OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, November 03, 1906, Image 10

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1906-11-03/ed-1/seq-10/

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Political Outlook OntlookMore More Pleas Pleasing Pleasiug Pleast
t ing iiigto to Wall Street StreetBANK StrootBANK StieetBA2IX
Heavy lIen Drain of Cash Will Ill Tend in in3Inkc toakc loZnko
3Inkc akc It mfavorhblc Complicating Complicatingthe
the Situation SltuntionIcnnsrlvanlaH Pennsylvania Prob Probable Prohnble Prolable ¬
able Future Watched with Interest InterestJlnrtl IntcreltJInrt IxiteretJlnra
Jlnrtl Coal Hoails to Follow Loader LoaderNew LonderS Loadercew
New S York T rk Nov J 1sIM Shwt covering < 10 10htfTnoon In Inihti inth
ihti th htfTnoon forenoon prafKtaktaa preltta toward the theJose eIOfethese the1oethese
IOfethese Jose these we wen tile feature of o todays todaysmarket todaysnarktt todaysJ
market The shert s h isrt rt eowring wm was caused causedjy euMdthe causedthe
jy the more hopeful notttfcftl outlook the thesubsequent tbe3ubscqufnt thebsequent
J subsequent prottakliig < by the fact that thathfiv tbat tbatbr thather
hfiv br is still something of a political alt sittution alttion alttt1oT1
tution tion left leftThose eit eitThoSe eitrhs
Those rhs vrto see good profltt in the long longMe JoacM1e bag141e
Me between now and November 6 are areiot are10t areot
> iot ot likely to protect themsetreu With the theifeh theigh I Iligh
ifeh interest rates traders do not care to torry toarrr tosrry
arrr rry stocks over etocttoa If they think thinkht th1Dkh thinkrostilt
ht result has already been pretty well wellJteeounted wellJiscounted welluncounted
uncounted The TIteteaY heavy toss of cash sm smained SUI SUIained susI
< ained by the banks indicating an un unfavorable ua uaa1orable unvorab1e ¬
favorable vorab1e bank statement was another
reason why many holders of stocks were wtrelot werelOt wereiot
lot disposed to hold on very lone loneA JonrA bagA
A broker who has a reputation rep tadoIt Xor or his hisibility his1btlit hisibllity
ibility 1btlit to else up P the hnportance of mat matron mater mater ¬
ron er er polItical expressed himself as tel fotows folows telows
ows regarding r lae the situation to this tbIatW thisltae Unaitate
itate tW Roosevelt t and Root have saved savedhe savedhe ved vedhe
he country eroker has saved ed the city cityCause clt7Oause cityOnace
Cause of Higher Dividends DividendsHecesaity Dhlde DividendsNeoty tH tHecf8lt
Hecesaity ecf8lt said a cynical broker brokerbe Is Ishe to tohe
he mother of increased dividends Par Paricuter ParolealM ParIcuIer
icuter necessity alluded to wa wU on the thepart theJUt thedart
part of Banking Interests to makenarket make a aiarket anarket
narket for Pennsylvania convertible convertibleTonds coavertJblexmdI coavertibleionda
Tonds and on the part of the railroad raUroado
o get et the bonds out of the way prepara preparaory preparaorr prezaory
ory to the arrangement of a comprehan comprehan4ve
4ve financial plan next spring springTheorising sprInfTJtoorialnc spdngThoorizing
Theorising as to the probable market marketoovaraenu5 market1Mn6 marketloVmeflt5
1Mn6 oovaraenu5 lellta of Pennsylvania Penn as a 7 per pernt pernt
nt stock has become a serious business business1th bU81neaKith businesscttk
Kith 1th a good many brokers The consensus consensusthat 8eIIR8s
s t that the stock will be raised to a ailgher aleVel aiI
iI ilgher level utimatety and 1 this view is isntertatoed IsntertalDed Isntertthed
ntertatoed even where the action of the tbeUreetcn theitreetors
Ureetors in increasing Inc the dividend does doeslot doeslot doesot
lot ot meet with approval approvalIt
It I t Is supposed that as a great proper prqporiou properiOn
ion of the convertible bonds of oftW o iJ IMS art arttlM ar artIl1
tlM In first bands the banking interests ID Interestswhich ta tawbleb
which bold them are likely Itkel to togTe give their tbeir11Pf101t theiriip
iipport iip Iort tt t > a movement to advance the thetock thea thestock
tock and then when the market is made madeuffkienUy DMUtetullldeatlr madeuIdently
< uffkienUy strong and active they will willell wIDeU willeli
ell the stock tock rather than the bonds bondsaktag boDcbakbIs bondsakIag
aktag a position tIon technically on the short shortIda i iIde
Ida Ide hut always protected by their abil abilty abllty abilty
ty to convert the bonds so as to retire retireontracta i
ontraris for delivery of the stock The Therods TbetOI Theionds
rods of WB ms which It is desired to gel gelid getId ct ctleI
id of of are convertible at any time In hit Inof Intcad
t tcad ad of merely on interest days as is ishe ishe Ishe
he ease ss in the other issue and this makes makeshe m8Jcebe maitrehe
he operation oP r all the easier The supposi supposiion supposllOft suppoalIon
ion that this course ne win be followed is isoonded iso1lDtled isouDded
oonded on the t fact that the public out outm caAm cano
m o reduced to speculate te more freely m mtopics in intOtIIEa Intooks
topics than m In bonds bood8 no matter what whatpectoU whatpedal whatpecIs
pedal features may be attached to the theuter the1tter theLtter
Bmployes 3Iay Jla Get Restless RestlessAnxiety Restlesmc1et7 ReMIesctnxlety
Anxiety mc1et7 as to the effect on the railroad railroadrapioyas 1roadm
rapioyas m of the t country Is not the least leastf JeutM
> f the feelings engendered by the in mreae inrcaae i irease
rease m In the Pennsylvania D8tvaIda dividend dividendBait 4IvtdeftdUp dlvldenDaft
Bait tips on Readia began to circulate dreuJaterom circulaterom circulaterroratbe
rroratbe rom tile he time the market opened and aD4JJIObIs andrterz j jrofcers
rofcers > who have a partiality pa for the thetoeJc theoek j jtock
tock joined their customers that there theresras therean thereaa
aa sras an appearance of good buying in it ituck It Ituck Ituck
uck talk does not mean very much muchj as asbat asbat asthat
that bat hi diaitnosed ed as a good buying buytu in inHeaJing InInc Intteadthg
HeaJing Inc is generally ftnlJly of the most specu specuative specuattye specuative
ative kind 1dDd crnning lnS from operator who whoarork whovork
arork 0111 on one side or the other just as the theeneral theoeral theteneral
eneral < market conditions or the techni technical technll techalal ¬
cal l aactttna of f the stock itself favor favorWith favornth favorWith
With transactions out of ail proportion proportiono
0 the volume of floating < stock Reading Readingan
an be moved quickly and the gpectacu gpectacuar
ar movements moYfUh ts always l attract the amount amountif
if f following fllowI necessary to contribute the theost Uteoat theoat
oat of the launching < As the actual actualtock actuallock actualtock
tock bought or sold is small the profits profitsm proft proftIn PFOdtn
m n this th must be large to pay the coat c of ofhe ofbe ofje
he whole operation operationAccording operationAceonIIac operationAccording
According to a report from Philadelphia
be dividend on LoUgh Valley will be 1 1reased ia iareued In Inressed
reased from 4 to i per cent cent and the thetory thetory thetory
< tory ws used as a bull argument on onill D nill
ill the hard coal operators operato Reading it itva itVall itvaa
Vall va said saJ4 might mI t follow suit at the end of ofhe ofe of1k
he 1k year yearAwhile Awhile while in the case of Delaware Delawareind DeIa DeIamd Delawarend
ind nd Hudson the dividends to be paid In
997 7 might mI ht be at the rate of S per cent centnstead ceatnlltf84 centustcad
nstead of 7 per cent cent which has been in infleet inJfect Inffect
fleet for some > me years past putStrength pastStrcnth
Strength in Copper CopperThe CopperThe CopperThe
The most tangible reason for the theitreagth thetreaath
itreagth 1 tJa in Amalgamated Copper was the theeport tilteport theeport
eport that Calumet and Hecla was on onho Oftho onho
ho point of concluding conclucltn < negotiations for forhe forhe forhe
he sate of about 2M9MM pounds of oflectrol7Uc oflectrelyt1c
lectroiytic copper at a 1J 14 cents a a pound poundThe poundrbe poundThe
The bearing of course course is only indirect Indirectn
n Amalgamated AI ffted snowing that the trade tradeoondidoos tradendldoaa tradeeonditIoca
oondidoos ndldoaa continue to gain in inut strength strengthut
> ut it was sufficient to serve as a a remind remindr
r of the increase e in dividend announced a a1oupfe auuple auvp3e
1oupfe of ofweeka weeks ago a has not brought broughtmy broupt111Y broughtuIy
my adequate response respon e in the market marketThere marketThere marketThere
There were rumors that the Standard StandardMI StandardU
MI U in this and other Interests having havingattefod ha1ngtJ havingatissd
attefod tJ themselves about the election electionutlook electionnutJook electionutIook
utlook had sent their own heavy con conributions COftrtbuttOftS conr1butlots
ributions into the Republican cam camaign camJD caman
aign > an but all these were of the irrespon irresponidble lrreapoDble IrreaponIbIe
idble ble kind which generally follow a mar marcet marcet
itet cet movement of note and In this in instance 10itanee Intance
stance they the were as freely applied to toBrooklyn to3rookl to3rooklyn
Brooklyn 3rookl Rapid Transit as to Amalga AmalgaDated AmaJgated AmalgaaLd
Dated aLd ted Copper because of the activity of ofItab ofertaI
Certain ertaI Itab brokers in both stocks stocksRumor stocksRumor tOCk8RUJMI
Rumor said the rise In the Hill stocks stocksvs stocksNU stockstkb
vs tkb based on the prospect of rights in litone Inrte
one he rte near future It was not The reason reasonor rM80ftor reasonor
or it If was found In the annual report of ofjreat otr ofreat
jreat Northern so far as the stock of ofhat ofhat ofhat
hat road wa was concerned for the more morebe morebe morehe
be statement was studied the more evi evident evilent cvikilt ¬
dent it became that Mr Hit has created createdm
m 1 n extraordinary machine for the com complete oomIete cornlete ¬
plete Iete and eiftclent transportation of ofreight Itre1Pt ofreight
reight reightFor re1PtFI reightFor
For the present the question of the prob probiblllty probablJ117 probtbIIIty
iblllty of rights ta of both stocks 8t might be betnswored beaft beanwored
tnswored aft by the hackneyed baCkD expression expressionNot epte88lonNot expressionNot
Not yet but soon SOOftSteel coonSteel
Steel Report Favorable FavorableIn
In view of the disappointment d JOlnlJneftt which whichraders wblchradens whichradere
