Woodward t Lothrop LothropNew
Two Special Values in inChildrens inC ina
a Childrens C CIdrens ldrens Shoes ShoesChildrens Sho ShoesChlldrens s sChUdrens
Childrens Bright Dongola Shoes Shoeswith Shoesith Shoeswith
with ith patent calfskin tops and welted weltedsoles weltedsoles weltodaoles
soles cut extra high sizes G to Ml2 10 12 12 12I
I 250 the pair pairChildrens pairChlldrens pairChlklrens
Childrens Button Shoes with pat patent patent ptent ¬
ent calfskin takin vamp white calfskin caJCaktntops caIfktntops calfskintops
tops cut extra extr high and finished ftl with withwelt withwelt withwelt
welt extension soles sizes aIze 6 to M 1112 12 12S300 123OO
S300 300 the pair pairThese pairThese pairThese
These styles are tha th newest newestidea newestidea newestidea
idea in in childrens footwear and andthey andI andthey
they are very smart smartThird smartTbfm smartThird
Third fleer fieerTeat Tenth at atlitfa at atI atW t tVASIlIAc1ON
lUll ami G at ti WmhfariAautna WmhfariAautnaud ValdartA ValdartAud
ud 118 Mwwlwaj MwwlwajJHSxnallSons DIoMIwayJHSmallSOnS lkosdwa lkosdwaa
a JHSxnallSons JHSxnallSonsFLORISTS
THE HIGHEST GKAD 6aAbcrLuwELt 6aAbcrLuwELtPxticn2ax cur t LOW LOWERS LOWERSPartieaJar BUS BUSFutfcoUr
FutfcoUr attention attmt paid to STEAMER bTEA1IER OKUKliSJ OKUKliSJt OK1J l lorir
L t onr orir New t1f York yo art Stores StoresThe StoreThe Storese
The e Finest of Everything EverythingYotfll EverythingYou EverythingYoul1
Yotfll You ll Find It Hat Itat Itat
at Cornwells CornwelVsWhen
When Whenyon yon desire any staple or orfancy orfancy orfancy
fancy delicacy delicacyfor for the table tableyou tableou tableyou
you ou may feel reasonably cer cerI cerlain cerfain
I lain of finding it in our com complete cornpletc ¬
plete stocks which are being beingdaily b bdngdallyaugrnented ng
daily dallyaugrnented augmented bythearrival bythearrivalof by bythearrivalofNEW the arrival arrivalof
of ofNEW NEW imported and domes domestic domestic domestic ¬
tic luxuries luxuriesCTCoriiYrells luxuriesDCornwelll luxurirs7Cornwe1Is
CTCoriiYrells blend of Java Javaand Jaaf Javaand
and Mocha ocha Coffee has no su superior superior u uperlor ¬
perior Price Prlc 3Sc Se Ib IbG IbG lbG
G G CornwellSon CornwellSonWholesale Cornwell Son SonWholesale
Wholesale and Retail Grocers
14121418 Pa Ave AveBUY AveBUY Avetfr
tfr I IBUY I
When a ma maj ireaici1t
j Sr chine sells elIs Us upon uponj uponto
j irjerJt it Is due duex
x Sv to actual a tual supe superlority superlority superiority
rlority over overcom 0 overcompeting v e r
com Competing competingmakes po ting tingmakes
fr makes makesThis makesThis makesThis
This is true of ofth ofUl ofth
th > Standard StandardRotary StandardRntaIJ StandardRntary
Rotary RotaryMost RntaIJost
Most ost liberal liberalterms liberalterms liberalSTANDARD
terms termsSTANDARD termsSTANDARD
JOSEPH H FISKE Mfr 602 9th St StThe St StThe StThe
The Gotham Shop ShopArt ShopArt ShopArt
Art Engraving EngravingfEDDING EngravingWEDDING EngravingIJJEDDING
WEDDING IJJEDDING fEDDING Announcements Visiting Vi VitingS VitingRecepdon VisitingReception iring iringRecption
Reception and At Home H xne Cards CardsWe CardsV CardsWe
We V csgrave c4 e thezi th thea artistically ia the newest neweststyles neweststYles newestst7105
styles of Script French F rench Script Sai and Old OldEnglish OldR OldEniish
English R Why Wh not bring ua your monogram monogramdie monogramdie monogramd
die d We ere expert engravers engraversMODERATE engravers10DERATE engraversi
1411 F Street StreetIn StreetKNABE
44 = 4 d dKNABE
e t In lone ton action and dura durability durablitty ¬
10 bility the peers of any anyother anyother anyy
y other Pianos to be had hadThe badThe hadS i
S The Knabe Kn Augelus is isthe isz
Y z the combination of the thaPiano thePiano thePiano
Piano and the beet self selfplaying selfY
Y V playing attachment attachmentWm attachmentS
Wm Knabe Co
S t tI tIII
12181220 F St StJI
JI III No Pure Food III
FuR Quart QuartBottle QuartEot QuartS QuartBottles
Bottle Eot es of ofLucca ofLuca ofLixcca
Lucca LuccaOLIVE LucaI LixccaOLIVE
laws would ouM be neces necessary n necessary s ssary ¬
I sary were all products productsas
I as free e from adultcmnt adultcmntas
I OIL We import and andbottle andbottle lid lidbottle
bottle It ourselves Pur Purity PurI ¬
I ity Y and genuineness genuinenessguaranteed genuinenessi
rThompson Thompson Pharmacy PharmacyFrasXC I
FrasXC Frank C HsnryPro73l5tfeSf HsnryPro73l5tfeSfTransplanting Henry HenryPnp PTaJ lU3 151h 15IhSL 15IhSLTranspIantin St
I ITransplanting
Transplanting TransplantingTrees TransplantingTrees TranspIantinTrees
Trees and Plants PlantsThats
Thats I t what we do We ato aI fmhh fmhhaB f fall
aB 11 kind It cf tree trees tie plants and aRdHaTe ai4b7 abrafe abrafetoery
toery HaTe a WI do your r lawkoape gar garduiins pareI nr nrTIlE
M MSTABIE1lMaet STABLER Meaner Pleas Writ 12S3 12S32434Pa 12332434Pa
2434Pa 243 p o Ave N W WI V
Prince Henry of Reuss Com Coming COIlll1geJfere Coining ¬
ing l1geJfere Here Today TodayIN ollay ollayIN
Details of Princes Stay in Capital CapitalNot CaI1tnlliot Capitalot
Not ot Known l nown at German Embassy EmbassyMr Enala58YlUr EmbassyMr
Mr and Mrs Appleton Clark Jr JrCelebrate JrCclebrate JrCelebrate
Celebrate Wedding Anniversary AnniversaryMi Annher1inrUSlC Annlvcrsinryl1sses
Tea TeaPrince TcnPrl TenPrince
Converse Entertain at
Mi USlC cs
Prince Prl Henry of Rouss whose hMe visit v ldt to toPhiladelphia toPhllad8 toPhiladelphia
Philadelphia Phllad8 pbl has shaken hIken that tqat quiet city cityto cityto1ts citytoits
announced his hisintention 1118InteRtlon IsIsIntention
to to1ts Us social center cent has
intention of coming comln to Washington Waa ngton to today today today ¬
day but how long he will stay or by bywhom bywhom bywhom
whom he will be entertained still re remains remains remains ¬
mains unknown at the German Germ Embassy Embassywhere Emooywilere Embassywhere
where one would naturally look for accu accurate acenrat accurate ¬
rate rat information regarding so Illustrious Illustriousa
a visitor Tho T prince will however howevernext howevernext howevernext
next week visit vt James T Woodward at athis athis athis
his estate in Maryland where several veral fox foxhunts foxhunlS foxhunts
hunts have been arranged arrangedPrince arrangedPrinee arrangedPrince
Prince Henry is even more more important importantI importanttban Importantthan
I than the average prince of Germany be beIng be beIne belug
lug welt in line linefor for a a throne should no noheir nobell noheir
heir be born to the present Queen of ofHolland ofHolland ofHolland
Holland Queen Wilhelmins Tllbelmlna heir pre presumptive presumptive presumptive ¬
sumptive the grand graadduke duke of SaxeWei SaxeWeimer SaxeWcimer XeTeI XeTeImer
mer ham already announced that he hewould beould hewould
would ould not give up his German grand grandduchy granddcby nc1 nc1dqcby
duchy to be king of the Netherlands Net erJand and andafter andafter andafter
after him in line is the Princess s Henry Henryof Henryof Henryof
of Reuse mother of oar present visitor visitorThe yj8ftGrTlle visitorThe
The latter latterW88 was born in Constantinople Constantinoplejust Constantinoplejust Constanunoplejust
just twenty t twentyeight ttselght eight years 4118 ago his father fatheralso fathera1lo fatheraso
also aso a Prince Henry of Reuss having havingbeen ha1ncbeen havingbeen
been Ambassador Am u ador to Turkey for a num number number nunsber ¬
ber of years He Is visiting vl itlns America Americaentirely AmericaentlrelJ Americaentirely
entirely for pleasure en route from the thefar thetar thefar
far East East having havI left Germany some somemonths somemonths somemonths
months ago for a tour of the world worldMr worldMr worldMr
Mr and Mrs Appleton Appl on P Clark Jr Jrcefebrftted JrceW JrceMbrated
cefebrftted ceW the fifteenth anniversary of oftheir oftheir oftheir
their marriage last evening by a recep reception receptlent receptlwt ¬
tion at their home on Lanier place placeAutumn placeAutumn pce pceAutssrnn
Autumn foliage predominated redomlnated in Intbedec Intbedecoraun tnthe the dec decoration dccrati ¬
oration rati n which was most artistic Ad ex extended e etel exteiiied ¬
tended tel throughout the entire drawing drawingroom drawingroom drawingom
room om floor floorMr oorMr flo floMr
Mr and Mrs Clark wore assisted in inwelcoming Inwelcon Inwe1contng
welcoming welcon lnb their many friends and well wellwtehers wenwt wellilshersby
wtehers wt bersby by Miss LIs Ifi Etta EttJiB B Fisher who wooot woootftdated of officiated offIcate4 ¬
ficiated as bridesmaid at their marriage marriageMrs marriagelJ marriageMra
Mrs F E Lewis Le Mrs Irx W V F Myers MyersMrs MyersMrs
Mrs Archibald Archt 1d McLaughlin and Miss F FB FB FB
B Sites Stt The hostess wore a gown of ofwhite ofwhite ofwhitelace
