFifteOft ofFifteenth
Fifteenth FifteOft t and Pennsylvania Avenue AvenueDIRECTORS AenueDIRECTORS AvenuelRECTORS
I UfltsB 11 B ASec ASecCbMkalBeK Ailorlades illaartn
CbMkalBeK CbMkalBeKSmmlS lades 1 1teU 1teUUIIIIJIImt PefiBosh
UIIIIJIImt UIIIIJIImtSnII Bosh P fllsuet fllsuetSnassi
SmmlS SnII So S Pmdttt PmdtttWflHw ndIAItiat BusaitWiUlaus
AItiat AItiatwam
WflHw M Itw Gsaif GsaifW 0 0w
W nftar ft rio cr Dartfe DartfeGecige D
I Gecige T INadop INadopRobert nIapRoet Doslaplan
Robert DC Dcnq DcnqJalMl raan raanJams
Jams E rttca rttcaunitMi
unitMi 11 lan j ptatacr ptatacrDaaMFfatcr fI1IICIaIfD FhthnDieM
DaaMFfatcr DaaMFfatcrJata D DieM Fr FrJ FausrJebMlleart
Jata J JebMlleart JebMlleartI 8 JI 11 11Oerqe IletrrU IletrrUOtors
I Otors 4lnr F H UDent urn t
Dent 1I1trt
Jolla A K Kw Kiass Kiass3t
w 3t R it leI leIJfft4 kLeasYsed
Fmi A Voter VoterCaleb l1DerCaWt lIUe lIUecahib
Caleb J 1 MUM MUMMattfe 1U 1Uud IftacIaitki
Mattfe F JIttrrte JIttrrtedattoeeF 3ftirIeCIIInace 3ierrkQlaance
dattoeeF CIIInace P Pc Nonatat NonatatXrita YomwnntC
c C s sIJroD S Neyse NeyseMyron
Myron II 1 I 1want Iadey IadeyWard > a < fcer fcerTwak
want lIIGND lIIGNDIf Therm1st
Twak If < V tUeussr VaadtiBa VaadtiBaHew
Hew 11 VMtt VMttJob Wel WelP W11Jobs
Job Jobs F MHcM WllkImH7 MHcMHSBCT ItkiM1I11117
HSBCT A 1 WHkrd WHkrdJowj V3I4LT4Joiaisk tDanl tDanlJafepk
Jafepk Jowj Wrfeht
His IjsDaughters ai Daughters by Former Wife Are AreAll AreAll AreAll
All Disinherited DisinheritedTestator DisinheritedTedntol DisinheritedTeatator
Testator VIm KcRitlcil Ue idell in TVrnnIiin TVrnnIiintou Washing Washington nIl1lInl nIl1lInlton
ton Was V the Largest Iurgcs Farm Lnnil LnnilOwner lnnlIOner 4andOwner
Owner in thc the World WorldISverythinff WorldEverythIng orId
I II II IEnrytbhts I I
EverythIng to his wile and nothing nothingwlwtover nothingwhatuver i iwltatover
wlwtover to Ids chlWren cla dreR Is the sum and andsubstance aMsubstnnoe andsubstance
substance of the hurt win and testament testamentof
of William lUlam Scully ScuU who according to i istatement l8tawment t tstatement
statement lied yesterday 3e with ith the will willnt willnt willat
nt the Registrars office died October Octoberlast 28 28last elast
last while press pros a dispatches lapato e at the time timeof tiMeoC timeof
of his death place tile day da of Me demise demineaa d du demiseas
aa October IS Ii The will hi dated April Aprtll Aprillam
22 lam l 1 and is witnessed w DeIIIIed by Jackson n Hal Raiston RaJstan Halston
ston Frodetlck Ilro er1ek L SIddons and Harvey HarveyT Bary BaryT
T WlnfleM WlnfleMThe WinfieldThe WinfleidThe
The testator who to better known as asLord 88rord asLord
Lord William l1Itt Scully and who before beforehis berorehis beforehis
his death t l was reputed to be one of the therichest therl therichest
richest rl tSt owners of farm land ht this eave country eavet17 eonStry ¬
try In his will first caneels and revokes revokesaJl revok revokaU revokessit
sit wills will eodielte e and other testamentary uKtamentarydispositions tastaJwentarydlsposftJotM testamentarydispositions
dispositions heretofore made by him himHe himHe bbsHe
He approves appro and confirms all gifts and andconveyances aaclconveyWlOllS andconveyances
conveyances of ot all property of whatever whateveri wbatevernature whatevernature
i nature whether already tPeis ren or that be beUML1 hemay
may hereafter give or convey IOn loowey or hand handever bandYer handOpel
ever Yer to Ms sen Thomas and his wife wifeAngela E EAngela LAngela
Angela Scully in his lifetime having hartafgreat haTinSr8Rt havinggreat
great r8Rt oonMonee in horM her The testsUor testsUorsays tctatOrsays r rys
says ys HI I believe I Ide d do now own no prop property ItrOPertT prepartI ¬
erty of any kind outside the United UnitedStates UnitedStat tTnhtedStats
States Statesi Stat Statsro
i StatTo To have and to hold for or her own ab absolute absolute absolute ¬
solute use 118 he gives to his wife every everything flVerytbIagIAelU everythingIncluding ¬
thing tbIagIAelU thingIncluding including ID real I estate and heredita hereditaments beredttameatll isereditameats ¬
meats with appurtenances altPuru and also all allpersonal allJef8ODl allpersonal
