I THE WASHINGTON HEBALD STTITBAY NOYEHBEB 4 1906 y < 4 I THE CANDIDATE CANDIDATEA A Political Romance ° tt 1905byHipu Brothrs By Joseph A AitshIr SYNOPSIS PRECEDING CHAPTERS CHAPTERSJteia CHAPTERSA Jteia GM9MM a Westerner and Dd tee duklwpe duklwpeof dark darkof of afttODBftl aoBHeatttm It to Dua nowhwted for thc thckney Urirf Urirfcfrncy cfrncy Yonag You Safer the eutrMpoadcat eepoe4est e f tie tieNew theNew New York C Gite asUe fc the wit to MM UM thidate candi candidate ¬ date the good newt He aceoa ccopaes fBie the UrajasAw UrajasAwto to t their Wettera bwae a4 meet ess Grej Gra3eoiS s aftcc aftccSylvia al ce ceSyvta Sylvia Munjsa fan fte Idabo wbe whom be oowsfckrs sMIer a atoo atoo too Western product The two are amteaUy at attracted atracte ¬ tracted racte UHOEB they an ie critical of o each acfa other otherlitriey othc othc1abrIe7 litriey together with uier eotmppndeate eureMJonden4 ao aoroaiiwiiies acpPrnes roaiiwiiies pPrnes the Orajwo Graya sartj 3 tack to Cftke where wfcpieUM wherethe UM campaign open ope Tte wruapoadsoU tall wider widerthe dcc dccthe the spell pe1t of Sylvias ctana c aad ai OB u tk the irfsat o oOraymTs ot otOra5Of3 OraymTs gremt veecit eedi irirai w ifce latter tte itqnu ets Ja Jathe o otIiC the bos bo which birk hold Us wife lit and ateee Iece Sylvia in inh inher h her r eatnusnuBi and pride i4s throws her ana aina about abovtGnu aboutiraots Gnu iraots oas neek and ktaes k ttfan llarky ftwra ot otdisapproval ofdiappIuI disapproval W olmired by Sjrlria Ch O the foUwrins foUwrinsmorning to1Joun to1Jounaorng aorng morning Uariey is dtaaaycd to tod d the Incident Incidentdaringly tncldentg1aruety daringly OtaMzaUd ki the yellow jootaab aad aadSylvia aadSyIv Sylvia SyIv aaiMd as GhafMas Egeria Ute bemtifal bemtifalycang beaaWulong ycang ong gfcl g who twtrfabea Weato Westers toe tor f tos tospeecbes io io1e3 peecbes 1e3 CbwchiU the dwrttsh cenwpbndeat of oftbe ofthe the Mentor New Yoits jeUow jennial ourisa1 spirts spirtssHghtiosly apeaaghUDgIJ sHghtiosly ghUDgIJ of the GMJMMM ad finally aally drifts into intoan Iaoaa an antagonistic attitude fai aUyfeg btaueif h4ae irltb 1th a aparty aperu party of qwesdonab < i Maoaabk e imncfen nc1eas wise fellow ticayaon ticayaonfa Giny GinyMjboukee fa Milwaukee and by a prooew aooeae of fleUery iadw iadwChurcaill hiduChurejill Churcaill to start aa oppetMoii aoreaMBt through throughhis thinubWa his dispatch Kins Ptawaer a political power powerz p pi z ta tao w Welt t and a mtudMitlioaaire appear oa oath onth th MAS eeno Harler RLrI beitM Mm b1 to be SrtrUs SrtrUsuscie Sj4rtagtlDc3e uscie but afterward leans that he is Jter M gnanUm gnanUmand guarditand and beantbed Mrs Graysoa relates reIat to Hariejr Hariejrhow Hsr4eyiow how iow Sylvias pareeu were SMUMCTIJ oa tie pUru pUruad is isd ad d sb e1e a a young onn child was i found and adopt adoptbj a4o a4oh5 bj PfcwuDer who is a tairty yean oua Mr Mater aen D Ding Dr Drftrg < ing 1tnmners brief W ttay ia n Mjlwaafec Sylvia SylviaMOM SylviakIfl1 MOM depraattd aad upon bfc defartwe aee a e is islenrntoly IsrevtWy lenrntoly guy j aad aeIat aafeaated ItuwoMT ia dw dwCaadidate distiea tiea d wIth biiiIs by the Grajrssiia and the theCaadldat Caadidate prints oat to Harley the acM mrnillj of ofreuiaiaz ofettnI reuiaiaz ettnI toe b fefeodsaip to which Hadej lisrI agrees agreesCHAPTER agiosCHAPTERYL CHAPTER CHAPTERYL CHAPTERYLOn VL VLOn On The Road RoadThe RoadTh The Th great success of Grayson as aa aaorator anorator orator was continued at Detroit A vast vastaudience vasteudlence audience hung breathless upon hto hi word wordand wordeand and be played upon its emotions as b bwould be bewould would now thrilling the people with pas passion pasaba ¬ aba and then starring them to cheers cheersthat cheersthat that rolled like thunder It became becamc ap apparent apparent ¬ parent that this hitherto obscure man manfrom manfrom from the far West was wa the strongest strongestnominee atrongetnominee nominee a somewhat disunited party could couldhave couldhave have named and Harley whose interest interestat at first had been for the campaign itsalf itsalfrather tIf tIfrather rather than its result began to have a afeeling afeeling feeling that after all Grayson might be beelected beelectedat elected electedat at least he had a fighting chancy chancywhich chazc chazcwhich which mght be more if IfIt it were not for fortbe fortbe tbe shadow of Goodnight Crayon and andtheir axdtheir their kind Part of o these men bad gone goneback gonebeck back among them the large and impor important Important ¬ tant Mr Goodnight but Harley saw the tbequiet thequiet quiet Mr Crayon still watching from a aUgh ahigh Ugh box bo at Detroit and he knew that thatno thatrio no act or 0 word of the candidate would wouidescape wouldescape escape the scrutiny of this powerful fac faction facUon ¬ tion within the party partyAmple partyAmple Ample proof of his conclusion if it were wereneeded wereneeded needed came the next morning in a copy copyof copyof of the New York Monitor Churchills Churchillspaper Churcblllpaper paper which contained on Its frqnt page pagea a long doubleleaded dispatch under a aMilwaukee aMilwaukee Milwaukee date line It was HOt who whobrought W123brought brought it in to Mr Grayson zrayson and his lit little littie ¬ tie party at the breakfasttable breakfasttableExcuse breakfasttableExcuse Excuse me for Interrupting you Mr MrGrayson Mrraynon Grayson raynon he said flourishing the paper paperas paDers as s it were a sort of flag MMIt bat here is isomethrag Isrnethtag omethrag that you are bound to see seeIts seeJt Its Jt s what might be called a word in your yourear yourear ear or at least It seems to me to have havefuat havethat that sound aoun I guess that Churchill got gota gota a beat on as all hi Milwaukee MilwaukeeI I wish you would Join us is Mr Hobart Hobartand Holinrtarid and read the whole article to us if you youwill youwill will be so kind said the candidate candidatecalmly candIdatecalmly calmly calmlyNothing calmlyNothing Nothing could have pleased Hobart bet better better ¬ ter and be read with emphasis and care careresolved careeolved resolved that his hearers should not lose losea a word Churchill had a good style and andhe aride he e possessed a certain skill in innuendo innuendotherefore Innuendotherefore therefore he was able throughout the ar article arUcle ¬ ticle to make his meaning clear He Hestated Hestated stated that among those surrounding the thecandidate theandidatehe candidate andidatehe be could give names if he hewould hebut would but It was not necessary Doceasarytherfa Doceasarytherfawas there therewas was a certain feeling that Mr Graysoa Graysoawas Graysonras was ras not quite quiteat at least not yet 7etac as large largeas largeas as the position tIon for which he had been beennominated beennominated nominated Keen observers had noticed noticedin noticedin in him a predisposition to rashness he hehad hehad had spoken lightly more tha than once of ofgreat ofgr great gr at vested interests interestsUncle InterestsUncle Uncle James how could you be so solacking solacking lacking in reverence reverencer exclaimed Sylvia SylviaMorgan SylvIaMergan Morgan MerganMr MorganMr Mr Grayson merely smiljd smiljdGo smlljdGo Go on Mr Hobart be said saidBu4 j jBu Bu Bu4 some of the ablest minds in the thecountry thecountr3 country are closely watching Mr Gray Graysan GraySan san continued the article and where wherehe wherehe he needs support or restraint he will re receive r rceive ¬ ceive It There Therare are certain issues not em embodied embodied ¬ bodied in the platform from which he hewill hewill will be steered steeredNow steeredNow Now I think that is too much ex exclaimed oxclaimed ¬ claimed Mrs Grayson the indignant red redrising redrising rising in her cheeks cheeksThar cheeksTheir Their priming it does not makes It Ittrue t ttrue true Anna said the candidate mildly mildlyAs mildlyAs As if you did not know enough to run runyour runyour your own campaign exclaimed the in indignant Indignant ¬ dignant wife wifeBut wifeBut But Jimmy Grayson continued to smile smileWe smileWe We must expect this sort of thing he hesaid liesaid said It would be a dull campaign with without without ¬ out it Please go en Mr Hobart HobartA HoberLA A number of ot eminent citizens the thearticle thearticle article continued would make a tem temporary ternporary ¬ porary sacrifice of their great business businessInterests businessInterests Interests for the sake of the campaign campaignand camsignand and the people and with their restraining restrainingcare care it was not likely that Mr Grayson Graysoncould Graysoncould could go far wrong as he seemed to be bean bean an amiable man amenable to advice adviceThus advIceThus Thus it continued at much length and andHarley andHarley Harley keen and experienced In such suchmatters suchmatters matters knew very well whence Churchill Churchillhad ChurchiLlbad had drawn uRn inspiration inspirationThe 1 The editor also makes comment upon uponthis uponthis this warning said Hobart who was un undeniably undenlably ¬ deniably enjoying himself himselfI I should think that the dispatch was wasenough wasenough enough saw Mrs Grayson whose in indignation indigriatlon ¬ dignation was not yet cooled cooledBat cooledBut Bat it isnt Mrs Grayson said saidHobart saidHobart Hobart at least the editor of the theMonitor theMonitor Monitor doeeMtot think so Listen ListenThe ListenThe The campaign in behalf of our party partyhas partyhas has begun in the West and we have felt feltthe feltthe the need of thoroughly reliable news newsfrom newsfrom from that quarter free from the sen sensaUnnalism sennationalism nationalism and levity which we are sorry sorryto sorryto to say ay so often disgrace our American Americannewspapers Americannewspapers newspapers and make them compare un unfavorably Unfavorably ¬ favorably with the graver and statelier stateliercolumns stateliercolumns columns of the English press pressHe pressHe He is an az Englishman himself said saidHai saidHaieyAmerican Hai HaieyAmerican ley American opinion through an anEnglish anEnglish English channel channelEven channeLEven Even Jimmy Grayson laughed laughed4At lauhodAt 4At At test we have obtained this infor informaticn informatlon maticn continued Hobart reading