white whitelace lace over white sZIk lk In the dining diningroom dlnlugroom diningroom
room Mrs A W Fisher and Mrs Wmis WmisStetson WiD WiDSteteondld WiflisSteteon
Stetson Steteondld did the honors Here the deco decorations cIeeontlans decorttIons ¬
rations were chiefly cl etly in roses r es with the thetable Utetable thetable
table 1 lighted ted by tapers tapersThe tapersThe tapersThe
The Misses i Converse ComerW daughters daaihters of ofRear ofRear ofRear
Rear Admiral Adll Jral and Mrs Mr Converse oxrverse wJto wJtoare w ware wo woare
are now established in their new heate heateat bemeat beineat
at 173ft 1 17 Connecticut Conneet t avenue aVeRlIe entertained entertainedat
at a small tea yesterday y y afternoon attenMJOl1TItek attenMJOl1TItekgueet3 Their Theirguests Theirguecti
guests were limited Undte to ute young people peopleof peopMot peopleof
of society as the occasion was m hi com compliment compliment cornpliment ¬
pliment to Miss Catherine Jennings the thedebutante thedebutante thedebutante
debutante daughter of Mr and Mrs MrsHannen MrsHannen MrsHannen
Hannen Jennings TennJn s who have recently ntlT es established eatabllshcd catablished ¬
tablished their residence in Washington WashingtonMiss WuhingtonMiss WashingtonMiss
Miss Olga Converse also a bud of the thepresent thepre8Ent thepresent
present season assisted a her sisters in inreceiving Inrecelvln Inreceiving
receiving recelvln while the tea was presided j over overby o overby er erby
by two young matrons Mrs EWrWge EldrklgeJordon EidridgeJordon EWrWgeJordon
Jordon and Mrs Ormsby McCammon McCammonMrs McCammonMrs cCammoaMr
Mrs Robert rt Hinckloy will entertain eatertaiasmall a asmall a asmall
small brk1 bridge < e party Hart Utte afternoon in com compliment COIItpUment consplment ¬
pliment to Mrs Mr DesnlhK benl g Jarvls of Cali California CalIfornS OaiIfornia ¬
fornia fornS who is visiting her h r mother mot Mrs MrsJohn MI3John MrsJohn
John P Jackson JacksonThe JacksonThe JacksonThe
The engagement is I announced of Capt CaptArthur CaptArthur captArthur
Arthur Cassette U S A son of Mr MrJohn Mrfohn MrJohn
John Caraells Ca lls of o this city clt to Miss M1a Mar Marguerite Marguerite far farguerlte ¬
guerite Sloan of Charleston Charle t n S S C C The Thej TheveddlnSJ Thewedding
j 1 wedding will take place at the brides bride bridehOMe brideshome
home next month and will be followed followedby 1oI1o 1oI1oby followedby
by a visit to Washington Waftbin tOlt Capt Cassette Cassetteis saeIls saeIlsis
is one of the several young men of Wash Washington WashInton Washington ¬
ington society appointed to ti tao e army dar during darIn dorlug ¬
lug In the SpanishAmerican war He is isa ka Isa
a member of the artillery now stationed stationedat stationed stationedat
at Fort Moutton S C CBaroness CBaroness CBaroness
Baroness Rosen Ro en wife of the Russian RussianAmbassador RUMIanAmbus RussianAmbassador
Ambassador Ambus ador and Baroness Elizabeth ElizabethRosen ElizabethR08f1I ElizabethRosen
Rosen their daughter returned to the theembassy theembas theembassy
embassy embas yesterday for the winter Since Sinceleaving Sinceleadng Sinoeleaving
leaving their tketrcottage cottage at Manchester ManchesterBaroness JianchMterHaroness ManchesterBaroness
Baroness Po Rosen en and daughter have made madea mLdetendRT
a tenday visit to Chicago ChicagoMrs ChIcagoIra ChicagoMrs
Mrs S s P WHfley WJl Wilfle of St Louis and her herson her80ft herJudge
son Judge Juc1 e Withy entertained a number numberof numberof numberof
of friend frltftdll at luncheon yesterday at the theArlington theArJl theArlington
Arlington ArJl ten Mrs Taft an old friend of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the hosts being the guest of honor honorMiie honorMis
Miie 1111 Grace Bell will sail Wednesday Wednesdayfor WeclJM8d y ytOr
for England to join friends going IVI g to toIndia t8I toindia
I India for the the winter winterCol winterC winterCol
Col C I Georse Richards U t S M 1 C c ac accompanied acCOIIIJ acconppied ¬
companied COIIIJ J1led by y Mrs Irs Richards Rlc ds left yester yesterday 7estercia yesterday ¬
cia day for Florida en route to Cuba Cubti where wherehe wllerehe wherehe
he will be on duty for three weeks or or r a amonth smonth amonth
month monthMrs monthMrs monthMrs
Mrs Scott has returned from her home homein ooMein homein
in West West Virginia Vlt lnlA aad joined Senator SenatorScott SenatorI SenatorScott
I Scott ott at the New N w Willard for the winter winterSenator winterSenator
i Senator and Mrs Scutt inude an extensive extensivevisit 9 exteusivvslt teWliVl teWliVlvisit
visit to Colorado during the past ptistsummer ptistsummerMIas summer summerMiss summerMiss
Miss Miriam Crosby who has spent spentmuch spentmuch speitmuch
much of the past year with relatives ii iiSL i1Sl hiSL
SL Louis has returned to town and andjoined andjoln andJolnod
joined joln Mrs Irs Pierce Crosby at the family familyresidence famfl famflre familyresidence
residence re fdence on Connecticut avenue avenueRear avenueRear avenueRear
Rear Admiral Admiral French E Chadwick U US US US
S N and Mrs Chadwick Ch dwiek who returned returnedfrom returnedfrom returnedfrom
from Eurpne a few days ago have gone goneto g neto goneto
to Newport where the former is now nowstationed nOw nOwstationed nowstationed
stationed stationedMr stationedMr stationedMr
Mr Henry Coleman Coi mn May Ma son s n of Mr Mrand Mrand Ir Irand
and Mrs Henry May 1III of of139i 1335 K street streetsoiled 8toetsailed streetsoiled
soiled yesterday for or Panama PlUlT1 where W wh IIIe e he hewill hemil heWill
will act act as a88OCretu a secretary of the American AmericanLegation AmericanrAgatl AmericanLsgiitkm
Legation rAgatl n under the newly newly appointed Min Minister 11InIsttr Mm MmIster ¬
ister Mr lr Herbert Squlers Mn8Jid 11r and Mrs MrsMay MrsMn MrsMay
May Mn will remain at at their cottage at atSouthampton atoutlmpton atsouthampton
Southampton some weeks longer and do donot dOnot donot
not purpose opening o nfng their Washington Washingtonhome Washingtontoine Wsshingtonhome
home until late In November NovemberThe NovemberThe NovemberFbe
The Rev Re W H IL Bowers D D who a afew ar afew
few r years ago was 1iS pastor p for a time at atthe attheChurch t tthe
the theChurch Church Ch rch of the Epiphany 1n In this city cityCUT cl clFINEST cityFINEST
Pure P Pit re e and and Brilliant BrilliantExclusive BrilliantExclusive BrilliantExclusive
Exclusive Designs DesignsBest DesignsJ DesignsBcst
Best J st Workmanship WorkmanshipOUR WorkmanshipOUR WorkmanshipO
OUR O Stock Stockof of Fine Glass Glassware Glassware ¬
ware ivare will interest those thosein thosein thosein
in in search of rich and beauti beautifuLWedding beautiul beantiful
fuLWedding ful ul Wedding Gifts GiftsGALT GiftsGAL GiftsGALT
GALT GAL T BR0 BR0Established B BRO BROEstablishedOver O OEstablished
Established EstablishedOver Over a Century CenturyJenvellers CenturyJmveIlers CentiwyJewellers
Jenvellers Silversmiths Stationers StationersJ107Penna
J107Penna 1107 Penna Ave Av
has returned to Washington Washl tou having re resigned reI reIslbH4 rosIgaed ¬
signed the parish of SL Pauls Charles Charlestan Charleston Charlestou
tan S C C He i Is accompinied accomp lnled by his wife wlfoand wIfoM4 wifeaqid
and to residing resldl at 1966 K street streeuThe streetThe streetThe
The marriage of Miss ins Rose Sauligr Sauligrdaughter Snt1lb Sadliortkuhter r raU81ltcr
daughter of Mrs William Sadiior Sai1U 10 10LIet to toIf j jLlett
Llett If t Henry Charles Dlnger U S Swin Stsill N Nwill
will take place at St si Ignatius Church ChurchNew ChurchNew i iNew
New York Wednesday November 2L 2LMrs LiflS 1 1Mrs
Mrs BetkowUz wife Y v4f t Of otRnbhl Rabbi Barko Barkowitc Dorlita Boricowits <
wits ita of Philadelphia Pkiiadelphiahhss ims bean at the Ar ArUoflon ArU r rliitosi
Uoflon U Hotel for tnf tltfptUit past week weekMr weekMr weekMr
Mr and Mrs B Behrend re1 anti son on Nor Norris Norria or orna
ris ria na were guests leat5 of the formers parents parentsAir parents1r parentsand
Air 1r and Mrs U l B BehremL BehremLMISS BehreJltMJ BeltreniLMiss
MISS MJ Miss Florence Floreee KOCH of Toledo c csain Ohio Is Isaaam isaaIu
aaam sain in Washing Vashlngtoa too to refun refunstudies reln me bar hetstucUea barstudies
studies at the Fairmont Fl Seminary SeminaryErnest Seminal SeminalErnest SeminaryErnest
Ernest Mfcyer 1IayeJ of New York City C1 spent spenta
a few days in town with friends the past pastweik pttsttHk pastwork
work weikMr workMr tHk tHkIr i
Mr Ir and Mrs Phil KIng of the Imperial Imperialhave Imperiathwe Imperialhave I
have gone to New York for H few QW days an s to tovisit toV1 toVisit
visit V1 ll Mrs Kings Kjln KIngsmother s mother MrsR Mre R Harris HarrisMr FInrrlsMr HarrisMr
Mr King will whi 1J1 also go to Princeton PrlnctonLewis Prlnc PrincetonLtwIs ton tonLtwls I