raders expressed a over 0 the steel state statement statenent stateneflt ¬
ment nent the following fol1owtn extract from the No Noember Noember Noember
ember letter of a wellknown house is in inereatnig in inreeUac iaerestlug
ereatnig ereatnigOn erestlugOn reeUacOn
On Tuesday last the st steel HI el company companynade companynade companynade
nade the most favorable fa Je quarterly report reportr
r its history It Is true that earnings of ofhe ofhe
1 he previous quarter qiri were larger er than for forhe forhe <
he quarter ended September Si but the theicnincant theI thetnIficant
icnincant I feature of the present report Is IsM Ishn
vh M enormous e total of unfilled orders on onsand onland oniaud
sand aggregating a eatlD nearly SNMW 8 tons be bei beUIIe bemuse
muse i UIIe this Item is generally ge assumed to be bea bea bea
a fairtv safe guide to the future business businesst
ni t the company companyDnrlag COInptnyDuring contpenyDnrlng
During the nine months ended Septem Septemer
> er r M the comi COfttaJ1Y > any set aside for sinking sinkingfund stakingfund sinkingmud
fund depreciation and reserve re accounts accountsi accountsJMICIaI accountspeciai
i JMICIaI > ecJal imitrovements and replacement replacementund replacementuncl replacementfund
und and for the additional construction constructiont
a t total of SKMMOB PUllO MO8OO out of net earnings earningsand eunJnlSaM earnIn earnInand
and It t enters the current Quarter with an anaccumulated anaccumulated anaecum
aecum accumulated ulated surplus of 34JOf 34JOfIn 9i ItIJOO ItIJOOuIn < ooco oocoIri
uIn Iri the circumstances the declaration declarationnf
nf a dividend ol only onehalf of o 1 per cent centon centon
on the common stock appears ap ars to have havebeen havet havebeen
been t very ry conservative cunswva ve but the reason for forl fork fori
l <
soch eons oanservatlsm senattllm vfttism Is aDl DDtLreot rcot when it is isrsoalted IsJI8oaijed isreaiid
rsoalted that th the mntr ne plant p1ttntd at Gary In4 In4will In4will ladwill
will have to be financed chielly out of oftftrnings ofn1BS ofearnings
earnings until at any an rate mte market oondi oondijtkms condttlo conditines
jtkms tines become mere propitious prOpltJou to the rate ratei raIsInc misbig
i Inc of additional capital capitali caJltalEEIiI capitalWEEKIX
I NV ss Ya Yift l K Nor r tIJii IIai dssis tlMifaji for fe the tbcnMI weeta weetam4si
nMI XoTBMhtr vsaha 1 art OUteor r S UN M sad Uw Uwi UteIMrM8 theftcIL
ftcIL i uinUi d f faMf IMrM8 M r dseruu MNR far fertIIe tbs tbslfeeasbx wwk wwka 1nIIkeIIdeIl
a eIIdeIl Mutnibx 1 1 1 oHapucd with the oottosMMt oottosMMtvedt eua eua1Rek
vedt rf im IIIIIiIf te
Swr c1 1 L Inc 1 Dee Oct OctNew OcLew 5 5Xew
New ew YorkgU3UMix y Yo SUII UpZ S U UCIabtID l jlll JIs JIstisa 8 8St
CIabtID IISIitHI 11 11Ilesisi IIIIC
Ilesisi 17 uai uaiPhtldeIihI t tPIdWeIpIda
PIdWeIpIda PhtldeIihI Mll1 u LtSt J JSt
St St IKM IKMMhmppoHi 3t3I nG s sPitt So SoPittalJIq
PittalJIq Pitt 51 tI 511 511Sa 5L5ass
Sa ass Frrhn r 7LlIl UJ 1335de tUIIG tUIIGJWtIIrxn
JWtIIrxn U I 7itL 7itLheiu11 rna rnaCI8ctIIaaU
CI8ctIIaaU heiu11 Z 41 41It 4 4Kisss
It Kisss city cityNw ssatIi 11 3 3R
Nw R 0rteuI Ode SN 3t1 1 1MIsspclM lJIIJU lJIIJUV
MhmppoHi V 891231 M MLtntoett ILl ILlIAaIriiDe asL4mhe
Ltntoett L4mhe 12J8M2J 1M 1MUmiiki 4 4MsaiIs laM
Umiiki 11 11Pm ittMSB ittMSBFort waa waaFct
Fort Wortix TMU3 c3 J JAtkmfat 7 7L7 7L7RksM 4 4JticIIMeDI
JticIIMeDI UtJa l lW5ton 5 5w
w W5ton 45et8I 4SI U UiaUll8lta LI5sah
iaUll8lta i U 8 8Atlula INJ INJAtlsnt
Atkmfat AtkmfatBimdaghm iMIEIC 11 LIr4eTft15 5
N r4eTft15 3 irn U 43Ncdc 3f1
NcIIGA Ncdc 24M 24t I 11 1 om U1 U1Ausasta
A Ausasta 0 Jl fJ LItUN UHID UHIDtt
Bimdaghm BimdaghmiWUmton tUN tt ttCMIteB1a 2ISS5 2ISS5chehen
CMIteB1a chehen sc SC U UI1J3I UIUZi
i XIIftr Kheava Tea uss ILl ILlJackvme 1 1JadIIIIe
JadIIIIe 11 J bJN at 11 11wottIb Uu Uuwn
iWUmton wn Dcl UaUB LJ 1U flJum URJ MI
iClta Chattanooga IjOjm 1 st stt St s sLittle WBM
t Little Rock UeJE I C7 U5 U5l UTh4 UTh4Lmkt511 i1I i1II
l Lmkt511 xfaVtoa KI K COM gOi M UJIGaICon isBAsstca W1 W1Hoocton
Hoocton a 3121 fl24 rUet 111 341Galestca l 3379tl 3379tlGtJratoa 33 l
GtJratoa O wut QiM D 15 15NEW s sI 9
I Q fsessi 1If CIIIIIft tIt G GeteI Ost I Co CoNtw CaITs
ITs Ntw y at SI s 5mbsr urs helM DddCkIIIIw helMI
S SOpniJtlhLosvt SOpniJtlhLosvtAasI peDUWa LMrX 2 N L LAL
Asttl Gamer M ii 1W4 Ut 112 1JW Ul l IlHfc 111 lU lUi wC IiilM44
i Ask C y UB lM44 14 41 W4M 41 4fA 41 44sta O Oj
j A sta C C crLd i R Vfil 1IId usa1eIMa1I usa1eIMa1IhszCssaOI 2H W lew II8i m MPJ
JJB hszCssaOI Oottan Oft OLbI as W4Z W4ZAn H 35 3B4 3B4AK
AK JOB i Sw SicI f XM 3 K 9KH I 11 Wi fi fiA aus
A us Ixm 6M JD > 74 4 7V 4b T4 7 f1Jt 1 i 71 71Aa nla TIta
Aa fiMtt nmiM u I J51 lMk B HflDMilHH IIIY IW 1 IM P1
JA Ala flsufc iL SWIM DI U9UW 1W 113 UI UK lW UK l lI4
Aau SOIBW MI3KI34 I4 131 O3H 131 UIAWadsa K 133 133Am J3I I
Am A AWadsa W oM S sa 35 X 8 JP1 3Ii3I 3Ii3IAme 3HI S SABMOMm 3SA
ABMOMm A Ame ta u fl JUSJtjfKJn m SWHSl ro t1 ie snU m 1 1kkbiisu
AtebiMn iMI 4 MK M ss H M MAteatooo wAtchlma 1II 1IIltc I
Ateatooo ilL p m 1 70 m 1 M M SFi > 101 1M 1Mt M MAt 1W4
At tt On 0 Uw TA 3BBOS DI m 13 337 l U7 13 13Ba1te
B Ba1to > ha OlMw 0 Ohs 3OT llf II flE4 10 Uft Ut 1 < WK MS MSMrook I1JHrooL liirOCLT I
Mrook rOCLT rOCLTcan K T 9BJH H 1ft Sl SlCu 7 i ft 7 7CM
CM PMit 1adIe MM r US 17t 17 US 13 KS Ift fiRi j
Cent L LeICIMJr rther m 37 Xli 37 R 3 1 4 57 7 3 3Cent H i i
Co Ont Jf r L fU piL p M MBK MBifc MM MB4 i 4es Wk
j Che CItes es it Ohio 7JM w S M I 0 flK 1t H HchL tIii III IIIai
chL ou at wu W at ti Jii ni ra g IK 17 IT IY ra L I i
a C M X su Si p ST r7 II 1x2 U m um 171 in 173 1 1CNw i
c C CNw K w KIW m a as 115CId an anCfcL sicLUr j
CfcL cLUr C T r 11I M SH 1S UK I5H B
a C a Co C a C A SL 51 i 1 L MM M m 1M M 1m 1mC w M MC ISc1pl i
j C c1pl P = I I < 4SJ K 53V SW 512 B If0aIe i
OoiOL Cal S SCulot Se W P 3Pi
Culot Cuajol So 10Cda i iCetou 4 4CclaEa
i Cetou CclaEa CclaEaCm 6a tI M 3 D S i ST RH iI K KCm
Cm c OM Os Ml i M HI 1 > UW4 1 11 11C OMl
Can CtsuPnM rtoi PRILCora M9 a 3i 31 mr B BCorn
Corn PMl r JIlL HI 3 OH 4 P S 7 7SH 7p 7 7ft 74 74r t
D r All It II ita XM2H 98 IiD SWfc SWfcu
u a LW L w mm a aLe m m IA IALtiL s m mw
w LtiL Le SM i4M 1 1de WH w sm I Ib m mft
ft de b 7JW 43 H 14ErIslt I
i Erie ErIslt 1IL M II JRi 2I Wj71 7 71 iIIIti iIIItiKrill SH 45rIeM M MKriead
Kriead Krill Jd M lib fb 5 5ca 18 W
I Gea ca Bfcctefc sea4c MCS III iii m n 175 c fa ra ra0t t74Gt 174Ut
0t Xfltlfc N vM IlL W BM ai1 3Wi W 3JM 3OH MT MTart 3ZT1st
II art brL Met tet MM USJ 9H b IE 3W 3Bi i 3 31H 3Pi W
1H hI Met M 1M TRi 17 ml 7W 77 ma X M MIll J
In Ill GcstHd 4M BSK Ui IZIW m ur 171 US mb U UkC8a4 i
k kC8a4 C S So pfi UM l 9 SD 9 51L W WLX H 9 9L
L LX It X UN lW14llW4li4 134 Mttfr H4 143 1 144 Wi lU lUMcLCftt
Met McLCftt McLCfttLLT Cent D 5 tB 8K tN tNx fe SSH 13 13X
X LLT LLTMalae X Jt T UM 3tts 3PSII 3t 3t 34 M MM
M E t T fit fitMa a IPi IPiXo
Ma Malae IM MM Mfc WIt WItNs M tK tKM Mi
Nat Ns M Btaafc W fl J 74 iti 4 if 4 TVs 74 74 74NM 71LMII 74Nat
NM UMl Lss JJBGO L5 7SK 7 7 74 7S Tt s 7 rNY T4 T4NY H
K NY Y O 0 p BT4t HfH M2W 1Mi m mx 121Y
x Y c C A et It L Lu bU bUNYOW a e Q a aN en CH i
N NYOW N Y a W wor 1JB 1JU4Rt 4Wi 4VK W 4f 41Nw i
X Nw Jfc W MM a M IeA M M t tNth H i
Nth Am A yo a fln 41 8X9 41 41 H fcH a aC 31
Xerth FK lIIcPaeIIe 4W SI 3 u = K S SB J
PMMe Mft UM 1 31 3Ti 3r WFe 3 4 SPa S SPfc
Pfc Fe R KM L1II L HUM 3iL J 1M Ittfe 41 144 1 141I 144 ltft ltftPres Mi IIIFret I IPro
Pro SteeL MB I MM 54 Stt 1C1i 54 Mtt 54 M MPea 1ft tit titPeG I4PmOSL
Pea PmOSL OM aBea4BIJK 9SJ 0 aa 3rti 341 SSfc t1Umig i iRadteK
RadteK MMMJIMH JIL USK 1 ld 147 HAJI HI 14th 14 1i i 145 145ItoOmg 1 l3a
ItoOmg IsU MM 3a 91 91Kc II J1 J1 J1Hep m mkpIkS
Kc Hep kpIkS kpIkSaepIk5 I Ie 8 711 3 M 31 3S 3MI 35S 3PIiI j
Kepi aepIk5 I ft 6 Bit IIIL W te hiU441 Q IB If IfIIeck j
Mock IdMdn IMW u8e wit X S H 27 27msaeM 2M S S2JM
8e 1 ok S P 2JM 47 4 K 4 4ft 4 ft < fftb n8ba
8ba msaeM 72 2ft n nSou s aJ a
80 P PIdIe dac 3MM UI 41 i m W tI H II IIJIJ 41Seutbasfti Ht j
Setahen Seutbasfti R JIJ UM 3ri X 3K fi 31aid 31aidTna 3H4 MI4T11IIL i iTtm
Ttm CtoU aITn MW a M 141 141Texas Ml j
Texas PMtfe Psd US I 3SK 3 M MHt W WTut JK 3 i JSH I
T Tut St L 1 kW W m 3fK 3Wr 3IH 3a 3rH lt 3t I
itt ittCalm
Unto Calm PMtfe pM 4M Stt K 11 X IF Rio > fflt 1ftC SR SRU 41 41I
U I 8 8 ltoe I IleUSLher ink 47 eN 4 47 rn 9 47 47 47V n nU
V USLher H So Rrfbbar U 4 K 4PK 9 51 51u 49 49U
U 8 Knfei IIIL IIILu 3 aNIIgw TK MTH W JK m
u S 8 Steel M IN 47 47 DJl 4 1 47 C 1f 1fu 47 47U 47U
U S Steel P UM 41SVI W Itt UIaa 41 41vs HOi Mw MwVa
Va Odw m 97 37 gwhea 37 37w S 37H
W whea lm 4 UK BK B nWshe mi BK 1ftW
W Wita pM 14M 1 48 43 a aWe 42 4iI41 494 494WflSL
WflSL UsfaB m MH MHSslv I41 II IISaIl 41Suhe
SaIl t te telWIIII MM 0L30 0L30IMsl 3u is isTilmi
Mw Yt Nor T 2u 2Ualhsd IM quIaaeM quIaaeMbss eat
bss CIIIIItg tIHa7 tIHa7DIll
DIll DIllII A Aii
II MR rc Ma M MI ii t
I 1ttLJtnfa 1ttLJtnfaII Pd t 111 111pes
pes l li li411S
II eocrp 411S = I1 I1k JIPi JIPiill
ill k u uc sU bous bousN
N g
411a 411
i a u uIs
c Is cussasa ps psPa
Pa Qua I retr retr1rtet
1rtet b4sItirtdColssd3ns 1151 1J5 1J5lIIiIiIIID 115 115rIlIp
j I
l uBhtitil by E Jk I n It CtafiMka < OL OIL MMMWTJ MMMWTJNew h hy
New YMK 1 Sleek QKMBK Baa 1 DM F I suwt ut0pIL az nsrthmK nsrthmKi usrthwesOss
j OPM High Low l GloM GloMAmerlcma ClaMAmca CloseitssrImn
Amerlcma CM Cs fit 1 fK M M MAmeHeu 1 1Awm
AmeHeu Cta s p pill 89 34 SIX 1ftAnc t ift iftAaierkMi 54 54AerIma
AaierkMi AncBritMb ToMeen J JBritidi 541 541ait
Britidi ait OohwMk Ehiu OoM OaIII r 14 1 1 14 HIs 0K M MKcMtw 1ft 14bes
row Om Copper Co er erButte Wi WiKvrte 3Z 3ZBvtte
Butte OiwIftkM OIIaIIIbI9OO 3TH Y 37 4 3 X 37 37chka Xch
chka CiaiaItI8 CiaiaItI8G ch awM9 a m nv MK MKCMM 41 41Cherad
CMM Cherad tteMl By y fflk 0 3 B Di4 13 13r 13Grecue
r OICMM G Onpper SHi SM l 9 sXMbr 9 9MMter 41Mseksy
MMter COMPMMS Con 72 7 i1Va 72 T 72 72M 75May
MIIdIIQtecWI M May dar OoMMBiM Cc DM5 p 41 41NmteN 41 W 41 41UIcieII
NmteN Mfotac MfotacK x MIs 11 p pNqa
i K Nqa s > OMM OIDIIII11 hei hei7thealpa 9 9H 9HiCntoed 21 214
N 7thealpa I lu III t II 41 IP 54 54On
t > 8tMd 01900 On a at
t iCntoed Ulllleti Cop Capper 41 ft am amjUtah 41 q t 41 41Utakchi
jUtah i > U1aIi Utakchi OMpir M MI SI 31 a
j I j jI
I PnniidMit Pmsi si by E U It OMMMII ctta 00 Q lIen lIenYadr bas
1 1 New Yatk ak 9t SIE k g heae > MK C CBortom QI Neat
u 33 I Mma usthe ustheestss
j Q I iI i inw
BW AAed AAedM 1Iied 1IiedBeItea
Bortom estss awl AMmajr AMmajrBoatoa A AII Asayflsa M 38 38flfc