roadingand 4 and w we are able to present It today todaytc a tc those earnest and sincere people the tbecultivated thecultivted cultivated minority who really count and andwho andwho who constitute the leaven in the mass massof massof of the light and frivolous American peo people P00ile ¬ ple A trusted correspondent correap ndent of ours ju juUicions jujicIona Uicions impartial absolutely devoid of ofprejudice ofprejudices prejudice has obtained from high highsources highioUrees sources with which common journalistic journalisticcircles Journalisticrides circles at are never In touch touchHow touchHow How the bird befouls its own neat neatsaid nestsaid said the elderly Tromaine TromaineInformation Tromameinforinadon Information that will throw much muchlight muchlight light upon a campaign a d a candidate candidateboth candidateboth both obscure hitherto This we tmseat tmseatupon IWeseDtupon upon anothw page ia and and as ocr cultivated cultivatedreaders cultivatedreaders readers will readily inter the candidate candidateMr catididateMr Mr Grayson Is not a bad man manTbnk manThanks Thanks for that crowning marcy marcysaid mercysaid said > r Grayson Graysonbut Grysoabit but neither Is he a great one In Inshori Inshorihe short shorthe he is at least for the present narrow narro and provincial moreover ho is of eras an im imIjulslve Impulsive Ijulslve temperament teniperznwntthat that is likely to lead leadhim leadhim him into untrodden and anddangeiinis dangerous paths patosCur pathsCtlr Cur beat hope lies Iirth In the fact tact that Mr MrGrayson DIrGaaoh Grayson who has not shown hitatlf in intractable IntrcthbIe < tractable may be brought to see this ami amiwill aiidwill will rely on the advice Off those who whoare wh whare are fitted to lead rather tljan upon the thereckless thereckless reckless fanaJes of the Boys BOrS who are aresure aresure sure to surround Itfjri If he gl gives es them a aehance j jchance chance In this emergency we are stir surthat stirt that t all the beet In the State will ralb ralbwith raibwith with us The eyes ef Europe are UPS upous UPSu us u and we must vindicate ourselves ourselvesUncle ourseve ourseveUncI Uncle James 38me1 said Sylvia Morgar Morgarstvectly Morgarswe4tly stvectly I trust that you youtlfl will reinemb reinembthroughout rmembtht throughout tht iIghout tlre cssnpalgn that the eye ye yeEur6pe o ofiuropa fiuropa Is upon you ana sbhdu t yoursel yourselaccordingly yourselnccordlngb accordingly I hayenptc havenot4cedtht d < tbat in man manof manof of rur ur speeches you seemedrtobe unc uncscions unczcloiis scions of the fact thai Vienna and nd ndPdrsburg S SPersburg Persburg werewiMchJng w6w 4cfIIi you Such uch be behavior behevior ¬ havior will never do doMr doMt Mr Grayson Grays n smiled once more He Heseemed Heaeued seemed to be less disturbed Ufan tlan any anyune anyuric uric else at the table yet al T he e Knew that thatthis thatthis this was In intruth truth a awaruIflggVen warning g en by an animportant animporazit important wing of the par pry ir and there therefore therefore ¬ fore he must take tilt thought ef e It A Aprominent Apromijient prominent politician of MicHigan was waspresent wspreaciat present the guest of Mr Grjwon and andhe andhe he dWnotteka did not take the threat as calmly as asthe asthe the candidate candidateTlie candidateThe The writer of this dispatch is with wfthyour withyour your party I jnippose he said to Mr MrGrayson MrGtayson Grayson GraysonOh GtaysonOh Oh Oh yes it ttisMr Is Mr Churchill tirchiii fH He ha habeen baa baabeen been with us since the start startI I would not let him go a wHe 11e farther farthera fartlera a man who Writes like that thatwhy why It Ita a apositive apositive positive Insult to you youlahouid should not be al allowed 1 1I ¬ lowed I wed on your train trainThe 0 The Michigan mans face flush flusbd red redand rednail and in his anger angerhe he brought hie hand down downheavily dovnheaviLy heavily on the table bat Harley did not notlook apt aptlook look at t him Ms full attention being re reserved reserved ¬ served for the candidate Here was a atest atat test tat of his nm bigness Would he prove prorequal proveftiual equal to it itI itI I am afraid tat that would be a mistake mistakejaid mistakesaid said Jimmy Grayson amiably to io ioMichigan tb tbMichigan > Michigan man a mistake ia two re respects respects ¬ spects otu QUr GoastltuUotf guarantees th threedem the thefreedom freedom of the th nressVand pre i the Monitor and andits andits its correspondent have a right to writ writthat wtitthat that way wyif if they wish to ox do > so and K w we wewereto j jwere were wereto to expel Mr Ir Churchill It would grv grvtfitm ghe ghethem them all the greater ground for complaint complaintNow ComplaintNow Now perhaps I am aft after r all a narrow narrowand narrowrind and ignorant person who needs restraint restraintHe restralitHe He spoke the last sentence in such a awhimsical awhimsical whimsical tone and with such a a frank franksmite frai fraismile smite that they were were all forced to lau laugh laughtten fu fujsven jsven the Michigan man But ut Hurley felt felttelief feltzeftef telief The candidate Had shown ao lit littltfttess littleb4as tltfttess tltfttessI S I was sure that you yonwould would return stieb stieban eneban an answer aniwer Uncle James said Sylvia SylviaMorgan SylviaMorgan Morgan and the look Unit Uiat sne he gave him himnas himwas was full of faith Now Im I maan aa to hep hepyou haipyou you by converting Me ChurchBL ChurchBLHow ChurchULHow How will you do thatr thatrI that I shall smile upon him use seamy my wfonteg wfontegways windtnaways ways and draw him into the fold foldThere foldThere There was a slight edge to her voice voiceand voiceand and Harley was net sure nre of hr meaning toeaningbut meaningbut but he and she were together in the par parlor r rbr ¬ lor an hour later when they met Churchill Churchillaad Churchilland and he had a chance chance5 to see Churcbill Churcbillevidently Churcrllievidently evidently was not expecting to find them themthere themthere there but he assumed on Important air airknowing airknowIng knowing that his otopatcbes had been re received received ¬ ceived and read and feeling therefore thereforethat thereforethat that he was the author of a sensatkxo sensatkxoHe nensatloaHe He anticipated hostility he believed that thatMr thatMr Mr Grayson3 relatives and friends would wouldassail wouldassail assail him with harsh words and be bad badspoken hadspoken spoken already to one or two persons of ofthe ofWe the six months ordeal that he would have haveto haveto to endure But we nwsf musi stand such suchthings auththings things when they are incurred in the theline theline line of duty he said and I have a a way waywhich waywhich which perhaps win teach them to be benot benot not so ready in attacking me He ex expected oxpected ¬ pected such a foray against him h1i now nowand nowand and his manner became haughty in the tbepresence theIweauce presence of Sylvia Morgan and Harley We Wethai that It all of ushave just been beenreading beenreading reading yonr dispatch in the Monitor Monitorshe Monitorshe she said in a most winning tone and andIn andIn In behalf of Uncle James I want to tothank tothank thank you Mr Churchill ChurchillChurchill ChurchillChurchill Churchill looked surprised but doubt j fill and did not abate the sdffn sttffnes 0s of ofWe 1 hIaattItnde nor the severity of his gae We do feel grateful to you she con continued ¬ i tinned in the same winning tone Therewas There Therewas was never a man more willing than Uncle i James to learn and coming out of tht th depths of the West he knows that he heneeds heneeds needs help And how beautifully beautifully y you youwrite Q Qwrite write Mr Churchill It was all put so delicately that no one could possibly take offense offenseIt offenseIt It was impossible to resist her man manner manner ¬ I ner the honey of her words and Churchill who felt alt that she sh was but bitt giv cl ¬ i lag credit where credit was wa dOe became less stern sternDo stern sternDo Do you really like it Miss Morgan he asked and permitted be permitted himself a asmile asmUe smile smileOh smUeOh Oh yes she replied and I noticed noticedthat that the Monitor atone contained an anarticle anarticle article of this character ail about those big men who are watching over Uncle UncleJames UncleJames James and will 11 not let him go wrong That is what you correspondents call a abeat abeat beat isnt it itChurchill ItT ItTChurchill Churchill cave Harley HarIe a glance of oftriumph oftriumph 1 triumph but he replied repI gravely gravef gravefl I believe It Is what we call a a beat beatMiss beatMiss Miss Morgan MorganAnd MorganAnd And you will continue to help us in inthe inthe the same way wont you Mr Charchill Charchillst Charchillrshe st she e continued You know who those thosegreat thoegreat great men are Sir Harley here I am amsure antsure sure does not nor does do Mr Blalsdel nor norMr norMr Mr Hobart you alone as the Monitor Monitorsays MonItorsays says can come into touch with such Im Important itsportent ¬ portent circles and 541 you will warn us usagain usagain again and again in the columns of the Monitor when we are about to get into intothe intoth the th wrong path Oh it would be a great greatservice greatservice service and I know that Uncle James Jameswould Jameswould would appreciate It You will be with withus withus us throughout the campaign and you will willhave vilI vilIhave have the chance Now promise me Tr TrChurchill MrChurchill Churchill that you win do it itHer itHer Her manner bad become most appeal appealIng appealIng Ing and her face was slightly flushed flushedIt HushedIt It was not the first time that Harley Harleyrealized Harleyrealized realized how handsome she was and how howwinning bowwinning winning she could be It was his first firstthought firstthought thought then what a woman this moun mountain mcmitarn ¬ tarn maid would make and d his second secondthat secondthat that King Plummer should continue to tolook tolook look upon her as his daughter daughtershe she was wastoo wastoo too young to be his wife wifeNor wileNor Nor Wfis Churchill proof proo against her horbeauty herbeauty beauty and her blandishments He felt fehsuddenly feltsuddenly suddenly that for