personal estate tc money moDe securities MCarlU rights rightschoeee rllbgchoMi rightschaise
choeee m 1ft action actions claims or orTIte demands demandsThe 4ndaThe
The ehunw which disinherits his chil children chltdreR chlldress ¬
dress reeds ree 1 I leave my three daughters daughtersby 4aapt 4aaptDr
by my liNt wife Mary and Julia J bothoC both bothof bothof
of whom as I bear bave been mar married marrlecI marred ¬
red and Kathleen and to their child childchildren ebIJdclltldru childchildren
children and descendant nta each of them themnothing themnotbt themnothing
nothing notbt whatever wba My y win and meaning meaningbeing mean meanHIIa meaningbeing
being HIIa absolutely Iutely and entirely to duly duonhetlt 41ah1bertt dulybout
bout aU and each oc the three dI of them themand tbeaaand themand
and their child children and descendants descendantsI
I do this for superabundant n reasons reasonswhich JfJU reasonswhich 8 8wblch
which I forbear f to particularize here I Irecommend IItowewr Irecommend
recommend however Kathleen the theyoungest the7ot1t1 theyoungest
youngest of them to the kind consWera consWerattott CONIIderaUota conelderatic
ttott tic of my MM dear wife B B Angela AngelaScatty Aa AngelaSeufty 1a 1aSeaIb
Scatty but I leave my m said wife abso absolutely abIIolulelr shealately ¬
lately free and unfettered uafelt UnfetteredFilo therein thereinMt tMJreaftfIt
Mt Filo wife te appointed sole guardian Iaa of ofhte of1da ofhis
his son Frederick during < his minority minoritywithout JDJaortt JDJaorttv1Uaout
without bond and he furthermore ap appoints apo apopoIDLa appoints ¬
points his wife F C W Koehnle and andFred andlred andFred
Fred Trapp both of Lincoln LhacoIn in and his htoyounge h h7OUftC hisyoungest
younge youngest t 8un Frederick when he shall be become bfo bfo00IDe become ¬
come of age executors e = uton of tile will He Helimits HeHmlta Heflmhts
limits any 0 bond or security that any of ofthem orUIeM ofthent
them may give l in any capacity to a sum sumnot RMJIOt sinsnot
not exceeding exceed exceedne fCtt fCttThe O OThe
The estate tat estimated UlDated to be worth be between be betw betweca ¬
tween tw one and three million dollars a agreat aeat agreat
great part of the property is supposed to tohave toba tohave
have ba e b ke eo deeded away prior to Scullys Scullysdeath Scully4eatla ScuIlyadeath
death It te believed that h he owned 4MCO 4MCOeres 1OiOacres 0 0aefta
acres eres In Central Illinois iOiQS ttt in NebraskaM Nebraska aIII
M M In Kansas and 4 in Missouri MissouriLord KowLLonI thaourlLord
Lord Scully had been a legal I resident of ofthe ctJae f ftiss
the District of Columbia COlum and spent sev several as asera ¬ i
eral era winters here he Some months ago he hepurchased 1MpurebaMd hepurchased
purchased a Sine house at 1 Htt Sixteenth Sixteenthstreet ShntIIreet SIxteenthstreet
street reet from William B Gurley Although Althoughhe a abe
he liked this city its It climate did not notagree Dotagree notagree
agree with wi Mm bim and he leased his place placeto placeto placeto
to Senator Algvr of Michigan who now nowholds rIt nowholds
Italian Itnllnv Wife WIfeDanghters Ue Danghtcrx Da JhturUIII unit Strong StronffBorcx StronKDoxes StrongBoxcs
Borcx All 11 MissIng MlsslnerNew MissIngNew 1I1i5In 1I1i5InNew
New York Nov L LAJanaeII Ahtrmed eW vor the thefailure tiletallUft thefailure
failure of the bank at to open and aDdqaen SMbse SMbseqoenUy ash ashquently
qoenUy qaen 1 learnhig that two safes containing coatainmgtheir coaWDlalrtbeiT containingtheir
their money together with the banker bankerhte bukerhta bankerhis
his wife and three daughters da had mys mysteriously MterIoueb myeterlously ¬
teriously disappeared diea a mob of ofbUDdrcd several severalhundred severalhundred
hundred stormed the private pri hank of An Angek JIMlo Angelo
gek > Oompetfello IK I Navy street atreet Brook Brooklyn Brookday ¬
lyn 17 today day and the pollee lemnes wen wencaBed wencalled weretafled
called out to stop the riot riotOompetfeno riotOompedel1o riotCompedello
Oompetfeno who Is an agent t for see several MYeral seeeral ¬
eral steamship Ilirm mtss fc anpposid te have havehad burrhad Tt Tt11M