Lewis Cofeen of this city cl has ha returned returnedfrom fQturnodfrom returnedfrom
from a vtoty vIeI to New York YorkMclviila YorkMetvlU9 YorkMelville I
Melville Strange Stmu 8 of Cincinnati Is spend spending spanaIng spendlug ¬
ing a few days d with friends friendsABOUT trlondsABOUT friendsABOUT
Nay > tay ay Yohes YOOe effort to recharge UiIlIe UiIlIeChampagne Mile MileChampagne MileChampagne
Champagne at the recently profession professionalized profetl6lQnlbed professionailned ¬
alized lbed Berkeley Theater l Iew ew York Yorkloesnt Yorkd Yorkdosnt
loesnt d t seem to have produced anything anythingtheXpubiic anthlngthftbUc anythingtheqiublIc
thftbUc theXpubiic would mistake mi take for or fizz so the Uteventure theventure theventure
venture has ended In a fizzle Whether Whathcrthe Whetherthe Yhethcrthe
the fault lay with May IRY or Mademoiselle Mademoiselleto
Is hardly rdly wOrth inquiring It Is s probably probablyanother probablyanother probablyanother
another case of honors are divided dhldeaahu1e As Assalaries Assalaries
salaries hadnt been nid and a row was wason wason wason
on between May 11a and her manager manqer L E ELawrence ELAwreDCe BLawrence
Lawrence the members of the male chorus chorusseized cllGnIIIseiHd chorusseized
seized the costumes Thursday Tbu a7 afternoon afternoonand atleruoonnc1 afternoonand
and the new run of the thin t iln little musical musicalskit mu musicalskit lcal lcalskit
skit was over overArnold overArnold overArnold
Arnold Dalys artistic temperament finds findsa
a fresh way of manifesting JRanlte3t itself almost almostevery almostvery almostevery
every very hour At the Lambs Club the other othernight othernpt othernght
night the emotional Arnold was Inundat Inundating Inu inmidatis c1at c1attho ¬
is ing the grill room with a soulful impro improvisation ImprQvJatJon improvizatlon ¬
visation on his favorite motif George Ber Bernard Bernard Bernard ¬
nard Shaw the dow of his hi intelectual Intetectua1lrrl Intetectua1lrrlgaUon Irri Irrigation liiigatlon ¬
gation spout was w w directed specially toward towardthe towardUui towardthi
the arid brainnatch btall Jat b of Alfred Hickman Hickmanwhich IDckmanwhich Hickmanwhich
which seems to have made Alfred 1trod tired tiredhe tiredh tiredhO
he h not DOt caring to be bothered with If crop cropcf cropcr cropcf
cf psychic Brussels B JISeIs sprouts from the Daly Dalynurseries Dalynursen Dalynurseries
nurseries So Alfred murmured Rats Ratsor Ratsor flatsor
or something Sme hln like that whereupon the In Indignant Ind1fpuu1t Ind1nant ¬
dignant Arnold soaked him In Intbe the jaw A Alovely A10v Alovely
lovely 10v ly little bout followed full of spright sprightly sprlghtlyactlon sprightly ¬
ly lyactlon action and convincing interchanges of ofttotic oftlstJc offistic
ttotic and other otb compliments until the thehouse uiebvuae thebusC
house committee e called calledUrne time Arnold has hasbeen bube habeen j
been be n suspended from the privileges prlvt ea of f the theclub tileclub theclub I
club club until tIt the board of governors govern rs can in inquire Inqtttre Inquire ¬ I
quire into his case caseIf caseIf I
I If yew O eye happens a to light gn w on the an anneuncemaiit an anDMtlleelMllt anneaflcemet
neuncemaiit that WRlf TnaUer Thallermede maife m e his hisftebitt blst hisdebut
debut t in iOnkrt Onkei JNI Tort at the tMIfv1nPlace tMIfv1nPlacereter Irving i I rPlace rPlaceTreater Place PlaceTreater
Treater reter in New York1 Yor the tIIeoiber other ntgfet ntgfetdont ntgtrtdoa ntghtdoat l
dont doa t jump to the ti Imetjr conclusteu that thatIts tba tbaIt thatKs
Its It a sporadic spor dk owe cUe of reformed spelling spellingWilH spellingWUft jtelltDgWilli
WilH Ttmller fir x ft Gennau corned QO som dlas and anda Dela anda
a good gOodoae one at that and Oak Cfekei Tear a asort asort asort
sort of Teutonic version of John Hud Hudsons Hudon Hadson ¬ I
sons on a Wife WifeEvery mteEVe17 WifeEvery
Every oldtime theatergoer In Wash Washington W WID Washtngton ¬
ington ID lOft and in most other American cities citieswill clUeswill citieswill
will hope he doesnt really need It It but butnevertheless butIMvert bittneverthelens
nevertheless IMvert Henry Clay Barnabee Is go going lO lOIng gotag ¬
ing to have a benefit in New York on onDecember onJ onDecember
December J 11 conjointly with the widow of ofhis ofhl8 ofhis
his old associate in the th Boston ton Ideal IdealOpera IcMJO IdeIOper
Opera O Oper ra Company and the Bostontans th thlate tM tMlate theate
late ate W H Macdonald The matter was wasarranged wasr wasarraa
r arranged arraa at a meeting JAee of profeseloaa profeseloaapeople proteMloaapeople profeaslosapeople
people at the Lambs club a few fe nights nightsago nightsqo sightsago
ago The benefit will take place at the theBroadway t theBroadway t tBroadwa
Broadway Broadwa Theater and it will be a very verynotable verynotable verynotable
notable affair affairJohn a affairJohn alr alrJoAn <
John Edwards and Miss 11s OlHo Woolford Woolfordwere WoolConJwere Woolf ord ordwere
were fined at Memphis the other day for forbeing forbelDS forbeing
being absent a nt frbm the rehearsal of the thePMC tMPI thePin
Pin PI Pair Pouft company But tho fines fineswere finesWere fineswere
were remitted mitted when it was discovered discoveredthe dtecooredthe discoveredthe
the pair JM r bad taken the afternoon atl rnoon off to toget toget l
get married marriedThe marrkdTbe marriedThe
The latest < about Upton Sinclair aeItir is to Ute Utesad tb tbAd thesad
sad effect that he was ambushed and andtossed attdtOlRd andtossed
tossed Into to the files by 3 a steer s cr at a re rehearsal Te TeMana rebearss1 ¬
hearsal of The J Jeagle agto the other day dayAside dayMIele dayAside
Aside from a slight disarrangement t of ofhis ofht8 ofhls
his views on eu socialism 8OCIa1 Upton is said saidto Midto saidto
to have suffered no srioit ifr damage dIumt Tb Tbsteer Tbf Tbf8tler Tbsteer < > >
steer was put on half rations raUoDs for three threedays tllreeday threedays
days day by way of fine for his lack of rever reverence reverence roverence ¬ I
ence for genius geniusLangdon senluLangdon geniusLangdon
Langdon Mitchell Mltchellaathor author of The New NewYork NowYork NewYork
York Idea in which Mrs Ptoke has hasmade basmade hasmade
made such a pronounced success is en engaged eohi 00gaged
gaged hi writing a new play pIIk far Hen Henrietta lIenrletta Henrietta ¬
rietta CrosoMUt CrosoMUtJefferson CrOSlDlUlTeireroa CromniutJefferson
Jefferson de Angeiis and his Girl Girland GIrIIDd Girland
and the Governor company made the thetrip UMtrip thetrip
trip from rom Philadelphia to Boston by au automobile automobile antozuobilo ¬
tomobile recently recentlyA recentlyNew
A New York amusement promoter romoter has hasJust hasj hasJust
Just j st returned from Europe with Ith the thescores theSOOTe5 thescores
scores and books 000k beo of no loss than live livemusical hemuelcal fivemusical
musical comedies which he picked up In InBerlin inBerlin inBerlin
Berlin Vienna V na and Budapest BudapestBertha BwdRpestBertha BudapestBertha
Bertha Kalteh is recuperating from her herrecent Iterreeent herrecent
recent illness at Atlantic City CityIn CityIn CityIn
In isis new play uEUeenAsthore uEUeenAsthoreChaunceY Eileen Asthore AsthoreChauacey Asthorethenneey
Chauacey Oleott bursts Into song on the theslightest theslit1ttest thellghtest
slightest provocation and without any anyprovocation anyprovocaUon anyprovocation
provocation He emits little jots of song songas JIODlA5
as 3 he opmes on the scene and as he goes goosoff goesoff
off and just floods the place with It be between b ¬
tween times He is suspected svt ted of har harboring barboring ¬
boring designs of appearing In an Irish Irishopera Iriffhopera Irishopera
opera next season seasonFabian 88flSOnFabIan seasonFabian
Fabian in Recital RecitalYesterday RecitalYesterday RecitalYesterday
Yesterday afternoon Jernoon aernoon at the Columbia ColumbiaTheater ColumbiaTheateroccurred ColumbiaTheater
Theater Theateroccurred occurred the third in the series seriesof seriesof seriesof
of concerts under the direction of the theWashinsten therashlngten theWashington
Washington College of orlusic Music Mr S M MFabian MFabian 1 1Fabiaa
Fabian of the faculty facult was as the artist artistHis arUtHis artistHis
His audience their attention and en enthusiasm cnthusfm onthuslasm ¬
thusiasm again marked his popularity In InWashington InW InWashington
W Washington bln on Mr r Fabian plnyed pJnyed Sonata Sonataop SonataOpe S natz natzop
op 27 7 No No1 2 Beethoven Ballade G minor minorNocturne mhlorOClurne minorNocturne
Nocturne OClurne D flat major Scherzo ScherZO B minor minorChopin minorChopin minorChopin
Chopin Rondo CP Perpetual Motion MotionWeber MotionWeber IotlonWeber
Weber Berceuse Iljlnski Gnomen Gnomenreigen Gnomenr Gnomenrelgen