her sake ho heould could over overlook overlook ¬ look some of Mr Graysons faults oral oralleast or at atleast least seek to amend them It was wa not nothard nothsrd hard to make a promise to a pair of oflovely oflovely lovely eyes that craved his help helpWell helpWell Well Miss Morgan he said gracious graciously ¬ ly since It Is you who ask it I will do domy domy my best You know I am not really tics hostile ticstHe ¬ tile to Mr Grayson The Monitor and I Iare Iare are of his party and we shall certainly certainlysupport certainlysupport support him as long as he will let us usYou usYou You are so kind she said You have haveseen haveseen seen so somuch much of the world Mr Churchill Churchillthat Churchillthat that you can help us greatly Uncle UncleJ UncleIjtmes J Ijtmes mes as I told you Is always willing willingto to learn and he will keep a a sharp watch watchon watchon on the Monitor MonitorThe MonItorThe The Monitor as I need ne not tell you yousijd yowsild sijd Churchill Is the chief organ in inNew iiNew New York of good government and ItIs ItIsnever It is isnever never frivolous or inconsequential I had hadhoped hadhoped hoped that what I sent from Milwaukee Milwaukeewouid Milwaukeewouid wouid have its effect and I am glad to tose tosee se see Miss Morgan that it has hasChurchill hagChurchill Churchill now permitted himself a smile smilelonger miie miielonger longer and more complacent and Har HarI3y Harldy I3y felt a slight toych of pity that any man should be b blfnded thus by conceit conceitAnd conceItAnd And Sylvia did not spare him by alter alternate altersate ¬ sate flattery and appeal she he drew him himfurther himfurther further Into the tolls f flg and Harley was surprised at hefskill heskl1l Snodidnot Sfdld Sfdldto seem seemto to him now tt t girl from rom Idaho the thechild thechild child of ofthemO the moon zithis tains and a dof of massacre massacrebut massathe massathebut but a woman of variable moods mo di and all allof allef of them hem attractive no Whit nlt Interior to tonar tonor nor Eastern sisters in tho thodeilcate delicate ajrs ajrsoad a1sind oad graces that he was wont to toLae asso assorl rl Lae e with f femitiine minJne perfection perfectionAs porfeo io ioAs As for Churchill hje lte VJelded completely completelyo o her spell not without some condeseon condeseonion condegoonInn ion anda memory of his Qwnsvperlority Qwnsvperloritymi mi he felt himself Idma f willing to comply with withicr withtsr icr rwjuest particularly because StIn StInolved It In Inolve olved olve no sacrifice on onI fclg lti own part 4Ie 4Ieind Ie Iepd ind pd the Mttpltor would certainly keep keeptch keepatch atch tch over Mr SraysonaVidno ayidu ali 1oI wpuld wpuldlever ipIIIdieVer lever hesitate 1eeItate to Wwrfte wjrtte the words ords of oCwnrn oCwnrng wnrn wnrng g whenever he fi t tbatlaty werenced werencedd werencedWhy wera need needii d S Why wit did you treat him that way waysked way waysired sired Harley Harleywhea when ChurcftlUTiad ChurCIIlli lia l goa goaWhat gopo gopoVhat What do you mean by t that it w way wayabe yr yrshe she asked and her chin tcfok tcfok9i oil a auplift saujcy saujcyuplift uplift upliftWell upliftWell S Well to be plain why did dbyou you mako mnk a af atool f tool eol of hteJT biar biarWmy r rWasny Wasny help Deeded DeededHarley ceded cededHii Harley Hii l laugted laugtedDont iugt e1 S Dont be too bam on Churchill ChurcblIIiie ChurcblIIiiesaid he hesaid said hes the creature creature of circumstance ofclrcumstinCeI3eske circumstanceResides Resides you must not forgot forgcittha1 that he is iscolng Isgoing going to watch over Mr Grayson GraysonChurchill GraysonChurchIll Churchill did not join th genera1 group groupuatll groupuntil until shortly before the deptirturc for or the theevening theevening evening speech and then He approached approachedwlin approachEdwith with ah undeniable air air of obotiiIty bo tilUy andd anddfepee anddatnine fepee expecting to toe attacked and hay having hay1D ¬ ing 1D in readiness the weapons with whtch whtchhe whIhbe he had assured himself that he could re repel repel ¬ pel U them em Miss Morgan 1 Is true had hadreceived hadreceived received bits well but she so he had bo bogun begun gun to believe was a girl of perception perceptionand perceptionand and discrimination dls rlmleatlon and the tine taste tasteshown tasteshown shown by byber her would not bte 1 exhibited bS bSothers bSothers others The candldat surprising him himmuch hipimuch much received him cordially cordiaK though not noteffvsirely ot oteffusively effusively and h be was made welcome in insmtilar Insimilar similar manner by h the oth others rs There wsas wsasno ns nsno no alLusion whatever to his dispatch brit brithe btfthe he found hiiasehV hiaseIi included In the generil generilgoesip generfllgossip gossip Just ao If he o were one ne ef a group groupof groupof of good comrades comradesYet S Yet Churchill was not wholly pleaced pleacedHis jlessedHis His great stroke seemed to be Igflhrdd Inordd bj bjall b ball all c rxeept > xc pt Miss Morgan Organ when wbenthayought wbenthayoughtto thaj ought oughtto to be sr sred d deeply by It and andhe he felt a asense asense sense o imralslrfd ImjforLanck imfori ik TThere TThereshould rhte rhteshould should bf b no oa coafunkinamoag ustoo among thera > or orat orat at leaat trepidation He cloeely studied studiedthe studedthe the facts of Mr Grayson and the tenets tenetsto hes hesto to see if they the welrfe hiSsWng their fire firebut 1robut but no attack attacl came either then or later laterThus laterThun Thus two or three day pasd paoeedandthe paoeedandthecampaign and the thecampaign campaign deepened an and popular 4tarest 4tarestincreased 3steresthwrcaed increased Not since the eve of the civil civilwar clviiwar war bad there been such complexity and andintensity andlnenaity intensity of interests i tereEts and n nover v r before beforehad beforehad had the personal fcior f ter been 50 o stceng stcengOut geng gengOut Out of the vast turmoil quickly emerged emergedJames emergedJames James Grayaon a at tl the e moat pttturepquf pttturepquffigure pltureqiflgure figure that ever appeared tfpontbe ilpim the stage stageof stageof of national poUUc In America Ills pow powerful powertui ¬ erful oratory his daring and his mag magnetic magnetic ¬ netic personality drew the ayes es of all and andHarley andHArley Harley saw that wherever he might be bethere betere there the fight would be thickest The Thecorrespondent Thecorrespondente correspondent intuition had been right righthe righthe he bad come oomefxom f com a away war on Ute other side sideof sideof of tbe world wo ld to enter another greater greatercampaign greatercwpaia campaign one onE in which mlAd eowit counted d for formore formo more moreI mo I mothe to the candMate In his rising groatn greatness greatnesswas ss sswas was even a hero to his fll ovtn family and andfrom andttdfn from none did he draw greater dmfara idmtiatlrosi dmfaration tion than from his niece Sylvia Morgan MorganA A fierce champion of tbe West she al always 1 1ways ¬ ways bitterly resented the tinconjcfotM tinconjcfotMPatronage naconicloisltroetage Patronage of the East which was really reallythe reallythe the natural patronag of age rather than thanof thanof of convinced superiority and her ancles anclestriumph un tes testriumph triumph tilled her with delight because becauseto to her mind it was the triumph of th thWest the theWest West that she loved to welL Inspired Inspiredwith Inspiredwith with this feeling she appealed to Harley Harleyabout Harleyabout about the dxth or seventh day of the thecampaign tecampaign campaign for his opinion on its result resultand resultand and the correspondent hesitated over bM bManswer hmanswer answer He found that his feeling to toward toward ¬ ward her in thin week had changed great greatly greatly ¬ ly file elements in her character which whichat whichat at first seemed to him masculine and for forward o oward ¬ ward were now much modified and soft softened softsued ¬ sued always the picture of that child In Inthe the mountains alone among her dead deadrose deadrose rose before him and then followed the thepleture of the little girl borne away on on onht ra ht > saddlebow by the thEbiave brave borderer II IIwiid Iliw4dd wiid w4dd think of her now wKna with a singular singularsoftness softness a real pity for those misty days dayswhich dayswhich which she herself had almost forgotten forgottenHence forgottenHeave Hence he hesitated because whet be bedeemed hedeemed deemed to be the truth would have in It Ita ita a sting for her But her be clear eyes In Instantly Instantly ¬ stantly read hi his hesitation hesitationYou hesjtatlonYou You need not be afrakl to tell me your yourreal real opinion Mr Harley she said If Ifyou Ifyou you think the chances are against Uncle UncleJainea James I should like yen to say so soI 1 do think they are against him now nowalthough nowalthough although they may not be so o later laterrepded laterreplied replied he equivocating with himself a alittle alIttle little It is an uphill fight and than thanone theaon one on can easily deceive ones self In a anation anation nation of eighty or ninety millions even evena evena a mfnrity can surround a candidate with witha a multitude of people and a astrm storm of en enthusiasm cothuotasm ¬ thusiasm thusiasmBat thuotasmI3tit Bat JJncie James is the greatest cam campaigner campaigner ¬ paigner ever nominated for the Presi Presidency PreLdOWy ¬ dency she sb said and we shall shaltyot yet win winHarley winHarley Harley said nothing In reply but he liegladly gladly noticed her refusal to be discour discouraged discouraged ¬ aged like 1ilc other people having an admi admiration admiration ¬ ration for courage and spirit In fact factit factit it seemed to him that she bad a cheer cheerfulness cheerfuhisEs ¬ fulness somewhat beyond the occasion occasionThree occaslonThree Three days later laterthey they were In PiUs PJttsburg PiUsburg burg then thanshe she received a letter addressed addressedIn addreesedIn In a strong heavy hand her name being beingspelled beingspelled spelled in large letters Sylvia Morgan Morganwas Morganwas was alone in the hotel parlor when it was wasbrougnt wtisbrought brought to her and a strange shadow tfr tfrrather Orrather