had about sun m the bank test night nightRumors II IIRumora ugP ugPRumors
Rumors that be had been bIeaa threatened by bya bya
a bIackba blackbaad hand had been drculatad drculatadand clnulla clnullaan sircuintadand
and an < when the depositors found the door doorckwed cIoohclo doorsclosed
closed today the report that there tMnttloUbM wax waxtrouble wastrouble
trouble spread rapfdty nt A mob of men menand IIMIIUMl mensad
and women soon surrounded the butldtns butldtnsA buIWImrA buftdinA
A door was forced and It was then tbeucowre die discovered diecovered ¬
covered < thai the two huge safes bad been beenremoved bequvecl beenremoved
removed removedA
A number of the men rushed to the thebankers thebaakw thebankers
bankers baakw home hums and were mfonaed by bythe b7the bythe
the janitor that CompstteUe and his tam family fa1aII tamliy ¬
ily II bad left several hours before doretbJal When Whenthte Whenthl
thte thl new new wa Wd repeated to the thetbJODp waiting waitingthrongs wultingthrongs
throngs wild scenes followed Women Womentrying Womenry1u VOlDenhtcrb1b
trying ry1u hysterically encouraged the angry angrymen AD f7to angrymoo
men to attack the building But their theirMarch tlaelrlCh theirsearch
March lCh revealed nothing tMB < of value valueAccording vahleAttOrdlq valueAccording
According to James P Petti PettI who whoa has hasa baaa
a cafe on the tb opposite corner a van con conveying eonn7lag conveying ¬
veying the sign gn safe te movers entered enteredCompeteiUos eawredeorapetdlJo enteredCompeteillos
CompeteiUos bank and removed the safes safesthte sat satt satesthis
this t b morning morningThe mommSmob morningThe
The mob had by this tIIi time became vV vVtent t tlent viilent >
tent lent and the police reserves with drawn drawnclubs draw drawclut drawnclubs
clubs charged and dispersed it itSHUBERTS it itSHUBERTS ILSHUBERTS
SHUBERTS GET 25000 25000Gonrt 25000Court 25OOOCourt
Court Awards AUnr Parents = that Sum for forDeath torDonUl forDoath
Death of Theatrical Manager ManagerNew lUauagerNew ManagerNew
New York Nov 1A verdict of ofdamages i idama 3MM 3MMdamages
damages dama was given tven this afternoon by the thejury theJ17 thejury
jury that heard the evidence in the case caseof cueof caseof
of David and Catherine Shubert against againstthe a1Mttho againstthe
the Pennsylvania Railroad 4 Company CompanyThe CompanThe CompanyThe
The plaintiffs pll JltUIs asked t LJ6GS 46M damages tar tlltrthe tarthe r rthe
the death of 0 their son Sam S S Shubert Sbu Ute tbetheatrical UtetttrleaI thetheatrIcal
theatrical manager who was burned to todeath tedeath todeath
death in the Hmtoburg H Pa wreck v1eOItNeemHr on onNovember onNovember
Did Not ot Attempt to Voice Opinion of ofPresident ofPrCHldcnt ofPresident
President Roosevelt RooseveltBorlin RoolluneItBerftD RooseveltBcsrftu
Borlin Nov o 1 tProf Prof Burgess denies deniesthat deniesthat deniesthat
that what h he saM in his address at atthe athe atthe
the he university October 2f i about the Mon Monroe MooToe OD ODroe ¬
roe Doctrine and protection was w In any anyway anywa anyway
way wa meant to reflect the views iev i5 of Pres President PresIdent ProsIdent ¬
ident Roosevelt on those topics He did didnot didnot didnot
not ay anything that could convey such suchan sucban suchan
an Impression ImpressionOn
On the contrary he believed that whllo whllothe whikthe hll hllthe
the President is in favor of tile tariff ho howas h hwas hwas
was a strong stroa upholder upbold of the Monroe MonroeDoctrine MonroeDoclrlM MonroeDoctrine
Doctrine though only to tne extent that thutno thatfto thatIto
no fto European power should acquire new newterritory newterrlton newterritory
territory In th the Western Hemisphere HemisphereProf aemlapbereITOr hemisphereProf
Prof Burgess Bu considers that protection protectionand protectionsna protectinniwl
and the Monroe Doctrine are antiquated antiquateddoctrines aDUquat antlciuateddocuinan d ddocUlnes
doctrines and an examination or o his hisviews hisviews hisviews
views will lead to the discussion of them themby thlmby themby
by American politicians politiciansSecretary poHtlcianaSeeretnrT politiciansSecretary
Secretary aietcalf nt Oakland OaklandOaWand OnliInndOJlklaDd OaklandOakland