II sad Males II 141hosts i
hosts Ktemted KtemtedFHcfatMft XlsvatedFltcbbst 1 JiI JiIPitdabluc
FHcfatMft Fltcbbst j prI pMMmia > W WMexican 1315 1315utes
Mexican OattaJ OattaJX aIx CeatmiN flfc flfcM
X Y N H aaaT 11 HAascrtcaa 11Ancrirsu M Ml II IIJIIia1nu
Aascrtcaa ASKS CbeaueaJ a3ed pM pMAaKrieaB pNABItriea MlUK UK N NAtIk5M M MW
AaKrieaB tiewar tiewarAnerfcM r W JiIII JiIIIAJatrIeaR 134 134J3 334ArIma
AJatrIeaR Sut vr JIl pfd pfdmti1csa J3 I 134 134IK i
AnerfcM TeL Id aMl a Tel TelAmrrican Teln IK 1IiMriIIUI BfH BfH9f 13411AMTlmn
Amrrican AVoetai AVoetaiA WoelessarIma V 9f 35H 35HMi IP4A8Ierkaa
A8Ierkaa A ertc B Woeteu 4ea 4eaDuio lid pttDommioM Mi 141Doazinloa MBK MBKMl
DommioM line I and SWd SWdK6 SfeeIati Staithsm Ml M aEtIiImI
K6 EtIiImI thsm M Etoetrte Im ImllMMCtaMtte 1 INun 30 3DlJtII p pMaMachibetle 9S 9SUnited
llMMCtaMtte lJtII da8leUs Eleelrie EleelrieM Ji 5 It p1chuetU t
M IM1A 1chuetU mcta eU Ilta Electric pfd a t t1sadmsaa
J 1sadmsaa OM OMUaiaed iee 41 44 44TJntted
United Shoe MteatMty MteatMtyUwitad I D n nUtIited 74T3itd
Uwitad ShM She MMhiaecr M1H eo pM pMXcrtfc IIMNtIa 54 54Ncth >
Xcrtfc Butte BttUeAUMtie JW nl 114LthMIs I
AUMtie AUMtieBte 543 I In 5
Bte n 11 MM MMOopper 1 Ii Ii0Dpper
Oopper Rises RMJOriMMt RaaIL U II IIU
545555 ji w wUtah
U Utah UtahOalst q
OriMMt o sad neta Ui UiEW netaXEW Iii IiiEY
i I
New York York Nor N < SL 2Moeq MOM I MIF oa uk cal at the stock stockMMMgg stockete
MMMgg ete ttMtey 0tw0ed at 6 per cart U blg best 7
fewest 4 do dsis4 p 4 Most Ioat of tile tilewere dkjr days > JM JMwere Iss Iss1e
were 1e at t 6 1 i r ceat nt Tine money oeey WU u Snaer fa Ira
1eDe tsse t M pedissMdy j Artiari rty for or 9Ij 4 days BiatwitT uutu Ratet Ita Xste 7 7jr 7tel 7set
jr eest for fw88 81 to S9 9 dajs dtty 6 to 4 Pi per cent for I
fear f r to fdr fet ht months MerMBtite amst paper psp was ealyj 011I7 oai oaimid i
sold m III mall quantities lUlet SM is4 S per cat
for W to SO this y > Mrforeod M bilk retximbie rm lOIha abIs dxi dxiBMotte fix dxaentht
BMotte choice and sis x HMKBS sincte iM aao sse t 8a7 111pel 414a7pa j jper
per cant for oth others othersml M MThe i
The sternee trlIsg autut WM very etronc hMlar ad 5jvsndi d dTMcing
TMcing vsndi lie c JOT s dwaand ad bills md Ie c for f caw caWwOffcrins eass eassOff I
Offcrins Off w m r United and nd dnund goed wI bvt tile ttehiatar tilehigba ffi ffihgt12r
hiatar foiMjn dfaeoMite materkHj rartafled Ox Oxdrawing thldrawin Uwdrawing
drawing of flmaee bill bilk Cowte Coat ntal tal bilk bdI lli wc wcalw t taLoo reaho
alw much firmer fitm Rates flt for f
r actual
buttons w cpte tfE e su a afdllo i ifrflows IfolIo
frflows folIo Sixty days d 4SBOaLS956 48 dfOAntl rmaoo JS8fl JS8fliS5S5 LiBOII LiBOIIUi5SS tiSk tiSkLllS5
iS5S5 cabfs cat fS iSTaSaLSTlO 48 51LSnt rommeriial bills w llltJC wueLi9t4JL rc rctra i
fftaU1 tra fttSL The apply mpt4 of Q oottca retto Mb WM sooi ooL I
I I New York Nov N 1 imere There Jtere was 88 a rut tarthor ur urther
j Ij thor quickening of bosinoe animation on onthe onthe
I the stock exchange today toda and ft material materialj materIalltdTaoce materialadvance
j ltdTaoce advance m In the price of socurlUos To Toward Toward TOward ¬
ward this result one and only one mUm IntlMence mUmence
I ence powerfully contrlbuteda eontrlbutod gr great greatwave it itwave t tj
j wave of conviction that the Republican Republicancandidate Republicancandidate RepublIcancandidate
candidate for the governorship ernorahlp in the theState theState theState
State election this fall would be placed placedin d din
in ottce oi ee by a majority of the popular popularj popularjltTaire popularittrge
j jltTaire suffrage larger than was hopod even a afew 1few afew
few weeks ago agoIt qoIt agoIt
It was wsa indeed apparent a nt in view of the theCays theaye thetars
< aye developments that a good share of ofI otthe ofthe
I the buying of stocks yesterday ye did not noti notmerely notmerely
i merely proceed as was thought f C1om rt > m a ai are aretreat
i retreat re t of the short Interests ts in the mar marj markel marRet
j Ret on purely general grounds but ropre roproented reproeented
i sented an investment of money in socurl socurities seem seemties
ties by local speculators specula ton who had md access accessto ncceato accessto
to private political estimates on the Dem Demtte Denocratic
ocratic tte side of the vote likely to bo cast castfor castfor eastfor
for the candidate of their party in Greater GrooterNew GreaterNew
New York These conditions were such suctas suchas
as to seem to greatly insure the election olcclkmof electionof
of Mr r Hughes by a plurality as a whole wholeof wholeless
< of not less than 108000 1oe votesVhen votes votesWhen Otu1VheD
When to these forecasts were nddod nddodmfch ntedsu ndbedauth
mfch su h body blows against A I 8t tha Democratic Domocratlei Democraticcandidate
i candidate as were detailed In the morning morningDeWllp8pen morningWall
newspapers Wall street came mo to the con ooncluloa conelUSion
elusion logically Uy enough that not only onlywas onlYwas onlyhe
was the he result of the election a certainty certaintybut certaintybut
but that the popular uprising up1ist against the thepart theparty
party part of socialism and disorder would be besuch besuch
such as to be very prophetic of the tern temper ternper
per likely to be exhibited by the people pecplIn peopleIn
In the State in the Presidential contest contesttwo contesttwo
two years hence Long before the firs n 1brshour
hour of business bum on the stock exchange exchangeWag
wa Wag over OVe today the batting odds odd Against Againstthe ftgalnatthe againstthe
the Democratic candidate rose from yes yesterdays yestJdaY yestCrday ¬
terdays figures tip of 2 12 1 to 1 to 4 1 to 1 1 and andeven andeven
even in a few Instance to 5 to 1 1A 1A
A violent npward movement In stocks stocksfollowed teeksfollowed
I followed though later profit pna l taking act In Inwhi
which whi h h was suWcient before the close e of ofbusiness ofbusiness
business to wipe out a good od portion of the theearlier therlier theeiiler
earlier rlier advances Still the principle principlestocks principlestocks
stocks showed generally eralb final net gains pusThe gainsThe
The advance was particularly brisk at attint atfirst i ifirst
first in the Northern Pacific and Great GreatNorthern
Northern which rose 5Vi 5 and 9 Sl points re respectively re reapeetlvely respectlvelv ¬
spectively The Consolidated Con Gas Brook Brooklyn i i1yu i
lyn Raoid Transit and other socalled socalledlocal j jlocal i ilocal <
local franchise e stocks also quickly re repoaded respooded
sponded to the fanprevemnt in the political poUttcalL Politicalprospect i
prospect prospectIn L
In the afternoon burin buying of Reading1 ReaUug8toclt Readluirstock
stock was th the feature tea ture of the market marketPractically marketPraetJeaDy marketPractically
Practically the only prominent issue to tosh tosh toebw
sh ebw w a decline to its price for the day daywas de deCbe daywarn
was Chesai Cbe Chesapeake > e ke and Ohio In which llqul llquldatkm liquldatlon lquldation
datkm again In expressed moderate disap d disagpolntmeit disappointment ¬ I IpoIntmeat
pointment on the part of o speculators over overthe overthe overthe
the failure ra ure of th ths directors to advance the t
dividend rate on the stock on Wednesday WednesdayThe WedneldayThe WednesdayThe
The London market today tod was cheered cheeredlike cheeredDb cheeredlike
like otjrs 0 by political influences Jn uencefi these thesehaving eba thesehaving
having ba relation abroad however to the theactual theactual theactual
actual result of municipal munlc = l elections in innd 1ftJMI inEnland
Enland nd which portended what seems to tot tobe tobe
be e te t cas caM In our own land a falling fa mg mgIn off offhi o oIn
In the radical and semisocialistic soclaUat1c RAt sentiment RAtment seat seatmeat ¬
ment among the electorate electorateOther eleeto electoruteOther ate ateOther
Other news from abroad was not quftr quftrso quftiss
so encouraging e comprising tOmprt t1S two rather ratherpoor ratberpoor ratherpoor
poor bank statements teme ta on the part of the theBank theDaak theBank
Bank of France and the Imperial Bank of ofGermany ofGenlumy ofGermany
Germany Tbe French Jlr b bank ba k reported for forthe forthe forthe
the week an enlargement of over JSd uofW uofWIn iO0C iO0CI n nin
in I loans 1GaDsand and a loss of over SUOMM 1tl ia iacash Iaca Incash
cash while the Reich R leha Bank exhibited ex lblced an a8IDCre8e anIncrease anincrease
increase of riti I41lJO in loans 100 and a lose I in incash IIIcuh Incash
cash of SUf SUfLike MM MMbike ZO94O4 ZO94O4Uke
bike that of the Bank of England Iand the theconditions tilecondftlooa theconditions
conditions of the two great French and andGerman ReIGerlDD andGerman
German institutions is low for this time timeof tbnecf timeof
of the year OR O the other hand there therewas th thwas therewas
was a continuation today of a rise ie In the UMprice theprice thepuce
price puce of Russian a securities that tbatttme has for forsome forseine
some time been In progress prf for tortbat reasons reasonsthat reassasthat
that have not yet been mack clear e eiin etI etIItrPiy enI
ItrPiy I iin ly They are supposed tn refer nf nfhowenor gen generally zeneralty ¬
erally however to the cessation ee atIeK of tits disturbance titstulbuacea dtsturhences ¬
turbance to Asia A8ia and to a growing poowi 1m 1mprenton 1mpftNIoa Inprersion
prenton that the finaooes flnsn of o the country cooatryare CODIILrya countryare
are a hi stronger shape than has been sup supposed suppoeecI ¬
j Today although aJ call money was more morefreely JDOrefreely morefreely
freely offered oar than yesterday so that the thebest thehighest
highest best rate rat was 7 per cent as asyNterctR7s against againstyesterdays againstyesterdays
yesterdays maximum ma Ium of I per cent the thedemand tbedemand thedemand
demand for or time money was stronger strong and andj andcaused I IcaUMd
j caused an advance of 13 1 per cent cent1n In the theI thopremIum thepremium
I premium already aJread charged above the legal legalrates le8llrates legali
i rates for funds t of this class for use over overthe overthe er ertile
the new ne year settlement making the net netntte netre
ntte 7 per r cent ce t Money for all the nearby nearbymadrttiee Marb MarbDtllrtUee nearbyI
madrttiee was also firmer ftrmerfM ureterI
I The Q ottinlon toton was I expressed in high highquarters blehquarters 111gbquarters