rather the shadow of a shadow came cameover cameover over her face as she held it uneasily in inher inher her fingers and Icoked at the Idaho post postmark postmark ¬ mark in the corner She knew the hand handwriting handwriting ¬ writing well and she knew that It was wasa wasa a true index to the character of its au author authorrough ¬ thor thorrough rough strong and large That hand handwriting handwriting ¬ writing could not lie neither could he heShe lieShe She continued to hesitate with the letter letterIn letterIn In her hand it was the first time that thatahr thatshe she had ever dent lon so wltlj a letter of lila hieand lilaand and she felt t tiat at she was disloyal She Shebeard Sheheard beard a voice in the other parlor parlorthe parlorthewide the thewide wide doors between were open It was the thevoice thewIco voice of Harley speaking to h hr r uncle uncleand uncleand and a flush crept into her pheeks Tbeo Tbeoshe Tbeoshe she shook herself in a sudden little whirl whirlof whIrlif of if anger and abruptly opened the letter letterwith letterwith with a swift tearing sound Itf5 Iwas was a alonger alonger longer letter than he usually wrote trotearfd trotearfdhe aria ariah h he said v vMy I IM7 My Dears Dearem LiUfe Sylvia 1 have havetwo bWn here just justfere two bMKS 3 and I tell eR yen the sight of f Idaho IthOi is isgood ISuod good uod IK the ejM erathough tiowgh it woaW be better btterWyou btterWyouc yoo yooliUte c hers with as ee aeonwUl to all the tIne tIneftWeone liUte ftWeone ftWeoneShe one oneShe She paused a moment looking away awayand awayand and the shadow > of Uio shadow came cameNick cameick Nick to her face Then she murmured murmuredHe He is i the best man in j the worldr world and andresolutely andresclutely resolutely went on onTbe onThe The maw I see ef ttecOMr Swtes tM baiter I like likeIdfcho likeIdaho Idaho and I lft ifte next best those that are ararmost ararmostlEe most mostufee lEe it Bwry peak out here nodded a welcome to me meas in ines as I eaaM to OB the train Ire known them them all au for fortfefrtj f fthirtr tfefrtj y ars I WM a Httle afraid of Urtm at first firsttosy thatthey they were so UU and wl eo1enn mn with tacit white whitecreate vbltcreate create bat we are old friends now uoicIII Ill hare Inraanth Inraanthcet a wte wteere ere cet rajsetf Iwore long and Ito fairly taU now nowtbovsfa oowthonh tbovsfa perhaps ps 111 Pt new be solemn And I drew drewa a d daep ep keith and a king breath the Crt one 4n 4niaj jnt1575 t1575 iaj the th momeat I crossed toe Idaho line The TheBaet fli fliEast East sits rather bw beay yoa on me he called milc milcthe Chicac Chicactbe > the East and ad H e eyes 8 get tired with so many manywopJe iauyeo1e wopJe eo1e ptsstog before them Now w Im Im not nm nmatoK mnning atoK down the Bart wbica is all right in its o own ownw n nw w y bet I am aa glad we hare so nth nthand mountain mountainand and amwatered plain out here becaasethen becanse then the thentofite theeee eee ntofite can ueTesr g get t so thirk that they tread tretdyou on aot et that tkey wean to do it lint crowds shore shorejatt shorent jatt nt bus thai cant help helpit helpitSylsIa it itSylvia Sylvia smiled and for amjsment a moment tiiere tiiereas there theret t as a little trio mosture sture In her eyg eS Good Goodthe tjjd d dqddy Mi mzrmurfcL mehv mehvthe the pet name Baddy seemed seemedjust just to 1 lit him Then th the resolute little frown frowncame frowncarneerjafacd came carneerjafacd qveKlioEff ace again gain and she went on onAs ona As a rsafcKWIavlK a good State I Hk it wfcwi wfcwijam whnI I jam here and I like it sH th the better when 1 1conw Icoe conw back to ft God Gods peolfl liv lie ia tb the w Kocky KockyMountain R0C13Joqntaln Mountain State Statee Uttd that is a Te5SOfl As n why I am amoreljiot amorsItot oreljiot orsItot W ti irate ywir iincK Jam James dented Hs Hsfore liehore fore of < Gods pcpiil pc too tooand aad they Uaw hat ne neer neerret er ernt nt Bad a nian ot ov rttting in UM Wilt House Housedam Housedaiir dam there at Whlo8ton and nd boaster the i irtUuk Oq OqI > rtUuk I thith majh be will touch < tbwi a new trick or ortwo ortwo two ii mnninp the oidtfctp ot atM t4 B Dut t iiIila iiIilaI Jl I II I kin m not thiakias thtnktu so P niu 7mth eiea of Wm as I am of ofyou ofo you o I toow t that I as a good 004 d deal l oW older r than thnrou thanToe Toe M p people pK HCt yeaH iaapLbutIcantraIy bat I caa traly Mr Mrthat MYthat that 07 heart i ii soaae and J think that I will willbe vI vIbee be bee a husky chap for a mod bog oec time itnieto to come comeVoa anneon Voa on Tcncw i re bd you n ieariy riy aji W y r lieSrhU lieSrhUdad IIICS71515aed dad wehaw tbtadrftaUs of f JiwwiBg ksonIa mob o othr othrYqu r rY Y Yqu a are oa to an 5 ny in cartesrttaat is you 6u doat doathate dontIiaos hate to t get et marred tp tpiaetfl meto 1Mm totmmy XflY Iz8lgs Iz8lgsI i JHBfi JHBfiI I sne piesa I bareat Uw 1ioUtb W that < at Uw these t Swtera Swteraffllmrs totem totemhiws ffllmrs pot B 1 or tint fe rot o on them hat bntoutliere hatout out outliere be e ia tbeatmntaiiM the aeuntains I awnatrte seoSebodyT seoSebodyTjva MiSebOdYyou + you jva mist kt K has a lUtfe SyW 511cMaid i it a man taandoesnt mannt doesnt nt bmr t ppstt tt3 tar ito Mrs < Aiiiduarhtt hwnPIasunir hwnPIasunirra Bfr Bfrlit lit hafe to et oat rav my oW iixdM6UtI hafeat hafeatcarried Maatmried carried one now for oi i tn a jwarsaad Mtooi oo all the thehair thebakothetnpotbleboEd hair bakothetnpotbleboEd off t e lop of afe > tad tadHe S SS S He thlnlqj thInItJws bf s joking Ju3iii b iilt t I bellexe bcltciohe bcltcioheiv i e ew w iiia do Ik Dear Deat old dadfly murmured murmuredIUurff murmuredya ya IUurff 1 think yon o evht to tobeMe bw e Mia M PteB Pinmma c now nowWria mowqyitt Wria bat I piM Im WflUa lRte J lb wfelf wwriiit nsja t teaiBpalgn t5h t5hcftipaIgLIemc eaiBpalgn cftipaIgLIemc fa wot lrcm ir < mtfif skttbe wIflhi1 wIflhi1to imi imito to wait wait if hr wtiUai ietitM he eta pet t such a r a oil oili1rsg d dthiac thiac i1rsg Stfll I v b 14k te t 10 U ththk > k ot J ito away o othere otfste there i i tbeiia tbeitast u M BMW tbomaa4 < i of isi1s isi1sawty 1 1awiyfnuu > awiyfnuu awty front rn rae wh iltipre > r there ai are 55 > frISSO rieiidy od odxmntalw o ozountafsm xmntalw to knfc l down own on yon e and watch over overjwt overyost jwt led Im dad a4 Ti that t aiy titUe sW Id te IsYiat B BYart Yart male m mtt 7r lit try lo set dflwi d j pstot rtoftH rtoftHnay th thflay nay 417 qr tO o Nebraska or K Kisa BMB to rat JOB 1 1CM CM safes waecI wbecIatc aato you doM by tWn tbidlf K aPrr hV of oftbbec Oftitc tbbec ywg f Mtera fcO fcltows w > tfco dos d try to kidnap kidntpmi kidnaprei mi 9fd eii ran mwaywkh ysb my a Md Mdbtkavea Wste b9oW b9oWBad Bad btkavea tt BATC a word to Mr MrThe 7 7The The sudden flush rose to her check chaeke jit jitthis tt ttthis this new Jok jokeiiub b aha muanured nothing nothingTbe nothingTherest Tbe Therest rest of oftjioJet tbe Ijater rnraaabeut was < about p yoApI yoApIwhom plt pltwhojn whom they knew kte In Boise and elsewhere elsewherein elaeiiberein in Idaho a aI d It toeed loee4Dont toeedDaot Daot think Im jiwnas tnabiax at mr mryl y am amlMt yl k Mt sao fl be M t h b I iMt Mar r coa coabek ons onsptst ptst 4thst yen zd thie is wki I east os osbeet beet to 4t Itmt nt M seas M iou cwi aa aaa aaaYoara camsYoiaTI Yoara toviodr WILlXOt PLOLMBU PLOLMBUShe pzgLlgnShe She folded the letter carefully and nd put it itback ItbaCk back in the envelope Then site sat for a along atong long time and her look was one of ofmingled ofrpinfed mingled tenderness and mi sadness H Her Hermind r rmind mind t too o rai i back beekInto Into the past and shehad she shehad had a dim vlstbVof vI i ottiit the little child who whowasher whowas was washer S hOrIf If lx bofan > fmt away on his saddle saddlehom sadIehorn horn by tfc the 5tn tr ng mouitaineer who Fed Fedbet rVs1her her safely in thebellow of his arm And Andtlien Andthen then the years i Uowed UOIV II ao and l she always alwaystodked 100 todked ed to the meuiitaroecr met itaIner i or protection protectionn protectiontdthe n tdthe OUw k lovethat > vecl > at was never wanting but butit butIt it was t always ibs Hie protection aad love of ofone o ooIz one oMar and a d stronger than herself < m mvfro ate atewho who belonged beIongcdto > to to tite generation arecetflng arecetflngher ing ingher her own ownMr > rS > Mr Oray Graybp bpv Harley atd the others otherswere otherswere were were gone and she he heard np voteesIn the thenext thenext next parlor She reulioed with sudden suddenness sudeetaness ¬ ness how strongly and io how brief a alimelhis aJ limelhis J ti this Hills group 1rev raveSng g tbrpdglt a avast asat vast sat cM country ntry had become w walded l4e4 together tegdUterby togetherby by the very circumstances of their travel travelte travelthe te domiad < 5omrtdeshlpof hlp of the road madend and she shesighed shesighed sighed She and andfM > Grayson were wereabout wereabout about to leave them and return to the theGrayson th thOraynon Grayson hcmt in the West because becausewomen beeauaweaneD women no mattr how nearly related relatedcould reItedcould could not be t Ui1ken fcen all the way on an anarduous anrduouai arduous campaign of six months She Shehadf ShehaestJoyed haestJoyed hadf Hjoyed this tIle which wio ahnoc ahnocthe a1i oe oethe < the life oC a sQMkrthe > Wi < r the crpwd cw e t the e en enthusiasm enthuslasm ¬ thusiasm the murmur then the cheersof cheers cheersof of thousands of vote voices the flight oa swift swifttrams swIfttrains trams from one eai city to another the dash dajrtifor dashfor for tfc the station stationsomtimee sometimes before befuredayUght befuredayUghtand daylight daylightand and all the freshness and keenness of ofyouth oflouth youth abdtU her She had aimtatod flhIlmd she shehad shehad had become one o or the group and now nowthat nowthat that she was to leave It for a white she sheUou sheiiL Uou iiL a deep sense of loss lossThere lossThere There was ag a step beside her and Mrs MrsGrayson MrsCrsya Grayson the quiet the tactful and the theoteertant theolertnt oteertant entered enteredWhy enteredS S Why Sylvia kite said you are sit sittlns sitting ting In the darts dartsShe darkShe She touched the button turned on the theelectric theelectric