Oakland Cal O O r L LSecretar Secretary Vic Victar Ylet8r e etar
tar H Metcalf of the Donnrunant D iWlrmttll1t of ofCommerce efCCUlunerce ofCommerce
Commerce anu Labor has arrived at ived from fromW fromWa8bInt fromWheblngtou
Wa8bInt W 8hmgtoa a and will fit remain maitl here with withrelatives withreiattyes withrelatives
relatives until tomorrow when wile he w wproceed wpr9ceed weed
proceed eed to San Francisco where u lie will willbegin wfUn willbegin
begin n his Inquiry into the action of the thejun theMn theiifl
jun Francisco Fraucl co boar of education in ex excluding excluolng cxclueing ¬
clueing Japanese JaPRn and other Orientate Orientatefrom Orie Oriefrom Onleutsisfrom
from the regular schools and assigning assigningthem atl81gnlngthem assigningthem
them to a school s et t apart for Orientate OrientateHerald OrfentalHcraId OrlentalsHerald
Herald Want nnt Ads Adawill Adswin tdaWill
will b bi received rooeiv d at F P Wallers Phar Pharmacy Pharmacy Pharlacy ¬
macy 3i 353 M st nw and promptly for forwarded to towarded ¬
warded to the main offlca OU1C
near and trusted tr1I ted has stolen the money moneyfrom moneyfrom Qey Qeyfrom
from her She a bays say she now has pro protected proI protooted ¬
tooted t = oed herself from fro m all I unknown bur burglare burpars burs
glare s by bavin having her daughter dauter Mrs F FRMell lRalleJl FDvsselt
RMell steep noxt nXt to her and with doors doorsbatted doorabelte doorshefted
batted battedShe heftedZb
She Zb also deniM dni a reported loss lossat 1056at leesat I
this connection she siteys shesay
at Atlantic City In i iI
say I die merely lft rel19tt left her pocket book m mher titDr lither
her rolling chair which purse of course coursewas eotnseWItS coursewas
was never r recovered recoveredMrs reeovcredJlrH recoveredMrs
Mrs Russell Robbed RolibedAlso RobbedA18o RobbedAhe
Also she wishes wls to state that he hedaughter he1 he1daughter
daughter Mrs lS Russell ha has bad sun s SflrnO of ofmoney 01 01JINHNIY ofmoney I
money taken rom 10111 her lately latelyThte latelynIB latelyThis
This nIB statement ata ent te given by Mrs lrs Alex Alexander AlexaDder Alexandes ¬
aDder personally as the true version of oftbto ofthis 1
this u affair and as such she wishes the thematt thomaUr thematter
matt matter r to rest restMrs rentMrs
Mrs 18 Hayes Hay then joined the tII group anu anushe 8ft 8ftbe anushe
she naked with her sister in 1 saying stiin that thattue tbttne thattime
time above statement 111 and all ai that would wouldbe w8Uldbe wouldbe
be given out in reference rater to tilt mat matter matter matStSr ¬
ter teri it i was w pointed out that no explanation explanationwas
was vouchsafed for the most peculiar peculiarpart peewiarrt pecuttarpart
part rt of the whole traneaetion trajtonetioflt50 n tne re refusal refteaI reAtoal ¬
fusal to allow tao pollee to enter the thecase theaute thecane
case Their attention was w called to > < e efact etaet efact
fact that 1C Ie as a said 0 there was no ground groundfor groundtor groundfor
for suspecting any sn one on near ita and trusted trustedthere trustedthere rue1 rue1there
there ought to be no objection to per permitting permltLbl permlttiog ¬
mitting mltLbl the police to discover d er ue guilty guiltyparty guiltyparty ntT i
party as they claimed they were able ableto ablet ableto
to do dors doATs I InJ
nJ rs Alexander A aM was toW that t Lie e very verypttraoee veryMIr1 verypurpose
purpose for which she issued the state statement stateJMDtof statemeatof ¬
ment JMDtof of ending further discussion of the thecase theeuewould thecasewould
case euewould would be deteau and that specu speculation specutaUoa spoonmUon ¬
lation must continue if the strange de dei de dere desire
i sire re for secrecy were not explalne expialneMrs explalneN explalnehim
Mrs N Alexander then stavted to say that thatshe t thatshe at atme
she stopped the police because she found foundthey fGUDdUNy foundthey
they were trying to fasten tbe guilt on onsome onRear onoume
some on near to her when w sh she was in interrupted mbF interrupted ¬
terrupted by Mrs Hays who exclaimed exclaimedOh ex exOIl exdabmdOh
OIl Oh jast J say we wished te avoid the thenotoriety tJMnotortety theot