reigen r gen Liszt LIs t Hochzeltsmarsch und undElfenrelgen undE1fenreJ undBlfenreigen
Elfenrelgen E1fenreJ MaadelssohnLlszt with withMinuet withMinuet withMinuet
Minuet fry Bouvy and the Erlkonlg
ShubertLtezt for encores That Mr MrFabian MrFabian Ir IrI
I Fabian Is a musician as well as virile virileplayer virnaplayer virileplayer
player was wasshown shown in his interpretation of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Beethoven and d Chopin numbers Ills IllsHoffmanlike HisH Hi HiHoffmanlike
Hoffmanlike H trmanlIke ability abUit to build up climax climaxafter climaafter climaxafter
after climax of tone volume without losing
the purity and sweetness of the piano pianotone planotone pianotone
tone does l eI not lessen 1 5en his skill in light fine finework Onework finework
work which made even the Weber Rondo RondoInteresting Rondol RondoInteresting
Interesting l teresUng The Tn nut two years of Mr MrFabians
Fabians F l s work shows more careful at attention 8ttA attention ¬
tention tA nt n to detail than formerly former and while
few uf f the modern composers are to be
feund r4lu9ft fudon on qn his programmes programmes the old masters mastersare mastersa mastelsare
are a sure of ota a most worthy interpretation interpretationPope intcryret3t1o intCrprtatIofiPope 1 1FOIe
Pope Honor Mrs Ir Irs Ryan RyanHis Ryan RyanLn RyanHis
His Ln holiness Pope Piiis Phis X has granted grantedMrs grantedl grantedis
Mrs l s Thomas mas F Rynnthe Ryan the right of re recelvtae re reoeIvkIg irecelving
celvtae the most Blessed Sacrament in inher inherprivnte inher
her herprivnte private chapel at her home bomp on on1 1 1street jStreet
street in this city ctl This honor has but butrarely b butrarely t trorely
rarely been accorded aocordedan an American AmericanChurchill AmericanClmrchil1 AmericanCItnrchill
Churchill to Visit hlt West Indies IndiesLondon IndIesLondon IndiesLondon
London Nov 2 2Wlnston Winston Spencr SpencrChurchill Spen r rCh rChurchill
Churchill Ch r blli the parliamentary par1Jllmenta secretary secretaryof secret sretdry sretdryof ri riof
of the colonial office Is going to the Uterest theWest theWest
West rest Indies some time in December to tostudy lOstudy tostudy
study the resources of the islands espq espqcfallytha e eupoejally 1 O OcjaUy
cfallytha cjaUy the DroP nrospecta ts of extending oxtcndingcottu oxtcndingcottugtowJng cotton cottongrowlng cottungrowlng
growlng with the viewpoint 1ewp i 1t of possibie possiblegovernment possibiegovernment possIbiegovernment
government aid aId aidL
Chef Says that Is Cause of Trouble TroubleIeadiag TroubleIeading TroubleLeathmg
Ieadiag to Disoharge DischargeMillionaire DisohargeJiUlIonnlrc DisOhargeMillionaire
Millionaire Insists IUd ts that Yacht Menu MenuHe Menulie IenuDc
He Dc Written i ht Buffi EUgUltTlic lli The Court CourtFnllx CourtPnllK CourtPails
Pails to Sustain Frenchman FrenchmanSpeekl FrcisclmnnSpndsl rcl1cbmnnSpeeW
Speekl tTb WMMnstm llcnst llcnstNorfolk aMNorfOlk lIcraMNorfolk
Norfolk V Va Nov No 2 fBeward Hcward GouW GouWinability GOUIde GouidtnahWty
inability to read the menu of o the French Frenchehef FrenchOncC Frenchohef
OncC ehef on the yacht Niagara is alleged a athe M Mthe asthe
the cause ie of the trouble which resulted resultedm ro ultOOIn
m the chef being discharged He wrote wrotethe wrotethe
the menu in French and Gould had to toepend tospend
spend so much time in selecting I ttng his viands viandsfrom viandsfrom
from It that the chefs dismissal dt8mI S1 was W wa or ordered 1 rdared ¬
dered The chef declares he writes a agood agood agood
good hand and that the whole hole cause of ofprotest ofproteat ofprotest
protest lies in Goulds lack of fluency 5n 5nthe Inthe
the French tongue Gould disdains to toreply to11iplj toreply
reply to such a charge Meanwhile Mn hfle the theflief tsecthef
flief dhe Is lion on his way back to New Ne York YorkThe YorkThe I
The 1 The he bearing in the United States Court Courtyesterday Courtyesterday
yesterday failed to vindicate him blmThe himThe 4 4jIThe I
jIThe The Frenchman claimed a Cull months monthswasres month monthswages
wages e at 10 The captain said he had hadonly j jonly
only been engaged en l at the rate f f 140 100nsonth a i imonth
month to be discharged at pleasure and andpad andpad
pad off for the number of days employed employedas
as Is Mr lr Goulds custom on the Niagara NiagaraCapt N NiagaraCapt I 1Capt
Capt Grant showed that Mr Gould Gouldemploys Gouldemploys GouIIemploys
employs help on his yacht so they tho can canleave canve canleave
leave ve his service rvlce or be discharged dl8ebar < ed at any anytime anytime anytime
time and draw their pay 1 for the time they theyiiave theyhave theyhave
have been employed Capt Grant said saideven saideven saidoven
even on the to forelga la cruises articles are aresigned Arfsl arcsigned
signed sl ned so that for drunkenness or any anyuther an anuther anyuther
uther cause a member of the crew can be bepaid bepaid bepaid
paid off and the owner is not bound to topay topay topay
pay discharged mens passage e back home homeIn hom homIn bomtIn
In the generousness eteroU8ne e of his bi heart bow bowever however bowever
ever Mr Gould in this case agreed to pay paythe JIb JIbthe paythe
the mans man > way back to New York aaid aaidCapt NldCapt naldCapt
Capt Grant GrantHe GrantHe GrantHe
He is no cook at all 11 1L said Howlson Howlsona
a Swede diningroom dtnln fOOm bead man Why Whyyou WhyJOU WhyIOU
you couldnt scramble three eggs re retorted re retortec1 retorted ¬
torted the Frenchman wno who making makinglight makl1llight makinglight
light of the Swedes French said tho thoSwede thoSwede theSwede
Swede told him to write the menu m mFrench in inFrench inFrench
French because he could not do it him himself hlmL hlmAnd himself ¬
self L
And besides a said the Frenchman Frenchmanafter FrencnntaDftel Frenchmanafter
after ftel I wrote Wl8te1t it this way Mr Gould com complained colnpJal cornpl1 ¬
pJal plained and said write It in English h be because be beefIUft because ¬
cause he could not understand d so much muchFrench muchFrench muchFrench
French FrenchIt FrenchIt
It wa w toe word of the Frenchman Frenchmanagainst FreDcbmua Frenchmanaganat
against a t that of the captain and the Swede SwedeThe Swec1eo SwedeThe
The conuqissfcmer eo r dismissed the cue el3a tell tellIqg tellfng tell1ng
Iqg the Frenchman that he would have haveto baveto bareto
to accept the twenty totters pay offered offeredMm offereehim offeredbins
Mm for the tbelx six days he wag on the Niag Niagara Niqara Niagart ¬
ara It came out outla In Ute trial that Mr MrGoakTs MrGoulds
GoakTs pay roll on the yacht Niagara Nlapraery is isevery s
60 every ery month One Chinaman Cblnamauaboard Cidnantanaboard
aboard gets fortyare dollars as a laun laundry laundryman ¬
dry dryDaA drymanRMSAY man manBAMSAY
Xotcd oted nritinli Chemist ClteDtI t Will 111 Xot Ac Accept Accept e ecpt ¬
cept cpt Proffered lrofferecl PoMitlon PoMitlonLondon IositiouLondon
London Nov 2 2SIr SIT Sir William Ramsay RamsayEnglands RamayEaglud EamsaiEnglands
Englands most distinguished chemist chemistwill cbeadtttWill chemistwill
will probably not accept the vacant see secretaryship seereta7abip seetetaryship ¬
retaryship of UK Smithsonian Institution InstitutionThe InrnltutionThe lt1lUo1L lt1lUo1LThe
The news 1M that the post would be offered offeredto
to him cabled CAbl here yesterday came a U a ftsurprise a8urprfle asure
surprise sure to Sir VClIUam himself himselfIt
It t is I the first I had heard of It It he hesaid bew helaid
said w when shown a copy of C t the message messageThe JlMliaseTbe sago sagoThe
The offer is a great t honor but I fear I Icannot JCBDOt Icannot
cannot accept as my work in England is isso IIIattractlft Isso
so attractive attractiveDe attractlftDc attractiveBe
De Kovcnn New Opera OperaThe Ol1crnThe OperaThe
The production which Henry W Wtip Sw Swage SRWage ¬
age has given d d Kovens Jo n new romantic romantieopera IOIIUUIdcopera romanticopera
opera The Student King earning oem to tothe tothe tothe
the colombia next week Is said to really reallydeserve reallyMHrft reallydeserve
deserve the descriptive delrcnPtlYe adjective gor gorgeous gorgeou gorgoons ¬
goons It Is withovt question the high highest hltbeat higheat ¬
eat grade b e light opera Mr Savage Sava has hasthus hasthus hasthus
thus far seat to Washington Reginald Reginaldde R Rde
de Korea is said to have once more hit hitthe bitthe hitthe
the brilliant brtll aat pace he set t in his wellre wellremembered weUrememb wellrememberst ¬
membered memb red Robin Hood the score being beingdescribed betndescribed beingdescribed
described as a approaching near to grand grandopera grandopera JId JIdopenl
opera The The Student King is in three threeacts threeacts threeacts
acts with picturesque settings and rich richcostumes richcostumes