electric lights and noticed the letter lying Jytagin lyingin in the girls hand Her glance passed passedswiftly pannedswiftly swiftly to Srhrtas face and as swifUy swifUypassed swlftljiaeed passed away She knew Instinctively the thewriter thewriter writer of the letter but she saM noth nothing noth1ng ¬ ing waiting for Sylvia herself to speak speakr j I have a a letter from Mr Ptommer PtommersaM PlummersaId saM Sylvia SylviaWhat i iWteat What does be s aNot r rNot Not much besides his arrival arrhalat at Boise Boisejust Boisejust just some fooUsltnrss foolishnessof of his hi yon kww kwwhow kiic v vhow how belbveato he toveg to Jest JestYes jeelYea Yes I have long known thai said saidAirs saidMs Airs Graysoo but she noticed that Sylvia Sylviamade Sitwinmade made no otter ° er to shew tb tbIetter letter Hitherto Hithertothe Hithertothe the letters ef fOag Ptunmer had bean beEnread i iread read by all the th Oraysons as a matter of ofcourse ofcourse course Just as one shares Interesting toteresttosnews Interestingnews news newsHe newsUcla He Ucla is a agsod ge a man and he will be a agood agood good hnslMUtd said Mrs Chimes She Shewas SheWas was for the moment ruthless wIth a pur purpose purpose ¬ pose and 1i41 when Wefl she he saM sa the word al although although ¬ though affecting not to watch she saw sawthe sawthe the girl flinch dInchever ever so little but still she shelUnched i ift ft lUnched lUnchedThe che < J JE The E e best wan in the world repeated repeatedSylvia repeatedSylvia Sylvia Morgan softly softlyAnd sedtlyAnd And yet there are other gilled men mensaid mensaid said Mrs Grayson quietly quletI On Ono good goodman goodmilD man does dQesnot not exclude Ute existence of an another anS anSylvia ¬ other otherSylvia S Sylvia looked up at her but she ali failed failedto failedto to take her meaning Her qulst aunt auntsometimes auntgometlnies sometimes spoke In paraMee and waited waitedfor waitedor for or events to todiselone disclose her meaning meaningMrs meaningMrs Mrs Grajson and Mfce Morgan were wereto wereto1ve to to1ve leave for the West the next afternoon afternoonand afternoonand and shortly before then departure Harley Harleycame Harleycame came to tell them a temporary goodby goodbySylvia goodbySylvia Sylvia and he chanced to be alone for a alittle alittle little while and she genuinely lamented lamentedhar lamentedlint lint departure departurethey they had become franker frankerfriends frankerfriends friends in these later days daysI I do not bee e why women cannot go gothrough gothrough through a political campaign from be beginning begintlng ¬ ginning to end she said Fin sure vre vrecan wecan can help Uncle James and there will be betoo besissy too ° ° eo ° many interesting thing to see It Itwill Itwill will be like a war without the wounds woundsand woundsand and death I dont want to roles mm any anyof j jof of It ItI itI I half agree with you said Harley Harleysmiling Hrleysmiling smiling and I know that it would be a agreat a agrct great deal nicer nicerfor for the rest of us it you youand youand and Mrs Grayson could gcr along alongHe alonglIe He paused and he bad a sudden bold boldthought boldthought thought thoughtS S If anything specially interesting hap happens hapPCD8 ¬ pens that the newspapers dont tell about aboutwill aboutwill will you let me write you ac account of ofit ofIt it he asked I should really like to totell totell tell you youShe youShe She flushed ever so little but she was vrasof wasf of f the freeandopen West Vest and Harley Harleyalways Harleyalways always gave gaveher her the impression of cour courteous courteous ¬ teous strength strengthhe he would wjuld take no liber liberties liberties ¬ ties tiesYou You can write she said briefly and andthen andthen then she Immediately regretted her do docfsfon doclson cfsfon It WAS the thought of King KingPlumimlr KingPlumnrdr Plumimlr that made her regret It biz buzshe bizshe she had too much pride to change it now novrHarley nowHarley Harley was at the train with Mr Gray Grayson Grayson son when she and Mrs Grayson left leftand loftand and Sylvia found that he had seen to toeverything t teverything everything connected with their JourncyTi JourncyTiWithout jonrne jonrneWithout Without making any noise and without withoutappearing j appearing to work much he accomplished accomplsheda I Ia a good deal She had an Impulse one oneto on ontotliauk to totliauk thank him but she restrained restrainedlt it an anShe < J Jshe she gave him a goodby that was neither neithercobl neithercob cob nor warm just sufficiently conven conventional conventi ¬ tional ti nal to leave nc Interference whatever whateverBut whateverBut But when the train was gone and Mr MrGrayspn MrGrayaQn Grayspn and he were riding back in the thocab thecab cab to the hotel the candidate spoke of ofher ofheF her herShes Shes a good girl Harley he said saidhe saidhe he and Harley had grown to be such suchtrlends suchtriends trlends that he now dropped the Mr Mrwhen Mrwhen when he spoke directly to the correspond correspondent correspondent ¬ ent Shes real as true tru as asetoel asetoelHe steel steelHe He spoke with emphasis but Harley Harleysaid Harleysaid said nothing nothingThe nothingTile The group groupsenied seemed to lose tosemuch much of Its Itsvividness Itsvividness vividness color and variety when the thewomen thewomen women departed but they settled down downto downto to work the most Intense and exacting exactingthat exactingthat that Harley had ever known All the tbegreat thegreat great qualities of the candidate came cameout cameouthe out outhe he seemed to be made of Iron and on the thestump thestump stump he was without an equal if any anyone anyone one in the audience was ready with a atroublesome atroublesome troublesome question he was equally equallyready equallyready ready with an apt reply nor could they theydisturb theydisturb disturb his good humor and his smilng smilngirony smlFngirony1the irony irony1the the rash fool fooluho who sought to deride deridehim deridehim him always found the laugh turned upon uponhimself uponhimself himself himselfThroughput himselfThrougliqut Throughput the East the party was wasstirred wasstirred stirred to mighty enthusiasm and their antagonists who had thought the else election elsettou ¬ tion a foregone conclusion ware roused rousedfrom rousedfroi from froi their security Again the combat combatdeepened combatdeepened deepened and entered upon a yethott et hotter hotterphSe r rphase phase Meanwhile Mr Goodnight Mn MnCrayon MrCrayon Crayon and ther th r powerful faction within withinthe withintile the tile party kept quiet for the time timeGrayson Mr MrGrayson Grayson was not yet treading on their theirtoes theirtam toes but he knew kn w and his friends knew knewthat knewthltt that they were wer watching every motion motionof motionof of his hlswlth with a hundred ayes Churchills ChurchillsMonitor ChurchutraMonitor Monitor was constantly coming laden with withsuggestion WithsuggQstlon suggestion advice and waning and andChurcluli andChUrelutil Churcluli himself alternately wx wore > r a took tookof lookof of importance and disappointment No Noone Noone one ever made the thcslightest slightest reference to tohja tohis his wise dispatches He had expected to tob tob b insulted to be prosecuted to bfr a antnrtyr amartyr martyr = for f r dutys sake and to be was wasreated Wasr9atec reated r9atec always with courtesy courtesybut but Ws great greatwork greatVQrlt work was gaorcd he felt that they raUat raUatscelC raCetse scelC se it but then they might be too dull dullto dullto to notice Its edge and weight He now nowdrew nowdrew drew a certain consolation from his si silent si1ept ¬ lent 1ept sufforios and strengthened himself himselfanpw himselfanct anpw for the task which We b felt required requireda a delicate and thoughtful mind mindHarffiy mindHarThy Harffiy wrote rthto several times to Sylvia SylviaMorgan SylviaMoign Morgan both at Boise and at her aunts auntshpmelonr auntsIsDnielon hpmelonr careful letters In which be bestrove bestrove strove to confine bjnvreff to te purely purelynarrative purelynarrative narrative form and to U > make these epistles epietleinteresting epistlesInterestIng interesting as documents He spoke of ofmany ofMav many Mav odd personal details by the wayan way waymiles an even at thJ distanve Of two thOtiSltri thOtiSltrirnles miles be ne continued to touch the campagn campagnwithtne campagilwith withtne with the breath of life although told at atsecond atsecond second hand handThe S The replies came in due duetlmObtief time brief Im Impersonal itspQrponaL ¬ personal thanking him for f9r his trouble troubleand troubleand and giving a little news of airs s Grayson GraysonKing GraysonKIng King Plummer and herself Harley Harleywas Harleyr was r s surprised to soe with what terseness tersenessstrength ttr5eiieZ3jtiongtb strength and elegance she expressed hw hwself hersIf self Perhaps Perhaps there Is a force in those thoseiriouataW thosenio nio iriouataW iitamnc which unconsciously teaches teachesthe teaekoitile the simplicity of power he found IO IS4 him himself bitShalf ¬ self thinking He was nurprlsxjd too toorn0 tooday rn0 day when lac was packing his da valise valisefor vailpoO for O a hurried start1 start to seesJl her letters lettersreposing lettersreng reposing neatly in one onecorner corner of the afore aforewild aforeseld wild valise Nowr Now why have I den dentftat dentthat that be asked wJiy have I saved savedh savedbeE > h beE w letters They take wp valuable valuablespace valuablspace space I will destroy deetroythcnL them But when h hclosed be beclosed closed the valise the Lb andamagod letters letterswere letterswere were smineatly sflll neatly reposing reposingit in their allotted allottede allOtindermer e ermer ro r rNow S Now the campaign in the East came to toit to1w it 1w end and their special train swun swunwestward swung swungwestWd westward into the States suppcaed to be bemost bemost most doubtful deubtfuiftrt first across screEn the Mississippi Mississippiand Mississippiaud and then across the Missouri The cam campaifn campan paifn pan entered Into a new phase amid new newconditions newondItionIn conditions ondItionIn In a nfcw world In intactand fact and it itrequired itrepaired required no IntuitIon