notoriety ot
History IUstor of the Case CaseThis CnecTb CaseThis
This silenced Mrs X Alexander who whofurther whofurther
I Ifarther
further refused letUi to give any details as to tothe totI tothe
the robbery of Mrs Russell 1 which had hadnever hadnever hadnever
never been made public before tON This end ended ended ended ¬
ed th elM interview mterviewInquiry ba baIJMlutl interviewInquiry
Inquiry at the Seventh product police policestatfoa polleeatadoll policestation
station then brought out an a Interesting mtertetlnghistory fatere Interestingb1ator 1
b1ator history of the case from fro CtpL Snyder SnyderTbe SftderThe SnyderThe
The first robbery of 1KG W WM reported reporUdto relOr relOr1M
to me about sfcc c wash ago saM the tbecantata thecaptain
I cantata Some one e wnoee wIIoIe name i o not notlearn DOtI notlearn
learn called can me no on the telephone at atheadquarters atbeadquartera atheadquarters
headquarters and asked m 11M to investigate investigatetbe iuYMUptethe Investigatethe
the matter two I detailed cle Ued Otftcer Grove He Hewent H Hwent Hewent
went to the Alexander noose hoaH but when he hegot hegot
I got there t be was told that there was noth nothing nothlug ¬
lug to be d done oe that Mrs Alexander aid aidnot JIdnot Id Idnot
not wish to prosecute the matter i 1 was wasnot wasJtOt wasnot
not satisfied however and having received receivedf receivedfurther
i f further urttter informattoa biter ter m III the t evening eftbl I Ii IWIOe Iwrote
i wrote a letter to a certain j 12rty rty whose whosename ename whosename
name I am not at alilbert liberty to make public publicasktac pubUeukJJIII publicasking
asktac that person to call and se ass me 1 1did IIId 1411d
did not even state for what whatTh1a purpos purposThis purpoesThIs
This party did not appear at tOe tOedon ate station atetion ¬
tion the next day however and ao I went wentto wentto
to th home myself accompanied panIed by byOOcar B B0tIIeer byOOIest
OOcar Fnnr I found tile person to whom whomI
I had written tbare and I wag wa ked aakedwhy kedwlQ nakedwhy
why I requested tile mtervjew Tbe Tb par party part7 party ¬
ty was much brokM up s dtodaJmed bMd an anknowteds anknowlede allknowledge
knowledge of the case ease without wttlaoutneb my img imggesdng suggeeting
gesdng such a a thing and I understand understandafterward 1DIdentaradatteWa1d understandafterward
afterward became hysterical hystericalNo caL caLo
No co o Trace of Burglars BurglarsI
I was shown wn into the kitchen lcbea which whichwas whtebin whichWas
was In great disorder with withupeet everything everythingupset everythinguliset
upset and overturned as if a burglar burglarbad borgiainllUNlCk burglarbad
bad ransacked nllUNlCk tbe room I was told the tbewindow thewbadow thewindow
window bad been found open the morn momteg mornIe mornlag
lag Ie after the alleged aJJe burglary and tb tbcook tho thocook thcook
cook said positively tively she remembered Jock locking JockIDI Jockhtg ¬
ing the window the night ni t before beforeTbe beforeTIM beforeTbe
Tbe closest c clese examination < ndaaUoo however howeverfailed hewevertat howevertailed
failed tat to reveal any tracer tr ee of the win window wiatI window ¬
dow bate being foceed open I told them I Iwas Iwall Iwarn
was eonvtooed the theft had It bees ea com committed COtDau cotsmitted ¬
mitted au by some oa one on the inside The Thenight TheDtcbt Thenight
night before bel ore when Officer Grove G had been beenat He1Iat beenat
at tbe house some one suggested g that thatevery tlaatevery thatevery
every one in the house be searched 3Mftbed but butthis Mattills hutthis
this of course be declined to do under undertbe 1iDftrthe underthe
the circumstances ctrcumstanceaI ftaDeM ftaDeMI
I I WM salted te drop the matter and did dNu
010 5 u far as nubile pub 1e Investigation was s con conftfHid oonnnt muWant
ftfHid >
Want nnt to Avoid oltl Public PubUcU PubUcUJut Publicity PublicityI4urn 5 5Jftst
Jut Monday Moods I was again notified over overtbe Oertile aterthe
tile phone by some me one that another anotherrobbery anotbtrtaJcn anothertobbery
robbery bad taken place CW s o beans being tak taktblr taktJ takas takaslhk
tblr time Stfjgt Wayftm w wu a sent to to tov fa fanaUpte InvisUgate