quarters that tomorrows bank return returni return returnwou1 returnwould
i would be more or less a repetition of ofthat ofbat ofhat
that bat of test week when the banks re reported re reorted reported ¬
ported such a adecroase decroase In loans as to tocounterbalance tocounterbalance tocounterbalance
counterbalance the effect of a a loss In Inj 10cult lucash
j cash Estimates FAtfmat of the loss in cash by bythe 1 1the
the banks as today gathered footed up upthe upthe upthe
the total of the weeks drain as some somewhere somewhere twbfore
where between m3 OIOI iOI and 6 6Sterll 63IOOSS 63IOOSSSterlIng MOOM MOOMSterling
Sterling Sterll exchange e laa ge was again In strong ad advanclng adaDClnr aijwanctng
vanclng 14 of a cent and the purchases purchasesthereof pUr purchasesthereof baes
thereof were supposed ppo8ed to be in connec connection conneetIoa connectioit t I
tion with the remittance of money m ne to toEngland
England against recent sacs of stocks In Inthis Inthis
this market by foreign ro holders London Londonwas Londonwas Londonwas i
was again a lll a aMI1er seller here today on balance balancei
of about 5MM 1 080 shares shareslittle i iEvery IEvery
Every little advance a V ee in Amalgamated AmalgamatedCopoer j I
Copoer finds bears ready to jump on top topof
of ft IL Consequently continuous rise would wouldto wouldto I
to some extent extent probably cause an in Increasing
i creasing short interest which would ma matonally i I
tonally assist in the sensational advance advanceI
if the inside i interests cared to make a ademonstration adMDOlUtration adnmonstratlon
demonstration Certainly with other otlk1rmlolq othermining
reining stocks booming theway the 8Y they are arethis are aretblB arethIs
this most prominent security will ill not be beaJlowed be1kwed
allowed long to lag
SOT suP Yw Tert id X Xe < r = Ctartg stock sscbaag dt cbau fend fendtosBMctfcM 11IIIIItJ headAm41i415
tosBMctfcM tosBMctfcMAwrfcaa tJ
Awrfcaa TehactetwIan Trtwcco nv 1M 1MAsxrlem UfI UfIA
A Asxrlem Toteceo 4s Sf SfA itA 71T
A T awl 8 S F I urn 41 41A Ml MlX 111e
X A T sad S S F Mj dj te kT hl Wi WiA
A l T Md S So F adj ad K 4 rfametd 1IaBIpIIA H HA
A A T Mil S F 0 am te 4sAduitic u 1 1IQ 1IQAtJatatko R4 R4A
A AtJatatko a t c GoMt MM 1 4 A 4Bakisore ft ftBaldalore fc
BftHimwe and Ohio gold kI tt flaDd iecbees Wli WliCbeMpnte
cbees CbeMpnte and dao SB is 1M1 1II1CMlaPMII MS MSChnapeak INcheaoak
Chnapeak art Ohio eiL eiLOhi MRi
Obi Dad and QtIIect Qd Qtt T joint 4s 45 45C t tC 4 4C
C C C C Mi SL L it i iCoIanIdo 4Colorado WB4 WB4Cofando
Colorado iDdwtrW 4 iEric 41 41lIrk 9H 9HBrie
Brie I tsar ellDfIIrte tsarIeng4L BT 4 8ii 8iiKrie
Krie Ieng4L Ieng4LLihe Kg RILaIre 4s Ha HaLain
Lain Shire 4 nUoA reghetcdlleaucau 9Stt 9Stt3I 9SiUexiaIa
3I UexiaIa rican Cotteal 4 b SI SIMexican 511Icdaua 31exlma
Mexican exlma Central ant lw I8e8DW 1seemMexksi na SH
Xexkao Ceatnl ccooit iaepiM hlooo inonasio mi
Mo io Katz and Tea lint 4a 4 4Mo SB SBMa
Ma Han and alldTu Tec necdd is E6 E6MiMoari 86MiIIoarf SI54Iinirt
MiMoari Pacific 9a i5 Mi7 1114YCd Mfl 114 114ew
Xew ew Ycik Ccatnl to 4IJ 4IJNew 4 4New 8 8New
New York Oatiml Cesti1Niafgk MM 3 3Norfolk Si
Norfolk orfolt and Wcstent esaR OM 4s 4sYiitfolk mi lit litNGrfoUi
Norfolk and Wtstam tIIknt Dill Ia k 90K
Nortbcra X thera PaeMc tonaw 13 i tmk i iPeiuiimnk
rctmtflnu PeDlllrlfaDPD 4 4Pernaylmak not
PtuwyHanht 1haDk 34a Y m INtPenihn JIlt
Iwitfsyfwnla Penihn 3 3Is IMS M jj jjItHKttRK 5iJtc1IdMIg
ItHKttRK ltmdlngIs ltmdlngIsltkhunmd to Ia 9Ii H HUkIIaMM
KidMaoad and Damflit s U4i
SMteaid tl Air tk Ir Line LineSeabesid St 51SeabG8Id na naSaboMd
SaboMd Air A UM 4 41 is isSoethem SI 3
SocUttm Pa rdAe Me eeL traet 4 4 4sa1iten IsSonteru 9i 9iijadtkeni
ijadtkeni Padac T rel relandiog J Mnng 4 41 95 95Dntod j I ISouthern
Southern ItaIhraT taIIwa SiI SiUnitad 1Q I IUdell
Dntod States SIM Start itefcfeg f wd undWsM 5s mt mtWatwh I Iv
Watwh WsM v first 5 7Total m mTotal
Total Mks I IDM Mjm agaiMt AfIIl tIK 26nOOO yataB 3en4ey
973MOO a wi week aflo and J3K1000 a jrar age ageWAS1UXGTOX agoWASUINGTON JO JOASWSGT01i
Market jniet quieti price BOot Materially changed changedCATTLBBWi chanpatCTTLEBxtra
CATTLBBWi 5KL 5 5J par p wrt p pcut bmdMrs 4C8 per percwt t
cwt onto onIiMrr onImi 2JI 54 to toHOOSli 10ft 10ftHOGS
HOGS HOOSI I r owt iron 4t 2i to 673 ordinary UI UISJIB1Wc1ipp IjeS1IllgFcup M MSJIBSTCHpp I
SJIBSTCHpp I tM 4 ttwdhtm 3JO to J75 J75LAMBKPer USLIBS 375LtMBSPsI
LAMBKPer LIBS pawML cend aster cfcefca 7 to tomt tome1tun J Jmedium
medium mt i11m 6 to tof t tiALVEIer T TrALVESPer
rALVESPer f iL E8Ier r 1 nsd prime 7 t to > Hi mwliimj mcl1um1
6i 6 6l grass 4 to t 41 41COWS 41OWSErh 4 4OWSEah
COWS OWSErh Earti prune weo to 5960 5IO common ciimito yyj
to 3M8 M 41 oW aad an diy < 7 869 i to MLW i I
niTTKKMartet BtTIRItXamto nidHwsed haased Cmmmr CmmmrS ctsaaurrf7i
f7i S to S par noowJ faatani suter snta 3 to tooade S M MoM sicoo
oade oo M 1 to 11 > pnceat la fallq find cr a l to 2 fair to toSMd t1NdS toseed
seed 1NdS 31 to 21 atom puM aI ores Inn 13 to K KClIEBSBMrlwt J JC1IBKS 54C1IEgSJ
ClIEBSBMrlwt C1IBKS K Ut fcrw and ateadr SISS4TStile Sew York YortState YorkState
State factor targe lal e 13H 13 to 13 1 dO L sMall > 14 14Wi to toUS
US 11 MMuaer sisa larje Iar U Wwtem W V factor factorEGOSHeceipu new 1ItWU newd
d 4cs U dD fair 0 tel II 10 11 11EGG8Ree8Ipta ILEGGftecp
EGOSHeceipu H Jl 1104 i t ad market 8m Ne NeI t tIg
I Jf Ig freah fre Vtegtola lrIh W Weat VtojWa ytqi1dirrIiaia aad ad adwad Sosth Sosthwet
wet Viisiaia irrIiaia B 5 to S TemeMM T S to 41 Nertfc NertfcCaroMna ortk ortkCaIllHM srtbceiaJui
CaroMna ceiaJui M to K dodo M e eLIVll B 1LtS
LIVE FOULTKYCUckMe JOULTIt1 abotataiit shesd and fld fldhit Mar Market 1IIIIrMt ¬
hit stes steatfy Hem daD TnrtaVB hi good JOedJAIIncL da dSnund
maud ChkfcMt large 9 pn PseUd U do m mdha 1M 1Md medkise
dha d dkise BH 141 do mill U IMM V raosim raosimtedo I II 1decks
decks cIwc U SMM e 9 to 0 11 twkcrs to tons 15 to tf tfbam it it1atI 11hums
I bam dMiea M haste i to It 11D11E8BED ItDltEHIJED ItDltI7snEr
D11E8BED raUIlltY1MM9re POUllJtY IOU lIxlLYTurheyi baa bins > MM mxkftnii mxkftniiper 1UMI nndmwnPu R Rpel
per pomd 2 to 17 avnafft s1i5 v ubdMTM iw 16 18UIbI de dethta ml mlthin
thin 11 V fI c > B oM toMfe IT eUrtma spri 1Iri1tlt Kt tar0a tar0aC krlltto km kmI
C I to 13 do Mjcdam B to 13 do sash 14 hem hemeboicB helMi keneduks
i eboicB 11 rooKcn > to M do 4 yis U J25tot geew geewS 41et5Stat
j DKBSSED MBATSCftlrw fall dmatd SJ tm tmt06 to teiOG
909 bad off 9JO boEdtctMd cahea nsb 149 to SM SMeared 811lasa s sbaMaaMHtxjrM
j baMaaMHtxjrM lasa mlzy ur r cared 14 b aos sasS Ad Adper Mat Matper aiMpa
per cut 8J W do 4 ° Median JIted1 741 J to M LII dou hetfT hetfTIN 1MIi 1MIir
r I IN to 7N 1 1I
I GAlIBRabbitt per dossa dne LSI to 141 J H per perdown I Imiassa
I down n to LW L Quail pc doaca dim 241 to 109 109wild 1mwild 301uiu
wild uiu barker per Dx lb IS to SS pheaaasta aach ch M9 M9to UDt 141to
t to LS woodooek oock each ach 3 > to toI II IIVllG1FADL58Iiin
I VBGKTABUBSIrWi poutoes s3tatoe mutet qvfet qvfetUader qnlstValet w wU
Valet U liberal uffertng aDd ad d price ruled naWY lowar lowarYaeaa bew bewsal
Yaeaa Y sal eta s pleaitifBL plentifuL plqtjulIe Potatoes baaaa h ereira gzwsto
M 71 per boahel Vitgtoia Iq ud Manrhud IJIaod wr lltr lltrz 1Crref > < ar
ref 141 L jo tsl z nreet ad potatoca per P bum LM to toiM Is1ae
iM do ra ssa M LN L edetr Xew York YtIIt Ye fwr s toed tMIIIII tMIIIIIto
41 to N OMMU Ohio 0Id0 per bunS L U 141 to 10OhM A N do do0111m
Ohio par unfed IMIIIeI 41 to tt toraipa tnraS ver I box 3 11 to S II 41IIdbeid
Ilubbatd aonah H to W csbhs caaajapt Marbr Mary hazy1tnd
land U ZM to 3W 3 cdetr MicUsaH IS to 91 a ahead
head Maryland JIIbd and VlrgW irtiat M to IS tomalota tomalotaaearor ueDesW tonaicesscsrl
aearor scsrl M u W US a box Caltforaia < 2J 111 Mod ModLa 1Iadda 1IaddaUI
UI La to 2H t tlItUIT5lPIIiM 2411flU1T8Ajmim
ritUITSApptea dnaad hea h acthv aiTOJarp sad etpply H > P r
lane 1511 l Im III ood oo4 dimsed aM IIbI sicss fir tGr1t geid
I Nod Am AppteJoaatkaa AP per r Us 2 A A t to toUesuder IM 1411kzikIer
Uesuder pw 1 d d k bbL 2JBaSJI Oaa t Jsa per pera paza
I a ct a L ML IIIIL IHaXX Sanw s ow per d II b II BbL JIiIka JIiIkaill tZGsSIG tZGsSIGBellied 9O 9OIloiand <
ill Bellied p peaa s per p d d h h bbL l 2iktl Waf7ii at faD faDpin pip pipptn pippl
pin per d do a II I bbL MSaZ73 lIdn t75 Nona 7cm Sadi par d II h hbM 1 1bhl
bM L1M9 ot c per d cI h II bbL LOetS Kb KI8r KI8rper Kiagpa
per d d k IL bbL ZXt 22 to 3 Ui 5 Spitaaberg err per dh II IIUIdt bbL bbLUfaTS bhiLt75
UfaTS Spy per d d b bbL LSaa2J ItaMwia per perGraeaew perd perham
d II bbl LadJi U JM ham per 4 t htmL LIla 1Jtas
2 s Graeaew a 11imsl per d II h h 1 bbL U4 I1t4 bait he heblI ataek ataekper aockJIG
per bbL Keaaara maIM crab apptv per bbL bbL2JOsa hWUht bhL5l3
Uht 2JOsa 5l3 IVanBattlett per bbL IMaSJI LR Beonc BeoncdAn9 Ikuntdtnjoe
dAn9 IIA dtnjoe per bbt WBZ7S tatl Lawreawe per bbL
34ML7S XteflSer per bbL SOaXCO L1k Qirincea Q
Per Pe bbL 2JUM Pteeappleanarida PIIrWa per pererate perirats
erate 3M 3 to i r Grtpj > fruit In 131 I > to 1 4J 4Jbox 411 411boa
box JaaaOea 1 LM to SM N barreL Florida nwoil onmces onmcesto orsn
oil 41 to 2 US box PrtdUjr pcI pear Lei box i CHMbtRfaa CHMbtRfaaA
UI to 341 nDpn bri spes pa bsdnt 11 to J5 hemeo hemeoa
A lo L2i U L band baadiCHB6TSCT8AnlTale IiIIl 54k 3mar11 w wUt so 41 k kIeaestIlto
IeaestIlto IeaestIltoCuEerNtTstrrhals Ut to UI UICJlD1l
CHB6TSCT8AnlTale CJlD1l 1rrItak 1rrItakdid jiiatinrt psat L sdsL asset assettlsd
dad i a noaad noaadHAY IIII8aL1IA1 ilosudILS
HAY AND ND STJUWThaodv STJtA WIIII dI7 dueee nsw KM KMto JiMto ifIlto
to K I7A No o L I aew 1TJI 11 N 1 2 new 8IW1ItQ KM afeort afeorthay adnedhay
hay Ita 11 1441 to 11 1211 dvr an to toIJe 1M Nil ote alsaw alsawrye w
ua boaoJe badI UM to 12N u lye a > mdsIa i ariaa thte thud soo sooao M MOtUIXWheat OJto
ao Ut 11 wse u to 111 cat bay paz los 11M ao aoGItUX
410ItU4Whss 41
OtUIXWheat GItUX disk 13 fair iblrto to toto oo4
N to 11 ordkaarr 11 to 8 rye M to K eora eoraabetted osraebiPed
abetted sew wkJto whit K to 101 W L yellow 11 to 56 Mr r
XM 310tO341 to lU I Oils Oitaauxed ota w WoarawMtaXa154mol WoarawMtaXa154molMtxed11W41 wtdb Xo 1 Ie
auxed Mtxed11W41 Mtxed11W41PItODUOB M to toPEOBLTCE Ji JiPRODUCE
Baltteore Nor 2FLOUKM JILOUXXeIbt ifcet was prieL <
I j Winter extra at 2JGa3 2JIs341 winter wIui de dear 13al9 UUItier ate ateiter wInI