costumes that picture both the peasant peasantand peaantand peasantand
and court dresses worn In picturesque picturesqueBohemia pktur picturesqueBohemia ue ueBohemia
Bohemia during dw1n the sixteenth century centuryThe centurT centurTThe centuryThe
The dresses were all designed aeI by A ACornel AC ACornell
Cornel C IItl1I recognized sed as the worlds world great greatest greatOIt greatest ¬
est designer of stage II costumes co Signer SignerCornell SlXDOrComeUI SignorComalli
Cornell hi an Italian Italian and for the past pastthirteen puttlttrteen pastUsirteen
thirteen years has bad carte blanche at atthe atthe atthe
the Royal Opera In Govern Garden The Theater Theater Thealec ¬
ater London Mm Mme Lena Abarbaneii Abarbaneiithe Aarbanellthe Aharbaneilthe
the grand opera prima donna Fiavia FiaviaArcara FIRVIaAzcare
Arcara Alexander Clark and Henry HenryCootc HeDI7Coote HenryCootc
Cootc are some of the wellknown mem members membUs momhers ¬
bUs of this splendid organization organizationMrs organizationMrs 0I1 0I1Ur
Mrs Ur Cammnck Die Dies Suddenly SuddenlyMrs SucldeQI SucldeQIMrs SuddenlyMrs
Mrs Virginia Cammack wire of the late latoEdward JatoEdward lateEdward
Edward Cammack of George Canunack Canunackof
of Georgetown G KOwn dropped dead yesterday yesterdayafternoon YOiterdaAfternoon yesterdayafternoon
afternoon in the home of her daughter daughterMrs daughterrs daughterMrs
Mrs rs Leila Leonard 821 Second street streetnorthwest streetnort streetnorthwest
northwest nort v0e8t Mrs Cammack was employed employedin
in the Government Printing Office Otftce and andhad andhad andhad
had been at work as usual yesterday aft afternoon afternoon af t tomens ¬
ernoon On her arrival home she com complained complaIned cornplalned ¬
plained of a slight sI ht illness and shortly shortlyafterward shortlyatluward shortlyafterward
afterward died Dr Boyd was summoned summonedwhen sumtnunedwhen suminucedwhen
when Airs Irs Cammack was taken ill but butwas butWit butwas
was Wit not able to arrive arrl before she died diedMrs diedMn diedMaS
Mrs Cammack was sixty years of age ageand a ageand e eand
and leaves Iea one daughter Mrs rs Leonard LeonardCoroner LeonardCoroner LeonardCoroner
Coroner Nevitt rendered a a verdict giving givingheart givingheart givingheart
heart failure as the cause of death death3IaccaIiecB deathfaccaleC5 death3taccnbees
3IaccaIiecB to Initiate InitiateThe InitiateThe InitiateThe
The Knights of the Modern Maccabees Maccabeesuf
uf the District Dl trlct are arranging for a big bigclass bigclass bigc1as
class initiation to be held at Northeast NortheastTemple Nortbeast1emplo NortheastTemple
Temple on the evening of November 21 21Col 21Col 21COI
Col N S Boynton of Port Huron Mich Michthe Michthe lIch lIchtlac
the great commander of the order Dr J JH JH 1 1H
H Junghans supervising deputy for the theState theState theState
State ot ot Ohio S S S English E gnsh deputy great greatcommander greatcommadder greatcumindder
commander of the District and others othershigh oL othershigh ers ersIdth
high in the councils of the order will willlend willland wiltlend
lend their presence to the occasion occasionWashington oooasionVnshhl occasionWashinglon
Washington Vnshhl on Architects rellltectsJIccto rellltectsJIcctopho Meet 3IcctThe MeetIhc
pho The Washington Chapter American In Institute Institute Institute ¬
stitute of Architects held Its monthly monthlymeeting monthlytlng monthlymeeting
meeting tlng last night at the headquarters headquartersin
in the Octagon House Routine business businesswas businessn8 businesswas
was transacted including reports of com committees committees cornmittees ¬
mittees and the dscussian d lan of subjects subjectsalready sub subJesalready s salrend
already alrend before the chapter at previous previousmeetings prOvlousnM previousmeetings
meetings nM tlngs No new topics were brought broughtbefore bruuShtPefore broughtbefore
before the body bodyElphonzo boayElpholizo bodyjLilonzo
Elphonzo jLilonzo Youngs Company
428 Ninth St Phone Main ltfain1858 ltfain1858Groc 1858 1858Grocers 1858Groc
Grocers Groc rs rsWhol WholesalefRetail WholesalefRetailCoffee Wzol saleLRetail saleLRetailCoffe saleRetailCoffee
Coffee CoffeeWe CoffeeS S
We buy buy the best Green GroanCoffees GreenCofCeos GreenCoffees
Coffees the the markets affom affomand atrortland arrortiand
and have them roasted dally dallyright dallyright dailyright
right here on the prtenisos prtenisosby prtlsosbT prenlisosby
by our expert expertLet experlLet expertLet
Let us show you bow wall wenwe wallwe wI1we
we can please you on coffee coffeeMandhcling oofIe oofIe1vlandheIinCT cofreeMandhclrng
Mandhcling a atic Java Java4te Javalie
tic per pound Excellent ExcellentOld Enel ExcelisntOld ent entOld
Old Government Java Java35c J Java35c aa aa35c
35c per pound 3 pounds for forLOG forLfIO forado
ado LOG Equal to any 88c 8c cof coffee co cofee coffee ¬
fee you can buy buyOur buyOur buyOur
Our Special Blend Blend25c Blend25e
25c per pound Makes a de deIteiotM de deUclous doliclous
IteiotM tasty cup p Try ry it itElphonzo ItElphonzo ItElplzonzo
Elphonzo Youngs Company CompanyDown C CompanyDown rnpany rnpanyDown
Down Town Near The Th Market
Bride Decline Dccl1ues4Jt15tIC1 Jtmtlce H Assistance AxslstnnccPreacherLawyer AulstnnccFrencltcrIncr AssistancePreacherLawyer
PreacherLawyer to Rescue UOflcnetfany RescueMany j jMany
Many and sincere sln ere are the Waning Waningshowered w hienslagashowered p pshowered
showered on the preacnerlavyer preacT erJa the Rev RerJ ReJ RevJ
J B McLaughlin lIC lughJht who on many occa occasion occasions occaSbus ¬
sion sions has come to the resent of the thegroom tilegroom thegroom
groom who almost every c e17 day d makes Ida hteappearance hI8appearance Idaappearance
appearance at the office of the clerk of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the District Supreme Court applying fora foramarriage for a amar amarriage
marriage mar e license 1I but who h has overioeked overioekedteourln overloskOdsecuring kecI kecIReurtug
securing teourln the services of A minister ministerMr mlnJaterMr ministerMr
Mr McLaughlin fe a practicing otter attorney attelney otternor ¬
ney and spends a great deal of Mr h time timeat Urneat timeat
at the courthouse ami iid te therefore thereforeeasily thereforeasily thereforsoaiIy
easily available lIabie for the purpose of per performing perfori1aiDl perfortuing
forming marriage marrlft e ceremonies eermoD of this tb Wad Wadat kiadat kindat
at short notice noticeA noticecue noticett
A case of that nature nat ure occurred Thurs Thursday Thanday Thuraday ¬
day when William J Martin lart1n of Rich Richmond Richmcmd filchmonO ¬
monO Va applied for a license He nave fcavehis 1aveIUs navehis
his brides bride name as Annie L L Kessntek KessntekThey K KeisnickThey nlck nlckThey
They were accompanied by C S Pnrrish Pnrrishreputed PnrrIsnrpputed Parrishreputed
reputed to be one of the weaJUiiest manu manufacturere manufacturers menufateturers
facturere of Richmond Va VaThe VaThe VaThe
The name J1 me of the Rev Rc J J Muir ap appeared 9 9peered j jpoared
peered on the license as the performing performingminister performingminister performingminister
minister but for some reason or other otherthe i ithe j
the knot was not tied by that reverend reverendgentleman reverendgentleman
gentleman Tbe groom then th n decided to tohave tohan tohave I
have the name of J1 J Justice stSCe Bundy DundY Inserted Insertedas I Ias
as the authority to join them in wed wedlock wedleek wedlock ¬
lock To this proposition it is under understood understood J Jstood
stood the bride objected who Instated Instatedon
on a clergyman to pronounce the benedic benediction benediction benedletioti ¬
tion over her herIt herIt herIt
It was w getting late and the clerks clerk of office office offlee ¬
fice ctes clcass at 1 oclock Mr McLaughlin McLaughlinwas IcLaughJtnwas
was stig sugted ested ted as a clergyman eminently eminentlyfit
fit and i II i good standing The bridegroom bridegroomrushed brtdesroomrhetl bridegroomrushed
rushed back ek again to the clerks clerk office officeand oflleeand officeand
had the of ofthe otthe I Ithe
and for the third time name
the authority changed cl a ged It waVfcM wa was 33S It yester yesterday 7esterdaY ¬ I Iday
day afternoon when the Rev J B Me MeL MclAughlin i iLaughltn
Laughltn L uchltn at his residence ce 1t l Fifth street streetnorthwest streetnorthwest uet uetnorthweat
northwest finally pronounced the happy happycouple hapPYcouple happycouple
couple man and wife wifeREUNION wifeREUNION j jEEUNION
Sixteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry CnTnlr WillS Will VIIIJleet j jMeet
S Meet in Plttnburpf November IS 1 1CoanellslIJe 1Conneliaville j jConnellsvJHe
ConnellsvJHe Pa Nov 2 2A A reunion of ofthe oftho ofthe
the Sixteenth Pennsylvania Pnns lvanla Cavalry is to tobe t tbe tobe