for Harley to feel feelthat feelthat that strange events eventawere were approachhig approachhigTO practihasTO TO BE CONTIKCED NEXT N4T 8CXDAY 8CXDAYUCFE 5CDA 5CDALIFE LIFE ON PIVE F1V A WEEK WEEKShop WEEXhop Shop hop Gfrlfi Account of flow She SheSolved SheSolved Solved n Problem foraYonr foraYonrFnat forraYoarFrea Fnat tb lbs Keir ew Y an anIt n nS S It was on a late subway train and UK UKcar thecar car was nearly empty Among Anea the pas passensers pansflgers sensers were a little party of opglrte iopgtrisbound opglrtebound bound for the Bronx BronxBut BronxBoat But a girl grIent cant live Uveon on lilly intl nti a aday aday day for or food foodnut aot in N New w York iw girt girtwith girlwith with the red hat was waasshs waasshsS waasshslint saying sayingBut S But I say y she can reJaUed t one onewtth onefIts wtth the green arean pontpoo poiw and Ii Is don donk donFor deEIt k For how long lao asked the red hat hatskeptiCKlly batakepticidly skeptiCKlly skeptiCKllyOh 5 5Oh Oh now aw you do It Picas tell us ushow usbow how you mans managed cried the others othersAnd othersS S And may I i hear heartoo too begged a third thirdlittle thirdlIttle little stranger from rEm the other side of the tbecar thecar car carWell Well It Is a great deal simpler S if you youlike youlike like doll mattresses nttr s5es began the green greenpompon greenpos pompon pomponDoll pos S Doll mattresses repeated tfce tie timid timidlittle timidllts little stranger stnmgerOh strangerOh Oh Oh I knowr know exclaimed one of the theother theother other girls gtr She means those little ex excelr oxceistor ceistor celr r btecuifs btecuifsTheyre bleeuUsTheYre Theyre very flllnqj continued the thofirn thedrrt firn speaker and they are only II cents centsa a a box Then Tbentheee there Is a kind of coffee coe you youcan youcan can get for IS I cents a a pound Dont in interrupt Interrupt ¬ terrupt I i dioat guarantee Java and aadMocha andMoths Mocha on O cents a day dayIf dayif If you drink two cups a day it lasts a aweek aweek week One pound of sugar at t cents centslasts centslasts lasts a week and so does a can of con condensed condenned ¬ denned ntnk for 10 cents Count 16 l cents centsa a week for bread breadof of course you can cantoast cantoast toast it itsnd14 and 14 centt for bait a pound of ofbutter ofbetter butter and 1 IS cents a week for fruit aad aadit tudIt it will average about 11 cents a day for forbreakfast forbresJtfant breakfast bresJtfantPttr breakfastFor For lunch you could have a couple of ofgood ofgood good sandwiches and ta or cocoa cooo which whichis whichIs is better for about H cents You can get geta geta a good slice of cooked moat moatat at the dcnca dcncaterren delictterren terren store for Os S cent centThat cents centsThat That leaves you X cents for dinner dinnerand dinnerand and it has to be a good hot one if you are aregoing aregoing going to live a year on 5 i cents a day dayYouve dayYouve Youve got to cut out chocolate eclairs eclairsand eclairsand and all the sweet things that taste good goodaad goodand and youve got to be so firm about bont it that thatyou thatyou you hate yourself You have to think up upall upall all the things that make good bone and aadmuscle andvpUece muscle Spinach is fine fineYou fineYou You will have to invest a little money moneyto moneyto to start with at the S and 16 cent store storefor storefor for dishes and get a utile burner that thatfastens thatfMtnS fastens on the gas jet only d ddt 5pt let the thalandlady theIaad1ady landlady flad it out If she does youll youllhave youllhave have to get an alcohol lamp and eat a aSBcent aoent SBcent oent dinner to average it up on ac account account ¬ count of the alcohol alcoholRoom alcoholItoom Room rent rantfor for half a room of course coursecan coursecan can be had for She if you dont mind mindstairs raindstairs stairs or neighborhood And of course courseyou coseyou you cant mind at least until your salary salaryis is raised Then carfare is at least leastcents SO SOcents cents a week weekAnd weekAnd And laundry laundrywell welL youll have to do It Ityourself ityourself yourself In the bathtub But you will have haveto haveto to keep the landlady from finding that thatout thatout out too and that Is hard to do if you dry dryyour dryyour your handkerchiefs on the window pane paneand paneand and the mirror mirrorThat mirrorThat That makes 539 a week not counting countingsoap countingsoap soap and postage stamps stampsOr stampsOr Or olothos said the th girl with the red redhat redhat hat hatAnd And there are thousands and thou thousands thousands ¬ sands of shop girls in New York who get gatonly getonly only 6 a week said one girL glrLThe girLThe The timid little stranger got up and andtook andtook took her old place again agalnacross across the car carI carI I only onlyget get 6 a week she said saidAfter saidAfter After the Ice Han HanFrom ManFrom From the Chicago Jtarj JtarjThe ewL ewLThe The great astrologer pointed to an anominous anominous ominous group of stars starsThey starsThey They tell me that you will be robbed by bya bya a dark man before another moon whis whispered whispored ¬ pored the propHet Have you any idea ideawho idotsuio who this dark man can i ar arThe r rThe The domestic man sraued sadly The cool man of course COurneheIgej COurneheIgejBALL4DE he sighed sighedBALLADE BALLADE OP HEROES HEROESTarWuctons hEROESTarkingtons TarWuctons bocks are of omrtly staff staffMajors stn stnMajors Majors kaicbls at a pinch will do doUoweUs doHowells UoweUs heroes are well month GOOBKBHoijkinson monthfloi1ktnson Hoijkinson Smiths bare a healthy bnalth has hasOarries hasflames flames Soots bare a kafkoae brar Parkers CanacS very likely Ukel drinks drinksGITB 1rni 1rniGive Give me the man with hIs ifcird in irsBenedict kbta Benedict be be ti or squire of domea Wbo tells wh what t he thinks be tainbs tbink tie he thinks Give me the hero of Heray Jamosl JamoslWisters Jai JaiWiaters Wisters cowboys are tiigbtly t tauh tauhLondon ijh ijhLondon London lands bat a trnrnleat crew crewA cewA A little litti too much inclined to hJufi hJufiIs idu 5 Is Harding Davis civilized Stess Hall Oines sufferers wear Uidr rua e With IHtl little ioduTeredce Bach Eaabos ooa sfiab Awy and tb the dwaled r recolor id r Wiaks When some psjelfc probkm ob3 a be taekks tekhaaed aad taaet From mental maddles ho nev nevGire never shrinks Gire me the hero of Hoary JaaeeJ JaaeeJGarlands JamaGarlands Garlands grangers are gritty if graff graffHopes g Hopes smart bacejora wittily ww wwWejmaas no noWeyinan > Wejmaas worthies are np to aaff Conan Uoyles never lack a dew dewBut dewBut But alas at aglanee glance you can look tb thoc n tlBOTrijl No matter in what wlatgiy giy dothes be prinks prinksVb prfn prfnVlie Vb Vlie cam for a character fnH of tilinka tilinkaSuch oikScch Such transparence his makenp sbamas Cards and spades be can n cite the SpMnx SpMnxGire SphIUGive ± Give me the hero of Hem Henry James JamesHo JamesENVOr ENVOr ENVOrHoSIrCritie Ho HoSIrCritie Sir Critic with eye ereeflpix ereeflpixthat of lynx lynxThat That Bleeps not erer nor even aloha wfafcsSean alohaSean Sean me the Said with itSdasb Its cias of churns churnsThe hjm hjmThOi The ThOi i take year choice as far me ijtoial ijtoialGiro lnkaIGiremethe Giro Giremethe me tbe hero of Henry Jameal Jamealrrank Jmtuairm = rrank rm F I Sawot ia f Ccetey Centar CentarS S S S vi viA A T 5 5H f Tk T f t inTr4 ALLIES NOTFR NOTFRINPJGATIONS NOT FRIENDS FRIENDSS S INPJGATIONS JNPJ ATIQNS OF THE IMPENDING ABANDONMENT ABANDONMENTOF OF SOME EXISTING TREATIES S Gallant kiI okl CJeh gin Count CointLanzn Lanza who for formoje moje than f foprtesn ourt n years rears i msbeea been Am Ambassador Ambassador ¬ bassador of Italy to Germfcny and one oneof oneEf of the moat popular figura6 In itarHn lor1In so society apclety ¬ ciety has insisted upon resigning his of offlce ofn flce n and does not ntrnake make any secret about aboutadmitting aboUtadntiffln admitting adntiffln that the altered relations be between between ¬ tween tween his own nation nationnd and the country coUntrto coUntrtoch to towhich which ch he Is aocfefllled have rendered his hisposition hispohftOti position quite the reverse of pleasant in inthe inthe the Teuton 1eut n metropolis He feels all the themore tsemore more strong strongly about abqutthe the matter owing1 owingto owingtothe to tothe the faet ti that at t the time of his apDolnt apDolntraeat appofttts raeat s ut by the late King HUmbept < be beunton Iennon unton nnon between lietween the reigning houses of ofPrussia ofPruala Prussia and of Italy and Ixjtweon their theirrespective theirrespecUvegovemonleritswss respective respecUvegovemonleritswss goyermrientsw of the closest closestand closestand and most intimate character a condition conditionof of affairs which cotttimi cofltiuud d until about aboutthree abouttltr three tltr e years years ago ag since whlcli time there therehas therehas has been a gradually growing estrange estrangement estrangemen ¬ ment men thai has become particularly pro pronounced pronounced ¬ nounced since the failure of Vfotor Em Emmanuels Emrn ¬ manuels rn nueIs plelpatentilarld6 to sunpdrt sunpdrtthose suppilrtthOse those of the Kaiser at the Algeclras con congress congross ¬ gross onMarpcco on Meroccu lat la spring ring The gen general genraI ¬ eral raI was wasforrnerly formerly ptapona gratlssinia at atkmneror atmperor kmneror mperor Williams Wflhiam a court and was treated troatadnot treatedSot not o ozfty ly by thjxt thtt i monarch bnarch but also by bythe bythemiiitaryaad the themiiitaryaad military and civilian authorities as s the therepr thereprostnlaUVO repr reprostnlaUVO s ent Uve of a LtruStPd trus d aiiy ai1 from fromwhtai fromwitbm whtai it was unnecessary to withhold any anyse anye4cets se e4cets ret3 He has appreciate d that of fete fetethis latethis this confidence ia i Italy and also In its itsrepces Ifsrepresentative repces representative ntative has ha ceased Old friends friendshave friendshave have manifested a tendency to become baconaeeeldet becomeosideit eeldet and sUCEsr tIar toward him and so un uncongenial uncoagel congenial has hsztheztrnuspliere the atmosHMvere become at atBerlin atBerlin Berlin thai be has declined to remain remainthere remainthere there any longer longerTbat longer171at