iter I tier atraiasx l 1ut aX winter patent teut ITIaltS ITIaltSaprios 171415dIIIIr 27k3 27k3dssr2
aprios dear dssr2 SJaalsJ apriaz isg atnigbt 3Jta 3Jtaaprinc sa saIIIItac 3JIsl41 3JIsl41ilg
aprinc ilg patent sc L9Da4M City MflV nw beet pateat pateati pateML
I i L La Ctty at Mflb Mckarade Jd paant ene 1 UI H Cfcy MOa MOaIWat xm1dIIts 345Wlmbvido
IWat 1dIIts < le atxalRSit ra2m L ut okate feeafty 4Ji 4 UIiIlh Chy Clqi
i jXiDB XlIII iIlh catn XSaAS 8aI rye lost iiniliiia kss to toJaa dkate dkateOAT8Markat dsIos dsIos13Il
Jaa 13Il 0 send per iii possa ISaUL Dtd Dtdpet D DittM
ittM pet 141 poends 22 11 RI satft 1111C 141411 141411OATSMadat I
I OAT8Markat OATB era Stack te eletatora 3U4B as
I boa ektoBKata ipsauts m roai denton 11W bus QaMa QaMatioaa Quhiaelan
I tioaa fin new eat > White So t 2 3ffKa3 do No o i
3 3 gas do > K M o 4 to 3to3 aim Xo 0 0th X 2 3feJTft 4141 4141do
th do < kx Xo In 3 3 3l11 3WRi 5o o 4 Co 3M3H K Nessms Tbe TIIeQIIDtadta atwr atwrOjootatioac sheic sheicqimotpttc
Ojootatioac qimotpttc refer ie to doaaestic delheiy
KY Jt8td atock IB dnatoia aka lXn boa he i ahipMaais r ± s
nxaa rr devatan iisiu i M boa 110 Xo o 2 pr bw he ChM Ma Ie N
3 Weatera aow aptowa eottwry lIsS 10 4o 3 aar4 aar4aptowa neaz neazaptowa
aptowa dcHvetr CaM 1 No Ni 4 Wojtem W optows da daawry tit
awry h + ay Mae Sa o 4 peartoy DtUW nptowa detherj ttaftt Il
1 ku he tote I 11 to quality aad ogodUoa 8a 5411 caoioa
Weaton nptown delifeqr Hafi HafiSaJTH 14af 14afUnDIarbt 74s1iUTT41Mamtt
UnDIarbt floe ensery fMeJ per ps
I SaJTH i r do dMtoe dI aS do 0ood uod ZM fl da ml
iBatattoa Han I do prints 2aa9 de ktoola te 3Iais a j
is 41 bwOe I7a J7aJt aaarby tby mill lTa JlaJI atot mere pMMd pedsdo
Okto o 14 cIio 40 < kx Weft Wm Teafck ViIIfI 1M 54 Mar1IMML Vim if
jy prkta hail hailsetol raao raaojvateit
jvateit setol Jlaa JlaadBUeVMarket 41s 41suieMaitet
dBUeVMarket uieMaitet sm 11 Manrtaad cybed RaaMftaooa Pu azimob MId aadMarby MId11ft andasirby
Marby irate loat < 4 per doa S Weeteta w sraCi hs hsea
taasrtT ctl B Wm Nt Ttasteia ems kaa oaT 18 18UTE
Sssthrm enc dzit ion od 4152 salon ens JtaK M
UTE POULTKYMaikat POCLTIIYXullltQ alaady dsekeac c aM 8MYJ
kens hey YJ per k lie da eaaaB fl U old oldUSa pose poseS
S ten each each Sa Sd loner good to Isdelic dMiee hit Duel
Pteklfe P8drIIe1aqt p hnteperlb 1ari lb U do aaIL nt ntad M doiaaeeuvy do oesaiy
ad aMocni aospo 11 do drakea caeb az 3aa IblO do white wWteper
PIIIIinr B U 0 Gss UJIud and irJbaaa fala per lb lb
IIa 131 Tsehsyatosc toas pet lb 1IaIf i7 ° ms msp JIICII
j per p pair a aeacs > cJo oW old per peJr 41 u few sat satisit
eacs t ma Old torkera BaM 1kl Old mx asima teal fewLNEW tealsec
lid sec IlsIt
I New > 5ew York Kor XSCCAKTb had W WJaW adKt fcr fcrnw
nw laitar wail dull aad aa aoakatl at the dosing loDcRrtftcR
baa bed OeaMtaaaJ M teat 3H 3 aiainniaiK R ssdo a teat
3 3 e ehaua sqaar em 11 teat eIC K 3 Loadoa Lsslb aurket lor loraasar torIIIiIIJ Inans
aasar ans bide rnled quet < pnet but blatad Heady with Votwaber Votwaberawl ossabnned
awl Deoeaaber qaotod q at Mid Resa 1IdbMd 1IdbMdlid d aaaar r wan
doBand daB lid onth onthlItrlTgxaetepti ooelMnKML ooelMnKMLlUnrKKKeeripU
lUnrKKKeeripU 1WrT 111 ai packasea ues A am but butundwased liltJR butmasagut
undwased MMket was noted 1I for batter butt oa the had baefaBOOeVRcodpto k
otJllfi 01 Il IlllOGbItazeivl
BOOeVRcodpto 3M IN euea Weatora bats wttfc
the awtf wet stIet et rattng wry y Cm CmNAVAL INoL lTmNAVAL
NAVAL oL STOKBS8 STOKKS8kd k bald 4 tiiII Sal bafvda bafvdaapirits haseliplilts
apirits tarperrtlaa lNC I barrria tr IrI m tend tendroetawa
I SpIrb tnrse nut 8d IOIin ruled quIet wIti the
I fcnIer tIIIUt sutrd at it for zacI1m aadmbio b Hill aidmud
roetawa mud wan onotedat4Jllor QUO at UI for eaaaiuu to 4004 ood atraate tra sIae5
I Tar wes nominal aaI at t abaat a as far ofl uShULL ana
MILL PKKD Y m dim bat wet neC Sprirx bran ta KO KOaarka
Jb lb ache to toarme arrtra flake and sail SL IoD L aicidttoci aicidttocicKy
2171 15 cKy bran 3111 Weatera red doc KJL KSI
FLOUR flmly arI7tamtt nstahted Spring patent aa 4Ma 4
4JO 4 aprias clears lMh3 3IkiIl a wiater dean clean 19 1583 1a354 331
Kanaaa in seas MdIa patenU 379slli 373 ttrakjfete sIbla X 1IIa a
1 115 ear esz S 211L41 211L41RYE JtaUi JtaUiJtYE a3L2t
RYE ateady fairly active 30411 30411COltKM UlaotUCOltMIIrFair 37te4aCOK1MLtLFjp
COltKM COltMIIrFair AL FVUr badness
kite dried for ex export animi >
port i 27l73 Tea tan 73 anne ansi ia is bax bsi LSfctLlL L5kflStArLow IJL
UAVLow KA lLo grade mdse Are slew itcdpts c l 1fJJ 0 toaa
Priaae PrWae LHaLW Xo L 1 LSJ No X 5 MaKH Ii Na 4o 3 3 39T1t
JSa1 7te 7tegrKAwModtat
OTXAWModetat 9T1t Wlederate taqairy to bang rye DaN 11 i
DBKK ateady fair toaatry y IaaUir 1 aWaliOJ aWaliOJpadet 1IOaliOOcht IMalLcnet
padet cht et U DtI lL1klI41 lL1klI41POXK14kt 1 all allPORKLiiht I IPORKLiPt
PORKLiiht sapnly Meat Mkaai fii fawfly fawflyBlUBL f i
54IL54 54IL54TtLLOW BlUBL I iI
TALLOW Ins car qaotod at IH 1 te hoadjaa hoss4g C I ILaRD
LaRD L RD taxaaasfld PrkM Widens WenaliS IMI 0 cIty dtyreaned II
liS HIlled 0 mtteost 5454 sb A1MIku 115 115msiiad I
reaned BnuUian legs us city atcariae atcariaeoleoatoariae sands 1414 1414okostuedas i
oleoatoariae am than dty eit U Odcaco CIdcIItPD u uCOTTON 11 UCOTTON I IOOTTON
X Nsa w Tot y Tht Nor 1The cotton ptton Karket waa da dapram dipid
pram pid ta tIMIIiJ dar anaer 1RIIIer a adverse peariiaiiia of seat Mllti seataenstasted
MMat acOMtaated a by the heavy bea momnont BIOftM ef 1 the taaweek thewed
week and a bearish GOes report Liverpool l cane onsetha
tower tana WM due ad stated that tile tb decline decitmuthe WM WMttK WHtile I
tile icaate of unwiDtagneaa to operate either way wa waTte
The be taeuwtut for n the th wefc k SMJM 1t hUes 1Je eon eonpand eoMwitJr senI
I pand wit with New Yoric Cares of o 561698 D bales Isle teat betwish j jweek i
week and VlMt m bates bit year The Giles report reportbowed reportimprowmeot repcmtsbd
bowed aa Jmptwe improwmeot ent of about a poiat idnt and a d a halt hUID haltI j
j I I ta the test two weeb notvitbstandiag g that foeriae fnahllwetIter freeziegwst j j
> weather wst bas been genera aeuenl over 01 Ute belt The TIteI n e epms i iport
I port pms was DOt srrioualy cooaidemi except that it itI j 1
I happened to writ the operations of profaarioaal profaarioaaltraden ht ppoun ppountradem
traden TIM Tb trade ic looking forward to a bearish bearIstJurn bearisticemse i iocnaua
ocnaua report next week althoaaii aI it is dear that thata tIIatI
a record of TMM 11 7 bate ginned to Noreinber 1 1wfll 1will
I rill act indicate a crop of aaara than 12 1Z254Q 1Z254QSOmtheru 3 000 QOOSGlltMn j
ISOHUMTB SGlltMn apot Ian quiet t too aaar tad adehaael DG w wi i iI
i cteaaed te JiC c lower Bxporta reported ri orted early 117 K1ML K1MLI Sonl1e1 23111Pirt
I I Part receipts eettaaated ted tedSen JMN JMNj 41111 41111New
j New > ev York VorlcQwaUtiaas YorkI YorIQeitatlsmic
QwaUtiaas Q fat f fazaisbed alike J ar Dick D One n k Ce memo membera memo1IeI minihas
I has of tfc the Nw New To y teik sad Sew ew Oileaw Orlel CottM CottMenaaaaac 011 011ex tctteu3fl
enaaaaac ex 2413 3fl H sweet t esi aartaweat xlbt ilwaca P mate mtlDI
1 m 11 SIlL iiL HLj
j Opts L Uta DIlL Low Oesa OesaNttVCBMMT CJeeI cbetaNsanber
NttVCBMMT NLW NLWDaceawMr 41 41Diccnbsr
DaceawMr I IMI MJt k IJ UI 9Sfe9SS 9Sfe9SSJaaoRir 937 9s58 9s58Ja17 9sS 9sSJamaj
JaaoRir 41 1BC7 54 9M U 9M 99Ie51t31sd I
Xarch T II 152 JK M 5454 Mtt 41 MIBeWW IIeteiitIIMay
i May M Jl U M19 JOJfaJttl IO5kWflJidy I
11 Jidy M mm T 1111 ItI 1 a McsaHJB McsaHJBAciv I ISew
Sew Orleans OrleansOp
I Open Op Higa I tr > KU 2p2t 2p2tDeember 5 5Desenher pm pmDICIIM
Deember DICIIM NM JI MK 11 bl 91 ia ia3aasry J2 J2Jaaaarr i2J
Jaaaarr J r MJ6 351 IfEi3 63 NOO UM UMJlBfefc YM11Ir 1141lEWd
11Ir lEWd U N9 5 H25 11 Nli M15 M15MM W15r 1415Msy
MM r M 11 w I 104 115 s ie29 lo lo111b ipJuly
1M JIII5JIOt TtJK TtJKSpot 5454l
Spot 5JIOt l ° t Markets MarketsN Jlnrkebi larkctsRod
i N Rod anp SlIp lls Stack Mitts SJala SJalaNowOrkaiK t3aletNew 1 1Sew
NowOrkaiK Sew Or Orimse J4S v 5 1 1i5 17341W 5 J 8 MUS MUSaananab 11 11 111 1113svssaeb sooo soooDaL
aananab M UIII ll U 1 1tJSlS U 1 l 1S1J6 1S1J6X l31tNewYirk W WXewYwfe
XewYwfe XewYwfeBastoa X y 11 11e8t 11BeMi
Bastoa e8t BeMi IB ItM ItMLeaterWa 1111Leulnilis 418 418JI
LeaterWa 3W 3 JI 18 IMI IMILittle ll 1S 1SLittle 1S 1SUuhelt
Little Uuhelt Ko ItOlt KJK net 3T 211l 2r3l4 W K KXeimbh 3q 3qMearn
Xeimbh 1l Mearn 8ra 3JW 3 ane fi E EA1IC8Ita n aja ajaAa 33413IN
Aa A1IC8Ita a 3JO 1 2441 d 134 134lietatsa 5 < 776 776Hetotoa ii iiH
Hetotoa H t9 WW un K7S J is UK UKStLoria Sfl Sfl1AIIM t t8t
StLoria 8t Lisle a iI8 U > l88 MK 1 80t 3 Mft lIiHernhl 9 9Herald sHerald
Herald Want nnt Ads Adswill Ad Adwill Adswill
will be received at t Grier Criers Phar Pharmacy Pharmllcy Pharmacy ¬
macy 9th st st and N 1 Y ave nw and andproroptlv andpromptly andpromptly
promptly forwarded to the main office
YlerdaYI session 011 of tile Wiiahlsgtioa WiiahlsgtioaStck s sS
Stack S ck Exchange nSe developed into a sort sortof IIOrtof sortof
of Held day for bond 00 with Columbia ColumbiaRailroad COlu COlui ColumbiaRailroad
i Railroad Cs and Was4rtngt Washington n Railway and andEtectrie udE1eetrk andEleetrk
Etectrie is In the load As on one broker re remarked re remarTted ismarked
marked the trading tr dlnl called call for real realmoney reallIionqh realieoney
money lIionqh The total of the sales 1 amount amountto amoln amountil amountilto
to 5WC09 = IOo1 008 and the stock sales lei were were8liitree SK SKslMires illslaarel
slMires The T Columbia te went otf m 1IljHly 1IljHlyb radlybetween diy diybetween
i between b tweft K 1111 and 1i T with ail offered at atthose ttltoH atthose
those figures ft ures taken The ashtagton bston Rail Kailread RatlGad Railrcad
read Gad bonds soW from 87 S7 up to toWashington toWasblqton 3 3WTubIagton
Washington Hallway RaU > 1LY and Electric simiree simireetook aIIaHItook siuweatook
took the lead amon Ilmons the stocks with withCapital dhCapital withCapItal
Capital Traction don a close third The last lastnanwd I IDarned lastiiiiied
Darned recovered to 141 from the low sell setting sellIns sellIng ¬
ing of tb the pant two day dayPeoples a aI dayi dayiPeopIt
I Peoples Plre Inswaaoe IA put en the ap apseat appmstramtce
I peftnlnce oC Ute 7esten1a7 after a back backseat backscat
seat for wveral eral days A block of SI 5 was wasbid waai wanbid
i bid in at ff ffOn 4 4On
I On other stocks the th flay passed without withoutIncident vwotI withoutIncident