be held hcklln in Pittebtirs on November < 15 and andmembers andmembers andmembers
members from the western end of the theState theState theState
State are particularly anxious to have b n a afull aCull afull
full attendance from Company I which whichrepresented vblchrelpialled whichrepresented
represented Philadelphia m ht the com command command cornmend ¬
mand mandA mendA I IA
A feature of the reunion will be the thepresentation tbepr theprmatatIon
presentation pr tAUon to the regimen reglDleJlV of an oil oilpainting 011MIIltt1ft1 oilpainting
painting of its old commander Col Ce J 1 K KRobinson K KRebln KRobinson
Robinson RobinsonThe on onTH j
The Sixteenth Slxtee tll Cavalry saw lots lot of ac active ac actlve sotlve ¬
tlve service and its members claim for forthemselves tor tortkelMelWfi forthemselves
themselves the honor of o rounding up upGea ur urGeD u uoen
Gea Robert E Lee at Appomattox THy THyttrOtnllle Theypromise j jpromise
promise to clear the doubts d Ubt of any uni unibelievers sin 1Ifthelmvers sinbeiIvers
believers who may show bow up at the re reunion re reuntop reunto ¬
union untopREADY unto untoREADY unionBEADY
Cruiser TcnnCNsec TcnneMNccWIII Will Coal at New Newport l cw cwport cwport ¬
port Xew8 Today TodayPorUBnouth TodayPortsmouth TodayPortsmouth
Portsmouth Va B Nov 1Tne Tbe United UnitedStates UnkedStat tTnlsedStates
States Stat armored cruiser Ttnneaeee ee which whichis whichbou whichis
is bound for Hampton Roads to convey conveythe oonWTue conveythe
the President P t to Panama when 1teR he makes makeshis ma makeshis
his trip next week on the battle ship shipLouisiana shipLoidalana tlp tlpIouI
Louisiana be bas net arrived as yet yetTonteht petTonmht yetTonight
Tonight It was w teamed by wireless that thatthe tllatt thatthe
the t ship is approaching I bJng the Capos but butwill hiltwill butwill
will not come in until tomorrow morning
Both the Washington which arrived to today teda 1 1day ¬
day da and the Tennessee wfll w l coal at New Kwprt Newpttrt Newport
port News tomorrow U morrow from trotaARMY bargesARMY barges bargesARMY
Leaves of Absence AbsenceTfc AbsenceTIle AbsenceThe
Tfc TIle ba kaas of e ftfeenee stMrted nteied Oaatnct Oeatra 3at apea rse MB W WJfcMB ww wwIIIcO WlIso
JfcMB IIIcO O CaUtife U 8 8 A to BpieM Mec 0 N Na NBr
117 May 21 JSK JR L ItiOlppiBM l lfCUlWea dtrWM dhWesfewtees to Mtwtod Mtwtodfcoitten
fcoitten dar darL tiara tiaraIN ys ysLisa
L IN i of ofa abMMe tor twenty days it omttA ei SwoMd SwoMdLtau seaILtet See SeeList
List Charts A asia C1art Artflter Con ConLe C CLate Ca CaLnae
Le Late e of about It for C two maths k cnml MMII i OOB OOBtnet Qaaraft Onsnest
raft SursecB AJ AIt U R Jt Una UaD f l S S SSIeclnl A ASiicclal ASiccinl
Siicclal Orders OrilcrnScraod 01Clcr8StroDd OrdersSttcsxI
Scraod Lfent Ctarkt F 1 Kfcb ith Pint Inftatcr InftatcrHKtiistB 11IfaaCI71tieh
1tieh HKtiistB iIthIsi NattaMl Bal OOM arcr lesid k anthoriMd by tbe 1ieri 1ierid 1 1deBt 1t 1tIet
deBt d M to it UMBd lb tbe euriMM Ktawl Fort Wm W WAttdt Wajes WajesMr w wM
M Attdt Mr for f th tIM impose of otMtiMOirs mts the theIIIDIe n ncione ressr ressrlsMzisetias
cione of IwtntetiOM at X ttet MtooL MtooLGovtnet MIaeoLectnct oeL oeLCtnct
Govtnet 9ot Smpoe eoD Aha R ll Hall 110 n U S 5 5ilia A Akia upns upnshi
kia hi anhal ni rhal l itt Fort Len Col Colo with the tMtint Twnty Twntyfittt T Tsin
fittt Io Iala Infantry atT7 will procMd to New 4ew e Steroo ree Ion Ionand I tossand n naDd
and report bar letter to the Swaeoa Gcacml of the theK7 thestay
11 K7 tot BBBulMrnt of contract contnctOpC contractcp contractCISC
OpC SMwtd Hot OT O Ordasac MMM Dprta DeputaMBt DeputaMBtBOt tt wffi wffiMte wIHsalo
salo Mte not ta exceed leer rkto per p MoaUi ath dozing Uw Uwrthi UIetJaa theshi
tJaa shi rthi of NovoBber ntenshe and DonHfcer D K05 1eOO to UM UMvcrta tileurka thea
vcrta a ks of the B R I OwpoM CoBawr C XV WJeI W5eiatse W5eiatsetiM wto B BUM
UM JeI OB oAcW eMl hnitttMi bsd petMWwg to the hMpectton hMpectton3t I8Ipecdoar
3t BMOoial r dct1 BHMffteKc a far ta die Oidsaaee OidsaaeeFine 0nIaaccIIIIiRIftt Do DoIil >
Fine Iil Lfcwt BmK A Lumm rnc tat Infe Jarab7 Jarab7I leisaz leisazt1ea iy iyMtd
Mtd I t1ea PB Natinal 6mtd k I aMjKrtnrf by the lYot lYotvinK 1r 1rat
vinK at to attend and pants a zvgvlar OOKM of fit fitIICd Is Isrtisa k ktnrdon
tnrdon at tfee t pirrtpan acted r tun ort Wajae W Mtca MtcaNAVY X XNAVY tha thaNAVY
OoawaoaVr r H 6 S Knapp Kaa to W Wealsispiss M tB D 0 afor 0fw 0for
for MUKfeml DMI d dIItJ ty at the Anv Ar War WarJAeut CMtejo CMtejoLhwt Oe OeLilt
Lilt F 1L II dark detached Alabanw A to honw honwSofteaa JIoIMucI hoeaand
and wait ardor anIerSIIrIeoa ardorSergecti
Softeaa B K G P Parter k to dirty at the N ista1 wl H npUaI Em Empltl 8 8ptol
ptol New York York N Y YSwgeoa YStIrgeaQ YSsreosa
Swgeoa W B Grove detached dirty at the Near NawalHoMtal NearIkIIit1 a aUtat
HoMtal DoMes Mam grated hare lea of Gfo abeinct ibmuesfor abeinctfor
for twenty days theeee to Iowa Iowarawed Iowa1aMd IonsIaaasi
rawed AasfeUat Stunt su Sures f FtreAIIMDt M Bopan ditetoinH ditetoinHtrwlawnt diarMtreatment
treatment At Natal ftJ hospital IJo taJ W WasWngUm D c CLami cand Cand
and granted Iiet fc k katr lea leave of ab HMe enee for f tine tineUIQ1 mathPimei math MMrthrawed
rawed UIQ1 AMkunt tiwgeo sreos J H P Pt Psyise y e Jr to todntr 0ilK todst7
dntr ilK with Marine recraitiBi pactf Atlanta fJa 6 6Boatcwain G Ge GeBstevin
Boatcwain U A Stanley i W daty y at narr 7 7I Jwd Jwd31at ssd ssd3late I
31at 3late I Istaad I Cat CatPajwMUrs Catl CalPsismts5a
PajwMUrs l < s Cta CIat F H RaEaoay appointed a apafiaaMcrs apa aparsaMars
pafiaaMcrs pa derjt des kt the Uatood 1 Slates narr 7 y for fortftttjc feria forute
tftttjc ute in coBBtction sOb alto MttieaMnt of UM ac accomtte Xc XceoaRU somonte
monte of the D S S R R S S Ilawoek nary 7 yard ywdK 18ftIx yardNw
ArriradHanBibai at Xewport Ness ns Vhiteia a at atHampton atIbm atIlatassos
Hampton Ibm It RMk Stcrliae Stert at San Joan J Petovae Petovaest I Iat
at SyAxy X S SSarted S511lcdWMlliRgtoa SSadeiWndds
Sarted 511lcdWMlliRgtoa SadeiWndds WmhtegtoB Mid Tennceitf T froM League LeagueMaud LmuebJa LueIslaM
Maud bJa for Ntwpert Ntwp rt Newt en New Ne Jesej liars Hampton HaajxonRoMk lIampcoancck Hamptonflesdi
RoMk for Beaton Unto lJoItCIII from Bmnertw for San SanFtaacteo 5nDrcokIpa SenFtsuclsco
Ftaacteo Urcokiyn from fin Havana for f League gue bludCalt IslandCapt Island IslandCapt
Capt Poole Wants heating Plant PlantCapt PlantCapt PlantCapt
Capt Poole officer In charge of the theState theState theState
State War and Navy XayBul1dlnto Building has sub submitted submitted submitted ¬
mitted to the Secretary of of the the Treasury Treasuryestimates TreasuIestlmat Treasuryestimates
estimates estlmat f for appropriations to maintain maintainthe maintainthe maintainthe
the building for the fiscal year of 1906 1906The 1906The 1906The
The aggregate a gregRte is 1t800Q 106060 Capt pooles Pooleaostimates poolesQ6Umates Poolesestimates
estimates involve radical changes in the theheating theheating theheating
heating lighting and power facilities of oftho oftho ofthe
tho building to bring them up to an effi efficient efficient effident ¬
cient and economical basis He desig designates dEsignates deslgnates ¬
nates the entire outfit now in the build buildin bufJdIftg buildbig
in big as a heterogeneous Itetero neoJf collection of ofmachinery ofrntchtnery I IchlneJJ
machinery chlneJJ and apparatus dating from the theearly theearly I
early seventies with units small and andscattered andsCattered andscattered
scattered scatteredTrouble sCatteredTrouble scattered scatteredTrouble
Trouble with Cruiser California CaliforniaThe CaliforniaThe CalIforniaThe
The Navy Department is having con considerable CO1skJerable cosalderable ¬
siderable difficulty in obtaining a satis satisfactory satistttctory natisfftctory ¬
factory trial of tho new newarmored armored cruiser cruiserCalifornia crul cruiserCalifornia r rCJlIlfornia
California CJlIlfornia built on the Pacific Coast It is issaW issaid Issaid
said that the trouble ie a not due to any anyinherent anyJnlterent anyinherent
inherent defect in the ship or its ma machinery m mcl1JneQ maehjnor ¬
chinery but to unfortunate circumstances circumstancesbrought clrcumstancesbrought circumstancesbrought
brought about by overheated bearings or orloose fr100se orloose
loose screws screwsBarry screwsBirr screwsBarry
Barry Birr Goes to Join Taft TaftBrigadier TaCtBrigadier TaftBrigadier
Brigadier Gen Thomas H L Barry act actIng lctInS actlag
InS cbef of staff of the 3rm army left yeV yeVterday yeS yeSt y yterday
terday t da for Fort D A RUS5 Russell U Wyo Wyowhere WyowhQrehe Wyowhore
where whQrehe he will join jolnSccr Secretary S cthtary tar Taft for R Rtour ntour atour