Tbat 171at the theKaeec Kaiser does not view this ob obvious ohtiot ¬ vious tiot disposition dIsoaflion on ontie MLbe pert of Italy to tobreak tobreak break away from tfreVriple the Triple Alliance with wjthequanimity withequanimity equanimity Is evident from his dispatch dispatchof of o M do TaebirscUky the new secretary secretaryof secretaryDc of Dc state fororeisn afijairs to Rome andthattoo and andthat that thattoo too at the very moment mdsneit when Baron BaronIswoisky BaronImsvisky5 Iswoisky Imsvisky5 Imsvisky5the the Russian minister ii of foreign foreignaffairs foreignf6fr affairs f6fr is at Berlin The barons pres presence prOs prOsonce ¬ once on oat the banks of the tb Spr Spine c at this thisparticular thisparticular particular Juncture is extremely signinV signinVeant SigniftOsnt Osnt eant For it follows immediately upon uponthe upontMadvnttoofflce the tMadvnttoofflce advent to office at t Paris of ofan an ad administration adIniflatratl ¬ ministration Iniflatratl n not only oonatruci constructed d but butalso also 0 wholly dominated by the one states statesman statesman ¬ man of an others who has always been beenv beenvehement v vehement < in the expression expr on of his disap disapproval dIaappaoai ¬ proval of the aHlance between Russia Russiaand Russiaand and France 1L Clemenceau has always alwaystaken alwaystaken taken the ground that this particular al aliJance 1 1ilance iJance was an altogether onesided affair affairofttttie affairkjtttie kjtttie ofttttie or no one to France but which whichhas whichbaa has been of lncaieuiable advantage to toRoseta toby Roseta by eabMa enab1ng her to obtaun millions millionsupon millionsupon upon miUkms of o French gold in loans loansWhich loansbieh Which bieh could never have been floated in inPart inParis Part without the existence of the sill alliance sillEjict ¬ ance between the two naUbue As a rail radical railjoal ¬ ical of the advanced tYpe and a man manwhose tanswhose whose Inherited GaHic feJ republicanism was wasfurther wasfurther further developed by American de democracy domacracy ¬ mocracy imbibed during a residence of ofnearly ofnearly nearly ten years m In this country as school schoolteacher schoolteacher teacher and phystelcua be has always alwaysfound alwaysfound found it difficult to profess any sympathy sympathywlwtxoever sympathywhatsoever whatsoever with a government ao o despotic despoticas as that of the Onar G ar and hi d denouncing denouncingMuwovlte nounclnsMoacovitd Moacovitd autocracy and tyranny both in inand inand and out of ParMameat has frequently frequentlystismatized frequentIstigmatized stigmatized the union between the French Frenchrepublic Trenchrepublic republic and the Russian absolutism as a amesalliance aMesallianc mesalliance rather than as a b bna na fide fidealliance tidealliance alliance AH of Cleraeoceans sympathies sympathiesIn In foreign matters are with Great Britain Britainaad Britainand and with the United States rather than thanwith thanwith with Russia This Is well known at St StPetersburg StPetersburg Petersburg sad inasmuch as the Clam Clemenceaa Clamenceas enceaa administration Is the strongest strongestformed strongestormed formed s nc nce the foundation ° of the thepresent thepresent present republic and seems destined to tocontrol tocontrol control the fortunes of France for a con considerable consIderablethne ¬ siderable sIderablethne time to come Emperor Nicholas Nicholashas NIcholasbaa has apparently determined to accept the theproffered theproffered proffered hand of the Kaier to cm adrift adriftfrom adrifttress from France which declines any longer to tofloat tohost float Russian loans and to cooperate cooperatewith cooperatewith with William n in reviving the Three ThreeEmpire ThreeEmpire Empire AJIfaaca which bound Russia RussiaAustria RussiaAstrma Austria and Germany together in the thedays thetIty days tIty of Alexander II and of old Em Emperor Emperor ¬ peror William On neither side will the theseverance theseverance severance of the FrancoRussian union unionbe unipu unipube be regretted Popular sentiment in France Francewas Francewas was with Japan rather than with Rus Russia Rusala ¬ ala during the recent war though the theFrench theFrench French government anxious to do what whatit whatIt it could for its ally without involving It Itself itself ¬ self Jn in the conflict strained to such an anextent anextent extent its obligations of neutrality es espeeially especially peeially in connection with the progress progressof pro ress ressof of Admiral Rojestvenskys armada from fromthe fromthe the Baltic to the China seas as to almost almostprovoke almostprovoke provoke a hostile descent by the Japanese Japaneseupon Japaneseupon upon Tonkin and IndoChina Russia Russiaon Ruasaon on the other band displayed but little littlegratitude littlegratitude gratitude for the assistance thus render renderad renderad ad to the Baltic fleet but resented bitter bitterly bitterly ¬ ly the attitude of the to French people dur during durlag ¬ lag the struggle and above all the reluc reluctance rolu rolutance ¬ tance of the French money market to tofloat toiloat float any more Muscovite loans contrast contrasting contrastIng ¬ ing the conduct of la haute finance at atParis atParis Paris with that of Berlin which showed showedItself showeditaeif Itself much more accommodating In one oneword oneword word the FrancoRursian alliance mori moribund moor moorbtid ¬ bund for near two years past is now vir virtu virtusly ¬ tu tusly ly dead and It will not be long be before before ¬ fore its final dissolution will be proclaim proclaimed ¬ ed by means of the announcement of the thenew thenew new grouping of the powers powersNot powersNot Not only Emperor Francis Joseph but butalso butalso also his nephew and hairapparent hairapparentGrandduke heirapparentGrazidduke Grandduke Francis Ferdinand Is known knownto knownto to be In favor of the revival of the Three ThreeEmpire ThreeEmpire Empire Alliance In lieu of the Triple Al Alliance Alhence ¬ hence and of the FrancoRussian AHi AHiance AlIianon anon Baron Lexa von dAahrenthal who whohas whohas has just been appointed to succeed Count CoumGolouohowskl CountGolountiowaki Golouohowskl as minister of foreign af affairs sffairs ¬ fairs and de facto chancellor of the dual dualempire dualempire empire Is a warm friend of Russia bay having baying ¬ ing spent almost his entire life since he heattained heattained attained manhood In SL St Petersburg first firstas firstas as attache then as secretary of embassy embassyand embassyand and afterward for many years as ambas ambassador ambarsador ¬ sador A diplomat does not live In a for foreign foreign ¬ eign capital for near twentyfive twentyfivewithout years yearswithout without becoming perhaps unconsciously unconsciouslyIdentified unconsciouslyIdentified Identified with the prejudices and sym sympathies syntpathles ¬ pathies of the people around him and andtherefore andtherofore therefore it is only natural that the baron baronshould baronshould should be a pronounced Rustophfle That Thatthis T1athis this circumstance played a role In die dietating dintoting toting his selection for the chancellorship chancellorshipIs Is well known and It Is worthy of note notethat notethat that as soon as ever his appointment had hadbeen hadbeen been gazetted he was sent off by his hissovereign hissovereign sovereign to commune first of aU with withthe withthe the Czar and his ministers at SL Peters Petersburg eters etersburg ¬ burg an < then with the Kaiser and Prince PrinceBuelow PrinceBuslow Buelow at Berlin Be lin before taking up the theduties theduties duties of his new office It may be of in inerest Inerest erest to add that he has long been a awarm acvarm warm friend of Archduke Francis Ferdi Ferdinand Ferditiand ¬ nand the heirapparent who has always alwaysfavored alwaystaupred favored a proRussian poIcy being bit bitterly bittesty ¬ testy antagonistic to Italy Indeed at atVienna atVienna Vienna and at Berlin the nomination of ofBaron f fBaron Baron Lexa von dAohrenthal Is ascribed ascribedto ascribito to the future Emperor of Austria AustriaIt AustriaItwill It Itwill will be observed observdthat that there Is isno no ques question queglion ¬ lion of Baron Lexa von dAehrenthal fol following following ¬ lowing up uphls his trips to St Petersburg and andto andto to Berlin by a visit to Rome Relations Relationsbetween RelationsbotWeen between the latter litter and Austria at no time timevery timevei7 very cordial bayo become so envenomedof envenomed of late as to lead Emperor Francis Jo Jocepis ¬ to withhold from King Victor Em Emmanuel Binmanuel ¬ manuel the compliment that be Is paying payingto to the rulers of Russia and of Germany GermanyRocent GermanyRecent Recent events have convinced him more moreQjan morethan than ever I lat at the Triple Alliance has be become become ¬ come a meaningless figure of speech so s S 4 fir Jss Italy Isftoncwned and tlfet Aus Austria ¬ u5 u5first first in the eVent of a European ropea war warwduld warwourir wduld find hot an anaIPy ally not ot even evenafllend evenafllendly a friend friendly ¬ ly neutral but buta a pronougeod foe threat threatening threatening ¬ ening her southern defenses Thus this ihjsenjloffieldl thissemiplilehil senjloffieldl semiplilehil Popoto Romano tie t on onImpOrtnnt Mt MtImportant Important organ orgi of o the Italian ioiga ioigacltirs press de declaresthat ¬ cltirs claresthat ithat the most vital question que quefronting con confronting ¬ fronting the nation is the placing of Ofthi OfthiItallaiitioniler tb tbItalian Itallaiitioniler Italian frontier toward Austria In a aCl prws prwser > er state of defense dce aer adding that the thequestion tt ttquestion question is one of ofabolite abcotate necessity an4 an4which anetwhich which does not admit of ofatty any delay On Onthe Ontue the other hand the lUUJan government governmenthas g ernuien ernuienhas has asked from Austria an explanation of ofi ot otthe i the extraordinary Activity manifested cf cfI t t1atelp I late 1atelp in the construction of nw nwdfsase nwdfsaseaJig defeat j jak ak aJig > ng the Italian frontier line and th thctrengtheuing thttreugthenlng ctrengtheuing of o the existing fortress fortressand fortesstaid and armaments armemen in in th that > t region