naUpte v atigate but be had no more JnOntthaR socoea socoeathan susthn
than we had before 1M H Uw He saw Mrs Alex Alexander Alexa Alexnuder ¬
ander a and one of her grandmas who told toldhim toldhim toldhitu
him they would like to get the money moneyback JDGDeyaek moneyback
back but did not want any 7 publicity and anddid anddid anddid
did not want any arrests a made I declined declinedto
to act under such conditions of course courseand CiOUrBeUiJ
and 541 there the matter was dropped droppedOfflcers droppedOIilcerz
Offlcers from Ute detective det tJve < bureau were werealso wereaI80 werealso
also detailed on the case cue but their ef efforts dfurta effurta ¬
furta were also blocked by the familys fuaIIr1itll tamilysrfmai familysrefosal
refosal to allow an investigation I IIrrtc was wascertain warnlafenued
Irrtc lafenued JM1 viitely that If 1 1IeUC searched a aceIIa acertaIn
certain room te taM boos I would find findthe Iadthe dadthe
the money but I could not t do that tbteither thateither t teither
either That ended tbe t th ca coe for forWbUe ue ueWhile usWhil
While Whil tile police are now out of It It it itIs itfa itii
Is not bettered I the attair te ended Cer Certalr Cortab Certab
tab members melD of the fiamily ar see said to tohave toba tohave
have ba stated ted they wlH not be satisfied tWeCI until untilthe wtUth untilthe
the th mystery is cleared up and Ute guilty guiltyparty guiltyparty
party brought t to Justice They intimate IDtII8atetile Intimatethey intimatethey
they may be forced to take drastic ac action ae aeUca acticn ¬
tion through tbrou efforts it is alleged being beingmade beingmade
made to fasten the blame on aa inns innocent laROcellt innscent ¬
cent person personTbe penonThe personThe
The other members of the family aside asidefrom aJddefrom asidefrom
from those already named do not appear appearto appearto appearto
to be taking Ulkl active sides dft in the Strugs struggle struggleAZ
As previously stated the ether three threebe8Idft son sonbesides none nonebesides
besides FendaU Alexander AJu < JMI are dead nIB ThtaIncludes nIBIncludes ThisIncludes
Includes Columbus Colum U8 Alexander jr Harry
H and Dr W O Alexander AlexanderTbe A1eundtrTlae AlexanderThe
The widow of Harry Harr H is now Hvhig at atISM
ISM 1 U street She has no children Dr DrW DrW DrW
W O Alexander bad two children On Onof Onof Qaof
of those Arthur A lives at Florence FlorenceCourt Fl FlorenceCourt reac reacCeurt
Court and is private secretary secre secretAry Lry to the tberecently thereeeaU7 therecently
recently appointed District Judge Jud Robto RobtoDr RobbDr RebisDi
Dr Alexanders s daughter daug ter Louts Alex Alexander AIexaQder Alexslider ¬
slider Jbaagbome e died recently at Rich Richmond RfchJDOD4IYa Richmood ¬
mood JDOD4IYa JDOD4IYaInor Va VaJInyor ViiMayor
Mayor Inor Johnson as lUotormnn lUotormnnCleveland Motormimansevehand Uotorll1anaevelan41
Cleveland < Ohio jsov ov J 1ayqr aayv a John Johnson JOh JOhIon ¬
son was motorman an A A ti Dnpont Dnpontconductor Dupontconductor t tcoaductor
conductor on the first centfare street streetcar ltreetCiSr streetcar
car operated ht Cleveland today Hun Hundreds Hwcrowded Hundred ¬
dreds crowded about the car eager er to be bepassengers bepagels bepassengers
passengers on te rst trip This T1aiIJ1OftOr T1aiIJ1OftOrwas tonor tonorwas ionorwas
was reserved however for city official officialAll oftlclalaAll odiclaisAll
All had their 3 cents ready anu the thefares thetar thefares
fares tar were collected by Mr Dupont while whileMayor whileMaor whileMayor
Mayor Johnson clanged the gong and andturned andturned andturned
turned on the power powerCHRISTIAN powtrG power41b
Martini martlDUptpard Martinih
G h liA ptpard or 11 toe hissesr hissesr1l qual qualIt1
1l It1 iair iartdksti iariI f nl nlh
h I1ni w mUd rnatzdeesdj t d rwdr t0 f now nowk imer en entJa Q1IQ
tJa k teP 1 or to be dnstcd wits coW coWvtlrr eoId1fat addwater
water vtlrri125 1fat
i125 125 bot 75c full pt ptOnly ptOnly ptOnly
Only at 909 7th St StQuality Stquality StQuality
Quality House Phone M 274 274Credit 214I 274Credit
Credit at Cash Prices PricesFor PricesIStylish PricesStylish
Stylish Suits SuitsFor