tour Of inspection insp ctlcn of some of the larger largeracmy Jarg largerarmy r ratm
atm posts at which it Itis It is intended to es establfh est ccsblfah
tablfh t bl h brigades of troop for permanent permanentstation perman permanentstation nt ntSla
station Sla OD
a I
S Army Officers Register RegisterThef6llowmg ReSl RegisterThe ter I IThe
Thef6llowmg The t6UcwJng otiiccis s registered re jstered at the theWar theW theWar
War W r Department yesterday YC8terd y Second SecondLleuJL Se SecondLieu ond ondLieu
LleuJL Lieu T W V Hollyday on leave of ab absence ab absence absence ¬
sence MaJ Surg John L Phillips on onleave onleavQ onleavQ
leavQ from duty with Isthmian 8n Canal CanalCommission CawCommis81on CanalCommhalon
Herald Want Ads Adswill Adswill Ad Adwill
will be bercceived received at Atkinsons Pharmacy PharmacyUth Pharma PharmaUth
Uth and G sts nw and promptly for forwarded forwarded forwarded ¬
warded tothe main office office
Reaches Age Ag Limit of 62 2 and Will WillSee WillSee WillSee
See No More Service ServiceDlnlmnded ServiceDisbanded
Disbanded Atlantic Coast Squadron Squadronnl
at Charleston Clmrl < fton In April and Han HanBeen HnffDeen liOnBeen
Been in Washington Since SinceRoar SInceRoar
Roar Admiral Fronds W Dlekh Dteklrw was wasyesterday USyesterday
ye yesterday terdQplaced placed on the list of retired offi officers 001 001Ct18 ¬ I Icorn
corn of the navy on account of age be bar barlug having ¬
lug reached the prescribed pre crlb d active limit of ofefcctytwo ofsixtytwo
efcctytwo years made by act of Con Congress Congrea Congross ¬
gross The admiral stated last night that thatalthough thataltiaoush thatalthough
although he was as retired for age ho was wasa wasa
a young youn man still and his lil hale and hardy hardyappearance bardyappearance hardyappearance
appearance bears out his statement He Hela HeIs
la at present pre ent in this city on duty as a amember amember amember
member of the board of admirals at the theNavy theNavy
Navy Department coming here after he hedisbanded hedisbanded hedisbanded
disbanded and dispersed the old coast coastsquadron coastwiuadron
squadron of the Atlantic fleet fleetAdmiral fleetAdmiral fleetAdmiral
Admiral Dlckins was born In Beekman BeekmanTownship BeekmanTownsblp BeckmanTownship
Township Dutchess County Count N Y Later Laterhe Laterbe Laterhe
he removed to Connecticut and was ap appointed appointed
pointed to the Naval Academy from rom that thatState thatState
State in Ism He completed the course coursein cours courseIn
in three years ears graduating in November NovemberMM Novemberwnen November1I
MM when he was assigned to an Acad Academy Academy ¬
emy practice vessel 6 el searching for priva privateer prhat privateere ¬
teer t teere erJ His first real sea service how however bowever however ¬
ever was on board the United Unlt d States Statessteamer Statessteamer
steamer at r Colorado flagship of the Euro European Europeon ¬
peon pea squadron u3dron He received two promo promotions promotlons promotions ¬
tions while on the European station to toensign toensign
ensign in November N and to master in inDecember inDecember
December 1S66 and in 1S67 returned on onboard onboard onboard
board the Augusta which convoyed the themonitor themonitor themonitor
monitor Mlantonomoh across s the ocean oceanHe oceanHe oceanHe
He was made a lieutenant in March 1658 1658and 1EG8and 1E63and
and one month later he cruised to the theSouth theSoth theSouth
South Atlantic station and around to tot tot tothe
t the e West IndIes Indlel returning to the United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates
States in February 1ST1 1ST1While 1mWhne 1S1While
While on this cruise Admiral Dlcklns Dlcklnswas Dlcklnswas Dicklrswas
was promoted to be a lieutenant com commander commander cornstander ¬
mander In October 1572 he was ordered orderedto
to duty as executive officer on board the theKaat theKamJ theKants
KamJ Kaat 9 on the expedition ltIon to Nicaragua NicaraguaJust NicaraguaJust NicaraguaJust
Just one year later ho went to the Asi Asiatic Asiatic Antatic ¬
atic station serving as executive officer officeron officerOR officeron
on the Monocacy Kearsarge and Yantlc Yantlcand YantiCand Yanthand
and commanded the Yantic during the thelatter thelatter thelatter
latter part of her cruise He served for fortwo tortwa fortwo
two years as a an instructor In mathemat mathematics ¬
ics at the Naval Academy Academ Annapolis Annapolisand AnnapoUsa Annapolisarid
and a m In 1M 1 was made executive officer of ofthe ofUte ofthe
the frigate trt le Constitution familiarly known knowni knownOld knownso
so i OW Ironsides IronsidesIn Iron
In 38K h he was ordered to command the theTaJlapoosa theTallapoosa theTailapoosa
TaJlapoosa on the southern station be being 00JJI belag ¬
lag JJI promoted to the grade of commander commandera
a a few months later and receiving a a val valuable vaJuabie aJ aJuaWe ¬
uable present pre ent from the Salvage Assocla Association Assoclatk Assoclation ¬
tion tk n of London for rescuing re the big bl Brit British BrJtIIJh Britlab ¬
lab steamer Zarate which hlch went ashQre on onLopus onLoJMi8 onLoinis
Lopus Island rocks off the coast of or ofUru > Uru Uruguay Crugay ¬
gay guayHe gayHe 5117He
He was placed In command of the navy navyyard na7yard navyyard
yard in this city in 18 and in 1SS3 was wasselected iUted wascted
selected cted ted by President Cleveland to take takecharge tak takcbarge takecharge
charge of the receptions social functions functionsand runctlonADd functionsand
and other o courtesies eourte tes in honor of thp tbp Duke Duketopfeer Dukeot Dukeof
ot VaralfU at lineal descendant o oflChrls oflChrlstophst Chrls ChrlstoMMr
topfeer Columbus when he visited this thiscity thldcit7 thiscity
city as a guest t of the nation Admiral AdmiralDickens AdmiralDickens dmiral
Dickens accompanied the duke all over overtoe oerUae overthe
toe country lUng vS ttbe he Worlds Fair st atChicago t tChicago
Chicago and taking in all 11 the big cities citiesWhite citiesWbliv 1 1While
White serving as assistant t chief of the theBureau theBureau I IBunlau
Bureau of Navigation during the Span Spanish SpanI SpanIIsla SpanIsh ¬
ish war Admiral Dlckins was promoted promotedto I Ito
to the grade of captain on July 3 1S9S 1S9SSantiago U8SSaaUaso 1SSantisgo
Santiago Day DayWhile DaTWJdIe DayWhile
While in command of the cruiser Brook Brooklyn Brook17n Brook17n ¬
17n tiagsbtp of the Asiatic Fleet Admiral AdmiralDfektos Admira1Dlekln AdmiralDickina
Dfektos took that vessel eseel to Australia Australiato
to participate p in the opening of the first flrstAustralian ftritAU8traJlan firstAntralian
Australian Parliament at Melbourne in inMay in1tfL InMay
May MOL Tb The D Duke k and Ditch Duchess of ofYork ofYork ofYork
York now Prince and Princess of Wales Waleswere WalesWft Waleswere
were Wft were in Australia at the time on the thesame thesame thesame
same mission and the admiral met them themat themat themat
at many social functions On returning returningto
to the United States via 1 Europe in De December D Dcember Docamber ¬
cember of the same year he again met metthe metthe metthe
the Duke and Duchess of o York York and upon uponhis uportilia uponhis
his leaving they presented pce ented him with au autographed autonraphed antorphed ¬
tographed photographs His final na1 promo promotion promotine mo motlol1 ¬
tine was was received on Bunker Hill Day DayJune D6 D6T DayJune
June T ItOC 17 ISM ISMIn 104In
In March IMS 1 1h1 be was placed In com command commaad cornstand ¬
stand of the coast squadron of the Atlan Atlantic At1ntic Atlantic ¬
tic Fleet with the old battle ship Texas Texasas Texasu Texasas
as flagship He was the commanding ofll ofllcer ofiJcer oflicer
cer during the maneuvers oft th the South SouthAtlantic SouthAttIe SouthAtlantic
Atlantic Coast Coast with headquarters at atCharleston atCbade atCharleston
Charleston Cbade ton last winter and In April last lasthe lasthe lasthe
he hauled bau down his flag in Charleston CharlestonHarbor CharlestonHarbor CharlestonHarbor
Harbor after disbanding his squadron in inkeeping InkeoepinK inkeeping
keeping with the policy of the Navy a De Department De Department Dcpertinent ¬
partment He was also o the officer in com commend comJNmd cornnitnd ¬
mend during the recent maneuvers in inChesapeake inChesaJEake inChesapeake
Chesapeake Bay directing the attacks attacksagainst attack3agatDst attacksagainst
against Baltimore and Washington WashingtonAdmiral Was WashingtonAdmiral lngton lngtonAdmlral
Admiral Dkkins Is a Knight of the theOrder theOrder theOrder
Order of the Cross of Naval Merit erit of ofSpain ofSIn ofSpain
Spain having received the decoration dec ratlon of ofthat ofthat ofthat
that order from the King of Spain in 1894 1894He 1SfJHe I4He
He also has a beautiful silver medalreceived medal medalreceived l lreeeived