Incident IncidentDemand lnek1 IncidentDemand Rt RtI
I Demand for Washington W ncton Gas Ga 4s oontiu oontiuues oondaI conthiusa
usa good but holders seem loath to part partwith partI partwltb partwith
with them at the figures Md MdWASHINGTON 1thIiw bidWASHINGTON
I SatoUnited 8 Stout neMerad 4 Is IM 4 at M 3 3WMhteetoH NI NIWwatOR 3Wssblntoi
WMhteetoH CM < rtifcMe 1oste 9M at 11T 11TCotaMtta U UCapItal
I CapItal 1rv fI 1 UN at 114 114Celoedia
CotaMtta MaUroad la II M IN at HIV HIVr 111 111eabe I IRdIoa4
I r eabe 4iMMa RaBroad 4 f1 i 14N at HH i UN at atMr atat atINIb
Mr INIb Umt at Wli 144 14M 1 at M 111 IJW 1 at 114 UM UMat JJIIIat 1111at
at M 14M 1 at UK 34W I 3 at atW t WK WKWaaMnctOB 114 114Wanhiuglin
WaaMnctOB W itathwj Md Ekctrie It b 9JN UIIat at t VK VKSjMatB 4I 4IINMI7LM41
SjMatB INMI7LM41 INMI7LM41thittad at UN atWH atWHUiwtod at atU
Uiwtod U atatM Macuto Lfcfct MTMMHM sstdlsan W U1J at atCMMpcate 8ud
114 114Cbsespesl
CMMpcate and aadCapiUI release s1at s1at1It 5a 1141 t
1It 1ItI
CapiUI Tnetfeo 9 at Mt Nf at Mfll 311 11 11w at atWaMfawtos
I 113 I IWadiaalos
WaMfawtos w Raflwv and IBieirfc IBieirfcat 1kd etss IN INat
I at J JZII 37 51 at 37 n II at 11 at t 3TS 54 41 at atWaaMnttoa atWatldlactoe 54 54Wibbmgtoe
WaaMnttoa Xattway and Ktatrie pratomd riad N Nat IIatatat 11at
at atatat atatatW Si S at 5k m at KK KKNorfolk 41 41Norfolk
Norfolk aa4 WaabtoKton W 9wMMMt Ii wt 9 at t 93 93Paontet lileooIe 2131SOTIW
Paontet tire 1 iMuranca I IFoUewiIt6 II at CK CKFoUawinz 4eZ1sa41g
FoUawinz are the doatoc Md O qadad MMMM w f fWraws J3I yst11days
Wraws t daJs Kiekl 0 ietl exchange o exchangeflOnmk1h1Up escMneeDoodalttittppine
Doodalttittppine flOnmk1h1Up Ud PntcteM to 41 M 541si OSKrtK OSKrtKof DIIUIItet
of CotamWa 1 31k Ui UiOM UIGa UiGas
OM booda InOdoWaItlegtOU VMUnston Otc Cowpaay Cea ssy 4e 4 ML MLam4f MLWichpion
w Wichpion OM Ms c Ccnssy osuttisetse III ofasak IIItIIIIUd IIItIIIIUdIll
am4f UL ULRotttwd IllltellnMd ill illItall
Rotttwd Itall bondi bsslbcaimltal 1 ill CapHal Ttowrten Riled Ita ItaAaaemt 4a IN INAnacadla JSRi JSRiAnaeoaUa
AnaeoaUa and Potomac Sa WL Car CII7nanna Md MMWM MMWMRailroaa 1khurbis 1khurbisRaStoso
Railroaa St sa MB OOHMMI Cdsa Jtaflnad MOMd teOaIIdJIQIII a ort ettm ortnae
nae m 3a M Cohnmbia JUUroad la II IIpol INIb Metro Metropolitan MIlanttau ¬
politan pol ttau Railroad is h 1BH l 113 I > 4IlsodtIs Mi p litan KawMtf KawMtfntttcaua It IteertttIeakS KiliroadcrtIlcatis
ntttcaua cI hiihotidntM III V la M4 Wuhltcsaaway WaaMncton WaaMnctonRailway
Railway an and Kieetrle DeehtelIi1eP aecnte 4a 87 87Mtawnancou s shldeiftaneomma
Mtawnancou lIi1eP bondaCnttxd CnMil States Electric Light Ugfctdebenture UrIatMIIIftIt Lightdbeitsm
debenture hnpr bupejweoaest jvoncwt aX k Mf United V ed tea teaJJPt IlatecLeetzle 3tat 3tatEiMUte
EiMUte Light omiaoatw or InautjUdiiiic 11I1 hsdez J II II IIl JWH uS4
Iat l Iotcoaae wme Ktoetrir Light Int nt M II 11 H P1 > JK XorfoiJc NGrfOtw sal avlWanlnaton salwad
Wanlnaton w wad BtMaboat Sa 51 X CfctMpMfci I sespaks and andIota ud1GtIMMe aidIclsnee
Iota 1GtIMMe o TatonlMMB T SB iiI IMH 110 WOAMKUM W Market MarketOaapany XadiKc Maibacnmey
Oaapany fir tn fe Ii IiP l NL NLPnUk MLPahite
PnUk P sully atoefciOMaM uL f I Iw IVnetten MDh MDhWartiinUHn IiPjWa
WartiinUHn w Wa Kaflway name and Etatrte tsetrleWlJiAp unmiai u ft VftWaihlnsiM ftw
WaihlnsiM w iUitwar and JOaeMe IIIIabteNerfoa pretcrrad 4d H HNortott ItNuefelk
Nortott and Wanhiado waaata ton aiMitiut 277 Wa Wataatoa W With WithlegIon
legIon OM SK 11 CbMapaabe c boashe and au PiUinut TMa TMaphone rwlIe L Lft
phone phoneTn ft
Tn lIe nachim aUdu Mcr0MtMMr I Llnotypa 91 91MtteheOMM MLMt
u uM
M Mt Ilsehi4jeose os 54 MtteheOMM MtteheOMMKattonai 1UtlMll1oIapa hIelben 54k 54khe
he oIapa apany S1 S1s 5 5Nadossi
Kattonai s bank atvcfc iIsaOmIta1 Oanltal I KV US OnfanL CLl Ml MlNattonai IllNatiosal
Nattonai tfcy l I 117 W Cowmbia 91 CMMWCW
ML Fana v Fatns n aid Miehanicf edsdet BL MMMpotttnn IlL 3HLni IlLlimed
ni It av CM limed Hi Ttwfen 19 WMMar w wiiIL wss wssTand
ton J5 J5Traat iiIL
Traat Maapaay BteefcaAmarlMii A SacnHtjr ass aMlTns assTnut
Tns T Tnut za Katto KattoLmon Ntlssl awe awet Duped aa Tv TvLaio
t Laio Lmon TrMt Company ft 1541 1541tnvbp WMMnstn L < Ma and andferfag atrn
rn rnsmp
Sarteca bask Ma iweluHMM iweluHMMUniaa 8 ferfag MM Seth 9k ML1rmmss
Uniaa u 1rmmss Sa inns Hank at atw w 5 5l2IL mkge mkgeFlee
w M MPwo l2ILtie
tie Mnatanoe hessassi atoeMArmaatan 3L 54 CbkMwia
m 11 Corenran 74 14 biMMMa i 3fc rYankln lra 1a a aG ao 54Oazoaertra
G Oazoaertra manAMKicmn o Mi MctmnUtaw Icup Icupc 11 XatMMl
Unfaeu c taM 7H 7 People re 1 s Kiss KissTitle g S STtdt
Title raMomct atociaOolOBbia CGIIatIk Title i 4 BM
Cstata gittlldeN gittlldeN54ietelbanns TMe TIde TIde1firdJrWI SS SSMiaeenaMOM <
MiaeenaMOM sw 1 auIOosthen SootB ni Pontte amto Oc Ocpocation i ioa
pocation oa 19 1 GnnhoptwM a o let m mama fI 41 OMSMV oN oNsw j j jII
phoor sw pwlmad and II 34 Seeartty S S CMMM daipiny as asWanUntMn I
WanUntMn iUdtrt J 9 FldrHy SMca St StsapayUt Q Qpany OII OIIpaaJ
pany payUt payUt54zdhidoat 111 1
54zdhidoat dMdeIId f t1kdds
i Qartaifaai fe fueid aMl b br C atHa sIS S one < 3e St Gas c c14mM
Cbtaeaai Btt af Tam 1aItWJIXA Maaau MaaauVKKAT Ms MsWRAT
VKKAT WJIXA T Ope a Uiab b low cre oa
Deoeertar if Jnt B 11n ftH 34 TW TWMay
May 54 n VA t Wi m 71 71COaN l lIM4 I
tn till t GIll
IM4 4H4 4H41U8 tf6 GIlltf6 11
I 54 11 11 11rn
r rn 1U8 MJI OJF 41 BJT
LAUD LUt LUtMar LtflMi
I May Mi UI UI Ui SJI Us
t w 11 UI Ji f1Ii r7 UI ro
I I Jassaq IIrv y 741 771 74 1 711 fl T 141
t I Sew York 1 Ner tCta 2 nwrrcu sarhetE sarhetEWIILI
i WHBAT WIILI fan an but iMdife edan N No I Nuethas V tMw Oo nt
teth to anfea nab 1IIb Me tel and nd mm 51 Me ioe f r Dceanw DceanwHe
I It t 0 0 11 It Ko ic 1 orthen Masilohe 41 bets ti to toamber
amber l4o 2 fnthsw 54aalheha iM late
bn No I ad f fob 0 De3pdepo pdeea Ne Ne0Nr N
He owr A Detoein ieianar i f o 6 11 Im a A N i aMeanmrt 4P 4 t f 0
b It Xa 1 mopMi amreaf CU JCOxi 7 74 4 azmntns Kx rCen took rtr MaCORNm laaek
COKXSuoaaer COxi CORNm caecfctac chichi CIa Ko ICaSo 2 Steiner
N N Ne X 3 14 W t o b bo la o 2 yellow M 1 a b Ia Nt v vS a
S adddfa nhi of December B t o a b b No 2 wbS wMta M
I f o b 11 Bzportm xpsctaw took two twoOJ leaxk leaxkOATS lo looArs
OATS OJ TS rteady llkantsi price IItaJ JSo S wMa wMaNo II IIa
No a 3 wbtta tt wbtIsIl 3Ri 2 abel 41 i N 3 arioso arioso3Mtf
3Mtf hes t a o b bThe Ia
The 1 1WllT 1 prioM Car se Mann MannWu1LtT iaUew iaUewW11BVT
W11BVT Oa 0 Opii Hbja L Lea Leadt r Oeae Oeaecoiur
J ft dt M 51 11 11I4ar
I4ar 3s IlK MIlK IlKORX 14 s sDicesba
coiur coiurOfooaber < ORXi ORXIlWtIn
i Ofooaber 911 Hi CM6 CM6Hahteore 54 54Jsea
Jsea ty tyMay
May Mayllkloaoie =
Hahteore X Nor r WHBATStw WIIlT8tdTIle te defawn
BBJH boMtb The Mtrket for SovjOara wheat
toMy WM MctionaQy f < Sneer for gmded Ma Ke Keertptc 54
ertptc IfcM and aD offcrtan proMptlj oipexd oipexdof diIIJOXdI
I of fit Sales of aIIIII osose Os awIc to AD to eIctaton ileastorsat
at 1k far m spedel biD 7o 0 i NIl i like far or aloeS
I No 2 Nd tII for special bill sumner No 1 red redItGet
e for stock rtMBwr X Xar Xo 2 nd lij lor to toetel IIIe
daI I rejecmi Mc tar Itock IejecW and Me
i tee ar Rjactad to p gu through bier Contract CIMrMt o oed osjt MWd
let iat t and Ira OecMmer 77 Thts e The onSet Mr
WMWTX W dosed MMW apoc apo October 78t 73rItc Ue 1JeI >
30e ItcCORYStiicS
I CORXStook in e ciecietri < e ton SMJT2 buMili huuswim Th ne neI i iw
w wre ic no reeeipta today of SoMtham Sssth OKB s in f foaiiese eon eontaara
I oaiiese 01 o WilkeS taw WM an aaI aattoety nontaal nontaalt neainsusdat
usdat with peloas Iota Iotaat aSset sony
I at t lIe per bushel Doun to fell wmw wId white an lIB per OMfeel boas for firydks
yeUn JIIIIImr ad track ycttov com a dommic > at a fie
i per 1 bushel fir r ear h WI priaw t1n on IIIOL oL Oomtnet CositnatISd
oMMd atMdr Msed yMr let tf adte Tfco 7h mtrket
V Wfttnl w < cctara da diced Meier spot October Re it Reiry11c JMW JMWMT J Jr1 I
MT iry11c fet
i ii
Xew ew Tot York Xor n 1GTTL05 lCATTIjSRecelpU 3JHt J X Xsteer ai
steer en Me higher bulk ADd tons Meady to it eUwar stas
Steers r lSaiS s5S5 6 bulk balII Z JM a39t oawa s Lfiktt31 i
CALVBSReceipta pta 9k d Tcala sna Ira a to Sc Maker Makersw higherzmaera
sw zmaera rg ateadr stisd all ll sold Veals eaJs LM9J9 gwsaen rsposs I
3dte33S atM35EP 8eM354tLJIEP j
S tLJIEP BBP EP AND LAJLBSRewipU LA1I S eeripta a I S saeep saeep369ae sheep
dull and lower kidi slow and Je lower Sheep I
369ae iet lank b tS4 Utai5I r59 Canada Caaa leeds 744
HOOSRecdpto ptII 2111 M i rntket sttet met tencr raer at 4H675 4H675CAPITAL LIIIi LIIIiOAPITAL 111175CAPITAL I
by r B 4fc 5c A Electric Line to Issue Issue25OOO lsuc2OOO
25OOO OOO New Shares SharesSpKial SboresSIial SharesSsi I
SpKial to The Waebiagtoa Herald HeraldAnnspolls UenijAnnapolis
Annapolis Md Nov No 2 2At At a meeting meeting1of meetingof j jof
of the th majority of the stockholders ofi ofithe or ofthe I Ithe
the Washington Baltimore and Annapolis AnnapolisElectric AnnAp AnnapolisFl Us I
Electric F Fl EctrlC Railway here today the capital capitalstock capitalstock i
stock of the company was increased from from34GOQ006 fromicooooo
34GOQ006 to toThe 5000 53W009 j
The Increase Increa will be through the Issue hensof j
of 26000 additional addl onal shares of capital stock stockof stockof
of the par value alua of it i l each eachThis eachThis elL elLThis I
This company Is L building the new line
from Baltimore to Washington and owns ownta own ownbra1ch
a a branch to Annapolis AnnapoUsSteel AnnapolisSteel j jSteel
Steel Stocks In Demand in Europe EnropcBrussels EuropeBru EuropeBrussels
Brussels Bru els Nov N 0 2 2Belgian Belgian financiers in intoreated Intore5ted Intoested
toreated in floating American stocks in intha Intilt inthe
tilt European roarkrte mark Us report an enor enormous eROrmous esiormous ¬
mous demand for Steel Ste l shares The par parchases purchases parchases
chases are especially eSj + heavy bea in France Francewhere Francewhere Francewhere
where the capitalists are looking fur forforeign furfore1gnsecurltles furforeign
foreign fore1gnsecurltles securities to escape w the proposed proposedincome proposedIncome proposedIncome
income tax taxSilver ta taSilver taxSilver
Silver for Philadelphia PhiladelphiaThe
The Director of the Mint yesterday yesterdaypurchased y yesterdtypurchased terd terdpurcbased
purchased 146400 1 ounces of silver at 7123 1l 1lcents 7L2cents i icents
cents an ounce to be delivered at Deni Deniver Den Dener Denrer