For men women or children We Wearc Were Weiie
arc iie re showing the newest fall styles stylesperfectly strle strleptrfc stylesrfcctiy
perfectly ptrfc rfcctiy < Uy tailored from elegant ma materials ntateriah nsaterials ¬
terials terialsPay terialsPay
Pay us a little each week weekS weekS
1721 Penna Ave
rt fJ J
Extra Values Valuesin
in inShakerknit in inShakerlnit T
Shakerknit ShakerknitSweaters ShakerlnitSweaters
Sweaters SweatersIf
If you have read the thenewspapers thenewspapers thenewspapers
newspapers even casual casually casually casually ¬
ly you OU will know that thatwool thatwool thatwool
wool has gone up in inprice inprIce inprice
price priceWool prIce priceWool
Wool pure lambs iambswool lambswool
wool of the finest grade gradeused gradeused
used to make sweaters sweatersis
is what these Sweaters Sweatersare
are fashioned of ofWere ofWere
Were it not for the fact factthat factthat
that we saw the rise risecoming risecoming risecoming
coming a year ago and andplaced andplaced
placed our orders at that thattime thattime
time at the then ruling rulingprices rulingprices
prices we could not of offer offer offer ¬
fer these Sweaters at atthese atthese atthese
these prices today todayLight todayLight todayLight
Light weight 350 350Medium 350Medium 350 350Medium
Medium weight 485 485Heavyweight 485Heavy 485Heavy
Heavyweight Heavy weight 600 600Colors 600C 600Colors
Colors C lors Gray white I Wee bMte red redgrayandnavy red redI redgrayandntvy
grayandnavy bkte bkte J fraraa4 fraraa4erhnson fa aa4 aa4crimson d dcrimsoo
I crimson crimsooStyles erhnsonStylct
Styles 511 = Both V Veek eefc a sal i High Hlgbnsck HlgIanck Highnck
nck nwdek nwdekPennx medckakg modeJeaki
medckI I
akg 8 mUmpU11 QinrnpauijPeitna
Pennx Aveav Seventh Strs StrsArd 5lrd 5lrdI 5lrdi SrctStyIe
i StyleQuality StyleQualityrd StyIe = Qua1ity Qua1ityrd
Ard rd a perfect fit is what we guar guarnniff guerante
I ante ant Our Fall all Suitings are high Ugigrad bIsbI highgrade
grad and exclusive Tour inspec inspection lclioll Inspaction ¬
I tion te invited invitedJOHN IIIvltedI invitedJOHN
I Maker 3 ker of Quality Clothes ClothesEstablished ClothesErt ClOthesEstablished
Established Ert bl hed 1884
61820 14th Street N W WWatch WWatch WIIOUSEHOLTi
Watch this rijn dally dillyHOUSE
3 Your hois luntinK days daysff
ff will i > as wnen yu inspect this this6room
6room bik k square of Capi Capitol
= = tol 1 s > quir of Vittt Captol t tS
S Xtragixxi as home or invest investS
S K > nt Prico 12200 Rented at atVS
rma MJUK s sTHIW
TMrstvlwOesRIstx TMrstvlwOesRIstxDIED THIW te fU r m Owi Rutrx RutrxDIED
HXSTQXOa n oxoa II Werdsy i lisrrtr v October 3 19 llN llNmimi ZXUf ZXUfIBL nAJrIKL
mimi BSSTOy B TOX ape irf fortyows fart1 yw ywFWml J8P J8PfIQIa a aFiara1
FWml from th tIM midnce of his II > one oneIWKiMk 1iIUt 1iIUtDdM W WThirtisik
IWKiMk oust mmlton dc Friday Frtdayat KSowssVr KSowssVrI
I met at t J P Po m Xebtivt JtcIati aM ri MoMb frim frimSOWPNSDnztd hwlted hwlted8OWBN8D IMIaIdItOW5N8
SOWPNSDnztd 8OWBN8D imiUd thi tllh tiff t fII fIIl11 Oeteitr OcislarSAM4Jt 8 JK JKSAk4II
SAk4II VKAXCC8 BSTKLLE TLE nOte nOte4tsr 1KWHCHin 1 1f
4tsr in + n tt John 1L 1LlWnaI U 9miM 9miMAMOMth n nnsl
lWnaI nsl hns hn s fIIiIIaIe fIIiIIaIeD OIrsm I t tAosmo
Aosmo AMOMth D C at o FiMw riIIN n Nossh mtji 2 it oS oSrebUns S 2de Sdata
data de Fitani sad ntuJm rebUnss nnhiii te tetasd at atPbiklp
tasd tasdBKOWBKoAKAM J Pbiklp L L MIaIIft MIaIIftGIWl sal Ahes Ahesou
fIl P 1ykisls I Ak In tile siI4 r ral yeartbee
oC tbee tbeePeasel bw e ermm
Peasel rmm l m Satertv Kunaibii KunaibiiCIJQ J l at J JJ1dto4 p a akna
kna 31 J1dto4 iha ItIeK ItIeKcrL4 utkuaat Iutmrat IutmratCrElltStla
crL4 crL4cr >
CIJQ cr CrElltStla B TSOu Oetotar n no noAlflln mk mkVutttmttj J Jy
Vutttmttj Alflln y coum Md nrim nrimrcrorrc PSTJattnRsvrs yg ygtrih4Lr
rcrorrc sei > < dsMrKwa lrrm mn mnKtjBcwl JIMILJI i ilemeni
KtjBcwl fNBi 1 b his Mr roMencv imere MM MMXHT lai at 56 56Iaiy
JIbQa XHT bQa Iaiy Omdu 9muriOe ML J Jt AMsy AMsyDBXISONOe 111 111ha
ha Xoer t 2 at lO 11 ocIoeL ocIoeLDBXlSOXo ociadDilSOOs
DBXISONOe Wew W Wevuy v Oetotar a n 1 1H mm ot ota 1 1WILLIlX
H IN a WIlLIAM O DElft DElftSehJatb DEJH806S at atSeventh 1k shi r