received from the King of Slam Slam with withthe withtJMo withthe
the consent of the Navy Na Department Departmentwhile Dep Departmentwhile rtment rtmentwbfle
while he was on board the Monocacy Mcmocac at atBaakok ntBtmkok atBnkok
Baakok Japan JapanAdmiral JaPAnAdmiral JapanAdmiral
Admiral and 50 Mrs Dlckins will sail short shortly shortly shortly ¬
ly for the Mediterranean to be gone gonesome gonesome gonesome
some time timeTo timeTo timeTo
To Study StUtI Battle Ship Plans PlansSecretary PlnnsSecretary PlansSecretary
Secretary Bonaparte has appointed a aboard aboard aboard
board consisting of the Assistant A lsta t Score Secretary SecrcW Scoretar ¬
tary tar of the Navy the Englneerinch5ef Englneerinch5efof
of the Navy the Chief of the Bureau of ofOrdnance orOrdnance ofOrdnance
Ordnance the Chief Constructor C0 of the theNavy theNavY theNavy
Navy Capt John P Merrill U S N NCapt K KCApt NCapt
Capt Raymond P Rodgers U S N and andCapt andCaIrt andCapt
Capt Richard Wainwrisht Yalnwrl ht U S S N to toconsider toCOft8Ider tocoinder
consider the designs and plans submitted submittedU
W U > the Navy aVDeJHlrtment Department for for the new bat battle battle battie ¬
tle ship Including both those submitted submittedby submittedb submittedby
by b private persons and by the board on onconstruction onCODStructlon onconstruction
1f 1fJ 1fi75
i75 mta
f Every iyPieCc iyPieCcOriginal Piece PieceIs
Is an anOriginal
Original Origin Painting PaintingOn Painting PaintingOn PaintingOn
On Pottery Potterytrith
I f I with th the artists atrratare nature on it itThe it itThe
> 1 The piece you bny i 11 always alwaystmicae alwaysimi t ttm
tmicae tm Cfethere cthere there will never be a adu aRookwood I Ii
i < du vkate vkateIs iicateI
I Rookwood RookwoodIs j jIs
Is a Welcome WelcomeGift WelcomeGift WelcomeGift
Gift GiftThere GiftThen GiftThereli
There Thereli U nothinr notbin nothiiigniore = more bean beantifnl be1sztHai beautifulin
tHai tifulin in pottery than Kookxrood Kookxroodnothirf Rookwoodnothing 1 1nothin
nothin nothing = more worthies thin thinthe t tthe thanthe
the imitation imitationWe imitationI irnitatinoWe
We shall be pleased pleasedtAt to have haveyou haveroal
t roal youcaJsdinrprctourlntrest youcaJsdinrprctourlntrestii you ca I a d inipectoer j = interest interestj trat tratf
ii j fp Vwvd VwvdDulin S SDulin
f Dulin Martin M rlin Co CoEjchistfc CoExcJ15he 1 1g
I g Ejchistfc D C Agents AtDta AgentsI215FStandl2I41SGSt
1215 I215FStandl2I41SGSt FSt F Sf and 121418 G St StNew StNew F FNew
New Life for forOld 11 11Old II IIOld
Old Furniture FurnitureOCSECLEANING FurnitureH FurnitureII
OCSECLEANING usually usuallyreveals usuallTreeala usuallyreveals
H reveals pieces of farni farnitnre furnltnre furniture
tnre apparently so o nicked nickedand nickedand nickedand
and defaced as to bo beyond beyondredemption beond beondredemption beyondredemption
redemption redemptionLACQUERET redemptionLACQUERET redemptionLACQUERET
will save ve such furni furniture furnia
a pa ture from consignment consignmentI consignmentC
I l fi I to the attic It obliter obliteri obUterares
15 C I i afes scratches nicks and andan andS
S t 1 all other evidences of ofwear otweargives ofweargives
weargives wear gives all wood
111011 work the brilliance and andbeauty and11uu
Quart 11uu UUull beauty of new Price PriceTic Pricec Price7c
Tic c qt qtHUGH qt qtHUGH ElIHUGH
Painters Supplies Glut and MIners
1334 New NewYorkAve York Ave Phone Phone3182 Phone3182SIMPLE 3182 3182SIMPLE 3182SIMPLE
New s method of lace ikiuing without pail or rr rrtirtmect TFtiruneIt r rtirunent
tirtmect 1 hllilli ailing > Heir H Quickly ttgpv stpa4 tv d Fwwns Fwwnsstored f fBiC rmoved
stored BiC ed and Hr aoUaws > U < rws filled Patients treated at their theirbone thClthomes thrthomer
Mrs O B Jeter
516 12th Street N W WAGNOLIA WM
1 1i
lifi TBE T1tEPJHITAJt43 rcwu uen M3TMUJ5Lf ruiJH J am n tauS SFnm WSTEJ WSTEJOne
M S M k One S SgaL al botUe iOe e C batt bot > rc t tk tQ
L 5 k eae Q lie Bold by l all fl flpcclal droggs dm s sclal li lispecial
special bottles bottlesBottld bott bottlerBottled Ie IeHottW
Bottled at the sfrimat wm and IIII sal salTel Sosk araletiis > < > tTel
Tel Main iis TM 34 J K liAiwikK Mgr MgrWANTS liPWANTS MgrWANTS
Han Searching for Decker Is Suitor Suitorfor Suitor1or Suitorfor
for 3IIss Ibs Pauls Hand HandNew Hand1ew HandNew
New York Nov 2 2By By B the publication publicationof tll tllof <
of her picture in a local newspaper tho thogirl th thgirl thgirl
girl in whose behalf a worldwide search searchhas a searchhas rch rchhas
has been instituted In Ututed for Lieut Albrecht AlbrechtBecker AlbrechtBecker AlbrechtBecker
Becker formerly of the German army armyhas arm armhas armyhas
has been identified as Miss B Bertha rtha Paul Pauldaughter Paudaughter PaWdaughter
daughter of Frank Paul millionaire part partner partner partnec ¬
ner in the silk manufacturing manufactu firm of ofBeldtog ofBeldhrg > f fBelding
Beldtog Paul f Co of Montreal IOfttr a1 Canada CanadaIncidentally Cana CanaIncIdentally canaibsIncidentally
Incidentally through b the recognition of ofthe o othe othe
the young Young woman in the case case several severalnew Se severalnew T t 1 1Dew
new developments nave hare been added to her herromance hYromance herromance
romance romanceBecker romanceBecker romanceBecker
Becker the missing wooer of the girl girlwho girlwho girlwIse
who was recently located in Florida Floridaworking lSorWaworking Pioridaworking
working as a timekeeper for the Eat EastCoast EatCo EatCoast
Coast st Hallway has disappeared dl since the thepublication thepubllcaUon thepublication
publication of the story without giving givinghis givinghis givinghis
his whereabouts A G KaoCman jr of ofthis orthis ofthis
this city who has been en in charge of the thesearch thesearch thesearch
search in America for Becker also ap appears appers appeisra ¬
pears in the new role of a a suitor for Miss MissPauls tI MissPauls 8 8Pauls
Pauls hand This accounts for his actii actiity acthity activity
ty iiv in trying either to prove the young younglieutenant younglieutenant younglieutenant
lieutenant dead or to convince Miss Paul Paulthat Paulthat Paulthat
that her former suitor no longer cares caresfor caresfor caresfor
for her so that his own suit may prosper prosperSqnlers prosperSquiers prosperSqulers
Sqnlers Goes to Panama PanamaHerbert PannmaHerbert PanamaHerbert
Herbert G Squlers the newly appointed appointedUnited appointedUnited appointedUnited
United States Minister to Panama sailed sailedThursday sailedThursday altN1Thursday
Thursday afternoon on the steamer Pan Panama Panama ¬
ama together with Mrs Squiers and an their theirdaughters t theirdaughters lr lrdughters
daughters to occupy his new post It Itwas Itwas Itwas
was not expected that Mr Squiers would wouldleave wouldleave wouldleave
leave so soon but a desire for immediate immediatecontact Immediatecontact immediatecontact
contact with the existing conditions conditionshastened conditionshastened conditionshastened
hastened the departure In spite of the thevarious thevarious thevarious
various remarks which have been made madeabout madeabout madeabout
about Panamas climate it is understood understoodthat understoodthat understoodthat
that Mr Ir Squiers family famn will spend a alarge alarge ftlarge
large part of the time there
Fur Novelties NoveltiesTHE ove
4 HE Hl most casual observer will note the superior richness richnessof
THE I of the Furs shown here QUALITY is evidenced in even eventhe eventhe eventile
the most inexpensive inexp nsive pieces There is is stylebeauty out of ofthe ofthe oftile
the ordinary representing the most approved conceptions of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the worlds world s leading furriers furriersAll furriersAll furriers5A11
All desirable Furs in pieces of every description are in included included inchIded ¬
cluded and remember prices are absolutely the lowest QUAI QUAIITY QUAJr QUAJrITY QUALITY
ITY considered consideredI
Mens M n Hats HatsAll
All Dependable Makes MakesIn
In Silks Operas Derbys and Soft SoftHats SottHats SoftHats
Hats All the tb t newest blocks In InKnox InKnox inKnox
Knox Knox Stetson and Heath makes makesas
as well as our OWN SPECIAL 3 3HATS 3HATS 3 3HATS
Rain Coats CoatsFor
For Men and Women WomenVe
We Ve e are showing an unusually unusuallycomplete unu8uaIJycompletP unusuallycomplete
complete line of these stylish and andserviceable andserviCeable andserviceable
serviceable garments They are aretailored amtailored aretailored
tailored in the best possible man manner manner manncr ¬
ner A variety of rich and dis distinctive distinctive dietlnctive ¬
tinctive fabrics for selection selectionPrices selectionPrices leetlon leetlonPrIces
Prices up to J25
B H Stinemetz 650n CSonCo CO COHatters
Hatters andFurriers Cor F lJ 12th Sts