ver er and 3MM iUOGoUAOOO ounces at 7120 to be < tei teilivcred 10
livcred tin red at Philadelphia Phlladt > lphla tNI I
All Lines of Industry Send Sending Sending Seiiclilig ¬
ing in 111 Favorable Fa yorablo Reports ReportsCOMPLAIN ROIJOrtsCOMPLAIN ReportsCOIPLMN
Traffic Conditions II a all Unaal ot This ThisSea ThisI Thf ThfI
I I Sea Season on Important Factor Fnc FactorUrgency FactorUrgencyI to rUrc Urgency Urgencyfor 11 C Cfor
I for Iron and Steel Deliveries DellverlellCot DellverlellCotton Cot
ton Goods and Leather Are in fnDcnuantl inDenund
Dcninntl for Spring Shipments ShipmentsNew ShipmentsNew
New York Oftr Nov 2E P G D DIIJl 01s V weekly weeklyreview weedrelew weeklyreview
review r f trade tomorrdtv will wllllfty wllllftyCoWa say sayColder
Cotter weather ha hu removed one of the theI theI
I drawbacks to seasonable distribution of ofmorchAwnae orI ofI
I I merchandise hut t there ia wI tfll much muchoompiahH I1IUchOOfIIplaJnt muchI
I complaint of traffic conditions Congo CongoItfon Congo CongoI Cougestion
Itfon I tIoa on the railway ral1 78 WM Increased by bythe byUte bythe
the destruction of vessels e during the re recent re reee iscoat
cent ee t Gulf stdrm and a much heavier heaviertonnage bea1ertOftlla heaviertonnage
tonnage of freight t Jgbt IB delayed than t usual usualalthough usuJalthougb usualalthough
although there is always a car famine famineat famineat famineat
at this season Retail trade shows im improvement Impro 1 1prctement ¬
provement pro emeDt In nearly all sections and andmercantile andI andmercantile
I mercantile oolltlons ool Uo tll are more prompt promptRet1lJ promptReturns
Returns 8 from rol1l the iron and steel toel indus induetry iadusb7 industry
try could not easily ny be brighter and andfootwear aOOCootwar andfootwear
footwear factories have abundant orders orderson or orderson er eron
on band After several weeks of pros presroe prossure
sure roe to place contracts for cotton goods goodsthere OOC1athere goodsthere
there Is a natural season of quiet bdt bdttiie bbtI btitte
tiie mills have secured enough business businessto Ine88 Ine88Juure
I to insure many malt months mon of activity activityPrimary aeUtt7I activityPrimary
I Primary receipts of wheat are not in inkeeping inf Inkeeping
f keeping keepl with a maximum crop on account accountof accounti accountof
i of freight delays delaysFailures delaysFailures
Failures FaJIvr in Otober were fewer in nutn nutnher number naumbetS
I her than U in the same month last year yearbttt yearbut r rbtlt
bttt several vera very Vera large defaults provided provideda ntl ed edaft
a aft increase of 69 e per cent over the ox oteepUoMJly oxceptlonily
j eepttonaiiy small liabilities in UK UKI 1JI5RnihT3r 1iRailway
I Railway Earning Larger LargerRailway I LargerRailway rger rgerRailway
Railway earnings in October were SJ SJj soaper
j t per cent larger lar than a year ago and andforeiaii aadi anderelgim
i foreiaii commerce com at this port alone for forthe fori forthe
i the last week showed a gain of 2138243In 5ISt1 5ISt1In 9S2 9S2in
in exports eX Or and a lose of mlil T7jlrl In Im 1mports ImP6rta Imports
ports as compared with the same week weekln WeeKIn weoxin
In 1S 1SMoney 1 11Ionq IiLMoney
Money continued very ery firm firm and the thesecurity theHCUriq thesecurity
security market displayed the customary customaryanteeiectioa castont90Ya mnpotoraarydullness
anteeiectioa a dullness Une Bank exchanges at atNew atNew atew
New ew York for fortH the w weak k k were we 61 per cent centsmaller ee esnismaller t t1IIIIJ1er
smaller than last year yea while at other otherleading oUterleIIdlur otherleading
leading cities there was an average in ini Increaae
i I crease of 14 14i 24As 4 4i
i As the season advances with increas increasi h1CleftSlAg hmcreasbig
i lAg urgency for or delivery of iron and steel staeregardfesa KeetrepnIIe8 steelof <
regardfesa of further advances in prices priceseven IKleeEtD priceseven
even tD the most conservative COIIMIV2tIYei purchasers purchasersgive purchasersgive
i give e up hope of better terms and are areI arcstruggling e etnI
I struggling tnI to place contracts before an another 11other anatber
other fraction is 1 added to the price or oranother orother oranother
another month to the remoteness of de delivery deItvfl1 dolivery ¬
livery liveryRecent Itvfl1Recent liveryRecent
Recent vigorous activity in the primary prlmOMarkets
I markets for cotton tton goods has been fol foltewed followed C Clowed
lowed by customary c quiet conditions coadlttonswhkh conditionswhich
which are necessary for assimilation and andadjustment aMa4JwtauenL andad3ustioenL
adjustment Diminished Dl dnbed Interest in goods goodsand goodsalld goodsand
and the lower price dce of the raw material materialleaves materialto materialleaves
leaves th to matter of market values de dependent d deMeat doesmt ¬
pendent > esmt upon the readiness with which whichJobbers whichJobbers bleb blebjobbna
Jobbers find their recent purchases dte dtetribttted dtstrIted diatzlbated
tribttted tribtttedDemand trItedDeman tzlbatedDemand
Demand for Domestic Manufactures ManufacturesStocks JlnnufllcturC8Stocks 3lannfacjureeStocks
Stocks te the t bands ba of Western dealers dedersae dealersape
are believed to be light and a steady steadymovement td tdnt steadymovement
movement nt is anticipated No Improve Impront improvesisaL
sisaL t has occurred m iu the export division dtVwon divisionbut
1 wt many looms formerly engaged on
foreign work have been diverted to the thejdoraestJe tJae4Ion the1domestie
jdoraestJe 4Ion pressure pioeauna which maintains active activei acth acthtIMt
i the machinery in ail 31 departments departmentsJ clepwtmentSN departmentsNow
J New England Eag IG shoe shops receive liberal Hborali UbomlJ liberalfor
J i for spring P goods from Eastern Easternwholesalers Buternw1en Easternwholesalers
wholesalers bat it is still too early to toexpert toexpect toexpect
expect returns from salesmen en in the theWest theWest theWest
West and South Jobbers are seeking seekingmany seekingmany ehb ehbman
many man specialties notably patent leather leathercalf leatherCAlC leathercalf
calf and kid stock Prices are firmly ftrmbtalned firmlywith
i maintained talned with especial strength in inheavy inbeaY7 inheavy
heavy descriptions of grain satin and andibpflt Adint andepilt
ibpflt boots and Balmorals BalmoralsCommercial BIlbnoraIaCoImnercal BabuoraisCommercial
Commercial failures this week in the theUnited theUat theUnited
United Uat States are i ISO ISO against a 24 i last lastweek lastweek lestI
I week Failures in Canada ntunbor 31 31against MapIu 24agInit
against 21 test week weekBrfttlstreeta tv tvBradstreets eCk eCkBrndstreets
Brfttlstreeta Review nevlerrIn ReviewIa ReviewIn
In its review of the week Bradstreefs treetsoJDomnr Bradetreetstomorrow Bradstreefstomorrow
tomorrow will say sayClear sayClear y yClear
Clear and colder weather has improved improvedretail IMprovedretaJI lusprosedretail
retail trade and stimulated reorder bail bosiaeeg 0aIIMIIi bailness
ness greatly resulting resuItIu In a record October Octobertrade Octobertrade Octobertrade
trade with jobbers besides des heiptn helping th thcoal t ecoal titecoal
coal trade and kindred lines Industry Is isactive isactive
i active labor scarcity is still a feature featureiron featttre featureiron
iron and steel markets are advancing Utd Utdse and andterge andbarge
barge se imports are the only apparent apparentsource apparentII8UICe apparentsource
source of relief reliefWith reliefWith reliefWith
With the advent of November there lias liascome llUCOMe haicones
come a lull in a few e1wllolesaJe wholesale lines Jtftes but butthis buttJda butilds
this is only natural considering past pastactivities Jl8stactlvUJes pastactivities
activities Cotton goods are a trine trineQuieter trlftequieter triflequieter
Quieter but very vety firm because of scarcity scarcttof i iof
of supplies while woolen goods have havebeen baebef havebCJt
been stimulated by good reports as to re retail retaU reP rePtall
tail sales of heavy clothing The tone of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the raw wool trade has been helped h ped by the theimmense th thImmense theimmense
immense sates recently rec = eutJy reported Holiday Holidaytrade HoIldaytrade Holidaytrade
trade preparations and sales lea have been beenso beenso
so far encouraging enoou Ing Spring business bu is of ofgood ofKOOd ofgood
good volume as a whole wb and hosiery hosierymen hoet hoetJneU hosierymen
men are taking orders for next fall The Theshoe Th Thshoe Theshoe
shoe trade has been rather backward backwardCotton backwardCotton kwarcl kwarclCotton
Cotton Act ot Much Hurt ilnrtReports HurtReports
Reports from leading crops are more moreI
j i I favorable Cotton has not been hurt by byfrosts b bfrosts byto
frosts ° to the extent feared and freer freersales freelsales freersales i
sales of the staple have helped Southern Southerntrade Southerntrade Southerntrade
trade and collections hough the late de decttae deeliDe dodee
eliDe is inducing holding IoIdIo A large area areaI area1ft areaIn
I in wheat has got a a good start before the thecold thecold
cold weather l I
The one really hurtful development de eIopment it itself ItI Itself ¬
I self an outgrowth of superabundant pros PIOSI prosperity
I perky Is the growing owtng tension D8Ion as re regards re reprds reI ¬
I gards do transportation facilities This is isgetting isgetti Isgetting
getting getti worse instead ln lead of better and the thegrain theI thegrain
I grain lumber lu coal and iron and steel steeltrades st steeltrades el eltrades
trades all aHfeel feel the bad effects of delayed delayeddeliveries dela delayeddeliveries ed eddeliverIes
deliveries Demands for increased ed wages wagesare wagesare wagesare
are an additional feature pressing for at attention attention attentlon ¬
tention upon railway ra1lwa managers but ami amicable amicable am amcable
cable settlements are hoped for forCoUecUons forCollections j
Collections are irregular Southern pay poJments paymeats 1 1ments
ments being better bett r while grain blockades blockadesInterfere b1ockadosInterfe blockadosInterfere
Interfere Interfe with Western and Northwestern Xorthwestcmreports Northwestenireports
reports Money JIone > as a whole Is still in inactive inactive i iacthe
active demand and firm November 1 dls dlsbursement disbursement i ibursement
bursement preporatlons have also harden hardened hardeneel hardenad