105 Seventh stint atreetV atreetPMaaiil au auytIw i IeiiIa IeiiIaVise
V Vise ViseInmol
PMaaiil fnm Us Li late ntiAemee raidaIceJatI reiMeu w wi esIos
Ios i isibii J JatI JatIinD at t S r aMtDDlltMn m mMAOnffifMw
MAOnffifMw inD Mn MAKY E E MADMEK w t fill fillt et T F
0 t 1 MtMm JI 73 1 St 8toctIt Fad oto at Qiftjill Qiftjilli se seOtitaria
i Onttrto yumt aver mw atne far ss a flhass or cT crlIIIIa crlIIIIaMcM MBK MBKbrr SUm SUmaedhe
aedhe se McM Minis rmlas OcOsby 31 31her
her dstrdxta McMic jmr y ibthawa ibthawaiwrt din harm > j j jmolag ic ics
molag iwrt bntaad ew du i tSf Mn MnMaaftt s x
54 em grandso Maaftt P LeI LeIwit Lea Leaberhea L Ltor
tor wit wit1UItSIULtO berheaXtItSLtLLOsi km
1UItSIULtO 3 AItSHALLOfl WiihiMiiy W OcMir X XWIXI 31 JUS JUlwlNIg JUSToacnl
WIXI wlNIg MItSIULr MItSIULrlaMnI 4tltSUA1iI 4tltSUA1iIFeatial
Toacnl M FuSsy ITunnatui t t st s s p is isXtoKewth seNlasWmtl >
XtoKewth Stmt Poplin Ckwea IMini IMinirtad t lit litTtIIIt is isriadisattead
rtad riadisattead riadisatteadxunturo t attmd attmdXDRPHY0 auMXUltPIIYO
XDRPHY0 Wiihindir W OcUtar OcUtarm U4 st iI iIL 5 5a
m L ak a alter a beg mum sa JB lJItiJQV lJItiJQVJ JIilftllJiM XTS bS f fJflba
JiM J Xarpky wJ11a7 ate lICeI lICeFu Rqekfcr m mihic ttOmffy ttOmffyKen of ofgey
Ken gey Itdrad ItdradFwcnd I ltelsnLFnsaI
Fwcnd win take tfect Iron fI08IbJde btr M I bM 3 3MnUt 31 314yitk
MnUt Mint Bortbttft OB FWSiqr Irrat d r I5UUSO > < l X Xat 2 2at
at I3 Its > a SL m thence to St StwtI1 AfepriW llm Cbicfa Cbicfawboc d dwhere
where MMI jwfn wtI1 be MM aM for the IIPSisE ipM it f bee beeMHU ItecMIlL hersal
MIlL LTimis mod Rkitnw relam31BLDUIQa tmtuA tmtuA3lBLDKUiIOa ladini1flLDItlJMOa
3lBLDKUiIOa Wajeeaiky October 31 31 We N a at 7 7m 7a
3 a m IlL Mrs 1n MAKUAKKT G MLLDKCX IioL IttrX IttrXtI WI WIat kkv kkvf
tI f Jame Ja MeMram MeMramPWMM MeNnat MelnsIenesd
PWMM t from r MiMtaei MM aFrtdQ Uatyturt atmor atmornotlhsas6 WM WMoxtimat
oxtimat MI Frtky Zferaibtr S a at tat saODONN a M M0DON aoDonbboa
ODONN oDonbboa 0DON VBLbO LLOa W WI4osdI BMdw October 91 to JBK i i4st
446 ik p a MARUAKKT ODOXXELL OOO iELL iELLwile hob hobwU busied busiedwile
wU wile of JIIMM J 01 Ol ODeemLPoseal oaelLPaen1 > e MB MBBmeral
Bmeral fn f her late hi mUicr Tvmtl TvmtlMli IiiiI IiiiIIttftt
ermth Mli street wwfhwwt DOIt M SaMrtbar SaMrtbarN Sa SatankyNorausber
N Norausber btr 3 3 at S3I tkeace to St n i iChwrh Stmme Stmmechiere s sCINrm
Chwrh RriaUvn sail modi invited la ittml LIt atimtItMhflgltGOn ittmlIlAMBUBRGOn
IlAMBUBRGOn It UBnGOta W Wdandsy d ndv Oetafcw 31 WK at stA att atSI
SI A p a at t IIrtUiO IbaC iIIt MA Ad AKJ3IB A U5 a aKAMSKBKU CItJ31SlIIIRli C Ciwisuuw
KAMSKBKU aged 1Ift1t flulisa nit f OOT yearn JTHTBStrrfcw yearnSarIra m m8tnta
Strrfcw at Oak H DID Ctapel C se FrIAar FrMIw1tc FrgierZstlIaa Kerera Kererafw
fw ierZstlIaa ierZstlIaaSTiRKSOii t t at 11 a L LSTmK801 m mSTARK30
STARK30 Wedaerfur W OctoNr St Wi 6 at ata ill illL l
a L a THEKfcSA M I 8TAJCKS Ms d wife wit IC ICJeIIR it1du C CToiNt
ToiNt 11 atarbi b jeed a cd twnrtyntae ttJuFaIIua1 JOT JOTFOBO ye yeFuacal
FaIIua1 FOBO I wW to Mi h on vtMar K Nerosber < HtNr S at 2 2OCXK toeoct 2ococ
OCXK oeoct faa IlK M JI nticatt St s Sss di jtrert jtrertmrtbwetC 3frctBllrtilRlt strstisoetkwust
mrtbwetC BllrtilRltTYjOItOa mrtbwetCTAY 4 4T5YjOltOu
TAY TYjOItOa OttOa WcdMBOar W October Jt Ift llhi at at5S at5Sp 5flt 5fltp 5 5p
TAYLOR tafeBt lit MM tt Joaa J K L aM BSMilec BSMilecH BIaUteH
H Taylor TaylorFuneral Taslorpo TaylorFuneal
Funeral po private privateFUNERAL JlritateFUt privateFUNERAL
CIS IS ii U w uIe t 3e 3 Mcikni Cbauvi lba t tGEORGE irnuNr IOOseUEORGE Klf KlfGEORGE
301 East Capitol at atAUGUSTUS litAUGUSTUS atAUGUSTUS
3M6 s9 7TH ST NW W PlIONK PLlO g s sIb V VKreurtHins lid lidEvarjten
Ib KreurtHins mb tnt eU chat Term T MMMU MMMUYOAKLEY rasassabis rasassabisYOAKLEY DI DIYOAKLEY
U IJNLi1titiII VMnhlJtS A Ail IJ 115
003 03 H to g t awMMwnl rart larkt PIrkPLb44 e MM l e Jl 3i4StU 3i4StUHARRY L p L LHARRY LHARRY
inn K Capitol Ca A c fhuue li liHINDLE SIin SIinBINDLE t8 WO WOHINDLE
riiiu and u 1 KS a nw tru 1 teuc M J M MTHOZ A ATHOJ 9r 9rTH03
iflU 7th < U 111 at t t nw 1 Xckpbcat cl hcu JUta tLiLa 1O