The gre greanuaul grct grctannual annual Austrian maneuverr recently car carried carned ¬ ned out under the personal drectioa or orthe c cthe the heirapsarent Archduke Franc FrancIs Fer ir ¬ dinand were devised devsedon on thetheory the dierjr of an Invasion of the dual 4ua empire emplreby by Italy al allied a ¬ lied with Montenegro and Serrfci ani aniperhaps afliperhaps perhaps owing to the realism with which whichthese whichthese these military operations were wepe put into intoexecution lutoegocutIon execution the Slav populatt6n of the r rgion > glen felt encouraged to perpetrate Petpetratc a asorts ssorts sorts of disgraceful oUtages upon th thnumerotis thnumerot numerotis Italian inhabitant of the di dirriqt dtr dtrtrIct rriqt and upon upot their property which 0 0course ocourse course aroused a perfect storm of ladfe ladfenation lidjgnati9n nation throughout the length and brcadtn brcadtni brcadtJof i of the dominions of King Victor Emmati EmmatieL Enitsatnol nol eL Then to make matters worst wors Awe Austrian Awetrian ¬ trian torpedo boats and destroyers bavo bavobepn ha bepn discovered taking soundings at nJ n1h n1hall M Mall all along the Italian coast o of the AdnatJ AdnatJwnile kdriatishiIe wnile an Austrian force of otcruisern cruisers in tb tbcourse thcourse course of its maneuvers actually simu simulated sisnukited ¬ kited an attack on the Italian trunk rail railroad railroad ¬ road line from Bologna which runsatooR runsatooRthe rung along alongthe the shore from Bologna io Anoooa all allthe atthe the window of the coast tow taa of C Fauo Fauoan9 Fan Fanai an9 ai of the adjOining villages being shat shattered abattered ¬ tered by the concuwion of the AMfetrian AMfetrianafire shtr1sngunfire gunfire afire afireOn S On the other side we find popular anti antiAustrian antiusrftn Austrian usrftn dejnoiistraiJon dem n3tratiouz In the various variousleading x1o nt ntleading leading cities of Italy Itai manifestations manifestationswhich manIjcetatIouiwhich which take t4ie O o form of public sadaerms sadaermsIn ttOsTh ttOsThIn In front of the varjous A Aimriati iijan consuj consujates conoa conoaattn attn and embassies with Withi168Tof cries of E Dd Ddwith > dsii dsiiwith with the Emperor DeaCb to JMtsiria JMtsiriaBvupfva ustzja ustzjavta Bvupfva vta Oberdaukr A man mJlgdf mJlgdfattempting Jueai d for forattempting attempting to asataihtte ss6tssihate1rsfldsiJoses ss6tssihate1rsfldsiJosesIn Vr te i ttKi ttKiin in KS IS while iOL in many mahy ptecos oiAustrta oiAustrtaflags > Austrtai Austrtaiflags flags have been dragged in tfcaraud thensudsuleninly anl anlsolemnly solemnly burnt to cries of Viva ItalLi ItalLiirredenta ltalLirredenta irredenta Italian oaonet cshnet mta mlcsei mlcseihave ttrs ttrshave have not ot only taken part lit l ceremonies ceremoniescommemorating ceremoniescommemorating commemorating theexeontidn the ext ttlOn by the Aus Austriaas Austrians triaas half a century ago of Italian con cocspfrators conspiratrs spfrators against Emperor Fiancis Jc Jceephs Ji Jisephs eephs rule in Northern Italy bur b l lo o laid laidwreaths lakiwreaths wreaths on the tombs of ofthn the patriots lu luthe 1 1the the name of UPS King and of the th coverr coverrment overr overrmast mast Willie not long ago when adeput adeputIn s deputy deputyin > In the rmtlonal nU rtal legislature in dnieussiBc dnieussiBcthe dticiaslngthe the naval estimates referred to the ig ignominious iZnnlqu ¬ nominious defeat of the Italian fleet by byAustria b bAustria Austria at the battle st rf Lbwa ra iii IM the theminister theminister minister of oiarIoe marine replied textuatty tha thafor thafor for thirtyefeht years the italian gbv gbvornment g v vornrne ornment ornrne t bad been preparing to wipe out outI outthat I that disgrace and is now ready for the theI thetest I test testi testIt i It is hardly necessary to recall her herthat here herethat that the most powerful political organiza organization organistion ¬ tion of King Victor Emtnanues dumlr dumlrions dsn1iIons ions is the socalled Italia Irredenta Irredenta v vwhich t twhich which every Italian with preenslons f fpatriotism t tpatriotism > patriotism belongs more or less openly openlyand openlyand and which includes among its roamtefs roamtefsall members membersan all the leading statesmeo mfatsUr act anudignitaries actdignitaries dignitaries of the government As Indi Indicated mdicated ¬ cated by Its name Its avoved object is isto i ito to wrest from Austria and to annex to tothe tothe the kingdom of Italy the ItaTunspenk ItaTunspenking 1aiseklug lug provinces of Francis Joseptis Josepb empire empiiri empireStiu i Still another apple of discord between betweenAustria betweenAustria Austria and Italy is Albania which Aus Austria Austria ¬ tria has always regarded as her own par particular partinnier tinnier sphere and preserve but where wherevery c cvery very active Italian propaganda is now In Inprogress inprogress progress a sister organization of th thItalia thItalla Italia Irredenta having been formed in inItaly ir irItaly Italy for the promotion of Italian inter interests inte inteoSts ¬ ests and Italian domination hi Albania AlbaniaItaly AlhaniiItaly Italy or rather Venice once held every everrvaluable everyvaluable valuable port on the Albania coast and a aline ausc line of Italian princes formerly ruled over overAlbania overAlbania Albania It is tills rule that Italy is de determined determiped termined to restore in spite of the an announcement announcement ¬ nouncement by the Austrian government governmentthat governmentthat that any attempt by Italy to disturb th thstatu tho thostatu statu quo in that portion of Europe will willbe wiflbe be resisted by her with armed force forceOn forceOn On both sides of the AustroItaUan fran frontier frantier ¬ tier the conviction is entertained that war waris waris is not only certain but Imminent between betweenthe b3tweetthe the two nations In fact t tb linden lindenTimes IeniitTImes Times published an article the other day daywhich daywhich which has attracted widespread attention attentionowing attentionowing owing to the grave warning which It con contained contamed ¬ tamed to the Powers that the only com comment cornrncnt ¬ ment in official circles at Vfeana and andRome andRome Rome just at present was wa that war be between be between tween Austria and Italy had not yet been beendeclared beendeclared declared Under the circumstances tho thoalliance th thalliance alliance between Austria and Italy may maybe be considered as even still more defunct defunctthan defunctthan than the extinct union between Russia Russiaand RussIaand and France and In the new grouping of ofpowers ofpowers powers which Is now taking place Run Russia Runsin ¬ sin will be found band in glove with Get Germany Getmany ¬ many and Austria while Italy will throw thrown n her fortunes with that other group groupcomposed groupcomposed composed of France and Great Britaintnd Britain Britainind ind In which the United States is goner generally gonerally ¬ ally understood to be comprised comprisedEXATTACHE comprisedEXATTACRE EXATTACHE EXATTACHEAGENTS 4 AGENTS UNDER imn COERCION COERCIONMethods1 COEEGIONMethods Methods Used by Insurance Com Cornpanics Companion ¬ panics to Defeat Policy Holders HoldersFrom HoldersFrom From U the Boston Transcript TranscriptA A full report of the hearing given to toPresident toPresident President Peabody of the Mutual Life LifeInsurance Liferasuranco Insurance Company of New York be before before ¬ fore the Kentucky insurance commis commissioner onusmissinner ¬ sinner October IS has been published pubitebedand publishedtad and Is being circulated among the pol policy p01Icy ¬ icy holders It is Interesting reading readingThe readingThe The point that it was sought to deter deternine deternlne nine was whether or not the manage management managemont ¬ mont of the company held the menace mena of ofdischarge ofdischarge discharge over all managers and agent agentAho agbutvho Aho would not unreservedly support th thidminlstratlon thLdfliifligttatj0n < idminlstratlon ticket and also whether whetherthe whetherih ih the policy holders money was being ustxi ustxior uscior or election purposes Both these points pointsippeared pointLppoared ippeared to be pretty well established establishedhough esRbIIsbeJhough hough there was much squirming to tomake tomake make It appear otherwise It was evi evident cvident ¬ dent from the admissions of President Presidentteabody Pr idcnt idcntseabody teabody and those on his side to say saynothlng sa sanothing nothing of more positive poslti4 testimony that thatagents thatagents agents had used time and money for elec electioinoering electiolnoering tioinoering purposes that should have havobeen havebeen been devoted to getting uucines ousin for the theqompany theqompany qompany A Mr Fell one of ta the dis discharged disharged ¬ charged managers asked the president presidentthis presidentthis this question Suppose all ton agents agentsand agentstnd and managers and employee of the com company cornpany ¬ pany had remained absolutely loyal and andactively andactively actively and positively supported every everyadministration everyadministration administration when would the potter potterholders policyholders holders be able to change the manage management ¬ ment The reply was They don dont donthave t thave have to support It but they can always alwaysresign alwaysresign resign when they dont want to support supportit supportit it What Influence nave they in thn thncompany thocompany company when they resign njtettA Mr MrFell MrFell Fell and Mr Peabody answered They Theyare Theyare are not Intended to h lisTe v any That wan wana wasa a virtual confession of th the coercion that thatlias thathas has ben practiced upon all managers managersand managraand and agents who have been loyal to the thopolicy thepolicy policy holders rather than servile sloe electioneering sloetioneerlug ¬ tioneering tools of the administrationMlsilurl administration administrationMJftKonrl MJftKonrl Mlsilurl Conundrums ConundrumsFrom ConundrumsFrom From the Sfc St Leek PortDbpatuk PortDbpatukIf PoofDbvttshIf If Folk Is the issue in Missouri whac whacis wba wbais is Roosevelt If Roosevelt Is Is1lieissue Is1lieissuewhatis tiie Issue Issuewhat what whatis Is Folk