ed the market temporarily temporarilyCRITICISES temporarilyCRITICISES I IORITIOISES
British rltbh Financier Attribqte Strin Stringency Stdngeney Strlngency ¬
gency to Imperfect Methods lUcthodaLondon IethoasLondon MethodsLondon
London Nov 2 2To To an imperfect bank banking bnkIng I Iing
ing system the recurring recumn periods of finan ftnancial financlal I Icial
cial stringency in New York are attrib attrlbuted attributed attributed
uted by E H Holden head of the Ixmj Ixmjdon Lon London London
don City and Midland Bank ono omt of the themost u umoat i imost
most powerful power ul financial institutions in inEngland InEngland I
England EnglandMr EaglandlIr EnglandILl
Mr Holden has just t returned from a atour atour t ttour
tour of America where lie says he was wasimpressed i iimpressed i iImpressed
impressed by the general prosperity prospertiy dii diilie this thishe
lie thinks to the bountiful harvests haryes ot otthe orthe o othe
the past p few years yearsBut yearsBut yearsBut
But trade activity and a banking system systemof 53stemof Stem I Iof
of which he does do C5 not approve are re responsible re responslble responsible ¬
sponsible jbe 10 says for a periodical lock locking locklug ¬
lug up in the tbe theUnited United nlted States Treasury of offunds offunds offunds
funds just at the time when they are aremost aremost aremost I
most needed not only in the money moneymarket moneymarket moneymarket
market but for ordinary business neces necessities nocesallies ¬
allies sf alliesMr sitiesMr tje tjeMr
Mr Holdon says he found the loading leadingew
New ew York financiers strongly of thai thaiopinion the theopinion theopinion I
opinion that thatfmmedlately immediately at the turn 01 oi oi1 oi1the I Ithe
the baIt ycor eur money will become so 0 0f
j Fiscal agents for or the United Stales StaJuI
I I Government GovernmentDepository GovernmentI
r Depository for funds of Philippine PhilippineGovernment PhillpplnGovernment PhiippintGovern
I Government GovernmentInternationa GovernmentI Govern in cnt cntI
I I International Internationai InternationalBanking
i I I Banking Corporation Sorporationj CorporationCapitalrnd5urpjus
j Capital Capitalrnd5urpjus Capitalrnd5urpjus65OOOOO and Surplus SnrptasI
I 56500000 56500000Traasacts 6500OOOTnumGb
4 Traasacts a gewrai baskias burtaati So so
f Itols all dauas of acoovntabaalaeav aec anntalpo anntalpoeashmial JCi JCiI
I fenfea tr or jioseL neraoaaL Bstenes zknda a ar sediat sediatwiccne al alveicmne
veicmne ta all Mtaolins i canoianv maopo r AHow <
j 2U per cut cr t ioteratt oa drawtog drawte aaaaneta aaaanetaaad uI auami
j I aDd higher rata on tine Money ooa IM I UM UMnutter ascattw tIm tImmalts
malts of team loa lan and dkWDoaU as astriatatcat Mavral Mavraltmtraeat ra ratnatmc
tmtraeat tnatmc all a aflgsnsi fad aa u U eonxiatoat with neat
bankter banto
1415 1 41 5 G Street Northwest RorthwesLWashington NorthwestI EiorthwestWashington
j I Washington WashingtonLoan WashingtoniLoan WashingtonLoan
iLoan Loan Trust Co CoI C CI Coomct
IX a m taj MMM anuwit atMte eae es approved aP ml mlejtat zueaate rea reaenase
ejtat or oMiaienu at a reacMatxe rates ratesinterest ra raiDterMC isteaInterest
interest paid id aixat acpuaua pmts UB auiMMy 11W1C fetl fetlt 1UN bi 3 3nns
t CMM nns MriqtA to cbeefc cbeefclaa cnectImni
I laa l WI oomvus ices aa aa o canasta G tor adarioUtTV adIMaUtni dselatitz
j tar tr te IlC Under ascaA treoanm rrrJetar ts4 uaBftes
i te all other bonctary capaekiet
Boxes for mast te burglar tad ledHans fireproof fireproofmans Orevrooianita
mans for aafe set d doped p tt aid stotace sr a il rataabU rataabUKeal nlattel rakabbIs
tel Estate Depanocat iJeJtln is prepand te assume mt1rn
i = the n iBftaagnacat of year ea real eetate Uaeiai Uaeiaiattradnn OLIizlVI thrstmmiatteados
attradnn glwn te an d aac aacOMv ak ab
OMv VI JOV JO BUbON tu iiOt 01l President PresidentJOBS Prealdeatiout mt mtJOHi
JOBS t HWOPiS Vlw v v14LLIS Piro fiojf fiojf1Jl8 rtf rtfLMS
14LLIS LMS SPEAR Seooad Vice ic isis isisANDRrW iItc iItcANDRr ct ctANDRMV
riAKltl G 3 M ftI MI4J1Assetant > 1 IA1Mtaat AMMUBt Tna 1rMOYU Transom TransomOut om omOlU
Out TAYiXJK TAYLOltAuKt TAYWIIutr11031As Auuuat Treawm TreawmChOMAb TrnRrnrJiOIAb
ChOMAb nUAULiiY itlttifl Heal tate t Oacer OacerKBEJJK O ObcazYREDK cc cclREJK
KBEJJK tJcaiUbUUKK gIcbrm1jtlLuEiLinst LlnIIt LlnIItRegarding Ira Otfxct OtfxctRegarding tJtceiRegarding
Regarding Wills WillsIs
Is the name n e of an In fnereetba Inereatlng arasdns booklet or orthat orthat ozthat
that important Imp rtnt subject which we mil be begted btglad beglad
glad to mail yon upon request requestWills rEluealVms requestWills
Wills drawn aDd filed without charge chargewhen ohargewhen chargewhen
TOR or TRLSTEE TRUSTEEConsultation TRLSTEEConsultation TRLSTEEConsultation
Consultation with the offlcers o or the theCompany th thCompany thoCompany
Company Is Invited InvitedThe mvJt InvitedThe d dThe
The Washington Wash ngton Loan 6 6Trust sTrust ts tsTrust
Trust Company CompanyJOHN CompanyJOHN CompanyJOHN
JOHN JOY EDSON President PresideolThe PresidentThe PresidentThe
The Safest Investments InvestmentsA
A AN As a thai that dc not depaad dev anon tM tMiaaiMbl tlld1ICb1 thisSmnnetalrienMblIty
iaaiMbl SmnnetalrienMblIty 1ICb1 reepoawbaity t1 or die Haoidty etactiltyw tr traaj Ctor
aaj w MnlitMual Iidu1 or curpaemUcB rkat tIra deed deednotes deeLtosit
of tosit aortgee notes um Bbtnlly Bbtnllyeetate te secaned
caned OR IOOd rat estate te tile Dfetritr Dfetritrcnoatitute D4airicof
of Oal cnoatitute satedflr 5fJt ic icwtMBte int Icmesiassia
wtMBte These are t the only kind wt wtwfce w wWl wnate
Wl nate wfce e and eapply t to inverton They boa be1iatereaC
iatereaC payable trmiaonaaUr at the at ato < f fbad
t PIft per ee per DftIIM lid IMJ boo tp
bad of aa aawad ja mounts fine II ad up upwaid
wad at par and ned fateraet SeW
far booklet CoacLTaine COD Loam ad In InSwartzell InSwartzell InSwartzell
Swartzell Rheem G GHensey JHensey i iHensey
Hensey Co Cox CoWtRN51t I IWAKHK
e IN l 1 srlu Xll1T rr sOKT O54ThW54T O54ThW54TChapman lJiT lJiTChapman
x Chapman g Co GoMembers CoMembers CoMembers
Members N Y Stock Exchange
1301 F Street StreetNW StreetNWG NW NWG
Manager ManagesMember ManagerMember ManagerMember
Member Washington Stock sExohaneCharles Exokange ExokangeCharles x ange angeCharles
Charles G Gates GatesCo GatesCoT Co CoTriany Colday
T Triany alt1 Ba8dan BInWlad Bs11dagIll
Bruek BsdiOcee BsdiOceeTim OSee OSeeTlr O OTIr
Tim WaHwfAtWtit W New N ei Y YRe leek leekRley k kAtlt
Re Rley l BlliWiet B5l0 aae aaeHh11 CIitRalbviy
Hh11 Ewtc B SJIai CIcq 1
Atlt AdMI AikaeCty > K City New NewJmey Jruey
FreacM I Lid SpriatJII1U SpriatJII1UWashington m lodfaja lodfajaWashington luilaazWashington
TELEPHONES M Main a a7w3i91379 a7w3i91379I i7O37913i2Direct 7 37Sl379a 37Sl379aDirect
Direct Pnvue Wire cwviea cwviealONEY mbCAlldal wrica wricaiantal
CAlldal itMLai L usapise usapiseJONEY sM sMM
i lvi A
t tDrafts IDrafts
Drafts issued direct on principal principalcities principalcities princIpalcities
cities of the world worldLetters worldLetters worldLetters
Letters of Credit issued issuedExchange issuedExchange r rExchange
Exchange bought and sold soldInvestments soldInvestments soldInvestments
Investments and Collections made madeStocks madeStocks
Stocks and Bonds bought and sold soldNational soldRIGGS soldflT1
RIGGS flT1 National NationalBank NatioalBanK NationalBank
Bank BanKPa BankPa
Pa Ave opposite U S Treasury
jome ome Mutual lutua Building BuildingJ BtiJdingfl
Home fl S Loan Association AssociationWill = 2 i iaUtJ1
Will viB J be held at th tb ofi odcu e of f th the Asw Aswciation e eelattue
ciation aUtJ1 Bourn i tecirmi t nl Isetcual > rit tknal nal B BItaiidics 8 8uiid1Ca Bn BnDuiidic
Itaiidics edarsdaj ed Nowmber OYfmber I 7at W5 W5at j jat
at S oclock p p B m ni ODfcLJt ODtu 5 SMITH Set SetTHE SecTHE SeqTHE
holder of ofJthe the Capuzaya Mining Uu1 Con Company Conpanr Conpany ¬
pany will bo held in rooms 51113 and andCobornd ft ftColorado fitColorad
Colorado Building 3IOXDAY Y Novwnb Xovembfat
26 6 at 1 oclock p rn Ti T r < Ttx oak ookclose oakclose > k
close fifteen days prior prior t > th th < m f1 Ur Urnnd t1rand ti tiand
and will Ill not vreopen nopen until itdiournmer itdiournmerthereof airtmethereof rmei rmeithereof
thereof E C BRYAN BRYANocrno3iel7Jl BRtAioc7noU BRYANociTno31O1791
ocrno3iel7Jl oc7noU lj SecretaryTr Seeretary SecretaryTreasurer SecretaryTreasurerMIllET Treasurer TreasurerMOllET a orr orrMGKET
Oa gn Itcal Estate to District of CohMtWa Cctvn No N ds dsin deLay dea1llUSKELL
in teclodnaloana teclodnaloanalikISKELL cloeios loana loanaUWSKEU
UWSKEU < MeLKRAN McL A WB F rt K Kcheap air airchoap ascheap
cheap that exchanges will rise to the goKT goKTpoint g0kpoint lt ltpoint
point and that England win > tin get b back backthe ck a athe athe
the gold It has sent to America The Brit British British l3ritIsh
ish banker thinks tfflnk Ms American Ame brethrer brethrerWTOng bretkrerwrong brethrerwrong
wrong In this conclusion H He argue mrgwthat Uithat arguethat >
that development Is progr progressing progressingly ssiae t rapid rapidlr t pid
lr 1 In the United States that UI n Increase Increasewill lDcrU increasewill e ew111
will be needed In the circulation drculattonOEEKAIT drcuJattoaGERIAN circulationGERMAN
Paris Pari Laboratory Finds Harmful HarmfulPreservatives lIarmfaPresenntivex HarmfulPreservatives
Preservatives in Canned Goods GoodsParis Go GoodsParis ds dsParis
Paris Nov UY 2 2Stnce Since tb the outcry ovu ovuChicago 0 0Chicago OVtChicago =
Chicago canned goods German canned eaanodgoods eannedgoods cannedgoods
goods have largely replaced r aeed the American Americanin
in France Now the former are likely to toshare trshare toshare >
share the same fate as their predecessors predecessorsin
in n public favor favorConsignments favorConsignments favorConsignments
Consignments of German canmrl gods grodsexamined gOMexnmined godsexamined
examined at the municipal laborat lalxratsT lalxratsTnld art artsaid ar arsaid
said nld to have been found tr tt t < vjnuur J1 t i ii iievery hcv i ieterh
every cv instance a small prajxiriit 1di T < t k I a of ofharmful ofhOlrmul ofharmful
harmful prefiertativ pr nthf > s The T ie specimen spee Pe < i11l < 01 ijitile t tthfe IthE
thE ealabratid C delebrat llbra d Frankfurt r sausage viyr viyrfound isrfound < Ifound
found floating in a a soluUuu oC iiNcwzoi iiNcwzoiacid izom izomacid zci zciacid

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